WAttention Tokyo vol 3

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WTT03_COVER_ol.pdf 1 5/31/2012 5:27:21 PM

We sincerely thank you for all your support. Now, we are ready to welcome you. Just like the cherry blossoms which are in full bloom, we have rose up again after our recovery process.

SENDAI CITY Where the sun rises and flowers bloom

For SENDAI traveling information, visit "http://www.sentabi.jp/1000"




7:44:07 PM

In Ha rmony w it h t he Sea sons Joushi (3rd of March) tex t & coor dination / R ie ko Ido, p hoto/ Hajime Wata na b e 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、 写真=渡邉肇

こ よ み 楽 し む

上巳の節供は一般的に女の子の行事。 白酒と共にこの時期旬の蛤のお吸い 物が振る舞われます。蛤の貝の片方 は他の貝とは合わないことから良縁 を意味する縁起ものとされ、この節供 によく食されるようになりました。

There are five days across the year called Sekku/Sechiku . Each announces the change of the season in the traditional Japanese calendar. One of these is Momo no Sekku (Girl s Day) . It is also called Joushi which is the Chinese name for this day. It is said that this event was first celebrated by aristocrats during the Heian period (7th Century). It began as a poetry reading festival to banish bad luck and dirt, then at some point, paper dolls were introduced, on which participants would write down their own bad luck, then place on the river or


J o u s h i i s w i d e l y r e g a rd e d as Girl s Day. T he event is celebrated with Shiro Sake (milk y rice wine) and bowls of clam broth. Clams were thought to be a symbol of luck in marriage for girls, as one half of a clam shell will only match perfectly with its other half, and no other.

in the sea as a symbol of cleansing and a prayer for health and prosperity. This gradually began to be celebrated as Girl s Day, probably because of the presence of the dolls. The cherry blossom look-alike peach blossoms are widely associated with this event. The name Momo means peach. It is said that peaches in Chinese medicine have the power to cure a chill and help restore youth to women.  日本には節供が 5 回あり、そのひとつが桃の節供で



呼ぶこともあります。起源は平安時代より前とされ、 貴族が「曲水の宴」という和歌遊びをしながら祓いや


すことで「無病息災」を願う庶民の行事として定着、 女の子の誕生と成長を祝う行事へと変化していきま


Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し次 世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発展させ る提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。

WAttention Tokyo


Letter from the Editor’s Room Spring 2012 For the Spring Issue of Wattention Tokyo, we featured cherry blossoms to celebrate the season. Sakura,, the cherry blossom, is one of the country s national flowers, and has been the symbol of Japanese spirituality for centuries. It is so loved that many parks around the country have cherry trees, and people get together to have hanami , picnics under the cherry blossom, when it is in full bloom. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the endowment of 3000 cherry trees to Washington DC from Tokyo, symbolizing the century-long friendship between the two countries. These trees are still blooming every year, attracting a large number of visitors annually at the National Cherry Blossom Festival. Although the period of the blossoming of cherry flowers is short and unpredictable, if you are here in late March or early April, please experience the authentic sakura in Tokyo! You can also step out of the city to head up North to enjoy it in Tohoku or Hokkaido in April and May! Editor s Room Yasuko Suzuki

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

今号の『WAttention Tokyo』では、春号ということ


人の精神性の象徴として例えられることが多く、日本の 国花の一つ(もうひとつは菊)でもあります。日本にある 多くの公園には桜の木が植えられているのですが、満開 になると、どこからともなく人が集まってきて、 お花見 =桜の下で食事や宴会 をする人々でにぎわいます。日 本人は本当に桜好きな国民なのですね。  また、今年は、日米友好の象徴となっているワシント ン DC の桜が東京都(当時東京市)より寄贈されてか

ら100 周年を迎える記念の年にあたります。ワシントン

DC では、毎年、3 月から 4 月に、桜まつりが開催され、 大勢の観光客が訪れるそうですが、本誌を手に取った皆

さんは、ぜひ 本場 である東京、日本で 美しい桜の お花見 を体験してください。  桜の咲く期間は短いですが、3月下旬∼4月上旬は東 京のどこかで、4月∼5月なら、東京から一足伸ばして 東北や北海道へ、美しい桜に出会いに出かけましょう! 編集部 鈴木康子

03-6862-6760 or email to info-tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within Please fill out and fax to a few days. You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more!

[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた 方にはWAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届 けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name : Address : Postcode : Tel : Email :

※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAt te ntion Tok yo」  事業は東京都中小企業振興公社の推奨事業です。


S PE C I A L :

Indulge Yourself in Pink, in Tokyo ―The SAKURA guide: Where to go, what to do 桜色のトーキョーを愉しむ

―お花見ハウツー:どこで観る? 何をする?


In Harmony with the Seasons


Letter from the editor s room


Indulge Yourself in Pink, in Tokyo




Why WAttention ? WAt te ntion is so name d with the hope that people in the world would pay more Attention to WA(和); an important term in Japanese culture meaning harmony with nature, peace and even Japanese culture itself!


Michiko Tamaoki

Tokyo Sakura Spots

Naoko Umagoe

Chidorigafuchi, Yoyogi Park, Hamarikyu Gardens, Chinzan-so Koishikawa Botanical Gardens, Rikugien, Ikegami Honmon-ji Meguro River, Inokashira Park etc...

Editorial & Design

Meet me at Izakaya after hanami!


世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注 目(Attention)してほしいという 願 いを 込 めて WA+Attention= WAttentionと名づけました。

Mizuho Ota

Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura


Hajime Watanabe / Hiroki Nishioka


Photo courtesies

Asakusa, Ueno, Shibuya, Harajuku, Tokyo etc...


Tokyo Must-Do EDGY TOKYO


Soothing Summer Trip in Japan – Kitami, east Hokkaido The Best of Everything – 道東・北見市

Destination: Narita Airport, Purpose: Shopping 成田国際空港でショッピング!


Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki



Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD.

Why is this humble flower so popular with the Japanese?




A Commitment to Quality メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 Vol.2

Writer (English) Hiroki Yanagisawa Kitami Kanko Pref. Ota-ku Chinzan-so Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) 広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062


The Taste of Tokyo

東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202


Restaurant Guide

Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704



E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com




Information & Presents


What s on

シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127

The SAKURA guide: Where to go, what to do お花見ハウツー:どこで観る? 何をする?

Cherry blossoms holds a special place in the Japanese mind. Discover how you can share in this special cultural phenomenon. 桜は日本人にとって





Why is this humble flower so popular with the Japanese? 桜はなぜ日本人にここまで愛されているのか Late March and early April are some of the best weeks to visit Japan, as you are very likely to arrive at the height of the Sakura (cherry blossom) season. Somei Yoshino (Prunus yedoensis) is the best-loved variety. Originally cultivated in the late Edo era, they are now to be seen all over Japan. It s interesting to note that all of these thousands of Somei Yoshino trees originate from just one tree - it doesn t form seeds, so can only be propagated through cuttings. Because they are essentially all the same tree, they come into full blossom within the space of just few days, covering whole regions in dreamy blush pink.

06 WAttention Tokyo

The casual observer would be forgiven for thinking that the Japanese are obsessed with Sakura. As soon as the calendar hits March, the weather forecasters start predicting when the blossom will arrive in each part of the country, streaming webcams are set up, and everyone on the street and in the offices begin to plan their Hanami (flower viewing party). Famous Sakura viewing spots like Ueno Park (as shown on this page) will be packed with literally hundreds of thousands of people at the peak of the display. So, why is this humble flower, a poor relation from the rose family, so

popular with the Japanese? It is indeed breathtakingly beautiful. It is one of the earliest flowers to arrive, announcing the start of Spring. However, the root of this love probably lies in the way it blooms. Sakura, especially the typical Somei Yoshino, flowers for just few days or so. It is a flower with a very intense beauty, but one that is fleeting and ephemeral. As the flower dies, it produces a rain of flower petals, known as Hana Fubuki (flower snowfall), as it resembles falling snowflakes. This fits with the Japanese aesthetic of beauty; there is a philosophical parallel understood by the Japanese that relates to the meditation

桜 色の ト ー キョー を 愉しむ

Indulge Yourself in Pink, in Tokyo behind the Samurai s ritual Harakiri. The philosophy says that life is fragile and inconstant, everything is transient. Don t cling to it. Remain detached. Learn from the way the Sakura blossoms. In this feature article, we are going to introduce you to some recommended Sakura spots in Tokyo. Check the weather forecast for blossoming predictions, or ask any Japanese friend when is the best day to go for Hanami. Remember to bring a packed lunch and a picnic blanket. Beware, some spots are enormously popular, and you may end up watching the back of people s heads! If that is the case, find a quiet park or a river bank near you. There should be one or two Sakura trees, and beneath them you can enjoy your own tranquil Hanami moment. Submerge yourself in

the pink haze. Try to meditate. It s an almost spiritual sensation.  桜のシーズンに当たる可能性が高い 3 月下旬から 4 月上旬は、日本を訪れるのに最適な季節のひとつで





となって一気に散るそのありかたに、人生や世のはか なさを見ているのだ。諸行無常。執着を捨てよ。



に、お花見に行く日を決めよう。お弁当と敷物も持っ て行くといい。人気のスポットが混雑しすぎているな

ら、ちょっとした公園や川沿いの遊歩道などの桜を 探してみては。薄ピンクの世界で軽く目を閉じてみれ


れば 1 本の木につながっている。そのためほぼすべて


3 月の声を聞けば多くの天気予報番組が桜の開花予


いつお花見をするか、その開花予報とにらめっこで日 程を相談し始める。満開ともなれば、上野公園(この


いう花見客でごったがえす。桜はなぜこんなにも日本 人の心を捉えているのだろうか。


ひとつでもある。けれど、日本人が桜に惹かれる本当 の理由はもっと別のところにある。数日あまりの短い 期間に命を振り絞るように咲き、惜しげも無く花吹雪

Ueno Park /上野恩賜公園 One of the first western style parks open to public in Japan established during the 19c. It is probably the most popular spot for Hanami (flower viewing party), with more than 2 million visitors in a week. 日本で最初に一般市民のために開放された公園のひとつ。と くに1000本あるという桜は有名で、1シーズンにのべ200 万人が訪れるという。

Ikenohata 3-chome, Ueno Koen, Taito Ward


http://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.jp/toubuk/ueno/ index_top.html (Japanese only) approx. 1 minute walk from Ueno Station on JR Yamanote Line.

