WAttention Tokyo vol 5

Page 1

In Ha rmony w it h t he Se a sons K ANGETSUSAI (30th September and 27th October in 2012)

観月祭 十五夜 九月三〇日、十三夜 一〇月二七日

Traditionally dumplings and cooked yams are on the menu for the middle of the fall moon , and chestnuts and beans are se r ve d for the mo o n af ter to celebrate the harvests of the seasons. 十五夜ではお月見団子や芋の 料理を、十三夜では栗や豆を 使った料理を作る。これはその 時期に収穫された作物を月に 感謝する気持ちからとされる。

The beauty of the full moon that occurs in the middle of fall has been admired by the Chinese since ancient times. This middle of the fall moon is scheduled by the old oriental lunar calendar that was in use before the Gregorian calendar was introduced, and is equivalent to modern August. In ancient East Asia, August was regarded as the month when the air became the clearest and people started enjoying the full moon on the 15th of this month. The actual date of this ancient 15th of August can be translated into modern 30th of September this year. In Japan,

traditionally, the full moon after the middle of the fall was also admired as the moon after or the moon reminiscent of the fall , and it was even regarded as unlucky not to celebrate both moons in some areas of Japan. This year, the moon after happens on the 27th of October. It is likely that ancient people were already aware that the moon and tidal changes are strongly related to life forces.  日本には、中秋の名月という言葉があります。中秋 とは旧暦のうち 7 月、8月、9月のうち真ん中の8月のこ とを云います。最も空気が澄み、美しい月が鑑賞で きる時期として日本の古人たちはこの頃に月を愛でる 習慣がありました。2012 年の中秋の名月は、新暦で

こ よ み を 楽 し む

text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Hajime Watanabe 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、 写真=渡邉肇

は9月30日。現代では一五夜の一日に限ってのお祭り とするところが多いですが、 「後の月」や「名残の月」 として、翌月旧暦の9月13日(今年は10月27日)に 十三夜をもお祀りし、両方の月を祀らないとよくないと される習慣もありました。

Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し次 世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発展させ る提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。

WAttention Tokyo


Autumn 2012 ※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」

Letter from the Editor


VOL.05 This issue marks the one-year anniversary of WAttention Tokyo. Recalling last year, when the great earthquake stroke Japan, we were in enormous uncertainties whether to go on with the plan to publish the magazine. After a heated debate, the conclusion was to stick with our initial aim of bringing the best of Tokyo to the whole world. Right after the earthquake, Japan was shrouded in a pessimistic mood, and the situation was made worse by untruthful media coverage circulating around the world. We believed that sending out the most updated and genuine Tokyo information was crucial in bringing back our friends and tourists to Japan. Thus we persisted, and as it turns out, our determination has paid off. After the preview issue hit the shelf, we were motivated greatly by thank-you letters from several embassies. It felt like a moment of truth when we realized our hard work was recognized in the end. After a fruitful first year, WAttention is gaining momentum as we expanded our

editorial staff and customer bases. Aiming for the future, we will continue to play an intermediary role in bringing the hidden charms of Tokyo to more and more people in the world. Publisher Yasuko Suzuki  WAttention Tokyo が誕生し、今号で一周年を迎 えました。思い返せば、東日本大震災直後にプレビュ ー号を発刊し、 「なぜこの時期に」と多く方々からご心配 の声をいただきましたが、私たちが出した結論は「今、 この時期だからこそ発刊する」ということでした。  当時は、日本中が自粛ムードに包まれる中、追い打ち をかけるように世界では根拠のない風評が広がっていま したが、その風評は事実ではありませんでした。だから こそ、 微力であってもメディアである私たちが、積極的に、 元気な東京情報を発信することが重要だという確信が あったのです。震災直後の4月下旬に発刊したプレビュ ー号には、複数の外国大使館の方々からお礼のレターを いただきまして、 それが大変な励みになり、 やはり発刊して 正解であったことを実感いたしました。そして、編集関


TOKYO THE ULTIMATE 2012 GUIDE コレで決まり!東京ガイド決定版 2012



In Harmony with the Seasons



Letter from the Editor



今、1年が経過し、編集部スタッフや定期購読者数 も増えています。ますますパワーアップして、これからも 魅力的な東京の情報を多くの海外の方々にお届けして

Not to be Missed: The Newly Opened Hot Spots of 2012

いきたいと思いますので、ご支援をよろしくお願いいたし ます !!

Don t Forget the City s Sightseeing Staples!

発行人 鈴木康子

Get to Know the Popular Neighborhood! Japanese Confectionaries and Souvenirs!

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to 03-6862-6760 or email to infotokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.


The Taste of Tokyo




Tokyo Must-Do

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, enewsletter and more!


[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内]

A Commitment to Quality メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 Vol.4




What s on


Qtaro s 9-Star Fortune Telling

配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた方には WAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name


Address : Postcode : Tel




Why WAttention ? WAttention is so named with the hope that people in the world would pay more Attention to WA(和); an important term in Japanese culture meaning harmony with nature, peace and even Japanese culture itself! 世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注目(Attention) してほしいという 願いを込めてWA+Attention= WAttentionと名づけました。

Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD. Associate Editor Michiko Tamaoki Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki Mizuho Ota Naoko Umagoe Emiko Anayama Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Photographer Hajime Watanabe / Kenji Sugasawa / Yusuke Uchida Illustrator Reina Sato Writer Hiroki Yanagisawa Photo courtesies Chiyoda City Tourism Association Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) 広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127 ロサンゼルス事務所 Team J station, Inc. 2383 Lomita Blvd., Suite 114 Lomita, CA.90717 Phone : 1-310-782-8279

Autumn 2012 ※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」

Letter from the Editor


VOL.05 This issue marks the one-year anniversary of WAttention Tokyo. Recalling last year, when the great earthquake stroke Japan, we were in enormous uncertainties whether to go on with the plan to publish the magazine. After a heated debate, the conclusion was to stick with our initial aim of bringing the best of Tokyo to the whole world. Right after the earthquake, Japan was shrouded in a pessimistic mood, and the situation was made worse by untruthful media coverage circulating around the world. We believed that sending out the most updated and genuine Tokyo information was crucial in bringing back our friends and tourists to Japan. Thus we persisted, and as it turns out, our determination has paid off. After the preview issue hit the shelf, we were motivated greatly by thank-you letters from several embassies. It felt like a moment of truth when we realized our hard work was recognized in the end. After a fruitful first year, WAttention is gaining momentum as we expanded our

editorial staff and customer bases. Aiming for the future, we will continue to play an intermediary role in bringing the hidden charms of Tokyo to more and more people in the world. Publisher Yasuko Suzuki  WAttention Tokyo が誕生し、今号で一周年を迎 えました。思い返せば、東日本大震災直後にプレビュ ー号を発刊し、 「なぜこの時期に」と多く方々からご心配 の声をいただきましたが、私たちが出した結論は「今、 この時期だからこそ発刊する」ということでした。  当時は、日本中が自粛ムードに包まれる中、追い打ち をかけるように世界では根拠のない風評が広がっていま したが、その風評は事実ではありませんでした。だから こそ、 微力であってもメディアである私たちが、積極的に、 元気な東京情報を発信することが重要だという確信が あったのです。震災直後の4月下旬に発刊したプレビュ ー号には、複数の外国大使館の方々からお礼のレターを いただきまして、 それが大変な励みになり、 やはり発刊して 正解であったことを実感いたしました。そして、編集関


TOKYO THE ULTIMATE 2012 GUIDE コレで決まり!東京ガイド決定版 2012



In Harmony with the Seasons



Letter from the Editor



今、1年が経過し、編集部スタッフや定期購読者数 も増えています。ますますパワーアップして、これからも 魅力的な東京の情報を多くの海外の方々にお届けして

Not to be Missed: The Newly Opened Hot Spots of 2012

いきたいと思いますので、ご支援をよろしくお願いいたし ます !!

Don t Forget the City s Sightseeing Staples!

発行人 鈴木康子

Get to Know the Popular Neighborhood! Japanese Confectionaries and Souvenirs!

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to 03-6862-6760 or email to infotokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.


The Taste of Tokyo




Tokyo Must-Do

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, enewsletter and more!


[WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内]

A Commitment to Quality メーカーズシャツ鎌倉 Vol.4




What s on


Qtaro s 9-Star Fortune Telling

配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた方には WAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name


Address : Postcode : Tel




Why WAttention ? WAttention is so named with the hope that people in the world would pay more Attention to WA(和); an important term in Japanese culture meaning harmony with nature, peace and even Japanese culture itself! 世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注目(Attention) してほしいという 願いを込めてWA+Attention= WAttentionと名づけました。

Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD. Associate Editor Michiko Tamaoki Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki Mizuho Ota Naoko Umagoe Emiko Anayama Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Photographer Hajime Watanabe / Kenji Sugasawa / Yusuke Uchida Illustrator Reina Sato Writer Hiroki Yanagisawa Photo courtesies Chiyoda City Tourism Association Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) 広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127 ロサンゼルス事務所 Team J station, Inc. 2383 Lomita Blvd., Suite 114 Lomita, CA.90717 Phone : 1-310-782-8279


コレで決まり! 東京ガイド決定版201 2 2012 marks a year of great transformation for the everchanging city. While popular sightseeing sites are renewed, new ones are opening one after another. To keep up with the rapid pace of the city, our Tokyo guide helps you updated to the most exciting and unique sites to see. Don t miss our extensive souvenir and museum lists either to complete your trip to Tokyo! 定番&NEW SPOTSをすべて網羅。 コレ一冊で東京の今がわかります。

06 WAttention Tokyo


WAttention Tokyo



コレで決まり! 東京ガイド決定版201 2 2012 marks a year of great transformation for the everchanging city. While popular sightseeing sites are renewed, new ones are opening one after another. To keep up with the rapid pace of the city, our Tokyo guide helps you updated to the most exciting and unique sites to see. Don t miss our extensive souvenir and museum lists either to complete your trip to Tokyo! 定番&NEW SPOTSをすべて網羅。 コレ一冊で東京の今がわかります。

06 WAttention Tokyo


WAttention Tokyo


Not to be Missed: The Newly Opened Hot Spots of 2012

ココは絶対外せない!必ず行きたい NEW PLACES!

The hottest new spots in cool Tokyo 今一番熱い、 クールな東京の NEW SPOTS!



The world s tallest radio tower, TOKYO SKYTREE opened on May 22nd 2012 near Asakusa. Mimicking the sound of the old name of the surrounding region, Musashi , the height of the tower reaches 634 meters (6=mu, 3=sa, 4=shi). There are observatories at 350 meters and 450 meters above ground. From this skywalk , you can enjoy the view of Tokyo and around the Kanto region. You can even see Mount Fuji if you are lucky enough to go up on a clear day. At Tokyo Soramachi, a newly opened commercial complex, you can enjoy shopping, an aquarium, and a planetarium. Since TOKYO SKYTREE is close to Asakusa, you can explore the modern and the traditional together.



New Tokyo Station with Original Finesse よみがえった東京駅


Theatrical city space is born 劇場型都市空間の誕生です。

The concept of Divercity Tokyo Plaza is theatrical city space where visitors can have fun, learn, relax and find pleasant surprises. Opened on April 18th, the facility has 154 shops covering a wide variety of fashionable shops, restaurants and cafes, right next to the life-size Gundam replica!

東京周辺の旧名、 「武蔵」にちなんで634メートルの




の高さ。お膝元の東京ソラマチとともに誕生した新しい 東京の名所です。

Witness the breathtaking view of Tokyo from the world s tallest radio tower 世界一高い電波塔から、 日本の絶景を楽しんで。

The renewed Tokyo Station reminds us of its original form from when it was first built in 1914, taking after the design of Amsterdam s central station. For its outstanding appearance, the station is the talk of the town together with the elegant hotel inside and new services for international visitors. http://www.tictokyo.jp/en/  各種外国人向けの新サービスもスタート。



Make sure to check out Maker's Shirt Kamakura's quality shirts while you're at TOKYO Solamachi. Each one of their shirts is specially made right here in Japan!




Where culture and shopping meet

Be the first to find the latest brands


Shibuya Hikarie opened on April 26th in Shibuya is a new type of commercial establishment with cinemas, event halls, creative floors and theaters. It is also famous for being eco-friendly.  買い物だけでなく、幅広いカルチャーを楽しめるの が、渋谷ヒカリエ。環境にも配慮した最新設備も。


Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku, opened on April 18th in Harajuku s iconic cross section, boasts 27 shops that launched in Tokyo, and in Japan, for the first time. These include a variety of shops from interior goods to fashion and cafes, where you can find items sold nowhere else. On the rooftop, you can take a walk on the terrace and feel the changing seasons in Omohara s Forest .  東急プラザ 表参道原宿には、 「日本初」と「東京初」 がいっぱい!左写真は屋上の「おもはらの森」 。



WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


Not to be Missed: The Newly Opened Hot Spots of 2012

ココは絶対外せない!必ず行きたい NEW PLACES!

The hottest new spots in cool Tokyo 今一番熱い、 クールな東京の NEW SPOTS!



The world s tallest radio tower, TOKYO SKYTREE opened on May 22nd 2012 near Asakusa. Mimicking the sound of the old name of the surrounding region, Musashi , the height of the tower reaches 634 meters (6=mu, 3=sa, 4=shi). There are observatories at 350 meters and 450 meters above ground. From this skywalk , you can enjoy the view of Tokyo and around the Kanto region. You can even see Mount Fuji if you are lucky enough to go up on a clear day. At Tokyo Soramachi, a newly opened commercial complex, you can enjoy shopping, an aquarium, and a planetarium. Since TOKYO SKYTREE is close to Asakusa, you can explore the modern and the traditional together.



New Tokyo Station with Original Finesse よみがえった東京駅


Theatrical city space is born 劇場型都市空間の誕生です。

The concept of Divercity Tokyo Plaza is theatrical city space where visitors can have fun, learn, relax and find pleasant surprises. Opened on April 18th, the facility has 154 shops covering a wide variety of fashionable shops, restaurants and cafes, right next to the life-size Gundam replica!

東京周辺の旧名、 「武蔵」にちなんで634メートルの




の高さ。お膝元の東京ソラマチとともに誕生した新しい 東京の名所です。

Witness the breathtaking view of Tokyo from the world s tallest radio tower 世界一高い電波塔から、 日本の絶景を楽しんで。

The renewed Tokyo Station reminds us of its original form from when it was first built in 1914, taking after the design of Amsterdam s central station. For its outstanding appearance, the station is the talk of the town together with the elegant hotel inside and new services for international visitors. http://www.tictokyo.jp/en/  各種外国人向けの新サービスもスタート。



Make sure to check out Maker's Shirt Kamakura's quality shirts while you're at TOKYO Solamachi. Each one of their shirts is specially made right here in Japan!




