WAttention Tokyo vol 6

Page 1

In Ha rmony w it h t he Se a sons Shichigosan Late October to Mid November

七五三 月下旬〜




Chitose Ame ( Thousand year candy ) are presented to children on this day as a symbol of longevity.

こ よ み を 楽 し む

text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Hajime Watanabe 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、 写真=渡邉肇

千歳飴は子供の長寿を祈る縁起物と して、命を長らえさせるようにとの願 いから子供に持たせるようになったよ うです。

Shichigosan, which is a celebration for children, happens on the 15th of November on the old lunar calendar. Shichi, go, san literally means seven, five, three , the age of children who are blessed on this day. In ancient China, prime numbers such as 3, 5, 7 were regarded lucky. The 15th of the month was chosen for the celebration, as it is the sum of those three numbers and in itself is regarded as having even stronger powers to repel evil spirits. It was believed that children are given the gift of language at the age of three, intelligence at five, and teeth at seven. It was also believed that young children belong to the world of

spirits, only becoming properly human at the age of seven. In old days when children s mortality rate was much higher, it s not difficult to imagine parents joy at celebrating the growth of their kids. This is also a day for children to get a sense of their own growth. Quite often this is the first day for girls to put on some make up, just like the ladies!  七五三は旧暦の 11 月 15 日に行われる子供の祭 礼です。男の子は 3 才、5 才の時に、女の子は 3 才、

7 才で祝ってもらいます。素数の奇数は単独でも陽 数とされ、それだけでも縁起が良いのですが、3つを 足した十五という数字は更に完全数となるので鬼を寄 せ付けないと考えられていました。昔は 7 才までに亡

くなる子が多く、特に七、五、三才の時は気をつけな くてはならないと考えられていたからです。また、神 様から三才では言葉を、五才では智恵を、七才で は歯をいただくとされていました。七才になると「神の 子」ではなく「人の子」となるので、自らを自らの力 で護らなければならない自覚をもたせるという思いも込 められていたのです。

Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し次 世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発展させ る提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。

WAttention Tokyo


Winter 2012 ※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」

Letter from the Editor


VOL.06 What comes to your mind when you are asked about popular tourist destinations in Tokyo? I suppose the usual answers are Tokyo Skytree, old towns in Ueno and Asakusa, or sightseeing staples such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Ikebukuro, or even Roppongi for English speakers. But what about Ota-ku? Though you may not be familiar with any places in Ota-ku except Haneda Airport, Ota actually preserves much of the heritage of the Showa period (1926~1989), during which Japan achieved remarkable economic growth. Ota-ku is dotted with small factories, high-end residential areas, and is known for budget local gourmets shops(the so-called B-kyu gourmets shops). In addition, Ota is the only place in Tokyo where boat races take place. There is also a seaside park for you to enjoy bird watching. With such unique attractions, I personally believe Ota is the right place for those who want to explore the undiscovered sights of Tokyo. You may think twice before visiting Ota-ku because of the language barrier that may discourage you in some areas.

But don t worry! Stimulated by the start of international flights out of (and in to) Haneda Airport, the city has been actively upgrading its infrastructure to accomodate foreign visitors. I sincerely encourage you to see the new Ota-ku by yourself! Publisher Yasuko Suzuki  皆様は東京の観光名所といえば、何処を思い浮か べられるのでしょうか。  今回編集部は大田区にスポットを当てました。羽田 空港があること以外、馴染みが薄いかもしれませんが、 日本が高度経済成長を遂げた「昭和」という時代の面

About the Cover: A painted masterpiece at a public bath in Ota City. Traditional public baths have Mt. Fuji painted on the wall for extra joy of bathing.

To k y o s R e t r o G a t e w a y

Let s go to Ota City!

レトロで活気のあるまち、 大田区へ行こう!

影が、色濃く残るエリアです。そして歴史的な建造物、 日本経済の発展を支えた昔ながらの町工場と日本屈指 の高級住宅地が混在している興味深さもあります。下 町を歩けば、家族のような優しい商店街の人々の笑顔 に出会えますし、B級グルメに舌鼓を打つこともできま


In Harmony with the Seasons


Letter from the Editor


Tokyo s Retro Gateway Let s go to Ota City!

す。そして東京で唯一ボートレースを楽しめる競艇場 や、都会に居ながらにして自然とふれあうことのできる野 鳥公園などもあります。  ディープな東京を冒険してみたい人には、もっともお

Thread through Ota City


Exclusively Ota

下町は英語が通じにくいイメージがありますが、羽田 国際空港がオープンしてからば、区を上げて外国人受 け入れ体制を積極的に整えています。そんな大田区


を、あなたも散策してみませんか。 発行人 鈴木康子

Navigate through Delicious Tokyo with Gurunavi A Must-Try: Edo-Style Sushi Warm up with Authentic Hot Pot!

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to 03-6862-6760 or email to infotokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days. You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more! [WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた方には WAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name


Address : Postcode :

04 WAttention Tokyo






The Taste of Tokyo




Tokyo Power Spot


A Short Trip from Tokyo – Chiba All the adventure is for you to discover 千葉




Tokyo Must-Do




What s on

Why WAttention ? WAttention is so named with the hope that people in the world would pay more Attention to WA(和); an important term in Japanese culture meaning harmony with nature, peace and even Japanese culture itself! 世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注目(Attention) してほしいという 願いを込めてWA+Attention= WAttentionと名づけました。

Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD. Associate Editor Naoko Umagoe Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki Mizuho Ota Charles Chen Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Photographer Hajime Watanabe / Kenji Sugasawa / Illustrator Reina Sato Contributing Writer Hiroki Yanagisawa Yumiko Tanaka Kosaka Hougan Kishida Photo courtesies Chiyoda City Tourism Association Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) Jacinta Kong Arne van Lamoen/ Martina Morris/ Rashida H. Lukmanjee 広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127 ロサンゼルス事務所 Team J station, Inc. 2383 Lomita Blvd., Suite 114 Lomita, CA.90717 Phone : 1-310-782-8279 WAttention Tokyo


Winter 2012 ※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」

Letter from the Editor


VOL.06 What comes to your mind when you are asked about popular tourist destinations in Tokyo? I suppose the usual answers are Tokyo Skytree, old towns in Ueno and Asakusa, or sightseeing staples such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Ikebukuro, or even Roppongi for English speakers. But what about Ota-ku? Though you may not be familiar with any places in Ota-ku except Haneda Airport, Ota actually preserves much of the heritage of the Showa period (1926~1989), during which Japan achieved remarkable economic growth. Ota-ku is dotted with small factories, high-end residential areas, and is known for budget local gourmets shops(the so-called B-kyu gourmets shops). In addition, Ota is the only place in Tokyo where boat races take place. There is also a seaside park for you to enjoy bird watching. With such unique attractions, I personally believe Ota is the right place for those who want to explore the undiscovered sights of Tokyo. You may think twice before visiting Ota-ku because of the language barrier that may discourage you in some areas.

But don t worry! Stimulated by the start of international flights out of (and in to) Haneda Airport, the city has been actively upgrading its infrastructure to accomodate foreign visitors. I sincerely encourage you to see the new Ota-ku by yourself! Publisher Yasuko Suzuki  皆様は東京の観光名所といえば、何処を思い浮か べられるのでしょうか。  今回編集部は大田区にスポットを当てました。羽田 空港があること以外、馴染みが薄いかもしれませんが、 日本が高度経済成長を遂げた「昭和」という時代の面

About the Cover: A painted masterpiece at a public bath in Ota City. Traditional public baths have Mt. Fuji painted on the wall for extra joy of bathing.

To k y o s R e t r o G a t e w a y

Let s go to Ota City!

レトロで活気のあるまち、 大田区へ行こう!

影が、色濃く残るエリアです。そして歴史的な建造物、 日本経済の発展を支えた昔ながらの町工場と日本屈指 の高級住宅地が混在している興味深さもあります。下 町を歩けば、家族のような優しい商店街の人々の笑顔 に出会えますし、B級グルメに舌鼓を打つこともできま


In Harmony with the Seasons


Letter from the Editor


Tokyo s Retro Gateway Let s go to Ota City!

す。そして東京で唯一ボートレースを楽しめる競艇場 や、都会に居ながらにして自然とふれあうことのできる野 鳥公園などもあります。  ディープな東京を冒険してみたい人には、もっともお

Thread through Ota City


Exclusively Ota

下町は英語が通じにくいイメージがありますが、羽田 国際空港がオープンしてからば、区を上げて外国人受 け入れ体制を積極的に整えています。そんな大田区


を、あなたも散策してみませんか。 発行人 鈴木康子

Navigate through Delicious Tokyo with Gurunavi A Must-Try: Edo-Style Sushi Warm up with Authentic Hot Pot!

Don't miss out! Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to 03-6862-6760 or email to infotokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days. You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home.Your subscription also includes WAttention Tokyo readers membership that provides Tokyo s useful information, an events calendar, e-newsletter and more! [WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期送付いたします。お申し込みされた方には WAttention Tokyo メンバーとして、イベント、各チケットなどお得な情報をメールマガジンでお届けします。

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name


Address : Postcode :

04 WAttention Tokyo






The Taste of Tokyo




Tokyo Power Spot


A Short Trip from Tokyo – Chiba All the adventure is for you to discover 千葉




Tokyo Must-Do




What s on

Why WAttention ? WAttention is so named with the hope that people in the world would pay more Attention to WA(和); an important term in Japanese culture meaning harmony with nature, peace and even Japanese culture itself! 世界中の人々に「和」 (WA)に注目(Attention) してほしいという 願いを込めてWA+Attention= WAttentionと名づけました。

Publisher Yasuko Suzuki WATTENTION CO., LTD. Associate Editor Naoko Umagoe Editorial Staff Yoko Aoki Mizuho Ota Charles Chen Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Photographer Hajime Watanabe / Kenji Sugasawa / Illustrator Reina Sato Contributing Writer Hiroki Yanagisawa Yumiko Tanaka Kosaka Hougan Kishida Photo courtesies Chiyoda City Tourism Association Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau Special thanks to JNTO Tokyo JR East Rieko Ido (adviser) Jacinta Kong Arne van Lamoen/ Martina Morris/ Rashida H. Lukmanjee 広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127 ロサンゼルス事務所 Team J station, Inc. 2383 Lomita Blvd., Suite 114 Lomita, CA.90717 Phone : 1-310-782-8279 WAttention Tokyo


Tokyo's Retro Gateway

Let s go to Ota City! レトロで活気あるまち、大田区へ行こう!

Dotted with various characteristic areas from high-end exclusive residential areas to energetic retro downtowns, Ota city has a lot to offer. Minutes from both Haneda Airport and Tokyo s central, it is easily accessible too!

Mosaic City Ota Your first contact with Ota City may come sooner than you expect. As you step off your flight at Haneda Airport, you will find yourself in Ota, a unique area within Metropolitan Tokyo, covering the largest area among its 23 city wards. Like a mosaic formed with small pieces of gems, the city is dotted with unique places; each shines in its own special way. Of those gems, Denenchofu - an exclusive residential area - may be the first one to catch your attention. In contrast to the high society atmosphere in Denenchofu, Kamata is another gem that shines in 06 WAttention Tokyo

a more energetic way; the city s largest commercial district is always crowded with countless shops and restaurants. Without getting too deep into the divergent qualities of Ota s many great places, let s step back and take it all in. Out of many of its unique characteristics, what charms people the most is perhaps the atmosphere that many of its regions retained: the atmosphere of good old Tokyo . The city has more than 150 shopping streets, unrivaled elsewhere in Tokyo, where many moms energetically hunt around good-buys for dinner whilst chitchatting with shopkeepers cheerfully.

Needless to mention that these streets are the best places to find reasonable and delicious snacks! At the same time, it is host to almost half of Tokyo s public baths sourced by natural hot spring water, including the city s renowned Kuro-yu - the black hot spring. Though it is always difficult to compare, in Ota the sum of the parts is definitely greater than the whole; retro baths and modern conveniences can be found side-by-side. Yet, the story is not finished. During the Edo period, Ota prospered as the primary producer of Nori (black paper seaweed). In the post-war era, a highway was built to

pass through Ota and further connects to Osaka which - combined with the airport - turn Ota into a transportation hub position that supported the development of greater Tokyo. As a testament to its importance, there are still many small factories producing high quality machinery parts from more general products as mobile phone parts to more specialized parts of the bullet train and the Hayabusa spacecraft. It is fair to say that Ota is one of the pillars of Japanese manufacturing industry. Naturally hospitable people, residents in Ota City have long been friendly to foreign visitors. Even so, the city council is actively

upgrading both tangible and intangible infrastructure with the aim of being able to better welcome the growing number of foreign visitors. Since it is so close to Haneda Airport - the gateway to Tokyo - it would be a pity to forego visiting Ota!  東京国際空港を有する大田区は、東京でも際立っ てユニークだ。山の手のはんなりとした上品さと、下町






Ikegami Heiwajima

の生きの良さが塩梅よく混在している。江戸時代に隆盛 を誇った海苔養殖生産の発祥の地には町工場も多く、 携帯電話から新幹線、はやぶさへ部品を提供して日 本産業を支えている。大田区は、現在外国人観光客を 「真心」でお迎えする体制作りを推進中。日本の本当 の暖かさや人情にふれたいなら、羽田からわずか 10分 余の大田区へ、ぜひ。


Haneda Airpot

Ota city s center, Kamata is only 10 minutes away from both Haneda Airport on Keikyu line and Shinagawa on JR Keihin Tohoku line. WAttention Tokyo


Tokyo's Retro Gateway

Let s go to Ota City! レトロで活気あるまち、大田区へ行こう!

Dotted with various characteristic areas from high-end exclusive residential areas to energetic retro downtowns, Ota city has a lot to offer. Minutes from both Haneda Airport and Tokyo s central, it is easily accessible too!

Mosaic City Ota Your first contact with Ota City may come sooner than you expect. As you step off your flight at Haneda Airport, you will find yourself in Ota, a unique area within Metropolitan Tokyo, covering the largest area among its 23 city wards. Like a mosaic formed with small pieces of gems, the city is dotted with unique places; each shines in its own special way. Of those gems, Denenchofu - an exclusive residential area - may be the first one to catch your attention. In contrast to the high society atmosphere in Denenchofu, Kamata is another gem that shines in 06 WAttention Tokyo

a more energetic way; the city s largest commercial district is always crowded with countless shops and restaurants. Without getting too deep into the divergent qualities of Ota s many great places, let s step back and take it all in. Out of many of its unique characteristics, what charms people the most is perhaps the atmosphere that many of its regions retained: the atmosphere of good old Tokyo . The city has more than 150 shopping streets, unrivaled elsewhere in Tokyo, where many moms energetically hunt around good-buys for dinner whilst chitchatting with shopkeepers cheerfully.

Needless to mention that these streets are the best places to find reasonable and delicious snacks! At the same time, it is host to almost half of Tokyo s public baths sourced by natural hot spring water, including the city s renowned Kuro-yu - the black hot spring. Though it is always difficult to compare, in Ota the sum of the parts is definitely greater than the whole; retro baths and modern conveniences can be found side-by-side. Yet, the story is not finished. During the Edo period, Ota prospered as the primary producer of Nori (black paper seaweed). In the post-war era, a highway was built to

pass through Ota and further connects to Osaka which - combined with the airport - turn Ota into a transportation hub position that supported the development of greater Tokyo. As a testament to its importance, there are still many small factories producing high quality machinery parts from more general products as mobile phone parts to more specialized parts of the bullet train and the Hayabusa spacecraft. It is fair to say that Ota is one of the pillars of Japanese manufacturing industry. Naturally hospitable people, residents in Ota City have long been friendly to foreign visitors. Even so, the city council is actively

upgrading both tangible and intangible infrastructure with the aim of being able to better welcome the growing number of foreign visitors. Since it is so close to Haneda Airport - the gateway to Tokyo - it would be a pity to forego visiting Ota!  東京国際空港を有する大田区は、東京でも際立っ てユニークだ。山の手のはんなりとした上品さと、下町






Ikegami Heiwajima

の生きの良さが塩梅よく混在している。江戸時代に隆盛 を誇った海苔養殖生産の発祥の地には町工場も多く、 携帯電話から新幹線、はやぶさへ部品を提供して日 本産業を支えている。大田区は、現在外国人観光客を 「真心」でお迎えする体制作りを推進中。日本の本当 の暖かさや人情にふれたいなら、羽田からわずか 10分 余の大田区へ、ぜひ。


Haneda Airpot

Ota city s center, Kamata is only 10 minutes away from both Haneda Airport on Keikyu line and Shinagawa on JR Keihin Tohoku line. WAttention Tokyo


Thread through Ota City

Ota City has more than one face; the best way to uncover its charm is to take a walk through Ota at your own pace!



