Southern Charm ideas for silver collectibles
Design House 2014 a behind the scenes look
Outdoor Lighting
RAIN BARRELS n PEONIES n Bring-Along SALADS MAY/JUNE 2014, vol. 1, No. 2
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n editor ’ s note For the past few years, my husband and children have planted our window boxes for my Mother’s Day present. It’s a fabulous gift! While I’m sleeping in and enjoying my coffee, they go shopping for the plants and dig in the dirt together. In case there’s any question about my preferences this year, I’ve dog-eared several pages from our article about window boxes and laid them around the house in obvious places. This spring, I’m particularly keen on finding ways to bring the look of a lush garden indoors, and what better way than through fabric? We’ll share design advice about using flora and foliage prints so you can add a resort motif to your interior décor, too. Beautiful late spring weather sets the perfect stage for outdoor entertaining! We’ve got the tools you need to choreograph and direct the perfect al fresco dinner party. From professionally-designed outdoor lighting to sparkling details for your tabletop, we’ll give you clever ideas for hosting a terrific neighborhood party. Finally, we are honored to support the Shelter for Help in Emergency’s Design House. Please join me for a behind-the-scenes tour and learn about the transformation a regular home takes as it becomes the Design House. It’s quite an interesting process and you’ll never look at it the same way once you’ve learned some of the secrets. We’re in full swing this spring and looking forward to summer,
Volume 1 I ssu e 2 PUBLISHER
Julie Pierce EDITOR
Laurel Feinman ART DIRECTOR
Mitzi Bible Becky Calvert Lucy Cook Patricia C Held Amy Trent Laurel Feinman Kerry Giles Heather B Hayes Kip Rudge PROOFREADER
—LAUREL FEINMAN, EDITOR laurel@westwillowpublishing.com
Helga Kaszewski Tiffany Pittman PRODUCTION COORDINATOR
Virginia Hamrick Robert Radifera BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
Lyn Marie Figel Janet Lampman Anne Marie Poore Pam Whorley SUBSCRIPTIONS
Charlottesville HOME is published bimonthly by West Willow Publishing Group, LLC. For an annual subscription, please send $20 and your name, address and telephone number to: Charlottesville HOME 3831 Old Forest Road Lynchburg, VA 24501 For advertising information please call (434) 386-5667 or sales@charlottesvillehomemagazine.com. To discuss coverage of an event relating to home or garden, please contact Charlottesville HOME at info@charlottesvillehomemagazine.com.
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West Willow Publishing Group, LLC (434) 386-5667 westwillowpublishing.com Copyright 2014 by West Willow Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from West Willow Publishing Group, LLC. All pictorial material reproduced in this magazine, whether in a produced ad or by itself, has been accepted on the condition that it is with the knowledge and prior consent of the photographer or the artist concerned. As such, West Willow Publishing Group, LLC is not responsible for any infringement of copyright or otherwise arising out of publication thereof. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, West Willow Publishing Group, LLC makes no warrant to the accuracy or reliability of this information. Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ownership or management.
C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
contents Ch a r l ot t e s v ill e h o m e M ay /J u n e 2 0 14
14 24 40
features PEON I E S
This garden darling is worth the wait BY AM Y T R E N T
A lbemarle Cou nt y Estate
Scenic Vistas, Natural Beauty BY Patr i c ia c h e ld
Outdoor lighting enhances your home’s beauty BY MI T Z I B I B LE
Cover photography by Allegra’s Studio T h a n k y o u t o b l o o m b y D o y l e ’s fo r p r o v i d i n g a n d a r r a n g i n g t h e f l o w e r s i n t h e J ef fe r s o n a n d j u l e p c u p s fo r t h i s p h o t o s h o o t .
