Corca Dhuibhne Beo
Lough Gill: Mossy Donegan
San Eagrán Seo / In This Issue
Pg 6: Nutrition with Irene
Pg 10: Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Pg 12: Big Cha and the Black Cats
Pg 18: To Hawaii via the Panama Canal
Pg 20-21: Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh
Pg 27: Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pg 31: All in the Mind: The Sound Of Silence
Pg 32: Live Music Listings
Pg 33: Town & Peninsula Maps
Pg 36: Crosfhocal Sean-Nós
Pg 37: Ó Mhárthain
Pg 38: Crossword
Pg 39: Classifieds
Published by West Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle, Co. Kerry V92 EC85
Clinic Cois Abhann, The Mall , Dingle 066 9151465
Ionad Leighis An Daingin, The Mall, Dingle 066 9152225.
DingleDoc, Spa Rd, Dingle V92K282 066-9152346 / 066-9152324
Castlegregory Medical Centre, 066-7139226 Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00 pm Saturday, by appointment.
Annascaul Health Centre, Annascaul 066-9157227, SouthDoc: 0818 355 999 for all calls between 6.00pm to 8.00am
Killorglin Health Centre, Killorglin, Tel: 066 976 1284
Cronin, Dr Ann, Beach Tree Lodge, Market St, Killorglin (066)9761014
Prenderville Edmond, Daly’s Lane, Killorglin (066)9761072
Prenderville Edmond, Coolmore Laharn, Killorglin (066)9761512
Milltown Health Centre Milltown (066)9767113
Brendan O’ Connell, Spa Rd., Dingle. Tel (066) 9151814
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard: Tel: 112 or 999. These numbers are free of charge but should only be used in cases of genuine emergencies.
Annascaul Garda Station,. Tel: +353 66 9157102
Dingle Garda Station, Tel: +353 66 9151522
Castlegregory Garda Station,Tel: +353 66 7139690
Garda Station, Killorglin, Tel: +353 66 976 1113
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Calf Sale Saturday 15th February
Sheep Calves Cattle Sale 22nd February
BVD collection every Monday at 12.30

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Contact us on 066-9150530 Lorcán: 086-1737944 Mossy: 087-2149327 Email: westkerrynews@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook www.westkerrylive.ie
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Upper Main St Dingle Co. Kerry (066) 9152333
Long Bryan G B. Dent. Sc. Main st. Upr .Dingle (066)9151527
Timothy Lynch Dental Surgery, Langford st, Killorglin, 066 97 61831
Mac Domhnaill Dental, Tralee, 066-7121457 / 087-1319792
Local Link Kerry 066 7147002
Bus Station, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (064) 6630011
Bus Station, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066) 7164700
The Village Pharmacy, Castlegregory, 066-7139646
Walsh John, Pharmacy Green st. Dingle (066)9151365
O’Keeffe Pharmacy Ltd . Strand St.(066)9151310
Grogan’s Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle (066)-9150518
O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge Street, Milltown (066)-9767305
Laune Pharmacy Market Street, Killorglin, 066 976 1131
Mulvihill Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 1115
O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Mill Road, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 2111
O Sullivans Pharmacy 6 Bridge Street, Milltown, 066 9795915
Ó Domhnaill Opticians, Mail Rd., Dingle, (066) 9152863
066 7128021
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh 2025
Féasta Ceoil, Amhráin agus Rince le teacht an Earraigh.

Ní fada uainn Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh a bheidh ar siúl anso in iarthar Dhuibhneach ón 19 go 23 Feabhra. Tá scata imeachtaí iontacha ceoil, amhránaíocht agus rince ann do mhuintir na háite idir óg agus aosta, agus cuairteoirí ar aon. Beidh trí cheolchoirm againn, Déardaoin an 20ú in Ionad an Bhlascaoid ag 8pm, áit a mbeidh Kathleen MacInnes as Albain agus Kenneth McKenzie as Oileán Cheap Bhreatainn. Ar an oíche céanna beidh taispeántas iontach ceoil ó Andrea Palandri agus Pádraic Keane, ar fhidil agus píb ón tréimhse 1750 – 1850 agus iad ag seinimt ceoil ón tréimhse céanna. Deis iontach blaiseadh de cheol ár sinsir a chlos.
Ar an Aoine agus an Satharn i Halla na Feothanaí beidh dhá cheolchoirm mhór le scoth na gceoltóirí ar an dá oíche – fáigí bhur dticéid anois – ar stáitse beidh Dermy Diamond, Pól Ó Seachnasaigh, Jack Talty, Eva Carroll, Johnny Óg Connolly, The Weaving, Mary Bergin, Síle Denvir, Cathal Ó Curráin, Becky Ní Éallaithe, Paudie O’Connor, Mikey Kenney agus go leor eile. Gach eolas faoi na ceolchoirmeacha, agus na himeachtaí eile go léir, ar an suíomh www.scoilcheoil.com Moltar do dhaoine ticéid a fháil roimhe ré.
Cuirfear clabhsúr leis an Scoil Cheoil ar an nDomhnach le Aifreann na Féile le Peadar Ó Riada agus Cór Chúil Aodha agus maidin chaifé agus ceoil ina dhiaidh san trasna an bhóthair i Múséam Chorca Dhuibhne. Bheimís fíor bhuíoch d’éinne a bheadh sástáil bácáil don mhaidin chaifé seo, agus is féidir cístí srl a thabhairt ag an Múséam an mhaidin san. Roinnfear na tabhairtaisí idir Cairde Oispidéal Pobail Chorca Dhuibhne agus Unicef ar son Leanaí na Pailistíne. Agus ina dhiaidh san, ná dearúd go mbeidh Céilí Mór Seiteanna le Banna Ceoil an Tullaigh – The Tulla Céilí Band, i Halla na Feothanaigh ar an nDomhnach an 23ú leis, ag tosnú ag 2:30pm. Ná caillaigí an deis iontach seo cúpla steip a dhéanamh le ceann de na bannaí céilí is fearr agus is aitheanta sa tír, ar a gcéad cuairt go Corca Dhuibhne.
Join us at Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh in Baile an Fheirtéaraigh and the surrounding area, for 5 days of music, song, dance and other cultural events, between the 19th and 23rd of February. There are 3 concerts for you to chose from, featuring performances from Dermy Diamond, Pól Ó Seachnasaigh, Jack Talty, Eva Carroll, Johnny Óg Connolly, The Weaving, Mary Bergin, Síle Denvir, Cathal Ó Curráin, Becky Ní Éallaithe, Paudie O’Connor, Mikey Kenney and many many others. You can get more information on www.scoilcheoil.com and we recommend you book you tickets in advance.

Open: Mon - Sat, 7am - 5pm

60 Seconds with Aidan O'Connor

What was your first job? Growing Carrots in Maharees
What is your favourite film? The Shawshank Redemption
What is your favourite book? It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet
What was the first CD/Tape/Record you bought? Bon Jovi
What was your favourite holiday? Kenya
What is your favourite drink? Coffee
Who is your favourite actor? Morgan Freeman
What advice would you give to your younger self? Get a qualification
Who is your sporting hero? Ronnie O'Sullivan
Two figures from history you’d like to have as dinner guests? Tom Crean and Brian Boru
What is your favourite saying? You can't beat breeding!

Pat Hanafin
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Fanning the Flames of Romance with Food!
Irene Flannery

With love and romance high on the agenda this week, a trip to your local grocery shop could be the recipe for love you are looking for! While an active lifestyle, nutritious diet and self-confidence are the best routes to feeling sexy, there a few good foods that can give you the extra edge in the bedroom department!
Since ancient times men and women all over the world have been wolfing down copious amounts of aphrodisiac foods in the hope to boost their libido and enhance fertility. Named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, aphrodisiacs were originally used to cure impotency and infertility. Later, with the sexual revolution and less emphasis on producing offspring, the use of aphrodisiacs shifted to focus on libido, stamina and addressing impotency problems. Interestingly, the most well-known aphrodisiac foods, such as oysters, asparagus, avocados and nuts, earned their reputation because of their nutrient content rather than any physiological effect they may have on the male or female sex organs. While modern science may question some traditional claims, research shows that these nutrients are vital for health, energy and yes – romance!
For men, zinc is vital to the prostate gland, a male reproductive organ whose main function is to secrete prostate fluid, one of the components of semen. The prostate contains the highest concentration of zinc in the body; it uses 10 times more zinc than any other organ. Zinc deficiency is commonly associated with prostate enlargement and researchers believe that a diet rich in zinc may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Zinc deficiency is widespread as over-farmed soil and food processing has depleted much of the zinc from our foods. Zinc is very much associated with protein foods such as beef, lamb, pumpkin seeds, poultry and seafood. Oysters, incidentally, are one of the richest sources of zinc so it is no wonder that they are at the top of the sexy food charts!
Long before the Milk Tray man was dramatically delivering chocolates by helicopter, Mother Nature had already perfected the recipe for romance. Dark chocolate (the serious stuff, with over 72% cocoa) isn't just a treat - it's practically a prescription for passion! For centuries chocolate was consumed as a drink rather than a solid bar and was renowned for its restorative and life-sustaining properties. In a 2007 study at the University of Cambridge, couples were asked to let dark chocolate melt in their mouths while their brains were scanned. The resulting pleasure response was more intense than when they kissed! Draw your own conclusion but chocolate flavoured kisses might just be the best of both worlds!
Frisky fruits include pineapples, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries which are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for building collagen, a structural component of all tissues. No heart, blood vessel or any other organ could possibly function without collagen so for centuries, those lacking lustre in the bedroom department were often told to go home and
have a fruit salad! The reputed claims of bananas and asparagus have as much to do with their suggestive shape as their nutrient content. These are rich in potassium and B vitamins, vital for energy, stamina and regulating blood pressure. Vitamin E and essential fatty acids are crucial to hormone production and healthy circulation so make room in your love cupboard for raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, avocados, sunflower seeds and olives.
Planning to pop open a bottle of Malbec for your romantic evening? Plot twist: the kettle might be your better wingman! Green tea, with its compounds called catechins, could be nature's answer to improving blood flow to all the right places. These clever little compounds work like tiny traffic controllers, helping your blood vessels deliver their precious cargo more efficiently. They fend off free radicals that damage and inflame blood vessels while prompting blood vessel cells to release nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels leading to improved blood flow. Who knew being hot and steamy could start with a cup of tea?
Want to really knock their socks off? Add some aromatic flavours to your romantic repertoire. Remarkably, celery - yes, that humble stalky vegetable - contains androsterone, a hormone that gives men a subtle scent that can drive partners wild. It's like nature's cologne, minus the overwhelming department store experience! The aromas of almonds, rose, and vanilla aren't just for fancy perfumes - they mimic female pheromones. Pair these with dark chocolate and you've got yourself a scientifically backed recipe for attraction. Though perhaps avoid the garlic bread on date night, no matter how good it smells - some aromas are best saved for established relationships!
So there you have it - your grocery list for love! Remember, while these foods might give you an extra pep in your step, true romance starts with what's in your heart, not just what's on your plate. But hey, a little culinary assistance never hurt anyone! Now throw on that apron, grab your spoon and get ready to cook up some real passion in the kitchen!
Irene Flannery, Nutritional Therapist & Medicinal Chef. Home visits within Dingle Peninsula and online consultations. 086 1662562 Web: www.omnom.ie

