Made Smarter - 2 Year Review

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YEAR REVIEW 2021-2023 2

This exciting scheme was launched initially for 12 months in June 2021, when the Government gave the go ahead for a £1.9 million digital adoption push to drive growth among manufacturing and engineering SMEs in the West Midlands and help them to access grants to boost their productivity.

403 businesses registered with Made Smarter West Midlands between April 2021 and the end of March 2023. During that period, our Digital Transformation Specialists engaged with hundreds of businesses, providing mentoring and guidance, and facilitating firms with access to workshops, leadership and management training, and connecting them with the support they need to develop their digital roadmaps.

Over £1.4 million in grants have been issued to date to a total of 86 SMEs, with businesses supported ranging from jewellers to precision engineers, furniture manufacturers to aerospace suppliers, illustrating the vast scope this programme has to provide impactful aid across the manufacturing industry.

We are delighted that funding has been provided for the programme for another two years and we look forward to helping even more SMEs in the West Midlands take that next step in their evolution.

Craig Humphrey with Paul Sullivan, Digital Transformation Specialist for Coventry and Warwickshire, following Made Smarter West Midland’s success at the Innovation Awards 2022, where the programme was named ‘Engineering Innovation Champion’ of the Year.

I am pleased to present the first Made Smarter West Midlands 2-Year Review, as we reflect on the programme’s successes so far.
Craig Humphrey CEO of Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub Warwickshire

Programme Overview

Made Smarter West Midlands is aimed at connecting manufacturing and engineering businesses with digital technology to transform the way they work and improve their productivity.

Coventry and Warwickshire (CW) Growth Hub leads the programme, on behalf of the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Department for Business & Trade, alongside Business Growth West Midlands and the Worcestershire, Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire, and The Marches Growth Hubs.

Made Smarter West Midlands also collaborates with a range of strategic partners, including WMG, at the University of Warwick, and the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, who help programme participants benefit from the expertise of their digital manufacturing specialists.

The programme aims to help businesses grow, by helping them cut their costs, go to market faster, and reduce downtime.

Each applicant for the Made Smarter programme is assessed individually by the regional digital transformation specialist (DTS) who, upon confirmation of the eligibility, schedules a face-toface visit in order to learn more about the company’s challenges and their aspirations, and to create a snapshot of their current processes before a ‘digital roadmap’ is then developed by specialists from WMG or the MTC.

50% match-funded grants are available to introduce new digital technology into firms, and the digital transformation specialists provide support every step of the way to facilitate grant applications, ensuring a smooth process and successful outcomes.

Made Smarter West Midlands recognises that introducing new digital technology into an

established firm can prove complex and a unique set of leadership skills are needed to manage the process effectively.

To address this need, Made Smarter West Midlands offers Leadership & Management training as part of the programme, which equips leaders with these skills and helps them steer the digital transformation of their business.

Find out more about the programme and eligibility

Programme Eligibility Criteria

• Sector: Manufacturing and Engineering

• Location: West Midlands

• Number of staff: Fewer than 250

• Turnover: Under £36 million (or assets of under or equal to £18 million).


West Midlands Combined Authority Plan

for Growth, Overview

The West Midlands Plan for Growth was launched in July 2022 and has a clear mandate to lead a partnership-driven economic growth agenda.

The plan pinpoints economic clusters where the region can ignite above-forecast levels of growth. These are clusters where the West Midlands has comparative advantage and businesses are confident to invest. Clusters include: logistics and distribution; healthtech and medtech; creative content production and gaming; professional and financial services and supply chain; manufacturing of future housing; modern and low carbon utilities; manufacturing of electric light vehicles and associated battery storage devices; aerospace.

Interventions will seek to streamline and synthesise existing supply and demand levers, responding to known market conditions to optimise and deepen supply chains, skills and scale to embed sustainable growth drivers across the region.

Jamie Elliott, Delivery Manager at the WMCA, said: “Our Plan for Growth aims to increase opportunities and jobs throughout the region by driving forward economic growth and creating the right conditions for investment and prosperity.