WAttention Tokyo


Tokyo Sakura Spots

Yoyogi Park /代々木公園 L o c a te d r i g h t n e x t to t h e p o p u l a r shopping area of Harajuku and the Meiji Jingu shrine, this large park offers a relaxed stroll under avenues of cherry trees. The passage running South-West side of the park is called the "Sakura Garden". 観光に人気の原宿や明治神宮からも近いこの大 きな公園の南西側一帯には、サクラの下を歩ける 遊歩道がある。比較的混雑が少ない。

Yoyogi Kamizonocho, Shibuya-ku 渋谷区代々木神園町

http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/english/park/ detail_03.html#yoyogi 2 minutes walk from Harajuku Station on the JR Yamanote Line.

Hamarikyu Gardens / 浜離宮恩賜庭園

To k y o S a k u Chidorigafuchi /千鳥ヶ淵緑道

This formal landscaped Japanese garden was originally designed for a Daimyo (a feudal lord) to enjoy duck hunting, and its central pond is tidal. Here you can enjoy the archetypal Japanese aesthetic, with sakura cherry trees surrounding the pond.

photo/ Ben Simmons

Arguably the most dramatic display of cherr y blossom in Tokyo. Well aged trees stretch their branches down towards the surface of the moat. Very popular spot too, so early morning could be the best moment to take in the splendor in peace.

東京湾と直接つながっているために潮の満ち引きが ある「潮入りの池」を中心とした本格日本庭園。池を 囲むサクラが美しい。

壮齢のソメイヨシノの枝ぶりのすばらしさ、お堀沿いのどこか 幻想的な景色で都内屈指の人気。夜のライトアップも必見!

1-1 Hama Rikyu-teien, Chuo-ku

1 Kitanomaru Park, Chiyoda-ku North-West corner of the Royal Palace. 千代田区北の丸公園1 Evening light up: 18:30 - 22:00 http://www.kanko-chiyoda.jp/tabid/1117/Default.aspx (Japanese Only) 3 minutes walk from Kudanshita Station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line.


Opening Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Admission fee: adult 300yen http://w w w.tok yo-park.or.jp/english/park / detail_04.html#hamarikyu 5 minutes walk from Shiodome Station on the Toei Subway Oedo Line. photo/ Ben Simmons

Blue groundsheets and young salary men


As the peak of the cherry blossom approaches, you ll see blue plastic groundsheets appear everywhere beneath the most magnificent cherry trees. Quite often you ll see young men in business suits reading manga magazines, having a doze. They are not unemployed. They are not drunk (yet). They are the junior staff of some office or organization, charged with securing a prime spot for the office Hanami party that evening. The Japanese are known for their unique drinking culture, where everyone is allowed to get a little crazy or talk quite frankly after few glasses of alcohol. This license is stretched to the limit at these Hanami party. Usually quiet and unassuming

08 WAttention Tokyo

salary men get wasted, sing at the top of their voices, dance, and often end the evening collapsing in a stupor beneath the pink, cloud-like trees. Cherry blossoms seem to have a magical power to influence human mood. To find out whether this is true, why not try drinking under the full blossom. You may experience a once-in-a-lifetime euphoria!  満開が近づくと、あちこちの花見スポットに 昼からシートを広げゴロゴロしている人がいる。 その晩開かれる職場の花見の場所取りをしてい るのだ。日本人が酒の席でハメを外すことは知 られているが、花見となるとハメの外し方も最 高潮になる。歌い、踊り、花の下でノビている人 も珍しくない。桜には人を酔わせる魔力がある と日本人は言うが、本当かどうか、試してみる?

The most stylish way to enjoy the cherry blossoms

One of the most luxurious ways to enjoy the cherry blossom is to take a Hanami cruise, with a snack and drinks served onboard. There are many Yakatabune (literally meaning


house boat ) Hanami cruises, but unless a member of your party is a Japanese speaker, most of these could be tricky to access. So, for those who want to enjoy the occasion without the hassle, we d recommend a cruise with English assistance that runs during the Hanami season. The cruise boats depart from Azumabashi Bridge pier in the evening. As well as enjoying views of the illuminated cherry blossoms lining the banks of the Sumida River, you can enjoy the performance of an apprentice Geisha. A bento box and one drink is included in the price. This pleasure cruise is a round trip, so you will eventually return to

Azumabashi Bridge pier. The whole tour is accompanied by an English speaking guide.  水に船を浮かべて岸辺の桜を楽しむのは、 古来からもっとも贅沢な花見のスタイルのひと つ。多くの屋形船があるが、これは日本語がで きる人が仲間にいないとちょっと難しい。そこ でおすすめなのが、英語ガイド付きの花見クル ーズ。浅草の桟橋発着のクルーズ船には見習い の芸者さん(振袖さん)も同乗。お弁当とドリン クも付いて手軽な花見クルーズを楽しめる。

Tokyo Cherry Blossoms Night Cruise Tour (JTB Sunrise Tours) adult 6,500yen, child 6,000yen To u r s t a r ts 5:3 0 p m a t H a m a m a ts u c h o B u s Terminal, finishes at Asakusa Station for 7:40 pm. Starts from 30th March until 10th April TEL: 03-5796-5454 http://www.jtb-sunrisetours.jp/

kura Spots Chinzan-so /椿山荘

Koishikawa Botanical Gardens /小石川植物園

If it s still too early for the peak of the Somei Yoshino blossom, then head here. There are 19 different varieties of cherry trees, coming into bloom one after another from mid February.

Originally established in the 17th Century Edo period as a medicinal herb garden. Although it is still primarily used for research, its Japanese garden is very well landscaped.

東京でいちはやくお花見を楽しめる日本庭園。2月中旬の河津桜から4月 まで19種の桜が次々に咲き競う。

2-10-8 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku 文京区関口 2-10-8 TEL: 03-3943-1111 http://www.chinzanso.com/english/ 10 minutes walk from Edogawabashi Station on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line.

江戸時代初期に薬草園としてスタート。現在も研 究目的で使われているが日本庭園はよく整備さ れている。

3-7-1 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku 文京区白山3-7-1

Opening Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Closed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Admission fee: adult 330yen http://www.bg.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/koishikawa/ eigo/e.html 10 minutes walk from Hakusan Station on the Toei Subway Mita Line.

Rikugien /六義園 A landscaped Japanese garden built in the 17th Century. Its famous cascading cherr y (Shidare Sakura) will be illuminated from 22nd March to 5th April. 江戸時代に作られた本格日本庭園。有名なしだ れ桜は3月22日∼4月5日まで夜間ライトアップ される。

6-16-3 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku 文京区本駒込6-16-3

Opening Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (-9:00 pm during illumination) Admission fee: adult 300yen http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/english/park/ detail_08.html#rikugien 7 minutes walk from Komagome Station on the the JR Yamanote Line.

WAttention Tokyo


Tokyo Sakura Spots Ikegami Honmon-ji / 池上本門寺

As the main temple of one of the biggest schools of Bhuddism, Nichiren-shu, this is a very popular and lively temple. Its five-story pagoda was built during the 17th Century. 日蓮宗の総本山でふだんから参拝客が絶えず、 イベントも人気がある。五重塔は1607年建立。

1-1-1 Ikegami, Ota-ku 大田区池上1-1-1

http://honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html 10 minutes walk from Ikegami Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line.

Meguro River /目黒川

Inokashira Park /井の頭恩賜公園

Between Ikejiri and Meguro lies the Meguro River, which is lined with 830 Somei Yoshino trees. The flowers will be illuminated by hundreds of lanterns at night.

Approximately 250 cherr y trees encircle the central pond of this park. Illuminated up until 10:00 pm during the peak of the blossom.

池尻駅から目黒までの両岸を830本のソメイヨ シノが彩る。夜には提灯などによるライトアップ が楽しい。

http://meguroku-net.com/meguro/sakura/ p1-megurogawa.htm (Japanese Only) 5 minutes walk from Ikejiri Ohashi Station on the Tokyu Shin Tamagawa Line, or 2 minutes walk from Nakameguro Station on the Tokyu Toyoko Line.

Hanami by night is another way of enjoying Sakura

Even before the arrival of modern electrical illuminations, Yozakura (or night viewing of the sakura) was regarded as a tasteful way to enjoy the cherry blossoms. The pale pink petals reflect back even the faintest of lights and people would enjoy

10 WAttention Tokyo

大きな池を囲む250本のサクラは手こぎボートから楽しむ のもいい。開花時期には夜10時までライトアップも。

1-18-31 Gotenyama, Musashino-shi 武蔵野市御殿山1-18-31

h t t p: // w w w.ke n s e t s u.m e t r o.to k y o.j p /s e i b u k / inokashira/ 5 minutes walk from Kichijoji station on the JR Chuo Line.


the sakura illuminated by candle light or even just by the moonlight. Nowadays many Hanami spots have introduced illumination systems and Yozakura viewing is becoming more and more popular. WAttention Tokyo's recommended Yozakura spots are: Chidorigafuchi (p. 8, pictured); Meguro River (p. 10); Sumida Park (p. 11); Inokashira Park (p. 10); and Rikugien (p. 9). Chidorigafuchi by night is especially recommended as a must see. Its somewhat spooky beauty is quite overwhelming. It may worth pointing out that this corner of the

moat is designated to honor to the fallen during WWII. Even though it gets quite warm during the day at this time of the year, the temperature tends to drop a lot in the evening, so don't forget to bring warm clothes with you when you go to view Yozakura.  行灯のほのかな光に照らされてぼんやりと浮 かび上がる夜桜──昔から日本人が愛でてき た風情である。最近は桜のピーク時期にあわせ てライトアップをする桜の名所も増加中。編集 部のおすすめ夜桜スポットは、千鳥ヶ淵(写真 左・p.9) 、目黒川(p.10) 、隅田公園(p.11) 、井 の頭公園(p.10) 、六義園(p.9)など。千鳥ヶ淵 のライトアップは必見。厳かで幽玄な雰囲気は、 ここが戦没者のための祈念の地であることと関 係があるのだろうか。

Tokyo Sakura Map A map of well known Hanami spots in central Tokyo. Precise online map is available. 前頁まででご紹介したお花見スポットと、そのほかの東京の有名な桜の名所を集めました。正確なオンライン地図もご利用いただけます。


yamanote line 山手線


ikebukuro sta. 池袋駅



雷雷雷雷門門 雷 門 門門門門





ueno sta. 上野駅


asakusa sta.



