WAttention Tokyo vol 1

Page 1

A NEW TRAVEL GUIDE for JAPAN! k ty Boo i r a h C 救う 日本を 発売 ガイド ル ベ トラ


Cherry Blossoms, Mount Fuji

Paul Smith

{Magome} Gifu Pref.


Tsumago and Magome Fashion designer

More than 80 times since 1982


n Tokyo, I would suggest to visit Shibuya for its so many variation of stores, restaurants, etc and Aoyama/Harajuku where there are a lot of fashion shops from high fashion to very local and small, or vintage. In country side, I would suggest Magome, Tsumago villages where tradition and old houses and streets still exist. I used to visit country side personally when I started my business in Japan about 30 years ago, but now I really don’t have enough time to visit apart from Tokyo where I am only allowed to walk around near my office in Aoyama, Harajuku and Shibuya due to my busy schedule. However, I always find some new interesting things and like watching people, how they dress etc. I was lucky to have time to visit Tsumago and Magome for a project with a magazine last year, and I found these villages are so beautiful. It is great to see that they are still there and unchanged, which is rare and

Editor’s memo Nakasendo’s two historic post towns Tsumago and Magome are towns where you can feel the air of the Edo period. Both areas were post stations located on the Nakasendo Route, which is one of the Gokaido, the five major highways. The Nakasendo linked Edo and Kyoto through the inland area and had 69 post stations.



Magome in Gifu prefecture

AID Japan

AID Japan

Jane Birkin

, U.K. / France




Jigokudani Nagano

Sites and scenes around Japan Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors. Times to visit: often for more than 40 years Photo by Manabu Matsunaga


have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I first went there with Serge Gainsbourg for the opening of the film “Cannabis” when I was 7 months pregnant with Charlotte! Since then COUNTLESS other times for song festivals, film festivals, and since “Baby Alone in Babylon,” for concerts not only in Tokyo but all over Japan. When Serge died, I went back for the “Casino de Paris” show, when “L’aquoiboniste” was chosen as the signature song for a TV series and I became number ONE foreign sales singer in Japan for six months, beating Elton John as I said to my mother. This was thanks to an ex-producer for Phonogram who came up with the idea, and to a Frenchman named Francois Dumas who invited Serge and me to sing in Japan. My friend Sachiko Nakanishi then brought me over with “Les Visiteurs du Soir” for the show “Arabesque” in Japan, with “Conversation” and I went back with her about ten times for every subsequent show! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, which, with Sachiko’s help, I have made. I took my mother, my daughter Lou, my step-child, and my ex-husband Doillon to a LOVELY spa, Jigokudani. My mother wanted to see snow monkeys ever since she’d seen an American “Life” magazine cover thirty years before! Fantastic baths at night snow monkeys in sulfur pools never to forget, thanks to Duma’s wife who’s Japanese ONLY Japanese know this place, very UNFLAH and authentic.



AID Japan

Jigokudani Onsen in Nagano Prefecture is one of Japan’s most popular hot springs, whose name is derived for the image of hell it conjures, no doubt due to the boiling water. The onsen is best known for wild Nihon-zaru (Japanese monkeys) soaking in them as the photo above shows. Please note that the onsen can only be reached by foot. AID Japan



41 celebrities and cultural figures recommend the best parts of Japan! ∼ 世界の文化人 41 人がおすすめする、いま、訪れて欲しいニッポンのいいところ!∼ To help Japan and its tourism industry, 41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide made this book possible– the contributors include Jane Birkin, Paul Smith and Tommy Hilfiger. This guide book is uniquely composed of recommendations on places, buildings, shops and events provided by foreign celebrities who love Japan. Find your destinations from celebrities’ recommendations and our directory of the best Japanese hotels, ryokan, restaurants and museums!


外国人セレブ、文化人 41 名が集結! ジェーン・バーキン、ポー

ル・スミス、エルブジの料理人フェラン・アドリアらがおすすめ する場所や建物、お店、行事は?

このほかにも篠山紀信氏による日本の風景写真、巻末の目的 別インデックスなど、日本に住む人たちが日本の魅力を改めて 感じることのできる一冊になっています。

950 yen

+Tax < A6 format Full-color 160 pages> The copies will be presold exclusively at Books Kinokuniya Shinjuku, Shinjuku Minamiguchi and other outlets, followed by other major book stores in Japan.




In Ha rmony w it h t he Sea sons Tanabata (early to mid August) text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Hajime Watanabe 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、写真=渡邉肇

こ よ み 楽 し む

たとえば、そうめんは亡くなった 子どもが寂しがらないようにと 添えられたお菓子が変化したも の。紙の原料であった梶の葉は、 思いを写してそっと水に流した り、短冊として小笹に吊るすの に使われていた。

Japan has four distinct seasons and there is a strong tradition of rituals and festivals closely connected to each season. Two of the major festivals of the summer are "Tanabata" and "Obon". The actual dates of these events varies depending on the region, but both are festivals of remembrance, for literally 'communing' with the souls of people passed away, including ancestors. The "Mukaebi (welcoming torch)" and the "Okuribi (farewell torch)" are lit at each end of the Obon period to help souls navigate between worlds. Food also plays an important part in


Traditional delicacies of the summer: "Somen (fine noodles)" were originally intended as a treat, dedicated to deceased children so that they wouldn't feel neglected. The paper mulberry leaves were used to write wishes on, later replaced by the colorful strips of paper used for Tanabata decorations.

Japanese rituals. Pictured above are the seasonal delicacies of summer, such as chilled watermelon, somen (fine noodles usually eaten cold), edamame (young soya beans in the pod), azuki bean jelly, pickles... they all have significance. The origin of the 5 colored cloth and paper mulberry leaves lies in the tradition of animism: they are used to thank mother nature and pray for a good harvest. This is a picturesque, traditional summer table.  日本では、夏に亡くなった人々があの世から故郷


た。 「来る日」には迎え火、 「帰る日」には送り火を焚い






Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井土理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し 次世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発 展させる提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。

WAttention Tokyo


※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」

Letter from Editing Room


August 2011 First issue Welcome to “Wonderland Tokyo”

the city’s urban planning.

We are happy to announce the official launch of “WAttention Tokyo” today. Through this magazine, we hope to tell you a lot about undiscovered charm of Tokyo.

Tokyo is profoundly, interestingly and charmingly unique. We hope that we would play a intermediary role for the world to help discovering numerous hidden charms of Tokyo through this magazine.

In 2009, CNN’s travel and destination website CNNGo released the article: “World’s Greatest City: 50 reasons why Tokyo is No.1” which grabbed many readers’ attention. The reasons why Tokyo is No.1 included obvious ones such as “the world’s most sophisticated railways” and “More Michelin stars than anywhere else.” However there were some unique reasons even people living in Tokyo didn’t know, such as “bats inhabit in Kanda” and “world’s shortest escalator.” Many people outside of Japan believe that Tokyo is expensive. We must say it is not really true. You can find a lunch meal comes with drink for as cheap as 380 yen (US$5.0) and a tasty cup of coffee for 180 yen. Moreover, what pubs in the world can beat the price of a glass of Japanese beer sold for 280 yen? As our special coverage in this edition shows, there are numerous hidden charms in Tokyo that stimulate our intellectual curiosity, such as feng shui, originally from China, accommodated in

WAttention Tokyo Editing Room

Special:  和文化と東京の深い魅力を英語で伝える WAttention Tokyo が、無事、創刊を迎えました。  2009年、米 CNN のサイト『CNNGo』が、 「世界一魅 力的な都市:東京が No.1な50の理由」を発表し、話題 となりました。世界一優れた交通システム、世界最多の ミシュランレストランがあるとされていますが、一方で、 「世界一短いエスカレーター」 「神田川のコウモリ」など、 日本人にはピンと来ない内容もあり、興味深いです。  また、東京=物価の高いイメージが世界にはあるよう ですが、そんなことはありません。ドリンク付きで380円 のセットランチもあれば、美味しいコーヒーが1杯180円 で飲めるコーヒーショップ、国産ビールが280円で楽し める飲めるカジュアルなレストランだってあるのです。  今号の特集のように、東京には、中国で生まれたとさ れる風水の理論が、脈々と都市計画に生かされている など、知的好奇心を刺激する場所も数多くあります。 東京は深く、面白く、また不思議な魅力で満ち れてい るのです!  私たちは、そんな魅力あふれる東京を世界中の人に 伝えていける御手伝いができればと願っています。

Feng Shui City, EDO 風水都市、江戸



In Harmony with the Seasons こよみを楽しむ

Letter from editor s room

Editorial Staff



Tokyo's predecessor florished powered by Qi なぜ江戸は300年も繁栄できたのか、東京のパワーとは?


6 Power spots to charge you Qi 風水を感じるパワースポット6選

WAttention Tokyo 編集部一同 12

Feng Shui for daily life 暮らしの中で意識する風水の知恵

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to

03-6418-5704 or email to info-

tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.


Kanpai at Izakaya in real Japanese style 居酒屋にカンパイ!


Which izakaya do you want to go tonight? 今夜はどの 居酒屋 に行こうかな?

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more!


Name : Address : Postcode : Tel : Email :

Tokyo Must-Do ワタシ的東京のツボ

[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた 方にはWAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届 けします。

TOKYO MUSEUM トーキョー・ミュージアム



EDGY TOKYO エッジー・トーキョー


Visit Gunma – attractive nature paradise この夏行きたい 魅力満載の群馬


Restaurant Guide レストランガイド


Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD.

What s on 東京のお祭り、季節のイベント

Yoko Aoki Yaeko Inaba Mizuho Ota Kiyomi Fujioka Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Graphic Designer Miki Nakamura Cover photography Ben Simmons


Photographer Hiroki Nishioka / Hajime Watanabeb Writers (Japanese) Tabikoi Co., Ltd. / Masako Mikuni Translator Shiyoko Hamazaki Ayako Hirano Kiyomi Fujioka (Minook International) Photo courtesies TCVB Hotel New Otani Kamawanu Seatagaya-ku Ota-ku Tokyo Dai-jingu Gunma Prefecture Kusatsu Tourism Association Minakami Town Sakai Shuzo Bouun Ryokan Yutorian Ryokan Special thanks to Gunma Prefecture JNTO Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) Taeko Takeyama

※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」

Letter from Editing Room


August 2011 First issue Welcome to “Wonderland Tokyo”

the city’s urban planning.

We are happy to announce the official launch of “WAttention Tokyo” today. Through this magazine, we hope to tell you a lot about undiscovered charm of Tokyo.

Tokyo is profoundly, interestingly and charmingly unique. We hope that we would play a intermediary role for the world to help discovering numerous hidden charms of Tokyo through this magazine.

In 2009, CNN’s travel and destination website CNNGo released the article: “World’s Greatest City: 50 reasons why Tokyo is No.1” which grabbed many readers’ attention. The reasons why Tokyo is No.1 included obvious ones such as “the world’s most sophisticated railways” and “More Michelin stars than anywhere else.” However there were some unique reasons even people living in Tokyo didn’t know, such as “bats inhabit in Kanda” and “world’s shortest escalator.” Many people outside of Japan believe that Tokyo is expensive. We must say it is not really true. You can find a lunch meal comes with drink for as cheap as 380 yen (US$5.0) and a tasty cup of coffee for 180 yen. Moreover, what pubs in the world can beat the price of a glass of Japanese beer sold for 280 yen? As our special coverage in this edition shows, there are numerous hidden charms in Tokyo that stimulate our intellectual curiosity, such as feng shui, originally from China, accommodated in

WAttention Tokyo Editing Room

Special:  和文化と東京の深い魅力を英語で伝える WAttention Tokyo が、無事、創刊を迎えました。  2009年、米 CNN のサイト『CNNGo』が、 「世界一魅 力的な都市:東京が No.1な50の理由」を発表し、話題 となりました。世界一優れた交通システム、世界最多の ミシュランレストランがあるとされていますが、一方で、 「世界一短いエスカレーター」 「神田川のコウモリ」など、 日本人にはピンと来ない内容もあり、興味深いです。  また、東京=物価の高いイメージが世界にはあるよう ですが、そんなことはありません。ドリンク付きで380円 のセットランチもあれば、美味しいコーヒーが1杯180円 で飲めるコーヒーショップ、国産ビールが280円で楽し める飲めるカジュアルなレストランだってあるのです。  今号の特集のように、東京には、中国で生まれたとさ れる風水の理論が、脈々と都市計画に生かされている など、知的好奇心を刺激する場所も数多くあります。 東京は深く、面白く、また不思議な魅力で満ち れてい るのです!  私たちは、そんな魅力あふれる東京を世界中の人に 伝えていける御手伝いができればと願っています。

Feng Shui City, EDO 風水都市、江戸



In Harmony with the Seasons こよみを楽しむ

Letter from editor s room

Editorial Staff



Tokyo's predecessor florished powered by Qi なぜ江戸は300年も繁栄できたのか、東京のパワーとは?


6 Power spots to charge you Qi 風水を感じるパワースポット6選

WAttention Tokyo 編集部一同 12

Feng Shui for daily life 暮らしの中で意識する風水の知恵

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to

03-6418-5704 or email to info-

tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.


Kanpai at Izakaya in real Japanese style 居酒屋にカンパイ!


Which izakaya do you want to go tonight? 今夜はどの 居酒屋 に行こうかな?

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more!


Name : Address : Postcode : Tel : Email :

Tokyo Must-Do ワタシ的東京のツボ

[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた 方にはWAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届 けします。

TOKYO MUSEUM トーキョー・ミュージアム



EDGY TOKYO エッジー・トーキョー


Visit Gunma – attractive nature paradise この夏行きたい 魅力満載の群馬


Restaurant Guide レストランガイド


Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD.

What s on 東京のお祭り、季節のイベント

Yoko Aoki Yaeko Inaba Mizuho Ota Kiyomi Fujioka Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Graphic Designer Miki Nakamura Cover photography Ben Simmons


Photographer Hiroki Nishioka / Hajime Watanabeb Writers (Japanese) Tabikoi Co., Ltd. / Masako Mikuni Translator Shiyoko Hamazaki Ayako Hirano Kiyomi Fujioka (Minook International) Photo courtesies TCVB Hotel New Otani Kamawanu Seatagaya-ku Ota-ku Tokyo Dai-jingu Gunma Prefecture Kusatsu Tourism Association Minakami Town Sakai Shuzo Bouun Ryokan Yutorian Ryokan Special thanks to Gunma Prefecture JNTO Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) Taeko Takeyama

FENG SHUI 風 水 都 市 、 江 戸 CITY, EDO Tokyo's predecessor flourished through the power of "Qi". なぜ江戸は 300 年も繁栄できたのか、東京のパワーとは? text and supervision/ Q-taro Koguma 文・監修/小熊 Q 太朗

Edo was developed by shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa in the early 17th century, based on knowledge of Feng Shui. 徳川家康が、豊かな都に背を向けて未開の地江戸に幕府を 開いたのはなぜか。現在の東京のルーツである江戸の成りたちとは。

"Touto Meisho Surugachono-zu" by Hiroshige. The scene depicts the current site of the Mitsukoshi department store, with Mt. Fuji in the background.

Ieyasu Tokugawa (15431616 ). A p p o i n te d a s Shogun in 1603. Amongst his contemporaries are Elizabeth I and Shakespeare.

