Rob McDowell
Hello North Metro Church,
At the end of March, we celebrated Easter. Let me just say God is working here at NMC, and lives are being changed. It gives me great joy to share with you that there were 48 salvations over Easter weekend!!! Out of the 48, 26 were middle school students, and three were college students. The Bible says that if even one person comes to believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, all of Heaven erupts in celebration. If you have recently taken the step of salvation, I want you to know that this is just the beginning, and there are SO many good things in store for you. I encourage you to look through the pages of this newsletter and also visit to see what your next step might be. Maybe it's attending our Welcome Home class to learn more about the life of our church, or maybe it's signing up for North Metro Church University (NMCU) to learn about the story of the Bible. We are here for you, and we want to come alongside you in your faith journey.
We are currently in our series: All Things Hold Together. While things may seem to be chaotic, unpredictable, and unraveling in the world, Jesus is in control. In Him, we can find peace in the chaos, steadfastness in the midst of unpredictability, and purposeful design despite the seeming unraveling around us. Join us as we study Paul's letter to the Colossians and take comfort and joy in what we learn about Jesus.
As the school year comes to an end, I hope that you all take some time this summer to slow down and rest. I hope it's filled with pool days, hot dogs, and lazy days. See you Sunday!
Grateful for you,
Join us for a night of baptism & worship!
Thursday, May 30 // 7:00pm
We will be celebrating all that God has done in people's lives through baptism on this night. If you are ready to get baptized, whether a child, student, or adult, we'd love to celebrate with you. Learn more about baptisms and sign up for one of our baptism classes over at
Worship Devotion by Clark Beasley
Clark Beasley serves as Worship Pastor and is in charge of music for our Sunday morning gatherings. While Clark is passionate about leading others to worship God through music, he is also passionate about God transforming our entire lives to be in worship of Him. Read this month's worship devotion!
The Cost of Worship
“Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles. My enemies shout at me, making loud and wicked threats. They bring trouble on me and angrily hunt me down. My heart pounds in my chest. The terror of death assaults me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me, and I can’t stop shaking. Oh, that I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness. Interlude” Psalms 55:1-7 NLT
I want to give some context to this psalm that might be helpful. Many scholars believe David was writing this Psalm to describe David’s son, Absolom, who betrayed him and sought to take the throne from him. Others believe this was also penned to speak of Ahithophel, one of David’s top advisors, who was a major voice in Absalom’s plot. This was someone that David trusted implicitly. Some even say this is a story foreshadowing Judas’ betrayal of Jesus because there are many similarities, ending with Ahithophel hanging himself.
“It is not an enemy who taunts me—I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me—I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you—my equal, my companion, and my close friend. What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God.”
Psalms 55:12-14 NLT
“For my enemies refuse to change their ways; they do not fear God. As for my companion, he betrayed his friends; he broke his promises. His words are as smooth as butter, but in his heart is war. His words are as soothing as lotion, but underneath are daggers!”
Psalms 55:19-21 NLT
Just because we don’t slaughter animals and burn them on altars does not mean that worship is any less of a sacrifice. It always costs something to really worship God. At the very least, it requires turning away from our preoccupation with self and attending to the presence of God, as Eugene Peterson has said.
But this passage points to a sacrifice that is deeper and harder than that. David was appointed and promised the throne. And now, after receiving it, he is betrayed and has to flee Jerusalem. And betrayed by his own son, no less. How do we respond when we are assured that God will answer, and yet He delays, or His answer isn’t what we wanted?
There’s a common saying taken a little out of context from scripture that says that God will not give you more than you can handle. But I’m sure in your life, and I know in mine, it doesn’t feel that way in certain moments. It can often feel like He’s bringing us to a breaking point. But look at the way that David responded:
“But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me. God, who has ruled forever, will hear me and humble them.” Psalms 55:16-19 NLT
God often stretches us by putting us in situations that seem too much for us. In David’s case, it might not have been God’s entire reasoning or intent, but He tested David’s resolve and unearthed where his true hope is found.
