WAttention Tokyo vol 2

Page 1

A NEW TRAVEL GUIDE for JAPAN! Book y t i r a Ch る 応援す 日本を 発売 ガイド ル ベ トラ


Cherry Blossoms, Mount Fuji

Paul Smith

{Magome} Gifu Pref.


Tsumago and Magome Fashion designer

More than 80 times since 1982


n Tokyo, I would suggest to visit Shibuya for its so many variation of stores, restaurants, etc and Aoyama/Harajuku where there are a lot of fashion shops from high fashion to very local and small, or vintage. In country side, I would suggest Magome, Tsumago villages where tradition and old houses and streets still exist. I used to visit country side personally when I started my business in Japan about 30 years ago, but now I really don’t have enough time to visit apart from Tokyo where I am only allowed to walk around near my office in Aoyama, Harajuku and Shibuya due to my busy schedule. However, I always find some new interesting things and like watching people, how they dress etc. I was lucky to have time to visit Tsumago and Magome for a project with a magazine last year, and I found these villages are so beautiful. It is great to see that they are still there and unchanged, which is rare and

Editor’s memo Nakasendo’s two historic post towns Tsumago and Magome are towns where you can feel the air of the Edo period. Both areas were post stations located on the Nakasendo Route, which is one of the Gokaido, the five major highways. The Nakasendo linked Edo and Kyoto through the inland area and had 69 post stations.



Magome in Gifu prefecture

AID Japan

AID Japan

Jane Birkin

, U.K. / France




Jigokudani Nagano

Sites and scenes around Japan Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors. Times to visit: often for more than 40 years Photo by Manabu Matsunaga


have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I first went there with Serge Gainsbourg for the opening of the film “Cannabis” when I was 7 months pregnant with Charlotte! Since then COUNTLESS other times for song festivals, film festivals, and since “Baby Alone in Babylon,” for concerts not only in Tokyo but all over Japan. When Serge died, I went back for the “Casino de Paris” show, when “L’aquoiboniste” was chosen as the signature song for a TV series and I became number ONE foreign sales singer in Japan for six months, beating Elton John as I said to my mother. This was thanks to an ex-producer for Phonogram who came up with the idea, and to a Frenchman named Francois Dumas who invited Serge and me to sing in Japan. My friend Sachiko Nakanishi then brought me over with “Les Visiteurs du Soir” for the show “Arabesque” in Japan, with “Conversation” and I went back with her about ten times for every subsequent show! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, which, with Sachiko’s help, I have made. I took my mother, my daughter Lou, my step-child, and my ex-husband Doillon to a LOVELY spa, Jigokudani. My mother wanted to see snow monkeys ever since she’d seen an American “Life” magazine cover thirty years before! Fantastic baths at night snow monkeys in sulfur pools never to forget, thanks to Duma’s wife who’s Japanese ONLY Japanese know this place, very UNFLAH and authentic.



AID Japan

Now On Sale

Jigokudani Onsen in Nagano Prefecture is one of Japan’s most popular hot springs, whose name is derived for the image of hell it conjures, no doubt due to the boiling water. The onsen is best known for wild Nihon-zaru (Japanese monkeys) soaking in them as the photo above shows. Please note that the onsen can only be reached by foot. AID Japan



41 celebrities and cultural figures recommend the best parts of Japan! ~ 世界の文化人 41 人がおすすめする、いま、訪れて欲しいニッポンのいいところ!~ To help Japan and its tourism industry, 41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide made this book possible– the contributors include Jane Birkin, Paul Smith and Tommy Hilfiger. This guide book is uniquely composed of recommendations on places, buildings, shops and events provided by foreign celebrities who love Japan. Find your destinations from celebrities’ recommendations and our directory of the best Japanese hotels, ryokan, restaurants and museums!


外国人セレブ、文化人 41 名が集結! ジェーン・バーキン、ポー

ル・スミス、エルブジの料理人フェラン・アドリアらがおすすめ する場所や建物、お店、行事は?

このほかにも篠山紀信氏による日本の風景写真、巻末の目的 別インデックスなど、日本に住む人たちが日本の魅力を改めて 感じることのできる一冊になっています。

950 yen +Tax < A6 format Full-color 160 pages> Travel Guide to Aid Japan is available at Kinokuniya Book Stores, Aoyama Book Center and major bookstores nationwide, or contact to your local bookstore to order.

Travel Guide To Aid Japan は紀伊國屋書店、青山ブックセンター をはじめ、全国の書店でお買い求めいただけます。また、店頭に ない場合も各地の書店にてお取り寄せできます。




In Ha rmony w it h t he Sea sons Toji (around 22nd of December) text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Hajime Watanabe 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、 写真=渡邉肇

こ よ み 楽 し む

冬至や年末に日本人がよく食して きた、牛蒡や人参、蓮根の炒め物を 始めとした繊維質の多いメニュー、 おめでたいときの赤飯、ふろふき大 根と白菜の煮物、冬の魚を用意さ せていただきました。こういった食 事で身体を浄化しながら、新しい 年を迎える準備をするのです。

As the days begin to shorten and the breezes get chillier, it almost feels as though everything is going to fade and die off... it's not hard to imagine how our ancestors struggled to survive the season and longed for the arrival of the spring. Toji, literally meaning the deepest point of the winter, is somewhat similar to the pagan midwinter festival, the forerunner to Christmas as celebrated in the West. It is a day of new life, revival. The sun revitalizes itself, and the phase turns from Yin into Yang. To keep your body in good shape, the traditional recipe of "Winter Squash"


Pictured are traditional dishes served from the evening of the winter solstice until New Year's Day. Root vegetables like burdock root, carrot, lotus root and Japanese radish a r e a l l k n ow n to c l e a n s e your intestine and warm your body. A zuki bean rice is a symbol of the festive season.

has become a favorite dinner of the winter solistice. Squash and azuki beans slowly braised together are believed to have the power to detoxify your blood and revitalise the body. Burdock root and lotus root are all full of dietary fiber and cleanse the body in preparation for welcoming the new year. When the new year arrived, it was the custom to drink a cup of water, drawn at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, to imbibe the power of revival.  クリスマスの由来がそうであるように、冬至は「再

生・復活」の時期でした。太陽がこの日を境に って

くる。隠 から陽 へと流れる。冬至にはいわゆる 「冬





除をして、新年には元旦の0時に んだ「若水」をた

しなみ、新たな りをはかったのです。

Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し 次世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発 展させる提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。

WAttention Tokyo


※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」  事業は東京都中小企業振興公社の推奨事業です。

Letter from Editor’s Room December 2011 VOL.02 We are happy to publish our 2nd issue of WAttention Tokyo , the magazine that presents traditional culture, cuisine, and fashion in Tokyo. Our featured article, Celebrities love Tokyo introduces the favorite spots of international celebrities who endearingly talk about their view of Japan. It is filled with charming places and perspectives that we Japanese are sometimes not even aware of. Wa(和) is a term that often comes up when talking about the charm of Japan. It encapsulates various meanings including harmony between nature and humans , Japanese culture and peace , and Japanese people have always respected wa and nature from the ancient times. With the current global instability, wa maybe what s truly needed worldwide. With the hope that people in the world would pay attention to Wa , we launched the English magazine WAttention in Singapore and in Malaysia in 2010. WAttention Tokyo is its sister magazine and the US edition is also soon to be launched. We hope to let people know and spread

wa worldwide, because we are planning to expand worldwide. Please check out our allEnglish website www.wattention.com as well! Editor s Room Michiko Tamaoki   和文化や東京の深い魅力を発信する『WAttention Tokyo』は、今号で2号目を迎えました。

今回の特集の「Celebrities love Tokyo」では、海外の著

名人から寄せられたお気に入りのスポットを紹介。彼ら にとっての日本や東京が愛情たっぷりのメッセージとと もに語られています。日本人も気づかなかったような場 所や視点が満載です!  日本の魅力を伝える際、 「和」という言葉は欠かせませ ん。自然と人との調和、日本文化、平和など様々な意味 を含んでいます。 「和」と自然を尊ぶことは日本の昔から の美学です。世界規模で混沌とした不安定な昨今、この


CELEBRITIES LOV E TOK YO! ―extract from the book Travel Guide to AID JAPAN セレブが愛する東京!


「和」が地球に求められているように思えてなりません。  世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注目(Attention)してほ





ールとマレーシアで創刊しました。幣誌はその姉妹誌で す。そして、まもなく US 版がアメリカで創刊します。

世界から、東京から、 「和」を伝え広めるお手伝いがで


Letter from editor s room 編集部からメッセージ


CELEBRITIES LOVE TOKYO How it all started…



予定です。雑誌とともに完全英語のウェブサイト、 www.wattention.com にもぜひ注目してください!

In Harmony with the Seasons


編集部 玉置美智子

Tokyo Andrew W.K , Jane Birkin, Mark Newson , Jean Toitou , Tommy Hilfiger


Hakone & Kamakura Florence Deygas , Robert J. Geller , Tom Heneghan



weaves 400 years of history into the latest innovations

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to

03-6418-5704 or email to info-

tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.



Tour of 7 lucky gods in Nihonbashi 日本橋七福神めぐり


The Taste of Tokyo 東京の味 <鎌倉松原庵 欅>

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more!

[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた 方にはWAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届 けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name : Address : Postcode : Tel : Email :


Tokyo Must-Do ワタシ的東京のツボ


EDGY TOKYO エッジー・トーキョー


Short trip from Tokyo ̶ Izu Peninsula 唯一無二のリゾート、伊豆半島


A Commitment to Quality


Photographer Hajime Watanabe / Hiroki Nishioka Writer (English) Hiroki Yanagisawa Photo courtesies Ito Tourism Association Seizan Yamato Royal Park Hotel Shinjuku-ku Tokyo convention & Visitors Bureau Aoyama Book Center Two rooms Grill | Bar Agave Cold stone Creamery


Information Presents for Readers



Cover photography Adam katz (Jean-Philippe Delhomme) Moa Khalil (Florence Deygas) Dominic Schwartz (Tom Heneghan)

Restaurant Guide インフォメーション


Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura


Made in Japan Beauty レストランガイド


Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki Michiko Tamaoki Mizuho Ota

Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser)

メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 Vol.1


Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD.

What s on


和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127

※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」  事業は東京都中小企業振興公社の推奨事業です。

Letter from Editor’s Room December 2011 VOL.02 We are happy to publish our 2nd issue of WAttention Tokyo , the magazine that presents traditional culture, cuisine, and fashion in Tokyo. Our featured article, Celebrities love Tokyo introduces the favorite spots of international celebrities who endearingly talk about their view of Japan. It is filled with charming places and perspectives that we Japanese are sometimes not even aware of. Wa(和) is a term that often comes up when talking about the charm of Japan. It encapsulates various meanings including harmony between nature and humans , Japanese culture and peace , and Japanese people have always respected wa and nature from the ancient times. With the current global instability, wa maybe what s truly needed worldwide. With the hope that people in the world would pay attention to Wa , we launched the English magazine WAttention in Singapore and in Malaysia in 2010. WAttention Tokyo is its sister magazine and the US edition is also soon to be launched. We hope to let people know and spread

wa worldwide, because we are planning to expand worldwide. Please check out our allEnglish website www.wattention.com as well! Editor s Room Michiko Tamaoki   和文化や東京の深い魅力を発信する『WAttention Tokyo』は、今号で2号目を迎えました。

今回の特集の「Celebrities love Tokyo」では、海外の著

名人から寄せられたお気に入りのスポットを紹介。彼ら にとっての日本や東京が愛情たっぷりのメッセージとと もに語られています。日本人も気づかなかったような場 所や視点が満載です!  日本の魅力を伝える際、 「和」という言葉は欠かせませ ん。自然と人との調和、日本文化、平和など様々な意味 を含んでいます。 「和」と自然を尊ぶことは日本の昔から の美学です。世界規模で混沌とした不安定な昨今、この


CELEBRITIES LOV E TOK YO! ―extract from the book Travel Guide to AID JAPAN セレブが愛する東京!


「和」が地球に求められているように思えてなりません。  世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注目(Attention)してほ





ールとマレーシアで創刊しました。幣誌はその姉妹誌で す。そして、まもなく US 版がアメリカで創刊します。

世界から、東京から、 「和」を伝え広めるお手伝いがで


Letter from editor s room 編集部からメッセージ


CELEBRITIES LOVE TOKYO How it all started…



予定です。雑誌とともに完全英語のウェブサイト、 www.wattention.com にもぜひ注目してください!

In Harmony with the Seasons


編集部 玉置美智子

Tokyo Andrew W.K , Jane Birkin, Mark Newson , Jean Toitou , Tommy Hilfiger


Hakone & Kamakura Florence Deygas , Robert J. Geller , Tom Heneghan



weaves 400 years of history into the latest innovations

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to

03-6418-5704 or email to info-

tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.



