WAttention Malaysia vol 6

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In Harmony with the Seasons Wonderland Japan

Obon (mid July to mid August, depending on the region)

text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Hajime Watanabe 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、写真=渡邉肇

VOL. 6

よ 楽 し む


8月半ば、 地域によって7月に行うところもあり

蕎麦を菜種油と醤油で軽く味付けし たものに瓜をいく種か和えて、麻の実 をふんだんに散らした一皿。蕎麦は 身体を冷やすが、麻の実は身体を温 めるとされる。

As the height of the summer approaches, Obon season gets underway. Large and small fireworks, Tanabata festivals, Shoro-nagashi festivals, and numerous folk dance gatherings... crowds in Yukata (casual Kimono) flock to shrines and temples to enjoy summer funfairs. Street stalls offer games like catch the goldfish . Old-fashioned penny candies glimmer magically under the flickering lights of the stalls. Obon is the week when the souls passed away are supposed to come back to spend time with their family or descendants. The festival takes many


This dish is soba noodles and a variety of gourds seasoned with soy sauce and rapeseed oil, with a generous portion of hemp seeds scattered around. Soba has the power to cool your body, and hemp seeds to warm your body.

forms - there is even a masquerade dance which carries on till dawn. Vegetables with stick legs are prepared for the souls to ride on between worlds. Cucumber is prepared for the arrival trip, and eggplant is for returning to heaven, loaded with souvenirs. The sticks are made of hemp stalk core, which is also used as candlewick. Seasonal dishes will be prepared in welcome. Strong smelling herbs like garlic are avoided as they deter the spirits, just as in the story of Dracula. 夏が極まる頃、 日本はお盆ムード一色となる。 お盆と は、祖先があの世から戻って来て一緒に過ごす、 という

習慣である。料理は季節をあしらいながらも故人の好 きだったものをそっと拵える。 ここに用意された胡瓜と 茄子は、祖先の霊が家を訪れる時、 あの世とこの世を 行き来する乗り物として用意されたものだ。 そしてネギな どの臭いの強い野菜は祖先に嫌われるので使わない。 これは西洋のドラキュラとも同じかもしれない。

Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し 次世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発展 させる提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。


In Harmony with the Seasons Wonderland Japan

Obon (mid July to mid August, depending on the region)

text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Hajime Watanabe 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、写真=渡邉肇

VOL. 6

よ 楽 し む


8月半ば、 地域によって7月に行うところもあり

蕎麦を菜種油と醤油で軽く味付けし たものに瓜をいく種か和えて、麻の実 をふんだんに散らした一皿。蕎麦は 身体を冷やすが、麻の実は身体を温 めるとされる。

As the height of the summer approaches, Obon season gets underway. Large and small fireworks, Tanabata festivals, Shoro-nagashi festivals, and numerous folk dance gatherings... crowds in Yukata (casual Kimono) flock to shrines and temples to enjoy summer funfairs. Street stalls offer games like catch the goldfish . Old-fashioned penny candies glimmer magically under the flickering lights of the stalls. Obon is the week when the souls passed away are supposed to come back to spend time with their family or descendants. The festival takes many


This dish is soba noodles and a variety of gourds seasoned with soy sauce and rapeseed oil, with a generous portion of hemp seeds scattered around. Soba has the power to cool your body, and hemp seeds to warm your body.

forms - there is even a masquerade dance which carries on till dawn. Vegetables with stick legs are prepared for the souls to ride on between worlds. Cucumber is prepared for the arrival trip, and eggplant is for returning to heaven, loaded with souvenirs. The sticks are made of hemp stalk core, which is also used as candlewick. Seasonal dishes will be prepared in welcome. Strong smelling herbs like garlic are avoided as they deter the spirits, just as in the story of Dracula. 夏が極まる頃、 日本はお盆ムード一色となる。 お盆と は、祖先があの世から戻って来て一緒に過ごす、 という

習慣である。料理は季節をあしらいながらも故人の好 きだったものをそっと拵える。 ここに用意された胡瓜と 茄子は、祖先の霊が家を訪れる時、 あの世とこの世を 行き来する乗り物として用意されたものだ。 そしてネギな どの臭いの強い野菜は祖先に嫌われるので使わない。 これは西洋のドラキュラとも同じかもしれない。

Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し 次世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発展 させる提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。


The Exotic Tokyo and Kanagawa – Where the Past Meets the Future Asakusa and the Sumida River

Nisah Haron hails from Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. A former lawyer by training but currently venturing into full-time writing. She writes fiction and non-fiction. A true biblioholic who loves to travel. Her latest best-selling book was “Kembara Sastera Nisah Haron” potrays her literary travel to United Kingdom & Dublin.

My first taste of Japan was Asakusa Sensoji Temple, an apt choice of place by the organizer after enduring the eight-hour flight from KLIA to Narita. The temple is the most significant in Japan and the oldest in Tokyo. Though in the foreign land, I suddenly felt safe when I looked at the Kaminarimon or the Thunder Gate. There are four huge guardian statues protecting the entrance of the temple. It is an interesting fact that the Sensoji Temple is the epitome of the harmony between the Shinto and the Buddhist. Two of the four guardians at the Kaminarimon are the Shinto God statues, namely Fūjin and Raijin; while the other two are the statues of the Buddhist Gods, Tenryū and Kinryū.

On her first visit to Japan, a Muslim woman found herself enchanted by the warmth of Japanese people, delicious cuisine, and the blend of the cultural heritage of Japan with the modern metropolis of Tokyo and Yokohama.

The reflection of Tokyo Skytree upon one of the buildings

By : Nisah Haron (nisah.haron@gmail.com) Photos: Kamal Zharif Kamaludin


hen I was informed that I was selected for the FAM trip to Tokyo and Kanagawa, the first thing that I did was to Google up as much information as possible about this area. I have to admit that I was not familiar with the name – Kanagawa, since Tokyo and Mount Fuji often overshadow other areas of Japan. When the search returned, among the results that struck my interest was the fact that Kanagawa was the home of the samurai warriors. That really caught my attention almost immediately. Anyone who has read books or watched movies set in Japan would be very familiar with the term. I recalled the Tokugawa Shogunate somewhere in the distant past of my history class.

Technically, I went with zero expectation about Japan. I did not know how to read kanji, hiragana nor katakana. The only Japanese word that I understood was arigatou and upon landing at the Narita International Airport, I was not sure if ohaiyo gozaimasu means good morning or afternoon. Having the language barrier is one thing that creates the distance between me and 4

The colourful Nakamise Street towards the main hall of the Asakusa Sensoji Temple

Tokyo Skytree overlooking the Sumida River

Japan, the other is that I am also a Muslim traveler. I have specifically requested the Muslim meal ever since I booked my seat on the JAL and also to my counterpart in Tokyo who was arranging this trip for me. I even packed some extra packets of instant noodles from Malaysia, just in case I felt hungry because I could not stomach the food prepared for me. Little did I know that my perspective on Japan somehow changed dramatically as the story unfolded.

Between the Kaminarimon, which is the outer gate, and the temple gate, is a 200-meter Nakamise Street. This is a good place to get typical Japanese souvenirs, such as yukata, folding fan, or their local snacks. I liked to watch the shopkeeper wrap the souvenirs individually in a special wrapping paper. Even if you bought ten separate souvenirs, he would patiently wrap each one of them instead of jumble up everything into one plastic bag. For those who love shopping from the intricate and tiny items the Japanese love to produce, you may get carried away and lose your focus on the Sensoji Temple itself! About 500 meters from the Sensoji Temple lies the Sumida River. It flows through Tokyo and I can imagine during

the cherry blossom season, a stroll along its bank will leave a wonderful feeling. Do take a photo by the Sumida River with the Tokyo Skytree, the world’s tallest communication tower, dominating the skyline. There is also a river cruise available for those who wish to experience Tokyo from a different point of view. Another better way to experience the view of both the Sensoji Temple and Tokyo Skytree is to get to the top floor of the Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center, which is located across the street, right in front of the Kaminarimon Gate. The 8-storey building features a roof deck and café, lecture rooms, exhibition spaces and a tourist information center/lounge. They have even made the effort of preparing a prayer corner for the Muslims here.

Some of the souvenirs at Nakamise Street, Asakusa 5

The Exotic Tokyo and Kanagawa – Where the Past Meets the Future Asakusa and the Sumida River

Nisah Haron hails from Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. A former lawyer by training but currently venturing into full-time writing. She writes fiction and non-fiction. A true biblioholic who loves to travel. Her latest best-selling book was “Kembara Sastera Nisah Haron” potrays her literary travel to United Kingdom & Dublin.

