2016 Fall/Winter Program Guide

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Fall / Winter 2016 | Program Guide www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007



Table of Contents Waukee Parks & Recreation Information ............ 3 Registration ............................................................. 4 Special Events ......................................................... 6 Festivals.................................................................... 8 Youth Sports ............................................................ 9 Adult Sports ........................................................... 10 Youth Camps & Activities .................................... 11 Special Needs Activities ...................................... 18 Adult Activities & Day Trips .................................. 19 Sugar Creek Golf Course..................................... 22 Facility Rentals ...................................................... 24 Facility Rental Policies .......................................... 26 Parks ....................................................................... 27 Literacy in the Parks ............................................. 30 Fox Creek Park Progress ...................................... 31 Waukee Trailhead Update .................................... 32


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Waukee Parks & Recreation Information Parks & Recreation Office 805 University Avenue Waukee, IA 50263 Phone: 515-978-0007 Hours: 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday

Parks & Recreation Staff Matt Jermier, Parks & Recreation Director mjermier@Waukee.org

Josh VandeKamp, Recreation Supervisor jvandekamp@Waukee.org

Danae Edwards, Recreation Supervisor dedwards@Waukee.org

Melissa Stotz, Administrative Assistant mstotz@Waukee.org

Ron Heimann, Parks Superintendent Corey Adkins, Laborer

Waukee Community Center 675 Walnut Street Phone: 515-978-0007

Sugar Creek Golf Course 1505 6th Street Phone: 515-987-5247

Sugar Creek Staff Steve Elliott, Golf Course Superintendent selliott@Waukee.org

Jody Wilson, Clubhouse Manager jwilson@Waukee.org

2016 Park Board Chris Crone Corby DeBord Sue Gregan

Matt Hackett Jerry Slagter Jenna Hammond Robin Spear Ethan Owens Troy Taylor

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


Get the Latest Information and News Get notices about new programs, activities, registration deadlines, information on special events, festivals, weather cancellations and more at www.Waukee.org. Check out the calendar of events, parks, trails and shelter information, and sign up for “Notify Me” to receive email and text updates sent straight to your inbox.







Registration Registration Information Registration will open August 15 for all activities. Payment is required at the time of registration. Please choose one of the options below to register today.

Online Visit www.Waukee.org/ Registration or scan the QR code with your mobile device to register now.

Mail Printable registration forms can be found at www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec and mailed to Waukee Parks & Recreation at: 805 University Avenue, Waukee, IA 50263

Walk-In Don’t have a computer or a printer? Stop by the Parks & Recreation offices at 805 University Avenue for a printed registration form from 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday.


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions What is your cancellation policy? Programs, activities, special events and festivals that are canceled, postponed or changed in location will be announced as soon as possible. Please check Facebook, Twitter or www.Waukee.org for updates. We reserve the right to cancel a program or an activity that does not meet the minimum number of participants necessary to offer the program.

What is your program refund policy?

PLEASE Refund requests must be made one week prior to READ! the first day of the program or prior to rosters being made for leagues. A $5 non-refundable handling fee will be deducted from the refund when an enrollee withdraws one week prior to the first day of the program. Once the one week deadline passes or rosters are formed, refunds will not be issued.

What is your facility rental refund policy? Facility rental refunds may be issued for reservations only when cancellations are made 10 business days prior to the date of reservation. There will be a $5 cancellation fee for any shelter or pavilion refund. Community Center cancellations later than 10 business days prior will result in forfeiture of both deposit and rental payments.

What is your photo/video policy? Photos/videos taken of participants and guests in programs, activities, special events and festivals may be used in promotional materials, press releases, and on the City of Waukee’s website and social media channels.

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


SPECIAL EVENTS Hosted by the Waukee Park Board and Waukee Parks & Recreation Department

Special Event Application


The City of Waukee and the Parks & Recreation Department can assist you in hosting a special event in one of our City parks! Please visit www.Waukee.org/SpecialEventsApp to fill out the online application to get started. Applications are required for the use of public and/or park property.

