Skill Sessions Guide 2017 - 2018

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Get ready for the future

Presentation skills Teamwork skills Enterpreneurial skills Creative skills Leadership skills

Skill Sessions

DECEMBER 11 - 15, 2017

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen




Morning 9:00 – 12:00


The Theart artof ofchoosing choosing (True Voice) (TrueVoice)

Coverletter & CV (Career Academy)

Dealing with stress Dealing with stress (De Laat) (De Laat)

Powerful persuasion NL (

Self-assessment Effi cient Academy) studying NL (De Laat) (Career

Strategic Body Language NL (86 billion)

Personal branding NL Self-assessment Academy) (Transformation (Career Company B.V.)

Webdesign (Easy-123)

Photoshop beginner Personal (Easy-123)branding NL (Transformation Company B.V.) Photoshop beginner (Easy-123)

Afternoon 14:00 – 17:00

How to catch a rat (

Investing for beginners NL (De Laat)

Commercial skills anno 2017 NL (De Laat)

Assesment center in a nutshell (Career Academy)

Essence of a powerful presentation (De Laat)

Strategic negotiation skills NL (

Time management NL (Competenza)

Veni vidi vici: how to ‘own the room’ without words (Judith de Bruijn)

Personal branding (Transformation Company B.V.) Photoshop advanced (Easy-123)

Evening 18:30 – 21:30

Pitch Yourself Perfectly NL (86 billion)

Job interview (Career Academy)

Investing for advanced NL (De Laat)

Persuasive debating (Chronos)

Financial: ‘living, working and private finances’ NL (De Laat)

LaTeX NL (Bor de Kock)

Networking & social media (Career Academy)

Etiquette dinner* NL (MGN Hospitality Advice)

Inspiring and Persuasive Storytelling NL (86 billion) LaTeX (Bor de Kock) Etiquette dinner* NL (MGN Hospitality Advice)

* The etiquette dinner starts at 17:45 at Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne. For this dinner a €15 entrance fee is required.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017




The art of choosing Application training NL (True Voice) (Qompas)

The art ofbias: choosing Beat the recognizing errors (True Voice) in your thinking (TrueVoice)

How do I start a future-proof company? NL (De Laat)

Hunting the meeting tiger NL Dealing with stress (De Laat) (

Self-leadership NL Dealing (Xcdes) with stress (De Laat)

Effective written communication NL (Pure Talent)

Application letter & CV NL Effi cient studying NL (De Laat) (Xcdes)

Memory Techniques NL Effi cient studying NL (De Laat) (Competenza)

Illustrator beginner (Easy-123)

Mind Mapping NL Self-assessment (Competenza) (Career Academy)

Efficient studying NL Self-assessment (Career Academy) (De Laat)

Talk like TED Personal branding (Judith de Bruijn) NL (Transformation Company B.V.) Indesign beginner Photoshop (Easy-123) beginner (Easy-123)

Personal branding NL (Transformation Company B.V.) Photoshop beginner (Easy-123)

Assessment training NL (Qompas)

Willpower! (TrueVoice)

‘Dare to say ‘no’’ (TrueVoice)

Conversation technique + job interview NL (Xcdes)

Time management (Xcdes)

Project work NL (Competenza)

Speed reading (Competenza)

Good manners mean good business NL (MGN Hospitality Advice)

How to sell your idea NL (Judith de Bruijn)

Motivated professionals with ownership and self-reflection NL (De Laat) How to positively influence people NL (Pure Talent) Illustrator advanced (Easy-123)

Indesign advanced (Easy-123) Start an own business? What does it mean? NL (De Laat)

Speaking like Obama (

Contract negotiations (Career Academy) Etiquette dinner* NL (MGN Hospitality Advice)

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen


Wervingsdagen 2017-2018



Jan IJzerman Chairman

Ward de Groot Even Coordinator, Commissioner Website

Rik Lubbers Secretary, External Relations

Yvonne de Hond Event Coordinator

Demi de Jong Treasurer

Zeno Kapitein Public Relations, Commissioner Website

Evelien Schumacher External Relations

Keegan Walker Public Relations

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Foreword Chairman


Foreword Rector MagniďŹ cus


Why visit a workshop?


Workshops Monday December 11


Tuesday December 12


Wednesday December 13 Thursday December 14

36 50 59

Friday December 15

Wervingsdagen trainers

65 66

Activities organized by Wervingsdagen

Represented Study Associations at the Wervingsdagen Companies Career Expo & Interviewing Days 2018 Location of the Skill Sessions

67 68


Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen


Foreword Chairman

IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU During my years of studying at the TU/e I have questioned myself numerous times with the following: “Why did I choose to study here?”. The answer to this question has two parts: firstly, I am interested in the deeper mechanics of the world we live in. Secondly, the knowledge gathered at Eindhoven University of Technology provides for great opportunities in your future. Consequently, you have the freedom of choosing your own path after graduation. However, like the solution to any exam problem you face, your future will not reveal itself effortlessly. You have given yourself the chance to design your own professional career. But it can feel as if you are left in the dark when you are figuring out how to do so. We, the Wervingsdagen Committee, strive to light up the search for your future career path. Our different events are all focused on facilitating your professional development and network, enabling you to make a smooth transition from student to employee. On the 6th and 7th of March the Career Expo takes place. Here we provide you with the means to contact first employers and have first interviews. The Interviewing Days are scheduled from the 30th of April until the 3rd of May. This event intends to provide you in-depth with conversations with participating businesses. But first we proudly present you the Skill Sessions. With more workshops than ever before this is a great opportunity to start or continue developing yourself on a personal and professional level. In this brochure you can find all available workshops and lectures of this year, so you can choose the ones that suit you best. We hope to welcome you at the Skill Sessions!

Jan IJzerman Chairman


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

Foreword Rector Magnificus

BUILDING YOUR FUTURE, STEP BY STEP We in the Eindhoven Brainport region have a strong reputation when it comes to our networking skills. Combined with the Eindhoven ecosystem of high tech industry, it provides us with a unique position as a university. 61 years ago Eindhoven University of Technology arose from the need for highly skilled engineers in this region. It’s no coincidence that for years now, TU/e is ranked worldwide #1 university in its scientific research in cooperation with the industry.

You as a student and as representatives and participants of the Wervingsdagen are part of this constellation. During the so-called ‘Wervingsdagen’ both students and companies are offered the opportunity to make acquainted with each other. Let’s be honest: this is what it’s all about. This is why you chose TU/e in the first place: to become a top notch engineer and make a career out of your ambitions. Eindhoven University of Technology finds itself amongst the top-150 universities worldwide, according to the World University Ranking. As the rector magnificus of this university I realize what a giant step it is: finding your first job. First of all, you have to figure out what makes you tick. Is it the technology that drives you? Do you have a hardcore scientific researcher in you? Are you totally passionate about the future of the planet and sustainable solutions for energy-matters? That is for you to find out in the few years you get to spend at TU/e. All I can tell you, is that the world lies at your feet. Don’t be afraid of failure. Everybody has been there when it comes to making errors. As a student you can broaden your horizons and grow as a person. And as Ralph Nader, American activist, politician, author and lecturer said: your best teacher is your last mistake. So make good use of the Wervingsdagen and challenge yourself. For you are the engineer of the future.

Frank Baaijens Rector Magnificus Eindhoven University of Technology

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen


WHY VISIT A WORKSHOP? During the Skills Sessions the Wervingsdagen offers students of the Eindhoven University of Technology various free workshops. These workshops help students with their personal development and build a foundation for their life during and after their studies. Learn for example how to leave a good impression on your future boss, or how to strategically negotiate during a job interview. The Skill Sessions offer you the opportunity to get the most out of your career life, both during and after your study. The Skill Sessions program focuses on many different aspects. Some workshops will prepare you for job application procedures, such as writing a resume and preparing for a job interview. Next to this, we offer workshops that will help your presenting skills, your planning skills and other business related skills. For example, a workshop focusing on the different aspects of getting things done, will teach you which methods ďŹ t within different business structures and which method suits you best. There will always be one workshop that suits you. Participating in these workshops is easy, so apply before December 3 and light up your future!