広重『東都名所 駿河町之図』に 描かれた現在の日本橋三越周辺。 商業都市として栄えた江戸は芸 術などの文化水準も高かった。

徳川家康(1543-1616)三河の武 家の長男として生まれ、豊臣秀吉 没後、関ヶ原の戦いを経て1603 年に征夷大将軍に任命された。

The Polar Ster




Edo/Tokyo sits roughly East of Mt. Fuji, from where a great deal of Qi emanates. Ieyasu was deified in Nikko after his death. 繁栄をきわめていた京都や大阪 から見れば、東京は富士山の東 にある。没後、家康は東京から北 の方角にある日光に祀られた。

With a population of one million, one of the largest cities of the 18th Century 人口100万人、世界屈指の都市だった江戸 Edo is the old name of the city now called Tokyo. It is a historic name, rather like Lutecia for Paris or Constantinople for Istanbul. It is a little known fact that Edo was one of the biggest cities in the world in the 18th Century. While Edo had a population of one million, London had 700,000 and Paris just 500,000. Edo was renamed Tokyo when the Tokugawa dynasty fell in 1867 after 300 years of reign. Today, the population of Tokyo prefecture has reached 13 million, growing to 16 million during the working day. So what makes Edo/ Tokyo this vibrant and successful? After the Battle of Sekigahara, the most successful territorial Lord Ieyasu 06 WAttention Tokyo

Tokugawa was appointed Shogun by the Emperor. He immediately made plans to build a new capital in Edo. Until then, the capital of Japan had always been in the west of the country, apart from rather brief spell during the Kamakura period. At that time, Edo was a just a deserted fishing village when Ieyasu chose it. It seems that one of the reasons Ieyasu chose Edo was its favorable situation according to Feng Shui. From the ancient times, the Japanese believed East is the direction where new energy is born, as it is the direction where the sun rises. Another key factor was Mt. Fuji, which had been worshipped as a divinity, and was long-regarded as a

source of positive Qi . Combining the power of the East with the Qi from Mt. Fuji, Ieyasu imagined Edo flourishing. First, Ieyasu established Edo castle as the center of his new capital. Then he began a huge project to build a canal network around it. He even relocated Tonegawa (Tone river) which opened into Tokyo bay, to pour emerge at the Pacific, mainly to allow the plan of the city to take a lucky form according to Feng Shui. This construction project lasted for 60 years. To fund this project, Ieyasu mobilized all territorial lords to contribute. This monumental effort built the infrastructure of the city, which supported the Tokugawa dynasty. This is

why Edo is said to be a Feng Shui city. Upon building this grand design, Ieyasu got to know a very trusted Feng Shui master, priest Tenkai, who belonged to the Tendai clan of Buddhism. He advised Ieyasu to build Kanei-ji (Kanei Temple) and Hie Jinja (Hie Shrine) to guard the two "Kimon (bad directions)" to protect Edo. After the death of Ieyasu, Tenkai chose Nikko (now a popular tourist destination) as a place to deify Ieyasu, and he built Nikko Tosho-gu. Nikko sits almost exactly north of Tokyo, which is the direction of the North Star, which symbolizes the ruler of the universe. Thus, Ieyasu had become the eternal deified ruler of Edo.





ロンドンの人口が70万人、パリが50万人であったと いうから、江戸がその当時からすでに世界最大級の


しいエネルギーとともに東に集める場所として、家康 は江戸を有望視したというのだ。







なった) 。その後徳川家15代、300年にわたる大繁栄






は、江戸が風水を利用して作られた都市であると言 われる由縁である。
















WAttention Tokyo


FENG SHUI 風 水 都 市 、 江 戸 CITY, EDO Tokyo's predecessor flourished through the power of "Qi". なぜ江戸は 300 年も繁栄できたのか、東京のパワーとは? text and supervision/ Q-taro Koguma 文・監修/小熊 Q 太朗

Edo was developed by shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa in the early 17th century, based on knowledge of Feng Shui. 徳川家康が、豊かな都に背を向けて未開の地江戸に幕府を 開いたのはなぜか。現在の東京のルーツである江戸の成りたちとは。

"Touto Meisho Surugachono-zu" by Hiroshige. The scene depicts the current site of the Mitsukoshi department store, with Mt. Fuji in the background.

Ieyasu Tokugawa (15431616 ). A p p o i n te d a s Shogun in 1603. Amongst his contemporaries are Elizabeth I and Shakespeare.

広重『東都名所 駿河町之図』に 描かれた現在の日本橋三越周辺。 商業都市として栄えた江戸は芸 術などの文化水準も高かった。

徳川家康(1543-1616)三河の武 家の長男として生まれ、豊臣秀吉 没後、関ヶ原の戦いを経て1603 年に征夷大将軍に任命された。

The Polar Ster




Edo/Tokyo sits roughly East of Mt. Fuji, from where a great deal of Qi emanates. Ieyasu was deified in Nikko after his death. 繁栄をきわめていた京都や大阪 から見れば、東京は富士山の東 にある。没後、家康は東京から北 の方角にある日光に祀られた。

With a population of one million, one of the largest cities of the 18th Century 人口100万人、世界屈指の都市だった江戸 Edo is the old name of the city now called Tokyo. It is a historic name, rather like Lutecia for Paris or Constantinople for Istanbul. It is a little known fact that Edo was one of the biggest cities in the world in the 18th Century. While Edo had a population of one million, London had 700,000 and Paris just 500,000. Edo was renamed Tokyo when the Tokugawa dynasty fell in 1867 after 300 years of reign. Today, the population of Tokyo prefecture has reached 13 million, growing to 16 million during the working day. So what makes Edo/ Tokyo this vibrant and successful? After the Battle of Sekigahara, the most successful territorial Lord Ieyasu 06 WAttention Tokyo

Tokugawa was appointed Shogun by the Emperor. He immediately made plans to build a new capital in Edo. Until then, the capital of Japan had always been in the west of the country, apart from rather brief spell during the Kamakura period. At that time, Edo was a just a deserted fishing village when Ieyasu chose it. It seems that one of the reasons Ieyasu chose Edo was its favorable situation according to Feng Shui. From the ancient times, the Japanese believed East is the direction where new energy is born, as it is the direction where the sun rises. Another key factor was Mt. Fuji, which had been worshipped as a divinity, and was long-regarded as a

source of positive Qi . Combining the power of the East with the Qi from Mt. Fuji, Ieyasu imagined Edo flourishing. First, Ieyasu established Edo castle as the center of his new capital. Then he began a huge project to build a canal network around it. He even relocated Tonegawa (Tone river) which opened into Tokyo bay, to pour emerge at the Pacific, mainly to allow the plan of the city to take a lucky form according to Feng Shui. This construction project lasted for 60 years. To fund this project, Ieyasu mobilized all territorial lords to contribute. This monumental effort built the infrastructure of the city, which supported the Tokugawa dynasty. This is

why Edo is said to be a Feng Shui city. Upon building this grand design, Ieyasu got to know a very trusted Feng Shui master, priest Tenkai, who belonged to the Tendai clan of Buddhism. He advised Ieyasu to build Kanei-ji (Kanei Temple) and Hie Jinja (Hie Shrine) to guard the two "Kimon (bad directions)" to protect Edo. After the death of Ieyasu, Tenkai chose Nikko (now a popular tourist destination) as a place to deify Ieyasu, and he built Nikko Tosho-gu. Nikko sits almost exactly north of Tokyo, which is the direction of the North Star, which symbolizes the ruler of the universe. Thus, Ieyasu had become the eternal deified ruler of Edo.





ロンドンの人口が70万人、パリが50万人であったと いうから、江戸がその当時からすでに世界最大級の


しいエネルギーとともに東に集める場所として、家康 は江戸を有望視したというのだ。







なった) 。その後徳川家15代、300年にわたる大繁栄






は、江戸が風水を利用して作られた都市であると言 われる由縁である。
















WAttention Tokyo


Edo Castle, was built where the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace now exist. It was surrounded by moats. 現在の皇居東御苑にあった江戸 城。天守閣のある本丸のすぐそば から水路は始まり、溜池、神田川 と回りながら東京湾に繋がった。





















08 WAttention Tokyo

decay, causing undesirable effects. Feng Shui was introduced to Japan during 6th century together with Buddhism, then started to develop into a distinctly separate Japanese "Onmyodo" under the influence of indigenous animism and the Shinto religion. For example, the notion of "Kimon (bad directions)" doesn't exist in Chinese Feng Shui. Until the end of 19th Century, Feng Shui was regarded as a practical technology, equivalent to engineering technology these days. Tenkai was one of theprominent scholars of Feng Shui and greatly helped






とくに近年高層ビルが乱立したことで、気の流れの 乱れを指摘する声も出ている。しかし一方で、新しい 東京駅ビルなど、再開発の中で風水の知見に耳を傾






"Feng Shui (風水)", which literally means "wind and water", was first created in ancient China under the influence of the philosophy of Yin_and_yang and Wu Xing, as a practical method to utilize the power of "Qi". Qi is the fundamental element of the universe, similar to energy. Qi flows from North East to South West, from higher places to lower places in an undisturbed environment. This flow is believed to bring prosperity to human activities. However, if this flow is obstructed by physical barriers such as mountains or buildings, Qi may stagnate and begin to









Edo prospered with energy boost of Qi from Mt. Fuji





今の江戸橋近くにあった伊勢町 堀には米河岸や塩河岸があり、 問屋の蔵が並んでいた。下町は ほぼどこでも船で行けたという。




There were numerous warehouses alongside each wharf. During the Edo era, most of the downtown area was accessible by boat.




Ieyasu with the grand design of Edo. He designed a city with a web of moats and canals, much like Venice in Italy, or Suzhou in China. Enormous amounts of merchandise flowing into the capital were sorted and delivered efficiently by these waterways. There were many wharfs specialized in handling rice, dried comestibles, or fresh fish etc. The Tsukiji Market, used to be called Nihonbashi Uogashi (the fish wharf) and was located in Nihonbashi. A point of interest around the layout of these waterways concerns a spiral of water with the Castle at the center. According to Feng Shui, spiral shaped objects amplify Qi. Tenkai planned to gather and boost the Qi from Mt. Fuji using this spiral of water. Nowadays, most of these canals have disappeared and many buildings have been constructed, leading some people to express concern over the disturbed Qi. However, there are also indications that planners have paid attention to the flow of Qi. For example, the redevelopment plan of Tokyo station seems to take into account of it Hopefully, this recent trend will help Tokyo to keep its status as a world class exciting city well into the 21st century.




江戸城を中心に堀や水路が「の」 の字を描いている。皇居周辺に武 家屋敷が立ち並び、現在の日本 橋浅草が商業の中心地だった。




A map of Edo in the 18th Century. A spiral waterway can be seen with Edo Castle at the center.


Moats and canals worked as a Qi booster


These illustrations are taken from this pictorial guidebook of Edo. 今回イラストをお借りした『絵で みる 江戸の町とくらし図鑑』 (廣 済堂出版)は、人々の着物から刀 の種類までをイラストで細かく 解説。江戸マニアは必見の一冊。

illustration/ Susumu Zenyoji

WAttention Tokyo


Edo Castle, was built where the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace now exist. It was surrounded by moats. 現在の皇居東御苑にあった江戸 城。天守閣のある本丸のすぐそば から水路は始まり、溜池、神田川 と回りながら東京湾に繋がった。





















08 WAttention Tokyo

decay, causing undesirable effects. Feng Shui was introduced to Japan during 6th century together with Buddhism, then started to develop into a distinctly separate Japanese "Onmyodo" under the influence of indigenous animism and the Shinto religion. For example, the notion of "Kimon (bad directions)" doesn't exist in Chinese Feng Shui. Until the end of 19th Century, Feng Shui was regarded as a practical technology, equivalent to engineering technology these days. Tenkai was one of theprominent scholars of Feng Shui and greatly helped






とくに近年高層ビルが乱立したことで、気の流れの 乱れを指摘する声も出ている。しかし一方で、新しい 東京駅ビルなど、再開発の中で風水の知見に耳を傾






"Feng Shui (風水)", which literally means "wind and water", was first created in ancient China under the influence of the philosophy of Yin_and_yang and Wu Xing, as a practical method to utilize the power of "Qi". Qi is the fundamental element of the universe, similar to energy. Qi flows from North East to South West, from higher places to lower places in an undisturbed environment. This flow is believed to bring prosperity to human activities. However, if this flow is obstructed by physical barriers such as mountains or buildings, Qi may stagnate and begin to









Edo prospered with energy boost of Qi from Mt. Fuji





今の江戸橋近くにあった伊勢町 堀には米河岸や塩河岸があり、 問屋の蔵が並んでいた。下町は ほぼどこでも船で行けたという。




There were numerous warehouses alongside each wharf. During the Edo era, most of the downtown area was accessible by boat.




Ieyasu with the grand design of Edo. He designed a city with a web of moats and canals, much like Venice in Italy, or Suzhou in China. Enormous amounts of merchandise flowing into the capital were sorted and delivered efficiently by these waterways. There were many wharfs specialized in handling rice, dried comestibles, or fresh fish etc. The Tsukiji Market, used to be called Nihonbashi Uogashi (the fish wharf) and was located in Nihonbashi. A point of interest around the layout of these waterways concerns a spiral of water with the Castle at the center. According to Feng Shui, spiral shaped objects amplify Qi. Tenkai planned to gather and boost the Qi from Mt. Fuji using this spiral of water. Nowadays, most of these canals have disappeared and many buildings have been constructed, leading some people to express concern over the disturbed Qi. However, there are also indications that planners have paid attention to the flow of Qi. For example, the redevelopment plan of Tokyo station seems to take into account of it Hopefully, this recent trend will help Tokyo to keep its status as a world class exciting city well into the 21st century.




江戸城を中心に堀や水路が「の」 の字を描いている。皇居周辺に武 家屋敷が立ち並び、現在の日本 橋浅草が商業の中心地だった。




A map of Edo in the 18th Century. A spiral waterway can be seen with Edo Castle at the center.


Moats and canals worked as a Qi booster


These illustrations are taken from this pictorial guidebook of Edo. 今回イラストをお借りした『絵で みる 江戸の町とくらし図鑑』 (廣 済堂出版)は、人々の着物から刀 の種類までをイラストで細かく 解説。江戸マニアは必見の一冊。

illustration/ Susumu Zenyoji

WAttention Tokyo


6 Power spots to charge up your Qi 風 水を 感じ る パ ワース ポット 6 選!

Tokyo is full of power spots!

6 spots where natural flow of Qi is abundant, chosen by Feng Shui master Q-taro Koguma. 風水師・小熊Q太朗が選んだ東京のパワースポット6選。ぜひ訪れて、いい気が流れていることを感じてみてほしい。


Tokyo Daijingu /東京大神宮 Famous for its Cupid love energy.

Meiji Jingu /明治神宮


Feel the cleansing energy! 鳥居をくぐれば清冽な気に満たされる Already well known as a sightseeing spot, you will feel the cleansing energy once you step through the large Torii (Shinto gateway).



すでに外国人観光客人気 No.1スポット。原宿 駅から徒歩1分という好立地にありながら、ひ とたび大きな鳥居をくぐれば清冽な気に満た される。成熟した境内の森も魅力。

Built as a remote shrine of Ise Jungu (the highest shrine), but recently more famous for its Cupid love power. 伊勢神宮の遥拝殿として創建されたため、天 照皇大神などを祀るが、現在は縁結びの神様 として絶大な人気をほこっている。神前結婚式 をはじめて執り行なった神社でもある。 2-4-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku


TEL: 03-3262-3566 http://www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp/english/ approx. 3 mins walk from Idabashi station

1-1 Yoyogi Kamizono Cho, Shibuya-ku


TEL: 03-3379-5511 Open everyday, from dawn till dusk http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/english/ approx 2 mins walk from JR harajuku station

Senzoku Pond /洗足池

Imperial Palace /皇居

Renowned for its scenic view

The center of the spiral うず巻き水路の中心でパワーアップ


Part of the foundations of the original Edo Castle remain in the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace. This is the center of the spiral.

A natural pond formed from several nearby springs. Was famous for its scenery during the Edo Period.