Where culture and shopping meet

Be the first to find the latest brands


Shibuya Hikarie opened on April 26th in Shibuya is a new type of commercial establishment with cinemas, event halls, creative floors and theaters. It is also famous for being eco-friendly.  買い物だけでなく、幅広いカルチャーを楽しめるの が、渋谷ヒカリエ。環境にも配慮した最新設備も。


Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku, opened on April 18th in Harajuku s iconic cross section, boasts 27 shops that launched in Tokyo, and in Japan, for the first time. These include a variety of shops from interior goods to fashion and cafes, where you can find items sold nowhere else. On the rooftop, you can take a walk on the terrace and feel the changing seasons in Omohara s Forest .  東急プラザ 表参道原宿には、 「日本初」と「東京初」 がいっぱい!左写真は屋上の「おもはらの森」 。



WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


Dont Forget the Citys Sightseeing Staples! 忘れちゃいけない!東京定番お出かけ処

Tokyo is vast and filled with so many places to see! From the hottest hangouts in town to the historical neighborhoods, the absolute must-sees for your trip are listed here. You haven t seen Tokyo without visiting the sites on this list! 最先端ゾーンから歴史ある街にアジアゾーンまで。 ポイントを押さえて効率よくしっかり楽しんでくださいね。






Home to the nation s symbol

Be immersed in Japanese culture

Her graceful charm never fades

A scramble of fashion culture and youth

Every girl dreams of a stroll through Ginza

Chic traditional area that has got the style





憧れの 「銀ブラ」 を楽しんで。


The Imperial Palace stands on the land where Tokugawa Shogunate s Edo Castle once stood, which was planned and constructed largely on the basis of Feng Shui. Although parts of the original moat are now covered up, the remaining moat with a number of magnificent gates and stone walls surrounding the whole complex remind us of the beauty of Edo esthetics today. A significant proportion of the property is open to public where people can enjoy a nice walk on their own or with a guide. The 5km path etching the outline of the castle is lined with lush trees, and has become a popular route for joggers.

Senso-ji, the temple famous for its red Kaminarimon Gate, has repeated the cycle of destruction by fires and subsequent reconstruction throughout its centuries of history. Walk along Nakamisedori , a lively shop-lined street stretching from the symbolic gate all the way to the temple, and check out kitsch souvenirs while snacking on ningyo-yaki , a dollshaped cake filled with bean paste. At the temple, take a look at the 5-storied pagoda on your left, and then proceed to make a wish at the Main Hall. Read your fortune if you wish to. There is a nostalgic feel to the whole neighborhood, which is a great contrast to nearby Tokyo SKYTREE.

Tokyo Tower transmitted the city s broadcasting waves and supported Tokyo s post-war recovery and economic development since 1958 until TOKYO SKYTREE took over the role in May. At the same time, the tower s red and white exterior has been the symbol of the city, occupying a special spot in the hearts of those who live in the metropolis. The view from the observatory located at 250 meters has changed over the years, yet it remains extraordinary, especially at night. From afar, its beautiful illumination adds extra glamour to the city s nightscape, and when the tower is lit with colored light, festivities too.

Ever since it was introduced in a film, Shibuya s scramble crossing gained its fame around the world. While it is a popular tourist destination, Shibuya itself is a trend capital introducing cutting edge youth culture to the country and around the world. Iconic 109 where you can find the latest fashion at reasonable prices is popular amongst celebrities from around the world, and newly opened SHIBUYA HIKARIE adds yet another unique shopping and cultural facility to the neighborhood. You can easily spend a day or more, within the small vicinity around the station, and needless to mention, there is more beyond the central area.

Lined with world s top brands and the country s supreme business establishments with centuries of history, Ginza is a proud district of Tokyo and Japan. Here, you can find anything from topnotch goods and gourmet foods from around the globe to the finest Japanese traditional crafts. On weekends and holidays, the main street is closed off for people to enjoy a traffic-free stroll and window shopping. Used as a set for countless films, novels, and TV shows, this elegant district is the type of place that aspires anyone to put on fancy attire for a stroll; a fancy stroll of every girl s dream.

Kagurazaka is a district that has kept the country s authentic culture and style from the Edo period. The whole neighborhood used to be packed with highend Japanese restaurants as well as fancy diners, although the number of these restaurants has decreased significantly in recent years. Take a walk through the alleyways branching off the main street and you may find geishas walking the cobbled pathways sure to make you feel the centuries-old atmosphere. The neighborhood is the place to discover the remnants of Edo as many of the restaurants keep modest exterior, unlike many modern restaurants with decorative signs.

Bain Douche (Runners Station)


Tokyo Tower




For popular jogging routes around the Imperial Palace, there are several runners stations that provide joggers with a place to store their belongings during the run as well as shower and even sauna to fresh up after the energizing run.

You can enjoy a nice cruise down Sumida river along Asakusa and Sumida area on yakatabune, a boat with a large multipurpose room. Enjoy dinner and a cruise.

Don t leave the wonderful tower without making a quick stop at the cute souvenir shop on the ground floor! Filled with every Tokyo Tower item imaginable, you can find anything from kitsch key chain to delicious cookies in cute Tokyo Tower package.

When you get to Shibuya station, locate the sign 109 to find this shopper s paradise filled with the latest trendy Shibuya fashion. CECIL MACKBEE is a chic brand popular amongst fashionable Tokyo girls.

Kimuraya s anpan (bean paste-filled buns) and Kuuya s monaka (bean paste in crunchy skin) are among the most popular formal souvenirs.

Focusing on the therapeutic potential of food, Myojo offers dishes to cleanse and energize your body from inside. Try a glass or two of their collection of umeshu plum wine, boasting over 400 varieties accompanied by delicious steamed dishes!

•Entrance: 450 yen •Hours: Mon - Fri 15:00-24:00, Sat 14:00-24:00, Closed Sun & National holidays •Access: Outside Hanzomon Station on Tokyo Metro Hanzomon line •Address: 1-5-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku •Tel: 03-32634944 (Japanese Only) •Website: http://www.1010.or.jp/cgi/ dsearch.cgi?sel=2&tno=1005 (Japanese only)

10 WAttention Tokyo

Ningyo-yaki Ningyo-yaki has got many different faces (literally), and tastes the best when it s freshly baked! Walk along Nakamise-dori, and you ll see stalls where skilled bakers bake these precious delicacies using iron molds right in the window. •Price: around 50 yen each.

•Admission: 820 yen- •Hours: 9:00-22:00 •Access: 5-7 min walk from Akabanebashi station on Toei Oedo line, Onarimon station on Toei Mita line, and Kamiyacho Station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line •Address: 4-2-8 Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku •Tel: 03-3433-5111 •Website: http://www.tokyotower.co.jp/english/index.html

•Hours: Shops 10:00-21:00 Restaurants 11:00-22:00, Closed January 1 •Access: Few min walk from Shibuya station (JR, Tokyu Den-en-toshi/Toyoko, Keio Inokashira, Tokyo Metro Ginza/Hanzomon/Fukutoshin lines) •Address: 2-29-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku •Tel: 03-3477-5111 (Japanese Only) •Website: http://www.shibuya109.jp/ (Japanese Only)

•Hours: 10:00-21:00 •Access: 1 min walk from Ginza station •Address: 4-5-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Tel: 03-3561-0091 •http://www.ginzakimuraya.jp/ (Japanese only)

Kuuya •Hours: 10:00-17:00 (-16:00 on Sat). Closed Sun & holidays •Access: 5 min walk from Ginza station •Address: 6-7-19 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Tel: 03-3571-3304 •Website: http://www. wagashi.or.jp/tokyo_link/shop/0337.htm (Japanese only)

•Hours: 11:30-15:00, 17:00-24:00 Closed Sun & holidays •Access: 1 min walk from Iidabashi station on Tokyo Metro Nanboku line, or 3 min walk from Iidabashi station on JR or Tokyo Metro Yurakucho and Tozai lines •Address: 3F 2-27 Ageba-cho, Shinjuku-ku •Tel: 03-6457-5141 •Website: http://www.umeshudining.com/ (Japanese only)

WAttention Tokyo


Dont Forget the Citys Sightseeing Staples! 忘れちゃいけない!東京定番お出かけ処

Tokyo is vast and filled with so many places to see! From the hottest hangouts in town to the historical neighborhoods, the absolute must-sees for your trip are listed here. You haven t seen Tokyo without visiting the sites on this list! 最先端ゾーンから歴史ある街にアジアゾーンまで。 ポイントを押さえて効率よくしっかり楽しんでくださいね。






Home to the nation s symbol

Be immersed in Japanese culture

Her graceful charm never fades

A scramble of fashion culture and youth

Every girl dreams of a stroll through Ginza

Chic traditional area that has got the style





憧れの 「銀ブラ」 を楽しんで。


The Imperial Palace stands on the land where Tokugawa Shogunate s Edo Castle once stood, which was planned and constructed largely on the basis of Feng Shui. Although parts of the original moat are now covered up, the remaining moat with a number of magnificent gates and stone walls surrounding the whole complex remind us of the beauty of Edo esthetics today. A significant proportion of the property is open to public where people can enjoy a nice walk on their own or with a guide. The 5km path etching the outline of the castle is lined with lush trees, and has become a popular route for joggers.

Senso-ji, the temple famous for its red Kaminarimon Gate, has repeated the cycle of destruction by fires and subsequent reconstruction throughout its centuries of history. Walk along Nakamisedori , a lively shop-lined street stretching from the symbolic gate all the way to the temple, and check out kitsch souvenirs while snacking on ningyo-yaki , a dollshaped cake filled with bean paste. At the temple, take a look at the 5-storied pagoda on your left, and then proceed to make a wish at the Main Hall. Read your fortune if you wish to. There is a nostalgic feel to the whole neighborhood, which is a great contrast to nearby Tokyo SKYTREE.

Tokyo Tower transmitted the city s broadcasting waves and supported Tokyo s post-war recovery and economic development since 1958 until TOKYO SKYTREE took over the role in May. At the same time, the tower s red and white exterior has been the symbol of the city, occupying a special spot in the hearts of those who live in the metropolis. The view from the observatory located at 250 meters has changed over the years, yet it remains extraordinary, especially at night. From afar, its beautiful illumination adds extra glamour to the city s nightscape, and when the tower is lit with colored light, festivities too.

Ever since it was introduced in a film, Shibuya s scramble crossing gained its fame around the world. While it is a popular tourist destination, Shibuya itself is a trend capital introducing cutting edge youth culture to the country and around the world. Iconic 109 where you can find the latest fashion at reasonable prices is popular amongst celebrities from around the world, and newly opened SHIBUYA HIKARIE adds yet another unique shopping and cultural facility to the neighborhood. You can easily spend a day or more, within the small vicinity around the station, and needless to mention, there is more beyond the central area.

Lined with world s top brands and the country s supreme business establishments with centuries of history, Ginza is a proud district of Tokyo and Japan. Here, you can find anything from topnotch goods and gourmet foods from around the globe to the finest Japanese traditional crafts. On weekends and holidays, the main street is closed off for people to enjoy a traffic-free stroll and window shopping. Used as a set for countless films, novels, and TV shows, this elegant district is the type of place that aspires anyone to put on fancy attire for a stroll; a fancy stroll of every girl s dream.

Kagurazaka is a district that has kept the country s authentic culture and style from the Edo period. The whole neighborhood used to be packed with highend Japanese restaurants as well as fancy diners, although the number of these restaurants has decreased significantly in recent years. Take a walk through the alleyways branching off the main street and you may find geishas walking the cobbled pathways sure to make you feel the centuries-old atmosphere. The neighborhood is the place to discover the remnants of Edo as many of the restaurants keep modest exterior, unlike many modern restaurants with decorative signs.

Bain Douche (Runners Station)


Tokyo Tower




For popular jogging routes around the Imperial Palace, there are several runners stations that provide joggers with a place to store their belongings during the run as well as shower and even sauna to fresh up after the energizing run.

You can enjoy a nice cruise down Sumida river along Asakusa and Sumida area on yakatabune, a boat with a large multipurpose room. Enjoy dinner and a cruise.

Don t leave the wonderful tower without making a quick stop at the cute souvenir shop on the ground floor! Filled with every Tokyo Tower item imaginable, you can find anything from kitsch key chain to delicious cookies in cute Tokyo Tower package.

When you get to Shibuya station, locate the sign 109 to find this shopper s paradise filled with the latest trendy Shibuya fashion. CECIL MACKBEE is a chic brand popular amongst fashionable Tokyo girls.

Kimuraya s anpan (bean paste-filled buns) and Kuuya s monaka (bean paste in crunchy skin) are among the most popular formal souvenirs.

Focusing on the therapeutic potential of food, Myojo offers dishes to cleanse and energize your body from inside. Try a glass or two of their collection of umeshu plum wine, boasting over 400 varieties accompanied by delicious steamed dishes!

•Entrance: 450 yen •Hours: Mon - Fri 15:00-24:00, Sat 14:00-24:00, Closed Sun & National holidays •Access: Outside Hanzomon Station on Tokyo Metro Hanzomon line •Address: 1-5-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku •Tel: 03-32634944 (Japanese Only) •Website: http://www.1010.or.jp/cgi/ dsearch.cgi?sel=2&tno=1005 (Japanese only)

10 WAttention Tokyo

Ningyo-yaki Ningyo-yaki has got many different faces (literally), and tastes the best when it s freshly baked! Walk along Nakamise-dori, and you ll see stalls where skilled bakers bake these precious delicacies using iron molds right in the window. •Price: around 50 yen each.

•Admission: 820 yen- •Hours: 9:00-22:00 •Access: 5-7 min walk from Akabanebashi station on Toei Oedo line, Onarimon station on Toei Mita line, and Kamiyacho Station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line •Address: 4-2-8 Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku •Tel: 03-3433-5111 •Website: http://www.tokyotower.co.jp/english/index.html

•Hours: Shops 10:00-21:00 Restaurants 11:00-22:00, Closed January 1 •Access: Few min walk from Shibuya station (JR, Tokyu Den-en-toshi/Toyoko, Keio Inokashira, Tokyo Metro Ginza/Hanzomon/Fukutoshin lines) •Address: 2-29-1 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku •Tel: 03-3477-5111 (Japanese Only) •Website: http://www.shibuya109.jp/ (Japanese Only)

•Hours: 10:00-21:00 •Access: 1 min walk from Ginza station •Address: 4-5-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Tel: 03-3561-0091 •http://www.ginzakimuraya.jp/ (Japanese only)

Kuuya •Hours: 10:00-17:00 (-16:00 on Sat). Closed Sun & holidays •Access: 5 min walk from Ginza station •Address: 6-7-19 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Tel: 03-3571-3304 •Website: http://www. wagashi.or.jp/tokyo_link/shop/0337.htm (Japanese only)

•Hours: 11:30-15:00, 17:00-24:00 Closed Sun & holidays •Access: 1 min walk from Iidabashi station on Tokyo Metro Nanboku line, or 3 min walk from Iidabashi station on JR or Tokyo Metro Yurakucho and Tozai lines •Address: 3F 2-27 Ageba-cho, Shinjuku-ku •Tel: 03-6457-5141 •Website: http://www.umeshudining.com/ (Japanese only)

WAttention Tokyo


Get to Know the Popular Neighborhoods

Definitely want to visit the popular neighborhood, but not really sure where to go or what to do there? Take a look at the maps and the lists of shops and sites that you won t want to miss in each area! k ay m e(G i n z a) Jersy dresses are perfect for trips as they don t wrinkle! From design to sewing, every thing is MADE IN JAPAN.