“This is an exciting time to be living and working in the West Midlands and the Made Smarter Programme forms part of the foundations which will continue to attract inward investors and skilled jobs in the wide variety of sectors for which we are renowned.”

Visit: to find out more

Dr Jamie Elliott Delivery Manager for WMCA

Impact on the West Midlands Economy

Key Statistics

Made Smarter West Midlands has positively impacted hundreds of businesses across the region, generating more than £94m in GVA since its launch in 2021.

Businesses from a wide cross-section of industries have benefitted from Made Smarter’s support in a range of ways, including participation in workshops, upskilling leadership teams, harnessing innovation, and securing 5-figure grants to support major capital expenditure.

In total, 403 businesses in the region registered with the programme across its first two phases, with over £1.4 million worth of grant funding awarded.

This fantastic result for the region has illustrated the importance of support for the manufacturing industry and established Made Smarter West Midlands as a vital part of the support ecosystem. Phase 3 has got off to an equally strong start and it is anticipated the 3rd year of the programme will be every bit as successful as the first two.

Manufacturing remains vital to the success of the West Midlands economy, making up 7% of all enterprises.

Manufacturing GVA has shown a significant uplift since 2020, after recent years of decline or little growth across some parts of the region. The start of the Made Smarter programme roll-out in the West Midlands has been timely in helping to boost GVA, and is expected to contribute to the future upward trajectory of Manufacturing GVA growth across the region.

450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Businesses registered on the Made Smarter West Midlands programme over the last 2 years 213 190 403 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Grants Value Awarded 1.4 Million Net GVA 94 Million Grants Awarded 86 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% BlackCountry Coventry&WarwickshireGreaterBirmingham&SolihullTheMarchesStoke-on-Trentand...WorcestershireWestMidlandsRegion UK 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Black Country Greater Birmingham and Solihull The Marches Coventry and Warwickshire Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Worcestershire Manufacturing GBA - Value (£m, 2019 prices) 10,000 5,000 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Black Country Coventry and Warwickshire Greater Birmingham and Solihull Manfacturing VAT/PAYE Registered Enterprises as a % of Total Enterprises Manufacturing GVA - Index (2019 = 100)

The Black Country Regional Statistics

The Black Country has seen superb take-up of the support Made Smarter has to offer, with 76 businesses registering over the last two years.

Of these, 21 were awarded match-funded grants to help them adopt the technology needed to boost their productivity, totalling more than £345,000.

This has seen an incredible GVA figure of £22.6m, highlighting the significant effect Made Smarter has had on the region’s economy.

Paul Edwards, Head of Economic Development and Delivery - Economy, Skills and Communities, at Business Growth West Midlands said: “Made Smarter has helped transform so many businesses in the Black Country already, and we’re so impressed with the GVA generated.

“We hope this success continues as Phase 3 of Made Smarter progresses.”

“The Black Country is the UK heart of manufacturing with a diverse range of industries. Made Smarter has helped businesses to realise their true potential through the value of digitisation, enabling these clients to work smarter, improve efficiencies and move forward as a fit for purpose business in the 21st century.”

Jit Gatcha, DTS for The Black Country.

Paul Edwards Head of Economic Development and Delivery
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Businesses in The Black Country region registered on the Made Smarter programme over the last 2 years 38 38 76 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Grants Value Awarded 345K Net GVA 22 Million Grants Awarded 21


Precision measuring machine and digital content system helps firm thrive

Ceandess, a manufacturer of custom-made filler caps for all sorts of vehicles, is able to make high-precision products for its customers thanks to a new measuring machine funded through Made Smarter West Midlands.

Ceandess, based in Wolverhampton, supplies filler caps, necks and filters to the likes of JCB and Caterpillar, as well as to private individuals.

Find out how Made Smarter has helped Ceandess to digitise their quality control processes, to improve efficiency and accuracy.