Plant Some Shade™ Waukee is proud to partner with MidAmerican Energy and the Iowa DNR to offer the Plant Some Shade™ program. The program allows MidAmerican Energy Company residential customers in Iowa to purchase up to two trees for just $30 each, with the remaining cost funded through a grant from MidAmerican Energy. Waukee is one of only 11 communities in Iowa to provide this service and any MidAmerican Energy customer can participate. Order your trees by visiting www. Waukee.org/PlantSomeShade. Order Dates

August 15 until all trees are sold out

Pick-Up Date

Wednesday, Sept. 28

Pick-Up Time

5-7 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building

Fall Movie in the Park: The Goonies Enjoy a classic under the Big Dipper! Movies in the Park provides an abundance of family fun. Bring your family and friends for the showing of The Goonies. Don’t forget to bring lawn chairs and blankets. The Park Board will sell fresh popcorn and drinks.



Friday, Sept. 30


Dusk, approx. 7 p.m.


Centennial Park

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Haunted House The Waukee Park Board sponsors an annual haunted house. Enter if you dare, but be prepared to be scared. This haunted house is not suggested for young children. Dates

Friday, Oct. 28 & Saturday, Oct. 29


7-10 p.m.


Centennial Park Enclosed Shelter


$5 (Save $1 with a nonperishable donation for the Waukee Area Food Pantry)

Beggars’ Night Waukee’s Beggars’ Night will be held Sunday, October 30 from 6-8 p.m. throughout the City.

Letters from Santa Because Santa Claus is so busy this time of year, he asked the Waukee Parks & Recreation Department to help put all of the nice boys and girls of Waukee on his Christmas Wish List. To receive a personalized letter from Santa, please contact the Waukee Parks & Recreation office at 515-978-0007 from November 1-18.

Warrior Park Sledding Hill Get out and play! Waukee has a customized, engineered sledding hill at Warrior Park guaranteed to make any snow day the greatest day ever. Bundle up, and get sledding!

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


FESTIVALS WinterFest Santa Claus is coming to town! Come early and help him light the holiday tree in Triangle Park at 6 p.m. SHARP, then visit with him at the Community Center while you warm up with hot chocolate and cookies. Join the Waukee Downtown Businesses for open houses and a scavenger hunt. Please bring a non-perishable food item or a new, unwrapped toy to help support Waukee Area Christian Services. Date

Friday, Dec. 2


6-8 p.m.


Waukee Community Center & Downtown Triangle Area

FamilyFest Join Waukee Parks & Recreation for the fifth annual FamilyFest! This free, familyfriendly event will help the kiddos burn off some cabin fever energy! Check out Waukee area businesses, enjoy games and prizes, and jump on inflatables. EVERYTHING IS FREE! To become a vendor, please visit www.Waukee.org/FamilyFest.



Saturday, Jan. 21


9 a.m.-12 p.m.


Lutheran Church of Hope - Waukee

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

YOUTH SPORTS Youth Basketball League Enjoy this introductory basketball league with clinic instruction and drills during week one. Weeks two through five will include practice and warm-up times before playing scheduled games. The goal of this league is to teach young participants the basic skills and rules of basketball as well as sportsmanship. Teams will be formed at random. Both boys and girls are welcome to participate. Volunteer coaches are needed! Dates

January 21 & 28 and February 4, 11 and 18*


Games scheduled between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.


Grant Ragan Elementary


$54 (includes team t-shirt)


K-1st: 48 participants 2nd-3rd: 32 participants

*Snow date: 2/25

2017 Girls Recreational Softball League Waukee Parks & Recreation offers a recreational girls softball league, and girls from K-8th are eligible to play. Participants are separated into five leagues. The season will run from mid-April through early June. Online registration begins December 1, 2016 and ends February 16, 2017. Register participants for the grade they are in for the 2016-2017 school year. Please call 515-978-0007 with questions. Volunteer coaches are needed! League/Grades


Major League: 6th, 7th & 8th grades


Minor League: 4th & 5th grades


Intermediate: 2nd & 3rd grades


T-Ball: 1st grade


T-Ball: Kindergarten


NOTE: Players will be required to provide their own helmets. For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


ADULT SPORTS Results Boot Camp Achieve your fitness goals! Results Boot Camp focuses on working participants at their respective levels while making sure they get results. Participants will perform circuit training, high-intensity interval training and endurance training. Attendees will be given workouts for off-days, along with nutrition coaching. NASMcertified private trainer AJ Hanson will be the instructor. Dates

Tuesdays and Thursdays: September 13-October 20


Session 1: 5:45-6:30 a.m. Session 2: 5:45-6:30 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building






16 years & up

Adult Coed Indoor Volleyball League Waukee Parks & Recreation will offer one indoor coed volleyball season Sunday afternoons at Waukee Middle School. There will be a B-league (more competitive) and a C-league (less competitive). Regular league play runs for 10 weeks with a season-ending tournament. Bring your children and take advantage of the on-site babysitting service for $2 per child.



