Dear WCA family,
I am excited for you to read and see many of the wonderful and God-glorifying things that are taking place at Wesleyan Christian Academy during the spring semester. The end of each school year always brings a time of reflection for me. This reflection is multifaceted. I always like to prayerfully ask, “How can I grow as a leader?” and “How can we be better as a school?” I spend lots of time reflecting on our parent and faculty surveys with a heart that aspires to honor the Lord and also understands that there is always room for improvement.
Another part of my reflection is to really hover over how the Lord has worked in incredible ways during each school year. Doing so always leads to thanksgiving and praise to a God who is working all things for our good and for His glory. As a father and a husband, I also reflect on how the Lord has worked in the lives of my wife, Mary Pat, and my three kids: Rebekah, Jonathan, and Joseph. I read recently in a commentary during my Bible study time, “When God calls us to something new, He is always up to something good. However difficult the call may be, it is one of grace, and it is for our ultimate joy.” When we moved from
our home in Georgia five years ago to our new home in North Carolina, it was hard for my family. There were lots of tears and our kids were trusting mom and dad as we were trusting the Lord’s guidance.
Now, five years later, our hearts are all full to overflowing with thanksgiving to the Lord for how He has worked in our lives during this time. It would be impossible to mention specific blessings without mentioning Wesleyan Christian Academy. Mary Pat is using every ounce of her 20+ years of experience as a teacher to help our elementary students in our Enrichment program experience tremendous growth. In doing so, she also experiences great joy. Rebekah graduated this year and she would be quick to tell you that the last five years have been some of the best years of her life. Her teachers at WCA are not only her mentors but also some of her closest friends. Jonathan and Joseph would be quick to say that while the move was hard, they wouldn’t change a thing as they quickly made many friends at WCA and have been positively impacted by so many teachers and coaches who are speaking truth into their lives on a daily basis. I am so thankful to God for Wesleyan Christian Academy. God has used the faculty and the families to teach me, to grow me, and to richly bless my entire family and me..
I hope you enjoy this spring/summer edition of The Trojan magazine. As you turn each page, look carefully at each picture, and know that there is something great happening here - by God’s grace and in His strength, we are equipping students to serve Christ and to influence this world for God’s glory!
May your summer be one where you grow closer to Jesus as you forge new memories with family and friends.
David Ray, Ed.D. Head of SchoolChaperoned by Mr. Brad Clodfelter and Mrs. Mary Alexander, Wesleyan high school students from AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, and AP Physics boarded a bus early one morning in April for a once-in-a-lifetime excursion to Niagara Falls and Houghton University.
While visiting Niagara Falls, our Wesleyan students hiked down into the Niagara River gorge, discussing the area’s ecology and history. They explored the Cave of the Winds, taking lots of photos, and then took an unforgettable boat trip on the Maid of the Mist, where they journeyed into the actual falls. Wesleyan students also enjoyed another scenic wonder from the Niagara Falls observation deck. The power of the falls is something our students won’t forget, and it was a fantastic display of God’s power and splendor.
After exploring the falls, our Wesleyan crew set out for Houghton University, where the staff rolled out the red carpet, providing a campus tour, chapel, a sample class, free time in and around the athletic facilities, and time to shop for Houghton gear! Our faculty and students
were also treated to a campus eclipse party, including glasses and eclipse-themed snacks, like Moon Pies, Starry, and Tang!
The trip was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Academic connections were made throughout the stops in the Sciences, but also in History, English, Math, and Bible. Jesus’ love and guidance were felt each step of the way. Friendships were made, and time was even spent with Coach Reitnour’s mother and many others with connections to Wesleyan. The Niagara Falls and Houghton University excursion was a good reminder that the Wesleyan family extends well beyond the borders of High Point, and what a fantastic and amazing opportunity it was to experience it!