Jit Gatcha with Ed Davies, Managing Director at Ceandess
Case Study

Coventry & Warwickshire

Regional Statistics

The Coventry & Warwickshire area has had huge success with businesses registering for Made Smarter.

102 businesses joined the scheme in Phase 1 and 2. 22 firms were successful in receiving a total of more than £403,000 in grants to introduce digital technology, which led to the sub-region’s economy being boosted by over £22.5m in GVA.

Craig Humphrey, CEO of Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, said: “The GVA figures underline the tremendous impact that Made Smarter is having on driving forward our area’s economy.

“The grants are helping manufacturing and engineering businesses with funding to introduce digital hardware or software to boost their productivity as well as helping companies to access specialist advice and attend digital transformation workshops.”

“The Made Smarter programme has had a real impact on companies wishing to adopt new technologies in their everyday business process.

It has proven to affect the bottom line positively, given greater sustainability, and allowed the workforce to Work Smarter. The impartial advice from business and digital experts has been greatly received by companies in a variety of sizes and sectors.”

Paul Sullivan, DTS for Coventry & Warwickshire.

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Businesses in Coventry & Warwickshire registered on the Made Smarter programme over the last 2 years 51 51 102 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Grants Value Awarded 403K Net GVA 22.5 Million Grants Awarded 22
Sarah Gambrall, Head of Projects for CW Growth Hub, with DTSs Jit Gatcha, Paul Sullivan, and Martyn Mangan (L to R)

Whiteley Brooks Engineering

In the fast lane to success

A Coventry business which has been busy manufacturing precision-machined parts for over half a century is gearing up for the next stage in its history after joining Made Smarter West Midlands.

Whiteley Brooks Engineering, which was established in 1965, supplies high-quality precision engineering parts for the motorsport, medical, automotive, defence, diesel testing and new technologies sectors.

Find out how Made Smarter has helped Whiteley Brooks Engineering to introduce an electronic data system on its shop floor, which will improve lead-in times, reduce costs, and reduce their energy bills.

Case Study
Jat Purewal, Whiteley Brooks Engineering, with David Roddis from MTC and DTS Paul Sullivan (R to L)

Greater Birmingham & Solihull

Regional Statistics

In Greater Birmingham & Solihull 68 businesses registered during Phase 1 and 2, with 16 firms receiving grant funding totalling over £244,000.

Phases 1 and 2 have led to over £10m of GVA being generated in Greater Birmingham & Solihull, which underlines the difference the programme is making in the area.

Shaun Sookoo, Non-Executive Board Director and lead for SMEs of the Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub, said: “The manufacturing and engineering businesses from our region who have been involved in the Made Smarter West Midlands programme have found it hugely beneficial to receive expert advice and have the opportunity to apply for match-funded grants.

“The technological world is constantly changing and it is vital our SMEs are on the same footing as their competitors to grow their businesses and boost our local economy. It can be a daunting prospect but the experts from Made Smarter provide help every step of the way.”

I have met with some truly innovative and fascinating companies and I am proud to have helped these firms with their digital transformation aims.”

Jim Vithanage, DTS for Greater Birmingham & Solihull

Shaun Sookoo Non-Executive Board Director and lead for SMEs, Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP Growth Hub
“Demand for support from the Made Smarter programme has been extremely high over the last two years and is equally high as Phase 3 gets underway.
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Businesses
the last 2 years 42 26 68 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Grants Value Awarded 244K Net GVA 9 Million Grants Awarded 16
in Greater Birmingham & Solihull registered on the Made Smarter programme

Case Study

L.G Davis

New horizons after increasing productivity

A specialist in printing, stationery and printed merchandise in Birmingham has improved its productivity and is exploring new markets after installing new machinery following a grant from Made Smarter West Midlands.

Through Made Smarter, the company has installed a state-of-the-art machine to increase capacity and create new opportunities for the business to grow.

Find out how, with the help of Made Smarter, the newly installed device is enabling LG Davis to gain a competitive advantage through reduction in lead times and price.

