Celebrating Juneteenth
Wednesday, June 19, is known as Juneteenth, and in honor of celebrating and remembering this day as the day that all slaves were free, here is a little history lesson that might help!
Two months after Robert E. Lee surrendered his Confederate troops and two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19th, 1865, and read General Order No. 3: “The people of Texas are informed that… all slaves are free.”
Truth be told, Granger's trip to Texas and duties in the Southwest were a bit of a demotion. Originally from New York, he should’ve been leading troops in the Eastern theatre of the Civil War, but a spat with Ulysses S. Grant decades earlier in military school meant he got many difficult assignments, though he exceeded expectations each time.
What could have been considered a slight became one of the greatest honors bestowed upon someone—to bear the good news that freedom has finally come! Certainly, there has been plenty to do to ensure and advance the cause of freedom in the 159 years since, but when we celebrate Juneteenth on June 19th (get it? Juneteenth),
we celebrate our national commitment to justice, freedom, and equality for all her citizens.
On that day, Granger unknowingly joined a long line of people declaring the good news of freedom. Moses declared to Pharaoh, “Let my people go!” Jesus declared as he read from Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Paul declared, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!” and Dr. King declared, “Let freedom ring!”
In our lives are people who still need to hear the good news of the freedom that comes when all God’s children are seen, embraced, and loved well. As we celebrate Juneteenth this month, let us strive to make it known to our community that the good news of freedom IS the Good News of Jesus.
Grateful for you,
Let freedom ring!

Thursday, July 25 through Sunday, July 28
Join us for HUNGER 2024! Gather July 25-28 with our NMC family members for a revival. Mark your calendars and get ready to seek after God together. We’ll be joined by guest speakers Scott Free and Crawford Loritts.

Childcare for infants through 4th grade is offered while space is available and sign-ups are needed. A form to sign up for childcare will be available starting on Sunday, June 30. Find out more about this event at northmetro.org/hunger.
Crawford Loritts Scott FreeWorship Devotion
Worship As A Lifestyle
Happy Summer, everyone! I’m so pleased to introduce our guest writer for this month and next, Olivia Roberson. She has just completed her first year as an intern here at NMC, and her interest in serving the church one day is in the area of the worship ministry. I’ve so enjoyed having her be a part of my team this semester, and I can’t wait to see how God uses her to shape corporate singing for many years to come. I’m so excited for you all to hear from her heart for worship not only as an act of singing but also as a lifestyle.
Clark Beasley Worship Pastor
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1 (NIV)
As we come into service on Sundays, you may hear the phrase, “Let’s get ready to worship.” We have hard weeks, a hard time getting up in the morning, and perhaps a hard time putting something presentable on our children to come to church. We feel as though we need to gear up our minds to “feel” like worshiping. This is a totally normal aspect of being a human, but the reality is that worship shouldn’t be a single action—it should be a lifestyle.
We often hear that everything we do should bring glory to God, reflecting the image of Christ in our actions. However, we sometimes overlook that glorifying God extends beyond mere actions and is closely intertwined with worship. Worship isn't just something we do outwardly; it encompasses our inner thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. It's not uncommon for us to feel the need to prepare ourselves mentally for worship, but true worship is a continual lifestyle rather than a single action.
The Lord knows your heart, and He knows when your heart isn’t in it. Now, this is not said to condemn. We are all guilty of this more often than we would like to admit. Not only do we have days where we don’t “feel like it”, but we may also have seasons where we just feel disconnected. Instead of being discouraged by this, we are invited to turn to God still.
Something that has really helped me is truly making everything in my life about God. I’ve often been told, “Not everything is about God,” but truthfully, it is. Our God does not sit in the clouds and simply look down on His controllable creation. He is
working, and He is present -always and everywhere. I’ve made it a habit to thank God in everything. If I get a good parking space, I thank God. If I miraculously make it to class or work on time when I shouldn’t have, I thank God for the mercy that I definitely didn’t deserve when I slept those extra five minutes. If something bad happens, but it could’ve been worse, I thank God. These things may seem silly, but how different can our attitudes be if we thank God for even the smallest detail of His plans? It positions us in a place to realize we are totally not in control of what happens in life, but we know our creator is good and true, and He shows us His favor in so many ways. This also positions us in a place of humility when we compare the power we have over our lives with God’s power.
This is a step in the right direction toward a lifestyle of worship. The silly and insignificant become so much bigger in light of God’s kindness and mercy toward us. Taking on this daily habit of thanking God makes it so much easier to come in on a Sunday and genuinely be able to raise my hands in praise because I have been constantly reminded of His presence and character throughout the week. Our God is so big to control each intricate detail of eight billion lives. A God like that deserves worship in any moment of life.
I want to encourage anyone who is reading this to pray for God to open your eyes to His presence in the mundane. Thank Him for these little things each chance you think of them, making our bodies a walking sanctuary. Then, we may get just a little bit closer to inhabiting what worship is truly meant to be in our lives.
Olivia is part of the College Internship Program. The program is a paid internship designed for enrolled college students. This program is for students who want to understand and experience all the inner workings of the local church to learn more about vocational ministry. It’s designed to make them more aware of their character, competency, strengths, and weaknesses while increasing their understanding of the disciple-making process. In addition, they have the opportunity to explore different ministries behind the scenes and what is needed to make each ministry function and thrive. If you're a college student interested in applying for the 2024-2025 school year, check out northmetro.org/intern-program or email Rebecca Ross at rross@northmetro.org for more details.