November 13-March 5


1-5:30 p.m.


Waukee Middle School


$286.20 per team

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

YOUTH CAMPS & ACTIVITIES Tot Lot Romp, stomp and play! We have the set-up to meet your children’s activity and social needs this spring. With toddler toys ranging from blocks to tunnels and mats, there’s no shortage of action here. We provide the fun. Parents provide the supervision in this open gym for toddlers where kids love to play and parents get to socialize with one another. This is a non-structured activity. Tot Lot will be canceled when Waukee Schools are delayed or canceled due to inclement weather. It will be open the week of Spring Break. Dates

October 3-March 29


Mondays: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: 8-10 a.m.


Waukee Public Works Building





Tumbling Tots This 30-minute, developmental play program is a very basic beginning program for little ones designed to get them exploring large motor movements in a group environment. It emphasizes balance and coordination through basic tumbling moves, exercises and songs. Children will also practice listening and taking turns. A parent or guardian must accompany their child. The child must be of the required age prior to the start of the session. Dates


September 12-15

3:45-4:15 p.m.

October 24-27

4-4:30 p.m.

November 28-December 1

5-5:30 p.m.

January 2-5

3:45-4:15 p.m.

February 20-23

4-4:30 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building




$20 per session


2-3 years old

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


YOUTH CAMPS & ACTIVITIES Tumbling Tots 2 This 30-minute program is designed for little gymnasts to learn and increase their basic tumbling motions. They will improve upon their tumbling skills and movements, coordination, strength and balance, by learning somersaults, front flips, back flips and more. The child must be of the required age prior to the start of the session. Dates


September 12-15

4:20-4:50 p.m.

October 24-27

4:35-5:05 p.m.

November 28-December 1

5:35-6:05 p.m.

January 2-5

4:20-4:50 p.m.

February 20-23

4:35-5:05 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building




$20 per session


4-5 years old

Red Cross Babysitting Training Attend the American Red Cross Babysitting Certification class and gain life experience by practicing babysitting skills on manikins and with other participants. Participants must be 11 years old, and they will need to bring a sack lunch. Each participant will receive a Babysitter’s Training Handbook and a starter kit.



Wednesday, Dec. 28


8 a.m.-4 p.m.


Waukee Community Center






11 years & up

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Little Ninjas This early childhood program teaches the basic fundamentals of Taekwondo and Karate in a developmentally appropriate format to suit young children. The class will focus on building proper use of martial arts, self-respect, self-discipline and coordination of mind and body. The instructor, Dickey Renshi, has been teaching martial arts for more than 25 years and is an early childhood elementary school teacher. He is also a three-time inductee into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Class length is 30 minutes and sessions are ongoing throughout the year. Wednesday September 21-October 26 Sessions November 2-December 14 (no class 11/23) January 4-February 8 February 22-April 5 (no class 3/15) Time

6-6:30 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building




$35 per session


4-6 years old

Taekwondo/Karate This program teaches the disciplines of Taekwondo and Karate. The class will focus on life protection techniques, building self-respect, self-discipline and coordination of mind and body. The instructor, Dickey Renshi, has been teaching martial arts for more than 25 years and is an early childhood elementary school teacher. He is also a three-time inductee into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Class length is 60 minutes and sessions are ongoing throughout the year. Wednesday September 21-October 26 Sessions November 2-December 14 (no class 11/23) January 4-February 8 February 22-April 5 (no class 3/15) Time

6:35-7:35 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building




$40 per session


6 years old to adult

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


YOUTH CAMPS & ACTIVITIES With Rounded Minds programs, all classes will have language immersion techniques so children will learn Spanish while having fun!