My first taste of Japan was Asakusa Sensoji Temple, an apt choice of place by the organizer after enduring the eight-hour flight from KLIA to Narita. The temple is the most significant in Japan and the oldest in Tokyo. Though in the foreign land, I suddenly felt safe when I looked at the Kaminarimon or the Thunder Gate. There are four huge guardian statues protecting the entrance of the temple. It is an interesting fact that the Sensoji Temple is the epitome of the harmony between the Shinto and the Buddhist. Two of the four guardians at the Kaminarimon are the Shinto God statues, namely Fūjin and Raijin; while the other two are the statues of the Buddhist Gods, Tenryū and Kinryū.

On her first visit to Japan, a Muslim woman found herself enchanted by the warmth of Japanese people, delicious cuisine, and the blend of the cultural heritage of Japan with the modern metropolis of Tokyo and Yokohama.

The reflection of Tokyo Skytree upon one of the buildings

By : Nisah Haron (nisah.haron@gmail.com) Photos: Kamal Zharif Kamaludin


hen I was informed that I was selected for the FAM trip to Tokyo and Kanagawa, the first thing that I did was to Google up as much information as possible about this area. I have to admit that I was not familiar with the name – Kanagawa, since Tokyo and Mount Fuji often overshadow other areas of Japan. When the search returned, among the results that struck my interest was the fact that Kanagawa was the home of the samurai warriors. That really caught my attention almost immediately. Anyone who has read books or watched movies set in Japan would be very familiar with the term. I recalled the Tokugawa Shogunate somewhere in the distant past of my history class.

Technically, I went with zero expectation about Japan. I did not know how to read kanji, hiragana nor katakana. The only Japanese word that I understood was arigatou and upon landing at the Narita International Airport, I was not sure if ohaiyo gozaimasu means good morning or afternoon. Having the language barrier is one thing that creates the distance between me and 4

The colourful Nakamise Street towards the main hall of the Asakusa Sensoji Temple

Tokyo Skytree overlooking the Sumida River

Japan, the other is that I am also a Muslim traveler. I have specifically requested the Muslim meal ever since I booked my seat on the JAL and also to my counterpart in Tokyo who was arranging this trip for me. I even packed some extra packets of instant noodles from Malaysia, just in case I felt hungry because I could not stomach the food prepared for me. Little did I know that my perspective on Japan somehow changed dramatically as the story unfolded.

Between the Kaminarimon, which is the outer gate, and the temple gate, is a 200-meter Nakamise Street. This is a good place to get typical Japanese souvenirs, such as yukata, folding fan, or their local snacks. I liked to watch the shopkeeper wrap the souvenirs individually in a special wrapping paper. Even if you bought ten separate souvenirs, he would patiently wrap each one of them instead of jumble up everything into one plastic bag. For those who love shopping from the intricate and tiny items the Japanese love to produce, you may get carried away and lose your focus on the Sensoji Temple itself! About 500 meters from the Sensoji Temple lies the Sumida River. It flows through Tokyo and I can imagine during

the cherry blossom season, a stroll along its bank will leave a wonderful feeling. Do take a photo by the Sumida River with the Tokyo Skytree, the world’s tallest communication tower, dominating the skyline. There is also a river cruise available for those who wish to experience Tokyo from a different point of view. Another better way to experience the view of both the Sensoji Temple and Tokyo Skytree is to get to the top floor of the Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center, which is located across the street, right in front of the Kaminarimon Gate. The 8-storey building features a roof deck and café, lecture rooms, exhibition spaces and a tourist information center/lounge. They have even made the effort of preparing a prayer corner for the Muslims here.

Some of the souvenirs at Nakamise Street, Asakusa 5

The Exotic Tokyo and Kanagawa

Ota City and the Shamisen Maker Ota City is a traditional craft centre. Here we were introduced to Mr Takao Ito, a craftsman and the maker of a traditional Japanese musical instrument known as shamisen. Literally, shamisen means ‘three string’ for the guitar look-alike instrument only uses three strings and is played with a plectrum called a bachi. It is central to the mu-

Mr. Ito demonstrating the making of Shamisen in his residence

Making the body of the shamisen has to be precise and the maker has to very attentive to details

sical traditions of the kabuki and bunraku theatre, of geisha and courtesan entertainments, and of various dance and storytelling traditions. Usually, the shamisen can be dismantled for easy storage, but the amazing thing is that Mr Ito’s craftsmanship is so good that the joint-parts are seamless. While squishing the glue made from rice flour, he told us a little bit of his background as the shamisen maker. It is a craft to be learned and cannot be taught. As he stretched the skin that created the main part of the shamisen, he used his own judgment and sensitivity to know that the skin was properly attached. It was a tedious process, but then again, most traditional crafts around the world are created manually. He informed us that the normal price for a shamisen is around 80,000 Yen.

Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Prepare yourself to walk for a mile (1.6km) along the Togoshi Ginza Street which is adjacent to the Togoshi Ginza Station. Togoshi Ginza may be the best place for tourists to blend with the locals. It is one of the popular shopping street located in Togoshi, Shinagawa with over 400 shops, restaurants, food stands, and all other kinds of stores which the locals need in their daily groceries. I presume this must be the place where the locals frequent before shopping malls were erected. The price is relatively cheaper

than in any other shopping mall. Keep a look out for the statue of Gin-chan, the mascot of Togoshi Ginza shopping district – a house cat who loves to help. It is a great place to try out some of the local delicacies such as sake, breads and snacks. The whole stretch of road is dedicated to pedestrians and cyclist. By the time you reach the end of the road, you will not realize that you have completed a mile long walk.

One of the shops along the Togoshi Ginza Street which offers a wide variety of household items

The view of Yokohama Bay from the Hotel Room

Yokohama Bay Bridge dominating the horizon

Kanagawa Prefecture and Yokohama It is a common myth that if any tourist who wishes to enjoy the most of the Greater Tokyo, should stay in Tokyo and take a ride on the train to everywhere else from Tokyo. However, for budget travelers, it is much advisable to stay in Yokohama, for instance and take a day trip to Tokyo instead. Kanto region is located in Honshu Island, the biggest island in Japan. The region includes the Greater Tokyo Area and encompasses seven prefectures: Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa itself. The capital of the

Kanagawa prefecture is the port city of Yokohama. Much was hidden about Japan, until the arrival of Commodore Matthew C. Perry in 1854 which ended the 200- year policy of seclusion for Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate. Yokohama became the threshold of Japan. Many foreigners especially from United States of America came to do business here. As I looked through the window of my room at the New Grand Hotel, overlooking the Yamashita Park and the Yokohama

The majestic Landmark Tower, tallest building in Japan, offers a breathtaking view from the top floor

Bay, I could not imagine that this place was totally destroyed during the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and also during the WWII. It is virtually impossible to trace the two major disasters that have shaped the place, the culture and the people of Yokohama in their own way. Yokohama today is proud to hold the Landmark Tower as the highest building in Japan and has officially hosted the 2002 World Cup Soccer Final at the Nissan Stadium, the nation’s biggest stadium with the capacity of 72,327.

Fujiko F. Fujio Museum

The stretch of Togoshi Ginza Street, strictly for pedestrians and cyclists. One of the best way to enjoy the city whilst shopping 6

The lovable Doraemon ‘enjoying’ its dorayaki while reading. The reading area inside the Fujiko F. Fujio Museum.

I was particularly excited when the name of this museum was listed in the trip to Kawasaki, an industrial city in between Yokohama and Tokyo. Fujio F. Fujiko, the creator of Doraemon, Chinpui and many others, is definitely familiar to the Malaysian’s scene. There is something for everyone in this museum. As an artist, one should be able to appreciate all his artworks. As a child and those who are child at heart, this is definitely the place to get ourselves lost in. For all the manga lovers, immerse yourselves with volumes after volumes of Doraemon manga or Kiteretsu Dai-

hyakka. Do sit next to the Doraemon character enjoying his dorayaki while reading a book. But never try to attempt to enter the museum before securing your tickets. They do not accept walk-in visitors. The tickets can be obtained from the convenient store called Lawson, which is similar to the 7-Eleven in Malaysia. If you are from Tokyo, take the Odakyu Line from Shinjuku and get off at Noborito. There is a feeder bus decorated with Doraemon and Nobita that will take passengers straight to this museum.


