Corca Dhuibhne Beo
& Mid Kerry Live
Eisiúint / Issue 391 18ú Iúil / July - 1ú Lúnasa / August 2024 News - Events - Live Music Listings - Local Maps & More Nuacht - Imeachtaí - Ceol Beo - Léarscáileanna
Dingle Harbour Sunset: Mossy Donegan
San Eagrán Seo / In This Issue
Pg 6: Nutrition with Irene
Pg 10: Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Pg 17: Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pg 20: Féile Lughnasa Cochán Bréanainn
Pg 22: Féile an Phráta
Pg 26: Siúlóid na Coicíse / Walk of the Fortnight
Pg 28: Tonn Tuile sa Trá Bheag
Pg 32: Citizens Information
Pg 34: Prison Letters of Tomás Ághas
Pg 40: Live Music Listings
Pg 41: Town & Peninsula Maps
Pg 44: Crosfhocal Sean-Nós
Pg 45: Ó Mhárthain
Pg 42: Crossword
Pg 43: Classifieds
Published by West Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle, Co. Kerry V92 EC85
Clinic Cois Abhann, The Mall , Dingle 066 9151465
Ionad Leighis An Daingin, The Mall, Dingle 066 9152225.
DingleDoc, Spa Rd, Dingle V92K282 066-9152346 / 066-9152324
Castlegregory Medical Centre, 066-7139226 Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00 pm Saturday, by appointment.
Annascaul Health Centre, Annascaul 066-9157227, SouthDoc: 0818 355 999 for all calls between 6.00pm to 8.00am
Killorglin Health Centre, Killorglin, Tel: 066 976 1284
Cronin, Dr Ann, Beach Tree Lodge, Market St, Killorglin (066)9761014
Prenderville Edmond, Daly’s Lane, Killorglin (066)9761072
Prenderville Edmond, Coolmore Laharn, Killorglin (066)9761512
Milltown Health Centre Milltown (066)9767113
Brendan O’ Connell, Spa Rd., Dingle. Tel (066) 9151814
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard: Tel: 112 or 999. These numbers are free of charge but should only be used in cases of genuine emergencies.
Annascaul Garda Station,. Tel: +353 66 9157102
Dingle Garda Station, Tel: +353 66 9151522
Castlegregory Garda Station,Tel: +353 66 7139690
Garda Station, Killorglin, Tel: +353 66 976 1113
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News from The Marts
Sheep Sale Saturday July 20th incl clearance sale of 50 ewes, 70 Lambs & 3 Rams ( Scotch, Texel, Suffolk)
Sheep & Cattle Sale Saturday 27th

Milltown Ring mart for details:
DINGLE 066 91 51586
MILLTOWN : 066 97 67309
To Advertise
Contact us on 066-9150530 Lorcán: 086-1737944 Mossy: 087-2149327 Email: westkerrynews@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook www.westkerrylive.ie
Corkery-Johnson Linda BDS NUI
Upper Main St Dingle Co. Kerry (066) 9152333
Long Bryan G B. Dent. Sc. Main st. Upr .Dingle (066)9151527
Timothy Lynch Dental Surgery, Langford st, Killorglin, 066 97 61831
Mac Domhnaill Dental, Tralee, 066-7121457 / 087-1319792
Local Link Kerry 066 7147002
Bus Station, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (064) 6630011
Bus Station, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066) 7164700
The Village Pharmacy, Castlegregory, 066-7139646
Walsh John, Pharmacy Green st. Dingle (066)9151365
O’Keeffe Pharmacy Ltd . Strand St.(066)9151310
Grogan’s Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle (066)-9150518
O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge Street, Milltown (066)-9767305
Laune Pharmacy Market Street, Killorglin, 066 976 1131
Mulvihill Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 1115
O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Mill Road, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 2111
O Sullivans Pharmacy 6 Bridge Street, Milltown, 066 9795915
Ó Domhnaill Opticians, Mail Rd., Dingle, (066) 9152863
Féile Lughnasadh Milltown

The hard-working committee in Milltown is gearing up for this year’s Féile Lughnasadh festival which takes place on the August Bank Holiday Weekend . The popular traditional Irish music festival features four days and nights of free entertainment and is organised by the local branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann.
Three top-quality traditional music acts have been lined up to play in the Square including The Rising on Friday 2nd, Pólca 4 on Saturday 3rd and Four Men and a Dog on Sunday 4th. There will also be holistic therapy sessions, a hike to Caherconree, a family fun day, an open-air céilí, and the Lughnasadh Parade and Bonfire.
“This is our third festival and we have a fabulous line-up for people of all ages,” said Milltown-Listry Comhaltas chairperson, Turlough O’Brien. “It’s a volunteer-led festival which brings four days and nights of free entertainment to a growing community in Milltown. There has been great support from our patrons over the last two years and we have a great bunch of volunteers working to make it happen.”
Féile Lughnasadh celebrates the ancient Irish harvest festival and features a parade and bonfire on Friday 2nd as well as a family fun day and crafts fair on Sunday and late-night gigs at Club Lughnasadh from Up in Smoke, Aftershock, and Greta Curtin & Friends. There will also be a selection of holistic therapy taster sessions at the Nagle Rice Community Centre hosted by Quest & Thrive.
A major fundraising drive is underway to support the festival. The committee is selling tickets for Mystery Money Madness which has a first prize of €2,500 cash and which involves a lucky dip draw for tickets priced between one cent and €25.
Féile Lughnasa Clochán Bréanainn
Iúil | July 26-29

The Cloghane – Brandon Feile Lughnasa is the revival of the ancient pre-Christian harvest celebration. Its roots are theorised to go back to the first farmers in the area. The festival is primarily a gathering for the local community and an attempt to rekindle the original spirit of the event. It has been expanded in recent years to become a vibrant family arts and music festival. Local people, young and old, take part, as do the many visitors and tourists who happen to be here or who come specially to get involved in this enjoyable fun weekend.
This family fun festival has something for everyone; tug of war, art classes, hillwalking, quizzes and much much more!
See festival programme on page 20
Is ea féile an fhómhair a théann siar thar dhá mhíle bliain go dtí tréimhse na gCeilteach in Éirinn, agus ceiliúrann muintir an Chlocháin agus an Leith Triúigh an fhéile thábhachtach go dtí ár linn féin. Ar an Domhnach deireanach d’Iúil, ceiliúrann pobail ar leith ar fud na tíre an fhéile le dreapadh go barr sléibhe mar oilithreacht, ina measc, Cruach Phádraig Mhaigh Eo agus ár gCnoc Bréanainn fhéin. Domhnach Crom Dubh a thugtar ar an nDomhnach seo. Féile réamhChríostachta ab ea é i dtús báire, ach chuir na luath Chríostaithe an fhéile in oiriúint dá gcreideamh, agus luadar Naomh Breandán/Bréanainn léi sa dúthaigh seo.
Tá imeachtaí do chách thar an deireadh seachtaine idir óg agus aosta. Clár ar leathanach 20

Goldfinches, famine graveyard, Dingle: Mossy Donegan
60 seconds with Kathleen Rohan

What was your first job?
Housekeeping in Ashe's The Mall aged 13
What is your favourite film? Gone With The Wind
What is your favourite book? My Left Foot
What was the first CD / Tape / Record you bought? Big Tom
What was your favourite holiday?
Chicago 30 years ago
What is your favourite drink? Tea
Who is your favourite actor? Glenn Ford
What advice would you give to your younger self? Enjoy yourself doing what you want
Who is your sporting hero? Jimmy Magee
Two figures from history you'd like to have as dinner guests?
My brothers Paddy and John
If a time machine could take you anywhere for one day, when/where would you go?
America 30 years ago
What’s your favourite saying? H-anam an diabhal!

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How to Dodge the Holiday Let-Down and Enjoy your Break!
Irene Flannery

A new term to hit the headlines recently is the “Let-Down Effect” or LetDown Syndrome. This condition describes how our bodies succumb to illness the moment we take time off and relax. Who hasn’t heard of or even experienced first-hand arriving at your holiday destination only to spend the first few days in bed, sick, in pain, and extremely fatigued? The classification and recognition of this pattern in medicine may be new, not the condition itself, explains psychologist Marc Schoen, a clinical professor of medicine at UCLA. His investigations examine “people who come down with an illness or develop flare-ups of chronic conditions not during a concentrated period of stress but after it dissipates.” With vacation season officially open, it's not too late to learn how your food and lifestyle in the run-up to your holiday can prevent this kind of let-down.
Understanding the Let-Down Effect
The Let-Down Effect is associated with conditions such as upper respiratory infections, flu, migraine headaches, dermatitis, arthritis pain, and depression within a few days of being on vacation. People living with chronic inflammatory and/or autoimmune conditions such as fibromyalgia, asthma, Crohn’s Disease, and Lupus have also seen increases in flare-ups while away on holidays. Prof. Marc Schoen and his team pinpointed that the Let-Down Effect is triggered in the first three days of your holiday, yet many symptoms can linger depending on your own vulnerabilities and risk factors.
How Stress Affects the Body
During acute stress, the body releases key hormones, including glucocorticoids (like cortisol), catecholamines (like norepinephrine), and adrenaline. These prepare the body to fight or flee from danger and trigger the immune system to step up surveillance for threats. Glucocorticoids can reactivate dormant viral infections, such as herpes simplex 1 (causing
slowing the pace leading up to a holiday and building in some strategies to wind down slowly in those first few days of your holiday. These include some tried and trusted stress-management techniques—yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, and improving sleep. When you just have a few days to prepare, the best thing to do is concentrate on breath—breathing in such a way that you tune into it, slow it down, and be aware of your inhale/ exhale flow. Schoen also recommends winding down in increments in the days prior to your holiday—reducing stress gradually from 100% to 80%, 60%, 40%, and so on.
Controlled Stress and Physical Activity
In those first few days of your holiday, instead of hitting zero suddenly, include some moderate stress-inducing exercises (hill walking, jogging, paddle-boarding) and mental exercises with time limits (to induce a little stress) such as time-restricted Sudoku, crosswords, and word games at the beginning of your break. Studies have shown that those who wind down slowly and include a little “controlled stress” in the first few days of holidays fare much better than those who go from high-doh to zero on the way to their destination.
Pre-Holiday Prep
From a nutritional point of view, you can ease much of the Let-Down Effect by having regular mealtimes in the week before you go on holiday. This means eating two to three balanced meals every day, evenly spaced out, with a couple of snacks in between, if needed. Steady eating will guarantee that you are setting a reassuring pattern, ultimately sending signals to your body that “all is well, relax.” Preparing for holidays can be a high-stress time—making sure that all the jobs are done, clothes are laundered for the suitcases, and the family pet is cared for, not to mention those last few work-related tasks that “must” be finished off before you go.
Exercise, time outdoors, home-cooked meals, and good sleep are often sacrificed in the last few days leading up to a holiday, which increases the stress response leading to a sharp downfall once everything is done. Factor this into your pre-holiday schedule by ensuring that you have the shopping done for that last week, time scheduled for exercise and getting outdoors, and getting to bed before 11 pm this time of year—so that you wind down slowly in the run-up to your break.
Supporting Your Stress Response
Support your stress response by eating a wholefood diet, rich in vitamin B5 (yogurt, eggs, legumes, lentils, mushrooms, avocado, broccoli, sweet potatoes, corn, cauliflower, kale, and tomatoes). Adaptogenic supplements such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil are very useful as are B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Omega-3 and Magnesium to help with the stress response. Include foods that influence your prostaglandin reservoirs to stimulate an anti-inflammatory response, i.e., healthy fats (avocado, sardines, tuna, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, olives, and olive oil). In doing so, you will also diminish the rise in inflammation caused by the post-stress debris explained above.
Not wanting to end this on a low note, knowledge is a powerful ally and you can mitigate much of your risk with realistic forward planning. Rest assured that while there are multiple factors involved in the post-stress response, some common sense, good food, and sleep before your holiday will make it more likely that it will be the well-earned break you and your family deserve. Happy holidays to all our readers! Bain sult as!
Irene Flannery, Nutritional Therapist- Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planning. Home visits within Dingle Peninsula and online consultations. 086

Photo: Sean Lordan

Inch Notes
At the Inch Pattern Coffee Morning and with the raffle for the signed Kerry Jersey, all organised by the Inch Community Council, €4,090 was raised in total for Kerry Hospice Foundation. Thanks to the Inch community and all who donated.