Wesleyan’s High School Economics, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship class had a fantastic real-world opportunity to participate in their version of “Shark Tank” by pitching business ideas to area business owners. Thirty-five students split into groups and had five minutes to present a business idea, and the “sharks” had five minutes to offer feedback and ask questions. For Raleigh Shupe (12), it was the moment she realized, “I can do this, and I should do this.” Raleigh, Judah Reitnour (12), and Reece Neal (12) won the competition with their business idea, “Second-Hand Style,” offering to shop and style outfits for people from thrift stores rather than major chains.
“There’s always someone who knows more than you and who has insight on a project, even if they haven’t done your exact project,” Brayden Ankin (12) said. “It was so beneficial being able to sit with business owners and see what they look for and gain their insight.”
The students’ day wasn’t entirely done after the presentations. All 35 students toured FosterHobbs Coffee Roasters and spoke with owners Pam and Michael Foster about what it is like running a small business. “I wanted them to know the ins and outs of starting a business,” Rob Moore (teacher) said, “And what better way than to let them have hands-on experience?”
Wesleyan is incredibly appreciative of the five “sharks” that offered their time: Phillip Merritt of A Paneless Perfection; David Spencer of Pinnacle Financial Partners; Gregory Pittman of Kindred Coffee & Kitchen; David Lancaster of Bryson Industries, and Lindsay Hancock of My Better Batch.
Wesleyan Christian Academy’s Battle of the Books (BoB) Team has a history of success. The 20232024 team won first place at the Regional (State) Competition on April 23, after winning first place at the District Competition in March. The Spring 2024 Regional (State) Competition was held at Triangle Day School in Durham, NC and included Wesleyan Christian Academy, Asheville Christian School, Providence Day School, Triangle Day School, and Saint Peter Catholic School. The Wesleyan BoB Team, coached by Mrs. Emily Mack and Mrs. Kim Parker included 5th grade students Samuel Moore, Sean Waldridge, Walker Upchurch, Leela Holbert, Della Rouse, Kenzee Farrell, Macy Fellos, KatyAnn Barber, Hadley Everhart, Zoe Carter, Ella Garrison, and Ella Jones. These students each read the 15 titles selected by the NC School Library Media Association and practiced weekly to prepare for the competitions.
This is the latest in a series of successes for Wesleyan’s Battle of the Books teams. In the past eight years, the Wesleyan BoB team has placed first or second in the District Competitions and has had much success in the Regional (State) Competitions as well by winning first place three times in the past four years. This success can be attributed to the hard work and dedication of both the students on the team as well as the high standards held by the coaches. Students prepare by reading all 15 titles, becoming experts on them by rereading them, practicing questions, and doing extra work in the MyBoB Team App.
Battle of the Books is a state-wide reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the NC School Library Media Association. The purpose is to encourage students to read good books, broaden reading interests, increase reading comprehension, have fun while reading, and develop students’ ability to work as a team. Both public and private schools from around the state participate in the program.
Seventh and eighth-grade Enrichment students have been learning more than just math in Meagan Moorhouse’s class. Using innovative teaching methods, Moorhouse has transformed complex mathematical concepts into tangible experiences for her students. Recently, she led her class through an unconventional project: creating prayer bracelets.
However, this project wasn’t just about learning math. When their choir teacher, Sarah Haynes, was diagnosed with breast cancer, Moorhouse and her students saw an opportunity to put their newfound skills to good use while supporting a beloved member of their school community. They decided to channel their math lessons into a fundraiser, creating and selling prayer bracelets to raise funds for the Haynes family’s medical expenses.
Through the process of making and selling the bracelets, Moorhouse’s students not only honed their math skills, learning about functions, equations, data, and graphs, but they also experienced the power of faith and community. The project wasn’t just about numbers; it was about compassion, resilience, and the belief that even in challenging times, there is hope. As one student put it, the project showed them firsthand how God can intervene during trials, citing verses like Psalm 9:4 and John 13:7 as guiding lights throughout their journey. In the end, the project raised over $2,000 for the Haynes family and left a lasting impact on Moorhouse’s students, both academically and spiritually.
