Transition To The Digital Economy And Increase Your Cash Flow Do want you want to make that transition from the old traditional economy to the new digital economy? I think it’s not only important to make this transition but for many people it has become essential.
Transition To The Digital Economy And Increase Your Cash Flow By Merv Stevens on January 16th, 2014
Do want you want to make that transition from the old traditional economy to the new digital economy? I think it’s not only important to make this transition but for many people it has become essential. Big businesses are going bankrupt with people losing their jobs, sole traders are struggling to keep their doors open and specialists are running out of clients due to the downturn.
We are hearing everyday about people who are struggling just to keep their head above water and with the cost of living going up and a number of other factors going on, it has become very difficult for a lot of people out there. But there are almost two distinct communities of people – those that are struggling and really having to fight to keep their head above water and the other community of people in the digital economy who are thriving and doing better than they have ever done before. In the video below Stuart Ross, co-founder of Six Figure Mentors (SFM) and the Digital Experts Academy (DEA) discusses how they’ve witnessed over the last few years people of all different ages and from all walks of life and some with no internet experience or technical skills, make that transition to the digital economy. These people have not only managed to keep their head above water but have been more successful that they ever though possible. We are living in an awesome age and their never has been a time like it is now. Just think… you