Camp Notes
Brigid O'Connor
Nora Rice gave a wonderful interview on Travels Through a Kingdom on Radio Kerry recently. Nora told the story of how she began singing and the role that the late Mrs. Mulcahy played in getting her to sing in her own home village of Camp. Bridget Mulcahy was a founder member of the branch of Annascaul, Camp Comhaltas and encouraged the children to play music and sing, her own daughter well known accomplished Violinist Kate Mulcahy was among them and is to this day Nora's best friend. Nora has a beautiful sweet singing voice, Nora talked also about her late Aunt Mary Bridget Knighly and her cousins Nora and Mary, all lovely singers and her neighbour famous Accordeonist the late Jack Doyle who encouraged her to make a CD.
And Nora has now 2 CD’s of her lovely songs. You can purchase them in local Camp Bars and O'Dwyers shop, Spar, Castlegregory and in Culloty's Music Store in Tralee.
If you missed the interview with Nora on Radio Kerry, you will find it on Podcast on www. radiokerry.ie. Congratulations and well done Nora, a marvellous interview.
Béile le Chéile is extended to Camp. The service is available to everyone, young and old. Daily delivery. €10 for main course and dessert. Please contact us on - 087-2372241. Thank you. Go raibh míle
The Old School in Camp was reawakened, alive once again to the sound of music and dancers enjoying themselves on Tuesday 4th Feb. Dancing Teacher Timmy Walsh from Cappatigue, remembered fondly the late John Chambers at the beginning of the evening paying tribute to John and his huge commitment to the community and his love of music and dance. Timmy had a full house on Tuesday and going by his amazing skill and encouragement, to all, the beautiful art of dancing a Polka Set is secure for another generation or more. Well done Timmy!
Bishop Ray Browne presided over a special church service in the Cathedral, Killarney on Sunday, when he commissioned 25 Lay Pastoral Leaders to serve and support the Kerry Diocese over a 3 year period. Among them were Anne Dennehy, Matt MacCarthaigh, Eileen Nicholls and Brigid O'Connor from the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area. All Lay Pastoral leaders said it is a privilege and an honour for them to support and help out in their pastoral areas. Many are already active in their own Church Communities. The Ministry of Pastoral Leader is a new Ministry in the Diocese of Kerry. Bishop Ray Browne deserves to be acknowledged for his vision and foresight. As Bishop Ray has said - The future of the Church will be different, not better or worse as he welcomes the new ministry in the Diocese.
U/16 div 1 - Camp juniors 2, Ballyhar 0
A fantastic win for our U/16 team today in very difficult conditions. Camp started in blistering fashion playing with a very very strong breeze the impressive Jack Doyle released David O'Donnell who took on his man and was taken down inside the area, penalty camp!!! This was coolly converted by Killian Crean.
Jack was again involved 15 mins later linking up with Tadgh and releasing Killian who once again slotted home.
Half time 2 nil up.
The second half found us pinned back by Ballyhar for almost all of the long 40 minutes but credit to our lads they defended stoutly and our ever alert goalkeeper Joey was well able for anything that came his way. A big thanks to Ballyhar for a great game.
Best on the day for Camp Jack Doyle, David O Donnell, Tom Griffin. See - Facebook page, photos and Sports Section, The Kerryman. Well done and may 2025 be a great year for you all.
Amazing work by Emer, and all who have supported her. Castlegregory
lady, Emer Dineen, Kerry Rose, heads to Poland on Friday on Humanitarian trip for Chernobyl Children International and Happy Kids Foundation - two charities that support children suffering from the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and Ukrainian children from the front line. Emer has raised over €2000 and also organised donations for the Humanitarian Lorry travelling from Tralee. Special thanks to local pharmacies, shops and locals in Castlegregory that have supported Emer with her fundraising, donations, raffle prizes. Acknowledge - Facebook- Castlegregory Page. CBS, THE GREEN WIN
Great achievement and congratulations to local Annascaul/Camp footballer, David Moore, Skirlough, Camp and CBS, THE GREEN on CBS team, 3-2 victory over Clare in the Munster FA Youths semi-final! Well done David and all the team and trainers.

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Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Ted Creedon
Rossbeigh Wreck Claims 16 Lives
-Dublin Weekly Register 23 January 1819
The Harmony of Whitby, North Yorkshire, bound from St, John’s, New Brunswick, to Liverpool with a cargo of timber, was wrecked on Sunday at Rossbeigh, County Kerry with the loss of 14 of her crew and two pilots. Stress of weather forced the 300-ton vessel into Dingle Bay.
When she first arrived in the bay she was boarded by 4 local pilots. As the storm increased the vessel was driven on shore. The captain and crew, which numbered 12 plus the 4 pilots got into the ship’s boat.
The crew had barely begun rowing when the boat was swamped and capsized. Only three people managed to reach the shore alive. Those drowned included the captain, his brother-in-law, nine crew and two pilots. It was said that if they had remained on the Harmony until the tide went out they would have survived.
(The figures don’t add up…13 were drowned, not 16 and why 4 pilots?)
The Cost of Feeding Inmates of Ireland’s Gaols (Jails)
-Mayo Constitution 13 April 1841
The expenses of the goals of Ireland amounted to £94,463 in 1840. The cost per head of feeding inmates varies from two and a half pence per day to six and a half pence per day. In Newgate prison in Dublin the cost of feeding one inmate per day is five and a half pence.
The daily cost in the town of Galway is six and a half pence. The cost in Queen’s County (Laoise) is two and a half pence while in Cork, City and County, Kerry, Sligo, Tipperary and Wexford the per head cost is four and a half pence.
(No point in going through all the counties but the big question is why the differences? Galway is almost three times the cost of Laoise. Was the diet in Galway better than anywhere else or were the lower costs due to what was known as keeping the prisoners barely alive. A typical prison diet in the 1800s consisted of bread, cheese, gruel and potatoes.)
Sentenced to Death
-Limerick Evening Post 02 August 1831
In the Criminal Court Richard Stack was tried, convicted and sentenced to death for the violation of Catherine Cusack of Newtown-Sandes (Moyvane).
No day has been fixed for the execution and the jury have recommended the prisoner to mercy.
(What often happened, when a court showed mercy in such cases, the perpetrator was Transported to Australia or some other distant location for a period of years or even life.) (All male juries in the 1800s, of course. Women served on juries in Ireland for a few years in the 1920s but didn’t achieve equality with male jurors until 1976.)
Fatal Accident in Tralee
-Tralee Chronicle 18 May 1850
A melancholy accident, resulting in the loss of life, occurred here on Friday evening. A sawyer named Daniel McCarthy was accidentally killed in a sawpit under the following circumstances. The deceased was one of four men who were engaged in raising a log balk (a large timber beam) prior to sawing it. Two of the men remained in the pit while the other two climbed out to adjust a plank that was carrying the weight of the balk. However, the plank was too light to sustain the weight of the balk. The plank collapsed and the balk fell on McCarthy dashing out his brains. He leaves a widow and nine children. A collection was taken up in the community.
Four Teams Clash in West Kerry
-Kerryman 24 November 1906
Two important challenge matches were held in Dingle on Sunday when local team Milltown played Ballyferriter and Dingle took on Ballydavid. Despite the cold weather and the soggy pitch, large contingents of supporters followed each team.
The display of football given in each match showed a vast improvement in all four teams. It would be no exaggeration to say that with plenty of practice the men of the West would prove to be most proficient footballers at no distant date.
The first match was Milltown v Ballyferriter which began at about 2 o’clock. This was a hard-fought contest and though Ballyferriter was the superior the match ended in a draw with each side scoring 1 point.
The Dingle v Ballydavid clash began at about 3.30 and darkness began to set in before full time. The Ballydavid men defended well from the start but the “Gascons” showed their superiority and led at the end of the first half by 3 points to 1 point.
In the second half Dingle dominated and added score after score until the whistle sounded leaving them victors. The final score was Dingle – 2 goals and 6 points, Ballydavid – 1 point.
(Gascons? Various explanations.)

New Season Stock!
Great new styles arriving daily from brands including; Regatta, Dare2b, Columbia & more!

Filíocht agus Prós

Aon Scéal?
Poetry and Storytelling Night
Tigh Uí Catháin (Kanes), Ballyferriter
Déardaoin 27 Feabhra
Thursday 27th February @ 8.00pm
‘Open Mic’
Aon Scéal writers group welcome Poet Paddy Bush
Reading from his book
“The Amergin Step”and other poems
Ceol le Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich
Tigh Uí Catháin (Kanes) @8pm
Dé hAoine /Friday 7 Márta/March Saor in aisce

Big Cha and the Black Cats
Conn Cremin
A Christmas week morning just past, in my wife Moya’s home in Gortahork, listening to Joe Duffy review the year and those that we lost during 2024. The talk turned to a soccer player, Charlie Hurley of Sunderland and Ireland fame. This talk of Big Cha, as he was affectionately known, brought me back to a time in Dingle, when, as a young teenager, I read about Charlie in the Sunday Press and gradually developed an interest in him and in his club, Sunderland.
I became an avid fan of Sunderland, started ordering bundles of Saturday match-day programmes and even took out a weekly subscription to the Sunderland Echo, the local rag and a big soccer paper.
Shortly afterwards my Sunderland passion became known in school and my friend, Mikey Joe Kavanagh, gave me the nickname Big Cha, and I didn’t mind that at all!
Even though my world back then revolved around Gaelic football, I took great pride in my support for Sunderland and on Sunday mornings outside the Temp and Peggy Ashe’s bar, I mixed happily with the older lads who supported Spurs, Man United, Leeds and Celtic. The rivalry was intense between the supporters of these big clubs, with the odd disparaging comment directed to me about my minnow club, Sunderland.
I will never forget Walter Sheehy sporting a green Celtic tie on the Sunday morning after a big game.
As a teenager in the mid 60’s I tried to earn a few bob by selling the Gael Linn pools to anyone in Dingle willing to subscribe. Not to be outdone, Sunderland sent two ambassadors to Dingle to search me out and get the Sunderland Pools going there – at least that was the yarn