Meet nature and high-class residence in Denenchofu

Denenchofu is one of the most exclusive residential areas in Japan. Designed according to Western concepts, the neighborhood of Denenchofu enjoys high-quality ifrastructure and exudes a calm atmosphere. As if to satisfy the insatiable needs of local residents, the streets of Denenchofu are full of gourmet shops and natural beauty. Check it out!

Recollect the good old days in Ikegami

Ikegami area is centered on Ikegami Honmonji, the main temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The area is full of traditional places and was home to many writers and artists. The best way to experience Ikegami might be to immerse yourself in it and set your thoughts free.


Osushi-dokoro Daigo


Located near Denenchofu station, Daigo is known as the place to taste both genuine Edomae and Kansai sushi. To celebrate the commencement of international flights out of Haneda Airport, a special roll called Hanedamaki - featuring special Anago (Japanese spotted conger eel) caught of f of Haneda. Through the shop window you can get a glimpse of the professional itamae or sushi chefs!

Ikegami Honmonji Ikegami Honmonji was erected upon the site of a great Buddhist monk Nichiren s final resting place. Climb the stairs to th e im p o s i n g f i ve -ti e re d pagoda, snap a few pictures, and pay your respects. The neighboring and famous Ikegami Baien (plum-blossom gardens) lets you enjoy the c u te f l a g r a n t f l o w e r s f r o m mid-February.

■ Ad d re s s: 1-1-1 I ke g a m i ■ Access: 10min walk from I k e g a m i s t a t i o n o n To k y u Ikegami line ■ URL: http:// honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html

My favorite place is Ikegami. I love taking my overseas friends to the area around Honmonji because there are so many Japanese traditions that still prosper there.

Tourism Ambassador of Ota City Ms. Pattama Iida from Thailand

Denenchofu Station Built in 1923 and torn down in 1990 for renovation, the station was restored in 2000 in response to the wishes of local residents, and had since become the symbol of the neighborhood..

Owner and Chef Mr. Shoji Moriya

L epi D or French-style patisserie, L epi D or is loved by local residents of all ages. The pastries are prepared with meticulous skill and only the best ingredients, and are popular as presents. The cafe located on the 2nd floor lets you indulge your sweet desires.

■ Hours: 8:30 – 20:00 ■ Address: 3-1-4 D e n e n c h o f u (m a i n) / a t t h e e a s t e x i t o f Denenchofu station (station branch) ■ Access: 0min walk from Denenchofu station on Tokyu Toyoko and Tokyu Meguro lines ■ URL: http://www.daigo-sushi.com/index. php (Japanese only)

Kumagai Tsuneko Commemorative Hall The home of a former calligraphy instructor to Princess Michiko was turned into a museum to exhibit the female calligrapher s work and life. It is even possible to tr y your hand at calligraphy yourself!

Senzokuike Park

■ Hours: 9:00 – 19:30 (shop), 9:30-18:30 (LO 18: 0 0 , C a f é ) C l o s e d Wed ■ Address:324-14 Denenchofu ■ Access: 1min walk from Denenchofu station on Tokyu Toyoko and Tokyu Meguro lines ■ U R L : h t t p: // w w w. lepi-dor.co.jp/ (Japanese only)

■ Hours: 9:00 – 16:30 (entrance till 16:00), Closed Mon

■ A d d r e s s: 4 - 5 -15 M i n a m i Magome ■ Access: 10min walk from Nishi-Magome station on Toei Asakusa line ■ URL: http:// www.city.ota.tokyo.jp/shisetsu/ hakubutsukan/kumagai_ kinenkan.html (Japanese only)

■ Address:2-14-5 Minamisenzoku ■ Access: 2min walk from Senzokuike station on Tok yu Ikegami line

■ Oyama no Mise Tachibana ■ Hours: 10:00 – 16:00, Closed Mon ■ Acce ss: Right by Ikegami Honmonji s Soshi-do

Ikegami is famous for Kuzumochi - a sweet Japanese dessert. Around Honmonji, three old shops: Asano-ya, Ikeda-ya, and Sagami-ya, have been offering Kuzumochi since the Edo period. Try this healthy confectionery in all three places and see if you can taste the difference!

Tama River

Lepi Dor

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Okusawa sta.

Denenchofu sta.

Senzokuike sta. Ishikawadai sta.

Nishimagome sta.

Toei Asakusa line

Kumagaya Tsuneko Kinenkan Ikegami Baien

Ikegami Honmon-ji



Senzokuike Park


Ka ac


Numabe sta.


Yukigayaotsuka sta.


uka li

Ke ih

okos JR Y


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Tama River aid ra K

i lin Ikegam

Do Tamagawa sta.



Flowing through the southwestern side of O ta Cit y, and its bank covered with greener y, Tama Riverner y attracts people for jogging, walking and picnics! Sunset from Tamagawadai Park is outstanding too.



Ikegami line

08 WAttention Tokyo

Ice cream here is not made of milk but of soy beans! The ice cream comes in seven flavors including tofu and Japanese tea, in addition to some seasonal ones. The delicate taste is sure to make you smile.


Tokyu Toyo ko line

Friendly staff Mr. Oshima and Ms. Nakamura at Lepi D or.

Here you can enjoy romantic paddle boats and walking through the garden. Also, don t miss out on the graceful Ikeduki bridge. It is also a magnificent cherry blossoms viewing spot in the spring time!

Shojin Ice Cream

g Ike



or i

Ikeda-ya Ikegami sta.

WAttention Tokyo


Thread through Ota City

Ota City has more than one face; the best way to uncover its charm is to take a walk through Ota at your own pace!



Meet nature and high-class residence in Denenchofu

Denenchofu is one of the most exclusive residential areas in Japan. Designed according to Western concepts, the neighborhood of Denenchofu enjoys high-quality ifrastructure and exudes a calm atmosphere. As if to satisfy the insatiable needs of local residents, the streets of Denenchofu are full of gourmet shops and natural beauty. Check it out!

Recollect the good old days in Ikegami

Ikegami area is centered on Ikegami Honmonji, the main temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The area is full of traditional places and was home to many writers and artists. The best way to experience Ikegami might be to immerse yourself in it and set your thoughts free.


Osushi-dokoro Daigo


Located near Denenchofu station, Daigo is known as the place to taste both genuine Edomae and Kansai sushi. To celebrate the commencement of international flights out of Haneda Airport, a special roll called Hanedamaki - featuring special Anago (Japanese spotted conger eel) caught of f of Haneda. Through the shop window you can get a glimpse of the professional itamae or sushi chefs!

Ikegami Honmonji Ikegami Honmonji was erected upon the site of a great Buddhist monk Nichiren s final resting place. Climb the stairs to th e im p o s i n g f i ve -ti e re d pagoda, snap a few pictures, and pay your respects. The neighboring and famous Ikegami Baien (plum-blossom gardens) lets you enjoy the c u te f l a g r a n t f l o w e r s f r o m mid-February.

■ Ad d re s s: 1-1-1 I ke g a m i ■ Access: 10min walk from I k e g a m i s t a t i o n o n To k y u Ikegami line ■ URL: http:// honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html

My favorite place is Ikegami. I love taking my overseas friends to the area around Honmonji because there are so many Japanese traditions that still prosper there.

Tourism Ambassador of Ota City Ms. Pattama Iida from Thailand

Denenchofu Station Built in 1923 and torn down in 1990 for renovation, the station was restored in 2000 in response to the wishes of local residents, and had since become the symbol of the neighborhood..

Owner and Chef Mr. Shoji Moriya

L epi D or French-style patisserie, L epi D or is loved by local residents of all ages. The pastries are prepared with meticulous skill and only the best ingredients, and are popular as presents. The cafe located on the 2nd floor lets you indulge your sweet desires.

■ Hours: 8:30 – 20:00 ■ Address: 3-1-4 D e n e n c h o f u (m a i n) / a t t h e e a s t e x i t o f Denenchofu station (station branch) ■ Access: 0min walk from Denenchofu station on Tokyu Toyoko and Tokyu Meguro lines ■ URL: http://www.daigo-sushi.com/index. php (Japanese only)

Kumagai Tsuneko Commemorative Hall The home of a former calligraphy instructor to Princess Michiko was turned into a museum to exhibit the female calligrapher s work and life. It is even possible to tr y your hand at calligraphy yourself!

Senzokuike Park

■ Hours: 9:00 – 19:30 (shop), 9:30-18:30 (LO 18: 0 0 , C a f é ) C l o s e d Wed ■ Address:324-14 Denenchofu ■ Access: 1min walk from Denenchofu station on Tokyu Toyoko and Tokyu Meguro lines ■ U R L : h t t p: // w w w. lepi-dor.co.jp/ (Japanese only)

■ Hours: 9:00 – 16:30 (entrance till 16:00), Closed Mon

■ A d d r e s s: 4 - 5 -15 M i n a m i Magome ■ Access: 10min walk from Nishi-Magome station on Toei Asakusa line ■ URL: http:// www.city.ota.tokyo.jp/shisetsu/ hakubutsukan/kumagai_ kinenkan.html (Japanese only)

■ Address:2-14-5 Minamisenzoku ■ Access: 2min walk from Senzokuike station on Tok yu Ikegami line

■ Oyama no Mise Tachibana ■ Hours: 10:00 – 16:00, Closed Mon ■ Acce ss: Right by Ikegami Honmonji s Soshi-do

Ikegami is famous for Kuzumochi - a sweet Japanese dessert. Around Honmonji, three old shops: Asano-ya, Ikeda-ya, and Sagami-ya, have been offering Kuzumochi since the Edo period. Try this healthy confectionery in all three places and see if you can taste the difference!

Tama River

Lepi Dor

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Okusawa sta.

Denenchofu sta.

Senzokuike sta. Ishikawadai sta.

Nishimagome sta.

Toei Asakusa line

Kumagaya Tsuneko Kinenkan Ikegami Baien

Ikegami Honmon-ji



Senzokuike Park


Ka ac


Numabe sta.


Yukigayaotsuka sta.


uka li

Ke ih

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Tama River aid ra K

i lin Ikegam

Do Tamagawa sta.



Flowing through the southwestern side of O ta Cit y, and its bank covered with greener y, Tama Riverner y attracts people for jogging, walking and picnics! Sunset from Tamagawadai Park is outstanding too.



Ikegami line

08 WAttention Tokyo

Ice cream here is not made of milk but of soy beans! The ice cream comes in seven flavors including tofu and Japanese tea, in addition to some seasonal ones. The delicate taste is sure to make you smile.


Tokyu Toyo ko line

Friendly staff Mr. Oshima and Ms. Nakamura at Lepi D or.

Here you can enjoy romantic paddle boats and walking through the garden. Also, don t miss out on the graceful Ikeduki bridge. It is also a magnificent cherry blossoms viewing spot in the spring time!

Shojin Ice Cream

g Ike



or i

Ikeda-ya Ikegami sta.

WAttention Tokyo


Thread through Ota City

Ota City has more than one face, the best way to uncover its charm is to take a walk through Ota at your own pace!


Blend in with the locals in the shopping streets

Ota City boasts having the largest number of shopping street, or shoutengai in Japanese, in Tokyo where housewives socialize and do their everyday shopping. It is the best place for tourists to blend in with the social scene and discover hidden sights and tastes.


Kamata is the busy center of Ota city where vast variety of shops from big franchise to unique little ones, restaurants and bars lure you endlessly. A few minutes walk from the bustling station will lead you to a whole different world reminiscent of the good old days. Mr. Inagaki instructs Ms. Takahashi

Kojiya Shoutengai


Shio-yakisoba This savory, fried noodle staple is a steal at around 700 yen featuring ingredients that are symbolic of Ota city such as nori (seaweed) and clams. There are around 30 shops selling shio-yakisoba in Ota City. For a unique experience, try Hokaen, where the chef prepares the noodles right in front of you!

Located next to Kojiya station on Keikyu line is always full of women hunting for goodb u ys fo r eve r y th i n g f ro m food and every day goods. Stopping in at a bite in one of the many traditional shops is a must-have Ota experience! ■ Access: 3min walk from Kojiya station on Keikyu line ■ http://www.koujiya-shop. com/e_index.shtml

The owner and his son, Mr. Yuji and Koki Toriumi

■ Shioyakokisoba ■ URL: http://www.otamachikatsu.net/ ■ Hokaen ■ Hours: 11:30 – 15:00 (Lunch) 18:00-22:00 (Dinner) ■ Address: 5-10-1 Kamata ■ Access: 5 min walk from JR Kamata station

Aikawaya Kamaboko Shop

Cheer ful Miyashita family runs the shop.

You have more than 30 choices of deep fried fish patties and you can hand-pick sets of five mini pieces from 367 Yen. You can eat it as a quick snack, or use it to enliven the flavor of soup. ■ Hours: 9:30 – 19:30, Closed Sun & Holidays ■ Address: 2-1-17 Haginaka

Taiko Lessons Alongside their successful Nori (seaweed) business, the president of Morihan Sohonpo also runs Taiko (Japanese drums) classes. Want to test your talents in beats and rhythm? Try it! Lessons of different levels are available here in Kamata. ■ Trial session 2000 yen ■ Reserve at http://www.e-hougaku.com/!


Morihan s Mr. Makino

Fish pickled in miso is the best seller, sold at a surprizingly reasonable 350 Yen. No wonder then that locals and professional chefs alike buy here. Indulge in some of the freshly prepared dishes at the spot! ■ Hours: 10:00 – 19:00, Closed Sun & Holidays ■ Address:3-12-14 Minami-Kamata

Umeyashiki Shoutengai

10 WAttention Tokyo

When talking about Kamata, the first thing to pop up may be this fried dumping. Taste the hand-made dumplings are freshly prepared every day.

Owner chef Mr. Shimizu

Tourism Ambassador of Ota City, Ms. Tamae Takayama from Taiwan


Visiting this lively shopping street that stretched for 1km in total will get you energized with the mesmerizing line of small shops! ■ Access: By Umeyashiki station on Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.umeyashiki.com/en

Shop Manger Mr Tomio Onozuka

Hanetsuki Gyoza

Otaya We cannot blame anyone for be ing lure d to this butcher s by the enticing smells of deep fried pork (70 yen) and beef croquette (110 yen). Both are so juicy and delicious that a big smile is practically guaranteed if you try some! ■ Hours: 10:00 – 19:00, Closed Sun ■ Address: 1-6-9 Haginaka


T h o s e i n t e resting facilities at the water front are highly recommended!


Heiwajima Boat Race

Heiwajima Park Athletics

Tokyo Port Wild Birds Park

Ota Market

H e re at O ko s h i, yo u m i g ht b e h a p p i l y s tu m p e d by th e g re at selection of family dishes. The credit goes to the owners - a chef couple of husband and wife - who get up at three every morning to prepare more than 80 varieties of dishes. Sold from portions as small as 100 grams, you can sample many different Japanese flavors.

If you want to try something new at the waterfront, watching a boat race, public gambling, is very exciting! To have more fun, check the website for some headsup before you go.

It is like an amusement park for both adults and children. Climb over your way through the 40 obstacles to get your adrenaline running!

Once a landfil swamped by rain water until in 1989 when the park was set up. Nature flourishes here with more than 100 varieties of birds!