自然の湧水が集まってできた天然の池。江戸 時代にはすでに景勝地として知られ、広重の 『名所江戸百景』にもふくまれている。

天海が設計した江戸城を中心とするうず巻き 水路の中心に行って、集まっては地中深くに入 り込むいい気のパワーを充填しよう。ビリビリ 感じられる何かがあるかも?

2-14-5 Minamisenzoku, Ota-ku


TEL: 03-3734-0202 (Ota-ku city office) http://w w w.city.ota.tok yo.jp/midokoro/ park/senzokuikekouen/ (Japanese only) approx. 2 mins walk from Senzoku station

1-1, Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku


TEL: 03-3213-1111 http://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/ approx 5 mins walk from Nijubashimae station

Todoroki Gorge /等々力渓谷

Inokashira Park /井の頭公園

Spouting spring water generates Qi.

This water flows through Edo

湧水とともに気が流れる東京の渓谷 Because of its topography, this area escaped development and remains unspoilt woodland.



Water from this pond flows through the heart of Edo as the Kanda-river forms part of the central spiral. Also famed for its cherry blossom.

23区で唯一の渓谷で東京都の指定名勝にもな っている。宅地開発されず手付かずの自然が 残った理由でもある急な崖からは近くの湧水 も流れ出る。自然な気が感じられる公園。

この水量豊富な池からは、江戸城を囲むうず巻 き水路の一部でもある神田川が流れ出ている。 桜の景勝地としても有名。

1-22, 2-37 ∼ 38 Todoroki, Setagaya-ku


1-18-31 Gotenyama, Musashino-shi

世田谷区等々力1-22, 2-37∼38

TEL: 03-5432-1111 http://w w w.city.setagaya.tok yo.jp/030/ d00004247.html (Japanese only) approx 3 mins walk from Todoroki station

10 WAttention Tokyo


photo/ Karl Baron

TEL: 0422-47-6900 h t t p:// w w w.ke n s e t s u.m e t ro.to k yo.j p/ seibuk/inokashira/ (Japanese only) approx. 10 mins walk from Kichijoji station

WAttention Tokyo


6 Power spots to charge up your Qi 風 水を 感じ る パ ワース ポット 6 選!

Tokyo is full of power spots!

6 spots where natural flow of Qi is abundant, chosen by Feng Shui master Q-taro Koguma. 風水師・小熊Q太朗が選んだ東京のパワースポット6選。ぜひ訪れて、いい気が流れていることを感じてみてほしい。


Tokyo Daijingu /東京大神宮 Famous for its Cupid love energy.

Meiji Jingu /明治神宮


Feel the cleansing energy! 鳥居をくぐれば清冽な気に満たされる Already well known as a sightseeing spot, you will feel the cleansing energy once you step through the large Torii (Shinto gateway).



すでに外国人観光客人気 No.1スポット。原宿 駅から徒歩1分という好立地にありながら、ひ とたび大きな鳥居をくぐれば清冽な気に満た される。成熟した境内の森も魅力。

Built as a remote shrine of Ise Jungu (the highest shrine), but recently more famous for its Cupid love power. 伊勢神宮の遥拝殿として創建されたため、天 照皇大神などを祀るが、現在は縁結びの神様 として絶大な人気をほこっている。神前結婚式 をはじめて執り行なった神社でもある。 2-4-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku


TEL: 03-3262-3566 http://www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp/english/ approx. 3 mins walk from Idabashi station

1-1 Yoyogi Kamizono Cho, Shibuya-ku


TEL: 03-3379-5511 Open everyday, from dawn till dusk http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/english/ approx 2 mins walk from JR harajuku station

Senzoku Pond /洗足池

Imperial Palace /皇居

Renowned for its scenic view

The center of the spiral うず巻き水路の中心でパワーアップ


Part of the foundations of the original Edo Castle remain in the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace. This is the center of the spiral.

A natural pond formed from several nearby springs. Was famous for its scenery during the Edo Period.



自然の湧水が集まってできた天然の池。江戸 時代にはすでに景勝地として知られ、広重の 『名所江戸百景』にもふくまれている。

天海が設計した江戸城を中心とするうず巻き 水路の中心に行って、集まっては地中深くに入 り込むいい気のパワーを充填しよう。ビリビリ 感じられる何かがあるかも?

2-14-5 Minamisenzoku, Ota-ku


TEL: 03-3734-0202 (Ota-ku city office) http://w w w.city.ota.tok yo.jp/midokoro/ park/senzokuikekouen/ (Japanese only) approx. 2 mins walk from Senzoku station

1-1, Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku


TEL: 03-3213-1111 http://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/ approx 5 mins walk from Nijubashimae station

Todoroki Gorge /等々力渓谷

Inokashira Park /井の頭公園

Spouting spring water generates Qi.

This water flows through Edo

湧水とともに気が流れる東京の渓谷 Because of its topography, this area escaped development and remains unspoilt woodland.



Water from this pond flows through the heart of Edo as the Kanda-river forms part of the central spiral. Also famed for its cherry blossom.

23区で唯一の渓谷で東京都の指定名勝にもな っている。宅地開発されず手付かずの自然が 残った理由でもある急な崖からは近くの湧水 も流れ出る。自然な気が感じられる公園。

この水量豊富な池からは、江戸城を囲むうず巻 き水路の一部でもある神田川が流れ出ている。 桜の景勝地としても有名。

1-22, 2-37 ∼ 38 Todoroki, Setagaya-ku


1-18-31 Gotenyama, Musashino-shi

世田谷区等々力1-22, 2-37∼38

TEL: 03-5432-1111 http://w w w.city.setagaya.tok yo.jp/030/ d00004247.html (Japanese only) approx 3 mins walk from Todoroki station

10 WAttention Tokyo


photo/ Karl Baron

TEL: 0422-47-6900 h t t p:// w w w.ke n s e t s u.m e t ro.to k yo.j p/ seibuk/inokashira/ (Japanese only) approx. 10 mins walk from Kichijoji station

WAttention Tokyo


Feng Shui for d aily life

暮 らし の 中 で 意 識 する 風 水 の 知 恵

Feng Shui lucky charms 東京で手に入れたい風水パワーグッズ

Shisa /ペアのシーサー They eat up the bad Qi 玄関に置けば邪気を寄せ付けない A pair of statues of mythical lion-like dogs that are said to eat up the bad Qi. Best placed at the entrance of the house, facing outward. 中国から沖縄に伝わったとされる。玄関に置けば邪気を生気にする。外から家の中 に向かって右に口を開けたほう、左に口を閉じたほうを置いて。

Although most Japanese people these days are unaware of it, the philosophy of Feng Shui is deeply woven into Japanese culture and customs. For example, the Japanese common phrase "Ki wo tsukete. (Take care of yourself)" is a casual farewell greeting to wish safety to someone going out. However, this has a more profound meaning. This phrase literally means "Cover yourself in Qi (Ki means Qi in Japanese)". It is a phrase to advise someone to take the positive power of Qi to ward off the bad Qi they may encounter. "Kimochi (mind)", "Genki (vitality)", "Huniki (atmosphere or mood)" ... there are numerous words in Japanese related to Qi. Now let's see how we can practically benefit from this ancient knowledge of Feng Shui. As explained earlier, generally speaking, places where air and water flows naturally and without obstruction are regarded as good spots. Usually people find those spots very refreshing or even uplifting. Wide-open slopes are a good example of good topography. Omotesando near Harajuku is a typical example. It is actually designated as a formal path to the Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine). On the other hand, stagnant and

decaying Qi occurs at places where Qi cannot flow out. The bottom of a bowl-shaped area, or a cement-covered square without any bare soil or trees, are good examples. Commercial areas where people gather to enjoy hedonistic pleasures tend to gather decayed Qi. It could be said that some areas around Shibuya station have these characteristics. Even in your own house, there could be spots where stagnant Qi occurs. The most common spots are the corners of rooms. Physically, it is likely Qi will stop flowing in these corners, and dust tends to build up there. So it is a wise move to keep the corner of your rooms clean. You may skip cleaning the center of your room, but not the corners. Putting a pile of sea salt in those corners is another practice to keep bad Qi out of your house. Sea salt has the power to change bad Qi to good. This power will be enhanced if the salt is kept in a "Masu (a square wooden measure)". A pair of statues of Shisa (a mythical lion dog) will eat up bad Qi and stop it entering your house. Needless to say, these practices are not scientifically proven, but this is knowledge based on thousands of years of history.



の中に深く根付いている。たとえば「気をつけて」と いうひとことは、街などにたまっている邪気から身を 守るために「いい気(生気)を身につけていけ」とい



ねにある地勢は風水的にはとてもいい場所とされる。 多くの場合、人が気持ちがいいと感じるところでもあ



淀んでしまった気であることはすでに述べたが、すり 鉢状の地形、コンクリートで地面を固められて土や 樹木がない場所、多くの人が快楽を求めて集まる場





くと考えられる。この対策としては、家なら掃除をし たり、部屋の隅に邪気や殺気を消す盛り塩をする、邪






Lucky charm of Tokyo Daijingu /東京大神宮の縁結び守

To find your love of your life 縁結びといえばここ! These pouches can be kept individually by each partner, or both c a n be ke pt by some one w ho is searching for their better half. 縁結びのご利益で大人気の東京大神宮。この 小さくてかわいらしい縁結び守は、ふたりで1 つずつ持っても、相手が見つかるまでは1人 でペアで持ってもいい。

Convert bad Qi to good Qi 塩の清浄する力を活用 Natural sea salt is believed to have the power to cleanse evil Qi. That is why Sumo wrestlers throw salt into the circle before each fight. 自然の海塩は殺気など乱れが強い気を調整するのに 大きな効果があるとされる。これを地を表す四角い升 に満たして家や部屋の四隅などに置くと、その空間が 浄化される効果を期待できる。

Hakata no Shio ¥298 Kiso Hinoki 1Go Masu ¥493(Tokyu Hands Shibuya http://shibuya. tokyu-hands.co.jp/)

Lucky charm of Meiji Jingu /明治神宮の交通安全守

Q-taro Koguma Feng Shui master

Has studyied Feng Shui for several decades, now holds Kigaku lectures and reading sessions.

Protection on the go 旅好きな人なら身につけて吉

小熊 Q 太朗さん 気学者・風水師

These luck y charms are designed for travelers to ward off bad or evil Qi when encountered en route.

25歳から気学を学ぶ。企業経営を経て気学の深さを 知り、現在は運命学も学びつつ、気学講座や個人鑑定 を行っている。 www.kogumasukisuki.com

旅行中は、さまざまな邪気やさらに性の悪い殺気など に触れる機会が多い。とくに移動中にそのような悪い 気を寄せ付けないとするお守りを身につけてみては。

Akae Hoya Shisa ¥12,180(Washita Shop Ginza TEL.: 03-3535-6991)

Good as souvenirs for your loved ones

A pile of sea salt /盛り塩

Shinshin Kenzen Nishiki Mamori (for health) ¥800 Kotsu Anzen Mamori ¥800(Meiji Jingu www.meijijingu.or.jp/english)

Magatama (curved beads) /クリスタル勾玉

"Medicine Stone" from ancient times 古代からの「薬石」でパワーアップ Magatama is a unique shape from Neolithic Japan, said to give the cr ystals and gem stones medicinal power. 気を発散するといわれるクリスタルは身につけたいパ ワーグッズ。古墳からも見つかる勾玉は日本だけ の形で、そのヒーリング効果から「薬石」と呼 ばれてきた。

Cr ystal Magatama ¥714 Green Fluorite Magatama ¥714(Crystal P o w e r P l a n e t To k y o w w w. crystal-planet.jp)

Enmusubi Mamori ¥1,200(Tok yo Daijingu www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp)

12 WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


Feng Shui for d aily life

暮 らし の 中 で 意 識 する 風 水 の 知 恵

Feng Shui lucky charms 東京で手に入れたい風水パワーグッズ

Shisa /ペアのシーサー They eat up the bad Qi 玄関に置けば邪気を寄せ付けない A pair of statues of mythical lion-like dogs that are said to eat up the bad Qi. Best placed at the entrance of the house, facing outward. 中国から沖縄に伝わったとされる。玄関に置けば邪気を生気にする。外から家の中 に向かって右に口を開けたほう、左に口を閉じたほうを置いて。

Although most Japanese people these days are unaware of it, the philosophy of Feng Shui is deeply woven into Japanese culture and customs. For example, the Japanese common phrase "Ki wo tsukete. (Take care of yourself)" is a casual farewell greeting to wish safety to someone going out. However, this has a more profound meaning. This phrase literally means "Cover yourself in Qi (Ki means Qi in Japanese)". It is a phrase to advise someone to take the positive power of Qi to ward off the bad Qi they may encounter. "Kimochi (mind)", "Genki (vitality)", "Huniki (atmosphere or mood)" ... there are numerous words in Japanese related to Qi. Now let's see how we can practically benefit from this ancient knowledge of Feng Shui. As explained earlier, generally speaking, places where air and water flows naturally and without obstruction are regarded as good spots. Usually people find those spots very refreshing or even uplifting. Wide-open slopes are a good example of good topography. Omotesando near Harajuku is a typical example. It is actually designated as a formal path to the Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine). On the other hand, stagnant and

decaying Qi occurs at places where Qi cannot flow out. The bottom of a bowl-shaped area, or a cement-covered square without any bare soil or trees, are good examples. Commercial areas where people gather to enjoy hedonistic pleasures tend to gather decayed Qi. It could be said that some areas around Shibuya station have these characteristics. Even in your own house, there could be spots where stagnant Qi occurs. The most common spots are the corners of rooms. Physically, it is likely Qi will stop flowing in these corners, and dust tends to build up there. So it is a wise move to keep the corner of your rooms clean. You may skip cleaning the center of your room, but not the corners. Putting a pile of sea salt in those corners is another practice to keep bad Qi out of your house. Sea salt has the power to change bad Qi to good. This power will be enhanced if the salt is kept in a "Masu (a square wooden measure)". A pair of statues of Shisa (a mythical lion dog) will eat up bad Qi and stop it entering your house. Needless to say, these practices are not scientifically proven, but this is knowledge based on thousands of years of history.



の中に深く根付いている。たとえば「気をつけて」と いうひとことは、街などにたまっている邪気から身を 守るために「いい気(生気)を身につけていけ」とい



ねにある地勢は風水的にはとてもいい場所とされる。 多くの場合、人が気持ちがいいと感じるところでもあ



淀んでしまった気であることはすでに述べたが、すり 鉢状の地形、コンクリートで地面を固められて土や 樹木がない場所、多くの人が快楽を求めて集まる場





くと考えられる。この対策としては、家なら掃除をし たり、部屋の隅に邪気や殺気を消す盛り塩をする、邪






Lucky charm of Tokyo Daijingu /東京大神宮の縁結び守

To find your love of your life 縁結びといえばここ! These pouches can be kept individually by each partner, or both c a n be ke pt by some one w ho is searching for their better half. 縁結びのご利益で大人気の東京大神宮。この 小さくてかわいらしい縁結び守は、ふたりで1 つずつ持っても、相手が見つかるまでは1人 でペアで持ってもいい。

Convert bad Qi to good Qi 塩の清浄する力を活用 Natural sea salt is believed to have the power to cleanse evil Qi. That is why Sumo wrestlers throw salt into the circle before each fight. 自然の海塩は殺気など乱れが強い気を調整するのに 大きな効果があるとされる。これを地を表す四角い升 に満たして家や部屋の四隅などに置くと、その空間が 浄化される効果を期待できる。

Hakata no Shio ¥298 Kiso Hinoki 1Go Masu ¥493(Tokyu Hands Shibuya http://shibuya. tokyu-hands.co.jp/)

Lucky charm of Meiji Jingu /明治神宮の交通安全守

Q-taro Koguma Feng Shui master

Has studyied Feng Shui for several decades, now holds Kigaku lectures and reading sessions.