they spun to Thomas Ashe, our local Guinness Agent and publican – and All Ireland medal holder too. Well, they never made me off but made Thomas an honorary member of the Sunderland Supporters Club, The Black Cat Club! Fast forward then to 1973, with me as a third year Science student in UCG and celebrating Sunderland’s epic FA Cup win over Leeds with my friend Matt Lenihan in a quite bar on Salthill. I remember that the Sunderland Echo changed colour with that win!
Next big Sunderland moment was in the noughties, when, with my son Sean, we travelled over to the Stadium of Light for a Sunderland Newcastle derby.
Well, sometime before, I had joined the only official Sunderland Supporters Club in Ireland, a supporters club attached to the Sporting Bar in Clonmel. This bar was owned by Gerry Chawke, a brother of the well-known Charlie Chawke. Charlie Chawke was then a member of the Drumaville Consortium, which owned Sunderland AFC at that time.
Niall Quinn was chairman of the Drumaville Consortium.
About 50 supporters travelled that weekend and we stayed in a hotel in Newcastle down by the River Tyne. We were expecting Niall Quinn to drop in to the hotel on that Friday evening and meet the group – this didn’t happen though!
We were bussed to the Stadium of Light alright on the Saturday morning for the match.
As I wandered through the Sunderland gear shop before the game, I caught sight of an elderly gentleman behind a counter who I knew by sight to be a well-known official of the club. I tried to make my way to him through the crowd to ask him if he had been one of those mysterious Sunderland visitors to Dingle in the 60’s. Alas, he disappeared behind a door before I could get to him, and with that went my only hope of solving my Sunderland riddle!
The game itself was an uneventful 1- 1 draw, but I thought that I would crack up that day watching the antics of peaky-capped, middleaged, Sunderland supporters from Clonmel doing all the supporters’ dances in the East Stand!!!
My son Sean, a Shay Given admirer initially, and Newcastle supporter to this day, wore a Newcastle jersey in the East Stand and was told he was a very brave young lad to wear that jersey in the middle of a Sunderland mob!
To round off proceedings that day, none other than the Sunderland manager Roy Keane was supposed to give us a tour of the stadium facilities after the game. Alas, this never happened either.
I believe that the Sporting Bar Sunderland Supports Club imploded after that outing as I never heard a word from them afterwards.
I still watch out for Sunderland to this day and put a lifetime of interest in the club all down to that wonderful Wearside legend: Big Cha!
MTU Honours Legendary Broadcaster Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh
Legendary GAA broadcaster, the late Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh was honoured by Munster Technological University at an event in the university on 6 February when the main sports hall at the Kerry Sports Academy on the university’s North Campus in Tralee was named after the West Kerry native.
Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh had a long association with the Kerry campus and was awarded an honorary fellowship by the Institute of Technology Tralee in 2009. He was a member of the board of the Foundation chaired by Dick Spring that assisted in fundraising for the construction of the state of the art Kerry Sports Academy which opened in 2019.
The focus of its activities are to provide lifelong learning opportunities for all the community ranging from recreation, rehabilitation, health, fitness through to elite performance. The building is now a Centre for Universal Inclusive Sport Health and Leisure Education and has a particular focus on opening up physical activity sport and recreation opportunities for people with disabilities where both the facilities, equipment and expertise are specifically adapted for their needs.
Members of the Ó Muircheartaigh family attended the event together with invited guests from a number of sporting and community organisations. Music on the night was provided by members of the Kerry branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann whose headquarters are based in the Duchas Centre in the Kerry Sports Academy. The master of ceremonies
for the event was former All-Ireland winning captain Dara Ó Cinnéide. In a statement, President of MTU Professor Maggie Cusack said ‘The naming of the main arena in the Kerry Sports Academy is a fitting tribute to Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, a true Kerryman, a great Irishman and a legend of Irish broadcasting.’


Muddy Matters Dog Grooming

Dingle Notes
Richie Williams
OPEN MEETING . Dingle Business Chamber invite members of the public to an Open Meeting in Benner's Hotel on Monday February 17th commencing at 7.30p.m.

Grow Remote Corca Dhuibhne
Grow Remote is a social enterprise on a mission to make good quality job opportunities available to everyone, regardless of their location. The mission is to make remote work accessible for everyone and create lasting social impact.
Local Grow Remote chapters around the country provides support and a social network to those who are already working remotely or in a hybrid home/office situation. Also to those who are curious about remote work and job opportunities. We host regular get-togethers, to give an outlet to those who are regularly working from home or a similar situation. You can find out more about the organisation on growremote.ie
The Dingle chapter of Grow Remote is one of the largest in the country, approaching 100 members. We know that there are even more people across Corca Dhuibhne who don't have a social scene through their work and anybody who's already a member will tell you that you will be warmly welcomed, whatever your situation is.
We have also been supporting local business' by hosting our events with them and we look forward to continuing this in 2025 (Open to suggestions if your organisation would like to get involved with us or host an event.)
To find out about our events, you can search for events in Dingle on www.eventbrite.ie
To join our local Whatsapp group, where you will be first to hear about upcoming events, scan the QR code with your camera. Beidh fáilte romhat!
- Aodán, Laura agus Mélanie - (Volunteer) Local Leaders

They need to get the ideas, suggestions, input and involvement from members and non-members to be included in their work plan for 2025 and beyond. All positive ideas will be very welcome and included in the plans for the future.
Business is facing a fast changing and ever increasing competition in all categories not alone in Ireland but internationally also. Dingle and West Kerry in general as an isolated peninsula is of course very much left in a vulnerable position so we must be better prepared to defend what we have and expand the services, outlets and employment which have survived the changing environment to date.
The recent storms are only one example of what unexpected, unplanned and unwanted challenges are likely to come our way in the years ahead. International uncertainty is also a concern especially for an area very much dependent on tourism.
The Business Chamber as a voice of the people now need to hear what our public think and would like to be included in plans for the future.
A good number of new people including young people have got involved in different business outlets and organisations in town over the past few years and must surely have positive suggestions, input and involvement in the Chambers short term and longer term plans.
Bígí Linn. Ar Aghaidh Le Chéile.
EVENTS. It's the time of year again to extend a big Céad Míle Fáilte to all the participants, parents, mentors and supporters who are due to visit the peninsula over the weekend of February 19th to 23rd for the annual Scoil Cheoil An Earraigh and Comórtas Peile Páidí Ó Sé.
Ta súil againn go mbeidh deireadh seachtaine iontach ag gach éinne idir óg agus aosta agus go rachfaidh gach éinne abhaile slán sabháilte i ndeireadh an lae.
ST PATRICK'S DAY PARADES. With just 4 weeks to go before the first big weekend of the year we encourage all intending participants to start planning their own or their groups entry for the many St Patrick's Day parades around the peninsula. As usual entry is open to people of all ages be it as individuals or as part of organisations. So why not pick a topical news item of which there are many at present to entertain the crowds and have some fun with your friends during preparations and on the day as well.
AWARENESS. We have often mentioned in these notes how important it is to keep regular contact with our neighbours, relatives, friends, the elderly, infirm or ill people when the opportunity arises. Recent news from a situation elsewhere in the county bring the matter to mind again so please make an effort to reach out this weekend to someone you may not have contact with in the past which contact may be worth a lot to someone else if not to yourself.
TIDY TOWNS. Work evenings will be getting underway again from early April but in the meantime please get involved in keeping your own area tidy and start planning for the growth season which kicks in shortly. The judges in the National Competition want us to concentrate on projects under the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and we would welcome suggestions and help where we can make some progress again in 2025.
PEIL. Admittedly Donegal were the better team over the full game in the National League fixture in Killarney last Sunday but it's great to see our West Kerry players really playing their part in the recent games. I wonder did any supporters at the game last Sunday notice that the umpires in the Dalton's Avenue end each wave a point for Donegal in the second half when from my angle the ball passed outside the post admittedly very narrowly. Some keen eyed supporters around the 30 metre line in the stand also agreed but our protests were not entertained. Those two incorrect scores were vital at a crucial time in the game. After all scores should only be allowed at the time the ball passed the post and not by wind direction before or afterwards.
Annascaul Allotments
So, here we are at the beginning of a new growing year.
Firstly, founder member and friend, Russell Byrne very sadly passed away on 30th December 2024.
We are missing his knowledge, not just about growing flowers and vegetables, but about all aspects of nature. He was a kind and generous man.
Personally I loved his collection of totally non PC jokes.
I say Hi Russell! whenever I'm in the polytunnel.

Last year we learnt lots. We know now what vegetables are in demand. So the main focus is on salad leaves this year! Which suits me, because I can continue to indulge my passion for growing as many different kinds of salad as possible!
Other veg we will be focussing on; courgettes, beans, sugar snap peas, kale and chard.
We are also putting out a call for volunteers. We need help with sowing, planting, harvesting, weeding, producing compost. And help with the building of raised beds outside. This is a great opportunity to learn about growing organically. And it has been proven that gardening is extremely beneficial for mental health, I can certainly attest to that!
Anyone who is interested, or who would like to know more, please contact Donna Whatsapp 083-1078214!
Also if anyone has timber we could use to construct our raised beds, or a source of cow or horse manure please let us know!
Our aim is to continue to provide fresh organically grown vegetables to the community at a reasonable price.
At the moment we are supplying salad and kale for purchase to O'Connor's, Orchard Lane in Dingle and Jimmy O'Donnells in Annascaul, but if you wish to be added to our customer list, so you can order from us directly, send me a message!
We are also delighted to be one of the suppliers of vegetables to the wonderful Puca cafe, Dykegate lane in Dingle.

Seeking Café Manager, part time, and full time staff at Caifé na Caolóige, Louis Mulcahy Pottery.
If you have a strong interest in food and experience working in a busy kitchen, and are interested in working in a lively café as part of the team at Louis Mulcahy’s workshop, please send a cv by post or email to lasse@louismulcahy.com, or post to Lasse Mulcahy, Louis Mulcahy Pottery, Clothar, Co Kerry.
Spoken Irish would be an advantage. No night-time work required.
Ag lorg Bainisteoir Caifé agus foireann lánaimseartha agus pháirtaimseartha le hoibriú i gCaifé na Caolóige, Potadóireacht Louis Mulcahy.
Má tá suim láidir agat i mbia, taithí oibre agat i gcistin ghnóthach agus má tá suim agat oibriú i gcaifé bríomhar mar chuid d’fhoireann Photadóireacht Louis Mulcahy, seol CV chuig Lasse Mulcahy, Caife na Caolóige, Louis Mulcahy Pottery, Clothar, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Co. Chiarraí., nó seol ríomhphost chuig lasse@louismulcahy.com. Gaeilge labhartha mar bhuntáiste. Ní bheidh obair oíche i gceist.

URRAITHEOIRÍ / SPONSORS: Dúchas an Daingin/Tobar Dhuibhne, Mac Gearailt Centra - Daingean Uí Chuis, Ceann Sibeál Hotel, Dingle Garden Townhouse, David Clifford Roofing & Contracting, Infinity Sauna, Tigh Uí Chuinn, Barr an Bhaile Homes, Sona Sauna, Blasket Island Sea Life Tours, Tigh Tábhairne Páidí Uí Shé, Stay YNA Dingle.

Chun Clarú / To Register. @rundingle
To Hawaii via the Panama Canal
Ted Creedon
I was 16 when I had the first of many experiences of steaming through the Panama Canal on different ships. The first ship was named the Arianta, and she was a beautiful 19,000-ton modern oil tanker of the Shell Oil fleet. That company’s main oil depot in the Caribbean, in those days, (1960s) was on the little island of Curacao, off the coast of Venezuela.
We had orders to deliver a full cargo of oil from Curacao to Honolulu, the capital of the island of Oahu. This was exciting news. A trip to Hawaii, one of the world’s most beautiful locations, which also involved a passage through the famed Panama Canal and the prospect of surfing on Waikiki Beach. Brilliant!

Looking back, the journey to the canal from Curacao probably took about two days. My position, in the crew of over sixty men and a deck boy, was in the exalted role of the gally boy, normally rated below the status of the ship’s cat.
Essentially, it meant being at the beck and call of the Chief Cook and the Second Cook in the galley from 6.30am to 6.30pm, with a two-hour break in between, seven days a week, month after month. We weren’t long underway when the cooks instructed me to collect and keep all the waste bread from the galley, the Officer’s Saloon and from the crew’s Mess. The purpose of this exercise was to feed the poor hardworking mules at the canal.
Their job, I was told, was to pull the ships through the system of locks at both ends of the waterway. I didn’t give the instruction much thought – it seemed the decent thing to do and, after all, horses were used in Ireland to pull barges along canals. However, it turned out that the Panama Canal was somewhat bigger than canals in Ireland.
When I woke up that first morning on arrival at Panama we were already on standby at the entrance to the canal. Each vessel is lifted up the side of a hill through a series of three locks. (See illustration)

It was an amazing sight, an incredible feat of engineering, seeing a huge ship ahead of us being lifted up through the locks. It took less than half an hour for the ship to reach the main waterway 26 metres (85 feet) above sea level.
I was clutching my bag of waste bread and eagerly looking for the mules as we entered the first lock. But it turned out that I was the mule. The cooks had a good laugh. The ship was being guided through the lock by small but powerful electric trains, called mules, running on rails at each side of the ship and attached by steel cables.
The ship moved forward in the lock under its own power and the mules kept it from coming in contact with the lock walls and from crashing into the lock gates. Once we cleared the locks we headed for the Panama City end of the canal and the Pacific Ocean some 80km/50 miles away. Being on a big ship in those days and going from one port to a distant port
you rarely saw any land, any other vessel or any form of life. For instance, if we were carrying a full load of oil from the Persian Gulf to Sydney the only life you might see would probably be whales on the 19-day journey across the vast Indian Ocean.