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



How do you choose? Every day we make hundreds of choices which shape your life. Are you living a worthwhile life? Do you make the right choices? Do you doubt sometimes? You will actively work on personal and practical strategies to help you make choices in life. The workshop is designed for people who are willing to reflect deeply, who are not afraid to challenge themselves and who dare ask themselves: “”what do I really base my choices on?”” During the workshop you develop a personal vision that you can weigh your choices against. Then we will bring these lessons into practice through a personal case, such as a choice about your career, relationships, or anything else. You will develop practical strategies that will help in making important choices. Finally, we will look at the ethics of choosing. Every choice you make has a consequence. During this workshop we will look at the questions like: How can one make the “”right”” choices? How do you avoid making important decisions on autopilot? When to follow the beaten track and when not to? How to make ethical and moral choices? Choosing requires personal and practical wisdom. We will let go of how you are ‘supposed’ to be and help you find your own wisdom.


Monday December 11


Gele Kegels


Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mind-set of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.


Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Monday December 11

DEALING WITH STRESS We all experience stress, especially as a student when people ask a lot of you. But what level of stress is normal and when is it too much? Where does stress come from? And how do you get rid of it? More important: How do you prevent having too much stress? These questions will be answered during this workshop. In addition, this workshop is included with some exercises based on mindfulness.


Gele Kegels


De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat


Annemarie Vaarkamp is working as a psychologist and has her own company as a mindfulness trainer. She is also working as a teacher at “De Laat Kenniscentrum”. A few years ago, she combined her job in business while being pregnant and having a second study at the University. Stress isn’t unknown for her.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Knowing who you are, what you are good at and what you want will help you find your perfect job. During this training you will obtain a better insight in your qualities, get to know your core qualities personality-wise, and you will find out where your interests lie. Discover what you have to offer, and what you can still improve as a professional. With the use of the STAR method you will learn how to illustrate your competencies and personality traits based upon previous experiences. During a job interview, questions about your strengths and weaknesses might be asked, so this training will help you to be prepared for that as well!

Monday December 11


Gele Kegels



This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your , cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans and Linda Scheel are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy careeracademy

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Monday December 11


Gele Kegels


PERSONAL BRANDING The Personal Branding training focuses on knowing who you are and what your value for others can be. Personal branding is also about communicating and expressing who you are and what your values and brand attributes are. Being good is not always good enough, in some cases you have to help the people around you to see what you do and what your contribution is. During the training you will come closer to who you are, and are strengthened in knowing what you want, what to do and following up on this. You’ll learn strategies to increase and communicate your –increased and potentialvalue for your colleague students, future employers or clients. The training is highly interactive to experience what personal branding is about. Objectives, you can - describe your fields of expertise, core qualities, pitfalls and value for others. - recognize your distinctive value in relation to his colleagues. - observe your own behaviour and relate this to his qualities and ambition. - visualise your future situation and recognise situations to work towards its realisation. - experiment with different/new behaviour and communication.

Transformation Company B.V transformation


Tom Scholte is a full time personal branding expert since 2006. Since 2010 he and his personal branding training are part of the Skill Sessions. Scholte facilitates personal branding training and coaching for professionals a wide scope of companies.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Photoshop is the program of choice for image editing and experience design. But it offers many other possibilities. You can also use it to create beautiful illustrations, design print work, create 3D-models or even design websites with this powerful design tool. After the Photoshop workshop, provided by Easy-123, you will feel right at home in Photoshop. You will learn how to select objects and models to extract them from a background, learn to work with layers and layer effects, learn how to work with brushes and shapes, adjust lighting and color in your images, how to use Photoshop for Illustration and many more essential skills. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library, which you can use as a source to review the workshop material and dive further into what Photoshop has to offer. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses. The course program is as follows: Selection techniques Learn how to extract objects and models from a background to use in other artwork, or to limit editing to parts of your canvas Image editing Learn how to remove unwanted objects and blemishes without leaving a trace Masking Learn how to combine several images into one with Photoshop’s powerful masking tools. Image adjustments Learn how to take control of color and lighting using adjustment layers Using tekst and shapes Learn how to add and edit text and shapes to create stunning artwork for any project Several creative projects The course contains several quick and easy creative projects in which you put what you’ve learned into practice right away.

Monday December 11


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Monday December 11

14.00 - 17.00

HOW TO CATCH A RAT In every organization, you will be confronted with meetings, discussions and conversations that don’t go the way you want them to. Disruptors, dominant people and smart manipulators can sabotage any proper discussion. The most annoying thing about these rats is that they often succeed and get their way. During this workshop, you will learn how to recognize and deal with the most popular ‘rat techniques’. This will make sure that whichever job you choose after university, you won’t be surprised by these techniques and can make sure that the conversation focuses on proper arguments instead of cheap tricks.

Gele Kegels




Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mindset of dialogue and winwin. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Almost every employee within a commercial business comes into contact with customers who want to buy something from you or want information. The result of a conversation often has a certain purpose, namely: to realize the highest possible sales. In addition to product knowledge, it is necessary to actively stay in contact with the customer to ensure a good sales result. In this commercial workshop the theory of sales, conversation and negotiation techniques are discussed. Topics include: - The preparation of a conversation; - The ďŹ rst customer contact; - How you present products/services; - How you can set up sales stimulating questions; - How you present a price; - How you refute buying concerns of a customer; - How you end a call.

Monday December 11


Gele Kegels



Entrepreneur and trainer with heart and soul. He studied Economy and History, and after his study he worked at one of the biggest retailers of the Netherlands. Gilbert has been an independent trainer since 2004 and has worked for big training centres and coached many upcoming entrepreneurs. Since 2009 he owns a company in coaching and consultancy and in 2010 he started his own knowledge centre. Gilbert especially trains people, at both large and small companies, in commercial skills. Besides having his own company, Gilbert works at a University where he teaches commercial subjects and coaches students who want to become an entrepreneur as a business incubation ofďŹ cer. His company is located at the innovative Strijp-S in Eindhoven.

De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Monday December 11

14.00 - 17.00

Gele Kegels


THE ESSENCE OF A POWERFUL PRESENTATION This workshop goes beyond what you’ve probably already read on the internet. Yes, your public speaking skills, body language and presentation slides have a large impact on the effect of your training. However, in the end the message is what matters the most. Therefore, in this workshop you will learn how to shape your message, in order to: - Create (sustainable) engagement and interaction with your audience; - Bring a message in an inspiring manner, even when your audience isn’t feeling the energy (yet!) - Master the basics of storytelling. Do you remember the legendary presentation Steve Jobs gave when introducing the iPhone? It had an enormous impact. Unlike Steve Jobs’ presentation, most presentations are about more ‘common’ projects, products, reports and even about ourselves. Even though this might sound ‘less exciting’, it doesn’t have to be the case. Do you want to learn how to shape your message in such a way it inspires your audience? Then this workshop might give you the insights you are looking for. The focus of this workshop will be on bringing the message, not on the communication skills. This 3-hour workshop combines a presentation with practice; together with other participants you will put your acquired knowledge into practice by shaping the message of your presentations.

ABOUT THE TRAINER De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat


As an expert on marketing and communications, I am passionate about building brands and businesses that inspire, connect, grow and sell. I help corporates, SME’s and students by giving interactive training sessions and strategies. With a background and track record in Marketing Communications (MarCom), sales, cross media,business administration and psychology, the content of my trainings are based on a combination of influences. The field of MarCom is truly challenging and inspiring. Be prepared for the unexpected and shift your mindset to a continuous state of learning. Being a lifetime student is the only way to keep up with the speed of innovation. That is why challenging others in their MarCom Skills is my passion.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Ask anybody how he or she is doing and you will often get the answer: “Busy”. We all have our places in life. We are son, daughter, student, employee, friend etc. Every single one of them has obligations. Time management helps you to create more calmness in your life by setting the right priorities on the one hand and planning and organizing on the other. Time management is mainly about you as a person. The cause of stress or experiencing pressure is different for everyone. Finding the right solution is done by pinpointing the cause. After this workshop: - You have got a better view of what situations cause you to feel stress/pressure. - You recognize your personal factors causing inefficiency or stress. - You know how to manage you and your environment in such a way that your efficiency increases. - You are acquainted with a number of effective techniques helping you to prevent stress.


My name is Wendy Grandjean. I have been working as a trainer and coach for over 10 years. For the past 5 years, I have been able to practice my profession every day from my own organization Xcdes with great pleasure. My specializations are in the areas of management skills, communication and commercial skills and personal effectiveness. Under the label “The Application Trainer” I also help people who are looking for a new job or who want to realize ambitions from their current position. For this target group I give job application training and offer career guidance. In my work, I pay a lot of attention to the behavior of people and the environmental factors that influence it. I use the knowledge gained from my study in work and organizational psychology to give managers and employees more insight into daily behavior and its effects. Since 2014 I’ve also given live virtual training courses. In a virtual classroom, participants and trainer have live contact with each other.

