Corca Dhuibhne Beo
An Stricín ón Trá Bheag: Mossy Donegan
San Eagrán Seo / In This Issue
Pg 3: Dingle Notes
Pg 6: Nutrition with Irene
Pg 10: Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Pg 14: Siamsa Tíre Film Club
Pg 16: Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh
Pg 27: Dingle Cookery School Recipe
Pg 31: All in the Mind: Juat One Thing
Pg 32: Live Music Listings
Pg 33: Town & Peninsula Maps
Pg 36: Crosfhocal Sean-Nós
Pg 37: Ó Mhárthain
Pg 38: Crossword
Pg 39: Classifieds
TO YOU WITHIN A D AY!! Also: Tractor & 14 Ton Dump Trailer
To ps oi l f or Sa le p er Load G oo d Qu a lity Bu i lding S tone Published by West Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle, Co. Kerry V92 EC85
Clinic Cois Abhann, The Mall , Dingle 066 9151465
Ionad Leighis An Daingin, The Mall, Dingle 066 9152225.
DingleDoc, Spa Rd, Dingle V92K282 066-9152346 / 066-9152324
Castlegregory Medical Centre, 066-7139226 Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00 pm Saturday, by appointment.
Annascaul Health Centre, Annascaul 066-9157227, SouthDoc: 0818 355 999 for all calls between 6.00pm to 8.00am
Killorglin Health Centre, Killorglin, Tel: 066 976 1284
Cronin, Dr Ann, Beach Tree Lodge, Market St, Killorglin (066)9761014
Prenderville Edmond, Daly’s Lane, Killorglin (066)9761072
Prenderville Edmond, Coolmore Laharn, Killorglin (066)9761512
Milltown Health Centre Milltown (066)9767113
Brendan O’ Connell, Spa Rd., Dingle. Tel (066) 9151814
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coast Guard: Tel: 112 or 999. These numbers are free of charge but should only be used in cases of genuine emergencies.
Annascaul Garda Station,. Tel: +353 66 9157102
Dingle Garda Station, Tel: +353 66 9151522
Castlegregory Garda Station,Tel: +353 66 7139690
Garda Station, Killorglin, Tel: +353 66 976 1113

Cuir Glaoch/Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi, Baile an Mhúraigh 087 2969846 nó 066 9155446
Permit Number On Request - Uimhir Cheadúnais ach é a lorg
Sheep Calf & Cattle Sales February 8th & 22nd
Weekly Calf Sales from 8th BVD Collection Tuesday 4th
-ring for details
DINGLE 066 91 51586
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Upper Main St Dingle Co. Kerry (066) 9152333
Long Bryan G B. Dent. Sc. Main st. Upr .Dingle (066)9151527
Timothy Lynch Dental Surgery, Langford st, Killorglin, 066 97 61831
Mac Domhnaill Dental, Tralee, 066-7121457 / 087-1319792
Local Link Kerry 066 7147002
Bus Station, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (064) 6630011
Bus Station, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066) 7164700
The Village Pharmacy, Castlegregory, 066-7139646
Walsh John, Pharmacy Green st. Dingle (066)9151365
O’Keeffe Pharmacy Ltd . Strand St.(066)9151310
Grogan’s Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle (066)-9150518
O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge Street, Milltown (066)-9767305
Laune Pharmacy Market Street, Killorglin, 066 976 1131
Mulvihill Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 1115
O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Mill Road, Killorglin, Phone : 066 976 2111
O Sullivans Pharmacy 6 Bridge Street, Milltown, 066 9795915
Ó Domhnaill Opticians, Mail Rd., Dingle, (066) 9152863
Dingle Notes
Richie Williams
NEW SPEED LIMITS. Motorists are advised to make themselves aware of the new road speed limits which will be introduced from Friday February 7th this year.
It appears limits will be reduced from 80kmh to 60kmh on a number of Rural Local Roads and from 50kmh to 30kph on selected Residential Areas and Housing Estates.
Pedestrians and Cyclists in particular will be pleased to see the reduced limits which are part of the Authorities answer to the increasing number of accidents and fatalities over recent years.
AWARDS. Congratulations to Compucara and Proprietor Joan Maguire on the Dykegate Lane Company being named as the Leading Computer Skills Training Provider in Kerry at the Irish Enterprise Awards recently. Compucara were also award winners in 2024 being named as Most Innovative IT Support Company which was organised by The EU Business News. Maith Thú Joan.
EVENTS. The Dingle International Film Festival returns this weekend with screenings of two feature length and two shorts scheduled for Ionad an Bhlascaoid on February 1st and 2nd from 7p.m. Tickets at €10 per evening will be available on the door.
"Family Album" is the feature on Saturday evening followed by the short titled " A Fathers Letter."
The popular Irish Language film "Arracht" set in the Great Famine in Ireland is the feature on Sunday evening followed by "Unbreakable Children. I'm waiting."
Following the films it is planned to have a question and answer session on both evenings.
TEMPERANCE HALL. Renovations to the Temperance Hall on Goat Street are now complete and the ground floor in particular is now fully available for groups, clubs or individuals who are looking for short term or more longer term use of the facilities. Just drop in to the Building during normal office hours where personnel from NEWKD, who are the anchor tenants, will clarify the details and terms for intending users.
TIDY TOWNS. Dingle Tidy Towns Group wish to thank the pupils and teachers of Bunscoil an Chlochair who planted a good number on native tree saplings in the Emlagh area recently. Comhgairdeachas libh as an suim atá agaibh sa timpeallacht.
BUSINESS. The Business Chamber will be in contact with all outlets in town over the next week to seek the views of our business operators and their staff for inclusion and involvement in the Chambers Plan for 2025 and beyond. Also ideas or suggestions will be welcome through the dingle.ie website.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE. With just 6 weeks to go to the big weekend its time to start planning entries for the St Patricks Day Parade which falls on a Monday this year.
We have already received enquiries from groups in Australia and Serbia who are planning to join in and the plaque for best entry is also returning with members of the Southampton Fire Department in New York. All entries from commercial outlets, sole operators, groups, clubs or individuals will be most welcome so get planning and have your entry ready in good time.

Courtney’s Bakery
Dick Mack’s Yard, Dingle 066-9151583

Open: Mon - Sat, 7am - 5pm
Large selection of cakes, confectionery, sandwiches, hot pies, sausage rolls, teas, coffees etc.
Wide selection of breads

Ní Bhaoill

Cad ab ea do chéad phost?
Ag glanadh seomraí leapan i mB&B nuair a bhíos 13.
Cén scannán is fearr leat?
Cén leabhar is fearr leat?
Pé ceann a bhíonn á léamh agam, faoi láthair Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Cad ab ea an chéad dhlúdhiosca / ceirnín / téip a cheannaigh tú?
Zenyatta Mondatta, The Police, tá sé agam fós!
Cén saoire ba mhó a thaithin leat?
Ladakh, India, 1992
Cén deoch is fearr leat?
Uisce San Pellegrino
Cén t-aisteoir is fearr leat?
Diarmuid Mac an Adhastair / Bríd Crithinn
Cén chomhairle a thabharfá duit fhéin níos óige?
Bain spraoi as do shaol.
Cé hé/hí do laoch spóirt?
Peter O'Mahony / Rashidat Adeleke
Beirt ón stair ar mhaith leat a bheith agat mar aíonna dinnéar?
David Bowie & Nina Simone
Dá bhféadfadh "Time Machine" tú a thabhairt áit ar bith ar feadh lá amhain, cathain / cá rachadh tú?
Táim ok san áit ina bhfuilim!
Cén ráiteas is fearr leat?
Bíonn rudaí maithe mall.

Pat Hanafin
Septic Tank Emptying & Drain Cleaning
With over 30 years in business providing a Septic Tank Cleaning Service in the Dingle Peninsula, we now provide DRAIN CLEANING. From 2” sink lines to 4” - 12” sewer pipes. Biocycle tanks filter system,washed after emptying. Providing power washing service and washing facility. 24 hour cover.

Septic & Biocycle Tank Fitting
We supply and fit septic tanks and biocycle tanks. All percolation work carried out all over the peninsula. 086-2241064 066-9151682

An agatsa a bheidh an práta is fearr in Iarthar Dhuibhneach?
Will you have the best spud in West Kerry?

Why not enter West Kerry’s famous “Spud Off”?
Comórtaisí na n-ocht gCeanntar 05 go 12 Iúil 2024
Craobh - Chomórtas
Dé Domhnaigh 13 Iúil 2024 i mBaile na nGall Urraithe ag

The Microbiome: A Living Ecosystem Within
Irene Flannery

Imagine a bustling metropolis residing entirely within and on your body—a complex, dynamic world teeming with trillions of microscopic inhabitants. This is your microbiome, a vibrant ecosystem that has been quietly revolutionizing our understanding of human health yet remained largely invisible to science for most of human history.
For centuries, microbes were viewed as nothing more than potential threats—tiny invaders to be eliminated. Doctors waged war against bacteria, armed with increasingly powerful antibiotics, believing that the only good microbe was a dead microbe. This perspective seems almost comically naive now but it dominated medical thinking for decades.
In the late 19th century, when Dutchman Antoni van Leeuwenhoek first peered through his handcrafted microscope and observed tiny "animalcules" moving about, he could never have imagined the profound complexity we now understand exists in the microbial world. These early observations were just the tip of an enormous, hidden iceberg.
Inner Peace Talks: From Enemies to Allies
The real transformation began in the early 2000s with the Human Microbiome Project. Scientists realized we weren't just hosts to microbes—we were walking ecosystems where microorganisms and humans coexist in a delicate, intricate dance of mutual dependence. We discovered (with confidence this time) that the average human body contains more bacterial cells than human cells, with estimates suggesting a ratio of approximately 1.3 bacterial cells to every human cell.
The gut microbiome is a fascinating microbial landscape that has much more than meets the eye, even through the microscope lens! It is not just a passive digestive system but an active, intelligent network that communicates with our brain, influences our mood, regulates our immune system and even plays a role in determining our weight and metabolism. Many people still believe all bacteria are harmful, a notion thoroughly debunked by modern
research. Not only are most bacteria harmless, but many are crucial for our survival. They help us digest food, produce essential vitamins, protect against pathogens and even influence our mental health.
One particularly fascinating discovery is the gutbrain axis—a two-way communication highway between our microbiome and our central nervous system. Researchers have found compelling evidence that the composition of our gut bacteria can influence everything from depression and anxiety to neurodegenerative diseases.
The Aging Microbiome:
A Dynamic Partnership
Recent studies have revealed that our microbiome ages alongside us, adapting and changing throughout our lifespan. A groundbreaking 2023 study from the University of California tracked microbiome changes across three decades, revealing distinct "age signatures" in gut bacteria composition. The research showed that certain beneficial bacteria tend to decline with age, while potentially inflammatory species often increase.
Perhaps most intriguingly, scientists discovered that people who age more healthily tend to maintain a more diverse, "younger" microbiome profile. This has led to exciting research into whether maintaining a healthy microbiome could actually slow biological ageing. Studies of centenarians—people who live past 100— have found they often possess unique microbial signatures that may contribute to their longevity. As we enter 2025, the microbiome is no longer a scientific curiosity but a critical area of medical research. Personalized microbiome treatments are emerging, with potential applications in treating chronic diseases, mental health conditions, and even cancer.
A landmark study published in late 2024 demonstrated successful use of AI-designed probiotic combinations to target specific health conditions. This breakthrough has opened new possibilities for precision medicine, where treatments are tailored not just to a patient's genetic profile, but to their unique microbial ecosystem as well.
Precision microbiome therapies are showing promise in areas previously thought untouchable. Faecal microbiota transplants have already demonstrated remarkable success in treating conditions like Clostridium difficile infections. Researchers are now exploring microbiome interventions for autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, and even neurological conditions.
The Microbiome as a Garden: Nurturing Your Internal
Ecosystem as Age
Think of your microbiome like a garden. Just as a diverse, well-nourished soil produces the most robust and healthy plants, a diverse microbiome supports optimal human health. Monoculture in agriculture leads to weak, disease-prone crops—similarly, a lack of microbial diversity can compromise our health.
Diet plays a crucial role in microbiome health. Each meal is an opportunity to feed and diversify your internal ecosystem. Processed foods and antibiotics can decimate microbial diversity, while a varied, plant-rich diet introduces a wide range
of beneficial bacteria.
Recent research has highlighted the importance of adapting our microbiome care as we age. Studies show that older adults often benefit from different dietary approaches than younger people. For instance, while fibre remains important throughout life, older adults may need specific types of prebiotic fibres that support beneficial bacteria commonly depleted with age.
Scientists have also discovered that exercise becomes increasingly important for microbiome health as we age. A 2024 study found that regular physical activity in older adults helped maintain higher levels of short-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria, which are crucial for gut barrier function and immune regulation.
Practical Steps for Microbiome Health for all Adults
Based on current research, here are actionable steps to support your microbiome:
1. Embrace Dietary Diversity: Aim to consume at least 30 different plant types weekly. Each plant brings unique fibre and nutrients that feed different bacterial strains.
2. Fermented Foods are Your Friends: Incorporate foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha. These are living foods packed with beneficial bacteria.
3. Minimize Processed Foods: These often lack the complex nutrients that support microbial diversity.
4. Be Cautious with Antibiotics: Use them only when absolutely necessary and consider probiotic supplementation during and after treatment.
5. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact your microbiome. Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga or regular exercise.
6. Get Outdoors: Exposure to diverse environments introduces new bacterial strains. Gardening, hiking and spending time in nature can enhance microbiome diversity.
7. Age-Appropriate Care: Adjust your microbiome support strategy as you age, focusing on maintaining diversity through varied fibre sources and regular physical activity.
We stand at the cusp of a profound understanding of human health—one where we see ourselves not as isolated individuals, but as complex ecosystems in constant dialogue with our microbial inhabitants. The microbiome represents a frontier of medical science that promises personalized, holistic approaches to health and wellness.
Our relationship with microbes is no longer about warfare but about collaboration, understanding, and mutual survival. As research continues to unveil the intricate layers of this microscopic world, one thing becomes increasingly clear: we are never truly alone.
Irene Flannery, Nutritional Therapist & Medicinal Chef. Home visits within Dingle Peninsula and online consultations. 086 1662562 Web: www.omnom.ie