So, steaming through the Panama Canal or the Suez Canal, or even up the Saint Laurence River in Canada, is a real treat. The Saint Lawerence is almost 1.5km/ one mile wide on average with plenty of housing and people waving back at you along the way to Montreal or Quebec.
The Suez Canal, as you would expect, was mainly desert on both sides in those days with almost no sign of life along the way apart from people on the ship astern or ahead of you in a convoy. But it was still a welcome passage away from the boredom of an empty ocean.
The Panama Canal was entirely different from the two above. You were passing through jungle mainly, through lakes and waterways and huge carved-out rocky cliffs. There was a memorial high up on the side of these cliffs which was dedicated to the thousands of men who died while constructing the canal in the early 20th Century.
Some of our crew said they saw a crocodile along the route so the saved bread was thrown overboard but no sign of the famed jaguars. At the end of the canal you go through more locks before heading into open water and the great Pacific ocean ahead.
These days it costs a small fortune to bring a big ship through the canal but if it wasn’t there it would mean an extra three-week journey around Cape Horn at the tip of South America. American ships now have free passage through the canal following recent ‘negotiations’.
(Yes, I did get to Waikiki Beach. Wrangled a half-day in Honolulu. Had a hamburger and a glass of fresh milk – a rare treat when you’re on a ship with no fresh milk. Then went to the beach, rented a surfboard and headed out to where the real surfers were waiting to catch a wave. The beach, the crescent of hotels and Diamond Head in the distance was very familiar having been featured in so many films.
When the surfers heard I was a young Irish kid and a complete novice they had good advice about catching a wave. So, when a big wave loomed I paddled as fast as possible until it lifted me and, lying flat on the board, we headed for the beach together. What a rush! I didn’t dare stand up. But when the speed slowed the wave caught up and came crashing down, dumping me on some razor-sharp coral on the seabed. Those scars were visible for many a year!)
Corca Dhuibhne
The Arianta
The mules

De thoradh na Geamaireachta, ‘Plúirín Sneachta …’, a chuir Aisteoirí Bhréanainn ar stáitse ar an bhFeothanaigh i rith na Nollag, bailíodh €3500 i gcrannchur le bronnadh ar Chairde Ospidéal an Daingin. Táthars buíoch do gach aoinne a chabhraigh leis an iarracht san. Ag an mbronnadh san ospidéal, bhí ó chlé: Séamus ‘Cosaí’ Mac Gearailt, Tommy Brosnan, Mac Dara Daly, James Greaney, Tom Leonard, Nina Long, Margie Lynch, Eibhlín Uí Chonchúir, Bríd Criomhthain, Lucy Uí Bheaglaoich, Aoileann Uí Ghearailt, Lisa Magill, Seán Ó Catháin.

Corca Dhuibhne Beo

Munster Pickleball Open
Kingdom Pickleball Club are holding the first ever Munster Open Pickleball championship in the MTU Dromtacker Kerry Sports Academy, Tralee on February 22d and 23rd. Over 200 participants from all over Ireland will compete for Pickleball Munster Open Championship medals., including 40/50 from all over Kerry.
This is the perfect event to see first hand high performance games of pickleball in Kerry. Itis a good opportunity to meet with the committee members of Kingdom Pickleball where you can get information on all things about the sport.
Pickleball is a fun healthy activity for all ages.
West Kerry Agricultural Show

Ba mhaith le Féile na Bealtaine buíochas a ghabháil leis an Dingle Pub, dóibh siúd abhí ag imirt, na daoine agus gnóthaí ar fad a thug duaiseanna dúinn don Chluiche Cártaí do FnaB. Ba iad na buaiteoirí ná Marguerite & Annie Feirtéar; Máire Lynch & Anne Lynch; Joan O Sullivan & Maire Jackie Fitzgerald; Donachadh & Cathal O Sullivan

083 334 3343

West Kerry Live on tour recently in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland with Êabha, Cian, James & Siobhán Devane

Tobar Dhuibhne - Plean Teanga Chiarraí
Thiar - Eolas & Nuacht
Rann na seachtaine

Ó Lá le Bríde amach, Bíonn na héin ag déanamh nead, Bíonn na caoire ag breith na n-uan, Is an lá mór ag dul i bhfad.

Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh ag labhairt le lucht bliain a haon ag Laochra am Lón
Laochra Am Lóin le Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh Bhuail an ceoltóir, craoltóir, amhránaí agus duine ildánach isteach chugainn le déanaí mar chuid den togra ‘Laochra Am Lóin’ in éanacht le Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne. Labhair Muireann faoina saol agus na deiseanna a thug an ceol di. Dhein sí tagairt, chomh maith, dos na buntáistaí a tugadh di mar gheall ar an nGaoluinn, ó thaobh fostaíochta agus ceoil de. Fuair na daltaí deis cúpla ceist a phlé léi maidir lena hullmhúcháin le haghaidh ceolchoirmeacha, na rudaí is greannmhaire a tharla di agus í ar an stáitse agus an próiséis a bhíonn aici agus í ag cumadh ceoil. Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a ghabháil le Mhuireann as an am a thug sí dúinn, an Hare’s Corner sa Daingin as an seacláid te agus na brioscaí agus, gan dabht, múinteoirí agus scoláirí na Pobalscoile.
Bunranganna Cainte sa Phobalscoil
Tá bunranganna Cainte tosnaithe againn sa Phobalscoil le déanaí. Bíonn na ranganna ar siúl tráthnóna Dé Céadaoin óna 6-7in. Tá na ranganna dírithe ar éinne atá ag tosnú amach ag foghlaim na teanga agus atá ag lorg cur lena cuid stór focail agus foghraíocht.
Más suim leat a bheith i láthair, déan i dteagmháil linn ag Ocpt@cfcd.ie
We have recently started beginner Irish classes in Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne. The classes take place every Wednesday evening from 6-7pm. The classes are aimed at anyone who is starting to learn the language and is looking to improve their vocabulary and pronunciation.
If you are interested in attending please contact us at Ocpt@cfcd.ie

Deiseanna fostaíochta / Job opportunities
Bíonn éagsúlacht iontach le postanna agus Gaelainn mar chuid dóibh, seo daoibh cúpla post dóibh siúd a bhfuil deis uaibh (tuilleadh ar www.peig.ie):
• Modhnóir Inneachair | Accenture Ireland
• Bainisteoir Geopháirc Dúiche Seoighe agus Lochanna an Iarthar - CDS
• Clár Intéirneachta RTÉ 2025 - RTÉ
Imeachtaí Thobar Dhuibhne / Tobar Dhuibhne’s events
• Babhta Cuileachtan sa bheár bheag i dTigh Kruger gach Luan @ 12in
• Ciorcal Comhrá - gach Céadaoin ag a 11:00 in Áras Bhréanainn, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Fáilte roimh chách // all welcome.
• Tae & Plé gach Déardaoin @ 12:00 i Benner’s le Dúchas an Daingin
Tomhais na coicíse
“Droichead ar loch gan maide ná cloch”
Cad is ea é?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram, ar WhatsApp (087 376 9538) nó ar r-phost!
Freagra & buaiteoirí an eagráin seo chaite: Ní bhfuair éinne i gceart é, mar sin, tá deis eile agaibh!
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Bí ag caint linne, Tobar Dhuibhne. Táimid ar Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & Instagram. Cad é do Phlean Teanga féin?
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
LinkTree (nascanna): https://linktr.ee/TobarDhuibhne0000
Glaoigh ar 066 9156 100 (3 do Thobar Dhuibhne), nó 087 376 9538 do Bharry Ó Siochrú nó 087 377 9337 d’Éibhín Ní Shlattara
Meitheal Trá Fionntrá
Tá grúpa ag teacht le chéile ar Satharn 15ú Feabhra 2025 chun an trá a ghlanadh óna 11 a.m. go dtína 12.30. pm. Má tá suim agat a bheith páirteach ann bualfaimid le chéile sa chárchlós ag Ceann Trá ar a 11.00 am. Tabhair leat do phiocadóirí féin. Beidh málaí agus láimhíní ar fáil. Teangmháil:- Orna Ní Dhuinnshléibhe 0872286533
Ventry Beach Group
On Saturday 15th February 2025 a group is getting together to clean Ventry Beach from 11-12.30 am. If you would like to join in meet at Ventry Car Park at 11 a.m. Please bring your own pickers. Bags and gloves will be provided. Orna Dunlevy 087228653

Simple Accounts Management
Simple Accounts Management
Simple Accounts Management
Take the headache out of accounts. We make accounts understandable, accessible and easy.
Take the headache out of accounts. We make accounts understandable, accessible and easy.
Take the headache out of accounts. We make accounts understandable, accessible and easy.
Our team of professional experienced book keepers will care just as much about your business as you do.

Our team of professional experienced book keepers will care just as much about your business as you do.
What we offer:
Our team of professional experienced book keepers will care just as much about your business as you do.
What we offer:
What we offer:
• Credit Control
neach, á sheoladh i dTigh Bhric, Déardaoin 20ú Feabhra 2025 ar a 4 i.n.. Tá baint láidir ag an albam le ceol thriúr veidhleadóirí ó cheantar Shliabh Luachra: Pádraig O’Keeffe, Denis Murphy agus Paddy Cronin. Is é Ruairí McGorman atá á thionlacan ar fhormhór na rianta ar an bouzouki Gréagach, agus is é an t-ealaíontóir aitheanta Liam O’Neill, as Chorca Dhuibhne, a dhein an pictiúr clúdaigh, pictiúr go dtug sé O’Keeffe ag siúlóid air.
• Credit Control
• Process Pay-runs
• Monthly Book keeping
• Credit Control
• Process Pay-runs
Tá an t-albam ar fáil cheana ón suíomh idirlín andreapalandri.com ach beidh an chéad seoladh beo ar siúl le linn Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh an tseachtain seo chúinn.
• Payroll
• Monthly Book keeping
• Process Pay-runs
Xero Software Specialist
• Monthly Book keeping
• Payroll
Visit our website www.samaccounts.com or contact us at: siobhan@samaccounts.com
• Payroll Visit our website www.samaccounts.com or contact us at: siobhan@samaccounts.com
Visit our website www.samaccounts.com or contact us at: siobhan@samaccounts.com
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry 085 1755362
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry
“Tá os cionn deich mbliana do thaighde ar cheol Phádraig O’Keeffe imithe isteach san albam so. Tá taifeadadh déanta agam ar phoirt neamhchoitianta a d’aimsíos ina chuid lámhscríbhinní agus iarracht déanta agam ar chuid dos na teicnící a mhúineadh sé iontu a thabhairt isteach im chuid ceoil féin. Tá súil agam go gcloisfidh éisteoirí gur breá leo ceol Phádraig, Denis Murphy agus Paddy Cronin, macallaí ósna veidhleadóirí seo san albam.
“Tá súil agam go mbainfidh lucht leanúna an cheoil thraidisiúnta taitneamh as an albam so, chuireas mo chroí isteach ann agus tá áthas orm é a bheith ar fáil ar deireadh!”
Andrea Palandri

Cad atá ar bun ag Dúchas an Daingin?
Tá oifig nua againn! Bhíomar gnóthach le coicís anuas ag bogadh agus táimid ana shásta go bhfuilimid anois lonnaithe sa Díseart ar Shráid an Doirín. Tá radharc aoibhinn againn ar Bhá an Daingin. Nach iontach a bheith i lár an bhaile, i measc na gnóanna iontach atá ar an mbaile seo!