and Grow Connect
Sunday, June 23 | 11:00am-12:00pm
Welcome Home is designed to help you learn about everything that makes up North Metro Church and give you the next steps on how you can belong to our family. Visit northmetro.org/events to learn more and sign up.
At NMC, we genuinely believe we are better together. Therefore, we want everyone to circle up with others in a group. We have three different types of groups you can join. Connection Groups meet over shared interests such as hiking, board games, or movies; Community Groups meet for fellowship, prayer, and study of the Bible; and Care Groups assist anyone walking through difficulty or life transition. If you want to join a Connection Group, Community Group, or Care Group, or even start your own group, then check out northmetro.org/groups.
Prayer is powerful. It's one of the most important things we can do as a church. Our staff and leadership would love to come alongside you, fight for you in whatever difficulty you may be experiencing, and celebrate any answered prayers! To share your prayer requests, visit northmetro.org/prayer.
NMC has a faithful group of men looking to serve widows, single moms, and other ladies in our church. These men are skilled in most areas of basic home repairs, including plumbing, electrical, and carpentry; however, they are unable to take on major renovations or projects that require county permitting. If you are a single woman needing assistance
with home maintenance or home repairs visit northmetro.org/care to submit your request.
Through His Word, God offers us principles where freedom and new life can be found. Are you hurting, feeling stuck, giving up hope for change, or wanting to identify and remove obstacles for a deeper fellowship with God? Wonder why you keep struggling with the same thing day after day, year after year?
re:generation is discipleship for the heart and teaches you how to apply the principles of Scripture to your everyday life. Participants walk through 12 steps of biblical healing in the context of authentic community. If you want to learn how to live