Protection on the go 旅好きな人なら身につけて吉

小熊 Q 太朗さん 気学者・風水師

These luck y charms are designed for travelers to ward off bad or evil Qi when encountered en route.

25歳から気学を学ぶ。企業経営を経て気学の深さを 知り、現在は運命学も学びつつ、気学講座や個人鑑定 を行っている。 www.kogumasukisuki.com

旅行中は、さまざまな邪気やさらに性の悪い殺気など に触れる機会が多い。とくに移動中にそのような悪い 気を寄せ付けないとするお守りを身につけてみては。

Akae Hoya Shisa ¥12,180(Washita Shop Ginza TEL.: 03-3535-6991)

Good as souvenirs for your loved ones

A pile of sea salt /盛り塩

Shinshin Kenzen Nishiki Mamori (for health) ¥800 Kotsu Anzen Mamori ¥800(Meiji Jingu www.meijijingu.or.jp/english)

Magatama (curved beads) /クリスタル勾玉

"Medicine Stone" from ancient times 古代からの「薬石」でパワーアップ Magatama is a unique shape from Neolithic Japan, said to give the cr ystals and gem stones medicinal power. 気を発散するといわれるクリスタルは身につけたいパ ワーグッズ。古墳からも見つかる勾玉は日本だけ の形で、そのヒーリング効果から「薬石」と呼 ばれてきた。

Cr ystal Magatama ¥714 Green Fluorite Magatama ¥714(Crystal P o w e r P l a n e t To k y o w w w. crystal-planet.jp)

Enmusubi Mamori ¥1,200(Tok yo Daijingu www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp)

12 WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


Reasonable budget of around 3,000–5,000yen ひとり3,000∼5,000円で楽しめる安さも魅力

居酒屋 にカンパイ

Izakaya, or Japanese-style pubs, are not only good to dine in but also perfect to get a glimpse of Japanese culture. Why not try out Izakaya, which keep evolving all the time. サラリーマン・ウーマンで賑わっている居酒屋は、じつは観光客にとって も手軽に日本食を楽しめる便利なスポット。利用のコツをご紹介しよう。

A great place to glimpse the Japanese at play. 日本人の素顔が見られる? 貴重なスペース If you have stayed in Tokyo for a while, you must have come across "Izakaya". Liquor shops (酒屋) in the Edo Period sold sake by the measure, and gradually people started to hang out (居) for a drink whenever they came to buy sake. Soon, the shops began to offer appetizers to go with the drinks, and turned into izakaya

Touch screen ordering systems have been adopted in some chain Izakaya. 一部のチェーン店で採用されてい るタッチパネル式の注文システム。

14 WAttention Tokyo

(居酒屋), liquor shops where you can hang out. A few hundred years later, izakaya grew into a trillion yen industry and developed a variety of styles. The most authentic of them is the Japanese-style izakaya serving sake, shochu and local dishes. There are also Western-style and Asian-style ones offering a wide variety of ethnic foods and drinks. The competition among the large izakaya chains got so intense that it brought down the prices of the menu;, which is great news for consumers. When you visit izakaya, you will encounter the hidden side of "polite and reserved" Japanese people. It is where people can cut loose and talk about anything with their bosses and coworkers thanks to the unwritten rule that whatever is exchanged at izakaya must not be brought into the workplace.

In the country which values honne (true feeling) and tatemae (façade), this is one of the few places where businessperson can remove the tatemae and express their honne. Izakaya is indeed a great place to make friends as people are usually more open and will wish to either befriend you or to practice English with you!  居酒屋は、お酒とお酒に合わせた料理を楽しむ場

Izakaya is a place where you can easily access and experience Japanese culture. It s casual, welcoming and, most importantly, reasonable. Although the budget varies by the shop, you can enjoy drinks and food for around 5,000 yen per person on average. Most places have the menu outside with the price and recommendations for you to figure out the budget. To make the calculation easier, there are one-price-for-all izakayas, usually run by large chains, that sell dishes for 270 yen or 300 yen. Also, some Western-style izakayas specialize in one-price drinks, such as 500 yen glasses of wine, and are known as one coin bars since you can buy drinks with 500 yen coins. Don t be discouraged by the rise of yen since dining here, with no custom of tipping, can be still reasonable and satisfying. Let us guide you through the izakaya system! Once you find a nice izakaya and sit down inside, enjoy the ambience with tsukidashi and a glass of drink. For most Japanese, the first drink is beer as the classic phrase toriaezu biru (beer for now) is like a greeting. Tsukidashi or otoushi is an amuse-bouche that many traditional izakayas offer automatically as you first sit down. Since it acts as a table charge, you are required to pay for this 300~500-yen, so don t get upset as they are not trying to scam you, but rather use this to break the ice with the staff by asking kore ha nandsuka?

(what dish is this?) Ordering at izakaya is usually quite easy. Most izakaya chains provide you a menu with photos, prices and often the English translation. At some, the menu is on an electric touch panel where you can simply touch the photos to order. Traditional izakayas, however, usually have a plain written menu but the staff will be happy to help you. Some old izakayas have special ordering procedures, like "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld, but let s put them aside for now... If you happen to get close to the staff and/or regulars at an izakaya, you should ask if there is any ura-menu, or secret menu, only known by the regulars! People usually share dishes and go Dutch at izakaya. When you need to get the bill, tell them "okanjo (bill please)". At a traditional izakaya, you may get a piece of paper with only the total bill handwritten on it. It is unlikely that izakaya falsifies bills but if you are not sure about it, you can always ask them to break it down. Lastly, when you leave izakaya, tell the staff "gochiso-samadeshita (thank you for the meal--, originally meaning thanks for running around to get foods)," showing that you ve enjoyed and appreciated the food and drinks! We hope that you want to try out izakaya now! Enjoy the evening Japanese style!











などおいているお酒の種類やブランドも幅広い。和 素を取り入れているところが多い。最近はチェーン店




こと。お酒を飲みながら仕事場の上司と部下が腹を 割って会社では話せないことを話す文化もある。酔


にくい日本が見えて楽しいかもしれない。ただし英会 話練習の腕試しにされないようご注意!




Young soya bean lightly boiled and salted. Great with beer!



Egg omlet. Tokyo style is sweet, but Kyoto style savoury.


Fried chicken shoyu flovoued. One of the most popular dish.


Chacoal grilled chicken and vegetables on skewers.











日本食が初めてなら、近くのリーズ ナブルな居酒屋こそおすすめ。目に ついたものをどんどん注文してみよ う。居酒屋で人気のメニューをいく つかピックアップしてみました。




Don't know much about Japanese food? Why not jump into one of those izakaya and order the dishes that caught your eyes? Here are some of the popular nibbles explained.



Sashimi of octopus marinated in wasabi. Try with good sake.


WAttention Tokyo


Reasonable budget of around 3,000–5,000yen ひとり3,000∼5,000円で楽しめる安さも魅力

居酒屋 にカンパイ

Izakaya, or Japanese-style pubs, are not only good to dine in but also perfect to get a glimpse of Japanese culture. Why not try out Izakaya, which keep evolving all the time. サラリーマン・ウーマンで賑わっている居酒屋は、じつは観光客にとって も手軽に日本食を楽しめる便利なスポット。利用のコツをご紹介しよう。

A great place to glimpse the Japanese at play. 日本人の素顔が見られる? 貴重なスペース If you have stayed in Tokyo for a while, you must have come across "Izakaya". Liquor shops (酒屋) in the Edo Period sold sake by the measure, and gradually people started to hang out (居) for a drink whenever they came to buy sake. Soon, the shops began to offer appetizers to go with the drinks, and turned into izakaya

Touch screen ordering systems have been adopted in some chain Izakaya. 一部のチェーン店で採用されてい るタッチパネル式の注文システム。

14 WAttention Tokyo

(居酒屋), liquor shops where you can hang out. A few hundred years later, izakaya grew into a trillion yen industry and developed a variety of styles. The most authentic of them is the Japanese-style izakaya serving sake, shochu and local dishes. There are also Western-style and Asian-style ones offering a wide variety of ethnic foods and drinks. The competition among the large izakaya chains got so intense that it brought down the prices of the menu;, which is great news for consumers. When you visit izakaya, you will encounter the hidden side of "polite and reserved" Japanese people. It is where people can cut loose and talk about anything with their bosses and coworkers thanks to the unwritten rule that whatever is exchanged at izakaya must not be brought into the workplace.

In the country which values honne (true feeling) and tatemae (façade), this is one of the few places where businessperson can remove the tatemae and express their honne. Izakaya is indeed a great place to make friends as people are usually more open and will wish to either befriend you or to practice English with you!  居酒屋は、お酒とお酒に合わせた料理を楽しむ場

Izakaya is a place where you can easily access and experience Japanese culture. It s casual, welcoming and, most importantly, reasonable. Although the budget varies by the shop, you can enjoy drinks and food for around 5,000 yen per person on average. Most places have the menu outside with the price and recommendations for you to figure out the budget. To make the calculation easier, there are one-price-for-all izakayas, usually run by large chains, that sell dishes for 270 yen or 300 yen. Also, some Western-style izakayas specialize in one-price drinks, such as 500 yen glasses of wine, and are known as one coin bars since you can buy drinks with 500 yen coins. Don t be discouraged by the rise of yen since dining here, with no custom of tipping, can be still reasonable and satisfying. Let us guide you through the izakaya system! Once you find a nice izakaya and sit down inside, enjoy the ambience with tsukidashi and a glass of drink. For most Japanese, the first drink is beer as the classic phrase toriaezu biru (beer for now) is like a greeting. Tsukidashi or otoushi is an amuse-bouche that many traditional izakayas offer automatically as you first sit down. Since it acts as a table charge, you are required to pay for this 300~500-yen, so don t get upset as they are not trying to scam you, but rather use this to break the ice with the staff by asking kore ha nandsuka?

(what dish is this?) Ordering at izakaya is usually quite easy. Most izakaya chains provide you a menu with photos, prices and often the English translation. At some, the menu is on an electric touch panel where you can simply touch the photos to order. Traditional izakayas, however, usually have a plain written menu but the staff will be happy to help you. Some old izakayas have special ordering procedures, like "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld, but let s put them aside for now... If you happen to get close to the staff and/or regulars at an izakaya, you should ask if there is any ura-menu, or secret menu, only known by the regulars! People usually share dishes and go Dutch at izakaya. When you need to get the bill, tell them "okanjo (bill please)". At a traditional izakaya, you may get a piece of paper with only the total bill handwritten on it. It is unlikely that izakaya falsifies bills but if you are not sure about it, you can always ask them to break it down. Lastly, when you leave izakaya, tell the staff "gochiso-samadeshita (thank you for the meal--, originally meaning thanks for running around to get foods)," showing that you ve enjoyed and appreciated the food and drinks! We hope that you want to try out izakaya now! Enjoy the evening Japanese style!











などおいているお酒の種類やブランドも幅広い。和 素を取り入れているところが多い。最近はチェーン店




こと。お酒を飲みながら仕事場の上司と部下が腹を 割って会社では話せないことを話す文化もある。酔


にくい日本が見えて楽しいかもしれない。ただし英会 話練習の腕試しにされないようご注意!




Young soya bean lightly boiled and salted. Great with beer!



Egg omlet. Tokyo style is sweet, but Kyoto style savoury.


Fried chicken shoyu flovoued. One of the most popular dish.


Chacoal grilled chicken and vegetables on skewers.











日本食が初めてなら、近くのリーズ ナブルな居酒屋こそおすすめ。目に ついたものをどんどん注文してみよ う。居酒屋で人気のメニューをいく つかピックアップしてみました。




Don't know much about Japanese food? Why not jump into one of those izakaya and order the dishes that caught your eyes? Here are some of the popular nibbles explained.



Sashimi of octopus marinated in wasabi. Try with good sake.


WAttention Tokyo


Which izakaya do you want to go tonight?

Arrival of a new generation entertainment Izakaya

今夜はどの 居酒屋 に行こうかな?


The fierce competition among the numerous Izakaya has driven some of them to evolve into themed bars. These days you can find "railway Izakaya" with model trains running through dioramas, and "medieval war Izakaya" with displays of armor. These are popular with tourists, too. Take these two Izakaya for example. One is "Ninja Akasaka" in AkasakaMitsuke. As its name suggests, it is a popular restaurant, well-loved by foreigners, with a ninja theme. It seems this place is well known to western celebrities and displays their autographs on the wall. The interior of the restaurant is meticulously decorated as if it is a ninja mansion. It s laid out like a labyrinth, with waterfall and ponds, the staffs are in ninja costumes, and dishes are choreographed with flames and smoke. Dishes are healthy and creative, based on traditional Japanese cooking. Menus

in English and English-speaking staffs are available. "Rokunen Yonkumi Shibuya Daiichi Daini Bunko" is a name of one Izakaya, which reads "Grade 6th Group 4 at the Shibuya elementary school, first and second branch". Yes, it s an Izakaya imitating those classrooms every Japanese finds nostalgic. There are even music rooms and teachers offices across the corridor. Fried bread and soft noodles, which are the typical school dinners, are available in the menu. In addition, drinks in test tubes and measuring cylinders are also available, which shows plenty of playful imagination in the restaurant. Unfortunately English menus are not available, but if you visit here with Japanese friends, you would definitely hear a lot of stories and background about Japanese elementary schools. Izakaya are a great place to see the real, relaxed Japan.




れた戦国居酒屋など、さまざまなコンセプトをもつ 居酒屋が誕生し、観光客も楽しめる。

ここでは2 軒をご紹介しよう。一つは赤坂見附に

ある「Ninja Akasaka」 。その名の通り、忍者をテーマ


Ninja Akasaka



いる。 料理は和をベースにしたヘルシーな創作料理。 英語のメニューが用意され、英語を話せるスタッフ


EN Shiodome 和食えん 汐留店


Enjoy the view and treat your senses to a taste of Japan


EN Shiodome is a high-grade izakaya loved by business people. This is the Katsura Rikyu(Imperial Villa Katsura, Kyoto) themed Japanese upmarket Izakaya overlooking the Tokyo Bay area. It ia Always popular with people after work and tourists. There are several private rooms, banquet rooms, and dug-out seating rooms where you can relax with your shoes off. Try some of the seafood straight from Tsukiji Market just around the corner, or original cuisine using fresh vegetables. English menu available.


年 4 組渋谷第一・第二分校」は、一歩店内に入ると





日本人に連れて行ってもらえばいろいろな解説も 聞けて面白いことまちがいなし。居酒屋は、普段着




surprises! Ninja-themed restaurant offers

] [セレブも来店する忍者屋敷レストラン




Rokunen Yonkumi Shibuya Daiichi/Da


一口に 居酒屋 といっても、そのジャンルや形態はさまざま。




As there are so many variations in specialities and styles, it is easy to find an izakaya that's suited to your mood or purpose for the evening. Here are some izakaya worth noting!

Drinking in Japanese elementa ry school?


Ninja mansion with staffs in ninja costu me. There are even ponds and water falls inside.

忍者姿のスタッフが サー ビスしてくれる店内はあや しい仕掛けがいっぱい。

sushi ¥3,00 0

Chiyoda-ku Akasaka Tokyu Plaza 1F, 2-14-3 Nagatacho プラザ 1F 千代田区永田町 2-14-3 赤坂東急 10:30PM, 5:00PM-12:00AM(Door closed / Last Order / 11:00PM)Open daily 03-5157-3936 http://www.ninjaakasaka.com/

Set menu courses start at ¥3,50 0 Drinks in test tubes and measuring cylinders are also availa ble. (This picture is a sample) 試験管やメスシリンダー入 りのドリンクも楽しんで。 (写真はイメージ) 。

per person.