A pastor once told me, “The end of the story is written, and the journey is God’s goal for our lives.” God will test our resolve to get us to a point where we will say, “I will trust You even when it doesn’t look like I should.” He might even put us in situations where He increases our faith to the point where we could speak like Job and say, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” Job 13:15 But one thing is clear: God can be trusted. He is our, “Refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1
“Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” Psalms 55:22 NLT
In addition to leading our Sunday worship teams, Clark also has organized a partnership between NMC and Rooted Music Coaching, a company providing individual and intentional music lessons to help students of every age thrive in music and life. For more information on what Rooted is about, feel free to reach out to Clark at or visit their website -
and Grow Connect
SUNDAY, MAY 26 | 11:00AM-12:00PM
Welcome Home is designed to help you learn about everything that makes up North Metro Church and give you the next steps on how you can belong to our family. Visit to learn more and sign up.
At NMC, we genuinely believe we are better together. Therefore, we want everyone to circle up with others in a group. We have three different types of groups you can join. Connection Groups meet over shared interests such as hiking, board games, or movies; Community Groups meet for fellowship, prayer, and study of the Bible; and Care Groups assist anyone walking through difficulty or life transition. If you want to join a Connection Group, Community Group, or Care Group, or even start your own group, then check out
Prayer is powerful. It's one of the most important things we can do as a church. Our staff and leadership would love to come alongside you, fight for you in whatever difficulty you may be experiencing, and celebrate any answered prayers! To share your prayer requests, visit
NMC has a faithful group of men looking to serve widows, single moms, and other ladies in our church. These men are skilled in most areas of basic home repairs, including plumbing, electrical, and carpentry; however, they are unable to take on major renovations or projects that require county permitting. If you are a single woman needing assistance
with home maintenance or home repairs visit to submit your request.
Through His Word, God offers us principles where freedom and new life can be found. Are you hurting, feeling stuck, giving up hope for change, or wanting to identify and remove obstacles for a deeper fellowship with God? Wonder why you keep struggling with the same thing day after day, year after year?
re:generation is discipleship for the heart and teaches you how to apply the principles of Scripture to your everyday life. Participants walk through 12 steps of biblical healing in the context of authentic community. If you want to learn how to live
When we serve others, we set the table for them to experience the grace of God. That’s why, around here, we call our volunteers Tablesetters. Our goal is for everyone to experience the joy of serving others as a Tablesetter and serve somewhere within our church. Regardless of your schedule, experience, or gifting, there’s a fulfilling place for you to serve here! Visit to browse opportunities and take the next step to serve.
out a "new life in Christ" and find healing in Jesus during your day-to-day life, re:generation is a great place to discover the fullness that Christ alone offers us. Visit to learn more about re:generation. We offer re:generation twice a year, beginning in August and January.
re|engage is a marriage enrichment ministry designed for couples ready to invest time and energy into building a stronger marriage. Through a mix of large-group teaching and small-group discussion, you and your spouse are challenged and encouraged with practical ways to apply the gospel of Jesus to your marriage. Couples are discipled and equipped to grow in their walk with Christ and their marriages by studying and
applying biblical principles within a small group structure. We offer re|engage twice yearly, beginning in August and January.
Strong, healthy marriages start long before the wedding. To build a marriage that lasts and gets off to a great start, we encourage all engaged couples to participate in Merge, our four-week premarital discipleship class. Merge classes are available to those who regularly attend NMC and are already engaged. To learn more, visit our Marriage page at
The first few years of marriage can be difficult, but they also offer a chance to build healthy patterns into a marriage at a formative stage. Foundation Gatherings are open to married couples who have been married for three years or less. These events occur regularly throughout the year and include dinner, teaching, and a chance to build relationships with other newlywed couples. To learn more, visit our Marriage page at
Divorce Care is a mix of support and learning for those currently separated or divorced. We understand that divorce can be one of life's most painful trials. While God hates divorce, He doesn't hate divorced people. Our Divorce Care ministry is led by individuals who understand what you're experiencing and will support you as you move forward. Through Divorce Care, you will learn how to deal with the heartache of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life. Visit our Care page at for more information.