When we serve others, we set the table for them to experience the grace of God. That’s why, around here, we call our volunteers Tablesetters. Our goal is for everyone to experience the joy of serving others as a Tablesetter and serve somewhere within our church. Regardless of your schedule, experience, or gifting, there’s a fulfilling place for you to serve here! Visit northmetro.org/serve to browse opportunities and take the next step to serve.
out a "new life in Christ" and find healing in Jesus during your day-to-day life, re:generation is a great place to discover the fullness that Christ alone offers us.
Learn more about re:generation at our information meeting on Wednesday, August 21. Visit northmetro.org/events to learn more.
re|engage is a marriage enrichment ministry designed for couples ready to invest time and energy into building a stronger marriage. Through a mix of largegroup teaching and small-group discussion, you and your spouse are challenged and encouraged with practical ways to apply the gospel of Jesus to your marriage. Couples
are discipled and equipped to grow in their walk with Christ and their marriages by studying and applying biblical principles within a small group structure. The next class will begin on Monday, August 19 at 7:00pm.
Strong, healthy marriages start long before the wedding. To build a marriage that lasts and gets off to a great start, we encourage all engaged couples to participate in Merge, our premarital discipleship class. Merge classes are available to those who regularly attend NMC and are already engaged. To learn more, visit our Marriage page at northmetro.org/marriage.
The first few years of marriage can be difficult, but they also offer a chance to build healthy patterns into a marriage at a formative stage. Foundation Gatherings are open to married couples who have been married for three years or less. These events occur regularly throughout the year and include dinner, teaching, and a chance to build relationships with other newlywed couples. To learn more, visit our Marriage page at northmetro.org/marriage.
Divorce Care is a mix of support and learning for those currently separated or divorced. We understand that divorce can be one of life's most painful trials. While God hates divorce, He doesn't hate divorced people. Our Divorce Care ministry is led by individuals who understand what you're experiencing and will support you as you move forward. Through Divorce Care, you will learn how to deal with the heartache of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life. Visit our Care page at northmetro.org/care for more information.
Scripture urges believers to look after the orphans in our community. One way we do this at NMC is to come around families participating in foster care or adoption. In addition, this group is a place to find support and encouragement from others who understand these specific challenges. This month's meeting is on Wednesday, June 12 from 6:30-9:00pm.
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care ministry that supports those experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministers are members of our NMC community, who are well-trained in encouraging others who are enduring painful times such as the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, or one's health. If you are facing any of life's difficult circumstances, please consider using a Stephen Minister to help bear your burdens.
Pure Desire is a men's ministry that provides hope, freedom, and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ. Through this group, you will understand how family of origin and trauma impact your behavior, how addiction affects brain chemistry, and develop a plan to create freedom from addiction. Don't let shame keep you from finding help. There is hope as you walk out this journey with other Christ-followers. Visit the Care page on our website to learn more.
When God calls our hearts to grow our families, He never promises it will be easy, but He does promise to lead when we are lost. Take refuge in knowing you’re not alone. If you struggle with infertility or
have experienced miscarriage or infant loss, there’s a place for you. This month's meeting will be on Monday, June 10 at 7:00pm.
Cancer hits with a terrible punch, whether it’s you, a spouse, parent, sibling, child, or friend. We can't take you out of this storm, but we can walk alongside you and hold you up when the weight is too heavy. We can be that safe place to let all your feelings fall. We can have the honor of praying continually for you and your family. We can be that safe group of ladies who get it without explanation or apologies; we get it all.
If cancer has affected you in any way, we encourage you to reach out to NMC's Cancer Support Group. You will find an amazing community of brave, strong women who have learned to trust God no matter what because He is trustworthy. This month's meetings will be on Sunday, June 9, and Sunday, June 23 at 12:15pm.
Beauty for Ashes is a confidential group designed to encourage and give hope to women whose husbands struggle with sexual addiction. We understand the devastation of a husband's betrayal; however, our goal is not to stay in this place of wounding but to seek the Lord for healing and hope. This month's meetings will be on Thursday, June 13, and Thursday, June 27, at 7:00pm.
For more information or to sign up for any of our Care Ministries, visit our Care page at northmetro.org/care.

"re|engage is one of my favorite things I've ever been a part of at NMC!"
52 couples invested in their marriage this year.
Coming into re|engage, husbands and wives are asked to honestly rank their marriage between 1 and 10, 10 being a strong, healthy relationship. Most couples rank their marriage 2 points higher at the conclusion of the class.
Listen to what some NMC family members have to say about re|engage:
"We came into re|engage contemplating divorce and have finished committed as a couple and with new hope for our future."

"We loved our small group discussion... it was the highlight of our week!"
"Spending time in the workbook gave me practical tools for our marriage and helped me understand my spouse better."

"re|engage is an affordable and high-reward investment in your marriage."
"We thought re|engage was only for husbands and wives whose marriages were on the rocks. We've been happily married for over 30 years, and re|engage has benefitted us greatly!"
"Spending time in the workbook gave me practical tools for our marriage and helped me understand my spouse better."
"This is a great way to learn the whys behind your spouse's actions and inactions."
We asked couples who have completed re|engage what they would tell other couples about why they should invest in re|engage. Here's what they had to say:
"re|engage opens lines of communication for difficult conversations."
"Whether you're struggling or doing well in your marriage, you will always walk away with something to encourage you and strengthen your marriage."