Monday December 11


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Monday December 11

14.00 - 17.00

Gele Kegels



PHOTOSHOP ADVANCED Already know the basics of Photoshop? We’ve got you covered. In this workshop you will learn advanced editing and design techniques that will take your imaging work to the next level. After the Photoshop workshop, provided by Easy-123, you will feel right at home in Photoshop. You will learn how to select objects and models to extract them from a background, learn to work with layers and layer effects, learn how to work with brushes and shapes, adjust lighting and color in your images, how to use Photoshop for Illustration and many more essential skills. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library, which you can use as a source to review the workshop material and dive further into what Photoshop has to offer. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses. The course program is as follows: Advanced selection techniques Improve your selection techniques with some quick and easy pointers, focusing on new tools and tricks of the trade. Customizing Photoshop Increase efficiency by making Photoshop work for you! Customize tools, menus and automate workflow with several Photoshop action packs, provided in the course materials. Custom brushes and shapes Learn how to install, create and customize your own brushes and shapes in Photoshop to take your artwork to the next leve. Advanced masking and compositing Learn how to create stunning image composits using various techniques. Portfolio work Learn how to present your creative work in interesting, flexible and creative ways using Photoshop smart object mockups. The advanced workshop covers the same topics as the beginner workshop, but in a much faster pace. This means that more topics will be covered. If you already have some basic knowledge in Photoshop or other Adobe programs, you can choose this workshop.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



During this workshop, attention will be paid to the importance of making a good ďŹ rst impression during a job interview. After that the STAR method as used by recruiters for their behavioural questioning and other though questions candidates will have to deal with during an interview, will be discussed and explained. Participants will also practice an interview in subgroups amongst one another, after which they receive feedback on their answers and non-verbal behaviour during the exercise.

Monday December 11


Gele Kegels



This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn proďŹ le, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy careeracademy

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Monday December 11


Gele Kegels

DEBATE – MAKING YOUR INPUT MATTER How do you make sure your input matters? You may be brilliant in your field, come up with the greatest ideas, but you’ll still need to convince your client, partner or boss your solution is the right one. We’re here to make sure your input gets valued the way it should be. What do you think of when you hear the word “debate”? Maybe you consider it a dull affair, something for grey politicians or boring television programs. To us, however, debate is a highly challenging mental discipline, combining logical and rhetorical skills. It teaches skills that you can apply in professional situations, such as presentations, meetings or interviews. Furthermore, it’s a very fun activity, where both wit and preparation are valuable. Join us in this workshop, where you will learn how to persuade others, to construct your arguments carefully, and improve your public speaking skills. Discover how to captivate your audience, how to look and act confident throughout your presentation. Learn how to use emotion in debate while staying rational, and keep your speeches structured.




The workshop will be given by experienced members of Eindhoven Student Debate Association Chronos, who have been debating for multiple years in high school and university debate tournaments. Among them are the Dutch Champions in Policy Debate.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



TeX is a (free) text typesetter from 1978, which still is the standard in the academic world. TeX and LaTeX are often used for reports, papers, books, magazines and scientific articles, since it offers unlimited possibilities for creating formulas, graphs or presenting data, and because the rendering of normal text is nicer than Word’s. Since TeX is a complete programming language, it is very easy to create your own commands and scripts, and often used elements can be automated quickly. In this beginner’s course we will dive into LaTeX and you will learn how to easily create a report or other document. No previous experience or knowledge is required.

Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



Bor de Kock

Bor de Kock is a master student Cyber Security at the TU/e and Radboud University. He obtained his bachelor Computer Science in Eindhoven with a minor in linguistics (UvA), and was secretary of student’s association GEWIS in 2014-2015. He furthermore is employed as a writer and study officer. During his time as secretary of GEWIS and his education Bor has grown into a LaTeX-enthusiast who enjoys explaining why, with just a simple bit of code, you can save yourself lots of work.

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



December 11 / 12 / 13


Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne


MGN Hospitality Advice Cost: €15,-


ETIQUETTE DINNER To establish professional relationships with one other we must communicate with the appropriate etiquette. When you’re going to a business lunch or dinner with recruiters, clients or partners you make sure you behave properly; good table manners will open doors that the best education cannot. Like it or not, management equates good manners with competence in business and poor manners with incompetence. How convenient it is when you know where to put your cell phone during dinner, what to wear at a cocktail party or what to say at the beginning of a dinner. Confidence comes with knowledge. During this interactive workshop we provide guidelines for eating appropriately; dining in style and tell you all you what to know about dining etiquette, dress codes, conversation both verbal and nonverbal and practise these rules during this most pleasant dinner. Knowing and using good table manners is an important social skill. We want you to enjoy lunch and dinner meetings, establish a professional image to business relations family and friends. Program: history of table etiquette, rules during dinner, ABC table etiquette, hostmanship, attire and dress codes, meet and greet, communication.


Mea Gerrits is owner of MGN Hospitality Advice. She studied at The Hotelschool the Hague, has a bachelor degree on finance and economics and for more than 20 years she hosts workshops in the field of hospitality, etiquette and code of conduct. Mea provides professional skills training and workshops to Young professionals at universities, in finance and hospitality industries and governmental organisations. Her passion is to contribute to personal growth and development of young people and “Savoir vivre”.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Once you know what you are good at and what it is you are looking for regarding your career, you will start looking for interesting jobs and opportunities. But how do you then write a catchy cover letter and how do you produce a structured CV? What should be in these documents and what should be left out? What should these documents look like? How do you make sure that both documents match with one another? During this workshop focus will lie on these questions so you will be able to clearly state your suitability and motivation for the job you are applying for. Participants will receive feedback on their documents and tips on how to further improve them.

Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn proďŹ le, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy careeracademy

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Tuesday December 12

POWERFUL PERSUASION Powerful persuasion techniques all share the same characteristic: they are based on the way we function psychologically. If you know how to influence your discussion partner’s brain, you know how to convince them. In this workshop, you will learn persuasion techniques based on Nobel prize winning research. You will find out how to adapt your discussion strategies to the psychological functioning of your discussion partner. This will allow you to keep control over the discussion.


Gele Kegels



Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



In every important situation in your career, your body language will matter a great deal. Job interviews, pitches for investors, important meetings with colleagues and network events: in all these situations your body will tell a story too. What your body says will enhance your persuasiveness and status, or undermine it. In the workshop Strategic Body Language you will increase your presence and charisma and your ability to be more persuasive and inspiring in pitches, presentations and meetings. You will learn how you increase the confidence you feel and the confidence you project in situations that really matter. In a very high pace, you will learn techniques that allow you to make your communication much more persuasive and inspiring by adjusting simple things in the way you use your voice and body language. The workshop Strategic Body Language is a high energy crash course. We will spend 20% on theory and 80% on practising the various techniques. Results participants have got out of this workshop include: - Feeling and projecting more confidence when communicating and speaking in public. - Being able to have a higher status in important situations. - More impact when giving a pitch or presentation.


Mimoun Oaissa is a filmmaker, storyteller and researcher. He conducts research into body language, persuasion and language. His team includes, among others, industrial designers, psychologists, marketers and filmmakers. He provides workshops and coaching for a wide variety of clients, including startups, nonprofits, big corporations and international law firms. Mimouns workshops are very interactive. His energetic style of explaining and teaching and the many examples from his own career as an actor, speaker and entrepreneur make these workshops valuable and inspiring for every audience.

Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels


86 billion

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



WEBDESIGN In the workshop webdesign, provided by Easy-123, you will learn everything you need to create your own website with WordPress. A powerful, flexible and free content management system, without any knowledge op code languages. The trainer, Martijn van Weeghel, will guide you through installing Wordpress, its general settings, a diverse range of options for adding and styling content, best practices for building a modern site and more. Supported by the online webdesign courses on our site, you will be able to build your own WordPress website. Hosting and domain registration To build a WordPress website, you will need hosting space and a domain name. We will teach you what to look for in a provider. Settings and preferences Learn how to configure WordPress to your own needs in the admin environment. Themes and content You will learn how to install themes and how to configure it to suit the needs of your website, with elements that you can easily create, manage, copy and adjust to fit your vision for the site. Learn what makes a good content strategy, how to manage a blog or portfolio, and how to promote your content online. Pages And Navigation Learn how to create and manage pages, add navigation menus, and manage traffic funnels to guide visitors. Plugins WordPress functionality can be expanded by using plugins. We will teach you which plugins are essential and which are helpful for different purposes. Seo SEO, or search engine optimization, is an important part of modern webdesign. We will teach you how to configure your site for best practices, what to take into account when managing content, and how you can optimize new and old content with certain tools. The workshop includes free access to our online training library, where you can sign up for online courses about webdesign, graphic design, video production, online marketing and many other essential IT skills.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

INVESTING FOR BEGINNERS This workshop is especially for those people who are interested in investing at the stock-market, but never really got the time to get into it. You will learn what kind of entities have shares and how difficult, or easy it can be to buy shares. Crowdfunding will not be forgotten. The key question is always; What is the value of a share? You can always calculate, but is this the same value as registered at the stock market? Most people invest in shares, but there are more options to invest. We will show more possibilities so you can choose the best way for you to invest. Or to start getting to know this particular part of investing. At the end of this workshop you will know the fundamentals of investing.


Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



My name is Machiel Keet, the designer of the online accounting package for the self-employed entrepreneur, Gere-geld. Author of the book “Ik heb niets met cijfers “ and owner of the formula of administrative offices in the Netherlands. I have started my career with a study in HBO accounting, after that I studied the post HBO controllers training at the open university business administration. After the business studies, I started as entrepreneur as a bookkeeper in the online accounting package. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I have worked as end responsible of finance for 13 years in companies with 200 to 600 employees.

De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Tuesday December 12

WORKSHOP ASSESSMENT CENTER IN A NUTSHELL An assessment center (AC) can be part of a selection procedure. Simulations are one of the characteristics that make up an AC. Other elements can be a psychological test (IQ test and a personality test), group exercises or discussions and an interview. Candidates are being assessed during these elements to predict their suitability for a certain job. Participants in this interactive workshop will get acquainted with all elements that make up an AC by going through theory and exercises.


Gele Kegels



Career Academy careeracademy


This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn proďŹ le, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

STRATEGIC NEGOTIATION SKILLS When entering a negotiation, you have thought of a strong case with compelling arguments. But of course, your opponent has done the same thing. Is it better to immediately start with your own arguments, or to let your opponent start first? Solving these strategic dilemmas are key to achieving more in any negotiation. By using strategic negotiation skills, you can make sure your arguments will become valuable in any discussion. During this workshop, you will learn to operate in a tactical way in negotiations. You will learn to ask the right questions and to make sure your arguments stick with everyone else. This will mean you will succeed more and will do so in a pleasant way.


Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



My name is Machiel Keet, the designer of the online accounting package for the self-employed entrepreneur, Gere-geld. Author of the book “Ik heb niets met cijfers“ and owner of the formula of administrative offices in the Netherlands. I have started my career with a study in HBO accounting, after that I studied the post HBO controllers training at the open university business administration. After the business studies, I started as entrepreneur as a bookkeeper in the online accounting package. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I have worked as end responsible of finance for 13 years in companies with 200 to 600 employees.

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Tuesday December 12

VENI VIDI VICI: HOW TO ‘OWN THE ROOM’ WITHOUT WORDS You probably know that 80% of your credibility is defined by our non-verbal communication. Then why do you spend most of your time on the choice of your words? This workshop boosts your charisma. You learn what your body language tells others and how to tweak this into a presence that fits your ambitions. This workshop is guaranteed PowerPoint free, personal, and practical. Only for the brave, for those who are prepared to stumble, fall, laugh and rise sky high.


Gele Kegels


Judith de Bruijn


Judith de Bruijn: educational scientist, former tv presenter, conference moderator & presentation coach.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



How to write and deliverer a great job pitch When you are applying for a job, there are always a lot of things you could tell about yourself. But in a job interview, time is always limited. How can you maximize the impact, while at the same time minimizing the amount of words you need? How do you find the stories and examples that make you stand out? What is equally important: an employer doesn’t only want to know about your skills and knowledge. A good employer wants to get to know your personality as well. What can you communicate about who you are as a human being? In this workshop you will learn a method and techniques to write a great job pitch. You will learn to express who you are and what you can bring to the job as powerfully as possible in as few words as possible. Results participants have got out of this workshop include: - Knowing which elements have to be in your pitch about yourself. - Knowing how to make a bigger impact, with less words and thus leaving more time in the interview to ask questions about the job and the company. - Knowing how to adjust your pitch and improvise if necessary.

Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



Mimoun Oaissa is a filmmaker, storyteller and researcher. He conducts research into body language, persuasion and language. His team includes, among others, industrial designers, psychologists, marketers and filmmakers. He provides workshops and coaching for a wide variety of clients, including startups, nonprofits, big corporations and international law firms. Mimouns workshops are very interactive. His energetic style of explaining and teaching and the many examples from his own career as an actor, speaker and entrepreneur make these workshops valuable and inspiring for every audience.

86 billion

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Tuesday December 12

INVESTING FOR ADVANCED If you already know something about investing, but want to learn more, then the advanced investing workshop is for you. We will start by going through the basics, to make sure that everyone is at the same level. There is a variety of possibilities to invest at the stock market. Everybody has heard of shares, but how much do you know about currency’s, smaller markets like gold or oil or CFD’s (Contract For Differences)? If you want to invest in smaller companies, then crowdfunding could be an option. If you want to trade at the stock market, you will need a broker. Pick the one that suits you the best. At the end of this workshop you will be closer to your first investment.


Gele Kegels


ABOUT THE TRAINER De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat


My name is Machiel Keet, the designer of the online accounting package for the self-employed entrepreneur, Gere-geld. Author of the book “Ik heb niets met cijfers“ and owner of the formula of administrative offices in the Netherlands. I have started my career with a study in HBO accounting, after that I studied the post HBO controllers training at the open university business administration. After the business studies, I started as entrepreneur as a bookkeeper in the online accounting package. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I have worked as end responsible of finance for 13 years in companies with 200 to 600 employees.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

FINANCIAL: “LIVING, WORKING AND PRIVATE FINANCES” During this workshop, we will discuss subjects that every resident in the Netherlands needs to know of. Even students who will live on their own are going to be confronted with financial issues, such as rent, taxes and insurances. In addition, if there are students with a job, they will be confronted with payroll taxes and declarations that need to be done to get too much payed taxes back. The difference between gross and net salary will also be explained. After graduation, they are going to be faced with a job, buying a house, leasing a car, pension and insurances. These subjects will be discussed during the workshop. Everyone will be confronted with this at some point during their life.


Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



With his long years of experience and his multiple backgrounds in ICT, administration and teaching Bert Geilen does not only have experience in financial businesses but also in fiscal and social legislation. As a teacher for “De Laat Kenniscentrum” he regularly teaches courses like MBA (Modern Business administration) and other modules about Taxes and Accounting and Wage and Salary Administration. He also teaches Excel courses at an advanced level. Since a couple of years Bert traded in his international career for a job as a teacher, which he thoroughly enjoys.

De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Tuesday December 12


WORKSHOP NETWORKING AND SOCIAL MEDIA A serious orientation on the job market will make it possible to apply for jobs more efficiently. Although there are several sources that can be used to orientate yourself on the job market, networking is one of the most effective tools to use. During the workshop the importance of networking will be explained. Information about what networking is (and what it is not) will be shared and participants will practice amongst one another on how to network and how to prepare for a network conversation. Finally, the use of social media to network will be explained and demonstrated with a short LinkedIn session. Afterwards participants will be able to improve their profile and make better use of LinkedIn to orientate themselves on the job market.

Gele Kegels



Career Academy careeracademy


This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn profile, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

INSPIRING AND PERSUASIVE STORYTELLING To really inspire and persuade your audience you need to do more than conveying information. You need to use imagination, interaction and make your story and delivery personal in a professional way. That way you will be able to captivate the attention of your audience faster and longer and get them to accept your ideas and plans more easily. Inspiring and Persuasive storytelling draws from the best techniques and insights from marketing, filmmaking and neuroscience. In this workshop you will learn a process to write a great story in a short time. You will learn techniques that contribute to your audience actually experiencing your story instead of just hearing the information. You will also understand how you can use story structure to increase the understanding and commitment of your audience. Results participants have got out of this workshop include: - How to make data and facts more vivid. - How to adjust your story to your audience to increase impact. - Having a clear process from first idea to complete story and slide deck.