Matthew Watkiss, Operations Director at LG Davis, with DTS Paul Sullivan (R to L)

Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire

Regional Statistics

Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire has seen 58 businesses register with Made Smarter West Midlands, with a boost in popularity during Phase 2 of the programme, when 35 companies signed up.

This equated to more than £9.7m in GVA, with over £162,000 in grant funding awarded to 11 firms in the two years since Made Smarter’s launch.

It is hoped this trend continues in the region with even more companies registering during Phase 3.

Rebecca Parker, Head of Business Growth Hub at Stokeon-Trent and Staffordshire LEP, said: “The programme has been getting more and more popular as time has gone on, with businesses of all kinds in the area registering for support.

“Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire is full of SMEs that can really benefit from this help, so we’d encourage as many as possible to sign up if they haven’t done so already.”

“Within the Stoke and Staffordshire region the increase in SME’s registering with the Made Smarter Programme has been amazing.

I have met some truly outstanding businesses and people, who have all benefited from the programme, and we have worked together to improve each and everyone’s digital pathway”.

Tim Kirby, DTS for Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire.

Rebecca Parker Head of Business Growth Hub at Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire LEP
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Businesses
over the last 2 years 23 35 58 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Grants Value Awarded 162K Net GVA 9.7 Million Grants Awarded 11
in Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire registered on
the Made Smarter programme

Ashes Memorial Jewellery

New engraving machine opens up huge possibilities for Burton jeweller

Burton memorial jewellery business Ashes Memorial Jewellery has opened up far more possibilities after purchasing a hi-tech laser engraver through a grant from Made Smarter West Midlands.

The business, founded by jeweller Julia Bochenski in 2017, creates pieces in memory of loved ones, which incorporate ashes or locks of hair, as well as messages of love or condolences.”

Find out how a match-funded grant from Made Smarter has helped Ashes Memorial Jewellery reduce their leadtimes and improve cost-savings.

Case Study
Ruth Hallows, engraver at Ashes Memorial Jewellery, and Founder Julia Bochenski, with DTS Tim Kirby (L to R)

The Marches Regional Statistics

62 businesses in The Marches joined the programme in Phase 1 and 2.

11 companies received over £183,000 in grant funding, generating over £20.7m in GVA.

Rachel Laver, Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Chief Executive, said the Made Smarter programme had continued to help businesses across Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.

“Shrewsbury baker Planet Doughnut – one of the region’s great success stories – has been able to continue its fantastic growth after a Made Smarter grant contributed to an integrated digital system for its admin, streamlining its invoicing and planning processes and creating a centralised system that all shops can report to,” she said.

“Additionally, Telford company iconsys threw open its doors for a digital factory tour in collaboration with Made Smarter to show how the adoption of digital technology can lead to higher productivity, efficiency and quality.

“The Marches LEP and Marches Growth Hub are delighted to be able to promote Made Smarter and the benefits it can bring to help drive growth as part of our continuing role to provide the best innovation support for businesses across the whole region.”

“The Marches is a uniquely diverse area with manufacturing at its historical core. Made Smarter has supported innovation in manufacturing & engineering SMEs in The Marches, to revolutionise the way they produce products, including food and drink, and has helped these businesses to ‘think differently’ about digital adoption.

Businesses have benefited from seeing tangible improvements in processes, data management, productivity, quality, staff retention and upskilling. Small, medium and larger businesses are realising the benefits of engaging with Made Smarter.”

Rachel Laver Chief Executive of The Marches LEP
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Businesses in The Marches region registered on the Made Smarter programme over the last 2 years 39 23 62 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Grants Value Awarded 183K Net GVA 20.7 Million Grants Awarded 11

The Ludlow Nut Company

Recipe for success

An award-winning artisan producer of healthy food in Shropshire is taking the next step towards future growth following support from Made Smarter West Midlands.

Helen and Bob Graham launched the Ludlow Nut Company, which has progressed from selling high-quality, healthy dried fruit and nuts to expand their product range to include mueslis, porridge, granolas, nut butters, and roasting and flavouring of nuts.