■ Hours: 9:30 – 15:00 ■ Address: 2-1 Heiwa no Mori Koen ■ Admission: 360 yen for adults, 100 yen for elementary school students ■ Access: 10 min walk from Heiwajima station on Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.city.ota.tokyo. jp/shisetsu/spor ts/fieldathletics.html (Japanese only)

■ Hours: 9:00 – 16:30 Closed Mon and New Year Holidays ■ Access: 15min walk from Ryutsu Center station on Tokyo Monorail ■ Address: Tokai 3-1 ■ Admission: 300 yen for adult ■ URL: http://www.wbsj.org/wbsj-blog/ yachoukouen/ (Japanese only)

Ota market is the largest wholesale market of fruit, flowers, and fish in Tokyo. S i tu ate d n e a r H a n e d a A ir p o r t, th e market is definitely worth a visit for the morning auction session. Arrive early!

■ Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 ■ Address: 2-4-3 Kamata Jolly Mr. and Ms. Takase cooks all their products.

Escape from daily routines at the waterfront

Heiwa-jima and Showa-jima are landfill islands important for production and circulation. Over the years, man-made facilities have blended in with nature perfectly. Escape your monotonous daily routines!

■ Address: 1-1-1 Heiwajima ■ Access: Free shuttle buses are available from Heiwajima stations on Keihin Kyuko line/ 100 yen shuttle from JR Omori station and Omori Kaigan station ■ URL: http:// www.heiwajima.gr.jp/en/index.htm

■ Address: 3-2-1 Tokai ■ Access: 20min walk from Ryutsu Center station on Tokyo Monorail ■ URL: http://www.shijou.metro.tokyo. jp/info/03.html (Japanese only)

WAttention Tokyo


Thread through Ota City

Ota City has more than one face, the best way to uncover its charm is to take a walk through Ota at your own pace!


Blend in with the locals in the shopping streets

Ota City boasts having the largest number of shopping street, or shoutengai in Japanese, in Tokyo where housewives socialize and do their everyday shopping. It is the best place for tourists to blend in with the social scene and discover hidden sights and tastes.


Kamata is the busy center of Ota city where vast variety of shops from big franchise to unique little ones, restaurants and bars lure you endlessly. A few minutes walk from the bustling station will lead you to a whole different world reminiscent of the good old days. Mr. Inagaki instructs Ms. Takahashi

Kojiya Shoutengai


Shio-yakisoba This savory, fried noodle staple is a steal at around 700 yen featuring ingredients that are symbolic of Ota city such as nori (seaweed) and clams. There are around 30 shops selling shio-yakisoba in Ota City. For a unique experience, try Hokaen, where the chef prepares the noodles right in front of you!

Located next to Kojiya station on Keikyu line is always full of women hunting for goodb u ys fo r eve r y th i n g f ro m food and every day goods. Stopping in at a bite in one of the many traditional shops is a must-have Ota experience! ■ Access: 3min walk from Kojiya station on Keikyu line ■ http://www.koujiya-shop. com/e_index.shtml

The owner and his son, Mr. Yuji and Koki Toriumi

■ Shioyakokisoba ■ URL: http://www.otamachikatsu.net/ ■ Hokaen ■ Hours: 11:30 – 15:00 (Lunch) 18:00-22:00 (Dinner) ■ Address: 5-10-1 Kamata ■ Access: 5 min walk from JR Kamata station

Aikawaya Kamaboko Shop

Cheer ful Miyashita family runs the shop.

You have more than 30 choices of deep fried fish patties and you can hand-pick sets of five mini pieces from 367 Yen. You can eat it as a quick snack, or use it to enliven the flavor of soup. ■ Hours: 9:30 – 19:30, Closed Sun & Holidays ■ Address: 2-1-17 Haginaka

Taiko Lessons Alongside their successful Nori (seaweed) business, the president of Morihan Sohonpo also runs Taiko (Japanese drums) classes. Want to test your talents in beats and rhythm? Try it! Lessons of different levels are available here in Kamata. ■ Trial session 2000 yen ■ Reserve at http://www.e-hougaku.com/!


Morihan s Mr. Makino

Fish pickled in miso is the best seller, sold at a surprizingly reasonable 350 Yen. No wonder then that locals and professional chefs alike buy here. Indulge in some of the freshly prepared dishes at the spot! ■ Hours: 10:00 – 19:00, Closed Sun & Holidays ■ Address:3-12-14 Minami-Kamata

Umeyashiki Shoutengai

10 WAttention Tokyo

When talking about Kamata, the first thing to pop up may be this fried dumping. Taste the hand-made dumplings are freshly prepared every day.

Owner chef Mr. Shimizu

Tourism Ambassador of Ota City, Ms. Tamae Takayama from Taiwan


Visiting this lively shopping street that stretched for 1km in total will get you energized with the mesmerizing line of small shops! ■ Access: By Umeyashiki station on Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.umeyashiki.com/en

Shop Manger Mr Tomio Onozuka

Hanetsuki Gyoza

Otaya We cannot blame anyone for be ing lure d to this butcher s by the enticing smells of deep fried pork (70 yen) and beef croquette (110 yen). Both are so juicy and delicious that a big smile is practically guaranteed if you try some! ■ Hours: 10:00 – 19:00, Closed Sun ■ Address: 1-6-9 Haginaka


T h o s e i n t e resting facilities at the water front are highly recommended!


Heiwajima Boat Race

Heiwajima Park Athletics

Tokyo Port Wild Birds Park

Ota Market

H e re at O ko s h i, yo u m i g ht b e h a p p i l y s tu m p e d by th e g re at selection of family dishes. The credit goes to the owners - a chef couple of husband and wife - who get up at three every morning to prepare more than 80 varieties of dishes. Sold from portions as small as 100 grams, you can sample many different Japanese flavors.

If you want to try something new at the waterfront, watching a boat race, public gambling, is very exciting! To have more fun, check the website for some headsup before you go.

It is like an amusement park for both adults and children. Climb over your way through the 40 obstacles to get your adrenaline running!

Once a landfil swamped by rain water until in 1989 when the park was set up. Nature flourishes here with more than 100 varieties of birds!

■ Hours: 9:30 – 15:00 ■ Address: 2-1 Heiwa no Mori Koen ■ Admission: 360 yen for adults, 100 yen for elementary school students ■ Access: 10 min walk from Heiwajima station on Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.city.ota.tokyo. jp/shisetsu/spor ts/fieldathletics.html (Japanese only)

■ Hours: 9:00 – 16:30 Closed Mon and New Year Holidays ■ Access: 15min walk from Ryutsu Center station on Tokyo Monorail ■ Address: Tokai 3-1 ■ Admission: 300 yen for adult ■ URL: http://www.wbsj.org/wbsj-blog/ yachoukouen/ (Japanese only)

Ota market is the largest wholesale market of fruit, flowers, and fish in Tokyo. S i tu ate d n e a r H a n e d a A ir p o r t, th e market is definitely worth a visit for the morning auction session. Arrive early!

■ Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 ■ Address: 2-4-3 Kamata Jolly Mr. and Ms. Takase cooks all their products.

Escape from daily routines at the waterfront

Heiwa-jima and Showa-jima are landfill islands important for production and circulation. Over the years, man-made facilities have blended in with nature perfectly. Escape your monotonous daily routines!

■ Address: 1-1-1 Heiwajima ■ Access: Free shuttle buses are available from Heiwajima stations on Keihin Kyuko line/ 100 yen shuttle from JR Omori station and Omori Kaigan station ■ URL: http:// www.heiwajima.gr.jp/en/index.htm

■ Address: 3-2-1 Tokai ■ Access: 20min walk from Ryutsu Center station on Tokyo Monorail ■ URL: http://www.shijou.metro.tokyo. jp/info/03.html (Japanese only)

WAttention Tokyo



Don't leave Ota city before taking a little dip in their famous onsen or check out the specialty products! Welcome to OTA


Ota city welcomes international visitors. Find the stickers for Information and Welcome Shop for extra information and warm welcome!

Take a dip in one of the many unique hot spring baths 気軽に楽しめる湯めぐり

You may not know there are quite a few natural hot spring baths in Tokyo, especially in Ota City. Check out Public Bath Association's multilingual website for more info! http://www.ota1010.com/e_main.html

Milk (plain or cof feeflavored) never tastes better than after a bath!

Gear up at Haneda NU-LAND-sagami-yu

Heiwajima Onsen

Ota City is famous for its Kuro-yu (black hot spring water). Though the opacity of the color varies, the water is with low alkaline level and good for your skin.

Located just 15 minutes from Haneda Airport, this onsen boasts saunas, open-air baths, massage, and endless relaxation. Just the thing after a long flight!

■ Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 ■ Address: 2-7-5 Nakarokugo ■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access: 3 min walk from Zoshiki station on Keihin Kyuko line

■ Address: 1-1-1 Heiwajima, Ota-ku ■ Admission: 1500 yen (weekday), 1800 yen (weekend) ■ Access: Free shuttle from Heiwajima station on Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.heiwajima-onsen.jp/en/index.html

Kaisei-yu Relax in the bathtub while having goldfish swim gracefully in front of you. Be careful not to soak in the bath too long watching the fish!

Myojin-yu If you want to try a traditional public bath, Myojin-yu is the place to go. It has all the elements that complete a traditional public bath. Though the water may be too hot for some (over 40° C), the herbal bath should be fine for everyone. ■ Hours: 16:00 – 23:00, Closed 5th, 15th and 25th of each month ■ Address: 5-14-7 Minami-yukigaya ■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access: 20 min from Yukigaya station on Tokyu Ikegami line

■ Hours: 15:30 – 24:30, C l o s e d Fr i ■ A d d r e s s: 5-10-5 Nishikamata ■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access: 8 min walk from JR Kamata station

You don t need to bring anything if you get a 100 to 200 yen handsfree or tebura set (a towel and a small soap) at the counter!

OTA6 Nori the Black Paper Seaweed

Specialty products of Ota

Crafting and Manufacturing in Ota

Tsume Komachi Nail fine Superior crafting techniques and stateof-the-art precision machining make this safe-to-use nail file is a testament to Japanese craftsmanship and attention to detail. ■ http://www.quolio.com/1_35.html

■ Address: 3-1-19 Rokugo ■ URL: http://www. mkdesign.co.jp/mkd/product4.php (Japanese only) 12 WAttention Tokyo

1. High-class residential area of Denenchofu 2. Recollecting the good old days in Ikegami 3. Blending in with the locals in the shopping streets 4. Escaping from daily routines at the waterfront area 5. Simply relaxing at public baths and hot springs 6. Specialty products

A nswer the questionnaire for your chance to win special prizes!

Kamata Kiriko

■ http://www.glassforest.co.jp/index.html

Originally designed in 1937, the elegant bamboo chair was remanufactured to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the company s production department. Sold at their showroom and Mitsukoshi department stores.

Which aspects of Ota City are you interested in from the article?


The modern kiriko glass is beautifully designed and is selected as one of the best luxury souvenirs for Japanese Tourism Agency s Charming Japanese Souvenirs Contest this year.

Bamboo Chair

Vote & Win!



Ota city is known for its small scale manufacturing that humbly supports the innovative new technology. The city, however, also produces fine crafts that adds glamor to our daily life!

Haneda Airport s information desk has many pamphlets and other information on Ota city. You can get geared up before you leave the airport!

Okura Toen Founded in Kamata in 1919, Okura Toen has made its name in high class tableware for its superior quality and design. Sold at Haneda Airport's Wako shop. ■ http://www.okuratouen. co.jp/english/

The production of nori is said to have started in the early 18th century. Blessed by abundant water, Omori was the main production center right from the start. Even today, almost 50 years after the production of nori was put to an end, Omori remains an important wholesale center for nori. If you want to know more about nori, we reccomend you visit the Omori Nori Museum (http://norinoyakata.web.fc2.com/) for a deeper understanding. Nori still flourishes today, with various new flavors including wasabi and ume, which make them perfect for a healthy snack!

Known as the city of craftsmanship, Ota City is home to more than 4,000 factories. Around 80% of them are small & medium enterprises that have fewer than 10 employees. However, being small doesn t mean these factories are lightweights in the supply chain. The high density of factories makes it possible for each small factory to focus on its specialty and continuously improve the production process. As a testament to its quality, some machinery parts of Hayabusa spacecraft and Shinkansen (bullet trains) are produced here. Look around you in Tokyo and it is likely that you will find something made from parts manufactured in Ota!

Bathing voucher for public baths in Ota City


Tenugui (Japanese hand towel)


Hot spring voucher for Heiwa-jima onsen

Entry Visit our website to answer the questionnaire! To votre, go to www.wattention.com WAttention Tokyo



Don't leave Ota city before taking a little dip in their famous onsen or check out the specialty products! Welcome to OTA


Ota city welcomes international visitors. Find the stickers for Information and Welcome Shop for extra information and warm welcome!

Take a dip in one of the many unique hot spring baths 気軽に楽しめる湯めぐり

You may not know there are quite a few natural hot spring baths in Tokyo, especially in Ota City. Check out Public Bath Association's multilingual website for more info! http://www.ota1010.com/e_main.html

Milk (plain or cof feeflavored) never tastes better than after a bath!

Gear up at Haneda NU-LAND-sagami-yu

Heiwajima Onsen

Ota City is famous for its Kuro-yu (black hot spring water). Though the opacity of the color varies, the water is with low alkaline level and good for your skin.

Located just 15 minutes from Haneda Airport, this onsen boasts saunas, open-air baths, massage, and endless relaxation. Just the thing after a long flight!

■ Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 ■ Address: 2-7-5 Nakarokugo ■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access: 3 min walk from Zoshiki station on Keihin Kyuko line

■ Address: 1-1-1 Heiwajima, Ota-ku ■ Admission: 1500 yen (weekday), 1800 yen (weekend) ■ Access: Free shuttle from Heiwajima station on Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.heiwajima-onsen.jp/en/index.html

Kaisei-yu Relax in the bathtub while having goldfish swim gracefully in front of you. Be careful not to soak in the bath too long watching the fish!

Myojin-yu If you want to try a traditional public bath, Myojin-yu is the place to go. It has all the elements that complete a traditional public bath. Though the water may be too hot for some (over 40° C), the herbal bath should be fine for everyone. ■ Hours: 16:00 – 23:00, Closed 5th, 15th and 25th of each month ■ Address: 5-14-7 Minami-yukigaya ■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access: 20 min from Yukigaya station on Tokyu Ikegami line

■ Hours: 15:30 – 24:30, C l o s e d Fr i ■ A d d r e s s: 5-10-5 Nishikamata ■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access: 8 min walk from JR Kamata station

You don t need to bring anything if you get a 100 to 200 yen handsfree or tebura set (a towel and a small soap) at the counter!

OTA6 Nori the Black Paper Seaweed

Specialty products of Ota

Crafting and Manufacturing in Ota

Tsume Komachi Nail fine Superior crafting techniques and stateof-the-art precision machining make this safe-to-use nail file is a testament to Japanese craftsmanship and attention to detail. ■ http://www.quolio.com/1_35.html

■ Address: 3-1-19 Rokugo ■ URL: http://www. mkdesign.co.jp/mkd/product4.php (Japanese only) 12 WAttention Tokyo

1. High-class residential area of Denenchofu 2. Recollecting the good old days in Ikegami 3. Blending in with the locals in the shopping streets 4. Escaping from daily routines at the waterfront area 5. Simply relaxing at public baths and hot springs 6. Specialty products

A nswer the questionnaire for your chance to win special prizes!

Kamata Kiriko

■ http://www.glassforest.co.jp/index.html

Originally designed in 1937, the elegant bamboo chair was remanufactured to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the company s production department. Sold at their showroom and Mitsukoshi department stores.

Which aspects of Ota City are you interested in from the article?


The modern kiriko glass is beautifully designed and is selected as one of the best luxury souvenirs for Japanese Tourism Agency s Charming Japanese Souvenirs Contest this year.

Bamboo Chair

Vote & Win!



Ota city is known for its small scale manufacturing that humbly supports the innovative new technology. The city, however, also produces fine crafts that adds glamor to our daily life!

Haneda Airport s information desk has many pamphlets and other information on Ota city. You can get geared up before you leave the airport!

Okura Toen Founded in Kamata in 1919, Okura Toen has made its name in high class tableware for its superior quality and design. Sold at Haneda Airport's Wako shop. ■ http://www.okuratouen. co.jp/english/

The production of nori is said to have started in the early 18th century. Blessed by abundant water, Omori was the main production center right from the start. Even today, almost 50 years after the production of nori was put to an end, Omori remains an important wholesale center for nori. If you want to know more about nori, we reccomend you visit the Omori Nori Museum (http://norinoyakata.web.fc2.com/) for a deeper understanding. Nori still flourishes today, with various new flavors including wasabi and ume, which make them perfect for a healthy snack!