Scripture urges believers to look after the orphans in our community. One way we do this at NMC is to come around families participating in foster care or adoption. In addition, this group is a place to find support and encouragement from others who understand these specific challenges. This month's meeting is on Wednesday, May 8, from 6:30-9:00pm.
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care ministry that supports those experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministers are members of our NMC community, who are well-trained in encouraging others who are enduring painful times such as the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, or one's health. If you are facing any of life's difficult circumstances, please consider using a Stephen Minister to help bear your burdens.
Pure Desire is a men's ministry that provides hope, freedom, and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ. Through this group, you will understand how family of origin and trauma impact your behavior, how addiction affects brain chemistry, and develop a plan to create freedom from addiction. Don't let shame keep you from finding help. There is hope as you walk out this journey with other Christ-followers. Visit the Care page on our website to learn more.
When God calls our hearts to grow our families, He never promises it will be easy, but He does promise to lead when we are lost. Take refuge in knowing you’re not alone. If you struggle with infertility or have experienced miscarriage or infant loss, there’s a place for you. This month's meeting will be on Monday, May 13 at 7:00pm.
Cancer hits with a terrible punch, whether it’s you, a spouse, parent, sibling, child, or friend. We can't take you out of this storm, but we can walk alongside you and hold you up when the weight is too heavy. We can be that safe place to let all your feelings fall. We can have the honor of praying continually for you and your family. We can be that safe group of ladies who get it without explanation or apologies; we get it all.
If cancer has affected you in any way, we encourage you to reach out to NMC's
Cancer Support Group. You will find an amazing community of brave, strong women who have learned to trust God no matter what because He is trustworthy. This month's meetings will be on Sunday, May 12 and Sunday, May 26 at 12:15pm.
Beauty for Ashes is a confidential group designed to encourage and give hope to women whose husbands struggle with sexual addiction. We understand the devastation of a husband's betrayal; however, our goal is not to stay in this place of wounding but to seek the Lord for healing and hope. This month's meetings will be on Thursday, May 9 and Thursday, May 23 at 7:00pm.
For more information or to sign up for any of our Care Ministries, visit our Care page at
North Metro Church University (NMCU) is our primary vehicle for studying the Bible together to form a biblical worldview. In NMCU Core, you'll move through a set sequence of classes and learn about the big picture of Scripture and how everything in Scripture points to and is fulfilled in Jesus. In this learning process, NMCU will also help equip you to both understand and communicate your faith to others so that you can become a more faithful follower of Jesus, a disciple who makes disciples. Each semester offered is ten weeks and goes in sequential order.
The new semester dates are Tuesday evenings, 7:00-9:00pm, June 11-August 13. We offer in-person groups on Tuesday evenings or on-demand options for your busy summer schedule. Enrollment for 101, 102, 103, and 104 will be open through Sunday, May 26, so be sure to register today. Learn more by visiting
Living in Circles
Our mission at North Metro Church is to help people find and follow Jesus. We want so much for the family members of NMC, which is why we have created three circles. We believe if followers of Jesus jumped into these circles, it would help them take their next steps to become more faithful followers of Jesus. These are to: Live in Community, Love God, His Church and Others, and Learn Biblical Truth.
Grayson and Abbie Harbin are family members at NMC who have naturally jumped into all three circles. They started attending NMC in 2022, right when they got engaged. Since getting married and moving to Marietta in May 2023, they have been regularly attending and serving at NMC. In their own words, they are so thankful God led them to plant roots at NMC and meet so many wonderful people.
We asked Grayson and Abbie to share how God has transformed their lives while they joined the three circles at NMC. Getting involved in a new church can be a big task, so we wanted to know what drove Grayson and Abbie to join NMC and what they have gained and learned since then. Read their own words and be encouraged by what they have found!
Do you remember the first thing you got involved in at NMC? What was it like jumping in at the beginning?
