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Trust me! I know my job (not)! 46 pag

Health & Beauty

Is Fish & Chips a killer food? 36 pag

Vets or Doctors? Sponsored by Pointer Veterinary Clinic-Estepona Costa del Sol & Gibraltar Edition



Они не с другой планеты. Они используют методы лечения также доступные вам.


Медицинские справки, выданные для подводной рыбалки и дайвинга 2


CENTRO MÉDICO HIPERBÁRICO AVDA. ESPAÑA, 242 ESTEPONA – MALAGA Telf. 952 80 67 96 Movil: 663418023 comunicacion@centrohiperbarico.com

ГЛОБАЛЬНАЯ ДОСЯГАЕМОСТЬ, ЭКСПЕРТНАЯ ПОМОЩЬ НА МЕСТЕ С начала своей деятельности в 1971 г. компания Bupa International приобрела широкую известность, помогая как отдельным людям и семьям, так и компаниям наладить долгую, здоровую и счастливую жизнь. Сегодня мы являемся одной из ведущих мировых компаний международного медицинского страхования иностранных специалистов и обслуживаем клиентов из более чем 190 стран мира. Компания STM Nummos Life SL тесно сотрудничает с Bupa International, предоставляя высокий уровень индивидуального обслуживания: основываясь на знании местной ситуации, они порекомендуют наилучший план, оптимально соответствующий вашим потребностям, а также помогут вам разобраться в сложных вопросах системы здравоохранения. Чтобы получить дополнительные сведения, свяжитесь с экспертами по медицинскому страхованию:

inforus@stmnummos.com +34 956 789 534 privatehealthcarespain.com Услуги распространения


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Editorial feedback and enquiries: editor@webexpressguide.com

PUBLISHER’S NOTE You really ought to believe what we report! In 2013 we published two articles about Tripadvisor and the credibility (not) of the reviews they publish. Yesterday (18th June 2015) the BBC News reported finding that many of the customer reviews found online are fake. I’d say this seems to confirm what we said back then. Some businesses go as far as even publishing “Trip Advisor Certificates of Excellence” on their adverts. While some of the comments report how good certain businesses are, others are malicious and posted for revenge, envy or simply by competitors. This is an extension of malicious rumours, which is a bad habit we know well especially here on the Costa. We have experienced this when we enforced payment on some clients unwilling to pay what they owe, suddenly we become the bad ones: “the advert did not work, we have not delivered the magazine, we are too expensive, and so on”, excuses covering up their own failings. In conclusion, do not believe what you see in TripAdvisor and do not listen to rumours. In any case, faked or not, they cannot be unbiased professional. Whilst the opinions are personal they are biased and while they are individual they are not professional unless made by a qualified hotel or restaurant inspector. Thanks to all media who now seem to provide the same information as we do and the various libel actions against TriAdvisor, I noticed that the use of TripAdvisor seems to have diminished a little. There is only one sure way to discourage this and that is for you and me to stop using them or writing comments. Anyway I prefer to formulate my own opinions, I don’t need someone else to tell me where to go or not.

Website www.webexpressguide.com www.directorycostadelsol.com www.directorymarbella.com www.wxpg.com www.directorygibraltar.com www.du-getit.com Director / Admin Elisabeth Da Costa Almiron Julia H. Gladstone Advertising enquiries: 0034 629 504 003 Contributors Julia Gladstone, Elisabeth Da Costa Almirón BUPA, The Prickly Pair, COCOMO, Sebastian Polinares, Chevalier De Fleuri, Daniel Rubio, Sonia Fendley, Main Feature Sponsored by Pointer Veterinary Clinic, Estepona Publishers Webzine S.L. C.I.F. Nº B-93329081 under licence by E. Gladstone WEB EXPRESS GUIDE © Marbella 296500 - Spain Tel: +34 952 891 773 Mobile: +34 629 504 003 Universal Copyright Registered © 2015 Edwin Gladstone No material contained in this publication may be reproduced or published without the written consent of the publisher. No responsibility is taken for claims made by advertisers; nor are the views expressed in the editorial columns necessarily the views of the publishers. Do not forget to see us online. www.webexpressguide.com Please send any comments to editor@webexpressguide.com Express your own view at the end of each article online. PLEASE TELL ADVERTISERS YOU HAVE SEEN THEM IN WEB EXPRESS GUIDE. THANK YOU. Your own personal hard copy can be posted to you each month for €20 per year.



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editor page Changes are taking place to our website as we make it more responsive to mobiles and tablets, although this may also change the aspect a little, it will definitely be an improvement overall. So do not panic it is all under control. We have decided to bring back the availability of a front cover advert at the request of some advertisers, another good idea we used to do some years ago.



