INSIDE... Hope honored ............. 2A Opinion ....................... 4A Obituaries ................... 5A EG Graduation ............. 6A SP Graduation ............. 7A SP athletes honored .... 8A
Serving Belmont, Mount Holly, Stanley, Cramerton, and McAdenville | Volume 79 • Issue 25 • Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Graduates march into next stage of life By Alan Hodge
Students from South Point High and East Gaston High joined hundreds of others in Gaston County
who took their diplomas on Saturday. East Gaston held its exercise in the school auditorium while South Point students marched into Lineberger Stadium for an outdoor event.
East Gaston graduated 320 students. The valedictorians were Lanie Summerlin, Mark Bedard, and Samuel Casciani. The salutatorian was Jodie Winchester. Students did their
Fighting Yank is on the move! The base for the Spirit of the Fighting Yank WWII memorial statue was finally put in place in Stowe Park at 1pm Monday June 16. The statue itself will be put atop the pedestal sometime this week after a minor repair is made and new mounting pins fabricated. Photo by Alan Hodge
East Gaston seniors mourn loss of classmate By Alan Hodge
East Gaston High's graduation ceremony Saturday had a somber undertone with the fact that one senior, 19 year old Jaquez D’Andre Hunter-Cathey, had drowned in Mountain Island Lake just a few days earlier. An emotional moment of silence was held in D'Andre's honor during the graduation ceremony and his mother was in attendance to accept his diploma. Last Tuesday at 6:24pm the Gaston County Police Communications Center received a 911 call in reference to a drowning at Mountain Island Lake near Mount Holly. According to police, when officers arrived they found three teenagers who stated they last saw Hunter-Cathey swimming in a cove near the Mountain Island dam. One friend told police that Hunter-Cathey began to struggle as he was swimming across a cove. Another witness stated he possibly saw Hunter-Cathey exit the
Jaquez D’Andre Hunter-Cathey water on the other side of the cove. The friends began searching for him in the woods and after searching for approximately an hour and a half called 911. Fearing Hunter-Cathey may still be in the water, two friends began diving back into the water of the cove attempting to locate him but were unsuccessful. Gaston Emergency Medical Service, Lucia Riverbend Fire Department, Cooks Lake Fire Department, Dallas Rescue Squad and Stanley Civil Defense Rescue Squad responded to assist in the search. Divers located the body of HunterCathey near the area he was last seen swimming at approximately 8:12pm. Police say the investigation into the drowning is still continuing, but drugs and or alcohol are not believed to have been factors in the
processional to the tune of Sir Edward Elgar's familiar “Pomp and Circumstance.” East Gaston JROTC Color Guard posted the colors. Kaela Lipscomp sang the National Anthem. The welcome was delivered by senior class president Lunden Elizabeth Farris. Principal Cristi Bostic recognized honored guests. Bostic, assistant principals Rebekka Powers, Lisa Pennington, GCS attorney Sonya McGraw, and GCS Board of Education member Kevin Collier presented diplomas. The senior chorus and class sang “Fair East Gaston.” Marshals included Tyler James Rapp, Alexis Brooke Arnold, Claire Emily Biggerstaff, Emily Lynn Davis, Alyssa Lane Hampton, Gabriel Lucas Hutson, Delanie Faye-Ann Knight, Theresa Renee Martin, Claire Marie Paluszak, Zachary Alan Spainhour. South Point High graduated 306 students under sunny skies at Lineberger Stadium. Co-valedictorians were Madeline Killen and Quinn Barnette. Co-salutatorians were Kathryn Scruggs and Makayla Lund. Marshals included Kendrick Icenhour, Shelby Basham,
South Point High School students and dignitaries watch the students filing in to begin graduation. See more graduation photos on page 8A (East Gaston HS photos may be found on page 6A). Photo by Alan Hodge Ryan Furukawa, Katie Henninger, Morgan Mahaffey, Allison Clayton, Ashley Harrill, Hoaithuong Ho,
Thomas Matthew, Kennedy Concannon, Zachary Hayes, Arlyn Locklear, Bailey See GRADUATES, 9A
MH Council approves budget By Alan Hodge The Mount Holly city council approved the municipality's FY20142015 budget at its meeting last week. The balanced budget amounts to $15.1 million and includes $9.4 million in general fund revenues and expenditures and $5.7 million in utility fund revenues and expenditures. Highlights of the budget include keeping the current tax rate of 53 cents per $100 of valuation. At this time, there is no cost of living raise for city employees, but staff is still looking at other compensation such as a “floating holiday”. Employee healthcare coverage will remain the same. New positions will be added. “In regard to the budget, there are three new positions that have been approved," said city manager Danny Jackson. “The Police Department will have a new position of Deputy Police See MH COUNCIL, 9A
Photo by Alan Hodge
At last week's Mount Holly city council meeting, Ida Rankin Elementary student body VP Caroline Worley and principal Kristen Kiser presented police chief Don Roper with a check of $922.25 that the school kids donated to the Wounded Warrior Fund.
Wells hopes to ride the rails of history By Alan Hodge
If Nathan Wells has it his way, Belmont could become a trolley car Mecca. Wells, a member of Belmont Trolley, Inc., a non-profit group that's working to bring a fully functional trolley from Charlotte and run it on tracks between downtown and See TROLLEY CARS, 11A Photo by Alan Hodge
Nathan Wells of Belmont is seen in the circa 1923 trolley he hopes to restore.
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