Tour of 7 lucky gods in Nihonbashi 日本橋七福神めぐり


The Taste of Tokyo 東京の味 <鎌倉松原庵 欅>

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more!

[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた 方にはWAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届 けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name : Address : Postcode : Tel : Email :


Tokyo Must-Do ワタシ的東京のツボ


EDGY TOKYO エッジー・トーキョー


Short trip from Tokyo ̶ Izu Peninsula 唯一無二のリゾート、伊豆半島


A Commitment to Quality


Photographer Hajime Watanabe / Hiroki Nishioka Writer (English) Hiroki Yanagisawa Photo courtesies Ito Tourism Association Seizan Yamato Royal Park Hotel Shinjuku-ku Tokyo convention & Visitors Bureau Aoyama Book Center Two rooms Grill | Bar Agave Cold stone Creamery


Information Presents for Readers



Cover photography Adam katz (Jean-Philippe Delhomme) Moa Khalil (Florence Deygas) Dominic Schwartz (Tom Heneghan)

Restaurant Guide インフォメーション


Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura


Made in Japan Beauty レストランガイド


Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki Michiko Tamaoki Mizuho Ota

Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser)

メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 Vol.1


Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD.

What s on


和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127

Derek Lam, Florence Deygas, Jake Shimabukuro, Jane Birkin, Paul Smith, Seung Woo Back, Tom Heneghan, Tom Vincent, Zubin Mehta...

How it all started...



41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide contributed to aid Japan

Editorial directed by Masanobu Sugatsuke Published by WAttention


ISBN 978-4-905488-00-2 950 yen + tax

(and its surroundings)

– e x t r a c t f r o m t h e b o o k "Tr a v e l G u i d e t o A I D J A PA N"

セレブ が 愛 する東 京(とその 周 辺 )!

日本 の 観 光を 復 活させる本「トラベ ル ガ イド・エイド・ジャパン 」より







by Neville

06 WAttention Tokyo


by David


by Tyler


Almost nine months ago, on March 11th, unimaginably large earthquakes and tsunami hit northern Japan. One of the most serious consequences of this natural disaster was the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The reporting of this triple disaster by the foreign media was centered on sensational images that suggested the country had been completely destroyed and hopelessly polluted by radiation. This, however, is not true. Consequently, the number of international tourists drastically decreased all around the country, even though most of the regions and tourist spots in Japan were completely unaffected by the disasters. Therefore, it is very important for us to tell the world that most of the country is safe and unharmed, and to ask them reconsider their attitude accordingly. At the same time, we realized that our message that Japan is safe, and that people should come visit, would not be credible if it only came from interested parties within Japan.

That s when we came up with the idea of asking a number of international celebrities, who care about Japan, to introduce their recommendations for visitors, and thereby help us to create a uniquely personal travel guide to Japan. We approached over 300 cultural figures around the world and in the end, 41 leading artists, musicians, academics, designers and a chef voluntarily contributed their own recommendations. The result is this book, the Travel Guide to AID JAPAN - an example of global creative power supporting the recovery of Japan. At the same time, this book will help you rediscover the country as a fulfilling tourist destination of breathtaking natural beauty. This article is just a short extract from the book. We hope many people will visit Japan again. All of the proceed from this book will be donated to The Japanese Red Cross Society "East Japan Eathquake Fund".







ほとんど実害を被っていません。むしろ日本を助ける 意味でも、日本を訪れていただきたい。








ちに東京に激励に来てくださった方々もいらっしゃ います。




ければ幸いです。 (この本の利益はすべて日本赤十字 社を通して被災地支援に使われます。 )

by Yasuko Suzuki, the publisher

photo courtesies/ Chiiori Trust, Hiroki Nishioka, Hotel Okura Tokyo, Jared Braiterman, JNTO, K a n s u i ro R yo k a n, S h i n j u k uku, TCVB (Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau), Aoyama book center

WAttention Tokyo


Derek Lam, Florence Deygas, Jake Shimabukuro, Jane Birkin, Paul Smith, Seung Woo Back, Tom Heneghan, Tom Vincent, Zubin Mehta...

How it all started...



41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide contributed to aid Japan

Editorial directed by Masanobu Sugatsuke Published by WAttention


ISBN 978-4-905488-00-2 950 yen + tax

(and its surroundings)

– e x t r a c t f r o m t h e b o o k "Tr a v e l G u i d e t o A I D J A PA N"

セレブ が 愛 する東 京(とその 周 辺 )!

日本 の 観 光を 復 活させる本「トラベ ル ガ イド・エイド・ジャパン 」より







by Neville

06 WAttention Tokyo


by David


by Tyler


Almost nine months ago, on March 11th, unimaginably large earthquakes and tsunami hit northern Japan. One of the most serious consequences of this natural disaster was the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The reporting of this triple disaster by the foreign media was centered on sensational images that suggested the country had been completely destroyed and hopelessly polluted by radiation. This, however, is not true. Consequently, the number of international tourists drastically decreased all around the country, even though most of the regions and tourist spots in Japan were completely unaffected by the disasters. Therefore, it is very important for us to tell the world that most of the country is safe and unharmed, and to ask them reconsider their attitude accordingly. At the same time, we realized that our message that Japan is safe, and that people should come visit, would not be credible if it only came from interested parties within Japan.

That s when we came up with the idea of asking a number of international celebrities, who care about Japan, to introduce their recommendations for visitors, and thereby help us to create a uniquely personal travel guide to Japan. We approached over 300 cultural figures around the world and in the end, 41 leading artists, musicians, academics, designers and a chef voluntarily contributed their own recommendations. The result is this book, the Travel Guide to AID JAPAN - an example of global creative power supporting the recovery of Japan. At the same time, this book will help you rediscover the country as a fulfilling tourist destination of breathtaking natural beauty. This article is just a short extract from the book. We hope many people will visit Japan again. All of the proceed from this book will be donated to The Japanese Red Cross Society "East Japan Eathquake Fund".







ほとんど実害を被っていません。むしろ日本を助ける 意味でも、日本を訪れていただきたい。








ちに東京に激励に来てくださった方々もいらっしゃ います。




ければ幸いです。 (この本の利益はすべて日本赤十字 社を通して被災地支援に使われます。 )

by Yasuko Suzuki, the publisher

photo courtesies/ Chiiori Trust, Hiroki Nishioka, Hotel Okura Tokyo, Jared Braiterman, JNTO, K a n s u i ro R yo k a n, S h i n j u k uku, TCVB (Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau), Aoyama book center

WAttention Tokyo


C E L E B R I T I E S L OV E T O K Y O !

Pac h i n ko パチンコ I n s i d e o f a p a c h i n ko p a r l o r i n J a p a n. Pachinko is a gaming device that is similar in concept to the slot machine and pinball.

Ka g u r a z a ka 神楽坂


A small town in central Tokyo rich with history and well known for its chic passages with Japanese restaurants. Jane's favorite hotel "Agnes" is in this "quartier".

Andrew W. K.

Jane Birkin

Multi-faceted musician and performer. He calls himself "a professional partier, a rock'n' roll singer, a TV person, an entertainer."

Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors.

自身を「プロのパーティ野郎、 ロックンロール・シンガー、 テレビ・ パーソン、エンターテイナー」と呼ぶマルチなミュージシャン。

俳優/歌手。セルジュ・ゲンズブールのミューズとして知られ る。セルジュは、彼女のアルバム曲や出演した映画に監督との コラボにより曲を提供した。

I absolutely love Pachinko. It s hard to miss the powerful presence of the Pachinko parlors, all around the cities. They re loud, bright, colorful, and full of Pachinko machines! It s like a combination of pinball, slot-machines, and something very unique to Japan. As a player, you launch small silver balls into a vertical play-field covered with small nails which cause the balls to bounce around. If the balls bounce into the right areas, you can win even more balls! Then you can trade in the balls you won in for prizes and special gifts! I love it so much – the atmosphere of the parlor is really amazing! When I first visited Japan as a 13-yearold, my brother and I would explore all around the streets of Kyoto, where we were staying. We would go into the Pachinko parlors and pick up loose balls from the floor and try to play with them. Everyone was really nice! Many years later, after I started coming to Japan to perform and do my entertainment work, I had the chance to play Pachinko much more often, and legally!

I have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, I have made. Dear Agnes hotel in the KAGURAZAKA quarter, the whole quartier very pretty, lovely shops (very French), boutiques for sandals, plates, cups, green tea, a little like St Germain, or Chelsea, so full of charm, Japanese charm, Natsuno for baguettes, old kimonos, wondrous silk suspensions of animals and good luck dangling creatures, hand made, wonderful presents. Omotesando, Nest boutique, where the beautiful girl GAVE me her jacket, because I admired it, and there were no more. She left it on my dressing room sofa, without a word, SO Japanese, it couldn t happen anywhere else. In ALL the shops I ve mentioned, one comes upon such gentleness to strangers. If you go NOW in their hour of need you ll never forget THAT welcome... The Japanese are sensitive and modest, emotion JUST near the skin, and especially now, it s the right time to visit and get to know them.








マシンがみっしりと置いてあるんだ! パチンコは、ピ






ちの飾り…表参道の Nest というブティックでは、店

だら、賞品や特別な景品と交換してもらえるんだ! あ


ると、ごっそり玉が出てきてもっと遊べる! 玉を稼い






ってからはもうしょっちゅう遊んでるね! 合法にね!



だ。みんな親切だったよ! 仕事で日本に来るようにな

08 WAttention Tokyo




WAttention Tokyo


C E L E B R I T I E S L OV E T O K Y O !

Pac h i n ko パチンコ I n s i d e o f a p a c h i n ko p a r l o r i n J a p a n. Pachinko is a gaming device that is similar in concept to the slot machine and pinball.

Ka g u r a z a ka 神楽坂


A small town in central Tokyo rich with history and well known for its chic passages with Japanese restaurants. Jane's favorite hotel "Agnes" is in this "quartier".

Andrew W. K.

Jane Birkin

Multi-faceted musician and performer. He calls himself "a professional partier, a rock'n' roll singer, a TV person, an entertainer."

Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors.

自身を「プロのパーティ野郎、 ロックンロール・シンガー、 テレビ・ パーソン、エンターテイナー」と呼ぶマルチなミュージシャン。

俳優/歌手。セルジュ・ゲンズブールのミューズとして知られ る。セルジュは、彼女のアルバム曲や出演した映画に監督との コラボにより曲を提供した。

I absolutely love Pachinko. It s hard to miss the powerful presence of the Pachinko parlors, all around the cities. They re loud, bright, colorful, and full of Pachinko machines! It s like a combination of pinball, slot-machines, and something very unique to Japan. As a player, you launch small silver balls into a vertical play-field covered with small nails which cause the balls to bounce around. If the balls bounce into the right areas, you can win even more balls! Then you can trade in the balls you won in for prizes and special gifts! I love it so much – the atmosphere of the parlor is really amazing! When I first visited Japan as a 13-yearold, my brother and I would explore all around the streets of Kyoto, where we were staying. We would go into the Pachinko parlors and pick up loose balls from the floor and try to play with them. Everyone was really nice! Many years later, after I started coming to Japan to perform and do my entertainment work, I had the chance to play Pachinko much more often, and legally!

I have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, I have made. Dear Agnes hotel in the KAGURAZAKA quarter, the whole quartier very pretty, lovely shops (very French), boutiques for sandals, plates, cups, green tea, a little like St Germain, or Chelsea, so full of charm, Japanese charm, Natsuno for baguettes, old kimonos, wondrous silk suspensions of animals and good luck dangling creatures, hand made, wonderful presents. Omotesando, Nest boutique, where the beautiful girl GAVE me her jacket, because I admired it, and there were no more. She left it on my dressing room sofa, without a word, SO Japanese, it couldn t happen anywhere else. In ALL the shops I ve mentioned, one comes upon such gentleness to strangers. If you go NOW in their hour of need you ll never forget THAT welcome... The Japanese are sensitive and modest, emotion JUST near the skin, and especially now, it s the right time to visit and get to know them.








マシンがみっしりと置いてあるんだ! パチンコは、ピ






ちの飾り…表参道の Nest というブティックでは、店

だら、賞品や特別な景品と交換してもらえるんだ! あ


ると、ごっそり玉が出てきてもっと遊べる! 玉を稼い






ってからはもうしょっちゅう遊んでるね! 合法にね!



だ。みんな親切だったよ! 仕事で日本に来るようにな

08 WAttention Tokyo




WAttention Tokyo


H ot e l O ku r a

C E L E B R I T I E S L OV E T O K Y O !