Picture by Jane Cullen, showing the donation being presented to Kerry Hospice Foundation. Left to right: Mélanie Queyroulet Baudo, Mary Shanahan, Pat Foley, Maura O'Sullivan, Dora McCarthy, Sam Moriarty and Jenny Attard
Fabulous celebrations were held for the 30th birthday of our King of Inch, Sam Moriarty. Happy Birthday Sam!!
Inch Talks Trash : If you are aged between 6-16 years old, join us for an exciting opportunity to take part in creative events this July, which will culminate in an exhibition to display the amazing work you create.
These free events revolve around our main attraction in Inch, The Strand. Join us to learn about local flora/fauna and biodiversity around the beach and the challenges facing it, such as trash. Hannah Sayers (local artist behind Sayers Studio) and Dr Jenny Attard (Senior Researcher in Circular Economy) will help you to search and collect waste on the beach, and this will then be used to create your masterpieces for exhibition at the Inch Community Centre.
Saturday, July 20th, 10:30am – 12pm: Beach Day
Sunday, July 21st, 2pm – 5pm: Creative Day
Sunday, July 28th, 2:30pm – 4pm: Exhibition Day
Inch Talk Trash (for adults): Circular artist and fashion designer Fran Fogarty will be discussing circular fashion and teaching you how to upcycle a T-shirts on Saturday 27th in Inch Community Centre at 7.30pm.
Places are limited email inchcommunityevents@gmail.com to sign up for any ‘Inch Talks Trash’ events or if you have questions.
All events are free. This project was funded as part of Creative Communities by Kerry Arts Council as part of Clár Éire Ildánach (Creative Ireland Programme).
A community biodiversity survey of the Inch Graveyard will take place on the 3rd August at 11am-1pm with ecologist Cathy Eastman (Biodiversity Partners) as part of the Inch Community Biodiversity Action Plan funded by Community Foundation Ireland. All welcome to take part and learn about the biodiversity in our community.
Seashore Explore: Discover marine life on Kerry’s Blue Flag Beaches this summer. Join a Seashore Safari with a marine biologist from Sea Synergy. Inch Beach safari will take place on the 21st August at 10:30am. Limited places available, booking essential (0874554034, info@seasynergy.org).
Clean-up and Maintenance Days will take place on the following Saturdays from 10am-12pm. For clean-ups, bags will be provided. Pickers and high-vis vests might also be provided but please bring your own if you have them.
Inch Beach Clean (meet at Inch Beach car park): 10th August
Inch to Annascaul Coast Road Clean (meet at Inch Beach car park): 31st August
Clean-ups are weather dependent. Please check the Inch Community Facebook page for last-minute changes.
Inch Farmers Market will take place on the following Saturdays from 10am-2pm at Foley’s Beer Garden:
17th August, 14th September, 12th October, 9th November, 7th December
If you are interested in a spot, please contact inchfarmersmarket@ gmail.com
There is the opportunity to be involved through a cooperatively run farm produce stand. This is for farmers that don’t have enough produce, variety or hours to warrant a stall themselves and allows locally grown produce to be available in the community. If anyone has extra veg etc. that they would like to sell, get in touch!
The ‘Better Bones Better Balance Programme ’ in Kerry is an evidence-based strength and balance programme. It is an eight-week programme aimed at low-risk community dwelling adults to maintain strength and balance and thus reduce the likelihood of a future fall.
Inch Community Centre will be running this course in September. Date and time to be confirmed.
This course costs €40 for the 8 weeks. Inch Community Council has funding in place to help subsidise this so you will only pay €20.
To register your interest in taking part please contact Jane on 0871942116 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm or email inchcommunitycouncil@ gmail.com
Events at Inch Community Centre:
Yoga with Shannah (www.yogatimeforyou.com): Mondays 7-8pm, book in advance on 087 061 5544.
Yoga with Mélanie : Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm, book in advance via WhatsApp +33 659 286 354.
Bingo nights on the following Thursdays at 8pm: 1st August, 15th August, 29th August.
Coffee Morning s on the following Sundays at 10:30am (after mass): 21st July, 18th August, 29th September.
Upcoming mass times for St Joseph’s church Inch at 10am on alternate Sundays: 21st July, 4th August, 18th August, 1st September.
The Kerry Mobile Library Service will be parked opposite Foley’s Bar Inch from 12:25pm – 1pm on the following Fridays: 26th July and 23rd August.
Practice your Irish at the weekly Comhra at Foley’s Bar Inch on Wednesdays at 10:30am. All levels welcome.
If you would like to add something to the Inch Community notes, please contact Jenny and Mélanie here: inchcommunityevents@gmail.com.
Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Ted Creedon
Drowned near the Blaskets
Kerry Reporter, 20 August, 1910.
Last Wednesday, while the Norwegian barque Alf was off the Blaskets, a young man named Ashe lost his life in a sudden squall. He had been stowing canvas on the topsail yard when he was blown off and pitched into the sea.
Despite a search he was not seen again. Ashe had joined the ship in Quebec. The vessel was bound for Tralee with a cargo of timbers for Messrs Cowan and Sons Ltd. (Was Ashe a returning immigrant getting a free trip home?)
Dingle Deserter
The Evening Freeman, 13 June, 1855
The police in Dingle have arrested Private Patrick Moynihan who is a deserter from the 3 Buffs. Early last month he had volunteered to join them while attached to the Kerry Regiment.
Having absconded he made his way to Dingle and was for some days concealed in a house in the town. When discovered he was armed with a hatchet but was secured after some resistance.
He was lodged in the bridewell but yesterday he managed to mutilate himself by striking off the forefinger of his right hand which rendered him incapacitated and incapable of any further military service.
(The 3 Buffs was a nickname for the Royal East Kent Regiment with origins dating back to the mid-fifteenth century. The regiment had been issued with buff coats when it first served abroad and the name stuck).
Water Bailiff Murdered
Kerry News, 03 September, 1909
Our Caherciveen correspondent reports that on last Thursday evening a water bailiff named John Driscoll was murdered about half a mile from this town. It seems he was on his way home when he was waylaid which resulted in his being killed. Three young men have been arrested in connection with the murder. An inquest will be held this evening.
Robbery at Ballintaggart House
Kerry Evening Post, 06 January, 1855
In January 1855 John Mahoney was charged with burglary and robbery at Ballintaggart House, near Dingle, the home of Mrs. Robert Hickson. It is believed he is a member of a gang who have been committing robberies around the county in recent times.
The gang’s methods, tools and instruments are so ingenious that no security or obstruction could prevent them from entering a targeted property. At the trial a servant at the property, Michael McDonnell, gave evidence of what transpired on the night of the robbery, December 15th, 1854.
McDonnell lived in the house and during the night he was awakened by a dumb maid-servant who made signs and sounds that the house was being robbed.
He immediately searched the property and found no intruder but he discovered that a panel of a door had been removed. He went down to the lodge at the gate and woke the porter Michael Kennedy. Then he looked along the road and seeing a person some way off, heading towards the town, he took to his heels in pursuit.
However, he had almost reached his target when the person, a man, threw away a coat and a cloak and ran off. McDonnell chased after him and saw him enter a lodging house down a lane in the town. He sent Kennedy for a policeman who searched the house without finding the thief. The policeman left but McDonnell was convinced the thief was still in
the building so he began his own search. He discovered a pair of legs under a bed in a room upstairs and dragged the man, Mahoney, out. He sent for the inept policemen again who arrested the prisoner, who confessed his offences, and took him into custody.
A search of the man produced an array of tools and implements including an unusual gimlet with a turn screw at the end and a pocket saw. McDonnell was highly praised for his efforts to catch the thief.
(A gimlet is a tool for drilling small holes in wood – a bit like an auger.)
Selling Bones From Burial Grounds
Tralee Chronicle, 18 May, 1850
Two wretches, a man and a woman, were detected on Saturday night last offering bones for sale at a shop in this town. But the shopkeeper was very suspicious of the pair and it was eventually discovered that the bones had been plundered from a local burial ground.
The wicked pair were immediately taken into custody and subsequently committed to the bridewell. They seemed to enjoy the experience as if it was all ‘good fun’. They also appeared quite heartless and hardened as if accustomed to such a depraved depredation.
Woman Fell Into The Hearth Fire
Kerry Evening Post, 27 May, 1874
Last Saturday evening a woman named Catherine Sheehy, while alone in a room in a house in Abbey Street, Tralee, suffered an epileptic fit and fell into the fire that was on the hearth.
Shortly afterwards a neighbour entered the room found her still suffering from the fit and terribly burned around her head. Dr. Hayes was promptly in attendance and did all he could to alleviate the poor woman’s sufferings but she lies in a very precarious state.
(These articles are taken from the British Newspaper Archive, BNA.)
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Tourism News
Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance
Dia dhaoibh go léir agus tá súil againn go bhfuil ag éirí go maith libh
Hello to all and we hope you are keeping well It’s great to see the Peninsula alive with so many visitors enjoying the long nights and what we have to offer. With local events taking place such as the Ventry & Maharees Regattas and Castlegrgory Summer Festival they have had plenty of things to do and a big thanks to each and every one of you for helping to make their stay and these events memorable.
Congratulations to local businesses
Once again, we are pleased to able to congratulate more of our local family run businesses for their achievements. With Adam Flannery and his team at Dingle Dolphin Boat Tours and Jimmy Flannery with his team at Dingle Sea Safari being successful at the Tripadvisor Travelers Choice Awards for 2024.
A massive congratulations must also go to Denise Uí Bheaglaoi and her family who run An Riasc Bed & Breakfast and a Self-Catering Farmhouse in Baile na nGall. They have been championing sustainable tourism for many years and now have achieved their Foundation Award through the Sustainable Tourism Network programme.
Spin City Fun Fair
The Turbett Spin City Fun Fair is once again in full swing and will be with us until Sunday the 25th August, they open daily at 6 pm and Saturdays, Sundays & Bank Holiday Monday at 2 pm. They have all your favourite rides, prize stalls and much more back again this year!
Outdoor Markets
Shopping at the local markets supports our local smaller producers and at the same time boosts the local economy and helps to keep local community trade alive. As well as getting quality products it is a great social opportunity to have a chat with some of your neighbors & visitors alike.
Castlegregory Outdoor Market is on every Sunday from approx. 9:30 to 1pm until the end of August. The next Inch Farmers Market will be on the 17th August at Foley’s Bar, Inch from 10am – 2pm. Dingle Market is on as usual every Friday from 9am – 3pm at the Holyground, Dingle.
Upcoming Events on the Peninsula
West Kerry Agricultural Show will be taking
place on Sunday 21st July 2024 and they will be celebrating their 60th Anniversary. Please note that Kerry County Council will close the Brewery road in Dingle to facilitate the show from midday to half past four (4:30pm) for more information about the show please visit:
https://www.facebook.com/ WestKerryAgriculturalShow/
Dingle Art School will have an exhibition of their paintings in the Blasket Island Centre for 3 weeks starting on the 20th July for more information about this or details on taking art classes please contact
Ann Lundon at infodingleartschool@gmail.com or on 085 703 5677
The Ceol Am Lóin series of lunchtime concerts, continues on Thursday in An Diseart gardens. On Thursday 25th July will be Jeremy Spencer veidhlin & Sean Ó Laoithe giotár starting at 1pm Féile Lughnasa The Cloghane – Brandon Feile Lughnasa is the revival of the ancient preChristian harvest celebration. Its roots are theorised to go back to the first farmers in the area. The Festival is primarily a gathering for the local community and an attempt to rekindle the original spirit of the event. It has been expanded in recent years to become a vibrant family arts and music festival will be taking place on the 26th -29th July For more information please visit https://www.facebook.com/Hallalecheile
The Brandon Bay Run This half marathon, 10k & 5k event which is run entirely on the golden sandy beach that stretches around Brandon Bay in the Kingdom of Kerry - all the way from Fahamore in the Maharees, to Fermoyle point under Mt Brandon itself. The event starts and finishes at Fahamore in the Maharees and competitors doing the half marathon effectively run from one point of the 7 mile beach to the other and back on an 'out and back' course (Fahamore - Fermoyle - Fahamore). The event is being organised and run by Castlegregory Celtic F.C. and is a nonprofit event. It is Ireland's original running event ENTIRELY run on the beach!! More information can be found at
Féile Lios Póil starts on the 1st August with a comedy gig this year in Garraí on Thursday, 1st August at 8.30pm. The irrepressible duo of Julie Jay and Fred Cooke will be joined by Sharon Mannion (of Bridget & Eamon fame) and John Colleary (the Savage Eye) for a night of top comedy to get Féile 2024 revved up to go!! Book tickets early on Eventbrite link below:

Text Alert
Remember the new Text Alert system that has been launched by the Dingle Garai. Please contact Sargent James Hurley at Dingle Garda Station 066 915 1522 or james.g.hurley@garda. ie to find out more and be included.
Promotion Opportunities for the Peninsula
The Big E 2024 13th – 29th September 2024 preparations are well underway for the Dingle Peninsula Cultural, Educational, Tourism and Trade Showcase return to the Big E, West Springfield – New England’s State Fair where they annually get a foot fall of over a million people. The aim is to promote the Dingle Peninsula and encourage early bookings for 2025. If your business would like to be included, please contact our office on 066 915 2448 or at info@dingle-peninsula.ie. We are also creating: Special diaspora Big E offers for 2024/2025, Stay longer on the Dingle Peninsula itineraries with our members. We are always proud to be able to say that the Dingle Peninsula is a place to come and stay longer (not a ‘drive thru’)
Nasc Áitiúil Chorca Dhuibhne / Local Link Services Dingle Peninsula
Let’s continue to support our Local Link Services this summer. It’s a fantastic way to get about the whole peninsula visiting experiences and getting to walking trails – a great way to explore, discover and enjoy leaving the car parked! For the timetable, visit https://www.dingle-peninsula. ie/plan
Bígí linn! Let’s stay connected - follow Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance on all social media Platforms. When sharing with #DinglePeninsula and #CorcaDhuibhne we can share with the Alliances’ reach of over 40,000 followers as they plan their holidays this year…
o Facebook: @dingle.official
o Instagram: dinglepeninsulatourism
o Twitter: @DinglePeninsula
#CorcaDhuibhne #DinglePeninsula #FanTamaillínEile #StayALittleLonger
Getting Active across the Peninsula! Make the most of our longer days……. Try a new walk or trail from Súilóidí Chorca Dhuibhne - for the full range of walks and trails across the peninsula visit the walking section on our website: https:// www.dingle-peninsula.ie/
DHUIBHNE Ag Cur Chorca Dhuibhne Chun Cinn Le Chéile
Promoting the Dingle Peninsula Together
Dingle Ecumenical Graveyard Service
An ecumenical graveyard service will be held in Saint James' Church Dingle on Thursday the 25th July (Feast of Saint James) at 7.30pm to remember and honour all those who have been buried in the grounds through the ages.
All welcome.
Corca Dhuibhne Beo
Meitheal Trá Fionntrá
Tá grúpa ag teacht le chéile ar Satharn 20ú Iúil 2024 chun an trá a ghlanadh óna 11 a.m. go dtína 12.30. pm. Má tá suim agat a bheith páirteach ann bualfaimid le chéile sa chárchlós Ag Ceann Trá ar a 11.00 am. Tabhair leat do phiocadóirí féin. Beidh málaí agus
láimhíní ar fáil.
Teangmháil:- Orna Ní Dhuinnshléibhe 087-2286533
Ventry Beach Group
On Saturday 20th July 2024 a group is getting together to clean Ventry Beach from 11-12.30 am. If you would like to join in meet at Ventry Car Park at 11 a.m. Please bring your own pickers. Bags and gloves will be provided. Orna Dunlevy 0872286533

Cluichí Éagsúla
Mícheál Ó hUanacháin
Ní mórán cúitimh a thug na Ciarraígh abhaile leo ón turas fada go contae Thír Chonaill coicíos ó shin, agus bhí éiric le n-ioc acu freisin.

An nós nua seo cluichi a imirt tráthnóna Déardaoine, fágann sé brú go háirithe ar na foirne is lú a bhfuil imreoirí gairmiúla acu – ina measc Ciarraí. Agus is díorma níos lú ná mar is gnáth, agus grúpa níos lú ná mar ba mhaith leis an mbainisteoir, a thaisteal ó thuaidh chun seasamh in aghaidh Chláirsigh na Finne i dtús na míosa.
Tá na Cláirsigh ag déanamh níos fearr i mbliana, agus áit le tamall acu ina measc siúd a bheidh san iomaiocht le haghaidh ardú céime ag deireadh an tséasúir. Beirt dá gcuid, nua-imreoir ón séasúr seo caite, Patrick Ferry, agus an déagóir Seán Patton, a rinne an slad ar na cuairteoirí roimh leath-am sa chluiche, le cúnamh ó dhéagóir eile, Gavin Ferry. Pas ó Ferry, agus seans ag Patton an liathróid a shacadh idir chosa Aaron O'Sullivan isteach san eangach.
Murar leor sin, d'éirigh an cluiche teasaí go maith ag druidim leis an deireadh, agus bhí achrann idir na foirne tar éis na feide a tharraing cártaí dearga ón réiteoir Glen Geraghty. Péire do na Ciarraígh, Kennedy Amechi agus an bainisteoir Conor McCarthy, agus ceann do na Cláirsigh, an leasbhainisteoir Kevin McHugh.
Ní maith le héinne críoch mar sin ar chluiche, dá dhonacht an toradh.
Ar ais sa bhaile an deireadh seachtainne dar gcionn, ar an Aoin ar ndóigh, agus muintir Chille Mantáin mar chuairteoirí arís. Mar mhacalla ar an droch-shíon le linn an chluiche deireanach idir na foirne seo i dTrá Lí, réab lasair tintri trasna na spéire ag pointe amháin sa dara leath, ach bhí an dráma ba mhó ar pháirc an imeartha an uair seo.
Bhí luas lasrach faoi na himreoirí ag tús an chluiche, agus chuaigh an fhoireann baile an-ghar do chúl tosaigh sna nóiméidí luatha, gan tacaíocht an réiteora nuair a cheap an lucht féachana go raibh cúl scóráilte ag Ryan Kelliher, murach é bheith as alt na himeartha,nó cic éirice agdul dóibh nuair a thadhall cosantóir Bhré le Cian Brosnan.
Ach níorbh fhada in aon chor go raibh an scór tosaigh acu, agus go deimhin b'é Kelliher a fuair agus gan ach trí nóiméad déag caite. Ar éigin deich nóiméad eile imithe, agus bhí an dara cúl aige nuair a bhronn an réiteoir, Mark Moynihan, cic éirice ar an bhfoireann baile, agus chuir Kelliher an chaid go láidir as raon gabhála chúl báire Bhré, Stephen McGuinness.

Ach má bhí lucht tacaíochta na Ríochta sna flaithis tamaillín, ba ghearr an tamaillín é. Tháinig na cuairteoirí ina ruaigeanna, agus d'éirigh le Darren Craven agus Harry Groome cúl an duine a chur thar O'Sullivan in imeacht dhá nóiméad.
B'shin mar a bhí ag an briseadh, agus sásamh l fáil ag gach éinne sa lucht féachana as cluiche comórtasach cothrom.
Niorbh fhada i ndiaidh an atosaithe go bhfuair Kelliher an liathróid arís taobh thiar de chosantóirí na gcuairteoirí, agus thóg sé timpeall ar McGuinness é sarar bhuail sé isteach sa chúl é.
B'é an chéad tréchleas riamh sa Sraith ag Ciarraí é, agus é tuillte go maith ag an naoscaire ó Chill Áirne.
Ach ní raibh deireadh déanta fós, mar ainneoin dóchas lucht tacaíochta na foirne baile, fágadh Ben Feeney Bhré ina aonar gar don chúl agus chuir sé an liathróid isteach lena cheann agus gan ach rud beag le cois deich nóiméad fágtha.
Comh-onóracha, mar a deirtear, agus cluiche den scoth.

Upfront price with no hidden extras
We deliver Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Other hours are available on request
All skips are sorted, picked and recycled
The best value skip hire in West Kerry
Achrann taobh-líne

Notaí an ClochánBréanainn
Tinteáin Ceoil: Ceol, Rince, Scéalta, Dánta, Amhráin, Craic agus Cupán tae & Scóna úr-bhácáilte. Gach Luain(Every Monday evening) 7:30pm9:30 pm at the Halla. V92DK4C
Local Link Bus Service:
Brandon to Tralee ……Gach Luain & Céadaoin 9:10am
Cloghane to Castlegregory……Gach Déardaoin 7:15pm
Cloghane Public Dinner Bus to Halla Le Chéile……...Gach Máirt 12:15pm
Thuilleadh Eolas https://www.locallinkkerry.ie/Brandon/ Am Aifreann/ Mass Times. Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn, An Clochán
Gach Dara Sathairn/ Every 2nd Saturday 6:15pm
Also Mass every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm
Adhradh Comaoineach / Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesdays – 11.15am to 12.15pm
Thursdays – 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Saturdays – 11.15pm to 12.15pm
Subject to change…weekly parish newsletter available in church every weekend with full details.
French tutor: Learn and practice your French with native speaker Geoff. Suitable for all levels in both Junior cert and Leaving cert. Contact Geoff : 0830043943.
Spás Oifige le ligean ar cíos. Office space to let Tuilleadh eolais www. cflt.ie/office-hot-desks-to-let/ nó glaoch a chuir orainn ar 066 7138137
Folúntas - Cúntóir Tar Éis Scoile, Dhá Phost : Páirt-aimseartha, Luan go Déardaoin 1 - 6pm. Atrdteistiméareacht leibhéal pas i nGaeilge ag teastáil. Spriocdháta d'iarratais 5pm Aoine 19ú Iúil. Chun iarratas a dhéanamhseol do CV go: eolas@cflt.ie
Job Vacancies - After School Assistant, Two Positions: Part time, Monday - Thursday 1 - 6pm. Pass level leaving cert in Irish required. Closing date for applications - 5pm Friday 19th July. Apply with CV to eolas@cflt.ie
Féile Lughnasa - 26ú - 29ú Iúil / July: Fáilte roimh chách. See page 20.