Index Edition 171 What’s news

8. Did you know that..? 18. Handcrafted leather bags, wallets and sundries

In my opinion Estamos cambiando nuestra página web, lo hacemos más compatible con móviles y tabletas , aunque esto también puede cambiar el aspecto un poco, que sin duda será una mejora general . Así que no cunda el pánico esta todo bajo control.

12. Noxious Bosses

Hemos decidido re introducir la disponibilidad de anuncios en portada a petición de algunos anunciantes, otra buena idea que llevamos años realizando.

20. Thai Beef & Mango Salad

На нашем сайте небольшие изменения, мы делаем его более удобным для телефонов и планшетов. Формат будет немного изменен, но определенно в лучшую сторону. Мы решили вернуть верхнее объявление по просьбам рекламодателей, и другую хорошую идею, которую пытались использовать какоето время назад.

Main Feature

14. It is harder to become a vet than a doctor


Health & Beauty

34. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy = Quality of life 36.Is fish & chips. A killer food? 44. Egg shells are a natural source of minerals


37. Sport Accidents and Damages

Exclusive Furniture

42. The most exclusive Italian Luxury for the most beautiful homes in the world


46. Trust me! I know my job (not)!

Car 50. Mercedes Benz 600 Pullman www.webexpressguide.com




All Emergency Call Emergencies Gibraltar Medical Emergency Guardia Civil Domestic Violence Electric Emergency Gas Emergency Sea Rescue.

112 199 061 062 016 900 850 840 900 202 212 900 202 202

Gibraltar Frontier Hot Line (Queue Info) +350 200 427 77


Ambulance Algeciras Hospital Costa Del Sol Hospital La Línea Hospital Málaga Carlos Haya Hospital

951 222 222 956 026 500 951 976 669 956 026 500 952 390 400

Consulates and Embassies Belgium Denmark France Germany Holland Ireland Italy Norway Sweden Switzerland U.K. U.S.A.


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Malaga Arrivals Malaga Departures Jerez Seville Gibraltar

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A.D.A.N.A. Age Concern Alcoholics Anonymous 952 800 056 Diabetics Support 952 810 077 Narcotics Anonymous 902 333 231 +350 200 722 72 Animals In Need

Cinemas & Telephone Numbers Estepona Veracruz Puerto Banus Gran Marbella La Cañada Gibraltar Kings Bastion

Tourist Offices

952 219 004 952 211 797 954 293 200 952 227 886 952 363 591 952 475 108 912 106 910 952 667 955 952 604 383 952 217 266 902 109 356 952 474 891

952 894 056 952 802 002 952 890 029 956 694 005 952771 442 +350 200 749 50 952 048 845 952 048 804 956 150 000 954449000 +350 200 730 26 952 113 467 650 163 928 600 379 110 952 464 184 902 114 147 607 742 741

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whats news

Did you Sabias know that..? que...? To all the husbands out there: The key to a quality marital life is to keep your wife happy no matter what, a scientific study by Rutgers University suggests. When it comes to a happy marriage, the more content the wife is with the long-term union, the happier the husband is with his life, no matter how he feels about their nuptials. Daily Express More than 100,000 people have signed up for a single online course providing English language lessons. It is the British Council’s first experiment with so-called Moocs, or massive open online courses, which deliver tuition free of charge. Spain, Burma and Russia are among the countries with the biggest number of students taking the six-week course. The British Council is claiming this as one of the biggest English language learning classes in the world. Evening Standard Given that you have 500,000,000 potential soul mates around your own age, it means you would find true love only in one lifetime out of 10,000. The Guardian Gentlemen, step away from the gym and instead head down to the pub if you want to do well with the opposite sex. New research reveals that three in four British women would choose a flabby man over a chiselled one, and 96 per cent say they think guys who are obsessed with the gym are boring on dates. Daily Express London’s 33 borough councils operate 7,431 CCTV surveillance cameras. New York has around 2,000 police monitored surveillance cameras; Paris, 326. The Times 8