ホテル・オークラ Main building lobby is known for its soft illumination of the Okura Lantern, which continues to shed light on the lobby since the hotel's opening in 1962. http://www.hotelokura.co.jp/tokyo/en/

Marc Newson

Jean Touitou

Tommy Hilfiger

Designer working across a wide range of disciplines, creating everything from furniture and household objects, to bicycles and cars, private and commercial aircraft etc.

F o u n d e r a n d D e s i g n e r o f A . P.C. ( A te l i e r d e Production et de Creation), a French fashion brand established in 1987.

Founder and principal designer of Tommy Hilfiger Corporation, a global lifestyle brand with an Aperican spirit. The brand has over 1,000 retail stores across 65 countries.

1987年にスタートしたフランスのファッションブランド A.P.C. (Atelier de Production et de Creation) のファウンダーにしてデ ザイナー。

アメリカンなテイストで人気のファッションブランド、トミー・ ヒルフィガーのファウンダーでありプリンシパルデザイナー。 65ヶ国に1000以上の店舗を持つ。

• BAR ROUGE: for the sound of the ice balls (the bar enders sculpt them) in the glass of the perfect cocktail they are in. Those guys are the samurais of the dry martini. • MONTOAK cafe and restaurant: food at any time, relaxing, laid back and trendy at any time. Good for any type of meeting, including business, so you don t have to suicide in hotel lobbies • Roppongi Hills Aoyama Book Center (ABC)*: open very late, good books, and even has an excellent supermarket that is open 25 hours a day I could never figure out what the hell that means. • MAISEN tonkatsu restaurant: it s a hard drug place. The heroin of pork filet. I m glad I don t have it near me in Paris. • TACHIMICHI-YA, B1F 30-8 Sarugaku-cyo, Shibuya-ku: in front of the venue we played at with Housse de Racket. Japanese food with very loud music. The boss is like John Bellucci turned Japanese.


There are so many things to see and admire in and around Tokyo, but here are a few that I remember being very fond of: • Meiji-Jingu Shrine and Yoyogi Park • The Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills • Hakusan Ceramics • The Harajuku district • Omotesando Road in Aoyama • Fukuzushi in Roppongi • Antique markets such as Nogi-jinja Shrine, Togojinja Shrine or Hanazono-jinja Shrine One of my all-time favorite places to visit in Tokyo is Meiji-Jingu Shrine, the most important Shinto shrine in all of Tokyo. It is a wonderful place to learn about and appreciate traditional Japanese culture. It s an oasis of calm located in Yoyogi Park in the heart of Tokyo - a nice refuge from the surrounding bright lights of the big city. If you love antiques, I would recommend checking out one of Tokyo s outdoor antique markets, such as Nogijinja, Togo-jinja or Hanazonojinja. There is so much culture and history in these markets, it s fascinating. My daughter Ally loves vintage shopping so I try to bring home something for her that catches my eye.



デザイナー。家具から生活用品、自転車から自動車、個人用・ 業務用飛行機など手がけるプロダクトは多岐に渡る。

I would say that Japan is my favorite place to live. I love the everyday aesthetics of Japan. The obsession with detail really impresses me. The Japanese have such a different sense of visual logic. TOKYO is most definitely my favourite city in the world; I am always excited by the mix of the ancient and traditional with the current craziest pop culture. My favorite form of architecture in Japan is first and foremost traditional Japanese. The lobby of the Hotel Okura Tokyo is a great example of mid-century modern and I particularly like that space. It is the atmosphere of the space and the way it functions̶like a well-oiled machine̶rather than the architecture itself that impresses me. The Okura was built just before the Tokyo Olympics and it still has the atmosphere of the era. Everything in the Okura is clean and ironed. When I get back to the hotel in the deep of the night after spending time in Roppongi, they are cleaning up public spaces. They are very quiet and perfect. I think it is very Japanese, very Tokyo.  日本は僕にとって世界でいちばん住んで楽しい国

だ。日々目にする世界が楽しい。ディテールへのあの 執着にはいつも驚かされる。日本人はとても独特なビ




いつも興奮させられる。建築について言えば、やはり 素晴らしいのは伝統的な要素。ホテル・オークラのロ

ビーは日本のミッド・センチュリー・モダンの代表だ。 あの空間を満たす雰囲気と機能性──よく油が回っ た機械のようななめらかさ。ここではすべてが完璧な

*ABC Roppongi Hills store is now closed but nearby ABC Roppongi store provides almost the same service including midnight shopping. ●


サムライだ。 ● モントーク:トレンディなデザインの


にぴったりだね。 ● 青山ブックセンター六本木ヒル



※六本木ヒルズ店が閉店したため、近くの六本木店をご紹介し ています。

10 WAttention Tokyo






白山陶器 ● 表参道 ● 六本木の福鮨 ● 乃木神社、東郷

de Racket」と一緒にギグをやったライブハウスの向か


青山ブックセンター Roppongi store can be called the iconic "arty" book store of Tokyo. Located in the heart of Roppongi, open till midnight. http://www.aoyamabc.co.jp/

るならば── ● 明治神宮と代々木公園 ● 森美術館 ●



Aoya m a B ook C e n t e r



ど、未だにその意味がわからない。 ● 立道屋: 「Housse



M e iji -ji n g u Shrine 明治神宮


This is a site where people can have Shintostyle wedding ceremony parade through the inner garden of the shrine. If you're lucky, you will see a bride in Kimono.





WAttention Tokyo


H ot e l O ku r a

C E L E B R I T I E S L OV E T O K Y O !

ホテル・オークラ Main building lobby is known for its soft illumination of the Okura Lantern, which continues to shed light on the lobby since the hotel's opening in 1962. http://www.hotelokura.co.jp/tokyo/en/

Marc Newson

Jean Touitou

Tommy Hilfiger

Designer working across a wide range of disciplines, creating everything from furniture and household objects, to bicycles and cars, private and commercial aircraft etc.

F o u n d e r a n d D e s i g n e r o f A . P.C. ( A te l i e r d e Production et de Creation), a French fashion brand established in 1987.

Founder and principal designer of Tommy Hilfiger Corporation, a global lifestyle brand with an Aperican spirit. The brand has over 1,000 retail stores across 65 countries.

1987年にスタートしたフランスのファッションブランド A.P.C. (Atelier de Production et de Creation) のファウンダーにしてデ ザイナー。

アメリカンなテイストで人気のファッションブランド、トミー・ ヒルフィガーのファウンダーでありプリンシパルデザイナー。 65ヶ国に1000以上の店舗を持つ。

• BAR ROUGE: for the sound of the ice balls (the bar enders sculpt them) in the glass of the perfect cocktail they are in. Those guys are the samurais of the dry martini. • MONTOAK cafe and restaurant: food at any time, relaxing, laid back and trendy at any time. Good for any type of meeting, including business, so you don t have to suicide in hotel lobbies • Roppongi Hills Aoyama Book Center (ABC)*: open very late, good books, and even has an excellent supermarket that is open 25 hours a day I could never figure out what the hell that means. • MAISEN tonkatsu restaurant: it s a hard drug place. The heroin of pork filet. I m glad I don t have it near me in Paris. • TACHIMICHI-YA, B1F 30-8 Sarugaku-cyo, Shibuya-ku: in front of the venue we played at with Housse de Racket. Japanese food with very loud music. The boss is like John Bellucci turned Japanese.


There are so many things to see and admire in and around Tokyo, but here are a few that I remember being very fond of: • Meiji-Jingu Shrine and Yoyogi Park • The Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills • Hakusan Ceramics • The Harajuku district • Omotesando Road in Aoyama • Fukuzushi in Roppongi • Antique markets such as Nogi-jinja Shrine, Togojinja Shrine or Hanazono-jinja Shrine One of my all-time favorite places to visit in Tokyo is Meiji-Jingu Shrine, the most important Shinto shrine in all of Tokyo. It is a wonderful place to learn about and appreciate traditional Japanese culture. It s an oasis of calm located in Yoyogi Park in the heart of Tokyo - a nice refuge from the surrounding bright lights of the big city. If you love antiques, I would recommend checking out one of Tokyo s outdoor antique markets, such as Nogijinja, Togo-jinja or Hanazonojinja. There is so much culture and history in these markets, it s fascinating. My daughter Ally loves vintage shopping so I try to bring home something for her that catches my eye.



デザイナー。家具から生活用品、自転車から自動車、個人用・ 業務用飛行機など手がけるプロダクトは多岐に渡る。

I would say that Japan is my favorite place to live. I love the everyday aesthetics of Japan. The obsession with detail really impresses me. The Japanese have such a different sense of visual logic. TOKYO is most definitely my favourite city in the world; I am always excited by the mix of the ancient and traditional with the current craziest pop culture. My favorite form of architecture in Japan is first and foremost traditional Japanese. The lobby of the Hotel Okura Tokyo is a great example of mid-century modern and I particularly like that space. It is the atmosphere of the space and the way it functions̶like a well-oiled machine̶rather than the architecture itself that impresses me. The Okura was built just before the Tokyo Olympics and it still has the atmosphere of the era. Everything in the Okura is clean and ironed. When I get back to the hotel in the deep of the night after spending time in Roppongi, they are cleaning up public spaces. They are very quiet and perfect. I think it is very Japanese, very Tokyo.  日本は僕にとって世界でいちばん住んで楽しい国

だ。日々目にする世界が楽しい。ディテールへのあの 執着にはいつも驚かされる。日本人はとても独特なビ




いつも興奮させられる。建築について言えば、やはり 素晴らしいのは伝統的な要素。ホテル・オークラのロ

ビーは日本のミッド・センチュリー・モダンの代表だ。 あの空間を満たす雰囲気と機能性──よく油が回っ た機械のようななめらかさ。ここではすべてが完璧な

*ABC Roppongi Hills store is now closed but nearby ABC Roppongi store provides almost the same service including midnight shopping. ●


サムライだ。 ● モントーク:トレンディなデザインの


にぴったりだね。 ● 青山ブックセンター六本木ヒル



※六本木ヒルズ店が閉店したため、近くの六本木店をご紹介し ています。

10 WAttention Tokyo






白山陶器 ● 表参道 ● 六本木の福鮨 ● 乃木神社、東郷

de Racket」と一緒にギグをやったライブハウスの向か


青山ブックセンター Roppongi store can be called the iconic "arty" book store of Tokyo. Located in the heart of Roppongi, open till midnight. http://www.aoyamabc.co.jp/

るならば── ● 明治神宮と代々木公園 ● 森美術館 ●



Aoya m a B ook C e n t e r



ど、未だにその意味がわからない。 ● 立道屋: 「Housse



M e iji -ji n g u Shrine 明治神宮


This is a site where people can have Shintostyle wedding ceremony parade through the inner garden of the shrine. If you're lucky, you will see a bride in Kimono.





WAttention Tokyo


Ka n s u i r o u

C E L E B R I T I E S L OV E T O K Y O !

環翠楼 This Ryokan has a history of over 400 years, which was formerly called the Motoyu hot springs. The building is registered as a prized Cultural Property of Japan. http://www.kansuiro.co.jp/eng/

Florence Deygas

Robert J. Geller

Tom Heneghan

Visual artist, makes drawings, and together with Olivier Kuntzel, under the name Kuntzel+Deygas, creates narrative design and videos.

Professor of Geophysics in the School of Science of the University of Tokyo, conducting research o n c o m p u t ati o n a l m eth o d s fo r m o d e l i n g th e propagation of seismic waves.

Professor of Architecture at Tokyo University of the Arts. His architectual works have received numerous awards, internationally.

ビジュアル・アーティスト。 オリビエ・クンツェルとのユニット 「ク ンツェル+デュガス」の名前で物語性のあるデザインやビデオ も得意とする。


For Tokyo visitors, it is easy to jump for a few days to this delicate and relaxing place that seems so out of the scope of time: Just take the Romancecar to Hakone, then take this old-fashioned train up to the mountains. The Kansuiro Ryokan is 400 years old and fortunately it has kept its authenticity, both the good and bad sides! It s NOT comparable at all to the usual contemporary international standards of luxury and comfort, and that s exactly what I love about it: It s an exceptional experience, really different from what we have seen in the rest of the world. It feels so good to be lost in Japan ! For the ones who love to explore the traces of the past, stop by the Fujiya Hotel, and order a French potage : It has exactly the same taste as the french potage of my childhood. The reason, why you find french potage in this hotel, is that in the 20s this hotel was the residence of foreign visitors and some of the recipes have been kept from that time. I think Charlie Chaplin was familiar with this place.  東京を訪れたなら、少し足をのばして数日間、この


L a ke A s h i




S o r ro u n d e d by m o u nt a i n s a n d dense forest, Lake Ashi (Ashinoko) was formed in the caldera of Mt. Hakone 3000 years ago. It is well known for its beautiful scenery of Mt. Fuji and numerous hot springs.

