2013 Savannah Food Day Festival Guide

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familyly & ki d fr ie nd

free & open

saturday, October 26th to the public 11am - 5pm in daffin park

1198 washington avenue next to grayson stadium

What’s in the Event Guide?

free & ample parking

Live music all day!

pg. 12 Thank you to our Sponsors! pg. 13 What is Food Day? pg. 14 Event Schedule including LIVE MUSIC pg. 15 Farmers’ Market /Food/Bikes pg. 16 Play, Learn, Grow Kids Activities pg. 17 Family Nutrition & Cooking Classes pg. 18 Beginners & Advanced Gardening workshop schedule/descriptions

pg. 19 Sustainable Diets & Homesteading workshop schedule/Descriptions


family nutrition farmers’ market cooking classes

kids activities

For the latest 2013 Savannah Food Day Festival Updates on twitter: @wellfedsavannah

on facebook: facebook.com/wellfedsavannah



Each year, a handful of people, businesses and organizations come together to bring you this free festival. Their commitment to our community and to the advancement of a sustainable food system cannot be adequately reciprocated through a logo printed on a page. (But it’s a start...) It is our hope that our readers and the community take a moment to observe these gracious leaders and find it in their hearts to thank them in their own way...

EST. 1978


What is Food Day ? Think of it as an Earth Day - for food! Food Day is a nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable, and sustainably produced food and a grassroots campaign for better food policies. Food Day aims to help people Eat Real. That means cutting back on sugar drinks, overly salted packaged foods, and fatty, factory-farmed meats in favor of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and sustainably raised protein. Food Day envisions shorter lines at fast-food drive-throughs and bigger crowds at farmers markets. This annual event involves some of the country’s most prominent food activists, united by a vision of food that is healthy, affordable, and produced with care for the environment, farm animals, and the people who grow, harvest, and serve it. With Food Day, we can celebrate our food system when it works and fix it when it’s broken. Across the country, thousands of events take place on the national Food Day date of October 24th, just a few days before our very own Savannah Food Day Festival on October 26th

Here in Savannah, for a 3rd year in a row, Well FED will be hosting the l argest Food Day Festival in the Country !

Craving Change? Spearheaded by the nonprofit organization,

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Food Day is organized around 5 priorities: •

Promote safe r, healthie r diets

Supp ort s u s tainable and org anic farms

Reduce hung e r

Reform factor y farms, to p rotect the environment

Support fair working conditions for food and farm workers

To learn more about the national Food Day initiative and the thousands of other events taking place in all 50 states, visit:


Saturday, October 26th • The City of Savannah will be treated to a large outdoor festival at Daffin Park, located next to Historic Grayson Stadium on Victory Drive. The festival is from 11am to 5pm and is FREE to the public. LIVE MUSIC •

Every year we select some the city’s most applauded musicians from a variety of genres. Bring your blankets, chairs and tents to take in this all day, free concert.

food • Of course, it wouldn’t be a food festival without something to eat! Shop from the largest Farmers’ Market in the city and dine with some of Savannah’s favorite restaurants, All will be serving delicious seasonal treats, along with dozens of other artisans and prepared food vendors learn • With

over two dozen free workshops, cooking classes and over 100 exhibitors and vendors -it’s never been easier to get started on a new path to a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Be sure to check our Food Day workshop schedule, to plan your entire day in advance.

play • This year’s festival will be filled with over 3 city blocks worth of activities for the kids! Through a partnership with the City of Savannah’s Play Streets initiative, children and families can take part in a wide array of physical, artistic and educational activities - all provided completely free of charge.



m acco plices

2013 Savannah Food Day Festival

Schedule of Events Saturday, October 26 th

Enjoy a fun filled family friendly day of FREE work shop s, LIVE Mu sic, 100s of Exhibitors & Activities, & Good Food!

