WAttention Tokyo vol 8

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WAttention_ad_Japan_Vol8_100513.pdf 1 2013/05/10 10:20:37

In Ha rmony w it h t he Se a sons Tango no Sekku - Boys Day Festival May 5

People of the samurai society began setting up decorative carp streamers and samurai warrior dolls. From the correlation between the ayame, a woman who excels in we av i n g, a n d s h o b u, a m a n w h o exc e l s i n t h e m a r ti a l a r ts, w h i c h a re associated with the iris, the ritual came to be celebrated as an event to pray for the growth of boys.


鯉のぼりや武者人形が飾られる ようになったのは武家社会になっ てから。菖蒲が「あやめ」 (機織り に秀でた女性)以外に「しょうぶ」 (尚武:武芸に秀でた男性)に通 じるところから、男の子の成長を 祈る節供として祝われるようにな りました。



こ よ み を 楽 し む

text & coordination/ Rieko Ido, photo/ Nobuaki Tanaka 文とスタイリング=井戸理恵子、 写真=田中伸明

Samurai warrior doll, 105,000 Yen, Noritake Ginza store

In the old lunar calendar, May (end of May to early July in the Gregorian calendar) coincides with the rainy season in Japan. Long periods of rain often cool the body, making it easy for the physical condition to deteriorate. In the old days, it had also been a period when children s lives were often lost. In the old lunar calendar, the first day of May, which is read as hiru , indicates the time of day when the sun rises high and the temperature is warm. This indicates a southern direction, so during this period of cold rain, ceremonies were held on this day when energy levels had been believed to be relatively high, in prayer that children would not lose their lives. People would look for medicinal herbs during the daytime and consume them, or make ornamental scent bags and hang them outside their houses

in prayer that illness would not befall their children, which are the origins of Tango no Sekku , or Boys Day. In modern times, this has become a seasonal festival for boys and is generally held on the 5th of May on the Gregorian calendar, but it had also originally been a ritual to pray for the longevity of girls and to cleanse the bodies of young riceplanting girls atop straw, purifying them with iris leaves, based on the belief that there must be no impurity in welcoming the Gods of the rice fields.  旧暦の5月(新暦では5月下旬から7月上旬)は、 日本はちょうど梅雨の時期です。長雨が続くと身体が 冷えて体調を崩しやすくなるもの。昔は子供の命が多 くとられる時期でもありました。そこで旧暦5月の最初 の午の日には、午は「ひる」と読むことから、太陽が 高く温かい時間と方角でいえば温かい場所としての 南を指すので、冷たい雨の降る時期にあって比較的

エネルギーが強いと考えられた「午の日」に子供が 命を落とさないようにとの願いを込めた儀式がおこな われてきました。午の日の午の時間に薬効の強い薬 草を求め、食し、また、薬玉を作って軒先に掛けて は病にかからないようにと願った、それが「端午」の 由来です。  現在端午は男の子の節供とされ、一般的に新暦 の5月5日に行われていますが、本来は女の子の延命 を願い、稲を植える早乙女が田の神様を迎える際に 穢れがあってはならないと、菰の上で身をキレイにし、 菖蒲の葉で祓う儀式でもありました。

Rieko Ido Conducting research into Japanese customs and knowledge from ancient times, and applying technical analysis of these findings to modern lifestyle. Kokugakuin University graduate. Teaches at Tama Art University.

井戸理恵子 國學院大學卒業。日本古来の知見を工学的に検証し次 世代に繋がる「技術」を模索、現代の衣食住を発展させ る提案をしている。多摩美術大学非常勤講師。

WAttention Tokyo


※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」  事業は東京都中小企業振興公社の推奨事業です。



VOL.08 Bringing you the hottest trends in Tokyo. Special

Dazzled by the Lights in Kabukicho 幻惑の異空間、 歌舞伎町 03

In Harmony with the Seasons


Letter from the Editor


Tokyo Hot News

06 11 12

Special 1

Special 3

Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Photographer Kenji Sugasawa / Nobuaki Tanaka Illustrator Keiko Tateno Contributing Writer Hayato Ishiyama / Hougan Kishida / Hiroki Yanagisawa Photo courtesies JNTO

Dazzled by the Lights in Kabukicho All about Ramen Stay Cool, look gorgeous in Tokyo s summer heat

Chill out this summer in your own style! 20

Special thanks to Rieko Ido (adviser)

NORITAKE: Japan s Fine Tableware: vol.2


Tokyo Power Spot


Short Trip from Tokyo – Yokohama, Miura

広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com

Great Short Trips Right from the Airport! 24

Tokyo Transporter


Tokyo Half-Day Sanpo


Tokyo Restaurant Guide


Tokyo Must Do




What s on

シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127

The interior is decked out to look like a spaceship.

Ground coffee: 350 yen. Dorayaki: 180 yen (eat in or take out)

Don t you feel like you re traveling through space?

The barber space accommodates up to two customers at a time (Hair cut: 2,500 yen. Full course, including shampoo and shave: 4,200 yen)

Summer 2013 Kabukicho s somewhat shady reputation, tourists and businesspeople bustle through the neon lights for a peek at Japan s unique night life. As long as you know a few rules and tips, you can enjoy an unusual night out and are assured to be back on the last train safely. So, welcome to Kabukicho - the world of entertainment! *Not recommended for those under 20. Yasuko Suzuki

Don't miss out!

Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to 03-6862-6760 or email to info-tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home. [WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期 送付いたします。

04 WAttention Tokyo

Please check the itineraries and prices on the website. URL: http://travel.willer.co.jp/starfighter/

ロサンゼルス事務所 Team J station, Inc. 2383 Lomita Blvd., Suite 114 Lomita, CA.90717 Phone : 1-310-782-8279

Letter from the Editor Located near Shinjuku station -the busiest terminal in Tokyo - is Kabukicho, Japan s foremost nightlife district. For many people, negative images of Kabukicho are rooted in their mind. In sleepless Kabukicho, you can find an assortment of restaurants and amusements such as cinemas, pachinko parlors, hostess clubs, love hotels and sleazy adult-entertainment establishments. Despite knowing

The limousine bus is no longer just a ve hicle that ta ke s you from A to B! The innovative Star Fighter is a spaceship-style tour bus that takes you on a virtual inter-galactic trip. During the ride passengers are given a series of missions on personal screens to solve with joysticks. The visuals are so real you feel that you are actually in a sci-fi space scene. The bus itineraries mostly cater for destinations suitable for family trips such as Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu, Tsukuba Space Center and Odaiba.

Editorial Staff Charles Chen / Masayo Kishi

The Secrets behind the Difference 16


Associate Editor Naoko Ijuuin Senior Executive Writer Alastair Himmer


Publisher Yasuko Suzuki / WATTENTION CO., LTD.

Space-age exterior too: Like a moon bus.

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name Address Postcode Tel Email

: : : : :

A Shinto-style wedding ceremony.

TAMAKI As in recent years the sophisticated Shinto-style wedding ceremony is gaining in popularity, so the TAMAKI wedding ring made by Kyogen has caught the attention of couples getting hitched. Made from the finest precious metals and stones, superlative craftsmanship goes into the creation of the rings which are given a final blessing at Asakusa shrine for the perfect finish.



In Tok yo you can f ind a convenience store on every corner of the city catering to almost eve r yo n e s n e e d s. At B e ac o n Lo u n g e, th e concept of convenience is taken to the next level - a business convenience lounge that provides a one-stop ser vice from grooming and shoe shining to simply relaxing. The owners used to work in management consulting and understand the needs of business professionals so came up with this special service. Beacon Lounge can be your personal office during the day, and a bar to unwind at after a hard day s work. Hours: Café and Bar: 8:00~22:00 (Monday to Friday); 11:30~19:00 (Saturday). Barber: 11:30~22:00 (Monday to Friday); 11:30~19:00 (Saturday). Closed on Sundays and holidays. Address: 3-18-10 Akasaka, Minato-ku Access: 3 mins walk from Akasaka-mitsuke station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line and Marunouchi line. URL: http://beacon-lounge.com/

Hours: 11:00~19:00 (reservation required) Address: 3-2-4 Higashi-ueno, Taito-ku Access: 2 mins walk from Inaricho station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line, or 5 mins walk from Shin-okachimachi station on Toei Oedo line. URL: http://www.kyo-gen.com/

The name of the shrine and your wedding date are etched on the inside of the ring, which comes in a delicate lacquered case. Prices start from 16 0,0 0 0 y e n p e r s e t (exclusive of tax). Professional staff from left to right: Mr. Ito, Kusano, Fujita, and Kiyono.

WAttention Tokyo


※日本文化の魅力を世界に発信する「WAttention Tokyo」  事業は東京都中小企業振興公社の推奨事業です。



VOL.08 Bringing you the hottest trends in Tokyo. Special

Dazzled by the Lights in Kabukicho 幻惑の異空間、 歌舞伎町 03

In Harmony with the Seasons


Letter from the Editor


Tokyo Hot News

06 11 12

Special 1

Special 3

Editorial & Design Art Director Yasuhisa Tamura Photographer Kenji Sugasawa / Nobuaki Tanaka Illustrator Keiko Tateno Contributing Writer Hayato Ishiyama / Hougan Kishida / Hiroki Yanagisawa Photo courtesies JNTO

Dazzled by the Lights in Kabukicho All about Ramen Stay Cool, look gorgeous in Tokyo s summer heat

Chill out this summer in your own style! 20

Special thanks to Rieko Ido (adviser)

NORITAKE: Japan s Fine Tableware: vol.2


Tokyo Power Spot


Short Trip from Tokyo – Yokohama, Miura

広告・記事に関するお問い合わせは 和テンション株式会社 〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山 5-18-10-202 Phone : 03-6418-5701 / Fax : 03-6418-5704 E-mail : info-tokyo@wattention.com

Great Short Trips Right from the Airport! 24

Tokyo Transporter


Tokyo Half-Day Sanpo


Tokyo Restaurant Guide


Tokyo Must Do




What s on

シンガポール事務所 Minook International (S) Pte Ltd 2B Craig Road singapore 089662 Phone : 65-6324-2127

The interior is decked out to look like a spaceship.

Ground coffee: 350 yen. Dorayaki: 180 yen (eat in or take out)

Don t you feel like you re traveling through space?

The barber space accommodates up to two customers at a time (Hair cut: 2,500 yen. Full course, including shampoo and shave: 4,200 yen)

Summer 2013 Kabukicho s somewhat shady reputation, tourists and businesspeople bustle through the neon lights for a peek at Japan s unique night life. As long as you know a few rules and tips, you can enjoy an unusual night out and are assured to be back on the last train safely. So, welcome to Kabukicho - the world of entertainment! *Not recommended for those under 20. Yasuko Suzuki

Don't miss out!

Subscribe to WAttention Tokyo

Please fill out and fax to 03-6862-6760 or email to info-tokyo@wattention.com. We will reply within a few days.

You'll never miss an issue of WAttention Tokyo with home delivery. Order now and the magazine will be at your home. [WAttention Tokyo 定期送付のご案内] 配布エリア外にお住いの方や、毎号お読みになりたい方のために定期 送付いたします。

04 WAttention Tokyo

Please check the itineraries and prices on the website. URL: http://travel.willer.co.jp/starfighter/

ロサンゼルス事務所 Team J station, Inc. 2383 Lomita Blvd., Suite 114 Lomita, CA.90717 Phone : 1-310-782-8279

Letter from the Editor Located near Shinjuku station -the busiest terminal in Tokyo - is Kabukicho, Japan s foremost nightlife district. For many people, negative images of Kabukicho are rooted in their mind. In sleepless Kabukicho, you can find an assortment of restaurants and amusements such as cinemas, pachinko parlors, hostess clubs, love hotels and sleazy adult-entertainment establishments. Despite knowing

The limousine bus is no longer just a ve hicle that ta ke s you from A to B! The innovative Star Fighter is a spaceship-style tour bus that takes you on a virtual inter-galactic trip. During the ride passengers are given a series of missions on personal screens to solve with joysticks. The visuals are so real you feel that you are actually in a sci-fi space scene. The bus itineraries mostly cater for destinations suitable for family trips such as Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu, Tsukuba Space Center and Odaiba.

Editorial Staff Charles Chen / Masayo Kishi

The Secrets behind the Difference 16


Associate Editor Naoko Ijuuin Senior Executive Writer Alastair Himmer


Publisher Yasuko Suzuki / WATTENTION CO., LTD.

Space-age exterior too: Like a moon bus.

Four issues a year / only 1,000 yen Name Address Postcode Tel Email

: : : : :

A Shinto-style wedding ceremony.

TAMAKI As in recent years the sophisticated Shinto-style wedding ceremony is gaining in popularity, so the TAMAKI wedding ring made by Kyogen has caught the attention of couples getting hitched. Made from the finest precious metals and stones, superlative craftsmanship goes into the creation of the rings which are given a final blessing at Asakusa shrine for the perfect finish.



In Tok yo you can f ind a convenience store on every corner of the city catering to almost eve r yo n e s n e e d s. At B e ac o n Lo u n g e, th e concept of convenience is taken to the next level - a business convenience lounge that provides a one-stop ser vice from grooming and shoe shining to simply relaxing. The owners used to work in management consulting and understand the needs of business professionals so came up with this special service. Beacon Lounge can be your personal office during the day, and a bar to unwind at after a hard day s work. Hours: Café and Bar: 8:00~22:00 (Monday to Friday); 11:30~19:00 (Saturday). Barber: 11:30~22:00 (Monday to Friday); 11:30~19:00 (Saturday). Closed on Sundays and holidays. Address: 3-18-10 Akasaka, Minato-ku Access: 3 mins walk from Akasaka-mitsuke station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line and Marunouchi line. URL: http://beacon-lounge.com/

Hours: 11:00~19:00 (reservation required) Address: 3-2-4 Higashi-ueno, Taito-ku Access: 2 mins walk from Inaricho station on Tokyo Metro Ginza line, or 5 mins walk from Shin-okachimachi station on Toei Oedo line. URL: http://www.kyo-gen.com/

The name of the shrine and your wedding date are etched on the inside of the ring, which comes in a delicate lacquered case. Prices start from 16 0,0 0 0 y e n p e r s e t (exclusive of tax). Professional staff from left to right: Mr. Ito, Kusano, Fujita, and Kiyono.