Soccer & Spanish This high-energy program introduces toddlers and young children to organized group play and focuses on developing large motor skills while teaching them soccer basics. Led by internationally qualified soccer coaches and Spanish language experts, each class is designed for little ones to experience the joy of playing soccer and being active while learning basic Spanish naturally. The child must be of the required age prior to the start of each session. Dates

Saturdays: September 17-October 22


10-10:45 a.m.


Waukee Public Works Building






3-6 years old

Music & Spanish Children laugh, dance and sing while developing skills and acquiring a love of music. This program is designed to enhance children’s development of music skills through song, dance, movement games and instruments. Music instructors expose children to an array of styles, while exploring rhythm, melody, tonality and beat while nurturing key physical, social and intellectual skills. Learn new songs and create your own music! The child must be of the required age prior to the start of each session.



Mondays: October 3- November 14 (no class 10/31)


6-6:45 p.m.


Waukee Public Works Building






3-7 years old

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Yoga & Spanish Simple yoga poses, engaging games, songs and art combine to exercise the mind and develop children’s social, sensory and motor skills while increasing flexibility. Passioniate instructors lead classes that release energy and encourage self-expression. The child must be of required age prior to the start of each session. Dates

Saturdays: October 29-December 3


10-10:45 a.m.


Waukee Public Works Building






3-7 years old

2 to Move This class is designed for parents and their little dancer to bond while having fun. Dancers will gain confidence, improve social and gross motor skills, all while using their imagination to learn and explore dance and movement. Children ages 18 months through 3 years old are invited to register for this program. A parent or guardian must accompany each child as they will take an active role in their dancer’s skill development. Dates

Saturdays: Session 1: October 1-November 5 Session 2: January 14-February 18


9-9:30 a.m.


Waukee Public Works Building






18 months-3 years old

StoryWalk™ Take an adventure with a story! The Waukee Public Library and the Parks & Recreation Department have joined together to promote literature and exercise. Enjoy different books this fall displayed along the Heart of the Warrior Trail between 6th Street and the intersection of Ashworth Drive, Northview Drive and Warrior Lane.

For For more more information, information, visit visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. || 978.0007 978.0007

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YOUTH CAMPS & ACTIVITIES Kids Cook: Spooktacular Halloween Snacks Transform your typical snack into something fresh and frightening while celebrating Halloween! Enjoy this hands-on cooking class taught by Waukee Hy-Vee Dietitian Erin Good, and learn to prepare boolicious snacks with a spooky, Halloween twist! Date

Wednesday, Oct. 19


2-3 p.m.


Waukee Community Center







TOT Basketball & Academic Enrichment Enjoy this basketball handling and dribbling program that combines athletics, academics and agility. Classes are focused around improving physical and mental growth through movement and music. Each six-week session advances from the last with new skills. So, children can sign up all year to gain the optimal experience! Tuesday Sessions

September 6-October 11 October 18-November 29 (no class 11/12) December 6-January 24 (no class 12/20 & 12/27) January 31-March 7 March 21-April 25

Times & Ages 5:45-6:30 p.m., Age 3 6:45-7:30 p.m., Ages 4-5 Location

Ridge Pointe Pavilion





Friday Sessions

September 9-October 14 October 21-December 2 (no class 11/25) December 9-January 27 (no class 12/23 & 12/30) February 3-March 10 March 24-April 28

Times & Ages 9:30-10:15 a.m., Age 3 10:30-11:15 a.m., Ages 4-5



Ridge Pointe Pavilion




$68 For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Engineering for Kids ROBOTICS CURRICULUM Junior Robotics (Grades K-1) Kids will learn about the concept of robotics and get to build and program their first robots. This class is a perfect mixture of fun and learning using LEGO robots at an introductory level. They also will program and operate their creations using a laptop computer.

Apprentice Robotics 101 (Grades 2-5) This program is designed to introduce students to both robotbuilding and programming. Students will build robots to accomplish a specific task while using their imagination. Students will discover the Engineering Design Process in a real world setting. All sessions will take place at the Ridge Pointe Pavilion. The Min/Max capacity for all sessions is 6/12. Dates



Fee: Jr./App.

September 12, 19 & 26 4-5:30 p.m.



October 10, 17 & 24

4-5:30 p.m.



November 7, 14 & 21

4-5:30 p.m.