Opened on May 17, 2012, the hotel offers supreme hospitality and great location right by Imperial Palace and Ginza.

To k yo 13 5 ˚(H a r a j u k u)

Omotesando s landmark, Omotesando Hills opened in 2006. Over 100 of the latest restaurants, cafes and retail and interior decorations shops are here.

•Hours: 12:00-20:00 •Access: 5 min walk from Meijijingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fu k u to s h i n l i n e) •A d d r e s s : 4 -25 - 3 5 J i n g u m a e, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.tok yo135.com/ pc.html (Japanese Only)

•Hours: Shops (Mon-Sat)11:00-21:00 (-20:00 Sun) •Access: 2 min walk from Omotesando station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/Chiyoda/Hanzomon lines), 3 min walk from Meiji-jingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/Fukutoshin line) •Address: 4-12-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.omotesandohills. com/english/index.html

Laforet HARAJUKU Compared to fancy Omotesando Hills, Laforet HARAJUKU is kawaii paradise. The whole complex is filled with reasonably priced kawaii fashion items.

Tokyo’s “kawaii” is all here in Harajuku and Omotesando. Start at Omotesando crossing and walk along Omotesando-dori towards Harjuku for great exploration. Many cute shops are located also in the backside of Harajuku or ura-hara.

I T O -YA(G i n z a) Two whole buildings are filled with stationeries! From high-end goods to unique and practical ones, you can easily spend a day checking them all out! • H o u r s : 10 : 0 0 - 2 0 : 0 0 ( -19 : 0 0 Sun&Holidays) •Access: 2 min walk from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/ Hibiya/Marunouchi lines) •Address: 2-7-15 G inz a, Chu o -k u •We bs i te: http://www.ito-ya.co.jp/store/ito-ya1. html (Japanese Only)

Marunouchi and Ginza are the areas with all the topnotch shops from around the world. Ginza-dori stretching from JR Shinbashi to JR Tokyo station is closed off for pedestrians on holidays.

Re n g a -t e i The 117-year old restaurant serves classic yoshoku, a western inspired cuisine, loved by countless fans throughout its history.

•Hours: 11:00-20:00 •Access: 1 min walk from Meijijingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line), 5 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) •Address: 1-11-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Tel: 03-3475-0411 (11:00-20:00) •Website: http:// www.laforet.ne.jp/en/harajuku.html

•Hours: Lunch 11:15-15:00 Dinner 16:40-21:00 (-20:45 Sat&Holidays), Closed Sun •Access: 3 min walk from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza line) •Address: 3-516 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://www.ginza-rengatei. com/index1f.html (Japanese Only)

W E G O(H a r a j u k u) Offering Harajuku s real street fashion with unique arrangements, you can find real clothes for daily uses at reasonable price. •Hours: 10:00-21:00 •Access: 2 min walk from Meijijingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line), 5 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) •Address: 6-5-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.wego.jp/ (Japanese Only)

U N I Q L O(G i n z a)

Ta ke s h i t a - d o r i Meiji Jingu Shrine Planted with approximately 100,000 trees of 365 varieties donated from around the country on the 700,000 sqm property, the shrine receives the largest crowd of people for the New Year s ceremony. •Hours: Sunrise-Sunset •Access: 1 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) & Meiji-jingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line) •Address: 1-1 Yoyogikamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/english/

This narrow yet internationally popular street extending from JR Harajuku station is filled with shops selling interesting fashion and goods. •Hours: Most shops are open 11:00-19:00 •Access: 1 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) & Meiji-jingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line) •Address: Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.takeshita-street.com/ (Japanese only)

M I T S U BI SH I I C H I G O K A N M U SEU M, T O K YO Built in 2010 to recreate Mitsubishi s original Western style office building constructed in 1894, the museum carries exhibitions with a focus on 19the century art.

The 12-story complex boasts the world s largest Uniqlo shop with various original items. Multilingual (English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Japanese) staff welcomes you. •Hours: 11:00-21:00 •Access: 4 mins from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/Marunouchi/Hibiya line) •Address: 1-12F, 6-9-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://www.uniqlo.com/jp/ (Japanese Only)

•Hours: 11:30-23:30 •Access: 2 min walk from Harajuku Station (JR Yamanote Line) & Meiji-jingumae Station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fu k u tos hin L in e) •Ad dr e s s: 1-13-14 Jingu m ae, S hibu ya-k u •Website: http://matsubara-an.com/keyaki/shop.php (Japanese Only)

G i n - n o -t o u Gin-no-tou is a specialized restaurant for stew and gratin. The beef in the stew is so tender that you can cut with chopsticks. The special sauce is cooked for 3 days and tastes extraordinary.

•Admission: Depends on the exhibition. •Hours: 10:00-20:00 (-18:00 Tues&Wed&Sun&Holidays), Closed Mon •Access: 3 min walk from Nijubashimae station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line), 5 min walk from JR Tokyo & Yurakucho stations •Address: 2-6-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://mimt.jp/english/

• H o u r s : 11:3 0 -21:0 0, C l o s e d o n N e w Ye a r Holidays •Access: 1 min walk from Higashi-ginza station (Tokyo Metro Hibiya line, Toei Asakusa line) •Address: 4-13-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://www.ginnotou.shop-site.jp/ (Japanese Only)

K a m a k u r a M a t s u b a r a - a n Keya k i(S o b a) Slurp on genuinely delicious soba noodles and Japanese cuisine accompanied by sake at surprisingly tranquil space looking over the keyaki lined street.

12 WAttention Tokyo

丸の内 & 銀座


Looking for a cute kimono? Tokyo 135˚ carries piles of pop kimonos at reasonable price, and gives lessons on the basics of kimono and ways to dress yourself.

•Access: 2 min walk from O te m a c h i s t a t i o n ( To k y o Metro Chiyoda/Hanzomon/ Marunouchi/Tozai lines, Toei S u bway M i t a l i n e), 8 m i n walk from Tokyo station (JR, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line) •Address: 1-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://w w w.palacehoteltokyo.com/en/ (Japanese Only)


原 宿 & 表参道

Omotesando Hills


•Admission: Booking required (Online or Telephone) •Hours: Tues-Fri (12:0018:00), Sat&Sun&Holidays (11:00-17:00), Closed Mon •Access: 4 min walk from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/ Hibiya/Marunouchi lines) •Address: Kyobunkan Building 8F, 4-5-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://maojian.jp/ kay_me/ (Japanese Only)

Marunouchi Street Illuminated with thousands of sparkling lights, Marunouchi s posh Naka-dori street is perfect for a romantic evening walk from mid-November to mid-February. WAttention Tokyo


Get to Know the Popular Neighborhoods

Definitely want to visit the popular neighborhood, but not really sure where to go or what to do there? Take a look at the maps and the lists of shops and sites that you won t want to miss in each area! k ay m e(G i n z a) Jersy dresses are perfect for trips as they don t wrinkle! From design to sewing, every thing is MADE IN JAPAN.

Opened on May 17, 2012, the hotel offers supreme hospitality and great location right by Imperial Palace and Ginza.

To k yo 13 5 ˚(H a r a j u k u)

Omotesando s landmark, Omotesando Hills opened in 2006. Over 100 of the latest restaurants, cafes and retail and interior decorations shops are here.

•Hours: 12:00-20:00 •Access: 5 min walk from Meijijingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fu k u to s h i n l i n e) •A d d r e s s : 4 -25 - 3 5 J i n g u m a e, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.tok yo135.com/ pc.html (Japanese Only)

•Hours: Shops (Mon-Sat)11:00-21:00 (-20:00 Sun) •Access: 2 min walk from Omotesando station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/Chiyoda/Hanzomon lines), 3 min walk from Meiji-jingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/Fukutoshin line) •Address: 4-12-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.omotesandohills. com/english/index.html

Laforet HARAJUKU Compared to fancy Omotesando Hills, Laforet HARAJUKU is kawaii paradise. The whole complex is filled with reasonably priced kawaii fashion items.

Tokyo’s “kawaii” is all here in Harajuku and Omotesando. Start at Omotesando crossing and walk along Omotesando-dori towards Harjuku for great exploration. Many cute shops are located also in the backside of Harajuku or ura-hara.

I T O -YA(G i n z a) Two whole buildings are filled with stationeries! From high-end goods to unique and practical ones, you can easily spend a day checking them all out! • H o u r s : 10 : 0 0 - 2 0 : 0 0 ( -19 : 0 0 Sun&Holidays) •Access: 2 min walk from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/ Hibiya/Marunouchi lines) •Address: 2-7-15 G inz a, Chu o -k u •We bs i te: http://www.ito-ya.co.jp/store/ito-ya1. html (Japanese Only)

Marunouchi and Ginza are the areas with all the topnotch shops from around the world. Ginza-dori stretching from JR Shinbashi to JR Tokyo station is closed off for pedestrians on holidays.

Re n g a -t e i The 117-year old restaurant serves classic yoshoku, a western inspired cuisine, loved by countless fans throughout its history.

•Hours: 11:00-20:00 •Access: 1 min walk from Meijijingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line), 5 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) •Address: 1-11-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Tel: 03-3475-0411 (11:00-20:00) •Website: http:// www.laforet.ne.jp/en/harajuku.html

•Hours: Lunch 11:15-15:00 Dinner 16:40-21:00 (-20:45 Sat&Holidays), Closed Sun •Access: 3 min walk from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza line) •Address: 3-516 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://www.ginza-rengatei. com/index1f.html (Japanese Only)

W E G O(H a r a j u k u) Offering Harajuku s real street fashion with unique arrangements, you can find real clothes for daily uses at reasonable price. •Hours: 10:00-21:00 •Access: 2 min walk from Meijijingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line), 5 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) •Address: 6-5-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.wego.jp/ (Japanese Only)

U N I Q L O(G i n z a)

Ta ke s h i t a - d o r i Meiji Jingu Shrine Planted with approximately 100,000 trees of 365 varieties donated from around the country on the 700,000 sqm property, the shrine receives the largest crowd of people for the New Year s ceremony. •Hours: Sunrise-Sunset •Access: 1 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) & Meiji-jingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line) •Address: 1-1 Yoyogikamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/english/

This narrow yet internationally popular street extending from JR Harajuku station is filled with shops selling interesting fashion and goods. •Hours: Most shops are open 11:00-19:00 •Access: 1 min walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) & Meiji-jingumae Harajuku station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fukutoshin line) •Address: Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.takeshita-street.com/ (Japanese only)

M I T S U BI SH I I C H I G O K A N M U SEU M, T O K YO Built in 2010 to recreate Mitsubishi s original Western style office building constructed in 1894, the museum carries exhibitions with a focus on 19the century art.

The 12-story complex boasts the world s largest Uniqlo shop with various original items. Multilingual (English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Japanese) staff welcomes you. •Hours: 11:00-21:00 •Access: 4 mins from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/Marunouchi/Hibiya line) •Address: 1-12F, 6-9-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://www.uniqlo.com/jp/ (Japanese Only)

•Hours: 11:30-23:30 •Access: 2 min walk from Harajuku Station (JR Yamanote Line) & Meiji-jingumae Station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda/ Fu k u tos hin L in e) •Ad dr e s s: 1-13-14 Jingu m ae, S hibu ya-k u •Website: http://matsubara-an.com/keyaki/shop.php (Japanese Only)

G i n - n o -t o u Gin-no-tou is a specialized restaurant for stew and gratin. The beef in the stew is so tender that you can cut with chopsticks. The special sauce is cooked for 3 days and tastes extraordinary.

•Admission: Depends on the exhibition. •Hours: 10:00-20:00 (-18:00 Tues&Wed&Sun&Holidays), Closed Mon •Access: 3 min walk from Nijubashimae station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line), 5 min walk from JR Tokyo & Yurakucho stations •Address: 2-6-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://mimt.jp/english/

• H o u r s : 11:3 0 -21:0 0, C l o s e d o n N e w Ye a r Holidays •Access: 1 min walk from Higashi-ginza station (Tokyo Metro Hibiya line, Toei Asakusa line) •Address: 4-13-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://www.ginnotou.shop-site.jp/ (Japanese Only)

K a m a k u r a M a t s u b a r a - a n Keya k i(S o b a) Slurp on genuinely delicious soba noodles and Japanese cuisine accompanied by sake at surprisingly tranquil space looking over the keyaki lined street.

12 WAttention Tokyo

丸の内 & 銀座


Looking for a cute kimono? Tokyo 135˚ carries piles of pop kimonos at reasonable price, and gives lessons on the basics of kimono and ways to dress yourself.

•Access: 2 min walk from O te m a c h i s t a t i o n ( To k y o Metro Chiyoda/Hanzomon/ Marunouchi/Tozai lines, Toei S u bway M i t a l i n e), 8 m i n walk from Tokyo station (JR, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line) •Address: 1-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://w w w.palacehoteltokyo.com/en/ (Japanese Only)


原 宿 & 表参道

Omotesando Hills


•Admission: Booking required (Online or Telephone) •Hours: Tues-Fri (12:0018:00), Sat&Sun&Holidays (11:00-17:00), Closed Mon •Access: 4 min walk from Ginza station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/ Hibiya/Marunouchi lines) •Address: Kyobunkan Building 8F, 4-5-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku •Website: http://maojian.jp/ kay_me/ (Japanese Only)

Marunouchi Street Illuminated with thousands of sparkling lights, Marunouchi s posh Naka-dori street is perfect for a romantic evening walk from mid-November to mid-February. WAttention Tokyo


animate Akihabara

Run by Nagano s miso and soy sauce maker with a long history, the pleasant restaurant offers fresh organic vegetables, flavorful sake and delicious rice from Nagano.

A paradise for any anime fan, animate has everything from a n i m e g o o d s , DV D s , C D s , games and books to anime voice actors items. Don t miss their original goods!

•Hours: 11:00-24:00 (Lunch 11:00-16:00) •Access: On the 2nd floor of Galleria Garden Terrace inside Tokyo Midtown •Address: Galleria Garden Terrace 2F, 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku •Website: h t t p : // w w w. s u j u - m a s a y u k i . c o m / (Japanese Only)

T HE N AT I O N A L A R T C E N T E R , T O K YO Encased in the magnificent glass exterior designed by renowned architect, Kisho Kurokawa, the art center features a restaurant, 3 cafes and an art library, and of course, excellent exhibitions.

E l e c t r i c Tow n You can find anything and everything related to electronics here, from the latest gadget to highly specific ones. Many shops of fer ta x f re e p r i c e s a n d ta x documentation.

•Hours: 10:00-21:00 •Access: 4 min walk from JR Akihabara station •Address: 4-3-2 Soto-kanda, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://www. animate.co.jp/ (Japanese Only)

To k yo M i d t ow n Occupied by The Ritz Carlton, Suntory Museum of Art, and approximately 130 shops along with offices and residential floors, it is a chic and relaxing complex located next to a beautiful park.