山鉄道で塔ノ沢まで。環翠楼は400年の歴史を誇る、 旅館である。くれぐれも近代的なホテルのような快適

T h e H okok u -ji Ba m boo G a r d e n

さは期待しないこと! そこが私は大好きなのだ。他で



It is considerably new in Kamakura as it was built in 1334, a year after the Kamakura Shogunate came to an end. It is known for the picturesque bamboo forest. http://w w w.kamakuratoday.com/e/sightseeing/ hokokuji.html 12 WAttention Tokyo

はできない、世界のどこでも経験したことのない味わ いがある。日本の深みにハマる楽しさ!



東京大学理学部教授。コンピューター解析による地震波の電 波モデルの研究を指揮している。

Actually my wife and I enjoy taking short vacations near Lake Ashi in Hakone and Lake Chuzenji, in the hills above Nikko. We like the Hôtel de Yama (http://www.odakyu-hotel.co.jp/yamahotel/english/) near Lake Ashi, and the Chuzenji Kanaya Hotel (http://www. kanayahotel.co.jp/english/chuzenji/ access.html) near Lake Chuzenji. Both are nice quiet hotels with hot spring baths (onsen) and due to the elevation are pleasant temperate even during the summer. We can soak in the hot spring pools and also take nice walks in the areas around these hotels, where the scenery is natural and rural. Both of these hotels are only a couple of hours from Tokyo by rail and bus. If you re only making a brief visit to Japan you will want to make sure you hit the standard highlights such as Kyoto, but even so you might also enjoy relaxing for a day or so away from the big cities.  私たち夫婦が休暇でよく行くのは箱根の ノ湖と

日光の山の中にある中禅寺湖だ。 ノ湖畔の山のホ

テルと中禅寺湖畔の中禅寺金谷ホテルを定宿として いるが、どちらも静かで温泉があるのが気に入ってい


うれしい。どちらのホテルも、温泉があり、ホテルの まわりがいいハイキングコースになっている。景色は 自然がたっぷりで、東京のような喧騒とは無縁。それ

でいて、どちらも鉄道やバスで東京から数時間という 手頃さも魅力だ。



日でもこういった大都市を離れた場所に 留するこ


東京芸術大学 建築科教授。彼の建築における業績は世界中で 多数の賞を得ている。

My suggestion isn t very adventurous – you don t have to travel far. And, it s featured on the covers of all tourist guidebooks. It s Kamakura. As a foreigner in Japan you quickly learn that your visit will be more pleasurable if you are prepared to seek delight in different things than you would at home – in un-obvious, or less-obvious, places. Kamakura has many shrines and temples and sculptures of great beauty and artistry – but I prefer to go, instead, to the less-visited Engaku-ji, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Hokoku-ji. The Hokoku-ji bamboo garden is a thrilling environmental experience, rather than a thing to look at. It may even be at its best in driving rain. Drink green tea in the pavilion, and watch the trees and shadows move in the wind. The Museum of Modern Art was built in 1951, six years after the end of the war, when Japan was absolutely broke. But, somehow, with the cheapest of materials, the young architect Junzo Sakakura was able to conjure a series of simple, beautiful, tranquil experiences.  私の提案は冒険的とは言えない。東京から遠くに




見つけようとすると、滞在が俄然楽しくなることだ。 鎌倉には多くの神社仏閣や彫像やアートがある。し

かし私はどちらかといえば見過ごされがちな円覚寺、 近代美術館、報国寺の竹林などを好んで訪れる。











WAttention Tokyo


Ka n s u i r o u

C E L E B R I T I E S L OV E T O K Y O !

環翠楼 This Ryokan has a history of over 400 years, which was formerly called the Motoyu hot springs. The building is registered as a prized Cultural Property of Japan. http://www.kansuiro.co.jp/eng/

Florence Deygas

Robert J. Geller

Tom Heneghan

Visual artist, makes drawings, and together with Olivier Kuntzel, under the name Kuntzel+Deygas, creates narrative design and videos.

Professor of Geophysics in the School of Science of the University of Tokyo, conducting research o n c o m p u t ati o n a l m eth o d s fo r m o d e l i n g th e propagation of seismic waves.

Professor of Architecture at Tokyo University of the Arts. His architectual works have received numerous awards, internationally.

ビジュアル・アーティスト。 オリビエ・クンツェルとのユニット 「ク ンツェル+デュガス」の名前で物語性のあるデザインやビデオ も得意とする。


For Tokyo visitors, it is easy to jump for a few days to this delicate and relaxing place that seems so out of the scope of time: Just take the Romancecar to Hakone, then take this old-fashioned train up to the mountains. The Kansuiro Ryokan is 400 years old and fortunately it has kept its authenticity, both the good and bad sides! It s NOT comparable at all to the usual contemporary international standards of luxury and comfort, and that s exactly what I love about it: It s an exceptional experience, really different from what we have seen in the rest of the world. It feels so good to be lost in Japan ! For the ones who love to explore the traces of the past, stop by the Fujiya Hotel, and order a French potage : It has exactly the same taste as the french potage of my childhood. The reason, why you find french potage in this hotel, is that in the 20s this hotel was the residence of foreign visitors and some of the recipes have been kept from that time. I think Charlie Chaplin was familiar with this place.  東京を訪れたなら、少し足をのばして数日間、この


L a ke A s h i




S o r ro u n d e d by m o u nt a i n s a n d dense forest, Lake Ashi (Ashinoko) was formed in the caldera of Mt. Hakone 3000 years ago. It is well known for its beautiful scenery of Mt. Fuji and numerous hot springs.

山鉄道で塔ノ沢まで。環翠楼は400年の歴史を誇る、 旅館である。くれぐれも近代的なホテルのような快適

T h e H okok u -ji Ba m boo G a r d e n

さは期待しないこと! そこが私は大好きなのだ。他で



It is considerably new in Kamakura as it was built in 1334, a year after the Kamakura Shogunate came to an end. It is known for the picturesque bamboo forest. http://w w w.kamakuratoday.com/e/sightseeing/ hokokuji.html 12 WAttention Tokyo

はできない、世界のどこでも経験したことのない味わ いがある。日本の深みにハマる楽しさ!



東京大学理学部教授。コンピューター解析による地震波の電 波モデルの研究を指揮している。

Actually my wife and I enjoy taking short vacations near Lake Ashi in Hakone and Lake Chuzenji, in the hills above Nikko. We like the Hôtel de Yama (http://www.odakyu-hotel.co.jp/yamahotel/english/) near Lake Ashi, and the Chuzenji Kanaya Hotel (http://www. kanayahotel.co.jp/english/chuzenji/ access.html) near Lake Chuzenji. Both are nice quiet hotels with hot spring baths (onsen) and due to the elevation are pleasant temperate even during the summer. We can soak in the hot spring pools and also take nice walks in the areas around these hotels, where the scenery is natural and rural. Both of these hotels are only a couple of hours from Tokyo by rail and bus. If you re only making a brief visit to Japan you will want to make sure you hit the standard highlights such as Kyoto, but even so you might also enjoy relaxing for a day or so away from the big cities.  私たち夫婦が休暇でよく行くのは箱根の ノ湖と

日光の山の中にある中禅寺湖だ。 ノ湖畔の山のホ

テルと中禅寺湖畔の中禅寺金谷ホテルを定宿として いるが、どちらも静かで温泉があるのが気に入ってい


うれしい。どちらのホテルも、温泉があり、ホテルの まわりがいいハイキングコースになっている。景色は 自然がたっぷりで、東京のような喧騒とは無縁。それ

でいて、どちらも鉄道やバスで東京から数時間という 手頃さも魅力だ。



日でもこういった大都市を離れた場所に 留するこ


東京芸術大学 建築科教授。彼の建築における業績は世界中で 多数の賞を得ている。

My suggestion isn t very adventurous – you don t have to travel far. And, it s featured on the covers of all tourist guidebooks. It s Kamakura. As a foreigner in Japan you quickly learn that your visit will be more pleasurable if you are prepared to seek delight in different things than you would at home – in un-obvious, or less-obvious, places. Kamakura has many shrines and temples and sculptures of great beauty and artistry – but I prefer to go, instead, to the less-visited Engaku-ji, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Hokoku-ji. The Hokoku-ji bamboo garden is a thrilling environmental experience, rather than a thing to look at. It may even be at its best in driving rain. Drink green tea in the pavilion, and watch the trees and shadows move in the wind. The Museum of Modern Art was built in 1951, six years after the end of the war, when Japan was absolutely broke. But, somehow, with the cheapest of materials, the young architect Junzo Sakakura was able to conjure a series of simple, beautiful, tranquil experiences.  私の提案は冒険的とは言えない。東京から遠くに




見つけようとすると、滞在が俄然楽しくなることだ。 鎌倉には多くの神社仏閣や彫像やアートがある。し

かし私はどちらかといえば見過ごされがちな円覚寺、 近代美術館、報国寺の竹林などを好んで訪れる。











WAttention Tokyo



The town that weaves 400 years of history into the latest innovations

4 0 0 年 の 歴 史と新しさが 織りな す 町・日 本 橋

Nihonbashi is the area that occupies the eastside of Tokyo station. Named after Nihonbashi bridge, literally meaning Japan bridge , the area s legacy started when this bridge was built in 1603. As the origin of all five major routes that networked around the country, business and culture flourished here for hundreds of years. Come experience this stimulating town that weaves tradition with a touch of innovative originality! 1603年に架けられた日本橋を中心とし、橋の名前がそのまま地名となったこの地区は、 江戸五街道の起点であり、 さまざまな商売や文化が発祥する、 正に「起点」の町である。

The bridge that reflects the time

The busiest area of Edo was the hub of traffic, business and culture


江戸一賑わう粋な町・日本橋は交通、商業、文化の発祥の地 The Nihonbashi bridge was built in the first year of the Edo period when the country s capital was moved to Edo, the old name for Tokyo. The area surrounding the bridge quickly transformed when, a year later, it was established as the origin of an important nationwide traffic network, the Five Routes; Tokaido, Nikko-kaido, Oshukaido, Nakasendo and Koshu-kaido. Together with the river cross linking with the routes on land, Nihonbashi area soon blossomed into the center of business and culture as well. Countless 14 WAttention Tokyo

business establishments crowded the north side of the bridge such as the fish market which is now in Tsukiji and the kimono merchant Echigoya, the predecessor of Mitsukoshi department store. Even today, the area hosts over 200 establishments imbued with centuries of history. Due to its location, the client included the Edo castle as well as many feudal lords residences, which demanded the merchants endless pursuit of top quality and innovative goods. As a result, Nihonbashi itself became a status symbol, and the

residents there loved and took pride in area for generations. The environment of the area provided a lot of inspiration and creative stimulation for exciting innovations, though now the Nihonbashi area is often referred to as the traditional area. Throughout its glorious history, many of the firsts in the country took place here; subway, department store (Mitsukoshi), joint stock company (Maruzen),gift certificates (Ninben) and rickshaws as well as a number of dishes that are still popular today. Even uni (sea urchin) and

ikura (salmon roe) sushi were invented in Nihonbashi. This outstandingly inventive area is now transforming itself with a large-scale redevelopment plan to create new Nihonbashi. The progressive energy keep going.



ート(三越) 、株式会社(丸善) 、商品券(にんべん) 、

海道、日光街道、奥州街道、中山道、甲州街道の五街 道の起点となり、この時代の交通網の中心となった。 また、恵まれた水路も手伝い、日本橋一帯は商業、金 融の中心地としても急速な発展を遂げ、橋の北側に

新しいものへの探究心といった職人気質と一流の商 人気質両方が不可欠だった。  こうした環境のなかで、日本橋では一流が互いを 刺激しあい、次々と新しいものが生まれていった。伝 統的なイメージの強い日本橋だが、 日本での「初めて」 が多い時代の最先端をいく町でもある。地下鉄、デパ 人力車はどれもこの町の発祥。食べ物においてはあ んぱん、いなりずし、親子丼、味付け海苔など数え始 めればきりがない。うにやいくらのお寿司も日本橋が 発祥だ。精力的に新しいものを生み出してきたこの町


は今、 大規模な再開発計画を実行し、 新しい「日本橋」





The Nihonbashi bridge was originally wooden and first built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, in 1603, the first year of the Edo Period. You can see the real scale replica in the Edo Tokyo Museum. A year later, it was established as the origin of the Five Routes and the surrounding area boomed. Although being the key bridge to traf fic, business and finance, the bridge was burnt down 10 times as the city suffered from frequent fires. It turned into a stone bridge in the Meiji Period. The current one is the 20th bridge, built in 1911. Surviving the bombings during the war, the current bridge has served the town for one century this year.