SOTOBORI PARK shinjuku sta. 新宿駅






tokyo sta. 東京駅





浜離宮 B’day Fair


shibuya sta. 渋谷駅





INOK ASHIRA PARK─井の頭公園 京王井の頭線 井の頭公園駅徒歩1分 Mt. TAK AO ─高尾山 京王高尾線 高尾山口駅徒歩1分 SENZOKU POND ─洗足池 東急池上線 洗足池駅徒歩1分 IKEGAMI HONMONJI ─池上本願寺 東急池上線 池上駅徒歩10分 KOMAZAWA PARK─駒沢公園 東急田園都市線 駒沢公園駅徒歩15分 MIZUMOTO PARK─水元公園 JR常磐線 金町駅徒歩15分

WAttention Tokyo


Izakaya, Japanese Style Pubs

Meet me at lzakaya after hanami!

From traditional home-style cuisine to seasonal dishes, Izakaya are where you can enjoy Japanese food reasonably. Not a fan of Japanese cuisine? Don t worry! Many of them serve dishes from all over the world, so you are destined to find something you like; you can always count on Izakaya! As for drinks, most places offer sake, shochu, beer, wine and cocktails of various types and brands, as well as a number of soft drinks, which pretty much covers everything you can drink in this country! The prices vary, but are usually around 5000 yen per person at the most. The tough competition among Izakayas lets us enjoy delicious dishes reasonably. If you are on a budget, a course meal with all-you-can-drink option may be the best way to go. The dishes in the course usually change seasonally, so you can enjoy the best dishes of the season with your favorite drinks.

12 WAttention Tokyo

With fresh dishes and stable quality, the Izakaya presents itself as the most convenient and versatile pick out of countless options in the city, offering opportunities for a small group or a large one, for a meal or for a drink. Many of them have English menus these days, so why don t you try an Izakaya tonight?  伝統的な家庭料理から、四季折々の素材を使った

季節料理までを、嬉しい庶民価格で楽しめるのが日 本の居酒屋。ちかごろは日本食だけでなく多国籍料


必ず食べられるものがあるから、お店選びに迷ったら 居酒屋へ行くべし。そして素材は新鮮だし、味も店に


屋チェーンのいいところ。今回ご紹介する 3 店は個室

が多いので、仲間内でわいわいやるならまさに打って つけ。もちろん英語メニューもあります。

Izakaya or Japanese-style pubs, are not only a good place to dine in, but also perfect for getting a glimpse of Japanese culture. So why not try out Izakaya, which keep evolving all the time? サラリーマン・ウーマンで 賑わっている居酒屋は、 実は観光客にとっても手軽に 日本食やお酒を楽しめる 便利で楽しいスポット。 居酒屋でもっと日本を楽しんで!

Cheers� Izakaya�

Our favorite Izakayas all serve original and delicious meals in a course or a la carte reasonably, have many private rooms and English menus! If you can master a day of cherry blossoms and Izakaya, you are officially a Japanophile!

Izakayas much loved by our editing team are these three!

今回編集部がピックアップした3店は、美味しくって良心的な価格で、オリジナル料理 のコースがある店ばかり。個室も多いので、日本の桜を楽しんだら、帰りにぜひとも立ち 寄って日本食を味わいつつ、日本文化をエンジョイしてください。もちろん英語メニュー




Tofuro Yumemachikoji Ginza Corridohgaiten 土風炉 夢街小路銀座コリドー街

Tofuro presents guests with the feeling of wabi-sabi, traditional aesthetics that values simplicity, quietness and modesty, through Japanese dishes using the finest ingredients. Their menus extend from soba (そば) noodles and sashimi (刺身) to bagna cauda with their original sauce. Tofuro in Ginza Corridor has private dining rooms with built-in braziers under the tables. Holding up to 96 guests with various dishes and all-you-can-drink courses makes it a great candidate for your next big party! 茶の湯の世界を彷彿とさせる「わび・さび」を通し、日本の伝統文化を 伝える。それが「土風炉」のコンセプト。メニューは素材を活かした備 長炭焼、刺身料理をはじめ、バーニャカウダなどの洋食もご用意。


ADD Corridoh Street 1F・2F, 8-2, Ginza Chuo-ku ● TIME Mon-Fri or Holiday eve/11:30-14:00, 16:00-23:30(22:50)(drink L.O.23:05) ● Sat or Sun/11:30-23:30 (22:50)(drink L.O.23:05) ● Open daily ● TEL 03-3289-9888 ● WEB http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g223600/lang/en ●

Private Dining Izakaya Kuimonoya Wan Roppongiten and Akasakamitsuketen 個室居酒屋 くいもの屋わん 六本木店、赤坂見附店

Wan welcomes you for a great experience of Japanese culture in all 130 restaurants around the country. The interior is inspired by a century-old traditional house, where you can be seated in one of the private spaces varying in size. Enjoy their home-style boneless fried chicken, fresh sashimi and creative seasonal dishes or Italian and other international cuisines, all served in a small Japanese-style bowl, wan. Bring WAttention with you to Wan Roppongi and Akasaka, for a free complimentary plate of sashimi for the table! 百年前の古民家をイメージした大小さまざまな個室で、旬の食材を活

かした創作料理を楽しめるのが「わん」 。料理は日本文化を味わえる陶 器の器で供されるのも嬉しい。全国に 130 店舗以上あるから、訪れた 街で出会えるはず。和テンション持参の方には 1 グループにおさしみ1 品をサービスします。 PRESENT!


Roppongi ● ADD Roppongi Plaza Building 6F, 3-12-6, Roppongi, Minato-ku ● TIME 17:00-03:00 (L.O.02:30) Open Daily ● TEL 03-5786-0122 ● WEB http://r.gnavi.co.jp/a127601/lang/en Akasakamitsuke ● ADD Marble Akasaka Building B1, 3-9-5, Akasaka, Minato-ku ● TIME Mon or Tues or Sun/11:30-01:00 ● Wed-Sat or Holiday eve 11:30-03:00 ● Open daily ● Tel 03-6229-2889 ● WEB http://r.gnavi.co.jp/p864015/lang/en

Watami Shibuya Dogenzakaten 和民 渋谷道玄坂店

Good quality and low prices are available at this popular izakaya. They rely on safe ingredients and processing to satisfy their customers who come to their restaurants from Japan as well as overseas. Vegetables used are organicallygrown. Head to their place in Shibuya Dogenzaka after a busy day to enjoy a feast with your family and close friends, where practically everything is served: a wide variety of Japanese cuisines and Western foods including delicious desserts. 高品質・低価格をモットーに、安全・安心・手造りにこだわっています。 自社農場の有機野菜を積極的にメニューに取り入れていて、女性に大 人気。個室も多いので、グループでも一人でも気軽に利用できます。

ADD Dogenzaka Center Fielder Building 5F, 2-29-8, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku Holiday eve/17:00-05:00(L.O.04:30) ● Mon-Thu or Sun/17:00-03:00(L.O.02:30) 03-5456-6027 ● WEB http://r.gnavi.co.jp/p920235/lang/en ●

● ●

TIME Fri or Sat or Open daily ● TEL

WAttention Tokyo



With new spots opening up one after another, Tokyo keeps us enchanted in 2012! Don t miss out on the exciting spots we have picked out! 新名所が続々登場! 2012年も東京から目が離せません。

ASAKUSA TOKYO SKYTREE http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/english/

The world s tallest free-standing broadcasting tower, TOKYO SKYTREE,® will be opening in Asakusa on May 22nd. Named after Musashi, the old name of the region across Tokyo, Saitama and Kanagawa, the height of the tower is 634 meters (pun on the pronunciation of the numbers in Japanese). The design symbolizes a celestially extending tree with a unique triangular base combining esthetics of traditional Japanese architectural design with the latest technology. There are observatories

ぜひとも訪れてほしいスポットを 本誌がピックアップ。ココに行かなきゃ 日本を知ったことにはなりません!


View over Sumida River

14 WAttention Tokyo


Dance of Golden Dragon

The huge red lantern is the symbol of Sensoji.

Asakusa Kannon Jigenkai

Sk y walk way at 450 meters above ground.

The world s tallest tower stands in Tokyo! 世界一のタワーが、東京に誕生します


at 350 meters and 450 meters above ground, with shops and restaurants on the lower observatory. From the sky walkway, you can see as far as Mt. Fuji on a clear day. A brand new town central TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN is also opening up in the 400-meter stretch between TOKYO SKYTREE station and Oshiage station. The town will be composed of a commercial complex, TOKYO Solamachi , opening right next to TOKYO SKYTREE as well as offices, schools, and aquarium, shops and

a theatre complete with a planetarium. The area, providing a great contrast between the world s tallest tower and nearby historical Asakusa, will add yet another exciting spot to the list of areas to visit in Tokyo!  5 月 22 日、東京・浅草に世界一高い自立式電波塔、

Sakura Festival

March 17 and 18 700th Anniversary of Sanja Festival Funatogyo March 18

Dance of Golden Dragon by Asakusa Kannon Jigenkai

March 20 April 8

Cherry blossom festival at Sumida park

April 8

Flower festival, Shirasagi no mai (ceremonial egret dance)

Late April

Naki zumou (competition of baby crying)

May 5

Takara no mai (treasure dance)


May 18 - 20

Sanja Festival

May 22

Grand opening of TOKYO SKYTREE


Early June

Bonsai Exhibition in Asakusa

東京スカイツリーが誕生する。350 メートルと 450 メ

回廊からは関東の風景が、天気がいい日には遠くの ®





8-36 Ueno ko-en Taitou-ku http://www.tobikan.jp/

June 20, July 1st Ofuji-san potted plants market in Asakusa

Pay Vermeer a visit in Ueno. あのフェルメールを上野で見よう。 Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum is going to reopen with a fresh face on April 1st. As a grand opening of the museum with improved universal design, it is hosting a special exhibition; Masterpieces from the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, from June 30 to September 17. Included in the collection for the exhibit is the famous Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer, providing you a chance to see one of less than 40 of the artist s works which have been confirmed around the world. A great addition to your walk around beautiful Ueno Park for a cultural afternoon!




珠の耳飾りの少女」 。世界に 30 数点しかないと言わ


Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring

れる作家の作品だけに、上野で散策を楽しんだ後に 足を延ばしてみてはどうだろう。

WAttention Tokyo



SHIBUYA HIKARIE: 2 Shibuya Shibuya-ku http://www.hikarie.jp/#/top


SHIBUYA HIKARIE has the whole package: food, culture, and fun.

It is directly connected to private railways and the Metro, making it a very conveniently located facility.

Tokyu s Theatre Orb s orb is a term used to describe a theatre built towering high over the city.


