Weld Connect | August 20222 A Message from our CEO 3 Industry News 5 Bruce Cannon Wins the IIW 2022 Thomas Medal 6 Membership Matters 7 2022 Welding Excellence Awards 8 2022 Member Survey Results Revealed 9 A Warm Welcome to Weld Australia’s Newest Team Member 11 ASME Section IX Three Day Course 12 Upcoming Events 13 Need Help with Burn Through Calculations? 14 Successful Certification Audits Right Across Australia 15 Weld Australia’s Exam Calendar 16 Upcoming Training Courses 17 IWI-B Training Course Held in Wollongong 18 Training First Forges New Career Paths for Women 19 Women Who Weld Programs with the QMI 20 Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology Expo 21 Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) 21 Fusion Welding Courses 22 IN THIS ISSUE 8 2022 ExcellenceWeldingAwards 2022 Member Survey Results Revealed9 WELD AUSTRALIA CONTACTS NATIONAL OFFICE PO Box 197, Macquarie Park BC NSW 1670 02 8748 0100 02 8748 0100 ENGINEERING Victor Blain, Engineering Team Manager 0409 823 991 TRAINING Guy Brooks, Training Manager 0488 743 322 MARKETING Disha Mistry, Graduate Marketing Assistant 0497 497 424 MEMBERSHIP David Choudry, Membership Manager 0417 878 104 QUALIFICATION & CERTIFICATION Deniz Yalniz, Qualification and Certification Team Manager 0487 487 170 NEW SOUTH WALES & NORTHERN TERRITORY Paolo Corronca, National Manager Engineering 0438 012 099 VICTORIA, TASMANIA & SOUTH AUSTRALIA Victor Blain, Engineering Team Manager 0409 823 991 QUEENSLAND Ross O’Bryan, Welding Engineer 0491 491 888 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mehdi Tajfar, Senior Welding Engineer 0417 044 370

Weld Connect | August 20223 This month, I headed down to Melbourne for a few days. My first port of call was HM Prison Langi Kal Kal. Situated on the Western Highway at Trawalla approximately 140 km west of Melbourne, Langi Kal Kal is an open camp, minimum security protection prison with all prisoners required to work during their stay unless they are over retirement age. As a pre-release prison, Langi Kal Kal specialises in getting prisoners ready for release through on-the job training and employment in a range of industries— including the welding industry. In 2022, Corrections Victoria expanded the VET Centre of Excellence model to deliver Fusion Welding to ISO 9606 certification standard to complement the Metal Fabrication industry at Langi Kal Kal prison. Federation University delivers the training program with the support of Weld Australia and on-site prison industry staff. As part of the program, augmented reality (AR) training was introduced to expand the welding skills of the prisoner learners to meet international standards. A welding workshop sits alongside the AR training room so that participants can work on projects to use and practice their welding skills in the physical as well as virtual Alongenvironments.withrepresentatives from member companies MaxiTrans, Keppel Prince and Hanlon Industries, we toured the prison facilities and spoke with several of the prisoners who are participating in the program. While there, I also met with the team at Federation University to discuss the progress of the MEM 2.0 Welder Learning Resources. Weld Australia is working with TAFEs across the country through the National TAFE Consortium to create a set of resources mapped to the national MEM training package, so that learning resources for trade students are consistent across the country. This will help ensure consistent training, regardless of where in the country students undertake that training. The new resources are completely online and accessible via phone, mobile device or computer. This will allow students to access learning at the time, place and pace that suits them best. I then travelled to Perth where I met with several government representatives, including the Western Australia Minister for Energy, Bill Johnston. We had a very productive discussion around the manufacture of wind towers in Australia, focused particularly on the need for mandates around adherence to Australian Standards and local content. This was followed by a meeting with the Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development. On the agenda for this meeting were the opportunities available in microskilling and the reskilling of workers leaving the mining industry to take up roles as welders.
While in Western Australia, I had the opportunity to meet with several of the major players in the defence industry, including Civmec, Austal and ASC. I also toured the facilities of Fremantle Steel and Hofmann Last,Engineeringbutby no means least, I attended the Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology Expo at Curtin University in Perth. EMICoL and Innovation Central Perth hosted the event, which was attended by industry, academics and students. We had our Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators on-hand, which proved popular with the Earliercrowds.thismonth, I also had the opportunity to attend my first two AS/NZS ISO 3834 audits. Having recently qualified as an International Welding Engineer (IWE), I went along with Ross O’Bryan (Engineering Team Manager – East, Weld Australia) to NWEC and SiloDev. For further information, see the article on page 15