Camp Notes
Brigid O'Connor
CAMP CHAMPION -Congratulations to Ailise Deane, Camp Champion Athlete on winning the oarswoman of the day award at The Maharees Regatta on Sunday 7th. July. Best of luck to Ailise who is partaking in a World record in the 2024 European RAJD BISKDY, long course Race in Ecuador in November.
RADIO KERRY -James Bowler gave a wonderful interview on the Horizons programme on Radio Kerry on Sunday, 7th July. Well worth a listen - website - www.dioceseofkerry.ie. Congratulations James, well done and thanks for the few tunes and songs.
CELEBRATION - Camp Junction Bar is celebrating another 40 years and still going strong.
On Saturday night last the Fitzgerald family, staff and customers old and new, enjoyed a wonderful night of great entertainment, music, song and delicious food marking another milestone in the history of the Bar. In fact customers enjoyed a €1 pint, in keeping with the price of a pint in the early 1900’s.
Local Builder Brendan McCormack who carried out the renovations in 1984 met up with Mary Fitzgerald and shared some great stories. And what a wonderful journey it is for Mary, now in her 90s. Long may she continue to share those lovely stories of Camp social history with us.
In 1909 Pad Fitz went to Dingle in a pony and car to purchase his first licence and opened the Junction Bar in Camp. In those days the Dingle
train stopped at the water tower across the road to refuel and indeed the passengers were known to refuel too and a few pints in the bar saw them happily on their way.
The Bar and Restaurant attracts a big passing trade to this present day. There was a time when travellers could have a pint after hours on a journey.. A traveller being a person living a few miles outside the area. It was indeed the law of the land at the time.
The Fitzgerald family down many generations have developed and upgraded the bar and in 2010 the family opened a restaurant. Congratulations all, continued success to the Fitzgerald family into the future.
Norma Galvin (nee Moriarty, Lisnagree, Camp passed away peacefully on 30th June surrounded by her family.
Shane, Norma's son, shared some lovely memories of his mother at her funeral Mass at St. Mary's Church, Castlegregory on 4th. July. Always with a smile on her face, Norma loved her garden of flowers and nature and animals. Norma worked in the caring profession and childcare where she was highly regarded and much loved by all of her colleagues and friends.
Norma was predeceased by her husband John, Parents Maurice and Bridget and Brother Roland. Rest In Peace, Norma.
The parish of Annascaul and beyond were shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Tom Kennedy, Coole, Annascaul on 13th. July. Tom was a born entrepreneur, a man of vision, a community man, Tom was a man who made things happen.
Tom's brother Micheál gave a wonderful tribute to Tom at his funeral Mass at The Church of the Sacred Heart. Micheál remembered his brother with fondness, a man who engaged in many ventures, a good farmer who prided in his stock and above all a man who loved his family and who had many friends.
Different objects and memorabilia of Tom's life were brought to the Altar. Tom's niece Deirdre explained their symbolism. Tom's wonderful work in the promotion of Annascaulman, Antarctic explorer Tom Crean around the world and his contributions to Michael Smith's book “Unsung Hero” is amongst Tom’s greatest legacy to West Kerry and Kerry history.
Tom collected many Artefacts and memorabilia from the Tom Crean expedition for display in The South Pole Bar/Restaurant. Marking the birthplace of Jerome Connor, the Annascaul Sculptor was another of Tom's endeavours and achievements.
Tom was quiet and unassuming, a real gentleman, indeed an “unsung hero” of our parish in our lifetime.
RIP Tom.
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS - Mother and son, Marcella and Andrew Finn celebrated 90 years on Saturday 6th July. It was indeed a birthday celebration to remember at The Railway Tavern. The young and ‘young at heart’ enjoying each other's company, cousins, friends and neighbours together having the craic!
A mighty session of music and good food too! Marcella and Andrew, may you be blessed with many more years of joy and happiness agus go maire sibh an chead!

Corca Dhuibhne
Dandelions in bloom at the famine graveyard, Dingle Mossy Donegan
Hot and Spicy Spatch-Cock Chicken
Mark Murphy, Dingle Cookery School

Something different for your BBQ.
Hot and Spicy Spatchcock Chicken, the ultimate BBQ. delight! Perfectly flattened for even grilling, this chicken is marinated in a fiery blend of spices that ignite your taste buds. Infused with flavours of garlic, paprika, and a hint of cayenne, every bite is a mix of heat and sweetness. Ideal for a summer BBQ. this spatchcock chicken ensures crispy skin and juicy meat, offering a perfect balance of spice and tenderness. Gather your friends and family around the grill and get ready to savour this sizzling masterpiece that's sure to become a BBQ favourite!
2 tbsp chilli powder
4 tsp dark brown sugar
1 tbsp. ground cumin
1 tbsp. ground fennel
¼ tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
good pinch of salt
1 tsp. smoked paprika
1 Whole chicken
To prepare the spice mix
To prepare the rub simply mix all the ingredients together and keep in an airtight jar until needed. This mixture can be added to any meat.
To prepare the chicken
Turn the chicken upside down. Use a large scissors to cut the chicken down one side of the backbone, through the ribs. Make an identical cut on the opposite side to remove the backbone completely. Place the chicken cut-side down and flatten with the heel of your hand. Rub the dry rub mixture under the skin onto the breast meat and leg meat and rub a little on the skin. Let stand at room temperature for at least 10 minutes and up to 30 minutes.
To BBQ. the chicken, Preheat the grill to a medium heat, Oil the rack put the chicken skin side down. Close the lid on the BBQ and allow this to cook for about 25 minutes (check the chicken so it not burning, if it is move it slightly form the heat). At this stage turn the chicken over and cook for a further 10 minutes. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the chicken. If it registers 72ºc take it off the direct heat and allow it to rest for about 10 minutes before carving.
Serve with a tasty salad.
Bain Taitneamh As!!

Dingle Notes
Richie Williams
SHOW. The West Kerry Agricultural Show Committee will celebrate their 60th Anniversary this Sunday July 21st at Dingle Mart Grounds with gates opening to the public from 12 midday.
The packed programme features the usual mix of livestock displays and demonstrations, competitions for horses, ponies, sheep, cattle, dogs, vegetable growers, arts and crafts, home baking and much more. Bonny baby and granny gaelach contests attract great interest from all over the peninsula with traditional music groups providing the entertainment throughout the afternoon. So we encourage our readers to come along and join in the fun and make the 60th anniversary show one to remember for all age groups.
SUMMER CAMP. The Annual Dingle GAA Summer Camp is scheduled to run from Monday July 29 to Friday August 2nd this year. Daily sessions are between 10a.m. and 2p.m. in Pairc An Aghasaigh. Prior registration is essential with places limited for safety purposes so get booking asap and avoid disappointment.
ECUMENICAL SERVICE. An Ecumenical Service is scheduled for Thursday July 25th in St James Church,Main Street, to mark the Feast of St. James commencing at 7.30p.m. Members of the public from all Christian beliefs are welcome to attend to remember and honour all those who have been buried in the adjoining graveyard through the years. The service will be followed by a short presentation on the history attached to the church and surrounding grounds.
STUDENTS SUCCESS. Comhgáirdeachas do dhaltaí Phobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne a bhain an tarna áit san Eoraip amach i gComórtas Idirnáisiúnta GEN-E a bhí ar súil san Iodáil le déanaí. GLAN GO GLAS an teideal ar an scéim a bhí acu sa comortas.
The idea by these enterprising Transition Year Students is to collect food waste and add other ingredients to produce a range of cleaning products for general use. Certainly exciting times ahead for these young people in our fast changing world which offers opportunities for those who come up with such workable ideas.
BUSINESS. The business outlets in Main Street have noticeably increased in number over the past few months which adds greatly to the choice of products and services availably to locals and visitors alike.
Renovations to the Pink House at the Mall / John Street Junction are nearing completion and their proposed Bar and Restaurant Services should be open for business within the next two weeks. Bridge House Dingle is the proposed name and some job opportunities
Corca Dhuibhne Beo
are still open by applying at the premises or going on their website or social media page.
REGATTAS. The Ballydavid, Maharees and Fionn Trá regattas were all very well supported with increased numbers taking part in events for all age groups. The interest from the public has also been reignited especially with so many young boys and girls taking up the sport which was one of the only pastimes here on the Peninsula up to the mid eighties.
Clubs are now training for the Dingle Regatta scheduled for the weekend of August 17/18 this year with some crews hoping to travel to regattas in other parts of Ireland as well.
TIDY TOWNS. The local Committee wish to complement the many business outlets and private residents on the increased colourful window boxes and other such displays along our streets and other residential areas around town. Also quite a few premises have been repainted this year which all adds to the presentation and pleasant image of our town as the great place it is to visit, work in or live in all year round.

Presentations of money raised from the 2023 West Kerry Tractor Run to the Irish Lung Fibrosis Association and to the Palliative Care Unit in Kerry. The charities received €8000 each.
Top : John Griffin, Jackie Kavanagh, John P. O'Sullivan and Geraldine Ashe
Bottom. Michael O'Sullivan, Jackie Kavanagh, Maureen O'Donnell from ILFA, John P. O'Sullivan and Annette Cremin.

News From Dingle Hub
Sustainable Mobility National Pathfinder Survey
Míle buíochas daoibh go léir a ghlac páirt inár suirbhé iompair go dtí seo. Fanfaidh sé ar oscailt go dtí 31.08.2024 agus beimíd ag Seó Talmhaíochta Corca Dhuibhne ag an deireadh seachtaine d’aon duine ar mhaith leo tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin tionscadal nó ar mhaith leo cabhair leis an suirbhé a chomhlánú.
Many thanks to everyone who has taken part in our transport survey so far. It will remain open until 31.08.2024 and you'll find us the West Kerry Agricultural show at the weekend for anyone who would like to find out more about the project or would like help to complete the survey.
The survey is part of the Corca Dhuibhne National Sustainable Mobility Pathfinder project, which aims to identify and advocate for easy, affordable and integrated travel options to suit everyone.
To participate in the survey and be in with an excellent chance of winning an electric bicycle or a 2kW solar PV system, sponsored by Solar Beo, go to: www.dinglehub.com/projects/sustainability/transport.
Your journey counts Scaip and Scéal! Maharees in a changing climate
Join us in a panel discussion on climate adaptation as part of the Creative Ireland funded Neart Na Machairí, Saturday 27th July. 10.30am – 1pm, Clubrooms, Castlegregory.
Join Maharees Conservation Association, Dingle Hub, the Neart Na Machairí Community Partners, Embedded Artists Emer Fallon, Zoe Ui Fhaoláin Green and Silke Michels and climate scientists Claire Scannell from Met Eireann and Paul Deane from UCC as we consider Maharees and the Dingle Peninsula in a changing climate and how we can play a role in adapting to and mitigating the effects. This is a free event as part of our Creative Ireland funded project. Let us know if you would like to come along by sending us an email mahareesconservation@gmail.com

Eolas + Ticéidí Information + Tickets

www.visitcloghanebrandon.ie visitcloghanebrandon HALLALECHÉILE feilelughnasa@gmail.com
Dé hAoine 26 Iúil
Friday 26 July
Siúlóid Slí na nGallán le Paddy O’Neill
Slí na Gallán Walk with Paddy O’Neill
Location € € Séipéal Clochán Cloghane Church Saor in Aisce Free
3:00in 3:00pm
Ceardlanna Ealaíne le Rhonwen Hayes Art Workshops with Rhonwen Hayes
Páistí 3:00in Daoine Fásta 4:00rn Children 3:00pm Adults 4:00pm
Location € € Áiléar Cé Art Galore Mulallys Bréanainn
Cé Art Galore Gallery Mulallys Brandon Saor in Aisce (Le ticéid) Free (Booking Required)
Oscailt Taispeantais Griangrafadóireachta Photography Exhibition Opening
Location € € Siopa an Phobail An Clochán Siopa an Phobail Cloghane Saor in Aisce Free
7 :00pm
Oscailt Oifigiúl Féile Lughnasa Official Opening of Féile Lughnasa
Location € € Áiléar Cé Art Galore Mulallys Bréanainn
7:00pm Áit
Cé Art Galore Gallery Mulallys Brandon Saor in Aisce Free
Taispeantas Ceiliúradh Ealaín Áitiúl Exhibition - A Celebration of Local Art
Location € € Áiléar Cé Art Galore Mulallys Bréanainn
9:30in 9:30pm Áit
Cé Art Galore Gallery Mulallys Brandon Saor in Aisce Free
Oíche dTráth na gCeist Quiz Night
Location € € Tigh Uí Chonchúir An Clochán
O’Connors Cloghane 20 do 4 20 for 4
Dé Sathairn 27 Iúil
Saturday 27 July
10:00rn 10:00am Áit
Siúloid a’tSáis Walk to Sás Creek
Location € € Halla Le Chéile Halla Le Chéile Saor in Aisce Free
11:00rn 11:00am Áit
Comórtas Dealbhóireachta Gaineamh Sand Sculpture Competition
Location € € Trá an Cheapaigh Cappagh Beach Saor in Aisce Free
1:00in 1:00pm Áit
Olimpeacha Clochán Bréanainn Cloghane Brandon Olympics
Location € € Trá an Cheapaigh Cappagh Beach Saor in Aisce Free
Clár Imeachtaí
Programme of Events

2:30in 2:30pm Áit
Cluiche Bréanainn Vs An Clochán Cloghane Vs Brandon Game
Location € € Trá an Cheapaigh Cappagh Beach Saor in Aisce Free
4:00in 4:00pm Áit
Léacht: Cad atá thíos? An draíocht faoi thonnta Chuain Bhréanainn agus Thrá Lí
Talk: What lies beneath? The magic beneath the waves of Brandon and Tralee Bay
Location € € Halla Le Chéile
9:00in 9:00pm Áit
Halla Le Chéile Saor in Aisce Free
Céilí Mór le Timmy Walsh agus ceol le Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine, Kyle Macaulay agus Anthony Cahill
Céilí Mór with Timmy Walsh with music by Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine, Kyle Macaulay agus Anthony Cahill
Location € € Halla Le Chéile Halla Le Chéile 10 ar an doras 10 on the door
Dé Domhnach 28 Iúil
Sunday 28 July
8:30rn 8:30am
Oilithreacht Cnoc Bhréanainn Mount Brandon Pilgrimage
Location € € Carrclós Faha Faha Carpark Saor in Aisce
10:30rn 10:30am Áit
Safari Cladaigh Seashore Safari
Location € € Trá an Cheapaigh Cappagh Beach Saor in Aisce Free
Beannú na mBád Blessing of the Boats 1:00in 1:00pm Áit
Location € € Cé Bhréanainn
Brandon Pier Saor in Aisce Free
Family Fun Day 2:30in 2:30pm Áit
Lá Spraoi Teaghlaigh
Location € € Tigh Uí Chonchúir An Clochán
7:30in 7:30pm Áit
O’Connors Cloghane Saor in Aisce Free
Paráid na mBréigis an Chlochán
Cloghane Fancy Dress Parade
Location € € Carrclós Séipéal An Clochán
Cloghane Church Carpark
Saor in Aisce Free
Clárú ag 7:00in Registration at 7:00pm
Dé Luain 29 Iúil
Monday 29 July
10:00rn 10:00am Áit
Siúloid Loch a’Dúin le Micheál Ó Coileáin Walk to Loughadoon
Location € € Cross Cill Mhór Kilmore Cross Saor in Aisce Free
Tóraíocht Taisce Clainne Family Treasure Hunt 10:30rn 10:30am Áit
Location € € Baile Bhréanainn
Brandon Village Saor in Aisce Free
Paráid Culaith Bréige na bPáistí Childrens Fancy Dress Parade 1:00in 1:00pm Áit
Location € € Baile Bhréanainn
Brandon Village Saor in Aisce Free
Trí-altan Féile Lughnasa Féile Lughnasa Triathlon 2:30in 2:30pm Áit
Location € € Cé Bhréanainn
Brandon Pier Saor in Aisce Free
Rás na Lachain Duck Race 5:00in 5:00pM Áit
Location € € Cé Bhréanainn
Brandon Pier Saor in Aisce Free
Tarrach Téide Tug of War 6:30in 6:30pm Áit
Location € € Cé Bhréanainn
Brandon Pier Saor in Aisce Free
Tínteán Ceol Tínteán Ceol 7:30in 7:30pm Áit
Location € € Halla Le Chéile Halla Le Chéile Saor in Aisce Free
Dúnadh + Crannchur Féile Lughnasa Féile Lughnasa Closing + Raffle 8:30in 8:30pm Áit
Location € € Halla Le Chéile Halla Le Chéile Saor in Aisce Free
Éirchód + Láthair Eircodes + Locations
• Interior & Exterior
• Residential & Commercial • Powerwashing •

Annascaul Allotments
This is the crop always recommended as the first vegetable children can grow for themselves. "There we go little Mary, radish seeds! Let's go and sow them in the garden!" And 5 or 6 weeks later, there they all are.. resplendidly red. Or with pretty white patterns. Small children may love growing them, but how many love eating them? I suspect they are one of those love / hate things. I love them!
In my last vegetable garden in West Cork, I grew loads. Not only the usual red ones, but also long white ones and several really wonderful large winter varieties.
However, since I moved to Kerry, radishes and I have had a serious falling out. Failure after failure. I've tried numerous varieties, including the lovely Chinese black winter radish. Nothing. The leaves are stunning, green and full. The actual part of the plant that is supposed to be radish, isn't. It's a long, spindly, useless little thing. I know the leaves are edible, but that's not the point.
So, after 4 years of trying and failing, I gave up.
Until several of the Annascaul Allotments customers said "We want radishes, because it's impossible to buy fresh ones anywhere". (This is true!!)
I was galvanised! I sowed about 40 seeds ...... which turned into .... long, spindly, useless little things. What is it I am doing wrong? One of our customers has been eager to give me advice. Thank you Christine!