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Ch a r l ot t e s v ill e h o m e M ay /J u n e 2 0 14
departments 12
8 A S terling I dea Decorating with collectibles
12 NEAT and T idy Declutter your basement and garage
22 RAIN BARRELS Tap into nature’s resources
19 C u linary Corner Bring-along salads
BY Lucy C o o k
36 S U M MERY FABRICS Floral and foliage prints
33 FAV O R I T E T H I N G S Window boxes that wow
46 Design ho u se A behind the scenes tour
BY B ec ky Calve rt
BY H eath e r B Hayes
46 S pecial I nterest 5 0 Index of Advertisers 6
C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
Photos by Tommie Milacci
Including Remnants
SPECTRUM STONE DESIGNS www.spectrumstonedesigns.com
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a sterling idea
DECORATING WITH COLLECTIBLES By H e at h er B Hay es P h ot o g r a p hy by A ll e g r a’s St u d i o
Thank you to bloom by Doyle’s for providing and arranging the flowers in the Jefferson and julep cups for this photo shoot. 8
C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
While serving as U.S. president in 1806, Thomas Jefferson found himself grappling with a dilemma. His old law professor and dear friend George Wythe had recently passed away and bequeathed him two silver cups. They were perfectly lovely but not something Jefferson would have picked out himself. They were probably a little too big, possibly a little too ornate…just not quite his style. What to do? He could re-gift of course, but that trend wouldn’t come into vogue for another 200 years or so, and besides—the cups were silver. He could turn to an old standby: safely display the cups behind glass. But Jefferson was far too practical for that; in his world at Monticello, everything had a job and cups didn’t get by only on their looks. His solution, in true Jefferson style, proved to be brilliant and well ahead of its time. He decided to recycle and repurpose the gift, commissioning silversmith John Letelier to melt down these cups (along with two other silver mugs) and create a new set of eight tumblers. c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
These low, round-bottomed cups, designed by Jefferson and used as part of his regular dining set, featured a gilt interior and a base that was proportionally thicker than the sides, making the cups stylish in form, comfortable to hold and extremely stable. On four of the cups, Jefferson included an engraving, “GW to TJ”—a clear show of Jefferson’s appreciation for Wythe’s original generosity. “This design is really quite a wonderful expression of the kind of neoclassical, straightforward, elegant look that Jefferson preferred,” explains Susan R. Stein, Richard Gilder Senior Curator and Vice President for Museum Programs at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. “It’s consistent with his tastes and it’s one more way in which he added to his reputation as a style-setter in America.” Historic Style, Modern Tradition
Jefferson’s creation is, of course, what we now refer to as the Jefferson cup, which has become famous not only because of the four originals still on display in the 9
Far too precious to just sit idle on the sideboard, julep cups can be used in all the same ways in your home décor as Jefferson cups. In fact, the stately julep cup’s height is an essential ingredient for your displays.
P h o t o g r a p hy b y Re b e c c a M cVe i g h
dining room at Monticello but also because of the hundreds of thousands of reproductions (available in silver or pewter) that are given as gifts and symbols of momentous achievement. The cups, almost always engraved with something personal, are presented for all manner of graduations, baby and bridal showers, birthday, anniversary and retirement parties, and have become a favored style of trophy for everything from wine competitions to poetry recitals. They are so popular, in fact, that it’s almost become a rule that “you can’t graduate or get married in Virginia without getting a Jefferson cup as a gift,” according to Stein. This associated spirit of generosity is completely in keeping with the history of the original cups. Pairing Form and Function
So what should today’s Jefferson cup owners do with their own collections? Be Jeffersonian and put those treasures to work! The possibilities are limited only by the imagination. For starters, Jefferson cups can, of course, be used to serve cold beverages. Or, they work well as containers for dips and other snacks at your next party. As a bonus, Jefferson cups, with their personal inscriptions and commemorative associations, can also be counted on to spark memories and conversation topics. In fact, that unique blend of form, function and history also makes the Jefferson cup an exceptional and adaptable design piece that can add just the right touch of elegance, practicality and personal remembrance to any occasion or room. For example, Jefferson cups serve as the perfect-sized vase for displaying fresh-cut peonies, winter pansies, miniature carnations, dwarf lavenders, old-fashioned English roses, and other eye-catching blossoms in any room that could benefit from small splashes of color and refinement. Another house-garden idea: employ your Jefferson cups as sweet-sized planters for succulents, mosses and small creeping plants that require very little water (though be sure to use proper 10