Beidh mórshiúl Fhéile na Bealtaine ar siúl tráthnóna Dé Domhnaigh 4
Bealtaine 2025 ar shráideanna an Daingin.
Beidh ceardlann againn leis an ealaíontóir Sheila Kelleher ar 6ú agus 7ú Feabhra.
Mar sin... Más é do rún na hathbhliana éirí níos cruthaithí, bí linn chun an seó draíochta seo a chur le chéile.
Má tá suim agat nó más mian leat tuilleadh eolais a fháil, déan teagmháil le info@feilenabealtaine.ie nó 0879305494
Féile na Bealtaine’s parade of street theatre will be returning to the streets of Dingle in the afternoon of Sunday, 4th May 2025.
Artist Sheila Kelleher will be meeting volunteers on 6th and 7th February to plan for this year’s parade. We are delighted to have Sheila back with us as director of street theatre. She has been a fixture over the years since our first parade in 1994.
So… If your new year’s resolution was to get more creative, join us in putting together this magical spectacle.

If you are interested or would like to know more, get in touch on info@ feilenabealtaine.ie or 0879305494

info@cleanhomedingle.ie Brian: +353 (87) 962 0675 www.cleanhomedingle.ie

Camp Notes
Brigid O'Connor
Beannachtaí na Féile Bríde oraibh go léir!
Saturday next, the 1st of February, marks the feast day of St. Brigid – Lá Fhéile Bríde. Monday, 3rd February is a public holiday in her honour in this country.
St Brigid, dating back to the fifth century, is also known as Mary of the Gael or Muire na nGael (Our Lady of the Irish). She is one of the Patron Saints of Ireland, along with St Patrick and St Columcille. She is patron of many things, including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, and livestock.
Set Dancing classes will begin in Camp Old School on Tuesday, 4th February, 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. Teacher Timmy Walsh. Contact Mary 087 9696525.
Bank Holiday Weekend
ANNASCAUL LADIES FOOTBALL - Annascaul LGFA are hosting a fundraising quiz on Friday 31st January at The Junction Bar, Camp at 9.00 p.m. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Saturday 1st.Feb. St. Brigid Cross making 3 - 5 p.m. Rushes will be available.
Trad. session 9.00 p.m.
Sunday 2nd Feb. Trad. session 12 - 2 pm.
Anne and staff at Anne's Coffee Bar open all weekend, 9.00 - 3.00 p.m.
Music Saturday night in Ashe's Bar.
Open all weekend early to late. Compliments to Joe, Breda and staff for the early morning hearty breakfasts last week when the storm hit and we lost power in the area. Thank you.
Robbie Burns, the 18th century Scottish Poet was honoured and remembered well in The Railway Tavern, Camp on Saturday night. Bards, Poets and singers took to the floor entertaining all night. And the icing on the cake was the presence of the only Scotsman in the village, Greig Reynolds, who led the parade of the Haggis, with musical accompaniment from Tracy and Marie and Liam O'Regan Master of ceremonies, heading the show. Some of the local scribes amongst the group penned a few glowing tributes to local characters in Camp. Among them, Brendan McCormack, Fermanagh native, a Campman, a legend, his legacy built on every hill. Lovely sentiments held and well delivered.
Liam O’Regan Cork native and popular Campman, the Maker of the Mirth, the MC on Burns Night for the last 21 years. And others too were recognised and honoured and certificates presented.
The feast began with Ann O’Neill slicing the delicious Kennelly's Haggis, a traditional dish of Scotland.
The tatties, potatoes prepared by Andrew Fitzgerald went down a treat as did the neeps. turnip and Parsnips cooked to perfection by Cecil Hoffman. What a team, with Brendan Kennelly, the all rounder, at the helm. What a great team they are and what a great night of entertainment, long may Burns Night be celebrated in Camp and with full pomp and ceremony.

Roof Cleaning & Repairs, Driveway Cleaning & Repairs, Patio and footpaths - cleaned & sealed, hedge trimming, power washing, gutter repairs and general garden & property maintenance. Call Jeff on 087
Thanks to Ann O Neill, Tracy, Clodagh, Amelia, Orlaith, Mags and all at The Railway Tavern. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
A Memorial Mass was celebrated for the late James (Seamus Ashe) Camp on Thursday in St. Mary's Church. James passed away peacefully in Dublin. Seamus’s son Thomas delivered a lovely eulogy of his fathers life to the congregation, many of whom have fond memories of a nice gentleman, who loved his native Camp, Kerry football and tradition.
Working in the Civil Service in Dublin, Seamus was Principal Officer in the Department at the time of his retirement. Thomas recalls Seamus attributing his successful career, education and fluency in the Irish language to his teacher, the late Jackie Murphy, Camp National School.
Fr. Eamonn Mulvihill led the recitation of the Lord's Pray as Gaeilge in respect of Seamus’s love of the language. Seamus was in his 97th year. Sympathy is extended to his daughter Marion, sons, Thomas, James and Padraig, grandchildren, extended family, relatives and friends. Seamus was predeceased by his wife Margaret, his sons Oliver and John.
Go ndéana Dia trócaire ar a anam.
Over 50 swimmers took part in the Christmas Day Swim this year and many others supported from the beach. It was a great fun event this year with a high tide, hot drinks and snacks added to the sociability of the occasion, neighbours and friends catching up too. €500 was raised for our nominated charity Recovery Haven. Many thanks to all who generously donated.
Go raibh mile maith agaibh!

Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
Ted Creedon
Sunk by Sub off the Blaskets
-Dundee Courier 03 May 1915
A Russian steamer named Svorono of Mariupol, Ukraine, laden with 4700 tons of coal from Port Talbot, Wales, for Archangel, was sunk by the German submarine U-23 some fourteen miles west of the Blaskets on the Kerry coast.
The crew barely had time to get to their lifeboats while under fire from the submarine. Their ship sank in twelve minutes. The crew were picked up by a patrol boat and landed in Caherciveen.
According to Lloyd’s List the Svorono was a steel screw (propellor) steamer of over 3,000 tons and was built in Sunderland in 1906. The crew was composed of 15 Russians, 4 Poles, 2 Arabs, 1 Dane, 1 Greek and 1 Chinese. (This is an interesting report and appears to be incorrect in key points. According to some British reports the Svorono was sunk by the U-30, not the U-23, on April 30, 1915, under the command of Erich von Rosenberg-Graszczynski, 14 miles west of the Blaskets. Other reports show a list of ships sunk by U-23 but the Svorono is not on that list.
As for the U-23, she was sunk by the British submarine HMS C27 off Fair Isle, Scotland, on July 20, 1915. It was reported that 24 men out of her crew of 34 were drowned.)
Scamp of a ‘Tramp’
Southern Reporter 11 August 1865
A ‘tramp’, who stated he was from Tipperary , arrived in Keel, Castlemaine, yesterday and was hired by a master tailor named James Connor, to serve as a journeyman tailor. Both parties entered into a mutual agreement then and there to serve each other faithfully. However, that evening the noble ‘tramp’ took off with a coat, a vest and two pair of trousers. His whereabouts is at present unknown but we still hope to see him speedily captured.
Warning to Kerry Farmer’ Club Members
-Kerry Evening Post 05 August 1871
A meeting of the Kerry Farmer’ Club was held lately under the chairmanship of the organisation’s President Mr. Thomas Lambert. The meeting resolved that all persons who, having entered their names as members of the Kerry Farmers’ Club, and have not paid their sub for the year 1870 their names will be posted on the walls of the clubroom and in the public prints (papers).
Foot and Mouth
-Tralee Chronicle 28 November 1871
We regret to learn that the Foot and Mouth disease has made its appearance in Kerry. Our Listowel correspondent mentions an area in North Kerry where the disease has broken out. It happens that a herd of cattle of a farmer residing near Ballyheigue has been visited by the disease with 20 head of cattle ill at present.
The most stringent steps must be taken by the authorities to try and eradicate this disease which proves to be so disastrous to farmers’ prospects. Failing that it must be confined as close as possible.
Shot dead near Listowel
Midland Counties Advertiser 02 August 1888
John Forham, aged 60, was shot dead at five o’clock on Sunday at Mount Cole, near Listowel, while returning from Tralee where he had hired three labourers. They were with him in a horse and car when two disguised men suddenly jumped over a fence and shot him dead.
Forham had been boycotted for taking a farm from which a tenant had been evicted and had been under police protection until recently when that protection had been reduced to a night patrol. The murderers made their escape and the newly hired labourers raised the alarm.
Meanwhile, on Saturday two shots were fired at Thomas Murphy at Farmer’s Bridge, near Tralee, by a man wearing a red mask over his face. Neither shot hit the target. It seems that Murphy’s employer took on a road contract contrary to the wishes of his neighbours.
(Maybe it was a warning rather than attempted murder.)
Remains of Kilmurry Church/Oratory demolished Cork Examiner 07 September 1868
The Earl of Dunraven and Dr. Stokes of Dublin have been visiting archaeological sites in the Dingle area for the past several days. Yesterday they visited the crumbling ruins of Minard Castle which was blown up by Cromwellian soldiers.
During his visit Lord Dunraven was shown an example of the way precious antiquities are being swept away in the country. Having visited the area several times his Lordship naturally looked for Kilmurry Church, or rather oratory, above the castle which, to his astonishment, had disappeared.
A farmer named Gallivan, on whose land the ruins had been told his Lordship that about ten years ago a proprietor had thrown the ruins down to use the materials in building his own house. The late Rev. Dr. O’Callaghan of Dingle was deeply moved at the desecration.
Opening of new gun-shop (Advertisement)
Munster News 11 June 1851
William Edwards, gunmaker, begs to inform the Gentry, the inhabitants of Tralee and the County of Kerry that he is opening an Establishment in Castle Street, Tralee, which will be ready on the first of July next. He respectfully hopes, from the style of work of his own Manufacture, that he will be favoured with the patronage and support of the community in general.
Particular attention will be paid to the repair of all sorts of Guns and Pistols which will be completed on a most moderate scale and in a superior manner.
Engravings Neatly Executed.
(When extracts from the 1911 Census were featured in West Kerry Live over a period the name William Edwards stood out from the rest in Castlegregory. He was 17 years of age and gave his profession as ‘Gunsmith’. How did he become a professional gunsmith at that age? Was he the same person as the William Edwards above…or a son?)

Corca Dhuibhne
Gleann Tí an Easaigh: Mossy Donegan

Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance Tourism News
As we slowly come out of hibernation and the storms of January, it is lovely to see the days beginning to get longer and brighter…… time for looking ahead and planning dates for the diary. So let us help you!
The Dingle Peninsula Cultural Calendar of Events won the European Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism 2024 Award in the Intangible Heritage and Festivals Category. The European Cultural Tourism Network (ECTN) awarded first prize as it recogised the importance of our Calendar of Events as it promotes the Dingle Peninsula’s 32 annual community festivals and celebrations. Piet Jaspaert, chair of European Heritage Alliance 3.3 who also chaired the ECTN Award’s Joint Jury, called it amazing that one poster could represent such a wealth of cultural heritage and community volunteerism.