Known as the city of craftsmanship, Ota City is home to more than 4,000 factories. Around 80% of them are small & medium enterprises that have fewer than 10 employees. However, being small doesn t mean these factories are lightweights in the supply chain. The high density of factories makes it possible for each small factory to focus on its specialty and continuously improve the production process. As a testament to its quality, some machinery parts of Hayabusa spacecraft and Shinkansen (bullet trains) are produced here. Look around you in Tokyo and it is likely that you will find something made from parts manufactured in Ota!

Bathing voucher for public baths in Ota City


Tenugui (Japanese hand towel)


Hot spring voucher for Heiwa-jima onsen

Entry Visit our website to answer the questionnaire! To votre, go to www.wattention.com WAttention Tokyo


Gourmet City Wasn t Built in a Day How did Tokyo become so well equipped to satisfy people s endless desire for palatable pleasure to the point where it almost seems like an obsession? To answer the question, we have to go back to the Edo period (16031868) when Tokyo, or Edo at the time, became the capital of the country. This warless, 265-year period that was almost completely closed to the world awarded the residents of Tokyo the liberty to pour their passion into higher quality of food while the primary industry grew steadily to support the city s gourmands demands. As a large proportion

Navigate through Delicious Tokyo with Gurunavi Discover the way to your perfect restaurant in gourmet city Tokyo, where a cosmic number of restaurants awaits you to satisfy your culinary desire. Gurunavi, the largest online restaurant search engine, lets you locate any eatery in just a few clicks!

of Edo s residents were single males, including regional lords on mandatory duty in the capital or migrant workers from the countryside, restaurant and food venders were largely in demand. The city s survey in 1804 counted 6,165 restaurants alone for the population of a million, excluding countless street venders and make-shift caterers. Meanwhile, the variety and quality of food also improved, and many of what are now considered Japanese dishes – sushi, tempura, soba and unagi - were either invented or perfected in Edo during this period. By early 1800s,

restaurant guides and rankings were already published to show the latest trends. Some gourmands took eating to even further level; they played the game in which they made guesses as to the origin or ingredients of a dish based upon slightest differences in flavor. With the end of the Edo period, the country was once again open to the world, and in 1870, the first Western style restaurant opened. From then on, menus at restaurants quickly internationalized, and continuously expanded to their current scale. The gourmet city wasn t built in a day.

Residents of Edo snacking on various types of food at street venders shown in Edo-funai Ehon Fuzoku Orai ( 江戸 府内絵本風俗往来)". Mr. Toshiaki Aoki

Star Guide to Gourmet City It isn t too far off to say that Tokyo is one of the biggest and the best gourmet cities in the world. There is not a block without a restaurant or a bar, or even convenience stores selling topnotch candies and snacks. If not, there are always vending machines offering a wide variety of drinks to satisfy not just the thirst, but also the appetite for any flavors imaginable. You can literally go around the world on a plate at the city s nearly 100,000 restaurants, yet it is often overwhelming to find the restaurant that best 14 WAttention Tokyo

suits your demand. Do not worry any further, as the gourmet city is equipped with a perfect guide: Gurunavi. Established in 1996, Gurunavi is the first and the largest online restaurant search engine boasting the registry of over 82,000 restaurants in Tokyo alone. The site allows you to search restaurants by area, types of food, prices and atmosphere, and shortlisted restaurants can be then compared on more detailed data including the concept, the menu, photos of food and the interior, ratings

by others and coupons on each restaurant s page. For those who do not read Japanese, they provide the same service in English for over 20,000 Tokyo restaurants. The search options include the presence of English menus, price range and credit card options to minimize your stress before your visit. Moreover, the site offers you a helpful guide on manners and background history of select dishes to holistically support your culinary experience in the city. Gurunavi makes dining so much more enjoyable. WAttention Tokyo


Gourmet City Wasn t Built in a Day How did Tokyo become so well equipped to satisfy people s endless desire for palatable pleasure to the point where it almost seems like an obsession? To answer the question, we have to go back to the Edo period (16031868) when Tokyo, or Edo at the time, became the capital of the country. This warless, 265-year period that was almost completely closed to the world awarded the residents of Tokyo the liberty to pour their passion into higher quality of food while the primary industry grew steadily to support the city s gourmands demands. As a large proportion

Navigate through Delicious Tokyo with Gurunavi Discover the way to your perfect restaurant in gourmet city Tokyo, where a cosmic number of restaurants awaits you to satisfy your culinary desire. Gurunavi, the largest online restaurant search engine, lets you locate any eatery in just a few clicks!

of Edo s residents were single males, including regional lords on mandatory duty in the capital or migrant workers from the countryside, restaurant and food venders were largely in demand. The city s survey in 1804 counted 6,165 restaurants alone for the population of a million, excluding countless street venders and make-shift caterers. Meanwhile, the variety and quality of food also improved, and many of what are now considered Japanese dishes – sushi, tempura, soba and unagi - were either invented or perfected in Edo during this period. By early 1800s,

restaurant guides and rankings were already published to show the latest trends. Some gourmands took eating to even further level; they played the game in which they made guesses as to the origin or ingredients of a dish based upon slightest differences in flavor. With the end of the Edo period, the country was once again open to the world, and in 1870, the first Western style restaurant opened. From then on, menus at restaurants quickly internationalized, and continuously expanded to their current scale. The gourmet city wasn t built in a day.

Residents of Edo snacking on various types of food at street venders shown in Edo-funai Ehon Fuzoku Orai ( 江戸 府内絵本風俗往来)". Mr. Toshiaki Aoki

Star Guide to Gourmet City It isn t too far off to say that Tokyo is one of the biggest and the best gourmet cities in the world. There is not a block without a restaurant or a bar, or even convenience stores selling topnotch candies and snacks. If not, there are always vending machines offering a wide variety of drinks to satisfy not just the thirst, but also the appetite for any flavors imaginable. You can literally go around the world on a plate at the city s nearly 100,000 restaurants, yet it is often overwhelming to find the restaurant that best 14 WAttention Tokyo

suits your demand. Do not worry any further, as the gourmet city is equipped with a perfect guide: Gurunavi. Established in 1996, Gurunavi is the first and the largest online restaurant search engine boasting the registry of over 82,000 restaurants in Tokyo alone. The site allows you to search restaurants by area, types of food, prices and atmosphere, and shortlisted restaurants can be then compared on more detailed data including the concept, the menu, photos of food and the interior, ratings

by others and coupons on each restaurant s page. For those who do not read Japanese, they provide the same service in English for over 20,000 Tokyo restaurants. The search options include the presence of English menus, price range and credit card options to minimize your stress before your visit. Moreover, the site offers you a helpful guide on manners and background history of select dishes to holistically support your culinary experience in the city. Gurunavi makes dining so much more enjoyable. WAttention Tokyo


A Must-Try: Edo-Style Sushi

High-end All-you-can-eat Sushi KIZUNA SUSHI (SHINJUKU KABUKICHO branch)

Blessed with abundant fresh seafood from Tokyo Bay, Tokyo is where the current style of sushi developed. While the evolution of sushi flourishes both inside and outside of Japan, why not get back to its roots right here in Tokyo! Sushi has gained a global status, but the current style - the combination of fresh seafood and vinegar-rice prepared in bite size - served around the world has its roots in old Tokyo, Edo. Sushi is believed to originate in Southeastern Asia, where fish and rice were pressed and fermented together for preservation. By the 17th century, the dish slowly evolved into what s called kamigata-zushi (sushi from Western Japan) where vinegered rice and other ingredients, mostly vegetables,

were pressed together in a wooden mold over night. When the new capital moved to Edo in 1600s, people gained access to fresh seafood from nearby Tokyo Bay, and developed specific techniques to preserve it while it was fresh. These skills were called Edo-mae or Edo style, and included marinating and roasting to prepare various fish: Edo-style fish started to garnish sushi. By early 1800s, nigiri-style, currently popular bite-size hand-molded rice and fish, was invented and immediately spread around

the country. This handy style of sushi was especially popular with the ever-busy people of Edo: it was widely sold at street venders as quick snacks and remains to be popular to this day. Although Edo-mae is a widely, and often proudly, used term, there is no clearcut definition. In most cases, the term is used for sushi made with fish caught in Tokyo Bay and/or prepared in Edo-style. Treat yourself to Edo-mae sushi during your stay in Tokyo!

■ H o u r s: L u n c h12: 0 0 14:00/Dinner17:00-22:00 ■Address: Ginza Takahashi Building 2F, 6-7-4, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061 ■ Access: Subway Ginza Station B3 turn exit 3-minute walk ■ URL http://r.gnavi. co.jp/gaej300/lang/en/

16 WAttention Tokyo

seafood market in Tokyo. However, some fishes are brought in from other markets in various area in Japan. For instance, deep sea bass is brought in from Kyushu, the southwest part of Japan, where the best winter stocks are found. The point of edomae sushi is nigiristyle with the most of in-season fish and to garnish with a chef s special garnish. Although fishing seasons and fishing points are changing with the impact of global warming, we try to keep the spirit of edomae sushi, says Mr. Aoki.

■ Hours: 24hours (All you can eat: 11:00-midnight) ■ Address: First Mon Ami Building B1&1F, 1-18-8, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-kuURL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g111383/lang/en/ ■ Access: 1 min walk from JR and Tokyo Metro Shinjuku station

Vegetarian Sushi for All Potager

Experience the Tokyo Quality AOKI (GINZAHONTEN)

Ask your Japanese friend for the best sushi in Ginza, and AOKI will always be on the list. Toshikatsu Aoki, chef and owner of AOKI, took over the restaurant from his father some 20 years ago. He has continued to serve authentic edomae sushi ever since, bringing the restaurant on to win a Michelin star for 4 consecutive years. As Tokyo is the best place for the best fish, whatever the season, AOKI s fish is mostly sourced from local fishmongers in Tsukuji, the biggest wholesale fish and

KIZUNA SUSHI is a tabehoudai (allyou-can-eat) restaurant in Shinjuku where your sushi is hand-rolled by the chef, not served up on a kaiten (conveyor belt)! The sushi is excellent, with fish fresh from the market and at a very reasonable price. We do it by cooperative buying with other restaurants , said Hidenori Daidoji, manager of KIZUNA SUSHI. You can enjoy 81 kinds of sushi and 19 other dishes, such as fried shrimp, edamame (immature soybeans in the pod), and french fries, all during the tabehoudai hour (11:00-midnight, up to 120 mins). The restaurant is spacious, with 90 seats on the first floor and in the basement. Why not drop in after shopping in Shinjuku?

The most popular dish at AOKI is the Omakase (the chef s tasting menu), which uses the best ingredients of the day. Some fish may be unfamiliar, but they are well worth a try! And the best thing about eating at the counter is the Live experience. The sushi chef tries to serve each dish at just the right moment, which he does by a non-verbal conversation with the customer. AOKI restaurant could just be that unique sushi experience you ve been looking for.

Get ready to blow your mind with the most progressive and savory sushi imaginable for both vegetarians and nonvegetarians. Potager in Roppongi offers you sheer pleasure with artistic pieces of sushi made entirely with vegetables. Each vegetable piece accompanying citrusflavored rice is thoroughly prepared to bring out its best quality and is an eyeopener to the hidden charm of ordinary and familiar vegetables. For example, the rich and full flavor of their vibrant carrot mousse is made by slowly blazing carrots to maximize their sweetness. Vegetables used in the restaurant are supplied from producers who are personally selected by the owner chef Aya Kakizawa. Discover the new and delicious potential of vegetable-and-rice dish at this stylish and earthy restaurant.

■ Hours: Lunch 11:00-15:00 (LO 14.00) Dinner 17:00- (LO 21:30) ■ Address: Roppongi Keyakizaki Dori Roppongi Hills, 6-9-1-1F, Roppongi ■ Access: 8 min walk from Roppongi station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya line and Azabu Juban station on Toei Oedo line ■ URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/gb4j700/lang/en/

Know the Basics to Enjoy Sushi What to Order

How to Order


Like fruits and vegetables, there is a season for fish. To taste the season s delicacy, do not hesitate to ask for recommendations.

There is no specific rule for what to order first, so order what fancies you! Also, chef s recommendations never fail.

Eat it fresh before it dries out on the plate. Eat pickled ginger whenever you like. Ask for today s special as the catch changes every day.

What to Drink

How to Eat

Don ts

Most sushi restaurants offer sake, beer, shochu and soft drinks. You can experiment with matching or ask for recommendations.

You can use your chopsticks or your fingers to eat sushi. To enjoy the delicate flavor, put the soy sauce on the fish, not on rice.

Don t wear strong perfume. It kills sushi s delicate flavors. Don t dress too sexy or should you be too flirtatious. WAttention Tokyo


A Must-Try: Edo-Style Sushi

High-end All-you-can-eat Sushi KIZUNA SUSHI (SHINJUKU KABUKICHO branch)

Blessed with abundant fresh seafood from Tokyo Bay, Tokyo is where the current style of sushi developed. While the evolution of sushi flourishes both inside and outside of Japan, why not get back to its roots right here in Tokyo! Sushi has gained a global status, but the current style - the combination of fresh seafood and vinegar-rice prepared in bite size - served around the world has its roots in old Tokyo, Edo. Sushi is believed to originate in Southeastern Asia, where fish and rice were pressed and fermented together for preservation. By the 17th century, the dish slowly evolved into what s called kamigata-zushi (sushi from Western Japan) where vinegered rice and other ingredients, mostly vegetables,

were pressed together in a wooden mold over night. When the new capital moved to Edo in 1600s, people gained access to fresh seafood from nearby Tokyo Bay, and developed specific techniques to preserve it while it was fresh. These skills were called Edo-mae or Edo style, and included marinating and roasting to prepare various fish: Edo-style fish started to garnish sushi. By early 1800s, nigiri-style, currently popular bite-size hand-molded rice and fish, was invented and immediately spread around

the country. This handy style of sushi was especially popular with the ever-busy people of Edo: it was widely sold at street venders as quick snacks and remains to be popular to this day. Although Edo-mae is a widely, and often proudly, used term, there is no clearcut definition. In most cases, the term is used for sushi made with fish caught in Tokyo Bay and/or prepared in Edo-style. Treat yourself to Edo-mae sushi during your stay in Tokyo!

■ H o u r s: L u n c h12: 0 0 14:00/Dinner17:00-22:00 ■Address: Ginza Takahashi Building 2F, 6-7-4, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061 ■ Access: Subway Ginza Station B3 turn exit 3-minute walk ■ URL http://r.gnavi. co.jp/gaej300/lang/en/

16 WAttention Tokyo

seafood market in Tokyo. However, some fishes are brought in from other markets in various area in Japan. For instance, deep sea bass is brought in from Kyushu, the southwest part of Japan, where the best winter stocks are found. The point of edomae sushi is nigiristyle with the most of in-season fish and to garnish with a chef s special garnish. Although fishing seasons and fishing points are changing with the impact of global warming, we try to keep the spirit of edomae sushi, says Mr. Aoki.

■ Hours: 24hours (All you can eat: 11:00-midnight) ■ Address: First Mon Ami Building B1&1F, 1-18-8, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-kuURL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g111383/lang/en/ ■ Access: 1 min walk from JR and Tokyo Metro Shinjuku station

Vegetarian Sushi for All Potager

Experience the Tokyo Quality AOKI (GINZAHONTEN)

Ask your Japanese friend for the best sushi in Ginza, and AOKI will always be on the list. Toshikatsu Aoki, chef and owner of AOKI, took over the restaurant from his father some 20 years ago. He has continued to serve authentic edomae sushi ever since, bringing the restaurant on to win a Michelin star for 4 consecutive years. As Tokyo is the best place for the best fish, whatever the season, AOKI s fish is mostly sourced from local fishmongers in Tsukuji, the biggest wholesale fish and

KIZUNA SUSHI is a tabehoudai (allyou-can-eat) restaurant in Shinjuku where your sushi is hand-rolled by the chef, not served up on a kaiten (conveyor belt)! The sushi is excellent, with fish fresh from the market and at a very reasonable price. We do it by cooperative buying with other restaurants , said Hidenori Daidoji, manager of KIZUNA SUSHI. You can enjoy 81 kinds of sushi and 19 other dishes, such as fried shrimp, edamame (immature soybeans in the pod), and french fries, all during the tabehoudai hour (11:00-midnight, up to 120 mins). The restaurant is spacious, with 90 seats on the first floor and in the basement. Why not drop in after shopping in Shinjuku?