La nueva sede de la Inteligencia alemana, inundada tras el robo de varios grifos. Un abogado keniata ofrece a Obama 150 cabezas de ganado por la mano de su hija Malia.El presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama está a punto de hacer su primera visita oficial a Kenia, donde le agurda una curiosa propuesta. Un abogado keniata, que se confiesa enamorado de la hija mayor del mandatario, Malia, ha redactado una carta en la que le ofrece al Presidente 50 vacas, 70 ovejas y 30 cabras a cambio de casarse con la pequeña. Antena 3 La cadena Fox News tapa los pechos y genitales de «Las mujeres de Argel» de Picasso. La cadena norteamericana tapó los pechos y genitales femeninos del cuadro cubista de Picasso en un reportaje sobre la subasta de dicha obra. «Las mujeres de Argel (Versión O)» se convirtió el pasado lunes en el cuadro más caro jamás subastado, alcanzando la cifra de 179 millones de dólares en Christie’s (Nueva York). independent.co.uk Una candidata de Ciudadanos renuncia tras leer el programa. La candidata que ocupa el 8º lugar en las listas del partido Ciudadanos de Mataró para las elecciones municipales ha retirado su candidatura. Núria Sánchez hizo pública esta decisión y reconoció que ni siquiera se había leído el programa antes de permitir que su nombre fuese incluido en las listas. «Ha sido culpa mía por no haberme leído el programa y ponerme en un partido pensando que tenía una ideología de izquierda moderada», ha reconocido. lainformacion.com








Noxious Bosses ‘Paranoid boss’, ‘Psychopath boss’ or the ‘Narcissist’? Bad bosses can damage your health; the cross of poor management is not only borne by employees, the economy suffers too. How long someone stays in a job and how well they perform is correlated with how well they get along with their boss. More than a third of Spanish bosses, according to a recent study, fail to take that into account. One of them, the manager of O. M., a 29-year-old accountant says she has “had it” with her boss. Having worked for two years in an advertising agency in the Catalan capital and having doubled the number of clients the employer failed to hire anyone else often leaving her to work long into the night at the expense of her family life, the boss simply ignores her when she asks to work shorter hours or more pay, he tells her not to bother him with what he calls ‘personal’ problems. So she is looking for similar work elsewhere. This case is no exception. It seems the rule in Spain that as intensified business competitiveness puts pressures on employers and managers, many of whom are unqualified, they are unable or unwilling to manage the stress. According to a study by Iñaki Piñuel, a psychologist at Alcalá de Henares University and a partner in the Mobbing Research consultancy, seven out of 10 bosses in Spain care little about what their employees think of them or the climate in the workplace. The stress bad bosses cause on staff includes a 16-percent higher risk of cardiac problems 12


and a 33-percent increased chance of having a heart attack, medical studies show. In Piñuel’s view there are three kinds of “toxic bosses.” Firstly, he says, there is the paranoid boss “whose insecurity and lack of confidence causes them to systematically question the work and behaviour of colleagues, creating a negative atmosphere.” The second, Piñuel calls a “psychopath boss” whose “pride and cold-heartedness cause them to become a compulsive liar, capable of acting despotically.” The third is the narcissist, whose vanity causes them to try to be the centre of attention and who believes that they are responsible for every achievement of the team, which consists usually of docile and obedient subordinates.”

In my opinion

A word of advice A bad boss tests the dedication of even the most devoted employee however expressing anger and ridicule is completely unacceptable :

1 2

Maintain your composure and be respectful. No matter how undesirable, rude or incompetent your boss is, or how frustrating the situation, it is extremely important that you maintain a professional persona while confronting the problem. Don’t overdo it, briefly summarize the problem and request further correspondence.

Keep your message brief and to the point. There is no need to go into explicit detail of each and every uncomfortable encounter with a bad boss. A general summary of certain undesirable behavioural characteristics, unfair workplace practices, incidents of verbal abuse or any other complaint is all that is required to write a memo on a bad boss. Typically, issues in the workplace require some sort of meeting or evaluation to be resolved and at that time employees are invited to elaborate on their concerns. This memo is intended to bring a potential situation to the attention of higher management for later resolution. Avoid distribution to uninvolved parties.


Distribute the memo only to appropriate parties. Memos regarding employee concerns about a bad boss should be distributed only to the parties affected, involved or in a position to rectify the situation. If you have composed the memo with the help of your colleagues, distribute a copy to each participating coworker. Your memo should also be sent to the boss in question, his supervisor and any applicable owners or heads of your corporation. For instance, if you work for the office of a distributing company, don’t distribute a memo among the warehouse workers. www.webexpressguide.com


Main feature

It is harder to become a vet than a doctor Our animal companions need a good vet. (Sponsorted by Pointer Veterinary Clinic)

A veterinary must not only study and keep to date with the different ailments that affect different animals but he must also master dentistry and surgery plus the effects of animal-borne disease in humans, covering additional studies in numerous fields of medicine. Nazli Kreft van den Kieboom is one such veterinary who, after qualifying at the University of Utrecht in Holland, came to Spain in 1997 to open her veterinary clinic in Puerto Banus. After 14 successful years the surgery became too crowded and parking space was scarce so she decided to open her Pointer Veterinary Clinic in Estepona, in a building annexed to the Escuela de Arte Ecuestre, which at the time was buzzing with horses in the stables.