The Exotic Tokyo and Kanagawa

Ota City and the Shamisen Maker Ota City is a traditional craft centre. Here we were introduced to Mr Takao Ito, a craftsman and the maker of a traditional Japanese musical instrument known as shamisen. Literally, shamisen means ‘three string’ for the guitar look-alike instrument only uses three strings and is played with a plectrum called a bachi. It is central to the mu-

Mr. Ito demonstrating the making of Shamisen in his residence

Making the body of the shamisen has to be precise and the maker has to very attentive to details

sical traditions of the kabuki and bunraku theatre, of geisha and courtesan entertainments, and of various dance and storytelling traditions. Usually, the shamisen can be dismantled for easy storage, but the amazing thing is that Mr Ito’s craftsmanship is so good that the joint-parts are seamless. While squishing the glue made from rice flour, he told us a little bit of his background as the shamisen maker. It is a craft to be learned and cannot be taught. As he stretched the skin that created the main part of the shamisen, he used his own judgment and sensitivity to know that the skin was properly attached. It was a tedious process, but then again, most traditional crafts around the world are created manually. He informed us that the normal price for a shamisen is around 80,000 Yen.

Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Prepare yourself to walk for a mile (1.6km) along the Togoshi Ginza Street which is adjacent to the Togoshi Ginza Station. Togoshi Ginza may be the best place for tourists to blend with the locals. It is one of the popular shopping street located in Togoshi, Shinagawa with over 400 shops, restaurants, food stands, and all other kinds of stores which the locals need in their daily groceries. I presume this must be the place where the locals frequent before shopping malls were erected. The price is relatively cheaper

than in any other shopping mall. Keep a look out for the statue of Gin-chan, the mascot of Togoshi Ginza shopping district – a house cat who loves to help. It is a great place to try out some of the local delicacies such as sake, breads and snacks. The whole stretch of road is dedicated to pedestrians and cyclist. By the time you reach the end of the road, you will not realize that you have completed a mile long walk.

One of the shops along the Togoshi Ginza Street which offers a wide variety of household items

The view of Yokohama Bay from the Hotel Room

Yokohama Bay Bridge dominating the horizon

Kanagawa Prefecture and Yokohama It is a common myth that if any tourist who wishes to enjoy the most of the Greater Tokyo, should stay in Tokyo and take a ride on the train to everywhere else from Tokyo. However, for budget travelers, it is much advisable to stay in Yokohama, for instance and take a day trip to Tokyo instead. Kanto region is located in Honshu Island, the biggest island in Japan. The region includes the Greater Tokyo Area and encompasses seven prefectures: Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa itself. The capital of the

Kanagawa prefecture is the port city of Yokohama. Much was hidden about Japan, until the arrival of Commodore Matthew C. Perry in 1854 which ended the 200- year policy of seclusion for Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate. Yokohama became the threshold of Japan. Many foreigners especially from United States of America came to do business here. As I looked through the window of my room at the New Grand Hotel, overlooking the Yamashita Park and the Yokohama

The majestic Landmark Tower, tallest building in Japan, offers a breathtaking view from the top floor

Bay, I could not imagine that this place was totally destroyed during the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and also during the WWII. It is virtually impossible to trace the two major disasters that have shaped the place, the culture and the people of Yokohama in their own way. Yokohama today is proud to hold the Landmark Tower as the highest building in Japan and has officially hosted the 2002 World Cup Soccer Final at the Nissan Stadium, the nation’s biggest stadium with the capacity of 72,327.

Fujiko F. Fujio Museum

The stretch of Togoshi Ginza Street, strictly for pedestrians and cyclists. One of the best way to enjoy the city whilst shopping 6

The lovable Doraemon ‘enjoying’ its dorayaki while reading. The reading area inside the Fujiko F. Fujio Museum.

I was particularly excited when the name of this museum was listed in the trip to Kawasaki, an industrial city in between Yokohama and Tokyo. Fujio F. Fujiko, the creator of Doraemon, Chinpui and many others, is definitely familiar to the Malaysian’s scene. There is something for everyone in this museum. As an artist, one should be able to appreciate all his artworks. As a child and those who are child at heart, this is definitely the place to get ourselves lost in. For all the manga lovers, immerse yourselves with volumes after volumes of Doraemon manga or Kiteretsu Dai-

hyakka. Do sit next to the Doraemon character enjoying his dorayaki while reading a book. But never try to attempt to enter the museum before securing your tickets. They do not accept walk-in visitors. The tickets can be obtained from the convenient store called Lawson, which is similar to the 7-Eleven in Malaysia. If you are from Tokyo, take the Odakyu Line from Shinjuku and get off at Noborito. There is a feeder bus decorated with Doraemon and Nobita that will take passengers straight to this museum.


Ancient City of Kamakura From the hustle and bustle of the city, sneak out to somewhere serene and peaceful. Kamakura, 28 km from Kawasaki city, is an ancient city where the first Samurai Government was established. Surrounded by forest and fortified by the mountains, Kamakura has a natural defense system. The only open access to this city is from the Pacific Ocean. Of course, these days tourist could visit Kamakura from Yokohama by train. Kamakura offers the cozier side of Japan, a total opposite of Tokyo or Yokohama. I would call Kamakura as the urban village where almost everyone should know everybody and yet this place is neither too remote nor backwards. From the Kamakura Train Station, find your way to the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū Shrine. To do so, find the torii or the Shinto gateway. That was the tip given by a friend, “If there’s a torii, there must be a shrine along the linear line.” She was absolutely right. A torii is simply a gateway made of two uprights and two crosspieces. The function of a torii is to mark the entrance to a sacred space. This shrine is the heart of Kamakura. Climb up the steep stairs and you will be rewarded with a magnificent view of the ocean. During my visit, the place was colourfully decorated as the Japanese were celebrating the Festival of Stars.

The decoration near the roof of the shrine, a sign that the Star Festival is approaching.

A torii which introduces the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura

The entrance of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

Sankei-en Garden If you love gardens, then Sankei-en Garden is a must. Be prepared to do a lot of walking, but you will be rewarded with a wonderful view of this well-kept garden. Enjoy the serenity of the Sankei-en Garden when you have nothing to rush to. You will not do justice to this place if you have less than ½ hour to spend. I had a chance to experience the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. The tea master offered the tra-

ditional sweet cake (omogashi) before taking the tea. As usual, the Japanese green tea was served sugarless, but the taste was not too bad at all. I could sense the essence of the tea while drinking it. Watching the tea master prepared the tea was another story. When it came to cleanliness, the Japanese went all the way. The tea ceremony was the ultimate proof for that.

Tea Master preparing tea during the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony at Sankei-en Garden


verall, the whole Kanagawa trip was unforgettable. One can never run out of activities when in Yokohama city. Stay in Yokohama. There are cultural, historical and modern twists in the city itself. And if you think you had enough of this city, take a day trip to Tokyo, Kamakura, Hakone or as far as Jyogashima. The gastronomical experience was splendid throughout the trip. My packets of instant noodle went unopened. Halal food was easy to get. The Japanese are transparent with their food preparation. Just ask them the ingredient and they will be very happy to let you know. The Japanese restaurant in De Yama Hotel even printed out the im-


age of a plant in that I was only enquiring out of curiosity in full colour! Better still, go vegetarian. The Japanese really know how to prepare their vegetables in the most creative and delicious ways to say. I am not much of a ‘veggie’ person, but I must say that I have enjoyed the vegetarian meal very much. Being a Muslim, I would say that Japanese are more ‘Muslim’ than most of the Muslims I know. Their cleanliness is beyond comparison and their punctuality is legendary. These are among the qualities propagated by the teachings of Islam. I saw no hindrance for any Muslims to enjoy Japan either the food or the

The writer enjoying the view of the Sankei-en Garden language. I had no problems performing my prayers here. I thought everything in Japan, especially their signage would be in Japanese scriptures. I was wrong. The name of their stations, road and important signage comes in romaji as well. 9

Ancient City of Kamakura From the hustle and bustle of the city, sneak out to somewhere serene and peaceful. Kamakura, 28 km from Kawasaki city, is an ancient city where the first Samurai Government was established. Surrounded by forest and fortified by the mountains, Kamakura has a natural defense system. The only open access to this city is from the Pacific Ocean. Of course, these days tourist could visit Kamakura from Yokohama by train. Kamakura offers the cozier side of Japan, a total opposite of Tokyo or Yokohama. I would call Kamakura as the urban village where almost everyone should know everybody and yet this place is neither too remote nor backwards. From the Kamakura Train Station, find your way to the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū Shrine. To do so, find the torii or the Shinto gateway. That was the tip given by a friend, “If there’s a torii, there must be a shrine along the linear line.” She was absolutely right. A torii is simply a gateway made of two uprights and two crosspieces. The function of a torii is to mark the entrance to a sacred space. This shrine is the heart of Kamakura. Climb up the steep stairs and you will be rewarded with a magnificent view of the ocean. During my visit, the place was colourfully decorated as the Japanese were celebrating the Festival of Stars.