As you can see in the photo, I have filled a container with compost. I have sown the seeds, as per advice, really shallowly. As they grow I will thin them. Fingers crossed! Our Customer Group will be updated on progress!
In the Allotments, we have just discovered Seedaholic! It's an online seed company based in Ireland. They have a huge variety of seeds.. (This is where I buy all the unusual salad leaves) The packets are really inexpensive compared to the better known brands, and usually contain more seeds. Plus each variety comes with a really useful information leaflet, as you can see in the photo! I really recommend them!
We sold a lot of kale plants at the Inch Market and still have plenty available, these are quite large very healthy plants ready to put in your garden. We have curly green Kale, Russian Kale and Cavolo Nero/ black kale..
We will be at Hanafin's, Annascaul on Sunday 21st July!
Do join our Customer WhatsApp Group by sending a text to Donna 0831078214
Clodagh Edwards
Mary Neville
Michael Flaherty
Niall Naessens
Rhonwen Hayes
Sue Hook
Yunjee Kim

Niall Naessens
Sue Hook
Rhonwen Hayes
Michael Flaherty
Clodagh Edwards
Mary Neville
Yunjee Kim

It’s over for another year, Féile an Phráta has been a super success again. In total, 54 Contestants entered the eight area competitions in the past few week, 8 Contestants battled it out in the Final on Sunday 14 Jul. Ensuring the Competitions were run off without a hitch involved a total of 28 Judges, 18 other Volunteers and eight Publicans.
Our thanks to them all and, also, our special thanks to our four Sponsors - Liam O’Neill, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Raidió na Gaeltachta and West Kerry Live.

Because the weather was so poor earlier in the year, the area competitions and the final were all deferred. In the end, the standard of potato was not compromised, even though a few prospective Contestants decided at the last minute not to enter their produce.
In the end, the overall Champion of the ‘Spud Off’ was Geoff Penney of An Mhuiríoch; Tomás Ó Luing of Dún Chaoin was second; Seáinín Mac Eoin of Baile na nGall won third spot. Each received a cheque (€200.00, €100.00, €100.00) and a specially-commissioned plaque, by famous potter John Sheehy The Paddy Phurge Cup was also presented to Geoff by Paddy’s son, Pádraig. The Sunday Evening of the Final Competition concluded with traditional music, bragging and stories, deep into the night.
An Fhéile has always been firstly about the craic, about our community, about celebrating with our neighbours, about connection, and about promoting our native language, an Gaoluinn, - just fun and games. However, the Organisers and the Judges ensure that everything is done in a way that guarantees the competitions clearly remain a ‘blind’ tasting. An independent person receives the spuds, delivers them to the Judges; the Judges do not know whose spud they are tasting at any time.
Urraithe ag

Tá Féile an Phráta tagaithe chun críche do bhliain amháin eile. Bhí 54 iomaitheoir ar fad páirteach sna h-ocht comórtais áitiúla, agus bhí 8 sa ChraobhComórtas ar na Domhnach 14 Iúil. Bhí an tionscnamh agus eagrú ar fad déanta go deonach ag 28 moltóir, 18 ball den bphobal agus ag ochtar tábhairneoir.

Ár mbuíochas leothu ar fad agus ár mbuíochas chomh maith lenár gceathrar urraitheoir – Liam Ó Neill, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Raidió na Gaeltachta agus West Kerry Live.
Bhí an aimsir comh holc san luath sa bhliain gur cuirfeadh ar athló na comórtais ar fad. Faoi dheireadh, áfach, bhí caighdéan na bprátaí chomh maith is a bhíodar riamh.
Sa deireadh, b’é Geoff Penney ón Muirígh a bhuaigh craobh Fhéile an Phráta, sa tarna háit bhí Tomás ó Luing ó Dún Chaoin agus tháinig Seáinín Mac Eoin ó Bhaile na nGall sa triú áit. Bronnadh seic (€200.00, €100.00, €100.00) ar na haon duine dos na buaiteoirí chomh maith le plaic photaireachta a bhí déanta go speisialta ag an bpotadóir aitheanta John Sheehy. Bhronn a mhac Pádraig Corn Phaddy Phurge ar Geoff, comh mhaith. Bhí na buaiteoirí agus cúrsaí prátaí á bplé déanach isteach san oíche agus ceol breá traidisiúnta lena chois oíche Dhomhnach na craoibhe.

Ó thús, is ar mhaithe leis an gcleachta, an pobal, na comharsain, le caidreamh agus leis an nGaoluinn a cuireadh an Fhéile ar bun - ar deireadh thiar níl inti ach spraoi. Mar sin féin, geallaimíd go mbíonn na hEagarthóirí agus na Moltóirí ag déanamh a ndíchill a dheimhniú gur comórtas cothrom a bhíonn i gceist an t-am ar fad agus blaisínteacht chaoch. Tugann duine neamhspléach na prátaí dos na Moltóirí; ní bhíonn a fhios ag na Moltóirí cé leis an práta atá á bhlaiseadh acu.

Anascaul Camp Lispole U15 Girls take gold at Community Games
Munster U-15 Community Games Soccer Final: Annascaul/ Camp/Inch/ Lispole 2 - Boherlahan-Dualla Tipperary 0

Played up in the fabulous Fethard facilities Tipperary,the Kerry girls deservedly brought home the Gold medals playing great soccer.
The Kerry girls started off brightly as a Niamh O'Callaghan cross saw Lia Sheehy glance just wide with a lovely header.
On the 12th minute the Kerry girls took the lead following a good build up. Niamh with a quick throw found Aoibhinn O'Callaghan who slid one up the line to Lia who cleverly did a neat one two with the skilful Lucy Kennedy. Opportunity knocked and Lia unleashed high to the roof of the net for the opening goal.
Tipp tried to gain a foot hold but Orla Curran was smart and clever in coming off her line to clear danger.
Saoirse Brosnan went on a run and crossed for Lucy for a decent half chance.
Tipperarys attack was completely shut down by Captain Muireann Mehigan and her defence of Tara Laide, Jenna Crean, Sadhbh Moynihan and Aoibhinn who snuffed out Tipps best attempts.
Erin O'Shea went on a mazy run that saw her effort just sail wide to leave the West Kerry girls 1-0 up at the break.
A heavy thunder shower didn't dampen spirits as the second half saw the Kerry girls create half chances but to no avail despite Maria Evans and Lucys trickery and skill.
Muireann and Jenna raced back and Muireann intercepted before playing it through to midfielder Niamh who set Erin away up the wing as Tipp averted the danger by clearing for a throw.
Niamh's trademark long throw picked out Erin who crossed to Lucy who controlled beautifully & skipped past the defender on the edge of the box before placing the ball into the corner of the net for a two nil lead 7minutes into the second half.
Tara, Aoibhinn, Jenna, Muireann and Sadhbh now bossed the defence and limited Tipp to half chances.
The most pleasing aspect for the remainder of the game was all the girls ability to keep it on the deck and pass the ball and seek out more opportunities. Maria had the ball in the net for a third but the ref ruled out for handball.
The ref blew up to scenes of jubilation as the West Kerry girls claimed
Gold medals.
Thanks to all at Fethard / Munster Community Games who organised and ran off a fabulous day!!
Thanks to everyone who ensures the Kerry Community Games runs smoothly on an annual basis.
Hard luck to our Tipperary opponents who gave it their all .
Thanks to our own Muriel Devane for her huge efforts and organisation behind the scenes.
Thanks to the parents and supporters who gave our girls a standing ovation coming off the pitch.
Thanks to Paddy Curran,Mike Kennedy and Ger O Callaghan for the time and effort they put into training the girls .
Panel: Captain Muireann Mehigan, Orla Curran, Jenna Crean, Tara Laide, Aoibhinn O Callaghan, Sadhbh Moynihan,Erin O Shea,Lia Sheehy, Niamh O Callaghan,Lucy Kennedy, Saoirse Brosnan and Maria Evans.
Annascaul Camp Inch Lispole Abu!!!!

Bígi linn

Art Exhibition Taispeántas Ealaíne
Blasket Centre in Dunquin
Tuesday, July 22

Gift & Craft Centre

Ionad Ceardaíochta Daingean Uí Chúis Lower Green St. Dingle
Ionad Ceardaíochta Daingean Uí Chúis Green Street. OPEN DAILY

Open 7 days a

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 8pm

Tel: (083) 8520705
Dingle Bar Rovers Social Soccer recently held a soccer blitz and raised over one thousand euro for Áiseanna na hÓige Teo - Family Support Services.
Corca Dhuibhne Beo
Fiona Nic Gearailt, Méabh Ní Choncubhair and Sinead Eadie pictured receiving a cheque from the Dingle Bay Rovers Social Soccer Committee (Brigid Flynn, Helen Murphy, Kenny Murphy’s, Damien Foley).
Ó Bhaile na bPoc go Outer Mongolia
Breandán Ó Beaglaoich
I mí na Márta 2023 fuaireas ríomhpost ó'm chara farraige Paddy Barry ag tabhairt cuireadh dhom an Mongol Rally a dhéanamh lena chois. Cé's ná raibh tuairim agam cad é, chuaghas ar an bhfón lom díreach chuige ag rá go raighinn. Bhaineas geit as a thapúlacht is d'fhreagríos ach bhí mo chúiseanna fhéin agam. Ar an gcéad dul síos tá muinín agam sa bhfear agus ó'm thaobh fhéin do bhí an saol ag luí orm agus chaitheas rud éigin á dhéanamh mar gheall ar. Mar sin tar éis mórán ullumhúcháin le bliain anuas (is gan a bhuíochas ormsa as aon chuid do!) maidir le visas, cairt a fháil is a ullmhú don mbóthar fada, seo anois sinn díreach tar éis dul thar teórainn san Iráin ar an 26ú Meitheamh tar éis dom Baile Na bPoc a fhágaint ar a seacht a chlog maidin an 10ú lá de Mheitheamh na bliana seo.
Tá trí chairt i gceist le beirt tiománaithe in's gach cairt, dhá Suzuki Jimny agus Ford B MAX. Seo thíos pictiúir do thiománaithe na gcairteacha.

Bhí fuadar ard fúinn ag taisteal tríd na hEorpa mar is ar na mótar bheallaigh a bhíomar ach chonaicamar áillinneacht ar leith i bPoblacht na Seice, Serbia, an Ungáir.
Chualamar amhránaithe Gypsy ó'n Ungáir ná raibh faic as a mbéal ach "síocháin agus grá" agus ag gabháil dúinn tríd an mBulgáir chonaiceamar áillinneacht eile aríst agus bhuailamair le daoine chomh muíntartha is gheófá in aon áit.

Pictiúir do Batak mar ar champáilamair.
Tá praghas an phetril ag ísliú de réir is mar théimíd soir agus an tírdhreacht ag fáilt níos fiaine agus níos áillne. €1.20 an líotar atá ar phetril sa Túirc. Deirtar liom go bhfuil sé ar phinginí pitcheála san Iráin...geófar amach!
Tá an Túirc diamhaireach le Muslamigh fíor fháilteach, cneasta cabhrathach síochánta úmhal ann. Feirmeóireacht tionnscalaioch sa taobh thiar do, agus de réir mar a chuamar soir mar a maireann na Curdaigh chífá tairiceoirí beaga mar a bhí i gCorca Dhuibhne leath chéad
bliain ó shin le "mowbars" laistiar dóibh fiú amháin fo dhuine ag baint fhéir le speal is ag tarrac an fhéir abhaile le capall is cairt. Níl aon bhaol air, na trí ionntas is mó atá feiscithe go dtí seo agam maidir le tírdhreácht do go raibh fonn orm a fheiscint riamh ach gur cheapas ná chífain ná An Mhur Dhubh.

Agus, an taobh sléibhe a creidtar gur thriomaigh Áirc Noah ann...creid é nó ná creid é.
Anois is ár gcosa beartha linn thar teórainn na hIráine againn, chífam i gceart cad tá rómhain. Mar adeire Eibhlín Cleary agus í ag glanadh an Chúinne i ndeireadh na hoiche "All aboard for Tokyo "
Scríobhas é seo le haon mhéar amháin ar mo IPad faid is bhíomair ag gabháil thar teórainn na hIráine is thóg san ó thosach go deireadh seacht uair an chloig ar fad orainn...."Seasamh fada ar chosa laga".
An Jimny le Mhike Alexander is a mhac Mark, An Ford le Tim Luffingham is Gus Warner agus Jimny Phaddy is mé fhéin i Jimny chomh maith.
An Mhur Dhubh.
Cnoc Ararat atá nách mór trí nuaire níos aoirde ná Cnoc Bréanainn
Dingle Way Section
- Daingean Uí Chúis/ DIngle – Dún chaoin / Dunquin
The Dingle Way is a beautifully scenic long distance walking trail on the world famous Dingle Peninsula. At approximately 176 km (109 miles) long, the hiking route officially begins and ends in Tralee, the county capital, and takes in some of the world’s most breath taking scenery. You can join the trail at any number of points along its length as it hugs the coast along the Wild Atlantic Way. There are also many short loop walks and many mountain hikes and trails off the main Dingle Way offering excellent walking alternatives to cater for all interests.
Daingean Uí Chúis / Dingle Dún Chaoi n / Dunquin
Is slí siúlóide fad-achair í Slí Chorca Dhuibhne ar leithinis aithnidiúil domhanda Chorca Dhuibhne. Ag faid thart ar 176km / 109míle, tosaíonn agus críochnaíonn an bealach go hoifigiúil i dTrá Lí, príomhbhaile an chontae, agus cuid de na radharcra is áille ar domhan. Leanann an tsiúlóid Slí an Atlantaigh Fhiáin agus is féidir tosnú ag siúl ar Shlí Chorca Dhuibhne ag pointí éagsúla feadh na slí. Tá go leor lúb-shiúlóidí gearra, siúlóidí ar chnoic agus siúlóidí eile faid Shlí Chorca Dhuibhne, a thugann go leor rogha siúil don uile dhuine.