でき、仕事帰りの会社員や観光客でにぎわう。 靴を脱いで落ち着ける「掘り座敷」 「個室」 「宴 会用個室」などプライバシーが保たれた空間で



Tsuki-no-shizuku Ginza Inz 月の雫 銀座インズ店 High quality, freshly-made tofu is the must here Tsuki-no-shizuku (a droplet from the moon) is an Izakaya specializing in tofu. There are altogether 320 covers and 66 of them are separated into a number of private rooms, ideal for private meetings or groups. Dishes are cooked on the premises with fresh tofu and the creative cuisine is rich with seasonal ingredients. Lunch (950 yen) is also available. Multilingual touch screen ordering systems are available at every table (Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean). Their healthy shabu shabu with soy milk broth is a must try!







イム(週替わりランチ950円など)も営業。 16 WAttention Tokyo




5F Assorti Shibuya 4 32-12 Udagawa-cho Shibuya-ku 渋谷区宇田川町 32-12 アソルティ 渋谷 4・5F 5:00PM-11:30PM (Last Order / 11:00PM) 03-3496-6040

42F Shiodome City Center, 1-5-2 Higashi Shinbashi, Minato-ku 港区東新橋1-5-2 汐留シティセンター42F Mon-Fri / 11:30AM-3:00PM, 5:00PM-11:30PM Sat,Sun or Holidays / 11:30AM-4:00PM, 5:00PM-11:30PM Open daily 03-5537-2096


a Tof u Izak ay B1 Ginza Inz 1, 3-1 Ginza Nishi, Chuo-ku 中央区銀座西 3-1 銀座インズ1 B1 Mon-Sun / 11:30AM-2:00PM, 4:00PM-11:00PM Closed on New Year's eve and New year's day 03-5159-0250

An assor ted appetizer of splendid



Sweet soy-flavoured stewed red snapper ¥2,500

ini Bunko

[典型的な日本の小学校を体験 !?]

Upmarket Iz ak

Two types of tofu on a green bamboo platter ¥473

WAttention Tokyo


Which izakaya do you want to go tonight?

Arrival of a new generation entertainment Izakaya

今夜はどの 居酒屋 に行こうかな?


The fierce competition among the numerous Izakaya has driven some of them to evolve into themed bars. These days you can find "railway Izakaya" with model trains running through dioramas, and "medieval war Izakaya" with displays of armor. These are popular with tourists, too. Take these two Izakaya for example. One is "Ninja Akasaka" in AkasakaMitsuke. As its name suggests, it is a popular restaurant, well-loved by foreigners, with a ninja theme. It seems this place is well known to western celebrities and displays their autographs on the wall. The interior of the restaurant is meticulously decorated as if it is a ninja mansion. It s laid out like a labyrinth, with waterfall and ponds, the staffs are in ninja costumes, and dishes are choreographed with flames and smoke. Dishes are healthy and creative, based on traditional Japanese cooking. Menus

in English and English-speaking staffs are available. "Rokunen Yonkumi Shibuya Daiichi Daini Bunko" is a name of one Izakaya, which reads "Grade 6th Group 4 at the Shibuya elementary school, first and second branch". Yes, it s an Izakaya imitating those classrooms every Japanese finds nostalgic. There are even music rooms and teachers offices across the corridor. Fried bread and soft noodles, which are the typical school dinners, are available in the menu. In addition, drinks in test tubes and measuring cylinders are also available, which shows plenty of playful imagination in the restaurant. Unfortunately English menus are not available, but if you visit here with Japanese friends, you would definitely hear a lot of stories and background about Japanese elementary schools. Izakaya are a great place to see the real, relaxed Japan.




れた戦国居酒屋など、さまざまなコンセプトをもつ 居酒屋が誕生し、観光客も楽しめる。

ここでは2 軒をご紹介しよう。一つは赤坂見附に

ある「Ninja Akasaka」 。その名の通り、忍者をテーマ


Ninja Akasaka



いる。 料理は和をベースにしたヘルシーな創作料理。 英語のメニューが用意され、英語を話せるスタッフ


EN Shiodome 和食えん 汐留店


Enjoy the view and treat your senses to a taste of Japan


EN Shiodome is a high-grade izakaya loved by business people. This is the Katsura Rikyu(Imperial Villa Katsura, Kyoto) themed Japanese upmarket Izakaya overlooking the Tokyo Bay area. It ia Always popular with people after work and tourists. There are several private rooms, banquet rooms, and dug-out seating rooms where you can relax with your shoes off. Try some of the seafood straight from Tsukiji Market just around the corner, or original cuisine using fresh vegetables. English menu available.


年 4 組渋谷第一・第二分校」は、一歩店内に入ると





日本人に連れて行ってもらえばいろいろな解説も 聞けて面白いことまちがいなし。居酒屋は、普段着




surprises! Ninja-themed restaurant offers

] [セレブも来店する忍者屋敷レストラン




Rokunen Yonkumi Shibuya Daiichi/Da


一口に 居酒屋 といっても、そのジャンルや形態はさまざま。




As there are so many variations in specialities and styles, it is easy to find an izakaya that's suited to your mood or purpose for the evening. Here are some izakaya worth noting!

Drinking in Japanese elementa ry school?


Ninja mansion with staffs in ninja costu me. There are even ponds and water falls inside.

忍者姿のスタッフが サー ビスしてくれる店内はあや しい仕掛けがいっぱい。

sushi ¥3,00 0

Chiyoda-ku Akasaka Tokyu Plaza 1F, 2-14-3 Nagatacho プラザ 1F 千代田区永田町 2-14-3 赤坂東急 10:30PM, 5:00PM-12:00AM(Door closed / Last Order / 11:00PM)Open daily 03-5157-3936 http://www.ninjaakasaka.com/

Set menu courses start at ¥3,50 0 Drinks in test tubes and measuring cylinders are also availa ble. (This picture is a sample) 試験管やメスシリンダー入 りのドリンクも楽しんで。 (写真はイメージ) 。

per person.

でき、仕事帰りの会社員や観光客でにぎわう。 靴を脱いで落ち着ける「掘り座敷」 「個室」 「宴 会用個室」などプライバシーが保たれた空間で



Tsuki-no-shizuku Ginza Inz 月の雫 銀座インズ店 High quality, freshly-made tofu is the must here Tsuki-no-shizuku (a droplet from the moon) is an Izakaya specializing in tofu. There are altogether 320 covers and 66 of them are separated into a number of private rooms, ideal for private meetings or groups. Dishes are cooked on the premises with fresh tofu and the creative cuisine is rich with seasonal ingredients. Lunch (950 yen) is also available. Multilingual touch screen ordering systems are available at every table (Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean). Their healthy shabu shabu with soy milk broth is a must try!







イム(週替わりランチ950円など)も営業。 16 WAttention Tokyo




5F Assorti Shibuya 4 32-12 Udagawa-cho Shibuya-ku 渋谷区宇田川町 32-12 アソルティ 渋谷 4・5F 5:00PM-11:30PM (Last Order / 11:00PM) 03-3496-6040

42F Shiodome City Center, 1-5-2 Higashi Shinbashi, Minato-ku 港区東新橋1-5-2 汐留シティセンター42F Mon-Fri / 11:30AM-3:00PM, 5:00PM-11:30PM Sat,Sun or Holidays / 11:30AM-4:00PM, 5:00PM-11:30PM Open daily 03-5537-2096


a Tof u Izak ay B1 Ginza Inz 1, 3-1 Ginza Nishi, Chuo-ku 中央区銀座西 3-1 銀座インズ1 B1 Mon-Sun / 11:30AM-2:00PM, 4:00PM-11:00PM Closed on New Year's eve and New year's day 03-5159-0250

An assor ted appetizer of splendid



Sweet soy-flavoured stewed red snapper ¥2,500

ini Bunko

[典型的な日本の小学校を体験 !?]

Upmarket Iz ak

Two types of tofu on a green bamboo platter ¥473

WAttention Tokyo


Cheers! "Izakaya"!


Casual Izak


Watami Japanese Casual Dining Shibuya Dogenzaka 和民 渋谷道玄坂店

5F Dogenzaka center Building, 2-29-8 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku 渋谷区道玄坂 2-29-8 道玄坂センタービル 5F Fri or Sat or Holiday eve / 5:00PM-5:00AM Mon-Thu or Sun / 5:00PM-3:00AM Open daily 03-5456-6027

Reasonable and delicious Izakaya


高品質・低価格 をモットーに安全・安心・手


野菜の使用にも積極的。 「極太ウインナーと厚切

りベーコン盛り合わせ」はウインナーの大きさと 柔らかさにびっくり。口の中に広がる肉汁とビー



Assorted chunky sausages and slabs of bacon ¥628

Tofulo Shinagawa 土風炉 品川店

Soba Izak ay

Watami is one of the largest izakaya chains with numerous reasonable menus. This branch is designed to provide customers with a chic and quiet ambience. With a motto of High quality at a low price, Watami focuses on good homemade cooking using only the finest ingredients. They have a program to expand sourcing from contract farms in order to maintain the standard of quality. Assorted chunky sausages and slabs of bacon is amazingly generously priced for the serving. The private rooms are available for groups, families or even just for yourself. English menu available.



Shinagawa intercity B1F, 2-15-2 Minato-ku 港区港南 2-15-2 品川インターシティ B1F Mon-Fri/Holiday eve/ 11:30AM-1:30PM, 4:00PM-11:00PM Sat, Sun or Holidays/ 11:30AM-10:00PM Open daily 03-3450-8488

Enjoy Soba in a reproduction of a Edo town This large restaurant s interior is replicating a row of town houses alongside a street in the Edo Period. Complete with lighting courtesy of "fireworks" that light up the "sky" of the ceiling three times every day, the scenery is a real highlight. Charcoal-grilled dishes and sashimi are on the menu. Of special note, the sashimi is made only from freshly-caught fish shipped direct from the port every day. Their original soba noodles are made from 100% millstoneground buckwheat (from 600 yen), producing an authentic and pleasing texture on the palette.



一面に広がる光の花火 ( 毎日3回開催 ) は圧巻。


とくに、毎日獲れたての魚を漁港から直送して いるという刺身は新鮮で身がしまっている。国



Roll Sushi Gozen ¥1,890


Seafood Izak 2F Landic Roppongi Building, 4-11-13 Roppongi, Minato-ku, 港区六本木 4-11-13 ランディック六本木ビル 2階 Mon-Sun / 5:00PM-5:00AM Open daily 03-5474-9688

ジャズが流れる落ち着いた雰囲気。各席に間仕 切りがあり、靴を脱ぎ個室感覚でくつろげる。料





18 WAttention Tokyo

Uotami 魚民 六本木駅前店

Great taste with no frills by a veteran chef




Assorted Sashimi with seven kinds of fish ¥1,447

BGM is arranged in Jazz style here. Each seat has a partition, so guests can feel at home taking off their shoes. The menu consists mainly of seafood dishes such as sashimi and sushi. You can enjoy a variety of Japanese dishes including yakitori and local dishes at affordable prices. With a range of fruit drinks, including cocktails, the menu for sweet teethed is substantial. The wide selection of over 100 different dishes and drinks will leave you spoilt for choice. Uotami originally means fishing tribe – now you can guess what their specialties are.

1 2 3 4

Tr avel i ng i n Japa n? 日本 を旅 するなら 、W A t t e n t i o n の T R I P T O J A P A N 。

Photo © JNTO

TRIP TO JAPAN covers over 350 touristat tractions all around Japan. Find your destinations for your summer holidays. 日本全国 350 以上もの観光スポットを網羅。外国人のご友人、ご家族のガイドとしても役立ちます。

1 Hakodate Harbor city with foreign influence

Visit WAttention's TRIP TO JAPAN at http://www.wattention.com/trip-to-japan/

2 Kanazawa Old castle town remaining in good condition 3 Kyoto Historic, cultural, quiet and beautiful city 4 Fukuoka The hub of the Kyushu region

Coverage includes: -Popular onsen spots, historic sites, sports attractions, events and more! -Detailed guides on 47 prefectures! -Illustrated travel tips by Sakura and Kumata!

F i n d u s o n f a c e b o o k a t f a c e b o o k .c o m / w a t te n t i o n . F o l l o w u s o n Tw i t te r @ w a t t e n t i o n .

TOKYO From the "must-see" to the quirky! MUSEUM photos/ Edo-Tokyo Museum Text by Junko Sekiya (tabikoi co.ltd)




Time slip into Edo, ancestor of Tokyo existed centuries ago [江戸東京博物館]ジオラマや実物大模


Full scale model of Nakamura-za and Nihonbashi in the exibition room.

ADD.: 1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumida-ku


OPEN: 9:30AM-5:30PM(Sat.-7:30PM) Closed on Monday / Admission Fee: Adult ¥600 / Access: 3 minutes walk from Ryogoku Station / TEL.: 03-3626-9974

展示室に入ると、実物大 の中村座(右)と、日本 橋(左)に圧倒される。

The Edo-Tokyo Museum was opened in 1993, with the aim of introducing the history and culture of Tokyo, or "Edo" as it was known in that period (16031868), following the story of the city right up to the present day. The greatest feature of this museum is the use of lifesized exhibits, pictures and models. The "Edo Zone" displays a life-sized reconstruction of Nihonbashi, where the country s traffic network was initiated

during that era, and Nakamura-za, a Kabuki theater. The whole effect makes you feel like you have just stepped into the Edo Period. In addition to popular displays of swords, kacchu (armor), ukiyo-e prints and kimono, you can actually ride on a man-powered kago (palanquin) or a jinrikisha (rickshaw) providing a good photo opportunity. The diorama of the life in Edo is so precise that you can have fun watching


it for hours. The scenery of Ginza and Asakusa from around 100 years ago is reproduced in the "Tokyo Zone". You can really notice the difference when you visit those areas now. Besides these permanent exhibits, there are special temporary exhibitions as well. Currently, you can visit "100 years of Traffic in Tokyo" displaying the history of traffic in Tokyo. This exhibit runs from July 14th to September 10th, 2011. The most efficient and interesting way to see the exhibition at the museum is to join a tour with a volunteer guide who will speak one of 8 languages including English, French, German, etc. Ask a receptionist at the counter between 10:00 and 15:00 and tell them how long you have and what you are interested in, then you will be guided around the museum with interesting and genuine explanations on the exhibits.  この博物館は首都 ・ 東京が江戸と呼ばれていた江


Nakamura-za, one of the leading theaters in the Edo Period.

1/ 3 0 s c a l e d i o r a m a o f R y o g o k u B r i d g e Nishizume.



ことを目的に1993年に開館した。実物大の展示物や、 映像、模型、資料などが展示されている。館内でひと

きわ目を引くのが実物大の「日本橋」や歌舞伎が上演 された芝居小屋「中村座」 。まるで江戸時代に迷い込



こともできる。なかでもぜひ見てほしいのが精巧な2 つのジオラマで、 「寛永の町人地」と「両国橋西詰」が



人形で表現されており、備え付けの双眼鏡で覗くと、 人形の豊かな表情やしぐさ、動作など見飽きること



You can get a glimpse of Kabuki play of that time.

Jinrikisha parked in front of the building of a newspaper company in Ginza.

江戸歌舞伎を体感できる「助六の舞台」 。


20 WAttention Tokyo


ティアの方に案内してもらうことだ。当日10時∼15 時受付で、事前予約も可能。


A restaurant with a stunning view or a secret hideaway, Tokyoites share their personal favourites with you.

Nanae Mimura Marimbist

World renowned Japanese marimba player currently touring the U.S.