This Award underscores the EU recognition of the Peninsula’s local voluntary committees and the magic of each event in which their volunteers have been acknowledged, appreciated and celebrated for their dedication and passion for the Irish language, heritage and culture of the Dingle Peninsula. Among the community events are showcases from traditions of the sea through the regattas, to the land by artisan food producers, farmers, fishing families, chefs, distillery and breweries that unite for festivals and fairs such as the Dingle Food Festival.
The Dingle Peninsula is now recognised on the European stage as a Sustainable Cultural Tourism Destination and Congratulations to all our Community Festival Committees and Volunteers who made this European Award possible.
Opening up our Festival season for 2025, we welcome the Dingle Distillery International Film Festival with “Common Ground: The Irish / Ukrainian Experience”, 1st & 2nd February. Other Festivals coming up in February include Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, 19th to 23rd and Comórtas Peile Páidí O’Sé, Ceann Trá, 21st to 23rd February. Wishing every Festival Committee and all volunteers across the Dingle Peninsula, a wonderful celebration of their festivals and events throughout the year! Comhghairdeachas gach éinne agus míle buíochas.
The full Dingle Peninsula Cultural Calendar of Events can be found on the Dingle Peninsula website: https://www.dingle-peninsula.ie/attractionson-the-dingle-peninsula-co-kerry/festivals-and-entertainment-on-thedingle-peninsula.html or email Simone at info@dingle-peninsula.ie for more information.
DINGLE PENINSULA TOURISM ALLIANCE Promoting the Dingle Peninsula Together #DinglePeninsula #CorcaDhuibhne

The Dingle Peninsula Festivals and Events Calendar “showcases how small communities on the edge of Europe can demonstrate resilience and determination to preserve and retain our native language and cultural heritage whilst keeping intact the sense of belonging for our communities and villages,” Jaspaert said, quoting the submission by Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance (DPTA). He added that the Calendar “helped sustain local family-run businesses, extended their business seasons and provided jobs, while working toward a circular economy” (CTCD/DPTA, 2024). DPTA’s application for the ECTN Awards focused on the region’s 32 community-led annual events that showcase the Irish language, the cultural heritage of Corca Dhuibhne through fishing, farming, artisan foods, crafts, music, story-telling, poetry, literature, spirituality, mythology, biodiversity, climate action, walking, sports and Gaelic Football. The Calendar represents the ethos of DPTA in promoting ‘Slow, Responsible Tourism’ to mitigate ‘Bucket List” tourism that brings with it an extensive carbon footprint and to promote the Dingle Peninsula as a destination to stay longer to truly experience our local culture and heritage while being inspired by our landscape in a way that supports Leave No Trace principles.

Garraí na dTor, Lios Póil, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí V92 CX51 www.scoilliospoil.ie
Scoil Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil

Healing, Fire and SongLá Fhéile Bríde 2025

St. Brigid’s Festival celebrating the extraordinary women of Ireland past and present, bringing together generations of women through poetry, prose music and song, hosted by Cór Siamsa Tíre.
Tickets €25/18
Film Screening
New feature film by Kerry director, Maurice O’Carroll’s open’s SIamsa Tíre’s new Screen Film CLub screening series followed by a Q&A with Maurice himself. The story follows rookie boxer Toni Gale’s journey from the dressing room to the ring.
Tickets €8

Sun 16th Feb 8pm

Booking fees apply

Three Short Comedies by Sean O’Casey - Druid Theatre Druid Theatre presents Sean O’Casey’s classic rip-roaring one act tales of misadventure - A Pound on Demand, Bedtime Story, The End and the Beginning. Be prepared for a night of side-splitting laughter.
Tickets €30/27
The Legends of American Country Show
This tour will showcase highly acclaimed tributes to country legends and recent icons with countless singalong hit songs from all your favourite country stars.
Tickets €28.50

by Mossy Donegan
The Dingle Bookshop

Explore The World Of Cinema At Siamsa Tíre
New Screen Film Club Launches With KIFF

Siamsa Tíre is proud to announce the launch of its brand-new Siamsa Screen Film Club, developed in partnership with the Kerry International Film Festival (KIFF). Starting February 4th, film enthusiasts will be treated to a diverse lineup of cinematic gems in Siamsa Tíre’s theatre every month throughout 2025.
From heartwarming dramas to thrilling mysteries, the carefully curated selection by KIFF highlights the rich tapestry of genres, languages, and storytelling mediums, ensuring there’s something for everyone.
The collaboration with KIFF comes at a time when Siamsa Tíre aims to deepen its engagement with the local arts community and expand its cultural offerings. By joining forces with KIFF, the Screen Film Club brings both acclaimed international films and celebrated Irish cinema to audiences in Kerry, fostering an appreciation for the art of filmmaking sure to appeal to a diverse cross-section of new audiences
Film Lineup Highlights
February 4th: The season kicks off with the bold new Irish film Swing Bout , directed by Kerry filmmaker Maurice O’Carroll. This gripping story blends sports drama and crime thriller as rookie boxer Toni Gale navigates a tumultuous journey from the dressing room to the ring.
March 4th: As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge, Tarrac offers an uplifting Irish-language feature shot on the Dingle Peninsula. The film follows Aoife, who finds healing and connection in the competitive world of rowing Naomhóg boats while grappling with the loss of her mother.
April 22nd: Italian cinematic gem La Chimera , directed by Alice Rohrwacher, brings audiences to 1980s Italy. This vibrant comedy-drama stars Josh O’Connor as an archaeologist entangled in the misadventures of graverobbers.
May 6th: Pat Collins’ That They May Face the Rising Sun will be shown at 11am, accommodating schools and daytime audiences. This poignant film chronicles a year in the life of a rural Irish community, exploring themes of belonging and return.
June 3rd: To mark the 55th anniversary of Ryan’s Daughter, the iconic film shot in Kerry will feature in a special afternoon screening, celebrating its enduring legacy.
July 27th: A Grandparents Day treat, Robot Dreams, 2024’s Oscar-nominated Best Animated Feature, will charm audiences with its bittersweet tale of friendship between a lonely dog and a robot in 1980s New York City.
Siamsa Tíre CEO Angela Ryan Whyte added, "We are delighted to partner with KIFF to bring this unique series of films to audiences in Kerry. The Screen Film Club represents a shared vision to celebrate the power of cinema and its ability to connect us through storytelling, in the comfort of our welcoming theatre. We are passionate about opening our doors to connect with all generations, nationalities and interest groups and meet the demand amongst film enthusiasts from all walks of life. Film offers us a lens to see and understand worlds that we both recognise and aspire to see and it has immense value as an access point to the arts.”
Membership and Tickets
A special Film Club membership offers all six screenings for just €42 (a saving of €13.50 including discount on tickets and individual ticket fees), while individual tickets are priced at €8 each (booking fee applies).
For more information or to book tickets, visit www.siamsatire.com or call the Box Office at 066 7123055.

Robbie Flannery flying the flag in The Phillipines

Grow Remote is a social enterprise on a mission to make good quality job opportunities available to everyone, regardless of their location. The mission is to make remote work accessible for everyone and create lasting social impact.
Local Grow Remote chapters around the country provides support and a social network to those who are already working remotely or in a hybrid home/office situation. Also to those who are curious about remote work and job opportunities. We host regular get-togethers, to give an outlet to those who are regularly working from home or a similar situation. You can find out more about the organisation on growremote.ie
The Dingle chapter of Grow Remote is one of the largest in the country, approaching 100 members. We know that there are even more people across Corca Dhuibhne who don't have a social scene through their work and anybody who's already a member will tell you that you will be warmly welcomed, whatever your situation is.
We have also been supporting local business' by hosting our events with them and we look forward to continuing this in 2025 (Open to suggestions if your organisation would like to get involved with us or host an event.)
To find out about our events, you can search for events in Dingle on www.eventbrite.ie
To join our local Whatsapp group, where you will be first to hear about upcoming events, scan the QR code with your camera. Beidh fáilte romhat!
- Aodán, Laura agus Mélanie - (Volunteer) Local Leaders

Clár Imeachtaí Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh 2025Fógartha
Banna Céilí an Tulla ag teacht go Corca Dhuibhne don chéad uair mar chuid de Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh 2025.

Beidh 28 rang ar siúl thar an 3 lá, san amhránaíocht, an rince seite agus ar ceithre chinn déag de uirlisí ceoil éagsúla sa tradisiún. Sé seo an líon is mó ranganna riamh a tionóladh ag an Scoil Cheoil agus tá os cionn
dhá chéad dalta, idir óg agus aosta, cláraithe cheana féin.
Beidh trí mhór cheolchoirm ar bun le linn an 5 lá. Ceann ar an Déardaoin an 20ú lá Feabhra in Ionad an Bhlascaoid agus ar an Aoine agus Satharn i Halla na Feothanaí. Ar stáitse beidh ceoltóirí, amhránaithe agus rinceoirí ó Oileán Cheap Bhreatainn, Albain, Sasana, as ceithre chúige na hÉireann, agus as Corca Dhuibhne.
Tar éis Aifreann le Cór Chúil Aodha i Sáipéal Naomh Uinseann ar an mBuailtín ar an nDomhnach beidh maidin chaifé agus ceoil. Roinnfear an méid a bhaileofar idir Ciste Othair Ospidéil an Daingin agus carthanacht do leanaí na Pailistíne. Bheadh lucht an eagraithe an-bhuíoch d’éinne a bheadh sásta bácáil a dhéanamh don mhaidin chaifé, cabhrú ar an lá, nó duaiseanna a thabhairt don raifil.
Cuirfear clabhsúr le Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh 2025 leis Céilí Mór Seiteanna i Halla na Feothanaí le Banna Céilí an ‘Tulla’ a bheidh ar a gcéad chuairt riamh ar iarthar Dhuibhneach.
Tá ticéid don Céilí, do na ranganna agus na himeachtaí ar fad ar fáil anois ar Eventbrite agus iad ag díol go tapaigh. Moltar do dhaoine ticéid dos na ceolchoirmeach agus céilithe a cheannach roimh ré. Tá sonraí faoi na himeachtaí go léir ar fáil ar shuíomh Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh www. scoilcheoil.com
Agus is féidir féachaint siar ar imeachtaí Scoil Cheoil na bliana seo caite sa sraith teilfíse atá á chraoladh ar TG4 gach oíche Dé Domhnaigh ag 21:30.
Faigheann Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh urraíocht ón gComhairle Ealaíne, Ealaíon na Gaeltachta, Foras na Gaeilge, Colmcille, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta agus gnónna áitiúla, agus táimíd fíor bhuíoch dóibh agus do thacaíocht an phobail ar fad.

Production Assistant/
Production Assistant
Delivery driver
a Production Assistant to join our team in Dingle, this is a permanent position with seasonality. Experience in food production an advantage however full training will be ly via email to mark@murphysicecream.eu
Murphy’s Ice Cream are seeking to recruit a Production Assistant/Delivery Driver. The position is a Permanent Position with variable hours averaging 24-40 hrs per week. Experience in food production is desirable but full training will be provided to the successful candidate. This position is based in Dingle, Co.Kerry. Hourly pay range from 14.00-16.00/h
A full clean driving license is required. Start date 18th March 2025, Applications close on 24/02/2025
Please forward your CV to tom@murphysicecream.eu


Dúchas an Daingin/Tobar Dhuibhne, Mac Gearailt Centra - Daingean Uí Chuis, Ceann Sibeál Hotel, Dingle Garden Townhouse,
David Clifford Roofing & Contracting, Infinity Sauna, Tigh Uí Chuinn, Barr an Bhaile Homes, Sona Sauna, Blasket Island Sea Life Tours
Tigh Tábhairne Páidí Uí Shé