The decoration near the roof of the shrine, a sign that the Star Festival is approaching.

A torii which introduces the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura

The entrance of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

Sankei-en Garden If you love gardens, then Sankei-en Garden is a must. Be prepared to do a lot of walking, but you will be rewarded with a wonderful view of this well-kept garden. Enjoy the serenity of the Sankei-en Garden when you have nothing to rush to. You will not do justice to this place if you have less than ½ hour to spend. I had a chance to experience the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. The tea master offered the tra-

ditional sweet cake (omogashi) before taking the tea. As usual, the Japanese green tea was served sugarless, but the taste was not too bad at all. I could sense the essence of the tea while drinking it. Watching the tea master prepared the tea was another story. When it came to cleanliness, the Japanese went all the way. The tea ceremony was the ultimate proof for that.

Tea Master preparing tea during the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony at Sankei-en Garden


verall, the whole Kanagawa trip was unforgettable. One can never run out of activities when in Yokohama city. Stay in Yokohama. There are cultural, historical and modern twists in the city itself. And if you think you had enough of this city, take a day trip to Tokyo, Kamakura, Hakone or as far as Jyogashima. The gastronomical experience was splendid throughout the trip. My packets of instant noodle went unopened. Halal food was easy to get. The Japanese are transparent with their food preparation. Just ask them the ingredient and they will be very happy to let you know. The Japanese restaurant in De Yama Hotel even printed out the im-


age of a plant in that I was only enquiring out of curiosity in full colour! Better still, go vegetarian. The Japanese really know how to prepare their vegetables in the most creative and delicious ways to say. I am not much of a ‘veggie’ person, but I must say that I have enjoyed the vegetarian meal very much. Being a Muslim, I would say that Japanese are more ‘Muslim’ than most of the Muslims I know. Their cleanliness is beyond comparison and their punctuality is legendary. These are among the qualities propagated by the teachings of Islam. I saw no hindrance for any Muslims to enjoy Japan either the food or the

The writer enjoying the view of the Sankei-en Garden language. I had no problems performing my prayers here. I thought everything in Japan, especially their signage would be in Japanese scriptures. I was wrong. The name of their stations, road and important signage comes in romaji as well. 9

Wonderful ways to enjoy the magnificent vie w of Hakone mountainous area, even Mt. Fuji! Encounter all the excitement of nature while taking a ride on a pirate cruise ship or the ropeway holding the world record.



Blessed with beautiful nature, hot springs, and easy access from Tokyo area, Hakone attracts lots of tourists from home and abroad. The view of the Lake Ashi in combination with Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Hakone. Enjoy a great cruise on the sightseeing ship while fascinated with seasonal scenic beauty.

The Hakone Ropeway service linking Sounzan and Togendai is so popular that it was registered in the Guinness World RecordsTM as the world’s busiest gondola lift . Enjoy breathtaking panoramic views including Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi and Owakudani from high in the sky!



etting out on deck you will be overwhelmed by a 360-degree view of the surrounding nature. You’ll find a picturesque view of Mt. Fuji or the mysterious presence of the floating red torii gate of Kuzuryu Shrine while catching a breeze during the 30-minute cruise. The lakeside scenery changes season to season, so whenever you visit the lake, the cruise offers memorable moments. All three ships are modeled after European medieval sailing vessels and pirate figures are spotted on the deck of the Royal Ⅱ and the Vasa. The figures are popular not only for children but also for adults to take photos. The Hakone Sightseeing Cruise is a favorite destination for family vacations and can be one of the best highlights of your trip to Hakone.

nother highlight of the Hakone trip is definitely an aerial experience of a 30-minute ropeway journey. The difference of elevation between Sounzan sta. (757m) and Owakudani sta.(1,044m) is 287m. While traveling in that area, the gondola reaches 130m above the ground. Thanks to that great height, Hakone Ropeway can offer stunning views. Also, funitel-style lifts utilizing two moving cables provide strong resistance to wind and bring stability to the operation. Information The special cabin of the Royal Ⅱ – a new ship which debuted this March – equipped with a shiny white interior. Looks gorgeous!

The pirate captain is wondering where the treasures are buried…… Let’s take a photo with him.

Hakone Ropeway Information •Fares (from Togendai port to Hakonemachi/Motohakone port or vice versa) Normal one-way/round trip: Adults 970 yen/1,780 yen, Children 490 yen/890 yen. Additional fare for special cabin, one-way/round trip: Adults 490 yen/750 yen, Children 240 yen/380 yen *Adults: 12 years old and above, Children: 6-11 years old •Time: Regular(3/20-11/30)/Winter(12/1-3/19): Approx. every 40 min/50 min from 9:30am leaving Togendai or Hakonemachi port. For detailed timetable: www. hakone-kankosen.co.jp/print/pdf/english.pdf •Tel: 0460-83-6325 •Web: www.hakone-kankosen.co.jp/foreign/en/index. html


8 mi

Togendai sta.



Ubako sta.


Owakudani sta.

Hakone Sightseeing Cruise Lake Ashi


30min 10min

Moto-Hakone port

Hakonemachi port

Hakone Cable Tozan Car Train Sounzan sta.

Gora Hakonesta. Yumoto sta.

Odakyu Line To Shinjuku JR Line Odawara To Tokyo sta.

•From Shinjuku sta., it takes about 85 min to HakoneYumoto sta. by Odakyu Limited Express “Romancecar”. •From Tokyo sta., it takes about 40 min to Odawara sta. by Shinkansen and transfer to Hakone Tozan Train which takes about 20 min to Hakone-Yumoto sta. •From Hakone-Yumoto sta., it takes about 40 min to Gora sta. by Hakone Tozan Train and transfer to Hakone Tozan Cablecar which takes about 10 min to Sounzan sta. •Bus services are also available from Hakone-Yumoto sta. to Togendai port, Moto-hakone port and Hakonemachi port. (It takes about 30~40 min for each route.)

•Fares (from Sounzan sta. to Togendai sta. or vice versa): One-way/round trip: Adults 1,330 yen/2,340 yen, Children 660 yen/1,170 yen *Stopover is available. *Adults: 12 years old and above, Children: 6-11 years old •Time: Mar to Jul/Sept to Nov: 8:45am to 5:15pm, Aug: 8:45am to 5:30pm, Dec to Feb: 9:15am to 4:15pm *Operating at 1 min intervals, a capacity of 18 passengers per lift •Tel: 0465-32-2205 •Web: www.hakoneropeway.co.jp/foreign/en/index. html


Black eggs: Only the shells turn black. The inside is like a regular hard boiled egg. Tasty!


wakudani is the area around a crater created during the last eruption of the Hakone volcano about 3,000 years ago. It used to be called “Jigokudani (Hell Valley)” and still spews out white steam and sulfurous gas, the signs of the Earth’s dynamic activities. Owakudani is also famous for its black eggs, boiled in the sulfurous spring waters. It’s said that if you eat one black egg, you can extend your life by seven years.

Discount Ticket •One day ticket for Hakone Sightseeing Cruise and Hakone Ropeway Adults: 2,850 yen (1,270 yen off), Children: 980 yen (1,080 yen off) * Tickets available either at port or station. *Unlimited rides on Sightseeing Cruise and Ropeway * Valid for the date of purchase only *Ticket gives 5% discount for dining in “Ashinoko Chaya” and “Togendai View Restaurant” and other discount for “Hakone Gora Park”, “Narukawa Museum” and “Hakone Checkpoint”.

Sulfurous fumes gush out of cracks in the ground. You can feel the Earth’s immense power.

Boil eggs for 60 min to 90 min in the sulfurous spring water to make black eggs.


Wonderful ways to enjoy the magnificent vie w of Hakone mountainous area, even Mt. Fuji! Encounter all the excitement of nature while taking a ride on a pirate cruise ship or the ropeway holding the world record.



Blessed with beautiful nature, hot springs, and easy access from Tokyo area, Hakone attracts lots of tourists from home and abroad. The view of the Lake Ashi in combination with Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Hakone. Enjoy a great cruise on the sightseeing ship while fascinated with seasonal scenic beauty.