All day


Play Streets Farmers’ Market Exhibitors Row Vendors Market Food Vendors Educational Demos Cooking Classes Kids Activities don’t forget

11:00am • Festival Begins

Official Welcome to the 2013 Savannah Food Day Festival and Opening Remarks

11:30am • 1st Workshops Begin LIVE MUSIC - Basik Lee

12:30pm • 2nd Workshops Begin LIVE MUSIC - The Accomplices

1 :30pm • 3rd Workshops Begin LIVE MUSIC - Eric Culberson Band

2:30pm • 4th Workshops Begin LIVE MUSIC - Cranford & Sons


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3:30pm • last Workshops Begin LIVE MUSIC - Nickel Bag of Funk

4:30pm •


a w h il e !

Local news personalities from Food Day’s local media sponsors, WJCL ABC & FOX 28 will host the days’ activities from the sound stage.

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shop the market & eat local

Forsyth Farmers’ Market & Savannah’s Favorite Restaurants

Shop the Farmers’ Market! Georgia Grown products • farm fresh produce grass fed beef • pastured pork & poultry • buffalo handmade pastas & sauces • locally roasted coffee local honey • Fresh Dairy • eggs • plants & herbs Artisanal baked goods & more!

Eat Freshly Prepared Local Foods Each year the festival selects restaurants that are leading the way in our sustainable food movement. Over 50% of all ingredients are organic or sourced locally. Come hungry and sample from several vendors -Each showcasing some of this season’s tastiest selections from local farms and purveyors.



provided by


• Check in your bicycle at the festival and receive a special gift bag!

join a group bike ride to the savannah food day festival

The Savannah Bicycle Campaign is hosting a group bike ride from downtown (location TBD) to the festival in Daffin park. Bring your friends and join the fun! All participants will receive a free gift bag filled with goodies valued at over $25! Check out their website for more details: BicycleCampaign.Org

Free Activities All DAy

Play, Learn, Grow for kids & Families


course & Games

by Savannah Bicycle Campaign

The 2013 Savannah Food Day Festival is the perfect event for families with kids. This year, Food Day will join with the City of Savannah’s Play Streets initiative - Offering such a wide array of FREE, fun, physical and educational kids activities, it’ll make your kids’ head spin! These are just some of the activities being offered at this year’s festival and with more activities being added regularly, your kids will be busy all day!

s yn thetic Local art & activities

50ft. Ice


R ink

from Desoto Row Communit y gallery

story telling Join the Farmer’s Market

Scavenger Hunt Healthy Snack Crafts • Dodge-ball Parachute • Inflatables Play Area Tennis • Zumba • Tag Football Relay Races • Gymnastics

with the Coastal YMCA

Live puppet shows! by Angela Beasley’s Puppet People

special education & exhibits

Family Nutrition for parents & Kids b rought to you by

fun & interactive


tent p r i vat e r

Healthy Family

fo e x c l u s i v e ly e r s N u r s in g & d ia





ges per chan

Cloth Diaper Demonstrations

nutritional education games for kids


encouraging healthy lifestyles before & after pregnancy and during the transition into motherhood

breastfeeding workshops

fresh • local • seasonal

cooking classes

featuring guest chefs from Savannah’s top restaurants

Learn from the best! Professional Techniques Quick & Easy Recipes Cook with local seasonal fruits & veggies Meet the local Guest Chefs Sample the Dishes

workshop schedule

Gardening Gardening Basics

advanced growing

11:30 am • Build your own Rain Barrel

11:30 am • Organic Pest Management

View a step by step demonstration of how to build your own rain barrel. Learn how to incorporate it into your home landscaping or gardens, in order to conserve water and reduce water pollution. Additional topics covered include xeriscape planting and strategies for water conservation.

Every seen your lovely organic garden get swarmed overnight by pests? Come to this workshop if you would like to learn about a variety of approaches that will help you keep the pests at bay. The workshop will cover a variety of organic practices that will help you to improve your yields and beautify your garden.

12:30 pm • Compost & Soil Building The foundation for any organic garden is having healthy soil. In this workshop you will learn the basics of building and maintaining a compost pile. The workshop will also cover how to distinguish healthy soil and what other practices are available in order to improve the health and vitality of your soil.

1:30 pm • Community Gardening Join in and get all the details about the City of Savannah’s Community Garden Initiative which allows groups of residents to establish community gardens on vacant city owned lots. This will outline what is required by the policy and talk about how community gardens can benefit Savannah.

