April 2023 Newsletter

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Keeping you informed and connected April 2023 ISSUE HIGHLIGHT SPOTLIGHT: THE HERRING'S STORY Page 06

A note from Rob.

Hello North Metro Church,

We will be celebrating Easter in a few weeks, and I hope you make plans to come worship our Risen King, Jesus. If you have been around NMC for a while, you have heard me say that Easter is the Superbowl of the Christian faith, and we celebrate BIG! We will start with a Good Friday service on April 7 and have multiple service times over the weekend of April 8-10, along with a family festival. I want to encourage you to pray about inviting a friend, family member, or co-worker to celebrate with us that weekend. We've created Easter invitation cards to use as you ask others to join you at NMC. You can learn about the weekend at northmetro.org/easter.

In 2016, NMC became a debt-free church, and we celebrated big time! The handcuffs of being in debt were gone! We could now start dreaming about things that we not only must do and should do, but could do. One of the things I believed the Lord had called us to pray about was multisite campuses. Seven years later, this past August I shared with the church that we were taking steps forward in searching for real estate in hopes of starting our very first satellite campus in East Cobb. In early March I was able to announce that Sewell Mill Baptist Church is giving (yes, you read that correctly) NMC their church. Our hope is that we will be able to open the doors to North Metro Church Sewell Mill Campus in the

Our lead pastor

spring of 2024. There is so much more to celebrate, so I hope that you will go to northmetro.org/locations to hear about this entire story of how awesome God is and the unfolding of how all of this came together. This page is also where we'll keep you updated along the way.

In light of the news I shared above, we're asking our church to pray their guts out and to pray every day at 2:55pm (because Sewell Mill's address is 2550 Sewell Mill Road) until we close on the property. We're also asking that you pray for the plans and renovations needed to bring the building up to code and the people that we believe God will bring to this church. I want to say how thankful and grateful I am for you and how generous you continue to be with the giving of your time, finances, and prayer. We get to help people find and follow Jesus!

Grateful for you, Rob McDowell.

Celebrate Easter Weekend With Us


Serve with NMC Kids or Guest Services this Easter weekend! Sign up at northmetro.org/easter


We want to crowd Heaven - and one way we can help people find and follow Jesus is by inviting them to church. Easter is a great time to invite someone to church, and we wanted to give you a resource to make it easier to invite someone this Easter weekend. You'll see Easter Invitation cards inserted into this newsletter. Take out these perforated cards, separate the four cards at the seams, and prayerfully consider whom you could invite to NMC Easter Weekend!

Good Friday Service, April 7 | 7:00pm • Saturday Easter Service, April 8 | 4:00pm • Sunday Easter Services, April 9 | 7:00am, 9:30am & 11:30am No NMC Kids or NMC Students programming at the Friday evening service or Sunday 7:00am service.

Why should I be involved in a local church?

My iPhone is obsessed with me. It knows me so well. Quite often, it even knows my schedule. I'll look down at my screen to a notification that says, "15 min to North Metro Church". It's impressive - the smartphone has tracked my locations and my patterns to see that I am almost always at North Metro Church. It knows I spend my weekdays at the church, working in the office. It tracks me every Wednesday night as I drive back over for community group and, of course, knows I'll pull into the parking lot every single Sunday morning. My phone is obsessed with me, and I am obsessed with my church. Love is contagious, so here are three reasons why I think you should love church too:

1: Church saves you from yourself.

Church is a place that isn't totally tailored to your preferences (like the style of music, the frequency of events, or the temperature of the room), and that's a good thing because it saves you from the suffocating world of self-obsession. In a culture that tells you to always seek your own interests and find your truth - church does the opposite. Church frees you from being accountable to yourself (this is how I interpret the Bible, this is how I'm willing to serve, this is how I like to worship) and provides a way of escape: show up and gather, sit and listen, stand and serve. This is what we are singing, this is when we gather, and this is how we are serving others; because what might not be my preference might serve my neighbor in the seat next to me. When our nature says "everything is about me", church is a weekly reminder that it isn't; it's about our good God.

2: Church sends you to others.