The Hakone Ropeway service linking Sounzan and Togendai is so popular that it was registered in the Guinness World RecordsTM as the world’s busiest gondola lift . Enjoy breathtaking panoramic views including Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi and Owakudani from high in the sky!



etting out on deck you will be overwhelmed by a 360-degree view of the surrounding nature. You’ll find a picturesque view of Mt. Fuji or the mysterious presence of the floating red torii gate of Kuzuryu Shrine while catching a breeze during the 30-minute cruise. The lakeside scenery changes season to season, so whenever you visit the lake, the cruise offers memorable moments. All three ships are modeled after European medieval sailing vessels and pirate figures are spotted on the deck of the Royal Ⅱ and the Vasa. The figures are popular not only for children but also for adults to take photos. The Hakone Sightseeing Cruise is a favorite destination for family vacations and can be one of the best highlights of your trip to Hakone.

nother highlight of the Hakone trip is definitely an aerial experience of a 30-minute ropeway journey. The difference of elevation between Sounzan sta. (757m) and Owakudani sta.(1,044m) is 287m. While traveling in that area, the gondola reaches 130m above the ground. Thanks to that great height, Hakone Ropeway can offer stunning views. Also, funitel-style lifts utilizing two moving cables provide strong resistance to wind and bring stability to the operation. Information The special cabin of the Royal Ⅱ – a new ship which debuted this March – equipped with a shiny white interior. Looks gorgeous!

The pirate captain is wondering where the treasures are buried…… Let’s take a photo with him.

Hakone Ropeway Information •Fares (from Togendai port to Hakonemachi/Motohakone port or vice versa) Normal one-way/round trip: Adults 970 yen/1,780 yen, Children 490 yen/890 yen. Additional fare for special cabin, one-way/round trip: Adults 490 yen/750 yen, Children 240 yen/380 yen *Adults: 12 years old and above, Children: 6-11 years old •Time: Regular(3/20-11/30)/Winter(12/1-3/19): Approx. every 40 min/50 min from 9:30am leaving Togendai or Hakonemachi port. For detailed timetable: www. hakone-kankosen.co.jp/print/pdf/english.pdf •Tel: 0460-83-6325 •Web: www.hakone-kankosen.co.jp/foreign/en/index. html


8 mi

Togendai sta.



Ubako sta.


Owakudani sta.

Hakone Sightseeing Cruise Lake Ashi


30min 10min

Moto-Hakone port

Hakonemachi port

Hakone Cable Tozan Car Train Sounzan sta.

Gora Hakonesta. Yumoto sta.

Odakyu Line To Shinjuku JR Line Odawara To Tokyo sta.

•From Shinjuku sta., it takes about 85 min to HakoneYumoto sta. by Odakyu Limited Express “Romancecar”. •From Tokyo sta., it takes about 40 min to Odawara sta. by Shinkansen and transfer to Hakone Tozan Train which takes about 20 min to Hakone-Yumoto sta. •From Hakone-Yumoto sta., it takes about 40 min to Gora sta. by Hakone Tozan Train and transfer to Hakone Tozan Cablecar which takes about 10 min to Sounzan sta. •Bus services are also available from Hakone-Yumoto sta. to Togendai port, Moto-hakone port and Hakonemachi port. (It takes about 30~40 min for each route.)

•Fares (from Sounzan sta. to Togendai sta. or vice versa): One-way/round trip: Adults 1,330 yen/2,340 yen, Children 660 yen/1,170 yen *Stopover is available. *Adults: 12 years old and above, Children: 6-11 years old •Time: Mar to Jul/Sept to Nov: 8:45am to 5:15pm, Aug: 8:45am to 5:30pm, Dec to Feb: 9:15am to 4:15pm *Operating at 1 min intervals, a capacity of 18 passengers per lift •Tel: 0465-32-2205 •Web: www.hakoneropeway.co.jp/foreign/en/index. html


Black eggs: Only the shells turn black. The inside is like a regular hard boiled egg. Tasty!


wakudani is the area around a crater created during the last eruption of the Hakone volcano about 3,000 years ago. It used to be called “Jigokudani (Hell Valley)” and still spews out white steam and sulfurous gas, the signs of the Earth’s dynamic activities. Owakudani is also famous for its black eggs, boiled in the sulfurous spring waters. It’s said that if you eat one black egg, you can extend your life by seven years.

Discount Ticket •One day ticket for Hakone Sightseeing Cruise and Hakone Ropeway Adults: 2,850 yen (1,270 yen off), Children: 980 yen (1,080 yen off) * Tickets available either at port or station. *Unlimited rides on Sightseeing Cruise and Ropeway * Valid for the date of purchase only *Ticket gives 5% discount for dining in “Ashinoko Chaya” and “Togendai View Restaurant” and other discount for “Hakone Gora Park”, “Narukawa Museum” and “Hakone Checkpoint”.

Sulfurous fumes gush out of cracks in the ground. You can feel the Earth’s immense power.

Boil eggs for 60 min to 90 min in the sulfurous spring water to make black eggs.


グルメ ご当地


gotochi gourmet?!

vol. 01


Gotochi gourmet, refers to regional gourmet dishes that reflect local culinary traditions and ingredients. Most of them are inexpensive time-honoured cuisines inspired by the geographical climate of the region. For instance, the coldest region, Hokkaido, has created a range of hearty meals designed to ward off the brutal winter. Hailing from Sapporo is the miso ramen that has spun off many variations even within that region. Join us as we embark on a gastronomic ride, starting from Tokyo and Shinshu-Hokuriku, to uncover quirky eats that you may have never known. Let’s go! Terms & Conditions *All prices are exclusive of GST and service charge unless otherwise stated. *All promotions are valid till 25th October unless otherwise stated. *Menu is subjected to changes and availability.











Hokuriku & Shinshu Area Located between Sea of Japan and Kanto region, Hokuriku and Shinshu is a land blessed with fresh seafood and seasonal beauty. The region encompasses Kanazawa City which flourished as a wealthy ancient capital, and still retains a sense of that era. • • • • • •


【 our recommendations 5 Popular Picks from this Issue

新潟 Niigata 富山 Toyama 石川 Ishikawa 福井 Fukui 岐阜 Gifu 長野 Nagano

• うなぎ Unagi • 静岡のおでん Shizuoka's Oden



• 鎌倉のスイーツ Kamakura's Sweets


• 三国バーガー Mikuni Burger

Tokyo & Tokai Area

• 白エビかき揚丼 Shiro-ebi Kakiage Don

• • • • •

千葉 Chiba 東京 Tokyo 神奈川 Kanagawa 静岡 Shizuoka 山梨 Yamanashi

This largest and the most crowded region of Japan often embodies the standard Japanese culture. Yet, it also exhibits the greatest diversity in food preferences that makes it ever-fascinating to Japanese and foreigners alike.

【 gotochi gourment festivals in Japan October 2013~January 2014 event

柿狩り @ 丸正農園 Persimmon Picking in Gifu date

Early Oct to Early Dec venue

Kaizu City, Gifu homepage




国際ご当地グルメグランプリ 2013 International Gotochi Gourmet Grand Prix 2013 date

5 Oct (Sat) & 6 Oct (Sun) 2013 10am-4pm venue

Kashiwazaki City, Niigata homepage



世 界 お 茶 ま つ り 2013 World O-cha Festival date

7 Nov (Sat) to 10 Nov (Sun) 2013 venue

Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center, Shizuoka homepage



ふるさと祭り東京 2014 Furusato Matsuri Tokyo 2014 date

10 Jan (Fri) to 19 Jan (Sun) 2014 venue

Tokyo Dome, Tokyo homepage



グルメ ご当地


gotochi gourmet?!

vol. 01


Gotochi gourmet, refers to regional gourmet dishes that reflect local culinary traditions and ingredients. Most of them are inexpensive time-honoured cuisines inspired by the geographical climate of the region. For instance, the coldest region, Hokkaido, has created a range of hearty meals designed to ward off the brutal winter. Hailing from Sapporo is the miso ramen that has spun off many variations even within that region. Join us as we embark on a gastronomic ride, starting from Tokyo and Shinshu-Hokuriku, to uncover quirky eats that you may have never known. Let’s go! Terms & Conditions *All prices are exclusive of GST and service charge unless otherwise stated. *All promotions are valid till 25th October unless otherwise stated. *Menu is subjected to changes and availability.











Hokuriku & Shinshu Area Located between Sea of Japan and Kanto region, Hokuriku and Shinshu is a land blessed with fresh seafood and seasonal beauty. The region encompasses Kanazawa City which flourished as a wealthy ancient capital, and still retains a sense of that era. • • • • • •


【 our recommendations 5 Popular Picks from this Issue

新潟 Niigata 富山 Toyama 石川 Ishikawa 福井 Fukui 岐阜 Gifu 長野 Nagano

• うなぎ Unagi • 静岡のおでん Shizuoka's Oden



• 鎌倉のスイーツ Kamakura's Sweets


• 三国バーガー Mikuni Burger

Tokyo & Tokai Area

• 白エビかき揚丼 Shiro-ebi Kakiage Don

• • • • •

千葉 Chiba 東京 Tokyo 神奈川 Kanagawa 静岡 Shizuoka 山梨 Yamanashi

This largest and the most crowded region of Japan often embodies the standard Japanese culture. Yet, it also exhibits the greatest diversity in food preferences that makes it ever-fascinating to Japanese and foreigners alike.

