The Wake Up Now Business Opportunity In Focus

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The Wake Up Now Business Opportunity In Focus The Wake Up Now (WUN) business opportunity has been the subject of much discussion online. Lets take a closer look at the MLM industry and WUN in particular, and you can decide whether this opportunity is right for you.

The Wake Up Now Business Opportunity In Focus

About the Company Wake Up Now In 2009, Troy Muhlestein founded Wake Up Now. The company headquarters are in Provo, Utah, which is the world’s MLM capital. Muhlestein set up the company, after being made redundant from a corporate job that he had done for over two decades.

By Merv Stevens on November 30th, 2013

Wake Up Now offers money saving software solutions. The company’s stated aim is to give all distributors the chance to earn a decent profit. This flies in the face of conventional MLM models, where just a few individuals at the top experience success. The Wake Up Now (WUN) business opportunity has been the subject of much discussion online. There are thousands of MLM home based business programs available, and new programs appear on a daily basis. Consequently, it can be difficult to see the wood for the trees. Lets take a closer look at the MLM industry and WUN in particular, and you can decide whether this opportunity is right for you.

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The company seeks to help American families that are struggling financially. In August of 2013, WUN was named as the quickest growing home based business and MLM program, with a gain of 608 percent.

The Wake Up Now Products

have to enroll as an IBO and achieve a PV (Personal Volume) score of ninety. To increase your PV, you do not have to purchase any products yourself. The services or products you sell to customers, combined with any products you buy for yourself, will boost your score.

WUN offers a proprietary software suite, known as the HUB. This software is an online tool that searches for deals on all types of products and services.

WUN provides numerous different options for earning commission, such as team payouts and retail payouts. The complete compensation plan is laid out in an eighteen page report, which is published on the Wake Up Now website.

This includes holidays, entertainment, domestic products and local deals. This means that you can get paid to purchase the things you use everyday, via the software. The HUB features financial tools, which help customers to use the cash they save on their shopping to repay debts and achieve their financial targets.

Compensation Plan “Wake Up Now” Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are not paid commission for registering new distributors. Commissions are only paid once the distributors you sign up purchase WUN products. There are a few different levels of subscription: Platinum ($99.95 per month), Gold ($49.95 per month) and Silver ($24.95 per month). You have to be an IBO before you can receive commissions from WUN. To qualify for this, you

Final Thoughts People with limited marketing experience might struggle to pitch the Wake Up Now opportunity to prospects. Essentially, the product is a membership, thus the advantages are not immediately apparent to the people you pitch to. Nonetheless, the HUB proprietary software has helped lots of Americans cope with their debt problems, and prepare for their future financially. Hence, if you want to deal with a company that has a good ethical philosophy, Wake Up Now could be worth considering. Are you sick and tired of trying to recruit family and friends for your business? Want to discover an easier way to achieve financial and time freedom from home… Click Here!

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Merv Stevens works in internet and network marketing and is based in London, England. He is of the opinion that marketing online provides the potential for people to create a substantial income and a life filled with freedom and flexibility and believes if you provide quality products and services with integrity and ethically then you will achieve success in your business and all areas of life. It’s these values and practices that he brings to his internet marketing business. To learn more about what Merv Stevens has to offer visit his blog:


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