BRUCE CANNON WINS THE IIW 2022 THOMAS MEDAL On behalf of the Weld Australia team and Board, I would like to congratulate Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) on winning the International Institute of Welding (IIW) 2022 Thomas Medal. Bruce was presented with the award at the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) in Tokyo. Established in 1997, the Thomas Medal is awarded to an individual who has been involved in IIW and ISO international standards activities for over 10 years, and is recognised by their peers as having actively promoted international welding standardisation. It requires the presentation of a lecture that illustrates the incorporation of global studies in the standardisation of welding technology. David Lake (Chair, Weld Australia), Doug Hawkes (Managing Director, Structural Integrity Engineering) and Bruce Cannon all attended the IIW Annual Assembly and found it thoroughly informative. For further information, see the article on page 6
Weld Connect | August 20224 2022 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS We recently released the results of our 2022 Member Survey. The results demonstrate that significant concerns remain for Australia’s welding Inindustry.particular, fabricators are being forced to turn down work due to a severe shortage of skilled welders. Distributed in June 2022 and completed by approximately 140 companies, our survey indicates that skills shortages, local content and sustainability remain high on the agenda for the welding industry. The results have already been picked up by several major industry publications, as well as talkback radio. I’d like to thank all members for taking the time to complete the survey—your efforts are much appreciated. For further information, see the article on page 9
NON-ACCREDITED COURSES Introduction to Welding (24 Hours) Hobbyist Course (8 hours) ACCREDITED COURSES Cert 3 in Engineering – Fabrication Trade (MEM30305/30319) Construction Induction White Card (CPCCWHS1001) AS1796 Pressure Tickets 1-9 Short MEM05012Courses–Perform Manual Metal Arc Welding (100 hours) MEM05017 – Weld Using Gas Metal Arc Welding (100 hours) MEM05047 – Weld Using Flux Core Arc Welding (100 hours) MEM05019 – Weld Using Gas Tungsten Gas Arc Welding (100 hours) CONTACT US 69 Melbourne Road, Riverstone, NSW 2765 Phone: (02) 9627 6237 Email: CAREER IN METAL FABRICATION & WELDING? WHY US? • Practical Training: Our school boasts 13 training bays with the latest high-tech welding machines and fume extraction units • Theoretical Training: Our classrooms have been designed to create a friendly interactive environment for learning • Virtual Reality / Real-Weld Training: We have acquired some of the most modern and up-to-date visual reality machines, to enhance our students learning. WHITEONLINECARDTRAINING SafeWork NSW accredited for general construction induction (White Card) training. BOOK NOW!
WELDING EXCELLENCE AWARDS Weld Australia’s Excellence Awards are one of the most prestigious events on the welding industry calendar. The Awards embody and promote the highest standards of craftsmanship, quality and professionalism. The 2022 Welding Excellence Awards are a fantastic opportunity for welders, fabricators and educators across Australia to showcase their people and their operations. Winners will be awarded in each state for several award categories The awards will then be presented at events held across the country in November 2022. Award entries close on 1 October 2022. I encourage all members to review the categories, and get your entries in over the next couple of months. For further details, see the article on page 8. Geoff Crittenden CEO, Weld Australia

The new Labor government’s first piece of legislation introduced to Parliament establishes a new statutory body aiming to address the skills crisis. Skills and Training Minister, Brendan O’Connor introduced a bill in late July establishing Jobs and Skills Australia as a statutory body sitting within the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. The body will replace the National Skills Commissioner, with accompanying legislation introduced to scrap this body, which was launched in mid-2020 by the former Coalition government.
“The Albanese government has wasted no time and introducing Jobs and Skills Australia will make a real difference. It is a step towards addressing the nation’s skills crisis, contributing to productivity improvements, economic growth and creating more secure and better employment opportunities for Australian workers,” O’Connor said in Parliament. The new body will provide independent advice to the relevant Minister or Department secretary on a range of current and emerging labour market and workforce skills and training issues in order to improve employment opportunities for individuals and help drive economic growth. It will also lead research and analysis, undertake forecasting and liaise with state governments.
K-TIG MOVES TOWARDS FABRICATION OF NUCLEAR WASTE VESSELS K-TIG is expanding its horizons in the nuclear waste disposal sector, moving to take over fabrication of the critical vessels in the United Kingdom and the European Union. K-TIG has signed a MoU with nuclear engineering firm Darchem Engineering to novate a contract for producing three cubic metre intermediate level waste (ILW) nuclear storage containers. Novation would involve the extinguishment of the contract with Darchem with the intention that K-TIG seek partners or develops the fabrication facilities itself to produce the containers in return for paying Darchem a royalty for each container it produces. K-TIG has a partnership with the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (NAMRC) for the purpose of optimising the design and manufacturing process for ILW nuclear waste storage containers utilising K-TIG’s rapid welding technologies. A key part of the partnership involves the development of QC and QA technologies utilising acoustic arc, ultrasonic and visual inspection to minimise welding defects and reduce rework.
Weld Connect | August 20225

An Exceptional Contribution to Australian and International Welding Standards Bruce Cannon has made an exceptional contribution to the Australian welding industry over the last 40 years. He has personally helped to ensure that welding quality standards are paramount, improving safety both for welders, as well as members of the general public. Since 2004, he has been instrumental in the direct adoption of more than ten ISO standards. His involvement with ISO commenced in 2001 as Chair of Australian/New Zealand standards committee WD-003 Welding of steel structures. He has also been the Australian representative for several other Australian/New Zealand Standards Committees, including Terms and Definitions (WD-001), Health and Safety (WD-004), Weld Testing (WD-006) and Steel Structures (BD-001). In these voluntary positions, Bruce has liaised with Pacific Rim countries, reviewed countless standards and other documentation, advising Standards Australia accordingly. In particular, Bruce’s review of ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders – Fusion welding led to much of it being adopted in Australia in 2004 and New Zealand in 2007.
groupWeldingbeforeintechnicalmetallographytesting,andmarketinghisearlyyearsmovingtotheDevelopmentin1985.Herapidly gained experience in testing of steels, weldability testing, electroslag roll reclamation, weldability of quenched and tempered steels, quality management and auditing, and technical advice to Incustomers.1993,Bruce was seconded to Weld Australia as a Welding Engineer where he remained until June 1995. Bruce returned to BHP following his secondment, where he focused on the fields of delayed hydrogen cracking, special testing of steels, weld repair, stud welding, welding of coated steels, weldability of quenched and tempered steels, and in-service welding of linepipes. In 2003, Bruce was awarded an International Welding Engineer (IWE) certification. In the following decade, Bruce supported BlueScope facilities and their customers both locally and internationally, working in additional areas such as resistance seam welding, flash butt welding, welding monitoring systems, and weathering steels. Bruce retired from BlueScope in November 2015, and joined Weld Australia in February 2016.
L to R: Doug Hawkes, Bruce Cannon and David Lake (Chair, Weld Australia). The winners of the 2022 IIW Awards. Third from the left: Bruce Cannon.
Bruce Cannon is presented with the Thomas Medal in Tokyo by Dr Rick Polanin, President of AWS
Weld Connect | August 20226 BRUCE CANNON WINS THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING 2022 THOMAS MEDAL Weld Australia would like to congratulate Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) on winning the International Institute of Welding (IIW) 2022 Thomas Medal. Bruce was presented with the award at the Opening Ceremony of the 75th IIW Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) in Tokyo. Established in 1997, the Thomas Medal is awarded to an individual who has been involved in IIW and ISO international standards activities for over 10 years, and is recognised by their peers as having actively promoted international welding standardisation. It requires the presentation of a lecture that illustrates the incorporation of global studies in the standardisation of welding technology.
Bruce BiographyCannon’s Bruce completed his degree in Applied Science (Metallurgy) in 1976, graduating from what is now Federation University at Ballarat in Victoria. His first graduate role was with the former AI&S at Port Kembla which later became BHP, BHP Steel and BlueScope.nowHe gained experience in mechanical