WAttention Tokyo


Kabukicho Illustration Map

Various 'grown-up' amusements are packed into about 600 square meters of the Kabukicho area. You can find not only entertainment with flashing neon lights but also hidden gems like famous, old restaurants or reasonably priced Japanese-style bars. Discover the thrill of Kabukicho for yourself.

Under ction constru

08 WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


Kabukicho Illustration Map

Various 'grown-up' amusements are packed into about 600 square meters of the Kabukicho area. You can find not only entertainment with flashing neon lights but also hidden gems like famous, old restaurants or reasonably priced Japanese-style bars. Discover the thrill of Kabukicho for yourself.

Under ction constru

08 WAttention Tokyo

WAttention Tokyo


06 WAttention Tokyo

歌 舞 伎 町

Slightly 'dodgy'? Rough? Dangerous even? For some, such well-worn negative images of Kabukicho create even more curiosity. Once you learn about the unique history of the area, you ll want to know more. Don t you think it might be a good idea to discover the hidden treasures of this buzzing town which allows people to escape from everyday life?

幻 惑の異 空 間 、

Dazzled by the Lights in Kabukicho

Shinjuku is famous for its skyscrapers and commercial complexes. A five-minute walk from Shinjuku station - the busiest in the world - takes you to Kabukicho. Among the huge assortment of restaurants and amusements such as cinemas, pachinko parlors and karaoke, garish neon lights of hostess clubs, love hotels and sleazy adult-entertainment establishments stand out. Kabukicho, Japan s foremost nightlife district, boasts over 60 years history. You may think Kabukicho is related to one of Japanese traditional stage arts, Kabuki, but actually there is no Kabuki theater here. In 1945, the place was burned down in the war. Subsequently a private initiative developed a reconstruction plan to create a healthy amusement area with entertainment facilities in the area. As the construction of a Kabuki theater was a central to the plan, the town was given the name Kabukicho in 1948. However, financial issues and architectural regulations led to a halt of theater s construction and only the name survived. From the mid-1950s, cinemas, an

ice skating rink and a playhouse Koma used to be a black market just after the theater sprang up one after another, and war and called a blue-light district (illegal Kabukicho rapidly grew into an amuse- prostitution area). It is now famous for ment area as originally planned. In 1958, attracting intellectuals such as writers and however, when the red-light district journalists as well as young generations, (legal prostitution area) around Shinjuku retaining its original closed atmosphere. Tourists and businesspeople bustle Ni-chome was abolished by the AntiProstitution Law, the adult entertainment through the crackling neon lights and business started to flow into Kabukicho. heaving streets, despite knowing the place As Kabukicho continued to develop with is shady to the say the least - but perhaps Japan s booming economic growth, a even because of that fact as the promise of system of certification was introduced the unusual offers a haven to dream for a by law and consequently adult-entertain- few hours away from the rat race. As long ment establishments became legal and an as you re careful you ll be back on the last accepted part of the landscape. train and in the office safely again in the Kabukicho, also called the sleepless morning. town , comes alive after dark. A flashy  危なく怪しいイメージがつきまとうからこそ気になる歌 entertainment restaurant with scantily 舞伎町。繁華街として、実に60 年以上の歴史を誇る。 clad women dancing along gigantic かつて、歌舞伎座の建設が幻となり、名前だけとなった robots is the hottest spot now. The Girls この街は、現実から人々を解放し、つかの間の夢を見 Bar phenomenon, where sexy women させるには最もふさわしい場所なのかもしれない。 shake cocktails has taken a firm grip alongside Host A few tips for keeping safe and enjoying Kabukicho clubs, lounge-style bars •Be careful with touts, regardless of what language they speak. •Don t visit bars unless you re sure how much you are going to pay. where ikemen (hand•Take care of your valuables. some guys) charm women •Check train times to get home safely. •Preferably avoid a 'girls night out' here. in a refreshing role reversal. •If you into trouble find a police box or call the emergency number 110. Shinjuku s Golden Gai WAttention Tokyo


06 WAttention Tokyo

歌 舞 伎 町

Slightly 'dodgy'? Rough? Dangerous even? For some, such well-worn negative images of Kabukicho create even more curiosity. Once you learn about the unique history of the area, you ll want to know more. Don t you think it might be a good idea to discover the hidden treasures of this buzzing town which allows people to escape from everyday life?

幻 惑の異 空 間 、

Dazzled by the Lights in Kabukicho

Shinjuku is famous for its skyscrapers and commercial complexes. A five-minute walk from Shinjuku station - the busiest in the world - takes you to Kabukicho. Among the huge assortment of restaurants and amusements such as cinemas, pachinko parlors and karaoke, garish neon lights of hostess clubs, love hotels and sleazy adult-entertainment establishments stand out. Kabukicho, Japan s foremost nightlife district, boasts over 60 years history. You may think Kabukicho is related to one of Japanese traditional stage arts, Kabuki, but actually there is no Kabuki theater here. In 1945, the place was burned down in the war. Subsequently a private initiative developed a reconstruction plan to create a healthy amusement area with entertainment facilities in the area. As the construction of a Kabuki theater was a central to the plan, the town was given the name Kabukicho in 1948. However, financial issues and architectural regulations led to a halt of theater s construction and only the name survived. From the mid-1950s, cinemas, an

ice skating rink and a playhouse Koma used to be a black market just after the theater sprang up one after another, and war and called a blue-light district (illegal Kabukicho rapidly grew into an amuse- prostitution area). It is now famous for ment area as originally planned. In 1958, attracting intellectuals such as writers and however, when the red-light district journalists as well as young generations, (legal prostitution area) around Shinjuku retaining its original closed atmosphere. Tourists and businesspeople bustle Ni-chome was abolished by the AntiProstitution Law, the adult entertainment through the crackling neon lights and business started to flow into Kabukicho. heaving streets, despite knowing the place As Kabukicho continued to develop with is shady to the say the least - but perhaps Japan s booming economic growth, a even because of that fact as the promise of system of certification was introduced the unusual offers a haven to dream for a by law and consequently adult-entertain- few hours away from the rat race. As long ment establishments became legal and an as you re careful you ll be back on the last accepted part of the landscape. train and in the office safely again in the Kabukicho, also called the sleepless morning. town , comes alive after dark. A flashy  危なく怪しいイメージがつきまとうからこそ気になる歌 entertainment restaurant with scantily 舞伎町。繁華街として、実に60 年以上の歴史を誇る。 clad women dancing along gigantic かつて、歌舞伎座の建設が幻となり、名前だけとなった robots is the hottest spot now. The Girls この街は、現実から人々を解放し、つかの間の夢を見 Bar phenomenon, where sexy women させるには最もふさわしい場所なのかもしれない。 shake cocktails has taken a firm grip alongside Host A few tips for keeping safe and enjoying Kabukicho clubs, lounge-style bars •Be careful with touts, regardless of what language they speak. •Don t visit bars unless you re sure how much you are going to pay. where ikemen (hand•Take care of your valuables. some guys) charm women •Check train times to get home safely. •Preferably avoid a 'girls night out' here. in a refreshing role reversal. •If you into trouble find a police box or call the emergency number 110. Shinjuku s Golden Gai WAttention Tokyo


CYBER-BABES TOP THE MENU AT ROBOT RESTAURANT Deep in the heart of Shinjuku's 'Blade Runner' zone of Kabukicho lurk machines as realistic and terrifying as anything you will see on a Hollywood movie set. Cyber-chicks celebrate after saving the Earth.

Robot Wars

Terminator baddies flex their muscles.

Giant fembots strike back.

Deep in the heart of Shinjuku s Blade Runner zone of Kabukicho lurk machines as realistic and terrifying as anything you will see on a Hollywood movie set. The $100 million Robot Restaurant has become a smash-hit since opening its doors last July with a racy show featuring an assortment of giant robots and 15 busty beauties evoking images of the deadly fembots of Austin Powers fame only with even less clothes on. Imagine Moulin Rouge meets Battlestar Galactica. Meets Jurassic Park. Confused? Don t worry. The plot is secondary to the fun. To summarize: The Warrior Babe theme is set by scantily clad girls pounding taiko drums, waving big swords and generally frolicking enthusiastically against

the backdrop of huge screens depicting them riding horses into battle - again wearing little in the way of body armor. Then it kicks off. Darwin would turn in his grave at the evolutionary inaccuracy, but one minute the tattooed girls are flirting with dinosaurs (even the T-Rex had a soft spot for the ladies it seems) and the next Earth has been invaded by robots - playing gangsta rap to boot. Game on! A panda is trampled by robots and runs off to the forest and our heroines return to give the metallic bullies a bunch of fives. Another dressed as Captain America s cute little sister (I am not making this up!) smashes more terminators and Dalek-type baddies to pieces with a big sledgehammer. The buxom beauties deliver the killer

blow and restore order to the planet by storming in on tank-like military hardwear - having of course remembered to slip into silver bikinis first. All this at a restaurant ? Well, for their 5,000 yen customers have a choice of bento box and soft drink and get to use the bling golden toilets - worth the price of admission alone surely! Over 40 percent of the Robot Restaurant s customers are foreign and it s definitely worth a peek with three shows daily. Patrons are allowed to high-five the cyber-babes but reminded: Please do not touch their bottoms or you will be asked to leave! Sage advice. Don t let the fake eyelashes and lip gloss fool you. These chicks are fierce.

Sexy Dancers

Victory dance after robots repelled. 10 WAttention Tokyo

Marching to the beat of the drum.

Robot Restaurant ● Time: 18:00~23:00. First show starts at 19:00. (Note: there may be changes to show times) ● Address: 1-7-1 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku ● TEL: 03-3200-5500 ● Admission: 5,000 yen ● Access: 5 mins walk from JR and Tok yo Metro Shinjuku station. ● URL: http://www.shinjuku-robot.com

Alastair Himmer is an internationally renowned journalist with over 15 years of experience as a fe atu re s w r i te r a n d columnist at Reuters and UK newspapers. He also works as a fashion and music event producer.

Tokyo street culture and the city's hottest tips through the eyes of a Londoner who moved to Japan in 1992.



By Alastair Himmer



enerally speaking I like to eat my yakitori - not resemble it. Running through fire is sadly not on my bucket list but some crazy cats like it hot and if you have a problem, if no one else can help ... then the wacky Warrior Dash could be just what the doctor ordered. When I take part in races (which is never but that s beside the point) the likelihood of wallowing through mud pits with Spiderman, Hello Kitty and assorted Sesame Street characters is low. Not at Warrior Dash. Oh no. The world s biggest adventure run hits Japan in all its insane glory at Sagamiko on June 15-16. Expect the unexpected. Tokyo is the world s coolest city but every now and then you need to go wild in the country. And after taking North America, Europe and Australia by storm, the marauding, mud-splashed Warrior Dash is set to catch fire here - and so could you! One of the 15 obstacles on the 5km course is the Yakitori - for the love of God! But Warrior Dash is more about fun than mindless torture so runners can cheat to avoid turning into grilled chicken. Anything too high or too on fire feel free to skip. Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest (no cruel irony intended) hosts the madcap race for the first time in Japan and summer races follow the week after at Naeba ski resort and Chiba s German Village in late July. Next year 16 events are planned at venues from Okinawa to Hokkaido. Two million nutty characters - many in fancy dress - jumped, climbed and crawled around courses world-wide last year, celebrating survival with a cold beer and a boogie to sounds pumping from a music festival in the middle of the course. Showers are even provided and gourmet food from around the globe.

Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest, Jun 15-16. Naeba, June 22-23. Entry age: From 15. Cost: 8,000 yen to run. Festival only: 1,000 yen For sign-up information: http://warriordash.jp

Japan s first Warrior Dash promises to be a smash hit, featuring a DJ set from techno king Ken Ishii and a gaggle of beauty queens who will scale the fivemeter net scaffolding of the Himalayas and slither snake-like through the mud with you and some 5,000 participants. Easy, fellas!

Model Erika Yamaguchi is in it to win it so be warned, guys. Definitely - no question! sniffed Erika. But couch potatoes fear not. You can flop around the course in your own sweet time and still win a medal for the silliest costume or the best warrior beard - so, you know, it s all good. WAttention Tokyo



THESECRETSBEHINDTHENOODLEBOOM You probably already know ramen is one of the most representative foods of Japan, though you may not be familiar with the history and all the variations of it. In this issue of WAttention, we speak with ramen expert, Mr. Ishiyama, to bring you the ins and outs of the popular noodle.

Ramen Expert

Mr. Ishiyama launched a ramen club while studying in Kokugakuin University. From no r th to sou th, H ok k a ido to O k inawa, he has eaten at more than 6,000 ramen shops across all 47 prefectures in Japan. Nowadays he visits ramen shops at the rate of 2 per day for research and reviews. Apart from writing ramen reviews for magazines, Mr. Ishiyama is also the author of a series of ramen books and is a regular cast member of several TV shows. His ramen career also involves developing new types of instant noodles and providing business consultation for the ramen industry. To date, he has interviewed more than 1,500 ramen shops. In this issue of WAttention, we talk with Mr. Ishiyama and introduce you to the world of ramen, including its history, styles, and some of the hottest ramen shops in Japan.