We have a new office! We have been busy with the last few weeks and we are delighted to now be in our new office in An Díseart on Green Street. We have a lovely view of Dingle Bay. Isn’t it wonderful to be in the center of town among all the wonderful businesses.
Seisiúin Cainte don lucht gnó
Beidh seisiúin cainte don lucht gnó ag tosnú ar an 06/03. Sraith 6 seachtaine a bheidh i gceist leis na seisiúin seo, tráthnóna Dé Máirt. Deis iontach do chuid Gaelainne a chleachtadh agus díriú ar an dteanga a bhíonn in úsáid sa láthair oibre. Is féidir clárú ar www.linktr.ee/duchasandaingin Tuilleadh eolais 087 7004 884 Our informal language sessions are back starting on the 06/03. A 6 weeks series, Tuesday evenings. This is a great opportunity to practice your spoken Irish, with a specific focus on the language used with customers in the workplace. Register now on www.linktr.ee/duchasandaingin
Further information 087 7004 884
Foras na Gaeilge
Cuireadh in iúl ag deireadh na míosa seo chaite go mbeadh ciorraithe á dhéanamh ag Foras na Gaeilge. I measc na scéimeann atá á stopadh acu tá an Scéim Tacaíochta Gnó. Tá ana dhíoma orainn nach mbeidh an scéim seo ar fáil do ghnóanna i mbliana. Fé’n scéim seo bhí tacaíocht suas le €3,000 ar fáil do ghnóanna do phácáistiú, ábhair bolscoireachta, suíomh idirlín agus comharthaíocht. Scéim iontach a chur an Ghaelainn chun cinn i measc gnóanna. Táimid ag obair leis an Meitheal Náisiúnta Pleanála Teanga agus na hEagrais Gaelainne fud fad na tíre, agus réiteach á éileamh againn ar an gceist seo.
Foras na Gaeilge recently announced funding cuts. Among the schemes that are no longer available is the Business Support Scheme. We are extremely disappointed that this scheme will no longer be available for businesses this year. Under this scheme businesses could get support, up to €3,000, for packaging, promotional material, website and signage. A brilliant scheme that promoted and increased the visibility of Irish. We are working with the Meitheal Náisiúnta Pleanála Teanga and the Irish Language Organisations nationwide to find a solution.

Tae & Plé;
Tá síneadh á chur againn le Tae & Plé! Tá an iomarca le plé againn mar sin beimid i mBenners anois na haon Déardaoin óna 12.00-13.30. Glaoigh isteach chugainn agus bíodh cupa tae/ caifé agat inár dteannta.
Due to popular demand we are extending Tae and Plé! Join us every Thursday in Benners from 12.00 - 13.30, a great opportunity to practice your Irish and a lovely cup of tea/coffee. Bígí linn!

Solar Systems
Tom Kennedy
tee in the town, for example; Féile na Bealtaine, Féile Bídh, Cogar, Ceol am Lóin, Shorinji Kempo Chorca Dhuibhne, Oíche Amhránaíochta agus mórán eile.
Contact us to discuss your event/project/festival on optduchasandaingin@gmail.com or 087 7004 884
Frásaí & Nathanna Úsáideach Useful Phrases & Terms
Bain triail astu sa ar na meáin an tseachtain seo! Why not try some of these on your posts this week!
- Bord amháin fágtha
- Na táirgí is fearr leat
- Fáilte thar n-ais
- Táimid oscailte aríst
- Oscailte seacht lá na seachtaine
- Dein teagmháil linn
- Lá Fhéile Vailintín
- Caith tráthnóna inár dteannta
- Beidh na coinnle lasta againn
- Beidh béile againn
- Beidh deoch againn
- Táimid ag earcú
- Coinníollacha maithe, ráta ard, foireann iontach
- Tar ag obair linn
- An bhfuil post á lorg agat sa Daingean?
– One table left
- Your favorite products
- Welcome back
- We are open again
- Open seven days a week
- Contact us
- Valentines day
- Spend an evening with us
- We will have the candles lighting
- We will have a meal
- We will have a drink
- We are hiring
- Good conditions, high rates, a great team
- Come work with us
- Are you looking for a job in Dingle?
An féidir linn cabhrú leatsa? Can we help you?
Bí i dteagmháil linn: Cristín de Mórdha Fón: 087 7004 884
Rphost: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Dúchas an Daingin Linktree: Dúchas an Daingin
Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy, be it oil, gas or electricity.
An bhfuil imeacht nó ócáid á eagrú agat? An bhfuileann tú ar choiste d’fhéile a bheidh ar bun i mbliana? Tá buiséad beag teoranta ar fáil do thionscadail a thacaíonn le spriocanna Phlean Teanga Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta Dhaingean Uí Chúis (BSG), Dúchas an Daingin a bhaint amach. Le cúpla bliain anuas tá tacaíocht tugtha againn do choistí agus imeachtaí difriúla timpeall an bhaile, mar shampla; Féile na Bealtaine, Féile Bídh, Cogar, Ceol am Lóin, Shorinji Kempo Chorca Dhuibhne, Oíche Amhránaíochta agus mórán eile.

A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine.
There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how!
Dein teagmháil linn chun do thogra/imeacht/ ócáid a phlé optduchasandaingin@gmail.com nó 087 7004 884
Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost.
Get your heating system up to date
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Does your Oil/Gas Boiler need servicing Reg. Gas installer
Get your heating system into shape and improve efficiency
Are you organising an event? Are you on a committee for any of this years festivals? There is a small limited budget available for projects that help achieve the aims of the language plan in Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta Dhaingean Uí Chúis (BSG), Dúchas an Daingin. Over the last few years we have supported different events and commit-
Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year.
A solar system for a family of 5 can cost anything from €4,000 to €5,500 supplied and fitted, giving them a yearly saving of approx €350 to €500 and when you take into account the rising cost of energy, a system can pay for itself in 5 to 10 years.

Ciste an Phobail

Táimid ag Earcú!
Feidhmeannach Foilsitheoireachta (Clúdach Saoire Mháithreachais)
Pá ag brath ar thaithí agus cumas

An Ról:
Comhordanú an obair idir údair, dearthóirí, eagarthóirí, ealaíontóirí srl. a bhaineann le foilseachán
Stoc choimeád an Ionaid agus Siopa an Mhúsaeim
Taithí ar obair oifige agus bheith ag plé le buiséid
Forbairt polasaithe foilsitheoireachta
Ocáidí seolta agus imeachtaí dírithe ar leabhair nua a eagrú agus a reáchtáil
Freastal ar mhór-imeachtaí ábhartha
Caighdeán ard líofachta i labhairt agus scríobh na Gaelainne
Scileanna maithe ríomhaireachta, go háirithe Excel
Taithí ar obair oifige agus bheith ag plé le buiséid
Scileanna maithe idirphearsanta, cumarsáide agus eagrúcháin
Soblúbthacht, taithí ar a bheith ag obair mar bhall foirne agus as do stuaim féin
Suim i gcúrsaí teicneolaíochta
Bheith réamhghníomhach agus sásta oibriú faoi bhrú
Ceadúnas glan tiomána

Ionad Oibre: Beidh an té a cheapfar lonnaithe in oifigí CFCD, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, agus d’fhéadfadh roinnt taistil a bheith i gceist leis an bpost seo. Beidh an té a cheapfar ag obair 2 lá sa tseachtain ar fhorbairt cúram na foilsitheoireachta in Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne. Is ag obair faoi scáth agus ag tuairisciú do Riarthóir na hOidhreachta a bheidh an té a cheapfar sa ról.
Seol d’iarratas isteach le litir chlúdaigh agus CV reatha ar nó roimis 12.00 um nóin 18 Feabhra 2025 go dtí:
Páidí Ó Sé, Bainisteoir CFCD, p.ose@cfcd.ie 0669156100

Inch Notes
The sun and birds came out to play for a fabulous day, on Sunday 2nd February, for our Wetlands Walk as part of World Wetlands Day. Thank you to Niamh Fitzgerald for organising it and to her family for giving her temporary permission to walk on their land. Thank you to Ed Carthy, Field Ornithologist for taking us on the walk. Thank you to the Local Authority Waters Programme for funding the event and thank you to Foley's Bar Inch for providing the refreshments after. Thank you to everyone who came on the walks ND we hope you enjoyed it !
Here is the list of birds we observed: Hooded Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Pied Wagtail, Black headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Gull, Grey Heron, Oystercatcher, Snipe, Curlew, Redshank, Greenshank, Wigeon, Mallard, Brent Goose, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Skylark, Hedge Sparrow.

A new council was elected on Tuesday 4th February. The council will be serving the community for the next 3 years. Here are the members of the Inch Community Council:
Chairperson : Dora McCarthy
Assistant Chairperson : Sam Moriarty
Secretary : Mary Moriarty
Assistant Sec/Grants officer : Maria O'Shea
Treasurer : Una McShane
Assistant Treasurer : Fidelus Foley
Public Relations : Katie Foley
Assistant Public Relations : Mélanie Queyroulet Baudo
Tidy Towns : Jenny Attard.
Events at Inch Community Centre:
Yoga with Mélanie: Mondays 7-8pm and Thursday 6-7pm, book in advance via WhatsApp +33 659 286 354.
Bingo nights on the following Thursdays at 7:30pm : 13th Feb, 27th Feb.
Coffee Mornings on the following Sundays at 10:30am (after mass):16th Feb.
Senior citizen community lunches (all are welcome) on at 1pm on the following Tuesdays: 25th Feb, 11th Mar, 25th Mar.
Other regular notices:
Upcoming mass times for St Joseph’s church Inch at 10am on alternate Sundays: 16th Feb, 2nd Mar, 16th Mar.
The Kerry Mobile Library Service will be parked opposite Foley’s Bar Inch from 12:25pm – 1pm on Fridays 21st Feb, 7th & 21st Mar, 4th Apr.
Practice your Irish at the weekly Comhra at Foley’s Bar Inch on Wednesdays at 10:30am. All levels welcome.
The 276 Bus Service from Killarney to Dingle will be passing Inch Church daily at 9:53, 15:28 and 18:53, and Inch Beach daily at 9:55, 15:30 and 18:55. The service from Dingle to Killarney will be passing Inch Beach daily at 7:45, 12:20 and 16:50, and Inch Church daily at 7:47,12:22 and 16:52.
If you would like to add something to the Inch Community notes, please contact Mélanie : inchcommunityevents@gmail.com.
Honey Garlic Chicken
Mark Murphy - Dingle Cookery School