Lily Streeton is the 2024 recipient of Gardner -Webb University’s highest honor for incoming undergraduate students, the Tucker Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength Scholarship. She is the fifth student in the history of the scholarship to be recognized with this honor. Established in 2019 by Carolyn and Robert Tucker, the award includes full-tuition, room and board for eight semesters.
The Tuckers created the scholarship to annually recognize a high school senior who exemplifies the principles and values representative of the Gardner-Webb community. The qualifications are based on the Tucker family’s life verse, Mark 12:29-31. In this passage, Jesus gives the two most important commandments: “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.”
Streeton was one of 227 high school seniors who applied for the scholarship and among 49 finalists invited to campus for interviews. Applicants represented 19 states—from the Carolinas to California and as far away as Hawaii.
“Everyone on the selection committee was profoundly impressed by Lily,” shared GWU President Dr. William Downs. “She’s bright, articulate, academically accomplished, and broadly engaged in her community. What really shone through was her strong character, her clear foundation of solid values and principles, and her demonstrated dedication to a life in service to God and to humanity. In our view, Lily Streeton is a perfect fit for Gardner-Webb and a perfect match for the Tucker Scholarship.”
Streeton is an honor student at Wesleyan Christian Academy in High Point and volunteers with multiple community organizations that serve
young people. She is the assistant worship leader at her church, Hope River in Gibsonville, N.C. She plays clarinet with the school orchestra and taught herself how to play tenor saxophone for the school’s production of “Annie.” She also has four part-time jobs.
“This scholarship is an amazing opportunity for me,” Streeton affirmed. “It’s a huge honor. I am so beyond blessed and thankful for this. It’s an answer to prayers.”
When she came for the scholarship interview, she decided then that even if she didn’t receive the Tucker Scholarship, she was coming to Gardner-Webb. “I can see how everyone cares about each other, and they put God first as well,” Streeton asserted. “I’m looking forward to meeting new people, having new experiences, seeing other communities that I can get involved in, and finding some additional family.”
She plans to major in business management to follow in her mother Olivia’s footsteps. “My mom is an entrepreneur,” Streeton explained. “She has two businesses—Vanity Resource, a furniture company, and Arcadia Home Delivery—which she started because she needed someone to carry the vanities to people’s homes. She does such good
work there. I see the people that she impacts, too. She calls it her missions’ field. The people that she hires have difficult pasts—like alcoholism, drug abuse or they’ve been convicted felons—and I see that she gives them a second chance. She has a ton of people that she pours into and mentors. I would love to be able to do something like that.”
In her scholarship essay, Streeton explained what Mark 12:29-31 meant to her. “I strive to live each and every day of my life for my God,” she asserted. “In compassion, in selfless service, and in empathy, I live to love like Him. I will make an excellent addition to the life and ministry of Gardner-Webb University because I am confident—not in my own ability to live out Mark 12:30—but by my choice each and every day to give up my life as a living sacrifice to Him so that He may work through me for His glory and His honor.”
The first step in the application process is to be nominated for the Tucker Scholarship by a minister, teacher, guidance counselor or community leader who is unrelated to the student. Streeton was nominated by her school’s director of college admissions, Michelle Ledbetter.
Applicants also submit letters of recommendation. In his letter, Kevin Peele, Streeton’s sophomore science teacher, described her strong intellect, attention to detail, cooperative attitude and inquisitive nature. Peele also wrote, “I will also remember her willingness to assist other students with their studies. I was especially impressed with the manner in which she was able to provide instruction to such students—her accurate explanations, given in a clear and soft-spoken manner were well received.”
Written by Jackie Bridges and reprinted with permission from Gardner-Webb University.
After three decades of service to Wesleyan Christian Academy, Tim and Linda Kohns have been faithful servants, not only in their teaching and administrative responsibilities but also in their faithfulness in sharing the Gospel with thousands of students. Never wavering from ever-changing cultural societal norms, Mr. and Mrs. Kohns remained strong in their Biblical convictions.