Merge was the first thing we got involved in together at NMC. It is a class for engaged couples that walks us through various aspects of a God-glorifying marriage. It was a great way to not only learn more about marriage, but also meet other engaged couples who attend NMC. The class leaders were very welcoming and
engaging from the beginning. It was easy to feel that we had members of our church willing to pour into us.
Why are you both involved at NMC? What do you hope to give or gain from being involved in your local church?
The main reason we are involved at NMC is because Scripture makes it evidently clear that Jesus' followers should participate in the Church. Commonly compared to the body with Jesus as the Head, the Church is unified in its diversity of members and carries out the good plans and purposes of God. We believe God has called us to participate in the local and global church so that we can not only encourage and be encouraged by other church members, but be a light for Jesus in our community through our love and service. We hope to give our time, resources and God-given gifts to the Church, and we are expectant that God will use us to advance His kingdom and bless us with amazing people to walk alongside in our faith journeys.
What are you involved in now at NMC?
Currently, we are serving in Shift, the 5-7th grade ministry (Shoutout Shift!), attending community groups and going to Foundations
Gatherings for newlywed couples. We have also completed two semesters of North Metro Church University and have served at a Respite Night.
How have each of the opportunities transformed or benefited your life or faith? Anything that you have learned or that stands out to you?
Each of these opportunities has been such a blessing to us. And let us start by saying, we have had so much FUN! Attending groups and serving has given us so many wonderful memories, and in our opinion, it is the best way to meet and become friends with people of all ages at NMC. It’s easy to attend a Sunday morning service, keep to yourself, and leave for lunch right after the sermon, but that’s not the kind of church attendance Jesus has called us to. He wants us to be active members of the body and utilize our God-given gifts to serve the church and our community. We have seen the Lord transform our hearts through serving at NMC, bringing us a sense of fulfillment and purpose, and it has also strengthened our marriage. It has been such a gift to serve and make friends together!
What is the greatest challenge to being involved? What would you say to someone who feels like they don’t have enough time or are scared to start something?
For us, the greatest challenge was the first commitment. Once we made the leap to get out of our comfort zone, the Lord worked in our hearts to grow a desire to continue to serve and get involved where we could. To those who are scared to start something or feel like they don’t have enough time, we would just point back to the importance of obeying the Lord and His desire for His followers to be a part of the church and be light in their communities. NMC has a multitude of ways to get connected at different varieties of time commitments as well. Talk to any Tablesetter on Sunday morning about how you can serve if you’re unsure of where to get started!
Take the first step and jump in a circle! Just like God has worked in Grayson and Abbie's life, He will transform yours too! Experience what God has in store for you by heading to to get started today!
We’re honored to be a part of the ministry and service of NMC and want to encourage others to take a similar step of obedience wherever they can. It has truly brought a deeper love of the church and its people. NMC has so many incredible ways to get connected and some really great people eager to welcome newcomers in. With that being said, come say hi! We would love to meet you and talk more about our experience at NMC.
As we continue our 25th anniversary celebration, we reflect with deep gratitude on the incredible years of ministry and the lives Jesus has transformed within our community. Fully dependent on God, we eagerly anticipate what the next 25 years will bring.
Ashley Barnett Spotlight
Where do I begin!? I was about thirteen years old when North Metro Church became NMC. The pastor and church members came from East Side Baptist Church originally. My parents felt led to be a part of this group and started serving on the Guest Services team as greeters. In those early years, NMC did not have a permanent Church building, and for a long time, you would hear from the stage, "If you can find us, you can worship with us!" I remember for years, as a young teen, our church would meet at the Marietta Conference Center and later at a space on Southern Polytechnic College .
Early on our church did go through some trials and changes with the lead pastor that really took the wind out of our sails. Even though, as a young teen, I couldn't fully understand all that was going on, my parents continued to believe that NMC was where we needed to be, and in that season, I learned that the church isn't about walls and a roof or even who your leader is, but that it is more about God's people coming together to worship Him, learn about Him, look to Him, and serve Him.