Un veterinario no solo debe estudiar y mantenerse al día de las diferentes enfermedades que afectan a los animales, sino que también debe dominar la odontología y la cirugía, además de conocer las diversas enfermedades que pueden transmitir los animales al hombre.

Nazli Kreft van den Kieboom es una de esas veterinaria que, después de licenciarse en la Universidad de Utrecht en Holanda, llegó a España en 1997 para abrir su propia clínica veterinaria en Puerto Banús. Después de

Ветеринар должен не только изучать и знать как различные заболевания влияют на животных, но освоить и стоматологию, и хирургию. Также воздействие болезней, передаваемых от ивотных людям, которые требуют дополнительных исследований в различных медицинских областях. Назли Крефт ван ден Кибум одна из таких ветеринаров, кто после окончания Университета Утреут в Голландии, переехала в Испанию в 1997 году и открыла ветеринарную клинику в Пуерто Банус. После 14 лет успешной работы в ней стало не хватать места для приема пациентов, и она решила открыть Pointer Veterinary Clinic в Естепоне, в здании рядом с Escuela de Arte Ecuestre (Школа конного искусства), в которой в то время было много лошадей. Назли - специализированный ветеринарный врач, работает с собаками, кошками, кроликами, рептилиями,

Nazli is a dedicated animalcompanion veterinary surgeon which includes dogs, cats, guinea pig, rabbits, reptiles, birds and even fish amongst many others. With 28 years experience she is an expert in surgery and diagnostics, so much so that she often does not need expensive tests. Of course the clinic is well equipped and it does include blood analyzing machines and diagnostic imaging.

14 años de éxito, la clínica veterinaria se le quedo pequeña y las escasas plazas de aparcamiento hicierón que tomará la decisión de trasladarse a Estepona donde abrió otra clínica en un edificio anexo a la Escuela de Arte Ecuestre.

Nazli es una veterinaria que trata a perros, gatos, cobayas, conejos, reptiles, aves e incluso peces, entre muchos otros. Con 28 años de experiencia a sus espaldas Pointer Veterinary Clinic offer es una experta en cirugía y excellent care at a reasonable diagnóstico, hasta el punto cost. Preventive medicine is de que a menudo no a priority and every patient necesita pruebas is evaluated to create its own costosas. program.

птицами, морскими свинками, даже рыбками и многими другими. Имея 28 лет опыта, она является экспертом в диагностике и хирургии настолько, что часто не уждается в дорогостоящих анализах. Конечно, клиника хорошо оснащена и имеет технику для проведения анализов крови и диагностической визуализации. Pointer Veterinary Clinic предлагает превосходный уход по разумной цене.



Main feature

While Nazli cooperates with Adana and Gatos y amigos and offers them veterinary care at cost price and free advice, it does help to offer the sale of the best of the essentials for your pet, be it a training collar and lead, a muzzle, treats, bones to chew on, normal food or diet foods. Due to the greater number of patients, the clinic has outgrown its premises again and as from July they are relocating to a larger and better location with good parking and immediate road access from the A7, although access is also gained from the rear of Aldi (see advert). The phone numbers, including emergency remain the same.



Por supuesto, la clínica está bien equipado e incluye máquinas de análisis de sangre y de rayos x. Es una clínica Veterinaria puntera que ofrecer una excelente calidad-precio. La medicina preventiva es una prioridad y cada paciente es evaluado para crear su propio diagnostico. Nazli coopera con Adana y Gatos y amigos donde les proporciona atención veterinaria a precio de coste y asesoramiento gratuito. También ofrece asesoramiento sobre productos esenciales para su mascota, ya sea un collar de entrenamiento, un bozal, golosinas , huesos para masticar, piensos o dietas especiales. Debido al aumento de número de pacientes, la clínica ha superado su capacidad y han decidido trasladarse, a partir de julio, a un lugar más grande y mejor con un buen aparcamiento. Tiene un acceso directo por la A7, aunque también se puede llegar por la parte de atrás del Aldi de Estepona ( ver el anuncio). Los números de teléfono y de emergencias siguen siendo los mismos.