Shibuya is the most popular area for tourists coming to Japan. On April 26, a new attraction SHIBUYA HIKARIE will open in this city and will become a must-see spot just like the big scramble crossing. The name HIKARIE is made from the Japanese word for light : 光 hikari, and the case particle へ e, meaning towards . It will be a 34-story complex with 4 stories below ground. Its aim is to become a symbol of today s Japan, to become a place for people to interact and connect them to cities, goods, and information. Offices, shops, restaurants, a cinema, an event hall, theatres, and Creative Floor 8, an area specially designed for artists and to present their works, will fill the building, along with a musical theatre, Tokyu s Theatre Orb. The seating capacity will hold 2000 guests and it will present The West Side Story. SHIBUYA HIKARIE is already becoming the talk of the town with its planetarium, which is the first to be built in Tokyo, and its grand theatre Pantheon. Located on the lower floors of the complex is ShinQs, a shopping area consisting of roughly 200 shops ranging from fashion boutiques to sweetshops. Here, you will not only be able to explore the very cool side of Japan, but also

witness Shibuya s transformation into an internationally-minded city. England s The Conran Shop has helped with this by developing its first shop focusing only on designing kitchens and kitchenware. This new complex is not only fashionable but also environmentally friendly. 30% of its premises are filled with plants, and every shop has had LED lights installed. These are not the only eco-friendly features of SHIBUYA HIKARIE. Japan s first water-cooled, non-Freon refrigeratorshave also been installed, as well as automatic doors that do not require electricity, and at the entrance of the 3rd basement floor thereis an electricity generator which runs on the vibration it senses when people walk by.   来日する外国人が日本一訪れたい街と言われる渋


が 4 月 26 日(木)に誕生する。渋谷ヒカリエだ。商業



て劇場などが一か所に集結。2000 席もある本格的ミ

ュージカル劇場・東急シアターオーブではウエスト・ サイド・ストーリーの上演が決定。都内初のプラネタ


る。ShinQs とよばれる約 200 の売り場では、英国の


ォーカスしたショップをオープンさせるなど、こちら も話題に。もちろん環境にも配慮されており、随所に エコの設備や工夫が配されています。

KIDDY LAND HARAJUKU: 6-1-9 Jinguumae Shibuya-ku TEL:03-3409-3431 http://www.kiddyland.co.jp/etc/kiddy_hara_renew_e/

KIDDY LAND grand open! キデイランド、いよいよグランドオープン!

Image of the new KIDDY LAND

Japan has produced many idols but of them all, Hello Kitty is second to none. She is a constant feature all over the world, participating in fashion shows in Paris, for example, and even has today s 16 WAttention Tokyo

queen of pop, Lady GaGa, as one of her many devoted fans. In the summer of 2012, one of Hello Kitty s bases KIDDY LAND in Harajuku will reopen after a 2-year hiatus. Details are yet to be announced but you can expect many exciting events to be held. You may know KIDDY LAND as the toy shop in Harajuku that Michael Jackson once booked so he could have the place all to

himself. Popular character goods and original KIDDY LANDroducts are sold here as well as various other kawaii (the word for cute in Japanese) items from around the world. If you re visiting Harajuku, don t forget to include KIDDYLAND in your plans! It s the perfect place to buy cute souvenirs for family and friends and of course, awesome goodies for yourself.   海外セレブスターらが訪れる定番コースとして支

持されている「キデイランド原宿店」が、2 年の準備

期間を経て 2012 年夏、ついにグランドオープンしま

す。詳細はまだ秘密ですが、どうやらイベントも目白 押しともっぱらの です。

TOKYO What s new, Tokyo Station? 東京駅がよみがえります。 Lights will decorate the building from October so be sure to walk by at nighttime!

Travelers use the airports at Narita and Haneda to go abroad but the starting point for domestic traveling would have to be Tokyo Station. And this station is going through a makeover! The old but beautiful building on the Marunouchi side, made from red bricks, is protected by the government and its designs match those of its sister station in Amsterdam. This building has been under reconstruction since 2007, and with the completion of the first round, some facilities opened in June. Repairs were made to restore its original form in 1914. The JR EAST Travel Service Center opens on October 1 and with its

features, it is bound to become a new popular spot for tourists coming to Japan. A travel support counter, a tourist information center, currency exchange, ATMs and luggage services will be available to ensure tourists a convenient and enjoyable stay in Tokyo. Also on the same day, the Tokyo Station Gallery will open and 2 days after that, The Tokyo Station Hotel will open. A hotel right next to Tokyo Station would be an ideal place to stay if you are planning to travel around Japan. Marunouchi, the sophisticated area outside Tokyo Station, is known for its beautiful buildings and streets lined with

Two places in Tokyo to learn all about Japan! 外国人観光客のための案内所が2か所オープン。

ginkgo trees. Most of the buildings are office buildings but there are also many great restaurants and places to enjoy shopping. So, once you re done exploring Tokyo Station, why not go outside of the gates and explore some more?  2007 年から始まった東京駅の保存・復原工事の

第一期工事が終了し、いよいよ 6 月に一部オープン。 美しい既存部分を可能な限り保存活用しただけでな

く、一部は創建当時の姿に復元されました。そして 10



手荷物関連サービス所がある JR EAST Travel

Service Center と東京ステーションギャラリーが、 10 月 3日には東京ステーションホテルがオープン予 定。外国からのお客様により日本を楽しんでもらうた


TIC: Shin-Tokyo Building 1F, 3-3-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku TEL: 03-3201-3331 http://www.jnto.go.jp/jpn/services/hospitality_for_foreigners/tic.html i-centre: 2-7-2 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku

With all the information you can get, tourist i n fo r m a t i o n c e n te r s a r e s t i l l s o m e of t h e most reliable sources for the latest and local r e c o m m e n d a ti o n s. B y To k yo s t a t i o n, t h e entrance to the railway network in Japan, there will be two new tourist information centers for international visitors. The first one, TIC, just opened up on January 2nd this year on the first floor of Shin-Tokyo Building, where you can find tourist information for all around the country. At Marunouchi Café SEEK on the second floor

of the same building, you can find seminars for international visitors as well as library space with a collection of books on tourism and free computers. On the right is i-centre(tentative name), located in JP Tower opening in 2013, where you can find information on transportation, food, lodging, events, entertainment, as well as a food corner and event space. Pencil in these two tourist centers as the first destinations in Tokyo and gear up with the latest information to enjoy your trip in the country!

Spring has arrived at the art gallery 日本の春を美術館で楽しもう Museum, a museum specializing in Japanese pa intings, is hosting a s p e cia l ex hib itio n, Sakura,Sakura,Sakura 2012 Flower Viewing at the Yamatane Museum. Unlike unpredictable cherry blossom, you can enjoy the beautifully painted blos soms by re nowned Japane se artists from exactly March 31 to May 20. At Nezu Museum, designed by internationally praised Kengo Kuma, on top of the permanent exhibition of Japanese and Asian pre-modern collection, you can enjoy Doll Festival Dolls from

the Toraya Collection from February 25 to April 8. Don t miss this precious chance to see the splendid Hina miniature dolls carefully passed down in Toraya, one of Japan s oldest surviving traditions. Yamatane Museum: 3-12-36 Hiroo Shibuya-ku TEL:03-5777-8600 (audio guidance) http://www. yamatane-museum.jp/ Nezu Museum: 6-5-1 Minami aoyama Minato-ku TEL:03-3400-2536 http://www.nezu-muse.or.jp/

Has himoto M e iji, Che r r y Tree in Morning Sun, Color on Paper, Shōwa Period,

Hina doll, empre ss Meiji period, 19th Century, Toraya Confectionary Co.Ltd.

WAttention Tokyo



Kate Sikora

Singer-songwriter from New Jersey. Her latest EP album Aparto will be released as a full album soon!


A restaurant with a stunning view or a secret hideaway, Tokyoites share their personal favourites with you. 黒茶屋

167 Konakano Akiruno-shi

ニュージャージー出身のシンガー・ ソングライ ター。 最新EPアルバムは 「Apar to」 。都内で のライブなど最新情報は下記サイトで!



http://w w w.katesikora.com/

釣り堀 武蔵野園

2-22-3 Omiya Suginami-ku



2-12-2 Jindaiji Motomachi Chofu-shi


http://www.shiroyama-gr.co.jp/yukari/ english.pdf

Kurochaya Near the beautiful Akigawa Gorge, an hour on the train from Shinjuku, you ll discover this traditional Japanese restaurant. We had a set meal and everything that came out was so beautiful, I just kept taking pictures the whole time. Set in a beautifully restored 250 years old house, the garden, everything was so beautiful and calm. Highly recommended. Inokashira Park I like to go to this leafy park on the weekends, because there are a lot of musicians hanging out and playing. My friend recently started working at a Blue Sky Coffee near the central pond in the park. They make really nice coffee and I like the hot wine they have during the cold months. These hot drinks make a stroll in the park even more enjoyable! 18 WAttention Tokyo


1-18-31 Gotenyama, Musashino-shi


http://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo. jp/seibuk/inokashira/

Yukari Jindai-ji Onsen My Japanese husband and I went to Jindai-ji temple, and after enjoying a bowl of soba noodles, we went to this hot spring, which is within walking distance. This place has inside and outside baths. At first, I was shocked by the color of the water. It is coffee brown! Actually, it s very clean water and I've heard it's quite unique to Tokyo. Fishing Pond Musashino-en Hidden away from next-door Wadabori Park, this small and rather wild leisure pond offers an authentic fishing experience for 700 yen per hour. It was a cold day and they had a fire pit going, so we stopped and had lunch there. We ordered hot sake and yakitori (chicken sate). The atmosphere was very relaxed. I just love that kind of simple joy.

