One55 - Terms and Conditions

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These are the terms and conditions to the Agreement between West HQ Limited ABN 54 000 842 375 (“ONE55”) and You (“You/Member”) TERMS & CONDITIONS CONSENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • I give permission for my child/self to receive medical/ambulance assistance in the case of an emergency and agree to pay all costs incurred. • I give permission for my child/self to be photographed/recorded by ONE55 while participating in any activities in the facilit y. I consent for the photos/recordings to be used for marketing and publicity purposes if required by ONE55. • I understand that I must abide by the membership terms and conditions, policies and procedures (including the Codes of Conduct and Conditions of Entry) (Rules) relating to the venue and/or my chosen activity follow all reasonable directions of the ONE55 team. ONE55 may terminate this Agreement or refuse access to the facilities as a result of a breach of the Rules by me or those enrolled on m y account. I may obtain a copy of the Rules via the website at • I acknowledge that ONE55 is a member of AUSactive and observes the National Fitness Industry Code of Practice. A copy of th e Code of Practice can be obtained from . I consent to ONE55 providing personal information to AUSactive to enable it to comply with its obligations under the Code of Practice. WEST HQ LIMITED MEMBERSHIP • I certify that I am over the age of 18 years, and I request that you enter my name on the Register of Members as a Full or Associate Member of West HQ Limited (Company). • I agree to be bound by the Company's Constitution, Regulations, and By Laws that are in force from time to time. • I request that any minor on this agreement be enrolled with the Company’s Junior Membership Program while a paying Member at ONE55. GENERAL • We will communicate important information to You via email and/or SMS. It is Your responsibility to update any change of phone number/email address on the Member Portal. Refunds will not be provided in the event communication has been sent to Your nominated email and/or mobile number as held by ONE55. • A pre-exercise questionnaire must be completed as part of the membership process. ONE55 may require a doctor's certificate prior t o commencement of the membership and/or after any injury. • Member Access Cards must be swiped on entry at the gate. Cards can be replaced by Customer Service at a cost of $5.00. • Members must follow all reasonable directions of 0NE55 employees and adhere to all Rules. • This Agreement entitles You to use the equipment and facilities of 0NE55. Non-attendance and/or failure to use the equipment or facilities does not relieve You from any other obligations in this Agreement. • Any form of written notice to ONE55 must be made by email to • A parent/guardian/responsible adult must sign the Agreement and accepts full responsibility for the payment of all fees associated with the ONE55 membership. • These Terms and Conditions (including fees and operating hours) may be varied by ONE55, in its absol ute discretion, which will give Members not less than 14 days’ notice of any changes. • 0NE55 collects, stores, uses, and discloses personal information strictly in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Our Privacy Policy can be obtained from Customer Service or viewed at . TIME HOLD POLICY • Seven (7) days’ prior written notice must be given for a Time Hold request via the time hold application. • An administration fee of $10.00 is payable at the time of any Time Hold request. Membership fees will cease during the Time Hold period. • A maximum period of six (6) weeks is available for Time Hold in any calendar year. • Additional Time Hold may be available based on medical grounds (up to a maximum of three (3) consecutive months’) and must be accompanied with a medical certificate. • The end date of Your Agreement will be extended by the same period of any approved Time Hold request(s). TRANSFER REQUESTS • A Member with more than two (2) months of the minimum period remaining on their Agreement may, subject to all fees being paid, transfer that Agreement to a qualifying person. A qualifying person is a person that has not previously been a member of ONE55 or has not b een a ONE55 member for more than 6 months. • The Transfer Request must be in writing and the new member must sign an agreement for not less than the remaining term of the transferring Member's agreement. The Transfer Request must be made by email to • ONE55 reserves the right to accept or reject a Transfer Request and/or any new member in its absolute discretion. • All Transfer Requests will incur a $50 administration fee payable by the existing Member. • Any credit in the transferring Member’s account will be forfeited on and from the approved transfer date. • Only one transfer request will be accommodated for each Agreement. CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION • Following the expiry of the minimum period of an agreement (not being a paid in full membership agreement) You may terminate this agreement by giving fourteen (14) days written notice to 0NE55 at Fees remain payable during the notice period. • Your membership agreement cannot be placed on Time Hold during the fourteen (14) day notice period. • All Paid in Full Agreements will terminate on the expiry date and will not rollover for any further period. • Any credit of the Member will be forfeited on and from the cancellation date. FEES AND PAYMENTS • Payment of fees will occur by direct debit each fortnight from a credit card or bank account in your name in line with our direct debit calendar. • I authorise Debitsuccess Pty Ltd ACN095551581, APCA User ID 507519, 387342, 496485, 621258, 518466 0r 184534 to debit my nominated bank account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS). I confirm that I have authority over this account and that i t can be operated severally. • A rejection fee of $10 applies for each defaulted payment. ONE55 may suspend or cancel classes or services until any outstanding amount is pa id. You are liable for all outstanding payments. It is your responsibility to update any change to direct debit details on the Member Portal. Changes will not be effective until 48 hours have elapsed. • ONE55 may change Your membership fees on the giving of 60 days’ notice.

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