Wendover News January 2021

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Club Corner Wendover Cricket Club

Despite the on-going Covid-19 issues, Wendover Cricket Club enjoyed an active half season with many players showing increased enthusiasm for playing regularly. Covid guidelines keep changing but the club is hoping to run modified junior indoor training in January to March; however, restrictions mean adults will likely wait for an outdoor start in April. It is also hoped to start a Girls Section via signing up to the ECB’s Dynamos Scheme for 8 to 11 year olds during the summer; register initial interest by email to wendoverccgirls@gmail.com. Progress with HS2 is slow, but much behind the scenes work is on-going to try and ensure that the relocation project at Tring Road can get going quickly, once the go-ahead to properly start is given. Cricket at the Ellesborough Road ground will occur in 2021 with the ground leased from HS2, but that will be the last season as a cricket ground - with a “leaving event” planned for Saturday 25 September 2021. The club will be holding their AGM on 28 January via Zoom; more details, other stories and the season’s senior averages, plus contacts for enquiries can be found on the website www. pitchero.com/clubs/wendovercricketclub.

Try the WI!

The WI offers women the opportunity to connect with their communities in a fun, friendly and inclusive space. Whether you're interested in making friends, campaigning on local and national issues or learning new skills, the WI is here to inspire you. Each WI branch is unique - why not try your local WI? Until 31 March 2021, membership is £10.75 for six months. To find out more, visit www. thewi.org.uk/trythewi or wendoverwi.weebly.com or email wendovereveningwi@gmail.com.

Wendover Horticultural Society

In our optimistic way, we have arranged our 2021 monthly meetings to be held at St Anne’s Hall at 2.30 pm on the first Thursday of the month, once we are able to. We have got to be positive, and accept that the first one, on 7 January, will not now take place. For the future, we will decide whether to continue the February meeting, and later ones, on a monthly basis. Hopefully we are close to re-opening and it would be silly to take risks and hold meetings just before the vaccines become available. It is hoped that we will be able to continue with the coach trip to the RHS at Hyde Hall gardens at Chelmsford on Thursday 20 May.


During lockdown and "Tier 2" conditions, Girlguiding has continued to adapt. From Zoom meetings to projects-by-post, Girlguiding continues to enrich the lives of young women in and near Wendover. Would you like to help? Girlguiding is recruiting leaders at all levels, but especially to help with its youngest members, Rainbows, who are aged 5-7. Interested? See advert page 2.

Wendover Bowls Club

Our Club is a Bowls Club with no bowling! How we all miss it, especially at this time of year when our social scene should have been in full swing. Still, we are better off than the Tudors. I was watching a programme about the festivities in King Henry VIII's time. Evidently it was an arrestable offence to play bowls during the Christmas period. I'm not sure if King H had got the Christmas message of goodwill to all men and peace on earth because it was OK to knock lumps out of each other with swords and shoot arrows, but no bowls. I shouldn't be surprised if the law isn't still on the statute books - I have not heard of any of our club members being arrested but, of course, we have not been playing. On behalf of the Bowls Club may I wish everyone a Happy New Year. Don Knight

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Wendover News January 2021

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