When our schedule tells us that a "just me and Jesus" approach is sufficient, church brings the fullness of additional perspectives. Christian community provides opportunities to be taught, loved, and encouraged. It provides outlets for sin to be confessed and places for God-given gifts to be worked out and utilized. Without the church, we can't engage in the commands God has given us. The Bible is full of calls for us to "one another". The directive varies (to love, to serve, to confess to), but the end is always the same: one another. Over and over again, Scripture paints a picture of the church "one anothering". This is no exaggeration; look to John 13:34, John 15:12, Romans 12:10, Romans 15:14, 1 Corinthians 12:25, Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 10:24-25, James 5:16...to name a few! To fulfill these, independence and isolated family units fall short - only the church can do.

3: Church supplies you with your needs.

As Christians, our citizenship is in heaven because we are members of the kingdom of God, co-heirs with Christ. God, in His good grace, provides the church as a respite for our days here on earth until all things are made new. The church functions as an embassy for the people in the kingdom of God- an institution representing one nation inside another nation. Utilizing this embassy by attending church to worship in song, sit under scripture, and serve another is a weekly reprieve that reorients our hearts and minds to the Father before we face the flurry of our daily lives again. The church meets your needs not in the novelty of top-notch childcare or hot coffee but with core practices like singing, teaching, and communion. No other function of our regular lives consistently feeds us and support us like the practices of the church.

I love church, and I hope you love it too.

I'll see you on Sunday,



and Grow


SUNDAY, APRIL 23 | 11:30AM-12:30PM

Welcome Home is designed to help you learn about everything that makes up NMC and give you the next steps on how you can belong to our family. Visit northmetro.org/events to learn more and sign up.


At NMC, we genuinely believe that we are better together. For that reason, we want everyone to circle up with others in a group. We have three different types of groups that you can join. They include Connection Groups that meet over shared interests such as hiking, board games, or movies; Community Groups that meet for fellowship, prayer, and study of the Bible; and Care Groups that assist anyone walking through difficulty or life transition. If you want to join a Connection Group, Community Group, Care Group, or even start your own group, then check out northmetro.org/groups.


When we serve others, we set the table for them to experience the grace of God. That’s why around here, we call our volunteers Tablesetters. Our goal is for everyone to experience the joy of serving others as a Tablesetter and serve somewhere within our church. Regardless of your schedule, experience, or gifting, there’s a fulfilling place for you to serve here! Visit northmetro.org/serve to browse opportunities and take the next step to serve.



Prayer is powerful. It's one of the most important things we can do as a church. Our staff and leadership would love to come alongside you, fight for you in whatever difficulty you may be experiencing, and celebrate any answered prayers! To share your prayer requests, visit northmetro.org/prayer.


Strong, healthy marriages start long before the wedding. To build a marriage that lasts and gets off to a great start, we encourage all engaged couples to participate in Merge, our premarital discipleship class. Merge class is available to those who regularly attend NMC and are already engaged. Be on the lookout for more classes this summer!


re|engage is a marriage enrichment ministry designed for couples ready to invest time and energy into building a stronger marriage. Through a mix of large-group teaching and small-group discussion, you and your spouse are challenged and encouraged with practical ways to apply the gospel of Jesus to your marriage. Couples are discipled and equipped to grow in their walk with Christ and their marriages by studying and applying biblical principles within a small group structure. We offer re|engage twice a year, beginning in August and January.


Divorce Care is a mix of support and learning for those currently separated or divorced. We understand that divorce can be one of life's most painful trials, and while God hates divorce, He doesn't hate divorced people. Our Divorce Care ministry is led by individuals who understand what you're experiencing and will support you as you move forward. Through Divorce Care, you will learn how to deal with the heartache of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.

A new Divorce Care class will begin on Sunday, April 16, from 4:00-6:00pm. Visit


the Events page for all the details and to register.


Scripture urges believers to look after the orphans in our community. One way we do this at NMC is to come around families in foster care or adoption. In addition, this group is a place to find support and encouragement from others who understand these specific challenges. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm.


Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care ministry that supports those experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministers are members of our NMC community who are well trained in encouraging others enduring painful times such as the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, or one's health. If you are facing any of life's difficult circumstances, please consider using a Stephen Minister to help bear your burdens.


Is there someone in your life that has hurt you deeply? Have you tried to forgive, but when you hear or see the person, feelings of anger or bitterness crop up in your life? If so, the ministry of Fresh Start can help free your heart. It is a process that will help you live “Forgiven, Forgiving & Free." It will help you understand what forgiveness is and what it is not.

Women's groups meet on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings. Men's groups meet depending on individual availability.

finding help; know there is hope as you walk out this journey with other Christ-followers.