Tuesday December 12


Gele Kegels



Mimoun Oaissa is a filmmaker, storyteller and researcher. He conducts research into body language, persuasion and language. His team includes, among others, industrial designers, psychologists, marketers and filmmakers. He provides workshops and coaching for a wide variety of clients, including startups, nonprofits, big corporations and international law firms. Mimouns workshops are very interactive. His energetic style of explaining and teaching and the many examples from his own career as an actor, speaker and entrepreneur make these workshops valuable and inspiring for every audience.

86 billion

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13

APPLICATION TRAINING A successful application starts with asking yourself who you are, what you want and what your skills are. During this Qompas application training you start with a thorough self-analysis. We will use interactive exercises to discover what your skills are. You will learn how to make a resume and application letter that suits the vacancy. And you will be introduced with the widely used recruitment technique: the STAR-method. This is a useful method to easily demonstrate your skills. After this training you will know how to apply successfully and you can put it into practice right away!


Gele Kegels




Our Qompas trainers are all year round in close contact with the employers that are looking for starters. We know what they are looking for in an application letter or resume. The trainers have a lot of experience with the whole job application process. We see thousands of resumes every year and we know what does and does not succeed during an interview. Our trainers are motivated to give you the information and tips you need to succeed in the application process and get your dream job!


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

HUNTING THE MEETING TIGER A good meeting is a productive meeting. Unfortunately, many meetings are distracted by meeting tigers. As a result, focus evaporates and unproductiveness enters. Ever wondered how to catch the meeting tiger and bring back productiveness? In this workshop, you will get insight in how to steer meetings and make decisions based on the input of all participants. It is an interactive session, with room for personal cases and practice. In this workshop, you will learn to keep control and keep participants engaged. You will have gained insight in group dynamics and know how to deal with disturbing behaviour.


Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels


Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels




APPLICATION LETTER & CV An application letter and a CV are often the first contact a recruiter has with you. The first impression is decisive. How do you make sure that you are selected on the basis of your application letter and CV? There are countless examples on the internet with a good format that you can use. However, it is, above all, about the content. This training was developed in collaboration with a number of recruiters and managers from the business community. You will learn what you have to put in your CV and what you have to put in your application letter. You get tips and insight into the do’s and don’ts. Learning goals - In this training you will learn how to create a professional CV in a structured way. - You get insight into what recruiters watch and tips on how to respond to this. - You are able to create a distinctive CV. - You know which elements are part of an effective application letter. - You learn how recruiters look at a letter and how they work. - You know how to present yourself in a distinctive and convincing way in writing.


My name is Wendy Grandjean. I have been working as a trainer and coach for over 10 years. For the past 5 years, I have been able to practice my profession every day from my own organization Xcdes with great pleasure. My specializations are in the areas of management skills, communication and commercial skills and personal effectiveness. Under the label “The Application Trainer” I also help people who are looking for a new job or who want to realize ambitions from their current position. For this target group I give job application training and offer career guidance. In my work, I pay a lot of attention to the behavior of people and the environmental factors that influence it. I use the knowledge gained from my study in work and organizational psychology to give managers and employees more insight into daily behavior and its effects. Since 2014 I’ve also given live virtual training courses. In a virtual classroom, participants and trainer have live contact with each other.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Perhaps you never heard of MindMapping! MindMapping is a technique to better utilize our brain, to process more information, to keep a better overview, to develop your personal creativity and to learn faster. You can use this technique for making notes, minutes, preparing a speech or presentation.

Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13

TALK LIKE TED TED talks are immensely popular. The format seems to become a norm for presenting on conferences and in board rooms. It is a very effective way of presenting when communicating with a more general audience, because it focusses less on actual content, but more on personal involvement, idealism and inspiration. What does this ask from you as a presenter? How do you make the leap from explaining to inspiring? How do you become personal and get a real grip on your audience? This is what you can learn and experience during this workshop. Be prepared to stretch your comfort zone and talk like TED.


Gele Kegels


Judith de Bruijn


Judith de Bruijn: educational scientist, former tv presenter, conference moderator & presentation coach.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



In this InDesign workshop for beginners you will learn how to create stunning and modern flyers, brochures and other print artwork. Learn to work with multi-page layouts, how to create complex shapes, work with color, style text and standardize your design elements to make the program a breeze to use for a quick project or a complex assignment. The InDesign workshop covers everything you need to know for creating simple and complex documents, from working with practical tools for shapes and text to preparing your work for print or online publishing. After the workshop, you will be provided with free access to our online course library, which you can use as a source to review the workshop material and dive further into what Photoshop has to offer. This allows us to focus on purely practical skills during the workshop, and get into the more technical side of things in the online courses. The course program is as follows: Customizing the InDesign interface Learn how to set up InDesign for efficient workflows Creating and managing documents Learn how to create documents for different purposes Managine pages and document structure Learn how to manage pages and create standardized layouts for larger documents Creating shapes Learn how to create and composit shapes for various uses Managing color Learn how to add and edit colors, and technical aspects of color for print work. Working with text Learn how to add and edit text, including how to standardize text styling for more efficient workflows. Placing and editing images Learn to incorporate images into your documents in practical and creative ways. Export and publishing Learn what it takes to prepare your documents for print, and best practices for exporting to PDF.

Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13


ASSESSMENT TRAINING An assessment is intended to see if you have the skills that are required to be successful in the offered job. Through a thorough self-analysis you can increase your self-knowledge, which allows you to operate more effectively in various selection rounds. During this interactive assessment training of Qompas, you learn how to prepare for tests and we will discuss and practice a few assessment exercises. How do you deal with a role-play and a group discussion? How do you prepare for personality and IQ tests? The focus of the training is on self-analysis. Qompas believes that a better understanding of your own competences leads to better assessment results.

Gele Kegels




Our Qompas trainers are all year round in close contact with the employers that are looking for starters. We know what they are looking for in an application letter or resume. The trainers have a lot of experience with the whole job application process. We see thousands of resumes every year and we know what does and does not succeed during an interview. Our trainers are motivated to give you the information and tips you need to succeed in the application process and get your dream job!


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Do you find it hard to say no and do you get flooded with extra work? Or is your no sometimes sharper than you’d really wanted it to be? Discover in the Training Dare to say ‘no’ why it’s so difficult to reject a request in a clear but friendly way. A skill that will be useful in your future career in business. Self-awareness, self-esteem and experimentation with new behaviour go hand in hand in this training. You’ll gain insight in what standards and values you have with regard to saying no. Also, in the training you’ll actively try out different behaviour. The result: being able to communicate a nomessage effectively and constructively. You will learn how to be more assertive and sincere in your communication.

Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels



Yo-Yi Pat is an organizational psychologist. She also received extensive training in coaching skills. It’s her profession to study human behaviour and to create effective collaborations. As a trainer and coach, she is committed to give people insight into how they behave in varying situations and how to change the situations for the better. With a spoonful of self-mockery, she’s able to make behavioural change, fun to do. In her trainings, the emphasis is on doing and learning from experiences. Yo-Yi practices aikido, a Japanese self-defence martial art and has obtained a black belt. She takes a lot of inspiration from the underlying principles of aikido. These principles are also included in her trainings.


Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13

TIME MANAGEMENT Do you often have chaotic days and does the planned schedule never end? And then the papers of your work or study that ask for attention. Then maybe it’s time to do something about time management. But what if you are not such a structured type, what do you have to do? For insights and tips for each type, follow our active workshop.


Gele Kegels




Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



As a student you’re often overwhelmed by an overload of information. Or perhaps you don’t have enough time to do everything school wants you to do. If you are looking for a tool to save time and keep “up to date” with your study or you are looking for an effective way to learn, then speed reading is definitely something for you! In the workshop you’ll learn how to: - Process information effectively - Speed read (this includes three tests to monitor your progress) - And some memory techniques that help you to study easier

Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13

HOW TO SELL YOUR IDEA Your idea may be brilliant, but only if you know how to sell it, it will come closer to reality. The essence of selling an idea is to tune into the heart, soul and language of your potential clients and show them how your idea solves their problem. You might also call this ‘strategic thinking’. In this workshop you work with a five-step model that helps you to construct an attractive pitch. With this way of thinking you can sell any idea to anyone.