Weld Connect | August 20227 Weld Australia would like to welcome the following new members who have joined over the last month. CORPORATE MEMBERS • Temmco Group • BO TSING TECH • SGA Engineering • ACL Industrial Technology INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS • Brock Reed • Jarrad Brayford • Jose Castillo • Mehdi Fillabi • Nelson Bamberg Conrado Junior • Mashala Mambamvu Cloud kumba • Jagdeep Singh • Luis Quinteros • Steven Hingst • Steve Mitchell Questions? Queries? Wondering how Weld Australia can help support your business, staff or career progression? Contact David Choudry (Membership Manager, Weld Australia) on It is not too late to join Weld Australia and take up the benefits we have to offer which will benefit both your company and all employees. Please ask us about our August membership campaign so that we can fast track your membership today. For further information, simply email Upcoming Events We are running a number of webinars and face-to-face events over the next few months. These events are a great opportunity to learn and share your knowledge with your colleagues. They’re also the perfect opportunity to network and grow your professional Tocircle.receive all the details about our upcoming events, please make sure that your membership details are up-to-date. You can update your details by logging into the Member Portal or emailing us via membership@ keep in contact with our State Committee Chairs. You can provide ideas, support, and suggestions for events to give you and your business exposure. Weld Australia can assist you for more information. 2022 Welding Excellence Awards We have been communicating via email, social media, and newsletters about our upcoming 2022 Welding Excellence Awards. These state-based awards and events will recognise excellence throughout the industry. Please refer to the article on the next page for further Beinformation.suretobook your tickets soon to avoid disappointment. The ticket price of just $35 per person includes a two-course meal and drinks. Click on the relevant link below to book your tickets: • Perth: 14 November at Bells Functions • Adelaide: 17 November at the Terrace Hotel • Brisbane: 24 November at Victoria Park Golf Course • Sydney: 29 November at Strathfield Golf Club • Melbourne: 1 December at Box Hill Golf Club

Weld Connect | August 20228 Winners will be awarded in each state for each of the award categories below. Award entries close on 1 October 2022. The Award Categories are outlined below. Company of the Year The Company of the Year Award recognises superior performance across a comprehensive range of business metrics. There are three sub-categories: • Company of the Year – Fabrication Award Criteria | Enter Now • Company of the Year – Gas & Gear Award Criteria | Enter Now • Indigenous Company of the Year Award Criteria | Enter Now Welding Professional of the Year This Award recognises professionals who are making a valuable contribution to the welding industry. There are three sub-categories: • Welding Professional of the Year – Welding Coordinator Award Criteria | Enter Now • Welding Professional of the Year – Welding Supervisor Award Criteria | Enter Now • Welding Professional of the Year – Welding Inspector Award Criteria | Enter Now Project of the Year Award Criteria | Enter Now The Project of the Year Award recognises excellence in welding and fabrication projects, with a focus on exceptional craftsmanship, a commitment to Standards, environmental sustainability and innovation. Young Trades Person of the Year Award Criteria | Enter Now This Award recognises people under the age of 25 who are Weld Australia’s Excellence Awards are one of the most prestigious events on the welding industry calendar. The Awards embody and promote the highest standards of craftsmanship, quality and professionalism. WITH THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS AWARD CEREMONIES - REGISTER NOW The awards will be presented at events held across the country in November 2022. The ticket price of just $35 per person includes a two-course meal and drinks. Register now: • Perth: 14 November at Bells Functions • Adelaide: 17 November at the Terrace Hotel • Brisbane: 24 November at Victoria Park Golf Course • Sydney: 29 November at Strathfield Golf Club • Melbourne: 1 December at Box Hill Golf Club making a valuable contribution to the Australian welding and fabrication industry. Young Indigenous Trades Person of the Year Award Criteria | Enter Now This Award recognises indigenous trades people under the age of 25 who are making a valuable contribution to the Australian welding and fabrication industry. Training and Education Award – Organisation Award Criteria | Enter Now The Training and Education Award recognises the outstanding achievements of a STEM or VET provider or program. Training and Education Award – Individual Teacher Award Criteria | Enter Now This Award recognises and the outstanding achievements of a STEM or VET teacher at TAFEs, independent RTOs and private companies.