When God calls our hearts to grow our families, He never promises that it will be easy. But, He does promise to lead when we are lost. So, take refuge in knowing you’re not alone. If you struggle with infertility or have experienced miscarriage or infant loss, there’s a place for you. This month's meeting will be Monday, April 10, at 7:00pm. Join us on Sunday, May 7 at 2:00pm for the Mothers at Heart event, where we honor women who have walked the difficult path of infertility and loss. Visit the Events page for more details and to register.


Cancer hits with a terrible punch, whether you or a spouse, parent, sibling, child, or friend. We can't take you out of this storm, but we can walk alongside you and hold you up when the weight is too heavy. We can be that safe place to let all your feelings fall. We can have the honor of praying continually for you and your family. We can be that safe group of ladies that get it without explanation or apologies; we just get it all.

If cancer has affected you in any way, we encourage you to reach out to NMC's Cancer Support Group. You will find an amazing community of brave, strong women that have learned to trust God no matter what because He is trustworthy. This month's meeting will be Sunday, April 23, at 1:00pm.



Pure Desire is a men's ministry that provides hope, freedom, and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ. Through this group, you will understand how family of origin and trauma impact your behavior, how addiction affects brain chemistry, and develop a plan to create freedom from addiction. Don't let shame keep you from

Beauty for Ashes is a confidential group designed to provide encouragement and hope to women whose husbands struggle with sexual addiction. We understand the devastation of a husband's betrayal; however, our goal is not to stay in this place of wounding but to seek the Lord for healing and hope. This month's meetings will be Thursdays, April 13 and 27, at 7:00pm. For more information or to sign up for any of our Care Ministries, visit our Care page at northmetro.org/care.

Shannon Herring

Infertility and Loss

The Herring's

Shannon shares the ups and downs of her and her husband, Tyler’s, infertility journey and the support she found through our Infertility and Loss Support Group.

Tyler and I got married in May 2020. Navigating planning a wedding during a pandemic is stressful, to say the least, but we were excited to start our lives together. We were overjoyed that following September when we found out we were pregnant with a little girl.

Everything about the pregnancy was perfect. We even agreed on a name right away, Eva, after Tyler’s late grandmother. Every checkup and ultrasound went smoothly, and we excitedly prepared for her arrival. Then, on January 28th, the unthinkable happened. I unexpectedly went into labor at 24 weeks, and Eva was born weighing only 1lb 6oz. They wheeled me over to the NICU as soon as I was able, and we spent the day praying over her. Three separate times, the nurses and doctors prepared us that it was her time to go, but her oxygen levels and heart rate would come back up, and she would stabilize

again. I remember sitting by her bed, watching her monitors, and pleading with God to let her pull through. She fought so hard, but her body was ultimately too tiny. After only 14 hours, our sweet Eva passed away in my arms.

We were completely devastated. Tyler and I clung to each other and our faith in God to get through the dark days that followed. Our family, friends, and community at North Metro Church showed such an amazing outpouring of love for us.

As we continued the healing process, we felt ready to try to grow our family again. I was excited and terrified when I got another positive pregnancy test the following April. Just a few weeks later, though, we were heartbroken again as I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Once again, we turned to our faith to keep our heads above the water in our sea of grief. I found solace in one of my favorite verses.

But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you

by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

Tyler saw that I was still struggling and encouraged me to check out the Infertility and Loss support group at NMC. I was met by a group of amazing women who understood what I was going through. We shared our stories and knew that we were seen and heard. When I once again received a positive pregnancy test, the group understood my fear. They prayed for me as the doctor called and said levels indicated this pregnancy would likely end in a miscarriage as well. The group also rejoiced with me when our miracle came through, and Hannah Ruth entered the world last August. Navigating infant loss and infertility can be such a lonely and isolating road. I am so thankful for NMC's Infertility and Loss group and the place of healing it offers to women walking this difficult journey.



This is an event honoring women experiencing infertility, miscarriage, or infant loss. If you have struggled with any of these difficult challenges, please join us for fellowship and encouragement. Visit northmetro.org/events for more details and to register.

Care • Spotlight

Upcoming for you...


SUNDAY, APRIL 23 | 11:30AM

One of our favorite things here at NMC is celebrating life change through water baptism. If you’re ready to take this step in your faith journey, we invite you to attend the next adult baptism class. For more information about our beliefs on baptism and to sign up for the class, visit northmetro.org/baptism.