Friday, Nov. 25

9 a.m.-noon 2-5


December 27-30

9 a.m.-noon 2-5


January 9, 16 & 23

4-5:30 p.m.



MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM Apprentice Mechanical Engineering (Grades 2-5) Students will use the Engineering Design Process to design, create, test, and improve a variety of machines and mechanical systems. Students learn basics of energy, traction, aerodynamics and durability while constructing roller coasters, eggstreme defense vehicles, candy catapults and an air-powered custom dragster. All sessions will take place at the Ridge Pointe Pavilion. The Min/Max capacity for all sessions is 14/24. Dates




Friday, Sept. 30

5:30-8:30 p.m.



Friday, Oct. 28

5:30-8:30 p.m.



Friday, Nov. 25

1-4 p.m.



December 27-30

1-4 p.m.



Friday, Feb. 10

5:30-8:30 p.m.



For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007



Cubs: 2-6 yrs.

Courage League Sports Courage League Sports is an adaptive sports and recreational program for children and adults with special needs - including physical, cognitive, social and emotional challenges. Located in Urbandale and offering year-round programming Monday through Saturday, Courage League Sports provides opportunities for every age group:

Activities designed to match the energy level of toddlers and serve as a physical outlet for participants through the use of interactive gaming systems, upbeat music, sensory stimulation, and other adapted activities.

Lions: 7-12 yrs.

Programs created using motivational factors including interactive gaming, sensory stimuli and music as a tool to increase engagement.

Panthers: 13+

Participants can sing and dance to age-appropriate music, play exercise Bingo and other fitness board games, unleash their Inner Warrior and Ninja, use an exercise ball and glow sticks to tap to their own beat, and/or play different traditional sports.

Visit CourageLeagueSports.com for a complete list of programs and activities!

Waukee Adaptive Sports Day Enjoy a morning of activities specifically designed for those with special needs. Courage League Sports will offer music and movement activities led by their board-certified music therapist, followed by parachute play for the younger kids and giant gameboard fitness for the older kids. We guarantee a fun-filled morning of play and socialization. Free to attend. Please RSVP to info@CourageLeagueSports.com.



Saturday, Dec. 10


Session 1: 9-10 a.m. Session 2: 10-11 a.m.


Waukee Public Works Building




Session 1: 2-9 years old Session 2: 10 years & up

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

ADULT ACTIVITIES & DAY TRIPS For any questions regarding adult activities and trips contact Danae Edwards at 515-978-0007 or email dedwards@Waukee.org.

Payment is due upon registration to reserve your spot for trips. Cancellations must be made three weeks prior to the date of the trip to receive a full refund.

Social Lunch & Bingo Gather with friends for a monthly social lunch catered by the Waukee Fareway. Come for a good meal, and stay for a great social hour. Dates

September 2 October 7 November 4 March 3


Social lunch at noon Bingo from 1-2:30 p.m.


Waukee Community Center


Social lunch $4 Bingo entry fee $1; $0.10 per card played, with a maximum of two cards at one time.

Saturday Night Cards Every Saturday night at 7:15 p.m. the Plus 50 Club gets together for games and cards at the Waukee Community Center at 675 Walnut Street. Any adult is welcome to come and join the fun. Bring a friend and share your favorite game with the group. Contact Dolores Betzold at 515-778-6422 with questions.

For more more information, information, visit visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. || 978.0007 978.0007 For

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ADULT ACTIVITIES & DAY TRIPS Prairie Meadows Casino Trip Jackpot! You have just scored with this great trip! The slots are loose and the tables are open—play to your heart’s content. Then dine with your winnings at one of the many restaurants or concessions in the casino. Fee includes transportation. Date

Tuesday, Oct. 11


9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.


Depart from Waukee Community Center





Registration Deadline

Tuesday, Oct. 4 or until all spots are filled

Minnesota Vikings Road Trip Come experience the NEW U.S. Bank Stadium! Ride along to Minneapolis on Sunday, November 6* to watch the Vikings take on the Detroit Lions. Game time is noon; the charter bus will depart early Sunday morning. There will be one stop for restrooms and food each way, and travelers are welcome to bring food and beverages on the bus. Children are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Fee includes transportation, parking and ticket to the game. Please call 515-978-0007 with questions.