2:30 pm • Veggie Garden Basics Ready to get started? Learn the basics from Master Gardener, Dave Linvill, on how to create a successful produce garden in your very own backyard. This session will introduce you to the steps in planning your seasonal garden for a bountiful harvest.

12:30 pm • Compost: Digging Deeper If you are interested in exploring some of the lesser known and equally productive methods of composting and digging into what makes compost happen, then this workshop is perfect for you. Methods that will be discussed include Vermicomposting, Japanese Bokashi Composting, Composting containers and Community Composting.

1:30 pm • Growing Mushrooms Discuss the how, why, when and where of growing mushrooms. Covering several mushroom varieties that can be grown in this region and in the home environment, regardless of where you live. Gourmet and medicinal mushrooms and their applications will also be discussed.

2:30 pm • Intro to Aquaponics Learn the fundamentals of raising fish and plants together in a symbiotic relationship. Topics covered include: simple recirculation systems, food/protein options, nutrient balancing and more.

3:30 pm • Organic Gardening 101

3:30 pm • Next Level Hydroponics

How does one grow vegetables organically? What are the health benefits of eating organic vegetables? Attendees will be presented with materials and information on basic organic growing, courtesy of the Bamboo Farm and Coastal Gardens’ organic garden coordinator, Tina White.

Dive deeper in hydroponic gardening and deep water culture systems. Learn the inner workings of pH and the effects of microbes on a plant root system. Come with all your questions and leave with expert advice from Andrew Morris, owner of Savannah Hydroponics and Organics.

workshop schedule

Sustainable Eating & Homesteading Sustainable Diets 11:30 am • Why Go Organic? Join in this community panel discussion with an organic farmer, concerned parents and community advocates. Discover first hand, the benefits of organic food and the larger role it plays on our health and the environment.

12:30 pm • Vegan Meals for Carnivores Already vegan, vegetarian or a fan of Meatless Mondays? Need help with getting your family and friends on board? This workshop will help you learn how to live and eat happily even when surrounded by hungry meat eaters! Join the founder of Savannah Veggies & Vegans as she shares tips on creating and maintaining a harmonious kitchen and home.

1:30 pm • GMOs & Your Health Even though GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) are banned in Europe and over 90% of Americans want clear labeling, the use of GMO’s in our foods has increased. Get news about the current state of labeling initiatives and the most recent research on GMO’s and our health, as well as biotech’s next move into aquaculture.

2:30 pm • Beyond Vegan :

Eating Clean, Natural and Raw

Arlene Meyer, author of “Seven Days to Becoming a Vegetarian”, has been a vegetarian for 28 years and vegan for over four years. She will share about going beyond a vegan diet, which will include the benefits of a raw diet and a diet free of gluten, sugar and soy. She will also have samples of how yummy raw vegan food can be!

3:30 pm • Fresh Juices 101 Sample great fresh juices combinations courtesy of Brighter Day Natural Foods, as you learn about the vitamin and mineral content and health benefits of juicing.

urban homesteading 11:30 am • Preserving Food:

Canning & Dehydration

Selecting the correct food preservation method will allow you to safely preserve foods from your garden or your local farmers market. This session will demonstrate water bath and pressure home canning methods in addition to drying foods safely to enjoy seasonal foods throughout the year.

12:30 pm • Growing Your Own Tea The history, types and processing of the Camellia sinensis tea plant will be discussed in this workshop with tips for growing your own tea plant. Tea tasting to follow workshop.

1:30 pm • Food Preservation Methods An overview of the practice and benefits of preserving foods through a wide variety of methods, including canning, drying, curing, pickling, and fermenting.

2:30 pm • Raising Chickens Have you been thinking about joining the chicken raising community? If so, join “The Chicken Man” as we explore the world of chickens! Join in the sharing of information, receive specific suggestions for establishing or caretaking of chickens and learn how to become part of the chicken community. Cock- A-Doodle-Do!

3:30 pm • Bee Keeping A general overview to the art of hobbyist beekeeping. This workshop will exhibit the equipment, components, and products of the beehive. Attendees will even get to view a working observation hive. We will also discuss the benefits from honey to pollination. Local information on ordinances, clubs, and yearly courses available.

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