How To Start An Online Business The Effective Way

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How To Start An Online Business The Effective Way “How to start an online business” is a question many people are asking themselves these days. That’s because conducting business online has become widespread and is no longer the preserve of a few multinationals or geeks.

How To Start An Online Business The Effective Way By Merv Stevens on November 7th, 2013

“How to start an online business” is a question many people are asking themselves these days. That’s because conducting business online has become widespread and is no longer the preserve of a few multinationals or geeks. According to the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG), there are approximately 3.5 billion people with Internet access in the world. In addition, global ecommerce revenues will top the $1.25 trillion mark in 2013. In some countries such as China, ecommerce sales will grow by

130% in 2013 alone. These statistics show that one can make money selling goods and services online. Here is how to start an online business:

How to Start an Online Business: Identify A Consumer Need To succeed as an entrepreneur online, you have to identify a consumer need that you can fulfill. This involves thorough research both online and offline.

For example, you could visit and interact with people on Internet forums and social networking sites to find out if they have certain unfulfilled needs. You could also carry out keyword research to find out what people are searching for online. Finally, you could talk to industry insiders such as real estate agents to get a good grasp of the real estate industry.


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