The most popular dish at AOKI is the Omakase (the chef s tasting menu), which uses the best ingredients of the day. Some fish may be unfamiliar, but they are well worth a try! And the best thing about eating at the counter is the Live experience. The sushi chef tries to serve each dish at just the right moment, which he does by a non-verbal conversation with the customer. AOKI restaurant could just be that unique sushi experience you ve been looking for.

Get ready to blow your mind with the most progressive and savory sushi imaginable for both vegetarians and nonvegetarians. Potager in Roppongi offers you sheer pleasure with artistic pieces of sushi made entirely with vegetables. Each vegetable piece accompanying citrusflavored rice is thoroughly prepared to bring out its best quality and is an eyeopener to the hidden charm of ordinary and familiar vegetables. For example, the rich and full flavor of their vibrant carrot mousse is made by slowly blazing carrots to maximize their sweetness. Vegetables used in the restaurant are supplied from producers who are personally selected by the owner chef Aya Kakizawa. Discover the new and delicious potential of vegetable-and-rice dish at this stylish and earthy restaurant.

■ Hours: Lunch 11:00-15:00 (LO 14.00) Dinner 17:00- (LO 21:30) ■ Address: Roppongi Keyakizaki Dori Roppongi Hills, 6-9-1-1F, Roppongi ■ Access: 8 min walk from Roppongi station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya line and Azabu Juban station on Toei Oedo line ■ URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/gb4j700/lang/en/

Know the Basics to Enjoy Sushi What to Order

How to Order


Like fruits and vegetables, there is a season for fish. To taste the season s delicacy, do not hesitate to ask for recommendations.

There is no specific rule for what to order first, so order what fancies you! Also, chef s recommendations never fail.

Eat it fresh before it dries out on the plate. Eat pickled ginger whenever you like. Ask for today s special as the catch changes every day.

What to Drink

How to Eat

Don ts

Most sushi restaurants offer sake, beer, shochu and soft drinks. You can experiment with matching or ask for recommendations.

You can use your chopsticks or your fingers to eat sushi. To enjoy the delicate flavor, put the soy sauce on the fish, not on rice.

Don t wear strong perfume. It kills sushi s delicate flavors. Don t dress too sexy or should you be too flirtatious. WAttention Tokyo


Warm up with Authentic Hot Pot! If you are up for something authentic, try a seasonal dish. For your stay in chilly Tokyo, warm yourself up with authentic hot pot at traditional restaurants that add memorable and cultural experience to your dining. Here is something that is authentically Japanese: sharing a big hot pot with your family or friends on a cold winter evening. Hot pot , or nabe meaning a pot in Japanese, is a versatile dish where vegetables, seafood or meat are cooked right on the table in a big pot of soup. The warmness of the dish itself offers a cozy break from cold winter days which makes

sharing nabe a fond memory for many Japanese people. As with the saying when in Rome, do as the Romans do , experience the magic of hot pot during your stay in Tokyo. The appeal of this pot dish goes beyond its warmth or nostalgia; the big variety of ingredients makes for a nutritiously balanced dish. The simmering

soup blends all the essences into something quite satisfyingly savory, so make sure to add rice or udon noodles at the end to enjoy this rich soup to the last drop - you will be surprised how much you can eat when you already feel over-stuffed! To add an extra twist to the authentic experience, venture out to the restaurants with an extraordinary setting!

Dining on the Water TAKEUCHI If there are 10 or more of you, why not go for nabe (Japanese hot-pot) on a yakatabune (house-boat)? TAKEUCHI takes you on a cruise of Tokyo Bay with magnificent views of Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo Skytree, while you sit back and enjoy typical Japanese dishes, such as tempura, sashimi and nabe. Yakatabune TAKEUCHI is a very traditional houseboat with tatami mats inside offering you a real glimpse into the entertainment of the Edo Period. ■ Hours: 11:00-19:00 ■ Address: 2-13-11, Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku ■ Access: 2 min walk from JR Hamamatsucho station, 3 min from Daimon station on Toei Ooedo and Asakusa lines, and 5 min from Shiba-Koen station on Toei Mita line ■ URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g163200/lang/en/

Travel Back to the Good Old Ddays! Ichimon Asakusa Honten Decorated with magnificent and genuine antique, this 50-year old ryokanturned restaurant makes any Japanese person nostalgic. Try a sip of their great selection of sake, and order their specialty Negima nabe a hot pot dish of a century old pairing of tuna and leek. Rich and juicy tuna from Tsukiji market melts in your mouth while premium leek refreshes your palate and adds extra texture. To add an extra kick, put a pinch of condiments -chopped wasabi and yuzu kosho (yuzu and spicy chili). Outstanding restaurants offer more than just outstanding food! ■ Hours: Mon-Fri 18:00-23:00, Sat, Sun and Holidays 17:0023:00 ■ Address: 3-12-6 Asakusa, Taito-ku ■ Access: 3 min walk from Asakusa station on Tsukuba Express line, 12 min from Tawaramachi station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line ■ URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g484000/lang/en/

18 WAttention Tokyo

Gurunavi Navigates the Future of Japanese Culinary Culture

Gurunavi s contribution to the whole culinary industry isn t limited to their restaurant search. In order to support Japanese culinary culture to flourish, they educate and connect individuals in the industry and host culinary competitions to develop the future of Japanese gourmet culture.

The Most Widely Used Restaurant Search Site in Japan Ever since Gurunavi launched their online restaurant search site in 1996, it has played the leading role in the industry. It was the first restaurant search engine of its scale and subsequently expanded into a networking, nationwide search engine by 1997. The secret of their success is due partly to developing a close relationship with the registered restaurants which allowed them to survey the flow of customers while providing the latest, most useful information to its viewers. Through thorough communication with their clients, Gurunavi has provided effective services for both the restaurants and

the viewers, as well as gaining knowledge of the food industry as a whole. Their 15 years of genuine effort and credibility is reflected and evident on the data: amazing 100,000 restaurant registry with 800,000,000 page views per month. Geared up with the knowledge of the industry from inside and out, Gurunavi expanded services such as food delivery, online shopping and professional ordersfrom relatively early stage. In 2004, to provide the service for rapidly growing population of international tourists and expats, they have launched a multilingual site in Chinese, Korean and English.

Gurunavi in Digits Number of Registered Restaurants: 107,000 Number of Registered Restaurants in English: 65,000 Monthly Page View: 870,000,000

Gurunavi s tireless effort keeps their unique and irreplaceable service progressing to navigate the industry a step ahead of the game.

Helpful Guides on Manners and Culinary History Even if you have all the information about good restaurants, it takes courage to eat at a foreign restaurant without any knowledge about the food or manners. But worry no more! Gurunavi s English search site has interesting articles on such things as food, history of certain dishes and manners. For instance, the article on Sushi offers its history, how it s made, basic manners and popular ingredients. In other words, you can locate a good restaurant and also prepare yourself with the knowledge and manners to fully enjoy the dining experience without worrying

Gurunavi Apps Search for restaurants on your smart phones! Apps now available for iOS and Android (FREE).

constantly that you may be doing something wrong. Moreover, you will be surprised how much the background history and knowledge enhances the joy of dining. Gear up for your next night out with Gurunavi articles!

Navigating the Future of Japanese Culinary Culture

As the leading company to support the food industry as a whole, Gurunavi takes itself on to the task of pioneering the future of Japanese culinary culture. Part of their projects is to educate the general

public about the environmental issues surrounding food industry in hopes to pass down healthy production methods for the next generation. Another, more festive part is hosting an annual cooking competition. Best of Menu is an annual competition for the best innovative menu for a given theme. It receives over 1,600 recipes by professional chefs from around the country and inspires even more who view the results. Gurunavi keeps the spirits enlightened for all who are involved in the culinary culture, including us.


「ぐるなびポイントクラブ」はぐるなびやレ ストランを利用することで貯まって使える おトクなポイントサービスです!1000ポイ ント以上から500円単位で「ポイントご利 用券」に換えて利用できてお得! (日本語のみで対応)

WAttention Tokyo


Warm up with Authentic Hot Pot! If you are up for something authentic, try a seasonal dish. For your stay in chilly Tokyo, warm yourself up with authentic hot pot at traditional restaurants that add memorable and cultural experience to your dining. Here is something that is authentically Japanese: sharing a big hot pot with your family or friends on a cold winter evening. Hot pot , or nabe meaning a pot in Japanese, is a versatile dish where vegetables, seafood or meat are cooked right on the table in a big pot of soup. The warmness of the dish itself offers a cozy break from cold winter days which makes

sharing nabe a fond memory for many Japanese people. As with the saying when in Rome, do as the Romans do , experience the magic of hot pot during your stay in Tokyo. The appeal of this pot dish goes beyond its warmth or nostalgia; the big variety of ingredients makes for a nutritiously balanced dish. The simmering

soup blends all the essences into something quite satisfyingly savory, so make sure to add rice or udon noodles at the end to enjoy this rich soup to the last drop - you will be surprised how much you can eat when you already feel over-stuffed! To add an extra twist to the authentic experience, venture out to the restaurants with an extraordinary setting!

Dining on the Water TAKEUCHI If there are 10 or more of you, why not go for nabe (Japanese hot-pot) on a yakatabune (house-boat)? TAKEUCHI takes you on a cruise of Tokyo Bay with magnificent views of Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo Skytree, while you sit back and enjoy typical Japanese dishes, such as tempura, sashimi and nabe. Yakatabune TAKEUCHI is a very traditional houseboat with tatami mats inside offering you a real glimpse into the entertainment of the Edo Period. ■ Hours: 11:00-19:00 ■ Address: 2-13-11, Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku ■ Access: 2 min walk from JR Hamamatsucho station, 3 min from Daimon station on Toei Ooedo and Asakusa lines, and 5 min from Shiba-Koen station on Toei Mita line ■ URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g163200/lang/en/

Travel Back to the Good Old Ddays! Ichimon Asakusa Honten Decorated with magnificent and genuine antique, this 50-year old ryokanturned restaurant makes any Japanese person nostalgic. Try a sip of their great selection of sake, and order their specialty Negima nabe a hot pot dish of a century old pairing of tuna and leek. Rich and juicy tuna from Tsukiji market melts in your mouth while premium leek refreshes your palate and adds extra texture. To add an extra kick, put a pinch of condiments -chopped wasabi and yuzu kosho (yuzu and spicy chili). Outstanding restaurants offer more than just outstanding food! ■ Hours: Mon-Fri 18:00-23:00, Sat, Sun and Holidays 17:0023:00 ■ Address: 3-12-6 Asakusa, Taito-ku ■ Access: 3 min walk from Asakusa station on Tsukuba Express line, 12 min from Tawaramachi station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line ■ URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g484000/lang/en/

18 WAttention Tokyo

Gurunavi Navigates the Future of Japanese Culinary Culture

Gurunavi s contribution to the whole culinary industry isn t limited to their restaurant search. In order to support Japanese culinary culture to flourish, they educate and connect individuals in the industry and host culinary competitions to develop the future of Japanese gourmet culture.

The Most Widely Used Restaurant Search Site in Japan Ever since Gurunavi launched their online restaurant search site in 1996, it has played the leading role in the industry. It was the first restaurant search engine of its scale and subsequently expanded into a networking, nationwide search engine by 1997. The secret of their success is due partly to developing a close relationship with the registered restaurants which allowed them to survey the flow of customers while providing the latest, most useful information to its viewers. Through thorough communication with their clients, Gurunavi has provided effective services for both the restaurants and

the viewers, as well as gaining knowledge of the food industry as a whole. Their 15 years of genuine effort and credibility is reflected and evident on the data: amazing 100,000 restaurant registry with 800,000,000 page views per month. Geared up with the knowledge of the industry from inside and out, Gurunavi expanded services such as food delivery, online shopping and professional ordersfrom relatively early stage. In 2004, to provide the service for rapidly growing population of international tourists and expats, they have launched a multilingual site in Chinese, Korean and English.

Gurunavi in Digits Number of Registered Restaurants: 107,000 Number of Registered Restaurants in English: 65,000 Monthly Page View: 870,000,000

Gurunavi s tireless effort keeps their unique and irreplaceable service progressing to navigate the industry a step ahead of the game.

Helpful Guides on Manners and Culinary History Even if you have all the information about good restaurants, it takes courage to eat at a foreign restaurant without any knowledge about the food or manners. But worry no more! Gurunavi s English search site has interesting articles on such things as food, history of certain dishes and manners. For instance, the article on Sushi offers its history, how it s made, basic manners and popular ingredients. In other words, you can locate a good restaurant and also prepare yourself with the knowledge and manners to fully enjoy the dining experience without worrying

Gurunavi Apps Search for restaurants on your smart phones! Apps now available for iOS and Android (FREE).

constantly that you may be doing something wrong. Moreover, you will be surprised how much the background history and knowledge enhances the joy of dining. Gear up for your next night out with Gurunavi articles!

Navigating the Future of Japanese Culinary Culture

As the leading company to support the food industry as a whole, Gurunavi takes itself on to the task of pioneering the future of Japanese culinary culture. Part of their projects is to educate the general

public about the environmental issues surrounding food industry in hopes to pass down healthy production methods for the next generation. Another, more festive part is hosting an annual cooking competition. Best of Menu is an annual competition for the best innovative menu for a given theme. It receives over 1,600 recipes by professional chefs from around the country and inspires even more who view the results. Gurunavi keeps the spirits enlightened for all who are involved in the culinary culture, including us.