三村奈々恵さん マリンバ奏者 ピーク バー(パーク ハイアット 東京)

日本と米国をベースに世界17ヶ国で演奏す るほか TV コメンテータなどとして活躍中。

Address: 3-7-1-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku





Address: 23-1 Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku




Address: 4-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku(千代田区紀尾井町 4-1) http://www.newotani.co.jp/tokyo/

The Peak Bar (Park Hyatt Tokyo) Although hundreds of new spots boasting panoramic views are appearing all the time, The Peak Bar is still my favourite. The mature plantation makes you feel like you are sitting in an oasis in the air. The view of Mt. Fuji at sunset from this dreamy oasis is just perfect. Kamawanu Daikanyama This is a shop specializing in the Japanese utility cloths, Tenugui. This simple cotton cloth can be used as a hand towel, tea towel, scarf or anything you can imagine. Its traditional pattern and lucky motifs are highly artistic, so you can enjoy them as decorative pieces for your interior as, for example, table centers.

The Japanese Garden (Hotel New Otani Tokyo) This is a full-scale Japanese traditional landscaped garden situated in the heart of Tokyo. Walk over a bridge, over a pond that pours into a waterfall, stroll along a path surrounded by bamboos then you will find a tranquil Japanese tea room. The best place to find your inner peace. AKB48 and Korean wave Otaku- (or geek-) inspired culture like AKB48 (the girls idol group, pictured), or the huge boom surrounding Hanryu (Korean entertainment) are very unique to this society, and I find them very intriguing. Even my older sister is a keen follower of a young Korean actor!

1 植物が生い茂る天空のオアシスのよ




2 ハンカチ、タオル、ふきんとして、イン

テリアにも楽しめる手ぬぐいの専門店。 四季の柄ものは外国の方へのプレゼン


3 東京のオフィス街のただ中で楽しめ

るこの本格的な日本庭園は貴重な存在。 池や滝があり竹林を通って行くと茶室


4 ますます盛り上がっている、秋葉原に 代表されるオタク文化や韓流ブーム。個

人的には奇妙な現象だと思いますが、日 本ならでは。ぜひ見てみて。

WAttention Tokyo


Redefining Tokyo/esque with edginess


powered by EDGY JAPAN

Mount Takao, No Backpack, All You Need is Cash

これぞ東京流? 手ぶら登山の醍醐味 Hiroki Yanagisawa / EDGY JAPAN


Hiking in Tokyo is so special. But how does it differ from Hong Kong Trail or Greenwich Park in London? Its essence is condensed "in Tokyo" part – a city, driven by consumption. Mount Takao, or Takaosan (Altitude: 599m), is located on the west end of Tokyo. Ever since Takaosan was featured as a threestar destination on Michelin Voyager Pratique Japon (Green Guide) in 2007, the mountain has become a strong magnet for nature-seekers – attracting the largest number of hikers in the world. According to Takaosan's official website, there is a total of 7 million hikers in the word every year, and 2.6 million of them hiked Takaosan. The popularity of Takaosan can be summed up to three points. 1. Scenery: Exposed to the beauty of Japanese nature and four seasons. 1 2 2. Proximity: Only 47 minutes train ride from Shinjuku, the center. 3. Consumptiondriven hike: Shops are all over the places. From the station (base) to the summit 3 , shops and vending machines, filled with icy draft beer, souvenirs, pastries 4 , sweets 5 noodles 6 , are everywhere. Want to get shopping + eating + drinking + exercising done in Tokyo at the same time? Takaosan is the place to be.







Mount Takao (Takaosan) 高尾山 App. 50 mins from Shinjuku station on either JR or Keio rapid train. 新宿か ら JR あるいは京王線でおよそ 50 分。 http://www.takaotozan.co.jp/takaotozan_eng1/







EDGY JAPAN is a Japanese creative resource agency, introducing and connecting Japanese creative talents and products to the world in English and Putonghua. Founded in 2008 by Hiroki Yanagisawa and Yasutaka Kageyama.


然を堪能できる 2:アクセス:新宿駅から電車で47 分 3:消費に満ちたハイクが可能:駅を出てから頂


類などを売るお店や自動販売機が満ち れている。


に経験したい? ならば、高尾山がその答えであろう。 22 WAttention Tokyo

EDGY JAPAN は日本のクリエイターを英語と中国語で紹介し、実際 に海外のクライアントとつないでいくクリエイティブ・リソース・エー ジェンシー。2008年に柳澤大樹と影山泰考により設立。

www.edgyjapan.jp @edgyjapan info@edgyjapan.jp

WAttention Tokyo Readers' Survery You can apply on www.wattention.com too!

TRAVEL GUIDE TO AID JAPAN published by WAttention Fax in or send us your answer and win the book "TRAVEL GUIDE TO AID JAPAN." 10 winners will be announced on our web (www.wattention.com). Fill out and send the questionnaire today! Nationality:






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WAttention Tokyo?

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Email:info-tokyo@wattention.com WAttention Tokyo


A Little Summer Trip From Tokyo

Gunma この夏行 きたい 魅力満載 の群馬

Visit Gunma

Yugama: Yugama: A shining cobalt blue lake at the top of Mt. Shirane If you travel by car or rent-a-car, Mt. Shirane is hard to miss. It is an active volcano standing at 2,160m high with several crater lakes. Driving on the Shiga Kusatsu Road on National Route 292 will take you to Yugama, a huge, mysterious lake. The water of the Yugama is said to be the most strongly acidic in the world and is cobalt blue. There is a 20-minute trekking course from the Shirane resthouse that is worth walking up. Shirane-kazan Ropeway (mountain cable car) connects the foot and the summit station of the mountain in just in eight minutes. At the blooming season of alpine plants a number of visitors use these stations as the base points of their treks. Hiking is possible from mid-April to early November and offers varied terrain and good views. There is also bus service operating between Kusatsu Onsen and Yugama.

Gunma prefecture in northern Kanto has a number of tourist attractions — about 100 onsen including the famous Kusatsu. It takes only a few hours from Tokyo to popular tourist destinations and beautiful nature spots such as Mt. Tanigawa and Mt. Shirane. Gunma is just right for a short weekend trip!

– a nature paradise

人気の草津をはじめ伊香保、水上など大小の 温泉地が約100も点在する群馬県は、新幹線 や特急電車を利用すれば東京から1時間少々 の温泉天国。谷川岳や白根山といった自然スポ ットも多くこの避暑にぜひ訪れて。

Kusatsu Onsen's symbolic Yubatake 草津温泉のシンボル・湯畑

Yugama Crater Lake at the top of Mt. Shirane. 白根山の山頂の火山湖・湯釜 Gumna Discover Gunma in two selected areas: Japan's most celebrated onsen "Kusatsu" and a magnetic outdoor town "Minakami"

Manza Onsen: enjoy open air baths on the mountaintop

Kusatsu Onsen - Clouds of white steam with strong smell

Saino Kawara Open Air Bath 西の河原露天風呂

24 WAttention Tokyo

[白根山標高2,000mに輝く、コバルトブルーの湯釜] Side Trip

Once passing through Mt. Shirane, you will find the sign of Manza Onsen, which is located at 1,800m above sea level. The white spring water is known for its healing quality. Manza Prince Hotel is one of the recommended spots where you can enjoy breathtaking view of volcanic nature from its open-air bath. The hotel offers high-end service; visit www.princehotels.com/en/manza for more information.

Ku s at s u O n se n A r e a Nestled in the foothills of the Mt. Shirane in the northwest of Gunma Prefecture, Kusatsu Onsen has the Japan's largest amount of natural flowing hot spring water, which is characterized by strong acids, high-temperatures, and the smell of sulfur. Yubatake – a symbol of Kusatsu – is the town's main onsen. There are many wooden gutters to lower the temperature of the hot spring. In front of Yubatake, watch yu-momi, a method of cooling down hot spring water by stirring the water with large wooden paddles. Walking around this historic town is recommended. In a couple of hours, you can discover most tourist attractions including onsen facilities available for day use.


Yumomi demonstartion at Netsu no Yu 熱の湯で披露される湯もみショー

[山のてっぺんで入る露天風呂:万座温泉] 白根山を越えればスキーのメッカ、万座温泉。湧き出る白濁した湯は抜群の効能を誇り、美肌の





毎分約4,000リットルもの湯が、たちこめる煙と共に 湯滝となって流れ落ちる。すぐ隣の熱の湯では草津




おすすめ(予約は090-1844-4188まで) 。

を延ばしたいのが志賀草津道路で上る草津白根山。 標高が上がるにつれ変化する風景に圧倒される。最

大の火口湖・湯釜は直径300m、水深30m で、世界






By train, take express train from Ueno to Naganohara Kusatsuguchi Station. Change to a bus bound for Kusatsu Onsen. By car, take the Kanetsu Expressway to Shibukawa Ikaho I.C. Then take National Route #17, #353, #145 and #292 for 60km. 鉄道:JR長野原草津口駅からJRバスで草津まで。自家 用車:関越道渋川伊香保ICを降り、国道17号線→353 号線→145号線→292号線でおよそ60km。

Close to Yubatake with two sources of onsen

[強い匂いの湯気もくもく、湧出量日本一の草津温泉] 群馬県北西の白根火山のふもとに位置し、自然湧出


BOUN ryokan 望雲

433 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma 群馬県吾妻郡草津町 433 0279-88-3251 http://www.hotelboun.com/ (reservation via website possible)

Close to Yubatake, Boun Ryokan is proud of its two sources of onsen and rhododendron garden. The ryokan has long history and notable writers have spent their time here and the interior of the building is beautiful. Staff members are always on hand to offer excellent service. For women, there is yukata rental service with a great range of beautiful designs. 湯畑から徒歩3分、落ち着いた佇まいの老舗旅館。草津温泉の2つの源泉を引いた天 然温泉掛け流しのお風呂としゃくなげ庭園を誇る。様々な色や柄を100着以上もそろ えた貸し出し色浴衣は女性に人気のサービス。

WAttention Tokyo


A Little Summer Trip From Tokyo

Gunma この夏行 きたい 魅力満載 の群馬

Visit Gunma

Yugama: Yugama: A shining cobalt blue lake at the top of Mt. Shirane If you travel by car or rent-a-car, Mt. Shirane is hard to miss. It is an active volcano standing at 2,160m high with several crater lakes. Driving on the Shiga Kusatsu Road on National Route 292 will take you to Yugama, a huge, mysterious lake. The water of the Yugama is said to be the most strongly acidic in the world and is cobalt blue. There is a 20-minute trekking course from the Shirane resthouse that is worth walking up. Shirane-kazan Ropeway (mountain cable car) connects the foot and the summit station of the mountain in just in eight minutes. At the blooming season of alpine plants a number of visitors use these stations as the base points of their treks. Hiking is possible from mid-April to early November and offers varied terrain and good views. There is also bus service operating between Kusatsu Onsen and Yugama.

Gunma prefecture in northern Kanto has a number of tourist attractions — about 100 onsen including the famous Kusatsu. It takes only a few hours from Tokyo to popular tourist destinations and beautiful nature spots such as Mt. Tanigawa and Mt. Shirane. Gunma is just right for a short weekend trip!

– a nature paradise

人気の草津をはじめ伊香保、水上など大小の 温泉地が約100も点在する群馬県は、新幹線 や特急電車を利用すれば東京から1時間少々 の温泉天国。谷川岳や白根山といった自然スポ ットも多くこの避暑にぜひ訪れて。

Kusatsu Onsen's symbolic Yubatake 草津温泉のシンボル・湯畑

Yugama Crater Lake at the top of Mt. Shirane. 白根山の山頂の火山湖・湯釜 Gumna Discover Gunma in two selected areas: Japan's most celebrated onsen "Kusatsu" and a magnetic outdoor town "Minakami"

Manza Onsen: enjoy open air baths on the mountaintop

Kusatsu Onsen - Clouds of white steam with strong smell

Saino Kawara Open Air Bath 西の河原露天風呂

24 WAttention Tokyo

[白根山標高2,000mに輝く、コバルトブルーの湯釜] Side Trip

Once passing through Mt. Shirane, you will find the sign of Manza Onsen, which is located at 1,800m above sea level. The white spring water is known for its healing quality. Manza Prince Hotel is one of the recommended spots where you can enjoy breathtaking view of volcanic nature from its open-air bath. The hotel offers high-end service; visit www.princehotels.com/en/manza for more information.

Ku s at s u O n se n A r e a Nestled in the foothills of the Mt. Shirane in the northwest of Gunma Prefecture, Kusatsu Onsen has the Japan's largest amount of natural flowing hot spring water, which is characterized by strong acids, high-temperatures, and the smell of sulfur. Yubatake – a symbol of Kusatsu – is the town's main onsen. There are many wooden gutters to lower the temperature of the hot spring. In front of Yubatake, watch yu-momi, a method of cooling down hot spring water by stirring the water with large wooden paddles. Walking around this historic town is recommended. In a couple of hours, you can discover most tourist attractions including onsen facilities available for day use.


Yumomi demonstartion at Netsu no Yu 熱の湯で披露される湯もみショー

[山のてっぺんで入る露天風呂:万座温泉] 白根山を越えればスキーのメッカ、万座温泉。湧き出る白濁した湯は抜群の効能を誇り、美肌の





毎分約4,000リットルもの湯が、たちこめる煙と共に 湯滝となって流れ落ちる。すぐ隣の熱の湯では草津




おすすめ(予約は090-1844-4188まで) 。

を延ばしたいのが志賀草津道路で上る草津白根山。 標高が上がるにつれ変化する風景に圧倒される。最

大の火口湖・湯釜は直径300m、水深30m で、世界






By train, take express train from Ueno to Naganohara Kusatsuguchi Station. Change to a bus bound for Kusatsu Onsen. By car, take the Kanetsu Expressway to Shibukawa Ikaho I.C. Then take National Route #17, #353, #145 and #292 for 60km. 鉄道:JR長野原草津口駅からJRバスで草津まで。自家 用車:関越道渋川伊香保ICを降り、国道17号線→353 号線→145号線→292号線でおよそ60km。

Close to Yubatake with two sources of onsen

[強い匂いの湯気もくもく、湧出量日本一の草津温泉] 群馬県北西の白根火山のふもとに位置し、自然湧出


BOUN ryokan 望雲

433 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma 群馬県吾妻郡草津町 433 0279-88-3251 http://www.hotelboun.com/ (reservation via website possible)

Close to Yubatake, Boun Ryokan is proud of its two sources of onsen and rhododendron garden. The ryokan has long history and notable writers have spent their time here and the interior of the building is beautiful. Staff members are always on hand to offer excellent service. For women, there is yukata rental service with a great range of beautiful designs. 湯畑から徒歩3分、落ち着いた佇まいの老舗旅館。草津温泉の2つの源泉を引いた天 然温泉掛け流しのお風呂としゃくなげ庭園を誇る。様々な色や柄を100着以上もそろ えた貸し出し色浴衣は女性に人気のサービス。

WAttention Tokyo




M in a ka mi O n se n A r e a

Starry night sky in Mt. Tanigawa

Sparkling sake

Enjoy the small onsen towns with outdoor activitites

Enjoy a starry sky in Tenjindaira plateau on Mt. Tanigawa where you can access by the ropeway. Events will be held from August to October (total of 44 nights). On the quiet mountain top, find a shooting star and make a wish. It will be an unforgettable experience. Volunteer guides will explain the story of stars and constellations.

Try "Mizubasho" sake, produced by a Kawaba-based brewery Nagai Shuzo. It is a rare sparkling sake produced with the inspiration inspired by the beautiful flower of Lysichiton camtschatcensis that grows in the Oze wetland. If you missed it, there are several department stores and restaurants in Tokyo where you can enjoy the taste.