1 新宿から電車で 1 時間、美しい秋川渓

谷のほとりに築 250 年の庄屋の家屋を

移築したお店は、 出てくる食事から建築、


2 この緑の多い公園には、大勢のミュー




3 おそばで有名な深大寺を楽しんだら



でびっくり! 肌もやわらかくなりますよ。 4 釣り堀に糸を垂れる人たちを眺めな



できる憩いの場。釣り堀は 1 時間 700 円。

powered by EDGY JAPAN

Redefining Tokyo/esque with edginess


Logic Behind JPY560 for a Cup of Coffee コーヒー1杯 560 円の正当化 Hiroki Yanagisawa / EDGY JAPAN




喫茶室ルノアール When visiting try "Blend", a cup with dense and thick flavor. お店を訪れる機会があれば、 ぜひ 「ブレンド」 を試してほしい。

http://www.ginza-renoir. co.jp/

Renoir, a Tokyo-based coffee shop chain established in 1964, is known to offer a pricy cup. A small cup, which holds around 200ml, is JPY560 (US$7.2) at Hamamatsucho Shop. (The price varies at each shop.) Some may call this pricing rip-off, but here's its justification. (1) Hot Oshibori (wet towel): When you walk into any Japanese restaurant oshibori is ubiquitous. During the summer time, wiping your face with hot oshibori is a soothing experience. (But be aware, this ritual is considered as an ojisan's (old man) deed.) 2 (2) Smoker Friendly: Starbucks in Japan only allows customers to smoke at terrace seats. Renoir, approximately 50% smoking seat, 50% non-smoking. (3) Power Supply: A power supply is available, converting Renoir to a satellite office for hard working Japanese businessmen. 3 (4) Stay as Long as You Wish: Once you finish your coffee, a waiter/waitress serves you a cup of hot green tea with this phrase, "Stay as long as you wish." (5) Decor and People: This decor attracts many ojisan and obasan (old lady). If you are a tourist desiring



to witness how this segment of people behave, here's the place. 1 Logically convinced its value? If not ̶ don't worry. There's always McDonalds. 東京を拠点とする喫茶店、ルノアールはコーヒー 1 杯 500 円前後と


る。 1.おしぼり:夏場はこれで顔を拭くのがこの上なく気持ち良

い(オジサンっぽいと言われるのでご注意を) 。 2.喫煙可:50% 程度が喫煙席という座席設定。 3.電源:サラリーマンの味方。い

つでも仕事可能。 4.長居可能:無料の緑茶サービスに加え、店

員のこの一言。 「ごゆっくりどうぞ」 。 5.内装と客層:年配の方の

人間観察にはもってこい。これで納得した? そうでない場合もご


EDGY JAPAN EDGY JAPAN is a Japanese creative resource agency, introducing and connecting Japanese creative talents and products to the world in English and Putonghua. Founded in 2008 by Hiroki Yanagisawa and Yasutaka Kageyama. EDGY JAPAN は日本のクリエイターを英語と中国語で紹介し、実際に海 外のクライアントとつないでいくクリエイティブ・リソース・エージェン シー。2008年に柳澤大樹と影山泰考により設立。

www.edgyjapan.jp @edgyjapan info@edgyjapan.jp

WAttention Tokyo


The Best of Everything Soothing Summer Trip in Japan

Bona-fide Wonders of Culinary and Nature, Kitami, East Hokkaido

Tannocho Town, Kitami City

Starter, Bracing a Scent of Mint in Kitami 旅のはじまりは、ミントが薫る北見から

Been there, done that. Enjoying great seafood and lamb in Sapporo, immerse yourself in powder snow and enjoy apres in Niseko, experience a stunning view, a.k.a. a "wow" moment from Mount Hakodate in Hakodate... Hokkaido has always been a magnet to travelers from all over the world, seeking for the best of everything – nature, food, and onsen. Adding to these elements, Japan's prominent asset, hospitality, perfects the entire experience of Hokkaido. As a matter of the fact, most of Hokkaido experiences, currently known to people, are concentrated on the west side of the big island. The east side, also known as Okhotsk, is a home of Shiretoko Peninsula, the World Heritage Site. Other spots, Kushiro, Abashiri, and Akan, are a source of overwhelmingly great dining and nature experience. Kitami City, the biggest city in Okhotsk Area, is a hub of East Hokkaido. To get the fascination of the east started, this is the place to be. 20 WAttention Tokyo

Let's start off with a hidden truth of Hokkaido – East Hokkaido is a land of herbs. Before the World War II, Kitami, the hub of Okhotsk, dominated the production of mint. Overwhelmingly 70% of the world's production came from the city. Nowadays, a trace of this history can be witnessed in a form of garden. The City of Kitami is promoting the city as "A City of Scent and Beauty", plantation of herb trees is treated as a guideline for the city's urban development. Kaoryanse Park and Herb Garden at Kitami Mint Museum, located within walking distance from the city center, are the good examples. As a citizen act, the residents planted 7,000 peppermints during the fiscal year of 2011. Summer is the best season for the east herb exploration. Drive around the city and you will be greeted by an enormous garden of sunflower and lavender along the roadside.



らの絶景。北海道はこれまで多くの旅行者を、自然、 食、温泉と様々な角度から魅了してきた。そこに日本







地、そして道東の旅のハブとして君臨するのが、北 見市だ。

このような事実をご存知であろうか。 「第二次世


たのは北見」 。世界の 70%を超える生産がこの地 で行われていたという。この背景は今では「香り彩

るまちづくり」とテーマを掲げた市の景観計画とし て継承されており、2011 年度は、市民自ら 7000 株ものハーブを街中に植え


め、郊外をドライブ すると、いたるとこ


まわり畑が一面に 広がり、眺めてい

るだけで癒される。 Kaoryanse Herb Park

The best sunset in Japan, from Saroma Lake

Nature Drive Paradise 自然の中の至福のドライブ

Traveling while traveling – taking a public transportation, renting a bicycle, walking... they are all part of the fascination of traveling. When it comes to East Hokkaido, driving during summer is an exquisite experience that no one should miss. A view of horizon, surrounded with a virgin green forest, cuts through a stretch of congestion-free straight road. While on a journey, passengers are frequently greeted by wild animals – Ezo red fox, Ezo red squirrel, to name a few. Such extraordinary experience is

in fact, ubiquitous in the east.

Honzawa Ranch

「旅先」での「旅」 。それは公


転車を借りたり、散歩をしたりすることで、これらも 旅の醍醐味の一つだ。夏に道東を旅する場合は、レ

ンタカーでの移動が旅をさらに充実させる。緑に囲ま れた自然の中に、地平線めがけて一本の道が伸びて



Tannocho Town, Kitami City


イバーを迎えてく れ、長距離の運転



Oda Research Farm

Edgy Hot Spring Experience 「唯一無二」の温泉体験

Onsen, hot spring, is ubiquitous in Japan and Okhotsk is surely the case. But its location, the edge of eastern Japan with the World Heritage-backed nature, makes its onsen experience unprecedented and edgier. Iwaobetu Onsen is located within the heritage site, and the whole onsen is surrounded by a serene forest. Seseki Onsen, also situated within

the site, is located on a shore. Yes, seashore – the spring, source of onsen, is located under a rock reef. Interestingly, the onsen is only available during low tide – the whole onsen submerges under the sea during high tide. (Both onsen is closed during winter. Other onsen in the area is in operation all year around.)

The Best Herbal Tea Ever Pure Organic and Herbal Experience from Japan Ko-yu-seikatsu, a shop and farm complex specialized in herbal products, is located on a small forest, also known as Kashiwagi District. The setup allows visitors to overlook the downtown Kitami, located 8km or 20 minutes drive away. Its herbal farm, which has been in its operation for more than three decades, has been strictly organic – chemical fertilizer and pesticide-free for the entire period. The farm has been specialized

in herbs since 1991 and in 2001, as Japan's first organic products certification system was established, Ko-yu-seikatsu obtained its certificate immediately. In 2003, the company was certified as a certified domestic herb producer. The product range is diverse. It spans from herbal tea, hand cream, soap, and even a seasoning for cooking. All the products have an effect to relieve the user's body both internally and externally.

Ko-yu-seikatsu Organic Farm

Koyu-Seikatsu of fers a selection of herbal products. http://www. koyu-seikatu.co.jp


あるもの。無論、 オホーツク



まれたこの地では、温泉の 経験も「唯一無二」 。知床

半島にある岩尾別温泉は森林に囲まれた環境にあり、 入浴時はまるで世界遺産を独り占めしているよう。瀬


そう、 満潮時には温泉自体が冠水してしまうのだ。 (岩 尾別温泉、瀬石温泉共に冬季は閉鎖。 )

Kitami Mint Memorial Museum

A l l yo u n e e d to k n ow a b o u t K i ta m i's m i nt production histor y - K ita mi Mint M e mor ial Museum. http://www.kitamihakka.jp/

The best place to understand and grasp history of herb production in Japan, which dates back to preWorld War II, is Kitami Mint Memorial Museum. The museum has a gift shop, offering products made from the best of harvests. The range includes mint oil and mint-made sweets. A mint candy is among one of the popular products in the shop. WAttention Tokyo


FOOD Okhotsk, the hub of Japanese Culinary Kitami's unique location attracts both harvests from the ground and fresh catch from the sea. Hokkaido is well known for producing high grade potato, asparagus, beef, and daily products. As a matter of a fact, Kitami is Japan's largest onion producer and the city provides a various derivative of onion, including soup, pie, and seasoning powder. The Sea of Okhotsk is a source of fresh salmon, shrimp, trout, scallop, and oyster. No matter how they are cooked, raw, boiled, fried – that's an exquisite, Kitami experience. An example of how the catch from the sea is served.

Okhotsk Beer

Fried Noodle from Robata-Uohana, a local restaurant

Salt Flavored Kitami Fried Noodle Sizzling. Dripping saliva. That's the likely reaction when encountering Salt Flavored Kitami Fried Noodle. Made from noodles with Hokkaido flour, Okhotsk scallop, and Kitami onion, these specified ingredients are cooked and served on a grill

plate. Once served, sizzling plate comes with a scent of the Sea of Okhotsk – it is salt flavored. Each restaurant in Kitami offers own recipe, allowing noodle lovers to conduct noodle hopping.

Restaurant at Okhostk Beer Factory

Established in 1994, Okhatsk Beer is a Hokkaido's very first microbrewer. The factory is equipped with a German-decor restaurant, where beer fanatics can enjoy fresh taps with the best of Kitami's culinary. Four signature taps, ale, weizen, stout, and pilsner, are also served with "all-you-can-drink" style. (JPY2,000 for 90 minutes) Conveniently located – 15 minutes walk from Kitami Station.

Yamashitacho 2-2-2 Kitami-shi Hokkaido +81 (0)157 23 6300 1130-2200 (LO 2140) Closed on December 31 and January 1


Hokkai Shima Ebi Shrimp

Though there is no proper statistics available, Kitami is somewhat famously known that it has the greatest number of barbeque restaurant per population in Hokkaido. The selection of meat is vast and this is Hokkaido style –from Ezo dear, lamb, beef, pork, to seafood. During winter, the city holds Outdoor Yakiniku (barbeque) Festival. Amid the coldest, sub-zero period of the season, the festival attracts 1,500 visitors.