"You will be reminded that you are not the only couple facing struggles."
"The small groups provide a great opportunity to meet a lot of cool couples."
"You'll learn to have greater dependence on God in all circumstances."
Are you ready to build a better marriage? Mark your calendars for Monday, August 19, Sign up for the re|engage Interest Meeting on Monday, August 19 by going to northmetro.org/events.
As we continue our 25th anniversary celebration, we reflect with deep gratitude on the incredible years of ministry and the lives Jesus has transformed within our community. Fully dependent on God, we eagerly anticipate what the next 25 years will bring.
John Maggard Spotlight
As we continue celebrating our 25th anniversary by reflecting on specific stories and individuals, we dove into John Maggard's story in conversation with Daniel Hicks. John is the Executive Pastor of NMC. Throughout John's years at North Metro Church, he has witnessed God's faithfulness time and again. Three pivotal moments he highlights: the complete payoff of NMC's debt, a season of abundance following the challenges of COVID-19, and the recruitment of our Lead Pastor, Rob McDowell.
In the interview, John also shares about his personal faith-defining moments, recalling his battle with cancer over 20 years ago. Despite facing a hard diagnosis, John's body experienced miraculous healing, through God's power. His journey was marked not only by physical restoration but also by the tangible answers to specific prayers, defining his faith in Jesus.
John's arrival at NMC coincided with a critical period, during which the church successfully paid off over $7 million in debt. This achievement now stands as a testament to God's providence. As the Executive Pastor, John not only cares for the staff, but he also helps us look ahead and provide direction to where our church is headed in aspects like finances and staff culture and structure.
Check out the podcast!
Join our Celebrating 25 Years podcast conversation anywhere you listen to podcasts. This month, Daniel Hicks caught up with Executive Pastor, John Maggard. Find the podcast by searching North Metro Church anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Along with being the Financial Planner and Executive Pastor, John also currently wears the hat of the Project Director as we open up our second campus, North Metro Church Sewell Mill Campus in East Cobb. John has seen God use our building at the Barrett Campus to serve and love our community, and we are all excited to see how this second campus will be used to “Be Missed” in East Cobb.
Looking ahead, pray with us as we approach the opening of the Sewell Mill Campus. We are hoping to launch this new campus on Sunday, July 28, on the heels of our Hunger Revival. As we get closer to opening, we are asking that you continue to pray your guts out. We are awaiting a few more permits to rework the road and entrances onto the campus. “NMC has been built by generous people,” John explained. “Not only financially generous people but of family members who have served with their time and talents, and we are so thankful.”
In closing, John's journey, intertwined with the narrative of NMC's growth and impact, serves as a testament to God's faithfulness. Listen to our 25th Year Anniversary Podcast with John Maggard anywhere you get podcasts.

