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Wendover u3a
August Open Meeting
The u3a is a UK movement of people in their third age, no longer in full time work, who come together to learn, stay active and have fun in a friendly and informal environment. Previously known as the ‘University of the Third Age’, we are not a university at all, you need no qualifications to join us, nor will you be made to take exams!
Wendover's u3a is a thriving organisation with over 400 members. We have over fifty different interest groups, ranging from Archaeology to Wine Appreciation and are always open to suggestions for new groups. We share knowledge and undertake educational, creative and leisure activities together. Along the way there is laughter, chatter, tea and coffee.
Group members decide how often to meet up, but very often it suits them to get together monthly. Group meetings can take place in locally hired rooms, occasionally in someone's home, sometimes outdoors (walking for example) or perhaps a lunch venue. Members can also take part in regular trips and outings. Recent organised trips have been to Aylesbury theatre, Hidcote Manor, Bletchley Park and Cumbria.
Each month we hold our Main Meeting in St. Mary's Church, open to all Wendover u3a members. Usually a speaker comes to give us a presentation. Recent ones have included ‘The Chiltern Hills Landscape’, ‘A Diplomat’s Recollections of Soviet Russia’ and ‘The Falklands Conflict’. However our next Main Meeting is different, as it's an 'open' meeting. There will not be a speaker but there will be a couple of short presentations and a number of group displays.
We would like to welcome non-members to come and meet us and see if they might like to join us. If you're interested please come along to St Mary's Church on Wednesday 3 August at 10am and see what we have to offer! https://u3asites.org.uk/wendover/welcome