potting soil and a spare watering schedule to guard against root rot since Jefferson cups don’t have drainage holes). If possible, cover the soil surrounding your plant with white pebbles—a step that allows the green-and-silver color combo to really pop—and then set it on a sun-soaked windowsill. You can also add a bit of pizzazz to your bookshelves by displaying your collection of Jefferson cups in stair-step style, placing them on ascending or unstructured stacks of books and periodicals. Or group them with other pewter and silver pieces to create a sparkling focal point to a table, mantel or shelf. For instance, you can mix and match silver and pewter Jefferson cups, julep cups, goblets and teapots, positioning them on an antique platter, creating visual interest with their variety of heights, colors and styles. Another possibility: create a visual tribute to family achievement by displaying a collection of Jefferson cups, trophies and related photos from the events during which these memories were made. Jefferson cups also make refined catchalls for everyday living. Owners often employ them to organize buttons, jewelry, paper clips, loose change and pens. You can even count on them to dress up a bathroom when they hold such ordinary objects as makeup brushes, cotton balls, Q-tips and other personal necessities. Think outside of the box like Jefferson did and be creative with your cups. “They are meant to be talked about and to be used ceremonially, reverentially and also casually,” Stein says. “They’re very versatile, which is one reason that they’re so popular.” The other reason they’re so highly regarded, of course, is their unique link with the man of Monticello. While most Americans think of Jefferson in historical, lofty terms, owners of the Jefferson cup can hold in their hand—or store their earrings in—a very tangible reminder of Jefferson’s creativity, as well as their own unique ties to Virginia. And that’s a gift that should forever be kept, cherished, used and enjoyed. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
Meet the Jefferson Cup’s Famous Cousin— the Julep Cup
The taller, more slender julep cup is also an object worthy of your attention when considering its usefulness as a decorative object in your home. Far too precious to just sit idle on the sideboard, julep cups can be used in all the same ways in your home décor as Jefferson cups. In fact, the stately julep cup’s height is an essential ingredient for your displays. Mixing Jefferson cups and julep cups together in the same arrangement makes for a truly gracious Southern charm. Odd-numbered groups of cups, whether on your mantel, bookcase or dining room table, add a sophisticated sparkle to any room—especially when a few nonshiny items like antique leather-bound books or accessories made of natural horn or tortoise shell are added to the collection, giving a warm contrast in colors and textures to keep the silvery cups from looking too cool.
The Greenbrier’s Famous Mint Julep 12-15 fresh, large mint leaves 1 oz. simple syrup 2 oz. Maker’s Mark bourbon Crushed ice Place mint leaves and simple syrup in the bottom of a small mint julep cup and use a specialized muddling tool (though a wooden spoon will also work) to gently crush and break open the mint leaves just enough to release their concentrated oils. Fill the cup with crushed ice. Add bourbon. Spin with bar spoon 1-2 times.
Cheers, Y’all!
Garnish with large sprigs of mint dusted with powdered sugar.
Despite what those Kentucky hard boots might argue, probably the most famous mint julep recipe in antebellum America was served to influential judges, legislators and planters at the Old White Tavern in what was then White Sulphur Springs, Virginia—better known today as the Greenbrier Hotel and Resort. The earliest recipe featured the “purest” French brandy. However, bourbon later proved to be an inexpensive, widely available substitute during the Civil War and eventually became the mint julep’s staple spirit. The mint julep is a “sippin’ drink” and is best served in a silver or pewter julep cup that should be held only by the top or bottom edges, so as not to interrupt the critical frosting process that occurs on the outside of the cup.
The mint julep is an ice-cold icon of warm southern hospitality—a simple, four-ingredient concoction that, according to one longsince-passed southern gentleman, acts as “a vehicle in which noble minds can travel together upon the flower-strewn paths of a happy and congenial thought.”
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STORAGECENTRAL Culling Clutter from our Darkest Places By Laur el F ei n m an
Now that warm weather is here to stay, don’t waste precious time scrambling for the bike helmets, only to discover the tires went flat over the winter. Where is that bike pump, anyway? Oh no! It’s probably in…(queue scary music)… The Garage…or…The Basement.