The History of Ramen The history of ramen began with the influx of Chinese culture to Japan during the Meiji Restoration. Originating from China, ramen was influenced by traditional Japanese condiments such as soy sauce and soybean paste and has since developed to become one of Japan s best-known foods. Following the opening of the country by the Tokugawa Shogunate, Chinatowns were developed in various parts of the country, including Yokohama, Hakodate and Kobe, and with them came Chinese noodles. Back then, when Japanese people talked about noodles, they usually referred to soba (buckwheat noodle). Therefore the Chinese noodles were called Shina-soba (Shina being one of the old names for China in Japanese). About 100 years ago, the first ramen shop Rairai-ken opened in Asakusa, Tokyo. The Japanese owner made ramen

with soy sauce-flavored soup, just like the Japanese used in their soba. Since the ramen shop was located in Asakusa, at that time the biggest entertainment area in Japan, ramen s fame quickly spread all over the country. It was after the Second World War that ramen became popular. After the war, rice supplies were limited, and as ramen was made from wheat flour, it was regarded as the ideal food. Soldiers coming back from China made ramen at ramen stands using noodles they remembered eating in China as a reference. Ramen s image today as an eat-out food mainly stemmed from these food stalls. Before long, miso ramen and tonkotsu ramen were invented in Hokkaido and Kyushu respectively, each reflecting unique regional tastes. Nowadays, each region of Japan has its own style of ramen featuring local flavors. Currently there are more than 30,000

ramen shops in Japan. In Tokyo s highly competitive market, more than two new ramen shops open every day. In such a crowded market, business has expanded into Asia, especially Singapore and Hong Kong where the economy has been growing rapidly and the population density is more than 10 times that of Japan s. Japanese food is already popular there, making it a favorable environment for exporting ramen. Starting with Ajisen Ramen in Hong Kong, ramen shops such as Ramen Santouka , Hakata Ippudo , and Taisho-ken are quickly expanding across Asia. Originally inherited from the Chinese, it is easy to see why ramen has an affinity with food cultures across Asia and is easily accepted by diners. Ramen has already been distinctly tied with Japanese culture. It surely will not be long before it goes beyond Asia and becomes recognized as a global food. P OR K FREE

Salt flavor is the oldest of all variations. Its long history can be seen in Hakodate, one of the first few por ts op e ne d to fore ign trad e. In Hakodate, if you order a ramen you will be served a shio ramen without asking. Since salt is light in flavor, you get to taste the tr ue essence of the soup.

12 WAttention Tokyo

A conventional style of ramen in which the quintessential Japanese condiment, soy sauce, is added to the soup stock. Since ramen originally c a m e f ro m C h i n a d u r i n g the Meiji period as an exotic food, its blending with soy sauce helped to popularize ramen among Japanese people. In fact, gyokai and tonkotsu ramen often contain soy sauce as well.

Another uniquely Japanese ramen, in which miso is used as the main ingredient. Miso ramen was first developed in Sapporo, Hokkaido. That s why miso ramen usually features plenty of hot pork lard to keep your body warm. The noodles are normally thick and chewy. Typically, bean sprouts or cabbage are added to balance the robust and heavy flavor of the soup.

Originating from the Hakata and Kurume areas of Fukuoka, tonkotsu ramen is characterized by its thick and creamy broth made from boiling pork bones. Usually the soup is coupled with thin straight noodles. Tonkotsu ramen in Tok yo has developed its own style, where fatty pork is put on top of the noodles.

T he soup is a mix ture of tonkotsu, chicken, a variety of seafood and more. Since the ingredients are so diverse, so is the density of the soup, which ranges from clear to creamy. Gyokai ramen is more prevalent in northern Tohoku, whereas in Tokyo, a va r iatio n c a ll e d g yo k a i tonkotsu (simply adding fish powder to tonkotsu soup) is more common.

Tori is a new variation of ramen that has been gaining popularity since 2000. The creamy soup is made from boiling chicken bones or whole chickens. The flavor is smooth without the bitter taste that is typical of pork. Increasingly, ramen chefs are also garnishing the ramen with chicken chashu or chicken meatballs.

Ushi ramen is the newest trend in Japan. Instead of the usual pork or chicken, beef is used as the main ingredient, which gives the ramen an upscale f l avo r a n d swe et a ro m a. Ramen chefs are recently incorporating roast beef and beef steak into their recipe. Since beef is more highly regarded than chicken or pork, the ushi trend is expected to continue. WAttention Tokyo



THESECRETSBEHINDTHENOODLEBOOM You probably already know ramen is one of the most representative foods of Japan, though you may not be familiar with the history and all the variations of it. In this issue of WAttention, we speak with ramen expert, Mr. Ishiyama, to bring you the ins and outs of the popular noodle.

Ramen Expert

Mr. Ishiyama launched a ramen club while studying in Kokugakuin University. From no r th to sou th, H ok k a ido to O k inawa, he has eaten at more than 6,000 ramen shops across all 47 prefectures in Japan. Nowadays he visits ramen shops at the rate of 2 per day for research and reviews. Apart from writing ramen reviews for magazines, Mr. Ishiyama is also the author of a series of ramen books and is a regular cast member of several TV shows. His ramen career also involves developing new types of instant noodles and providing business consultation for the ramen industry. To date, he has interviewed more than 1,500 ramen shops. In this issue of WAttention, we talk with Mr. Ishiyama and introduce you to the world of ramen, including its history, styles, and some of the hottest ramen shops in Japan.

The History of Ramen The history of ramen began with the influx of Chinese culture to Japan during the Meiji Restoration. Originating from China, ramen was influenced by traditional Japanese condiments such as soy sauce and soybean paste and has since developed to become one of Japan s best-known foods. Following the opening of the country by the Tokugawa Shogunate, Chinatowns were developed in various parts of the country, including Yokohama, Hakodate and Kobe, and with them came Chinese noodles. Back then, when Japanese people talked about noodles, they usually referred to soba (buckwheat noodle). Therefore the Chinese noodles were called Shina-soba (Shina being one of the old names for China in Japanese). About 100 years ago, the first ramen shop Rairai-ken opened in Asakusa, Tokyo. The Japanese owner made ramen

with soy sauce-flavored soup, just like the Japanese used in their soba. Since the ramen shop was located in Asakusa, at that time the biggest entertainment area in Japan, ramen s fame quickly spread all over the country. It was after the Second World War that ramen became popular. After the war, rice supplies were limited, and as ramen was made from wheat flour, it was regarded as the ideal food. Soldiers coming back from China made ramen at ramen stands using noodles they remembered eating in China as a reference. Ramen s image today as an eat-out food mainly stemmed from these food stalls. Before long, miso ramen and tonkotsu ramen were invented in Hokkaido and Kyushu respectively, each reflecting unique regional tastes. Nowadays, each region of Japan has its own style of ramen featuring local flavors. Currently there are more than 30,000

ramen shops in Japan. In Tokyo s highly competitive market, more than two new ramen shops open every day. In such a crowded market, business has expanded into Asia, especially Singapore and Hong Kong where the economy has been growing rapidly and the population density is more than 10 times that of Japan s. Japanese food is already popular there, making it a favorable environment for exporting ramen. Starting with Ajisen Ramen in Hong Kong, ramen shops such as Ramen Santouka , Hakata Ippudo , and Taisho-ken are quickly expanding across Asia. Originally inherited from the Chinese, it is easy to see why ramen has an affinity with food cultures across Asia and is easily accepted by diners. Ramen has already been distinctly tied with Japanese culture. It surely will not be long before it goes beyond Asia and becomes recognized as a global food. P OR K FREE

Salt flavor is the oldest of all variations. Its long history can be seen in Hakodate, one of the first few por ts op e ne d to fore ign trad e. In Hakodate, if you order a ramen you will be served a shio ramen without asking. Since salt is light in flavor, you get to taste the tr ue essence of the soup.

12 WAttention Tokyo

A conventional style of ramen in which the quintessential Japanese condiment, soy sauce, is added to the soup stock. Since ramen originally c a m e f ro m C h i n a d u r i n g the Meiji period as an exotic food, its blending with soy sauce helped to popularize ramen among Japanese people. In fact, gyokai and tonkotsu ramen often contain soy sauce as well.

Another uniquely Japanese ramen, in which miso is used as the main ingredient. Miso ramen was first developed in Sapporo, Hokkaido. That s why miso ramen usually features plenty of hot pork lard to keep your body warm. The noodles are normally thick and chewy. Typically, bean sprouts or cabbage are added to balance the robust and heavy flavor of the soup.

Originating from the Hakata and Kurume areas of Fukuoka, tonkotsu ramen is characterized by its thick and creamy broth made from boiling pork bones. Usually the soup is coupled with thin straight noodles. Tonkotsu ramen in Tok yo has developed its own style, where fatty pork is put on top of the noodles.

T he soup is a mix ture of tonkotsu, chicken, a variety of seafood and more. Since the ingredients are so diverse, so is the density of the soup, which ranges from clear to creamy. Gyokai ramen is more prevalent in northern Tohoku, whereas in Tokyo, a va r iatio n c a ll e d g yo k a i tonkotsu (simply adding fish powder to tonkotsu soup) is more common.

Tori is a new variation of ramen that has been gaining popularity since 2000. The creamy soup is made from boiling chicken bones or whole chickens. The flavor is smooth without the bitter taste that is typical of pork. Increasingly, ramen chefs are also garnishing the ramen with chicken chashu or chicken meatballs.

Ushi ramen is the newest trend in Japan. Instead of the usual pork or chicken, beef is used as the main ingredient, which gives the ramen an upscale f l avo r a n d swe et a ro m a. Ramen chefs are recently incorporating roast beef and beef steak into their recipe. Since beef is more highly regarded than chicken or pork, the ushi trend is expected to continue. WAttention Tokyo


Shinagawa, Tokyo Having studied the art of ramen in Kumamoto, Mr. Furuya opened Nantsuttei in his hometown of Kanagawa in 1997. The venture has been a huge success thanks to the rich and creamy pork bone soup and his secret recipe, black Ma-yu (roasted garlic oil). The soup is made from pig head and bones, and then topped with Ma-yu , which leaves a bitter hint in your mouth after each sip. And it is this special flavor that differentiates Nantsuttei s ramen from others. In 2010, Nantsuttei launched its first overseas branch in Singapore.

HAYATO ISHIYAMA Knowledge is power, especially if you love ramen. And the more you know about the characteristics of a ramen shop, the more you will enjoy your next ramen. Here, Mr. Ishiyama recommends 5 of the hottest ramen shops in Japan. All 5 ramens introduced here contain pork or pork by-products.

Ebisu, Tokyo Boasting a history of nearly 50 years, Junren is a long-standing staple that brought Sapporo ramen to a nationwide audience. As soon as you lift the noodles up with your chopsticks, you will be impressed by the unique scent of chunky pork lard, garlic, ginger, and Japanese pepper, all mixed well with the exceptional flavor of the miso soup. Moreover, the sufficiently aged pui-puri (slightly softer than al dente) noodle is typical of Sapporo ramen. In 2012, a new branch was opened in Ebisu, a district with a high concentration of ramen shops. INSIDER TIP

•Hours: 11:00~23:00 •Address: 3-26-20 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-5791-1355 •URL: http://www.nantsu.com/


T h e s e c r e t b l a c k ro a s te d garlic oil is Nantsuttei s signature ingredient.

•Hours: 11:0 0~23:0 0 •Address: 4-4-1 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-3441-8720 •URL: http://www.junren.co.jp/group/shop-ebisu.htm

The hot miso flavored soup is rich in pig fat.


Harajuku, Tokyo


The chicken oil on the surface of the soup makes it both rich and filling.

Oimachi, Tokyo Menichi Kicchou has its roots in the Tohoku region. It evolved from Shirakawa ramen, which is one of the local specialties in Tohoku. The first feature of Menichi is the soy sauce-based soup that characterizes Shirakawa ramen. The second is the curly noodles made by a special method called Aodake-uchi . Thirdly, rather than using braised chashu pork that is commonly used in other stores, Menichi uses roasted chashu pork. The current Oimachi store was renovated in 2011, giving you a chance to taste a genuine Tohoku flavor in Tokyo. •Hours: 11:30~14:30, 17:30~21:0 0 (Closed on Monday and Tuesday) •Address: 5-6-6 Higashioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-5460-3358 14 WAttention Tokyo

Produced by Mr. Ishiyama

Opened in 2012 in the fashionable district of Harajuku, Jingu aims to challenge long-standing ramen traditions by introducing beef into the recipe. The chef of Jingu uses lots of bovine bones and boils them in a pressure cooker to create the thick broth. As if to beef it up, the soup and noodles are topped with roasted beef chashu made of blackhaired wagyu. The taste of beef chashu is beyond the usual pork you would expect from a ramen shop. •Hours: 11:00~24:00 •Address: 4-32-5 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-6434-9910 •URL: http://jingu.asia/


Roasted beef chashu made of black haired wagyu is a luxury.

You will fall in love with the curly noodles.

Gotanda, Tokyo Established in Asahikawa, Hokkaido and gradually expanded to Tokyo, Asia, and even the U.S., Santouka has won the hearts of ramen lovers with its signature shio ramen, making it one of Japan s signature ramen brands. The pearlcolored tonkotsu soup is rather mild due to the use of seafood like thinly-sliced codfish, which is also a characteristic of ramen in Asahikawa. Moreover, their specialty curly noodles boast a natural, wheat-flavor that blend well with the soup. Currently, Santouka has 21 shops in 9 countries. • H o u r s : 11: 0 0 ~2 2 : 0 0 ( M o n d a y ~ S a t u r d a y ) , 11:00~18:00 (Sunday and holiday) •Address: 2-15-10 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-64200807 •URL: http://www.santouka.co.jp/ WAttention Tokyo


Shinagawa, Tokyo Having studied the art of ramen in Kumamoto, Mr. Furuya opened Nantsuttei in his hometown of Kanagawa in 1997. The venture has been a huge success thanks to the rich and creamy pork bone soup and his secret recipe, black Ma-yu (roasted garlic oil). The soup is made from pig head and bones, and then topped with Ma-yu , which leaves a bitter hint in your mouth after each sip. And it is this special flavor that differentiates Nantsuttei s ramen from others. In 2010, Nantsuttei launched its first overseas branch in Singapore.

HAYATO ISHIYAMA Knowledge is power, especially if you love ramen. And the more you know about the characteristics of a ramen shop, the more you will enjoy your next ramen. Here, Mr. Ishiyama recommends 5 of the hottest ramen shops in Japan. All 5 ramens introduced here contain pork or pork by-products.