Over As a business owner, or senior manager, which issue are you most concerned about? Lack of 63.6%labourskilled supplyinternationalWeakchains9.1% Reliability & affordability of power4.5%supply Inflation & rising 22.7%costs How many months ahead does your pipeline of work extend? Less than 1 9.1%month 1 4.5%month 2 22.7%months 3 months4.5% 4 months9.1% 6 Over22.7%months6months27.3%
AUSSIE FABRICATORS ARE TURNING DOWN WORK DUE TO SKILL SHORTAGES Weld Australia has released the results of its 2022 Member Survey. The results demonstrate that significant concerns remain for Australia’s welding industry. In particular, Australia’s fabricators are being forced to turn down work due to a severe shortage of skilled welders. According to Geoff Crittenden (CEO, Weld Australia), “Distributed in June 2022 and completed by approximately 140 companies, our 2022 Member Survey indicates that skills shortages, local content and sustainability remain high on the agenda for the welding industry.”
It is little wonder that almost half (47%) of survey respondents have a pipeline of work that extends for six months or longer—this protracted pipeline is necessary in the face of these ongoing skills shortages. By way of context, this is a marked increase on Weld Australia’s 2020 member survey results. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the most common answers were a pipeline of work that extended less than one month (at 28%), one month (19%), and two months (16%). Given the concern over Australia’s looming skills crisis, it makes sense that 95% of respondents support the concept of free TAFE, increased funding to upgrade TAFE facilities, or both initiatives. Clearly, the welding industry is looking to the government to help increase the supply of skilled labour over the coming years. Industry is also investing in advanced welding technology to help overcome skills shortages.
“When asked what they are most concerned about, 64% of senior managers cited lack of skilled staff in an extremely constrained recruitment market. This comes as little surprise, with Australia facing a looming shortage of skilled welders—70,000 additional welders will be needed by the end of the decade.”
Weld Connect | August 20229
“With a considerable volume of work being onshored in the wake of international supply chain disruptions, most Australian fabrication companies are so strapped for skilled welders that they are working at anywhere between 30% and 50% of their full capacity. They are being forced to turn down jobs because they simply don’t have the manpower to complete the work. This is having a major impact on production and causing delays throughout downstream industries including building and construction, mining, oil and gas, and manufacturing,” said Crittenden.

Has your
Weld Connect | August 202210 28% of respondents indicated that their company or the company they work for has purchased robots or cobots, and 25% has invested in Industry 4.0 capabilities. A range of other types of technology were also mentioned, from drones and automated welders, through to various software solutions. Despite the skills shortages, local procurement and content targets remain top of mind for the welding industry. 100% of respondents confirmed that they would support Federal and State Government policies to increase Australia’s share of fabricated steel product to at least 75% as part of a joint governmentindustry plan to grow the manufacturing industry.
or the business you
invested in advanced
Inflation and rising costs were also of concern for approximately 23% of respondents, followed by weak international supply chains (9%) and reliability and affordability of power supply (4%).
Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Australia is rapidly moving from carbon fuelled power generation to a renewable energy system. In June 2022, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced more ambitious climate targets. Albanese pledged to cut carbon emissions by 43% from 2005 levels by 2030, up from the previous government’s target of
“Importantly, whether it is imported or locally manufactured, all fabricated steel erected in Australia must comply with Australian Standards. Weld Australia is committed to ensuring that no Australian lives are lost through an accident caused by noncompliant welding, without causing undue regulatory burden on industry. We firmly believe in quality welding for structural safety,” said Crittenden.
between 26% and 28%. Given these targets, private companies will play a key role, making sustainability a priority for many businesses. As such, our 2022 member survey asked a series of environmental sustainability focused questions. Welders are environmentally responsible. 30% of respondents support the target of zero emissions before 2050; 20% prefer cutting emissions by 35% by 2030; and another 17% support cutting emissions by 43% by 2030. In addition, 74% of respondents would support a Federal Government package to help employees transfer from carbon intensive to carbon free Clearly,industries.Australia’s welding industry is already taking steps to reduce its carbon emissions. While 41% of respondents have already installed solar panels to supplement power supply, another 53% have installed LED or sensor lighting, 46% have waste reduction programs in place, 46% operate recycling, up-cycling or repurposing programs, and 13% have a net zero carbon plan in place. When asked if an electric or hybrid UTE was available in Australia at a competitive price would you buy them for your company or employees as fleet cars, 50% of respondents answered in the affirmative. Interestingly, 63% of respondents would buy an electric or hybrid UTE for Corporatethemselves.responsibility remains a growing area of focus for the welding industry. Over 63% of respondents indicated that they have initiatives aimed at improving opportunities for women; 63% promote opportunities for apprentices and trainees; 63% have diversity and inclusion initiatives in place; 59% have mental health and fitness initiatives in place; and 31% have a Reconciliation Action Plan. business, work for, welding technology? How would you rate the prospects of business over the next six to 12 months? Very27.3%Strong Strong54.5%