Distance / Faid Ascent / Aird
/ Am
Distance / Faid Ascent / Aird Time / Am
20 km 370 m 5 7 hrs/uair
Grade / Grá d
Travelling west fro m Dingle (Daingean Uí Chúis) along the harbour, the Dingle Way goes left crossing the bridge over Milltown River Across the harbour you can see Esk Hill on which a tower was b uilt in 1847 and among the trees, Burnham House ( Tigh Bhaile an Ghóilín ), one time residence of Lord Ventry - a landlord (tiarna talún) . The trail accompanies the main road (R559) for a further kilometre before bearing right at a fork in the road
Moderate/Mea sartha
Travelling west fro m Dingle (Daingean Uí Chúis) along the harbour, the Dingle Way goes left crossing the bridge over Milltown River. Across the harbour you can see Esk Hill on which a tower was b uilt in 1847 and among the trees, Burnham House ( Tigh Bhaile an Ghóilín ), one time residence of Lord Ventry - a landlord (tiarna talún) . The trail accompanies the main road (R559) for a further kilometre before bearing right at a fork in the road.
After passing over a saddle at Mám an Óraigh , the trail descends to meet a minor road which approaches Ventry (Ceann Trá) , a picturesque village. Walkers should stock up on provisions here as there is no shop in Dunquin (Dún Chaoin) . The Dingle Way crosses Ventry beach, reputed to be the scene of an epic battle that lasted a year and a day when the King o f Ireland took on the combined forces of the Kings of France, Spain and the World.
After passing over a saddle at Mám an Óraigh , the trail descends to meet a minor road which approaches Ventry (Ceann Trá) , a picturesque village. Walkers should stock up on provisions here as there is no shop in Dunquin (Dún Chaoin) . The Dingle Way crosses Ventry beach, reputed to be the scene of an epic battle that lasted a year and a day when the King o f Ireland took on the combined forces of the Kings of France, Spain and the World
After following some minor roads and tracks for 2km the trail meets the main Slea Head road. Extreme caution must be taken along this section of the road as it is quite a popular scenic drive (R559). The next 7km of the Dingle Way pass spectacular scenery as the trail skirts the base of Mount Eagle (Sliabh an Iolair) Below you will see Dún Beag Promontory fort, a relic o f the Iron Age built for defensive reasons. A short climb brings you through Fán, one of the most concentrated archaeological sites in Ireland. At 160m above sea -level, the view over the Atlantic gradually starts to include the Blasket Islands (Na Blascaodaí) as the trail rounds Slea Head (Ceann Sléibhe)
After following so me minor roads and tracks for 2km the trail meets the main Slea Head road. Extreme caution must be taken along this section of the road as it is quite a popular scenic drive (R559).
The last part of this stage finds the trail back on the main Slea Head road (R559) to Dunquin (Dún Chaoin) for 3km passing the graveyard where Peig Sayers of Blasket Island fame rests b efore descending towards a picturesque pier which offers visitors trips to the Blasket Island. A stone plaque at the top of the cliff co mmemorates the sinking of the Santa Maria de la Rosa of the Spanish Armad a in 1588 The trail ahead leads to Ionad an Bhlascaoid, a Blasket Island heritage centre. An intersection beside the youth hostel indicates the end of this section of the Dingle Way.
The next 7km of the Dingle Way pass spectacular scenery as the trail skirts the base of Mount Eagle (Sliabh an Iolair) . Below you will see Dún Beag P romontory fort, a relic o f the Iron Age built for defensive reasons. A short climb brings you through Fán, one of the most concentrated archaeological sites in Ireland At 160m above sea -level, the view over the At lantic gradually starts to include the Blasket Islands (Na Blascaodaí) as the trail rounds Slea Head (Ceann Sléibhe).
Leaving soon tur
Bhréana Point (C Mulcahy to the m easterly onto Béa left at th Italian, S Rebellio
The Din before fi most cha Castle, a
The Din care is n Bheag ta
20 km

5. — An Fheothanach / Feohanagh
Dún Chaoi n / Dunquin

/ Aird
Distance / Faid Ascent / Aird Time / Am
ving Dunquin (Dún Chaoin) at An Óige Youth Hostel, head uphill due north where the Dingle Way n turns into a gravel path. Ahead is another wonderful vista dominated b y Mt. Brandon (Cnoc éanainn) , the Three Sisters (n a Triúr Deirféar ), Smerick Harb our (Cuan Ard na Caithne) and Sybil t (Ceann Sibéal ) The route then descends and joins back up with the main road passing Louis lcahy’s famous pottery After passing the small picturesque Clochar Beach, the Dingle Way retu rns he main road (R559) for a short period. It takes a minor road to the left and proceeds in a northerly direction to the east side of Ceann Sibéal golf course Proceeding through Na Gorta Dubha and Béal Bán Strand and Smerwick Harbour, a word which is believed to be of Norse origin To your at the northern side of the strand is Dún an Óir , originally the site of a promontory fort, where 600 Italian, Spanish and Irish men were massacred by Elizabethan Crown Forces during the Desmond ellion of 1580
Grade / Grá d
20 km 125 m 5—7 hrs/uair Easy / Éasca
Dingle Way treads nearly six kms of beach and bypasses Ballyferriter (Baile an Fheirtéaraigh), re finally reaching An Mhuiríoch. Close by is Gallarus Oratory, a dry-stone oratory which is the st characteristic ancient monument of the peninsula and dates from 7 -12th century and also Gallarus stle, a recently renovated 15th century Norman tower house.
Dingle Way takes in a large section of cliff -walk once it passes Ballydavid (Baile na nGall) where is needed as the path co mes very close to the cliff edge in parts. Rejoining the road at an Ghlaise ag take a left and head inland to the small village of Feothanach . tance / Faid
Leaving Dunquin (Dún Chaoin) at An Óige Youth Hostel, head uphill due north where the Dingle Way soon turns into a gravel path Ahead is another wonderful vist a dominated b y Mt Brandon (Cnoc Bhréanainn) , the Three Sisters (n a Triúr Deirféar ), Smerick Harb our (Cuan Ard na Caithne) and Sybil Point (Ceann Sibéal ). The route then descends and joins back up with the main road passing Louis Mulcahy’s famous pottery After passing the small picturesque Clochar Beach, the Dingle Way retu rns to the main road (R559) for a short period. It takes a minor road to the left and proceeds in a northeasterl y direction to the east side of Ceann Sibéal golf course. P roceeding through Na Gorta Dubha and onto Béal Bán Strand and Smerwick Harbour, a word which is believed to be of Norse origin. To your left at the northern side of the strand is Dún an Óir , originally the site of a promontory fort, where 600 Italian, Spanish and Irish men were massacred by Elizabethan Crown Forces during the Desmond Rebellion of 1580.

The Dingle Way treads nearl y six kms of beach and bypasses Ballyferriter (Baile an Fheirtéaraigh), before finall y reaching An Mhuiríoch. Close by is Gallarus Orat ory, a dry- stone oratory which is the most characteristic ancient monument of the peninsula and dates from 7 -12th century and also Gall arus Castle, a recentl y renovated 15th century Norman tower house.

The Dingle Way takes in a large section of cliff - walk once it passes Ball ydavid (Baile na nGall) where care is needed as the path co mes very close to the cli ff edge in parts. Rejoining the road at an Ghlaise Bheag take a left and head inland to the
Dún Chaoin / Dunquin
small village of Feothanach
Tonn Tuile sa Trá Bheag
Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh
‘Is fánach an áit a bhfaighfeá gliomach’, a déarfaí, nuair a bhuailfeadh rud éigin suaithinseach nó speisialta gan choinne le duine. Is amhlaidh a bhí agamsa le déanaí nuair a thughas cuaird ar mo sheanchara Tommy Evans. Tá scéilín laistiar dá scéilín siúd, is san le tuiscint ón gcomhrá gearra eadrainn (a thóghas ar mo ghuthán agus a thugaim anso lena chead), mar leanas:
Roibeard: Anso liom tá mo chara dílis Tommy Evans ón dTobar i gCinn
Aird agus táimid i gCill Chuimín, ar an 3ú lá d’Iúil, ’24. Conas tá tú inniu, ‘Tommy?
Tommy: Ara, ní ceart gearán, Roibeard.
R: Agus, tá’nn tusa NAOCHA…?
T: Naocha cúig.
R: Bail ó Dhia ort!
T: Plus interest! [gáire]
R: Éiríonn mo cheist chugat inniu as comhrá a bhí le déanaí agam le Breandán Ó Cíobháin (Ceann Trá), a d’iarr orm ceist a chur ar Tommy Evans an chéad uair eile a bheinn a’ caint leis mar gheall ar thonn tuile nó tidal wave a bhuail an dúthaigh sna 40aidí. An bhfuil aon chuimhne agat ar a leithéid – i nGaeilge nó i mBéarla, Tommy, led thoil?
T: I remember the night it happened, I wouldn’t be sure, I was too young to record anything, but I remember the night it happened, but I’m not sure of the date, but I made enquiries, and I was told it was 1942. But, a thing I saw, anyway, that never happened since, dead fish up on the road. The Council workers were working in the morning when I was going to school. And in the evening (on my way home from school) they had a line of dead fish up on the fence, and there were fences knocked around the Short Strand (Trá Bheag). There was a fence knocked belonging to ourselves, and there was a fence knocked belonging to Paddy Griffin, Ballinasteenig (Baile an Ístínigh), and when he rebuilt it, he had to move it up the field to be prepared for the next outbreak. Never, never in my life did I see anything like it since. Sin a bhfuil!
R: Ardfhear ‘Tommy, níor chaillis riamh é, bail ó Dhia ort! Beidh Breandán ana-shásta led chuimhní.
Deir Breandán Ó Cíobháin liom gur ar an nDomhnach,13ú Eanáir 1942, a bhuail an tonn tuile an cósta, agus tá le tuiscint ó chaint Tommy gur ar an Luan dár gcionn a d’airigh sé siúd an radharc neamhghnáthach ar an Áthán Buí – ‘Cuid den bhóthar is ea é fé bhun tithe An Tobair. Eiríonn taoidí rabharta go hard os cionn an bhóthair ann’ (An Seabhac, TriochaChéad Chorca Dhuibhne, 1939, 155).
Roinn Tommy dhá eachtra eile óna chuimhne liom ar an ócáid, mar leanas:
‘I got the land of my life’
We bought a horse from Shea in Swerwick, a great animal, but I took her to the strand one day, for a load of sand, my first experience, and when she got to the deep water, started to swim under the load coming in. I got the land of my life. I gave her a slap, and she put the legs under her and that saved me.
Teddy Noonan, Rinn
But another day, I was in the field and the tide was coming in, and Teddy Noonan was there with a horse and car belonging to Joe Curnaí, Garraí (Ó Súilleabháin – mo sheanathair) and the horse went in a sulk,. He got frightened with the water around him, and he wouldn’t pull the load. And Teddy was screeching – Teddy got frightened altogether. But Paddy F. (Griffin) was ploughing with two horses above in the field, in the Ballinasteenig side (of the river), and he un-tackled, and brought down his own horse, and brought in the load.
Ag trácht ar Teddy Noonan, chuireas aithne mhaith ar Teddy Noonan im óige, mar thug sé formhór a shaoil ag obair le Joe Curnaí, athair mo
Mham, thuas i nGarraí na dTor. Balcaire ciúin ab ea Teddy, ard-oibrí, é néata mórthimpeall ar chocaí féir. Dh’fhiafraíos de uair, cad d’imigh ar mhéar thosaigh a láimhe deise? Dúirt sé liom go gcuaigh a mhéar i bhfostó in ineall aitinn is é ina gharsún, a d’fhág ar leathmhéar é. Is cuimhin liom fhéin an t-inneall céanna, furze machine, againn i bPáirc a’ Teampaill – inneall ceithre chosach le bosca beag na gcoganna ina lár, roth mór iarainn chun tosaigh le lann láidir cuarach agus béal beag ar a chúl le fiacla a d’fháisceadh an gabáiste (a bhí againn-ne) de réir mar a bheadh sé á shá isteach i dtreo na lainne lena smiotadh Bhí gá le beirt lena oibriú, duine ar chúl ag sá isteach, agus an duine eile ag casadh an rotha don ghearradh.
Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh (1930-2024) i
Lios Póíl
Ar nóta eile ar an dTrá Bheag, ó bhéal ‘ardrí na dtráchtairí’ an babhra seo, Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh atá ar shlí na fírinne le seachtainí beaga, suaimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal, muinteartha. Seo a leanas, dhá chloch ar charn Mhichíl i gcuimhne ar a cheangal le Lios Póil. I dtús báire, tuairisc bhríomhar ina bheathaisnéis ar na geábhanna a thugadh sé ina óige ó Dhún Síón go Halla Rince Lios Póíl, mar leanas: ‘The boat trips to the Lispole dances were best of all. The Farrells had an old rowing boat known as ‘The Pot’ on account of the smearing of the tar that made it as black as the ten of spades… This was the mode of transport when we crossed the Short Strand (Trá Bheag). The tide needed to be in because the lagoon dried out with the ebb, so the return home was ditched by the pull of the moon on the returning tide. It was great fun rowing the Pot, mooring close to the Tobar road and walking the remainder of the journey to the Lispole Hall (From Dún Síon to Croke Park, 2004, 49).
‘De Valera has postponed the All-Ireland…’
Fágfad an focal deiridh ag Mícheál, mar ar labhair sé linn in Ionad Pobail Lios Póil do cheiliúradh céad bliain saolaithe Bill Casey (1918-1999), ag Féile Lios Póíl 2018, mar leanas: ‘Do cuireadh Billy Casey den bpáirc san All-Ireland semi-final, agus an uair sin bhí mí suspension, agus ba chosúil nach mbeadh Billy i ndán imirt do Chiarraí sa chluiche ceannais. Agus ansan, bhíos ag dul ar ais go Baile Bhuirne (coláiste cónaithe) lem chara Seán Murphy. Chughas isteach chun bearradh gruaige d’fháil i dTrá Lí, is sinn a’ fanúint leis an mbus nó pé córas a bhí againn, agus dúirt an bearbóir: ‘De Valera has postponed the All-Ireland for two weeks on account of the harvest,’ agus dúirt sé, ‘we’ll have Billy Casey, his suspension will be over’, a d’fhág gur imir Billy in aghaidh Ros Comáin i gCluiche Ceannais na hÉireann. Bhí an bua ag Ciarraí, agus ardchluiche ag Billy – ‘Casey, trump card for Kerry’ ceannlíne sa Kerryman’ – suaimhneas síoraí dóibh go léir!

Gabháil scáileáin: Seán Murphy, Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh ag cur agallaimh ar Pháidí ‘Fitz’ Mac Gearailt; seo a bhuíochas do Mhícheál Ó Deargáin a dhein fisthaifeadadh den ócáid.
Gliomach-lobster, blaiseadh-taste, gan choinne-unexpected(ly), balcaire-stocky, méar thosaigh-index finger, i bhfastó-entangled, lann-blade, cuarach-curved, smiotadh-chop, geábh-guick trip, cloch ar charn-a stone upon the grave/in memory, gabháil scáileáin-screen shot.
Éacht Eorpach do Mhic Léinn Ghaeltachta:
An Dara hÁit Bainte ag Glan go Glas
Tá an dara háit bainte amach ag Glan go Glas , an fhoireann óg fiontraíochta ó Phobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, i gComórtas Chomhlacht na Bliana de chuid Junior Achievement Europe. Bhí an comórtas ar siúl i gCatania, an tSicil le déanaí, áit a raibh breis is 800 fiontraí óg ó níos mó ná 40 tír san iomaíocht.
Cúigear mac léinn - Kate Ní Shúilleabháin, Katie Ní Éineacháin, Ríona Ní Ghealbháin, Oisín Ó Dubhda agus Cian Ó Gallchóir - a bhunaigh an mionchomhlacht 'Glan go Glas', a dhíríonn ar tháirgí glantacháin éiceabhách a tháirgeadh. D'éirigh leo ionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar Éirinn sa chomórtas Eorpach tar éis dóibh buachan i gcomórtas náisiúnta Chlár na gComhlachtaí de chuid Údarás na Gaeltachta.
Léiríonn an t-éacht seo ní hamháin scoth na fiontraíochta óige in Éirinn, ach freisin an nuálaíocht agus an tiomantas don inbhuanaitheacht atá á spreagadh i bpobail Ghaeltachta na tíre. Tá an fhoireann tar éis aird a tharraingt ar an tábhacht a bhaineann le táirgí glantacháin atá neamhdhíobhálach don timpeallacht, rud a léiríonn go soiléir an méadú atá ag teacht ar an éileamh ar tháirgí tí atá freagrach ó thaobh an chomhshaoil de.
Tá an t-éacht seo ag Glan go Glas ina chruthúnas ar an gcumas agus an nuálaíocht atá ag teacht chun cinn i measc fiontraithe óga na Gaeltachta, agus tugann sé le fios go bhfuil todhchaí gheal i ndán don fhiontraíocht Ghaeltachta agus Éireannach.
European Achievement for Gaeltacht Students: Glan go Glas Takes Second Place
Glan go Glas, the young entrepreneurial team from Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, has secured second place in the Junior Achievement Europe Company of the Year Competition. The competition took place recently in Catania, Sicily, where over 800 young entrepreneurs from more than 40 countries competed.
Five students - Kate Ní Shúilleabháin, Katie Ní Éineacháin, Ríona Ní Ghealbháin, Oisín Ó Dubhda, and Cian Ó Gallchóir - founded the mini-company 'Glan go Glas', which focuses on producing ecofriendly cleaning products. They succeeded in representing Ireland in the European competition after winning the national Údarás na Gaeltachta's Clár na gComhlachtaí competition.
This achievement demonstrates not only the excellence of youth entrepreneurship in Ireland but also the innovation and commitment to sustainability being fostered in Ireland's Gaeltacht communities. The team has drawn attention to the importance of environmentally friendly cleaning products, clearly reflecting the growing demand for environmentally responsible household products.
This achievement by Glan go Glas is proof of the ability and innovation emerging among young Gaeltacht entrepreneurs, and indicates a bright future for Gaeltacht and Irish entrepreneurship.

Foireann Glan go Glas ó Phobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne - Kate Ní Shúilleabháin, Katie Ní Éineacháin, Ríona Ní Ghealbháin, Oisín Ó Dubhda agus Cian Ó Gallchóir

Imeachtaí Sóisialta an tSamhradh!
Bhí ana thráthnóna go deo againn i gCeann Trá ag an tseachtain seo cainte. Bhí ciorcal comhrá againn le chéile sa Sána - an ciorcal comhrá is teolaí in Éirinn b’fhéidir!
Gura míle maith agaibh gach éinne a tháinig, beidh ceann eile againn gan mhoill agus ár mbuíochas le Tom a bhí chomh sásta é a eagrú!