Ebisu, Tokyo Boasting a history of nearly 50 years, Junren is a long-standing staple that brought Sapporo ramen to a nationwide audience. As soon as you lift the noodles up with your chopsticks, you will be impressed by the unique scent of chunky pork lard, garlic, ginger, and Japanese pepper, all mixed well with the exceptional flavor of the miso soup. Moreover, the sufficiently aged pui-puri (slightly softer than al dente) noodle is typical of Sapporo ramen. In 2012, a new branch was opened in Ebisu, a district with a high concentration of ramen shops. INSIDER TIP

•Hours: 11:00~23:00 •Address: 3-26-20 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-5791-1355 •URL: http://www.nantsu.com/


T h e s e c r e t b l a c k ro a s te d garlic oil is Nantsuttei s signature ingredient.

•Hours: 11:0 0~23:0 0 •Address: 4-4-1 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-3441-8720 •URL: http://www.junren.co.jp/group/shop-ebisu.htm

The hot miso flavored soup is rich in pig fat.


Harajuku, Tokyo


The chicken oil on the surface of the soup makes it both rich and filling.

Oimachi, Tokyo Menichi Kicchou has its roots in the Tohoku region. It evolved from Shirakawa ramen, which is one of the local specialties in Tohoku. The first feature of Menichi is the soy sauce-based soup that characterizes Shirakawa ramen. The second is the curly noodles made by a special method called Aodake-uchi . Thirdly, rather than using braised chashu pork that is commonly used in other stores, Menichi uses roasted chashu pork. The current Oimachi store was renovated in 2011, giving you a chance to taste a genuine Tohoku flavor in Tokyo. •Hours: 11:30~14:30, 17:30~21:0 0 (Closed on Monday and Tuesday) •Address: 5-6-6 Higashioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-5460-3358 14 WAttention Tokyo

Produced by Mr. Ishiyama

Opened in 2012 in the fashionable district of Harajuku, Jingu aims to challenge long-standing ramen traditions by introducing beef into the recipe. The chef of Jingu uses lots of bovine bones and boils them in a pressure cooker to create the thick broth. As if to beef it up, the soup and noodles are topped with roasted beef chashu made of blackhaired wagyu. The taste of beef chashu is beyond the usual pork you would expect from a ramen shop. •Hours: 11:00~24:00 •Address: 4-32-5 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-6434-9910 •URL: http://jingu.asia/


Roasted beef chashu made of black haired wagyu is a luxury.

You will fall in love with the curly noodles.

Gotanda, Tokyo Established in Asahikawa, Hokkaido and gradually expanded to Tokyo, Asia, and even the U.S., Santouka has won the hearts of ramen lovers with its signature shio ramen, making it one of Japan s signature ramen brands. The pearlcolored tonkotsu soup is rather mild due to the use of seafood like thinly-sliced codfish, which is also a characteristic of ramen in Asahikawa. Moreover, their specialty curly noodles boast a natural, wheat-flavor that blend well with the soup. Currently, Santouka has 21 shops in 9 countries. • H o u r s : 11: 0 0 ~2 2 : 0 0 ( M o n d a y ~ S a t u r d a y ) , 11:00~18:00 (Sunday and holiday) •Address: 2-15-10 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-64200807 •URL: http://www.santouka.co.jp/ WAttention Tokyo



Stay Cool, Look Gorgeous in Tokyo's Summer Heat Don t let Tokyo's heat and humidity get you down this summer. Many places offer summer-time sp ecials services so be smart and take advantage of them. Below is a selection. Enjoy your summer. SYMPHONY TOK YO BAY CRUISE

Enjoy a scenic view of Tokyo Bay with a delicious meal



Meet dolphins and sea lions in the heart of Tokyo


ake a cruise to picturesque points of the Bay including Rainbow Bridge, the Odaiba area, Tokyo Gate Bridge and Tokyo Skytree®! The Symphony Tokyo Bay Cruise has various set plans such as a Hawaiian buffet and beer & cocktails this summer to double your fun on board.

ust a two-minute walk from Shinagawa station takes you to a fantastic world of tropical fish and sparkly sea creatures. Cheering and clapping the dolphin show in a round pool with a 360-degree view is a family highlight in summer. After the show you can enjoy summer sweets or meals on the outdoor terrace. Lovely!

•Hours: 11:50 – 21:30 •Address: 2-7-104, Kaigan, Minato-ku •Price: Dinner cruise from 8,000 yen. Sunset cruise from 6,000 yen. Lunch cruise from 5,000 yen. Reservation required with a minimum passenger booking number depending on cruises or events) •Access: One minute walk from Hinode station on the Yurikamome Line, 12 minutes walk or five minutes by taxi from JR Hamamatsu-cho station •Tel: 03-3798-8101(10:00-19:30) •Web: http://www.symphony-cruise.co.jp/english/index.html

•Hours: 9:00, 10:00 or noon ~ 21:00 or 22:00 (depending on days) •Address: 4-10-30, Takanawa, Minato-ku •Access: Two minutes by foot from Shinagawa station (JR, Keikyu Line) •Price: Adults (16 and over) 1,800 yen, children aged 7-15 years 1,000 yen, aged 4-6 years 600 yen •Tel: 03-5421-1111 • W e b : h t t p : // w w w. p r i n c e h o t e l s . c o . j p / s h i n a g a w a / aquastadium/e/aquastadium/

Making use of summer special of fers is a great way to experience the famous 'Big Three' hotels for the fir st time. Immer se your self in the luxur y of these elegant classic hotels. IMPERIAL HOTEL , TOK YO

Relax in the time-honored favorite with a history of over 120 years


Lounging by the outdoor pool surrounded by the Japanese Garden



ince established as a guesthouse for distinguished visitors in 1890, the Imperial Hotel is popular among Japanese and overseas customers. The hotel also offers facilities for international conferences and was the main venue for the 2012 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. The Refresh stay plan , which offers free pool tickets, gives you the chance to chill out in this historical luxury hotel. Also highly recommended is the Old Imperial Bar, where you can still see relics of Frank Lloyds Wrights design from the former main building. Refresh Stay Plan •Dates: July 1 to Sept. 30 •Price: Tower Bldg, Standard room type, 2 persons: 36,000 yen, 3 persons: 40,800 yen *Room charge per night, service charge and consumption tax included. Accommodation tax will be added. •Address: 1-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku •TEL: 03-3504-1111 •URL: http://www.imperialhotel.co.jp/e/tokyo

16 WAttention Tokyo

efresh yourself in the outdoor pool and savor the resort-like atmosphere. Strolling in the historic Japanese garden offers a break from the stresses of everyday life. The Urban Resort Stay includes free outdoor pool use as well as breakfast included and is our tip for you to luxuriate in style. Urban Resort Stay •Dates: July 13 to Sept. 15 •Price: 1 person: From 13,000 yen (Double occupancy) *Per night, service charge and consumption tax included. •Address: 4-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku •T E L : 0 12 0 -112 211( H o t e l N e w O t a n i To k y o R o o m Reservations) •Reservation by phone only


Spoil yourself in opulent style


ipping your toes in the pool after a big breakfast and a deep, comfy sleep. Unwind at this elegant hotel by taking advantage of the Pool & Stay Plan . If the mood takes you, treat yourself in the spa and enjoy a special cold meal for the summertime. Pool & Stay Plan •Dates: July 6 to Sept. 16 •Price: Standard room, two people: From 30,000 yen *Per room per night, ser vice charge and accommodation tax included •Address: 2-10-4 Toranomon, Minato-ku •TEL: 03-3582-0111 •URL: http:// www.hotelokura.co.jp/tokyo/en/

WAttention Tokyo



Stay Cool, Look Gorgeous in Tokyo's Summer Heat Don t let Tokyo's heat and humidity get you down this summer. Many places offer summer-time sp ecials services so be smart and take advantage of them. Below is a selection. Enjoy your summer. SYMPHONY TOK YO BAY CRUISE

Enjoy a scenic view of Tokyo Bay with a delicious meal



Meet dolphins and sea lions in the heart of Tokyo


ake a cruise to picturesque points of the Bay including Rainbow Bridge, the Odaiba area, Tokyo Gate Bridge and Tokyo Skytree®! The Symphony Tokyo Bay Cruise has various set plans such as a Hawaiian buffet and beer & cocktails this summer to double your fun on board.

ust a two-minute walk from Shinagawa station takes you to a fantastic world of tropical fish and sparkly sea creatures. Cheering and clapping the dolphin show in a round pool with a 360-degree view is a family highlight in summer. After the show you can enjoy summer sweets or meals on the outdoor terrace. Lovely!

•Hours: 11:50 – 21:30 •Address: 2-7-104, Kaigan, Minato-ku •Price: Dinner cruise from 8,000 yen. Sunset cruise from 6,000 yen. Lunch cruise from 5,000 yen. Reservation required with a minimum passenger booking number depending on cruises or events) •Access: One minute walk from Hinode station on the Yurikamome Line, 12 minutes walk or five minutes by taxi from JR Hamamatsu-cho station •Tel: 03-3798-8101(10:00-19:30) •Web: http://www.symphony-cruise.co.jp/english/index.html

•Hours: 9:00, 10:00 or noon ~ 21:00 or 22:00 (depending on days) •Address: 4-10-30, Takanawa, Minato-ku •Access: Two minutes by foot from Shinagawa station (JR, Keikyu Line) •Price: Adults (16 and over) 1,800 yen, children aged 7-15 years 1,000 yen, aged 4-6 years 600 yen •Tel: 03-5421-1111 • W e b : h t t p : // w w w. p r i n c e h o t e l s . c o . j p / s h i n a g a w a / aquastadium/e/aquastadium/

Making use of summer special of fers is a great way to experience the famous 'Big Three' hotels for the fir st time. Immer se your self in the luxur y of these elegant classic hotels. IMPERIAL HOTEL , TOK YO

Relax in the time-honored favorite with a history of over 120 years


Lounging by the outdoor pool surrounded by the Japanese Garden



ince established as a guesthouse for distinguished visitors in 1890, the Imperial Hotel is popular among Japanese and overseas customers. The hotel also offers facilities for international conferences and was the main venue for the 2012 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. The Refresh stay plan , which offers free pool tickets, gives you the chance to chill out in this historical luxury hotel. Also highly recommended is the Old Imperial Bar, where you can still see relics of Frank Lloyds Wrights design from the former main building. Refresh Stay Plan •Dates: July 1 to Sept. 30 •Price: Tower Bldg, Standard room type, 2 persons: 36,000 yen, 3 persons: 40,800 yen *Room charge per night, service charge and consumption tax included. Accommodation tax will be added. •Address: 1-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku •TEL: 03-3504-1111 •URL: http://www.imperialhotel.co.jp/e/tokyo

16 WAttention Tokyo

efresh yourself in the outdoor pool and savor the resort-like atmosphere. Strolling in the historic Japanese garden offers a break from the stresses of everyday life. The Urban Resort Stay includes free outdoor pool use as well as breakfast included and is our tip for you to luxuriate in style. Urban Resort Stay •Dates: July 13 to Sept. 15 •Price: 1 person: From 13,000 yen (Double occupancy) *Per night, service charge and consumption tax included. •Address: 4-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku •T E L : 0 12 0 -112 211( H o t e l N e w O t a n i To k y o R o o m Reservations) •Reservation by phone only


Spoil yourself in opulent style


ipping your toes in the pool after a big breakfast and a deep, comfy sleep. Unwind at this elegant hotel by taking advantage of the Pool & Stay Plan . If the mood takes you, treat yourself in the spa and enjoy a special cold meal for the summertime. Pool & Stay Plan •Dates: July 6 to Sept. 16 •Price: Standard room, two people: From 30,000 yen *Per room per night, ser vice charge and accommodation tax included •Address: 2-10-4 Toranomon, Minato-ku •TEL: 03-3582-0111 •URL: http:// www.hotelokura.co.jp/tokyo/en/

WAttention Tokyo


Chill out this summer in your own style! There are many ways to enjoy the summer season. Escape to the beauty of the countryside. Take a night cruise in the middle of the city. How about trying new restaurants without breaking your budget? So many options to choose from! TAK AOSAN BEER MOUNT

Traditional Japanese heatbeaters making cool comeback

WAttention summer giveaways: 10 pairs of steteco pants are up for grabs. For details, s e a rc h WAt te n ti o n o n facebook.

With its comfortable texture and stylish design, the 'steteco' has emerged as a new must-have summer fashion item!

Bottom up at the highest beer garden in Tokyo!


limbing a 599-meter mountain followed by a cold brew - what a top idea! Michelin-3 star rated Mount Takao opens its beer garden during the summer season. You can enjoy a wide variety of drinks and buffet meals while marvelling at the panoramic view of Tokyo, Yokohama and even Mt. Fuji. •Dates: June 22 to Oct. 6 •Hours: 15:00-21:00, Sat, Sun & Holidays 14:30-21:00 (Sat, Sun & Holidays during the period of July 20 to Aug. 31 and Aug. 12- 16 from 13:00 to 2100) •Access: one minute walk from Takaosan station (6 mins ride in a cable car from the Kiyotaki station, located five minutes by foot from Keio Takaosan-guchi station) •Price: 3,500 yen for men, 3300 yen for women, 2,500 yen for junior high students, 1,500 yen for elementary school children, 500 yen for pre-school children. All you can drink and eat for 2 hours but credit cards not accepted. •Tel: 042-665-9943 (9:00 – 17:00, Japanese only) •Web: http://www.takaotozan.co.jp/takaotozan_eng1/beermnt/


Exclusive for WAttention readers:

A luxury spot to dance the night away

Present this page for a 1,000 yen discount.


n a city saturated with every kind of night life imaginable, Genius Tokyo is a dance club located in the upmarket Ginza district. Even before midnight, the dance-floor fills up with businessmen and women and tourists can also enjoy a fun night out in a seductive and sophisticated atmosphere with awesome sounds. Every night has a different theme so there s something to suit everyone s musical tastes.