With a career spanning more than 10 years, Dylan is a qualified welding supervisor and a certified welding inspector. He has experience in the trade working in oil and gas, mining, structural steel, maritime and plant equipment, with training overseas on Liebherr cranes, ranging in lifting capacity from 100 to 500 Boastingtons.experience in Europe, New Zealand and across Australia, Dylan has in-depth knowledge of welding and materials joining technology including NDT methods and applications that are fit for purpose suiting design and practicality of scope. Dylan joined the Weld Australia team in 2022 as a Welding Technologist, bringing with him a unique combination of practical welding experience, and welding supervision and inspection expertise. Prior to this, he owned Soleweld—a company that provided welding consultancy services such as engineering, supervision and inspections for clients such as John Deere, Thrust Maritime and the Dawsons Group. Dylan has also taken on roles at Liebherr Australia as a Welding Steel Structure Specialist, and at M2P Engineering and Howden as a Boilermaker.
3. Weekly Wrap-Up: 1 x right-hand sidebar advert (420px x 250px) in 2 x editions 1 x social media post DOWNLOAD
4. 2 x social media posts Silver Package: $4,000 Our ‘Silver Package’ provides great value for money, as well as great impact and exposure: Australian Welding: 1 x full page advert
Diamond Package: $6,000 If you have a ground-breaking story to tell, or a brand new product or service to launch, take advantage of our ‘Diamond Package’ for maximum impact and Welding: 1 x full page inside cover ad Weld Connect: 1 x third of a page front cover ad
3. Weekly Wrap-Up: 1 x right-hand sidebar advert (420px x 250px) in 4 x editions 3 x social media posts Gold Package: $5,000 Our ‘Gold Package’ provides great value for money, as well as fantastic impact and exposure: Australian Welding: 1 x full back cover advert
3. Weekly Wrap-Up: 1 x right-hand sidebar advert (420px x 250px) in 3 x editions
Weld Connect | August 202211 ADVERTISE WITH WELD AUSTRALIA Take advantage of our advertising packages. With a multi-channel marketing approach, you can reach as big an audience as possible. Plus, Weld Australia members get a significant discount on all our advertising rates.
Weld Australia would like to welcome Dylan Stephenson to the team, who has taken on the role of Welding Technologist.
2. Weld Connect: 1 x full page advert
An IIW International Welding Technologist (IWT) and International Welding Inspector –Basic (IWI-B), Dylan holds certificates in both AS 2214 and AS 1796, as well as a Certificate III in Engineering.
2. Weld Connect: 1 x back cover advert

• Weld Australia Members: $3,610 inc GST
The ASME code is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standard that regulates the design, development and construction of boilers and pressure vessels. ASME Section IX specifies the requirements for the qualification of welders and the welding procedure specifications. This three day course will give participants a working knowledge of ASME Section IX, including how to comply with its Therequirements.coursewill be facilitated by Walter J. Sperko, P.E., the President of Sperko Engineering Services, a consulting firm specialising in metal fabrication technology. He has particular experience in piping and pressure vessel fabrication, installation, maintenance and repair. Mr. Sperko is also a past-Chairman of the ASME Welding, Brazing and Fusing Standards Committee IX and a member of ASME Subcommittee III, Nuclear Components. Who Should Attend? This course is intended for people who are involved in writing and qualifying welding and brazing procedure specifications, qualifying welders, brazers and operators, reviewing suppliers procedures, auditing or reviewing in-house procedures and qualifications and estimating jobs which impose the requirements of Section IX.
• Weld Australia Members: $3,760 inc GST
ASME Section IX Three Day Course
Cost Early Bird Rate:
Course Details
Registration first day: 7:30am Course Time: 8:00am – 5:00pm
• Non Weld Australia Members: $3,960 inc GST
Registration first day: 7:30am Course time: 8:00am – 5:00pm Brisbane Date: 22, 23 and 24 November 2022
Venue: Novotel Brisbane, 38 Cordelia Street, Brisbane Room: Musgrove Room
For further information, contact: Michelle Bignold (National Manager, Sales and Marketing) on 0437 106 726 or FOR PERTH FOR BRISBANE
• Non Weld Australia Members: $3,810 inc GST Rate After 1 September 2022:
Weld Connect | August 202212 Course Overview
Venue: Novotel Perth, 388 Murray Street, Perth Room: Cottesloe Room
Need to use ASME Section IX? Learn how to minimise cost and maximise qualifcation usefulness.
Perth Date: 16, 17 & 18 November 2022
Please note: in order for the course to go ahead in two locations, minimum attendee numbers must be reached.
A review of the welding processes and variables, and basic steel welding metallurgy will be conducted to provide all participants with sufficient background in welding technology to interpret and understand Section IX. The mechanics of using Section IX and how to address its requirements will be explained in a simple, straightforward manner. Emphasis will be placed on writing welding procedures so that they contribute positively to the manufacturing process and on qualifying procedures in a cost-effective manner. The requirements for welders and operators will be examined with particular emphasis on minimising the cost and maximising the usefulness of qualifications. Time will be provided to address individual participant’s problems and concerns. Attendees will receive copies of the course notes covering the course’s content. Attendees must bring a copy of the current edition of Section IX. Multiple choice tests will be given for each section.

