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Spring is in the air, and just like the season, Web Express Guide is in full bloom! As we step into March, we are excited to embrace the vibrant energy of the Costa del Sol and continue doing what we do best connecting our readers with the finest local businesses from Gibraltar and San Roque to Marbella.

For years, Web Express Guide has been more than just a directory of ads we’re your go-to guide for everything that makes life here extraordinary. From cars and insurance to restaurants, dentists, and casinos, we connect you with trusted local services.

¡La primavera está en el aire y, al igual que la estación, Web Express Guide está en pleno esplendor! Al adentrarnos en marzo, nos entusiasma abrazar la vibrante energía de la Costa del Sol y seguir haciendo lo que mejor sabemos hacer: conectar a nuestros lectores con los mejores negocios locales, desde Gibraltar y San Roque hasta Marbella.

WebExpressGuide @webexpressguide


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But we offer more than just recommendations! Our magazine also explores Spanish cuisine, customs, and culture, helping you embrace the traditions that make this region unique from gastronomic delights to local festivals and heritage.

In addition, we keep you informed and inspired with the best of culture, food, what’s on, art, and golf With every edition, we strive to bring you the essence of this beautiful region, ensuring you never miss out on the experiences that make living here so special

Desde hace años, Web Express Guide es mucho más que un directorio impreso de anuncios. Nos enorgullece ser tu guía rápida de referencia para todo lo que hace que la vida aquí sea extraordinaria. Ya sea que busques servicios de confianza en coches, seguros, impuestos, peluquerías, restaurantes, dentistas, casinos o cualquier otra necesidad para disfrutar del estilo de vida local, estamos aquí para ayudarte

Además, nuestra revista te acerca a la gastronomía, costumbres y cultura españolas, ayudándote a conocer y disfrutar las tradiciones que hacen única esta región Desde delicias culinarias hasta fiestas locales y patrimonio, queremos acercarte al alma de España

También te mantenemos al día con lo mejor de la cultura, gastronomía, eventos, arte y golf, para que no te pierdas ninguna de las experiencias que hacen especial la vida aquí


In the heart of Sabinillas, a new and much-needed self-storage facility has opened its doors Trasteros Ya, founded byDanny FonfederandRicaLieberman, is set to revolutionise the way residents and businesses manage their storage needs. Conveniently located on Calle Jamaica, this modern facility offers a secure, accessible, and affordable solution to a common problem in the area lack of storage space.

The inspiration for Trasteros Ya came from Danny Fonfeder’s own experience upon moving to Sabinillas from Canada in December 2023. Renting a two-bedroom apartment, he quickly realised that space was at a premium. Unlike Canada, where apartments often include additional storage, properties in Spain make use of every square metre for living space This made it difficult to store personal belongings, especially given his annual travel plans back to Canada during the summer months. In search of a storage solution, Fonfeder found that existing options were limited to industrial areas several kilometres away, with access restricted to office hours. This was a stark contrast to the North American model, where self-storage facilities offer extended access and user-friendly services. Recognising a gap in the market, he and his business partner decided to create a storage facility that prioritises convenience, security, and accessibility

Trasteros Ya offers a range of benefits tailored to the needs of both individuals and businesses. With drive-in ground-floor parking, robust brick storage units, and 24-hour video surveillance, customers can store their belongings with confidence. The facility features keypad access from 07:00 to 23:00 daily, ensuring that stored items are always within easy reach Whether it’s for seasonal storage, excess inventory, or simply decluttering a home or office, Trasteros Ya provides a practical and flexible solution.

With its customer-focused approach and prime location, Trasteros Ya is poised to become the go-to self-storage solution for the Costa del Sol. The team invites everyone to visit, explore the facilities, and discover the convenience of secure and accessible storage right when it’s needed.





07:00 a 23:00 / SECURE KEYPAD

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Manilva San Roque


CanYouWriteOffYourPet Expenses?Here'sWhatYou NeedtoKnow

TheCostsofOwningaPetin Spain:WhatYouNeedtoKnow

With the tax season fast approaching, many people in Spain are reviewing their expenses to see what deductions they can claim in their annual tax return This year, a new potential deduction has been introduced: veterinary costs and pet insurance

This change comes as part of the Animal Welfare Law, which aims to rotect and promote animal well-being However, not all pet owners will benefit from this tax relief According to Spain’s Personal Income Tax Law (IRPF), these deductions are only available in specific cases


Veterinary expenses and pet insurance can only be deducted if the animal is directly linked to a self-employed person’s business activity This means that farmers who use animals like cows, horses, or oxen in agriculture, as well as owners of kennels, veterinary clinics, or livestock farms, can claim these expenses Business owners who use guard dogs for security purposes may also be eligible.