「ぐるなびポイントクラブ」はぐるなびやレ ストランを利用することで貯まって使える おトクなポイントサービスです!1000ポイ ント以上から500円単位で「ポイントご利 用券」に換えて利用できてお得! (日本語のみで対応)

WAttention Tokyo


Premium Japanese Pub Ookuro Building 2F, Ebisu 1-8-14, Shibuya-ku 渋谷区恵比寿1-8-14大黒ビル 2F

TEL: 03-3444-5511 (English speaking staff available) Hours: 16:00-5:00 (Mon-Sat), 16:00~23:00 (Sun and holidays) http://www.dedesuke.com/ebisu/ (Credit cards accepted)

Ebisu Dedesuke

恵 比 寿でで すけ


Store manager Mr. Sakamoto (top) and Chef Mr. Kato (below)

1. Chicken broth hotpot: 1,700 Yen 2. Beef udon noodle: 500 Ye 3. Deep-fried chicken: 850 Yen Roast Wagyu beef: 1,300 Yen Japanese braised pork: 950 Yen



The Essence of Premium Izakaya: Dine and Relax プレミアム居酒屋の真髄を味わう Ebisu Dedesuke is definitely not your run-of-the-mill izakaya. Izakaya, or Japanese pubs, are the perfect place to dine and relax after a long day at work. If that sounds like something you would like to try, Dedesuke is one of the best places to start. The place is known for its reasonably priced meat dishes and homemade udon noodles. As you step inside, you will be guided to a counter seat or a booth that seats four or more. Decorated with seasonal touches, the interior exudes a relaxed atmosphere. After you sit down, you will be served a small appetizer, or otooshi, that acts as a table charge. Here at Dedesuke, otooshi is a delicacy unto itself. Fresh vegetables are meticulously cut and served with red miso, making it a great compliment to the upcoming feast! Dedesuke is most proud of its premium chicken and Wagyu beef, which are carefully charcoal-cooked with high quality 20 WAttention Tokyo

Binchotan charcoal. Fried chicken is juicy and served with two kinds of original spices. During the winter months, we suggest the chicken broth hotpot that will warm your body from within. As a change of pace, Dedesuke also serves home-made udon noodles that are freshly prepared everyday. To everyone s surprise, they even have pizza made from the same wheat flour as their udon noodles! Needless to say, Dedesuke has a great selection of Japanese sake, and offers two nomihodai - bottomless drinks - courses with different selection of sake. Since Dedesuke is at one-minute walk from Ebisu station, it attracts many business men and women, and couples who come here after work. It is also a perfect place for a second or even third round of a party too good to end! Last but not least, the founder himself created the word Dedesuke that means

satisfying customer by working hard steadily . Doubtlessly the best way to understand the essence of Dedesuke, is simply to go there yourself. The store manager Mr. Sakamoto and chef Mr. Kato will be there to welcome you!  星の数ほどある東京の居酒屋。となると胃袋とお財 布、そして気持ちを満足させるのが大問題。ひとつの正 解が「でですけ」だ。素材にこだわった美味しい肉料 理とシコシコのうどんをリーズナブルに食べられるのだか ら。一番人気はオリジナルの鳥の唐揚げ。JR 恵比寿 駅西口から徒歩 30 秒という立地もすごいが、朝五時ま での営業も有り難い。大勢でワイワイするときには二時 間飲み放題というコースを。もちろん予約がベスト。

Redefining Tokyo/esque with edginess


powered by EDGY JAPAN

Time saving, Tokyo way 東京流時間節約術 Hiroki Yanagisawa / EDGY JAPAN

Norikae Annai

(Android App)

https://play.google.com/ store/apps/details?id=jp. co.yahoo.android.apps.transit

Japanese people, especially the ones living in Tokyo – synonymous to the busy ones –, are picky on how the time is being used. When they are lining up at a convenience store most of them cannot tolerate to wait for more than a minute. As its counter measure, the lunchtime hour of a convenience store transforms to something like Wal-Mart –– cashers are operating in full throttle to manage the crowd. Such effort by a service provider stretches to a train network-related service. When waiting a train at any platform in the center Tokyo, it is hard to miss this vertically elongated poster. This is a chart, showing the most convenient car to get on when accessing to an exit, or make a transfer at each station. This tool is not only great for time savers, but also for people on a wheel chair. It also shows a location of an elevator, allowing them to access to it swiftly. Can this sophistication get any better? Well, there is an app for that. Yahoo! Japan has an Android app, titled Norikae Annai (train transfer guide). This app is connected to a train timetable database and once a user is on a train and select a destination station – the alarm will sound right before the


A Chart at JR East Ebisu Station. On this chart, blue shade is the nearest car for an elevator, pink shade is the nearest car for a staircase. Some smart phone apps provide quickest train transfer and have alarm functions.

arrival. What is the use? Not only one will not miss the stop, but he/she can also get to sleep until the last minute.  東京人は忙しがり。無駄な時間はできるだけなくしたい。その望み を叶えるべく都心部の駅の多くには素晴らしいものが存在する。これ から乗る列車が止まる各駅の乗り換え口や出口の位置が車両別に描 かれているのだ。これさえあれば、プラットフォームで時間を無駄にする こともない。この他にも時間を有効活用するためのアプリが存在する。

Yahoo! Japan は「乗換案内」というアプリ(アンドロイド専用)を公開。 列車を検索し、目的駅にアラームを設定すれば、到着直前に音やバイ ブレーションで知らせてくれるのだ。駅を間違えないだけではなく、ギリギ リまで電車で寝ることができる─。忙しい東京人に向けたサービスだ。

EDGY JAPAN EDGY JAPAN is a Japanese creative resource agency, introducing and connecting Japanese creative talents and products to the world in English and Putonghua. Founded in 2008 by Hiroki Yanagisawa and Yasutaka Kageyama. EDGY JAPANは日本のクリエイターを英語と中国語で紹介し、実際に海 外のクライアントとつないでいくクリエイティブ・リソース・エージェンシ ー。2008年に柳澤大樹と影山泰考により設立。

www.edgyjapan.jp @edgyjapan info@edgyjapan.jp

WAttention Tokyo


When you’re feeling a little down, take a flow of extra Qi! 気を感じる東京のスポット


Shinto-style Wedding If you are lucky, you may be able to witness a beautiful wedding procession at Tokyo Daijingu when you visit. The shrine, as mentioned earlier, was the first to offer a wedding ceremony to common people, thus revolutionizing wedding ceremonies which had previously been held at family homes. The sophisticated and dignified Shinto-style wedding initially put people off. However, many improvements over the years have made it a standard amongst marrying couples, sharing its popularity with ceremonies held at Christian churches. At Tokyo Daijingu, the wedding ceremony is hosted by Shinto priests, male and female attendants, and traditional gagaku musicians. One of the highlights

Tokyo Daijingu

The greatest Shinto gods enshrined …and crowded with girls in quest for love!?

Discover the wonders of a small shrine in Tokyo that is home to prominent Shinto gods, an innovator of shrine wedding and lures people in quest for love.

in the ceremony that had also been the central part of domestic weddings, is san-san-kudo , a symbolic ritual where the marrying couple shares sips of sake from the same cups. At the shrine, the ritual is accompanied by celebrative yet solemn gagaku music, and followed by a special dance. This dance, Toyosaka no Mai (dance of richness and prosperity), is performed by the female attendants or miko . While these ceremonies are held inside, you may get a glimpse of the wedding procession outside, led by the priest and the attendants dressed in vibrant traditional costumes. The beautiful bride in her stunning wedding kimono will make you want to have a ceremony at a shrine, too!

Read Your Fortune!

Get an amulet to bring protection and good luck!

A Prominent and Distinguished Shrine Love provides us a perpetual inspiration to do just about anything. It has caused a decline of great empires while encouraging creative minds to produce world renown masterpieces. In Japan, love converts barely religious youths into devoted, and often giggly, worshippers. As the local saying suggests seek Gods when you re in trouble (even if you are not usually religious) , many lovestruck Japanese women, and sometimes men too, take a desperate pilgrimage to temples and shrines around the country to seek divine assistance. Tokyo Daijingu is one such destination: a shrine for young women dreaming of Mr. Charming. Despite being hidden amongst Tokyo s office buildings and always crowded with young girls, Tokyo Daijingu has a surprisingly distinguished origin and religious significance in the city. To those who are more genuine worshippers, the shrine is known as Tokyo s O-Ise-sama , an endearing term for the 22 WAttention Tokyo

grandest shrine in the Shinto belief. The true Ise Jingu enshrines two of the most important deities; the ancestral deity of the Imperial Family and the people of Japan, Amaterasu-Sume-Ohmikakmi, and the guardian deity of agriculture and industry, Toyouke-no-Ohmikami. As it happens, Tokyo Daijingu enshrines the same deities. During ancient times, Ise Jingu was the destination of a pilgrimage people from around the country dreamed of taking to offer a prayer to its deities, like Haji for Muslims. Unfortunately, the 2-week trip which covered 500km each way, posed difficulty to those who lived in Tokyo (Edo). In 1880, Emperor Meiji approved the establishment of the second Ise Jingu-like shrine in Tokyo for people to fulfill their desire to offer their prayers. In 1901, to commemorate the previous year s Imperial wedding, Tokyo Daijingu became the first shrine to host a Shinto-style wedding to the public. This


started a popular trend amongst marrying couples. Today, over a century later, Tokyo Daijingu is regarded as one of the most prominent shrines in the city. It is believed that it brings a wide variety of good luck, from family prosperity to business and educational success, and of course to good relationships and reproduction.  恋愛の悩みに国境はない。恋に胸焦がす男女が「神 頼み」に訪れるのが飯田橋にある東京大神宮。良縁の ご利益があるとして大人気だが、伊勢神宮の遥拝殿 として明治天皇のご裁断で創建された格式高い神社 だ。一般向けに初めて神前結婚式を行い、広めたこと でも知られる。恋する乙女たちが集うこの神社には、興 味深い日本の文化が詰まっているのだ。

Write your wish on ema for it to come true!

One fun activity found at shrines is reading your fortune. Tokyo Daijingu is just the place for it as it boasting over 10 varieties including a fortune written in English! In the courtyard, you ll find rows of unique paper fortunes, omikuji, each specializing in different matters. Take a step into the crowds of young girls, and hopeful young men in business suits, and sneak a peek at what awaits you in the future! Get a bad fortune? You can keep it

If you get a bad fortune, you can leave it tied at the shrine.

with you as a warning or tie it to a string at the shrine (as some believe it can carry bad luck as well). For extra luck, you can purchase a cute amulet, too. They are supposed to protect you from bad luck and bring good fortune for the year. With the turn of the year, the amulets need to be renewed while the old ones are to be burned at a shrine. Will it be affective? There is only one way to find out: try it yourself!

Tokyo Daijingu •Address: 2-4-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku •Access: 3 min walk from the West Exit of Iidabashi station on JR Sobu/Chuo line. 5 min walk from Iidabashi station on Tokyo Metro Yurakucho, Nanboku and Tozai lines and Toei Oedo line. •http://www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp/english/ index.html WAttention Tokyo


When you’re feeling a little down, take a flow of extra Qi! 気を感じる東京のスポット


Shinto-style Wedding If you are lucky, you may be able to witness a beautiful wedding procession at Tokyo Daijingu when you visit. The shrine, as mentioned earlier, was the first to offer a wedding ceremony to common people, thus revolutionizing wedding ceremonies which had previously been held at family homes. The sophisticated and dignified Shinto-style wedding initially put people off. However, many improvements over the years have made it a standard amongst marrying couples, sharing its popularity with ceremonies held at Christian churches. At Tokyo Daijingu, the wedding ceremony is hosted by Shinto priests, male and female attendants, and traditional gagaku musicians. One of the highlights

Tokyo Daijingu

The greatest Shinto gods enshrined …and crowded with girls in quest for love!?

Discover the wonders of a small shrine in Tokyo that is home to prominent Shinto gods, an innovator of shrine wedding and lures people in quest for love.

in the ceremony that had also been the central part of domestic weddings, is san-san-kudo , a symbolic ritual where the marrying couple shares sips of sake from the same cups. At the shrine, the ritual is accompanied by celebrative yet solemn gagaku music, and followed by a special dance. This dance, Toyosaka no Mai (dance of richness and prosperity), is performed by the female attendants or miko . While these ceremonies are held inside, you may get a glimpse of the wedding procession outside, led by the priest and the attendants dressed in vibrant traditional costumes. The beautiful bride in her stunning wedding kimono will make you want to have a ceremony at a shrine, too!

Read Your Fortune!

Get an amulet to bring protection and good luck!

A Prominent and Distinguished Shrine Love provides us a perpetual inspiration to do just about anything. It has caused a decline of great empires while encouraging creative minds to produce world renown masterpieces. In Japan, love converts barely religious youths into devoted, and often giggly, worshippers. As the local saying suggests seek Gods when you re in trouble (even if you are not usually religious) , many lovestruck Japanese women, and sometimes men too, take a desperate pilgrimage to temples and shrines around the country to seek divine assistance. Tokyo Daijingu is one such destination: a shrine for young women dreaming of Mr. Charming. Despite being hidden amongst Tokyo s office buildings and always crowded with young girls, Tokyo Daijingu has a surprisingly distinguished origin and religious significance in the city. To those who are more genuine worshippers, the shrine is known as Tokyo s O-Ise-sama , an endearing term for the 22 WAttention Tokyo

grandest shrine in the Shinto belief. The true Ise Jingu enshrines two of the most important deities; the ancestral deity of the Imperial Family and the people of Japan, Amaterasu-Sume-Ohmikakmi, and the guardian deity of agriculture and industry, Toyouke-no-Ohmikami. As it happens, Tokyo Daijingu enshrines the same deities. During ancient times, Ise Jingu was the destination of a pilgrimage people from around the country dreamed of taking to offer a prayer to its deities, like Haji for Muslims. Unfortunately, the 2-week trip which covered 500km each way, posed difficulty to those who lived in Tokyo (Edo). In 1880, Emperor Meiji approved the establishment of the second Ise Jingu-like shrine in Tokyo for people to fulfill their desire to offer their prayers. In 1901, to commemorate the previous year s Imperial wedding, Tokyo Daijingu became the first shrine to host a Shinto-style wedding to the public. This


started a popular trend amongst marrying couples. Today, over a century later, Tokyo Daijingu is regarded as one of the most prominent shrines in the city. It is believed that it brings a wide variety of good luck, from family prosperity to business and educational success, and of course to good relationships and reproduction.  恋愛の悩みに国境はない。恋に胸焦がす男女が「神 頼み」に訪れるのが飯田橋にある東京大神宮。良縁の ご利益があるとして大人気だが、伊勢神宮の遥拝殿 として明治天皇のご裁断で創建された格式高い神社 だ。一般向けに初めて神前結婚式を行い、広めたこと でも知られる。恋する乙女たちが集うこの神社には、興 味深い日本の文化が詰まっているのだ。

Write your wish on ema for it to come true!

One fun activity found at shrines is reading your fortune. Tokyo Daijingu is just the place for it as it boasting over 10 varieties including a fortune written in English! In the courtyard, you ll find rows of unique paper fortunes, omikuji, each specializing in different matters. Take a step into the crowds of young girls, and hopeful young men in business suits, and sneak a peek at what awaits you in the future! Get a bad fortune? You can keep it

If you get a bad fortune, you can leave it tied at the shrine.

with you as a warning or tie it to a string at the shrine (as some believe it can carry bad luck as well). For extra luck, you can purchase a cute amulet, too. They are supposed to protect you from bad luck and bring good fortune for the year. With the turn of the year, the amulets need to be renewed while the old ones are to be burned at a shrine. Will it be affective? There is only one way to find out: try it yourself!

Tokyo Daijingu •Address: 2-4-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku •Access: 3 min walk from the West Exit of Iidabashi station on JR Sobu/Chuo line. 5 min walk from Iidabashi station on Tokyo Metro Yurakucho, Nanboku and Tozai lines and Toei Oedo line. •http://www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp/english/ index.html WAttention Tokyo






Theme Park Wonderland Chiba boasts three major theme parks that have different attractions to offer. For those who seek cool farm air, Mother Farm is an oasis away from the concrete jungle where both the young and old can get closer to nature. Enjoy an encounter with a variety of farm animals, seasonal flowers, fruit picking and other interesting hands-on experiences. Don t forget to taste their fresh and delicious ice cream and barbeque! Need an escape into the fantasy world? Then get mesmerized by outstanding parades at Tokyo Disney Sea! For extra adrenaline rush, try thrilling rides like Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull. For unique souvenirs, visit Bon Voyage, the official Disney goods speciality store. If you re looking for a more relaxing day, Kamogawa Sea World on the shore of magnificent Pacific awaits you with famous performances by killer whales, dolphins, belugas and comical sea lions! Along with about 11,000 marine creatures from 800 different species, you can see the baby killer whale born in July swimming side by side with the mother!



All the adventure is for you to discover Located at the eastern edge of the South Kanto region and surrounded by the sea, Chiba has beautiful scenery and mind blowing theme parks to help you make your holidays unforgettable!

•Hours: (Feb to Nov) Mon-Fri 9:30-16:30 Sat&Sun 9:00-17:00, (Dec to Jan) Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00 Sat&Sun 9:3016:00 •Address: 940-3, Tagura, Futtsu City •Admission Fee: 1500 yen (adult), 800 yen (child) •Access: Free shuttle (reservation required) from JR Kimitsu station on Uchibo line •URL: http://www.motherfarm.co.jp/en/

Tokyo Disney Resort

Kamogawa Seaworld

•Hours: 9:00-22:00 (time varies. Check the calendar for the latest schedules) •Address: Maihama, Urayasu •Admission: 6200 yen for adult 1-Day Passpor t •Access: Maihama station on JR Keiyo and Musashino lines. •URL: http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/en/ index.html

•Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (9:00-16:00 during winter) •Address: 1464-18 Higashi-cho, Kamogawa •Admission Fee: Adults ¥2800, Child ¥1400 •Tickets sold only until one hour prior to closing time •Access: 5 min by free shuttle bus from Awa Kamogawa Station on JR Sotobo Line •URL: http://www.kamogawaseaworld.jp/english/index.html

Get Cultured

Paradisiacal Nature One of Chiba s many attractions is definitely its vast natural habitat. The ocean surrounding half of the prefecture provides exciting marine activities including surfing. For a magnificent view, take a ropeway to the top of Mt. Nokogiri in Boso Peninsula where you can take in the spectacular 360-degree view of the surrounding areas, and even as far as Mt. Fuji on a clear day. Or enjoy the landscape from the middle of the ocean at Umihotaru on the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, the amazing tunnel-bridge that crosses the Bay.