Upcoming for you
SUNDAY, JUNE 16 | 11:00AM
One of our favorite things here at NMC is celebrating life change through water baptism. If you’re ready to take this step in your faith journey, we invite you to attend the next adult baptism class. For more information about our beliefs on baptism and to sign up for the class, visit northmetro.org/baptism.
JUNE 1-8
Invest in the renewal of our city and love others at City Serve. City Serve Week is a week-long, short-term mission project in our city that will include multiple projects with varying start times, lengths, and locations. This church-wide event will allow NMC members to love others. You can serve our Mobilization and Serve partners through outreach projects, including sharing the Gospel, homeless outreach, landscaping, light construction, distributing food, and much more. Grab your family or a few friends, find an opportunity, and sign up at northmetro.org/events.
JUNE 1-7
Since 2008, Waymark has provided a one-week, overnight camp for children ages 6-12 in the foster care system. These camps serve to create positive memories and instill the truth that they are loved and valued and God has a plan and purpose for their life. Children experience activities such as swimming, fishing, horseback riding, rock climbing, canoeing, Chapel, and team games, as well as specialized activities such as “Everybody’s birthday party,” a Superhero Event for the boys, and a Princess Ball for the girls, among many others. Children receive a memory bag, Bible, photo album, and mail throughout the week. You can serve at an activity, for a day or the week, and/or sponsor a child to go camping! Connect with our Mobilization Pastor, Bud Darr, at bdarr@northmetro.org to get involved.
SUNDAY, JULY 7, 14 & 21
As a way to serve our community, we're hosting a school supply drive to benefit students from Hayes Elementary and Lockheed Elementary Schools. We will work together to supply uniforms to students at Lockheed and school supplies to Hayes. All that is collected will help provide hundreds of students with the items they need to be successful this upcoming school year. Shop our Amazon wishlists by visiting northmetro.org/events or use our shopping list to go to a store and dropoff the supplies in the bins on our Outdoor Pavillion.
Did you know that here in Cobb County, over 17% of our children live below the poverty line? The ramifications of poverty are heartbreaking and can include homelessness, food insecurity, and children being removed from their homes and entering the foster care system simply because their families cannot afford to care for them adequately. Circles USA works to move families out of poverty. You can be involved in this work in many ways, including offering a meal, becoming an ally, and so much more. To serve with Circles USA, go to northmetro.org/serve.
You can invest in the next generation by becoming a mentor to encourage students every month at Kennesaw Mountain High School. As a mentor, you'll help facilitate the social-emotional curriculum, Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. This is an opportunity to engage students in the public school environment, where they spend so much time—all while equipping them with tools for healthy leadership in their world and the world around them. Take the next step by emailing Jill Stewart at jstewart@northmetro.org or check out the details at northmetro.org/serve.
We are offering a mission trip to serve our ministry partner, Redeemer’s House, in Guatemala from September 22-28. On this trip, the team will focus on serving in the villages and completing the buildout of a new church plant. You can learn more and sign up for this trip by leading to northmetro.org/serve.
SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2:00-4:00PM
Are Care and Compassion the same thing, or are they both steps to a greater goal? If they are not the same thing, how do they differ, and how do we know when to offer either? Can we really be using the same ‘words’ while offering completely different help-oriented ‘products’? Let’s meet to discuss these—and other—concepts with the shared goal of being better helpers and caregivers to those God brings across our paths and into our lives.
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2:00-4:00PM
If you did not attend last year's NMC workshop with Culture Index(TM), you will get to be a part of an individualized survey that exhibits traits and behaviors specific to you. After the survey, you will be provided results that help identify how you are wired to perform, grow, and succeed. Come learn more about how God has gifted you and how you can use those gifts more effectively in your relationships - whether at work, in your personal life, or in ministry. We will have time dedicated to understanding the traits, reviewing your individual results, and discussing with other attendees in this hands-on workshop.
Welcome Families to Summer 2024! Are you ready to make the most of your summer together? Now, we know that summer days are supposed to be long, warm, and relaxed. But is it just us, or do summers seem to be flying by quicker than ever before? There are about eight weeks between when school finally ends, and it all begins again. We hope to provide you with a guideline (or guide...pie!) to help you be intentional for those eight weeks. The concept is simple... Complete the activities, put topping stickers on each completed week, write your name on the pizza, and return to the pizza box outside of NMC Kids on or before Sunday, August 4. Once returned, you'll be invited to a super special NMC Kids Pizza Party. So, parents, grownups, and kids let's get out our pencils and make a plan for the best summer ever! You can pick up your summer resource by asking an NMC Kids team member for one.
SATURDAY, JULY 13 | 10:00AM-12:00PM
Save the date! We're taking NMC Kids out of the building for some games, popsicles, and a whole lot of fun. There is no cost or sign-up for this event, so invite your friends and family and stop by anytime. Find out the location at northmetro.org/events as we get closer to the event.
With a new school year comes a new church year! On Promotion Sunday, all children two years old through elementary age will be promoted to their new NMC Kids classroom. Preschoolers are promoted by age; elementary students are promoted by grade level. If you have questions about your child’s new class, contact Nathan at nwoodward@northmetro.org.
The Kids Clean Water Project is receiving 100% of our Town Square offering. This project brings clean water and Christ's love
to those around the world in desperate need of both. By doing this, they experience love and hope. We want to help provide clean drinking water for families who may have never had clean water before. Every $10 we raise means another child can have clean water for ten years.
SUNDAYS | 9:15AM & 11:00AM
Shift is our environment for 5-7th grade students. Through teaching, worship, games, and connections in small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. We meet during all Sunday morning worship services in the Shift Room.
2ND & 4TH WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:00PM
Friendships and an incredible community can profoundly shape our students' lives. We want to invite our 5-7th grade students and their friends to our Shift Nights on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month to have time to build additional community and stronger friendships with other students in Shift. Join us for everything from movie nights to large group games. These nights are always free, and dinner is provided. Drop off your students at the Cafe doors and have them meet us in the Shift Room or Theater.
SUNDAYS | 6:30-8:30PM
Compass is our environment for 8-12th grade students. Through teaching, worship, events, and small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. Follow us on Instagram @nmcstudents to know about upcoming services and events, or check out the schedule online at northmetro.org.
SUNDAY, JUNE 30 | 6:00-8:30PM
Calling all Shift and Compass students! Join us for our second combined NMC Student worship night at our Barrett campus. Both
ministries are invited to gather together to worship, make memories, and grow in their relationships with the Lord and their peers. We will provide dinner and then jump into worship through music, a message, and small groups to follow. We are excited about this opportunity to worship together as one ministry. Email Jill Stewart at jstewart@northmetro.org if you have any questions.
TUESDAYS | 6:45-8:30PM
College students, join us on-campus in the Shift Room for our NMC College Bible Study Group. We will experience community, dive deep into Bible study, and share a meal! This is a place for you, no matter what your walk with God looks like. For more details, visit northmetro.org/college.
The College Internship Program is a paid internship designed for enrolled college students. This program is for students who want to understand and experience all the inner workings of the local church to learn more about vocational ministry. It’s designed to make them more aware of their character, competency, strengths, and weaknesses while increasing their understanding of the disciple-making process. In addition, they will have the opportunity to explore different ministries behind the scenes and what is needed to make each ministry function and thrive. If you're interested in applying for the 2024-2025 school year, check out northmetro.org/intern-program or email Rebecca Ross at rross@northmetro.org for more details.
An update from Ivan Mijango. Redeemer's House, or Casa del Redentor, is North Metro Church's international ministry in Panajachel, Guatemala.

