West Paw Design’s Best Selling Products A quick guide to see what’s flying off of shelves. All in the name of satisfying a dog’s need to gnaw, cat’s curiosity and all pets’ need to nap. Order now or learn more @ WestPawDesign.com/Retailer-Central or call 800-443-5567
Zogoflex and Zogoflex Air - often described by our customers and retailers as “the world’s toughest dog toys”, these toys defy dogs. Boz™
Hurley® Tux®
Bümi® Toppl®
Zogoflex Air™
For those who prefer the softer side of things, our American-Made handcrafted toys are sure to please plush-seeking pups. Spring Chickens
Boogey Bone
Cats are curious creatures. Here are some toys to keep ‘em batting, pouncing and chasing. Big Sky Mouse
At the end of the day, we all need a good night’s sleep. Here are two of our best-selling bed styles:
Li’l Chick
Bumper Bed®
Kitty Lure Caster
Heyday Bed® with Microsuede® Made in America with the planet in mind and pets at heart®