Fast forward to my late teen years and early college, I had the opportunity to go serve on short-term mission trips, and this is when I think God gave me the specific desire to work for NMC one day. I came on staff in 2009, working in our Outreach Department as the short-term missions coordinator. It was a dream! I really felt like I was working in my skill set, and through the leadership of my boss, Rick Everswick, I was learning how to do ministry. In my twenties, I had even more opportunities to help send missions teams and lead a handful of them. I believe that everyone should serve on a short-term mission trip because God can use this as a way to expand your knowledge about Him through His people
Check out the podcast!
Join our Celebrating 25 Years podcast conversation anywhere you listen to podcasts. This month, Daniel Hicks caught up with Executive Assistant, Ashley Barnett. Find the podcast by searching North Metro Church anywhere you listen to podcasts.
around the world. God is not an American. Getting out of your place of comfort can be a good and healthy practice in helping you understand that God is unique and purposeful in all of His creation.
Today, my role at NMC is Executive Assistant to our Lead Pastor, Rob McDowell. It truly is an honor and privilege to support him and our staff. Being a part of the NMC staff is a joy, and I am so blessed to be surrounded by incredible brothers and sisters in Christ whom I also get to call co-workers.
I met my husband, Chris, at NMC, and we have two kids: Huk, who is 4 and Melody, who is 2. It feels like a full circle moment now that I have my own family and we are participating in the life of NMC together. My hope and prayer is that we, the Barnetts, continue to obey and trust God as we worship and serve here at NMC and that we would help people find and follow Jesus.
Upcoming for you
SUNDAY, MAY 19 | 11:00AM
We all desire to have a great community in our lives, but let’s face it, finding your people and the perfect group can be hard. So we invite you to come help be part of the solution to these circumstances by learning about what it would look like for you to start and lead your own Connection and or Community Group for a semester by attending the upcoming Group Leadership Brunch and Learn. We believe God uses groups to change people’s lives, and as a leader, you get to be a part of that. At this Brunch and Learn, you will hear about the expectations of a Connection and Community Group Leader, as well as the training and ongoing coaching you will receive to ensure that you have everything that you need to make your group leadership journey as successful as can be. Leading a group is not as scary as it may seem, and it can be life-giving for the leader and for those who are being led, so do not miss an opportunity to step into this exciting new season by signing up at
SUNDAY, MAY 26 | 11:00AM
One of our favorite things here at NMC is celebrating life change through water baptism. If you’re ready to take this step in your faith journey, we invite you to attend the next adult baptism class. For more information about our beliefs on baptism and to sign up for the class, visit
JUNE 1-8
Invest in the renewal of our city and love others at City Serve. City Serve is a weeklong mission project that offers multiple ministry opportunities across our city at
different times and locations. Grab your family or a few friends, and sign up for a project.
City Serve Week is a short-term mission project in our city that will include multiple projects with varying start times, lengths, and locations. This church-wide event will allow NMC members to love others. You can serve our Mobilization and Serve partners through outreach projects, including sharing the Gospel, homeless outreach, landscaping, light construction, distributing food, and much more. Find an opportunity for you and sign up at
JUNE 1-7
Since 2008, Waymark has provided a one-week, overnight camp for children ages 6-12 in the foster care system. These camps serve to create positive memories and instill the truth that they are loved and valued and God has a plan and purpose for their life. Children experience activities such as swimming, fishing, horseback riding, rock climbing, canoeing, Chapel, and team games, as well as specialized activities such as “Everybody’s birthday party,” a Superhero Event for the boys, and a Princess Ball for the girls, among many others. Children receive a memory bag, Bible, photo album, and mail throughout the week. You can serve at an activity, for a day or the week, and/or sponsor a child to go camping! Connect with our Mobilization Pastor, Bud Darr, at to get involved.
