Why Most People Don’t Keep New Years Resolutions It's a sad fact that about 98% of us won't keep a single one of of our New Years Resolutions. Inside this short video top online marketer Joel Peterson shows you how to stop being like most people and carry through with your intentions to make improvements in your life in the coming year.
Why Most People Don’t Keep New Years Resolutions By Merv Stevens on January 6th, 2014
Did you make your New Years Resolutions?
But what if you want to be different and don’t want to be like “Most People”. What if you actually want to keep your resolutions and change your life in the coming year? Inside the short video below you will discover the three specific things that cause people to not keep their resolutions… and how to FIX this and make sure that you stick to your New Years Resolutions and start to change your life for the better.
Why Most People Don’t Keep New Years Resolutions. (How to NOT be most people)
It’s a sad fact that about 98% of us won’t keep a single one of them! Why is that you may well ask? For many people out there it’s a cultural thing… they make new years Resolutions because everyone else is doing it and it’s the traditional thing to do. This is not a bad thing… but it’s just that for the most part those good intentions usually won’t amount to much.