•Hours: 19:00~24:00 (Tuesday to Thursday); 19:00~25:00 (Friday); 20:00~25:00 (Saturday); Closed on Sunday and Monday.. •Address: 6-4-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku •TEL: 03-35715830 •Access: 3min walk from Tokyo Metro Ginza station. •URL: http://geniustokyo.jp/club.html


Don’t miss out on this fabulous culinary event ! The Japan Restaurant Week Executive Committee

Committee Chairman

Yukio Hattori

Hattori Nutrition College PRESIDENT YUKIO HATTORI,Ph.D.

Mamoru Kataoka Ristorante Al Porto Owner and Chef


18 WAttention Tokyo

Seiichiro Kubo President Gurunavi, Inc.

Kinya Komoda

Takashi Tamura

Szechwan restaurant Chen Tsukiji Tamura Executive chef Owner and Chef

Kiyomi Mikuni Hôtel de Mikuni Owner and Chef

Japan Restaurant Week is a special festival held twice a year in summer a n d w i n t e r. Yo u c a n enjoy a select menu from premier restaurants across the country including award-winning eateries at a reasonable prices. Why not take advantage of this superb opportunity to check out restaurants you always wanted to eat at? See the website for details.

•Dates: July 19 to Aug. 7 (20 days) •Price: Lunch 2,100 yen or 3,150 yen, Dinner 5,250 yen or 7,350 yen (including tax, service charges will be added. Reservations required) •Web: http://jrw.jp/index_en.html

or an undergarment invented in the Meiji period (1868-1912) to keep guys cool in Japan s steamy summers, the steteco is undergoing something of a revolution, shedding its fuddy-duddy image with a colorful new line of funky ventilators. Japanese traditionally wore the loose, crepe cotton pants under a kimono or hakama after a bath but they became associated with dad calling for mam to bring another bottle of beer as he sat cross-legged in front of the TV watching baseball. Less Surfer Dude than Eda-Mame Man. That s about to change thanks to a new look that would not look out of place on the beaches of Okinawa launched by steteco.com. I was asked to wear a pair for a photo shoot recently. More worrying than my first attempt on the business end of a fashion lens in 20 years was being asked

to wear steteco pants. Handed an uchiwa fan (completing the perfect oyaji stereotype) my fear grew to almost paranoid proportions. Until I saw the pants up close. Packaged almost Calvin Klein-like (I said almost ) and in a variety of groovy colors. I went for the camouflage. A cool breeze shot up the legs. Not bad! I thought. Not bad at all. Comfortable around the waist and tapering in from the thighs, the pants extend a few centimeters below the knee. I could see myself lounging on the couch, at the pool or even going to bed in them as pajamas during the hot summer months. The image of dad or grandpa fanning themselves in their leggings is as familiar to the Japanese as summertime itself. But versatile, durable and still 100% made in Japan, Steteco is returning in style. Until recently you only really caught

glimpses in TV dramas where they still trigger deep nostalgia among Japanese. Hipsters who wouldn t be caught dead in a pair might just change their minds when they see what s new. Thanks to steteco.com they could just become the new must-have summer fashion item for guys – and gals too. Surf s up!

steteco.com SOLA LABO (Tokyo Solamachi Store) •Hours: 10:00~21:00 •Addr es s: 4F, Tok yo Solamachi, 1-1-2 Oshiage, Sumida-ku •URL: http://www.steteco.com •Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/steteco

WAttention Tokyo


Chill out this summer in your own style! There are many ways to enjoy the summer season. Escape to the beauty of the countryside. Take a night cruise in the middle of the city. How about trying new restaurants without breaking your budget? So many options to choose from! TAK AOSAN BEER MOUNT

Traditional Japanese heatbeaters making cool comeback

WAttention summer giveaways: 10 pairs of steteco pants are up for grabs. For details, s e a rc h WAt te n ti o n o n facebook.

With its comfortable texture and stylish design, the 'steteco' has emerged as a new must-have summer fashion item!

Bottom up at the highest beer garden in Tokyo!


limbing a 599-meter mountain followed by a cold brew - what a top idea! Michelin-3 star rated Mount Takao opens its beer garden during the summer season. You can enjoy a wide variety of drinks and buffet meals while marvelling at the panoramic view of Tokyo, Yokohama and even Mt. Fuji. •Dates: June 22 to Oct. 6 •Hours: 15:00-21:00, Sat, Sun & Holidays 14:30-21:00 (Sat, Sun & Holidays during the period of July 20 to Aug. 31 and Aug. 12- 16 from 13:00 to 2100) •Access: one minute walk from Takaosan station (6 mins ride in a cable car from the Kiyotaki station, located five minutes by foot from Keio Takaosan-guchi station) •Price: 3,500 yen for men, 3300 yen for women, 2,500 yen for junior high students, 1,500 yen for elementary school children, 500 yen for pre-school children. All you can drink and eat for 2 hours but credit cards not accepted. •Tel: 042-665-9943 (9:00 – 17:00, Japanese only) •Web: http://www.takaotozan.co.jp/takaotozan_eng1/beermnt/


Exclusive for WAttention readers:

A luxury spot to dance the night away

Present this page for a 1,000 yen discount.


n a city saturated with every kind of night life imaginable, Genius Tokyo is a dance club located in the upmarket Ginza district. Even before midnight, the dance-floor fills up with businessmen and women and tourists can also enjoy a fun night out in a seductive and sophisticated atmosphere with awesome sounds. Every night has a different theme so there s something to suit everyone s musical tastes.


•Hours: 19:00~24:00 (Tuesday to Thursday); 19:00~25:00 (Friday); 20:00~25:00 (Saturday); Closed on Sunday and Monday.. •Address: 6-4-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku •TEL: 03-35715830 •Access: 3min walk from Tokyo Metro Ginza station. •URL: http://geniustokyo.jp/club.html


Don’t miss out on this fabulous culinary event ! The Japan Restaurant Week Executive Committee

Committee Chairman

Yukio Hattori

Hattori Nutrition College PRESIDENT YUKIO HATTORI,Ph.D.

Mamoru Kataoka Ristorante Al Porto Owner and Chef


18 WAttention Tokyo

Seiichiro Kubo President Gurunavi, Inc.

Kinya Komoda

Takashi Tamura

Szechwan restaurant Chen Tsukiji Tamura Executive chef Owner and Chef

Kiyomi Mikuni Hôtel de Mikuni Owner and Chef

Japan Restaurant Week is a special festival held twice a year in summer a n d w i n t e r. Yo u c a n enjoy a select menu from premier restaurants across the country including award-winning eateries at a reasonable prices. Why not take advantage of this superb opportunity to check out restaurants you always wanted to eat at? See the website for details.

•Dates: July 19 to Aug. 7 (20 days) •Price: Lunch 2,100 yen or 3,150 yen, Dinner 5,250 yen or 7,350 yen (including tax, service charges will be added. Reservations required) •Web: http://jrw.jp/index_en.html

or an undergarment invented in the Meiji period (1868-1912) to keep guys cool in Japan s steamy summers, the steteco is undergoing something of a revolution, shedding its fuddy-duddy image with a colorful new line of funky ventilators. Japanese traditionally wore the loose, crepe cotton pants under a kimono or hakama after a bath but they became associated with dad calling for mam to bring another bottle of beer as he sat cross-legged in front of the TV watching baseball. Less Surfer Dude than Eda-Mame Man. That s about to change thanks to a new look that would not look out of place on the beaches of Okinawa launched by steteco.com. I was asked to wear a pair for a photo shoot recently. More worrying than my first attempt on the business end of a fashion lens in 20 years was being asked

to wear steteco pants. Handed an uchiwa fan (completing the perfect oyaji stereotype) my fear grew to almost paranoid proportions. Until I saw the pants up close. Packaged almost Calvin Klein-like (I said almost ) and in a variety of groovy colors. I went for the camouflage. A cool breeze shot up the legs. Not bad! I thought. Not bad at all. Comfortable around the waist and tapering in from the thighs, the pants extend a few centimeters below the knee. I could see myself lounging on the couch, at the pool or even going to bed in them as pajamas during the hot summer months. The image of dad or grandpa fanning themselves in their leggings is as familiar to the Japanese as summertime itself. But versatile, durable and still 100% made in Japan, Steteco is returning in style. Until recently you only really caught

glimpses in TV dramas where they still trigger deep nostalgia among Japanese. Hipsters who wouldn t be caught dead in a pair might just change their minds when they see what s new. Thanks to steteco.com they could just become the new must-have summer fashion item for guys – and gals too. Surf s up!

steteco.com SOLA LABO (Tokyo Solamachi Store) •Hours: 10:00~21:00 •Addr es s: 4F, Tok yo Solamachi, 1-1-2 Oshiage, Sumida-ku •URL: http://www.steteco.com •Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/steteco

WAttention Tokyo


NORITAKE: Japan's Fine Tableware Vol.2


Premium Noritake Bone China endures the test of time

Noritake Bone China is known and loved in Japan and abroad. Among the various line-ups, YOSHINO has been a long seller and loved all over the world since its debut in 1988.

Established in 1876 in Ginza as a trading company called Morimura Gumi, Noritake was the first company to succeed in making western-style tableware in Japan. After the first dinnerware set was produced in 1914, Noritake started to export it across Pacific Ocean. It did not take long for Noritake s products to take the United States by storm.

20 WAttention Tokyo

YOSHINO is a leading Noritake product and has been a long seller since its debut in 1988 and its supreme craftsmanship and elegant style has stood the test of time. YOSHINO has its roots in the CYRIL line launched in the 1930s. The original design mixed water blue, grass green and peach pink colors in an Arabian style, making CYRIL one of the best among Noritake s products. The original design has been reinvented and enhanced as the years have passed and has evolved into the present fifth generation YOSHINO. The evolution has blended the patterns often seen in Indian, Islam, and Persian art crafts and architecture. Those exotic patterns were accompanied by sakura cherry blossoms from Mt. Yoshino - a seasonal phenomenon which arouses nostalgia in the Japanese and led to the name YOSHINO . The beauty of YOSHINO continues to transcend the ages. Dining ware to give your table an air of perfection.

Noritake GINZA

•Address: Bunshodo Building 2F, 3-4-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo •Number of products on exhibit: Approximately 1,000 •Hours: 11:00 – 19:30. Open all year (except for New Year s holidays) •TEL: 03-35676121 •Access: 1-minute walk from A13 exit, Ginza Station, on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, Marunouchi Line, and Hibiya Line •URL: http://www.noritake.co.jp/ tableware/shoplist/index.html

When you’re feeling a little down, top up your Qi!



Hanazono Shrine

Shrine in Japan s foremost nightlife district

The shrine, watching over one of the busiest areas of Tokyo, Shinjuku, has played a role as culture bearer since the Edo period

Worshipped at by many entertainers With their quiet dignity the grounds of Hanazono Shrine are so peaceful that it is hard to believe that Kabukicho is right next door. As the guardian of the city, the shrine has been watching over Shinjuku from before the start of the Edo period (1603-1868). Praying at Hanazono Shrine is believed to bring prosperity in business and the shrine is also famous for its deep connection with entertainment. Going through the main shrine gate you can see one of its sub-altars, the Geino Asama Shrine, on the right. The names of many performers and entertainers who have worshipped at the shrine hang on boards around it. Its connection with entertainment began in the Edo period when the Hanazono shrine set up a stage on the grounds to host plays and dances in order to rebuild the pavilion which had burned down. Even now plays and live performances are staged in the grounds, and the cult Freak Show - rare these days - opens at the Torinoichi festival (famous for open-air stalls selling kumade rakes for raking in good fortune, held on the Day of the Rooster in November). The Hanazono Shrine still plays a big role in Tokyo s cultural heritage right in the middle of the city.

At the Torinoichi festival held every November about 600,000 people visit the shrine!

Antique market held every Sunday (except when raining and on shrine event days)

Hanazono Shrine Information

Address: 5-17-3, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Access: 7 mins walk from the East Exit of Shinjuku station on JR, Odakyu and Keio Lines. URL: http://www.hanazono-jinja.or.jp/mt/top/ (Japanese only) WAttention Tokyo






Miura Bound


Miura Fish Market & Urari


Great Short Trips Right from the Airport!

A Mesmerizing Harbor City START

Keikyu Haneda Airport International terminal Station

•Admission: Free •Access: 15 min bu s r id e f ro m Ke ik y u M is a k igu c hi station •URL: http://www.city.miura. kanagawa.jp/ichiba/ichiba_index.html (Japanese only) http://www.umigyo. co.jp/ (Urari)

Yokohama Bound

Coming in for a short visit? Then maximize your time for an exciting adventure right from the airport! Tokyo s Haneda Airport is well connected by Keikyu Line taking you directly to exciting areas like Yokohama, Miura and Asakusa on a short ride. All you need is just a little knowledge!

Chakkirako-Misaki Showa Museum

Honoring the endless passion and creativity of Cup Noodles i nve nto r, M o m of u k u A n d o, th e s p a c i o u s m u s e u m i s designed to inspire all visitors. Popular attractions include My CUPNOODLES Factory, where you can make your own cup noodles!

Being one of the largest of its kind, Yokohama s maze-like Chinatown is packed with over 600 shops and restaurants in a mere 500 square meters! Saikoh The elegant lunch course features 11 delightful dishes complete with dessert and tea. Delicate, savory and satisfying yet comfortably light. 2000 yen. •Access: 3 min walk from Motomachi-Chukagai station on Minatomirai Line •URL: http://www.saikoh-shinkan.com/index.php?page=index

Ste p into the Showa pe r iod (1925-86)! The museum in this old house has all the rooms preserved as people lived in the Showa period. Feel the nostalgia that Japanese people get!




Tuna going through this market is branded Misaki Tuna , a brand known nationwide. From the visitor s path on the second floor, you can watch master the tuna bidders critical inspection of rows of fresh tuna. Right across from the market is Urari, a facility where visitors can buy anything from fresh fish and vegetables to a number of adventurous tuna products!

