Dear Wesleyan Christian Academy community:
I’m thrilled to introduce our comprehensive strategic plan, “Onward for God’s Glory,” a roadmap that will guide us into the future where our students thrive academically and emerge as leaders rooted in the Christian faith. This plan reflects a commitment to providing an exceptional Christ-centered education that equips our students to serve Christ and impact this world for God’s glory.
At Wesleyan Christian Academy we understand the profound impact of a partnership between families, the school, and the local church. Every WCA student will have access to an exceptional educational experience that is firmly grounded in Biblical truth. By nurturing academic excellence and promoting unwavering Christian character, we will prepare our students to both lead and make a lasting impact on the world.
Through the work of advisory committees consisting of parents, students, teachers, administrative leaders, and board members, “Onward for God’s Glory” outlines five priorities to guide our efforts:
To saturate the entire community with Biblical Truth and faith-deepening opportunities.
To equip students with the knowledge, skills, and character to be leaders in an ever-changing world.
To provide service opportunities mirroring the life of Christ.
To cultivate a supportive environment strengthening students, teachers, and families for a community of flourishing.
To expand our potential for making a lasting Kingdom impact in the future.
Through these goals, we aim to ensure that our mission remains the driving force behind everything that we do.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our shared vision. With you as our partners, I look forward to the remarkable achievements of Wesleyan Christian Academy for the glory of God!
David Ray, Ed.D. Head of School
To partner with families by providing a biblically-based, college-preparatory education so that students will be equipped to serve Christ and influence the world for God’s glory.
To know and live the truth
Wesleyan’s Core Values are a vital part of who we are as a school and as a body of Christ.
1. The Bible is foundational to all truth and is integrated in all subject areas.
2. Wesleyan Christian Academy functions in a complementary role with the home and church to produce individuals who emanate a Christian worldview and become productive members of society.
3. Students who are enrolled at Wesleyan Christian Academy can meet high academic expectations and become confident, intrinsically motivated, life-long learners.
4. Each student is uniquely designed with spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social gifts; therefore each learns in different ways.
5. A variety of appropriate and relevant instructional approaches and methods of assessment are provided in order to meet the various learning styles of students.
6. Curriculum design, instructional strategies, and learning activities are based on distinct goals and challenging expectations for students achievement.
7. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills by the use of critical thinking and integrated application.
8. Wesleyan Christian Academy continually strives for excellence and improvement.
To saturate the entire community with biblical truth and faith-deepening opportunities.
• Develop and implement a robust missions plan to impact students’ Christian faith and practice.
• Provide ongoing professional development for faculty and staff in the area of biblical immersion to effectively fulfill our mission.
• Partner with families to provide faith development for their children through partnerships with the local church.
To equip students with the knowledge, skills, and character to be leaders in an ever-changing world.
• Evaluate and align all programming and curriculum to achieve our intended outcomes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate.
• Enhance academic, fine arts, and athletic programs through additional offerings and improved first-class facilities.
• Cultivate a community in which students flourish.
To provide service opportunities that mirror the life of Christ.
• Partner with local ministries and nonprofits for the betterment of Wesleyan’s immediate community.
• Garner in our students a culture of gospel-driven action that follows gospeldriven truth.
• Enhance student service by providing opportunities, tracking hours, and rewarding commitment to excellence in service.
To cultivate a supportive culture strengthening students, teachers, and families for a community of flourishing.
• Actively engage students with Biblical tools to enhance their social, mental, and emotional well-being.
• Educate teachers with Biblical training to better assist students with Christ-like decision-making in today’s cultural challenges.
• Increase access to Christian resources, partnerships, and events to equip families with godly direction for encountering modern societal influences.
To expand Wesleyan Christian Academy’s potential to make a lasting Kingdom impact in the future.
• Reinforce commitment to long-term financial stewardship and sustainability, ensuring the continued delivery of an exceptional Christian education.
• Enhance facilities to create an optimal, safe environment for all learners in academic pursuits, arts experiences, athletic competition, and career engagement.
• Position Wesleyan Christian Academy to maximize its distinct potential to advance God’s Kingdom through Christian education for future generations.
DR. DAVID RAY Head of School
Associate Head of School
High School Principal
Middle School Principal
Elementary School Principal
Enrichment Center School Principal
Assistant Upper School Principal
Assistant Upper School Principal
Early Education Center Director
Early Education Center Associate Director