To qualify, the costs must be directly related to the taxpayer’s professional activity, and the owner must keep proper records of payments. These expenses must also be included in the quarterly VAT return Importantly, only the registered owner of the animal can claim the deduction

Additionally, the pet must be properly registered and have up-to-date documentation It is crucial to keep invoices for vaccinations, routine checkups, and any other veterinary costs as proof of expenditure

Unfortunately, if your pet isn’t directly tied to your work as an entrepreneur, expenses like routinevetvisits,vaccinations,andfood even with rising costs won’t be tax-deductible. While our pets are priceless, the IRS still sees them as personal expenses rather than businessones.

¿Puedes deducir los gastos de tu mascota? Esto es lo que necesitas saber.

Con la temporada de impuestos acercándose rápidamente, muchas personas en España están revisando sus gastos para ver qué deducciones pueden reclamar en su declaración de la renta anual.

Este año, se ha introducido una nueva posible deducción: los gastos veterinarios y el seguro para mascotas.

Este cambio forma parte de la Ley de Bienestar Animal, que busca proteger y promover el bienestar de los animales. Sin embargo, no todos los dueños de mascotas podrán beneficiarse de esta desgravación fiscal. Según la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF) en España, estas deducciones solo están disponibles en casos específicos.

Los gastos veterinarios y el seguro para mascotas solo pueden deducirse si el animal está directamente vinculado a la actividad empresarial de un trabajador autónomo. Esto significa que los agricultores que utilizan animales como vacas, caballos o bueyes en la agricultura, así como los propietarios de criaderos, clínicas veterinarias o granjas de ganado, pueden reclamar estos gastos. También pueden ser elegibles los empresarios que utilicen perros guardianes con fines de seguridad.

Para poder beneficiarse de la deducción, los gastos deben estar directamente relacionados con la actividad profesional del contribuyente, y el propietario debe mantener un registro adecuado de los pagos. Además, estos gastos deben incluirse en la declaración trimestral del IVA. Es importante destacar que solo el propietario registrado del animal puede solicitar la deducción.

Además, la mascota debe estar debidamente registrada y contar con la documentación actualizada. Es fundamental conservar las facturas de las vacunas, revisiones periódicas y cualquier otro gasto veterinario como prueba de los desembolsos.

Lamentablemente, si tu mascota no está directamente vinculada a tu actividad como autónomo, gastos como visitas rutinarias al veterinario, vacunas y alimentación, incluso con el aumento de precios, no serán deducibles en impuestos. Aunque nuestras mascotas no tienen precio, la Agencia Tributaria sigue considerando estos gastos como personales y no empresariales.

How to Volunteer, Donate, or Become a Member of AGYA

1. Volunteering

Becoming a volunteer with AGYA is a rewarding way to make a direct impact on the lives of cats in need. Here’s how individuals can get involved:

Step 1: Visit AGYA's website or contact them via email to express an interest in volunteering

Step 2: Complete a short volunteer application form with personal details and availability.

Step 3: Attend an orientation session where AGYA will guide new volunteers on how to get started

Step 4: Join the team and assist with tasks such as fostering, organising events, or managing cat colonies.

2 Donating

Generous donations help AGYA provide essential care for cats in need. Here’s how people can donate:

Step 1: Visit the donation page on AGYA’s website

Step 2: Choose the amount to donate and select a preferred payment method.

3. Becoming a Member

By becoming a member of AGYA, individuals will join a community committed to protecting and improving the lives of cats across Andalucía. Here’s how to become a member:

Step 1: Complete the membership form available on AGYA’s website

Step 2: Pay the annual membership fee, which helps fund ongoing projects.

Step 3: Enjoy exclusive benefits such as updates on AGYA's work, invitations to events, and the satisfaction of supporting a worthwhile cause

Together, people can make a real difference. Whether through volunteering, donations, or membership, AGYA relies on the support of individuals to continue their vital work. By getting involved, supporters help protect and care for the cats who need it most

What'sOn: Marbellato Gibraltar


Entertainment Starlite Occident Sessions

Catch world-class live music at Starlite Occident, the iconic boutique festival in Marbella Held in a stunning open-air auditorium set within a quarry, this event offers an intimate concert experience with top international artists Enjoy gourmet dining, VIP lounges, and an unforgettable ambiance under the stars. March’s lineup features a mix of pop, rock, and Latin music sensations. Be sure to book your tickets in advance, as this festival is known to sell out quickly!

San Pedro

Cultural Events Theatre Performances: The Teatro Antonio Gala in San Pedro has a lineup of winter-spring productions, offering a mix of classic and contemporary plays

Cycling and Hiking: Explore the scenic trails around San Pedro, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts


Festivals and Markets: Estepona’s weekly markets are perfect for exploring local crafts, fresh produce, and Andalusian delicacies.You can visit the Sunday Market which takes place in Estepona Port.