A Wonderland Closest to Tokyo

•Admission: Free •Access: 5 min walk from Misaki Port bus stop •URL: http://www.umigyo. c o . j p /d o w n t o w n g u i d e . h t m l (Japanese only)

•Admission: Adults: 500 yen / free for children aged 18 and younger. My CUPNOODLES Admission to the factory costs 300 yen extra per cup. •Access: 8 min walk from Minatomirai and Bashamichi station on Minatomirai Line •URL: http:// www.cupnoodles-museum.jp/english/index.html

Minatomirai 21

Sankeien Garden S te p i nto a c o m p l ete l y d i f fe re nt dimension of Yokohama. This vast and outstanding garden was home to Sankei Hara, a silk tycoon from the early 1900s, and is breathtakingly beautiful from any corner, any time of the day or year. Don t forget to experience a traditional tea ceremony there!

This former shipyard-turned-modern-commercial-district with thorough consideration of urban design and environmental impact shines light on the port s ( minato ) future ( mirai ). The area features Landmark Tower with an amazing observatory on the 69th floor and the scenic commercial complex, Red Brick Warehouse. KEKE in Landmark Tower offers you healthy meals prepared with fresh and quality ingredients in a buffet-style offering around 60 delicious dishes ranging from traditional Japanese to a chocolate fountain! •KEKE Lunch 1700 yen (+200 yen on weekends) Dinner 2200 yen (+200 yen on weekends) •Access: 3 min walk from Minatomirai station on Minatomirai Line •URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g221856/lang/en/

•Ad m i s s i o n: Ad u l ts: 50 0 ye n •A c c e s s : 10 m i n t a x i r i d e f r o m M oto m ac h i- C hu k ag a i stati o n o n Minatomirai Line •URL: http://www. sankeien.or.jp/index.html

Night Cruise

Jogashima Island


A night in Yokohama is never complete without savoring the magnificent cityscape over the water. If you are in a rush, take a walk along the bay, but for a unique and memorable view, hop on a factory cruise and go around the beautifully illuminated industrial section of the bay!

Jogashima Park boasts a magnificent view of both sunrise and sunset as well as Mt. Fuji over the Pacific. The island s Pacific side presents a variety of rare geological formations resembling Mars in one section and the moon in another while countless narcissus flowers carpet the island to soften its weathered cliffs come spring.

Owned by a true tuna expert (connoisseur) Yoshio Yamada, the restaurant features many tuna dishes, including ones using rare cuts reflecting his philosophy of wasting none of the fish!

•Tickets: 3500 yen •Reservation: By phone at 045-201-0821 •URL: http://www.keihinferry.co.jp/ index.html (Japanese only)

•Admission: Free •Access: 7 min walk from Keikyu Bus stop Hakushu-hi-mae or take a boat from Urari. •URL: http://www.kanagawa-park.or.jp/cityparkguidance/ jyogashima/ (Japanese only)

Exciting Option Toshiba Science Museum From static electronic bar that gets your h a i r w i l d to s u p e rconducting ceramic that floats like a hoverboard, there is no word that could describe the Toshiba Science Museum better than simply cool . Exciting for all ages, both science buffs and non-science buffs alike, the entrance is free for all! •Admission: Free (Free English guides available but requires reservation in advance) •Access: 10 min bus ride from JR Kawasaki station •URL: http:// museum.toshiba.co.jp/ 22 WAttention Tokyo

•Access: 10 min walk from the Port •URL: http://www.kurobatei.com/ (Japanese only)

Exciting Option Access From Haneda: 24 min ride on Keikyu Line (440 yen). Airport Limousine is also available taking you directly to Yokohama station in 53 min (560 yen). To travel reasonably, get PASMO & Keikyu Haneda Discount Ticket at Keikyu Tourist Information Center at the airport. The ticket costs 2600 yen which includes return tickets to Yokohama and a PASMO card charged with 1500 yen. PASMO is a precharged card that lets you ride most railways and busses in Greater Kanto region. It spares you from calculation of ticket price as well as buying individual tickets all the time. Note: Times indicated are based on standard duration and may vary due to operational condition.

Hotel New Grand Find an outstanding comfort at this historical hotel built in 1927. As a member of the world s best hotel association, Preferred H ote l G r o u p, H o te l New Grand offers you a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating stay. Buffet-style breakfast is served at Le Normandie offers not only delightful breakfast, but also possibly one of the best views in the city. •Access: 1 min walk from Motomachi-Chukagai station on Minatomirai line •URL: http://www.hotelnewgrand.co.jp/english/index.html

Access From Yokohama: 48 min ride on Keikyu Line (550 yen one way). To travel reasonably, get great discount tickets.

Jogashima Keikyu Hotel Standing at the edge of the island, this traditional hotel lets you soak in a big tub, dine and wake up to a magnificent view of the Pacific, and Mt. Fuji on a clear day! •Access: 5 min walk from Jogashima bus stop on Keikyu bus from Misakiguchi station •URL: http:// www.misakikanko.co.jp/jyogashima/ (Japanese only)

Miura Peninsula 1 DAY / 2 DAYS Ticket The tickets include a round ticket to Misakiguchi, unlimited rides bet ween Kana zawabunko and Misakiguchi stations and Keikyu busses from the stations. 1 DAY: 1400 yen. 2 DAYS: 1600 yen. Misaki Maguro Ticket A combination of a return ticket to Misakiguchi and unlimited bus ride there, a tuna dish at designated restaurants in Misaki and entrance to designated resourts in the city. Great for a day trip. 2880 yen. Note: Times indicated are based on standard duration and may vary due to operational condition.

Tuna City Misaki Misaki is known for its tuna. It is apparent when you walk around town; the endless list of tuna-inspired objects and decorations as well as recipes is quite impressive. Enjoy some of the unique tuna products, like "Tuna Ramen" awarded 2nd place in a regional B-rated food festival and tuna icecream which is not actually bad at all! Finding peculiar tuna themed objects doubles the fun during your stroll as well! WAttention Tokyo






Miura Bound


Miura Fish Market & Urari


Great Short Trips Right from the Airport!

A Mesmerizing Harbor City START

Keikyu Haneda Airport International terminal Station

•Admission: Free •Access: 15 min bu s r id e f ro m Ke ik y u M is a k igu c hi station •URL: http://www.city.miura. kanagawa.jp/ichiba/ichiba_index.html (Japanese only) http://www.umigyo. co.jp/ (Urari)

Yokohama Bound

Coming in for a short visit? Then maximize your time for an exciting adventure right from the airport! Tokyo s Haneda Airport is well connected by Keikyu Line taking you directly to exciting areas like Yokohama, Miura and Asakusa on a short ride. All you need is just a little knowledge!

Chakkirako-Misaki Showa Museum

Honoring the endless passion and creativity of Cup Noodles i nve nto r, M o m of u k u A n d o, th e s p a c i o u s m u s e u m i s designed to inspire all visitors. Popular attractions include My CUPNOODLES Factory, where you can make your own cup noodles!

Being one of the largest of its kind, Yokohama s maze-like Chinatown is packed with over 600 shops and restaurants in a mere 500 square meters! Saikoh The elegant lunch course features 11 delightful dishes complete with dessert and tea. Delicate, savory and satisfying yet comfortably light. 2000 yen. •Access: 3 min walk from Motomachi-Chukagai station on Minatomirai Line •URL: http://www.saikoh-shinkan.com/index.php?page=index

Ste p into the Showa pe r iod (1925-86)! The museum in this old house has all the rooms preserved as people lived in the Showa period. Feel the nostalgia that Japanese people get!




Tuna going through this market is branded Misaki Tuna , a brand known nationwide. From the visitor s path on the second floor, you can watch master the tuna bidders critical inspection of rows of fresh tuna. Right across from the market is Urari, a facility where visitors can buy anything from fresh fish and vegetables to a number of adventurous tuna products!

A Wonderland Closest to Tokyo

•Admission: Free •Access: 5 min walk from Misaki Port bus stop •URL: http://www.umigyo. c o . j p /d o w n t o w n g u i d e . h t m l (Japanese only)

•Admission: Adults: 500 yen / free for children aged 18 and younger. My CUPNOODLES Admission to the factory costs 300 yen extra per cup. •Access: 8 min walk from Minatomirai and Bashamichi station on Minatomirai Line •URL: http:// www.cupnoodles-museum.jp/english/index.html

Minatomirai 21

Sankeien Garden S te p i nto a c o m p l ete l y d i f fe re nt dimension of Yokohama. This vast and outstanding garden was home to Sankei Hara, a silk tycoon from the early 1900s, and is breathtakingly beautiful from any corner, any time of the day or year. Don t forget to experience a traditional tea ceremony there!

This former shipyard-turned-modern-commercial-district with thorough consideration of urban design and environmental impact shines light on the port s ( minato ) future ( mirai ). The area features Landmark Tower with an amazing observatory on the 69th floor and the scenic commercial complex, Red Brick Warehouse. KEKE in Landmark Tower offers you healthy meals prepared with fresh and quality ingredients in a buffet-style offering around 60 delicious dishes ranging from traditional Japanese to a chocolate fountain! •KEKE Lunch 1700 yen (+200 yen on weekends) Dinner 2200 yen (+200 yen on weekends) •Access: 3 min walk from Minatomirai station on Minatomirai Line •URL: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g221856/lang/en/

•Ad m i s s i o n: Ad u l ts: 50 0 ye n •A c c e s s : 10 m i n t a x i r i d e f r o m M oto m ac h i- C hu k ag a i stati o n o n Minatomirai Line •URL: http://www. sankeien.or.jp/index.html

Night Cruise

Jogashima Island


A night in Yokohama is never complete without savoring the magnificent cityscape over the water. If you are in a rush, take a walk along the bay, but for a unique and memorable view, hop on a factory cruise and go around the beautifully illuminated industrial section of the bay!

Jogashima Park boasts a magnificent view of both sunrise and sunset as well as Mt. Fuji over the Pacific. The island s Pacific side presents a variety of rare geological formations resembling Mars in one section and the moon in another while countless narcissus flowers carpet the island to soften its weathered cliffs come spring.

Owned by a true tuna expert (connoisseur) Yoshio Yamada, the restaurant features many tuna dishes, including ones using rare cuts reflecting his philosophy of wasting none of the fish!

•Tickets: 3500 yen •Reservation: By phone at 045-201-0821 •URL: http://www.keihinferry.co.jp/ index.html (Japanese only)

•Admission: Free •Access: 7 min walk from Keikyu Bus stop Hakushu-hi-mae or take a boat from Urari. •URL: http://www.kanagawa-park.or.jp/cityparkguidance/ jyogashima/ (Japanese only)

Exciting Option Toshiba Science Museum From static electronic bar that gets your h a i r w i l d to s u p e rconducting ceramic that floats like a hoverboard, there is no word that could describe the Toshiba Science Museum better than simply cool . Exciting for all ages, both science buffs and non-science buffs alike, the entrance is free for all! •Admission: Free (Free English guides available but requires reservation in advance) •Access: 10 min bus ride from JR Kawasaki station •URL: http:// museum.toshiba.co.jp/ 22 WAttention Tokyo

•Access: 10 min walk from the Port •URL: http://www.kurobatei.com/ (Japanese only)

Exciting Option Access From Haneda: 24 min ride on Keikyu Line (440 yen). Airport Limousine is also available taking you directly to Yokohama station in 53 min (560 yen). To travel reasonably, get PASMO & Keikyu Haneda Discount Ticket at Keikyu Tourist Information Center at the airport. The ticket costs 2600 yen which includes return tickets to Yokohama and a PASMO card charged with 1500 yen. PASMO is a precharged card that lets you ride most railways and busses in Greater Kanto region. It spares you from calculation of ticket price as well as buying individual tickets all the time. Note: Times indicated are based on standard duration and may vary due to operational condition.

Hotel New Grand Find an outstanding comfort at this historical hotel built in 1927. As a member of the world s best hotel association, Preferred H ote l G r o u p, H o te l New Grand offers you a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating stay. Buffet-style breakfast is served at Le Normandie offers not only delightful breakfast, but also possibly one of the best views in the city. •Access: 1 min walk from Motomachi-Chukagai station on Minatomirai line •URL: http://www.hotelnewgrand.co.jp/english/index.html

Access From Yokohama: 48 min ride on Keikyu Line (550 yen one way). To travel reasonably, get great discount tickets.

Jogashima Keikyu Hotel Standing at the edge of the island, this traditional hotel lets you soak in a big tub, dine and wake up to a magnificent view of the Pacific, and Mt. Fuji on a clear day! •Access: 5 min walk from Jogashima bus stop on Keikyu bus from Misakiguchi station •URL: http:// www.misakikanko.co.jp/jyogashima/ (Japanese only)

Miura Peninsula 1 DAY / 2 DAYS Ticket The tickets include a round ticket to Misakiguchi, unlimited rides bet ween Kana zawabunko and Misakiguchi stations and Keikyu busses from the stations. 1 DAY: 1400 yen. 2 DAYS: 1600 yen. Misaki Maguro Ticket A combination of a return ticket to Misakiguchi and unlimited bus ride there, a tuna dish at designated restaurants in Misaki and entrance to designated resourts in the city. Great for a day trip. 2880 yen. Note: Times indicated are based on standard duration and may vary due to operational condition.

Tuna City Misaki Misaki is known for its tuna. It is apparent when you walk around town; the endless list of tuna-inspired objects and decorations as well as recipes is quite impressive. Enjoy some of the unique tuna products, like "Tuna Ramen" awarded 2nd place in a regional B-rated food festival and tuna icecream which is not actually bad at all! Finding peculiar tuna themed objects doubles the fun during your stroll as well! WAttention Tokyo


Useful Tips for Using Public Transport in and around Tokyo

illustration/ Rena Sato



New Connection, New Shibuya Shibuya Station

How not to get lost in the giant maze Shibuya station is served by JR, Tokyo Metro, Tokyu Railway, and Keio Railway. Transferring between different lines has never been the easiest of tasks. Here are a few pointers: Before being torn down, the former Toyoko line terminal was utilized as an event space called Shibuya Ekiato .