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Organizing these storage areas doesn’t have to send a chill down your spine, but you do need an action plan. These zones can be overwhelming due to their size and confusing conglomeration of clutter. First, you need to shed some light on the situation—literally! Garages and basements are dark; throw open the windows and doors, and bring in a couple of lamps. Grab a roll of heavy-duty yard bags and take paper and pen with you so you can make note of to-do’s as you’re working (like “need new broom” or “leak in corner; call plumber”). Have a tape measure handy so you can jot the dimensions of objects that might best be stored in a container. Start at the entryway and work around the room in a clockwise direction. At first, the focus of your work should be throwing away that which is broken, rusty, or past its useful life. Honestly, if an item is living in your basement or garage, it is already on the seldom-used list. “This 8-track tape player still works!” is not a good reason to keep storing it. Breaking up with our stuff is hard to do, but now is the time for tough love. Ask yourself these questions: Have I used it in the past year? Do I have another one that is better? Would I be upset if I threw it away and then couldn’t find a replacement? Why might I need a replacement anyway, if I’m not using it now? c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
As you sift through your things, group similar items. Gardening tools stay together; snow shovels by the sleds, the rakes with the tarp. To ensure that you don’t miss anything as you sort trash from treasure, always return to your clockwise rotation and don’t forget that your first priority is culling clutter. Now, tie that bag up and take it straight to the trash! Resist the urge to peep in and pull anything out. Let it go. OK, great job! You’ve filled up several bags of trash and it’s now time to organize what remains. In the four corners of the room, create zones based upon the seasons, using whatever you have on hand to help corral things. The “Spring Zone” might contain the fertilizer spreader and the Easter baskets; “Summer” would hold life jackets and water skis; “Winter” would be for the twinkle lights and outdoor extension cords, and so on. Oft-used items should be placed nearest the doorway, while items that are used only occasionally can be stored further back. How do grocery stores display so much merchandise? They go UP. Peg boards, hooks on walls, and steel shelving are among the most-recommended storage solutions for these hard-working areas of your home. The ultimate goal is to have the center of the room empty so you can either park a car or set up a large table as a work station. Just don’t let the
work table become a fresh parking lot for bits and pieces that should be stored in their proper zones. Now that everything is in good working order and has a place, evaluate everything and make a clear-headed decision: might someone else have more use for this item than me? If the answer is yes, DONATE IT. Most places appreciate your thinking of the season when you bring articles for donation, so don’t take outgrown scooters and pool toys in January or sleds and snow shovels in July. With each change of season, make it a habit to pass through your newlyorganized garage or basement and repeat the above steps, tossing what’s broken and donating what’s outgrown. Earmark the first weeks of April, June, August, and October to coordinate your cleaning sessions with the four dates that the landfill will accept your random castoffs. It’s a drag to realize you’re stuck with the Commodore 64 hogging valuable storage space because you missed the special date at the landfill by a week. When you’re ready to let it go, you want it gone! I’m fairly certain that Albert Einstein wasn’t thinking of basements or garages when he wrote, “Out of clutter, find simplicity”—but you never know.
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Peonies Precious
beauty worth the wait By A m y T R EN T
PATIENCE DOESN’T COME EASY, WE KNOW. After all, it’s hard to wait for something when most of the time you can run to the 24-hour store, get online, or make a phone call to get what you want right away.
Alas, many gifts from nature do require patience. In particular, one illustrious and desirable spring beauty that will force you to wait is the peony. Oh yes, this lush green creature that sways daintily in the breeze will make you wait all right. Love her as much as you like, and she will still hold back those plumes of petals for years. To make things worse, if you spoil her with fertilizer or water, she will only turn her back on you, dramatically lying down upon your lawn. Chin up, though. Let that peony take all the time she needs to blossom, and you will see a display that is truly worth the wait.
c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
Peonies can take up to three years to become established. They will bloom in the spring and early summer, but don’t expect to see spectacular blooms for a few years. And don’t try to rush your peony along by overfeeding or overwatering it. Peonies are for the patient gardener.