Minakami, the bastion of the Tone River, is another famous onsen area that houses many small but high-end hot spring resorts. In Okutone, you can enjoy the vast beautiful nature such as primary forest and Oze, a popular hiking spot. As this area is located high above sea level, its climate is cool even in the summer which makes here a popular summer resort. Tourist attractions include adventurous outdoor activities such as rafting, canyoning, paragliding and bungee jumping are available. Mt. Tanigawa has rocky peaks with an altitude of 1,977m that draws both hikers and hard-core climbers. It consists of two peaks, Tomano-mimi and Okino-mimi, also called two mimi (two ears). Here you will easily find snow on the eastern walls of the valleys even in the summer. There is a ropeway to take passengers to Tenjindaira, at an altitude of approximately 1,500m. [湯けむり情緒と満載のアクティビティ] 利根川源流の町・水上は湯けむりが至るところで上

がり、良質の温泉が連なる。このエリアは標高が高く、 夏でも涼しいため避暑に訪れる人も多い。また、アウ







[谷川岳で満天の星を眺めよう] 谷川岳の天神平では8月から約2か月間、計44回の


だけあって、ここでは市街地の光が山々に遮られ、満 天の星を存分に楽しむことができる。


● Dates

Friday through Sunday from Aug. 5th to Oct. 2nd ● Price Adult ¥2,000, Child ¥1,000 ● Reservation Call 0278-25-3600 (10:00AM–4:00PM)

[スパークリング日本酒 「水芭蕉ピュア」 ]


蕉ピュア」(720ml, ¥4.725)はシャン

パンの製法を取り入れた発泡性の清 酒。都内でも百貨店やレストランで味

Rafting on the Tone River



高峰レストラン「エル・ブジ El Bulli」


Try local tastes in a popular drive-in in Kawaba Gunma Prefecture is known for its production of various vegetables and fruits, which can be found in Denen Plaza Kawaba, located in the hilly northern part of the prefecture. There are a number of restaurants and souvenir shops. Also, local foods such as beer, yogurt, udon, and popular brands of rice are sold. During the summer, people enjoy free blueberry picking.

Side Trip

Take a steam locomotive Steam locomotives used to connect Gunma and Nagano prefectures. This summer, special event trains such as the SL Minakami and the SL Retro Minakami runs around the Gunma area for a limited time. These trains are truly reminiscent of a Japan of the old days; train whistles blow and locomotives emit clouds of hissing steam from their boilers, while they pick up passengers at stations between Takasaki and Minakami. Nostalgic melodies of steel guitars will welcome them at Minakami station.

[大人気の道の駅で地元特産品を楽しんで] 関東で1,2を争う人気の道の駅「田園プラザ川場」では全国品評会で4年連続最高賞を受賞中





げて走る SL はいつの時代も大人気。こ の夏、38年ぶりに復活した「C61」やデ

Takaragawa Onsen in Minakami 水上温泉郷にある宝川温泉

コイチの愛称で親しまれた車両が JR 上 Side Trip

Yutorian ryokan


Steam engines will run between Takasaki and Minakami. 西の この夏、高崎― 水上間を期間限定で走行する。

ームでは近くの喫茶店主が奏でるスチー ルギターハワイアンが出迎えてくれる。

Rapid SL Minakami ● Operating

dates: August 6-9,13,14-16,20-21,27-28, September 3-4,17-19,23-25 ● Operating times: Approx.1 round trip per day (varies depending on dates) ● Fares: ¥1,460 (Takasaki-Minakami) ● Web: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/ ticket/index.html (resevation)


451-1 Kawaba Yuhara Kawaba-mura Tone-gun, Gunma 群馬県利根郡川場村川場湯原 451-1 0278-50-1500 http://kawaba-yutorian.jp/(Japanese only)

Gunma tourist directory Gunma Destination Campaign

Staying at traditional thatched roof building Yutorian Ryokan is located in the idyllic onsen town of Kawaba. See Japanese traditional thatched houses and don t miss the valuable Japanese antique collections such as tansu drawers and smoking pipes. You can also just stop by and enjoy open-air bath with its outstanding view during the daytime. 美しい田園風景が広がる川場温泉に建つ湯宿。広大な敷地に七棟のかやぶき屋敷を移築していて、柱や梁が日本家屋 ならではの風情をかもし出している。宿泊だけでなく食事付き日帰り入浴プランも楽しむことができる。

26 WAttention Tokyo

By train, take Joetsu Shinkansenro from Tokyo to Jyomo-Kogen station. Change to a bus bound for Minakami-onsen. By car, take the Kannetsu Expressway to Minakami I.C. Then take National Route #291 for 3km. 鉄道:JR上毛高原駅から関越交通バス水上駅行きが 出ている。自家用車:関越道水上ICから国道291号 経由で水上温泉まで3km。

Gunmachanchi (A shop introduces Gunma Prefecture goods and provides tourist information in Ginza.) 10:00AM-7:00PM

Kusatsu Onsen Tourism Association http://www.kusatsu-onsen.ne.jp/foreign/



Tourist guide of Minakami http://www.minakami-onsen.com/(Japanese only)

Takasaki Tourist Information Center at JR Takasaki Station 9:00AM-8:00PM


Tourist guide of Gunma prefecture http://www.wind.ne.jp/g-kanko/english/

WAttention Tokyo




M in a ka mi O n se n A r e a

Starry night sky in Mt. Tanigawa

Sparkling sake

Enjoy the small onsen towns with outdoor activitites

Enjoy a starry sky in Tenjindaira plateau on Mt. Tanigawa where you can access by the ropeway. Events will be held from August to October (total of 44 nights). On the quiet mountain top, find a shooting star and make a wish. It will be an unforgettable experience. Volunteer guides will explain the story of stars and constellations.

Try "Mizubasho" sake, produced by a Kawaba-based brewery Nagai Shuzo. It is a rare sparkling sake produced with the inspiration inspired by the beautiful flower of Lysichiton camtschatcensis that grows in the Oze wetland. If you missed it, there are several department stores and restaurants in Tokyo where you can enjoy the taste.

Minakami, the bastion of the Tone River, is another famous onsen area that houses many small but high-end hot spring resorts. In Okutone, you can enjoy the vast beautiful nature such as primary forest and Oze, a popular hiking spot. As this area is located high above sea level, its climate is cool even in the summer which makes here a popular summer resort. Tourist attractions include adventurous outdoor activities such as rafting, canyoning, paragliding and bungee jumping are available. Mt. Tanigawa has rocky peaks with an altitude of 1,977m that draws both hikers and hard-core climbers. It consists of two peaks, Tomano-mimi and Okino-mimi, also called two mimi (two ears). Here you will easily find snow on the eastern walls of the valleys even in the summer. There is a ropeway to take passengers to Tenjindaira, at an altitude of approximately 1,500m. [湯けむり情緒と満載のアクティビティ] 利根川源流の町・水上は湯けむりが至るところで上

がり、良質の温泉が連なる。このエリアは標高が高く、 夏でも涼しいため避暑に訪れる人も多い。また、アウ







[谷川岳で満天の星を眺めよう] 谷川岳の天神平では8月から約2か月間、計44回の


だけあって、ここでは市街地の光が山々に遮られ、満 天の星を存分に楽しむことができる。


● Dates

Friday through Sunday from Aug. 5th to Oct. 2nd ● Price Adult ¥2,000, Child ¥1,000 ● Reservation Call 0278-25-3600 (10:00AM–4:00PM)

[スパークリング日本酒 「水芭蕉ピュア」 ]


蕉ピュア」(720ml, ¥4.725)はシャン

パンの製法を取り入れた発泡性の清 酒。都内でも百貨店やレストランで味

Rafting on the Tone River



高峰レストラン「エル・ブジ El Bulli」


Try local tastes in a popular drive-in in Kawaba Gunma Prefecture is known for its production of various vegetables and fruits, which can be found in Denen Plaza Kawaba, located in the hilly northern part of the prefecture. There are a number of restaurants and souvenir shops. Also, local foods such as beer, yogurt, udon, and popular brands of rice are sold. During the summer, people enjoy free blueberry picking.

Side Trip

Take a steam locomotive Steam locomotives used to connect Gunma and Nagano prefectures. This summer, special event trains such as the SL Minakami and the SL Retro Minakami runs around the Gunma area for a limited time. These trains are truly reminiscent of a Japan of the old days; train whistles blow and locomotives emit clouds of hissing steam from their boilers, while they pick up passengers at stations between Takasaki and Minakami. Nostalgic melodies of steel guitars will welcome them at Minakami station.

[大人気の道の駅で地元特産品を楽しんで] 関東で1,2を争う人気の道の駅「田園プラザ川場」では全国品評会で4年連続最高賞を受賞中





げて走る SL はいつの時代も大人気。こ の夏、38年ぶりに復活した「C61」やデ

Takaragawa Onsen in Minakami 水上温泉郷にある宝川温泉

コイチの愛称で親しまれた車両が JR 上 Side Trip

Yutorian ryokan


Steam engines will run between Takasaki and Minakami. 西の この夏、高崎― 水上間を期間限定で走行する。

ームでは近くの喫茶店主が奏でるスチー ルギターハワイアンが出迎えてくれる。

Rapid SL Minakami ● Operating

dates: August 6-9,13,14-16,20-21,27-28, September 3-4,17-19,23-25 ● Operating times: Approx.1 round trip per day (varies depending on dates) ● Fares: ¥1,460 (Takasaki-Minakami) ● Web: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/ ticket/index.html (resevation)


451-1 Kawaba Yuhara Kawaba-mura Tone-gun, Gunma 群馬県利根郡川場村川場湯原 451-1 0278-50-1500 http://kawaba-yutorian.jp/(Japanese only)

Gunma tourist directory Gunma Destination Campaign

Staying at traditional thatched roof building Yutorian Ryokan is located in the idyllic onsen town of Kawaba. See Japanese traditional thatched houses and don t miss the valuable Japanese antique collections such as tansu drawers and smoking pipes. You can also just stop by and enjoy open-air bath with its outstanding view during the daytime. 美しい田園風景が広がる川場温泉に建つ湯宿。広大な敷地に七棟のかやぶき屋敷を移築していて、柱や梁が日本家屋 ならではの風情をかもし出している。宿泊だけでなく食事付き日帰り入浴プランも楽しむことができる。

26 WAttention Tokyo

By train, take Joetsu Shinkansenro from Tokyo to Jyomo-Kogen station. Change to a bus bound for Minakami-onsen. By car, take the Kannetsu Expressway to Minakami I.C. Then take National Route #291 for 3km. 鉄道:JR上毛高原駅から関越交通バス水上駅行きが 出ている。自家用車:関越道水上ICから国道291号 経由で水上温泉まで3km。

Gunmachanchi (A shop introduces Gunma Prefecture goods and provides tourist information in Ginza.) 10:00AM-7:00PM

Kusatsu Onsen Tourism Association http://www.kusatsu-onsen.ne.jp/foreign/



Tourist guide of Minakami http://www.minakami-onsen.com/(Japanese only)

Takasaki Tourist Information Center at JR Takasaki Station 9:00AM-8:00PM


Tourist guide of Gunma prefecture http://www.wind.ne.jp/g-kanko/english/

WAttention Tokyo


Osaiya Wadaya Ginza お菜屋わだ家銀座店

Japanese culinary culture is rich that peoples can enjoy tastes of various kinds of dishes around the world. You can easily find distinctive eating places in and around Tokyo. Here we guide Tokyoite s foodie destinations. Discover your favorite restaurants that will meet your preferences, taste and budget!

Shabu Shabu

Shabu Shabu


Enjoy paper-thin pork in Kyoto-style hot pot

Known for light-seasoned Kansai-style pork shabu shabu or Japanese hot pot. Pork can be chosen from four brands produced in different areas. "Waraji croquette," a 18.6cmsize croquette is a popular menu using black bean, too. Unique lights are decorated by autographs of Japanese celebrities as it is run by the famous celebrity soul singer Akiko Wada. A whole place is designed barrier-free for wheelchairs. Offers various courses for seasonal cuisine, birthdays and anniversaries.

Long-standing sushi restaurant established in 1855, specialized in fresh seafood caught in Tokyo bay and its neighborhood. The chef uses two types of syari (sushi rice): the one with red vinegar and the other with white, based on neta (ingredients). Its old Yotsuya outlet has attracted many celebrities, including the founding father of enka (Japanesestyle country music) Koga Masao. Menus vary from a la carte to full course. Enjoy traditional Edo-style sushi with hearty hospitality.

Specialized in Kyoto-style pork shabu shabu. Dip the paper-thin pork into a boiling soup for a few seconds. Then, dip it into the special source made from their secret recipe using several kinds of dashi soup. Fresh vegetables are a perfect accompaniment to shabu shabu. Enjoy the ensemble of tender pork. There are private guest room dinings only and tranquil ambience in traditional Japanese interior. Guest can experience the elegant and profound cuisine to their heart s content.








昭和を代表する作曲家、 古賀政男も足を運んだという。 「しめる」 「煮る」 「漬





ADD. 6-6-11 Ginza, Chuo-ku

中央区銀座 6-6-11 TIME. 5:00PM-11:00PM Closed / Open daily except otherw i s e noticed TEL. 03-3569-0410 BUDGET ¥6,500


Pork Shabushabu ¥2,400 ∼


CHIRIRI Shiodome

Well-established sushi restaurant with Edo-style





Find your favorite taste of pork hot pot


Otoriyose Dining, Tokachiya


Extra (tokujo) Misuji sushi set: Lunch ¥5,000, Dinner ¥7,000

Alporto Caffe Nihonbashi Takashimaya アルポルトカフェ 日本橋高島屋店


ADD. Caretta Shiodome 46F 1-8-1

ADD. 1-3-10 Higashi Shinbashi,

Higashi-Shimbashi Minato-ku 港区東新橋 1-8-1 カレッタ汐留 46F TIME. 11:00AM-2:30PM (L.O.), 5:00PM-10:00PM (L.O.) TEL. 03-6218-4100 BUDGET ¥8,000

Minato-ku 港区東新橋 1-3-10 TIME. 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:00PM-11:00PM TEL. 03-3572-7831 BUDGET ¥5,000

Odaidoko Hanare Shinbashi おだいどこ はなれ 新橋店


Pork Shabushabu set ¥3,980 ∼

Cafe La Boheme Kotto-dori カフェ ラ・ボエム 骨董通り


Fresh Hokkaido-style cuisine place in Tokyo

Attractive tasty and health y pasta dishes

Try various local dishes with Japanese cocktails

Classy Italian restaurant in relaxed air

Offers Hokkaido-style cuisine with fresh vegetables, meats and seafood directly sent from home region. Wooden interior from Tokachi, an area in Hokkaido, welcomes guests with warm ambience. The regulars recommendation is Buta-don no oshi-zushi (pork bowl in sushi-style), rice covered by baked pork marinated in teriyaki source. You can share pieces of oshi-zushi with your friends or family. All dishes and ingredients can be ordered and home delivered (domestic delivery only).

Alporto Caffe is an Italian restaurant with overwhelming popularity among female epicureans due to its tasty and healthy original pasta dishes. Its menus are produced by the renowned chef in Italian cuisine, Mamoru Kataoka with a concept of leveraging natural flavor and nutrition of each seasonal ingredient. Kataoka is one of the most acclaimed chefs in Japan, who appears on some TV shows and produces restaurants. Enjoy authentic Italian in a casual atmosphere.

Casual izakaya (Japanese pub) serves local dishes from all over Japan, including kushikatsu (pork cutlet on skewers) from Osaka and curry ramen from Hokkaido. Various shochu (Japanese spirits) can be served in choice of style. Highballs, cocktails made by mixing whiskey and seven different soda, sake and umeshu (plum sake) are your choices, too. Try their special taste of Sendai miso from Miyagi Prefecture such as dip and soup. Lunch Menu is also available all Day.

Cafe La Boheme is a stylish western-style restaurant and bar, with a concept of be free like a Bohemian. Enjoy its tasty appetizers using selected cheese and fresh seafood as well its signature handmaid pasta and margarita pizza with. For wine lovers, you will find your favorite taste from their wide range of choices. Specious and relaxing ambience is suitable for either a party or date. The entrance hall with a billiard table is a good place to hang out and make friends.