Cómharthaí & Mataí Beorach!

Tá na mataí beorach thar n-ais agus tá siad á scaipeadh timpeall an bhaile againn - bí i dteangmháil linn má tá cúpla ceann uait!
Tá comharthaí ar fáil againn dod’ ghnó, cuirfidh siad seo le feiceálacht na teanga ar an mbaile
Tá seirbhís aistriúcháin againn d’aon ní a chuirfidh le feiceálacht na teangan ar an mbaile, msh: comharthaí, fógraí, biachláir, ábhair dod’ suíomh srl.
Tae & Plé
Bígí linn i gCístí Corca Dhuibhne na haon Déardaoin ón 11:45r.n agus cleachtaigh do chuid Gaelainne linn!
Join us every Thursday in Cístí Corca Dhuibhne at 11:45am and practise your spoken Irish!

Frásaí & Nathanna Úsáideach / Useful Phrases & Terms
Bain triail astu sa ar na meáin an tseachtain seo! Why not try some of these on your posts this week!
-Tá’n Gáirdín oscailte sa chúl!
- Tá na tráthnóintí imithe i bhfad
- Táimid díolta amach ar fad don laGura maith agaibh!
- Ceol anocht le ….
- Bígí linn..
- Bain súp as an dtráthnóna
- Bíodh lá deas agat/agaibh
- Bain taitneamh as do thuras
- Bia agus deoch ar fáil anseo
- Buail isteach chugainn
- Tar ag obair linn
- Our garden out the back is open!
- There’s a grand stretch in the evening
- We are completely sold out for today - thank you!
- Music tonight with …
- Join us …
- Enjoy the evening
- Have a nice day
- Enjoy your trip
- Food and Drink available here
- Call in
- Come work with us
An féidir linne cabhrú leatsa? Can we help you?
Bí i dteagmháil linn:
Rút Ní Mhurchú
Fón: 087 7004 884
Rphost: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Dúchas an Daingin

Photos by Mossy Donegan on sale at
The Dingle Bookshop
Tom Fitz, Cathair Bó Sine and his family at Byron Bay lighthouse in Australia.
Additional Needs Payment
“The Additional Needs Payment is a payment to help you with an expense that you cannot pay from your weekly income” explains Ciara O'Gorman, Development Manager with South Munster Citizens Information Service. “You may get an Additional Needs Payment if you are getting a social welfare payment, or if you are working and on a low income, regardless of the number of hours that you work. You don’t need to be getting a social welfare payment and when you apply for the Additional Needs Payment, your income and circumstances will be assessed to find out if you qualify. The Additional Needs Payment includes the Exceptional Needs and Urgent Needs payments.”
What can I get the Additional Needs Payment for?
If you can’t complete your application online, you can:

“You can get the Additional Needs Payment to help you with an expense that you cannot pay from your weekly income. Some examples of this would be an increase in your fuel or electricity costs, perhaps essential repairs to your property, including motor vehicles, and replacing household appliances and furniture, funeral costs, deposits for private rented accommodation or bedding and cooking utensils, if you are setting up home for the first time. Other examples would be food, clothing and shelter after an emergency event such as a fire or flood, recurring travel costs to hospital for appointments, or for visiting a relative in hospital or prison or prams, buggies, cots, or essential child safety equipment. This is not a complete list, other expenses can be covered too so it’s worth applying” says Ciara.
Download an application form for an Additional Needs Payment
Request an application by completing an online form
Get an application form from your local Citizens Information Centre, the Community Welfare Service, or your local Intreo or
You will need some of the following to apply:
PPS number for you and people in your family that are dependent on you such as your partner or children
Proof of your identity such as Public Services Card, Driving
We are here to suppor t you in Kerry
• Proof of address such as a household bill
• Proof of residency such as an Irish Residence Permit (IRP) or EU/ EEA passport or national ID card
• Proof of income and financial situation such as payslips and bank statements.
Providing you with free and confidential information, advice and advocacy on:
tralee@citinfo.ie National phone line 0818 07 4000 9am-8pm, Mon-Fri citizensinformation.ie
How to qualify for an Additional Needs Payment
Phone us Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm on 0818 07 7860 Funded and supported by the Citizens Information Board
To qualify for an Additional Needs Payment, you must live in Ireland, and have an income below the 'weekly household income' limit. Additional Needs Payment weekly household income limit 2024
Members of your household Amount
Single person
Couple with no children
1 child
2 children
3 children
4 children
5 children
6 children
7 children €1,316
8 children
“When you apply for an Additional Needs Payment, your application will be assessed by a Community Welfare Officer (CWO) says Ciara. “The CWO will look at your circumstances and decide if you qualify for the payment. Remember, in some cases, the CWO can provide a payment if your income is above the weekly household income limit, but it will depend on your exact circumstances. There is no set rate for an Additional Needs Payment and the amount you get will depend on your circumstances and what you need help with.”
How to Apply
You can make a paper application or apply online. Your application will be assessed by a Community Welfare Officer (CWO). You can apply online through MyWelfare.ie. You will need a verified MyGovID account. Alternatively, you can post your application for an Additional Needs Payment, or make an appointment with your local CWO, if you prefer.
Deirdre Vann Bourke, Kerry Citizens Information Manager, said: For anyone needing information, advice or have an advocacy issue, you can call a member of the local Citizens Information team in Kerry on 0818 07 7860 , they will be happy to assist and make an appointment if necessary. The offices are staffed from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Alternatively you can email on tralee@ citinfo.ie or log on to www.citizensinformation.ie for further information.

The View from the Chair
Lá Comórtha Náisiúnta ag an tOspidéal Ríoga Chill Mhaighneann
Bhí sé mar pribhléid a bheith ann mar Chathaoirleach Comhairle Contae Chiarraí chun cuimhneamh a dhéanamh ar na hÉireannaigh sin go léir a fuair bás i gcogaí roimhe seo nó ar sheirbhísí mhíleata leis na Náisiúin Aontaithe agus le heagraíochtaí idirnáisiúnta eile ar son na síochána.
As Cathaoirleach I was privileged to represent Kerry County Council at the National Day of Commemoration Ceremony on Sunday the 14th July 2024 in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham for all Irishmen and Irishwomen who died in past wars or on military service with the United Nations and other international organisations in the service of peace. We remembered the courage, dedication, and unwavering spirit of those who have served our nation. Their legacy of service and sacrifice continues to inspire us.
125 Years of Local Government in Ireland
As Cathaoirleach before our monthly meeting on Monday 15th July, I unveiled a plaque listing the first members of Kerry County Council who were elected in 1899. This year marks the 125th year of local government in Ireland and the establishment of County Councils under the Local Government Act of 1898. The first election to Kerry County Council took place on 6th April 1899 and the first meeting of the new local authority took place in the Grand Jury Room at Tralee Courthouse on 22nd April 1899.

The first members of Kerry County Council included those directly elected from 22 electoral divisions as well as the Chairpersons of the six Rural District Councils, three members of the Grand Jury, and two co-options. The first Chairperson of Kerry County Council was St. John Donovan from Seafield, The Spa, Tralee, who was High Sheriff of Kerry and a member of Tralee Urban District Council.
Féile Lughnasadh 2024
Oscailt oifigiúil Féile Lughnasadh 2024 sa Plough i mBaile an Mhuilinn. Honoured to officially launch Féile Lughnasadh 2024 in The Plough in Milltown on Friday 12th July.
Féile Lughnasadh is on in Milltown from the 1st to 4th August 2024 and is organised by the local branch of Comhaltas Ceoltoirí Éireann, the Milltown-Listry branch which was established in 1996. Very best wishes to the committee and to everyone who is attending Féile Lughnasadh this year. Don’t forget to buy a ticket for the fundraising draw. Bain súp as!
Monthly Meeting of Kerry County Council
At our meeting of Kerry County Council on Monday 15th July 2024, I had the following motions on the agenda. Both motions received the full support of Kerry County Council.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald - "That Kerry County Council call on the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to request Uisce Éireann to prioritise the investment in water and wastewater schemes in our Gaeltachts and to set aside funding for the same so that Kerry County Council can provide housing in our Gaeltachts of Corca Dhuibhne and Uíbh Ráthaigh."
I called for a special fund to be set up so that Uisce Éireann or Kerry County Council can draw down funding from, for much needed capital investment in our Gaeltachts and Rural areas. There is funding available for housing, but if areas do not have adequate water and wastewater schemes then they will not be considered for housing. This needs to change.
Funding for capital investment within our Gaeltachts and Rural areas should be ringfenced so that they too can get social and affordable housing now. If Kerry County Council wants to build houses in our Gaeltachts and Rural areas, then funding for water and wastewater schemes must become available immediately.
This special fund would allow for the investment in the water and wastewater schemes to run in parallel with the building of the homes and we would not have to wait as long for social and

affordable homes. Everyone and everyplace much be given an equal opportunity to prosper.
Cllr. Breandán Fitzgerald - "That Kerry County Council call on the Minister for Transport to provide a specific fund for the investment in roads in our Gaeltachts and to develop a new scheme like Scéim na mBóithre Áise for grants for non county roads so that Kerry County Council can invest and improve the roads in our Gaeltachts of Corca Dhuibhne and Uíbh Ráthaigh."
I called for a new scheme like Scéim na mBóithre Áise to be developed so that non county roads in our Gaeltachts can get much needed investment. The previous Scéim na mBóithre Áise allowed for Local Authorities that had Gaeltachts to draw down funding for much needed investment and repairs to roads not under the control of the Local Authority. Funding under the Local Improvement Scheme can be sought, but currently that scheme is closed to new entrants. The annual budget is not enough to complete the long list of roads currently on the list and additional funding is needed. No specific funding is ringfenced for roads within our Gaeltachts under the annual Local Improvement Scheme budget. This needs to change.
In our Gaeltachts funding must be made available for the immediate investment and repair of roads not under the control of Kerry County Council. The Department of the Gaeltacht says it does not have the remit or authority to invest in the improvement and repair of roads within the Gaeltachts. If that is the case, then the Department of Transport and TII must make additional funding available specifically for roads within our Gaeltachts through a new Scéim na mBóithre Áise. Then Kerry County Council can use that funding in addition to the Local Improvement Scheme for investment and repairs to our roads.
Breandán Fitzgerald

125 Years of Local Government in Ireland Monthly meeting of Kerry County Council
Lá Comórtha Náisiúnta ag an tOspidéal Ríoga Chill Mhaighneann Féile Lughnasadh
Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society:
Some Letters from Tomás Ághas while Imprisoned in the UK
By Tony Bergin, ‘Kerry Magazine’ Issue no. 27, 2017
Tomás Ághas

Tomás Ághas was born in Ceann Ard, Lios Póil, Co. Chiarraí in 1885. He qualified as a schoolteacher and became Principal of Corduff National School in Lusk. He had a huge interest and passion for Irish language, culture and freedom. He was a member of the Coiste Gnótha of Conradh na Gaeilge, the IRB and the Irish Volunteers. He led the Fingal Volunteers in 1916 and afterwards was sentenced to death, but had this commuted to life imprisonment. He spent time in Kilmainham, Mountjoy, Dartmoor, Lewes, Portland and Pentonville prisons until the general amnesty in June 1917. As one of the surviving commandants of the Rising, he became a prominent leader in the freedom movement on his release. This resulted in his arrest again and, on 25 September 1917, he died on hunger strike in Mountjoy jail while being force-fed. It is said that his death made ‘100,000 Sinn Féiners out of 100,000 Constitutional Nationalists.
The Letters
This article describes four letters written by Ághas whilst imprisoned in the UK at Dartmoor and Lewes prisons. Two are in the archives of Kerry County Library and two are held by the descendants of Nora Ní Fhoghludha (a long-time friend).
Letter writing was the lifeblood and link to home for many of the imprisoned volunteers in 1916/17. Regulations however were strict. Letters were subject to censorship and prisoners were restricted in the number they could write per month, the number of sheets of paper and lines per page.
to Mat - Cousin (Dartmoor, 10th Oct 1916)
In this letter to his cousin Mat, Tomás sympathises with him on the loss of his daughter Lizzie who died giving birth in September 1916. Ághas describes a ‘feeling of the greatest sorrow’ at the news especially so
soon after the death of Mat’s wife the previous year. His deep religious conviction is evident in the letter as he ‘hopes and prays He [God] will take her to himself where I believe all our departed relatives are enjoying His glory’. He also says ‘I’ll always remember in my prayers here and I say plenty of them’.
Continuing the letter he says ‘I am quite well myself and in very good spirits, and am absolutely resigned to the will of God, whether I’ll get my liberty tomorrow or in twenty years’ time’. This acceptance of his situation and positive outlook is evident in all correspondence. He never dwells on his own misfortune and instead tries to raise the spirits of those at home. He reiterates this positivity saying ‘My imprisonment will do someone good. It certainly will do no one any harm, not me at any rate’.
He goes on to say he would ‘like to very much see Ireland now’ and it is ‘hard to be confined in a prison particularly for one who moved about as much as I did’. However, he is adamant that ‘I am not homesick nor fretting in any way’ and ‘take it as belonging to fortunes of war and am perfectly content’. He closes hoping ‘all at Kinard are well….with love to them all and to all the neighbours’.
Letter to Minnie - Sister (Dartmoor, 13th Nov 1916
In a short letter to his sister Minnie, Tomás again is at pains not to dwell on his situation. Though he says ‘looking forward my term looks stupendous’, he claims the last six months in prison were ‘the shortest six I’ve ever spent in my life’.
He says he is ‘in the best of form and full of hope’ though ‘the letters I get from Ireland often make me sad’. He says ’the whole country seems to be crying’ but hopes ‘it is crying for itself rather than for us. Otherwise there is absolutely no need for tears.’
He sends his regards to all ‘Give my love to all the friends in Dingle and outside of it’ and shows his interest in the Irish language hoping ‘that all the children are adepts at Irish conversation’. He promises to ‘write again for Xmas or the New Year’.
Letter to Nora Ní Fhoghludha - Friend (Undated)
This letter is undated but was likely written in Autumn 1916 from Dartmoor. Nora Ní Fhoghludha (Foley), and the Uí Fhoghludha, family, were longtime friends of Tomás. Originally from Killeagh in County Cork, by 1911 at least four members of the family (siblings Nora, Risteard, Micheál and Brighid) were living in Dublin. They were active members of Conradh na Gaeilge and, like Tomás, were members of the influential Keating Branch. This Branch was largely known as a Munster person’s branch and the influence of the IRB was particularly strong within it. Other notable members included Michael Collins, Piarais Béaslaí, Cathal Brugha, Tadhg Ó Donnchadha (‘Tórna’), Con Colbert and Seán Heuston.
Tomás often stayed with the Foleys and he attended the marriage of one of their sisters in August 1917. He was in the company of Micheál Ó Foghludha when arrested for the final time in Donnybrook in 1917. He requested that Micheál be allowed visit him while in Mountjoy and it was Micheál who sent a telegram to Tomás’s sister Nora (as did Michael Collins) to inform her of his death.
Going back to this letter, Tomás begins saying ‘tell your sister Brighid that I was very sorry I couldn’t speak to her when going on her holidays by my place but she surely heard me cheer her on her way’. Brighid was a member of Cumann na mBan and was imprisoned in Kilmainham and Mountjoy after the Rising. She was later transferred from Mountjoy to Lewes prison in the UK. This is likely the ‘holidays’ to which Tomás refers and perhaps she received a rousing cheer from her fellow inmates when leaving Mountjoy.
Tomás goes on to say he expects Micheál (Nora’s brother) ‘is making up plans for the Xmas coursing at present’ and jokes that ‘he needn’t expect any wild ducks from me this time’. Hunting was a beloved pastime of Ághas and his sister Nora confirmed this saying he ‘always had nice setters and
a good gun and he used to range the mountains….after game of all kinds’. As usual, the positive Ághas comes out in this letter - ‘I feel in the very best of form, always hopeful’. He also outlines his love for music - ‘I often thought that if I had a dozen songbooks here that no imprisonment would trouble me. To fill the want I make a song whenever I feel the want of one and you’ll be surprised to hear I have composed new airs to every one of them so far’.
Tomás had an excellent singing voice and while in prison composed many songs including ‘Let me Carry Your Cross for Ireland, Lord’. Indeed all who knew him talked of his love for music and singing. He played the bagpipes on the hills behind his home in Kinard and his sister reflected that ‘the neighbours all over the parish used to love to listen to the music and missed it greatly when he was dead’. In a letter to Tomás in prison, Hanna Flynn says ‘Oh! Tom we missed you badly in Dingle this year. We all tried to be gay but …… there was a gloom over the whole thing and …… we used to say to each other “do you remember our evenings last year with Tomás and his songs and stories down Culeen?” We hauled “Songs of the Gael” along with us but God help us, they used make a very bad hand of them’.
Continuing with this letter, Tomás refers to Nora’s recent visit to Corduff and wishes ‘the new master joy with the school’. He shows concern for home commenting on the cost of living and food shortages.
He finishes the letter saying ‘I am sure you are all praying for this terrible war to end. All of my correspondents say that the end will bring me my freedom. If it lasts so long it will be a terrible war’.
Letter to Nora Ní Fhoghludha (Lewes, 26th Feb 1917)