A Perfect Midweek Meal
For a quick and flavourful dinner, Honey Garlic Chicken is a dish that delivers on both taste and simplicity. Tender chicken is coated in a rich glaze of honey, garlic, and soy, creating a perfect balance of sweet and savoury. As the sauce caramelises, it develops a deep, irresistible flavour, all in just around 30 minutes. This one-pan recipe is ideal for busy weeknights, requiring minimal effort but delivering maximum satisfaction. Serve it with rice, noodles, or fresh greens for a delicious, home-cooked meal that feels like a treat. Simple, bold, full of flavour and perfect for any table.
3-4 chicken breasts, (chicken thighs will work also), cut into cubes
salt and pepper
1 tsp. ground chilli
½ tsp. ground ginger
40g flour
70ml soy sauce
1 lemon juiced
2 tbsp. honey
4 garlic cloves crushed
1 tsp. red curry paste
3-4 spring onions, chopped finely
1 tsp. sesame oil
1 tsp. sesame seeds
1 broccoli, cut into small florets
rice for serving oil
Preheat the oven to 180C, prepare a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Add the chicken to a large bowl, add in salt, pepper, spices and flour, add in a little oil. Mix this all together well. Place the chicken on the tray, make sure it is evenly spread. Put this in the oven for 15-20 mins (depending on the size- thighs make take a little longer). While the chicken is cooking, make the sauce. In a bowl, mix the soy sauce, lemon, honey, garlic, curry paste, most of the spring onions (keep some back to garnish), sesame oil and seeds. Mix this well. Put on a large pan on over medium heat, add 2-3 tbsp. of water, add the broccoli. Let this cook for 2-3 minutes, add the cooked chicken and the sauce, turn the heat up and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Taste and season. Serve with rice and add some spring onions to the top.
Bain Taitneamh as!

Notaí an ClochánBréanainn
Halla Le Chéile
Dé Luain / Monday:-
7.30pm. An Tinteán Ceoil - Music, song, stories, poetry and dance.
Dé Máirt / Tuesday
12.30pm Béile an Pharóiste – Community Lunch. Contact Halla le Chéile to book your space (Bus available)
7.30pm. ICA
Dé Chéadaoin / Wednesday
10.30am Grúpa Oidhreachta / Heritage Group
10.30am Grúpa do thuismitheoirí agus leanaí óige – Supporting the use of Irish within the family
6.30pm. Ranganna Chess
Déardaoin / Thursday
7.00pm. Rince Seite do pháistí scoile - Set Dancing and social dancing for school children
8.00 - 9.30 Rince Seite do dhaoine fásta - Set Dancing and social dancing for adults
Dé hAoine / Friday .
Le Chéile na n-Óg
Spás Oifige le ligean ar cíos. Office space to let Tuilleadh eolais www.cflt.ie/office-hot-desks-to-let/ nó glaoch a chuir orainn ar 066 713813
Local Link Bus Service:
Route 273 departs from Brandon to Tralee twice daily. 10.15am & 4pm. Booking not required.
R49 departs Brandon Point @ 9.10am Monday and Wednesday. Thuilleadh eolas https://www.locallinkkerry.ie
BÉILE LE CHÉILE Béile Le Cheile has expanded to Castlegregory. We deliver daily Monday-Friday. €10 for main course & dessert. If you need extra for the weekend we will include with Friday's delivery..
Please call 0872372241 with your orders or for further information. If we have your contact details we will text the menu on each Friday for the following week.
We wish to thank our regular clients and our staff for all you do to help the expansion of this service.
A 4 Week FREE course to explore wellbeing with creativity will be held in Halla Le Chéile, V92 DK4C on Tuesdays 6-8pm, starting the 11th February. Sign up for free by contacting Máire at Halla Le Chéile (0872372241) or contact SHINE (0860407701) or email info@shine.ie
Clochan/Bhreanainn ICA will be holding an afternoon tea party on Sunday February 16th from 2 - 5pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Tralee/West Kerry Branch of the MS Society. Everyone is welcome to attend.
An Séipéal. Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a bhabháil leis na daoine go léir a chabhraigh chun an damáiste tar éis na stoirme i Séipéal Naomh Breandán, An Clochán a ghlanadh. Chomh maith leis sin an grúpa glantacháin a rinne an séipéal réidh don aifreann. Aithnímid go háirithe a obair a rinne David Connor agus an foireann tógála, a d'oibrigh go dícheallach chun a chinntiú go mbeimis oscailte don aifreann oíche Dé Sathairn.
Helen Higgins, Kevin Sullivan, Wayne Herbert, Tom Kavanagh, Michael Brosnan, Ger O'Mahony, Des Murphyand Darren O'Callaghan at the Quay Wren Ball Night held in the Marina Inn. Michael Brosnan accepted a cheque for €2,000 on behalf of the RNLI.


Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh 2025
Seolfaidh an tAth. Eoghan Ó
Cadhlaigh an leabhar Bréanainn an Naomh, an Cnoc agus an Fhilíocht, curtha in eagar ag
Pádraig Ó Héalaí i ag
Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne, Aoine 21ú Feabhra @5.00in

Fáilte roimh chách!

Chéad Fhead an Chomortais
Mícheál Ó hUanacháin

Tá comortaisí na Sraithe ag tosnú an deireadh seachtaine seo, agus Cláirsigh na Finne ina gcuairteoirí chuig Páirc Chnocán an Iolair. Ach ní hé seo tús an tséasúir mar a fógraítear é. Ar nós a lán de chlubanna na sraithe, tá cluichí comortais imrithe cheana a clubanna na Mumhan is Laighin cheana féín, agus níor éirigh chomh maith i mbliana le muintir Chiarraí is a d’éirigh leo anuraidh. Bhuaigh Fánaithe Chóbh orthu i gCorn na Mumhan i mbliana, a mhalairt na bliana seo caite. Agus is dócha nach ró-shásta a bhí an lucht tacaíochta leis na cluichí “cairdeasa”, mar a tugtar ar na cluichí réamh-shéasúir, i mbliana, le teip 3-0 in aghaidh Ruagairí na Seamróige i mBaile Átha Cliath. Má bhí na Ciarraígh ag tnúth le cluiche i bPáirc Thamhlachta, bhí dul amú orthu, mar is sa dara pháirc in ionad spóirt Roadstone a imríodh an ceann sin. Theip arís orthu in aghaidh fhoireann Chathair Chorcaí sa bhaile, dhá chúl le ceann, ach is ró-dhócha nárbh iontas san le mórán.
B’iontas mar sin féin, déarfainn, lena lán dóibh siúd nárbh fhéídir leo taisteal, nó b’fhéidir nárbh áil leo é, a laghad eolais a tugadh ar mheáin soisialta an chlub maidir le mionsonraí na gcluichí san - cé a d’imir, cé scóráil, cé hiad na hionadaithe a tháinig chun páirce. Eolas é sin atå tåbhachtach don tacaitheoir díograiseach, go háirithe nuair nach bhfuil fáil ar an mbealach teilifíse sraithe LOITV.
Ní hiad na cluichí cairdeasa na hócáidí is tåbhachtaí do bhainistíocht na foirne, áfach. Is ar dhá rud go háirithe a bhíonn siadsan ag breathnú na laethanta san: ar chumas na n-imreoirí atá cheana féín sa scuad acu, agus ar gheallúint na n-imreoirí a bhfuil siad ag smaoineamh ar a dtabhairt isteacht sa bhfoireann.
Ábhar beag iontais é ceathrar cúlbáirí bheith sínithe ag an gclub don
West Kerry Live

séasúr atá chugainn. Níl aon duine ina measc nárbh fhiú le club sraithe é bheith ar a n-áireamh acu, agus tá sé deacair a shamhlú go mbeadh éínne acu sásta bheith ina chúlbáire taca i gcaitheamh an tséasúir ar fad.

Beidh fáilte ag an lucht tacaíochta roimh na himreoirí nua atá tagtha chuig an chlub, ina measc filleadh Kevin Williams, Tim-Oliver Hiemer ósna Cláirsigh, Abel Alabi ón Iorua (a bhí roimhe sin i bPort Láirge), Joe Adams ó Dhún Dealgan agus an Astráileach Stevan Stanic-Floody.
Ba mhór an buntáiste dóibh é cúpla bua a bhaint amach go luath sa séasúr, seachas bheith sa tóir orthu ag a dheireadh!
Noel Spillane
Painting & Decorating Service
Ph. 087 2184757 | Find us on

It's All In The Mind
The Sound of Silence
Orla Smyth

Now that Spring is here, being aligned with the natural rhythm of the seasons , it is a good time to put intentions into practice and make some lasting changes. No matter what your current situation is, if you are stuck in a rut it is the best time of year to wake up to fresh possibilities and expand your potential. Your intention doesn’t have to be groundbreaking or hugely demanding- small steps are usually more effective! Taking a few minutes each day to be more mindful is a good place to start.
Mindfulness is paying attention in the moment without judgement and with compassion. We use our senses of sight ,sound, hearing, touch and taste to experience what is happening now. Last issue we took a deeper look at our sense of taste - eating mindfully deepens our appreciation of food and the body : how its nourishment sustains us: the pleasure and wonder it evokes ; the dawning recognition of our connection to nature and each other. Eating disorders, unhealthy habits as well as the appreciation and gratitude for our food source can be acknowledged and addressed through this practice.
This week we’ll have a look at our sense of hearing. There is a constant flow of sound around us all the time, unless you spend some time in an Orfield chamber ( designed to block sound frequencies making it the quietest place on earth) and even then you will notice the sound of your own body functions e.g. heartbeat, breathing... So sound is very useful as a meditative focus because it is always available, always on hand. The body’s response to paying mindful non-reactive attention to sound wakes us up to the sensations in the body. Consider the calming sound of the sea; a grinding pneumatic drill; the unlimited effect of music! We can also practice listening, in conversation so that we can become better communicators.
‘To truly listen depends on a kind of inner silence. It requires that we empty ourselves and make space to receive something new. This entails a fundamental letting go of self-centeredness. We have to be willing to put down our own thoughts, views, and feelings temporarily to truly listen. It’s a wholehearted, embodied receptivity that lies at the core of both communication and contemplative practice’ - Oren Jay Sofer
The key is to listen with an open heart without analysing, judging or getting carried away.
Benefits to listening mindfully:
-It helps us focus. Refining our awareness of sound can help us tune into our experience of the present moment. By listening to the sounds around us without judging or reacting, we move away from the constant chatter of the mind and focus on what is actually happening right now. Pausing to listen intentionally gives us space to observe our present moment experience.
-With practice we can hone our listening skills and introduce more empathy and understanding to conversation, laying the way to becoming better communicators : finding common ground and allowing for differences and disagreements, ultimately leads to more deliberate and wiser decision making
-We learn to recognise sounds that are comforting, energizing, calming or even mood enhancing which enables us to better regulate our mood.
This week’s practice
-Take a moment to make yourself comfortable, sit upright and feel the places where your body makes contact with the floor.
- Take a couple of deep, slow in-breaths
-Observe any thoughts or distractions and let them go
- Focus your attention on sounds in the distance - traffic, a dog barking, waves crashing and without commenting mentally simply receive the sounds as sounds, accepting them with curiosity and kindness whether pleasant, unpleasant or neutral
- Allow them to come and go just like the breath comes and goes
- Now bring your attention to sound close by, in the room; the whirring of a device, the sound of pipes rattling...notice each sound as it appears, lingers or passes away. Let each sound be just what it is without wanting to change it.
- Maybe attune to the silence between sounds
Finally, shifting your awareness to sounds from within - the sound of your breath, tummy rumbling, heart beating...listen as though for the first time and notice any sensations in the body
-You are simply listening without giving into the impulse of judging, ignoring, holding onto or pushing it away
- Bring your attention back to the breath and slowly go back to your day carrying with you a little more accepting awareness
I welcome any comments, reflections or questions on the email below
Orla Smyth - certified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Relief (MBSR) and Dot B. -mindful awareness for children / orlasmyth67@gmail.com
I will be starting an introduction to Mindfulness for Kids in Aiseanna na hOige next week.
Weekly meditation classes for adults still to be decided.
Carlo Acutis