As educational platforms and the needs of students changed through the years, the Kohns stayed abreast of best practices in the classroom and the demands that this age of technology required. Mrs. Kohns taught 6th grade math and science every year during her 34 years of WCA tenure. Along with teaching these subjects, Mrs. Kohns influenced many students for Christ
through her Biblical applications and intentionality to win students to Christ. Her calm and patient demeanor has remained steadfast throughout the years, exemplifying Christ with her godly spirit to all those with whom she came in contact.
Mr. Kohns taught middle school before his 21 years of serving in administrative roles and has coached many sports teams through the years. Serving as principal in all three divisions, along with a brief stint as the athletic director, Mr. Kohns demonstrated his ability to be placed wherever needed. His strong desire to uphold our school mission and vision and remain true to Scripture has guided his footsteps during his thirty years of service at WCA. Blessed with the gifts of wisdom, logic, and discretion, Mr. Kohns has
been a considerable influence in the lives of students, parents, and colleagues, offering Biblical guidance to help navigate the many issues surrounding school life: academically, socially, and spiritually.
Both Mr. And Mrs. Kohns have been guiding lights during their years at WCA, committed to teaching with unwavering excellence while challenging our students to continue to grow daily in their Christian walk. We have been immensely blessed with their service at WCA and wish them well as they enjoy their well-deserved retirement years. The legacy they leave behind is priceless! May we all be faithful to what God has called us to do.
The 2024 Wesleyan Varsity Baseball team entered the season with high expectations due to last year’s state championship and a host of talented returning players. On November’s fall NCAA signing day, four senior baseball players signed the NCAA Division 1 national letter of intent. In addition, several underclassmen had verbal offers from Division 1 schools and were being scouted by professional teams. Veteran coach Mo Blakeney implemented a challenging non-conference schedule with two high-level invitation-only showcase tournaments to ensure the team saw quality competition. First, the team attended the Perfect Game High School Showdown in Hoover, Alabama, in early March. There, the Trojans went 3-1, with their only loss being to the nationally ranked Bob Jones High School in Alabama. Next, in March, the team was invited as one of the top sixteen teams in
the nation to the USA Baseball High School Invitational Showcase in Cary, North Carolina. We are proud of this team and believe their future continues to be bright as they continually
seek to play their best for the Lord first and then their school. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” Colossians 3:23
Senior Donovan Calhoun came to Wesleyan for a more challenging education and competitive sports, and he feels he has found just that. The Calhouns are very close, and athleticism definitely runs in this family. Donovan’s sister, Yolanda, a rising 10th grader at Wesleyan, competes in soccer and is an exceptional track athlete. According to Donovan, the athletic speed he and his sister have comes from their grandmother.
Donovan has excellent relationships within the Wesleyan community and has a wonderful, fun-loving spirit. But make no mistake: When he steps into an athletic event, a competitive warrior surfaces. Donovan has played soccer all his life and decided to add track to his athletic
resume at the end of 2019. Not only has he positively contributed to one of the nation’s top high school soccer teams, but he has also quickly become an All-American track runner.
At Wesleyan, Donovan’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Key, even though math might not be his favorite subject. In one of his English classes, he recently read the book “IRobot” by Isaac Asimov. After enjoying math class and reading this book, he is considering majoring in applied science with a concentration in engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill. Donovan has been a positive influence and a good friend to his classmates at Wesleyan, and he cares deeply for his family and the Lord.
Zacch Wiggins
Luke Morgan
Taylor Hawley
Kennedy Jackson
Sara Kate Carr
Anna Katherine Gill
Tristen Fjeld
Robert Cheek
Silas Waldridge
David Perdue
Zach Wiggins
Taylor Hawley
Wesleyan’s athletic department’s first and foremost goal is for our teams to glorify God with Christ-centered principles, and during the winter sports season, they did just that! Our athletes represented the Lord and our school well. We are proud that our participation numbers in high school and middle school sports continue to flourish, and our athletic program is a vital part of what many of our students experience at Wesleyan.