Careful Planting Yields Best Results
There are more species, colors and scents of peonies than you could ever plant in one yard. So the easiest place to start if you’re planting peonies is to narrow things down by the bloom cycle. If you want to make sure your yard is filled with peonies in spring and into the summer, look closely at the tags on the containers when purchasing your peonies. They’ll be marked as early-, mid- and late-season bloomers, and ideally you should have all three in your yard. Blooms last on average about two weeks, and by mixing peonies, you ensure that you’ll have beautiful displays for up to six weeks. Another gift from this generous plant? It will bring color to your landscape long beyond the blooming season. Once the flowers of spring and summer have dissipated, the foliage will turn shades of red, purple and copper throughout the fall. Choosing a home for a peony may be the most difficult part of raising one. Peonies can live for more than 100 years, but they don’t easily forgive you if you move them. When you pick a home for your peonies, make sure it provides full sun, lots of free space to grow, and soil with good drainage. Peonies need at least six hours, preferably more, of full sun each day. It is a rare peony that can put up with shade. The best time to plant a bare root peony is in the fall. If you plant a mature peony in the spring, it will likely take longer to settle into its new home. To plant one, dig a hole about 15 inches deep and 15 inches wide. Add some compost to the hole, then place the roots down in the hole. Cover with dirt, making sure that the buds, or eyes, rest just two inches below the soil surface. Do not plant them any deeper or the peony 16
will not offer any flowers. Gently press the soil down onto the roots to fill the hole with dirt, leaving no room for air pockets. Water thoroughly once you’ve completed the planting. If you plant multiple peonies, leave three feet or more between each plant to allow room for growth. Peonies, which reach 30 to 36 inches wide and 30 to 36 inches tall, need plenty of room so that air can flow through them. Without that airflow, they are at increased risk of developing a fungal disease. And don’t forget, patience. Peonies can take up to three years to become established. They will bloom in the spring and early summer, but don’t expect to see spectacular blooms for a few years. And don’t try to rush your peony along by overfeeding or overwatering it. Peonies are for the patient gardener. Low Maintenance, High Drama
Peonies are easy to grow and care for because they ask for so little. They ask merely for sun, compost, soil that drains well, and a bit of water. A peony only needs to be mulched once, during its first winter while it establishes itself. It requires either a 5-10-10 or 10-10-10 fertilizer mix, only once or twice a year. Once planted, you must resist the urge to pamper the peony with plenty of water and high-nitrogen fertilizer. That combination is guaranteed to upset a peony and fool you into thinking you have done the right thing. Make no mistake, a peony that gets lots of water and fertilizer will grow quickly. As a result, though, it will have weak stems and heavy leaves. When that happens, these plants spring up quickly and then keel over, because the weight of flowers and leaves is too great for the stems. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
To help your peony reach its full potential—which is to say, give you massively huge blooms that drive neighbors wildly jealous—you’ll want to try your hand at disbudding or deadheading. To disbud a stem, leave the bud at the tip of the stem, called the terminal bud, and remove all other buds on that stem. This allows all the nutrients in that stem to go to that one bud. As soon as the flower has faded, remove it from the stem, snipping just below the flower. Two of the biggest no-nos when caring for a peony are pruning and insecticide. Prune a peony, and it will not share a single flower with you next season. Remember a peony will stretch upward and out as it grows, so make sure you give it a home that offers plenty of room. As for those ants sucking on the sticky sweet nectar upon peony petals, leave them alone. The insects will not damage the blooms, but insecticide will. Some gardeners believe that ants help peony flowers open, but there is no evidence that ants help or harm a peony. Ants will only be interested in a peony for a brief time before they parade off, so it’s best to just let them enjoy themselves.