WAttention Tokyo



The town that weaves 400 years of history into the latest innovations

4 0 0 年 の 歴 史と新しさが 織りな す 町・日 本 橋

Nihonbashi is the area that occupies the eastside of Tokyo station. Named after Nihonbashi bridge, literally meaning Japan bridge , the area s legacy started when this bridge was built in 1603. As the origin of all five major routes that networked around the country, business and culture flourished here for hundreds of years. Come experience this stimulating town that weaves tradition with a touch of innovative originality! 1603年に架けられた日本橋を中心とし、橋の名前がそのまま地名となったこの地区は、 江戸五街道の起点であり、 さまざまな商売や文化が発祥する、 正に「起点」の町である。

The bridge that reflects the time

The busiest area of Edo was the hub of traffic, business and culture


江戸一賑わう粋な町・日本橋は交通、商業、文化の発祥の地 The Nihonbashi bridge was built in the first year of the Edo period when the country s capital was moved to Edo, the old name for Tokyo. The area surrounding the bridge quickly transformed when, a year later, it was established as the origin of an important nationwide traffic network, the Five Routes; Tokaido, Nikko-kaido, Oshukaido, Nakasendo and Koshu-kaido. Together with the river cross linking with the routes on land, Nihonbashi area soon blossomed into the center of business and culture as well. Countless 14 WAttention Tokyo

business establishments crowded the north side of the bridge such as the fish market which is now in Tsukiji and the kimono merchant Echigoya, the predecessor of Mitsukoshi department store. Even today, the area hosts over 200 establishments imbued with centuries of history. Due to its location, the client included the Edo castle as well as many feudal lords residences, which demanded the merchants endless pursuit of top quality and innovative goods. As a result, Nihonbashi itself became a status symbol, and the

residents there loved and took pride in area for generations. The environment of the area provided a lot of inspiration and creative stimulation for exciting innovations, though now the Nihonbashi area is often referred to as the traditional area. Throughout its glorious history, many of the firsts in the country took place here; subway, department store (Mitsukoshi), joint stock company (Maruzen),gift certificates (Ninben) and rickshaws as well as a number of dishes that are still popular today. Even uni (sea urchin) and

ikura (salmon roe) sushi were invented in Nihonbashi. This outstandingly inventive area is now transforming itself with a large-scale redevelopment plan to create new Nihonbashi. The progressive energy keep going.



ート(三越) 、株式会社(丸善) 、商品券(にんべん) 、

海道、日光街道、奥州街道、中山道、甲州街道の五街 道の起点となり、この時代の交通網の中心となった。 また、恵まれた水路も手伝い、日本橋一帯は商業、金 融の中心地としても急速な発展を遂げ、橋の北側に

新しいものへの探究心といった職人気質と一流の商 人気質両方が不可欠だった。  こうした環境のなかで、日本橋では一流が互いを 刺激しあい、次々と新しいものが生まれていった。伝 統的なイメージの強い日本橋だが、 日本での「初めて」 が多い時代の最先端をいく町でもある。地下鉄、デパ 人力車はどれもこの町の発祥。食べ物においてはあ んぱん、いなりずし、親子丼、味付け海苔など数え始 めればきりがない。うにやいくらのお寿司も日本橋が 発祥だ。精力的に新しいものを生み出してきたこの町


は今、 大規模な再開発計画を実行し、 新しい「日本橋」





The Nihonbashi bridge was originally wooden and first built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, in 1603, the first year of the Edo Period. You can see the real scale replica in the Edo Tokyo Museum. A year later, it was established as the origin of the Five Routes and the surrounding area boomed. Although being the key bridge to traf fic, business and finance, the bridge was burnt down 10 times as the city suffered from frequent fires. It turned into a stone bridge in the Meiji Period. The current one is the 20th bridge, built in 1911. Surviving the bombings during the war, the current bridge has served the town for one century this year.

WAttention Tokyo


Rickshaw Tour


駅 本橋 ta. hi S 新日 ba s

S To


-n i h

ay to pr How ines r hen at sh e c o in s . tTwice.


2-hour tour of the 8 shrines departing from Royal Park Hotel Nihonbashi 2 people: 28,350 yen, 1 person: 18,900 yen

通り 江戸

Ed o


ve ori A

Who are the 7 gods?

th c la p er w in T h r o w ic e a nd s t o g e t h n t e d h n w a o W h b . y o u r a w is h again. Put e w k o a b , m a n d e finished r you a

10:00-16:00 (October to March) 10:00-17:00 (April to September) Information & Reservation at the front desk of Royal Park Hotel or call them at 03-3667-1111. http://www.rph.co.jp/access/acc00300.html (Japanese)


Kasama-Inari Shrine

(Jurojin) God of Longevity 2-11-6 Nihonbashi-hama-cho

Suginomori Shrine

Takarada-Ebisu Shrine

(Ebisu-ten) God of Wealth 3-10 Nihonbashi-hon-cho

(Ebisu-ten) God of Wealth 1-10-2 Nihonbashi-horidome-cho

笠間稲荷神社(寿老人) 日本橋浜町2-11-6

They are based on locally worshipped gods around the country since the 1300s but some of them came from China and ancient India. The numerous gods turned into the 7-god style in the Edo period when the countr y was firmly unified. These gods include Benzai-ten, Daikokuten, Bishamon-ten, Jurojin, Ebisu-ten, Fukurokuju and Hotei and have special luck for their field of expertise. 弁財天、大黒天、毘沙門天、寿老人、恵比寿天、福禄寿、 布袋の七人の神様でそれぞれにご利益がある。日本古 来の民間信仰と中国や古代インドの神様が一体となり信 仰されてきた。

椙森神社(恵比寿天) 日本橋堀留町1-10-2

宝田恵比寿神社(恵比寿天) 日本橋本町3-10



Goddess of Fertility

Suehiro Shrine



り 通 . 門 St 大 ri do


God of Longevity




人 形



. り St ri 通 do 町 o-



酒 甘

丁 横

a Am


oc ok e-Y k a



t oS

God of Wealth Fukurokuju


Matsushima Shrine

(Daikoku-ten) God of Plenty 2-15-2 Nihonbashi-ningyo-cho 松島神社(大黒天) 日本橋人形町2-15-2

God of Luck Hotei

布袋 God of Fire



駅 前 a. St 宮 ae 天 um 水 ng


小網神社(福禄寿、弁財天) 日本橋小網町16-23

Suitengu Shrine





ve. ri A

り . 通 St ri 宮 do 天 u-

Koami Shrine

り 橋通 大 新

oh i n-

do h i-


茶の木神社(布袋) 日本橋人形町1-12-10

(Hotei) God of Fire 1-12-10 Nihonbashi-ningyo-cho


16 WAttention Tokyo

God of Prosperity

Chanoki Shrine

(Fukurokuju, Benzai-ten) God of Luck and Goddess of Fertility 16-23 Nihonbashi-koami-cho

ロイヤルパークホテルから人力車で周れば、 気分もご利益もアップすること間違いなし。





Tour of 7 Lucky Gods in Nihonbashi Seven lucky gods is a collective group of 7 powerful gods of fortune. You can visit the shrine of a specific god or all of them to pray for luck. They are worshipped throughout the country and are familiar to the people in Japan. In Nihonbashi, you can do the shortest tour of 7 lucky gods in the country, and visit all 7 gods worshipped across 8 shrines in about 1 hour. Treat yourself to a rickshaw tour from Royal Park Hotel and take home extra luck and lasting memory!

駅 町 a. 形 St o 人 ch


Showa-dori Ave.

him ukos

ta. ae S

God of Plenty

末廣神社(毘沙門天) 日本橋人形町2-25-20


駅 越前 至三 its To M



(Bishamon-ten) God of Prosperity 2-25-20 Nihonbashi-ningyo-cho

(Benzai-ten) Goddess of Fertility 2-4-1 Nihonbashi-kakigara-cho 水天宮(弁財天) 日本橋蠣殻町2-4-1


WAttention Tokyo


Rickshaw Tour


駅 本橋 ta. hi S 新日 ba s

S To


-n i h

ay to pr How ines r hen at sh e c o in s . tTwice.


2-hour tour of the 8 shrines departing from Royal Park Hotel Nihonbashi 2 people: 28,350 yen, 1 person: 18,900 yen

通り 江戸

Ed o


ve ori A

Who are the 7 gods?

th c la p er w in T h r o w ic e a nd s t o g e t h n t e d h n w a o W h b . y o u r a w is h again. Put e w k o a b , m a n d e finished r you a

10:00-16:00 (October to March) 10:00-17:00 (April to September) Information & Reservation at the front desk of Royal Park Hotel or call them at 03-3667-1111. http://www.rph.co.jp/access/acc00300.html (Japanese)


Kasama-Inari Shrine

(Jurojin) God of Longevity 2-11-6 Nihonbashi-hama-cho

Suginomori Shrine

Takarada-Ebisu Shrine

(Ebisu-ten) God of Wealth 3-10 Nihonbashi-hon-cho

(Ebisu-ten) God of Wealth 1-10-2 Nihonbashi-horidome-cho

笠間稲荷神社(寿老人) 日本橋浜町2-11-6

They are based on locally worshipped gods around the country since the 1300s but some of them came from China and ancient India. The numerous gods turned into the 7-god style in the Edo period when the countr y was firmly unified. These gods include Benzai-ten, Daikokuten, Bishamon-ten, Jurojin, Ebisu-ten, Fukurokuju and Hotei and have special luck for their field of expertise. 弁財天、大黒天、毘沙門天、寿老人、恵比寿天、福禄寿、 布袋の七人の神様でそれぞれにご利益がある。日本古 来の民間信仰と中国や古代インドの神様が一体となり信 仰されてきた。

椙森神社(恵比寿天) 日本橋堀留町1-10-2

宝田恵比寿神社(恵比寿天) 日本橋本町3-10



Goddess of Fertility

Suehiro Shrine



り 通 . 門 St 大 ri do


God of Longevity




人 形



. り St ri 通 do 町 o-



酒 甘

丁 横

a Am


oc ok e-Y k a



t oS

God of Wealth Fukurokuju


Matsushima Shrine

(Daikoku-ten) God of Plenty 2-15-2 Nihonbashi-ningyo-cho 松島神社(大黒天) 日本橋人形町2-15-2

God of Luck Hotei

布袋 God of Fire



駅 前 a. St 宮 ae 天 um 水 ng


小網神社(福禄寿、弁財天) 日本橋小網町16-23

Suitengu Shrine





ve. ri A

り . 通 St ri 宮 do 天 u-

Koami Shrine

り 橋通 大 新

oh i n-

do h i-


茶の木神社(布袋) 日本橋人形町1-12-10

(Hotei) God of Fire 1-12-10 Nihonbashi-ningyo-cho


16 WAttention Tokyo

God of Prosperity

Chanoki Shrine

(Fukurokuju, Benzai-ten) God of Luck and Goddess of Fertility 16-23 Nihonbashi-koami-cho

ロイヤルパークホテルから人力車で周れば、 気分もご利益もアップすること間違いなし。





Tour of 7 Lucky Gods in Nihonbashi Seven lucky gods is a collective group of 7 powerful gods of fortune. You can visit the shrine of a specific god or all of them to pray for luck. They are worshipped throughout the country and are familiar to the people in Japan. In Nihonbashi, you can do the shortest tour of 7 lucky gods in the country, and visit all 7 gods worshipped across 8 shrines in about 1 hour. Treat yourself to a rickshaw tour from Royal Park Hotel and take home extra luck and lasting memory!

駅 町 a. 形 St o 人 ch


Showa-dori Ave.

him ukos

ta. ae S

God of Plenty

末廣神社(毘沙門天) 日本橋人形町2-25-20


駅 越前 至三 its To M



(Bishamon-ten) God of Prosperity 2-25-20 Nihonbashi-ningyo-cho

(Benzai-ten) Goddess of Fertility 2-4-1 Nihonbashi-kakigara-cho 水天宮(弁財天) 日本橋蠣殻町2-4-1


WAttention Tokyo


Authentic Plans to Experience Nihonbashi at Royal Park Hotel 日本橋の魅力を引き出すロイヤルパークホテルのコラボプラン

Royal Park Hotel located at the edge of Nihonbashi provides you comfortable lodging as well as extraordinary experiences. As with many business establishments here, the hotel has strong connections with the neighborhood, and offers a number of interesting tours in collaboration with the local shops. 日本橋のロイヤルパークホテルは、快適なステイだけでなく、地元日本橋の老舗と協力し、ここでしか体験できないコラボプランを多数用意しています。 Collaboration Plan

Collaboration Plan



Connoisseur Tour 矢の根寿司店主と築地で目利きツアー

Tour of Traditional Shops お土産いっぱい老舗めぐりツアー

Visit Tsukiji Market with the chef of Yanone Sushi Restaurant in the hotel. Experience the bidding and pick your fish to be cooked for lunch at the restaurant. 25,000 yen/person~ Includes: One night stay on the executive floor, breakfast, lunch and the tour.

