Lab+Life Scientist Apr/May 2022

Page 36


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Microplastics found in the human bloodstream Dutch researchers have demonstrated that minuscule pieces of plastic from our living environment are absorbed into the human bloodstream, publishing their results in the journal Environment International.

polymers of styrene were the most common types

ingested to 40,000 plastic particles. The researchers

of plastic found in the blood samples, followed by

also demonstrated widespread contamination of

poly(methyl methacrylate); polypropylene was also

mineral water with xenohormones leached from

analysed but the concentrations were too low for

PET bottles, known to exhibit oestrogenic activity

an accurate measurement.

which can act carcinogenic in the body.

“This dataset is the first of its kind and must

Experimental studies indicate that ingested

be expanded to gain insight into how widespread

MNPs passing through the gastrointestinal tract

plastic pollution is in the bodies of humans, and

lead to changes in the composition of the gut


how harmful that may be,” said analytical chemist

microbiome; such changes are associated with the

Marja Lamoree, from VU Amsterdam. “With this

development of metabolic diseases such as diabetes,

insight, we can determine whether exposure to

obesity or chronic liver disease. In addition to

plastic particles poses a threat to public health.”

the effects on the gut microbiome, the scientists

Separately to this, researchers from the Medical

also described specific molecular mechanisms

he researchers from VU Amsterdam,

University of Vienna revealed that 5 g of MNPs

that facilitate the uptake of MNPs into gut tissue.

Deltares and Amsterdam UMC developed an

on average enter the human gastrointestinal tract

Analysis showed that MNPs in the gastrointestinal

analytic method for establishing the trace level

per person per week — roughly equivalent to

tract could increasingly be taken up into tissue

of micro- and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) in

the weight of a credit card. While the health risk

under certain physicochemical conditions and

human blood, which was applied to the blood

of ingested MNPs is largely unknown to date,

activate mechanisms involved in local inflammatory

of 22 anonymous donors. Nanoplastics are

the researchers summarised the current state of

and immune responses. Nanoplastics in particular

defined as being less than 0.001 mm in size, while

scientific knowledge in a review article for the

are associated with biochemical processes that are

microplastics, at 0.001–5 mm, are to some extent

journal Exposure and Health.

crucially involved in carcinogenesis.

still visible to the naked eye.

MNPs enter the food chain from packaging

According to study co-author Lukas Kenner,

Three-quarters of the test subjects appeared

waste, among other sources, and are trafficked

the potential adverse health effects of plastic

to have plastics in their blood, proving that plastic

into the body via food such as marine life and sea

particles could be particularly impactful for people

particles can end up in the human bloodstream.

salt. Drinking also plays a part, with one study

with a chronic disease burden. “A healthy gut is

The overall concentration of plastic particles in the

showing that anyone who drinks 1.5 to 2 L of

more likely to ward off the health risk,” he said.

blood of the 22 donors amounted to an average

water a day from plastic bottles ingests around

“But local changes in the gastrointestinal tract,

of 1.6 µg/mL, which is comparable to a teaspoon

90,000 plastic particles per year in this way alone;

such as those present in chronic disease or even

of plastic in 1000 L of water (10 large bath tubs).

those who choose tap water can, depending on

negative stress, could make them susceptible to

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene and

their geographical location, reduce the amount

the harmful effects of MNPs.”

36 | LAB+LIFE SCIENTIST - Apr/May 2022 |

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