- Spring Blooms: March is a great time to visit Estepona’s Orchidarium, showcasing a stunning collection of orchids


Cultural Events: Casares often hosts art exhibitions and local craft fairs. Check out the Casa Natal de Blas Infante for any special exhibitions or workshops this month.

Outdoor Activities: March is perfect for hiking in the Sierra Crestellina Nature Reserve, with its blooming flora and mild weather.


The weekly markets in Sabinillas are a great spot to explore local crafts and produce You can visit the local out door market on the paseo maritimo every Friday from early morning until about 14:00


Polo Matches: The polo season kicks off in March, with matches held at the Santa María Polo Club It's a fantastic experience for sports enthusiasts

Golf Events: Sotogrande's renowned golf courses often host tournaments in March. Check with local clubs for schedules.

Art: White Square Art Gallery in Plaza Blanca Sotogrande will also be hosting an Abstract Art Exhibition, showcasing international artists, until the end of March. Would you like me to focus on any specific type of event or activity? Let me know!

San Roque

Carnival Festivities: From March 1st to 9th, San Roque celebrates its Carnival with parades, costume contests, and live music across various neighborhoods.


Drama Festival: The 68th Gibraltar International Drama Festival runs from March 25th to 29th, showcasing local and international talent

The opening of the Abstract Art Exhibition was a total success, with a fantastic turnout and an enthusiastic response from visitors. Guests had the opportunity to admire an impressive collection of contemporary abstract pieces, showcasing bold colours, unique textures, and thought-provoking compositions from local international artists

If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, there’s still time! The exhibition will remain open until the end of March, offering art lovers the opportunity to explore and appreciate these incredible works Don’t miss out on this inspiring showcase of creativity!

La inauguración de la Exposición de Arte Abstracto fue un éxito total, con una gran asistencia y una respuesta entusiasta por parte de los visitantes Los asistentes tuvieron la oportunidad de admirar una impresionante colección de obras abstractas contemporáneas, que destacan por sus colores vibrantes, texturas únicas y composiciones impactantes de artistas locales e internacionales ¡Si aún no has tenido la oportunidad de verla, todavía estás a tiempo! La exposición permanecerá abierta hasta finales de marzo, brindando a los amantes del arte la posibilidad de explorar y apreciar estas increíbles obras ¡No te pierdas esta inspiradora muestra de creatividad!

Gill Welland will be exhibiting her work at the prestigious International Art Fair at Dockside Vaults, London, from March 13th to 25th, hosted by Art Space Fairs an incredible honour that highlights her growing presence in the contemporary art world.

Gill’s art is inspired by figurative art, street art, portraiture, and abstract expression, Gill’s work evolves with each piece. Bold brushstrokes, vibrant colours, and rich textures define her distinctive style, often incorporating mixed media and digital techniques. Through her portraits, she captures profound moments, telling stories through unspoken expressions.

For those in Spain, her work can also be viewed during the Abstract Art Exhibition, which Gill is currently hosting at White Square Art Gallery in Plaza Blanca, Sotogrande until the end of March.

Featured Artists on Exhibition at White Square Art Gallery

Doreen Ingebrigtsen

Words from the Artist:

‘’Spring is almost upon us and I continue to enjoy painting and exhibiting a number of my whimsical abstract pieces for the delightful White Square gallery! Beyond this, I diligently work behind the scenes on my new 'big cat series', hoping to have this new group of paintings complete by July this year! Watch this space!”

You can also view Doreen’s new abstract art on exhibit at White Square Art Gallery until the end of March

John Hunter

John Hunter, the talent behind Venandi Art, is an abstract artist known for his unique and captivating style. Originally from the United Kingdom, John moved to Gibraltar in the 1980s, where he found the ideal setting to develop his artistic skills.

John is currently exhibiting at White Square Gallery in Sotogrande and from the 20th -25th of March, will be exhibiting in the Art Space, London Art showcase, at Ivory House, Dockside Vaults, Docks, London Send John a message if you plan to see him there!

@whitesquareartgallery @artspacefairs

Your Express Guide to local Your Express Guide to local Literature Literature



del Ateneo de

Algeciras perdió en 2021, a la edad de 99 años a uno de sus hijos predilectos y la Cultura del país a uno de sus más grandes creadores: cantaor flamenco, recuperador de cantes antiguos, compositor de más de 1.500 canciones, novelista, poeta, humorista, articulista y hasta filósofo, el legado de Florencio Ruiz Lara “Flores, el gaditano, Flores de Algeciras

o Florentino” no tiene parangón posible con nadie.