Tokyo Metro Ginza line is supposed to be underground, but the track was elevated before entering Shibuya due to terrain constraints.

1. Tokyo Metro Ginza line ⇔ JR line You would expect the Metro to be underground but in fact the Ginza line platform is over-ground. For connection from the Ginza line to JR, take the Hachiko crossing gate and then go straight ahead for the JR central gate. For connection from JR to Ginza line, take the JR Tamagawa gate, make two right turns and go upstairs to the Hachiko crossing gate for the Ginza line. 2. Tokyu Toyoko line or Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin line ⇔ JR line As the through ser vice began, the Toyoko and Fukutoshin lines have become a single stretch from central Tokyo to Yokohoma. For hassle-free connection between them and JR: Take Shibuya Hikarie gate 1 or 2 and then head to exit 14, from where you walk up to the ground level. Turn left and walk about 30 meters and you ll find the JR South gate on your right.

As one of the busiest terminals in Tokyo, bustling Shibuya station is undergoing a makeover after the through-service between the Tokyu Toyoko line and Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin line opened on March 16. The new service allowed passengers to travel between Saitama and Yokohama without changing trains and is expected to boost holiday outings and benefit commuters in terms of convenience. However, the change has brought some confusion as well due to the relocation of Toyoko line station to the underground of Shibuya s Hikarie shopping mall. In this issue we will give you to some smart tips for train connections and moneysaving passes. Get ready to explore Tokyo and neighboring Saitama and Yokohama on the new rail link.

Money-saving passes for a short trip from Shibuya Trip 1: Kawagoe

The Little Edo Kawagoe Coupon includes a return trip from any station on the Tokyu lines to Kawagoe (known as Little Edo). Since it also gets you free rides on Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin L i n e, yo u c a n a l s o d r o p by S h i n j u k u o r Ikebukuro for some shopping! Trip 2: Yokohama

The Minatomirai Ticket combines unlimited rides on the Minatomirai line and a round-trip ticket to the Yokohama area from stations on the Tokyu lines. A good choice if you are doing a day trip from Shibuya to Yokohama.

Basic Information Tips to help you traveling through Tokyo s railway network. Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Main lines in Tokyo

Smart card and day passes

Direction and transfer guide

Three major railway operators serve the Tokyo Metropolitan area: JR, To k y o M e t r o a n d To e i S u bway. T h e y i n te r c o n nect with each other and together cover most of the city center. However, since each of them requires different tickets, transferring across different rail services can get costly. Stick with one as much as possible if you re on a budget.

Suica and PASMO save the h a s s l e of bu y ing ti c kets. These rechargeable smart cards are sold and recharged at ticket machines and get you on most public transportation systems in Tokyo and almost across Japan. There are also several kinds of day passes that get you unlimited travel for an entire day.

The following sites offer a convenient tool to figuring out how to get to your destination. Enter the stations of the origin and destination. They will show you the available routes, fares, required travel time and arrival times. Google Map (https://maps.google.com/) Norikae Annai (http://www.jorudan.co.jp/english/)

24 WAttention Tokyo



WAttention s Tokyo Navigator - Charles Chen Taiwan-born Charles has a yen for all sorts of new and fun stuff made in Japan. Tokyo is his latest stop after several years of adventuring across Europe. Take a walk with him and see Tokyo from a new perspective.



Noun. Sanpo is the act of walking that aims to refresh oneself or simply satisfy one’s curiosity, sometimes without a particular destination in mind.

Senzoku Pond

Ikegami Honmonji

Famous for its scenic view, the pond is also known as a “power spot”, where the natural flow of Qi is abundant. ‘Senzoku’ literally means “washing feet” and the legend goes that the Buddhist monk Nichiren once washed his feet in the pond, giving it its name.

The Buddhism temple was constructed on the resting place of the Buddhist monk Nichiren. While the imposing 5-story pagoda is a must-see, the rows of retro buildings and shops leading to the temple are also a delight. URL: http://honmonji.jp/foreign/ en.html

URL: http://www.city.ota.tokyo. jp/midokoro/park/senzokuikekouen.html

Kuroyu Onsen Ota city is famous for its Kuroyu (black hot spring water). Though the opacity of the color may vary, the water has many benefits good for your skin. The public bath I visited is called Kamata Onsen, which has 4 bathtubs and a sauna. Be sure to try the electric bath - the water is charged with an electric current to stimulate muscles. It’s good for your circulation - not torture. Honest!

Museum of Life in the Showa Era Before the house was turned into a museum, it was lived in by an ordinary Tokyo family between 1951 and 1996. I was greeted by a senior volunteer who gave me a personal lecture of the typical lifestyle of ordinary Tokyo citizens in the 1950s to 1970s. U R L : ht t p: // w w w.showanokurashi.com/

URL: http://homepage2.nifty. com/kamata-onsen/

Ota City Though you may not be familiar with this area, your first contact with Ota city may come sooner than you expect. Because as soon as you step off


residential areas, local gourmet shops, and boasts many hot spring baths. A perfect place for those who want to explore the lesser-known neighborhoods of Tokyo.


JR Gotanda Sta.

Kojiya Shoutengai

Senzoku Pond

A shopping street where locals gather and housewives hunt for bargains.

Museum of Life in the Showa Era

Heiwajima Boat Race

Start the trip 13:20

your fight at Haneda Airport, you ll find yourself in Ota, an area that preserves much of the heritage of the Showa period (1926~1989). Ota city is dotted with small factories, high-end




Charge up your Qi! 14:30

Experience traditional Japanese living. 15:30

Ikegami Honmonji

If you are in the mood for afternoon tea, try the local gourmet- Kuzumochi. 17:00

Kamata Sta.

Take a stroll, enjoy yakisoba noodles and finish off with a hot spring bath.

The competition between six boats is more intense than you could imagine! Just like a horse race, you can bet on the results.

Ota Market The largest wholesale market of fruit, flowers and fish in Tokyo. Worth a visit for the morning auction session.




Ikegami Heiwajima


Haneda Airpot

At O t a cit y’s center, K amat a is o nl y 10 minutes away from b ot h H aneda A ir p or t on the Keikyu line and Shinagawa on JR Keihin Tohoku line.

WAttention Tokyo


Japanese culinary culture is rich that people can enjoy tastes of various kinds of dishes around the world. You can easily find distinctive eating places in and around Tokyo. Here we guide Tokyoite’s foodie destinations. Discover your favorite restaurants that will meet your preferences, taste and budget!


Kagoshima Delights

Halal Yakiniku


Kagoshima Karen Ginza


Retro Japanese style pub

Enjoy Delicious Beef and Pork from Kagoshima

Halal for all

Ever since the post-war period, Torien has been serving quality food at reasonable prices. If you re wondering why this place has been so frequented by locals and tourists until today, pay a visit and you will be amazed by the great food suitable for everyone s budget. Especially recommended are the grilled chicken, stew and sashimi – the top 3 dishes among the variety of great items on its menu. Helpfully, every item on the menu comes with a picture, and friendly English-speaking staff is also on hand. Don t miss your chance to enjoy this superb dining experience yourself!

Opened in Ginza this March, Karen is the perfect place to enjoy genuine, high-quality meat. The restaurant, run by JA Kagoshima Prefectural Economic Foundation of Agricultural Cooperatives, specializes in its branded Kagoshima Kuro-ushi (black beef) and Kuro-buta (black pork). We recommend you try the seiro-mushi featuring a double-layer steamer. The vegetables in the bottom layer catch the broth of meat dripping from the top to create a rich flavor and tender texture that melts in your mouth. Traditional favorites shabu shabu, steak, and tonkatsu are also available.

As one of the pioneers of halal restaurants in Japan, Sumiyakiya serves yakiniku certified by the Malaysia Halal Corporation, for its compliance with Islamic dietary codes. To meet halal guidelines while keeping the delicacy of meats, the owner takes great effort in finding the right condiments and refining the items on the menu. As soon as you taste the juicy, grilled meats, you ll know just how much effort! Hardly surprising then that the restaurant is frequented by Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. Even former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir has eaten here and given the yakiniku a big thumbs-up.

● Hours: 12:00~23:40 ( Tuesday to Sunday), 13:00~23:40 (Monday) ● Address: 1-2-4 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku ● Access: 2 mins walk from JR and Tokyo Metro Shinjuku station; 1 min walk from Seibu Shinjuku station ● TEL: 03-3342-2011 ● URL: http://helios-jp.com/ torien/about.html *Credit card not accepted. 315 yen cover charge is required.

● Hours: Lunch: 11:30~14:00 (LO 13:30), Dinner: 17:30~22:30 (LO 21:30) ● Address: GINZA888 9F, 8-8-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku ● Access: 5 mins walk from Shimbashi station on JR, Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, and Toei Subway Asakusa Line ● TEL: 03-3572-3153 ● URL: http://www.karen-ja.com/#/ginza

Hours: Lunch 11:30~15:30, Dinner 18:00~23:30 Address: 3-20-16 Nishi-azabu, Minato-ku ● Access: 5 mins walk from Roppongi station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya line. ● TEL: 03-3403-5397 ● URL: http://www.sumiyakiya.com/

26 WAttention Tokyo

● ●


Alastair Himmer

Internationally renowned journalist from London who has frequently appeared on Japanese T V. Also works as a fashion and music event producer and is the creator of the smash-hit Tokyo Fashion Fuse parties.

A restaurant with a stunning view or a secret hideaway, Tokyoites share their personal favourites with you.



ロンドン出身、名うてのジャーナリスト。Tokyo Fashion Fuseなどファッションや音楽イベント のプロデュースも手掛ける。

Korin building B1, 2-15-4, Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku 世田谷区北沢 2-15-4 光倫ビル B1


Nakameguro 中目黒

Naka-Meguro is five minutes from Shibuya on the Toyoko Line and a short ride to bustling Roppongi and Ginza on the Hibiya Line.

Daikanyama 代官山

A friendly smile from staff working outside Denham j e a n s i n a b a c ks tre et of Daikanyama. Daikanyama is a shor t train ride from Shibuya on the Toyoko Line. Also easily walkable from Dogenzaka at the top of Shibuya. ageHa アゲハ

Torio It s almost unfair to single out one restaurant in the Bohemian gourmet mecca Shimokitazawa but check out Torio - run by friendly staff from Fukuoka - for fabulously genuine nabe and yakitori dishes. The underground eatery also offers a superb selection of Japan s best shochu liquor, many of them from the southern Kyushu island of Kagoshima.College town Shimokita is one of the best places to chill out in Tokyo. Torio recently opened a second restaurant in Ebisu. ageHa Tokyo s super-club ageHa is a definite must do for visitors looking to party until sunrise. Located in Shin-kiba overlooking Tokyo Bay and boasting a sumptuous outside pool terrace as well as a cavernous main dance-floor, ageHa opened its doors in 2003. Armin van Buuren, Fatboy Slim and David Guetta are among many international megastars to have rocked crowds of up to 2,000 but also check out Japanese techno heavyweights Ken Ishii and Takkyu Ishino while in town.

Daikanyama Throw away your Lonely Planet! Slip down the backstreets of many of Tokyo s main roads and you ll find hidden gems, whether your thing is eating or shopping - or both. Leafy Daikanyama offers some of Tokyo s coolest stores tucked behind embassy row . Many of the trendy boutiques now include cafes - or at least baristas to make you that perfect coffee while you browse. Make friends with staff while you shop and double your fun! Naka-Meguro Famous for its cherry blossoms, Nakameguro has morphed into a gourmet hot-spot in recent years with dozens of superb cafes and bistros opening up along the river. The delightful waterside strip includes beauty salons, yoga studios and organic eateries. Pamper yourself at health spas dotted around the area. Stroll along the river and take your pick of places to eat or lounge around on cushions at latenight cafes. Naka-Meguro: an oasis in the heart of Tokyo.