【 gotochi gourment festivals in Japan October 2013~January 2014 event

柿狩り @ 丸正農園 Persimmon Picking in Gifu date

Early Oct to Early Dec venue

Kaizu City, Gifu homepage




国際ご当地グルメグランプリ 2013 International Gotochi Gourmet Grand Prix 2013 date

5 Oct (Sat) & 6 Oct (Sun) 2013 10am-4pm venue

Kashiwazaki City, Niigata homepage



世 界 お 茶 ま つ り 2013 World O-cha Festival date

7 Nov (Sat) to 10 Nov (Sun) 2013 venue

Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center, Shizuoka homepage



ふるさと祭り東京 2014 Furusato Matsuri Tokyo 2014 date

10 Jan (Fri) to 19 Jan (Sun) 2014 venue

Tokyo Dome, Tokyo homepage






This deep-fried crunchy dish has become such a Japanese classic that who would have known that it originated from the Portugese in the 16th century?

Eaten with a spatula, this cousin of okonomiyaki is a slurry griddled pancake that can be found in Tokyo’s Tsukishima district.

Te mpura

| Gotochi Gourmet in Japan vol.1


Monjyaya k i


Hout ou

The rich stew of flat and thick udon noodles in miso broth with vegetables used to be a poor man’s dish. Treat yourself to this Yamanashi-only delicacy after an arduous hike in Mount Fuji.

& Tokai area




Asakusa 千葉県

Yamanashi pref.

Haneda Airport

Thriving on the volcanic soils around Mt. Fuji are thick-skinned Koshu grapes, which produces excellent fruity white wine with nice acidity that complements Japanese food.


Shizuoka pref.


E domae Anago


Mt. Fuji

Stroll around this ancient capital, Kamakura, and discover traditional “Wa” (Japanese-style) sweets including a 119-year old dove figure cookie and anmitsu (kanten jelly with red beans).





Buta ma n


These XL-sized fluff y steamed buns plumped up with juicy meat fi llings are simply the best street snacks, especially during wintry seasons.

v.s . 牧の原台地



Makinohara Daichi

what 's t he


di f f e re nc e

Gre e n Te a

Shizuoka’s famous unagi, is a fresh-water breed not to be confused with anago, a salt-water eel common in Tokyo that is less oily. With the declining numbers and skyrocketing prices of unagi, anago being simmered on sushi or deep-fried as tempura are defi nitely good alternatives to satisfy your craving.

Experience the fi nest brew in Japan’s largest green tea producing region with tea-picking activities and even original dishes made with green tea!


e di t or 's pi c k




(Pork Bun)




“Wa” Swe e t s

Ya ma nashi Wine

Chiba pref.





Narita Airport

Shizuok a's Ode n

Nure Se nb e i

Chew your way through these unusual soft soy-sauce rice crackers which miraculously rescued the fi nanciallystrained railway company who invented it.


For people who are used to light-coloured Japanese oden, the trademark black oden broth from Shizuoka might be an alarming sight. Made with beef tendons and strong shoyu, the soup intensifies in flavour as it is replenished with new broth rather than fully discarded. All items are served on skewers and sprinkled with green seaweed or dashi powder before consuming. Want to be a “true” local connoisseur? Be sure to pick the darker items like kuro hanpen, also known as black fish paste.


Narita Express Tokaido Shinkansen

•By Train to Tokyo Station: approx. 60min from Narita approx. 30min from Haneda •From Tokyo to Mount Fuji by JR Line: approx. 2hr from Shinjuku Station to Kawaguchiko Station

www.kewpie.com.my 15




This deep-fried crunchy dish has become such a Japanese classic that who would have known that it originated from the Portugese in the 16th century?

Eaten with a spatula, this cousin of okonomiyaki is a slurry griddled pancake that can be found in Tokyo’s Tsukishima district.

Te mpura

| Gotochi Gourmet in Japan vol.1


Monjyaya k i


Hout ou

The rich stew of flat and thick udon noodles in miso broth with vegetables used to be a poor man’s dish. Treat yourself to this Yamanashi-only delicacy after an arduous hike in Mount Fuji.

& Tokai area




Asakusa 千葉県

Yamanashi pref.

Haneda Airport

Thriving on the volcanic soils around Mt. Fuji are thick-skinned Koshu grapes, which produces excellent fruity white wine with nice acidity that complements Japanese food.


Shizuoka pref.


E domae Anago


Mt. Fuji

Stroll around this ancient capital, Kamakura, and discover traditional “Wa” (Japanese-style) sweets including a 119-year old dove figure cookie and anmitsu (kanten jelly with red beans).





Buta ma n


These XL-sized fluff y steamed buns plumped up with juicy meat fi llings are simply the best street snacks, especially during wintry seasons.

v.s . 牧の原台地



Makinohara Daichi

what 's t he


di f f e re nc e

Gre e n Te a

Shizuoka’s famous unagi, is a fresh-water breed not to be confused with anago, a salt-water eel common in Tokyo that is less oily. With the declining numbers and skyrocketing prices of unagi, anago being simmered on sushi or deep-fried as tempura are defi nitely good alternatives to satisfy your craving.

Experience the fi nest brew in Japan’s largest green tea producing region with tea-picking activities and even original dishes made with green tea!


e di t or 's pi c k




(Pork Bun)




“Wa” Swe e t s

Ya ma nashi Wine

Chiba pref.





Narita Airport

Shizuok a's Ode n

Nure Se nb e i

Chew your way through these unusual soft soy-sauce rice crackers which miraculously rescued the fi nanciallystrained railway company who invented it.


For people who are used to light-coloured Japanese oden, the trademark black oden broth from Shizuoka might be an alarming sight. Made with beef tendons and strong shoyu, the soup intensifies in flavour as it is replenished with new broth rather than fully discarded. All items are served on skewers and sprinkled with green seaweed or dashi powder before consuming. Want to be a “true” local connoisseur? Be sure to pick the darker items like kuro hanpen, also known as black fish paste.


Narita Express Tokaido Shinkansen

•By Train to Tokyo Station: approx. 60min from Narita approx. 30min from Haneda •From Tokyo to Mount Fuji by JR Line: approx. 2hr from Shinjuku Station to Kawaguchiko Station

www.kewpie.com.my 15

Joetsu Shinkansen Nagano Shinkansen

北陸& 信州エリア



Hokuriku Main Line Hokuhoku Line

Sasa Da ngo

• From Tokyo to Niigata: Approx. 2hr by Joetsu Shinkasen • From Tokyo to Nagano: Approx. 1hr 30min by JR Nagano Shinkansen • From Tokyo (Haneda) to Kanazawa (Komatsu) : Approx. 1hr by Air

Wrapped like a candy popper in fragrant sasa (bamboo) leaves, these mugwort-flavoured mochi rice dumplings are usually fi lled with red bean.

& Shinshu area v.s . Shiro-e bi


K a nou-Ga ni what 's t he

di f f e re nc e It is not always a happy ending for the snow crabs har vested from Kaga and Noto regions of Ishikawa prefecture during winter. Super expensive male crabs (kanou gani) are sent to big cities such as Tokyo but the female crabs (koubako-gani), twice as small, are usually consumed locally. Simply open the shell, drizzle some sauce over the beautiful roe and say Itadakimasu!

s he ll


me a t

Shiro-e bi

K oba k o-Ga ni 富山


Shiro-e bi K a k iage


K oshihik ari

Nothing is as blissful as having a bowl of steaming Koshihikari rice. Want to know the secret to this top-rank rice? It’s the pure water from melted snow of Echigo Mountains, Niigata.

Dubbed as “Jewels of Toyama Bay”, these almost transparent white shrimp are highly versatile for various cooking. Enjoy their sweet flavours in deep fried tempura style (kakiage) or simply as sashimi with tangy ponzu or freshly grated wasabi. Can’t get enough of the shrimp? You are welcome to ship home boxes of the crispy white shrimp rice crackers (senbei) as souvenirs!


Niigata pref.







Komatsu Airport

Since the Edo 長野 Nagano Period, Masu (trout) sushi, a type of pressed sushi, has been handed down as part of the local cuisine culture in the Jinzu River area, Toyama.