Профилактическая медицина является приоритетом и каждый пациент получает индивидуальную программу лечения. Когда Назли работает с “Adana” и “Gatos y amigos” и предоставляет им ветеринарную помощь по доступной цене и дает бесплатные советы, это дает возможность вам приобрести необходимые товары для ваших питомцев, такие как тренировачный ошейник и поводок, намордник, жевательные косточки, нормальная или диетическая еда. В связи с большим количеством пациентов, клиника снова переросла свое помещение и с июля переежает в более большое и лучшее с хорошим паркингом и прямым выездом с дороги А7. Заезд также есть с обратной стороны Aldi (см. объявление). Телефонные номера, в том числе для чрезвычайных звонков остаются прежними.

Please call us for an appointment Tel: 952 80 41 65 24 hour emergency service Tel: 689 06 95 02

A7 km 160.5, La Alberdina s/n Estepona info@pointerclinic.com www.pointerclinic.com

WE ARE MOVING TO NEW PREMISES! As always our qualified, professional and friendly team is waiting to welcome you and your pets to our new modern facilities. Open:

Mon to Fri 10am to 2pm & 3pm to 6p Saturdays from 11am to 2pm

Please call us for an appointment 952 80 41 65 24 hour emergency service Tel: 689 06 95 02 km 160.5


o r


For those of you that have lived here for a while; it is the old Viva Estates building just before (from Marbella) or after (from Estepona) Laguna Village. Access is also possible behind the Aldi Supermarket (no need to go all the way to the Selwo exit coming from Estepona)

A7 km 160.5, La Alberdina s/n Estepona www.pointerclinic.com nazli@pointerclinic.com www.webexpressguide.com 17 facebook: pointerveterinaryclinicestepona


Handcrafted leather bags, wallets and sundries

Кожаные сумки, кошельки и другие изделия ручной работы Ubrique for quality leather & quality products Ubrique, a large Spanish village, is world renowned for its leather and leather products, a centuries old industry. Today’s leather manufacturing in Ubrique combines traditional workmanship with modern techniques. The quality of Ubrique’s leather is famous across Spain and orders are supplied to luxury design houses such as Loewe, Gucci and Louis Vuitton, as well as Chloe. Rub & Eli is one of the long established family businesses continuing with their tradition despite the mass produced imitation leather from the East. They will handcraft any article to designer’s specifications in the highest quality leathers and finish and you cannot beat that! Rub & Eli offer the sale of some articles direct to the public, including some extra to order items and genuinely branded products at greatly reduced prices. A must if you are visiting Sabinillas!



Убрике для качества кожи и качество продукции Убрике - испанский городок, всемирно известный своей кожей и кожанными изделиями. Сегодня, производство кожи в Убрике сочетает в себе традиционное мастерство с современными технологиями. Качество кожи Убрике известно по всей Испании и заказы отправляются в лучшие дизайнерские дома, такие как Loewe, Gucci и Lоuis Vuitton, а также Chloe. Rub & Eli одно из самых давно созданных семейных предприятий, которое продолжает традиции несмотря на массовое производство искуственной кожи на Востоке. Они выполняют в ручную любое изделие, согласно пожеланиям дизайнера, из высочайшего качества кожи и отделки. Только здесь вы получите - лучшее. Rub & Eli продает свои изделия напрямую и по-настоящему брендовые товары по значительно сниженным ценам.Обязательно посетите если будете в Сабинильяс!

MANUFACTURERS OF HAND CRAFTED QUALITY LEATHER PRODUCTS IN UBRIQUE Made to order for retailers and importers all over the world including England, U.S.A. , Italy, France, Germany, Spain and others

& Visit our FACTORY SHOP for SALES DIRECT TO PUBLIC Orders surplus & other quality items at reduced prices FACTORY SHOP Calle Duquesa de Arcos 55 Sabinillas FACTORY Calle Teneria 3 Ubrique Tel: +34 956 46 31 92 Mobile: +34 639 93 80 39 19 info@rubyeli.comwww.webexpressguide.com - www.rubyeli.com

The recipe by the Chef at COCOMO Cocktail Bar & Restaurant


Thai Beef & Mango Salad This recipe is fantastic for this time of year very fresh all seasonal ingredients, light on the pocket and light on the waist line. Very little time on the stove but still serves up a mouth-watering meal. .