Find out how a match-funded grant from Made Smarter has helped The Ludlow Nut Company purchase a new software-based system, which has improved their production planning, scheduling, and inventory control.

Case Study
Helen Graham, Co-Founder of The Ludlow Nut Company with Martin Coates, MD of Agrantec, and Denis Pelych, IDTA from WMG (L to R)


Regional Statistics

In Worcestershire, 37 SMEs have registered with Made Smarter so far to help give their productivity a boost, generating more than £5.7m in GVA.

5 businesses were awarded a share of just over £90,000 in match-funded grant funding to help make them more productive in the long-term.

As Phase 3 progresses, it is hoped even more Worcestershire businesses engage with Made Smarter and take advantage of the support it offers.

Luke Willetts, Deputy CEO of the Worcestershire LEP and Worcestershire Growth Hub said: “The GVA generated in Worcestershire highlights the incredible impact Made Smarter is having on businesses here.

“We have already seen a wide range of companies register, and we’d love to see even more sign up and potentially receive a grant to help pay for the improvements they need.”

“We have seen some great successes in Worcestershire using the Made Smarter programme.

The benefit of engaging with us is really beginning to show with manufacturers improving processes, quality and productivity to make sure Worcestershire remains a leading manufacturing county. We really can help with free impartial advice.”

Luke Willetts Deputy CEO of the Worcestershire LEP and Worcestershire Growth Hub
Grants Value Awarded 90K Net GVA 5.7 Million Grants Awarded 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Businesses in Worcestershire region registered on the Made Smarter programme over the last 2 years 20 17 37 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total


Air pressure control specialists make their business smarter

Apreco Ltd, a manufacturer of products to regulate and control air pressure, saw its productivity improve after receiving a grant from Made Smarter West Midlands to help synergise its systems.

The Bishops Frome business had four different computer systems for different parts of its business – accounts, sales, manufacturing, and data capture. After discussions with Made Smarter, Apreco applied for a £20,000 grant for software that fully connected the four systems digitally.

The Challenge

Apreco needed a smart, unified system that was consistent across all aspects of its operations. Production Manager Sophie Fenemore researched software companies that could help, and came across Redditch-based MIE Solutions.

She said: “We felt like it might be the best company to help improve our software. By coincidence, we attended manufacturing supply chain show Subcon in 2021 and came across Made Smarter there.”

The Solution

Martyn Mangan, Digital Transformation Specialist for Made Smarter in Worcestershire, arranged to visit Apreco alongside Made Smarter strategic partner WMG.

Martyn said: “Integrated software from MIE Solutions, alongside new tablets on the shop floor for ease of data entry, was the right solution for Apreco.

“With WMG we produced a ‘digital roadmap’ for Apreco, which gave them a step-by-step process of how to integrate the software, and helped them apply for a £20,000 match-funded grant to pay for it.”

The Benefits

The software ensures there is no duplication across Apreco, and automates a lot of report generation.

Sophie said: “In this day and age, having systems like this can be vital to stay competitive in a challenging market. Receiving the grant was a massive help in making it affordable.”

The Future

Apreco is now looking forward to producing faster turnarounds for its customers thanks to the software.

Sophie added: “Anyone in a similar position to us should talk to Made Smarter, because what you get out of it is totally worth it.”

Sophie Fenemore, Production Manager at Apreco, and Owner & Managing Director, Mike Hodges, with DTS Martyn Mangan (L to R)
Case Study

Warwick Manufacturing Group

High Value Manufacturing Catapult

WMG, University of Warwick, is one of two strategic partners that have helped the Digital Transformation Specialists to provide informed advice to manufacturing SMEs, and facilitated the successful adoption of digital technology into businesses.

The organisation – a member of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, which aims to promote innovation in manufacturing – bridges the gap between university research and innovation in the private sector.