Toyama pref. 石川県

Ishikawa pref. 越のルビー

K oshino-ruby

Echigo Yuzawa


Masu sushi

Toyama Airport

Apple Pie s With its favorable climate and high elevation, Nagano grows delicious, fleshy apples with great colour and sweetness. It’s not surprising to fi nd many local desserts using apples.



Gifu pref.

Nagano pref. コケモモ(苔桃)アイス

Koke momo Ic e C re a m

These medium-sized tomatoes are not only sweeter than average but also contains twice the amount of lycopene which helps to lower the risk of stroke!


Fukui pref.

e d i t or's

Mik uni Burge r

Beat the snooze with a refreshing lingoberry (kokemomo) ice cream at the expressway rest stations. These cranberry-lookalike autumn fruits are grown in Northern Shinshu.


As the name suggests, “Mikuni burger” is the latest brainchild of the locals in the Mikuni port of Fukui Prefecture. It may look like a typical American bun in disguise but is actually an amalgamation of the best regional ingredients. From the bread made with koshihikari rice flour to the chunky patty which uses meat from Fukui-bred cow, the homemade bbq sauce, mayonnaise, and sour pickles called rakkyo, add to the fi nal touches of the burger.



Fuyuga k i

Gohe imoc hi

Known as the queen of autumn fruits, this premium brand of persimmon is highly popular for its amazingly sweet and juicy taste. Doesn’t it look attractive with its huge size and bright orange colour?

Unlike Sasa Dango, these pounded sticky rice cakes are coated in either shoyu or miso. Grilled over a flame, the slightly burnt aroma entices anyone from miles away!




| Gotochi Gourmet in Japan vol.1

Malaysia Tokyo - Taiwan - Singapore - Los Angeles - Thailand - Paris





5:58:20 PM




5:58:26 PM

Joetsu Shinkansen Nagano Shinkansen

北陸& 信州エリア



Hokuriku Main Line Hokuhoku Line

Sasa Da ngo

• From Tokyo to Niigata: Approx. 2hr by Joetsu Shinkasen • From Tokyo to Nagano: Approx. 1hr 30min by JR Nagano Shinkansen • From Tokyo (Haneda) to Kanazawa (Komatsu) : Approx. 1hr by Air

Wrapped like a candy popper in fragrant sasa (bamboo) leaves, these mugwort-flavoured mochi rice dumplings are usually fi lled with red bean.

& Shinshu area v.s . Shiro-e bi


K a nou-Ga ni what 's t he

di f f e re nc e It is not always a happy ending for the snow crabs har vested from Kaga and Noto regions of Ishikawa prefecture during winter. Super expensive male crabs (kanou gani) are sent to big cities such as Tokyo but the female crabs (koubako-gani), twice as small, are usually consumed locally. Simply open the shell, drizzle some sauce over the beautiful roe and say Itadakimasu!

s he ll


me a t

Shiro-e bi

K oba k o-Ga ni 富山


Shiro-e bi K a k iage


K oshihik ari

Nothing is as blissful as having a bowl of steaming Koshihikari rice. Want to know the secret to this top-rank rice? It’s the pure water from melted snow of Echigo Mountains, Niigata.

Dubbed as “Jewels of Toyama Bay”, these almost transparent white shrimp are highly versatile for various cooking. Enjoy their sweet flavours in deep fried tempura style (kakiage) or simply as sashimi with tangy ponzu or freshly grated wasabi. Can’t get enough of the shrimp? You are welcome to ship home boxes of the crispy white shrimp rice crackers (senbei) as souvenirs!


Niigata pref.







Komatsu Airport

Since the Edo 長野 Nagano Period, Masu (trout) sushi, a type of pressed sushi, has been handed down as part of the local cuisine culture in the Jinzu River area, Toyama.


Toyama pref. 石川県

Ishikawa pref. 越のルビー

K oshino-ruby

Echigo Yuzawa


Masu sushi

Toyama Airport

Apple Pie s With its favorable climate and high elevation, Nagano grows delicious, fleshy apples with great colour and sweetness. It’s not surprising to fi nd many local desserts using apples.



Gifu pref.

Nagano pref. コケモモ(苔桃)アイス

Koke momo Ic e C re a m

These medium-sized tomatoes are not only sweeter than average but also contains twice the amount of lycopene which helps to lower the risk of stroke!


Fukui pref.

e d i t or's

Mik uni Burge r

Beat the snooze with a refreshing lingoberry (kokemomo) ice cream at the expressway rest stations. These cranberry-lookalike autumn fruits are grown in Northern Shinshu.


As the name suggests, “Mikuni burger” is the latest brainchild of the locals in the Mikuni port of Fukui Prefecture. It may look like a typical American bun in disguise but is actually an amalgamation of the best regional ingredients. From the bread made with koshihikari rice flour to the chunky patty which uses meat from Fukui-bred cow, the homemade bbq sauce, mayonnaise, and sour pickles called rakkyo, add to the fi nal touches of the burger.



Fuyuga k i

Gohe imoc hi

Known as the queen of autumn fruits, this premium brand of persimmon is highly popular for its amazingly sweet and juicy taste. Doesn’t it look attractive with its huge size and bright orange colour?

Unlike Sasa Dango, these pounded sticky rice cakes are coated in either shoyu or miso. Grilled over a flame, the slightly burnt aroma entices anyone from miles away!




| Gotochi Gourmet in Japan vol.1

Malaysia Tokyo - Taiwan - Singapore - Los Angeles - Thailand - Paris





5:58:20 PM




5:58:26 PM

Hokkaido is a great place to visit at any time of the year – with powder snow in winter, lavender fields in the summer, and good food all year round, Hokkaido is always in season. But tourists sometimes wonder how best to get around the rolling fields of Hokkaido if Lavender Farm at Furano they don’t feel like driving overseas. While renting a car is a good way to get around Japan’s largest prefecture, it’s perfectly possible to tour Hokkaido via local buses and trains. Here, we will suggest a route that will bring you from Sapporo to the lavender fields of Furano, Asahikawa which has Japan’s most famous zoo and the home of Santouka ramen, Noboribetsu onsen and back to Ueno, Tokyo via the nostalgic sleeper train, Hokutosei. SAPPORO 札幌 There are plenty of hotels near the Sapporo station, and one of them with a great night view and big spa pool/ indoor onsen area is Hotel Monterey Sapporo. From there, it’s an easy walk to the famous Sapporo Clock Tower. If you’re lucky, you can catch a ride on Velotaxi, which is a bicycle taxi. At a base fare of 300 yen for 500m per person, it’s a fun and affordable way to see the city with commentary from the 18


Shiro is a Singaporean who loves Japan. Her dream is to become an onsen saru. (ie: hot-spring monkey).

Hokkaido 電車とバスで巡り北海道の旅

Asahikawa Lavender Express


Sapporo Noboribetsu

7. Sapporo Clock Tower

driver on the sights. If you stay at Hotel Monterey Sapporo, the staff there have also drawn up an insiders’ map of recommended ramen shops, genghis khan barbecue places and soup curry shops. Soup curry is Sapporo specialty which is a more soupy version of the thicker, gravylike curry found in the rest of Japan. 8. Miso Ramen


9. Lavender Lavender Ice Ice Cream Cream 9.

From June to Aug ust, you can take a direct express train service from Sapporo to the lavender fields of Furano, aptly called the Lavender Express. It takes around 2 hours to reach Furano. From Furano you can catch a local bus tour to the lavender fields and wine and cheese factories, or the local truck ride ( a quaint train ride with three carriages) to get to the 10-hectare Tomita Farms, where thousands of tourists descend upon each year to catch a whif f of f resh lavender in f ull bloom. Don’t miss the lavender ice cream. There are also hop-on-hopof f buses that ply the popular tourist sites. Check out timings of the trains and bus tours on JR Hokkaido’s website.

1. Lavender | 2. Lavender at Farm Tomita, Furano | 3.Norokko Train, Asahikawa | 4.Lavender Express Signboard, Furano | 5.Velotaxi, Sapporo | 6.Hokutosei Platform Electronic Timetable |

by local trains and buses ASAHIKAWA 旭川

10. Penguin, Asahikawa Zoo

寝台特急 北斗星

A two-hour ride from Furano by train, Asahikawa is famous for its ramen, claiming fame to the Santouka brand of ramen which has outlets in Singapore, as well as the Aoba ramen brand. There’s also a Ramen Village there five kilometers from the JR Asahikawa station where you can try the best of Asahikawa’s ramen. But more recently, Asahikawa’s zoo has become the top draw for its many unique interactive viewing facilities that has made it Japan’s top rated zoo. A guaranteed great day out for the kids and a family picnic. 11. Polar Bear, Asahikawa Zoo

HOKUTOSEI SLEEPER TRAIN From Noboribetsu a memorable way to get back to Tokyo is the nostalgic sleeper train, Hokutosei. With a dining car where you can enjoy a French course meal or Japanese kaiseki while enjoying the dramatic coastal view, 16 hours will be gone in a blink of an eyelid and you’ll find yourself back in the cosmopolitan city of Tokyo.