Sunday, Nov. 6 (*Date is subject to change based on ticket availability)



Registration Deadline

Friday, Oct. 7 or until all spots are filled

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Movie Matinee in the Miner’s Join us the second Tuesday of every month at 1:30 p.m. for a movie on the Library’s big screen. We will be showing everything from major blockbusters to classics. All movies are free, and popcorn and lemonade are available. No registration is required. Dates


September 13 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington October 11

A League of Their Own

November 8


December 13

White Christmas

January 10


February 14

The Choice

Technology Help: Tablets, Cell Phones & Laptops Want to set up an email account? Not sure how to use your iPad? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance! Bring your own device or use one of our laptop computers. Registration is limited. Call 515-978-7944 or visit the Waukee Public Library to sign up.

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


SUGAR CREEK MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 1505 6th Street • 515-987-5247

Sugar Creek Municipal Golf Course The City of Waukee Parks & Recreation Department maintains Sugar Creek Golf Course – a beautiful 9-hole, Par 34 golf course that is open mid-March through mid-November, most years. Note: The course will be temporarily closed October 3, 2016 through spring 2017 for construction. The course is great for beginners while providing a challenge for seasoned golfers. The practice facilities include a driving range, putting green and chipping area. Tee times are recommended, but not required. For more information, contact the Clubhouse or visit www.Waukee.org/SugarCreekGolf.

2016 Sugar Creek Golf Fees (Taxes included) Daily Rates

9 Holes

18 Holes







Juniors (Age 18 & under)



Seniors (Mon.-Thurs., Age 55+)



Carts (per seat)




30 balls



60 balls



90 balls



Frequent Customer Punch Cards


10 rounds for the price of 9


10 rounds for the price of 9 with cart


10 large buckets for the price of 9


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

2017 Season Passes*

(Taxes not included)

Weekday Senior (Monday-Thursday and Friday morning)


Single Adult (Monday-Sunday)


Couples/Corporate (2 people from the same residence or workplace)


Family (3 or more from the same residence)


Junior (18 & under)


*Purchase 2017 Season Passes between November 1 and January 31 to save 15 percent! Purchase between February 1 and March 1 to save 10 percent. Cart Passes Single




Individual Golf Instruction PGA Golf Professionals are available for private or semi-private golf instruction at Sugar Creek. Lessons are by appointment. All ages and abilities are welcome. Contact the Clubhouse to schedule a lesson.

Corporate Outings When you host a corporate golf outing at Sugar Creek Golf Course, you have the ability to customize your outing to fit your organization’s needs. Our covered patio can host up to 60 guests and serves as a perfect setting for any post-game ceremony. Please contact the Clubhouse for rates and availability.

Gift Certificates Gift certificates make a great gift for your avid golfer. Get your birthday, anniversary or holiday shopping done easily by calling the Clubhouse to purchase and pick up your gift certificate.

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


FACILITY RENTALS City of Waukee Rentals Waukee Community Center 675 Walnut Street

Waukee’s Community Center, formerly the Waukee Fire Station, is available for rent. Inside the 2,800 square-foot building is a refrigerator, sink, microwave, oven, warming drawer and coffee maker. The building has 12 round tables, 3 rectangle tables and 90 chairs, making it an ideal location for family reunions, small wedding receptions and business meetings.

Rental fees: Half-Day Option One: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $80 fee/$150 deposit Half-Day Option Two: 5-10 p.m. $80 fee/$150 deposit Full-Day Option: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. $180 fee/$150 deposit Meeting Option: $25/hour *Additional set-up time may be requested for a fee of $25/hour. *Audio/visual equipment can be rented for an additional $50.

Ridge Pointe Pavilion

655 SE Legacy Pointe Boulevard The Ridge Pointe Pavilion sits on a 21-acre park and has a covered concrete patio overlooking the park. Inside the 660 square-foot pavilion is a refrigerator, sink and microwave along with restrooms that are shared with park users. The Pavilion has six round tables and two rectangular tables. Those tables will seat 48, and there is additional seating on the patio. The Pavilion features two charcoal grills. Winter reservations are welcome as the Pavilion is heated for winter months. The Pavilion is ideal for graduation parties or small celebrations. This is an all-day rental from 8 a.m.-10 p.m.