•Admission: Free entrance to the building. Ticket price depends on the exhibition •Hours: 10:00-18:00 (-20:00 Fri) Closed Tues&New Year holidays •Access: Direct access from Nogizaka station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line), 5 min walk from Roppongi station (Toei Oedo line & Tokyo Metro Hibiya line) •Address: 7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku •Website: http://www.nact.jp/english/

Interesting sites are all along the two streets that cross at Roppongi crossing. In the evening, the town turns so international that Japanese becomes a minority!

The worldly renowned elec tric town is also famous for its “otaku” culture, boasting a number of shops offering rare animation goods. Experience truly unique culture here.

C o s p l ay G i r l s Once you walk into a maid café, you are in a whole dif ferent world. In Akihabara, many other animethemed cafes and restaurants exist as well.

秋葉 原


•Access: Direct access from Roppongi station ( Toei Oedo line, Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line), 3 min walk from Nogizaka stat i o n ( To k y o M e t r o C h i y o d a line) •Address: 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku •Website: ht tp:// www.tokyo-midtown.com/en/


六本 木

S u j u D i n i n g(To k y o M i d t o w n)

M ay ’s G a r d e n S p a

(H o l l y w o o d B e a u t y S a l o n)

L avish yourself with hair and facial make up and even dress in kimono at the salon founded by May Ushiyama, an established Hollywood esthetician.



Located at the top of Roppongi Hills, Tokyo City View of fers a 360-degree view of the entire metropolis. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji and the sparkling Tokyo nightscape.

The unique and st ylish cluster of shops under the JR train tracks between Okachimachi and Akihabara hosts various artists with the concept of creating things .

•Admission: 1500 yen- •Hours: 10:00-23:00 (-25:00 Fri&Sat&Day before holidays) •Access: Direct Access from Roppongi station (Tokyo Metro Hibiya line), 4 min walk from Roppongi station (Toei Oedo line) •Address: 52F Mori Tower, Roppongi Hills 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku •Website: http://www.roppongihills.com/tcv/en/

•Hours: Most shops are open 11:00-19:00 (-20:00 Thu-Sat until Sep 29) •Access: 6 min walk from JR Akihabara station, 4 min walk from JR Okachimachi station, 3 min walk from Sehirocho station (Tokyo Metro Ginza line) •Address: 5-9 Ueno, Taito-ku •Website: ht tp://w w w.jr tk.jp/2k540/ (Japanese only)

(R o p p o n g i H i l l s)

•Hours: Hair 9:00-20:00, Spa 9:0019:00 •Access: On the 3rd floor of Hollywood Beauty Plaza in Roppongi Hills •Address: 6-4-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku •Website: http://www. hollywoodsalon.co.jp/mgs/mgs_e/

F r e e I ke b u k u r o Guide Book

Ikebukuro’s symbolic tower, Sunshine City is full of exciting shops, aquariums and events. A cluster of Chinese shops has turned Ikebukuro into a little China town.


•Admission: 300 yen •Access: Inside Sunshine City •Address: Sunshine City World Impor t Mart 2&3F 3-1 Higashi-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku •Website: http://www.namja.jp/img/pdf/guidemap.pdf

Sunshine Aquarium The country s first urban and the highest aquarium offers various events; a great place to visit with anyone. Don t miss the show where divers swim with schools of fish. •Admission: \1800 yen- •Hours: Depends on season •Access: Inside Sunshine City •Website: http://www.sunshinecity.co.jp/sunshine/aquarium/ (Japanese Only)

WAttention Tokyo


Find the free guidebook published in 4 languages - traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean and English - at various places in Ikebukuro including the front desk of Hotel Metropolitan.

G r e a t r a m e n s h o p s a ro u n d Ikebukuro let you experience the impressive evolution of ramen noodles! Abura-soba Tetsujin Naonari Try the latest trend in ramen, abura-soba; noodles without the soup! Naonari s spicy sesameflavored tantan-men will be a great introduction to the trend. •Pr ice: 860 yen / bowl •Hour s: 11: 0 0 - 24: 0 0 • A c c e s s : 5 m i n walk from JR Ikebukuro station •Address: 2-14-6 MinamiIkebukuro, Toshima-ku

Ko r e a n C o s m e t i c s

Ingredients for Ko r e a n C u i s i n e

De li c i o u s S t r e e t F o o d

Korean cosmetics are widely popular for its quality and price. Many are natural cosmetics, including various facial masks which boast a huge group of repeated fans.

If you are a fan of Korean cuisine, you should take a peek at one of the supermarkets here. The authentic ingredients sold here makes your dishes taste better than ever.

Like in Korea, you can find many street food venders in this exciting neighborhood. They are cheap and delicious, and make a great snack for your exploration.

Little Korea in Shin-Okubo is full of Korean goods, cosmetics and restaurants. Hangul signs lining the streets in the neighborhood make you feel like you’re in Korea!

新大久 保



You can easily spend a day in this mega amusement complex with a huge selection of games. Also inside are various food themed corners including Ice Cream City .

•A c c e s s : 5 m i n wa l k f ro m O c h a n o m i z u s t a ti o n (JR, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line), 7 min walk from A k i h a b a r a s t ati o n (J R , To k yo M etro H i b i ya l i n e) •Address: 2-16-2 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://www.kandamyoujin.or.jp/ (Japanese only)


N A M C O N A M JAT O W N(S u n s h i n e C i t y)

K a n d a M yoj i n The 1300-year old shrine has protected the city of Edo (the old name for present day Tokyo) since the Edo period.

Ra m e n Pa r ad i s e WAttention Tokyo


animate Akihabara

Run by Nagano s miso and soy sauce maker with a long history, the pleasant restaurant offers fresh organic vegetables, flavorful sake and delicious rice from Nagano.

A paradise for any anime fan, animate has everything from a n i m e g o o d s , DV D s , C D s , games and books to anime voice actors items. Don t miss their original goods!

•Hours: 11:00-24:00 (Lunch 11:00-16:00) •Access: On the 2nd floor of Galleria Garden Terrace inside Tokyo Midtown •Address: Galleria Garden Terrace 2F, 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku •Website: h t t p : // w w w. s u j u - m a s a y u k i . c o m / (Japanese Only)

T HE N AT I O N A L A R T C E N T E R , T O K YO Encased in the magnificent glass exterior designed by renowned architect, Kisho Kurokawa, the art center features a restaurant, 3 cafes and an art library, and of course, excellent exhibitions.

E l e c t r i c Tow n You can find anything and everything related to electronics here, from the latest gadget to highly specific ones. Many shops of fer ta x f re e p r i c e s a n d ta x documentation.

•Hours: 10:00-21:00 •Access: 4 min walk from JR Akihabara station •Address: 4-3-2 Soto-kanda, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://www. animate.co.jp/ (Japanese Only)

To k yo M i d t ow n Occupied by The Ritz Carlton, Suntory Museum of Art, and approximately 130 shops along with offices and residential floors, it is a chic and relaxing complex located next to a beautiful park.

•Admission: Free entrance to the building. Ticket price depends on the exhibition •Hours: 10:00-18:00 (-20:00 Fri) Closed Tues&New Year holidays •Access: Direct access from Nogizaka station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line), 5 min walk from Roppongi station (Toei Oedo line & Tokyo Metro Hibiya line) •Address: 7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku •Website: http://www.nact.jp/english/

Interesting sites are all along the two streets that cross at Roppongi crossing. In the evening, the town turns so international that Japanese becomes a minority!

The worldly renowned elec tric town is also famous for its “otaku” culture, boasting a number of shops offering rare animation goods. Experience truly unique culture here.

C o s p l ay G i r l s Once you walk into a maid café, you are in a whole dif ferent world. In Akihabara, many other animethemed cafes and restaurants exist as well.

秋葉 原


•Access: Direct access from Roppongi station ( Toei Oedo line, Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line), 3 min walk from Nogizaka stat i o n ( To k y o M e t r o C h i y o d a line) •Address: 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku •Website: ht tp:// www.tokyo-midtown.com/en/


六本 木

S u j u D i n i n g(To k y o M i d t o w n)

M ay ’s G a r d e n S p a

(H o l l y w o o d B e a u t y S a l o n)

L avish yourself with hair and facial make up and even dress in kimono at the salon founded by May Ushiyama, an established Hollywood esthetician.



Located at the top of Roppongi Hills, Tokyo City View of fers a 360-degree view of the entire metropolis. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji and the sparkling Tokyo nightscape.

The unique and st ylish cluster of shops under the JR train tracks between Okachimachi and Akihabara hosts various artists with the concept of creating things .

•Admission: 1500 yen- •Hours: 10:00-23:00 (-25:00 Fri&Sat&Day before holidays) •Access: Direct Access from Roppongi station (Tokyo Metro Hibiya line), 4 min walk from Roppongi station (Toei Oedo line) •Address: 52F Mori Tower, Roppongi Hills 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku •Website: http://www.roppongihills.com/tcv/en/

•Hours: Most shops are open 11:00-19:00 (-20:00 Thu-Sat until Sep 29) •Access: 6 min walk from JR Akihabara station, 4 min walk from JR Okachimachi station, 3 min walk from Sehirocho station (Tokyo Metro Ginza line) •Address: 5-9 Ueno, Taito-ku •Website: ht tp://w w w.jr tk.jp/2k540/ (Japanese only)

(R o p p o n g i H i l l s)

•Hours: Hair 9:00-20:00, Spa 9:0019:00 •Access: On the 3rd floor of Hollywood Beauty Plaza in Roppongi Hills •Address: 6-4-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku •Website: http://www. hollywoodsalon.co.jp/mgs/mgs_e/

F r e e I ke b u k u r o Guide Book

Ikebukuro’s symbolic tower, Sunshine City is full of exciting shops, aquariums and events. A cluster of Chinese shops has turned Ikebukuro into a little China town.


•Admission: 300 yen •Access: Inside Sunshine City •Address: Sunshine City World Impor t Mart 2&3F 3-1 Higashi-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku •Website: http://www.namja.jp/img/pdf/guidemap.pdf

Sunshine Aquarium The country s first urban and the highest aquarium offers various events; a great place to visit with anyone. Don t miss the show where divers swim with schools of fish. •Admission: \1800 yen- •Hours: Depends on season •Access: Inside Sunshine City •Website: http://www.sunshinecity.co.jp/sunshine/aquarium/ (Japanese Only)

WAttention Tokyo


Find the free guidebook published in 4 languages - traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean and English - at various places in Ikebukuro including the front desk of Hotel Metropolitan.

G r e a t r a m e n s h o p s a ro u n d Ikebukuro let you experience the impressive evolution of ramen noodles! Abura-soba Tetsujin Naonari Try the latest trend in ramen, abura-soba; noodles without the soup! Naonari s spicy sesameflavored tantan-men will be a great introduction to the trend. •Pr ice: 860 yen / bowl •Hour s: 11: 0 0 - 24: 0 0 • A c c e s s : 5 m i n walk from JR Ikebukuro station •Address: 2-14-6 MinamiIkebukuro, Toshima-ku

Ko r e a n C o s m e t i c s

Ingredients for Ko r e a n C u i s i n e

De li c i o u s S t r e e t F o o d

Korean cosmetics are widely popular for its quality and price. Many are natural cosmetics, including various facial masks which boast a huge group of repeated fans.

If you are a fan of Korean cuisine, you should take a peek at one of the supermarkets here. The authentic ingredients sold here makes your dishes taste better than ever.

Like in Korea, you can find many street food venders in this exciting neighborhood. They are cheap and delicious, and make a great snack for your exploration.

Little Korea in Shin-Okubo is full of Korean goods, cosmetics and restaurants. Hangul signs lining the streets in the neighborhood make you feel like you’re in Korea!

新大久 保



You can easily spend a day in this mega amusement complex with a huge selection of games. Also inside are various food themed corners including Ice Cream City .

•A c c e s s : 5 m i n wa l k f ro m O c h a n o m i z u s t a ti o n (JR, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line), 7 min walk from A k i h a b a r a s t ati o n (J R , To k yo M etro H i b i ya l i n e) •Address: 2-16-2 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku •Website: http://www.kandamyoujin.or.jp/ (Japanese only)


N A M C O N A M JAT O W N(S u n s h i n e C i t y)

K a n d a M yoj i n The 1300-year old shrine has protected the city of Edo (the old name for present day Tokyo) since the Edo period.

Ra m e n Pa r ad i s e WAttention Tokyo


The recommendations of our editing team will make you sweeter than ever

Japanese confectionaries and souvenirs

Overwhelmed by the infinite list of sweets and souvenirs? Our editing team shares their secret favorites with you for unstoppable gustatory pleasure and a storm of flattery from 悩む時間がもったいないから、 これなら太鼓判!の編集部お勧めとびっきりスイーツ&おみやげをご紹介します。 friends!

あなたの評判が上がる、 編集部おすすめの、 スイーツ&おみやげ

SHISEIDO PARLOUR s Cheesecake Like their wonderful beauty products, SHIESEIDO s cheesecake is simply divine.



Wrap a present or yourself as a scarf with furoshiki, an authentic wrapping cloth that also folds into a bag!


•2420 yen for 9 pieces. •4・5F Tokyo Ginza Shiseido Building, 8-8-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku. •TEL: 03-5537-6241 •http://parlour.shiseido.co.jp/e/restaurants/list/index.html

Special sweets with rich fragrance and delicate sweetness. No words can describe the joy and satisfaction they give!

•Yellow 2200 yen (100% Rayon). Pink 1050 0 yen (10 0% silk). •6-15 kagurazaka Shinjuku-ku, •TEL: 03-3266-1641 •http:// www.yamatonadeshiko-tokyo. com/about_furoshiki.html

Chez Cima s Cream Puffs Taste decadent chou à la crème made with honey harvested on the rooftop of buildings in Ginza.

Kyuk yodo s renowned let ter pads are used by the royal family! Also check out their amazing incence. •315 yen. •5-7-4, Ginza, Chuo-ku. •T E L : 0 3 - 3 5 71- 4 4 2 9 • h t t p: // w w w.k yuk yodo.co.jp/index.html (Japanese Only)



EDITOR Y Goods of traditional aesthetic values and practicality. They ve got style with outstanding designs, extreme functionality and are of excellent quality.

TORAYA s Yokan

Mamegen s Bean Snacks Mamegen introduces new flavors ever y season along with over 100 kinds of addictively delicious bean snacks. •Matcha (left) 368 yen. Ume (right) 3 15 y e n . 1- 8 -12 A z a b u - j u b a n , Minato -k u •TEL: 03-3583- 0 9 62 •http://www.mamegen.com/pp/english.html


WAttention Tokyo

To wrap or wipe, or even to decorate the wall, tenugui s got practicality and beauty all in one. •Tenugui 840 -2575 yen. Coin purse 13 6 5 y e n . • U k i y o - e O t a M e m o r i a l Museum of Art BF, 1-10-10, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •TEL: 03-3401-7957 •http:// www.kamawanu.co.jp/english/index.html


The 500-year old Japanese confectionary shop TORAYA is fa m o u s fo r yo k a n, a n azuki bean confectionary.