This year, Wesleyan joined the Piedmont Triad Athletic Conference (PTAC) after competing for several years as an independent school in the
NCISAA. As a result, our high school and middle school student-athletes miss much less academic instructional time in the classroom now that early dismissals are not needed for traveling to athletic events since many of our athletic contests are closer to home. We thank the NCISAA for facilitating this change and the PTAC conference for welcoming us.
The PTAC conference includes local schools, such as Westchester Country Day, High Point Christian Academy, Greensboro Day, Caldwell Academy, Calvary Day, and Forsyth Country Day. The level of overall athletic excellence
at this conference is exceptionally high. We are proud to say that our teams have competed and won several conference championships this fall and winter, with success in the NCISAA state playoffs in the largest 4A classification.
During this past winter season, teams and individuals had several noteworthy achievements. Our wrestling team had an impressive win at the PTAC conference team championship at our last conference match. Junior Basketball players Zacch Wiggins and Taylor Hawley scored their career 1000th point and earned all-state status. Eighth-grade swimmer Anna Katherine Gill set a new conference record in the 200 IM, and 18 swimmers qualified for the NCISAA state meet, more than we have had in over a decade.
Overall, it was an outstanding season to be a Trojan, and we are proud of all the teams and student-athletes who participated. We are also thankful for the outstanding coaches who lead our teams, students, alumni, WCA staff, and the Trojan Club, who support our athletic program. The Trojan Way is alive and strong!
The Wesleyan Christian Academy Fine Arts department presented “Fiddler on the Roof” this past February as its annual high school musical. As usual, this event is eagerly anticipated by the school, our Wesleyan families, and throughout the community. This selection represented a departure from previous lighter fare and offered a challenge to the actors, which was met with enthusiasm and aplomb. Fiddler on the Roof, set around the turn of the 20th century, tells the tale of Tevye (played by Henry Henning), a poor Jewish milkman, as he tries to maintain his religious and cultural traditions while dealing with the challenges of poverty, anti-Semitism and the changing times. He must cope with the strongwilled actions of his three older daughters as well as his own domestic pressures. The production included a cast of 37 students, a production crew of 46 students and adults, as well as a live 21-piece orchestra. Four stellar performances were given from February 22 - 25
Wesleyan students from TK through 12th grade embark on an artistic journey guided by the skilled hands of Ms. Vicki Luther and Mrs. Kathryn Wright. These dedicated educators cultivate creativity and refine the God-given talents of each student through various art classes. Regardless of the medium - be it crayons, paint, weave-work, mixed-media, watercolors, paper mache, sewing, pottery, chalk, and beyond - our students are encouraged to tap into their imaginations and express themselves.
Central to Luther and Wright’s teachings is the belief that every student possesses unique God-given gifts, which our teachers harness and then utilize to bring learning to life. Each brushstroke, stitch, or sculpted form becomes a testament to a child’s creativity and a celebration of their identity in Christ.
Twice a year, the fruits of their labor are showcased in art exhibits held during our Band and Choral concerts - a testament to their dedica -
tion and talent. Furthermore, select pieces find their way into community art shows, where they not only represent the skill and vision of our students but also contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our community. Through art, our students glorify God, make learning a joyful endeavor, and leave a lasting impression on all who behold their creations.
Step into the warm embrace of Wesleyan Christian Academy’s Student Support Team (SST), where care and compassion are woven into every student interaction. At the core of our team are individuals chosen for their ability to provide tailored support for our students’ emotional, social, and spiritual needs both inside and outside of the classroom. Our purpose is to guide our students through the highs and lows of their educational journey.
Meet our dedicated team members: Kendra Randazzo, the elementary and middle school counselor; Leah Totel, the high school counselor; Nadine Davis, the enrichment center principal; Shannon Moore, the school nurse and finally Quintin Ayers, the spiritual life director. Our mission is simple yet profound: to partner with teachers and families in supporting students to thrive.