Hokkai Shima Ebi Shrimp is a rare specie and one of the "must" experiences when visiting Kitami during summer. The shrimp is grown in a limited period, from June to July in Saromako Lake. The best way to eat is to boil the shrimp within 3 hours of the catch. Shrimp butter has a very thick flavor and the body is juicier than ever. Available in many restaurants in Kitami during the summer. Coldest Outdoor Yakiniku Barbeque Festival

22 WAttention Tokyo

Lake, Forest, Heritage. 200% Nature  オホーツク地区の中心、北見では海と 陸の両方から新鮮な食材を堪能すること ができる。北見塩焼きそばは北海道産の 小麦を使った麺、オホーツクの名産であ る大粒のホタテ、そして北見産玉ねぎを 使用する絶品。夏場の名品は期間限定で 水揚げされる北海しまエビ。冬場は2月 に極寒の中、野外で開催される「北見厳 寒の焼き肉まつり」が有名だ。  北見はオホーツク地区の観光地のハブ として機能している。レンタカーがあれ ば緑豊かな大地を1、2時間運転するだ けで、北海道の大自然──世界遺産の知 床半島、阿寒国立公園内にある摩周湖と 神秘的な屈斜路湖──に誘ってくれる。

A Discovery Channel Moment Kitami, powered by a rental car. This is a perfect combination to conquer the best of East Hokkaido with efficiency. Kitami's unique location, acting as a hub of major naturedriven tourist spots, makes tourists to head to a day excursion with ease. Wherever you travel from Kitami, a realm of pure nature is right there. The popular, Shiretoko Penninsula was designated as the UNESCO World Heritage in 2005. According to UNESCO, "It provides an outstanding example of the interaction of marine and terrestrial ecosystems as well as extraordinary ecosystem productivity, largely influenced by the formation of seasonal sea ice at the lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere." 160km away from downtown Kitami or 3 hours drive.

Drifting ice from the Sea of Okhostk

Tokorogawa River

Mysticism on the lakes Because of the enormity and vastness of nature, sometimes, Hokkaido nature is treated as a source of mystic wonders. Mashuko Lake and Kussharoko Lake, located 80km south of Kitami, are the source. Both lakes are situated within Akan National Park, one of the oldest national parks in Japan, which its inception dates back to 1934. Surrounded by mountains, views from lookout points, with Nakajima Island floating in the lakes, are simply stunning.

Mashu Lake

北 見 から













fro m Ki t ami

・Memanbetsu Airport ・Abashiri ・Lake Akan ・Shiretokomisaki ・Lake Mashu ・Kushiro

知床岬 Shiretokomisaki


Memanbetsu Airport

網走 Abashiri


Kitami approx. 40mins by bus(32km) approx. 45mins by car(54km) approx. 1hr 50mins approx. 2hr 30mins(120∼130km) approx. 1hr 20mins approx. 2hr 20mins

阿寒湖 Lake Akan

摩周湖 Lake Mashu

釧路湿原 Kushiro-shitsugen

羅臼 Rausu

Kussharoko Lake has been known as a home of Kussie, an unidentified mysterious animal. (Synonymous to Nessie in Loch Noss). Mashuko Lake, once recorded as the second most transparent lake in the world – recording 211.4m transparency in 1931, is another wonder of the area. The lake is known to provide two sides – one being a lake with crisp clear sky and the other being foggy – the area is known to have a dense fog and when that happens, the lake seems to be floating.

How to Get There Daily flights by All Nippon Airways (code sharing with AirDo) and Japan Airlines are available from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Memanbetsu Airport. 1 hour 45 minutes. Airport is located 30km away from downtown Kitami and a public bus service is available from the airport to downtown Kitami. (42 minutes) A rental-car service is also available from the airport. For more information: Kitami Sightseeing Association http://www.kitamikanko.jp/en/index.html

WAttention Tokyo


24-25_Narita_Airport_outline.pdf 1 5/31/2012 5:09:10 PM


24-25_Narita_Airport_outline.pdf 1 5/31/2012 5:09:10 PM


Maker’s Shir t K amakura Vol. 2

The story of a Japanese shirt maker building a reputation on outstanding quality

A Commitment to Quality Each stitch with the greatest care is the company policy of this relatively new tailored shirt maker. Since its foundation in 1993 in the heart of historic town of Kamakura, its high quality shirts have won many devoted fans amongst discerning business people.

26 WAttention Tokyo

A well-crafted tie can lift the whole ensemble Shirts from Maker s Shirt Kamakura are well known for their high quality and surprisingly affordable pricing, starting from just 4900 yen. The fine precision tailoring by Japanese artisans is highly praised and has attracted many fans from abroad, who often buy a dozen or so shirts every time they visit Japan. In this article we would like to introduce their ties, which are as remarkable as their shirts. An elegant sheen and a subtle feeling of weight A tie is the only part of a gentleman s outfit that doesn t have a clear function. Ties nowadays exist solely for fashion, and thus they are very eloquent. You can be bold with your choice of tie, and ensure a stylish impression by choosing a tie of the highest quality. One of the key points in selecting a tie is to check whether it is made of natural materials. Silk, wool, linen, cotton – all have a natural, beautiful sheen, whereas synthetic materials do not have as rich a depth of color. Natural fibers have the right weight, allowing the tie to swing and move elegantly with the movements of the body. Another important quality in a good

The 5 collections are (1) Japanese mill x sewn in Japan (2) Italian mill x sewn in I t a l y (3) I t a l i a n mill x sewn in Japan (4) U.K. mill x sewn in Japan (5) designed in France x sewn in Italy.

tie is that it is hand-sewn. Ties made by artisans have a discernable volume and sleekness that add to the satisfaction of wearing them. They can be distinguished from machine-sewn ties thanks to the loops of excess thread just visible at the seam. By allowing a reservoir of thread tension, these loops allow the tie to naturally fall back into shape when twisted or wrinkled – the mark of a fine quality, a hand-sewn tie. European materials, hand-made in Japan Although hand-made ties of this quality, made with only the finest natural materials, usually cost around 10,000 yen, Maker s Shirt Kamakura offers them for only 4,900yen. All of their mills and

factories are well-established institutions that provide garments for some of the best-known high fashion brands. For example, one of the Japanese mills is in Kyoto Nishijin, an area renowned for traditional Kimono fabrics, and the experienced artisans who sew the ties live in the same district. Maker s Shirt Kamakura offers five collections of ties, according to the origin of the material and where they are sewn. This makes it easier for customers to find the exact tie to suit their taste.

There are a few hundred mills in the world that produce fabric for ties, but only 5 of them are regarded as top-class. Maker s Shirt Kamakura even narrows down this 5 to just 3 where they are prepared to source the finest quality fabric. Choosing from across the collections will a l l ow yo u to s avo r t h e s u b t l e differences between the fabrics produced in different countries.

Meticulous attention to detail, high quality fabric with fastidious Japanese sewing technique are the trademark of this brand. There are 20 shops around Japan including the ones in Tokyo International Airport Terminal, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Tokyo and Shibuya. www.shirt.co.jp(Japanese only) For further details, visit http://www.wattention. com/kamakura

WAttention Tokyo


Yoshoku, Westernized Japanese Restaurant Nihonbashi 1-12-10 Chuo-ku Tokyo


TEL: 03-3271-2465 Time:11:00 ∼ 21:00 (LO: 20:30 Weekday/Saturday) 11:00 ∼ 20:30 (LO: 20:00 Sunday/Public Holiday)


た い め い け いん Omurice at Taimeiken is priced at JPY1,650. If you have room for more, add a signature side dish, coleslaw, JPY50.

Japanese Interpretation of Western Culinary 日本独自の解釈の西洋料理 Yoshoku, literally translates into western food , is perhaps one of the yet-to-be-discovered Japanese culinary experiences for travelers visiting Japan. An actual definition of yoshoku is western-influenced cooking and its genre was originated at the beginning of Meiji era in the late 1860s, the time when Japan emerged from its period of isolation. Among the dishes invented from the early days, omurice, a ketchupflavored fried rice covered with omelet, is still, as of today, one of the popular dishes among Japanese. Taimeiken, located in Nihonbashi, the center Tokyo, is the living history of yoshoku restaurant. Established in 1931, Taimeiken has been serving the best of yoshoku for over decades, filling up the stomach of hard working Japanese. Taimeiken s omurice is famously known for its perfection, utilizing the best of everything. A journey of Taimeikein omurice 28 WAttention Tokyo

begins once you settle in a seat of a classic-Japanese décor restaurant – it will mentally take you back to the time when the dish was invented. Once your order is being placed, a chef deliberately chops sweet-flavored onions and fry with ham and butter. Ketchup, white wine and rice follow in the process and a moment later, what they call ham rice is complete. Th is constitutes only a half of omurice. Th ree high-grade eggs are cooked in an omelet style and ham rice is poured onto the cooked egg and wrapped. A combination of fluff y omelet, which reminds you of Downy-

powered laundry, and sweet and sour flavored ham rice is simply an exquisite of Japan. Taimeiken also offers its derivative, beef omurice, beef and garlic flavored fried rice plus omelet, shrimp omurice, and chicken rice omurice, also known as tanpopo omurice.   「洋食」は日本を訪れる旅行者の多くが、まだ未体



めいけん」は洋食レストランの老舗で、中でもオムラ イスは長年、老若男女に愛されている。ふわっとした オムレツにハムと甘い玉ねぎ、そしてケチャップが絶

妙なバランスで混ざり合ったハムライスを組み合わ せたこの一品。一度食べたら、癖になる。




A nW

t te


n tio

k To




O riginated from Non- Japanese. Localized Innovatively for Japanese.

Great Encounter of Coffee and Matcha Green Tea コーヒーと 抹 茶 の 素 晴 らしき 融 合

GEORGIA CROSS WA-STYLE 100g/can JPY120 (including tax) http://www.georgia.jp/x/

Coffee, without a doubt, is one of the most widely consumed beverages around the world. With history, each nation has invented so-called derivatives of pure black coffee. To name a few, Italians mixed espresso and milk, creating Café Latte, Turks – inventing powdery and thick Türk Kahvesi, or Turkish Coffee. Japan, a country where its population s coffee consumption is greater than green tea and soda, has been an innovator of coffee derivatives. Coca-Cola Japan, the largest beverge company in Japan,

30 WAttention Tokyo

redefined and pushed envelope of coffee. GEORGIA, its signature canned coffee brand, added a new line-up in November 2011. GEORGIA X (Cross) is a new attempt by the company, which adds an essence of non-coffee element to coffee and hybridize. Its very first series, named Wa-Style (Wa, defined as Japanese) is a combination with matcha green tea. Once you take a sip, an aroma of coffee and matcha fi lls your mouth harmoniously – it surely is a new Japanese, Wa-coffee experience. (For your record, it tastes great, too.)