Through Made Smarter, WMG has enabled SMEs to not only adopt the best digital solutions for their firms, but to understand why those solutions are right for their business.

Dr Mark Swift, Director of SME Engagement, WMG, University of Warwick, said: “Working on the Made Smarter programme with colleagues at Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, we have supported SME manufacturers to navigate the triple transition of implementing digital technology, boosting productivity, and decarbonising their businesses.

“By transferring our knowledge of automation, enterprise resource planning systems, and application lifecycle management, amongst other technology areas, we have enabled business owners and managers to take back control of their information, speed up processes, de-risk key investment decisions, and boost profitability.

“SMEs are impressed with the accessibility of the Made Smarter programme and the significant impact digitalisation can have on their businesses. Many SMEs are already noting increased growth following the support and have reduced waste and inefficiencies as a result.

“The Made Smarter programme in the West Midlands has been warmly received by SMEs in the region and we have been honoured to be part of the growing adoption of digital in the manufacturing sector.”

Dr. Mark Swift Director of SME Engagement at WMG

Manufacturing Technology Centre

High Value Manufacturing Catapult

Also a member of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, the MTC supports the Made Smarter West Midlands programme.

The MTC has a wealth of knowledge from scientists and engineers to draw upon when it comes to advising businesses on how to adopt the right technology to boost productivity.

Mike Wilson, Chief Automation Officer at the MTC, said: “Knowing the right path can be difficult for SMEs without external support and advice. There are so many variations of software and technology available for manufacturers on the market.

“For those businesses that aren’t familiar with them, it can be a daunting prospect to make a decision. It is so satisfying when an SME comes back to us saying the return on investment has been practically immediate.

“The MTC is truly delighted to have been part of this programme which is making a positive difference to so many local businesses within the wider UK supply chain.”

And Steve Morris, SME Sales Director at the MTC, added: “We are proud to work alongside WMG and the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub to introduce Digital Technology to close on 200 businesses throughout the region to date.

“Our transformation teams are experienced with smaller businesses, and have delivered bottom-line benefits to SMEs wanting a practical roadmap to support technology adoption.

“Best of all is hearing feedback from the businesses themselves. They tell us how Made Smarter support makes them significantly more productive and able to reliably fulfil orders much faster for customers.

“They really appreciate the practical guidance, reassuring them that the solutions implemented will work for them.”

Mike Wilson Chief Automation Officer at the MTC Steve Morris, SME Sales Director at the MTC

Leadership and Management

Training for Digital Transformation Leaders

Together with support from experts in improving productivity, Made Smarter has helped equip business leaders with the skills needed to effectively embrace digital technology for their business.

The Made Smarter Leadership and Management Programme, delivered in partnership with Coventry University, combines face-to-face and self-directed learning with virtual meetings to facilitate managers to implement changes and help their staff to become familiar with new systems, enabling a smooth transition.

Among those who have taken the course is Daniela Gonzalez, CEO and Managing Director of BARO Vehicles. Her firm manufactures parts and hardware for the growing autonomous vehicles sector – especially for ‘last mile’ solutions.

As a result of the Leadership and Management Programme, Daniela decided to install customer relationship management (CRM) software at BARO Vehicles, to better organise its sales activities.

She said: “The programme was really useful for me to understand the best ways to change the processes within my business and how to get staff to buy into these changes.

“Adopting new digital technology like CRM can be a major change for any business, and it’s obviously so important that my staff were confident the new system was going to improve BARO Vehicles and that they were familiar with how to use it.

“When running a business, it’s on you to own the changes you make and convince your staff you’re making the right decision.

“The Leadership and Management programme was able to take me through that process and reflect on the methods we were using at BARO Vehicles. The team at Coventry University were very helpful in allowing me to take that step back and review my business as a whole.

“We are now looking for further investment in our business, and Made Smarter’s guidance has helped us improve our value proposition with the addition of the CRM.”

The next Leadership & Management Training commences Autumn 2023. Find out more.