The latest unique items – Not satisfied with something ordinary? Try these stylish and authentically Japanese products.

• S m a l l 2415 y e n . L a r g e 4158 yen. •4-9-22 Akasaka, Minato-ku •TEL: 03-3408-4121 • h t t p: // w w w.to r a y a - g r o u p. co.jp/english/index.html

L abeille s Ginza Honey

Kototoi Dango The 160-year old shop has been selling dango or rice flour dumplings since the Edo period. •600 yen for 3 pieces. •5-5-22 Mukojima, Sumida-ku •TEL: 03-3622-0081 •http://kototoidango.co.jp/ (Japanese Only)

•300-350 yen per piece. •7-19-5 Yanaka, Taito-ku. •TEL: 03-68025501 •http://www.inamura.jp/index. html (Japanese Only)

Kamawanu s Tenugui & Coin Purse


EDITOR M Things sold at convenience stores. They are reasonable and can often be amazing. You can always find something original like limited edition snacks!


Q -TA R O Japanese confectionary. Enjoy them with your eyes before taking a bite. Their delicate flavors will definitely make you smile.

The decadent chocolates made by patisserie Shozo Inamura are simply delightful!

•294 yen each. •MATSUYA G I N Z A B1F, 3 - 6 -1 G i n z a , Chuo-ku. •TEL: 3567-1211 (Main) •http://www.matsuya. com/foreigner/en/m_ginza/

©Kazuhiko Ieda

kyodo s Stationeries


Ginza s authentic honey is collected by honeybees on the rooftop of buildings in Ginza.

ITOYA s Stationery

Taste the rich-flavored fine sake brewed right here in Tokyo! •Junmai muroka 945 y e n / 72 0 m l ( l e f t ). A k i n o Yorokobi 1680 yen/720ml ( r i g h t ). •1 K u m a g a w a , Fussa City •TEL: 042-5305792 (Sake Cellar) •http:// www.tamajiman.com/english/index.html

Delicious chocolatefilled biscuits come in 435 different koala prints and many limited editions. •Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.


The entire 10-story building is packed with every stationery item imaginable.

This addictive potato snack comes in standard flavors and limited seasonal ones!

•Mt. Fuji stickie notes 210 yen. •2-7-15 Ginza, C h u o - k u •T E L : 0 3 3 5 61- 8 311 • h t t p: // www.ito-ya.co.jp/index. html (Japanese Only)

•Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.

Gummy candies Japan offers a wide variety of gummy candy from soft and chew y to hard and chewy ones!

•Prices 1680 yen for a 36g jar. •MATSUYA GINZA B1F, 3 - 6 -1 G i n z a , C h u o - k u . •T E L : 3 5 67-1211 ( M a i n) •http://www.matsuya.com/ foreigner/en/m_ginza/

Ishikawa Brewery s Tama Jiman


Eco-sen T-shirts Tok yo s public bath association sells the se cute orga nic cotton T shirts through their online shop. •2000 yen each. •http://1010.shop-pro. jp/ (Japanese Only)

•Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.

Amanoya s Kabuki-age Don t know which rice crackers to pick? Try this one! •Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.

WAttention Tokyo


The recommendations of our editing team will make you sweeter than ever

Japanese confectionaries and souvenirs

Overwhelmed by the infinite list of sweets and souvenirs? Our editing team shares their secret favorites with you for unstoppable gustatory pleasure and a storm of flattery from 悩む時間がもったいないから、 これなら太鼓判!の編集部お勧めとびっきりスイーツ&おみやげをご紹介します。 friends!

あなたの評判が上がる、 編集部おすすめの、 スイーツ&おみやげ

SHISEIDO PARLOUR s Cheesecake Like their wonderful beauty products, SHIESEIDO s cheesecake is simply divine.



Wrap a present or yourself as a scarf with furoshiki, an authentic wrapping cloth that also folds into a bag!


•2420 yen for 9 pieces. •4・5F Tokyo Ginza Shiseido Building, 8-8-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku. •TEL: 03-5537-6241 •http://parlour.shiseido.co.jp/e/restaurants/list/index.html

Special sweets with rich fragrance and delicate sweetness. No words can describe the joy and satisfaction they give!

•Yellow 2200 yen (100% Rayon). Pink 1050 0 yen (10 0% silk). •6-15 kagurazaka Shinjuku-ku, •TEL: 03-3266-1641 •http:// www.yamatonadeshiko-tokyo. com/about_furoshiki.html

Chez Cima s Cream Puffs Taste decadent chou à la crème made with honey harvested on the rooftop of buildings in Ginza.

Kyuk yodo s renowned let ter pads are used by the royal family! Also check out their amazing incence. •315 yen. •5-7-4, Ginza, Chuo-ku. •T E L : 0 3 - 3 5 71- 4 4 2 9 • h t t p: // w w w.k yuk yodo.co.jp/index.html (Japanese Only)



EDITOR Y Goods of traditional aesthetic values and practicality. They ve got style with outstanding designs, extreme functionality and are of excellent quality.

TORAYA s Yokan

Mamegen s Bean Snacks Mamegen introduces new flavors ever y season along with over 100 kinds of addictively delicious bean snacks. •Matcha (left) 368 yen. Ume (right) 3 15 y e n . 1- 8 -12 A z a b u - j u b a n , Minato -k u •TEL: 03-3583- 0 9 62 •http://www.mamegen.com/pp/english.html


WAttention Tokyo

To wrap or wipe, or even to decorate the wall, tenugui s got practicality and beauty all in one. •Tenugui 840 -2575 yen. Coin purse 13 6 5 y e n . • U k i y o - e O t a M e m o r i a l Museum of Art BF, 1-10-10, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •TEL: 03-3401-7957 •http:// www.kamawanu.co.jp/english/index.html


The 500-year old Japanese confectionary shop TORAYA is fa m o u s fo r yo k a n, a n azuki bean confectionary.

The latest unique items – Not satisfied with something ordinary? Try these stylish and authentically Japanese products.

• S m a l l 2415 y e n . L a r g e 4158 yen. •4-9-22 Akasaka, Minato-ku •TEL: 03-3408-4121 • h t t p: // w w w.to r a y a - g r o u p. co.jp/english/index.html

L abeille s Ginza Honey

Kototoi Dango The 160-year old shop has been selling dango or rice flour dumplings since the Edo period. •600 yen for 3 pieces. •5-5-22 Mukojima, Sumida-ku •TEL: 03-3622-0081 •http://kototoidango.co.jp/ (Japanese Only)

•300-350 yen per piece. •7-19-5 Yanaka, Taito-ku. •TEL: 03-68025501 •http://www.inamura.jp/index. html (Japanese Only)

Kamawanu s Tenugui & Coin Purse


EDITOR M Things sold at convenience stores. They are reasonable and can often be amazing. You can always find something original like limited edition snacks!


Q -TA R O Japanese confectionary. Enjoy them with your eyes before taking a bite. Their delicate flavors will definitely make you smile.

The decadent chocolates made by patisserie Shozo Inamura are simply delightful!

•294 yen each. •MATSUYA G I N Z A B1F, 3 - 6 -1 G i n z a , Chuo-ku. •TEL: 3567-1211 (Main) •http://www.matsuya. com/foreigner/en/m_ginza/

©Kazuhiko Ieda

kyodo s Stationeries


Ginza s authentic honey is collected by honeybees on the rooftop of buildings in Ginza.

ITOYA s Stationery

Taste the rich-flavored fine sake brewed right here in Tokyo! •Junmai muroka 945 y e n / 72 0 m l ( l e f t ). A k i n o Yorokobi 1680 yen/720ml ( r i g h t ). •1 K u m a g a w a , Fussa City •TEL: 042-5305792 (Sake Cellar) •http:// www.tamajiman.com/english/index.html

Delicious chocolatefilled biscuits come in 435 different koala prints and many limited editions. •Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.


The entire 10-story building is packed with every stationery item imaginable.

This addictive potato snack comes in standard flavors and limited seasonal ones!

•Mt. Fuji stickie notes 210 yen. •2-7-15 Ginza, C h u o - k u •T E L : 0 3 3 5 61- 8 311 • h t t p: // www.ito-ya.co.jp/index. html (Japanese Only)

•Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.

Gummy candies Japan offers a wide variety of gummy candy from soft and chew y to hard and chewy ones!

•Prices 1680 yen for a 36g jar. •MATSUYA GINZA B1F, 3 - 6 -1 G i n z a , C h u o - k u . •T E L : 3 5 67-1211 ( M a i n) •http://www.matsuya.com/ foreigner/en/m_ginza/

Ishikawa Brewery s Tama Jiman


Eco-sen T-shirts Tok yo s public bath association sells the se cute orga nic cotton T shirts through their online shop. •2000 yen each. •http://1010.shop-pro. jp/ (Japanese Only)

•Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.

Amanoya s Kabuki-age Don t know which rice crackers to pick? Try this one! •Approx. 100 yen. Sold widely at various convenience stores.

WAttention Tokyo


Immerse yourself in Japanese beauty

What s onsen really like?

日本の美に、 どっぷりはまろう!

温泉って、 ほんとのところ、 どうなの?

Japanese paintings and ukiyoe are said to have greatly influenced van Gogh and Picasso. If you are in Tokyo, allow yourself to be inspired by these authentic arts. The three art museums introduced here are the pride of Tokyo, and the country. Find the inspiring secrets of van Gogh and Picasso at these museums!

Bathing, whether in natural onsen or public baths in the city, is a rewardingly relaxing activity after a busy day, but some rules do exist. Follow the steps below and immerse yourself in the authentically Japanese relaxation culture!

日本の美を堪能できる3つの美術館で、 ゴッホやピカソの気持ちになってください。


Indulge on Ukiyoe Seizo Ota the fifth (1893-1977) collected ukiyoe for half a century from the beginning of early 1900s, amounting to 12000 pieces, in the hope of stopping the flow of Japanese paintings abroad. You can see Japanese beauty a few minutes away from Omotesando station.


根津美術館 The Death of Atsumori, The Tale of the Heike Painting Album, vol. 3 3 albums of fanshaped paintings; ink and color on paper Japan, Edo period, 1718th centuries Approach to the entrance ©FUJITSUKA Mitsumasa

18 WAttention Tokyo

A museum with splendid Japanese gardens The museum, specializing in Japanese and oriental antiques, was founded to exhibit the personal collection of tea equipment and Buddhist art owned by Nezu Kaichiro Sr., the industrialist and president of Tobu Railway. Adding further appeal to the collection, an outstanding Japnaese garden is open to visitors, allowing you to forget that you are in the middle of the city. Don t miss the building and bamboo pathway redone by worldly renowned architect, Kengo Kuma, in 2009.

2 3

Wash Yourself Before a Dip Wash yourself with soap in the washing corner (where faucets are lined up) before you soak in the tub. You are sharing the water with others, so keep yourself clean!

Do Not Put a Towel in Tub Water You are not allowed to take a dip in the tub wrapped in towel, or to simply put a towel in the tub water. Photos of girls in towels on pamphlets are only for advertisement purposes.

Dry Yourself Before Going Back to the Changing Room

Recommended: Edo-themed onsen and stylish city bath お勧めの二つの日本式お風呂 OOEDO ONSEN MONOG ATA RI 大江戸温泉物語 •A d m i s s i o n : 19 8 0 y e n H o u r s: 11:0 0 - 9:0 0 (n e x t morning) •Access: 3 min walk from Telecom Center station (Yurikamome line), free shuttle bus available from Tokyo Teleport Station (Rinkai line) •Address: 2-6-3 Aomi, Koto-ku •Website: http://www.ooedoonsen.jp/ higaeri/english/index.html

Utagawa Hiroshige Fiftythree Stations of the Tōkaidō Road : Sudden Shower at Shōno



Make sure to dry off before going back to the changing room, as no one wants it to be wet


•Admission: Depends on the exhibition • H o u r s : 10 :3 0 -17:3 0 •Acce s s: Few minu te walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) & Meiji-jingumae Harajuku s t a t i o n ( To k y o M e t r o Chiyoda /Fukutoshin lines) •Address: 1-10-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www. ukiyoe-ota-muse.jp/ index-E.html

•Admission: 1000 yen- •Hours: 10:00-17:00, Closed Mon, during exhibition installation, New Year holidays, Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday) •Access: 8 min walk from Omotesando station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/Chiyoda/Hanzomon l i n e s) •A d d r e s s: 6 - 5 -1 M i n a m i -A oya m a , M i n a to - k u •Website: http://www.nezu-muse.or.jp/en/index.html

温泉や銭湯は日本ならではのリラックス文化です。 ルールを守って、 楽しい時間を過ごしましょう。

The Grand Rules

•Admission: 1000 yen- •Hours: 10:00-17:00, Closed Mon & Day following national holiday, Dec 28-Jan 4 •Access: 10 min walk from Ebisu station (JR, Tokyo Metro Hibiya line) •Address: 3-12-36 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.yamatanemuseum.jp/english/index.html

Deepen your knowledge of Japanese aesthetics As the museum specializing in Japanese paintings, Yamatane Museum was opened in 1966 based on the collection of Taneji Yamazaki, the founder of Yamatane Securities. Since opening, over 1800 paintings have been exhibited according to seasonal themes, with the purpose of introducing Japanese aesthetics to all.

M I N A M I - A O YA M A SHIMIZUYU 南青山 清水湯 •Admis sion: 450 ye nH o u r s: M o n-T h u r s 12: 0 0 -24: 0 0 (-2 3: 0 0 Sat&Sun&Holidays), Closed Fri •Access: 2 min walk from Omotesando station (Tokyo M etro G in z a / H a n zo m o n / Chiyoda lines) •Address: 3 -12- 3 M i n a m i - a o y a m a , Minato-ku •Website: http:// shimizuyu.jp/index.html (Japanese Only)

Fun bathing at the Edo (old Tokyo)-themed bathing entertainment complex! Bathing is entertainment at this Edothemed complex where you can soak in various types of indoor and outdoor baths, relaxe with aesthetic treatments or a massage, and savor both Japanese and Western cuisine at the decorative resting area. Bring yourself and nothing more for a day of bathing fun. Admission includes towels and soap, as well as the complimentary, yukata!

Stylish community bath stimulates great communication Tokyo s sento, or public bath, is a great place to immerse yourself in Japanese bathing culture. This posh sento in upscale Aoyama boasts 100 years of history, and has gone through a renewal in recent years. With excellent sauna and laundry facilities, and even some English signs, this place is filled with many runners as well as international tourists. Experience the bare cultural interaction here at Shimizuyu! WAttention Tokyo


Immerse yourself in Japanese beauty

What s onsen really like?

日本の美に、 どっぷりはまろう!

温泉って、 ほんとのところ、 どうなの?

Japanese paintings and ukiyoe are said to have greatly influenced van Gogh and Picasso. If you are in Tokyo, allow yourself to be inspired by these authentic arts. The three art museums introduced here are the pride of Tokyo, and the country. Find the inspiring secrets of van Gogh and Picasso at these museums!