Mother Farm

For the local delicacies, try their fresh and abundant seafood. Ise-ebi or tasty Japanese lobster is savory in any style of preparation; sashimi, grilled or steamed! The warm climate of Boso Peninsula makes it perfect for growing flowers and vegetables. You can see the vibrant colors of flowers cover the peninsula from early spring. Fruit is found in plenty, so come to pick and taste the freshest ones possible for yourself! For extra tropical experience, visit Nanbo Paradise with countless exotic plants and animals!

Nokogiriyama Ropeway Be the first to ride the new car debuing in December! •Hours: Every 15 min between 9:00-17:00 (2/16-11/15) 9:00-16:00 (11/16-2/15) •Address: 4052-1 Kanaya, Futtsu• Tickets: 500 yen (one way) / 900 yen (return) •Access: 8 min from Hanakanaya station on JR Uchibo line •http://www.mt-nokogiri.co.jp/pc/p130000. php

Inae in Sawara city •Hours: 10:30-17:00 Closed Wed and New Year Holidays •Address: Sawara I 511, Katori •Access: 10 min walk from Sawara station on JR Narita line

Chiba has a number of towns that became wealthy as a supplier of various products to the capital for centuries, and it is still evident in their environs. The beautiful landscape of Sawara s centuries-old architecture webbed with canals never lets you down in wonderment of its intricacies. You can witness the town s love for local history at Inae, a aged traditional house turned shops, café and gallery that sell local products. If you are here for the summer or autumn, make sure to experience Sawara Taisai or Sawara Big Float Festival that the town is famous for. For a full meal, head over to Kittei, a restaurant in a converted old traditional house and treat yourself to delicious

French cuisine made with seasonal local ingredients. Chiba has been one of the greatest soy sauce producers for over a century. While mega-scale soy sauce factories like Kikkoman produce it in modernized facilities, Miya Shoyu Shop has kept the traditional way. Taste the difference in the flavour of their award-winning soy sauce! If you have a few hours to kill at Narita Airport, venture out for a traditional walk through majestic Shinsho-ji, a temple established in the 10th century. To end a culturally inspiring day, experience Geisha performance! Ask a tourist agent or front desk of your hotel for reservation. Miya Shoyu Shop •Address: 247 Sanuki, Futtsu •Kazusa Murasaki- 330 yen for a 360ml bottle•Access: 15 m i n w a l k f r o m Sanukimachi station on JR Uchibo line

Nanbo Paradise •Hours: 9:00-17:00 •Address: 1495 Fujiwara, Tateyama •Fee: 800 yen for adult •Access: 20 min taxi ride from Tateyama station on JR Uchibo line •URL: http://nan-para.com/ (Japanese only) 24 WAttention Tokyo

Shinsho-ji •Address: 1 Narita, Narita •Access: 10 min walk from JR and Keisei Narita stations Geisha performance WAttention Tokyo






Theme Park Wonderland Chiba boasts three major theme parks that have different attractions to offer. For those who seek cool farm air, Mother Farm is an oasis away from the concrete jungle where both the young and old can get closer to nature. Enjoy an encounter with a variety of farm animals, seasonal flowers, fruit picking and other interesting hands-on experiences. Don t forget to taste their fresh and delicious ice cream and barbeque! Need an escape into the fantasy world? Then get mesmerized by outstanding parades at Tokyo Disney Sea! For extra adrenaline rush, try thrilling rides like Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull. For unique souvenirs, visit Bon Voyage, the official Disney goods speciality store. If you re looking for a more relaxing day, Kamogawa Sea World on the shore of magnificent Pacific awaits you with famous performances by killer whales, dolphins, belugas and comical sea lions! Along with about 11,000 marine creatures from 800 different species, you can see the baby killer whale born in July swimming side by side with the mother!



All the adventure is for you to discover Located at the eastern edge of the South Kanto region and surrounded by the sea, Chiba has beautiful scenery and mind blowing theme parks to help you make your holidays unforgettable!

•Hours: (Feb to Nov) Mon-Fri 9:30-16:30 Sat&Sun 9:00-17:00, (Dec to Jan) Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00 Sat&Sun 9:3016:00 •Address: 940-3, Tagura, Futtsu City •Admission Fee: 1500 yen (adult), 800 yen (child) •Access: Free shuttle (reservation required) from JR Kimitsu station on Uchibo line •URL: http://www.motherfarm.co.jp/en/

Tokyo Disney Resort

Kamogawa Seaworld

•Hours: 9:00-22:00 (time varies. Check the calendar for the latest schedules) •Address: Maihama, Urayasu •Admission: 6200 yen for adult 1-Day Passpor t •Access: Maihama station on JR Keiyo and Musashino lines. •URL: http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/en/ index.html

•Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (9:00-16:00 during winter) •Address: 1464-18 Higashi-cho, Kamogawa •Admission Fee: Adults ¥2800, Child ¥1400 •Tickets sold only until one hour prior to closing time •Access: 5 min by free shuttle bus from Awa Kamogawa Station on JR Sotobo Line •URL: http://www.kamogawaseaworld.jp/english/index.html

Get Cultured

Paradisiacal Nature One of Chiba s many attractions is definitely its vast natural habitat. The ocean surrounding half of the prefecture provides exciting marine activities including surfing. For a magnificent view, take a ropeway to the top of Mt. Nokogiri in Boso Peninsula where you can take in the spectacular 360-degree view of the surrounding areas, and even as far as Mt. Fuji on a clear day. Or enjoy the landscape from the middle of the ocean at Umihotaru on the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, the amazing tunnel-bridge that crosses the Bay.

Mother Farm

For the local delicacies, try their fresh and abundant seafood. Ise-ebi or tasty Japanese lobster is savory in any style of preparation; sashimi, grilled or steamed! The warm climate of Boso Peninsula makes it perfect for growing flowers and vegetables. You can see the vibrant colors of flowers cover the peninsula from early spring. Fruit is found in plenty, so come to pick and taste the freshest ones possible for yourself! For extra tropical experience, visit Nanbo Paradise with countless exotic plants and animals!

Nokogiriyama Ropeway Be the first to ride the new car debuing in December! •Hours: Every 15 min between 9:00-17:00 (2/16-11/15) 9:00-16:00 (11/16-2/15) •Address: 4052-1 Kanaya, Futtsu• Tickets: 500 yen (one way) / 900 yen (return) •Access: 8 min from Hanakanaya station on JR Uchibo line •http://www.mt-nokogiri.co.jp/pc/p130000. php

Inae in Sawara city •Hours: 10:30-17:00 Closed Wed and New Year Holidays •Address: Sawara I 511, Katori •Access: 10 min walk from Sawara station on JR Narita line

Chiba has a number of towns that became wealthy as a supplier of various products to the capital for centuries, and it is still evident in their environs. The beautiful landscape of Sawara s centuries-old architecture webbed with canals never lets you down in wonderment of its intricacies. You can witness the town s love for local history at Inae, a aged traditional house turned shops, café and gallery that sell local products. If you are here for the summer or autumn, make sure to experience Sawara Taisai or Sawara Big Float Festival that the town is famous for. For a full meal, head over to Kittei, a restaurant in a converted old traditional house and treat yourself to delicious

French cuisine made with seasonal local ingredients. Chiba has been one of the greatest soy sauce producers for over a century. While mega-scale soy sauce factories like Kikkoman produce it in modernized facilities, Miya Shoyu Shop has kept the traditional way. Taste the difference in the flavour of their award-winning soy sauce! If you have a few hours to kill at Narita Airport, venture out for a traditional walk through majestic Shinsho-ji, a temple established in the 10th century. To end a culturally inspiring day, experience Geisha performance! Ask a tourist agent or front desk of your hotel for reservation. Miya Shoyu Shop •Address: 247 Sanuki, Futtsu •Kazusa Murasaki- 330 yen for a 360ml bottle•Access: 15 m i n w a l k f r o m Sanukimachi station on JR Uchibo line

Nanbo Paradise •Hours: 9:00-17:00 •Address: 1495 Fujiwara, Tateyama •Fee: 800 yen for adult •Access: 20 min taxi ride from Tateyama station on JR Uchibo line •URL: http://nan-para.com/ (Japanese only) 24 WAttention Tokyo

Shinsho-ji •Address: 1 Narita, Narita •Access: 10 min walk from JR and Keisei Narita stations Geisha performance WAttention Tokyo


Useful Tips for Using Public Transport in and around Tokyo

The renovated Tokyo Station welcomes you with its original illustration/ Rena Sato

Tokyo s train network: complexity vs. convenience



Though traveling through Tokyo s tangled railway network may be a daunting task, the expansive network offers unrivaled accessibility. Here are some tips to help you out! Tip 1

JR / Tokyo Metro / Toei Subway Main railway operators in Tokyo Three major railway operators serve the Metropolitan area: JR or Japan Railway Company (of which JR East serves the great Kanto region including the bullet trains), Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway. They interconnect with each other, and

Tip 2

Tip 4

Opened in 1914, Tokyo Station was designed by famous Japanese architect, Kingo Tatsuno, who also designed the headquarters for the Bank of Japan. As a testament to its strength, Tokyo Station was all but unscathed by the great Kanto earthquake that struck Tokyo in 1923. Despite its survival of the earthquake, the station was not spared from man-made disasters. During the Second World War, severe bombing to the city destroyed its third floor and the stylish domes that stood at the rooftop on May 25th, 1945. Though restoration work started in 1946, the station building has only now been restored fully to its former glory. In 2003, the Marunouchi building of Tokyo Station was designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan, and subsequently the restoration started

in May 2007. With the grand opening on October 1st, 2012, Tokyo Station returned to its original finesse, 67 years after its destruction. The restored yellow-colored dome are back to prove the revival of its golden age. Outstanding features, such as the reliefs of 8 animals on the 12 earthly branches at the corners of the dome, make Tokyo Station worthy to be designated as a World Heritage Site one day.

together cover most of the central area. However, since each of them requires different tickets, transferring across different rail services ends up costly. Stick with one as much as possible if you re on a budget.

Suica / PASMO Rechargeable smart card for public transportation Suica and PASMO save the hassle of buying tickets. These rechargeable smart cards are sold and recharged at ticket machines at train stations, and get you on most public transportation systems in Greater Tokyo. Although the

Tip 3

Beyond its logistical function, Tokyo Station has become a popular tourism spot as its red-brick Marunouchi building is restored to its original appearance.

card costs 2,000 yen including 500 yen deposit and 1,500 yen credit, you can claim back the deposit and remaining credit (minus 210 yen handling charges) at the ticket counter at the end of your trip.

Money saving day passes Must-buy for tourists who want unlimited travel for an entire day If you plan to travel a lot on railways in the city, use a day pass to save money:

Child 350 yen) •Tokyo Tour Ticket (Adult 1,580 yen; Child 790 yen): 1-Day pass on all three railways.

•JR: Tokyo Metropolitan District Pass (Adult 760 yen; Child 360 yen) •Tokyo Metro: 1-Day Open Ticket (Adult 710 yen; Child 360 yen) •Toei Subway: 1-Day economy pass (Adult 700 yen;

Tokyo Metro offers international visitors extra discounts on their passes at the international terminals of Narita and Haneda Airports. •One-day: Adult 600 yen; Child 300 yen •Two-day: Adult 980 yen; Child 490 yen

Direction and transfer guide Be prepared! Get some help online. The following sites offer a convenient tool to figure out the direction to your destination. Enter the stations of the origin and destination, and they will display the

26 WAttention Tokyo

available routes, fares, required travel time and arrival time. Google Map (https://maps.google.com/) Norikae Annai (http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/)

Tokyo, Check! Wait! What about Otemachi? Nijubashimae? A public transportation map makes Tokyo seem to be served only by JR and Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line. Actually, Tokyo Station is directly connected to several neighboring metro stations that go by different names. In fact, they are located so close to each other that it saves you time to transfer trains if you know these handy connection tips. Check the map or information billboards carefully to avoid getting lost in complicated undergrounds passages! Tip 1

From JR line Tok yo station: walk through Marunouchi underground north entrance, you will easily find Tokyo Metro Tozai line Otemachi (T-09) mere minutes away.

The renovated Tokyo Station serves foreign travelers well. In the Marunouchi North Entrance, you will find JR East Japan Travel Service Center that provides ticket and sightseeing information by employees who speak English, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean. In addition, you can check or arrange luggage delivery, and exchange most major currencies at the currency exchange counter. If you are a discerning traveler looking for a hideaway, Tokyo Station Hotel is right here for you. The hotel is directly connected to the Tokyo Station Marunouchi south entrance. Souvenirs for your loved ones? Head to First Avenue Tokyo Station under the Yaesu entrance where you can find gourmet sweets, ramen noodles and unique souvenirs.

Tip 2

From Tok yo Metro Marunouchi line Tok yo station (M-17): walk through the Gyoko underground passage(行幸地下通路). In around 10 minutes you reach Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line Nijubashimae station (C-10), and Toei Subway Mita line Otemachi station (I-09).

WAttention Tokyo


Useful Tips for Using Public Transport in and around Tokyo

The renovated Tokyo Station welcomes you with its original illustration/ Rena Sato

Tokyo s train network: complexity vs. convenience



Though traveling through Tokyo s tangled railway network may be a daunting task, the expansive network offers unrivaled accessibility. Here are some tips to help you out! Tip 1

JR / Tokyo Metro / Toei Subway Main railway operators in Tokyo Three major railway operators serve the Metropolitan area: JR or Japan Railway Company (of which JR East serves the great Kanto region including the bullet trains), Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway. They interconnect with each other, and

Tip 2

Tip 4

Opened in 1914, Tokyo Station was designed by famous Japanese architect, Kingo Tatsuno, who also designed the headquarters for the Bank of Japan. As a testament to its strength, Tokyo Station was all but unscathed by the great Kanto earthquake that struck Tokyo in 1923. Despite its survival of the earthquake, the station was not spared from man-made disasters. During the Second World War, severe bombing to the city destroyed its third floor and the stylish domes that stood at the rooftop on May 25th, 1945. Though restoration work started in 1946, the station building has only now been restored fully to its former glory. In 2003, the Marunouchi building of Tokyo Station was designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan, and subsequently the restoration started

in May 2007. With the grand opening on October 1st, 2012, Tokyo Station returned to its original finesse, 67 years after its destruction. The restored yellow-colored dome are back to prove the revival of its golden age. Outstanding features, such as the reliefs of 8 animals on the 12 earthly branches at the corners of the dome, make Tokyo Station worthy to be designated as a World Heritage Site one day.

together cover most of the central area. However, since each of them requires different tickets, transferring across different rail services ends up costly. Stick with one as much as possible if you re on a budget.

Suica / PASMO Rechargeable smart card for public transportation Suica and PASMO save the hassle of buying tickets. These rechargeable smart cards are sold and recharged at ticket machines at train stations, and get you on most public transportation systems in Greater Tokyo. Although the

Tip 3

Beyond its logistical function, Tokyo Station has become a popular tourism spot as its red-brick Marunouchi building is restored to its original appearance.

card costs 2,000 yen including 500 yen deposit and 1,500 yen credit, you can claim back the deposit and remaining credit (minus 210 yen handling charges) at the ticket counter at the end of your trip.

Money saving day passes Must-buy for tourists who want unlimited travel for an entire day If you plan to travel a lot on railways in the city, use a day pass to save money:

Child 350 yen) •Tokyo Tour Ticket (Adult 1,580 yen; Child 790 yen): 1-Day pass on all three railways.

