KM Herald 7-20-22

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Hord Services, Inc.


Land Clearing


704-466-6008 Volume 134 • Issue 29

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 • 704-484-1047


Cleveland County S C H O O L S

Enroll your child for school If you haven’t yet done so, you need to enroll your child for the new school year. The first day of school for Cleveland County Schools is August 17. New students or incoming kindergartners who reside in the Cleveland County School District should present an official birth certificate (not the hospital's record of birth), and a certificate showing that the student has received the required immunizations.

Transferring students should also provide a transcript or report card from the previous school year to document grade placement. Kindergartners should pass a physical examination - a physician's signature is required on a form provided by the school system. Kindergartners must be 5 years old on or before August 31. If a child is homeless or is identified as being homeless, he or she shall be See SCHOOL, Page 2A

Reel to Reel International Film Festival scheduled for July 27 to 30 The Cleveland County Arts Council announces that on July 27th, the 23rd Annual “Real to Reel International Film Festival” will once again open its doors to embrace filmmakers and film lovers alike. This year’s event is July 27 – 30, at Joy Performance Center at 202 S. Railroad Avenue in Kings Mountain. Their goal is to showcase thought-provoking films and offer a venue where movie lovers who appreciate independent vision can celebrate this unique art form. The mission of the Real

to Reel International Film Festival is to offer a forum for independent filmmakers from around the world to showcase their talents and expose the works of these artists to our region. For more information, or to buy tickets, visit https://www.ccartscouncil. org/realtoreel/

Country music artist Josh Turner, a native of South Carolina, and a multi-platinum-selling star is the headliner for this year’s 7th Inning Stretch Festival. Photo provided by ALWS

Josh Turner headlines the 7th Inning Stretch Festival The popular 7th Inning Stretch Festival is returning to Uptown Shelby on August 6, after a two-year absence caused by the COVID-19 virus. The festival is sponsored by The American Legion Department of North Carolina. The festival is held the Saturday before the games begin to

celebrate our community for all their hard work each year for ALWS. This year’s headliner concert will feature country music artist Josh Turner, a native of South Carolina, and a multi-platinum-selling star. For nearly two decades, he has been one of country music’s most recognizable

voices, selling more than 8.5 million units and amassing more than 2.5 billion global streams. His wife Jennifer plays keyboards and sings background vocals with the band. In December 2001 Turner made his debut at the Grand Ole Opry and received a standing ovation

for his original song “Long Black Train.” His album by the same name was certified gold within a year of its release; the song spent more than 40 weeks on the Billboard country charts. A secondary stage with local performers will feature Tangerine Trees, a Beatles See 7TH INNING, Page 2A

Cleveland County COVID level rises to medium Cleveland County’s COVID-19 level has risen to medium, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Between July 7 and July 14, 1,535 COVID tests were performed countywide and 24 people tested positive. As of Saturday, July 13,

in North Carolina 41 counties were ranked high for COVID-19; compared to the week before at 18. Forty-one counties tested at the medium level, and 18 counties tested low. Across the state, early warning indicators show an

increase from 15.8 million Coronavirus particles in the wastewater for the previous week, rising to 16.8 million particles last week. Increased levels like these can show early signs of community spread and illness. However, emergency

room visits across the state did not rise during the same timeframe, so it remains to be seen if this rise in particles will impact positive cases. With 97 percent of hospitals in NC reporting, a total See COVID, Page 2A

The front of Pauline Store has been boarded for years. The roof collapsed and saplings grow thick inside the old store’s walls. Photo by Loretta Cozart

Old Pauline Store to be demolished By Loretta Cozart The Pauline Store, at 205 Walker Street, will soon be demolished. City of Kings Mountain Code Enforcement Director Clint Houser met with the owner

last November. At that time, the owner agreed to remove the building in 180 days; that deadline passed on June 11. Houser asked city council to approve demolition of the walls that remain of the structure, and they unanimously approved his request. In a subsequent interview with See PAULINE, Page 4A

Crowds of people enjoyed the Fleetwood Mac Experience at Patriots Park last Saturday. See more photos on page 8A. Photo by Damien O’Brien

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