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Forging Knowledge in the New Normal
Are We There Yet?
Navigating the Covid-19 Status of the Philippines
/ Sean Largo
When boredom strikes while traveling, kids commonly said the phrase, “Are we there yet?” This becomes a common phrase that literally irritates the adults and usually, they’ll be answered with, “Not yet”, “soon”, “just a little patience” or any same likely phrase that may pacify tired little bodies. However, there comes a time in history, not just in the Philippines but the world as a whole wherein the same question was asked by almost everyone. “Are we there yet?”
The onset of COVID-19 which was only acknowledged in Manila, Philippines as a pandemic last March 6, 2020, marks the beginning of a very rigorous torture for the Filipinos. Like a relationship, it started with a confirmed case of an infected Chinese woman from Wuhan visiting the country who died 2 days later in San Lazaro Hospital in Metro Manila. The first recorded case in Cebu was on February 5, 2020. From then on, things escalated quickly. By April of the same year, there had been a surge of confirmed cases in densely populated areas in Cebu resulting in a massive lockdown. Life became so complicated that each person seemed to be on its own prison cell. Trust no one - each on his own with regard to hygiene. Always assume that the person around might be infected and you’ll be next. Everyone is on the run to protect their lives. Life becomes an unseen chaos for we all deal with the same dilemma. The year seemed to pass too slowly. The “ayuda” that the government provides depletes its resources drastically. There had been qualms on what the future holds and when it will last. Problems in different aspects in life just seemed to sprout like weeds, with depression and panic attacks being on top of the list of health problems aside from the covid 19 confirmed and suspected cases. Everyone is on edge.
It was February 23, 2021, when the Philippines purchased 25 million doses of Sinovac, thus kicking off the implementation phase of the vaccination program by the DOH. There’s been a clamor as to the effectiveness of the vaccine. But like a lifeline, people clung to it as the source of hope - that at last, they’ll be free from this prison cell. As of December 1, 2022, we are declared here in Lapu-Lapu as belonging to the alert 1 level: Under Alert Level 1, the IATF said there are no restrictions in terms of indoor and outdoor capacities. Everyone can undertake intrazonal and interzonal travel without regard to age and even comorbidities. Much to the relief of adults and children alike.
So, if we are to be asked, “Are we there yet towards complete immunity?” The answer is more profoundly said in Filipino: Malayo pa, pero malayo na.