• Transition process for inspectors to certificate 11
• Alignment of welder requirements to AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 (consistent with AS 3992)
The event will be an opportunity to see the latest welding automation technology. It will highlight a broad range of applications to improve welding ergonomics, and increase productivity and quality. It will also cover various cost saving application and can easily double your production rate by increasing the arc time and reducing labour, gas and filler metal costs (P/m, P/f) compared to manual welding. Held on-site at the TAFE SA Regency Campus, the presentation will demonstrate AristoMig 4004i Pulse welding machine with RobustFeed U6 and Pulse using the RailTrac B42, MiggyTrac B501 and MiggyTrac B5001 welding tractors.
Thursday 25 August at 6:00pm (AEDT)
• Updating the welding supervisor requirements consistent with AS/NZS 2214
The event will highlight the broad range of applications for stud welding beginning with the use of Capacitor Discharge welding of pins, clips and cupheaded pins for the insulation industry. It will also cover various applications for Drawn Arc Welding stud welding from threaded studs in the manufacturing sectors of shipbuilding and defence through to shear connectors used in bridge beam and through deck welding for composite deck construction. The presentation will also demonstrate Soyers patented SRM (Radial Symmetrical Magnetic Field) technology which now enables welds at a sheet thickness ratio of 1:10 as compared to 1:4. This free member event will be held at Antec Group at 9 Chicago Avenue, Blacktown.
Weld Connect | August 202213 AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY NIGHT
Thursday 18 August at 10:00am (AEDT)
AS 1796 is the Australian Standard relating to the qualification of welders, welding supervisors and welding inspectors for pressure equipment. Last published in 2001, the standard has stood the test of time, but needed to be revised to align with current trends and international best practice. This online presentation will provide an overview of the 2022 edition focused on:
• Adding a new qualification for welding inspectors (certificate 11)
Wednesday 17 August at 6:00pm (AEDT)
Welder certification is a crucial component to ensuring your business and team are in the best position to secure future work. As we emerge into the new normal, your welder’s capability to create welds to what the market is requiring is paramount. In this online session, using the Glencore model—The Glencore GCAA Welder Qualification Scheme—you will get insight into what is being required and what will set you up for success in securing future work. Also, the session will use case studies to illustrate the value and on why Glencore have implemented the scheme. The session will be presented by Gary Horner, who has worked in the coal industry all his life, including at the CSIRO, The Electricity Commission of NSW, Shell Service and Shell corporate and Glencore Coal Assets Australia. REGISTER NOW

Weld Connect | August 202214 NEED HELP WITH BURN THROUGH CALCULATION? WELD AUSTRALIA CAN HELP Do you need help with strategies for avoiding burn through and the development of crack susceptible weld Burnmicrostructures?throughoccurs if the unmelted area beneath the weld pool has insufficient strength to contain the internal pressure of the pipe during hot tapping weld Weldrepairs.Australia’s expert engineers can provide services for burnthrough calculation as per the PRCI Pipeline Repair Manual using thermal analysis computer modelling. Our team understands that the key factors to consider are the material, wall thickness, welding heat input, and operating parameters of the pipeline. Our burn through calculation can help ensure that your pipeline repair, hot tapping and in-service welding is undertaken in a way that ensures the safety of your workers; reduces the probability of a shutdown, failure or service interruption; and extends the lifecycle of your pipeline systems.
The Weld Australia engineering group has the largest single team of International Welding Engineers (IWE) in Australia. This qualification, issued by the International Institute of Welding, is the highest post-graduate professional welding qualification available. All solutions delivered by our Engineering Group are reviewed by another Senior Welding Engineer and often, depending on the complexity of the assignment, one of our Principal Welding ByEngineers.takingadvantage of Weld Australia’s consulting services, you will have access to the peak industry body in Australia’s welding industry. This will provide your commercial enterprise with access to our expert engineering services, delivered by highly qualified International Welding Engineers and materials specialists. With expertise in a wide range of industries, from defence, manufacturing and composites to rail and resources, we have the unique capability to solve your welding problems.
Questions? Queries? Need Help? 02

Weld Connect | August 202215
First up was a dual audit for Downer’s facilities in Maryborough for both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085. Downer has over 100 years’ rail experience providing end-to-end, innovative transport solutions. They are a leading provider of rollingstock asset management services in Australia, with expertise in delivering whole-of-life asset management support to their customers. Their capability spans all sectors, from rollingstock to infrastructure, and every project phase, from design and manufacture to through-life-support, fleet maintenance, operations and comprehensive overhaul of assets. Downer sets industry best practice with forward-looking technology solutions like their TrainDNA data analytics platform to deliver safe, efficient and reliable services for the public transport sector. Australian General Engineering in Melbourne also underwent certification audits for both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and EN 15085. For more than 25 years, Australian General Engineering has delivered exceptional craftsmanship and service. The company processes more than 1,000 tons of metal every year, including aluminium, customised stainless steel, galvanised steel, black iron steel and Colorbond. From smaller custom-made styles to the most intricate commercial, industrial and institutional sheet metal projects, Australian General Engineering can help. Their team of skilled experts has unparalleled industry experience and is based in their fully equipped 4,000m2 facilities in Mordialloc.
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Next on the list was an AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 gap analysis audit for Mainetec in Mackay. Mainetec was formed in 2010 by director Brett Hampson. The vision for the company was to bring innovation to the resource sector, which remains their philosophy today. Mainetec provides global engineering, design and fabrication solutions by constantly challenging market Mainetecexpectations.look through the eyes of their clients at every stage of design, revolutionising the industry with products that stand the test of time and surpass other alternatives. Mainetec has a national footprint, with their two major workshops located in Mackay and Perth.
ACROSS AUSTRALIA Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) recently performed several successful certification and surveillance audits for AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials, and EN 15085 Railway applications — Welding of railway vehicles and components
Silo Dev underwent an AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 audit. Silo Dev has more than 20 years experience in steel fabrication and installation with an extensive track record aligned with most tier one infrastructure construction companies in New South Wales.