En el ámbito del flamenco fue un renovador valiente y osado y en el plano literario, desgraciadamente menos conocido, ha sido un hombre orquesta, que nos ha donado monumentales novelas de cortes muy distintos: western, novela social, novela religiosa, novela humorística y costumbrista, todas ellas cargadas de moralejas y consejos éticos y morales, nos ha legado grandioso, poemarios llenos de sentimiento y emoción, nos ha regalado libros misceláneos llenos de chistes, reflexiones, proverbios, anécdotas, dibujos, poemas y testimonios de su intensa vida, nos ha legado artículos periodísticos y semblanzas de los grandes de nuestro flamenco y copla, documentos inéditos en formato de libro que deberíamos recuperar y sobre todo nos ha dejado en herencia su capacidad enorme de trabajo, su forma de ser siempre humilde y generosa y su simpatía y buen humor de los que siempre hacía gala, incluso en los momentos difíciles que la vida te reporta.

Con prácticamente un siglo a sus espaldas (1921-2021) ha terminado la centuria de Flores. Ahora nace su leyenda Florencio Ruiz Lara destacó como autor polifacético: cantaor, humorista, poeta, novelista, compositor de un sinfín de canciones, inventor y recuperador de cantes como los fandangos del Corruco de Algeciras, Marchena, Palanca, Macandé y los fandangos de Facinas, los llamados de Juan Palillos, lo que valió estar antologado en la Magna Antología del Cante Flamenco de Blas Vega con honores y amplio reconocimiento Su desbordante creatividad y sus muchos años de dedicación a la Cultura le hacen atesorar un bagaje artístico, vivencial y cultural de proporciones descomunales

Entre sus obras literarias destacan sus novelas Un afeminado singular, El enviado de Jesucristo, El pueblo de los alcaldes, El medio queso o El otro Willy, o los poemarios Versos y ráfagas y Eterna oración, además de obras misceláneas como Revoltijo y Anecdotario de humor y expresiones reflexivas, en las que toca, como en el flamenco, todos los palos y todos los temas de candente actualidad Por todo ello fue merecedor del Premio Ateneo de Algeciras de la Cultura en 2010.

Juan Emilio Ríos


Ideals Beyond Politics


When discussing Andalusian identity, it is impossible to overlook the pivotal figure of Blas Infante. A lawyer, politician, writer, and above all, the father of Andalusia, Infante’s legacy remains deeply embedded in the collective memory of this region His advocacy for Andalusian rights and his unwavering commitment to regional autonomy make him a fundamental figure in both the history and the present of this vibrant community

Born on 5th July 1885 in Casares, Málaga, Blas Infante was raised in an environment rich in Andalusian traditions and folklore. From an early age, he exhibited a profound interest in the history and culture of his homeland, a passion that shaped his entire life A visionary thinker ahead of his time, Infante laid the foundation for the Andalusian nationalist movement and the pursuit of regional autonomy

One of his most significant contributions was his conceptualisation of Andalusia as a distinct political and cultural entity He firmly believed in the region’s unique identity, shaped by its own history, language, and traditions This vision was articulated in his influential work Ideal Andaluz, in which he advocated for autonomy and the recognition of Andalusia’s rights His proposal for a Statute of Autonomy served as the groundwork for the eventual establishment of the current statute, which was officially approved in 1981 Champion of Culture

Blas Infante was also a fervent advocate for Andalusian education and culture He understood that a strong sense of identity was nurtured through knowledge of one’s history and appreciation of one’s cultural heritage As a prolific writer, he authored numerous works addressing historical, cultural, and political themes He also founded the magazine Andalucía to disseminate his ideas and encourage intellectual discourse across the region

However, his impact extended beyond intellectual pursuits Infante was actively involved in the political sphere of his time, affiliating with the Reformist Party and the Republican Party. He played a crucial role in the proclamation of the Second Republic in Andalusia in 1931 and was elected as a deputy in the Andalusian Parliament. Throughout his career, he tirelessly worked to achieve self-governance for the region.

Tragically, the Spanish Civil War cut short his mission In 1936, Blas Infante was arrested and executed by Francoist forces, becoming one of the many victims of the oppressive dictatorship that ruled Spain for nearly four decades Despite his untimely death, Infante’s legacy endures in the collective consciousness of Andalusia and in the continued struggle for regional autonomy He is widely regarded as the father of Andalusia, the pioneer of a movement that has only gained momentum over time.