31 Card Drive

ar mhaithe le Féile na Bealtaine Tables of 8
Dé Domhnaigh 9 Mí Feabhra Sunday 9th February 6pm The Dingle Pub.
Friday Jan 24th
7pm - Traditional Ukrainian Motanka Doll Crafting workshop - by Oleksandra - Sean Scoil - €15
Saturday Jan 25th
Biddy's Day Festival
12-5pm - Traditional Sugán Footstool Weaving Workshop - w/t Timmy & Simon - Sean Scoil - €45 11am-3pm - Biddy Costume Crafting - Boyle’s Old Shop
3pm-5pm - Story-telling workshop - w/t Joe Brennan - O’Grady’s
Tuesday Jan 28th
The annual Biddy’s Day Festival returns to Killorglin this year, bringing with it a vibrant celebration of Irish tradition, creativity, and community spirit. At the heart of the festivities is the Biddy’s Parade, an unmissable event set to light up the streets of Killorglin on Saturday, February 1st at 7pm – and everyone is invited to join in the magic!
11am - Cainte Agus Comhrá & Brigid Cross-making - w/t Eileen Hayes – Killorglin Library
Thursday Jan 30th
Friday Jan 24th
7pm - Traditional Ukrainian Motanka Doll Crafting workshop - by Oleksandra - Sean Scoil - €15
7pm - Lighting the St. Brigid’s Flame - Opposite Falveys
The Biddy’s Parade: A Celebration of Tradition and Community
7.30pm - Meeting of the Brigid’s - Falveys
Saturday Jan 25th
8.00pm - Candlelight Singing Session - Falveys
Friday Jan 31st
12-5pm - Traditional Sugán Footstool Weaving Workshop - w/t Timmy & Simon - Sean Scoil - €45 11am-3pm - Biddy Costume Crafting - Boyle’s Old Shop
3pm-5pm - Story-telling workshop - w/t Joe Brennan - O’Grady’s
All Day - Cross-making - w/t Eileen Hayes - Killorglin Library
Tuesday Jan 28th
1pm - Scoil Mhuire Kids Music & Dance Performance - Library Steps
1.30pm - Yoga at Lunch - w/t Bridget Moriarty - Killorglin Library Plaza
The Biddy’s Parade is the crown jewel of the festival, showcasing the timeless tradition of Biddy groups, adorned in straw hats and costumes, carrying the iconic Brídeóg dolls. This spectacular display of fire, song, and dance will weave its way through Killorglin’s main streets, creating an unforgettable evening for participants and spectators alike.
3pm - Tales of Saint Brigid: Story-telling - w/t Eileen Hayes - Killorglin Library
11am - Cainte Agus Comhrá & Brigid Cross-making - w/t Eileen Hayes – Killorglin Library
3.30pm - Lantern Making Workshop - w/t Caoimhe Dunn - Sean Scoil
Thursday Jan 30th
7.30pm - Womens Circle - w/t Geraldine Ahern - Cromane Community Centre
7.30pm - Talk ‘Legends & Folklore of St. Brigid in Kerry’ - w/t Tom Dillon - CYMS Small Theatre
7pm - Lighting the St. Brigid’s Flame - Opposite Falveys
8.30pm - ‘St. Brigid of Ireland’ Short ffiilm and Q&A - CYMS Green Room - €5
7.30pm - Meeting of the Brigid’s - Falveys
This year, the festival extends a warm invitation to the entire community: Come march in the parade! Whether as part of a Biddy group, in costume, or simply to experience the joy, everyone is welcome.
Festival Highlights
8.00pm - Candlelight Singing Session - Falveys
Saturday Feb 1st - St. Brigid’s Day – Lá Fhéile Bríde
Friday Jan 31st
8am - A Blessing to Brigid; Flower Offering at Sunrise - Cromane Beach
Beyond the parade, the Biddy’s Day Festival offers a wide array of events celebrating Irish heritage:
All Day - Cross-making - w/t Eileen Hayes - Killorglin Library
11am - 2pm - Biddy Workshop Hub: Butter-making, cross-making, Brideogs, Kids Arts & Crafts - Boyle’s Old Shop
1pm - Scoil Mhuire Kids Music & Dance Performance - Library Steps
1-3pm – Ceramic Cross-Making Workshop - @ Blue Bird Pottery - €45pp.
1.30pm - Yoga at Lunch - w/t Bridget Moriarty - Killorglin Library Plaza
7pm - THE BIDDY’S PARADE - ALL WELCOME! - Killorglin Town From The Fishery to the Fair Field
3pm - Tales of Saint Brigid: Story-telling - w/t Eileen Hayes - Killorglin Library
Sunday Feb 2nd
3.30pm - Lantern Making Workshop - w/t Caoimhe Dunn - Sean Scoil
7.30pm - Womens Circle - w/t Geraldine Ahern - Cromane Community Centre
8pm - ‘Mother... ‘Motherhood, Motherland, Mothering... - Themed Storytelling - w/t Joe & Bridget - O’Grady’s Monday Feb 3rd
7.30pm - Talk ‘Legends & Folklore of St. Brigid in Kerry’ - w/t Tom Dillon - CYMS Small Theatre
8.30pm - ‘St. Brigid of Ireland’ Short ffiilm and Q&A - CYMS Green Room - €5
• Workshops and Crafting: Join in Biddy costumemaking, Brat Bhríde embroidery, sugán weaving, and butter-making workshops. Unique offerings include St. Brigid’s cross-making and Ukrainian Motanka doll crafting.
• Storytelling and History: Explore Irish folklore and St. Brigid’s legacy through storytelling sessions and talks.
2pm - The Rambling House: Song, Poetry, Stories and Dance - Francie Sheahans
Saturday Feb 1st - St. Brigid’s Day – Lá Fhéile Bríde
8am - A Blessing to Brigid; Flower Offering at Sunrise - Cromane Beach
11am - 2pm - Biddy Workshop Hub: Butter-making, cross-making, Brideogs, Kids Arts & Crafts - Boyle’s Old Shop
1-3pm – Ceramic Cross-Making Workshop - @ Blue Bird Pottery - €45pp.
Live Music in select bars all weekend Biddy’s Day Signature Cocktail by Falvey’s
7pm - THE BIDDY’S PARADE - ALL WELCOME! - Killorglin Town From The Fishery to the Fair Field
Sunday Feb 2nd
8pm - ‘Mother... ‘Motherhood, Motherland, Mothering... - Themed Storytelling - w/t Joe & Bridget - O’Grady’s Monday Feb 3rd
2pm - The Rambling House: Song, Poetry, Stories and Dance - Francie Sheahans
• Lighting of the Brigid Flame: On January 30th, gather for a ceremonial lighting of the Brigid Flame, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the enduring legacy of Ireland’s patroness, opposite Falvey’s Bar at 7pm.
• Cultural Performances: Enjoy traditional music, dancing, and the festival’s exclusive Biddy’s Day Cocktails

Until Wednesday 26th February 2025 at 12pm
New Frontiers Phase 1 can help you to validate & progress your business idea.
Apply Now at https://www.newfrontiers.ie/register

Ina meascsan a bheidh i láthair, beidh:
• Ceaití Ní Bheildiúin
• Dairena Ní Chinnéide
• Simon Ó Faolåin
• Seoirse Ó Luasa (an Caifé Liteartha)
• Peadar Ó hUallaigh
• Mícheál Ó hUanachåin
• Ceol le Mark Crickard, agus le Máire Breatnach Saor-chead isteach, agus cead cainte ag éinne a bhfuil an fonn san air nó uirthi.

R a n g a n n a A m h r á n a í o c h t a d o d h a o i n e f á s t a l e
M o s s i e Ó S c a n l á i n a g u s
Á i n e U í L a o i t h e
S e o c h u g a t d o s h e a n s c h

C a t h a i n : Dé Céadaoin, 5, 12 agus 26 Feabhra agus aríst i mí an Mhárta
I o n a d : D ú n C h í o m h á i n , Ionad Ollscoile Choláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh (V92 VK59)
A m : 7.00-8.00p.m
C o s t a s : €5 an seisiún
B r e i s e o l a i s : Caitríona (087)7675388 nó Susan (087)6113067

Fáilte roimis na héinne is cuma an guth binn nó garbh atá agat! A Mháire Bháin Óig..., A chailín bhig óig ná pós an seanduine liath..
Coláiste Íde
Meánscoil Chónaithe 7 Lá Lán Ghealach do Chailíní
do Stiúrthóir an Tí
Tá folúntas i gColáiste Íde do Stiúrthóir an Tí. Ní mór don duine seo a bheith ar fáil sna tráthnóintí agus i rith an deireadh seachtaine ó Eanáir 2025. Ní mór Gaeilge líofa labhartha a bheith ag an iarrthóir agus go mbeadh spéis acu oibriú le déagóirí. Beidh an té a cheapfar i bhfeighil ar an bhfoireann féitheoireachta, uainchláir, imeachtaí agus rollaí.
Breis eolais ach r-phost a chuir go dtí aoife@ colaisteide.com nó glaoigh orainn ar 066 9151211 Glacfar le hiarrataisí mar aon le curriculum vitae go aoife@colaisteide.com roimh 17:00 Dé hAoine an 14ú Feabhra 2025
Coláiste Íde
Meánscoil Chónaithe 7 Lá Lán Ghealach do Chailíní
Folúntas: Féitheoir
Tá folúntas i gColáiste Íde d’fhéitheoir. Ní mór don duine seo a bheith ar fáil sna tráthnóintí agus i rith an deireadh seachtaine agus thar oíche ó Eanáir 2025. Ní mór Gaeilge labhartha a bheith ag an iarrthóir agus go mbeadh spéis acu oibriú le déagóirí.
Breis eolais ach r-phost a chuir go dtí aoife@ colaisteide.com nó glaoigh orainn ar 066 9151211 Glacfar le hiarrataisí mar aon le curriculum vitae go aoife@colaisteide.com roimh 17:00 Dé hAoine an 14ú Feabhra 2025.
Coláiste Íde
Meánscoil Chónaithe 7 Lá Lán Ghealach do Chailíní
Folúntas do Ghlantóir / Cleaner
Tá folúntas do ghlantóir i gColáiste Íde i mí Eanáir 2025. Obair thráthnóna agus deireadh seachtaine a bheadh i gceist.
Coláiste Íde has a vacancy for a cleaner from January 2025 onward. The position involves evening/weekend work.
Further information please email aoife@colaisteide. com or contact us on 0669151211Coláiste Íde
Glacfar le hiarrataisí mar aon le curriculum vitae go aoife@colaisteide.com roimh 17:00 Dé hAoine an 14ú Feabhra 2025.
Notaí an ClochánBréanainn
Halla Le Chéile
Dé Luain / Monday:-
10.30am . Grúpa do thuismitheoirí agus
leanaí óige – Various subjects covered. Relaxed morning. Tea / Caife served ( by Donation)
7.30pm. An Tinteán Ceoil - Music, song, stories, poetry and dance.
Dé Máirt / Tuesday
12.30pm Béile an Pharóiste – Community Lunch. Contact Halla le Chéile to book your space (Bus available)
7.30pm. ICA
Dé Chéadaoin / Wednesday
10.30am Grúpa Oidhreachta / Heritage Group
10.30am Grúpa do thuismitheoirí agus leanaí óige – Supporting the use of Irish within the family
6.30pm. Ranganna Chess
Déardaoin / Thursday
7.30pm. Rince Seite - Set Dancing and social dancing
Dé hAoine / Friday .
Le Chéile na n-Óg
Spás Oifige le ligean ar cíos. Office space to let Tuilleadh eolais www.cflt.ie/office-hotdesks-to-let/ nó glaoch a chuir orainn ar 066 713813
Local Link Bus Service: Route 273 departs from Brandon to Tralee