Weld Connect | August 202216 NWEC underwent an AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 audit, which was attended by both Ross O’Bryan and Geoff Crittenden (CEO, Weld Australia). NWEC is a leading Australian steel fabrication, painting, installation, construction management and welding resource supply company with over 35 years of experience, headquartered in Sydney. Their multi-disciplinary engineering construction service provides turnkey solutions for structural, mechanical and piping requirements, as well as tank design, construction and NWEC’smaintenance.expertise also includes metal section bending and rolling, as well as both on-site and offsite painting. Their proven track record and experience within the industry solidifies their position as an organisation providing first class services to the petrochemical, rail, road, oil and gas, mining, industrial, power generation and heavy industry sectors across Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific. NWEC’s audit. L to R: Eugene Gabin, Reza Sasani (Fr), Alireza Samimi Mottaghi, Imma Kathir, Jae Lee, Ross O’Bryan, Geoff Crittenden, Sheena Wong. WELD AUSTRALIA’S EXAM CALENDAR Do you need to book an exam through WeldQ? We’ve made the process even easier, with our new exam calendar, which can be accessed via the WeldQ homepage. The calendar includes all exam dates for 2022, making planning ahead as simple as possible. Just some of the upcoming exam dates include: • Thursday 18 August: National Welding Supervisor AS 1796 & AS 2214 - B1 & B2Online Exam • Tuesday 23 August: IWI B - WTB & B5Online Exam • Friday 26 August: AS 1796 Cert 1- 9Theory Online Exam • Friday 26 August: IWI B-Practical - C3 Exam • Tuesday 30 August: Re-sit Online Exam for all Qualifications • Friday 2 September: IWI-B Practical / C3 Exam • Thursday 8 September: National Welding Supervisor Online Exam EXAM ASSESSORS AND WRITERS NEEDED Weld Australia is looking to expand its pool of assessors, exam writers and markers. In particular, we need people who are interesting in getting involved in the examination process for the International Welding Inspector - Basic (IWI-B) qualification. Using your knowledge and practical experience, you could help us deliver in-person and oral exams across various locations. To be considered, you must hold an IWI-B qualification. This is not a permanent position. Your assistance will only be required 1-3 times a year during our exam periods If you’re interested in giving back to the welding industry, please contact our Qualification and Certification team via:

Weld Connect | August 202217 The IWS course is a globally recognised International Institute of Welding (IIW) qualification. You will gain comprehensive knowledge of: welding processes and equipment, materials and their behaviour during welding, construction and design, fabrication engineering. Module two of the next IWS course is due to start on 16 August. So, if you hold an AS 1796 Certificate 10 and/ or AS 2214 Welding Supervisor, you can complete the Exemption Form, gain approval and enrol. ENROL NOW The IWI-B course provides general knowledge of welding, inspection theory and application, including: Non destructive testing; Mechanical and visual inspection techniques; Inspection procedures and acceptance criteria; and Identification of weld imperfections. This internationally recognised qualification is recommended in both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and AS/NZS 1554.1. This highly engaging online course will start on 6 October. ENROL NOW Filling Fast - Book Now to Avoid Disappointment We have an in-house Welding Supervisor - AS1796 Certificate 10 / AS2214 running in Perth on: • 4 to 7 October • 10 to 14 October • 31 October to 4 November Welding Supervisors play a vital role in industry, they understand the factors that influence welding quality, how to oversee welders effectively, and the variables that help maximise productivity. For further information, email Onlyspots4left!

The samples used to deliver practical training.
Weld Connect | August 202218 FACE-TO-FACE IWI-B TRAINING COURSE HELD IN WOLLONGONG Joe Sandor (Welding Technology Trainer, Weld Australia) recently ran an International Welding Inspector – Basic (IWI-B) face-to-face training course in Wollongong. Ten students completed the course— three had only just completed the Welding Supervisor course, passed and returned within the month to complete the IWI-B.
Students at the recent IWI-B in Wollongong.
course provides extensive knowledge surrounding welding, inspection theory and application. It includes theoretical components such as: • General introduction to welding inspection • Mechanical and visual inspection techniques • Inspection procedures and acceptance criteria • Identification of weld imperfections associated with pre-production fabrication and post fabrication • Quality assurance IWI-B qualifications offer vast rewards in the industry.
This internationally
Students at the recent IWI-B in Wollongong.
Backed by the International Institute of Welding (IIW), the International Welding Inspector – Basic (IWI-B) qualification expands your career as a welding inspector. This qualification recommended in both AS/NZS ISO 3834 and AS/NZS 1554.1. recognised Through an IWI-B qualification, you open yourself up to a fulfilling, rewarding career.

Ten Brisbane women are the first to complete TAFE Queensland’s new Women in Welding program created to bring more women into the typically male-dominated welding industry. The five day intensive course was run at TAFE Queensland’s Alexandra Hills campus, where the students learnt basic welding skills using the latest Augmented Reality technology as well as traditional welding techniques. The course is set to run four more times at Alex Hills in 2022 between August and December. During the course, the group were also educated about the different range of trade careers available through TAFE Queensland and the many apprenticeship pathways available to them. Since completing the course, the students have been connected to TAFE Queensland’s Find your Apprentice service which connects employers seeking apprentices with students who have completed pre-apprenticeship training through TAFE Queensland. One student has already enrolled in more welding training at TAFE Queensland Bracken Ridge which will give her a further head start in her career in welding.
Julie Hunt, 44, who came from a retail background said that she was not currently working before starting the course and hoped it would lead to a career change. “The training has been really great, particularly having such a range of different machines available to train on,” said Julie. “It was also really great to be in a classroom with a bunch of women from different backgrounds and age brackets.”
Emily McShannon was one of the students who completed the course at TAFE Queensland.
Fellow student Marissa Hughes, 35, stated that she had been worried before starting the course that she might be alienated for her age, but has found TAFE Queensland’s teaching method to be inclusive for all ages. “I thought I’d be the only one that’s not schoolaged here but everyone’s been lovely,” said Marissa. “I’ve worked in construction for about 5 years now and a lot of the boys weld. I thought it’d be a lot better learning at TAFE Queensland than onsite.”
Sonya Thatcher, 47, is making perhaps the most remarkable career change out of the students, having been a nurse for 22 years. “Instead of mending people I want to mend metal.”
TAFE Queensland’s Women in Welding program was delivered at no cost to participants, with the Queensland Government funding Women in Welding under the Workforce Transition Support Project. Students learnt initial welding skills on TAFE Queensland’s state of the art augmented reality welding simulators before transferring these skills to real world usage. TAFE Queensland will continue to run more Women in Welding programs at the Alexandra Hills campus throughout the year. A Women in Trades program is also scheduled to run across the Alexandra Hills and Acacia Ridge campuses with multiple start dates available.