Bathing, whether in natural onsen or public baths in the city, is a rewardingly relaxing activity after a busy day, but some rules do exist. Follow the steps below and immerse yourself in the authentically Japanese relaxation culture!

日本の美を堪能できる3つの美術館で、 ゴッホやピカソの気持ちになってください。


Indulge on Ukiyoe Seizo Ota the fifth (1893-1977) collected ukiyoe for half a century from the beginning of early 1900s, amounting to 12000 pieces, in the hope of stopping the flow of Japanese paintings abroad. You can see Japanese beauty a few minutes away from Omotesando station.


根津美術館 The Death of Atsumori, The Tale of the Heike Painting Album, vol. 3 3 albums of fanshaped paintings; ink and color on paper Japan, Edo period, 1718th centuries Approach to the entrance ©FUJITSUKA Mitsumasa

18 WAttention Tokyo

A museum with splendid Japanese gardens The museum, specializing in Japanese and oriental antiques, was founded to exhibit the personal collection of tea equipment and Buddhist art owned by Nezu Kaichiro Sr., the industrialist and president of Tobu Railway. Adding further appeal to the collection, an outstanding Japnaese garden is open to visitors, allowing you to forget that you are in the middle of the city. Don t miss the building and bamboo pathway redone by worldly renowned architect, Kengo Kuma, in 2009.

2 3

Wash Yourself Before a Dip Wash yourself with soap in the washing corner (where faucets are lined up) before you soak in the tub. You are sharing the water with others, so keep yourself clean!

Do Not Put a Towel in Tub Water You are not allowed to take a dip in the tub wrapped in towel, or to simply put a towel in the tub water. Photos of girls in towels on pamphlets are only for advertisement purposes.

Dry Yourself Before Going Back to the Changing Room

Recommended: Edo-themed onsen and stylish city bath お勧めの二つの日本式お風呂 OOEDO ONSEN MONOG ATA RI 大江戸温泉物語 •A d m i s s i o n : 19 8 0 y e n H o u r s: 11:0 0 - 9:0 0 (n e x t morning) •Access: 3 min walk from Telecom Center station (Yurikamome line), free shuttle bus available from Tokyo Teleport Station (Rinkai line) •Address: 2-6-3 Aomi, Koto-ku •Website: http://www.ooedoonsen.jp/ higaeri/english/index.html

Utagawa Hiroshige Fiftythree Stations of the Tōkaidō Road : Sudden Shower at Shōno



Make sure to dry off before going back to the changing room, as no one wants it to be wet


•Admission: Depends on the exhibition • H o u r s : 10 :3 0 -17:3 0 •Acce s s: Few minu te walk from Harajuku station (JR Yamanote line) & Meiji-jingumae Harajuku s t a t i o n ( To k y o M e t r o Chiyoda /Fukutoshin lines) •Address: 1-10-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www. ukiyoe-ota-muse.jp/ index-E.html

•Admission: 1000 yen- •Hours: 10:00-17:00, Closed Mon, during exhibition installation, New Year holidays, Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday) •Access: 8 min walk from Omotesando station (Tokyo Metro Ginza/Chiyoda/Hanzomon l i n e s) •A d d r e s s: 6 - 5 -1 M i n a m i -A oya m a , M i n a to - k u •Website: http://www.nezu-muse.or.jp/en/index.html

温泉や銭湯は日本ならではのリラックス文化です。 ルールを守って、 楽しい時間を過ごしましょう。

The Grand Rules

•Admission: 1000 yen- •Hours: 10:00-17:00, Closed Mon & Day following national holiday, Dec 28-Jan 4 •Access: 10 min walk from Ebisu station (JR, Tokyo Metro Hibiya line) •Address: 3-12-36 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku •Website: http://www.yamatanemuseum.jp/english/index.html

Deepen your knowledge of Japanese aesthetics As the museum specializing in Japanese paintings, Yamatane Museum was opened in 1966 based on the collection of Taneji Yamazaki, the founder of Yamatane Securities. Since opening, over 1800 paintings have been exhibited according to seasonal themes, with the purpose of introducing Japanese aesthetics to all.

M I N A M I - A O YA M A SHIMIZUYU 南青山 清水湯 •Admis sion: 450 ye nH o u r s: M o n-T h u r s 12: 0 0 -24: 0 0 (-2 3: 0 0 Sat&Sun&Holidays), Closed Fri •Access: 2 min walk from Omotesando station (Tokyo M etro G in z a / H a n zo m o n / Chiyoda lines) •Address: 3 -12- 3 M i n a m i - a o y a m a , Minato-ku •Website: http:// shimizuyu.jp/index.html (Japanese Only)

Fun bathing at the Edo (old Tokyo)-themed bathing entertainment complex! Bathing is entertainment at this Edothemed complex where you can soak in various types of indoor and outdoor baths, relaxe with aesthetic treatments or a massage, and savor both Japanese and Western cuisine at the decorative resting area. Bring yourself and nothing more for a day of bathing fun. Admission includes towels and soap, as well as the complimentary, yukata!

Stylish community bath stimulates great communication Tokyo s sento, or public bath, is a great place to immerse yourself in Japanese bathing culture. This posh sento in upscale Aoyama boasts 100 years of history, and has gone through a renewal in recent years. With excellent sauna and laundry facilities, and even some English signs, this place is filled with many runners as well as international tourists. Experience the bare cultural interaction here at Shimizuyu! WAttention Tokyo


Supreme Tempura Rest aurant Tada Building 1F, Nishi-Shinbashi 2-13-16, Minato-ku http://tabelog.com/tokyo/C13103/


TEL: 03-3504-1555(Japanese only) Time: 17:30-23:00(Monday to Friday) 17:00-23:00(Saturdays)

Oosa ka


The best way to enjoy the delicate flavor is to sprinkle a pinch of salt on the tempura, but special sauce is also available. Seasonal dinner course from 7,300 yen, sake from 800 yen. Credit cards accepted.

The Art of Tempura Flourishes with Elegance and Precision 品と繊細さを兼ね備えたてんぷらの真髄 Tucked in an unassuming side street of Toranomon is Oosaka – a tempura restaurant that is a cut above the rest. This gem of a restaurant will open your eyes to a culinary culture behind tempura that is as unique and prestigious as that of any celebrated sushi restaurant. The moment you step inside, the friendly head chef, Osaka-san, greets you over the broad wooden counter as he guides you through the delicate world of tempura. The cozy intimate setting hosts only up to 14 guests at a time, letting you witness Osaka-san s polished skills as you enjoy a conversation with him. Your dining experience begins even before your first bite of his sumptuous tempura, which is prepared with discernible care and precision. While tempura is available a la carte, sample the course meal in which the 20 WAttention Tokyo

freshest seasonal vegetables and seafood are cooked individually and served fresh out of the fryer. From the very first bite, the airiness of his tempura will take you by surprise; it is so light that it does not leave oil stains on the paper it is served on. Tempura is one of the best ways to appreciate the delicate flavors of the carefully selected ingredients, as the oil - cotton seed or sesame depending on the ingredient - traps the aroma inside while preserving the delicate texture. With the chef s masterful touches, asparagus tastes juicier and sweeter, while prawns are more fragrant and tender. Excellent food demands excellent accompaniment, and that means a great selection of Japanese sake and exceptional wine to satisfy guests from around the world. Needless to mention, plates of sashimi and other small dishes are

marvelous accompaniments as well. For redefining tempura or simply for the pure joy of dining, you will find pleasure in this little corner of Toranomon.  虎ノ門の小さな通りにひっそりとたたずむ逢阪。てんぷ らの素晴らしさを味わうために、日々変わる旬の素材か ら、その日一番の野菜や魚介を一品ずつ味わえるコー スを。ネタにより絶妙に調整する揚げ技は、見た目にも 美しく、素材の繊細な味と食感を引き出す。まさに五感 が喜ぶ逸品だ。見事な日本酒やワインのリストに加え、 細やかながら気さくなホスピタリティも、てんぷらを一層 美味しくさせる。誰かを連れて行きたくなる、 そんなお店だ。

A NEW TRAVEL GUIDE for JAPAN! Book y t i r a Ch る 応援す 日本を 発売 ガイド ル ベ トラ


Cherry Blossoms, Mount Fuji

Paul Smith

{Magome} Gifu Pref.


Tsumago and Magome Fashion designer

More than 80 times since 1982


n Tokyo, I would suggest to visit Shibuya for its so many variation of stores, restaurants, etc and Aoyama/Harajuku where there are a lot of fashion shops from high fashion to very local and small, or vintage. In country side, I would suggest Magome, Tsumago villages where tradition and old houses and streets still exist. I used to visit country side personally when I started my business in Japan about 30 years ago, but now I really don’t have enough time to visit apart from Tokyo where I am only allowed to walk around near my office in Aoyama, Harajuku and Shibuya due to my busy schedule. However, I always find some new interesting things and like watching people, how they dress etc. I was lucky to have time to visit Tsumago and Magome for a project with a magazine last year, and I found these villages are so beautiful. It is great to see that they are still there and unchanged, which is rare and

Editor’s memo Nakasendo’s two historic post towns Tsumago and Magome are towns where you can feel the air of the Edo period. Both areas were post stations located on the Nakasendo Route, which is one of the Gokaido, the five major highways. The Nakasendo linked Edo and Kyoto through the inland area and had 69 post stations.



Magome in Gifu prefecture

AID Japan

AID Japan

Jane Birkin

, U.K. / France




Jigokudani Nagano

Sites and scenes around Japan Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors. Times to visit: often for more than 40 years Photo by Manabu Matsunaga


have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I first went there with Serge Gainsbourg for the opening of the film “Cannabis” when I was 7 months pregnant with Charlotte! Since then COUNTLESS other times for song festivals, film festivals, and since “Baby Alone in Babylon,” for concerts not only in Tokyo but all over Japan. When Serge died, I went back for the “Casino de Paris” show, when “L’aquoiboniste” was chosen as the signature song for a TV series and I became number ONE foreign sales singer in Japan for six months, beating Elton John as I said to my mother. This was thanks to an ex-producer for Phonogram who came up with the idea, and to a Frenchman named Francois Dumas who invited Serge and me to sing in Japan. My friend Sachiko Nakanishi then brought me over with “Les Visiteurs du Soir” for the show “Arabesque” in Japan, with “Conversation” and I went back with her about ten times for every subsequent show! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, which, with Sachiko’s help, I have made. I took my mother, my daughter Lou, my step-child, and my ex-husband Doillon to a LOVELY spa, Jigokudani. My mother wanted to see snow monkeys ever since she’d seen an American “Life” magazine cover thirty years before! Fantastic baths at night snow monkeys in sulfur pools never to forget, thanks to Duma’s wife who’s Japanese ONLY Japanese know this place, very UNFLAH and authentic.



AID Japan

Now On Sale

Jigokudani Onsen in Nagano Prefecture is one of Japan’s most popular hot springs, whose name is derived for the image of hell it conjures, no doubt due to the boiling water. The onsen is best known for wild Nihon-zaru (Japanese monkeys) soaking in them as the photo above shows. Please note that the onsen can only be reached by foot. AID Japan



41 celebrities and cultural figures recommend the best parts of Japan! ~ 世界の文化人 41 人がおすすめする、いま、訪れて欲しいニッポンのいいところ!~ To help Japan and its tourism industry, 41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide made this book possible– the contributors include Jane Birkin, Paul Smith and Tommy Hilfiger. This guide book is uniquely composed of recommendations on places, buildings, shops and events provided by foreign celebrities who love Japan. Find your destinations from celebrities’ recommendations and our directory of the best Japanese hotels, ryokan, restaurants and museums!


外国人セレブ、文化人 41 名が集結! ジェーン・バーキン、ポー

ル・スミス、エルブジの料理人フェラン・アドリアらがおすすめ する場所や建物、お店、行事は?

このほかにも篠山紀信氏による日本の風景写真、巻末の目的 別インデックスなど、日本に住む人たちが日本の魅力を改めて 感じることのできる一冊になっています。

950 yen +Tax < A6 format Full-color 160 pages> Travel Guide to Aid Japan is available at Kinokuniya Book Stores, Aoyama Book Center and major bookstores nationwide, or contact to your local bookstore to order.

Travel Guide To Aid Japan は紀伊國屋書店、青山ブックセンター をはじめ、全国の書店でお買い求めいただけます。また、店頭に ない場合も各地の書店にてお取り寄せできます。




Redefining Tokyo/esque with edginess


powered by EDGY JAPAN

Museum, Redefined 「ミュージアム」の再定義 Hiroki Yanagisawa / EDGY JAPAN


As this is a very popular attraction, a numbered ticket, distributed at the museum, should be acquired upon arrival at the museum. My CUPNOODLES Factory is also available at The Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka. 人気のため、博物館に入ったらまずは整理券をもらおう。ファクトリーは大阪のインスタントラーメン発明記念館でも体験可。

My CUPNOODLES Factory(CUPNOODLES MUSEUM) マイカップヌードルファクトリー 2-3-4 Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama



What is so special about a museum? One of the fascinations must be the encounter of an extremely rare piece. For example, The Mona Lisa at Musée du Louvre in Paris is surely the one. In this particular museum in Japan, you can actually make a rare piece, the only one in the world by yourself. My CUPNOODLES Factory, located within the CUPNOODLES MUSEUM in Yokohama, is the source of creation. The museum was established in 2011 by Nissin Foods Holdings, a pioneer and the leading producer of instant noodles. A journey of creation begins from the purchase of CUPNOODLES cup with JPY300. Then, each creator sits down on a circular table and paints the cup – just like an art class back in an elementary school. After that, the cup is turned over to the factory staff. At this stage, a block of noodle is inserted into a cup and a visitor gets to choose 4 toppings from 12 selections and soup flavor (from 4 selections) of the noodle. The final process is sealing of the lid with heat and shrink-wrapping the entire cup. The whole process takes up to 45 minutes 22 WAttention Tokyo

and as its consequence – a birth of your own creation, right at a museum. What is more? It is even edible.  「ミュージアム」の素晴らしさ。それは「世界でも類を見ない作品」に 触れられることであろう。 (ルーブル美術館で言えばモナリザ。 )横浜に ある「カップヌードルミュージアム」ではなんと「類を見ない作品」を自 らの手で作り出すことができるのだ。 「マイカップヌードルファクトリー」で は300円を支払い、空のカップを購入。まずはペンを用いてカップを装 飾し「オンリーワン」への一歩を歩み出す。その後、カップには麺が入 れられスープの味と、4 点のトッピングを12種類から選定。最後に蓋を 圧着してもらい、シュリンクフィルムをかけて完成だ。行程は4 5分程度。

E D G Y J A P A N EDGY JAPAN is a Japanese creative resource agency, introducing and connecting Japanese creative talents and products to the world in English and Putonghua. Founded in 2008 by Hiroki Yanagisawa and Yasutaka Kageyama. EDGY JAPANは日本のクリエイターを英語と中国語で紹介し、実際に海 外のクライアントとつないでいくクリエイティブ・リソース・エージェンシ ー。2008年に柳澤大樹と影山泰考により設立。

www.edgyjapan.jp @edgyjapan info@edgyjapan.jp


A restaurant with a stunning view or a secret hideaway, Tokyoites share their personal favourites with you.

