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Presidential Connect
Robin O’Neal Smith Associate Editor As we move into February, a lot of focus is on presidents. The Omni Bedford Springs Resort is connected to at least 14 presidents dating back to our first president in 1794.
popular with people from all over the country traveling to Bedford, Pennsylvania, to drink and soak in the healing waters. George Washington journeyed to the springs to taste the waters before there was a hotel.
The Omni Bedford Springs Resort is located in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains in Bedford, Pennsylvania. The property offers stunning scenery and is within easy driving distance of several major cities, including Columbus, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
The Bedford Springs Hotel opened in 1806. Former Vice President Aaron Burr was one of the first guests.
This historic gem is practically in my backyard, only 35 miles from my home. My husband and I visited last year. The resort hosted our visit, but all opinions are my own.
Natural Mineral Springs
The resort is known for its natural mineral springs, which have been used for health and wellness purposes for centuries. The resort was founded in 1796 by Dr. John Anderson, who believed that the mineral springs had healing properties.
Presidential Connections The springs quickly became
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Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, visited Bedford Springs in August 1819 and stayed for several weeks. He suffered from rheumatism and enjoyed the spring baths.
The 15th President actually used the hotel as his Summer White House. Many important Other presidents who visited documents were signed on a Bedford Springs include: Sheraton desk. When Buchanan became President, the hotel James Polk, Zackery Taylor, felt the desk was not opulent Dwight D. Eisenhower, Andrew enough, so they wanted to Jackson, William Henry Harrireplace it with a larger, more son, John Tyler, James Garfield, impressive desk. But President William Taft, Ronald Reagan, Buchanan insisted they get his and George W. Bush. Sheraton desk back. The desk is still at the hotel for you to The President who visited the view, along with many other Bedford Springs most often was historical documents and memPresident James Buchanan. He orabilia. You can learn more started visiting when he was about the desk and other things a young lawyer and then ran of historical significance by election campaigns from the taking their guided history tour Bedford Springs Hotel. throughout the hotel.