Weld Connect | August 202220 WOMEN WHO WELD PROGRAMS WITH THE QUEENSLAND MANUFACTURING INSTITUTE Weld Australia participated in two Women Who Weld Programs in Queensland over the last month. One was run at the Mabel Park State High School, with students from nearby Woodridge State High School in attendance as well. The other program was held at Glenala State High School. Nationally, just over 12% of the manufacturing labour workforce is female. The manufacturing workforce in Queensland is 72% male and ageing—more than half of the workforce is aged 40 or older.
The Women Who Weld Program is run by the Queensland Manufacturing Institute. The objective of the program is to increase gender diversity and participation in manufacturing careers. The aim is to encourage young girls to explore a manufacturing pathway in a safe and supportive environment. It provides the opportunity for female high school students in years 10, 11 and 12 to gain insight into trade skills and career pathways, including local employment opportunities. The girls spent the day using augmented reality welders and speaking to women in the industry before having a go at welding together their own jewellery tree. Weld Australia facilitates training on the Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators. This helps the students involved practice their skills in a safe environment before they move onto real-world welding. Students at Glenala State High School.
Students at Glenala State High School. Students at Mabel Park State High School. Students at Mabel Park State High School. Students at Glenala State High School.

Weld Australia recently had the pleasure of attending the Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology Expo at Curtin University in Perth. EMICoL and Innovation Central Perth hosted the event, which was attended by industry, academics and students.
Weld Connect | August 202221
Weld Australia had its Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulator on-hand for attendees and students to try. As always, it proved very popular with the crowd.
EMICoL (Engineering and Manufacturing Industry Cooperative Limited) is a member-owned, sponsorsupported engineering cooperative supporting industry in Western Australia. They provide opportunities for members to collaborate, and provide educational and networking opportunities. QUEENSLAND MINING AND ENGINEERING EXHIBITION (QME) For almost 30 years, the Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition (QME) has been at the heart of the mining sector in Mackay. Weld Australia shared a booth with Outsource Institute at QME 2022 at the Mackay Showgrounds from 19 to 21 July 2022. This year, QME featured over 250 suppliers and attracted over 5,000 visitors across three days.
QME included a free-to-attend seminar series that addressed the needs of the industry. Seminars covered technical best practice and technology innovation, mine management and maintenance, health and safety, coal processing strategies and automation, future skills, policy outlook, engineering excellence and more. Weld Australia shared its knowledge around how to upskill workforces and individuals in trade and technical skills to help more businesses in the region enhance both their own and Australia’s sovereign manufacturing capability.
The event proved to be a great opportunity to engage with EMICoL members and partners. There were also live displays covering a vast range of engineering disciplines by local organisations. These demonstrations covered sheetmetal, CNC machining, injection moulding, surface coating, additive manufacturing, IoT, visualisation, virtualisation, simulation, electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science and information technology, robotics, mechatronics and additive manufacturing.

Weld Connect | August 202222 There are two fusion welding courses that adhere to ISO 9606 Qualification test of welders on This is the authoritative source of nationally recognised training and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These two courses were developed in Victoria in 2018 and use augmented reality welding simulators as a key component of the training. TRANSITION WORKERS To be awarded a certificate for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Transition Workers, you must successfully complete seven units of competency (four core and three elective). Core units: • Simulate fusion welding processes using augmented reality equipment • Identify welding processes, safe welding practices and use of hand and power tools • Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes • Perform fusion welding procedures to meet the procedures of ISO 96061 (Steels – carbon steels) EXPERIENCED WELDERS To be awarded a Statement of Attainment for the Course in Fusion Welding to AS/NZS ISO 9606 for Experienced Welders, you must successfully complete three units of competency (one core and two elective). The core unit is: Interpret and apply AS/NZS ISO 9606 for fusion welding processes. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, contact: ENROL IN A FUSION WELDING COURSE TODAY Enrol in a fusion welding course through any Advanced Welder Training Centre below. ACT Canberra Institute of Technology Street, Fyshwick Queensland TAFE • Gatton, Newton, Eureka and, Wilkinson Streets, Manunda • Townsville (Trade Centre Bohle) Campus: 763 Ingham Road, Bohle • Toowoomba Campus: 100 Bridge Street, Toowoomba City • Ashmore Campus: Benowa Road & Heeb Street, Ashmore • Nambour Campus: 91 Windsor Road, Burnside • Bundaberg Campus: 118 Walker Street, Bundaberg West Tasmania Tasmanian Minerals and Energy, Burnie Victoria Box Hill, Box Hill, Melbourne Bendigo TAFE,Bendigo Federation University, Ballarat

For further information, contact Disha Mistry on