APRIL 23 & 30 | 4:00-6:00PM

Would you like to feel more confident in your approach to studying the Bible on your own or in a small group? Join us for a free 2-week class at NMC to learn how to read and study your Bible. Join our very own Jess Magee in two fun and practical classes to learn the Inductive Bible Study Method - a time-proven strategy to learn how to study the Bible that will leave you challenged but more comfortable engaging with your Bible. For more details, FAQs, and to register today, check out this event at northmetro.org.


North Metro Church University (NMCU) is our primary vehicle for studying the Bible together to form a biblical worldview. In NMCU, you'll move through a set sequence of classes and learn about the big picture of Scripture and how everything in Scripture points to and is fulfilled in Jesus. And in this learning process, NMCU will also help equip you to both understand and communicate your faith to others so that

you can become a more faithful follower of Jesus, a disciple who makes disciples. Each semester offered is 10 weeks and goes in sequential order.

Our summer school enrollment opens on April 8 and closes on May 30. Summer school dates are Tuesday evenings, 7:009:00pm, June 13-August 15 (On-demand only on July 4 and July 18). We offer inperson groups or on-demand options. Learn more by visiting northmetro.org/nmcu.



Join us Saturday, April 1, for a time of serving and loving our community. We will serve with Hands Extended International, MUST Ministries, and First Care Women's Clinic. Sign up by visiting northmetro.org/ serve.


Another way to serve and connect with teens and kids is through Waymark's Community4Youth Mentoring program, which includes one-on-one and group mentoring (Compass Groups). Community4Youth mentorship program provides a support system for kids in foster care through connections made with caring adults. Connect with our Mobilization Director, Bud Darr, at bdarr@northmetro.org to get involved.


You can invest in the next generation by becoming a mentor to encourage students every month at Kennesaw Mountain High School (KMHS). As a mentor, you'll help facilitate the social-emotional curriculum, Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. This is an opportunity to engage students in the public school environment, where they spend so much time—all while equipping them with tools for healthy leadership in their world and the world around them. Take the next step by emailing Jill Danner at jdanner@northmetro.org or check out the details at northmetro.org/serve.


100% of Town Square’s offering goes towards the Kids Clean Water project. Every $10 helps a child have clean water for 10 years! Thanks to the offering in NMC Kids, we were able to help 45 kids and families in Guatemala have clean water for 10 years! The best part about it all is that Jesus' name was proclaimed, and they all heard the gospel.


The Town Square Table Talker is a discipleship tool designed by the NMC Kids team to equip families to connect around the table intentionally. The activities and devotions you'll find in the table talker come from the Gospel Project curriculum that we use in the classrooms. This means you can connect what you do at home with what your kids do in the classroom! But it's not all curriculum;


you'll also find silly games, get-to-knowyou questions, and family challenges. You are your child's first teacher and the first person to disciple your child! We hope the Town Square Table Talker is just the tool you need to take your family relationships to the next level! Grab yours today in the NMC Kids Ministry, Town Square.


SATURDAY, MAY 6 | 1:00-3:30PM

Save the Date! We're taking Town Square out of the building for some games, popsicles, and a whole lot of fun! There is no cost or sign-up for this event, so invite your friends and family and stop in anytime. There will be more information on the Events page at northmetro.org as we get closer to the event regarding location.


SUNDAY, MAY 7 | 9:30-10:15AM

This 45-minute class is designed for you and your child to attend together. If your elementary-aged child has already taken the step of salvation, this class is the perfect next step! For more information on the baptism process, visit northmetro.org/events.



SUNDAYS | 9:30AM & 11:30AM

Shift is our environment for 5-7th grade students. Through teaching, worship, games, and connections in small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. We meet during all Sunday morning worship services in the Shift Room.


2ND & 4TH WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:00PM

Friendships and an incredible community can profoundly shape our students' lives. We want to invite our 5-7th students and their friends to our Shift Nights on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month to have time to build additional community and stronger friendships with other students in Shift. Join us for everything from movie nights to large group games. These nights are always free, and dinner is provided. Drop off your student at the Cafe doors and have them meet us in the Shift Room.


SUNDAYS | 6:30-8:30PM

Compass is our environment for 8-12th grade students. Through teaching, worship, events, and small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. Follow us on Instagram @nmcstudents to know about upcoming services and events, or check out the schedule online at northmetro.org.