�� GettingThere

Benahavís,knownasthe"diningroom oftheCostadelSol,"isapicturesque mountainvillagejust45minutesfrom Manilva.Togetthere,taketheA-7 coastalhighwayeasttowardsSanPedro deAlcántara,thenturninlandontothe A-7175,whichwindsthroughlush valleysanddramaticgorgesbefore reachingBenahavís.Thedriveoffers breathtakingviewsofthesurrounding mountainsandtheGuadalminaRiver.

�� StrollingThroughtheVillage Startyourvisitwithaleisurelywalk throughBenahavís'oldtown,where narrow,whitewashedstreetsleadto charmingplazas.StopbyPlazade España,theheartofthevillage,and exploreartisanshopssellinglocalcrafts anddelicacies.

���� ACulinaryDelight

Foratasteofhome-cookedcomfortinalively atmosphere,headtoTheIrishManPubin Benahavís.Thisbelovedspotisrenownedfor itsSundayroast,aheartyfeastfeaturing succulentmeats,crispyroastpotatoes, Yorkshirepuddings,andrichhomemade gravy.Thewelcomingpubambiance, completewithfriendlystaffandagreat selectionofdrinks,makesittheperfectplace tounwindafteramorningofexploring. Whetheryou'recravingatraditionalroastor justlookingforacozysettingtoenjoyapint, TheIrishManPubisamust-visitforfood loversinBenahavís.

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Buying or Selling in Sotogrande or nearby?

Guidetounderstandingthe customsandtraditionsbehind SemanaSanta

Guide to Celebrating Semana Santa in the Costa del Sol

Semana Santa (Holy Week) is one of the most significant and breathtaking celebrations in Andalucía, particularly in the Costa del Sol. Known for its elaborate processions, deeprooted religious traditions, and incredible artistry, this weeklong event is a must-experience for visitors. Whether you’re drawn by the solemnity of the religious ceremonies or the sheer beauty of the processions, Semana Santa offers a glimpse into Spain’s rich cultural heritage.

Semana Santa has been celebrated in Andalucía for centuries, with its origins dating back to the Middle Ages. The tradition was formalized in the 16th century when the Catholic Church encouraged religious brotherhoods (cofradías or hermandades) to organize processions that depicted the Passion of Christ. Over time, these processions became grand spectacles, blending religious devotion with art, music, and community participation.

Andalucía, particularly cities like Málaga and Seville, is renowned for hosting some of the most visually stunning and emotionally moving processions in Spain. The Costa del Sol, with its vibrant mix of history, culture, and coastal charm, provides a unique setting for Semana Santa celebrations. What to Expect: Processions and Brotherhoods

During Semana Santa, towns and cities across the Costa del Sol are filled with daily processions featuring large, ornate floats (tronos in Málaga) carrying religious statues of Christ and the Virgin Mary. These floats are accompanied by penitents in traditional robes and pointed hoods (nazarenos), brass bands playing mournful or triumphant music, and crowds of onlookers.


Cofradías and Hermandades (Brotherhoods): Each procession is organized by a religious brotherhood, some of which date back hundreds of years. These groups are responsible for maintaining the statues and traditions, and they take great pride in their role.

• Tronos (Floats): Unlike the smaller “pasos” used in Seville, Málaga’s processions feature enormous “tronos” carried by dozens of costaleros (float bearers). These can weigh several tons and require precise coordination.

• Nazarenos (Penitents): Participants dressed in long robes and pointed hoods walk in the processions, symbolizing penitence. The hood is meant to maintain anonymity in their act of devotion.

• Saetas: These are spontaneous, deeply emotional flamenco-style songs performed from balconies or within the crowds. They add an intimate and powerful element to the experience.

• Scent of Incense and Wax: The air is often thick with the scent of burning incense and melting wax from the hundreds of candles carried in the processions, creating a sensory experience that heightens the solemn atmosphere.

A Celebration of Beauty, Devotion, and Tradition

Semana Santa in the Costa del Sol is not just a religious event—it’s a cultural masterpiece. The combination of stunning processions, haunting music, artistic craftsmanship, and heartfelt devotion makes this one of the most unforgettable experiences in Spain. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a returning admirer, witnessing Semana Santa in this region offers a profound and breathtaking glimpse into the soul of Andalucía.

Tips for Experiencing Semana Santa

• Arrive Early: Processions draw large crowds, so securing a good viewing spot is essential.

• Respect the Atmosphere: While Semana Santa is a spectacle, it is also a deeply religious event. Keep noise levels low, especially during solemn moments.

• Dress Appropriately: While there’s no strict dress code, wearing respectful attire is appreciated, especially if you plan to visit churches.

• Try Local Treats: Semana Santa comes with its own culinary traditions. Look for torrijas (similar to French toast) and pestiños (honey-coated pastries), which are popular seasonal treats.