Did you know that here in Cobb County, over 17% of our children live below the poverty line? The ramifications of poverty are heartbreaking and can include homelessness, food insecurity, and children being removed from their homes and entering the foster care system simply because their families cannot afford
to care for them adequately. Circles USA works to move families out of poverty. You can be involved in this work in many ways, including offering a meal, becoming an ally, and so much more. To serve with Circles USA, go to
You can invest in the next generation by becoming a mentor to encourage students every month at Kennesaw Mountain High School. As a mentor, you'll help facilitate the social-emotional curriculum, Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. This is an opportunity to engage students in the public school environment, where they spend so much time—all while equipping them with tools for healthy leadership in their world and the world around them. Take the next step by emailing Jill Stewart at or check out the details at
SATURDAY, MAY 4 | 10:00AM-12:00PM
We're taking NMC Kids out of the building for some games, popsicles, balloon animals, and a whole lot of fun. You'll find Mobi and us from 10:00am-12:00pm at Lost Mountain Park (4845 Dallas Hwy, Powder Springs, GA 30127), and we'd love to see you there! There is no cost or sign-up for this event, so invite your friends and family and stop in anytime.
Welcome families to Summer 2024! Are you ready to make the most of your summer together? Now, we know that summer days are supposed to be long, warm, and relaxed. But is it just us, or do summers seem to be flying by quicker than
ever before? There are about eight weeks between when school finally ends, and it all begins again. We hope to provide you with a guideline (or guide...pie!) to help you be intentional for those eight weeks. The goal is to encourage your family to memorize, explore, and discover the fruit of the spirit from Galatians 5. You will get to complete the activities, put topping stickers on each completed week, write your name in the designated spot, and return to the NMC Kids mailbox on or before Sunday, August 4, 2024. Once returned, you'll be invited to a super special NMC Kids Pizza Party! So, parents, grownups, and kids, let's get out our pencils and make a plan for the best summer ever!
The Kids Clean Water Project is receiving 100% of our Town Square offering. This project brings clean water and Christ's love to those around the world in desperate need of both. By doing this, they experience love and hope. We want to help provide clean drinking water for families who may have never had clean water before. Every $10 we raise means another child can have clean water for ten years.
SUNDAYS | 9:15AM & 11:00AM
Shift is our environment for 5-7th grade students. Through teaching, worship, games, and connections in small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. We meet during all Sunday morning worship services in the Shift Room.
2ND & 4TH WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:00PM
Friendships and an incredible community can profoundly shape our students' lives. We want to invite our 5-7th grade students and their friends to our Shift Nights on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month to have time to build additional
community and stronger friendships with other students in Shift. Join us for everything from movie nights to large group games. These nights are always free, and dinner is provided. Drop off your students at the Cafe doors and have them meet us in the Shift Room or Theater.
SUNDAYS | 6:30-8:30PM
Compass is our environment for 8-12th grade students. Through teaching, worship, events, and small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. Follow us on Instagram @nmcstudents to know about upcoming services and events, or check out the schedule online at
SUNDAY, MAY 19 | 6:00-8:30PM
Calling all Shift and Compass students! Join us for a combined NMC Student worship night at our Barrett campus! We are inviting both ministries to gather together as we worship, make memories, and grow in our relationships with the Lord and our peers. We will provide dinner and then jump into worship through music, a message, and small groups to follow. We are excited about this opportunity to worship together as one ministry! Email Jill Stewart at if you have any questions.
TUESDAYS | 6:45-8:30PM College students, join us on-campus in the Shift Room for our NMC College Bible Study Group. We will experience community, dive deep into Bible study, and share a meal! This is a place for you, no matter what your walk with God looks like. For more details, visit
The College Internship Program is a paid internship designed for enrolled college students. This program is for students who want to understand and experience all the inner workings of the local church to learn more about vocational ministry. It’s designed to make them more aware of their character, competency, strengths, and weaknesses while increasing their understanding of the disciple-making process. In addition, they will have the opportunity to explore different ministries behind the scenes and what is needed to make each ministry function and thrive. If you're interested in applying for the 2024-2025 school year, check out or email Rebecca Ross at for more details.
An update from Ivan Mijango. Redeemer's House, or Casa del Redentor, is North Metro Church's international ministry in Panajachel, Guatemala.