TUESDAYS | 6:45-8:30PM

College students, join us for our NMC College Bible Study Group. We will experience community, dive deep into Bible study, and share a meal! This is a place for you, no matter what your walk with God looks like. For more details, visit northmetro.org/college.


The College Internship Program is a paid internship designed for enrolled college students. This program is for students who want to understand and experience all the inner workings of the local church to decide if they want to pursue vocational ministry. It’s designed to make them more aware of their character, competency, strengths, and weaknesses while increasing their understanding of the disciplemaking process. In addition, they will have the opportunity to explore different ministries behind the scenes and what is needed to make each ministry function and thrive. If you're interested in applying for the 2023-2024 school year, check out northmetro.org/intern-program or email Rebecca Ross at rross@northmetro.org for more details.

yourfamily &


An update from Ivan Mijango. Redeemer's House or Casa del Redentor is North Metro Church's international ministry in Panajachel, Guatemala.

Planting a church in Chuitziyut.

One of Redeemer's House's goals is to help plant churches where there are none in hard-to-reach areas, something not too hard to find in Guatemala. During the last year, we started first working towards this goal in Chuitziyut, a village of about 25 families located very deep in the mountains, that sometimes just getting there is an adventure.

After years of having our weekly programs with the children in Chuitziyut, we could finally start an adult discipleship group with our friend Alex Cooke. From the first day of this discipleship group, we noticed how happy people were to hear God's word. Some individuals were hearing the Gospel for the first time, as most

of them did not have the opportunity to attend school and do not know how to read or write. In fact, some do not even speak Spanish, and we must translate the messages into the Mayan language so that they can understand.

Every week more people were waiting for us on Thursdays to have our little discipleship groups where we prayed, sang, and studied the Bible. The needs of these people and their desire to know more about God has made us restless these last few months. We're actively praying for a nearby church that could send a leader to the village so that they could have a pastor who takes care of them and carry on the mission.

Well, God has answered our prayers, and a local church, Casa de Restauracion Familiar, has committed to Chuitziyut to take the next step in planting a church, and we are very happy to announce that our friend Elvis Martinez has accepted the call to become a missionary appointed to direct and lead the church in the village.

Although Chuitziyut is a very small village, it will be the beacon to illuminate the other surrounding communities, such as Patzuzun. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Today we can celebrate that we have taken a very important step forward, and we believe that there will soon be a church in Chuitziyut.

We get to partner with Redeemer's House to help people find and follow Jesus in Guatemala because of your obedience in giving. To get involved, you can go to northmetro.org/serve.


2025 GOALS

As we head toward the year 2025 we are praying our guts out and being fully dependent on the Lord! He has entrusted us with our vision, to “Be Missed,” and our mission, “We Help People Find and Follow Jesus.” To live that out, we have set three God-sized goals to aim for as a church.

We’re telling our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about our great God who loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. We want to celebrate with you if you’ve played a part in helping someone move from death to life or if you came to faith in Christ! We invite you to share your story by visiting the Contact Us page at northmetro.org.

Before Jesus left the disciples, He said, “Go make disciples.” A tangible way to see that hope realized is through our discipleship program, NMCU. We’re looking to see 1,000 people faithfully following Jesus, equipped with knowledge of Scripture, to ultimately share their beliefs with others. NMCU creates disciples that make disciples.

Church plants are an expression of our multiplication strategy, multiplying the mission to help people find and follow Jesus. We currently support three church plants including Take Hold in Scotland, Grace Auburn in Auburn, Alabama, and Creekside in Dallas, Georgia.

YTD February 2023

Income: $4,442,995.14

Expense: $3,498,975.88

Over(under): $944,019.26


Sunday, April 2 We Want a King 9:30am & 11:30am

Friday, April 7 Good Friday Service 7:00pm

Saturday, April 8 Easter Service 4:00pm

Family Festival 5:00pm

Sunday, April 16 We Want a King 9:30am & 11:30am

Sunday, April 23 We Want a King 9:30am & 11:30am

Welcome Home 11:30am

Adult Baptism Class 11:30am

Sunday, April 30

We Want a King 9:30am & 11:30am North

Sunday, April 9 Easter Service 7:00am, 9:30am & 11:30am

NMCU Summer School Registration Opens

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