Rental fee: $65 fee/$150 deposit


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Centennial Park Enclosed Shelter 1255 Warrior Lane

The enclosed shelter is located on the southwest corner of Centennial Park with a playground and restrooms nearby. The shelter has a small deck overlooking the park and a charcoal grilling area. Inside the shelter are 12 picnic tables. The shelter does not have heating or air-conditioning and is only available to rent April 1-October 10. This is an all-day rental from 8 a.m.-10 p.m.

Rental fee: $40 fee/no deposit

Centennial Park Open Air Shelter 1255 Warrior Lane

The open air shelter is in the heart of Centennial Park and is surrounded by an open grass area, a disc golf course, ball fields, playgrounds and restrooms. The shelter has 11 picnic tables and two charcoal grills. This shelter is available to rent April 1-October 31. This is an all-day rental from 8 a.m.-10 p.m.

Rental fee: $25 fee/no deposit

Windfield Park Open Air Shelter 114 Windfield Parkway

The Windfield Open Air Shelter is located in the newly renovated Windfield Park. The park features ageappropriate play areas, a full basketball court and a new backstop for baseball and softball. The shelter houses four picnic tables, a bike rack, 13 parking spots and a unisex enclosed restroom. This shelter is available to rent April 1-October 31. This is an all-day rental from 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Maximum capacity for this shelter is 25 people.

Rental fee: $25 fee/no deposit

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


CITY OF WAUKEE FACILITY RENTAL POLICIES Waukee Community Center Reservations can be made up to one year in advance of the reservation date. Reservations are confirmed when completed form and deposit are returned to the Parks & Recreation Department. Payment for the center needs to be received at least one week prior to the reserved date.

Ridge Pointe Pavilion, Centennial Enclosed and Open Shelters, and Windfield Shelter Facilities are rented April 1 through mid-October with the exception of Ridge Pointe Pavilion which is rented yearround. Reservations can be made 180 days in advance of the desired reservation date. Reservations are confirmed when payment and deposit are received by the Parks & Recreation Department. Keys, if needed, can be picked up the week of the reservation.

Please call the Waukee Parks & Recreation Department to reserve the Community Center at 515-978-0007. To reserve the Pavilion or any of our shelters, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec.


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

PARKS Centennial Park 1255 Warrior Lane

Centennial Park offers a wide range of recreational opportunities. The 33-acre park is equipped with two sand volleyball courts, three ball diamonds, a 12-hole disc golf course, three playgrounds, one basketball court, a newly re-shaped Sugar Creek, a covered bridge, one open shelter and one enclosed shelter. There is plenty of open green space for playing soccer or enjoying a picnic with your family. Centennial Park has it all!

G.E. Davis Park

Walnut and 7th Street G.E. Davis Park sits in front of the Waukee Community Center and honors George Edward Davis. Davis served as the mayor of the City of Waukee for 30 years.

Windfield Park

114 Windfield Parkway Windfield Park is newly renovated and features many new and exciting amenities. The park is equipped with a full basketball court, a new backstop for baseball or softball, age-appropriate play areas including an accessible swing and an open shelter. Increased walking and biking paths make it easier to connect from the park to the Heart of the Warrior Trail.

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


PARKS Southfork Park

Southbranch Drive Southfork Park is a three-acre neighborhood park with amenities including a playground, the Gordon Christianson open shelter, picnic tables, a grill and benches. In 2015 a “Little Free Library” was installed for neighbors to share and borrow their favorite books.

Songbird Park

Behind 1070 1st Pl., East of Southview Drive Songbird Park has been certified as a “Backyard Wildlife Habitat” by The National Wildlife Federation. This three-acre habitat is certified because of the conscientious planning, landscaping and sustainable gardening where wildlife may find quality habitat, food, water, shelter and places to raise their young.

Historic Downtown Triangle Park Ashworth Drive and 6th Street

Triangle Park is a half-acre park nestled in the heart of the Historic Downtown Triangle District, featuring a large gazebo and many nearby businesses. It serves as host to many community events throughout the year.

Warrior Park 1050 4th Street

Warrior Park is a seven-acre park with four ball diamonds, one playground and a specially engineered sledding hill.


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007

Ridge Pointe Park

655 SE Legacy Pointe Boulevard Ridge Pointe Park is a 21-acre park that serves as a flat open field for soccer practice and open play. It features two playgrounds, a sand volleyball court, a walking path, a backstop, the Pavilion (available to rent year-round) and a “Little Free Library” where you can share your books with others in the neighborhood.