First Mission Trip Of The Year
In March, we had the honor of hosting the first missionary team of the year from NMC. Every time we review the calendar with Bud Darr, NMC's Mobilization Pastor, it's exciting to see the dates scheduled for our brothers and sisters from NMC to visit Guatemala. We eagerly anticipate each trip with much excitement and hope.
This year, we were delighted to welcome the second team of college students, and it was especially heartwarming to reunite with old friends from the previous trip. In the weeks leading up to their arrival, it was amazing to see how one of the members felt called in their hearts to fast for this trip. Similarly, we at Casa Del Redentor felt led to do the same, and so we fasted together on the same day. Despite the distance, we were able to unite and connect even before meeting in person.
The week was bustling. On Sunday night, after a long travel day, we arrived
in Panajachel at 3:00am, and by 6:00am in the morning, we were ready to head to Chuitizyut to celebrate a Sunday service with the village people. That afternoon, Student Pastor Derek McClardy was invited to preach at a local church entirely in Spanish, which was a very special moment. We witnessed how there are no language or country barriers when it comes to sharing the gospel. Moreover, Jerry, our guitarist, led worship in Spanish. We felt the rest of the week would be the icing on the cake after experiencing such significant moments.
In the following days, we spent time with the children of the villages we serve and Panajachel. The students performed a small skit about Palm Sunday that thrilled and delighted the children, and they conducted several science demonstrations with experiments and games. We visited Xecotoj, a very special place where we went from house to house, greeting, meeting, encouraging, and, most importantly,
praying for people. Many opened their homes to us as if they had known us all their lives and were waiting for us.
We engaged in many activities, painted the pavilion in Chuitziyut, where church services are now held, and enjoyed moments that will remain in our hearts for a long time.
As I always say, each team is special and unique in its own way. Our wish is for you, the reader, to come one day and experience it for yourself. Each team brings a boost of spirit and positivity both for the CDR team, who undertakes this work week after week and for the people in the communities, representing hope. They know there are people who love and think of them, even if they might only see them once in a lifetime. To the College team, thank you for your service, passion, and love towards Guatemala and toward CDR. We love you and will remember you forever.
2025 GOALS
As we head toward 2025, we are praying our guts out and are entirely dependent on the Lord! He has entrusted us with our vision to “Be Missed,” and our mission, “We Help People Find and Follow Jesus.”
To live that out, we have set three God-sized goals to aim for as a church.
We currently support six church plants, including Take Hold in Scotland, Grace Auburn in Auburn, AL, Creekside in Dallas, GA, Heirloom Church in Kyle, TX, Oaks Community Church in Naples, FL, and Compassion International in Guatemala.
We’re telling our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about our great God, who loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. We want to celebrate with you if you’ve played a part in helping someone move from death to life or if you came to faith in Christ! We invite you to share your story by visiting the Contact Us page at
Before Jesus left the disciples, He said, "Go make disciples." A tangible way to see that hope realized is through our discipleship program, NMCU. We're looking to see 1,000 people faithfully following Jesus, equipped with knowledge of Scripture, to share their beliefs with others ultimately. NMCU creates disciples that make disciples.
Expand the Kingdom of God through five new church plants nationally and/or globally. Church plants are an expression of our multiplication strategy, multiplying the mission to help people find and follow Jesus.
YTD March 2024
Income: $6,705,315.11
Expense: $4,322,730.76
Over(under): $2,382,584.35
Stay in the loop with all things NMC. Join our email mailing list!
Saturday, May 4
NMC Kids at the Park 10:00am-12:00pm
Sunday, May 5
All Things Hold Together 9:15am & 11:00am
Sunday, May 12
All Things Hold Together 9:15am & 11:00am
Follow us on Social Media! @wearenorthmetro
North Metro Church
2305 Ernest Barrett Pkwy
Marietta, GA 30064
Sunday, May 19
All Things Hold Together 9:15am & 11:00am
Compass & Shift Combined Worship Night 6:00-8:30pm
Sunday, May 26
All Things Hold Together 9:15am & 11:00am
Welcome Home 11:00am-12:00pm
Adult Baptism Class 11:00am-12:00pm
North Metro Church University
Enrollment Closes