2-2-10, Shin-kiba, Koto-ku 江東区新木場 2-2-10


1 雑多なグルメのメッカ・下北沢であえ て選ぶなら、福岡出身のスタッフが切り盛 りする「とりを」。本物の旨さが味わえる鍋 や焼き鳥のほか、焼酎の品揃えも最高。 2 朝まで盛り上がるなら新木場のクラブ 「アゲハ」。テラスには豪華な屋外プー ル。国内外の有名アーティストのパフォー マンスを巨大なダンスホールで楽しんで。 3 ガイドブックなしで裏道を散策しよう。代 官山にはおしゃれな店が隠れている。最 近の流行はブティックに併設したカフェ。ス タッフとも仲良くなれば楽しさ倍増! 4 桜並木で有名な中目黒。川沿いには 素敵なカフェやビストロ、美容室にヨガス タジオ、スパもある。散歩しつつ好きな店 でくつろげる東京のオアシス。 WAttention Tokyo


Redefining Tokyo/esque with edginess


powered by EDGY JAPAN

Lighting that Really Works 本質的に「効果的」な照明 Hiroki Yanagisawa / EDGY JAPAN


Instead of simple alerting usages, some balloons are used for sales promotion activities. http://www.light-boy.com/english/index.htm

If you stumble upon this structure while strolling the Tokyo streets at night, consider yourself lucky. It is a balloon-inflated metal halide lamp. These lamps are very powerful, emitting light through a mixture of vaporized mercury and metal halides. This particular model is a ballooned construction worker, apologizing for roadworks. It alerts drivers and also passing pedestrians, in many cases, giving photo opportunities for Facebook and Twitter. This unique, resourceful light is produced by Light Boy, a company based in Kawasaki, a neighboring city of Tokyo. What is so interesting about our product is that it not only alerts people effectively but also changes the impression of a construction site, said Hayato Mochida, an overseas sales representative from Light Boy. With the power of light emission and a characterbased balloon it softens the perception of the site - to a tidy one. The product comes in many other designs, 28 WAttention Tokyo

including a beer jug and mascot character for a professional football club.  もしこの「照明」に東京の夜街で遭遇したら、その日はラッキーと思っ てもいいであろう。工事員が「工事のお詫び」のポーズをしている、バ ルーン状夜間工場用照明だ。形状、照明の明るさ、その両方が共に 人々を注意するという意味では十二分な役目を果たしている。  この照明の製造社はライトボーイ。 「本商品はドライバーや近隣の人々 に注意を効果的に呼びかけられるというだけではなく、キャラクターのふ んわりとした形状から、工事現場のイメージを和らげることができます」と 海外営業担当の持田隼人さんは言う。ビールジョッキやプロサッカーチー ムのマスコットなど、他のバルーンのデザインも豊富に取り揃えている。

EDGY JAPAN EDGY JAPAN is a Japanese creative resource agency, introducing and connecting Japanese creative talents and products to the world in English and Putonghua. Founded in 2008 by Hiroki Yanagisawa and Yasutaka Kageyama. EDGY JAPANは日本のクリエイターを英語と中国語で紹介し、実際に海 外のクライアントとつないでいくクリエイティブ・リソース・エージェンシ ー。2008年に柳澤大樹と影山泰考により設立。

www.edgyjapan.jp @edgyjapan info@edgyjapan.jp

What's On

June - August 2013

Festivals and events in this season


Internet Access in Tokyo 東京のネット接続事情

A lthough Japa n is k nown for its technology, internet connectivity for tourists is still rather limited. T he se d ays eve n most of the budget hotels provide internet connection in each room (please note, LAN cable is still in common use, rather than WIFI). There is a free public WIFI network called FREESPOT (www.freespot. com/users/map_e.html) made up of a network of independent providers like cafes and shops, but it seems many of its spots require registration via 3G email. so this could be offputting for tourists who don't want to use expensive 3G roaming. W i 2 3 0 0(w w w.w i 2.c o.j p/ en)offers several services, including 6 hours connection for 350 yen. They have extensive instructions in English so check it out before you go out. Wireless Gate (www.wirelessgate.co.jp) offers even wider services, including one month connection for a fixed 480 yen that includes connecting spots on the Bullet train (only N700 model) and in Underground stations. Unfor tunately Wireless Gate doesn't have an English instructions page. FON network (http://maps.fon. com/?lang=en) is quite extensive throughout Tokyo and is recommended. 東京のホテルは多くが客室でのネ ット接続を提供している。街中での 無料WIFIネットワークで有名なのは


Beer Festival Tokyo Sat & Sun, June 1-2 Launched in 1998, the two-day festival features up to 240 different craft beers available in 50cc samples. Almost 6,000 beer enthusiasts got their drink on in 2012. [ビアフェス東京]有料チケットを購入すれば120∼ 240種類以上のビールを、1回50mlずつ何回でも試 飲できます!

Held at Ebisu Garden Hall. Advance ticket: 4,800 yen. Door: 5,200 yen. http://beertaster.org/index-e.html

Nihonshu (Sake) Fair 2013 Fri, June 14 The chance to sample 440 different varieties of sake from around the country. Not just for sake connoisseurs, newcomers can find one to suit their taste buds. The place to find your dream sake. [日本酒フェア2013]440種もの日本酒を3,500円で 試飲できる、お酒好きにとってはたまらないミラクル イベント。まぼろしのあのお酒も試せるかも。

Held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City. Ticket: 3,500 yen. http://www.vintagesake.gr.jp/events/2643/


Shitamachi Tanabata Matsuri


July 5-10


Captivating bamboo and paper decorations are displayed around Asakusa during this summer festival. Try dressing in a yukata and joining the fun.

FREESPOT( www.freespot.com/

スが便利だろう。6800ポイントを持 つWi2 300(www.wi2.co.jp/en)は 6時間350円からで英語での利用説 明が充実。ワイヤレスゲート(www. wirelessgate.co.jp)は地下鉄構内 や新幹線コンコース待合室・新幹線 N700系車両で利用できるコースを 月額480円からで用意。どちらも成 田空港で利用できる。

More information is available at Wattention.com WAttentionの情報をネットでも !


[下町七夕まつり]色鮮やかな七夕飾り、地元商店の 出店、音楽や踊りなどに加えて、様々なパフォーマー も集まり、下町らしい熱気を楽しめます。

Held along Kappabashi road in Asakusa. Main events including parades and street performances on July 7 and 8. http://shitamachi-tanabata.com/

Sumida River Fireworks Festival July 27 The history of the Sumida River fireworks festival dates back to 1733 during the Edo



Period and is one of the biggest pyrotechnic displays in Japan.

S h i n a n o m a c h i s t a t i o n , To k y o M e t r o Gaienmae station and Aoyama 1-Chome station. http://jinguhanabi.com/

[隅田川花火大会]1733年に始まった歴史ある日本 最大の花火大会は、東京の夏の風物詩。

There at two sites near Asakusa along the Sumida river. http://sumidagawa-hanabi.com/

Sugamo Noryo Bon Dance Festival ① Late July The Bon folk dance originates from a religious dance dedicated to the spirits of ancestors and gods but nowadays is another excuse for people to have fun! Most of the choreography is very simple so you can just jump in. [巣鴨盆踊り大会]シンプルで覚えやすい振付なの で、誰でもすぐに踊れます。勇気を出して輪に飛び 込んでみよう。

18:00-21:00 at Koganji temple, near Sugamo station. http://sugamo.ne.jp/event/

Asakusa Toro Nagashi ② Early August Thousands of candlelit lanterns, with the names of loved ones who passes away during the year, are released down the Sumida river by families and friends. This ceremony started after the WWⅡ. [浅草夏の夜まつりとうろう流し]3000もの灯籠がゆ っくりと川下に流れていく景色は幻想的。

18:30-20:00 at Shinsui terrace in Sumida Park, near Asakusa station. h t t p: // w w w.e - a s a k u s a .j p/e ve n t /120 8 _ tourounagashi.html

Jingu Gaien Fireworks Display ③ Early August One of the biggest fireworks festivals in Tokyo and spread across several venues (ti c kets re q u i re d a n d re s e r vati o n i n advance recommended). [神宮外苑花火大会]花火だけでなく、音楽イベント やさまざまな出店なども楽しめる。

Held at Meiji Jingu Gaien, near JR

Tokyo Bay Great Fireworks Festival Mid-August As if Tok yo Bay was not picturesque enough – with Rainbow Bridge and the gleaming city skyline shimmering reflection in the water – this ocean-top display really shows the bay in a new light. [東京湾大華火祭]夜空に広がる花火が、圧倒的な 迫力で東京湾の夜景を一層輝かせます。

The main venue is near Harumi-futo park but you can see the fireworks from various spots surrounding Tokyo port. http://w w w.city.chuo.lg.jp/ivent/touk you wanndaihanabisaimeinn/

Sumida Street Jazz Festival Sat & Sun, August 17-18 Some 250 jazz bands fill the streets of Sumida ward at 30 different locations like Kinshicho, Oshiage and Tokyo Skytree stations. You can even hop between these spots on jazz buses with live performers. [すみだストリートジャズフェスティバル]錦糸町駅をメ インに、約30ヶ所で250ものジャズバンドが街を湧 かせます。

Free admission. Held mainly around JR and Tokyo Metro Kinshicho station but also near Oshiage and Tokyo Skytree stations. http://sumida-jazz.jp/sj/

Koenji Awaodori Dance Festival Sat & Sun, August 24-25 This lively annual folk dance festival marks the end of Tokyo s summer, with over 12,000 dancers from nearly 200 groups parading and twirling around Koenji in bright traditional costumes to live music. [高円寺阿波おどり]夏の終わりを熱く盛り上げる高 円寺阿波おどりは、本場・徳島に次ぐ規模を誇る。

17:00-20:00 around JR Koenji station. http://en.koenji-awaodori.com/

WAttention Tokyo


A NEW TRAVEL GUIDE for JAPAN! k ty Boo i r a h C る 応援す を 本 日 発売 ガイド ル ベ トラ


Cherry Blossoms, Mount Fuji

Paul Smith

{Magome} Gifu Pref.


Tsumago and Magome Fashion designer

More than 80 times since 1982


n Tokyo, I would suggest to visit Shibuya for its so many variation of stores, restaurants, etc and Aoyama/Harajuku where there are a lot of fashion shops from high fashion to very local and small, or vintage. In country side, I would suggest Magome, Tsumago villages where tradition and old houses and streets still exist. I used to visit country side personally when I started my business in Japan about 30 years ago, but now I really don’t have enough time to visit apart from Tokyo where I am only allowed to walk around near my office in Aoyama, Harajuku and Shibuya due to my busy schedule. However, I always find some new interesting things and like watching people, how they dress etc. I was lucky to have time to visit Tsumago and Magome for a project with a magazine last year, and I found these villages are so beautiful. It is great to see that they are still there and unchanged, which is rare and

Editor’s memo Nakasendo’s two historic post towns Tsumago and Magome are towns where you can feel the air of the Edo period. Both areas were post stations located on the Nakasendo Route, which is one of the Gokaido, the five major highways. The Nakasendo linked Edo and Kyoto through the inland area and had 69 post stations.



Magome in Gifu prefecture

AID Japan

AID Japan

Jane Birkin

, U.K. / France




Jigokudani Nagano

Sites and scenes around Japan Actress and singer known as the muse of Serge Gainsbourg, who wrote several of her albums, and for her work on screen collaborating with directors. Times to visit: often for more than 40 years Photo by Manabu Matsunaga


have visited Japan for more than 40 years! I first went there with Serge Gainsbourg for the opening of the film “Cannabis” when I was 7 months pregnant with Charlotte! Since then COUNTLESS other times for song festivals, film festivals, and since “Baby Alone in Babylon,” for concerts not only in Tokyo but all over Japan. When Serge died, I went back for the “Casino de Paris” show, when “L’aquoiboniste” was chosen as the signature song for a TV series and I became number ONE foreign sales singer in Japan for six months, beating Elton John as I said to my mother. This was thanks to an ex-producer for Phonogram who came up with the idea, and to a Frenchman named Francois Dumas who invited Serge and me to sing in Japan. My friend Sachiko Nakanishi then brought me over with “Les Visiteurs du Soir” for the show “Arabesque” in Japan, with “Conversation” and I went back with her about ten times for every subsequent show! I have a LIST of WONDERFUL places, which, with Sachiko’s help, I have made. I took my mother, my daughter Lou, my step-child, and my ex-husband Doillon to a LOVELY spa, Jigokudani. My mother wanted to see snow monkeys ever since she’d seen an American “Life” magazine cover thirty years before! Fantastic baths at night snow monkeys in sulfur pools never to forget, thanks to Duma’s wife who’s Japanese ONLY Japanese know this place, very UNFLAH and authentic.



AID Japan

Jigokudani Onsen in Nagano Prefecture is one of Japan’s most popular hot springs, whose name is derived for the image of hell it conjures, no doubt due to the boiling water. The onsen is best known for wild Nihon-zaru (Japanese monkeys) soaking in them as the photo above shows. Please note that the onsen can only be reached by foot. AID Japan



41 celebrities and cultural figures recommend the best parts of Japan! ∼ 世界の文化人 41 人がおすすめする、いま、訪れて欲しいニッポンのいいところ!∼ To help Japan and its tourism industry, 41 celebrities and cultural figures worldwide made this book possible– the contributors include Jane Birkin, Paul Smith and Tommy Hilfiger. This guide book is uniquely composed of recommendations on places, buildings, shops and events provided by foreign celebrities who love Japan. Find your destinations from celebrities’ recommendations and our directory of the best Japanese hotels, ryokan, restaurants and museums!


外国人セレブ、文化人 41 名が集結! ジェーン・バーキン、ポー

ル・スミス、エルブジの料理人フェラン・アドリアらがおすすめ する場所や建物、お店、行事は?

このほかにも篠山紀信氏による日本の風景写真、巻末の目的 別インデックスなど、日本に住む人たちが日本の魅力を改めて 感じることのできる一冊になっています。

950 yen

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Noritake Garden

where the dream began Around a century ago, the history of Noritake began with a single dinner plate. Noritake Garden was opened to commemorate the 100th anniversary of NORITAKE CO., LIMITED. Nestled in the city center of Nagoya, the garden is a lush luxury for everyone to unwind.

Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology Noritake Shinmachi 4



Noritake GINZA


Kintetsu Nagoya Main Line (RIGHT SIDE, TOP TO BOTTOM)


Nag. Sta. Entrance




Nakamura Ward Office


Nagoya International Center














Marunouchi Noritake Garden Entrance

Sotobori Dori

Noritake Shinmachi






Nishiyabushita Car/pedestrian entrance

Noritake Garden




Pedestrian entrance


•Hours: Craft Center & Nagoya 10:00~17:00; Shops Expressway 1 0 : 0 0 ~1 8 : 0 0 ; R e s t a u r a n t 11:30~14:30 (Lunch); 15:00~16:00 Sakura Dori Marunouchi0 (Dinner); ( Tea);Line 17:30~22:0 Subway Closed on Mondays •Address: Sakura Dori 3 -1- 3 6 N o r i t a k e s h i n m a c h i , Higashiyama Nishi-ku, •TEL: 052-561Fushimi Subway Line Nagoya 7290 •Admission: Free for most Nishikibashi Exit Nishiki Dori facilities; 500 yen for Craft Center and Museum •URL: http://www. Hirokoji Dori noritake.co.jp/eng/mori/ Marunouchi Exit Museum

Noritake SAKAE

•Hours: 11:00~19:30 •Address: Bunshodo B u i l d i n g 2F, 3 - 4-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo •TEL: 03-3567-6121 •URL: http://www.noritake.co.jp/tableware/ shoplist/ginza.html

•Hours: 10:00~18:00; closed on the 1st and 3rd Sundays •Address: 2-1 Shin sakaemachi, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi •TEL: 052-951-0561 •URL: http://www.noritake.co.jp/tableware/ shoplist/sakae.html

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