Sheila Cliffe

Living in Tokyo for 27 years, Sheila is a mother, a professor at Jumonji Gauen Women s University and a PhD candidate researching kimono.


1-3-28 Shirakawa, Koto-ku

シーラ・クリフさん 母であり、十文字学園大学教授、着物を研究 する大学院生。近著に『日本のことを英語で 話そう』 。在京27年。

江東区白河 1-3-28



3-18-2, Matsugaya, Taito-ku 台東区松が谷3-18-2

http://www.kappabashi.or.jp/ en/index.html

巣鴨地蔵通り商店街 民謡の店 浅草 追分

4-22-8 Sugamo, Toshima-ku

豊島区巣鴨 4-22-8

3-28-11 Nishi-Asakusa, Taito-ku

http://sugamo.or.jp/ http://sugamo. or.jp/ (Japanese only)


Fukagawa Edo Shiryokan This is a small, fascinating museum that makes you feel like you are in Edo, the old name for Tokyo during the Edo period. You can go into replica houses and see how people lived when the city was first built. The entry fee is only 300 yen (400 yen from October). Across the street is a small restaurant selling a local delicacy, Fukagawa Don, excellent for a tasty lunch.


Sugamo Jizo Dori Shotengai. They say this is Harajuku for grandmothers. To me, it s a very interesting little street, even just to walk up and down. The main street is lined with lots of cheap shops, including ones selling the famous red underwear (which the Japanese believe will keep you warmer!!!) and traditional Japanese food. You can also find a few nice restaurants and temples.

1 小さいながらも江戸の世界に迷い込ん だような感覚を引き起こす博物館。江戸 の人々の生活に思いをはせつつ、お昼に は近所で名物深川丼を堪能して。 2 毎晩生の民謡の演奏を聴ける浅草の バー。テーブルの目の前で繰り広げられる

Asakusa Oiwake Every night you can enjoy live performances of minyo (folk) songs played on traditional instruments at this nostalgic bar near Asakusa. The waiters are the musicians, and they play right in front of the tables. It s really exciting and a great accompaniment to Japanese snacks and drinks. The table charge of 2000 yen is well worth it for the truly special experience.

Kappabashi Dougu Street I love to walk between Ueno and Asakusa. The main street has many shops selling Buddhist altars and a lovely washipaper interior shop. However the highlight is to walk down Kappabashi. There are all kinds of goods for kitchens, restaurants and shops. Wax food samples, knives, pots, kitchen tools and dishes. Anything you could imagine, you can find here.

演奏に酔いしれつつ、杯を傾ければ記憶 に残る夜になること間違いなし。 3 おばあちゃんの原宿と呼ばれる巣鴨は 歩くだけでも楽しいまち。超有名な赤い下 着をはじめ、多くの目玉商品をチェックしな がら散策します。 4 上野から浅草界隈を散策するのが好き ですが、なかでもかっぱ橋道具街がお気 に入り。食品サンプルから鍋や食器まで 何でも揃い、ワクワクします。 WAttention Tokyo


M aker’s S hir t K amakura Vol. 4 A basic shirts made of quality materials like XinJiang cotton and real shell buttons makes the perfect theatrical costume for your special day. Pearl Necklace / Cougué by Cougé Jiyugaoka, Watch / Bedat & Co

A remarkable wardrobe must-have nicknamed The Actress Shirt Rapidly gaining an unrivalled reputation for its high quality business shirts, which are offered at the astounding price of just 4900 yen, Maker s Shirt Kamakura has now built up a network of more than 20 shops in and around Tokyo. Strictly adhering to the classic rule of fine gentlemen s tailoring, all of their men s shirts are made of natural materials including fine cotton yarns and shell buttons, and stitched by highly skilled Japanese seamsters. No wonder many overseas fans buy dozens of their shirts when visiting Japan on business trips or on holidays. New styles are released at least twice a month In addition to their classic men s business shirts, Maker s Shirt Kamakura s ladies shirts and blouses are also very popular. Applying the same exacting standards of quality, combined with a more trend conscious design and wider variations, most of their ladies shirts are also available for just 4900 yen. With seasonality a critical element of ladies fashion, new models are released at least twice a month so that the collection always stays fresh and uplifting. The unique production system at Maker s Shirt Kamakura works perfect to keep their ladies collections fresh and varied. Sourcing production directly from selected boutique factories in small runs allows complete freedom to provide a wide and constantly changing

Oxford shirts are the staple for your holiday. Relaxed wash-and-wear style can only be per fected by its quality material. Jeans / AG by AG Japan

selection of seasonal designs and colors. Unfortunately, due to these small production runs, this also means first-come firstserved. Keen fans check the shops and the online store regularly so that they won t miss a new style, as designs are not usually re-released, except for some of the perennial classics. Classic shirts that flatter your complexion As the code of business dress relaxes, more jersey tops and knit wear are becoming de rigeur in the workplace. Against this casual backdrop, the smart choice of a properly tailored fine shirt really sets you apart. Maker s Shirt Kamakura s white

cotton and linen shirts are the best kept secret of all ages of successful female professionals, not only for the sheer refinement and sophistication they exude, but also for their flattering effect. These fine cotton shirts are known for reflecting ambient light, creating a similar effect to the photographers reflectors that make actresses skin look so refreshed and toned. Because of this remarkable effect these shirts have earned the nickname The Actress Shirt . A sneak preview of the new collection for this Fall hints at a range with lace panels and detailing, as well as a highly sleek new range, timed to the shelves just as the trend sets in. Hurry to the stores before they disappear.

The story of a Japanese shirt maker building a reputation on outstanding quality

A Commitment to Quality

Each stitch with the greatest care is the company policy of this relatively new tailored shirt maker. Since its foundation in 1993 in the heart of the historic town of Kamakura, its high quality shirts have won many devoted fans amongst discerning business people.

Photographer/ Hajime Watanabe, Model / Chihiro Oide, Stylist/ Aiko Ishihara, Hair and Make-up/ Tae

24 WAttention Tokyo

Meticulous attention to detail, high quality fabric with fastidious Japanese sewing technique are the trademark of this brand. There are 21 shops around Japan including the ones in Tokyo International Airport Terminal, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Tokyo and Shibuya. www.shirt.co.jp(Japanese only) For further details, visit http://www.wattention.com/makers-shirt-kamakura

The variations of shir ts at Maker s Shirt Kamakura are very wide, from cotton lawn to knit or satin, slim or traditional silhouette, classic double cuffs to short sleeves etc.. There are even ranges of shir ts made of lawn and knit combination to realize classic st yle with practical comfort. The stock is constantly changing so that frequent check is highly recommended! Most of the shirts are from 4900 yen to 5900 yen.

M aker’s S hir t K amakura Vol. 4 A basic shirts made of quality materials like XinJiang cotton and real shell buttons makes the perfect theatrical costume for your special day. Pearl Necklace / Cougué by Cougé Jiyugaoka, Watch / Bedat & Co

A remarkable wardrobe must-have nicknamed The Actress Shirt Rapidly gaining an unrivalled reputation for its high quality business shirts, which are offered at the astounding price of just 4900 yen, Maker s Shirt Kamakura has now built up a network of more than 20 shops in and around Tokyo. Strictly adhering to the classic rule of fine gentlemen s tailoring, all of their men s shirts are made of natural materials including fine cotton yarns and shell buttons, and stitched by highly skilled Japanese seamsters. No wonder many overseas fans buy dozens of their shirts when visiting Japan on business trips or on holidays. New styles are released at least twice a month In addition to their classic men s business shirts, Maker s Shirt Kamakura s ladies shirts and blouses are also very popular. Applying the same exacting standards of quality, combined with a more trend conscious design and wider variations, most of their ladies shirts are also available for just 4900 yen. With seasonality a critical element of ladies fashion, new models are released at least twice a month so that the collection always stays fresh and uplifting. The unique production system at Maker s Shirt Kamakura works perfect to keep their ladies collections fresh and varied. Sourcing production directly from selected boutique factories in small runs allows complete freedom to provide a wide and constantly changing

Oxford shirts are the staple for your holiday. Relaxed wash-and-wear style can only be per fected by its quality material. Jeans / AG by AG Japan

selection of seasonal designs and colors. Unfortunately, due to these small production runs, this also means first-come firstserved. Keen fans check the shops and the online store regularly so that they won t miss a new style, as designs are not usually re-released, except for some of the perennial classics. Classic shirts that flatter your complexion As the code of business dress relaxes, more jersey tops and knit wear are becoming de rigeur in the workplace. Against this casual backdrop, the smart choice of a properly tailored fine shirt really sets you apart. Maker s Shirt Kamakura s white

cotton and linen shirts are the best kept secret of all ages of successful female professionals, not only for the sheer refinement and sophistication they exude, but also for their flattering effect. These fine cotton shirts are known for reflecting ambient light, creating a similar effect to the photographers reflectors that make actresses skin look so refreshed and toned. Because of this remarkable effect these shirts have earned the nickname The Actress Shirt . A sneak preview of the new collection for this Fall hints at a range with lace panels and detailing, as well as a highly sleek new range, timed to the shelves just as the trend sets in. Hurry to the stores before they disappear.

The story of a Japanese shirt maker building a reputation on outstanding quality

A Commitment to Quality

Each stitch with the greatest care is the company policy of this relatively new tailored shirt maker. Since its foundation in 1993 in the heart of the historic town of Kamakura, its high quality shirts have won many devoted fans amongst discerning business people.

Photographer/ Hajime Watanabe, Model / Chihiro Oide, Stylist/ Aiko Ishihara, Hair and Make-up/ Tae

24 WAttention Tokyo

Meticulous attention to detail, high quality fabric with fastidious Japanese sewing technique are the trademark of this brand. There are 21 shops around Japan including the ones in Tokyo International Airport Terminal, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Tokyo and Shibuya. www.shirt.co.jp(Japanese only) For further details, visit http://www.wattention.com/makers-shirt-kamakura

The variations of shir ts at Maker s Shirt Kamakura are very wide, from cotton lawn to knit or satin, slim or traditional silhouette, classic double cuffs to short sleeves etc.. There are even ranges of shir ts made of lawn and knit combination to realize classic st yle with practical comfort. The stock is constantly changing so that frequent check is highly recommended! Most of the shirts are from 4900 yen to 5900 yen.

Useful Tips for Using Public Transport in and around Tokyo

illustration/ Rena Sato

Itinerary Example Traveling to Nikko from Tokyo Station:



Two Money-Saving Passes Not To Be Missed!

Tokyo Station

Tohoku Shinkansen (Bullet Train) 53 minutes

Tokyo Station 15 minutes

JR Kanto Area Pass: Three days of unlimited rides

JR Kanto Area Pass For more information: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/kantoareapass/



KAMAKURA The Kanto Area Pass is valid for any 3 consecutive days. KAWAGUCHIKO

26 WAttention Tokyo

best placed for sightseeing. It also covers the Narita Express - one of the most convenient ways to get to downtown Tokyo from Narita Airport. Arriving into Haneda? No worries - the pass also covers the Tokyo Monorail, which terminates at Hamamatsucho, a convenient transfer station for the Yamanote Line, the loop line that runs right around central Tokyo. The pass offers the greatest savings when traveling around Tokyo. Without it, a round trip from Tokyo Station to Nikko Station (via the Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train and the Nikko Line) would cost JPY10,860. A round trip from Tokyo Station to Kawaguchiko Station, at the foot of the Mt. Fuji, would cost JPY8,340. This means even a single round trip would cover the face value of the pass.

The Kanto Area Pass covers most of the Kanto region with many popular destinations.

42 minutes

Nikko Station

This trip alone saves JPY2,860.

Traveling to Mt.Fuji Area (Kawaguchiko Station) from Tokyo Station: Chuo Line

The JR Kanto Area Pass is one of the most efficient and best-value train passes available in Japan. Issued by the East Japan Railway Company, the pass costs just JPY8,000 and allows you unlimited travel throughout Tokyo and the surrounding region, also known as the Kanto region for 3 consecutive days (eg: If the journey begins on the 2nd of the month, the ticket remains valid on the 3rd and 4th.) Unlike the Japan Rail Pass, which must be purchased outside of Japan and is not available to expats residing in Japan, the JR Kanto Area Pass can be purchased in Japan and is available to all non-Japanese passport holders. The pass covers all East Japan Railwayoperated lines in the Kanto region and some of the privately owned lines that are

Nikko Line

Utsunomiya Station

One Way Fare: JPY5,430 Round Trip Fare: JPY10,860 With the JR Kanto Area Pass (JPY8,000):

Shinjuku Station

Limited Express Azusa 60 minutes

Otsuki Station

Fuji Kyuko Line Kawaguchiko 60 minutes

One way Fare: JPY4,170 Round trip Fare: JPY8,340* With the JR Kanto Area Pass (JPY8,000):

This single trip alone saves JPY340.

Example prices are for one adult. Fares correct as of July 14, 2012. *On the Fuji Kyuko Line, an additional seat reservation ticket is required for the Mt. Fuji Limited Express and the Fuji Tozan Densha express service. The total fare in the example is for local train services)

SUICA & N'EX: The must-buy if you are landing at Narita The Suica & N EX package offers a round trip ticket from Narita Airport to the Tokyo/Yokohama area by Narita Express together with a pre-loaded JPY1,500 Suica pass. Suica is a plastic smartcard, used as rechargeable prepaid pass for trains. This package s main attraction is its price, just JPY5,500. Most tourists flying into Narita will want to head to downtown Tokyo or Yokohama. A round trip fare on the Narita Express from the airport to Tokyo normally costs JPY5,880, so just this round trip covers

the price of this special package. Added to this, a Suica pass worth JPY2,000 (JPY1,500 preloaded, with JPY500 as a deposit), comes with the package. Plus, having a Suica pass makes your life easier when traveling in and around Tokyo. Suica can also be used for payment at most kiosks and convenience stores, and even some restaurants in the station complex accept Suica. If you have enough credit on the card, you can even spend your whole day without carrying any cash!

A selection of shops and restaurants that accept SUICA KIOSK

News stands within JR East SUICA-enabled stations


Convenience stores within JR East SUICA-enabled stations


Convenience stores*


Convenience stores*


Convenience stores*


Convenience stores*


Supermarket chain*


Restaurant chain*

SUICA & N EX For more information: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/suica-nex/

The Suica smartcard can be used to pay for shopping at many kiosks and convenience stores.

*Within the Kanto region and surrounding areas.

WAttention Tokyo


Useful Tips for Using Public Transport in and around Tokyo

illustration/ Rena Sato

Itinerary Example Traveling to Nikko from Tokyo Station:



Two Money-Saving Passes Not To Be Missed!

