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The Wendover Society Spring 2022 Update

Spring 2022 Update

After the highly successful Harvest Supper in late October, the revitalized Wendover Society has continued to make meaningful progress.

Membership Audit

For the first time in some years, a full audit of the membership has been undertaken, with virtually every member contacted by a member of the Committee. This exercise confirmed that the Society has over 300 active members, all anxious and willing to receive news of the Society’s activities.

Members can access the details the Society has on file by contacting the Membership Secretary through the Society’s web site: www. wendoversociety.org.uk.

Joining the Wendover Society

It is easier than ever to join the Society online at https://tinyurl.com/JoinTheWS. Annual membership costs £20, but you can now pay by Direct Debit at the reduced rate of £15 through this link. This reduced rate is also available for existing members, simply click on https://tinyurl.com/ PayTheWS and cancel any existing standing order.

Upcoming Events

On 8 April, we will host a Spring Supper and Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Memorial Hall. At the top of the agenda will be detailed feedback on the questionnaire that Harvest Supper attendees filled out, describing their concerns and their hopes as to what the Wendover Society can accomplish in the years to come. There was a virtual avalanche of opinions, with a number of recurrent themes. We want to review that feedback and discuss it with the membership in April: it will go a long way to define the Society’s future agenda.

Tickets for the Spring Supper will cost £20 per person. To buy tickets online for that event, go to https://tinyurl.com/TicketWS.

We are also pleased to announce that the Society will host a Jazz Picnic at Picket Piece on Hale Lane on Sunday, 10 July. In addition to a live band, we expect to have a hog roast and entertainment for the children, and the whole family is invited.

The Wendover Society is on the move again. If you’re not a member, why not join at https://tinyurl.com/ JoinTheWS? If you are already a member, consider volunteering to help the committee to achieve the Society’s original objective: "To protect the charm and scale of Wendover".

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