R K Plumbing and Heating Bathroom Installation, Central Heating Systems, All Plumbing Work Undertaken Call Rick: 07720 265645 or 01296 714565 rick@rkplumbing.net www.rkplumbing.net
Nick Taylor Landscape Gardener
Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Ponds Patios, Paths and all General Landscaping Wendover (01296) 696840 07507 829423
#CarryUs Local Designer Ben Glazier was asked to produce a set of stamps for the Isle of Man during lockdown. To honour local people who made it their responsibility to #CarryUsThrough the crisis, Wendover News Care: Street Wardens organised the Community: Sarah Greer Photography collection of essentials including food and medicines for our vulnerable neighbours. These are some of the many Street Wardens who volunteered to help their neighbours. They are photographed here in front of Budgens and online individually in front of Lloyds Pharmacy as these were the places they visited most frequently on behalf of the shielded or people who needed help for whatever reason. Some requests were more unusual, eg a litter tray for a cat, but everyone coped and more importantly, all the neighbours got to know one another much better. See also page 17.
created a Business Directory during lockdown. During lockdown, Sarah Greer decided to use her professional photography skills to support local businesses. She visited scores of premises and took photographs showing our business neighbours and what they do. Many small businesses did not benefit from Government support so she wanted to bring to our attention the local skilled workers who can help us all in our hour of need. Go to www.sarahgreerphotography. c o . u k / w e n d o v e r- a r e a - l o c a l - s m a l l business-directory/ for more details.
Faith: all three Churches in Wendover
WENDOVER MEMORIAL HALL Great for Children’s Parties Ideal for Weddings & Functions Excellent kitchen facilities Enquiries : 07804 671445 angelawmh@aol.co.uk
ST ANNE’S HALL to hire All enquiries to Angela German 07423 266713 stanneshallwendover@hotmail.co.uk
Martin Holman’s Pest Control & Services Qualified and insured with over 17 years’ experience Treatments and prevention for rodents and insects
Wendover Dementia Support moved into the home. Oskar raised money for the NHS. 10 year old Oskar Bevan started baking brownies and he sent £60 to our local NHS Trust. Lockdown forced the much loved Monday Club Café, led by Dr Moreton, to close down temporarily but the volunteers were determined to continue supporting the 20 visitors and their families through fortnightly newsletters, weekly telephone support, a family support WhatsApp group and a specialist advisory service. More information is available on their website https://wendoverds.org.uk/, see page 20.
had their own systems for helping anyone in need that they knew of. Sebastian Muir, SVP in St Anne’s, visits befriends and supports the housebound, now by phone. Mass started again in July. Rev Sally Prendergast, curate, is involved in contacting everyone in and beyond St Mary’s. The church building is open for silent prayer and opened in July for services. Sandra Smith, Secretary, says Wendover Free Church has offered online services as well as reaching out by offering shopping, befriending and transport. Discussions are taking place regarding future church services.
For domestic, commercial and contracts M: 07510 290321 T: 01296 622972 ratman01@talktalk.net www.martinholmanspestcontrol.co.uk @martinholmanpestcontrol
Wendover News August 2020
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