Ingredients • • • • • • • • •

2 Sirloin or Fillet steaks 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp. sesame oil 1 tbsp soy sauce 2 small carrots 5 spring onions 1 ripe mango 2 baby gem lettuces or 1 small Romaine lettuce A handful of salted peanuts (about 40g/1½oz ), optional

For the dressing • • • • 20

1 garlic clove peeled for grating 1 lime, juice only 1 tbsp caster sugar 1 tsp chilli flakes


Preparation method 1. Put the steaks in a shallow bowl. Pour on the oil and soy sauce and rub them into the meat so it’s coated all over. Set aside to marinate while you prepare the vegetables. (Wash your hands after handling raw meat.) 2. Peel the carrots then use the peeler to make thin ribbons. Separate the lettuce leaves, wash the leaves and drain in a colander. Finely slice the spring onions then peel, stone and thinly slice the mango. Combine the vegetables in a large bowl. 3. Heat a large frying pan or wok over a high heat, add the steaks and cook for 1 minute on each side for medium rare or cook for an extra minute on each side for medium. Remove the steaks from the pan and transfer to a plate to rest. 4. While the steaks are resting, prepare the dressing. Peel and grate the garlic then put it into a bowl with the lime juice, sugar and chilli flakes and stir them together. Pour the dressing over the prepared vegetables and add the peanuts. Slice the beef thinly, add to the bowl along with any resting juices and toss to combine. Serve immediately

“Brining Food Together”

Now Open Seven Days


Cocktail Bar & Restaurant

“Where good food is born out of love” Reservation Recommended 685 218 054

Next to the Senator Banus Spa Hotel



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ff ee Ca fé or t y t apa ap s as

QU IP Birthday Parties

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Letter from a Stranger As the war intensifies and Bill’s impending departure to foreign shores looms ever closer their future together seems insecure, until a few days before his departure when Bill proposes marriage. Will Jean accept the proposal or will doubt keep them apart?

Letter from a Stranger is an e-book by Louise Roberts (Luminosity Publishing, UK). Although fiction, the story is based on fact; at the outbreak of WWII in England the Red Cross were asking young women to write to the troops to boost morale. My in-laws met in such a way, and this story is dedicated to them – in memoriam.

Follow Louise Roberts at: https://louiserobertsromance.wordpress.com/ It is available on Amazon and at Luminosity Publishing: http://luminositypublishing.com/

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…. For Jean White this would lead to a friendship with Bill Brooks, an anti-aircraft gunner with the Royal Artillery serving on the south coast of England at the height of the Blitz. As German aircraft drop their deadly payloads over London and devastate most of southern England, the relationship between Jean and Bill blossoms. Through their correspondence at first and then, when they finally meet, it’s as though the world has stood still. A quiet weekend away from London strengthens their bond and romance blissfully flourishes.

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Reclusive small town locksmith AJ Manglehorn has never quite recovered from losing the love of his life, Clara. Fixated on her memory, he feels closer to his beloved cat than the people around him. Still, he forges on maintaining intermittent contact with his son and establishing a cautious friendship with a kindhearted woman from the local bank.


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Health & Beauty

Гипербарическая кислородная терапия = качество жизни Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy = Quality of life Гипербарическая кислородная терапия заключается в размещении пациента внутри камеры под более высоким, чем обычно, давлением воздуха, таким образом позволяя ему дышать 100 процентно чистым кислородом. В этих условиях кислород обладает терапевтическим воздействием, и в особенности рекомендован для уменьшения воспалений и отёков, облегчения последствий лучевой терапии, ускорения восстановления после повреждений нервной системы, стимуляции коллагена, способствования заживления сложных ранений и проблем диабетических стоп предотвращая ампутацию, улучшения восстановления после спортивных травм и хронической усталости. Он также контролирует инфекции, тормозя анаэробные бактерии, повышает эффект от некоторых антибиотиков, увеличивает репродукцию клеток, реверсирует развитие гипоксического состояния и мобилизирует стволовые клетки из костного мозга. Фактически, циркуляция кислорода в крови в более высокой концентрации, чем обычно, даёт общее улучшение в организме. Барокамера гипербарического медицинского центра изготовлена из полностью прозрачного материала. Она рассчитана на одного человека, гигиенична, удобна в использовании и является единственной в провинции Малага. 34


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy consists of placing the patient in a chamber under a higher than normal air pressure so that they can breathe 100 per cent pure oxygen Under these conditions, the oxygen has a therapeutic effect and is especially recommended for reducing inflammation and oedema, relieving the effects of radiotherapy treatments, accelerating recovery from neurological damage, stimulating collagen, encouraging the healing of difficult injuries and diabetic foot problems avoiding amputation, improving recovery from sports injuries and chronic tiredness, it controls infections inhibiting anaerobic bacteria, it boosts the effect of some antibiotics, it increases cell reproduction, it reverses hypoxic condiction and it mobilizes stem cells from bone marrow. In fact, the oxygen circulating through the blood at a higher concentration than usual provides a general improvement to the organism. The hyperbaric chamber at the Hyperbaric Medical Centre is made of a completely transparent material. It is for one person, it is hygienic, comfortable to use and is unique in Malaga province.