Beaufort Film Night is delighted to announce that it will return on Friday 7 th February at Kilgobnet National School, Beaufort.
Beaufort Film Night will be screening the German romantic comedy-drama I’M YOUR MAN (Ich bin dein Mensch) as its feature film on the night. Set in Berlin in the near future, this thought-provoking and amusing film captures the zeitgeist of artificial intelligence encroaching on our everyday lives.
Alma is a scientist at Berlin’s Pergamon Museum. In an attempt to secure funding for her
twice daily. 10.15am & 4pm. Booking not required.
R49 departs Brandon Point @ 9.10am Monday and Wednesday.
Thuilleadh eolas https://www.locallinkkerry.ie
BÉILE LE CHÉILE . Béile Le Cheile has expanded to Castlegregory. We deliver daily MondayFriday. €10 for main course & dessert. If you need extra for the weekend we will include with Friday's delivery..
Please call 0872372241 with your orders or for further information. If we have your contact details we will text the menu on each Friday for the following week.
We wish to thank our regular clients and our staff for all you do to help the expansion of this service.
SENIORS - Mid January and the campaign trail starts again for the Senior Men's squad. The club are delighted that last year’s management team have committed to another exciting stage of the journey and so we will have Ger O'Callaghan (Manager), Patrick O'Donnell, Dónal Moriarty and Jason O’Connor (Selectors), Mike, Lyne (Stats), Tim Dennehy, Seamus Rafter (Medical / First Aid) and Edward Hoare (Match Recordings). Co-Captains for this year will be Maharees men John Joe Hussey and Michael Scanlon.
LOTTO - First draw of '25 saw the numbers 3,4,11,and 25 drawn. The €25 winners last week were Patricia Quirke, David O’Connor, Joe Walsh and Aoileann Ní Gearailt. Tickets available from the usual sources, SPAR, FITZGERALDS, THE GREEN ROOM, BOLANDS in Castle or AN SIOPA & MURPHYS out in Cloghane, Brandon and now you can also get your numbers in us-
latest research, she reluctantly agrees to evaluate a new line of humanoid cyborgs for an ethics committee. But Alma has taken on more than she bargained for – the process requires her to live for three weeks with Tom, a robot programmed to be her ideal life partner.
Actress-turned-director Maria Schrader has crafted a playful comedy, which cleverly explores themes of love, relationships, humanity and identity. Featuring outstanding performances from Maren Eggert as Alma, who won the Silver Bear Prize at the Berlin Film Festival for her role, and a thoroughly entertaining Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey’s Matthew Crawley) speaking fluent German to play Tom, I’m Your Man is an unlikely but thoroughly enjoyable sci-fi rom-com.
The award-winning Irish comedy short BAPS AND BUNS will also be screened on the night.
A feisty OAP, desperate to pay for her son's wedding band, starts a ZoomFans baking channel, but quickly realises that her version of baps and buns may be somewhat different!
Both I’m Your Man and Baps and Buns screen at Kilgobnet National School (Eircode V93 DW26) on Friday 7 th February at 8.30pm. The full ad -
CLUB APP - Castlegregory GAA have recently launched their own Club App through CLUBSPOT. It will be a must for all members, players, supporters of Castle GAA with all the latest news, membership, fundraising, messaging options available. Simply download the app to your phone / device and sign in. It promises to be a great tool for keeping us all connected. (Facebook and Instagram still out there too!) ART OF WELLBEING:
A 4 Week FREE course to explore wellbeing with creativity will be held in Halla Le Chéile, V92 DK4C on Tuesdays 6-8pm, starting the 11th February.
Sign up for free by contacting Máire at Halla Le Chéile (0872372241) or contact SHINE (0860407701) or email info@shine.ie
Clochan/Bhreanainn ICA will be holding an afternoon tea party on Sunday February 16th from 2 - 5pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Tralee/West Kerry Branch of the MS Society. Everyone is welcome to attend.

mission price is €7. There is no card payment facility. The admission fee will go towards covering the motion picture licence fee.
I’m Your Man has a 15A rating.
Beaufort Film Night is a non-profit community organisation founded by local film enthusiasts whose aim is to screen cultural English language and international language films, fostering an interest in and appreciation of these category of films, films that normally don’t get a general release screening in Kerry. Films screened at Beaufort Film Night are carefully curated in order to appeal to a general audience. Beaufort Film Night is working in conjunction with Access Cinema, the Arts Council funded organisation which assists film clubs and film nights in Ireland with their screenings.
Beaufort Film Night would like to thank Kilgobnet National School for providing the venue for this cultural and entertainment opportunity. Further information can be viewed on Beaufort Film Night’s Facebook page (BeaufortFilmNight) and Twitter page (@Beaufort_Film).

Tobar Dhuibhne - Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar - Eolas & Nuacht
Tobar Dhuibhne - West Kerry Language Plan

Ranganna Scileanna Sorcais agus Samba Tosnófar ‘Ranganna Scileanna Sorcais agus Samba’ ar Luan, an 10 Feabhra. Tá na ranganna seo curtha ar fáil ag Tobar Dhuibhne agus Tús Maith agus beidh siad á mhúineadh ag Caitríona Ní Mhurchú. Tá na ranganna seo dírithe ar pháistí idir 7 agus 12 bliana d’aois Beidh deis ag leanaí foghlaim fé Ióga, Rithim, Cnagcheoil, Lámhchleasaíocht (Juggling), Húla Húp agus i bhfad níos mó! Más spéis libh sna ranganna seo, déan teagmháil le Barry ar 087 376 9538 chun clárú.
Deiseanna Cainte & Foghlama
Thosnaigh Cleachtadh Cainte Ar líne le Susan Feirtéar Dé Máirt an 28ú Eanáir óna 7-8in ach níl sé ródhéanach le clárú. Déan teagmháil le hÉibhín (0873779337) má tá suim agat ann! Chomh maith leis sin beidh Bunrang Cainte ag tosnú sa Phobalscoil gach Céadaoin ó 6-7in ar an 5 Feabhra. Tá na ranganna seo ar fáil do dhaoine atá ag cuir tús lena n-aistear foghlama Chun clárú déan teagmháil le Éibhín - 0873779337
Online Speaking Practice with Susan Feirtéar
(0873779337) if you are interested! We also will be starting a Beginner’s Speaking Class in the Pobalscoil every Wednesday from 6-7pm starting on the 5th of February. These classes are available to people who are starting their learning journey. To register contact Éibhín -

‘Saol ó Dheas’ ar Raidió na Gaeltachta á chraoladh beo ón gComharchumann. Céiliúradh an Chomahrchumainn
Bhí an Saol ó Dheas ag craoladh beo ó Áras Bhréanainn le deanaí agus céiliúradh á dhéanamh ar an gComharchumann atá tar éis fás agus forbairt mar ionad lárnach don bpobal thar na blianta. Agus obair ag tosnú ar láthair an seanachomharchumainn go luath, bhíomar ar fad i dteannta Sláine Ní Chathalláin fad is a thugadh síos bóithrín na cuimhní sinn madir leis an gComharchumann agus na tograí ar fad atá bunaithe agus idir láimhe acu go dtí an lá atá inniu ann ar nós Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne, Tús Maith, Tobar Dhuibhne agus i bhfad níos mó ná sin. Táimid ana-bhródúil agus buíoch a bheith mar chuid d’fhoireann an Chomharchumainn agus ag súil go mór leis na héachtanna eile a bheidh le teacht. Deiseanna fostaíochta / Job opportunities
Bíonn éagsúlacht iontach le postanna agus Gaelainn mar chuid dóibh, seo daoibh cúpla post dóibh siúd a bhfuil deis uaibh (tuilleadh ar www.peig.ie):
• Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga - Forbairt Pobail Mhaigh Cuilinn
• Comhfhreagraí Polaitíochta - Nuacht RTÉ/TG4
Oifigeach Cumarsáide agus Caidrimh
Imeachtaí Thobar Dhuibhne / Tobar Dhuibhne’s events
• Babhta Cuileachtan sa bheár bheag i dTigh Kruger gach Luan @ 12in
• Ciorcal Comhrá - gach Céadaoin ag a 11:00 in Áras Bhréanainn, Baile an Fheir-

Tomhais na coicíse
“Droichead ar loch gan maide nó cloch”
Cad is ea é?
Cuir freagra chugainn @tobardhuibhne ar Instagram, ar WhatsApp (087 376 9538) nó ar r-phost!
Freagra & buaiteoirí an eagráin seo chaite: “‘Sé an phósadh an t-aon leigheas atá air”
Freagra: “Grá”
Nóirín Uí Mhuircheartaigh, Denis Ó Siochrú, Ruby Nic Gabhann
Gaelainn Labhartha, Pobal Nasctha
Bí ag caint linne, Tobar Dhuibhne. Táimid ar Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & Instagram. Cad é do Phlean Teanga féin?
Ríomhphost: pleanteanga@cfcd.ie
Suíomh Idirlín: www.tobardhuibhne.ie
LinkTree (nascanna): https://linktr.ee/TobarDhuibhne0000
Glaoigh ar 066 9156 100 (3 do Thobar Dhuibhne), nó 087 376 9538 do Bharry Ó Siochrú

Micheál Devane
Sciuird tapaidh go Cé Bhréanainn

Áras Bhréanainn, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí 066-9156100 eolas@cfcd.ie
Scéim Fostaíochta Pobail CFCD (CE)
Tá roinnt folúntas i bhfostaíocht phobail againn i gCiarraí Thiar - i gCaisleán Ghriaire, Abhainn an Scáil, Lios Póil, An Daingean, Ceann Trá & Baile an Fheirtéaraigh. Oibrithe Ginearálta a oibríonn lasmuigh is mó a bhíonn i gceist chomh maith. Tá feidhm ag gach critéar CE. Tuilleadh eolais ag - joebrick@cfcd.ie / 087-2682097
Community Employment Scheme (CE)
We have a number of vacancies in West Kerry including Castlegregory, Annascaul, Lios Póil, An Daingean, Ceann Trá & Baile an Fheirtéaraigh for community employment. These vacancies are maily General Operatives working outdoors but some are also indoors. All CE criteria apply. For more information please contact - joebrick@cfcd.ie / 087-2682097

Cad atá ar bun ag Dúchas an Daingin?
An raibh a fhios agat go bhfuil Plean Teanga ann do Dhaingean Uí Chúis? An raibh a fhios agat gur ó Phobal an Bhaile a tháinig an plean? Táimid ag obair ar fheidhmniú an phlean le trí bliana anuas agus mórán rudaí difriúla ar bun againn. Is linne ar fad an teanga, agus is féidir linn ar fad cabhrú lena chéile níos mó Gaelainne a labhairt na haon lá. Úsáid do chuid Gaelainne an deireadh seachtaine fada seo agus tú timpeall na háite.
Did you know that Dingle town has its own language plan? Did you know that this plan came from the people of the town? We are working on the implementation of the plan with the last three years and there are many different aspects to it. The language is all of ours, we can all help each other use more Irish in our day to day lives. Use your Irish this long weekend while you're around town. Whether you have a few phrases or are close to fluent, be sure to use all you have. Imeachtaí Míosúla
Beidh ár gcéad imeacht míosúil againn ar an

13ú Feabhra i gCístí Chorca Dhuibhne! Caith an tráthnóna linn agus cístí beaga á mhaisiú againn, díreach in am do Lá Fhéile Vailintín. Tráthnóna lán de chomhluadar, craic agus cístí! Is féidir clárú ar www.linktr.ee/duchasandaingin
The first event of the year will be on in Cístí Chorca Dhuibhne on the 13/02. Spend the evening decorating cupcakes with us, just in time for Valentines. An evening full of company, craic and cakes! Register now on www.linktr.ee/duchasandaingin Bhí an tigh lán do mhaidin scéalaíochta a d’eagraigh Púca le linn na deireadh seachtaine. Ní hamháin go raibh scéalta á insint ag na daoine fásta, ach bhí cúpla scéal chomh maith ag na leanaí ón lucht féachana, mol an óige! Chomhghairdeachas le Púca as an imeacht aoibhinn! Plé & Craic
An bhfuil fonn ort cúpla focal Spáinnise a fhoghlaim agus do chuid Gaelainne a chleachtadh? Tá seisiúin á eagrú ag Exchange & Thrive, Plé & Craic. Deis atá anseo cultúir agus teangacha na Spáinne agus na hÉireann a roinnt le chéile. D’éirigh ana mhaith leis an seisiún ar an Luan agus beidh seisiún eile ann ar
an 03/02 óna 18.30-20.00. Breis eolais exchangeandthrive@gmail.com. Bígí linn!
Would you like to practice your Irish and your Spanish? Exchange and Thrive ar organising Plé & Craic, a chance to exchange and share the Irish and Spanish languages and cultures. The first session was great, be sure to join us Monday 03/02 from 18.30-20.00. Further information exchangeandthrive@gmail.com.
Tacaíochtaí do ghnóanna