Grant Park

605 SE Driftwood Lane Grant Park is a one-and-a-half-acre neighborhood park that was remodeled during the summer of 2015. The remodeled park includes walking paths, new playground equipment and a halfcourt basketball area.

Fox Creek Park

522 NE Westgate Drive Fox Creek Park is Waukee’s newest and third largest park. Phase 1 construction began in the spring of 2016 with grading, bike trails, prairie plantings and park signage. Within the park, there are trails totaling 3/4 of a mile in length. The trails connect Grant Ragan Elementary to the surrounding neighborhoods. Future phases for the park feature the additions of a splash pad, shelter, parking spaces, a basketball court and more.

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


LITERACY IN THE PARKS Waukee’s Parks & Recreation Department collaborates with the Waukee Public Library and local residents and organizations to provide opportunities for families to read while enjoying City trails and parks.

StoryWalk™ In 2014, the StoryWalk was installed along the Heart of the Warrior Trail just west of Warrior Lane and north of Ashworth Drive. The StoryWalk Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT, developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition (VBPC) and the Kellogg Hubbard Library. It encourages families to exercise their mind and their bodies in the great outdoors. Books are swapped out monthly, with two pages placed at each StoryWalk stop along the trail. Whether out for a bike ride, going on a run or playing at nearby Windfield Park, this is a great way to burn off some energy and enjoy a good story at the same time.

Little Free Library™

The City’s first Little Free Library was installed in Ridge Pointe Park in 2014, and was soon followed by a second one in Southfork Park in 2015. This coming year, the City will work with local organizations to install libraries in all remaining parks, at the Waukee Community Center and along the City’s trails. Little Free Libraries™ are designed for kids and adults, to take, share and give their favorite books to friends and neighbors. The libraries are available for use throughout the year.

The StoryWalk and Little Free Libraries are available to everyone. Enjoy the beauty of the Waukee scenery, and help spread the love of reading as well!


For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007


















Construction on Waukee’s newest park began in the spring of 2016. Fox Creek Park is located on 18 acres of land, adjacent to the new Grant Ragan Elementary School.

36 spaces + 2 H.C.



Phase 1 projects that have been completed include earthwork and grading, and paving of ¾ mile of trails. The trails will allow for great student walkability for those in area neighborhoods.



J 36 spaces + 2 H.C.



Crews will soon install site amenities D C including a drinking fountain and associated utilities, entry signs, seeding and landscaping elements. Genus Landscape Architects designed the master plan of the park, and Joiner Construction, Inc. is FOX CREEK PRELIMINARY MASTER1PLAN the contractor on the project. ThePARK cost of Phase came OVERALL SITE PLAN in at $703,792.10. NE BOWMAN DRIVE

Work on the park will continue over the next few years. The master plan includes tennis and Pickle-ball courts, basketball courts, parking areas, a shelter, a splash pad, open greenspaces, play pods, an outdoor classroom and a Little Free Library™.

For more information, visit www.Waukee.org/ParksandRec. | 978.0007



805 University Avenue • Waukee, IA 50263


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WAUKEE TRAILHEAD UPDATE Bicyclists come from near and far to pedal along the Raccoon River Valley Trail, with its most significant trailhead located in Waukee. Riders will soon have a new feature to enjoy, as the Waukee Trailhead Public Art Project Committee met its fundraising goal of $1.1 million to put toward the new “Waukee Railroad Pergola” art piece and other trailhead improvements. The City of Waukee previously earmarked $173,000 for capital improvements at the trailhead. Once the art project group formed, these budgeted funds were allocated to help pay for a comprehensive enhancement plan for the trailhead site. The plan includes a shelter/plaza structure and an improved parking lot. Currently, eight other communities along the Raccoon River Valley Trail are also planning to incorporate artistic elements from Waukee’s design into their locations. The public art features will be located along the full 89-mile trail corridor – creating one of the longest linear public art installations in the country. Groundbreaking will occur as early as this fall, and the target completion date for the trailhead improvements and art installation is set for the summer of 2017.

For more information or to donate please visit www.Waukee.org/TrailheadArt.

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