In this fourth letter, Tomás asks to be remembered to many of the ‘Keating People ’ including ‘J.K. O’Reilly, R. Mulcahy and the Dixons’ and send his regards to her brother Ristéard, who sent him a card at Xmas.
He asserts ‘we are in the very best of form’ and says he is working in the gardening party in the prison. He jokes ‘I am not going to weary you with a rehearsal of all the fauna and flora of Sussex. Besides ….. I have seen none so far ’ perhaps indicating the poor state of the garden.
A fellow inmate, John Shouldice, was also in this gardening party and confirmed it included Eamon De Valera, Seán McGarry and Séamus Melinn. He said the weather was severe and they had to dig frozen ground, however he ‘enjoyed that party as much as if it was real one’. He stated that ‘while we were working Tom Ashe used to sing us traditional songs and tell us amusing yarns, mostly true, of his young days in Kerry in the musical accent of that county’. Tomás’s sister Nora corroborated this saying ‘[Tomás] loved Kerry and was never tired describing it to his fellow prisoners in England…..All of them said they would have to go to Kinard for a holiday when released, so much did he glorify the place to them’. Tomás goes on to talk about prison life and says he has ‘many a chat here with Piarais and Fionnán and Conn’ and says there is ‘a good crowd too from Fingal here’ and that they are a ‘fairly happy family altogether’. He also states that they are ‘fairly well posted on all matters Irish’. He states that it was a pleasure to get a visit from two Irish priests and to see an Irish face and hear an Irish voice. He says ‘You know of course the prison regulations regarding the fashion of our beards and hair and we are all developing Cockney accents - so no wonder at our delight’.
He laughs at the tame Shrove Tuesday he has spent in prison and reminisces about ‘Our annual trip to the Skellig Rock …..to relieve the monotony of the day’. On hearing that ‘the custom was carried out this year as usual’ back
home he says ‘I assure you I was simply delighted’.
He again shows his concern about the food question in Ireland which ‘must be rather troublesome in Dublin now’ and the fact that he ‘heard a lot of our boys are idle’. Though Tomás continually shows his concern for hunger and want at home, his own food situation was just as precarious. His contemporary, John Shouldice, said ‘we were always hungry…I often picked and ate dandelion leaves….to stave off the hunger’.
Tomás finishes off asking about the Archbishop’s pastoral and asks Nora to ‘send me the chief instructions ….. as of course I’d like to follow the Lenten regulations and prayers as far as possible, as I feel I belong to the archdiocese still, privately of course’.

The article above is a synopsis of an article published in the ‘Kerry Magazine’, a publication of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society.
The Society is a voluntary group that promotes and preserves the history and antiquities of Kerry, as well as fostering interest in the culture and heritage of the county.
Annual membership costs just €35 and members receive copies of the Society’s Journal and Magazine and may attend the Society’s annual series of lectures and outings.
For more information go to www.kerryhistory.ie

Tobar Dhuibhne - Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar - Eolas & Nuacht
Tobar Dhuibhne - West Kerry Language Plan - Info & News
Mí Iúil ma gréine buailte linn go cinnte agus tá súil againn go bhfanfaidh sé i bhfad!! Beidh clubanna, ranganna agus eile ag tosnú arís gan mhoill i gCorca Dhuibhne, mar sin beimid gnóthach ach gabh i dteagmháil más fonn leat páirt a ghlacadh in aon cheann d’ár n-imeachtaí nó dá mba mhaith leat tacaíocht a fháilt chun an Ghaelainn a neartú pé’n áit ina bhfuileann tú.
Sunny July is here and we hope it staus for a while!! Tobar Dhuibhne will have clubs, classes and plenty else starting up again soon, so get in contact if you’d like to partake in any activities or if you want any supports to strengthen irish wherever you are.

Barry i mbun cainte le scoláirí a bhí ar chúrsa na hOidhreachta an tseachtain seo chaite
Imeachtaí Thobar Dhuibhne / Tobar Dhuibhne’s events
• Ciorcal Comhrá (athrú ionad) - gach Céadaoin ag a 11:00 in Óstán Cheann Sibeál, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Fáilte roimh chách // all welcome.
• Caifé & Cadaráil - lasmuigh do Shiopa Uí Lúing, Ceann Trá gach Déardaoin @ 11:30rn
• Tae & Plé gach Déardaoin @ 11:45 I gCistí Chorca Dhuibhne le Dúchas an Daingin
Caifé & Cadaráil
Bígí linn gach Déardaoin do Chaifé agus Cadaráil ag 11:30in! Beimid ag bailiú lasmuigh do Shiopa

Uí Lúing fad is atá an aimsir álainn linn. Má thagann an drochaimsir, ná bíodh imní oraibh, beimid faoin bhfothain!!
Deiseanna / Job opportunities
Bíonn éagsúlacht iontach le postanna agus Gaelainn mar chuid dóibh, seo daoibh cúpla post dóibh siúd a bhfuil deis uaibh (tuilleadh ar www.peig.ie):
• Riarthóir Oifige - Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta i mBaile Bhúirne
• Comhordaitheoir na Gaeilge– Ollsoil Luimnigh
• Bainisteoir Tograí – CFCD:
Do chéimi go bhfuil na cáiliochtai aitheanta bainte amach acu le 4 mbliana anuas. Duine fuinniúil, cumasach go bhfuil suim aici/aige i gcúrsai gnó, teicneolaíocht faisnéise agus

A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine.
forbairt tograí ata a lorg againn. Duine a bheadh sásta oibriú mar phairt d’fhoireann agus a bheadh solúbtha ag cabhhrú chun bearnaí difriúla a líonadh san eagraíocht.
There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how!
Oscailt oifigiúil an taispeántais “Eolaíocht na Mara i Musaem Chorca Dhuibhne
Tomhais na coicíse
Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost.
Fanann sé sa chúinne ach téann sé ar fud an domhain. Céard é?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram, ar WhatsApp (087 376 9538) nó ar
Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year. A solar system for a family of 5 can cost anything from €4,000 to €5,500 supplied and fitted, giving them a yearly saving of approx €350 to €500 and when you take into account the rising cost of energy, a system can pay for itself in 5 to 10 years.

Bím ard agus mé óg, ach beag agus mé sean. Cad atá ionam?
“Coinneal” – Liam Ó hÓgáin, Gill & Siún Uí Mhuircheartaigh x 2, Róisín Ní Bhruic
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Bí ag caint linne, Tobar Dhuibhne. Táimid ar Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & Instagram. Cad é do Phlean Teanga féin?
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
LinkTree (nascanna): https://linktr.ee/ TobarDhuibhne

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Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy,
Film Review: A Quiet Place : Day One
Tom Ó Neachtain
A Quiet Place : Day One is the latest installment in the popular sci-fi/thriller series. The story is almost completely unrelated to the previous two films in the franchise, and takes us back to the day killer aliens crashed down to earth, and the whole world fell silent. The story follows cancer-patient Sam, who forges an unlikely connection with lawstudent Eric while traversing through a new New York City, where blind creatures stalk the streets and hunt anything that makes a sound.

From the outset, it seems like an admirable decision to pivot away from the characters and storyline featured in the two previous installments in the series. This allows newcomers to experience both the strong tension and gorgeous soundscapes the series is famous for, but without needing any familiarity with the series’ previous entries. Sadly, the new characters and their struggles aren’t as engaging as the family-dynamic which the previous films were built around.
Early-on in the film, it is established that the characters want to reach the Bronx, but we aren’t told why. This makes the story difficult to get wrapped up in, as we have no idea why the characters are going through hell to get there, or why we should care. There are individual moments of fantastic tension and atmosphere that distract from the script’s failings, but overall the story here lacks any sense of momentum or direction. In addition to that, most of the film’s creative concepts and ideas seem lifted from other alien invasion films. The creatures’ ash-laden first attack, and a crowd scene later on in the film seem to take huge inspiration from 2005’s War of the Worlds. The film’s moments of suspense are well-constructed, but they mostly play out like other tense scenes in the previous A Quiet Place films. The film doesn’t have much to offer beyond these repurposed ideas, meaning that there isn’t much to remember this new entry by after leaving the cinema.
Although there is little to be enamored by in the film’s story, the general direction and technical aspects are on a very high standard. The crisp soundscape places you right in the panic and chaos, and Alexis Grapsas’ elegant score works hard to add pathos to the dull script. This film marks director Michael Sornoski’s first studio film, and it’s clear throughout that he hasn’t lost his tender, naturalistic style in the transition to bigger-budget work. This film is a pleasure to look at and listen to, and it’s a shame that these gorgeous technical aspects are paired with this uninspired story.
A Quiet Place : Day One features top-tier work behind the camera, but the film’s humdrum script doesn’t offer many new ideas that haven’t been better executed in other sci-fi horror films, leaving this entry as a marked step-down in quality from its predecessors.

Tom Ó Neachtain is a student in Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne

Cracking Up

I took a stand
Thought I knew it all
Had the answers just at hand
But The world changed
When I wasn’t looking
It’s moving fast
And I’m still
I’m still
Standing here
But I’m not sure
How much of me
- Artwork and words by Laurence Jones.

Ceol Beo / Live Music
Clochán BréannainnCloghane Brandon
Monday 22nd July
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Monday 29th July
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Saturday 20th July
8.00 Foley's - Swiss band Brüeder Vom Heinz
Dingle-Daingean Uí Chúis
Thursday 18th July
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Curran's Bar - Trad & Folk with Billy and Luke
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne
Friday 19th July
7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Greta Curtin & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 20th July
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Mick Keirns
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Eoin Duignan & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Sunday 21st July
6.00 Marina Inn - Open session with Tom and Caroline
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim sessions
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Jeremy Spencer & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 22nd July

Friday 26th July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.00 Marina Inn - Tom Delaney and Teresa Horgan
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Caroline Keane & Pals
Tuesday 23rd July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open session
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.15 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Courthouse Pub -Aoife & Deirdre Granville
Weds 24th July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Tom Delany & Tommy O'Sullivan
Thursday 25th July
1.00 Díseart Gardens - Lunchtime concert with Jeremy Spencer (fiddle) & Seán Ó Laoithe (guitar)
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Curran's Bar - Trad & Folk with Billy and Luke
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Niamh Varian - Barry ( Fiddle & vocals), Meabh Ni Bheaglaoich( Accordeon & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne
7-9 Kennedy’s - Folk, Country, Blue Grass
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & Flute) Jeremy Spencer ( Fiddle ) & Matt Griffin (Guitar)
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Greta Curtin & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 27th July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Eoin Duignan & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Dan Phelan
Sunday 28th July
6.00 Marina Inn - Open session with Tom and Caroline
6.00 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim sessions
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
8.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Jeremy Spencer & Tommy O'Sullivan
9.30 Paul Geaney’s - Live music
Monday 29th July
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open mic session
9.00 Marina Inn - Tom Delaney and
Teresa Horgan
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Caroline Keane & Pals
Tuesday 30th July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
8.00 Bob Griffin’s - Open session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9ish Hannie Agnes' - Candlelit session
9.30 Courthouse Pub -Aoife & Deirdre Granville
Weds 31st July
6.00 Dingle Pub - Trad
7.30 Saint James' Church - Folk Concert (€20)
9.00 Marina Inn - Dermot Kelly
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Tom Delany & Tommy O'Sullivan
Thursday 1st August
1.00 Díseart Gardens - Lunchtime concert with Jeremy Spencer (fiddle) & Seán Ó Laoithe (guitar)
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 O'Flaherty's - Open session with Fergus & Friends
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Cáit Ní Riain (Fiddle & vocals), Eoin Ó Beaglaoích(Concertina)
9.30 Courthouse Pub - Teresa Horgan & Gerry O'Beirne


Castlegregory Notes
Indoor Summer Market Sundays, The Clubrooms, Castlegregory. 9am-1.30pm
Castlegregory Summer Festival will take place in the village between July 11th to 14th, starting with the presentation of the queens at Fitzgeralds Pub with BBQ at 6pm. Events for all the family, including Teddy Bear's Picnic, slow bicycle race,colour run, fittest family, pet competition, fashion show and many more events.The festival will end on Sunday evening with a parade and golf ball run. A full programme will be available on Facebook and at the information centre.
Art Exhibition: August bank holiday weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the Clubrooms Tailors Row, Castlegregory with many famous artists showcasing their work.
Agricultural Show: Saturday August 3rd in Bowlers field for 12pm onwards.
Bingo: Will be held in the clubrooms, weekly, every Tuesday evening from July 2nd until August 20th. Doors open at 7:30
Rambling House: Will be held in the Clubrooms weekly on a Wednesday evening at 7:30 from July 10th until August 21st. Join us for an evening of music, song and dance. €5 in the pot for entry, Refreshments provided.
Castlegregory Tidy Towns: If you would like to join our weekly volunteering activities we
usually meet every Saturday at 10:00am at the Castlegregory playground unless otherwise stated. Please check the side of the little library there for any updates each week.
Lego Summer Camps: Brandon & Castlegregory, 6-12 year olds. Contact Damien on 086 0531657 for dates and further information.
Shannen's Summer Camp: Castlegregory, 3-5 year olds. Text 087 6224691 for more information.
Castlegregory Care of the Aged/Active Retired: Dinners on Tuesdays in the Clubrooms. New members are always welcome. Please ring Michelle on 085 243 2251 if you would like to come along or if you are a regular and can't make it for any reason. Volunteers needed, Tuesday's 12.30-2.30pm to assist with dinners. Please contact 087 2854779. Everyone is welcome.
CE Scheme Vacancy. The role will be to assist in the kitchen and include assisting the cook when and as required, deep kitchen cleaning, venue prep/ set-up for the weekly dinner and assisting with the delivery of the entertainment programme. Contact: castleactiveretired@gmail. com 085 43 2251.
Castlegregory Beach Toddler Group: An informal playgroup on Castlegregory Beach. Wednesday's 2.15pm-3.30pm (weather permitting).
Whist: Every Thursday evening in the Clubrooms from 8pm. Newcomers and Learners welcome.
10/07/24: Ladies: 1st: Sandra Hoffman 2nd Mary Farrell. Intervals: Anne Kavanagh & Nora Devine , Gents: 1st: John McEvery 2nd: Breda Baker,
Intervals: Martin Courtney & Pat Moore , Mystery: Catherine Lyons.
11/07/24 Ladies: 1st Valerie O Kelly-Flynn Intervals: Anne O Connor & Deirdre O' Connell . Gents: 1st Martin Courtney 2nd Thomas Maunsell . Intervals: Pat Moore & Sean Fitzerald. Mystery: Mary McKenna
Maharees in a changing climate – join us in a panel discussion on climate adaptation as part of the Creative Ireland funded Neart Na Machairí, Saturday 27th July. 10.30am – 1pm, Clubrooms, Castlegregory.
Join Maharees Conservation Association, Dingle Hub, the Neart Na Machairí Community Partners, Embedded Artists Emer Fallon, Zoe Ui Fhaoláin Green and Silke Michels and climate scientists Claire Scannell from Met Eireann and Paul Deane from UCC as we consider Maharees and the Dingle Peninsula in a changing climate and how we can play a role in adapting to and mitigating the effects. This is a free event as part of our Creative Ireland funded project. Let us know if you would like to come along by sending us an email mahareesconservation@gmail.com
Office Staff & Maintenance/ground staff required (eligible for C.E. scheme) in Castlegregory. Please ring Joe Bric: 087 2682097
f If any local groups have any news items they would like to be made known, such as match fixtures, results, courses or anything of special interest-could groups inform the office by 11am on Monday mornings so that it can be entered into the local community news items in the newspapers
Michael Healy-Rae TD
Mícheál Ó’hEalaigh-RaeClinicí Áitiúla

Milltown: Larkins 6.15pm
Killorglin: Jim Shea's 7pm
Castlemaine Griffins Bar 5pm
Keel Murphy’s Bar 5.20pm Inch Foleys Bar 5.40pm
Annascaul Teach Sheáin 6.00pm
Dingle Muiris Dan’s 6.20pm, An Droichead Beag 6.40pm
Brandon Murphy’s Bar 8.30pm
Castlegregory Boland’s Bar 9pm
Camp Railway Tavern 10.30pm
Clinicí sa Ghaeltacht: 19ú Lúnasa 7.00-8.00 Tigh an tSaorsaigh, Tigh Uí Chuinn, Tigh Pháidí Uí Shé
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904 Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie
Lúbra - aimsighanchonairtríd #19
= Consanbuaılte, ḃ,ċ,ḋ,ḟ,ġ,ṁ,ṗ,ṡ,ṫ
12‘Mátúag___caraganloċt,beıḋtúgancara godeo.’(4)
8Gıorrúċán,ımBéarla,arċúntóırrıaċtanas speısıaltaıscoıl(3)

Tagairtinmheánach: CDBeo_9x9C_48
Comórtas Crosfhocail
Duais le Buachaint: Dearbhán ón gCafé Liteartha Buaiteoir na coicíse seo caite: Siobhán Murphy, Sráid na Trá, An Daingean
eagrán nua le Darach α Scolaí foilsithe ag Leabhar Breac
Téann stair liteartha Chorca
Dhuibhne chomh fada siar is atá siar ann, seo blúire ón sean litríocht in eagrán gleoite.