Gele Kegels


Judith de Bruijn


Judith de Bruijn: educational scientist, former tv presenter, conference moderator & presentation coach.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Learn to take your InDesign projects to the next level in the workshop for advanced users. This workshop is suitable for students with a basic working knowledge of InDesign. If you can create and manages pages, work with basic shapes, text and images, this workshop is for you. You will not only learn more advanced aspects of the above skills, but also how to more efficiently work with said skills to increase speed and the quality of your work. The course program is as follows: Standardizing your work Learn how to create advanced shape composits and how to place images and text inside them Advanced shapes Learn how to create advanced shape composits and how to place images and text inside them Advanced text editing Learn the hidden secrets of text formatting in InDesign, and how to efficiently work with styles to greatly increase your output. Creative Cloud integrations Learn what Creative Cloud has to offer, and how it can make your life as a designer easier, including how to use it for team projects. Working with Photoshop and Illustrator documents Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign go hand in hand. Learn how these programs integrate on multiple levels to increase speed and production value. Online publishing Online publishing is a growing field, that will eventually outpace print publishing. Learn how to create animated and interactive documents for publishing on a variety of devices. The advanced workshop covers the same topics as the beginner workshop, but in a much faster pace. This means that more topics will be covered. If you already have some basic knowledge in InDesign or other Adobe programs, you can choose this workshop.

Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Wednesday December 13


START AN OWN BUSINESS? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The workshop begins with the steps needed for you to start your own company and the risks and administrative duties that comes with it. It will discuss what it takes to start your company, for example the type of company, difference between conducting a business as a natural person or as a legal entity. When you start your own company, often an investment is needed, this means you must borrow money from family, the bank or by crowdfunding. It is also important to have a business plan. You must register your company with various agencies and you need to have an administration. These activities are amongst others requirements imposed by the Tax Office on VAT notes. Taxation (depending on the form of the company) and VAT will also be discussed during this workshop. In addition, the possible deduction of losses of the first years with future profits will also be discussed.

Gele Kegels


De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat



With his long years of experience and his multiple backgrounds in ICT, administration and teaching Bert Geilen does not only have experience in financial businesses but also in fiscal and social legislation. As a teacher for “De Laat Kenniscentrum” he regularly teaches courses like MBA (Modern Business administration) and other modules about Taxes and Accounting and Wage and Salary Administration. He also teaches Excel courses at an advanced level. Since a couple of years Bert traded in his international career for a job as a teacher, which he thoroughly enjoys.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS Congratulations, you’ve found a job! Your employer has invited you for a meeting to discuss your offer. How do you negotiate your salary? Which aspects do you need to take into account when signing your labour contract? What are the ins and outs of such a conversation? Do you immediately agree to the offer you receive? Does your contract include a notice period or non-compete clause? What does the pension scheme look like? And is your salary offer around the market rate? These are all questions that will be addressed during the workshop Salary negotiations and Labour contracts. You will get a better overview of all aspects of your labour contract in the Netherlands while improving your own negotiation skills.


Wednesday December 13


Gele Kegels



This workshop is being hosted by one of the career advisors from the Career Academy of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The TU/e Career Academy forms the bridge between students and employers. The Career Academy supports every TU/e student in writing his or her professional career story, starting in the Bachelor up until the moment of graduation. Career support is being offered through a variety of activities. Not only do we check your application tools like your CV, cover letters and LinkedIn proďŹ le, we also organize several career workshops. Students can also arrange an individual coaching meeting with one of the career advisors. All career support is free of charge. Within the Career Academy, career advisors Coby Doreleijers, Robin Eijsermans and Linda Scheel, are available to support you with your next career step.

Career Academy careeracademy

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Thursday December 14


BEAT THE BIAS: RECOGNIZING ERRORS IN YOUR THINKING Are you aware of your own biases and blind spots? Psychologists have compiled a huge list of errors in thinking in recent years that even the most intelligent people may not be aware of. During this training, we treat the most important ones and you will take a critical look at yourself. What biases do you have about yourself, other people and the world? What decisions do you base on false grounds? What unwarranted judgments and conclusions do you draw about the world around you? At the end of this training you might have to revisit a lot of your ideas! But, knowledge of these thinking errors enables you to argue sharply and make better decisions! This training welcomes anyone who is not afraid to learn to think more critically.

Gele Kegels





Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mind-set of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



This training is mainly about your personal career objectives. If you have your goals clearly in mind, then you have focus. By behaving like a self-leader, you will see that your goals are closer than you think. In the self-leadership training you learn to think and act as a self-leader. You get a clear view on your goal and you make a personal action plan to achieve it.

Thursday December 14


Gele Kegels


My name is Wendy Grandjean. I have been working as a trainer and coach for over 10 years. For the past 5 years, I have been able to practice my profession every day from my own organization Xcdes with great pleasure. My specializations are in the areas of management skills, communication and commercial skills and personal effectiveness. Under the label “The Application Trainer” I also help people who are looking for a new job or who want to realize ambitions from their current position. For this target group I give job application training and offer career guidance. In my work, I pay a lot of attention to the behavior of people and the environmental factors that influence it. I use the knowledge gained from my study in work and organizational psychology to give managers and employees more insight into daily behavior and its effects. Since 2014 I’ve also given live virtual training courses. In a virtual classroom, participants and trainer have live contact with each other.



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Thursday December 14

MEMORY TECHNIQUES Our memory is really a phenomenon. Every second of every day it does miracles. However, we do not realize that. Every part of our live relies on our memory. Whether we walk, study, relax or work, our memory is always working. Our memory strikes matters. She archives, sorts and filters huge amounts of information. Why then a memory training? Our memory “sometimes lets us down”. What’s his name again?, Where did I leave it?, How was that again?, etc.?


In this training we will take a test of everyone after which we will explain what memory is, how it works, how to structure and improve it.

Gele Kegels




Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Time management = Dealing with time wisely! Quickly copying your thesis, rushing to another building after a meeting for an appointment with a fellow student and not eating a sandwich in between as you don’t have time for a break. Oh, tomorrow, an exam, completely forgotten! How often does a day go like this? Too often? Then maybe it’s time to do something about it by learning to manage your time. What is time management? David Allen is clear about the term: “You can’t manage time. You can only manage actions.” You can’t get 25 hours out of a day. But you can make a difference in what you do in one day. There are various courses, tools and methods in the field of time management. You will learn more skills in planning tasks and activities, and you will learn to structure the available time purposefully and effectively. With your agenda as a starting point, you will learn to efficiently spend your time so you can reach your deadlines. In addition to the way you organize your time, time management is about yourself and what goals you want to accomplish in the time you have. In this workshop, we will focus on how time management can help you. Furthermore, it will give an insight into yourself by finding your strengths and weaknesses.

Thursday December 14


Gele Kegels


In the field of management, consulting, training and coaching I have gained a lot of experience within the Rabobank and previously at Adecco Personnel Services. During my career, I soon noticed where my passion lies: the person in the organization. Developing talent is the thread of my career, the development in both myself and other people. I have put this passion and expertise into action to contribute to the improvement of employees so that the goals and ambitions within an organization can be realized. In early 2016, I decided to leave the Rabobank and to start as an independent entrepreneur. I focused myself as a business partner, consultant & coach in Eindhoven and the surrounding area. I work for the Summa College at the Center for Entrepreneurship, and I give mini-masters to the MKB in the field of HR. In addition, I coach a number of MKB entrepreneurs and I advise them with the translation of their mission and vision into HR spearheads. I enjoy making people aware of their talents and help them to develop these.


De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Thursday December 14


Gele Kegels




WILLPOWER! Having willpower is something you can learn! Good news for anyone who would like to have more willpower. Whether it is your studies, sports or any personal goals, with more willpower you can achieve more. Psychological research has shown that willpower is a determining factor for success in the future. The workshop Willpower! will give you an introduction to willpower. You will learn what it is, how it works and how to deal with pitfalls. We discuss pitfalls, such as the so-called ‘what the hell effect’, the ‘halo effect’ and the ‘restraint bias’. In addition, we will discuss strategies to develop your willpower. You will learn how to increase your energy, how to prevent willpower ‘leaks’ and learn strategies to be more effective at achieving your goals. So, do you want more willpower for your study, less Facebooking, workout more often, eat healthier or something else? Then you are more than welcome.


Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mind-set of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

CONVERSATION TECHNIQUE + JOB INTERVIEW How do you conduct a good job interview? A company is looking for a suitable candidate. The recruiter tries to get the best possible image of a candidate based on a first interview. For you, it’s a snapshot that depends a lot. How to make the best impression and how to deal with difficult questions or situations can be learned. What do you learn in this application training? - You will learn what you can expect from a job interview. - You will learn what recruiters pay attention to and how they work - You will learn some applicable talking techniques. - You will learn how to prepare your job interview and how to anticipate possibly difficult situations or questions.