•Location:RealClubdeGolfSotogrande, Sotogrande,Spain

•Description:TheCopaSotogrande,also knownastheEuropeanNationsCup,isa prestigiousannualamateurgolftournament. Establishedin1970,thiseventattractstop amateurplayersfromacrossEurope, competingbothindividuallyandinteams The tournamentisplayedover72holesofstroke play,withtheRealClubdeGolfSotogrande providingachallengingandpicturesque setting.




•Description:Description:AprominenteventontheLadiesEuropeanTour, showcasingtopfemalegolferscompetingonthechallengingFincaCortesín course


Location:RealClubValderrama, Sotogrande,Spain

Description:PartoftheEuropean Tour,thistournamentfeatures eliteprofessionalgolfers competingononeofEurope’s mostprestigiouscourses.


Location:RealClubValderrama, Sotogrande,Spain

Description:PartoftheEuropean Tour,thistournamentfeatures eliteprofessionalgolfers competingononeofEurope’s mostprestigiouscourses.



Location:MarbellaGolf&Country Club,Marbella,Spain

Description:Aspringtime tournamentofferinggolfersthe chancetoplayonasceniccourse designedbyRobertTrentJonesSr.






Towering over Estepona at 1,449 meters, Sierra Bermeja is a natural wonder that offers breathtaking views and unforgettable hiking experiences. One of the few mountains in the world that rises so dramatically near the sea just 10 km from the coast this stunning peak provides adventurers with a unique blend of coastal and mountain landscapes.

Getting There

Reaching Sierra Bermeja is easy and convenient From Estepona, take the road signposted Genalguacil (MA-8301) from the traffic lights on the Estepona inner bypass (Avda de Andalucia), near the Mercadona supermarket. In less than an hour, you can drive almost to the top, making it an accessible yet rewarding destination for hikers of all levels

Hiking Experience

The trails of Sierra Bermeja cater to various fitness levels, with options ranging from gentle walks to more challenging hikes. The most popular route leads to the Los Reales viewpoint, offering panoramic views of the Mediterranean, Gibraltar, and even the Moroccan coastline on clear days.

Trail Intensity: Moderate to challenging, depending on the chosen path. While some areas are steep, the well-marked trails make it a safe and enjoyable experience.

Scenic Highlights: The distinctive red peridotite rocks, unique to this region, create an otherworldly landscape. Along the way, you’ll encounter lush pine forests, endemic flora, and even the rare Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo), a relic from the Ice Age.


Continuing up the mountain road, near the top on the left, you will see Refugio de los Reales at 1,257m. Run by Domingo (Tel: +34 690 858 936), this rustic retreat offers drinks and snacks served by gaslight and candlelight on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. During the winter, a log fire provides a cozy atmosphere for visitors At night, hikers may seek refuge in the hut, though it is essential to bring a sleeping bag or warm blankets

Nearby, there is a recreational area with picnic tables and barbecue facilities, typically deserted but often bustling with local families on a fine winter Sunday. Note that outdoor BBQs are prohibited from June 1st to October 15th due to fire risk

The Final Ascent & Mirador Salvador Guerrero

The road ends at a small car park, from where you can continue on foot for a few hundred meters to reach the Mirador Salvador Guerrero. This spectacular viewpoint offers breathtaking vistas over Estepona and the entire coastline. On clear days, the view stretches for miles, while on cloudier days, you might experience the surreal sensation of looking down upon the swirling mist below

A Must-Visit for Nature Lovers

Whether you ’ re an experienced hiker or a casual nature enthusiast, Sierra Bermeja promises an unforgettable adventure. With its incredible vistas, diverse trails, and the welcoming atmosphere of El Refugio, this hidden gem of the Costa del Sol should be at the top of your outdoor activity list So, lace up your hiking boots and experience the beauty of Sierra Bermeja for yourself!

DID YOU KNOW... Spanish Residency


Didyouknowthatifyou’renotplanningto work in Spain, you can apply for a nonlucrative visa? You’ll need private health insurance and proof of sufficient funds (around€26,000annuallyforoneperson. www.exteriores.gob.es


Did you know Spain now offers a digital nomad visa? If you work remotely for a non-Spanishcompanyorasafreelancer with international clients, this could be your ticket to residency. www.exteriores.gob.es


Didyouknowyoucanapplyforresidency ifyouhaveclosefamilymembersalready living legally in Spain? This is a popular routeformanywww.exteriores.gob.es


Did you know that Spain’s healthcare system is one of the best in the world? Expats can access it through private insuranceorbycontributingtothepublic system. ServiciosAndalucia


Did you know that UK nationals living in SpainbeforeJanuary1,2021,canapplyfor a TIE card under the Withdrawal Agreement? This card secures your residencyrights. www.gov.uk


Did you know Spain’s Golden Visa program, which allowed residency through property investment, is being phasedoutbyApril2025?Alternativeslike the non-lucrative visa are now more relevant.www.exteriores.gob.es


Didyouknowthatincomethresholdsfor residency are higher post-Brexit? You’ll need to prove financial stability to meet thecriteria.www.exteriores.gob.es







PreparetheMilkMixture:Heatmilkwithsugar,cinnamonstick,andlemonpeel(optional)ina saucepan.Stiruntilsugardissolvesandsimmerforafewminutes.Removefromheatandletitcool slightly.