I Londain, Sasana, ar an 3 Bealtaine 1991, a saolaíodh Carlo Maria Antonio Acutis. Bhí tuiscint thar an ngnáth aige ar chúrsaí ríomhaireachta. Cheap sé suíomh idirlín speisialta (atá beo fós) a chuireann síos ar na míorúiltí Eocairisteacha ar nós Lanciano na hIodáile, an ceann is iomráití díobh. Cailleadh é ar an 12 Deireadh Fómhair 2006 agus aoibh an gháire ar a bhéal aige. Beidh sé á naomhchanónú i mbliana ar an 27 Aibreán, Domhnach na Trócaire Diaga.
‘Ina dhuine gan samhail a saolaítear cách, ach ina mhacasamhail is ea a cailltear mórán’.
‘Everyone is born an original, but many end up dying as photocopies’.
- Carlo Acutis

Ceol Beo /
BBaailile a e an F n Fhheeiirrttééaarraaiiggh - h -
BBaallllyyffererrriitter er
DDééararddaoaoiinn2 2 00tthhF F eebbrruuararyy
4.00 Tigh Bhric - Seoladh Albam le Andrea Palandri / Andrea Palandri Album Launch
1199ú - 2 ú - 233ú Fú Feebbrruuaarryy
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Féach ar leathanaigh 20-21 / See pages 20-21
DDééararddaoaoiinn2 2 77tthhF F eebbrruuararyy
8.00 Tigh Uí Catháin - Aon Scéal, Poetry & Storytelling
BBrrééanannnaiainnnn -- CClloogghhananee
Mo Monndadayy1 1 77tthhF F eebrbruauarryy
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Mo Monndadayy2 2 44tthhF F eebrbruauarryy
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
DDininglglee--DDaaininggeeaann UUíí CChúhúiiss
TThhuurrssddaay 1y 133tth Jah Jannuuaarryy
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Jeremy Spencer & Matt Griffin
9.30 Dingle Pub - Seán Kelliher
FFrriiddaay 1y 144tth Jah Jannuuaarryy
7 - 9 Kennedy's - Open session
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Brady Elliott
9.30 McCarthy's Bar - Rock & Soul with De-Vices
9.30 Dingle Pub - Paulie O'Brien
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
SSaattuurdardayy1 1 55tthhF F eebbrruauarryy
9.30 Dingle Pub - Hightide
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
10.00 Paul Geaney’s - Liam Evans
Sunday 16th February
5 - 7 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim Sessions
9.30 Dingle Pub - Dreams of Freedom
Monday 17th February
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
9.30 Dingle Pub - Out the Gap
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
Tuesday 18th February
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
7 - late Kennedy's - The Red Bench open session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Weds 19th February
6.30 - 8.30 Kennedy's - Tanglewood session
Thursday 20th February
9.00 Curran's Bar - Trad & Folk with Billy and Luke
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Dingle Pub - The Galavanters
Friday 21st February
7 - 9 Kennedy's - Open session
7.30 Dingle Pub - The Bare Minimum
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Brady Elliott
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis
Kennedy (Vocals & Flute) Jeremy Spencer ( Fiddle ) & Matt Griffin (Guitar)
9.30 McCarthy's Bar - Rock & Soul with De-Vices
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
10.00 Dingle Pub - The Bare Minimum
10.00 Paul Geaney’s - Liam Evans
Saturday 22nd February
7.30 Dingle Pub - Full Shilling
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session

9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
10.00 Paul Geaney’s - Live Music
10.00 Dingle Pub - Full Shilling
Sunday 23rd February
5 - 7 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim Sessions
9.30 Dingle Pub - Rocking Jimmy
Monday 24th February
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.30 Dingle Pub - Hightide
Tuesday 25th February
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
7 - late Kennedy's - The Red Bench open session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Weds 26th February
6.30 - 8.30 Kennedy's - Tanglewood session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
Thursday 27th February
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Jeremy Spencer & Matt Griffin
9.30 Dingle Pub - Seán Kelliher
Things are Getting Out of Hand (Panic Attack)

I’ve lost the plot I forgot my lines I must have lived this day A thousand times I should know my way by now.
But things go flying through the air On the floor, freshly ironed underwear
Helpful post it notes that I cannot read I see no door, but I’ve found a key Stop Stand Still And Breathe - Artwork and words by Laurence Jones.

Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance Tourism News
As its Awards Season, we are delighted to Congratulate Brian and Helen Heaton of Castlewood House, on their Gold award for “Ireland’s Breakfast Experience “ at the Virgin Media Gold Medal Awards. Comhghairdeachas Brian, Helen and Team.
This week we welcome Mayor Will Reichelt , of our Sister City, West Springfield and Ed Sullivan, President of the West Springfield Sister City Committee. Both regular visitors to the Dingle Peninsula, they are tremendous supporters of Corca Dhuibhne and have sustained and created many new opportunities – cultural, educational, trade and tourism - for the peninsula since the Mayor signed the Sister City Charter in association with Kerry County Council in December 2017. Fáilte roimhe Mayor Will and Ed! Their support is in addition to the incredible ongoing support of Sean Cahillane, President of the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England, who initiated the first Dingle Peninsula Showcase at The Big E in 2000. The Showcase goes from strength to strength and its importance is highlighted by Brian de Staic Jewellery, family and team, still there 26 years on! Comhaontas Turasóireachta Chorca Dhuibhne / Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance (CTCD / DPTA) represents all our members at The Big E, the New England State Fair, the 3rd largest in North America and Canada. The Big E welcomed 1.6 million visitors in 2024. CTCD / DPTA and members are sponsored by Kerry County Council, Údarás na Gaeltachta and Fáilte Ireland whose financial support allows us to be there on your behalf. Our combined marketing and promotion with our West Springfield and Western Mass partners, led by Mayor Will Reichelt and Ed Sullivan, has a reach of approx. 4 million in the US, and the interest we receive from Corca Dhuibhne’s Diaspora and visitors at The Big E is phenomenal and has led to a significant increase in our American visitors since the reopening of international tourism following Covid-19 in 2022. Plans have now begun for this year and if your business would like to be part of the Dingle Peninsula Cultural, Educational, Trade and Tourism Showcase this year or learn more about it, we would be delighted to hear from you. There are new ideas rolling out for 2025 and Caroline
would be delighted to meet with you to discuss how we could support your business. Also, Údarás na Gaeltachta offers support to businesses participating at The Big E in year one. To learn more about the Dingle Peninsula Showcase at The Big E 2025, please contact Caroline at info@ dingle-peninsula.ie .
This February and March, CTCD / DPTA will host Tourism & Hospitality Clinics in their office on the following dates between 10.30am and 11.30am: February - Wednesday 19th and Wednesday 26th and March – Wednesday 5th and Wednesday 12th. All are welcome and Caroline will share marketing tips and supports, discuss business supports and opportunities, and help with concerns or challenges. One-on-one sessions are available from 11.30am to 12.30pm though pre-booking is required. Please contact Simone for further information at info@dingle-peninsula.ie. Our office address is Office 4, The Wood Business Park, Dingle, V92 Y002. In the meantime, could all members please review your members page on www.dingle-peninsula.ie and send Simone any updates to info@dinglepeninsula.ie. This is Booking Season!
The Dingle Chamber have an Open Meeting on Monday 17th February at 7.30pm in Dingle Benners Hotel offering “an opportunity for businesses to share ideas, suggestions, input and involvement as they plan for the future of business in Dingle”. Whether a long-established business or are just starting out, all are welcome and it’s a great chance to “connect, collaborate, and help shape the direction of our local business community”. Also, Festivals coming up this fortnight include Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, 19th to 23rd and Comórtas Peile Páidí O’Sé, Ceann Trá, 21st to 23rd February. Bain súp as!
CHORCA DHUIBHNE Ag Cur Chorca Dhuibhne Chun Cinn Le Chéile DINGLE PENINSULA TOURISM ALLIANCE Promoting the Dingle Peninsula Together #DinglePeninsula #CorcaDhuibhne
Michael Healy-Rae TD Mícheál Ó’hEalaigh-Rae
Clinicí Áitiúla

Milltown: Larkins 6.15pm
Killorglin: Jim Shea's 7pm
Castlemaine Griffins Bar 5pm
Keel Murphy’s Bar 5.20pm
Inch Foleys Bar 5.40pm
Annascaul Teach Sheáin 6.00pm
Dingle Muiris Dan’s 6.20pm, An Droichead Beag 6.40pm
Brandon Murphy’s Bar 8.30pm
Castlegregory Boland’s Bar 9pm
Camp Railway Tavern 10.30pm
Clinicí sa Ghaeltacht: 17ú Feabhra 7.00-8.00 Tigh Uí Bheaglaoich, An Bóthar
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904 Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie
1‘___sanAer’,glaoċspreagṫaóRónánMac AoḋḂuí(4)
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Tagairtinmheánach: CDBeo_9x9F_36
Comórtas Crosfhocail
Duais le Buachaint: Dearbhán ón gCafé Liteartha Buaiteoir na coicíse seo caite:
Liam Ó Rócháin, Baile Móir, Ceann Trá
An Ghluaiseacht
Scéal Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta le Rúnán Mac Con Iomaire foilsithe ag Cló Iar-Chonacht
Tugann `An Ghluaiseacht, Scéal Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta' le chéile den chéad uair an scéal iomlán faoin nglúin radacach a sheas an fód ar son chearta mhuintir na Gaeltachta, agus an feachtas gearr, corraitheach a d'athraigh an Ghaeltacht ó bhun.
I 1969, tháinig dream óg le chéile i gConamara chun tabhairt faoi fheachtas a athródh todhchaí na Gaeltachta go deo. Spreagtha ag agóidíocht a bhí ag tarlú ar fud na cruinne, bunaíodh Gluaiseacht Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta mar sheasamh in aghaidh an fhill a bhí á dhéanamh ar phobal imeallaithe agus ar a dteanga.
An Café Liteartha
Bóthar an Dadhgaide, Daingean Uí Chúis
Siopa Leabhar an Daingin ó 1979