ーヒーを愛飲する国々は歴史と共に、様々なコーヒー 飲料を編み出してきた。イタリアではミルクとエスプ

レッソを混ぜてカフェ・ラテを編み出し、トルコでは 粉を煮沸するというトルコ・コーヒーを生み出した。



ヒー飲料を生んできた。日本コカ・コーラはこのコーヒ ーの「伸びしろの延長」に挑んでいる企業。缶コーヒー

のブランド、ジョージアに 2011 年 11 月、新たなライン

アップが加わった。その名も「ジョージアクロス」 。これ


た。本シリーズの第一弾となったのが、 「和 -STYLE」 で、



たな「和」の経験だ。 (そして、これがまた絶品なのだ。 )

Japanese culinary culture is rich that people can enjoy tastes of various kinds of dishes around the world. You can easily find distinctive eating places in and around Tokyo. Here we guide Tokyoite’s foodie destinations. Discover your favorite restaurants that will meet your preferences, taste and budget!




Kamakura Matsubara-an Keyaki

Parkside Diner

Cafe La Boheme Kotto-dori

Fresh Soba Dining Experience with Japanese Tranquility

Celebrating their 5th anniversary with special menus!

Classy Italian restaurant in relaxed air

Take a step aside from Harajuku s vibrant street and visit the quiet Kamakura Matsubara-an Keyaki, a buckwheat noodle (soba) restaurant. In the corner of the restaurant there is a small room for making soba noodles, and if you are lucky, you ll be able to witness the process. Their lunch set, with a combination of soba noodles and appetizers, is 1500yen. You can enjoy a truly Japanese experience with a bit of the West; wine goes surprisingly well with soba. Also visit Kamakura where their main restaurant is located.

The very classy Imperial Hotel Tokyo has served many important guests from all over the globe in their 120-year history. Their stylishly modern restaurant, Parkside Diner, offers a casual atmosphere where you can dine any time of the day. They celebrate their 5th Anniversary this year, and until April 27, they will have monthly menus featuring the most popular dishes. If you want to try the delicious New England-style Clam Chowder and Lemon Butter Crepe Roll, make sure you go in March!

Cafe La Boheme is a stylish western-style restaurant and bar, with the concept of a free Bohemian life. Enjoy their tasty appetizers using selected cheeses and fresh seafood, or also try their signature homemade pasta and margarita pizza. For wine lovers, you will have a wide range to choose from and their spacious and relaxing atmosphere is suitable for parties and romantic dates. There is a billiard table in the entrance hall which makes it a good place to hang out and make new friends!

ADD 4F Harajuku Quest, 1-13-14, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku ● TIME 11:30~23:30 (22:30 LO) Open Daily, Holidays Depending on Building Hours ● TEL 03-3478-7444 ● WEB http://matsubara-an. com/keyaki/shop.php

ADD Imperial Hotel Tokyo, Main Bld. 1F, 1-11 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku ● TIME 11:00 ∼ 23:00LO Open daily ● TEL 03-3539-8046 ● WEB http://www.imperialhotel.co.jp/e/tokyo/ restaurant/42

A D D M i n a m i -A oy a m a H o m e s B1, 6 -2-2, Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku ● TIME 11:30-03:30 (3:00 LO) Open Daily ● TEL 03-6418-4242 ● WEB http://w w w.boheme.jp/jp/kotto_dori/ home/location

WAttention Tokyo


J-Move Japanese Movement

旨い!安い ! ユニーク! B級グルメ が 日本を救う ?

Delicious! Cheap! Unique! B-gourmet save the Country!? 1

If you ever have the choice between delicious and expensive and delicious and cheap , which one would you pick? It s a safe bet that most people choose the latter. B-gourmet , such as ramen, fried noodles (yakisoba) and donburi, has long been the food loved by the locals. Some B-gourmet dishes compete with the others by being unique, including 2 examples from the Kanto region, Yakisoba in soup and potato chips sandwich . Some others became nationally popular for their locality; dishes only served locally until recently or made with local ingredients. In recent years, there has been a movement where towns in the countryside suffering from rural flight and/or economic devastation try to revitalize the town using B-gourmet dishes. Hiruzen of Okayama prefecture, blessed with a beautiful plateau and hot springs, was struggling with the number of annual visitors stuck at 2.2 million (in 2008). In 2009, a local volunteer group started a promotion of the town with Hiruzen yakisoba , a unique dish of fried noodles with cabbage and chicken seasoned with miso sauce, a dish long loved by the locals.



Their persistent promotion -making a town map with all the restaurants offering the dish and participating in events and serving the dish around the country- boosted up the number of visitors to 2.6 million in 2010. Hiruzen is not the first or the last that B-gourmet dishes played a great role in revitalizing the regional economy, proving the nationwide popularity of these dishes. Why don t you try local B-gourmet dishes on your next trip?


ラーメン、焼きそば、丼など、旨さと安さが人気の「B 級




関東で人気の「スープ入り焼きそば」や「ポテトチップス パン」など。最近では、地域の昔ながらの料理や、 地元の食材を活かした B 級ご当地グルメを、


がっている。観光客数が伸び悩んで いた岡山県真庭市蒜山は、2009 年から鶏肉とキャベツを使い味 だれで炒める「ひるぜん焼

そば」による町おこし活動を 開始した。マップ作りや県


どによる PR 活動を行った 結 果、2010 年 度の観 光 客

数は約 260 万人へと伸長し

た。蒜山のように、B 級ご当



数あり、今や日本全国にその 人気は広がっている。旅のつ

いでに、B 級ご当地グルメを 楽しんでみては?

7 6


Mugibuta nanban Gaku 1-22-28, Omotecho, Mebashi-shi, Gunma


Yakisoba in soup Kamahiko 264, Shiobara, Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi


Azabu rice Abe-chan 2-1-1, Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo


Minced beef cutlet Satou 1-1-8, Kichijojihoncho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo


Potato chips sandwich Wakafuji Bakery 1-15-8, Funagura, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa


B-gourmet event


Hiruzen yakisoba Maniwa-shi, Okayama

WAttention Tokyo


ANA s domestic connection keeps getting better!

Duo Fourchettes has opened in Keio Plaza Hotel!

Ajimeguri Dinner at Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so

ANA provides you with a comfortable flight to every corner of the country. Starting March 25th, a new flight will be added between Narita and Niigata, connecting the cities in just over an hour. Flights have also been increased between Haneda and Hakodate and Komatsu, starting the same day. ANA makes travelling easier than ever!

Named after forks (fourchettes), which, along with Italian cuisine, were introduced to France by Catherine de Medici, Duo Fourchettes serves fine French and Italian cuisine. Delicious pasta lunch comes with a main dish and dessert, and is reasonably priced at 2000 yen on weekdays. Why don t you treat yourself once in a while? Lunch: 11:30~15:30 Dinner: 17:30~22:30

Elegant Japanese restaurant, Miyuki, at Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so, is serving an Ajimeguri Dinner special from February 1st to April 8th. Order your favorite dishes and enjoy them as much as you like in order buffet style service! Included are 9 special seasonal appetizers, sushi, teppanyaki, desserts and more! Make your own gourmet kaiseki course!

Present for 1 pair: Return tickets from Haneda to Sapporo!

ANA http://www.ana.co.jp/

Present for 1 pair: One-night stay at Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so (no meals included)

Duo Fourchettes 03-5322-8010 http://www.keioplaza.co.jp

Information & Presents

Miyuki 03-3943-6968 http://www.fourseasons.com/tokyo/dining/ restaurants/miyuki/

Visit our website and answer the questionnaires to win!


Deadline: May-15, 2012

Elegant cherry blossom fair at Chinzan-so

Head massage relaxation at exclusive zen room

Lovely Suica penguin cakes at Hotel Metropolitan

With 90 cherry trees decorating the 200-ha traditional Japanese garden, Chinzan-so will be hosting a cherry blossom buffet lunch and dinner from March 4th to April 8th. Enjoy over 30 different dishes and a stroll in the beautiful Japanese garden. The stretch from Edogawabashi station to Chinzan-so is also famous for cherry blossom-viewing!

Spa Hinoki, in a traditional Japanese house with a serene atmosphere, welcomes you with a warm cup of tea. Conveniently located at the back of Tokyo Mid-town, you can let go of your jet lag and daily stress with a relaxing head and upper body massage in an exclusively private room with a great view of a zen garden!

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of JR East s chargeable train card, Suica, Hotel Metropolitan is offering adorable cakes until October 31st. These cakes are shaped like, Suica s cute penguin mascot, and come in two flavors made of carefully selected ingredients; chocolate & banana and seasonal fruits. They are perfect as unique and special presents!!

※ Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

Chinzan-so 03-3943-1111 http://www.chinzanso.com/english/

32 WAttention Tokyo

Present for 3 persons: A bottle of their original Bergamot-scented organic shampoo.

Spa Hinoki 03-6277-7456 http://www.spahinoki.com

Ⓒ Chiharu Sakazaki/JR 東日本 /DENTSU

Hotel Metropolitan Pastry & Bakery Boutique 03-3980-1111 http://www.metropolitan.jp

A NEW TRAVEL GUIDE for JAPAN! k ty Boo i r a h C る 応援す を 本 日 発売 ガイド ル ベ トラ


Cherry Blossoms, Mount Fuji

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{Magome} Gifu Pref.


Tsumago and Magome Fashion designer

More than 80 times since 1982


n Tokyo, I would suggest to visit Shibuya for its so many variation of stores, restaurants, etc and Aoyama/Harajuku where there are a lot of fashion shops from high fashion to very local and small, or vintage. In country side, I would suggest Magome, Tsumago villages where tradition and old houses and streets still exist. I used to visit country side personally when I started my business in Japan about 30 years ago, but now I really don’t have enough time to visit apart from Tokyo where I am only allowed to walk around near my office in Aoyama, Harajuku and Shibuya due to my busy schedule. However, I always find some new interesting things and like watching people, how they dress etc. I was lucky to have time to visit Tsumago and Magome for a project with a magazine last year, and I found these villages are so beautiful. It is great to see that they are still there and unchanged, which is rare and

Editor’s memo Nakasendo’s two historic post towns Tsumago and Magome are towns where you can feel the air of the Edo period. Both areas were post stations located on the Nakasendo Route, which is one of the Gokaido, the five major highways. The Nakasendo linked Edo and Kyoto through the inland area and had 69 post stations.