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Health & Beauty


Traditional fish and chips are high in unhealthy saturated fat (Heart Foundation)

As a consequence of the development of trawl fishing during the second half of the 19th century, fish and chips became the standard meal among the working classes giving origin to the modern fish-and-chips shops throughout the UK (the “chippy” Eng. slang). Even during WW2 fish and chips was one of the few foods not subject to rationing. I still remember my teens when I looked forward to my fish and chips wrapped in newspaper after the pictures with friends every Saturday night. Unfortunately there would seem to be a price to pay even for the simplest of pleasures. On the 11th June 2015, the Daily Express published an article entitled “Danger in weekly fish and chips”. The article states that, according to research, eating fried fish and chips just once a week is a serious threat to health because it was revealed that frying fish in fat increases the risk of heart failure by almost 50 per cent. . On the 16th June 2015, The Mail Online published a similar article stating that: “One portion of fish and chips a week could increase your risk of heart attack by 50%” following a study that analysed the diet of 84,493 women aged between 50 and 79 over eight years. Similar articles have appeared in other dailies including the Telegraph. I like my fish and chips but I do not think I will tempt fate. On the other hand investigating health experts also found that when fish is baked or grilled it can lead to a 30 per cent reduction in the chances of suffering heart failure. In conclusion I will now make the most of the Mediterranean Sea that provides a great variety of savoury fish that can be grilled or baked or even barbecued but not fried. 36


Fish and Chips? Perhaps once a month?


Sport Accidents and Damages We have a right to claim compensation for damages caused by a sport By Angel Monedero When damages are suffered while practicing a sport, during a sport competition or a sport event, we have the right to seek compensation whether we are professional athletes or amateurs, referees or events co-operator, a spectator or simply a passer-by. The risk which may arise from this type of activity or sport events makes the organisers guarantors for the safety of all the which must be controlled by limiting them strictly to sports.

Most of the enquiries I receive relate to prevention, though this is not always the case: •

• • •

What type of risk does each participant have in a competition? Are they the same risks whether there is physical contact or not? What type of precautions should we demand when practising a sport? What if it is a fighting sport? And if it is only an exhibition? What risks should an athlete NOT accept responsibility for when practising a high-risk sport? Why do we say that in a high-risk bilateral sport there is a reciprocal acceptance of responsibility? Why do we say that in a high-risk bilateral sport there is a narrowing of the negligence concept? What risks does an athlete take when practising a high-risk sport? Is the ball boy taking a risk at a tennis match? Is the referee taking a risk at a football match? Is the person who is not involved in the

sport activity (known as the passer-by victim) taking a risk? What level of precautions is required from the instructors and sports monitors? Who is responsible for a deficiency in the sports facilities? Who should take responsibility for disorders caused by the lack of diligence or prevention which occur in a sports stadium? Is the spectator at risk in the event of a sports avalanche? Is the spectator at risk of suffering damages caused by violence from another spectator? Are spectators at risk from the instruments used by athletes (balls, racquets, discs) or, even, by the athletes themselves (shoving)?

In the event of claiming for damages caused by an accident and, especially, to guarantee the feasibility, it is necessary to act quickly and to take the correct measures. For that reason, we recommend that our clients follow some basic, preparatory rules that, undoubtedly, should be guided and supervised by an expert in the field:

• • •

Collection of evidence Communication of the accident Reliable Advice FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT

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If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, “You know, I was a fool when I married you.” And the husband replied, “Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice it.” A couple came upon a wishing well. The wife leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The husband decided to make a wish, too but he leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The wife was stunned for a moment but then smiled, “It really works!” A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, “I just dreamt that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s Day. What do you think it means?” “You shall know tonight”, he said. That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it. She found a book entitled “The Meaning of Dreams”. Four-year-old Sam loved candy almost as much as his mom Sally did. He and Daddy had given her a beautiful heartshaped box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. A few days later Sam was eyeing it, wishing to have a piece of it. As he reached out to touch one of the big pieces, Sally said to him, “If you touch it, then you have to eat it. Do you understand?” “Oh, yes,” he said, nodding his head. Suddenly his little hand patted the tops of all the pieces of candy. “Now I can eat them all.” My high-school English teacher was well known for being a fair, but hard, grader. One day I received a B minus on a theme paper. In hopes of bettering my grade and in the spirit of the valentine season, I sent her an extravagant heartshaped box of chocolates with the pre-printed inscription: “BE MINE.” The following day, I received in return a valentine from the teacher. It read: “Thank you, but it’s still BE MINE-US.”