But our Student Support Team is more than just a collection of individuals, it is a tapestry of support, carefully crafted to uplift and empower
Through monthly meetings, we discuss student prayer needs, organize outreach activities and plan parent seminars or podcasts. Building strong relationships with our students is a top priority. We celebrate student birthdays, provide treats at quarterly chapel sessions, organize camps and worship events, and facilitate peer mentoring.
But our mission doesn’t stop there. We invest in our teachers, providing resources and support through professional development activities
focusing on the social and emotional learning. As far as student support, we offer thrilling adventures for 5th through 12th-grade students at Wesleyan’s ropes course, fostering teamwork, relationship building, and resilience. Middle school art classes spread cheer and lift spirits during high school exam week, and a wealth of other activities designed to support all of our students on their journey toward success.
Parents, teachers, and students can access our wealth of resources, including our Student Support Team page under Campus Life on Wesleyan’s website. Plus, everyone can look forward to our surprise treats and engaging activities designed to nurture a supportive and intentional Christian community.
At Wesleyan Christian Academy, our Student Support Team isn’t just a team; it’s a lifeline - a beacon of hope and support that ensures every student feels seen, valued, and empowered to thrive for God’s glory. Welcome to the heart of student care.
At Wesleyan Christian Academy, elementary events are not just gatherings; they are vibrant celebrations of Christian faith and fellowship.
First, the Daddy-Daughter Dance held in February 2024 was a heartwarming affair that celebrated the special bond between fathers and daughters. Amidst twinkling lights and joyous music, dads and their little princesses danced the night away, creating cherished memories. Through this event, we not only celebrated earthly connections but also honored our Heavenly Father, whose love knows no bounds.
Second, our annual celebration of Christ’s Triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was a jubilant occasion filled with symbolism and reverence. With palms in hand, students and faculty alike commemorated Jesus’ triumphant arrival, reflecting on the significance of his journey and the hope it brings to believers. Through this event, we reaffirmed our commitment to walking in the footsteps of Christ, spreading love, and sharing the message of salvation.
This year, Wesleyan had the privilege of opening a half- day preschool program as an extension of our Early Education department. We were blessed to be able to give families yet another option for childcare according to their needs. We began fostering a partnership with Conrad Memorial Baptist Church, located directly across the street from our main campus, as they willingly opened their doors to support this program. As a result, we were able to develop countless relationships with new and current families. Our teachers, along with members of Conrad’s congregation, were able to share the love of Jesus and nurture the foundation of their walk with the Lord through our preschool’s Bible curriculum, weekly chapel times, and daily devotions. Over half of the preschool program’s graduating class will continue on to be part of the Wesleyan family as they enter kindergarten for the upcoming school year. We are excited and looking forward to the ways God will use this growing program as we continue to partner with Conrad.
The second semester at Wesleyan brought new opportunities for the students at WCA to grow in their walk with Christ and to live that walk out among their peers. In January, middle and high school students walked through the first chapter of Colossians during Spiritual Emphasis Week. Pastor Neeko Williams (Mercy Hill Church) led our students through the Word while emphasizing the concept of “Bearing Fruit.”
For our elementary students, the first day of March brought one of Wesleyan’s greatest traditions, “Missions Fair.” WCA was able to host close to 15 missionaries from all around the world. It was incredible to see how our
students responded to their stories. This year’s theme was “Worthy,” meaning our desire for the students would be that they viewed Missions as worthy of sacrificing their time, abilities, and finances. They were challenged to do just that when we named Freedom House our Missions spotlight. Students from every grade level brought in truckloads worth of donations for the ministry and the people they serve.
WCA also participated in this school year’s last two Church Under the Bridge events. For one of the sessions, we had our middle schoolers bring in hygiene products, snacks, and many other helpful items over a few weeks for the homeless community of Downtown Greensboro. Taking their Saturday, students were set to serve; more than 50 middle schoolers came in and donated their time by packing these items in individual bags! They even included handwritten letters in each bag so the individuals would know they were actively being prayed for.