Tokyo Station

Tohoku Shinkansen (Bullet Train) 53 minutes

Tokyo Station 15 minutes

JR Kanto Area Pass: Three days of unlimited rides

JR Kanto Area Pass For more information: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/kantoareapass/



KAMAKURA The Kanto Area Pass is valid for any 3 consecutive days. KAWAGUCHIKO

26 WAttention Tokyo

best placed for sightseeing. It also covers the Narita Express - one of the most convenient ways to get to downtown Tokyo from Narita Airport. Arriving into Haneda? No worries - the pass also covers the Tokyo Monorail, which terminates at Hamamatsucho, a convenient transfer station for the Yamanote Line, the loop line that runs right around central Tokyo. The pass offers the greatest savings when traveling around Tokyo. Without it, a round trip from Tokyo Station to Nikko Station (via the Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train and the Nikko Line) would cost JPY10,860. A round trip from Tokyo Station to Kawaguchiko Station, at the foot of the Mt. Fuji, would cost JPY8,340. This means even a single round trip would cover the face value of the pass.

The Kanto Area Pass covers most of the Kanto region with many popular destinations.

42 minutes

Nikko Station

This trip alone saves JPY2,860.

Traveling to Mt.Fuji Area (Kawaguchiko Station) from Tokyo Station: Chuo Line

The JR Kanto Area Pass is one of the most efficient and best-value train passes available in Japan. Issued by the East Japan Railway Company, the pass costs just JPY8,000 and allows you unlimited travel throughout Tokyo and the surrounding region, also known as the Kanto region for 3 consecutive days (eg: If the journey begins on the 2nd of the month, the ticket remains valid on the 3rd and 4th.) Unlike the Japan Rail Pass, which must be purchased outside of Japan and is not available to expats residing in Japan, the JR Kanto Area Pass can be purchased in Japan and is available to all non-Japanese passport holders. The pass covers all East Japan Railwayoperated lines in the Kanto region and some of the privately owned lines that are

Nikko Line

Utsunomiya Station

One Way Fare: JPY5,430 Round Trip Fare: JPY10,860 With the JR Kanto Area Pass (JPY8,000):

Shinjuku Station

Limited Express Azusa 60 minutes

Otsuki Station

Fuji Kyuko Line Kawaguchiko 60 minutes

One way Fare: JPY4,170 Round trip Fare: JPY8,340* With the JR Kanto Area Pass (JPY8,000):

This single trip alone saves JPY340.

Example prices are for one adult. Fares correct as of July 14, 2012. *On the Fuji Kyuko Line, an additional seat reservation ticket is required for the Mt. Fuji Limited Express and the Fuji Tozan Densha express service. The total fare in the example is for local train services)

SUICA & N'EX: The must-buy if you are landing at Narita The Suica & N EX package offers a round trip ticket from Narita Airport to the Tokyo/Yokohama area by Narita Express together with a pre-loaded JPY1,500 Suica pass. Suica is a plastic smartcard, used as rechargeable prepaid pass for trains. This package s main attraction is its price, just JPY5,500. Most tourists flying into Narita will want to head to downtown Tokyo or Yokohama. A round trip fare on the Narita Express from the airport to Tokyo normally costs JPY5,880, so just this round trip covers

the price of this special package. Added to this, a Suica pass worth JPY2,000 (JPY1,500 preloaded, with JPY500 as a deposit), comes with the package. Plus, having a Suica pass makes your life easier when traveling in and around Tokyo. Suica can also be used for payment at most kiosks and convenience stores, and even some restaurants in the station complex accept Suica. If you have enough credit on the card, you can even spend your whole day without carrying any cash!

A selection of shops and restaurants that accept SUICA KIOSK

News stands within JR East SUICA-enabled stations


Convenience stores within JR East SUICA-enabled stations


Convenience stores*


Convenience stores*


Convenience stores*


Convenience stores*


Supermarket chain*


Restaurant chain*

SUICA & N EX For more information: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/suica-nex/

The Suica smartcard can be used to pay for shopping at many kiosks and convenience stores.

*Within the Kanto region and surrounding areas.

WAttention Tokyo


What's On

June - August 2012

Festivals and events in this season


Internet Access in Tokyo 東京のネット接続事情

Although Japan is known for its technology, internet connectivity for tourists is still rather limited. These days even most of the budget hotels provide internet connection in each room (please note, L AN cable is still in common use, rather than WIFI). There is a free public WIFI network called FREESPOT (www.freespot. com/users/map_e.html) made up of a network of independent providers like cafes and shops, but it seems many of its spots require registration via 3G email. so this could be offputting for tourists who don't want to use expensive 3G roaming. W i 2 3 0 0(w w w.w i 2.c o.j p/ en)offers several services, including 6 hours connection for 350 yen. They have extensive instructions in English so check it out before you go out. Wireless Gate (www.wirelessgate.co.jp) offers even wider services, including one month connection for a fixed 480 yen that includes connecting spots on the Bullet train (only N700 model) and in Underground stations. Unfor tunately Wireless Gate doesn't have an English instructions page. FON network (http://maps.fon. com/?lang=en) is quite extensive throughout Tokyo and is recommended.


Asakusa Toro E ① Wed – Sun, June 6th – 10th 300 lanterns illuminate historical corners of Asakusa in an enchanting mood. If you are visiting nearby TOK YO SK Y TREE, take a little detour for a romantic stroll in cool evening breeze. [浅草燈篭会] 「陽(のぼる)」をテーマに300基の 燈篭が浅草の街をロマンチックに演出。

Sunset-21:00 around Sensoji. 5 min walk from Asakusa station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line, Tsukuba Express line and Tobu line. http://asakusatouroue.com/ (Japanese Only)

2012 September Grand Sumo Tournament Sun - Sun, Sep 9th – 23rd Experience the power ful and exciting world of sumo live! Matches run daily and all-day long starting with rookies in the morning working up to grand champions in the evening. [大相撲九月場所]幕下から横綱まで相撲の魅力 と迫力を体験するにはぜひ両国国技館へ。

At Ryogoku Kokugikan, 1 min walk from JR Ryogoku station. Tickets are available at the box office; from 2100 yen-. http://www.sumo.or.jp/eng/index.html

J A PA N R E S TA U R A N T W E E K 2012 ② Fri - Sun, Aug 17th - Sep 2nd

東京のホテルは多くが客室でのネ ット接続を提供している。街中での 無料WIFIネットワークで有名なのは FREESPOT( www.freespot.com/ users/map_e.html)だがあまり多く ない。モバイルをよく使う人は日や 月単位で利用料を払うWIFIサービ スが便利だろう。6800ポイントを持 つWi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en)は 6時間350円からで英語での利用説 明が充実。ワイヤレスゲート(www. wirelessgate.co.jp)は地下鉄構内 や新幹線コンコース待合室・新幹線 N700系車両で利用できるコースを 月額480円からで用意。どちらも成 田空港で利用できる。

More information is available at Wattention.com WAttentionの情報をネットでも !


T h e c o p y Tw o We e k s o f G o u r m e t Passion says it all! Participated by over 100 finest restaurants around the city, you can enjoy special lunch and dinner courses at reasonable fixed prices. [ジャパン・レストランウィーク2012]都内100件以 上のレストランがお手ごろ価格でランチ・ディナー を提供。写真は神戸牛懐石511。

L u n c h 15 75 y e n -, d i n n e r 4 2 0 0 y e n -. Reservations required. For details on participating restaurants, check their website. http://jrw.jp/index_en.html

Seki Yoshikuni Selection -Passion and Research for PapersSat - Sun, Sep 15th - Nov 25th The vast collection of papers owned by Seki Yoshikuni, a key figure in the nation s paper industry, will be put on public display for the first time to commemorate his 120th anniversary [関義城コレクション∼紙への情熱と探究∼]製糸 業や紙の研究・収集に没頭した関氏の稀有な紙の コレクション。



10:00-17:00 at PAPER MUSEUM. Closed Mon. Entrance fee: 300 yen 5 min walk from JR Oji station and N i s h i g a h a r a s t a t i o n o n To k y o M e t r o Namboku line. http://www.papermuseum.jp/en/

The 3-day long festivity in posh Aoyama area is filled with fun like parades, open air markets and other exciting events in collaboration with the local business establishments and embassies.

Special Exhibition Nijo Castle Sat - Sun, July 28th - Sep 23rd Nijo Castle was built in 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of Tokugawa shogunate, as his home in Kyoto. Various Important Cultural Properties from the castle including beautiful painted sliding doors will be exhibited. [二条城展]二の丸御殿大広間の「松鷹図」を始 め、100点以上の障壁画が集結。

9:30-17:30 (Sat -19:30) at EDO-TOK YO MUSEUM. Closed Mon. Admission: 1300 yen (1520 yen with permanent exhibition). 1 min walk from Ryogoku station on Toei Oedo line or 3 min JR Ryogoku station. http://www.edo-tokyo-museum.or.jp/english/index.html

Hokkaido Fair in Yoyogi

Kei Okuaki

[青山まつり2012]地元商店街をはじめ、各国大 使館も動員する青山の秋まつり。

18:00 - (Fri), 11:00-18:00 (Sat & Sun) in Aoyama near Tokyo Metro Omotesando station. For details, check their website. http://aoyama-matsuri.jp/e/

Sancha de Daidogei ③ Sat & Sun, Oct 20th & 21st From mime to juggling, various street per formances (daidogei) by domestic and international artists take over the streets of Sangen-jaya (Sancha for short in Japanese) in this annual 2-day festival. [三茶de大道芸]国内外から数多くのパフォーマ ーが集結し、三軒茶屋をアートで染める。

Around Carrot Tower in Sangen-jaya. 2 min walk from Sangen-jaya station on Tokyu Den-en-toshi line. http://www.setagaya-ac.or.jp/arttown/thisyear/outline.php (Japanese Only)

Fri - Mon, Oct 5th - 8th C a n t m a ke i t to H o k k a i d o? C r y n o more, as you can indulge yourself with Hokkaido s foods and culture in beautiful Yoyogi Park. From fresh seafood to delicious sweets, they got them all! [北海道フェアin代々木]グルメから観光まで北海 道を網羅。秋の代々木公園で楽しんで。

10:00-18:00 at Yoyogi Park. 7 min walk from JR Harajuku station and Meiji-jingumae station on Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line. http://www.hokkai-syokudo.co.jp/yoyogi. php (Japanese Only)

Sumida Glass Market Sat & Sun, Oct 13th & 14th Run by TOBU Glass Industry Co-Operative Association of Japan since 1992, it is recognized as the country s only exclusive glassware market. Find your own traditional Edo glassware made in Tokyo. [すみだガラス市]国内唯一のガラス器専門市。都 内製造の硝子器販売や実演もある。

10:00-16:00 at O-yokogawa Shinsui Park in Kinshicho. 5 min walk from JR Kinshicho station, 7 min from the one on Tokyo Metro Hanzomon line. http://www.tobu-glass.or.jp/menu33.htm (Japanese Only)

AOYAMA Festival Fri - Sun, Oct 26th – 28th

Mon, October 1 Nihon-shu Day Nihon-shu (saké) Day was designated by the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association to encourage the younger generations to enjoy more of the traditional liquor. Various sake-related events are hosted around the city. [日本酒の日]日本酒造組合の定める清酒PRの日。

Tokyo Residents Day To treat the busy Tokyoites, various gardens, museums and galleries in the city are open to public for free for the day. For the latest information, check our website. [都民の日]都内の庭園や博物館の多くが無料。

Asakusa Tori no Ichi Thurs & Tues, Nov 8th &20th A traditional annual festival held on the day of tori (rooster) on Chinese calendar. Amongst colorful merchandize, decorated bamboo rakes are popular charm from the festival to rake in good luck. [浅草 酉の市]酉の日にある開運招福・商売繁盛 願のお祭。縁起熊手で福をかき込もう。

0:00-24:00 Juzaikan Chokoku-ji in Asakusa. 10 min walk from Iriya and Minowa stations on Tokyo Metro Hibiya line. http://www.torinoichi.jp/english/index.htm

WAttention Tokyo


Qtaro s 9-Star Fortune Telling by Koguma Qtaro

The 9-Star Qi Astrology is a method of fortune-telling that developed in Japan. It has its root in 4000-year old Yin-Yang concept as well as qualities of ancient Chinese 9-Star divination. The 9-Star Qi Astrology matches one s date of birth on the lunar calendar with the elements of the 9 stars of fate to help foresee the changes in one s destiny. Studying this astrology will help you to understand and control the flow of energy that may cause the changes to come. It is not hard to master, yet helps you in dealing with your life.

One White Water Star 一白水星 Birth Year: 1954, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 2008




Best directions: None Lucky places: Movie theaters, art galleries Best directions: Southwest, east Lucky item: Sidewalk cafes, bars Best direction: West, east Lucky item: Houseplants

Four Green Wood Star 四緑木星 Birth Year: 1951, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, 2005

Two Black Earth Star 二黒土星 Birth Year: 1953, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 2007


Best direction: Northeast Lucky item: Cell phones


Five Yellow Earth Star 五黄土星 Birth Year: 1950, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 2004

Best directions: Southwest Lucky item: Pasta, noodles





Best directions: Northeast Lucky places: Jogging, cycling Best directions: West Lucky item: Food cooked with clay pots Best direction: Northeast, Southwest Lucky item: Having meals with best friends

30 WAttention Tokyo




七赤金星 Birth Year: 1948, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93, 2002, 2011

三碧木星 Birth year: 1952, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 2006



Seven Red Metal Star

Three Blue Wood Star

Best directions: Northeast Lucky item: Houseplant

Best directions: None Lucky places: Cell phones

Best direction: North Lucky item: Antique furniture

For more information, visit www. kogumasukisuki.com (currently only in Japanese)




Best directions: None Lucky places: Sidewalk cafes, bars

The 9-star Destiny Code is based on the lunar calendar and one s date of birth. In this system, a year begins on February 4 (or 5 depending on the year) instead of January 1, and ends on February 3 (or 4) the following year. If your birthday falls somewhere between January 1 and February 3, keep in mind that you belong in the preceding year.


Best directions: None Lucky places: Traveling abroad Best directions: Northeast Lucky item: Antique furniture Best direction: Northeast Lucky item: Gym

Eight White Earth Star

八白土星 Birth Year: 1947, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 2001, 2010




Best directions: South Lucky places: Premium coffee Best directions: Northeast Lucky item: Having meals with best friends Best direction: West Lucky item: Movie theaters, art galleries

Best directions: Northeastt Lucky places: Veranda gardening Best directions: East, northeast Lucky item: cell phones Best direction: South Lucky item: Pasta, noodles

Six White Metal Star 六白金星 Birth Year: 1949, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 2003




Best directions: Northeast Lucky places: Antique furniture Best directions: West, north Lucky item: Gyms Best direction: West, Southwest, Northeast Lucky item: Premium coffee

Nine Purple Fire Star

九紫火星 Birth Year: 1946, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 2000, 2009




Best directions: Southwest Lucky places: Conversing with family Best directions: Southwest, east Lucky item: Movie theaters, art galleries Best direction: East Lucky item: Sidewalk cafes, bars

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