Comharthaíocht (msh: oscailte/dúnta, uaireanta oscailte, ean sinn ar na meáin, srl.)
Signage (Open/closed, opening hours, order at the counter etc.)
Seirbhís Aistriúcháin d'aon ní a chuirfidh le feiceáileacht na teangan (msh: comharthaíocht, ábhair don suíomh, fógraí, preasráitis, srl.)
Translating service for anything that will increase the visibility of the language (msh: signage, brochures, website, press releases, ads, menus, etc.)
Tacaíochtaí teanga do ghnóanna, seisiúin cainte agus ranganna dírithe ar an dteanga a úsáidtear le custaiméirí.
Language supports for businesses, language sessions and classes focusing on the spoken language used with customers.
Ciste an Phobail
Solar Systems
Tom Kennedy
Contact us to discuss your event/project/festival on optduchasandaingin@gmail.com or 087 7004 884
Frásaí & Nathanna Úsáideach Useful Phrases & Terms
Bain triail astu sa ar na meáin an tseachtain seo! Why not try some of these on your posts this week!
- Lóistín ar fáil
- Rátaí maithe
- Glaoigh orainn don ráta is fearr
- Seomraí aoibhinn, seirbhís iontach agus radharc den scoth
- Fan linne nuair a bheidh tú sa Daingean
- An bhfuil do shaoire curtha in áirithint agat?
- Glaoigh isteach chugainn ar do chéad chuairt eile
- Táimid ag súil le fáilte a chur romhaibh
- Beimid ag oscailt aríst ar an …
- Táimid ag earcú
- Coinníollacha maithe, ráta ard, foireann iontach
- Tar ag obair linn
- An bhfuil post á lorg agat sa Daingean?
– Accommodation available
- Great rates
- Call us for the best rate
- Beautiful rooms, a great service and amazing views
- Stay with us when your in Dingle
- Have you booked your holiday?
- Call in to us on your next visit
- We look forward to welcoming you
- We are opening again on the…
- We are hiring
- Good conditions, high rates, a great team
- Come work with us
- Are you looking for a job in Dingle?
An féidir linn cabhrú leatsa? Can we help you?
Bí i dteagmháil linn: Cristín de Mórdha
Fón: 087 7004 884
Rphost: optduchasandaingin@gmail.com Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Dúchas an Daingin
Linktree: Dúchas an Daingin
Solar..panels or tubes, what's the difference? Well they both provide hot water when heated by the sun’s energy, thus saving you energy, be it oil, gas or electricity.
A solar system will save up to 70% of your annual hot water bill. When it comes to tubes versus panels, the tubes are marginally more efficient than panels, but realistically the difference is small, especially when we have had such a great spell of sunshine.
An bhfuil imeacht nó ócáid á eagrú agat? An bhfuileann tú ar choiste d’fhéile a bheidh ar bun i mbliana? Tá buiséad beag teoranta ar fáil do thionscadail a thacaíonn le spriocanna Phlean Teanga Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta Dhaingean Uí Chúis (BSG), Dúchas an Daingin a bhaint amach. Le cúpla bliain anuas tá tacaíocht tugtha againn do choistí agus imeachtaí difriúla timpeall an bhaile, mar shampla; Féile na Bealtaine, Féile Bídh, Cogar, Ceol am Lóin, Shorinji Kempo Chorca Dhuibhne, Oíche Amhránaíochta agus mórán eile.
Dein teagmháil linn chun do thogra/imeacht/ ócáid a phlé optduchasandaingin@gmail.com nó 087 7004 884
There is another "solar system" known in the trade as "Thermodynamic" this is a solar panel that works in the dark. Yes with no sunshine, you ask how!
Well the answer is simple really, it's not a solar panel it's a heat pump. The way it works is a panel is fitted to your roof which is connected to a unit and cylinder in your hot press. This is a compressor similar to what's found in a fridge, this unit pumps a refrigerant gas into the panel where it heats due to the fact that the gas has a very low boiling point of about -25 Celsius so this hot gas comes back into the unit, where the gas is compressed to make it hotter, the heat is then transferred to create heat. However, this unit is dependant on electricity to operate so while saving money on heating hot water it does so at a cost.

Get your heating system up to date
Extra Grants available from SEAI & Electric Ireland
Does your Oil/Gas Boiler need servicing Reg. Gas installer
Get your heating system into shape and improve efficiency
Take for example a typical family home with 3 to 5 occupants, costs on average about €1,500 to €2,000 per year to heat, of which about a 1/4 to 1/3 of this is hot water, so a typical hot water bill for a family of 5 is somewhere in the region of €450 to €650 a year.
A solar system for a family of 5 can cost anything from €4,000 to €5,500 supplied and fitted, giving them a yearly saving of approx €350 to €500 and when you take into account the rising cost of energy, a system can pay for itself in 5 to 10 years.
Are you organising an event? Are you on a committee for any of this years festivals? There is a small limited budget available for projects that help achieve the aims of the language plan in Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta Dhaingean Uí Chúis (BSG), Dúchas an Daingin. Over the last few years we have supported different events and committee in the town, for example; Féile na Bealtaine, Féile Bídh, Cogar, Ceol am Lóin, Shorinji Kempo Chorca Dhuibhne, Oíche Amhránaíochta agus mórán eile.

Go For Life Games (Ventry)
The aim of the Go For Life Games is to involve older adults in recreational sports and physical activity. The games are run with the support from the local sports partnerships and the HSE. The Go For Life Games involves three sports:
Málaí - an adaption of the game Cornhole
Scidil - an adaption of the game of Cornhole
Flisk- an adaptation of Ten-Pin bowling and Skittles
The emphasis of the games is on participation and fun and are played in a non-competitive way as much as possible. The tutor will add extra exercises into each session such as stretching and chair aerobics to keep participants interested and involved.
Date: 6-week prog starting Thursday 13th of February
Location: Halla Ceann Trá
Times: 2:00-3:00pm
Cost: Free
Booking Link: https://forms.gle/ia64kWZGveP45g6q9
For more information please contact Maeve on 0876272761


Inch Notes
Sunday 2nd February - Guided Wetland Walk - Free event
To mark World Wetland Day and thanks to local authority Waters, join us for a guided wetland walk led by field ornithologist Ed Carty starting at Inch church at 12.30pm this Sunday 2nd February. The walk will be 1-1½ hours.
The walk is not strenuous but will involve uneven, marshy terrain so wellies and rainwear are essential. Neutral colours are recommended to limit disturbance to birds and other wildlife. Refreshments in Foley's bar after. All welcome
On Tuesday 4th February at 8pm in Inch Community Centre, we will elect a new council.
The council’s three-year term has come to an end. All current members must step down from the community council. They can be nominated again for the same role or a new role. Not all members are seeking to be re-elected so there will be positions available and these will be announced at the AGM. Inch Community Council is also a registered charity, so if you would like to serve your community and volunteer on a very hard-working committee, now’s your chance.
Events at Inch Community Centre:
Yoga with Mélanie: Mondays 7-8pm and Thursday 6-7pm, book in advance via WhatsApp +33 659 286 354.
Bingo nights on the following Thursdays at 7:30pm : 30th Jan, 13th Feb and 27th Feb.
Coffee Mornings on the following Sundays at 10:30am (after mass):16th Feb, 16th Mar.
Senior citizen community lunches (all are welcome) on at 1pm on the following Tuesdays: 11th Feb, 25th Feb, 11th Mar, 25th Mar.
Other regular notices:
Upcoming mass times for St Joseph’s church Inch at 10am on alternate Sundays: 2nd Feb, 16th Feb, 2nd Mar, 16th Mar.
The Kerry Mobile Library Service will be parked opposite Foley’s Bar Inch from 12:25pm – 1pm on Fridays 7th & 21st Feb, 7th & 21st Mar, 4th Apr, 2nd.
Practice your Irish at the weekly Comhra at Foley’s Bar Inch on Wednesdays at 10:30am. All levels welcome.
The 276 Bus Service from Killarney to Dingle will be passing Inch Church daily at 9:53, 15:28 and 18:53, and Inch Beach daily at 9:55, 15:30 and 18:55. The service from Dingle to Killarney will be passing Inch Beach daily at 7:45, 12:20 and 16:50, and Inch Church daily at 7:47,12:22 and 16:52.
If you would like to add something to the Inch Community notes, please contact Jenny and Mélanie: inchcommunityevents@gmail.com.

One-Pot Chicken and Lentils
Mark Murphy - Dingle Cookery School

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Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry 085 1755362
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Based in Castlegregory, Tralee, Co. Kerry

This One-Pot Warming Chicken and Lentil dish is the ultimate midweek comfort food, perfect for chilly evenings. Made with succulent chicken thighs, hearty lentils, and a mixture of warming spices, it’s a wholesome, flavour-packed meal that’s both easy to prepare and comforting to eat. Everything is cooked in one pot, making it perfect for busy days with minimal washing up. Whether you’re feeding the family or mealprepping for the week, this hearty dish ticks all the boxes. Serve with crusty bread or a simple side salad for a cosy, satisfying meal that will warm you from the inside out.
Ingredients olive oil
8 chicken thighs
1 onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 carrots, diced bunch of thyme, leaves picked
1 tbsp. tomato paste
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground coriander
1 tsp. ground turmeric
200g green lentils, washed
600ml chicken stock
1 lime, juiced and zested bunch of parsley, chopped salt and pepper
Put a casserole pot on over medium heat to high heat, once hot add a little oil and add the chicken. Once the chicken has browned, remove it, place it on a plate, turn the heat down a little then add the onion and garlic, cook for a few minutes, then add the carrots and the thyme, cook for a further 3-4 minutes. Add in the tomato paste, stir well. You can now add in the spices and stir well. Return the chicken to the pot, add in the lentils and the stock. Make sure to cover everything well, add water if you haven’t enough stock. Bring this to a boil, then allow it to simmer for about 40 minutes (I always check half way to make sure there is enough liquid). Check the chicken to make sure it has cooked. Taste and adjust the seasoning, add some lime juice, lime zest and finish with parsley
Bain Taitneamh As!
Míle Buíochas
Ba mhaith le Cumann Vincent de Paul buíochas a bhabháil le gach duine a bhí fial flaithiúil linn i rith na bliana

Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance Membership Benefits 2025 Join Us…..
This is the 5th decade of Dingle Peninsula Tourism (Alliance) representing our businesses – tourism, retail, crafters, food producers, community councils and all town/ villages across the Dingle Peninsula. Have your voice included for our future as we work together to support our local businesses (96% are family run) and sustain Corca Dhuibhne for future generations.
Key Aims 2025 – 2030
To continue to support and promote our local business members by:
• Increasing visitor’s stays in shoulder and winter periods
• Increasing visitor bed nights across the peninsula
• Increasing the length of stays of visitors all year round
• Increasing the length of time businesses stay open (should they wish to do so)
• Increasing the number of jobs year-round for the peninsula
Opportunities 2025 – 2030
• Work with our members to develop the next 5-year Vision, Strategy and Action Plan for Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance featuring ‘A Framework for Sustainable and Responsible Tourism for the Dingle Peninsula’ developing more slow tourism initiatives, longer stays, local regenerative experiences and preserving our cultural heritage and Irish language for the future.
we are stronger together!
Awards DINGLE PENINSULA TOURISM ALLIANCE – 2024 Key Achievements for Our Members
Benefits of Membership:
1. Membership of an Award-Winning Alliance
2. Promotion through DPTA Social Media channels with organic reach of 42,000+.
3. Opportunity to feature in new video and social media activities for 2025.
4. Your own featured page under its business category and relevant village / town on www.dingle-peninsula.ie – Ranked No. 1 on Google Search!
5. Access to DPTA branding, logo, maps, promotional materials, pdfs and guides –both print and online such as Súilóidí Chorca Dhuibhne.
6. Access to the Dingle Peninsula Sustainability Charter.
7. Opportunity to participate in shows such as:
• CMT Stuttgart – Europe’s largest consumer leisure and adventure show
• Dublin Holiday World
• Dingle Peninsula Showcase at The Big E, West Springfield, New England.
9. Opportunity to participate in Media and Influence Familiarisation Visits.
10. Have a voice and representation in tourism matters both locally, regionally and nationally in relation to tourism development and promotion with local public representatives, Kerry County Council, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Failte Ireland and Tourism Ireland.
11. Access to the DPTA team for marketing and promotional support.
13. Keeping members informed of new funding opportunities and tourism trends.
14. Coordination of the European AwardWinning Dingle Peninsula Cultural Calendar of Festivals and Events.
15. Sourcing new Training Opportunities for members.
17. Connecting with other local and regional groups to keep members informed of new developments, supports and opportunities.
18. Access to current market research from the USA.
We would like to thank all our members for their continued support of Comhaontas Turasóireachta Chorca Dhuibhne / Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance. Your membership brings your business and group, a voice for the Dingle Peninsula. We are always happy to welcome new members so please contact Simone and Caroline at info@dingle-peninsula.ie and we look forward to helping you.

European Destination for Sustainable Cultural Tourism 2024 for Intangible Heritage and Festivals Award: Dingle Peninsula Cultural Calendar of Events

Ullmhú Tréan don Séasúr
Mícheál Ó hUanacháin
Bhí seoladh “oifigiúil” an tséasúir nua ar bun ag muintir Kerry FC sa Meadowlands tráthnóna Déardaoine, ach le fírinne tá an séasúr faoi lán seoil cheana féin.