SlicetheBread:Cutday-oldbreadinto2-3cmthickslicesThebreadshouldbefirmandalittle stale

SoaktheBread:Dipeachsliceintothewarmmilkmixture,lettingitsoakforafewsecondswithout becomingtoosoggy

FrytheTorrijas:HeatoliveoilinafryingpanovermediumheatBeateggsinaseparatebowland dipthesoakedbreadslicesintotheeggsFryuntilgoldenbrownonbothsides(2-3minutesper side)

CoatwithSugarandCinnamon:PlacethefriedtorrijasonkitchenpapertoabsorbexcessoilCoat theminamixtureofsugarandcinnamonwhilestillwarm

Torrijas: A Tradition During Semana Santa

TorrijasareacherishedSpanishtradition, particularlyduringSemanaSanta(HolyWeek) Originally,theywereawaytouseupleftover breadduringfastingThebreadissoakedinmilk, eggs,andsugar,creatingasweettreatthathelped sustainpeopleduringthisreligiousperiodToday, torrijasareenjoyedfortheirdeliciousflavouras muchastheirculturalsignificance

ThoughmostcommoninAndalusia,torrijasare eatenthroughoutSpainwithslightregional variationsSomemaysoakthebreadinwineoruse honeyforextrasweetness.Regardlessofthe differences,torrijasremainacomfortingsymbolof springandSpanishtradition

Torrijas: Una Tradición Durante la Semana Santa

Lastorrijassonunatradiciónmuyapreciadaen España,especialmentedurantelaSemanaSanta Originalmente,sepreparabanparaaprovecharel pansobranteduranteelayunoElpanseempapaba enleche,huevosyazúcar,creandoundulceque ayudabaamanteneralaspersonasduranteeste períodoreligiosoHoyendía,lastorrijassedisfrutan tantoporsudeliciososaborcomoporsusignificado cultural

AunquesonmáscomunesenAndalucía,lastorrijas seconsumenentodaEspañaconligerasvariaciones regionalesAlgunasseempapanenvinooseles añademielparadarlesmásdulzuraApesardelas diferencias,lastorrijassiguensiendounsímbolo reconfortantedelaprimaveraydelatradición española

(Urb Casares Golf @sunsetrestaurantcasares 640 23 80 02

MarchistheperfecttimetoexploretherichculinaryheritageoftheCosta delSolandGibraltar.FromMarbellatoSanRoque,theregionoffersa delightfulmixoftraditionalAndalusiandishesandseasonalspecialties. Checkoutthenextpageonlocalcuisineandtipsonwhattoorder!

A Taste of Andalucia


Espetos de Sardinas: A classic beachside treat, these skewered sardines are grilled over an open flame. Perfect for enjoying with a sea view.

- Ajoblanco: This chilled almond and garlic soup is a refreshing starter, often served with grapes or melon.

- March Highlight: Visit the local markets for fresh seafood, including prawns and clams, which are in abundance this season.


Gambas al Pil Pil: Prawns cooked in sizzling garlic and chili-infused olive oil. A must-try dish at any local tapas bar.

Seasonal Produce: Estepona's markets are brimming with fresh oranges and avocados, perfect for a healthy snack or salad.

San Roque

Tortillitas de Camarones: Crispy shrimp fritters that are a staple of Andalusian cuisine.

March Highlight: Enjoy freshly caught fish at the port restaurants, where the day's catch is transformed into delicious dishes.


Calentita: A chickpea flour-based dish similar to Italian farinata, reflecting Gibraltar's unique blend of cultures.

March Highlight: Explore the fusion of British and Mediterranean flavors at local eateries.