An experienced guide takes you through traditional shops including Ninben (fish flakes), Ozu Washi (paper), Senbikiya (specialty fruits) and Yamamotoyama (green tea). 25,000 yen/person~ Includes: One night stay on the executive floor, breakfast and the tour.



Collaboration Plan

Collaboration Plan



O-Edo Runpic Tour お江戸ランピック

Kimono Tour 新老舗で着る着物散策プラン

Jog with an experienced guide in Nihonbashi, Ginza and Tsukiji, areas full of interesting historical sites. Comes with a glass of fresh fruit juice at the specialty fruit shop, Senbikiya. 12,000 yen/person~ Includes: One night stay, breakfast and the tour.

Nihonbashi is known for its kimono merchants. Pick the kimono you like and the staff will help you get dressed in the hotel. Walk around Nihonbashi in kimono! 19,000 yen/ person~ Includes: One night stay, breakfast, kimono rental and dressing.



Collaboration Plan


Geisha Plan 江戸の下町文化『芳町芸者』と楽しむお座敷プラン Treat yourself to traditional full-course meal at a restaurant in the hotel with traditional music and dance performances by Geishas. 160,000 yen. Includes: A 2-hour plan with full course meals for 4 people and performances by two Geishas in a private room. http://www.rph.co.jp/restaurants/res00300/001289.html

18 WAttention Tokyo

Royal Park Hotel Ask for their gourmet map of the area! It has the list of all the restaurants with English menus! For the details of their tours, please ask the front desk.

2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Kakigara-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8520 中央区日本橋蛎殻町2-1-1 TEL:03 (3667) 1111 FAX: 03 (3667) 1115 http://www.rph.co.jp Royal Park Hotel is 55 minutes away from Narita International Airport and 25 minutes away from Haneda Airport by car.

S o b a

n o o d l e

r e s t a u r a n t 4F Harajuku Quest 1-13-14 Jingumae Shibuya-ku


TEL 03-3478-7444 Time 11:30 ∼ 23:30(LO)

K ama kura Matsubara-an Keya k i 鎌倉松原庵 欅

Fresh Soba Dining Experience with Japanese Tranquility 静謐な和空間で打ち立てそばを味わう Take a step aside from Harajuku's vibrant streets, a shopping zone also known to attract youngsters from all over Japan. Hop on an elevator to the 4th floor and 15 seconds later, there expands a world of Zen, with a hint of Kyotolike traditional Japanese structure. This is Kamakura Matsubara-an Keyaki, a buckwheat noodle (soba) restaurant. The first ritual of the restaurant – is taking off your shoes, as if you were walking into your Japanese friend's flat. Walk down an aisle and an expansive view of keyaki (zelkova) trees emerges – with all the noise shuttered by thick windows. Its atmosphere, filled with a scent of wood and serenity, is synonymous with Meiji Shrine, located in the same neighborhood. The restaurant is divided into 4 sections – counter seat, table seat, private room, and Japanese tatami room with foot support. In the corner, there is a small room, surrounded with a clear

window. This is a room for making soba noodles, and if it happens to be at the right time, diners can witness the process. A sound of soba flour hitting on a board echoes within the room, and the scent of soba noodles spreads – this is a superior Japanese experience. Though Kamakura Matsubara-an Keyaki seems like a pure Japanese experience, it can be merged with the West through a selection of wine, which goes along with soba. A set soba lunch (1,500yen), which is a combination of appetizers and soba, is

simply a masterpiece. Interested in exploring this deep Japanese soba dining ritual further? Hop on a train to Kamakura, where Kamakura Matsubara-an's main restaurant is located.  原宿・明治神宮にほど近い古民家風の大人の隠れ

家「鎌倉松原庵 欅」 。大きな窓ガラスからは、ケヤ

キ並木が一面に広がる。和を存分に感じながら外国 人にも気軽にそばを楽しんでもらえるよう随所に洋



し。運が良ければ、そば打ちの様子も垣間見れるかも しれない。前菜とそばのセットランチが1500円∼。

WAttention Tokyo



A restaurant with a stunning view or a secret hideaway, Tokyoites share their personal favourites with you.

James von der Fecht

Wo r ks fo r B r i ti s h A i r way s a s a Strategic Implementation Executive.


ジョウモン 六本木

英国航空東京事務所にて事業戦略エグ ゼクティブとして勤務。滞日 1 年。

5-9-17 Roppongi, Minato-ku




7-15-10-B1F Roppongi, Minato-ku

(港区六本木7-15-10 B1F)



6-2-31 Roppongi, Minato-ku

(港区六本木 6-2-31 六本木ヒルズノースタワー1F)


TWO ROOMS グリル | バー

3-11-7-5F Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku

(港区北青山 3-11-7-5F)

Jomon Roppongi I often bring my friends from overseas to this authentic Kushiyaki (Japanese satay) restaurant. It's fun to see the satays getting grilled before your eyes. Everything here is tasty and reasonable. Try my favourite "Tamatoro Korokke (potato croquette with a runny egg inside)". English menu available. Agave I love the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, but when you need a break from all those flashing neon lights, this is the place to go. This is a specialty tequila bar that boasts 400 different brands of tequila and mezcal. Take a sip in the candlelit basement lounge and just chill out. Soothing. 20 WAttention Tokyo

Two Rooms Grill | Bar This is a rather nice western style restaurant situated in fashionable Aoyama area. I would recommend sitting on the terrace to enjoy the sun setting over the Tokyo skyline. Because of the lower latitude, sunsets in Japan happen much quicker than in Europe giving them a sense of high drama. Cold Stone Creamery They serve some of the nicest ice cream I've ever tasted. I recommend the "mint mint chocolate chocolate chip" flavour and make sure you choose to have it in the chocolate waffle bowl. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but the way they serve the ice cream is particularly entertaining!


1 串焼きの煙がうっすら漂う、六本木の




2 東京は刺激的で楽しいけれど、たまに




3 夕暮れ時を狙って行ってほしいレス




4 人生で食べた中で最もおいしいアイ



ト! チョコワッフルカップでね。

powered by EDGY JAPAN

Redefining Tokyo/esque with edginess


Japan's Submerged Hospitality

日本の「秘められた」ホスピタリティ Hiroki Yanagisawa / EDGY JAPAN


One of the most popular Ramen restaurant chains, famous for its thick soup. こってりとしたスープで人 気のラーメン店チェーン。

http://www.tenkaippin. co.jp/


One of Japan's biggest assets is its hospitality and the quality of service. Japanese people s meticulousness and proactive ideas are surely a source of Japan Inc.'s promising brand. In fact, this philosophy is transcended and submerged to a course of day-to-day activities in Japan. Let's cite an example that shows this trait. This is a bowl of ramen noodle from TENKAIPPIN, a Kyoto-based ramen chain, known for its super-thick (viscous) soup. This thick soup has got very dense flavor (That's why customers tend to order a small bowl of rice with ramen so they can dip rice into the soup and eat it.) and they tend to drink it up until the last drop. When the last drop of soup is finished something emerges on the very bottom of the ramen bowl. A sentence, "We'll be looking forward to your visit again tomorrow." Good surprise is surely one of the core ingredients to gain attention of customers, and ultimately leads to loyalty. But, considering having this thick soup 2 days in row – you might

want to consider taking Alka-Seltzer before you hit the next round. 日本の「財産」の一つ。それは紛れもなく、ホスピタリティやサービ スの良さであろう。この「財産」は無論、日々の生活の間にも潜んで

いる。京都で生まれたラーメン店チェーン、 「天下一品」は「ドロド



スープと一緒に食べる) 。完食後、 どんぶりの底を見るとそこには「明

日もお待ちしてます。 」 の文字が。 このような気遣いがあるだけで、 皆、 もう一度店に足を運びたくなる――ただ、2日連続であのスープを 飲み干すとなると、胃薬があったほうがいいかもしれない。

EDGY JAPAN EDGY JAPAN is a Japanese creative resource agency, introducing and connecting Japanese creative talents and products to the world in English and Putonghua. Founded in 2008 by Hiroki Yanagisawa and Yasutaka Kageyama. EDGY JAPAN は日本のクリエイターを英語と中国語で紹介し、実際 に海外のクライアントとつないでいくクリエイティブ・リソース・エー ジェンシー。2008年に柳澤大樹と影山泰考により設立。

www.edgyjapan.jp @edgyjapan info@edgyjapan.jp

WAttention Tokyo


S h o r t Tr i p f r o m To k y o

Ito Onsen ─ the largest volume of onsen spring in Kanto Region

Izu Peninsula

Seizan Yamato

Nature-Driven Excursion from Tokyo

This is My Second Home 安らぎを求めて何度でも訪れたくなる宿

Hot spring, all-year-around cherry blossom, stunning view of Mt. Fuji, and easy access from Tokyo. Ito, located in the heart of Izu Peninsula, is an ultimate resort destination. 温泉、桜、富士山の絶景、そして東京からの容易なアクセス。伊豆半島の中 心、伊東。それは唯一無二のリゾート。

Ito Onsen ─ the largest volume of onsen spring in Kanto Region Ito is located 120km (75 miles) away from Tokyo and it is in the same direction of Mt. Fuji, or the southwest. Situated on the eastern coast of Izu Peninsula, the city is known for its relatively warm weather, also dubbed as an "eternal spring" – even cherry blossoms bloom in autumn. Ito's unique location, facing Sagami Bay in front and Mt. Amagi on the back, allows visitors to fully immerse into the mountainous and seaside natures and harvests. The best part, onsen, is famously known to have the largest flow rate of the natural spring, with overwhelmingly 752 outlets and the flow rate of 32,000 liter/minute. This is the largest scale in Kanto Region. Izukogen (Izu Highland) Area, which includes 580m high Mt. Oomuro and Jogasaki Coast, is known to have diverse natural resources, which stems from periods of volcanic activities in the past. Because of this background, the view from the area is promising no matter when you visit. The relatively all-year-around warm weather means visitors can witness beautiful flowers, and that includes 22 WAttention Tokyo

a symbolic of Japan, cherry blossom. Sakura (cherry blossom) Village in Mt. Omuro begins to bloom what's called winter cherry blossom from mid-October. Various kinds of cherry blossoms bloom consecutively through out the winter season until spring. At Komuroyama Park, camellia blooms from November and it peaks out in February and March. This is another fascination of Ito. Onsen, nature, great food, and cherry blossoms all in one day. Simply, the greatest getaway trip from busy streets of Tokyo.  伊東は、 東京より南西へ約120km、 常春の伊豆半島・



は、長期間に渡る火山活動によって生まれたもので、 山から海へと変化に富んだ美しい自然が広がり、そ


了しています。また温暖な伊東では四季を問わず、1 年中美しい花を楽しむことができます。大室山さくら



ます。小室山公園では、11月から咲き始めて2∼3月 に見頃を迎えるつばき園が見事です。

Hospitality, architecture, location, and tranquility of the atmosphere – these are some of the factors that distinguish Seizan Yamato, a luxury onsen inn, from the rest of similar inns. Onsen and all the rooms have an uninterrupted expansive view of downtown Ito and Sagami Bay. Unlike a similar onsen inn, guests of Seizan Yamato have their dinner in their room – allowing a convenient and personalized dining experience with a wide selection of choices. Each room is serviced by nakai, a lady butler, to assist needs of the guests during the stay. Seizan Yamato's hospitality also emerges on the fine details. Two types of yukata bathrobe, one is for moving around the inn and the other is for sleeping, is equipped for the guest's convenience. A wide range of pillow is also available for the optimum sleeping experience. With a comprehensive hospitality experience, this is what a guest can call, my second home – you simply want to come back again, and again.   「青山やまと」は何度でも訪れたくなる温泉旅館で



東海岸の中心に位置しています。 天城山を背に、相










Onsen spring In Seizan Yamato is directly taken from a nearby spring source. 温泉はすべて100%源泉か け流しの湯を使用


る。自分のペースでゆっくり過ごし、心身ともに十分 に寛げる時間が持てる。





Access to Ito: From Tokyo Station, get the special express "Odorikogo" on the Izukyuko line for Shimoda to Ito Station. (1hr. 50min.) You can also take the shinkansen "Kodamago" for Nagoya or Osaka, it takes 55 minutes to reach Atami Station and transfer to the Ito Line going toward Izu Shimoda and ride for about 24 minutes to Ito Station.



