WAttention Australia Vol.09

Page 15

Toyota City

Home to more than just a car company

When you hear the word “Toyota”, you probably don’t think of the w o r d “ c i t y.” A c t u a l l y, t h o u g h , Toyota City about 30 kilometres outside Nagoya, is home to the Toyota Motor Corporation and a thriving hub of technolog y and innovation, one example being the sleek Toyota Stadium, which will host four matches of the upcoming Rugby World Cup (September 2 0 ~ N ove mb e r 2) . D e s i g n e d by world-renowned architect Kisho Kurokawa, it of fers perfect unobstructed views making it one of the best venues for the event. For tournament spectators, Toyota is the best place to experience both Japan’s modern and traditional sides. Toyota Stadium is near the city centre and the ever-popular Toyota Kaikan Museum, but also near Asuke, one of Japan’s most historic towns, famous for autumn scener y at Korankei Gorge, and Sanshu A suke Yashiki, a village well-known for traditional crafts. Also nearby is Obara, celebrated for papermaking, and the only place in Japan where cherry blossoms and autumn foliage appear side by side, a phenomenon known as “shikizakura” (four-season cherry blossoms). Toyota is the perfect place for your Rugby World Cup experience – technology and tradition!

Korankei Gorge


Considered one of Japan’s best places to view autumn foliage, the Korankei Gorge winds around Mt. Iimoriyama alongside the Tomoe River.

A treasure trove of traditional houses and stunning scenery, Asuke will hold its annual Asuke Festival during the Rugby World Cup. Festival date: October 13 (Sun), 2019




Nagoya Station

Toyota City

CHUBU Centrair International Airport

Obara Fureai Park

Toyota Kaikan Museum

A must-see for any visitor to Toyota, Obara Fureai Park is the ideal spot to view cherry blossoms mixed in amongst autumn foliage.

Futuristic and family-friendly, the Toyota Kaikan Museum features interactive exhibitions on Toyot a ’s ef for t s to create eco -friendl y and s a f e ve h i c l e s , w i t h i n s i g h t i n t o t h e a c t u a l manufacturing process.

Toyota City Official Travel Site www.tourismtoyota.jp/en/ WAttention Los Angeles |


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