•JR: Tokyo Metropolitan District Pass (Adult 760 yen; Child 360 yen) •Tokyo Metro: 1-Day Open Ticket (Adult 710 yen; Child 360 yen) •Toei Subway: 1-Day economy pass (Adult 700 yen;

Tokyo Metro offers international visitors extra discounts on their passes at the international terminals of Narita and Haneda Airports. •One-day: Adult 600 yen; Child 300 yen •Two-day: Adult 980 yen; Child 490 yen

Direction and transfer guide Be prepared! Get some help online. The following sites offer a convenient tool to figure out the direction to your destination. Enter the stations of the origin and destination, and they will display the

26 WAttention Tokyo

available routes, fares, required travel time and arrival time. Google Map (https://maps.google.com/) Norikae Annai (http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/)

Tokyo, Check! Wait! What about Otemachi? Nijubashimae? A public transportation map makes Tokyo seem to be served only by JR and Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line. Actually, Tokyo Station is directly connected to several neighboring metro stations that go by different names. In fact, they are located so close to each other that it saves you time to transfer trains if you know these handy connection tips. Check the map or information billboards carefully to avoid getting lost in complicated undergrounds passages! Tip 1

From JR line Tok yo station: walk through Marunouchi underground north entrance, you will easily find Tokyo Metro Tozai line Otemachi (T-09) mere minutes away.

The renovated Tokyo Station serves foreign travelers well. In the Marunouchi North Entrance, you will find JR East Japan Travel Service Center that provides ticket and sightseeing information by employees who speak English, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean. In addition, you can check or arrange luggage delivery, and exchange most major currencies at the currency exchange counter. If you are a discerning traveler looking for a hideaway, Tokyo Station Hotel is right here for you. The hotel is directly connected to the Tokyo Station Marunouchi south entrance. Souvenirs for your loved ones? Head to First Avenue Tokyo Station under the Yaesu entrance where you can find gourmet sweets, ramen noodles and unique souvenirs.

Tip 2

From Tok yo Metro Marunouchi line Tok yo station (M-17): walk through the Gyoko underground passage(行幸地下通路). In around 10 minutes you reach Tokyo Metro Chiyoda line Nijubashimae station (C-10), and Toei Subway Mita line Otemachi station (I-09).

WAttention Tokyo



A restaurant with a stunning view or a secret hideaway, Tokyoites share their personal favourites with you.

C.C. Wagashi

Wagashi is from Taiwan. She studied Asian culture in Kyoto, and has lived in Japan for five years. Her Japanese snacks facebook page (written in Mandarin Chinese) boasts more than 50,000 fans.

First Avenue Tokyo Station 東京駅一番街

Hours: 10:00-20:00 1-9-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku


千代田区丸の内 1-9-1

京都の大学でアジア文化を学び、在日5年目。日 本のお菓子を紹介する自身のFBページ(中国 語)は5万人以上のファンを誇る。

http://www.tokyoeki-1bangai. co.jp/en/index.html

Ueno Park 上野公園

5-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku 台東区上野公園 5-20

http://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.jp/ toubuk/ueno/index_top.html (Japanese only)

Mt. Takao 高尾山

2177 Takaomachi, Hachioji

八王子市高尾町 2177

http://www.takaotozan. co.jp/takaotozan_eng1/ index.htm

First Avenue Tokyo Station Situated under Tokyo Station, the First Avenue features interesting places such as Tokyo Okashi (Japanese confectionery) Land, Tokyo Character Street, Tokyo Ramen Street, and Omiyage (souvenir) Plaza. There are many exclusive items that are only available right here! If you are a fan of Anime characters such as One Piece, Hello Kitty, or Rilakkuma Bear, don t miss out the chance of getting a special merchandise! Shinjuku Hanazono Shrine This is the place where tradition meets modernity. During the festival of Tori Matsuri, people flock here for the lucky charm of Kumade (traditionally an agricultural tool), in the hope of bringing good luck for the coming year. Here is another secret: head to the neighboring Shinjuku Golden Street for some serendipity in one of the many small Japanese pubs. One of them might become your regular hangout! 28 WAttention Tokyo

Tengu-yaki (a faceshaped muffin filled with bean custard) 天狗焼き

Mountain Takao Rated the highest 3 stars by the Michelin review, Mt. Takao has long been a popular place for autumn foliage viewing. You can follow the hiking trail all the way up and enjoy the magnificent views on clear days. The mountain is also known as the mortal dwelling of Tengu, a god-like figure characterized by a long nose. Though you may not see the real Tengu, don t miss the delicious Tengu-yaki. Ueno Park Ueno is not only about Giant pandas! Apart from the many museums and galleries for you to explore, the park houses the statue of Takamori Saigo (an influential samurai during the late 19th century) and the Shinobazu pond. Additionally, you can dine at Seiyoken, one of the first western restaurants in Japan. Last but not least, Ueno Park is probably the most popular spot for Sakura viewing in April.

Tori Matsuri Festival at Hanozono Shrine 新宿花園神社

5-17-3 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku 新宿区新宿 5-17-3

http://www.hanazono-jinja.or.jp/mt/top/ (Japanese only)

1 生まれ変わった東京駅地下の東京駅 一番街は、美味しい日本ならではの味が 楽しめるお店やお土産ショップがいっぱ い。限定アイテムも見逃さないで。 2 新宿の花園神社で開催される酉の市 は、毎回縁起物の熊手を買い求める人で 賑わう。知る人ぞ知る東京新宿花園万頭 と、周辺の小さな居酒屋がひしめくゴール デン街も要チェック。 3 ミシュランで三ツ星に認定された高尾山 は、紅葉の時期が特に美しく、頂上まで 登ると絶景が待っている。天狗伝説から 生まれた美味しい天狗焼きもお試しあれ。 4 動物園や多くの美術館や博物館が点 在する上野は、文化だけでなく蓮の花が 美しい不忍池や、桜の名所としても名高 い。歩き疲れたら、西洋料理をいち早く日 本に紹介した精養軒で舌鼓を。

TOKYO BESTSELLERS TOP3 Shop till you drop every time you visit Tokyo? From cosmetics and basic groceries to digital appliances, here are the rankings for the hottest products in Tokyo!

Don Quijote

Hours: 10:00-5:00AM ■ Address: 4-3-3 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku Access: 3 min walk from Akihabara station on JR Yamanote line ■ URL: www.donki.com

TOP3 Cosplay (costume play) Selection

(surveyed by Don Quijote in Aug)








From 4,990 Yen

Thanks to the popularity of the idol group A K B 48, unifor ms have be e n the most sought- after since 2010. Checkered pattern is by far the most popular.



From 2,990 Yen

Alice in Wonderland From 7,990 Yen

Maid costumes are the fixtures in the cosplay world. Recently the sexy ones seem to be gaining popularity!

The Alice series have been gaining popularity since the story was adapted into film 2 years ago. Apart from the basic water blue color, green is also well accepted.

TOP3 bestsellers around Japan (surveyed by Daiso in Jul-Aug)

Tokyu Plaza Shibuya Store ■ Hours: 10:00~20:00 ■ Address: 5F Tokyu Plaza, 1-2-2 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku ■ Access: 2 min walk from Shibuya station on JR Yamanote line ■ URL: http://www.daiso-sangyo.co.jp/







Potted plants

From 105 Yen

Potted plants are high on the ranking all year long. There are many seasonal selections and you may choose the right ones to decorate your lovely home.

Bic Camera

False eyelashes

From 105 Yen

One set of false eyelashes is sold every 1.3 second in DAISO stores! Whether you want a dramatic or natural looking effect, DAISO has something for you.

TOP3 bestsellers among overseas tourists (surveyed by Bic Camera in Sep)

Silicon kitchenware

Ikebukuro Store ■ Hours: 10:00-22:00 ■ Address: 1-41-5 HigashiIkebukuro, Toshima-ku ■ Access: 2 min walk from Ikebukuro station on JR Yamanote line ■ URL: http://www.biccamera.com/







(Nikon D800)

Digital cameras

Price varies

Digital cameras from high-end to compact ones are the bestsellers. Accessories are also very popular.

From 105 Yen

The silicon steam box is handy, microwavesafe, and takes up little space as it can be folded into flat.

7,080 Yen (Hitachi Ion Cleansing)

Wrist watches

Price varies

Beauty / Health appliances Price varies

30% of f on Japanese brands. Overseas brands are also available. Omega, Rolex, Cartier, just name the one you want.

Whatever you need, you can find all kinds of model and varieties of color at Bic Camera.

Prices (tax-included) were surveyed in October and are subject to change. Please check with individual stores for the most updated information.

WAttention Tokyo


What's On

December 2012 - February 2013

Festivals and events in this season

東京のお祭り、 季節のイベント

Internet Access in Tokyo 東京のネット接続事情

A lthough Japa n is k nown for its technology, internet connectivity for tourists is still rather limited. T he se d ays eve n most of the budget hotels provide internet connection in each room (please note, LAN cable is still in common use, rather than WIFI). There is a free public WIFI network called FREESPOT (www.freespot. com/users/map_e.html) made up of a network of independent providers like cafes and shops, but it seems many of its spots require registration via 3G email. so this could be offputting for tourists who don't want to use expensive 3G roaming. W i 2 3 0 0(w w w.w i 2.c o.j p/ en)offers several services, including 6 hours connection for 350 yen. They have extensive instructions in English so check it out before you go out. Wireless Gate (www.wirelessgate.co.jp) offers even wider services, including one month connection for a fixed 480 yen that includes connecting spots on the Bullet train (only N700 model) and in Underground stations. Unfor tunately Wireless Gate doesn't have an English instructions page. FON network (http://maps.fon. com/?lang=en) is quite extensive throughout Tokyo and is recommended. 東京のホテルは多くが客室でのネ ット接続を提供している。街中での 無料WIFIネットワークで有名なのは FREESPOT( www.freespot.com/ users/map_e.html)だがあまり多く ない。モバイルをよく使う人は日や 月単位で利用料を払うWIFIサービ スが便利だろう。6800ポイントを持 つWi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en)は 6時間350円からで英語での利用説 明が充実。ワイヤレスゲート(www. wirelessgate.co.jp)は地下鉄構内 や新幹線コンコース待合室・新幹線 N700系車両で利用できるコースを 月額480円からで用意。どちらも成 田空港で利用できる。

More information is available at Wattention.com WAttentionの情報をネットでも !


30 WAttention Tokyo


Chocolate: The Exhibition Sat – Sun, Nov 3 - Feb 24 Be an expert of the delicious gem, chocolate! Along with its history and cultural impact, the exhibition takes you through a chocolate factory to display the process of its production. [チョコレート展]カカオから作られる工程や歴史など チョコレートの美味しい秘密を分かりやすく展示。

9:00 - 17:00 at National Museum of Nature and Science, 5 min from Ueno station. Admission 1,40 0 yen for adult. Closed Mondays. h t t p : // w w w. k a h a k u . g o . j p /e n g l i s h / exhibitions/ueno/special/2012/choco/

Marunouchi Winter Illuminations ① Late Nov - Mid Feb To add warmth to the cit y in winter, various spots around Tokyo get illuminated. Take a romantic walk through the decorative illuminations with your special one! [イルミネーション]冬を暖かに照らすウィンターイ ルミネーション。ロマンチックなお散歩にぜひ。

Famous Marunouchi illumination is by Tokyo station. Daily from dusk until around 11pm. http://www.tokyo-event.jp/ (Japanese only)

New Works Competition and Exhibition 2012 Sun - Sun, Dec. 9 - 23 Sponsored by The Japan Folk Craf ts Museum, handmade craf ts including ceramics, textiles, lacquered and more are displayed and sold during the competition. [日本民藝館展]陶磁器・織物・漆工など様々な手 仕事の工芸品を展示・販売する新作工芸公募展。

10:00 - 17:00 at The Japan Folk Craf ts Museum 5 min from Komaba station on Keio Inogashira line. Admission 1000 yen for adult. Closed Mondays. http://www.mingeikan.or.jp/english/

Boro-ichi Market in Setagaya

2 Setagaya line Tel: 03-3429-1829 http://www.setagaya-line.com/trip/boroichi/ (Japanese)

Joya no Kane – Bell Ringing on New Year s EveMon, December 31 Traditionally, people eat soba noodles to wish for a long life and hear the 108 rings of bell from the Buddhist temples on New Year s Eve. Very serene and spiritual. [除夜の鐘]大晦日は長寿を願いながら年越しそ ばを食べて、除夜の鐘を聞く。

Any Buddhist temples in the area. Some popular ones are; Tsukiji Honganji in Tsukiji, Ikegami Honganji in Ikegami, and Sensouji in Asakusa. Bell ringing starts around midnight.

Shougatsu - New Year Celebration Tues, January 1st Japanese people traditionally celebrate the New Year s day with the family. They eat special New Year s day meal, osechi, and go a shrine or temple to make a new year s wish. Many also wake up early to watch the first sun rise for good luck. It is one of few days the whole nation turns gets festive and solemn. Be ware that famous shrines and temple get extremely crowded, and most stores are closed from Jan. 1 to 3. [お正月]初日の出、おせち料理、初詣など、伝統 的な風習で新年を祝う。

Popular shrines and temples; Meiji-jingu Shrine in Harajuku dedicated to Emperor Meiji, Sensouji in Asakusa, Kanda Myojin shrine in Kanda and Okunitama-jinja in Fuchu.

New Year s Kimono Sale ② Get beautiful kimonos and all the other r e l a te d g o o d s ! K n ow l e d g e a b l e a n d friendly staff will be happy to help you try on a kimono too. Sold from 1,000 yen per piece, which makes a great souvenirs too! [新春着物市]着物や帯から足袋など小物類まで、 上から下まで全部そろう新春初売り着物市!

Traditional winter market with approx. 750 venders that sell antiques, toys, plants and cloths.

10:0 0 - 19:0 0 on 2F of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse s Building 1, 6 min from Bashamichi and Nihon Odori stations on Minatomirai line. http://www.kimonoproject. com/ (Japanese only) http://www.yokohama-akarenga.jp/index. html (Japanese only)

9:00 - 21:00 By Kamimachi station on Tokyu

Tondo Yaki Tue, Jan 8 A traditional festival to burn New Year s decorations and last year's talismans. The legend has it that eating mochi (rice cakes) roasted with the fire brings health for the year. [とんど焼]正月飾りや古いお札などを燃やす祭 事。この火で焼いた餅を食べると一年間健康でい られるとされる。

Many shrines offer this service. One of the famous places in Tokyo is Torigoe-jinja by JR Asakusabashi station

Furusato Matsuri Tokyo Sat - Sun, Jan 12 - 20 Tokyo Dome gets packed with exciting local festivals and foods from around the country! Experience the famous festivals of Tohoku or rare regional delicacies all here in Tokyo! [ふるさと祭り東京]行きたくても行けなかった日本 各地の有名なお祭りや味が東京ドームに集結。

10:00 – 19:00 (- 20:00 Sat - Mon, - 21:00 Fri) at Tok yo Dome City, 6 min from JR Suidobashi station. Tickets 1500 yen. ht tp://w w w.tok yo-dome.co.jp/furusato/ (Japanese only)

Setsubun (Mamemaki) Sun, Feb 3 A traditional festival to celebrate the arrival of the spring and to wish for health and wealth by throwing soybeans to imaginary evil spirits. [節分]春の訪れを祝い、豆まきなどで邪気払いや その年の無病息災を願う。都内各地の神社やお寺 で節分を祝う催しがある。池上本門寺などが有名。

Many temples and shrines of fer this service. One of the famous places in Tokyo is Ikegami Honmon-ji in Ikegami. http:// honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html

Tue & Wed, Jan 1 & 2

Sat & Sun, Dec. 15t-16 and Tue & Wed, Jan. 15 - 16

[世田谷のボロ市]世田谷の冬の風物詩である伝 統の市。通称「ボロ市通り」に骨董などの露店が 約750店並ぶ。


Plum Flower Festivals ③ Mid Feb – Early March Plum flowers bloom with the arrival of early spring. Many spots host festivals to let people enjoy the cute flowers and their amazing flagrance. [梅祭]早春の訪れを告げる梅の花。満開の季節 には可愛らしく芳しい梅の花を楽しむお祭りが多 く催される。湯島天神、池上梅園、青梅の吉野梅 郷などの名所に出かけてみよう。

Famous ones include Yushima Tenjin near Ueno, Ikegami Baien in Ikegami and Yoshino Baigo in Ome.

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