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Health & Beauty

Egg shells are a natural source of minerals

They contain 90% of calcium. By Sonia Fendley Director of STM Nummos Life S.L. Calcium is easily absorbed by our body, since its chemical composition is almost identical to human teeth and bones. If consumed in large quantities, calcium prevents the development of osteoporosis, encourages the bone marrow to produce cells and helps fight high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. After reading this you may no longer throw away your egg shells. Egg shells also contain iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum. Therefore, many experts recommend eggshells as an effective calcium and minerals supplement It is recommended to consume 1.5 to 3 grams of ground egg shell per day. The following are some ideas on how to use the shell egg:

TO STRENGTHEN THE BODY AND CLEANSE THE BLOOD: Wash 5 egg shells, blend well and place in 3 litres of water. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator for 7 days prior to using as drinking water. Drink two or three cups of this mixture a day, you can add lemon juice if desired. THYROID AND GLANDULAR PROBLEMS: Take 8 shells, wash and blend to a fine powder. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons and place on top of crushed egg shells and leave in the refrigerator for several days. Strain the liquid and mix with 1 litre of Rakia and 1 kg of honey. Store the mixture for 7 days before using it. Take a teaspoon of two up to four times a day after meals. GASTRIC AND ULCER TROUBLE : Crush a few washed egg shells, mix a Âź teaspoon with two tablespoons of lemon juice. When the shell get softened add a deciliter of warm milk. Consume this mixture twice a day on an empty stomach.



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prickly pair

Trust me! I know my job (not)! As somebody who has always done the job that I actually trained for since childhood, and very well may I add, I always knew who I am and what I do; I have never pretended to be somebody else. However, living here on the Costa del Sol, I can see how tempting and how easy it can be to be someone else. With a bit of P.R., a lot of charity dos attendances and quite a lot of bullshit I could have been a descendant from German aristocracy, my ancestors were Jews, and I could very easily become Prickly von Cohen. But there is a trick in reinventing yourself in the first place and this is that you must inject just a tiny amount of truth, hopefully something that appears reasonable but that cannot be easily checked. Living on the Costa for that number of years, 46


I have seen some incredible transformations; from some rich business man’s humble bit on the side mistresses to company directors of all types of businesses, normally something of which they know nothing about, yet suddenly they seem to have studied and trained for it since childhood. Businesses that are set up with payoffs from said rich men when they were replaced by younger models or when they decided to stay with the smarter wife, as mistress was the cheaper option (no kids). Common sense should also tell these transformers, as I call them, that if they used one organ on their bodies to get where they

are, there’s no point now trying to use another organ (the brain) to suddenly become the female version of Stephen Hawkins.

Some typical examples of transformations are: •

Wall painters suddenly transforming into interior designers.

Opticians transforming into eye fashion experts.

Women, who shopped a lot, suddenly become fashion designers just because they get a photographer, a hotel and some friends to some get together. Go on impress me! Get Kate Moss, Claudia Schaeffer or even Naomi Campbell! Not!

The sad computer nerds changing into graphic designers.

The cooks to Chefs.

Some are selling second hand dresses and calling them vintage Haûte Couture.

Others making cheap rubbish jewellery and pretending to be the Coast’s answer to Cartier.

P.R. and promotion experts thinking that getting a load of half dressed wannabe models, dressed as Rio Carnival dancers

for local beach bars means putting them in the same bracket as Saatchi & Saatchi. •

Others who started by clipping cheap photocopies together and reporting what’s going on locally (usually dogs shows) and boring dinner dances for old people at golf courses in aid of dogs, suddenly become Rupert Murdock.

Doctors of cosmetic surgery suddenly are harmonising art and science when I thought they just sucked out as much fat as possible or cut bits out. Well may be I am just old fashioned or not stupid or gullible.

Somebody who can use an old fashioned camera becomes a society photographer magically up there with David Bailey. Show me your photos of real stars love, not other transformers at beach bars in the summer. Even I can do that!

Still next time I see you out and about and give you that knowing wink, you’ll know I have transformed momentarily into being discreet as usual. Till next month the Prickly Pair (international journalist, author, professional people watcher, artist and charity attendee).



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Dr. Anders Friman

Doctor of Dental Surgery UMEĂ… University Sweden




DENTISTS When Quality Matters

GALERIAS PANIAGUA Sotogrande 956 795 273

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