Thursday December 14


Gele Kegels


My name is Wendy Grandjean. I have been working as a trainer and coach for over 10 years. For the past 5 years, I have been able to practice my profession every day from my own organization Xcdes with great pleasure. My specializations are in the areas of management skills, communication and commercial skills and personal effectiveness. Under the label “The Application Trainer” I also help people who are looking for a new job or who want to realize ambitions from their current position. For this target group I give job application training and offer career guidance. In my work, I pay a lot of attention to the behavior of people and the environmental factors that influence it. I use the knowledge gained from my study in work and organizational psychology to give managers and employees more insight into daily behavior and its effects. Since 2014 I’ve also given live virtual training courses. In a virtual classroom, participants and trainer have live contact with each other.



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Thursday December 14

PROJECT WORK During the workshop we take the participants through the phases of a project. We provide information on the project planning and project organization. In addition, how a project team should be assembled and what it takes to control a project. At the end we pay attention to the experiences between theory and practice.


Gele Kegels




Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Understanding attitudes and values can be of significant importance if you wish to communicate with your counterparts effectively. Desiderius Erasmus told us already that lack of courtesy and respect can be a serious problem. The image of the company you work for, your image matters when you are working in a professional environment. During the interactive workshop we make you aware of the impact and effects of appropriate behaviour when doing business. Like it or not, management equates good manners with competence in business and poor manners with incompetence. Etiquette alone will not enable you reach your goal; it will give the extra edge between you and the competion. Confidence comes with knowledge. During this interactive workshop we define professional behaviour and give guidelines for appearance actions and attitude in a business environment. At the menu we have the ABC rules of conduct, Meeting etiquette, hostmanship and hospitality, social sensitivity, nonverbal communication, attending a conference or meeting, business dress and grooming, office courtesy, written communication manners, verbal en non-verbal etiquette, dining in style and tell you all you what to know about email diplomacy best behaviour and politeness. We practise these rules together in an informal setting.


Mea Gerrits is owner of MGN Hospitality Advice. She studied at The Hotelschool the Hague, has a bachelor degree on finance and economics and for more than 20 years she hosts workshops in the field of hospitality, etiquette and code of conduct. Mea provides professional skills training and workshops to Young professionals at universities, in finance and hospitality industries and governmental organisations. Her passion is to contribute to personal growth and development of young people and “Savoir vivre”.

Thursday December 14


Gele Kegels


MGN Hospitality Advice

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Thursday December 14

SPEAKING LIKE OBAMA World-class speakers like John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Barack Obama use simple rhetorical techniques to create exceptional speeches. If you know what these techniques are it becomes possible to give speeches which not only sound interesting, but also generate huge amounts of applause. Ever wondered what these techniques are and how you can use them effectively? In this interactive workshop, you learn to recognise all the important rhetorical techniques and get the change to implement them in your everyday pitches and presentations.


Gele Kegels





Imre Végh is founder of TrueVoice, a creative and committed bureau for training and coaching. As trainer, coach and moderator he is keen on distinguishing ‘sense’ from ‘non-sense’, Digging deeper with questions like: What is it that really matters? What is valuable? What is true? What is right? And... how do we get there? He helps individuals, groups and organizations to ask relevant questions that help create value and be more effective. He teaches using the right arguments and to challenge logical fallacies while keeping a mind-set of dialogue and win-win. Honest, sharp and constructive communication is the goal. During his studies, he frequently participated in debating competitions. In these competitions, he could fully engage with critical and sharp analysis. Inspired by the Honours College of Utrecht University, he took a coaching course. Later he founded the Better World Foundation with friends in which he facilitated a four-month Traineeship twice a year.

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

HOW DO I START A FUTURE-PROOF COMPANY? Many companies get their profits from business that didn’t existed a decade ago, but grew very fast. The fastest growing companies are companies that make use of other people’s possessions, talent and don’t have that many staff, which are the network conductors such as, Airbnb, etc. Anno 2017, customers are more organized through forums and networks, and more than ever aware of their role. A purchase becomes a customers journey and the authenticity of a company counts more and more. Innovations are gaining momentum and impact on marketing, organizations and society. You can ask yourself: How do I create growth that is future-proof? Growth is accompanied by changes, but changing is not an event. How do you and how does your (future) organization deals with these changes? These questions will all be discussed during the workshop. Afterwards, you will get an overview of the New Business Models in the WEconomy using many practical examples. You will learn to look through other glasses at the business. In addition, it will be linked to starting an own company, and we will start working on the following: Where can we create multiple value? If you are looking for information about the financial side of starting an own company or with which agencies, such as the Kamer van Koophandel, you have to deal with, the workshop “Start an own business? What does it mean?” will help in providing you with this kind of information.



Friday December 15


Gele Kegels


De Laat Kenniscentrum

Geert is a strategic marketer and is specialized in the following areas: strategic marketing, sales management and coaching. Geert coaches in the design and/or renewal of business models. With ‘the why’ of the entrepreneur or organization as a starting point, multiple value is created. Geert’s motto: Sustainability grows and entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important. I am pleased with it, as a human being, “We are all astronauts of spacecraft Earth” -Wubbo Ockels-


Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Friday December 15


EFFECTIVE WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Ever wondered why some texts are impossible to read because your mind wonders off, which makes it impossible to concentrate? And ever wondered why some stories are impossible to put down because they take you literally inside the story? Our language and content expert will give you a set of keys to unlock tools that will captivate the readers of your written endeavors. After this workshop: - You can pimp your tale - You’ll know the force of your senses - You’ll know the difference between bread and whipped cream - You’ll have new ideas for what you need to write

Gele Kegels


Pure Talent


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



Illustrator is the software package for professional designers and illustrators. This course teaches you how to design your own house styles, logos and illustrations. Whether it’s the formatting of a simple invitation or a professional leaflet, or a simple illustration with Illustrator it’s possible. In this course we will take you step by step into the vast world of this versatile program. Afterwards you will know all the possibilities of the latest version of Illustrator and apply it to a professional level. This skill is certainly a good addition to your CV. After your participation in the Illustrator course, you will have access to our E-learning website. Here you will find tutorials, articles and videos on how to use the program. For example, during the course day we focus on practical matters and you can get to know all the ins and outs of the program in depth through our E-learning site.

Friday December 15


Gele Kegels



Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Friday December 15


Gele Kegels


De Laat Kenniscentrum delaat


MOTIVATED PROFESSIONALS WITH OWNERSHIP AND SELFREFLECTION Employers demand motivated professionals with ownership and self-reflection. What do they mean by this? How do you meet this and stay close to yourself? You chose your study from your passion, maybe it was a big bet or you had another good reason for this. You have already come to this point, of course, is a whole achievement and now you must orientate yourself to the future perspective through the Wervingsdagen. But have you been able to reach your goals and getting everything out of your study so far? Have you felt your limits, have you been seriously challenged, have you ever had to go to the limit? Not everyone will be able to answer these conscientious questions with “yes”. This workshop gives you the knowledge so that you know and experience how employers will keep in mind how you distinguish yourself. Knowledge and a diploma are proof of admission to the labor market, but more is being asked. If you are looking for opportunities to show what you can do and how to distinguish yourself in the labor market, then it helps you to know generally motivates people and particularly yourself. At the end of this workshop you will have more tools to keep yourself proficient in the job market and still stay close to yourself. To manage the expectations; This workshop will help you to find out what kind of motivated people (potential) employers are looking for and how to take advantage of this. The workshop is not about how to find the motivation in your studies, the compulsory study sections or what you really want to do for a study.


Geert is a strategic marketer and is specialized in the following areas: strategic marketing, sales management and coaching. Geert coaches in the design and/or renewal of business models. With ‘the why’ of the entrepreneur or organization as a starting point, multiple value is created. Geert’s motto: Sustainability grows and entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important. I am pleased with it, as a human being, “We are all astronauts of spacecraft Earth” -Wubbo Ockels-

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017



In life, you’ll need others to get where you want to be. There are more students with the same skills and grades. How do you stick out? How do you stick in minds? In this workshop you’ll be given tools that can make you better in influencing people, tools that can make you better in getting where you want to be. After this workshop: - You’ll see how you are influenced by people. - You’ll know the secret laws of influence - You’ll know how to create and use an emotional bank account - You’ll set your first steps in being influential

Friday December 15


Gele Kegels


Pure Talent

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen



Friday December 15


Gele Kegels

ILLUSTRATOR ADVANCED Illustrator is the software package for professional designers and illustrators. This course teaches you how to design your own house styles, logos and illustrations. Whether it’s the formatting of a simple invitation or a professional leaflet, or a simple illustration with Illustrator it’s possible. In this course we will take you step by step into the vast world of this versatile program. Afterwards you will know all the possibilities of the latest version of Illustrator and apply it to a professional level. This skill is certainly a good addition to your CV. After your participation in the Illustrator course, you will have access to our E-learning website. Here you will find tutorials, articles and videos on how to use the program. For example, during the course day we focus on practical matters and you can get to know all the ins and outs of the program in depth through our E-learning site. The advanced workshop covers the same topics as the beginner workshop, but in a much faster pace. This means that more topics will be covered. If you already have some basic knowledge in Illustrator or other Adobe programs, you can choose this workshop.




Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017


Career Academy

Surrounded by Talent

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organized by Wervingsdagen This year the Wervingsdagen will organize Eindhoven University of Technology’s most important career events for the 37th time in a row. These events, the Skill Sessions, the Career Expo, and the Interviewing Days, help you to develop your professional attitude, and to tackle all future challenges in the labor market. The Skill Sessions – December 11 up until December 15 The first career events are the Skill Sessions. During this week, workshops and lectures will be given by professional trainers and speakers. All students can register to participate in these workshops and lectures. These workshops focus on your personal and professional development. Topics that are covered include the letter of application, the resume, and the job interview. More detailed information can be found in this brochure and on our website ( All workshops will be given in Gele Kegels Meeting Center. For registration visit the Wervingsdagen website and register before December 3, but be quick, since most workshops have a limited number of places available. The Career Expo – March 6 and 7 The Career Expo will take place in Auditorium at Eindhoven University of Technology on the 6th and 7th of March. These days open with an official guest speaker at the Blauwe Zaal, and during the day over than a hundred companies will present themselves through info stands and speeddates. Familiarize yourself with companies, converse with recruiters, and learn all about your potential future employers. Whether you already know where you’ll end up after studies, or whether you are still in doubt, the Career Expo offers you the opportunity to gather information on various companies and to find the company that suits you best. The Interviewing Days – April 30 up until May 3 Visiting the Interviewing Days is the perfect opportunity to talk to potential employers about possible career opportunities. Besides that, it is a great way to ask recruiters about the culture and work procedures of the company you are planning to work at after your study. The topic of the conversation during these Interviewing Days is entirely up to you, as long as it is career related. In order to create a suitable atmosphere, this event will be hosted at Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne. Are you interested in this offer? Visit the Wervingsdagen website (, see which companies participate during the Interviewing Days, and participate in a lunch, dinner, company case or just a relaxed conversation with a recruiter from a company of your choice. Registration for the Interviewing Days closes on April 5.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017


GEWIS Applied Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering

Industria Industrial Engineering

Intermate Innovation Sciences

Japie Chemical Engineering

Lucid Industrial Design

Protagoras Biomedical Engineering

Simon Stevin Mechanical Engineering

Thor Electrical Engineering, Automotive

Van der Waals Applied Physics

Also represented are the students of Data Science

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COMPANIES Career Expo 2018 Consulting and Engineering Agencies &samhoud 4People Brunel Deerns Deloitte detech engineering bv First Consulting Gupta Strategists Infram Koninklijke BAM Groep nv Movares Adviseurs en Ingenieurs Orde van octrooigemachtigden Simon-Kucher & Partners Strukton Worksphere Talentpool Services Tebodin Netherlands BV Turner & Townsend Witteveen+Bos YSE High Tech 4TU.SAI AAE bv Accenture ACE ingenieurs- & adviesbureau Advantech Adyen ALTEN Nederland Altran Applied Micro Electronics AME BV Arcadis Nederland BV ASML Bosch BP Raffinaderij Rotterdam Brightsight bunq Calco Capgemini CBS CIMSOLUTIONS Cognizant Technology Solutions DAF Trucks NV DEMCON DSM


Ellips ENGIE Services Nederland NV ENTER BV Flanders Make Frencken Europe BV GN Hearing Green Hills Software Gunvor Petroleum Rotterdam Holst Centre IHI Hauzer Techno Coating BV InnoFaith beauty sciences Innovatiecluster Drachten Itility Iv-Groep Kulicke and Soffa Lely MCA Nederland MI-Partners BV Mitsubishi Turbocharger and Engine Europe B.V. National Instruments Nedap Nobleo Technology NTS Group NXP Océ Omron Europe B.V. Orion Engineering PANalytical Peoplehouse Pie Medical Imaging Procam Prodrive Technologies Profit Consulting ProRail Punch Powertrain Nederland B.V. Rolls-Royce Royal Haskoning DHV Settels Savenije Siemens Nederland N.V. Sioux Smit Thermal Solutions TBI TCPM TE Connectivity Nederland B.V. TEGEMA Holding BV Thermo Fisher Scientific Tideway bv TMC Holding TNO

Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

Topic Embedded Systems Trinseo Netherlands B.V. USG Engineering Vanderlande VDL Groep YER Zeeland Refinery Industrial and Chemicals Abbott AkzoNobel Atlas Copco Airpower nv BASF Nederland B.V. Bayards Aluminium Constructies BV Cargill Darling Ingredients International Holding BV Dow Benelux ExxonMobil Fluor BV Hexion B.V. Inalfa Roof Systems Prysmian Group Royal Dutch Shell plc SABIC Sanquin Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V. Voestalpine Automotive Components Bunschoten BV Information Technology Allseas Another Monday Bizzomate ChipSoft BV Copaco Nederland DSW Zorgverzekeraar ISAAC Keylane KPN Ordina Redhotminute Shintō Labs Sogyo Tenuki Van Meijel Automatisering bv VodafoneZiggo YoungCapital Professionals IT

PARTICIPANTS Interviewing Days 2018 Transportation and Infrastructure

Consulting and Engineering Agencies

Alliander Amgen Europe B.V. Damen Shipyards Group DHL Supply Chain Enexis Groep Nederlandse Spoorwegen Ricardo Rail

&samhoud Brunel Deerns Deloitte detech engineering bv Infram Movares Adviseurs en Ingenieurs Simon-Kucher & Partners Talentpool Services Turner & Townsend Witteveen+Bos M3 Consultancy Stratix

Other Apollo Tyres Global R&D B.V. BNO Eindhoven School of Education and Personnel and Organization TU/e Essity Evoke ING Mainfreight Nationaal Watertraineeship Navingo BV Rijksoverheid Royal IHC RTL TIM Recruitment Wärtsilä Netherlands B.V. Xelvin Zuid B.V.

Industrial and Chemicals FrieslandCampina Abbott AkzoNobel Bayards Aluminium Constructies BV Cargill Dow Benelux Inalfa Roof Systems Royal Dutch Shell plc voestalpine Automotive Components Bunschoten BV Information Technology

High Tech AAE bv Accenture ALTEN Nederland Altran ASML Bosch Brightsight Capgemini CIMSOLUTIONS Cognizant Technology Solutions DAF Trucks NV Ellips ENGIE Services Nederland NV Green Hills Software IPS Technology Itility Nedap NTS Group Omron Europe B.V. Peoplehouse Prodrive Technologies Settels Savenije Kropman Installatietechniek Sioux TCPM Tideway bv TMC Holding Topic Embedded Systems USG Engineering Vanderlande VDL Groep Sogeti

Another Monday Bizzomate ChipSoft BV ISAAC Keylane KPN Shintō Labs Tenuki VodafoneZiggo Transportation and Infra structure DHL Supply Chain Ricardo Rail Other Apollo Tyres Global R&D B.V. ING

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of the Skill Sessions

TU/e Campus Skill Sessions

All activities except for the “Etiquette Diners” take place at the Gele Kegels Meeting Center, a short walk away from the TU/e campus. The map and picture above point the way to the meeting center. The “Etiquette Diners” take place at Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne.


Skill Sessions guide | december 11 - 15, 2017

Light up your

future create a new future together

Skill Sessions Career Expo Interviewing Days

DECEMBER 11 - 15, 2017 MARCH 6 - 7, 2018 APRIL 30 - MAY 3, 2018

NEXT: Career Expo MARCH 6 - 7, 2018

Get ready for the future | Wervingsdagen




BOARD WERVINGSDAGEN Eindhoven University of Technology Luna de Plint 1.244 | PO Box 513 | 5600 MB EIndhoven +31 (0)40 24 74 999

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