が用意され、枕も固さなど、好みに応じる数種類が用 意されている。


すべてのスタッフの温かな笑顔に またすぐに来た

い という思いがつのるのだ。

SEIZAN YAMATO ADDRESS: 230 Oka Ito-shi Shizuoka, 414-0055 TEL: +81(0)557-32-0300 PRICE: JPY25,350/ person/night (2 guests/room)-*depense on the date. WEBSITE: ht tp: //www.seizanyamato.jp/ seizan2009/international/

S h o r t Tr i p f r o m To k y o

Ito Onsen ─ the largest volume of onsen spring in Kanto Region

Izu Peninsula

Seizan Yamato

Nature-Driven Excursion from Tokyo

This is My Second Home 安らぎを求めて何度でも訪れたくなる宿

Hot spring, all-year-around cherry blossom, stunning view of Mt. Fuji, and easy access from Tokyo. Ito, located in the heart of Izu Peninsula, is an ultimate resort destination. 温泉、桜、富士山の絶景、そして東京からの容易なアクセス。伊豆半島の中 心、伊東。それは唯一無二のリゾート。

Ito Onsen ─ the largest volume of onsen spring in Kanto Region Ito is located 120km (75 miles) away from Tokyo and it is in the same direction of Mt. Fuji, or the southwest. Situated on the eastern coast of Izu Peninsula, the city is known for its relatively warm weather, also dubbed as an "eternal spring" – even cherry blossoms bloom in autumn. Ito's unique location, facing Sagami Bay in front and Mt. Amagi on the back, allows visitors to fully immerse into the mountainous and seaside natures and harvests. The best part, onsen, is famously known to have the largest flow rate of the natural spring, with overwhelmingly 752 outlets and the flow rate of 32,000 liter/minute. This is the largest scale in Kanto Region. Izukogen (Izu Highland) Area, which includes 580m high Mt. Oomuro and Jogasaki Coast, is known to have diverse natural resources, which stems from periods of volcanic activities in the past. Because of this background, the view from the area is promising no matter when you visit. The relatively all-year-around warm weather means visitors can witness beautiful flowers, and that includes 22 WAttention Tokyo

a symbolic of Japan, cherry blossom. Sakura (cherry blossom) Village in Mt. Omuro begins to bloom what's called winter cherry blossom from mid-October. Various kinds of cherry blossoms bloom consecutively through out the winter season until spring. At Komuroyama Park, camellia blooms from November and it peaks out in February and March. This is another fascination of Ito. Onsen, nature, great food, and cherry blossoms all in one day. Simply, the greatest getaway trip from busy streets of Tokyo.  伊東は、 東京より南西へ約120km、 常春の伊豆半島・



は、長期間に渡る火山活動によって生まれたもので、 山から海へと変化に富んだ美しい自然が広がり、そ


了しています。また温暖な伊東では四季を問わず、1 年中美しい花を楽しむことができます。大室山さくら



ます。小室山公園では、11月から咲き始めて2∼3月 に見頃を迎えるつばき園が見事です。

Hospitality, architecture, location, and tranquility of the atmosphere – these are some of the factors that distinguish Seizan Yamato, a luxury onsen inn, from the rest of similar inns. Onsen and all the rooms have an uninterrupted expansive view of downtown Ito and Sagami Bay. Unlike a similar onsen inn, guests of Seizan Yamato have their dinner in their room – allowing a convenient and personalized dining experience with a wide selection of choices. Each room is serviced by nakai, a lady butler, to assist needs of the guests during the stay. Seizan Yamato's hospitality also emerges on the fine details. Two types of yukata bathrobe, one is for moving around the inn and the other is for sleeping, is equipped for the guest's convenience. A wide range of pillow is also available for the optimum sleeping experience. With a comprehensive hospitality experience, this is what a guest can call, my second home – you simply want to come back again, and again.   「青山やまと」は何度でも訪れたくなる温泉旅館で



東海岸の中心に位置しています。 天城山を背に、相










Onsen spring In Seizan Yamato is directly taken from a nearby spring source. 温泉はすべて100%源泉か け流しの湯を使用


る。自分のペースでゆっくり過ごし、心身ともに十分 に寛げる時間が持てる。





Access to Ito: From Tokyo Station, get the special express "Odorikogo" on the Izukyuko line for Shimoda to Ito Station. (1hr. 50min.) You can also take the shinkansen "Kodamago" for Nagoya or Osaka, it takes 55 minutes to reach Atami Station and transfer to the Ito Line going toward Izu Shimoda and ride for about 24 minutes to Ito Station.



が用意され、枕も固さなど、好みに応じる数種類が用 意されている。


すべてのスタッフの温かな笑顔に またすぐに来た

い という思いがつのるのだ。

SEIZAN YAMATO ADDRESS: 230 Oka Ito-shi Shizuoka, 414-0055 TEL: +81(0)557-32-0300 PRICE: JPY25,350/ person/night (2 guests/room)-*depense on the date. WEBSITE: ht tp: //www.seizanyamato.jp/ seizan2009/international/

M a k e r ’s S h i r t k a m a k u r a V o l .1

A consuming passion for quality

The story of a Japanese shirt maker building a reputation on outstanding quality

A Commitment to Quality Each stitch with the greatest care is the company policy of this relatively new tailored shirt maker. Since its foundation in 1993 in the heart of the historic town of Kamakura, its high quality shirts have won many devoted fans amongst discerning business people.

If you have a discerning eye for quality, then you ll recognize superior fabrics and immaculate tailoring immediately. These elegant shirts from Maker s Shirt Kamakura definitely belong in this category. Simply sliding your arm into a sleeve fills you with a sense of confidence. This is the reason why this family run company, established in 1993, has been growing rapidly in and around Tokyo area. Proudly boasting 20 shops, mostly in popular shopping malls, including the mall in Tokyo International Airport (Haneda), this wonderful brand is now expanding to other parts of the country. Their passion for the quality is allconsuming. All the fabrics used for their shirts use a minimum 80 yarn count, with some of them reaching 300 count, very rare in dress shirts designed for daily use. These luxurious fabrics are stitched using superior single needle seams. All of their cotton is sourced from the top three cotton brands worldwide, and their buttons are made of real shell, giving off an elegant sheen. Made in Japan, yet an affordable luxury Another notable point is that the shirts from this brand are all manufactured in

Japan. To support the declining Japanese tailoring industry, they contract with mostly small independent factories that share their company motto Each stitch with the greatest care . This business ethic is a great contribution to the Japanese economy as it continues the struggle to overcome the unfortunate events of earlier this year. Happily, though, producing shirts in Japan also offers benefits in terms of marketing. As this allows limited batch manufacturing and short delivery times,

there are always new styles and limited models coming into the shops that keep their customers coming back regularly. The price of the shirts is also one of the strongest points of this brand. Although they are hand made in Japan, most of their ranges have a price tag of just 4,900 yen (about US$60). This is achieved by contracting directly with manufacturers and by rationalizing the distribution system. Top quality dress shirts at an affordable price, what more could you ask for your weekday wardrobe?

Collars and cuf fs quickly reveal how well the shir ts are tailored. Double cotton interlining means durability a n d g o o d f i t. 6 d i f fe re nt styles of collars are available.

Meticulous attention to detail, high quality fabric with fastidious Japanese sewing technique are the trademark of this brand. There are 20 shops around Japan including the outlets in Tokyo International Airport Terminal, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Tokyo and Shibuya. www.shirt.co.jpďźˆJapanese only For further details, visit www.wattention.com/kamakura 24 WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


M a k e r ’s S h i r t k a m a k u r a V o l .1

A consuming passion for quality

The story of a Japanese shirt maker building a reputation on outstanding quality

A Commitment to Quality Each stitch with the greatest care is the company policy of this relatively new tailored shirt maker. Since its foundation in 1993 in the heart of the historic town of Kamakura, its high quality shirts have won many devoted fans amongst discerning business people.

If you have a discerning eye for quality, then you ll recognize superior fabrics and immaculate tailoring immediately. These elegant shirts from Maker s Shirt Kamakura definitely belong in this category. Simply sliding your arm into a sleeve fills you with a sense of confidence. This is the reason why this family run company, established in 1993, has been growing rapidly in and around Tokyo area. Proudly boasting 20 shops, mostly in popular shopping malls, including the mall in Tokyo International Airport (Haneda), this wonderful brand is now expanding to other parts of the country. Their passion for the quality is allconsuming. All the fabrics used for their shirts use a minimum 80 yarn count, with some of them reaching 300 count, very rare in dress shirts designed for daily use. These luxurious fabrics are stitched using superior single needle seams. All of their cotton is sourced from the top three cotton brands worldwide, and their buttons are made of real shell, giving off an elegant sheen. Made in Japan, yet an affordable luxury Another notable point is that the shirts from this brand are all manufactured in

Japan. To support the declining Japanese tailoring industry, they contract with mostly small independent factories that share their company motto Each stitch with the greatest care . This business ethic is a great contribution to the Japanese economy as it continues the struggle to overcome the unfortunate events of earlier this year. Happily, though, producing shirts in Japan also offers benefits in terms of marketing. As this allows limited batch manufacturing and short delivery times,

there are always new styles and limited models coming into the shops that keep their customers coming back regularly. The price of the shirts is also one of the strongest points of this brand. Although they are hand made in Japan, most of their ranges have a price tag of just 4,900 yen (about US$60). This is achieved by contracting directly with manufacturers and by rationalizing the distribution system. Top quality dress shirts at an affordable price, what more could you ask for your weekday wardrobe?

Collars and cuf fs quickly reveal how well the shir ts are tailored. Double cotton interlining means durability a n d g o o d f i t. 6 d i f fe re nt styles of collars are available.

Meticulous attention to detail, high quality fabric with fastidious Japanese sewing technique are the trademark of this brand. There are 20 shops around Japan including the outlets in Tokyo International Airport Terminal, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Tokyo and Shibuya. www.shirt.co.jpďźˆJapanese only For further details, visit www.wattention.com/kamakura 24 WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


Editor's Eye


Made In Japan


その美しさには 理由がある

The quality of Japanese products in variety of fields is appreciated worldwide. Japanese cosmetics are not an exception! The editorial team would like to introduce multifunctional moisturizing gel and supplement for your hair. They are both highly recommended!


Skin Care Products The gel alone moisturizes your skin after washing the face ドクターシーラボ 薬用 アクアコラーゲンゲル

Dr. Ci:Labo Aqua Collagen Gel

【50g ¥3,990 】

Dr.Ci:Labo Co.,Ltd 0120-371-217 www.ci-labo.com overseas-info@ci-labo.co.jp

Dr.Ci:Labo is a largely popular “doctor’s” or “medical” cosmetics in Japan and in Asia. Their multifunctional moisturizing gel has been the long-time best seller of the Dr. Ci:Labo. This extraordinary gel serves as moisturizer, lotion, serum, brightening cream and makeup base. Its “double moisturizing system” reaches the deep layers of your skin, keeping your skin moisturized for 24 hours.



Concentrated all the essence that is good for hair; your hair needs supplement too! フィレオ 艶

Fileo Tsuya Shiny hair is the key to youthful looks. Do you know what makes hair shiny? The hair supplement “Tsuya (shine)” was created for those who wish to beautify the hair! It’s finally on the market from Fileo that makes quality supplements. Supply necessary nutrients such as millet, keratin, collagen, ceramide, Zn, Se, Fe, cystine, ginkgo, lysine, royal jelly, pearl powder, and you will get shiny hair. 26 WAttention Tokyo

【¥3, 990】

Fileo Co.,Ltd 0120-465-326 www.fileo.jp

Japanese culinary culture is rich that peoples can enjoy tastes of various kinds of dishes around the world. You can easily find distinctive eating places in and around Tokyo. Here we guide Tokyoite’s foodie destinations. Discover your favorite restaurants that will meet your preferences, taste and budget!




Bread & Tapas Sawamura

Ninja Akasaka

Sushi Kaiseki Nogawa

Enjoy delicious freshly-baked breads all day long

Ninja-themed restaurant is full of surprises!

Delicious traditional cuisine from Singapore to Japan

The bakery café & restaurant is located on a street 5 minutes walk from Hiroo station. You can enjoy freshly baked breads at the bakery café on the 1st floor everyday and Italian based dishes at the restaurant on the 2nd floor. They are very specific about the ingredients and use 15 different kinds of flour depending on the bread. All lunch menus come with freshly baked bread, and enjoy tapas and wine with bread at dinner time. The last order is at 3:30am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and the restaurant is open from early morning to serve the popular and hearty breakfast plate on the weekend. English-speaking staffs are also available.

As its name suggests, this popular restaurant in Akasaka-Mitsuke is filled with ninja theme, well loved by international guests. The numerous display of autographs on the wall proves that this place is well known among western celebrities. The interior of the restaurant is meticulously decorated as a ninja mansion, laid out like a labyrinth with a waterfall and ponds. Staff in ninja costumes serve dishes with flames and smoke. With the base of traditional Japanese cooking, their dishes are healthy and creative. English menus and Englishspeaking staffs are available.