‘Tá scéal Bhláthnaide ar cheann de scéalta móra na Rúraíochta. Is ann atá cur síos ar Chú Raoi, rí Dheasumhan agus ard-asarlaí Éireann, agus ar an gcaoi ar fhuadaigh sé Bláthnaid, iníon álainn rí Mhanann, go dtí a dhún féin, Cathair Chon Raoi i gCiarraí. É ina Bháire Fola idir Muimhnigh is Ultaigh. Ach níorbh é Cú Raoi amháin a leag súil uirthi. Shantaigh Cú Chulainn freisin í agus is mar gheall ar ghrá na beirte di a bhí sé ina bháire fola idir Muimhnigh agus Ultaigh ar shleasa Shliabh Mis. Go deimhin, tá sé sa tseanchas fós i gCiarraí gur dhoirt Bláthnaid bainne in Abhainn na Fionnghlaise mar chomhartha do Chú Chulainn agus na hUltaigh go raibh Cú Raoi ina chodladh gan chosaint sa dún.’ - Leabhar Breac
An Café Liteartha Bóthar an Dadhgaide, Daingean Uí Chúis Siopa Leabhar an Daingin ó 1979

Ó Mhárthain
Breandán Mac Gearailt
Níl aon chorraí ar bheithigh, gamhna ná caoire le déanaí. Daoine fós ag súil le Lúnasa-Meán Fhómhair. Tá súil agam nách feitheamh fada fallsa a bheidh againn. Is dócha go gcabhróidh an ceannaire nua sa Bhreatain le cúrsaí. Níl aon bhrón orainn na Caomhaigh a bheith glanta ó chumhacht.
Dála an scéil táimíd go mór chun deiridh inár n-iarrachtaí cúlú a chur ar thruailliú na cruinne. Déarfá go mba chóir go mbeadh leigheas ag na saineolaithe ceimice ar an bhfadhb. Deirtear go bhfuil tús deanta in áit éigin i Meiriceá.
Tá Meiriceá sa nuacht aris le déanaí, Biden ag dearmad agus an chluas dheas beagnach bainte do Trump. Is leanbhaí an córas poilitíochta atá ag tír chomh mór agus chomh saibhir le Meiriceá. Duine anonn san aos dearúdach agus fear eile agus an dlí ag bagairt air.
Is diail an tir í Meiricea le uachtaráin agus ard phoiliteóirí a mharú. Bhí seans le Trump. Mar a deiridís fadó,‘bain barra na cluaise díomsa.’
Beagnach ná baineadh taobh a leath-chinn dó!
Chuir an síor ‘ping pong’ cimiar ar fhoireann Chiarraí. Táimse agus na mílte bailithe á bhárr. Bí ag caint ar chur saothar amú! Bhíodar chúig phoinnte chun cinn agus chailleadar. N’fheadar an domhan cad a chuir an galar san ortha, ag bualadh na caide siar arís agus arís eile. Tógadh Brian Ó Beaglaoi agus Pól Geaney don ngort.
Bhí beagán don ‘ping pong’ sa dara cluiche go mór mhór Tír Chonaill. Rud amháin fuaireadh poinntí breatha sa chluiche sin, cuid acu ó dhaichead slat. Tá daoine ag éirí bailithe don ‘ping pong’ agus ag bualadh siar na caide triocha slat, nó mar sin. Ní fhéachas ar an súil siar óiche Dé Domhnaigh. Chuirfeadh sé bailitheacht bliana ort.
An é gur ag aithris ar lucht cluichí eile atá siad.
Mo léan ghear.
Regatta Cheann Trá
Bhí an- lá ag an slua breá a bhí i láthair ag Regatta Cheann Trá an deire seachtaine seo caite. Bhí an ghrian ag taithneamh agus gliondar ar leice gach aon duine. Naomhóga, caitheamh cruite, tógaint caisleáin, ráiseanna ar an dtráig 7rl.
Mar dúras, an-ócáid a bhí fior thaithneamhach do óg agus fásta. Siad na Machairí a bhuaidh rás mór na bhfear agus rás mór na mban. Cathal Breatnach, An Gurrán a bhuaigh an comórtas caitheamh cruite, Eolas
An gcualaís riamh go bhfuil srón ban 150, faid is tá srón fir 100 i gcomórtas, ag tomhas boladh.
Bíonn 50,000 crith talún sa domhan gach bliain, cuid acu mór.
Tá léarscáil na tíre ar Bhrat na Cipire.
In áiteanna sa chian oirthear tumtar leanaí a saolaíotar i mbeoir le iad a chosaint ar ghalair.
Buille gan dealramh golf go mbíonn an rath ar, tugtar Volkswagen air.
I gcomórtas fanacht ar mhuin tairbh sa rodeo is ocht second a chaitheann an marcach fanacht ar an dtarbh.
Ritheann capaill ráis in Éirinn d’reir an chloig, a mhalairt atá fíor i Meiriceá. Bhí baile i West Virginia Mheiriceá agus ‘6’ an ainm a bhí air, agus baile i Texas agus ‘Ding Dong’ mar ainm air.
Nuair a céasadh ár dTiarna, 200 milliún duine a bhí ar Domhan.
Ní thosnóidh tú ag gol agus tú ag gearradh oinniúin, má bhionn, guma [gum] á chogaint agat.
Tá an ainm áite is mó litreacha ar domhan sa tSaolainn Nua.
Fadó, deintí Píopaí Ceoil as chraiceann caorach.
Tá bliain 365 lá, 5 uair a cloig, 48 neomat agus 46 secind.
Téann an t-Iora Rua anairde ar chrann níos tapúla ná mar a bheadh sé ag rith ar an dtalamh.
Fuair Proinsias Ní Bheoláin ó Ard na Caithne agus seal i mBlea Cliath bás le deanaí. Duine an- gheanúil go raibh bua na hEalaíona aici. Is mó pictiúir breá a dhein sí. Iníon b’ea i do Art Ó Beoláin agus Máire (Finucane). Méala mór a bás dá comharsain, gaolta agus cairde.
Bean uasal ceart.
Gur in Iothlainn Dé a hanam gan teimheal.
Fuair Caoimhín Ó Dúbháin, ó Lios Deargáin, Lios Póil bás le déanaí. Bhí a chéile Máire básaithe roimis. Méala mór a bhás dá iníonacha Brenda agus Lorraine agus a mhac Brian, deirfiúr Beití, garchlann agus cáirde. Beannacht Dé lena anam.
Fuair Tomás Ó Cinnéide ón gCuil, Abha na Scáil bás lé déanaí. Mac do Thomás agus Bríd ná maireann agus deartháir do Phádraig, Caitlín, Mícheál agus Máire (a fuair bás i mbliana). Méala mor a bhás dá ghaolta agus cairde.
Gur i nGairdín Pharrthais a anam.
Fuair Eibhlín Bowen (Ní Ghearailt), ós na Gleannta Theas agus Baile ‘n Fheasaigh, Corcaigh, bás le déanaí. Bhí a céile Con básaithe roimpi. Méala mór a bás dá clann Máiréad agus Sinéad, Tomás, Paitsí, Máire, Brenda, Maidhc, Séamus, gaolta agus cairde.
Gur é Gáirdín Pharrthais a stáitse.
D’éalaigh cúpla líne orm ag tagairt do bhás Sheosaimh Ruiséal, trócaire air, san iris deireannach: “Méala mór a bhas dá dheirfiúr Cití. Gur i bhFlaithis Dé a anam cneasta.”
Fuair Jacinta O’Hanlon, Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Baile na Buaile, an Daingean bás an tseachtain seo caite. Méala mór a bás dá céile, Pádraig, mac Ciarán, deirféaracha Nóra, Eibhlín, Máiréad, Íde, Cit agus Áine, deartháracha Seán, Seosaimh agus Séamus, garchlann, gaolta agus cairde.
I bhfochair Dé sna Flaithis dá hanam ceannsa.
Fuair Patricia Ní Churráin, Uí Shúilleabháin, An Meall, An Daingean, bás le déanaí. Bhí a céile Paitsí básaithe roimpi.
Méala mór a bás dá hiníonacha, Geraldine, Marie agus Annette, garchlann, gaolta agus cairde.
Solas na bhFlaitheas ag a hanam.
1. Supporting frame of a car
5. Seagoing platforms
1. Steep isolated hill; city in Montana
9. Online poster of offensive content
5. Awkwardly stiff
9. Respond
10. Additional
12. Constituent country unit
11. Thoughts
14. Group of followers/assistants
12. Snake that announces its presence
14. Full stop
15. Adult male human
16. Tall grasses
15. Acting against one’s country
17. English city, Stoke-on-
16. Speak eloquently

18. ___ Misérables
18. Unmarred; perfect condition
19. Bird homes
20. More guarded
22. Improvised (2, 3)
21. Steal
25. Senatorial garment
23. Protuberances
26. Untrue
26. Crossing the _, (point of no return)
28. Consume
28. Sinatra song, _____ Coins in a Fountain
30. Spot on
29. Outdoor toilet
30. Third rock from the sun
31. Historical region of NE Iran
32. Deep fear
32. Emblem; one’s own indicator
33. ______ Heart, Elvis song
34. Mammal of the weasel family
Send your completed crossword to West/Mid Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle Prize €40 Voucher for Danno’s Restaurant & Bar Winner of the Crossword 430 is Siobhan Moloney, Ballyferriter West
35. Meshed sorting implement
34. Dough
36. Place occupied by substitute
37. In poor health
1. SW England city
2. Delirium _______, confused state of mind
1. Found on the Citroen emblem (x 2)
3. tree, essential oil
2. Female performer
4. Relaxes
3. Altercations
6. In the open air
4. Procedure in force, until cancelled (8, 5)
7. Mississippi _____, region of northwestern Mississippi
5. Famous stone with ancient scripts
8. Bravado
6. Keyboard key
10. Moved to another place
7. Sweetheart
13. Craggy hill
8. Aroma
17. Also
11. Flush
19. Swift Aus. flightless bird
13. L. American ballroom dance
20. Vatican chapel with famous ceiling
20. Precise
21. Takes note of
21. Stair-like
22. Female spirit in Gaelic folklore
23. Character from Hamlet
23. Of lesser rank
24. Arrowhead-shape, found on road safety sign
24. Subway
26. Stays off food
25. Normal
27. Rent
27. Used in place of an obscene expletive
28. _____ in My Side, Eurythmics song
31. Small battery designation
29. Slap
33. Rosemary’s Baby actress, ___ Farrow

Holiday Rentals/ Tithe Saoire
087 214 9327 / 086 173 7944
3 bedroom Cottage to let for July/August at Wine Strand, Ballyferriter, Dingle, Co. Kerry. Phone 087-2367884 / 083-0160675.
Mobile home to rent to long term, 5 minutes from Inch beach. Reasonable rent. email: polaoghaire@yahoo.com
Holiday home to let in Lispole area, July/August. 086-0307629
Property to let / Tithe ar cíos
House to rent, Ventry area. 2 bed, scenic location. 087-7037941
Room to rent 1km from Dingle town. 087-6627804
Four bedroom house available for long term rent immediately in Lispole area Call 087 6943630
Room available to let in mobile home in Ballymore (just outside Dingle). Sharing with one other lady. Beautiful sea views, regular local link bus. Would suit one person or perhaps couple. €80 p/w. 087-2023004 Motors / Gluaisteáin
Toyota Corolla Luna Saloon, 1.4 Diesel. Reg 162 D. 107,000 miles, aircon, alloy wheels, NCT - 18/08/26. €11,950 ono. 087-2895303 For Sale/Le Díol
All Together Now ticket for sale (1st - 4th August). Call / WhatsaApp 0857623060
Ladies Bike for Sale, €200. Beniti Paris, 15in, alloy frame, double wall rims, and v-brakes. 21speed Shimano STI, front suspension, 26in wheel. Like new, only a few outings and stored indoors. Fully kitted out with stand, mudguards, basket and carrier. Bought for €350. Ph: 086-8900025
Jar-Met 100 gallon tractor sprayer. Never used. Genuine reason for selling. €1,500. 085-1409355
Steel Tech shed for sale, Ventry area. 2 years old. 3m x 2m. €500. 087-6753131
Netta Pole Hedge Trimmer 550W. Brand new, with box and manual. 4 angled blade positions, extendable pole. Cost €103.95, selling for €65.00. Absolute bargain. Genuine reason for sale. 087 1675308.
Stones suitable for walling. Buyer must collect. 087-9944588
Extendable table (2.10 metres width). Massive wood, very good condition. Dingle area. 086-3688484
Solid pine single bed & 2 matching lockers. €170 . Phone : Kate on 086-1706483
Walker Bay 8 ft dinghy on trailer with oars, sail, rudder, daggerboard etc. Dingle area. 086-8973798
Small commuter E-bike. Ideal for Bus/Train. 250 Watt motor. 48 Volt x 12 AH battery. Range 40 - 50 km. Lights, horn, disk brakes. Phone Brendan 085-1962649
Tall fridge and seperate freezer for sale. 087-9947927
Light oak kitchen presses in great condition. 087-9947927
Services / Seirbhisí
Plumber specialising in boiler breakdown, servicing and commissioning. Complete range of plumbing services. Call John 086-3165714
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
West Kerry Gardening services - lawn cutting, sand/gravel delivered, landscaping, power washing etc. Call Seán 087-6336082
Fiber National Broadband in all parts of West & Mid Kerry. Free installation and equipment. No hidden charges. Refs available from local hotels and businesses. Government NBI broadband covers all costs. email: info@ruralbroadband.ie or call 066-9414708
Experienced bookkeeper seeks local employment. Call 086-3717633. South West Recycling Services: scrap cars, vans jeeps, tractors, buses, lorries all wanted. Also buy copper tanks, brass copper piping, lead, batteries, alloy wheels. Everything considered.. Top prices paid. Call Frank 087-2311971
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Natural healing at Red Lotus Clinic. Fertility, gynaecology, pediatric, injury, stress, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, homeopathy, reflexology, massage. Clinics in Dingle and Castlegregory. Contact Eithne Griffin 086-6066865
Garden Services in Kerry: Lawn mowing, strimming, vertical pruning, tree surgery. Reasonable rates. Ring 0838268371
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes
etc 087-6256533
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toilets - drains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Does your septic tank need to be emptied- we will get to you within a day. Cuir Glaoch/ Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi 087 2969846 0r 066 9155446
Vehicle Computer Diagnostic Service / Mobile Service. Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Pickups. Call 087-3440493
Septic Tank Services, emptying, wash down, repairs, new tanks andpercolation areas constructed in line with planning. over 25yrs service in Dingle Ph. Pat Hanafin 086 2241064 / 066 9151682 . beenbawn@yahoo.com
Situations Vacant / Postanna
Staff wanted- Bar staff, waiting staff and kitchen staff. Full and part time positions available. Good rates of pay. Apply with CV to bridgehousedingle@gmail. com
Opportunity for a person to manage an artisan butcher shop in Dingle. Please email CVs to corcadhuibhnebuisteir@gmail.com
Cleaner wanted for house / B&B in Dingle town from 11am - 1pm. Paid daily. 087-7995984
Breakfast Cook required for a unique Guesthouse located on the Dingle Peninsula, If interested please contact Sandra on 087 225 2126. We look forward to hearing from you.
Cothú at the Blasket Centre is hiring for the season, both in kitchen and front of house. Please contact Ed 086-8264118 or Laurence 087-2640614 for more information.
Dingle Heating and Plumbing apprenticeship position available. 085-1621950
Wanted / Ag Teastáil
Hard working single person looking for long term accommodation from September on the peninsula. Must be close to a bus route. Please text Elizabeth on 087 372 2583
Young couple looking to buy approx. 10 acres (preferably 20+) immediately, in Inch or surrounding areas. 085 764 6564
Private Home Help required for elderly lady in her own home in the Castlegregory area. Please phone Cora on 087 6578 419.
Workshop suitable for campervan conversion and repair needed. 087-4747393
Couple with 2 teenage girls seek small house in West Kerry. 087-4747393
Nice guy available for a room in Dingle town. call 085-1908004
Other / Eile
Electric roller door workshop / dry storage unit for rent. Annascaul. 0861705582
Insulated storage unit to rent in West Kerry. Approx. 400 square feet. Excellent access. 087-2027698
Shop / Office Unit for rent on 1st floor off Green Street, Dingle. 086-0547665
Dry secure storage unit for rent. Lispole area. 087-2820062

Corca Dhuibhne Beo