A Day To Celebrate
Nearly three years ago, my friend Alex, who was living in Guatemala with his family serving as missionaries, along with my friend Will, who had also served as a missionary in our country for a year, and I made a trip to Chuitziyut. We planned to go on a prayer walk and perhaps knock on some doors to see if they would let Alex share his testimony and present the Gospel of Jesus. We didn't know what to expect or what we would achieve, but we toured the entire village, home to about 20 families, and visited at least half of them. Everyone opened their doors to us, invited us in, gathered the whole family, formed a circle, and listened to the message Alex had to share. At the end of the day, Alex turned to me and said, "This is the easiest I've ever seen!" Considering that Alex had been on missions in many different countries, hearing him say that left me speechless. I had never thought about it, but in reality,

by God's grace, Casa Del Redentor (CDR) had done the "hard" work for 10 years, building a relationship with the community and earning their trust to the point that they were willing to stop what they were doing to listen to a missionary who didn't speak Spanish talk about Jesus.
For a long time, CDR brought food, clothing, supplies, toys, classes, and a lot of love to the community, and without realizing it, we prepared the ground for the seed that arrived at the right moment. Today, I want to share great news: in April, we had our first baptisms in our church in Chuitziyut, something that three years ago, when we were only visiting homes and praying in the streets, we never imagined we would see with our own eyes.
Originally, three young ladies had decided to be baptized. We brought them to Panajachel

so they could do so in Lake Atitlán with the support of the local church that covers us, Casa De Restauración Familiar. Some other friends and family attended the service before the baptisms and, to our surprise, three more people raised their hands and asked to be baptized that same day.
The other day, I listened to Pastor Daniel Hicks talk about the impact that NMC has had with all the financial support it has provided to partners around the world. Today, dear friends, I want to tell you that this is a victory that North Metro Church can hang on the wall. Thank you for walking this journey with us and for all that you do for this ministry, this country, and this church. My dream is that one day we can have NMC-G (Guatemala). In the meantime, I continue to encourage you to come see first-hand what God is doing down here and be part of this movement.

2025 GOALS
As we head toward 2025, we are praying our guts out and are entirely dependent on the Lord! He has entrusted us with our vision to “Be Missed,” and our mission, “We Help People Find and Follow Jesus.”
To live that out, we have set three God-sized goals to aim for as a church.
We’re telling our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about our great God, who loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. We want to celebrate with you if you’ve played a part in helping someone move from death to life or if you came to faith in Christ! We invite you to share your story by visiting the Contact Us page at northmetro.org.
We currently support six church plants, including Take Hold in Scotland, Grace Auburn in Auburn, AL, Creekside in Dallas, GA, Heirloom Church in Kyle, TX, Oaks Community Church in Naples, FL, and Compassion International in Guatemala.
Before Jesus left the disciples, He said, "Go make disciples." A tangible way to see that hope realized is through our discipleship program, NMCU. We're looking to see 1,000 people faithfully following Jesus, equipped with knowledge of Scripture, to share their beliefs with others ultimately. NMCU creates disciples that make disciples.
Expand the Kingdom of God through five new church plants nationally and/or globally Church plants are an expression of our multiplication strategy, multiplying the mission to help people find and follow Jesus.

Stay in the loop with all things NMC. Join our email mailing list! ( SCAN THE CODE TO BE ADDED )
Saturday-Saturday, June 1-8 City Serve Week
Monday-Friday, June 3-7
Camp in the City
Sunday, June 2
All Things Hold Together 9:15am & 11:00am
Sunday, June 9
Follow us on Social Media! @wearenorthmetro
North Metro Church
2305 Ernest Barrett Pkwy
Marietta, GA 30064
All Things Hold Together 9:15am & 11:00am
Sunday, June 16
Walking Wisely 9:15am & 11:00am
Adult Baptism Class 11:00am-12:00pm
Sunday, June 23
Walking Wisely 9:15am & 11:00am
Welcome Home 11:00am-12:00pm
Sunday, June 30
Walking Wisely 9:15am & 11:00am