This high class sushi restaurant is launched by Singapore s top sushi chef, Mr. Nogawa. Ginza s flagship restaurant of Nogawa even has an outlet in Singapore! Its biggest attraction is the team of experienced sushi experts and kaiseki chefs all under one roof. They buy in the freshest fish and ingredients from the famous Tsukiji market everyday to make intricate sushi, sashimi and other delicious dishes. The best way to enjoy this restaurant is to try Nogawa s famous handmade nigirisushi along with other authentic high-end Japanese cuisine. Since these dishes are usually offered in separate restaurants, this is killing two birds with one stone!

ADD 1F・2F La Saccaia Minami-Azabu, 5-1-6 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku ● TEL 035421-8686 ● TIME Bakery 7:00 ∼ Restaurant 11:30 ∼ 15:00, 18:00 ∼ 22:30LO(Thu, Fri, Sat 3:30LO)8:00 ∼ 10:30 (Sat, Sun, Holidays) ● WEB http://www.b-sawamura.com/hiroo/

A D D 1F A k a s a k a To k y u P l a z a , 2-14 - 3 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku ● TIME 17:00 ∼ 23:00LO Open daily ● TEL 03-5157-3936 ● WEB http://www.ninjaakasaka.com/

ADD 6F Duplex Ginza Tower, 5-13-19 Ginza, Chuo-ku ● TIME 11:30 ∼ 22:30 Open daily ● TEL 03-6228-4407 ● WEB http://w w w. sushinogawa.jp/en/index.html

WAttention Tokyo


Pale Moon, Cats in Season (Oborozuki neko no sakari)

Hotel New Otani’s Italian restaurant reopens with a new feature!

Breathtaking panorama view from Tokyo city view

Enjoy the world of “Ukiyo-e” at Roppongi Hills

Italian restaurant located on the 40th floor of the Garden Tower in Hotel New Otani Tokyo reopens as “RISTORANTE BELLA VISTA”, serving authentic Italian dishes simplified to the essence under its new concept “Semplice Italiano”. Lay back and enjoy a relaxing moment with a glass of Italian wine and spectacular view of the Tokyo skyscrapers.

The city style observatory, Tokyo city view, is located on the 52th floor at Roppongi Hills Mori Tower. Shops and cafes are attached in the glassed open space with 11m or more stairwells. At the same floor, Mori Arts Center Gallery, the exhibition of Utagawa Kuniyoshi will be held from December 17. You can appreciate it together with Tokyo panorama view.

Kuniyoshi Utagawa is one of the greatest Japanese ukiyo-e artists, born in Nihonbashi in 1797. The exhibition of KUNIYOSHI: Spectacular Ukiyo-e Imagination celebrates his 150th anniversary from December 17 to February 12 at Mori Arts Center Gallery in Roppongi Hills. Approximately 420 pieces of nishiki-e, autograph and woodblocks.

RISTRANTE BELLA VISTA 03-3238-0020 www.newotani.co.jp/en/tokyo/

Tokyo City View 03-6406-6652 http://roppongihills.com/tcv

Kuniyoshi : Spectacular Ukiyo-e Imagination Official website: http://kuniyoshi.exhn.jp/


Check out these useful information and news!

The pride of Akita: Inaniwa udon noodles

Must buy JR Kanto Area Pass (3-day pass) !

Inaniwa udon has over 300 years of history. Kanbun Gonendo’s noodles are made with their original recipe by experienced professionals. It has been awarded Grand Gold Quality Medal for the past 13 straight years by Monde Selection. You can also buy it online at http://www.kanbun.jp/index.cgi

“JR Kanto Area Pass”, a reasonable 3-day pass offered by JR from December 1st, 2011, lets you ride all the bullet trains, special expresses and local trains from January 1st, 2012, within the Kanto region including Kawaguchi-ko, Izu, Kusatsu, Karuizawa and Nikko! Amazingly priced at 8,000 yen for adult. Check out http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/ for details!

Kanbun Gonendo 0183-43-2114 www.kanbun.co.jp 28 WAttention Tokyo

East Japan Railway Company www.jreast.co.jp/e/

弊誌英文ライター募集 WAttention Tokyoでは、英文ライターを募集してい ます。弊社では、雑誌やサイトを通じて日本文化や歴 史、メイドインジャパンプロダクト、日本全国の魅力 を世界に発信しています。ジャパンカルチャーを外 国人に伝えるというパッションと興味をお持ちの方、 弊社までお問い合わせください。英語力ネイティブ レベル、英文ライティング経験者歓迎、 フリーランス 契約可。

和テンション株式会社 03-6418-5701 info-tokyo@wattention.com www.wattention.com

WAttention Tokyo Presents for Readers!

Royal Park Hotel

Access here for application

http://www.wattention.com How to apply Top page

Tokyo city view at Roppongi hills

Answer the questionnaire and receive presents

Dr. Ci;Labo, Aqua Collagen Gel

Deadline: February-15, 2012

1 night free stay at Royal Park Hotel


Tokyo city view at Roppongi hills admission tickets

Fileo, Hair Supplement Tsuya(艶)


Dr. Ci;Labo, Aqua Collagen Gel


Fileo, Hair Supplement Tsuya( 艶 )


Kanbun Gonendo Inaniwa Udon Noodles


Kanbun Gonendo Inaniwa Udon Noodles

Double Chance!! Click

on FaceBook

http://www.wattention.com Total 10 winners by drawing can get kinchaku pouches!

WAttention Tokyo


What's On

December 2011 - February 2012

Festivals and events in this season


Internet Access in Tokyo 東 京 の ネ ット 接 続 事 情

Although Japan is known fo r i ts te c h n o l o g y, i nte r n et connectivity for the tourist is still rather limited. These days even most of the budget hotels provide internet connection in each room (please note, LAN cable is still in common use, rather than WIFI). There is a free public WIFI network called FREESPOT (www.freespot.com/users/map_ e.html) made up of a network of independent providers like cafes and shops, but it seems many of its spots require registration via 3G email. so this could be offputting for tourists who don't want to use expensive 3G roaming. Wi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en) offers several services, including 6 hours connection for 350 yen. They have extensive instructions in English so check it out before you go out. Wireless Gate (www.wirelessgate.co.jp) offers even wider services, including one month connection for a fixed 480 yen that includes connecting spots on the Bullet train (only N700 model) and in Underground stations. Unfor tunately Wireless Gate d o e s n' t h ave a n E n g l i s h instructions page. FON network (http://maps. fo n.c o m /?l a n g = e n) i s q u i te extensive throughout Tokyo and is recommended.


Cheap Kimono Sale ① Sun, Dec 11th Edoshouten, a volunteer-based group, hosts this reasonable and friendly sale. It is great fun to look around piles of kimonos which are all free to try on. Good for souvenirs too! [笑門福来 着物激安セール] (社)江戸笑店 主催のフレンドリーな着物市。着物が1000円 から買え、試着し放題。 10 : 3 0 -17: 0 0 a t A m u s e M u s e u m i n Asakusa 6F, free entrance for the sale http://www.amusemuseum.com/english/ http://www.edoshouten.or.jp/ (Japanese)

Boro-ichi Market in Setagaya Thu & Fri, Dec 15th & 16th and Sun & Mon, Jan 15th & 16th Famous winter jumble market with approx. 750 venders that sell antiques, toys, potted plants and vintage clothes. [世田谷のボロ市]世田谷の冬の風物詩であ る伝統の市。通称「ボロ市通り」に骨董などの 露店が約750店出る。 9:00-21:00 South of Kamimachi Station on Tokyu Setagaya line h t t p: // w w w. s e t a g a y a - l i n e.c o m / t r i p / boroichi/ (Japanese)

Hagoita Market ② Sat-Mon, Dec 17th - 19th A very colorful end-of-the-year market where more than 50 stalls of venders sell traditional children s wooden rackets preparing for the new year holiday. Very popular seasonal event started in the Edo period.

東京のホテルは多くが客室でのネット接 続を提供している。街中での無料 WIFI ネットワークで有名なのは FREESPOT (www.freespot.com/users/map_e.html) だがあまり多くない。モバイルをよく使う [歳の市・羽子板市]江戸時代からの歳末恒 人は日や月単位で利用料を払う WIFI サ 例の大市で、戦後から羽子板市に。色とりど ービスが便利だろう。6800ポイントを持 りの羽子板が見もの。 つ Wi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en)は6時間 Approxmately 10:00-22:00 350円からで英語での利用説明が充実。 At Senso-ji near Asakusa station ht tp://w w w.senso-ji.jp/annual_event / ワ イ ヤレ ス ゲ ート(www.wirelessgate. osamenogoennichi.html (Japanese) co.jp)は地下鉄構内や新幹線コンコース 待合室・新幹線 N700系車両で利用でき るコースを月額480円からで用意。どち Yuzu Bath Day らも成田空港で利用できる。 Thu, Dec 22nd

More information is available at Wattention.com WAttentionの情報をネットでも!


Traditionally it is said that you won t catch a cold all year round if you take a bath with Yuzu (Japanese citrus) on the Winter Solstice day. Many Sentos (public bath house) offer this fragrant bath on this day. [ゆず湯の日]冬至にゆず湯に入ると一年中

30 WAttention Tokyo



風邪を引かないという。江東区・江戸川区銭 湯組合加盟浴場では450円。

cakes) roasted by this fire brings health for the year.

A s s o c i a t i o n o f S e n to s o f Ko to a n d Edogawa Wards offer Yuzu-yu (bath). Bathing fee: 450 yen To Learn about Sento http://1010.or.jp/ english/ Public bath list http://1010.or.jp/search/ (Japanese)

[とんど焼き/どんど焼き]正月飾りや古いお 札などを燃やす祭事。この火で焼いた餅を食 べると一年を健康にすごせると言われる。

photo/ Asakusa Tourism Federation

Joya no Kane – Bell Ringing on New Year s Eve ③ Sat, Dec 31st According to Buddhism, it is said that you can shake off your 108 kinds of earthly desires and welcome the new year if you hear the 108 rings of bell at the very end of the year. [除夜の鐘]煩悩と同じ数とされる108の除夜 の鐘を大晦日に聞くと、それらの煩悩が落ち、 いい新年を迎えられるという。浅草寺の除夜 の鐘は有名。 M o s t of B u d d h i s t te m p l e s of fe r th e service. Some popular ones are: Tsukiji Hongan-ji ( Tsukiji), Ikegami Honmonj i ( I ke g a m i ) a n d S e n s o - j i ( A s a k u s a , pictured). Bell ringing starts around half an hour to midnight.

Shogatsu New Year Celebration

photo/ Sensoji

Many shrines offer this service. One of the famous places in Tokyo is Torikoe-jinja (Asakusabashi).

Manaita-biraki Thu, Jan 12th A ceremonial offering of a koi (carp) prepared by a grand master of knives in a traditional costume who prepares the fish using a knife and chopsticks without touching it with bare hands on a giant cutting board (manaita). [俎(まな板)開き]13世紀から伝わる神仏混 淆の儀式。巨大な俎の上で、包丁と箸を使い 指一本触れずに鯉をさばく。 10:00- at Houon-ji near Inaricho station on Ginza line. http://www.wattention.com/trip-to-japan/ tokyo/asakusa/manaita-biraki

Setsubun (Mamemaki) Fri, Feb 3rd A traditional festival to celebrate the arrival of the spring and to wish for health and wealth by throwing soybeans to imaginary evil spirits.

The New Year s Day is the most important holiday of the year for families to get together. People enjoy Osechi, the special meal, v i s i t a s h r i n e o r a te m p l e of their choice to make the wish for the new year. Many get up early to watch the first sunrise to make a wish. It is one of the few days the whole nation turns somewhat religious. Beware that famous shrines and temples get extremely crowded, and many stores and businesses are closed from Jan 1st to 3rd. Popular shrines and temples: Meiji-jingu (Harajuku), Senso-ji (Asakusa), Kanda Myojin (Kanda) and Okunitama-jinja (Huchu).

[節分]春の訪れを祝い、豆まきなどで邪気払 いやその年の無病息災を願う。都内各地の神 社やお寺で節分を祝う催しがある。池上本門 寺などが有名。

Tondo-yaki (Dondo-Yaki)

[染めの小道]染物の町、落合・中井。かつて 染物を洗っていた川に反物がはためき、染物 関連のイベントが多数開かれる。

Sun, Jan 8th A f e s t i v a l t o b u r n N e w Ye a r s decorations and last year's talismans. It is believed that eating mochi (rice

Many temples and shrines offer this service. One of the famous places in Tokyo is Ikegami Honmon-ji (Ikegami). http://honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html

Someno Komichi Fri - Sun, Feb 17th - 19th An event held in the dyeing district in central Tokyo. Dyed kimono fabric will be displayed over the river stream to commemorate the old days when they were washed in the river. Many dyeing-related events and exhibitions will be also held.

10:00-17:00 at Nakai station on SeibuShinjuku line http://www.somenokomichi.com/

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