Shoppingin Shoppingin

PuebloNuevo&Sotogrande: PuebloNuevo&Sotogrande:


When it comes to shopping in Pueblo Nuevo and Sotogrande, the area offers a unique blend of charming boutiques and high-end stores, catering to every taste and need One standout spot worth highlighting is Amaranto, located in Galerías Paniagua

Other Shopping Highlights

Amaranto: Your One-Stop Shop for Thoughtful Gifts and Elegant Home Décor

Nestled in the heart of Sotogrande, Amaranto is a delightful gift shop where creativity meets functionality The store specialises in personalised gifts, making it the perfect place to find unique treasures for your loved ones. Beyond gifts, Amaranto also offers a stunning selection of home décor items and organisation containers, perfect for adding both style and practicality to your living space

Whether you're looking for bespoke presents, elegant accents for your home, or clever solutions to organise with flair, Amaranto delivers it all with a personal touch The warm and inviting atmosphere of the shop makes browsing a joy, and you'll likely leave inspired by their beautifully curated displays

- Pueblo Nuevo Market: Explore the vibrant weekly market in Pueblo Nuevo for fresh local produce, artisan crafts, and handmade goods.

- Boutiques in Sotogrande Marina: Indulge in designer fashion, jewelry, and luxury items at the chic stores along the marina

With its mix of charm and sophistication, shopping in Pueblo Nuevo and Sotogrande is an experience not to be missed Be sure to pay a visit to Amaranto in Galerías Paniagua for a true taste of local shopping at its best.


Outdoor markets are a cherished part of Spanish culture and provide visitors with a vibrant and authentic shopping experience. From bustling weekly markets in quaint villages to expansive artisan fairs in cities, these markets offer an eclectic mix of goods Visitors can expect to find everything from fresh produce, regional delicacies, and handmade crafts to clothing, antiques, and unique souvenirs Many markets also boast food stalls serving traditional Spanish treats like churros, jamón ibérico, and an array of cheeses, allowing you to indulge in local flavours as you explore.

For those eager to make the most of their market visit, a few bargaining tips can prove valuable While food and some fixed-price items are typically non-negotiable, there is often room to haggle for goods such as jewellery, clothing, or decorative items. Approach the process with a warm smile and politeness, as Spanish vendors appreciate good humour and respect Start by suggesting a price slightly lower than what you’re prepared to pay and be ready to meet halfway. Should negotiations falter, walking away casually may encourage a vendor to offer a better deal. Whether you're hunting for treasures or simply soaking in the lively atmosphere, Spain's outdoor markets deliver an unforgettable slice of local life.





Sabinillas Friday Market: Takes place every Friday on Calle La Noria, offering fresh produce, clothing, and accessories.

-Sabinillas Sunday Market: this market runs every Sunday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, featuring antiques and handmade items It’s advised to find parking close to lidl and walk in.


Eco-Lilies Artisan Fayre: Held once or twice a month on Saturday mornings from 10:00-15:00 at Sunset Restaurant in Casares Golf.


Puerto Banús Saturday Market: Held every Saturday near the bullring, this market is perfect for antiques, clothing, and artisanal goods.

-Marbella Monday Market: Located at the fairground, this market runs every Monday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, offering a wide range of items including fresh produce clothing, and crafts.


Wednesday Street Market: Takes place every Wednesday on Avenida Juan Carlos I, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. It’s a great spot for fresh fruits, vegetables, and household items

- Estepona Marina Market: Held every Sunday at the marina from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, featuring jewelry, leather goods, and local crafts.

- Estepona Organic Market: Also on Sundays, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, at Plaza ABC on San Roque Street, offering fresh organic produce and artisanal goods.

Marbella Teatro

Your Express Guide to entertainment: in Marbella


1st International Piano Competition City of Málaga. Praised as a "beast at the keyboard" (The Utah Review), pianist Sergey Belyavsky has amazed audiences worldwide.

Saturday, 1st March, 20:00 - PIANO CONCERT


T"The Teacher" is a tribute to those who dare to be free, reminding us that freedom begins with trying

Domingo 2 de Marzo 18:00 h. - TEATRO FAMILIAR DE TÍTERES (A partir de 6 años)


Discover the Teatro Ciudad de Marbella like never before! Experience a guided theatrical tour where halls, stages, and dressing rooms reveal their secrets, legends, and stories Feel the magic of theatre from within!


Sílvia Pérez Cruz combines voice and guitar in raw, intimate solo performances.

Sábado 15 de Marzo 20:00 h - MÚSICA CONTEMPORÁNEA


Marta Buchaca's PLAYOFF for LaJoven is a tragicomedy exploring the role of women and women ' s sport in a society still marked by deeprooted sexism.

19 de Marzo 10:00 y 12:00 h. (A partir de 12 años)


Rigoletto has it all: stunning music, a powerful story, a rich orchestra, and complex characters

The plot is a violent melodrama, full of blood, fire, and surprising twists

Sábado 22 de Marzo 20:00 h. - OPERA

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Paul Knight reminds all his patients to call for an appointment at any of the clinics in Estepona or Gibraltar or send a message and he will reply as soon as he can.

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