Finally, Wesleyan has three high school teams preparing to serve internationally on the mission field this summer. Coach Reitnour is taking most of his team to serve in a soccer
ministry in Columbia, while Mr. Cox and Mr. Ayers are each taking a team to serve with Hope of Life in Guatemala. Please pray for our teams as they continue to raise funds for themselves and their projects. Also, praise the Lord for a renewed interest in missions and service in the WCA community. We sent nearly 20 students to the field last summer, and we are sending more than 50 this summer! We cannot wait to see how God will continue to mold and shape the hearts, souls, minds, and hands of our students.
Weston Wilson, a 2013 WCA graduate, attended Clemson University, playing baseball before being drafted by the Milwaukee Brewers in 2016. He spent seven years in their system, reaching AAA with Nashville. After his contract ended, Wilson signed a minor league deal with the Philadelphia Phillies and was called up to the majors on August 6, 2023, debuting on August 9. He finished the year strong and participated in the 2023 postseason.
Wilson often returns to Wesleyan to work out, share experiences, and attend sporting events, connecting with alumni. He values opportunities to share his faith with teammates and fans, participating in player-led Bible studies and “Faith and Family” nights. Wilson credits Wesleyan for his understanding of the Bible and enjoys using Spanish verses from high school to connect with Spanish-speaking fans. He strives to live out his faith daily, witnessing the impact of Jesus in his life.
Madeline Brown Stewart, an alumna of Wesleyan Christian Academy (Class of 2012) and NC State University (Class of 2016) with a degree in textiles and brand management marketing, has been crowned the 2024 Mrs. North Carolina American. Representing Blowing Rock, NC, she won the title at the annual pageant held on May 5th, 2024, at the James Warren Citizens Center Theatre in Lincolnton, NC.
Inspired by her mother, the 1st Runner Up to Mrs. Illinois America in 1991, Madeline has long cherished the world of pageantry. A former competitive dancer, she values the glamor, stage presence, friendships, and personal growth it fosters. As an ambassador for Project HEAL, she advocates for eating disorder awareness, drawing from her own experiences. She also supports the Victoria’s Voice Foundation, which combats drug abuse and overdose deaths. “I can’t even put into words how humbled, grateful, and honored I am to represent North Carolina at the @mrsamericanofficial Pageant in Las Vegas this August!” she exclaimed.
Michael Benedict is a 2006 graduate that knows and lives the truth through his work in cancer research and commitment to serving in his church. Michael is a lab technician at the J. Mark Cline Laboratory of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist and has the unique opportunity to study cancer risk, prevention and treatment. His research focuses on the long-term effects of radiation treatment and the potential impacts of nuclear exposure on humans.
Michael is inspired by Francis Bacon’s words: “a lot of science brings him back [to God].” His work in cancer research strengthens his faith, and he believes that God uses both people and animals for our good and His glory. He attributes his love of science to his time at Wesleyan working with beloved faculty, Mrs. Key, Mrs. Hunsucker, and Mr. Greene.
Outside the lab, Michael also serves in the children’s ministry at Mercy Hill Church and is a licensed foster parent. Michael is grateful for his role in cancer research and sees it as part of God’s purposeful plan.
Thank you to our AGG Corporate Sponsors and our WCA families for yet another record breaking campaign. We not only reached our goal but well exceeded it by raising over $415,000. We are blessed beyond measure for the opportunity to partner with each of you and the entire Wesleyan Community.
1917 N Centennial Street
High Point, NC 27262
www.wcatrojans.org (336) 884-3333
Friends of Wesleyan Christian Academy can give a gift to the school in various ways and designate that gift to specific areas. Feel free to scan the QR codes below to access our Annual Gift Giving pledge form or General Donation pledge form. Alternatively, you can send a check directly to Wesleyan’s Development Office with a note specifying the purpose of the donation. Below are just a few ways you can help support the mission and vision of Wesleyan Christian Academy.
CAMPUS ENHANCEMENTS (Centennial Street & Sandy Ridge)
THE LEGACY SOCIETY ( Wills, Estates, Trusts, etc.)