Chomh maith le foirne eile na Mumhan - agus Laighin leis - bíonn comortas chorn an chúige ar bun roimh thús na Sraithe, ach níor éirigh ró-mhaith i mbliana le muintir Thrá Lí, cé gurbh éiígin am breise a imirt i bPáirc Chnocán an Iolair sarar chloígh Fánaithe Chóbh iad sa deireadh, le scór 4-3.
Sean McGrath a bhí mar chaptaen don chluiche sin, agus rinne sé cion chinnire le dhá chúl sa chéad leath, nuair ba chosúil go mbeadh an lá le lucht na Ríochta, ach bhí aiséirí ag muintir Chorcaí sa dara chuid, a bhuíochas ní hamháin de chic éirice ach de chúl a bhronn cosantóir nua Albanach Chiarraí, Chris McQueen, orthu ag deireadh, rud a chuir ar chomhscór iad agus a tharraing an tAm Breise orthu. Roimhe sin, imríodh cluiche cairdeasa i gCill Airne leis na Ceiltigh áitiúla, taispeántas spreagúil a thug seans do bhainisteoir Chiarraí breithiúnas a dhéanamh ar an bhfoireann iomlán a bheidh aige don séasúr. Le dhá chúl gan freagra a bhain muintir Chill Airne an cluiche sin.
Ní bhíonn an scór ró-thábhachtach ar na hócáidí seo, ach cleachtach imeartha a thabhairt do na foirne agus cuid acu ag cur aithne ar na comhghleacaithe nua, ar nós Chonnal Doran, an cúl báire a bhíodh le Gaillimh Aontaith agus a chaith 2024 sna Stáit Aontaithe ag imirt.
Tháinig Treaty United ar cuairt an tseachtain seo caite, agus má fuaireadar an ceann is fearr ar an bhfoireann baile, is cinnte gur deacra a bheidh sé orthu an chríoch chéanna a chur ar na cluichí Sraithe a bheidh rompu. Leis an scór 3-2 do na cuairteoirí a chríochnaigh sé.
Beidh lucht na Ríochta ag tabhairt aghaidh ar an bpríomhchathair då gcluiche deireanach réamh-shéasúir, agus iad ag tabhairt dúshlán Rua -
West Kerry Live

gairí na Seamróige. Is fiú an turas an seans imirt sa stáid mhór i dTamhlacht, rud nach mbeadh igceist de ghnáth mura mbuaifidís an Chéad Sraith, rud a mbíonn gach foireann ag súil leis ar ndóigh. Coicíos uainn anois céad cluiche na Sraithe, nuair a thiocfaidh Conallaigh an Bhealaigh Féich ó dheas, agus beidh ar na Ciarraígh bheith ar a nairdeall rompu, mar ainneoin iad bheith le tamall maith sa Chéad Sraith, agus gan aon chosúlacht ardú céime orthu, ní haon dóithín iad. Inseoidh an cluiche sin a lán dúinn faoi chumas fhoireann Thrá Lí don bhliain. Beimid ag coinneáil súil ghéar orthu.

Doran, ar ais ó SAM
/ 087 2149327
Email: westkerrynews@gmail.com
West Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle
It's All In The Mind
Orla Smyth

If you think mindfulness isn't for you because your life is just too busy and you don't have time, try starting small. There is no right or wrong way in bringing awareness to the present moment- it is available to everyone. Awareness is always there, we simply have to attune to it. We are not looking for any particular outcome, we are not looking for any results, as such. We are simply introducing the practice of pausing occasionally and really experiencing whatever is present- it doesn't have to be good or bad- we are not judging or fixing or trying to change anything at all- we are simply observing.
So ,just observing the present moment, and really experiencing it, without judging it as something good that we want more of, and without judging it as something bad ,that we want to get rid of. Just observing.
The body receives signals through the sense organs( eyes , ears ,nose, tongue, skin) which activates the mechanism by which we respond to external or internal stimuli and this is how we perceive reality. Aristotle is credited with first numbering the senses in his work De Anima and they are well known to us all: sight, smell, sound,taste and touch ( we actually have many more but that’s for another day)
Even though we spend most of our time caught up in our thoughts, processing mental activity, we actually experience life through the senses. We tend to function on auto-pilot without even realising it and often miss the actual experience of the moment. So,maybe now might be a good time to practice being fully present in the moment for just one or two minutes a day. Give it a go!
This week we will start with the sense of TASTE
So letting any mental activity fade into the background, letting thoughts come and go without following them down a rabbit hole, focus your attention on the act of eating and the sense of taste. Remember, we are not looking for any results, as such- we are not trying to be any particular way- we are simply bringing awareness to this moment.
1. Choose something to eat intentionally with full attention and playful curiosity. It can be one spoonful from your plate, one bite of a piece of fruit, one sip of tea- whatever it is, pause briefly to take a full breath before picking up the food to eat. Check in with the sensations in the body-are you hungry, cold , tired, tense, relaxed? No need to think about it, just notice.
2. Bring awareness now to your food. Note the colour, texture, smell -be curious
3. Bring to mind all the people involved in the preparation of this food - the farmer, the lorry driver, the packers, the salesperson, the cook… notice any feeling of appreciation or gratitude
4. Place the food in your mouth and slowly savour it. Explore the flavours, texture, mouthfeel. Chew thoroughly. Notice if you are rushing to swallow the food ,already anticipating the next bite…slow down.
5. Once you have finished, pause to fully inhale and exhale. Observe the effects of this food on your whole being. Is there a feeling of being satisfied, comforted, of wanting more? What emotions pop up? Are
you feeling content, irritable, bored, curious…? Get a felt sense in the body rather than thinking about it!
6. All of this takes only a minute or two. Do your best to keep this practice up, at least once a day.
Try this without expectations and without effort every day for the next two weeks. See how you get on. Next issue we will explore a different sense. Orla Smyth - certified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Relief (MBSR) and Dot B. -mindful awareness for children / orlasmyth67@gmail.com
I will be offering an introduction to Mindfulness for young teenagers in the coming month and weekly meditation classes for adults. I’ll keep you posted. To express an interest contact me on the email above
Noel Spillane
Painting & Decorating Service

Acknowledgement & 1st Anniversary Jack Farrell
Doonshean & Green Street, Dingle 21st January 2024

As we lovingly remember Jack on his first anniversary, his wife Mary and family would like to thank all those who sympathised with us and supported us on our sad loss.
We extend our utmost thanks to those who sent mass cards, letters of sympathy, online condolences, telephoned and called to our home.
Thank you to the doctors, nurses and staff of UHK and the Mercy Hospital Cork who took such great care of Jack during his illness.
We would also like to acknowledge the doctors, nurses and staff of the Palliative Care Unit, Tralee for the comfort Dad received in his final days.
To Dr. Conor Brosnan and all the staff at Ionad Leighis, An Daingean. A special thanks to Fr. Michael Moynihan and Fr. Jim Sheehy for the lovely funeral mass, Noreen Ashe for providing such beautiful singing and music, and to Julie Malone for the flowers.
To Donal O'Connor, Funeral Director, for his support and professionalism during our time of need, and also to the gravediggers.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation. The holy sacrifice of mass has been offered for your intentions.
"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day."

Ceol Beo /
Bréannainn - Cloghane
Monday 3rd February
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Monday 10th February
7.30 Halla le Chéile - Tinteán Ceoil
Dingle-Daingean Uí Chúis
Thursday 30h January
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Jeremy Spencer & Matt Griffin
9.30 Dingle Pub - Seán Kelliher
Friday 31st January
7 - 9 Kennedy's - Open session
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Brady Elliott
9.30 McCarthy's Bar - Rock & Soul with De-Vices
9.30 Dingle Pub - Paulie O'Brien
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
Saturday 1st February
9.30 Dingle Pub - Hightide
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
10.00 Paul Geaney’s - Liam Evans
Sunday 2nd February
5 - 7 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim Sessions
9.30 Dingle Pub - Dreams of Freedomn
Monday 3rd February
6 - 7 St. Mary's Church - Soul sessions with the Pilgrims, music and songs to lift the soul; hope, joy, love, peace and praise
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
9.30 Dingle Pub - Out the Gap
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
Tuesday 4th February
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
7 - late Kennedy's - The red bench open session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Weds 5th February
6.30 - 8.30 Kennedy's - Tanglewood session
Thursday 6th February
9.00 Curran's Bar - Trad & Folk with Billy and Luke
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.30 Dingle Pub - The Galavanters
Friday 7th February
7 - 9 Kennedy's - Open session
7.30 Dingle Pub - The Bare Minimum
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Brady Elliott
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & Flute) Jeremy Spencer ( Fiddle ) & Matt Griffin (Guitar)
9.30 McCarthy's Bar - Rock & Soul with De-Vices
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
10.00 Dingle Pub - The Bare Minimum
10.00 Paul Geaney’s - Liam Evans
Saturday 8th February
7.30 Dingle Pub - Full Shilling
9.30 O'Flaherty's - Open session
9.30 Neligan's - Open Session
10.00 Paul Geaney’s - Live Music
10.00 Dingle Pub - Full Shilling
Sunday 9th February
5 - 7 Bob Griffin’s - Pilgrim Sessions

9.30 Dingle Pub - Rocking Jimmy
Monday 10th February
6.00 Curran's Bar - Open Trad session
9.30 Neligan's - Set Dancing
9.30 Dingle Pub - Hightide
Tuesday 11th February
6.30-8.30 Foxy John's - Trad session
7 - late Kennedy's - The red bench open session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
Weds 12th February
6.30 - 8.30 Kennedy's - Tanglewood session
9.00 Dingle Pub - Ballads/Trad
9.15 John Benny Moriarty's - Eilis Kennedy (Vocals & whistle) Theresa Horgan( Flute & Vocals) & Gerry O'Beirne (Guitars & Vocals)
Thursday 13th February
9.00 Neligan's - Open Session
9.00 Bob Griffin’s - Jeremy Spencer & Matt Griffin
9.30 Dingle Pub - Seán Kelliher
Open Minded

A spark of inspiration An explosion of emotion
I’ve half a mind to do that Or am I in two minds?
Splitting headache
Or just splitting the difference?
This stream of consciousness Rushes in Washing away
These fiery thoughts
What do I know about it?
I’m open to suggestions
- Artwork and words by Laurence Jones.


The Narcotics Anonymous Message

An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live.
Anyone who wants to stop using drugs may become a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Membership is not limited to addicts using any particular drug. Those who feel they may have a problem with drugs, legal or illegal, including alcohol, are welcome in NA. Recovery in NA focuses on the problem of addiction, not on any particular drug.
Our program of recovery begins with abstinence from all drugs, including alcohol. Sometimes people come to NA meetings while still using drugs, detoxing from drugs, or on drug replacement therapy. Regardless of what you may be taking when you first come to NA, you are welcome. NA’s primary approach to recovery is its belief in the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. Members take part in NA meetings by talking about their experiences and recovery from drug addiction. The NA programme is one of complete abstinence from all drugs, including alcohol.
Narcotics Anonymous is not a religious organization. It does teach basic spiritual principles such as honesty, open-mindedness, faith, willingness, and humility that may be applied in everyday life. Recovery in NA is a process, ongoing and personal. Members make an individual decision to join and recover at their own pace.
Our experience in NA is that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
Dingle NA meetings are on Tuesdays 7.30pm & Fridays 8.30pm, in the Dingle Presbytery, off Green St, V92 AT18. www.nasouth.ie NA helpline 087 – 138 6120

Michael Healy-Rae TD Mícheál Ó’hEalaigh-Rae
Clinicí Áitiúla

Milltown: Larkins 6.15pm
Killorglin: Jim Shea's 7pm
Castlemaine Griffins Bar 5pm
Keel Murphy’s Bar 5.20pm
Inch Foleys Bar 5.40pm
Annascaul Teach Sheáin 6.00pm
Dingle Muiris Dan’s 6.20pm,
An Droichead Beag 6.40pm
Brandon Murphy’s Bar 8.30pm
Castlegregory Boland’s Bar 9pm
Camp Railway Tavern 10.30pm
Clinicí sa Ghaeltacht: 17ú Feabhra 7.00-8.00 Tigh Uí Bheaglaoich, An Bóthar
Constituency Office: 064 6685782 Office Fax: 064 66 85904
Mob: 087-246 1678 email:michael.healy-rae@oireachtas.ie
Lúbra - aimsighanchonairtríd
7Saseanċóras,ḋáċeanndéagdíoḃınaontroıġ aṁáın(5)
14Péıntḃándoḃallaífadó(3) 16Freagradearfaċar‘naċea?’(3)
Tagairtinmheánach: CDBeo_9x9A_24
Comórtas Crosfhocail
Duais le Buachaint: Dearbhán ón gCafé Liteartha Buaiteoir na coicíse seo caite:
Laoise Breathnach, An Fhianait
An Ghluaiseacht
Scéal Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta le Rúnán Mac Con Iomaire foilsithe ag Cló Iar-Chonacht
Tugann `An Ghluaiseacht, Scéal Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta' le chéile den chéad uair an scéal iomlán faoin nglúin radacach a sheas an fód ar son chearta mhuintir na Gaeltachta, agus an feachtas gearr, corraitheach a d'athraigh an Ghaeltacht ó bhun.
I 1969, tháinig dream óg le chéile i gConamara chun tabhairt faoi fheachtas a athródh todhchaí na Gaeltachta go deo. Spreagtha ag agóidíocht a bhí ag tarlú ar fud na cruinne, bunaíodh Gluaiseacht Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta mar sheasamh in aghaidh an fhill a bhí á dhéanamh ar phobal imeallaithe agus ar a dteanga.
An Café Liteartha
Bóthar an Dadhgaide, Daingean Uí Chúis
Siopa Leabhar an Daingin ó 1979