押しメニューは「豚丼の押し寿司」! 豚肉に香ばしいタレをからませてご












ADD. 1F, 6-2, Ginza, Chuo-ku

Buta-don no oshi-zushi ¥1,280

28 WAttention Tokyo

中央区銀座6-2コリドー街1F TIME. Mon-Sat / 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-11:00PM Closed / Sundays TEL. 03-3573-7373 BUDGET ¥5,000

Spaghetti "CARBONARA" ¥1,785

ADD. B2 Nihonbashi Takashimaya,

ADD. 5F, 1-5-6 Shimbashi,

Nihonbashi 2-4-1, Chuo-ku 中央区日本橋 2-4-1 日本橋高島屋地下 2 階 TIME. Mon-Fri / 11:00AM-9:30PM TEL. 03-5205-3005 BUDGET ¥4,000

Minato-ku 港区新橋1-5-6第3聖和ビル5F TIME. 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:00PM-5:00AM TEL. 03-3569-3041 BUDGET ¥ 2,500 Drink Menu: Sake ¥650 ∼, Shochu ¥450 ∼, Highboll ¥390 ∼

ADD. Minami-Aoyama Homes

Colorful Vegetable Bagna càuda ¥780

B1, 6-2-2 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku 港区南青山 6-2-2 南青山ホームズ B1 TIME. 11:30AM-3:00PM, 3:00PM-1:00AM TEL. 03-6418-4242 BUDGET ¥3,000

WAttention Tokyo


Osaiya Wadaya Ginza お菜屋わだ家銀座店

Japanese culinary culture is rich that peoples can enjoy tastes of various kinds of dishes around the world. You can easily find distinctive eating places in and around Tokyo. Here we guide Tokyoite s foodie destinations. Discover your favorite restaurants that will meet your preferences, taste and budget!

Shabu Shabu

Shabu Shabu


Enjoy paper-thin pork in Kyoto-style hot pot

Known for light-seasoned Kansai-style pork shabu shabu or Japanese hot pot. Pork can be chosen from four brands produced in different areas. "Waraji croquette," a 18.6cmsize croquette is a popular menu using black bean, too. Unique lights are decorated by autographs of Japanese celebrities as it is run by the famous celebrity soul singer Akiko Wada. A whole place is designed barrier-free for wheelchairs. Offers various courses for seasonal cuisine, birthdays and anniversaries.

Long-standing sushi restaurant established in 1855, specialized in fresh seafood caught in Tokyo bay and its neighborhood. The chef uses two types of syari (sushi rice): the one with red vinegar and the other with white, based on neta (ingredients). Its old Yotsuya outlet has attracted many celebrities, including the founding father of enka (Japanesestyle country music) Koga Masao. Menus vary from a la carte to full course. Enjoy traditional Edo-style sushi with hearty hospitality.

Specialized in Kyoto-style pork shabu shabu. Dip the paper-thin pork into a boiling soup for a few seconds. Then, dip it into the special source made from their secret recipe using several kinds of dashi soup. Fresh vegetables are a perfect accompaniment to shabu shabu. Enjoy the ensemble of tender pork. There are private guest room dinings only and tranquil ambience in traditional Japanese interior. Guest can experience the elegant and profound cuisine to their heart s content.








昭和を代表する作曲家、 古賀政男も足を運んだという。 「しめる」 「煮る」 「漬





ADD. 6-6-11 Ginza, Chuo-ku

中央区銀座 6-6-11 TIME. 5:00PM-11:00PM Closed / Open daily except otherw i s e noticed TEL. 03-3569-0410 BUDGET ¥6,500


Pork Shabushabu ¥2,400 ∼


CHIRIRI Shiodome

Well-established sushi restaurant with Edo-style





Find your favorite taste of pork hot pot


Otoriyose Dining, Tokachiya


Extra (tokujo) Misuji sushi set: Lunch ¥5,000, Dinner ¥7,000

Alporto Caffe Nihonbashi Takashimaya アルポルトカフェ 日本橋高島屋店


ADD. Caretta Shiodome 46F 1-8-1

ADD. 1-3-10 Higashi Shinbashi,

Higashi-Shimbashi Minato-ku 港区東新橋 1-8-1 カレッタ汐留 46F TIME. 11:00AM-2:30PM (L.O.), 5:00PM-10:00PM (L.O.) TEL. 03-6218-4100 BUDGET ¥8,000

Minato-ku 港区東新橋 1-3-10 TIME. 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:00PM-11:00PM TEL. 03-3572-7831 BUDGET ¥5,000

Odaidoko Hanare Shinbashi おだいどこ はなれ 新橋店


Pork Shabushabu set ¥3,980 ∼

Cafe La Boheme Kotto-dori カフェ ラ・ボエム 骨董通り


Fresh Hokkaido-style cuisine place in Tokyo

Attractive tasty and health y pasta dishes

Try various local dishes with Japanese cocktails

Classy Italian restaurant in relaxed air

Offers Hokkaido-style cuisine with fresh vegetables, meats and seafood directly sent from home region. Wooden interior from Tokachi, an area in Hokkaido, welcomes guests with warm ambience. The regulars recommendation is Buta-don no oshi-zushi (pork bowl in sushi-style), rice covered by baked pork marinated in teriyaki source. You can share pieces of oshi-zushi with your friends or family. All dishes and ingredients can be ordered and home delivered (domestic delivery only).

Alporto Caffe is an Italian restaurant with overwhelming popularity among female epicureans due to its tasty and healthy original pasta dishes. Its menus are produced by the renowned chef in Italian cuisine, Mamoru Kataoka with a concept of leveraging natural flavor and nutrition of each seasonal ingredient. Kataoka is one of the most acclaimed chefs in Japan, who appears on some TV shows and produces restaurants. Enjoy authentic Italian in a casual atmosphere.

Casual izakaya (Japanese pub) serves local dishes from all over Japan, including kushikatsu (pork cutlet on skewers) from Osaka and curry ramen from Hokkaido. Various shochu (Japanese spirits) can be served in choice of style. Highballs, cocktails made by mixing whiskey and seven different soda, sake and umeshu (plum sake) are your choices, too. Try their special taste of Sendai miso from Miyagi Prefecture such as dip and soup. Lunch Menu is also available all Day.

Cafe La Boheme is a stylish western-style restaurant and bar, with a concept of be free like a Bohemian. Enjoy its tasty appetizers using selected cheese and fresh seafood as well its signature handmaid pasta and margarita pizza with. For wine lovers, you will find your favorite taste from their wide range of choices. Specious and relaxing ambience is suitable for either a party or date. The entrance hall with a billiard table is a good place to hang out and make friends.





押しメニューは「豚丼の押し寿司」! 豚肉に香ばしいタレをからませてご












ADD. 1F, 6-2, Ginza, Chuo-ku

Buta-don no oshi-zushi ¥1,280

28 WAttention Tokyo

中央区銀座6-2コリドー街1F TIME. Mon-Sat / 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-11:00PM Closed / Sundays TEL. 03-3573-7373 BUDGET ¥5,000

Spaghetti "CARBONARA" ¥1,785

ADD. B2 Nihonbashi Takashimaya,

ADD. 5F, 1-5-6 Shimbashi,

Nihonbashi 2-4-1, Chuo-ku 中央区日本橋 2-4-1 日本橋高島屋地下 2 階 TIME. Mon-Fri / 11:00AM-9:30PM TEL. 03-5205-3005 BUDGET ¥4,000

Minato-ku 港区新橋1-5-6第3聖和ビル5F TIME. 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:00PM-5:00AM TEL. 03-3569-3041 BUDGET ¥ 2,500 Drink Menu: Sake ¥650 ∼, Shochu ¥450 ∼, Highboll ¥390 ∼

ADD. Minami-Aoyama Homes

Colorful Vegetable Bagna càuda ¥780

B1, 6-2-2 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku 港区南青山 6-2-2 南青山ホームズ B1 TIME. 11:30AM-3:00PM, 3:00PM-1:00AM TEL. 03-6418-4242 BUDGET ¥3,000

WAttention Tokyo


What's On

August - November 2011

Festivals and events in this season


Internet Access in Tokyo 東 京 の ネ ット 接 続 事 情

Although Japan is known fo r i ts te c h n o l o g y, i nte r n et connectivity for the tourist is still rather limited. These days even most of the budget hotels provide internet connection in each room (please note, LAN cable is still in common use, rather th a n W I FI ). T h e re i s a f re e p u b li c WIFI n et wo r k c a ll e d FR EES P OT (w w w.f re e s p ot. com/users/map_e.html) made up of a network of independent providers like cafes and shops, but it seems many of its spots require registration via 3G email. so this could be offputting for tourists who don't want to use expensive 3G roaming. Wi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en) offers several services, including 6 hours connection for 350 yen. They have extensive instructions in English so check it out before you go out. Wireless Gate (www.wirelessgate.co.jp) offers even wider services, including one month connection for a fixed 480 yen that includes connecting spots on the Bullet train (only N700 model) and in Underground stations. Unfor tunately Wireless Gate d o e s n' t h ave a n E n g l i s h instructions page. FON network (http://maps. fo n.c o m /?l a n g = e n) i s q u i te extensive throughout Tokyo and is recommended.


Toro Nagashi –Lantern Floating Ceremony ① Saturday, Aug. 13th Thousands of lanterns are floated down the Sumida River to honour and commemorate the deceased. T he se c ountle s s la nte r ns on the water produces a serene and dreamy atmosphere in lively Asakusa. [浅草夏祭りとうろう流し]その年失われた人 を想って流される3000ものとうろうが隅田 川の水辺を静かに照らし出す。 18:30~20:00 at the terrace in Sumida Park near Asakusa http://w w w.e-asakusa.jp/event /1108_ tourounagashi.html (Japanese only)

Sumida River Fireworks Festival Saturday, Aug. 27th Originally started in Ryogoku in 1733, it is one of the biggest and most popular fireworks festivals around Tok yo. Approximately 20,000 fireworks will light up the sky of Asakusa. [隅田川花火大会]歴史ある隅田川の花火大 会。第一、第二会場合わせて約2万発の花火 が夜空を彩る。 19:00~20:30 at Sumida River in Asakusa http://sumidagawa-hanabi.com/index_ eg.html

Koenji Awa-Odori ② Sat. & Sun., Aug. 27th & 28th T h i s i s o n e of th e m o s t exc i ti n g festivals of the summer, with 10,000 dancers taking par t in Awa-odori, the traditional dance of Tokushima, dancing through the streets of Koenji in traditional costumes.

東京のホテルは多くが客室でのネット接 続を提供している。街中での無料 WIFI ネットワークで有名なのは FREESPOT (www.freespot.com/users/map_e.html) [東京高円寺阿波おどり]約150連1万人の 踊り手が、高円寺を阿波踊りの熱気で包みこ だがあまり多くない。モバイルをよく使う む。今年は昼間の開催。 人は日や月単位で利用料を払う WIFI サ 15:00~18:00 Around Koenji station ービスが便利だろう。6800ポイントを持 http://en.koenji-awaodori.com/ つ Wi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en)は6時間 350円からで英語での利用説明が充実。 ワ イ ヤレ ス ゲ ート(www.wirelessgate. Mukojima Hyakkaen - The co.jp)は地下鉄構内や新幹線コンコース Song of Autumn Insects待合室・新幹線 N700系車両で利用でき Aug. 25th -28th るコースを月額480円からで用意。どち The song of bell-ringing crickets らも成田空港で利用できる。 signifies the return of autumn in this b e a u ti f u l g a rd e n c re a te d d u r i n g the Edo period. You can also enjoy More information is available illuminate d la nte r ns as we ll as a at Wattention.com traditional tea ceremony. WAttentionの情報をネットでも!


30 WAttention Tokyo

[向島百花園 虫ききの会]江戸時代から続く、 虫の声を楽しんで秋の訪れを感じる行事。夜 間まで開園。



9:00~21:00 (entrance by 20:30) Entrance f e e: 15 0 y e n , 8 m i n u t e s w a l k f r o m Higashi-Mukojima station http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/english/park/ detail_07.html#mukojimahyakkaen

technique for hand-applying dye to kimono fabric, demonstrate their s k i l l s. D o n t m i s s th e c h a n c e to witness their extraordinary skills!

Support Tohoku at a Rooftop Beer Garden Until Sep. 30th The roof top beer garden at Tobu Depar tment Store in Ikebukuro is serving sake from 5 breweries from M i ya g i, I wa te a n d Fu k u s h i m a to support the tsunami-affected area. Enjoy the cool evening air with sake! [東武百貨店 屋上ビアガーデン]宮城、岩手、 福島の5酒造の日本酒を提供。日本酒で東北 を応援してみては? 17: 0 0 ~ 2 2 : 0 0 a t I k e b u k u r o T o b u Department Store Rooftop Beer Garden http://www.tobu-dept.jp/ikebukuro/lang/ Information_eng_201106.html

Sanma Festival in Meguro Sunday, Sep. 4th 6000 grilled sanma (pacific saury) will be offered for free. You can also enjoy various stalls and performances, but get there early for the delicious grilled fish! [目黒のさんま祭り]岩手県宮古の新鮮なサ ンマ6000尾を炭焼きと生で無料配布。他に も寄席などお楽しみがいっぱい。 10:00~14:00 Around Meguro station. http://w w w.asahi-net.or.jp/~xq7k-fsm/ sanma.htm (Japanese only)

Kimono Jumble Sale Sunday, Sep. 4th Edoshouten, a volunteer group, hosts this af fordable and friendly sale. It's great fun to dig through piles of kimono, which are all free to try on. Good for souvenirs too! [笑門福来 着物激安セール]社団法人江戸笑 店主催のフレンドリーな着物市。着物が1000 円から買え、試着し放題。 10 : 3 0 ~17: 0 0 a t A m u s e M u s e u m i n Asakusa 6F, free entrance for the sale http://www.amusemuseum.com/english/ index.html http://www.edoshouten.or.jp/ (Japanese Only)

Demonstration of Traditional Craft Work Sat. & Sun., Sep. 10th and 11th Masters of Tok yo tegaki yuzen, a

[江戸東京たてもの園 伝統工芸の実演]東京 手描き友禅と和人形の職人さんが園内で実 演。あまり見る機会のない技が見られます! 10:3 0~16:3 0 at Edo -Tok yo O p e n A ir Architectural Museum Entrance fee: 400 yen http://tatemonoen.jp/english/index.html

Nezu Gongen Matsuri Sat. & Sun., Sep. 17th & 18th An annual festival at Nezu jinja, a shrine said to have 1900 years of history. There will be a ceremonial dance performance, which has been designated an 'intangible cultural heritage', at the open-air stage on the 18th. [根津神社 根津権現祭]江戸三大祭りに数 えられた歴史あるお祭り。18日には境内の舞 殿にて三座ノ舞が行われる。 Ceremonial dance 14:00~ at Nezu jinja http://w w w.nedujinja.or.jp/ (Japanese only)

Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri ③ Sat. & Sun., Sep. 24th and 25th Shinagawa was the first post station on the trail to Kyoto in the Edo period. To celebrate such history, people in period costumes will parade. [しながわ宿場まつり]江戸の人たちに扮した 江戸風俗行列が旧東海道を練り歩き、旧品川 宿がお祭りムードに。 Shinagawa station Minato South Exit on Kyu-Tokaido (former Tokaido trail) ht tp://shinagawashuku-matsuri.com / (Japanese only)

Tori no Ichi in Asakusa Nov. 2nd, 14th and 26th This is a famous annual festival held on the day of tori (rooster) on Chinese calendar in November. Decorated bamboo rakes are sold to "rake in" good luck. [浅草 酉の市]11月の酉の日にある開運招 福・商売繁盛願のお祭り。幸運をかき込むと される縁起熊手が売られる。 0:0 0 ~24:0 0 J u z a i s a n C h o ko k u - j i i n Asakusa http://www.torinoichi.jp/english/index.htm

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