1 minute read
Made in Australia
from 2023 February West
by WBCheese
Crafted from the pure milk of Australian cows, Old Croc's classic white cheddar cheeses are meticulously aged to deliver a bold flavor experience unlike any other cheddar. Old Croc’s smooth yet sharp “bite” and creamy, sliceable texture make it the perfect table cheese, and is particularly delicious when served with fresh fruit, nuts and a good, hearty ale or cabernet.
0140 Old Croc Sharp Cheddar Cheese

0142 Old Croc Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese
2637 Old Croc "Croc Bites" Sharp Cheddar Cheese Snacks

12/7 oz. -$49.99/cs
12/7 oz. - $49.99/cs
12/6 oz. - $49.99/cs
2680 Big Moo Oh So Original Baked Cheese

2681 Big Moo Roasted Garlic Baked Cheese

2682 Big Moo Bakin' Bacon Baked Cheese

2683 Big Moo Hoppin' Jalapeno Baked Cheese

All Above: 6/8oz - $28.50/cs
These delicous grilling cheeses are just in time for summer BBQ Season! In Wisconsin, baked cheese is something of a local favorite. An old Scandinavian tradition that came here decades ago and one with many names. Baked cheese, bread cheese, juusto...
But whatever you call it, we just call it delicious!