HS2 Construction Update during construction. The route will run to the north of the existing road and houses and will tie into the Cricket Club entrance. All residents will have access from the temporary road to their properties.
HS2 in Wendover
Around Wendover the project sees several changes to the existing road layouts. In the Autumn we will start work on three sections of works across the roads. The first is the start of the Nash Lee Lane and Nash Lee Road realignments. This involves a new access road being created which will serve Nash Lee Lane and a new temporary placement for Nash Lee Road. Eventually the re-alignment of Nash Lee Road will travel over the HS2 line and utilise the existing roundabout tying back into the A413. Around Bacombe Lane there will be a new road created for local resident access only, with a temporary stop up of the existing Bacombe Lane during our construction works. The temporary road will be returned to its current state post construction. Ellesborough Road will see a new alignment
As works progress we will keep you updated with expected dates for the diversions to be complete for all road users.
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Don’t just think about it Do it! For bespoke Health and Fitness guidance contact Will Shirley @ Williamshirleypti@gmail.com or 07889 411318 Located at Halton Fitness Centre
And finally, if you receive email updates from HS2 or would like to, then we are asking you to register on the new HS2 website which will give you more choice about how you receive information. To find Aylesbury Vale Tutors out more, visit your community website at Making learning enjoyable www.hs2inbucksandox.co.uk.
Jim and Karen Lucas
If you have a question about HS2 or our BA (hons) Education, Science, Maths, SEND works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk 01296 613582 07908 460 133 team on 08081 434 434 or email Email: aylesburyvaletutors@gmail.com All ages and abilities catered for hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.
Inside Out Property Maintenance Call Mark “No Job ” too small 07798 855141 01296 613335 markak1@hotmail.co.uk Local Established 2006 www.wendovernews.co.uk
01296 624270
Wendover News September 2021