Magome in Gifu prefecture

AID Japan

AID Japan

Jane Birkin

, U.K. / France




Jigokudani Nagano

Sites and scenes around Japan Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors. Times to visit: often for more than 40 years Photo by Manabu Matsunaga


have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I first went there with Serge Gainsbourg for the opening of the film “Cannabis” when I was 7 months pregnant with Charlotte! Since then COUNTLESS other times for song festivals, film festivals, and since “Baby Alone in Babylon,” for concerts not only in Tokyo but all over Japan. When Serge died, I went back for the “Casino de Paris” show, when “L’aquoiboniste” was chosen as the signature song for a TV series and I became number ONE foreign sales singer in Japan for six months, beating Elton John as I said to my mother. This was thanks to an ex-producer for Phonogram who came up with the idea, and to a Frenchman named Francois Dumas who invited Serge and me to sing in Japan. My friend Sachiko Nakanishi then brought me over with “Les Visiteurs du Soir” for the show “Arabesque” in Japan, with “Conversation” and I went back with her about ten times for every subsequent show! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, which, with Sachiko’s help, I have made. I took my mother, my daughter Lou, my step-child, and my ex-husband Doillon to a LOVELY spa, Jigokudani. My mother wanted to see snow monkeys ever since she’d seen an American “Life” magazine cover thirty years before! Fantastic baths at night snow monkeys in sulfur pools never to forget, thanks to Duma’s wife who’s Japanese ONLY Japanese know this place, very UNFLAH and authentic.



AID Japan

Now On Sale

Jigokudani Onsen in Nagano Prefecture is one of Japan’s most popular hot springs, whose name is derived for the image of hell it conjures, no doubt due to the boiling water. The onsen is best known for wild Nihon-zaru (Japanese monkeys) soaking in them as the photo above shows. Please note that the onsen can only be reached by foot. AID Japan



41 celebrities and cultural figures recommend the best parts of Japan! ∼ 世界の文化人 41 人がおすすめする、いま、訪れて欲しいニッポンのいいところ!∼ To help Japan and its tourism industry, 41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide made this book possible– the contributors include Jane Birkin, Paul Smith and Tommy Hilfiger. This guide book is uniquely composed of recommendations on places, buildings, shops and events provided by foreign celebrities who love Japan. Find your destinations from celebrities’ recommendations and our directory of the best Japanese hotels, ryokan, restaurants and museums!


外国人セレブ、文化人 41 名が集結! ジェーン・バーキン、ポー

ル・スミス、エルブジの料理人フェラン・アドリアらがおすすめ する場所や建物、お店、行事は?

このほかにも篠山紀信氏による日本の風景写真、巻末の目的 別インデックスなど、日本に住む人たちが日本の魅力を改めて 感じることのできる一冊になっています。

950 yen +Tax < A6 format Full-color 160 pages> Travel Guide to Aid Japan is available at Kinokuniya Book Stores, Aoyama Book Center and major bookstores nationwide, or contact to your local bookstore to order.

Travel Guide To Aid Japan は紀伊國屋書店、青山ブックセンター をはじめ、全国の書店でお買い求めいただけます。また、店頭に ない場合も各地の書店にてお取り寄せできます。




What's On

March - May 2012

Festivals and events in this season


Internet Access in Tokyo 東 京 の ネ ット 接 続 事 情

Although Japan is known fo r i ts te c h n o l o g y, i nte r n et connectivity for the tourist is still rather limited. These days even most of the budget hotels provide internet connection in each room (please note, LAN cable is still in common use, rather than WIFI). There is a free public WIFI network called FREESPOT (www.freespot.com/users/map_ e.html) made up of a network of independent providers like cafes and shops, but it seems many of its spots require registration via 3G email. so this could be offputting for tourists who don't want to use expensive 3G roaming. Wi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en) offers several services, including 6 hours connection for 350 yen. They have extensive instructions in English so check it out before you go out. Wireless Gate (www.wirelessgate.co.jp) offers even wider services, including one month connection for a fixed 480 yen that includes connecting spots on the Bullet train (only N700 model) and in Underground stations. Unfor tunately Wireless Gate d o e s n' t h ave a n E n g l i s h instructions page. FON network (http://maps. fo n.c o m /?l a n g = e n) i s q u i te extensive throughout Tokyo and is recommended. 東京のホテルは多くが客室でのネット接 続を提供している。街中での無料 WIFI ネットワークで有名なのは FREESPOT (w w w. f r e e s p o t . c o m / u s e r s / m a p _ e.html)だがあまり多くない。モバイル をよく使う人は日や月単位で利用料を払 う WIFI サービスが便利だろう。6800ポ イントを持つ Wi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/ en)は6時間350円からで英語での利用 説明が 充実。ワイヤレスゲート(www. wirelessgate.co.jp)は地下鉄構内や新 幹線コンコース待合室・新幹線 N700系車 両で利用できるコースを月額480円から で用意。どちらも成田空港で利用できる。

More information is available at Wattention.com W A t t e n t i o nの情報をネットでも!


34 WAttention Tokyo


Tsurushi-bina Decoration Sat - Sat, Feb 11th - Mar 3rd Tsurushi-bina is a unique and traditional h a n g i n g d e c o rati o n fo r G i r l s D ay festival in Izu Peninsula. Over 4000 colorful stuffed ornaments will be hung for display in the lobby of Chinzan-so. [椿山荘の雛のつるし飾り] 「つるし雛」は伊豆 半島稲取に伝わる伝統的なひな飾り。期間中ロ ビーを華やかに彩る。

At 3F Lobby at Chinzan-so. 10 minutes walk from Edogawabashi Station on Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line. h t t p : // w w w. c h i n z a n s o . c o m /e v e n t / news/1377.php (Japanese only) h t t p: // w w w.c h i n z a n s o.c o m /e n g l i s h / (Chinzan-so in English)

Yoshino Baigo Plum Festival ① Sat - Sat, Feb 18th - Mar 31st Yoshino Baigo is the area that stretches for about 4km alongside Tama River with approx 25,000 plum trees. During the festival, the area will be filled with pink and white plum flowers and their elegant fragrance. [吉野梅郷梅まつり]2万5000本の梅が花を咲 かせ、梅郷地区が花と香りに包まれます。

In Yoshino Baigo area of Ome City. 10 minutes walk from Hinatawada Station on JR Ome Line. h t t p : // w w w . o m e k a n k o . g r. j p / u m e / (Japanese only)

Tokyo International Anime Fair 2012 Sat & Sun, Mar 24th & 25th The world s biggest anime fair filled with shops, shows and exhibitions. Many popular voice actors and anime artists as well as new and upcoming ones will be promoting their works. [東京国際アニメフェア2012]アニメ企業が多 数参加、声優や作家が登場する世界最大規模 の祭典。

10:00 - 18:00 at Tok yo Big Site nex t to Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon Station on Yurikamome Line. Entrance fee: 1000 yen http://www.tokyoanime.jp/en/

Sentai Kojin Festival Tue & Wed, Mar 27th & 28th Kojin is the god of water and fire started being worshipped during Edo era. People bring the miniature shrine hung in their kitchens for annual purification


by the gomagi fire offered at the temple. [千躰荒神祭]めずらしい台所の神様のお祭。 ふだん台所に祀っているお宮を風呂敷に包ん で持参し、護摩の煙で清める様子を見られる。

During the daytime at Kaiun-ji by Aomono Yokocho Station on Keihin Kyuko Line. 3-5-21 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku

Tosenkyo Festival Sat, April 14th Tosenkyo is a traditional fan-throwing game started in the Nara period. Its extreme popularity got it banned during the Edo period. Come enjoy the scenic game! [投扇興 雅の会]扇を使った遊戯、投扇興。江 戸時代に大人気だった投扇興をこの機会に!

Starts at 11:30 at Senso-ji in Asakusa. By Asakusa Station on Ginza Line, Tobu Line and Tsukuba Express Line. http://w w w.e-asakusa.jp/event/1004_ miyabinokai.html (Japanese only)

Earthday Tokyo 2012 Sat & Sun, April 21st & 22nd A n i n te r n a ti o n a l d ay to c e l e b r a te the Ear th and raise awareness for the natural environment. Munch on delicious organic foods and check out exhibitions by a number of NGOs and social businesses to get inspired. [アースデー東京2012]地球環境を守る意思 表示をする日を記念するエコイベント。オーガ ニックな食材などを試せる食イベントや環境ビ ジネスの紹介など多数。

At Yoyogi Park by Harajuku Station of JR Yamanote Line. h t t p : // w w w. e a r t h d a y - t o k y o . o r g / (Japanese only)

Koi-fish Releasing Ceremony Sat, May 5th Ceremony based on an ancient Chinese legend tells the koi-fishs (carp) that succeed in swimming up the rapid stream become a dragon. Release koifish into the pond to wish for children s health and progress. [亀戸天神 出世鯉放流]中国の登竜門の伝説に 因み、子どもの健康と成長を願い心字池に鯉を 放流する。

At around 10:00 at Kameido Tenjin shrine by Kameido Station on Sobu Line. http://www.kameidotenjin.or.jp/english/


photo/ Asakusa Tourism Federation

Shobu-yu (Iris leaf bath) Sat, May 5th Shobu-yu is a bath with iris leaves derived from Chinese medicinal bathing. Since shobu could also refer to martial spirit, it became a custom to take it on the Boys Day. [菖蒲湯]元は中国の湯治療法の一つで、尚武 と同音のため端午の節句に入る。

At many sento (public bathhouses) in and around Tokyo (date and time may vary). Entrance fee: around 450 yen. http://w w w.1010.or.jp/english/ (Sento information)

Shibuya Kagoshima Ohara Festivval ② Sat & Sun, May 19th & 20th Ohara Festival is a festival started in 1949 in Kagoshima city (Kyushu Island). Groups of dancers parade around Dogenzaka and Bunkamura in Shibuya, and the whole area will be filled with food stalls. [渋谷 ・ 鹿児島おはら祭]鹿児島のおはら祭を 渋谷で。道玄坂、文化村通りが鮮やかに祭りに 彩られる。

There will be parade on the 20 th on Dogenzaka and Bunkamura-dori. http://www.shibuyadeohara.jp/details.html

Sanja Festival ③ Fri - Sun, May 18th - 20th T h e b i g g e s t a n d o n e of th e m o s t exciting festivals in Tokyo in which local mikoshi (portable shrines) are brought around the streets of Asakusa. This year is its 700th anniversary. [三社祭]浅草神社や各地区の神輿が練り歩く 浅草最大の祭。今年は斎行700年!


2012 May Grand Sumo Tournament Sun - Sun, May 6th - 20th O n e o f t h e 3 (J a n u a r y, M a y a n d September) annual professional sumo tournaments held in Tokyo. Truly powerful matches can only be experienced live! [大相撲 5月場所] 東京で行われる3つの場所 (1 月、5月、9月)のうちのひとつ。

Tickets will be available starting Sat, April 7th. The tournament will be at Ryogoku Kokugikan by Ryogoku Station on JR Sobu Line and Toei Oedo Line. http://www.sumo.or.jp/eng/

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