14. Hokutosei Sleeper Train

15. Resting Area 12. Noboribetsu Station Signboard

After all that walking, what better way to recharge than to dip in an onsen. Noboribetsu onsen, which is two hours by train from Sapporo is one of Hokkaido’s most famous onsen resorts, with many types of hot spring water gushing out of what is called “Hell’s Valley”. The resort is part of the ShikotsuToya National Park, and a view of Toya Lake is visible from the Bear Park, which is a spectacular cable car ride from the main onsen street. 13. Noboribetsu Mascot

16. French Cuisine

17. Dining area


Hokkaido is a great place to visit at any time of the year – with powder snow in winter, lavender fields in the summer, and good food all year round, Hokkaido is always in season. But tourists sometimes wonder how best to get around the rolling fields of Hokkaido if Lavender Farm at Furano they don’t feel like driving overseas. While renting a car is a good way to get around Japan’s largest prefecture, it’s perfectly possible to tour Hokkaido via local buses and trains. Here, we will suggest a route that will bring you from Sapporo to the lavender fields of Furano, Asahikawa which has Japan’s most famous zoo and the home of Santouka ramen, Noboribetsu onsen and back to Ueno, Tokyo via the nostalgic sleeper train, Hokutosei. SAPPORO 札幌 There are plenty of hotels near the Sapporo station, and one of them with a great night view and big spa pool/ indoor onsen area is Hotel Monterey Sapporo. From there, it’s an easy walk to the famous Sapporo Clock Tower. If you’re lucky, you can catch a ride on Velotaxi, which is a bicycle taxi. At a base fare of 300 yen for 500m per person, it’s a fun and affordable way to see the city with commentary from the 18


Shiro is a Singaporean who loves Japan. Her dream is to become an onsen saru. (ie: hot-spring monkey).

Hokkaido 電車とバスで巡り北海道の旅

Asahikawa Lavender Express


Sapporo Noboribetsu

7. Sapporo Clock Tower

driver on the sights. If you stay at Hotel Monterey Sapporo, the staff there have also drawn up an insiders’ map of recommended ramen shops, genghis khan barbecue places and soup curry shops. Soup curry is Sapporo specialty which is a more soupy version of the thicker, gravylike curry found in the rest of Japan. 8. Miso Ramen


9. Lavender Lavender Ice Ice Cream Cream 9.

From June to Aug ust, you can take a direct express train service from Sapporo to the lavender fields of Furano, aptly called the Lavender Express. It takes around 2 hours to reach Furano. From Furano you can catch a local bus tour to the lavender fields and wine and cheese factories, or the local truck ride ( a quaint train ride with three carriages) to get to the 10-hectare Tomita Farms, where thousands of tourists descend upon each year to catch a whif f of f resh lavender in f ull bloom. Don’t miss the lavender ice cream. There are also hop-on-hopof f buses that ply the popular tourist sites. Check out timings of the trains and bus tours on JR Hokkaido’s website.

1. Lavender | 2. Lavender at Farm Tomita, Furano | 3.Norokko Train, Asahikawa | 4.Lavender Express Signboard, Furano | 5.Velotaxi, Sapporo | 6.Hokutosei Platform Electronic Timetable |

by local trains and buses ASAHIKAWA 旭川

10. Penguin, Asahikawa Zoo

寝台特急 北斗星

A two-hour ride from Furano by train, Asahikawa is famous for its ramen, claiming fame to the Santouka brand of ramen which has outlets in Singapore, as well as the Aoba ramen brand. There’s also a Ramen Village there five kilometers from the JR Asahikawa station where you can try the best of Asahikawa’s ramen. But more recently, Asahikawa’s zoo has become the top draw for its many unique interactive viewing facilities that has made it Japan’s top rated zoo. A guaranteed great day out for the kids and a family picnic. 11. Polar Bear, Asahikawa Zoo

HOKUTOSEI SLEEPER TRAIN From Noboribetsu a memorable way to get back to Tokyo is the nostalgic sleeper train, Hokutosei. With a dining car where you can enjoy a French course meal or Japanese kaiseki while enjoying the dramatic coastal view, 16 hours will be gone in a blink of an eyelid and you’ll find yourself back in the cosmopolitan city of Tokyo.


14. Hokutosei Sleeper Train

15. Resting Area 12. Noboribetsu Station Signboard

After all that walking, what better way to recharge than to dip in an onsen. Noboribetsu onsen, which is two hours by train from Sapporo is one of Hokkaido’s most famous onsen resorts, with many types of hot spring water gushing out of what is called “Hell’s Valley”. The resort is part of the ShikotsuToya National Park, and a view of Toya Lake is visible from the Bear Park, which is a spectacular cable car ride from the main onsen street. 13. Noboribetsu Mascot

16. French Cuisine

17. Dining area






the large, seedless and floral-fragrant Pione Grapes and the scented Shine Muscat with a sweet floral-aroma taste.

A must-eat! Price from RM142/ kg



Award - winner Ramen shop from Tokyo - specializes in shoyu soup ramen with jumbo charshu.

GANTETSU Hokkaido Ramen

Savor this authentic Hokkaido ramen in a full-flavor pork tonkotsu soup with large slices of chashu.

ICHIRO Sushi Bar

Order your favorite sashimi, temaki or nigiri-zushi freshly made by Japanese sushi chef.

GYU-KAKU Yakiniku Japanese Barbeque

Select from beef, chicken or seafood and enjoy them grilled in smokeless charcoal.

MA MAISON Tonkotsu Pork cutlet

Signature succulent and crispy pork cutlet, with free-flow of rice, shredded cabbage and miso soup.

SENYA Udon and Japanese dishes

Epicurean treats for the senses


Featuring only in Isetan KLCC Foodmarket in September, two star grapes of Okayama –

Isetan 1Utama, 2F

Have a bowl of delicious udon or order your favorite Japanese dishes in a casual dining style.


Situated in South Eastern part of Japan, Okayama is the largest producer of Japanese premium grapes.



Have you tried the big, fragrant grapes from Okayama?

Great Tastes Of Japanese Food




The Grapes Of



Isetan 1 Utama = GF

now-end of September

Enjoy a cup of aromatic espresso or auction-bought coffee beans’ fresh-brew coffee here. September Promotion: Coffee of the Day | BUY 1 FREE 1 | From RM 8.90 | Mon-Fri | 11:00-14:00



GINO CAFFE Specialty coffees


the large, seedless and floral-fragrant Pione Grapes and the scented Shine Muscat with a sweet floral-aroma taste.

A must-eat! Price from RM142/ kg



Award - winner Ramen shop from Tokyo - specializes in shoyu soup ramen with jumbo charshu.

GANTETSU Hokkaido Ramen

Savor this authentic Hokkaido ramen in a full-flavor pork tonkotsu soup with large slices of chashu.

ICHIRO Sushi Bar

Order your favorite sashimi, temaki or nigiri-zushi freshly made by Japanese sushi chef.

GYU-KAKU Yakiniku Japanese Barbeque

Select from beef, chicken or seafood and enjoy them grilled in smokeless charcoal.

MA MAISON Tonkotsu Pork cutlet

Signature succulent and crispy pork cutlet, with free-flow of rice, shredded cabbage and miso soup.

SENYA Udon and Japanese dishes

Epicurean treats for the senses


Featuring only in Isetan KLCC Foodmarket in September, two star grapes of Okayama –

Isetan 1Utama, 2F

Have a bowl of delicious udon or order your favorite Japanese dishes in a casual dining style.


Situated in South Eastern part of Japan, Okayama is the largest producer of Japanese premium grapes.



Have you tried the big, fragrant grapes from Okayama?

Great Tastes Of Japanese Food




The Grapes Of



Isetan 1 Utama = GF

now-end of September

Enjoy a cup of aromatic espresso or auction-bought coffee beans’ fresh-brew coffee here. September Promotion: Coffee of the Day | BUY 1 FREE 1 | From RM 8.90 | Mon-Fri | 11:00-14:00



GINO CAFFE Specialty coffees



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