April 18th, 2012
Published by: mervszine
Tips for Success in Network Marketing per month, week and day, and the rewards that you will give yourself for reaching each goal. With the economy currently in a down-turn and many people losing their jobs or their hours being cut, finding success in network marketing is one way to earn some extra income or even in time replace a full-time income. However starting out in the industry of network marketing can be confusing and if the wrong choices are made instead of making money you can end up losing and find yourself in a more difficult financial position.
Tips for Success in Network Marketing By Merv Stevens on April 18th, 2012
With the economy currently in a down-turn and many people losing their jobs or their hours being cut, finding success in network marketing is one way to earn some extra income or even in time replace a full-time income. However starting out in the industry of network marketing can be confusing and if the wrong choices are made instead of making money you can end up losing and find yourself in a more difficult financial position. To make sure you start out on the right path for success in network marketing I have put together the following tips for beginners in this potentially lucrative industry. 1. Set S-M-A-R-T Goals Once you’ve joined the company, the first thing that you need to do is set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time specific. Start by writing down your daily, weekly, and monthly goals and be as precise as possible. Go into great detail about how much you’d like to earn, how many people you’d like to find as customers and partners
Doing so will create a solid goal-setting plan that can be achieved by following the time frame you’ve given yourself to realize them. 2. Follow a Schedule and Stick to It To find success in network marketing, train yourself to be disciplined and set a strict schedule that you can follow and stick to. Dedicate at least 15 to 20 hours per week to focus on the business. Utilize your time wisely by knowing exactly what you are going to do with the time you have allotted.
Sticking to a Schedule Increases Your Chance of Success in Network Marketing Spend time to plan your itinerary at least a week in advance. Not only does this make use of your resources logically, it also helps the business run smoothly and efficiently while avoiding the endless distractions that will try to sabotage your productivity time. 3. Never Stop Learning Remember, time is a very valuable commodity. Put it to waste, and you’re off to a bad start. As a beginner, you have to learn the ins and outs of the industry. Once you think you’ve mastered all the techniques and approaches that you need to learn, don’t stop just yet; instead, pursue to learn even more while implementing what you’ve learned. Learning is a never-ending process. It doesn’t end in the four corners of the industry. Broaden your horizon so you can learn new ideas, routines, and practices. Always try to learn as much as you can, whenever and however possible, but be sure to implement what you learn as well! 4. Sustain a Positive Attitude Success doesn’t come easy. No matter what type of network marketing company you join, it won’t bring you great profits over night. It is very common to encounter disappointments,
April 18th, 2012
Published by: mervszine
rejection, and negative responses at the beginning. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go your way. Instead, learn from the negative experiences and view them as a positive stepping-stone to your future success. Every veteran networker has experienced these same setbacks, but they created the P.M.A (Positive Mental Attitude) to move on to reach their goals despite the challenges they faced.
Maintain a Positive Attitude and You Will Find Success in Network Marketing As you grow into the business, you’ll learn how to deal with challenges and how to use them as a key motivator to continue to spur forward to build a successful enterprise. 5. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone If you haven’t tried network marketing before, it is very likely that you’re just starting to broaden your horizons to the industry. You will find yourself in a place that you’ve never been before, meet people from all walks of life, and learn new and different ways of expressing yourself. This may initially feel confusing and uncomfortable but if you persevere you will soon find yourself adapting to your new environment and soon becoming more confident and even starting to be a team leader to new entrants into the industry. By getting involved and finding success in network marketing, you’re not only growing your finances but you’re also developing yourself in the process.
Merv Stevens works in internet and network marketing and is based in London, England. He is of the opinion that marketing online provides the potential for people to create a substantial income and a life filled with freedom and flexibility and believes if you provide quality products and services with integrity and ethically then you will achieve success in your business and all areas of life. It’s these values and practices that he brings to his internet marketing business. To learn more about what Merv Stevens has to offer visit his blog: www.WealthSuccessVentures.com