Your Stories for Future Generations When Covid hit, the Westchester O-ce of Economic Development responded with their Catalyst program to help 1,0 Westches ter residents launch businesses. Participants took advantage of self-paced online course work to evaluatetheirbusinessideas,test themwithpotentialcustomersand implement the plan if it seemed likely to succeed. Resources in cluded mentorship, key personal introductions, and even grants to supportthesenewbusinesses.
futuregenerations-assimple as possible, without the need for video crews, travel ex pensesorhavingstrangersin yourhome.
Starting at $1,50 for a twohour interview, Vogel - pro duces roughly 90 minutes of content.Thevideo,however, is actually several videos a eachstorylivesonasitsown separate video so viewers canlistentoindividualsto without having to sit throu oneentirevideo.
Covid Emotional Support Services
One Westchester resident who television commercials for over 30 years, his took advantage of the Launch 1,0 pro - Vogel decided to interview and record If the client prefers, videos can be stored owndadwhosharedmanylifelessonsand gramwasDavidVogel.Hisconcept:provide and accessed online. Vogel also provides opened the door to Vogel’s next venture. a-ordablevideosofpeopletelling - their sto thumb drives of the videos.To learn more ries,tosharewithlovedones.With - aVogel back makestheprocessofcreatingfamily visitwww.heirloomdocs.com,call914-35 legacy ground in producing documentaries and videos – which can be shared with 36oremailDavid#Heirloomdocs.com NY Project Hope, a Family Services of Westchester program funded by FEMA and overseen by the New York State O-ce of Mental Health, is an emotional support helpline that anyone may call to talk to a crisis counselor about their experiences and to be connected to any resources they may need. The program helps New Yorkers understand their emotions because, “Sometimes it helps to talk with someone you don’t know.”
Volunteers Needed
The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is a dedicated advocacy program available to anyone residing in a nursing home or other longterm care residence. The program advocates for residents to address their quality of life and qualThe helpline is free, anonymous and confidential. They ity also of care issues, along with their rights. conduct educational presentations and support groups – virtually and in person - for people who have struggled during the Locally, the Tri-County LTC Ombudsman Propandemic. You can connect to the helpline by calling 914gram serves Westchester, Rockland and Put708-6104, weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Learn more about nam counties, and calls attention to the rights Project Hope at nyprojecthope.org. of residents in nursing homes, assisted living, adult care residences and family-type homes.
Outpatient Care
According to Burke’s Supervisor of OutJudy A. Farrell, MPA Program Director Tripatient Occupational Therapy Andrea County LTC Ombudsman Program (LTSullivan, OT, “The renovated facility Burke Rehabilitation Hospital’s reno- presents therapists and patients with COP), says, “We need now, more than ever, vated and retrofitted outpatient therapyto recreate real-life situdedicated volunteers to advocate for nursing the opportunity facility, located on its 61-acre main cam- ations and improve skills that are vital to home and other long-term care residents.” pus in White Plains, o-ers more than daily life. Our goal is for patients to gain 10,000 square feet of dedicated space independence in their homes and reach Certified Ombudsman volunteers can help for physical, occupational, speech and their maximum possible recovery.” ensure the voices of long-term care residents language, and specialty therapies. “The do not go unheard. To learn more about renovations and repurposing of this Burkeo-ersnineotheroutpatientsites making a di-erence as a volunteer with the space will enhance [patient] experience with multi-disciplinary services in the Ombudsman Program, please visit https:// and recovery and are incomparable in NY Metropolitan and Hudson Valley renursinghome41l/ltcop/volunteer or call 914our area,” said Burke’s Vice President of gions. For additional information, visit 500-3406. burke.org. Outpatient Services Steve Tisser. westchesterseniorvoice.com
12 winter 2021-2022