Fan Friday Case Study: top Texas Dentist Dave Rossen expands his practice using Twitter & Facebook

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Top Texas Dentist Dave Rossen Expands His Practice Using Twitter & Facebook by Donna Newman by Friday, January 6, 2012 at 1:14pm

North TX dentist Dave Rossen connects with patients in the dental chair as well as he does on social media sites, like Twitter and Facebook. Take for example a typical morning, Dr. Rossen drills a maxillary central incisor in 2 minutes sharp. Next, he Tweets the latest Mavericks buzzer-­‐beater update or a general dental answer to the very question that his last patient asked. Just before his next general-­‐check-­‐up patient takes a seat, Proud Grandpa posts photos of his newest grandson Evan to his business fan page wall. "I love Social Media because it’s a simple way to reach many people," admits Dr. Rossen, adding that it has become a great problem solver too. "Social media has become a focus point to market our services to people." Prospective patients go first to the Internet and social media sites well over the classic Yellow Pages so small business owners, like dentists, must go where the people are spending anywhere from 45 minutes to 4 hours/day. "But it requires extensive use of the online social tools available today," he adds. CHALLENGE: Training a 35-­‐year practice new 'social media' marketing tricks For 35 years strong, Dr. Rossen has enjoyed a thriving multi-­‐million $ practice, where he covers almost all areas of dentistry, including families, Lumineers, and Orthodontics. Yet, besides his personal past-­‐time, Dr. Rossen hadn't explored a "business social benefit". Why should he? Business was booming, well, maybe a little dipped as every business across America has been the past 2 years. However, within the dental industry, t he average practice was down 40%. So, after meeting a year ago, and being progressive by nature, Dr. Rossen got the buy-­‐in of his long-­‐time staff to add social media marketing to his daily marketing practice. "I love Donna Newman and her staff of people, with all the service, encouragement, information, and experience she brings to help us reach more people that can become patients of our office!" he raves after seeing the fruits of his labor. OUTCOME: New Patients, Permanent archive on social media, and Postured as Progressive Dental Expert

-­‐-­‐ New Patients: Let me recount, says Dr. Rossen … "One recent patient said she found us on the Internet. That can be a very broad answer from an insurance site to whatever. So I asked her to be more specific. She said she did a Google search and we came up along with some others but we were the only one with a strong active Facebook page and an equally connectable web site. On our Facebook business page, she looked at our office videos, staff info, my bio and decided 'we were the ones!'

It all started with designing a custom Facebook landing page so within seconds Rossen Dental immediately could show prospects how they'd benefit from Rossen's valuable services. -­‐-­‐ Permanent archive on social media Progressively said: "I think that we need a significant presence in the social world today like Facebook, Twitter, Office web site, Blogs; anything that is Internet accessible because that is how people look for services today!" … first to the Internet. Then, within their search, like Rossen's story, prospective clients will review your relevant social sites to see how many of their friends 'like' your Facebook page, your website blog for your relevant topics and it's reach, and your services via a review on sites like Facebook, Yelp, or Dr. Oogle. Here, what you might not know about social media posts, Dr. Rossen's tweets and business wall posts deliver permanent Internet ink so when prospects search for general dental services within his area, he is sure to stamp the top of the Google Search Page. Might nice archive! -­‐-­‐ Postured as Progressive Dental Expert Dare to do the undone, or some call it The Road Less Traveled. This is intrinsic for Dr. Rossen as he graduated from dental school at age 23 while most peers were 26+ and spent his first 9 dental years in a small town called Sandwich. He knew early on that a solid MARKETING SYSTEM would generate a consistent flow of new and returning patients. That's NOT something you're taught in dental school, but Dr. Rossen himself has never hesitated to teach other young dentists all the success, and every minute detail of his recent social media marketing success, that has sustained his practice for 35 years strong. Best tip: host a Contest, plan a Give-­‐Away for your Facebook Fans. Here, within a month, Dr. Rossen's business page jumped from a couple hundred fans to nearly 1,200 active fans. "We gave away an ipad2 to our fans on December 19th-­‐ so that was a viral incentive to join our fan page!" The prize not only incentivized patients to join but encouraged them to tell all their Facebook friends, too. And, best value yet: majority of these friends of friends are within driving distance of the clinic -­‐-­‐> of course, the goal of every marketing endeavor is CONVERSION, right? Dr. Rossen is living proof: Internet is first stop and the peer influence determines the sale. So, Social Media sites like Twitter and Facebook are more than websites … for dentists, they are a consistent 'recall' opportunity to stay top-­‐of-­‐mind with patients, generate general dental commentary and human interest features that gain SEO, and give 'social proof' to prospective patients to choose Dr. Rossen as THEIR DENTIST! Agency 16420 North 92nd Street, Suite 224-228, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 o.480.314.4101 f.480.314.4140 e/

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