Ó Mhárthain
Breandán Mac Gearailt
Sea, fuair scata scanradh an deire seachtaine seo caite. Deirim-se gaoth leat. Is dócha go raibh sí chomh holc nó níos measa ná Oíche an Dreoilín fadó. Bhí gaoth ann breis agus céad bliain ó shoin agus dhein sí scrios ceart go mór mhór i mBleá Cliath. Séideadh tithe san aer agus maraíodh daoine. Bhíos ag éisteacht leis an ghaoth deireannach, tháinig an-chóch ar timpeall deich tréis a dó. Bhí díobháil ag baint léi.
Is i bpáirteanna don gcúige nó níos cirte don dtír a deineadh rabach. Is mó uair luaite agam gur cheart na crainn atá ar thaobh na mbóthar [crainn mhóra] a ghearradh mar go bhfuil siad ag marú daoine le linn stoirmeacha móra agus ag titim anuas ar ghluaisteáin. Is gnáthach go maraíotar nó go ngortaíotar duine nó daoine. Maraíodh fear óg bocht nuair a thit crann ar a ghluaisteán.
N’fheadar an bhfuil daoine fós ná tugann aon áird ar Co2 a bheith á scaoileadh suas san atmosféar. Tá an gliogaire Trump tréis an feachtas a bhí ag Meiriceá cosc a chur ar Co2 ag éaló a scrios chomh maith. ‘Sé atá déanta aige ná éirí as an gcosc agus ligint don gcruinne éirí níos mallaithe.
Mar a dúirt an t-amhrán, ‘ Beidh an fharraige ina tuillte eadrainn agus ní heol dúinn snámh’. Tá san sa tarraingreacht chomh maith. Chosain an scrios airgead mór ar dhaoine. Beidh cabhair stáit acu le díol as aon slad deirtear.
Bhíos ag tagairt san eagrán deireannach don gComóradh a bheidh againn Luan Cásca ina onóir Phádraigh Ó Snodaigh a fuair bás lé déanaí. Ná raibh an sár amhránaí agus an sár cheoltóir Áine Ní Chatháin fágtha ar lár.
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh
Scoil Cheoil ‘n Earraigh seo ceann dos na hócáidi is mó a thaithníonn liom agus le cách. Rud amháin tá árdú croí ag baint leis. An-mholadh ag dul do Bhreandán agus do Niamh. Beam ag tagairt aris níos déanaí. Eolas.
• Tá 412 seomra sa Tigh Bán i Meiriceá, ach ta 600 seomra i bPálás Buckingham.
• Ar an nDomhnach i Salt Lake City, Príomh chathair stát Utah i Meiriceá, chuirfí 1,000 dollaer fíneáil ort dá mbéarfaí ort ag feadaoíl.
• Caitear níos mo stíl le coirc buidéal i Meiricea ná mar a caitear le déanamh gluaisteáin.
• Na cloig a deineadh roimh 1687, ní raibh ortha ach lámh amháin.
• Bhí an gnáth shaighdiúir sa Chéad Chogadh Domhanda leath órlach, ar an meán, níos ísle ná an saighdiúir sa Dara Cogadh Domhanda.
• Deirtear gur iad na daoine atá sár Eolach is tuisce a raghadh ag ól?
• Uair dá raibh, bhí trí Uachtarán ar Mhexico ar an lá céanna.
• Tá an ceathrú cuid dod chnámha id chosa.
• Tálann bhéal an ghnáth dhuine oiread seile i rith a shaoil is a líonadh dhá dhabhach níochán.
Peil 7 Iomáint
Buadh ar mhná Chiarraí ar an Satharn seo caite. Bhíodar ag déanamh go diail gur cuireadh duine dosna na mná seo againne don ngort de bharr feall. Thit an lug ar an lag. Sin é mar bhíonn. San ráite bhí foireann Chiarraí go maith.
Bhíos ag féachaint ar fhir sinsearach Mhaigh Eó in aghaidh Bhleá Cliath. Bhí Maigh Eó go diail sa dara cuid don gcéad leath ach chaitheadar an iomarca ama ag pasáil siar seachas gabháil suas lár an ghoirt gan a bheith coitianta ag bualadh na caide amach dtí na sleasa. Tá foireann maith ag Maigh Eó gan trácht ar na Geaicíní. Bhí scata cluichí caide agus iomána ann an deire seachtaine seo caite, gan dabht bhí imreoirí in easnamh ar scata dos na fóirne. Beidh Ciarraí le Doire an deire seachtaine seo. As baile.
Torthaí Caide ón ndeire seachtaine seo caite.
Roscommán 3-21 v 1-20 An Dún. An- chluiche.
Ua Fháilí, 1-17 v Sligeach 0-13.
Tír Eoin 2-13 v Doire 1-9.
Aontroim 1-9 v An Clár 1-6.
Corcaigh 2-19 v An Mhí 0-21.
Longphort 2-12 v Luimneach 1-15.
Lú 1-17 v an Iarmhí 0-18.
Gaillimh 2-16 v Tiobrad Árann 3-25. Ard Chluiche
Cill Choinnigh 0-23 v An Clár 0-21. Ar fheabhas
Corcaigh 2-21 v Loch Garman 0-12.
Bleá Cliath 1-25 v Aontroim 1-14.
Tá ag éirí go maith le Colaistí Chiarraí i gcomórtas Caide na gColáistí, An Sem agus Cnoc an Iolair.

Muddy Matters Dog Grooming
Experienced & Qualified Groomer
Friendly & Caring Local Service
Collection & Delivery Available Monday - Saturday (flexible hours)
Call Lynne on 087-1309803

• Interior & Exterior
• Residential & Commercial
• Powerwashing
1. Shrinking (of the moon)
4. Liquid food waste
8. Punctuation mark
9. TV music competition franchise (1, 6)
10. Bear with patience
11. Requirements
12. In name only
14. Measures; actions
16. Twist of the neck
20. Left
22. Inborn ability
23. Nearby
25. Flamboyance in style
26. Small herring-like fish
27. Dining table server, lazy _____
28. Umbrella
1. Growing (of the moon)
2. Closest
3. Records
4. Prison (informal)
5. Throw
6. Layered vegetable
7. Undulation of the sea
8. Stretch (one’s neck)
13. Sacred chest
14. Body of water
15. Template
17. Church core
18. Skilful
19. Strange; unnatural
20. Bad habits
21. Angry
22. Smoother
24. Relaxation venue

completed crossword to West/Mid Kerry Live, Goat Street, Dingle
€40 Voucher for Danno’s Restaurant & Bar Winner of the Crossword 444 is Áine Ní Mhongáin, Ardlaghas, Killorglin

087 214 9327 / 086 173 7944
Property to let / Tithe ar cíos
Single ensuite room to rent in Dingle town, garden, mod cons. 086-1210038
For Sale/Le Díol
Stanley Tara solid fuel stove with boiler. 086-3093846
Two Lervia KH9 electric oil fired Radiators 2300-2600w. German Make - Min to max (3 settings). €45 each o.n.o. - not used. Call John 087- 9840058
Yorkshire Terrier pups. Call 087-2682097
Tall fridge and kitchen sink for sale. 087-9947927
Services / Seirbhisí
Flanagan Poultry will be delivering on the following dates: Sat 1st February in Milltown mart @ 11.30, Killorglin @11.45 and Caherciveen @12.30 , Sat 8th
February Dingle Mart from 12.30 - 1pm Call 086 1580837
Home Help Support, West Kerry area. 20 years experience. Please phone 0876880723 day or night.
Carer available, many years experience, Annascaul, Lispole, Dingle areas. Please phone 087 6997154.
Man Friday - Handyman for all those small jobs that nobody gets around to doing. 087-6353325
Native Irish speaker, fully qualified Irish teacher available to teach Irish. Please email Maria at: marianimhurchu@gmail.com
Chimney sweeping service. Clean and efficient. Call Paul on 083-1727571. Frank McGowan-Sports and Physical Therapy. Sports, Deep Tissue, Remedial and Relaxation Massage. Lower Main St, Dingle Town Centre. Monday to Friday. 9 am-2 pm. Call, Text or Whats App 0857338601 for an appointment.
Regina Sheehy - Kinesiology and Food Intolerance Testing. Treating all forms of digestive issues, fatigue, candida, fungal issues, stress, food intolerances, recurrent infections. Clinics in Dingle (Tuesday and Thursday) Tralee (Wednesday and Saturday) Evening appointments available. Ph: 0860820224 www.reginasheehy.com
Plumber specialising in boiler breakdown, servicing and commissioning. Complete range of plumbing services. Call John 086-3165714
Affordable Tree Surgeons-Trees topped beside roadways, houses and sheds, hedges trimmed. All toppings and shavings removed. Fully insured. Free quotation - Call Michael 085-8487812
West Kerry Gardening services - lawn cutting, sand/gravel delivered, landscaping, power washing etc. Call Seán 087-6336082
Experienced bookkeeper seeks local employment. Call 086-3717633. South West Recycling Services: scrap cars, vans jeeps, tractors, buses, lorries all wanted. Also buy copper tanks, brass copper piping, lead, batteries, alloy wheels. Everything considered.. Top prices paid. Call Frank 087-2311971
Plumber available specialising in small jobs from Dunquin to Castlegregory. Call: 083-4179641
Civil Celebrant available for wedding ceremonies, baby naming and funerals. Contact Eithne Griffin 086-6066835 www.yourdayyourwaycelebrant.com
Garden Services in Kerry: Lawn mowing, strimming, vertical pruning, tree surgery. Reasonable rates. Ring 0838268371
Experienced cleaner/ keyholder based in Dingle available for holiday homes etc 087-6256533
Septic Tank emptying, bio - cycle tanks desludged, cleaned & checked. Toilets - drains unblocked. Gearóid Mac Gearailt. 087-9504713 / 087-2390018
Oil Boiler Servicing, Oil fired boilers and cookers. Servicing and repairs. Emergency call out service available. James Greaney 087-3440493
Does your septic tank need to be emptied- we will get to you within a day. Cuir Glaoch/ Call Diarmuid Ó Beaglaoi 087 2969846 0r 066 9155446
Vehicle Computer Diagnostic Service / Mobile Service. Cars, Jeeps, Vans, Pickups. Call 087-3440493
Septic Tank Services, emptying, wash down, repairs, new tanks andpercolation areas constructed in line with planning. over 25yrs service in Dingle Ph. Pat Hanafin 086 2241064 / 066 9151682 . beenbawn@yahoo.com
Situations Vacant / Postanna
Dingle Heating and Plumbing apprenticeship position available. 085-1621950
Wanted / Ag Teastáil
Buachaill Aimsire ag lorg poist: An bhfuil tú ag lorg cabhair ar d'fheirm nó timpeall an tí? Ba mhaith liom cabhrú in áit lóistín & bia. Tá Gaelainn líofa agam cheana fhéin ach táim ag iarraidh am a chaitheamh i gCorca Dhuibhne idir lár mhí na Feabhra agus lár mhí na Bealtaine chun feabhas a chur uirthi. Cé gur jackeen mé, b'as an ceantar m'athair críonna. Táim in ann cabhrú ar fheirm nó cibé áit eile a bheadh gá leis. Tá taithí agam ar obair feirme, péinteáil srl. Diarmuid
Ó Súilleabháin 083 806 6422 (Whatsapp nó téacs, glaoch comh maith ach fág glórphost mar is annamh is féidir liom an fón a fhreagairt) sully999@gmail.com
Mature responsible woman seeks house to rent, long term, Dingle area, west of Dingle preferred. Long term resident of the area. 2 or 3 bedroom preferred but all considered. Must be warm and dry. 085-7774050 (Corrected number) Other / Eile
Set of Bunk Beds (or two singles) - available, pine, nice quality, good condition. Excludes mattresses. Free. Collect from Dingle. Text/Whatsapp Jill 087 2800895
Insulated storage facility available - call Ted Browne Tool Hire & Tyre Centre on 087 2342599 for details
Storage space available. Suitable for camper van / classis car etc. email: polaoghaire@yahoo.com
Dry secure storage unit for rent. Lispole area. 087-2820062