Ó Mhárthain
Breandán Mac Gearailt
Tá daoine gan cumhacht leictreachais fós nó go dtí go gairid. Tuigeadh dhom tamall ó shoin go raibh na crainn ar thaobh na mbóthar le gearradh nó le le glanadh ar fad. Ná thuigfeadh aon liobar go dtitfeadh na crainn le linn gála agus go leagfaí pollaí agus línte cumhachta agus cumarsáide. Bhí daoine bochta ag rádh conas ná rabhadar réitithe don ngála. Ní fhéadfadh aon duine a bheith bainteach leis an obair seo ach daoine a bhí cailithe. Dá mbeadh gnáth daoine ag plé leis mar shampla mharófai scata acu. Sa chás an babhta seo bhí ar an gcóras dreamanna cáilithe a lorg i dtíortha Eorpacha agus Sasana. Bhí a bhfadhanna féin ag Sasasna ach tháinigh leictreoirí. Rud eile ní mór gineadóir aibhléise a bheith ar gach córas uisce agus séarachais sara leighisfear easpa uisce go tapaidh.
Tá an saol mór ag breith chuige féin ag Trump. Dá n-árdódh sé na comhlachtaí Meiriceánacha abhaile bheadh cailliúint mhór againn. Tá na mílte ná raibh sna Stait Aontaithe go dlithiúil á seoladh abhaile go mór mór dtí Mexico. Tá méadú mór ar an an lion saigdiúirí agus daoine eile atá ar theora na Stát Aontaithe agus Mexicó. Tá scata dlithe a bhí i Mericeá curtha ar ceal aige. Tá scata nár éirigh leis go fóill.
Níl muintir Gaza sásta lena phlean don áit, go ndéanfaí ath-thógaint ar an smionagar fhaid is thógfadh cúpla tir na háitreabhaigh faid a bheadh Trump ag déanamh gaisce. Níl sé uatha. N’fheadair aon duine conas a bheidh ag na daoine atá beo i nGaza. N’fheadar conas mar a bheidh ag an nGraonlainn. Tá an tír sin an- shaibhir agus daonra beag ann. Gan dabht bheadh an Danmharg ag cur a gcosa fútha féin mar bhí an Ghraonlainn fén nDanmharg ar feadh blianta agus tá seana ghaol eatortha i gcónaí.
Níl aon amhras ach go bhfuil Trump ag cuir eagla amach agus ag déanamh dea-obair ach is mó go mór a bhfuil a mhalairt ar ‘na boilg aige. Tá sé 78 bl. d’aois ach d’fhéadfadh go mbainfeadh sé naocha amach. Is ina thús atá sé ach ní bheidh ar a chumas scataí dá bheartais amaideacha a chur i bhfeidhm.
Caid agus Iomáint
Bhí Ciarraí ‘g baile agus chailleadar. Cad a bhí ortha? Tús liobarnach tréis an chéad cheann a bhuachaint.
Thárla an dála ceanna don gClár i gcluiche iomána a bhí as órd ar fad. Buaileadh fear amháin sa cheann fear eile sa bholg agus sa drom. Caithfear an sort so iománaíochta a réiteacht. Mar a dúirt fear amhain fear an- láidir é sin. Seans gurb ea ach ní bheadh cead aige a rogha rud a dhéanamh. Sa chluiche idir iománaithe Chill Chainnigh agus Loch Garman. Dhein na Cait rabach
Caid idir mhná Bleá Cliath agus Ard Mhacha, bhí an réiteoir an- mhaith ach sa neomat deireannach nuair a leag báideoir Ard Mhacha bean Bleá Cliath i mbéal an bháide fuair an báideoir saor chic. Ní raibh dada eatortha san am ach pointe, agus 20 second nó mar sin fágtha. I gcluiche iontach bhuaidh Luimneach ar Thiobrad Arann. 0-30 v I-23.
Bhuaidh Port Láirge go bog ar Uí Fháilge san Iománaíocht.
Bhuaidh Mná Chiarraí ar Phort Láirge go fairsing, sa chaid.
Sásúil agus Eaglach
Tá stoc agus bainne go maith i gcónaí ach tá caoire agus uain titithe beagán fé dhó le mí. Is dócha go mbeidh breis ortha um Cháisc.
Fuair Seán Mac Gearailt ó Bhaile Dháith bás le déanaí. Bhí a thuistí Liam agus Máire básaithe níos luaithe. Méala mór a bhás dá chéile Eibhlín, a iníon Brenda, a mhac Edward, deartháracha Seosaimh agus Muiris agus a dheirfiúr Máire, garchlann, gaolta agus cáirde.
Beannacht dílís Dé lena anam.
Fuair Dáithí Luibhéad ó Shráid na Trá agus Cúilín bás seachtain ó shoin.
Bhí a thuistí Tomás agus Caitlín básaithe roimhis. Méala mór a bhás dá chéile Helen, clann Tomás, Gearóid, Mollie agus Edel, garchlann, gaolta agus cáirde.
Gur i nGairdíní na bhFlaitheas a anam cneasta.
Fuair Sarah Lynskey McWatt ó Bhaile Treasna, Fionn Trá agus Cill Mantáin bás le déanaí. Méala mór a bás dá céile Pól, a clann Liam, Laura, Aoife agus Oisín, a gariníon Clodagh, a deirfiúr Emma, a deatháracha Simon agus Pól, gaolta agus cáirde.
Gur i bhFlaitheas Dé dá hanam ceannsa caoin.
Fuair Noel Mac Ginneá ó Lios Póil bás i bPort Marnóg, Bleá Cliaith ar an 26ú lá do Eanair. Deartháir do Seán Pól Áine, agus Máire(básaithe), Méala mór a bhás dá chlann, Caroline, Morgain agus Nicola, a gharchlann, a dheartháireacha Denis agus James, a dheirfiuracha Angela agus Sylvia, gaolta agus cáirde.
In iothlainn Dé a anam.

Roof Cleaning & Repairs, Driveway Cleaning & Repairs, Patio and footpaths - cleaned & sealed, hedge trimming, power washing, gutter repairs and general garden & property maintenance.
Call Jeff on 087 4891894

• Interior & Exterior
• Residential & Commercial
• Powerwashing
1. Curved rings
4. Streak
8. Pull along
10. City rail network
11. Give cheer
12. Insurance provider (Irl) (abbr.)
13. France WW1 battle arena
14. Bring together
15. Mid-year break (6, 7)
18. 1955 film, The _____ of the Hunter
20. Pays attention
22. Observe
23. Grave
24. Carrying a gun
25. Gullible person
26. Sorority member (US)
27. Fathered
1. Irregular portions
2. Most favourable situation
3. Range; cooker
5. Fishing net; fowling net
6. Change
7. Residence for sisters
9. Sea feature, seen in strong winds (5, 7)
15. Footwear type
16. Of high intensity
17. One in a fantasy world
19. Convulsive breaths
20. Piles
21. Six _____ (describes a hexagon)

Send your completed crossword to West/Mid Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle Prize €40 Voucher for Danno’s Restaurant & Bar Winner of the Crossword 445 is Mary Farrell, Cois Chnoic, Dingle

Property to let / Tithe ar cíos
087 214 9327 / 086 173 7944
Single ensuite room to rent in Dingle town, garden, mod cons. 086-1210038
For Sale/Le Díol
3 x black iron skillets (100yrs old), 1 x small TV table on casters, 1 x pine coffee table, 1 x 4 shelf bookcase, 1 x electric chainsaw (brand new), 1 x 45 cm convex mirror (still in box). 087-6893857
Stanley Tara solid fuel stove with boiler. 086-3093846
Yorkshire Terrier pups. Call 087-2682097
Tall fridge and kitchen sink for sale. 087-9947927
Services / Seirbhisí
Triona Kennedy, Massage Therapist - Enjoy a lovely relaxing, restoring and rejuvenating massage in the comfort of your home. Ph: 087 6997154. Home Help Support, West Kerry area. 20 years experience. Please phone 0876880723 day or night.
Carer available, many years experience, Annascaul, Lispole, Dingle areas. Please phone 087 6997154.
Man Friday - Handyman for all those small jobs that nobody gets around to doing. 087-6353325
Native Irish speaker, fully qualified Irish teacher available to teach Irish. Please email Maria at: marianimhurchu@gmail.com
Chimney sweeping service. Clean and efficient. Call Paul on 083-1727571.
Frank McGowan-Sports and Physical Therapy. Sports, Deep Tissue, Remedial and Relaxation Massage. Lower Main St, Dingle Town Centre. Monday to Friday. 9 am-2 pm. Call, Text or Whats App 0857338601 for an appointment.
Regina Sheehy - Kinesiology and Food Intolerance Testing. Treating all forms of digestive issues, fatigue, candida, fungal issues, stress, food intolerances, recurrent infections. Clinics in Dingle (Tuesday and Thursday) Tralee (Wednesday and Saturday) Evening appointments available. Ph: 0860820224 www.reginasheehy.com
Plumber specialising in boiler breakdown, servicing and commissioning. Complete range of plumbing services. Call John 086-3165714
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
West Kerry Gardening services - lawn cutting, sand/gravel delivered, landscaping, power washing etc. Call Seán 087-6336082
Experienced bookkeeper seeks local employment. Call 086-3717633. South West Recycling Services: scrap cars, vans jeeps, tractors, buses, lorries all wanted. Also buy copper tanks, brass copper piping, lead, batteries, alloy wheels. Everything considered.. Top prices paid. Call Frank 087-2311971
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Civil Celebrant available for wedding ceremonies, baby naming and funerals. Contact Eithne Griffin 086-6066835 www.yourdayyourwaycelebrant.com
Garden Services in Kerry: Lawn mowing, strimming, vertical pruning, tree surgery. Reasonable rates. Ring 0838268371
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes etc 087-6256533
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toilets - drains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Does your septic tank need to be emptied- we will get to you within a day. Cuir Glaoch/ Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi 087 2969846 0r 066 9155446
Vehicle Computer Diagnostic Service / Mobile Service. Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Pickups. Call 087-3440493
Septic Tank Services, emptying, wash down, repairs, new tanks andpercolation areas constructed in line with planning. over 25yrs service in Dingle Ph. Pat Hanafin 086 2241064 / 066 9151682 . beenbawn@yahoo.com
Situations Vacant / Postanna
Harrington's of Dingle: We are hiring. Positions available. Full & part time, job sharing. Chef and general workers. Please contact Eileen 086-8263986 or send CV to harringtons- dingle@gmail.com. 14 yr olds can apply with the written consent of a parent
Dingle Heating and Plumbing apprenticeship position available. 085-1621950
Wanted / Ag Teastáil
Buachaill Aimsire ag lorg poist: An bhfuil tú ag lorg cabhair ar d'fheirm nó
timpeall an tí? Ba mhaith liom cabhrú in áit lóistín & bia. Tá Gaelainn líofa agam cheana fhéin ach táim ag iarraidh am a chaitheamh i gCorca Dhuibhne idir lár mhí na Feabhra agus lár mhí na Bealtaine chun feabhas a chur uirthi. Cé gur jackeen mé, b'as an ceantar m'athair críonna. Táim in ann cabhrú ar fheirm nó cibé áit eile a bheadh gá leis. Tá taithí agam ar obair feirme, péinteáil srl. Diarmuid Ó Súilleabháin 083 806 6422 (Whatsapp nó téacs, glaoch comh maith ach fág glórphost mar is annamh is féidir liom an fón a fhreagairt) sully999@gmail.com
Mature responsible woman seeks house to rent, long term, Dingle area, west of Dingle preferred. Long term resident of the area. 2 or 3 bedroom preferred but all considered. Must be warm and dry. 085-7774050
Other / Eile
Insulated storage facility available - call Ted Browne Tool Hire & Tyre Centre on 087 2342599 for details
Storage space available. Suitable for camper van / classis car etc. email: polaoghaire@yahoo.com
Dry secure storage unit for rent. Lispole area. 087-2820062

Corca Dhuibhne Beo