Make UK

The Manufacturers’ Organisation

Made Smarter West Midlands has developed close links with Make UK, which champions engineering and manufacturing businesses throughout the UK.

Make UK is focused on building a platform for the evolution of UK

manufacturing, which fits in perfectly with the ethos of Made Smarter West Midlands. It has been calling for a national rollout of the programme since its inception.

Together, the two organisations organised a digital factory tour at iconsys’ Technology Hub in Stafford Park 16, Telford, for businesses to see first-hand the benefits of adopting digital technology.

Here, Chris Corkan, Interim Region Director, Midlands & East, Make UK, outlines why Made Smarter West Midlands is needed and its importance in removing barriers to encourage more SMEs to utilise digital technology.

“Some of the greatest barriers to manufacturing businesses adopting technology are the lack of understanding of what is available and having the relevant experience or skills to implement new technologies.

“Made Smarter West Midlands has offered a direct solution to SMEs at different stages of their digital journey, thereby unlocking the power to adopt different technologies to improve their day-to-day operations.

“It is vital we support manufacturers to harness digital technologies which, in turn, leads to higher productivity, efficiency and quality of their products.

“This can be from collaborating with firms to digitalise paperwork in their office, right through to introducing advanced robotics on the shop floor.

“In the post-pandemic world, Make UK has been delighted to host a successful large-scale factory tour event, industry dinners and roundtable meetings to push forward on this agenda together with manufacturing leaders.

“We believe the adoption of new technologies in the manufacturing and engineering sector can be the key to tackling regional inequalities and the UK’s productivity conundrum.

“The West Midlands played a significant part in the first industrial revolution and now hand-inhand with Made Smarter, the region’s manufacturing and engineering SMEs can successfully continue to step forward with confidence in the next phase of digitising the manufacturing sector.”

Chris Corkan, Interim Region Director, Midlands & East

Andy Street

Mayor of the West Midlands

Andy Street, West Midlands

Mayor and WMCA Chair, highlights the important role Made Smarter West Midlands is playing in encouraging SMEs to introduce digital technology into the day-to-day running of their operations.

He said: “Made Smarter West Midlands is helping our region’s engineering and manufacturing businesses to embrace digital technology.

“A particularly valuable aspect of the initiative is that it is targeted at SMEs - who may be apprehensive or lack the time and capacity to research the best way forward from a technology point of view - and therefore likely to benefit from the experts we have on hand to offer advice.

“The West Midlands has a well-deserved reputation for playing host to many dynamic businesses. Made Smarter is helping those businesses and therefore helping our region to bounce back and return to its pre pandemic form as the fastest growing region in the UK - at the same time as supporting our efforts to create the high-quality jobs of the future that local people want to see.”

“It was really useful having independent experts assess the way we operate since, when you are involved on a daily basis, you don’t always appreciate there are different ways and systems that can be introduced to help you work in a more streamlined manner or are aware of the technology that is available.

“That is where the experts from the programme really helped us and the advice from Paul Sullivan was just what we needed since he took us through the grant application step-by-step. It can sometimes be daunting approaching something like that.”

Watch the full video testimonial


Thank you

We would like to thank our partners and all our contributors to our first Made Smarter West Midlands review, and thank all those who have worked so hard and with such dedication to make the first 2-years of the programme so successful.

The vital support of the many small and medium-sized businesses across the region that have been involved and provided case studies has been instrumental in communicating the impact of the programme on the engineering and manufacturing sector.

This is only the start of this exciting scheme which is already bringing great benefits to companies across the region and helping boost the area’s economy.

We are delighted to have secured funding for the next two years until 2025 which will give even more SMEs a chance to join the scheme, and boost growth across the West Midlands through digital technology, innovation and skills.

I am sure there will be many more successes as Made Smarter West Midlands continues to accelerate its drive towards helping more SMEs embrace new digital technology.

To find out more about the programme visit or get in touch at

Andy Street and Craig Humphrey at the opening of Made Smarter beneficiary, Ramfoam’s, new HQ.

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