So many plants... so little time
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Peonies do need to be cut back after the first fall frost. Cut all of the stems low to the ground and leave about three inches of stem. This will help protect the plant from fungal diseases. If you suspect an infection—signs include wilting and the shrub falling over—act quickly to prevent it from spreading. The most common threat is Botrytis blight, a fungal disease that thrives in damp conditions. It will cause the stems to rot, turning both the stems and buds black. If the plant is in bloom, the flowers are likely to turn brown and moldy. To save an infected peony, remove all infected stems and foliage, clear away mulch, and allow the soil to thoroughly dry. Bring Your Blooms Inside
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Southern tables yearn for vases overfilled with peonies, the grand dame of the garden. Roses are lovely and lilies are brilliant, but only the peony ages so beautifully. With blooms the size of a softball, peonies planted properly in your garden can supply rooms with color and a sweet earthy fragrance for decades. Each peony will bring with it a different scent—some strong, others faint. In order to have a successful peony display in your home, you do have to follow a few rules. Creating your floral display must always begin with a sharp, clean hand pruner. It is best to select blossoms that have yet to open; they are least likely to have attracted ants, and they are also the most attractive in the home. Once you’ve brought them inside, the blooms will open wide and not fade like they might when they are outside. Cut stems below the foliage at an angle. Aim to leave at least 15 inches of the lower stem still attached to the base of the plant. Once you have clipped the flowers from one plant, wipe the blade clean before moving to the next plant. This helps prevent the spread of disease and infection among the plants. Be careful to remove only a third of the peonies from any one plant for display. Cutting more flowers can mean fewer flowers next season. Don’t let ants dissuade you from a glorious peony display either. The key is to snip the flowers early, before the ants come. Remember they are attracted to the sweet substance on the petals; you just have to beat them to it. If ants have already appeared, cut the stem and place the flowers in a water-filled vase. Place the vase in the shade and leave it on the porch overnight. The ants will dissipate, allowing you to bring the blooms inside, unharmed and uninfested, in the morning. Now that’s something worth waiting for. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
Bring-Along perfect Salads potluck fare By Lucy Co o k
s it just my competitive nature, or is this everyone’s scenario? At every potluck, I watch to see if my contribution is “selling.” It’s true validation when mine is the first empty dish, but I’ll take anywhere in the top couple of empty dishes as a positive vote. And if more than one person asks for the recipe, it’s a definite hit! When someone asks, “Can you bring a salad?”, answer with a resounding yes! (My mother would say that you should insist on bringing something!) And it’s likely to be a side dish. “Just bring a salad” used to seem like a simple assignment back in the days of iceberg lettuce with tomato and cucumbers. Now, it could mean almost anything: pasta, vegetables, grains—the sky’s the limit! Of course you could go with an old standard, like potato salad or macaroni salad, but surely someone else will bring that. Think of something seasonal and a bit more unusual. Cooking seasonally is the most popular trend right now, and exactly the mindset we should all have in the summer when scrumptious ingredients are ours for the taking. Things that are ripe in the summer are going to be the most flavorful, the most colorful, and the easiest to get. By midsummer, even though tomatoes in my garden may not be ripe, the first tomatoes are already available at the farmer’s market. A perfect salad to celebrate perfectly ripe tomatoes is panzanella, an Italian bread salad. Put your own spin on the salad by using an
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assortment of multicolored heirloom tomatoes and soft burrata cheese instead of the usual fresh mozzarella. Tear and toast or grill the bread, and toss in at the last minute, along with some fresh herbs and a little vinegar and oil. Add some beans or additional greens like arugula to “green it up.” Use the same techniques to put your own spin on other salads. Instead of using pasta, try another grain, like farro, quinoa, barley or wheatberries. Instead of grain, use beans, like the colorful heirloom beans available, or chickpeas. Or take a familiar flavor combination, like succotash, or bacon, lettuce and tomatoes, and turn it into a salad... get the idea? One of my favorite summer treats is an al fresco cookout—on the dock at the lake, or down by the ocean. There are many limitations for this kind of cookout, however, like the difficulty of making the salad ahead, or the lack of refrigeration that may affect the recipe you choose. Some salads get better as they sit, but there are definitely salads that don’t. One technique to keep the salad crisp and lively is to take each of the items in a separate container, and toss it on site. I find it’s easier to layer the ingredients from heaviest to lightest (consider wet items, like chopped tomatoes, as the lowest level), then dress and toss at the last minute. The next time you’re planning what will no-doubt be the star of the potluck, consider what’s in season and use a variety of textures and colors to make your salad delicious— and the first to disappear from the buffet!
French Lentils with Grilled Vegetables, Arugula and Feta with Walnut Vinaigrette (serves 8) This salad is a great take-along, and can easily be turned into an entrée salad with the addition of grilled salmon or chicken. If you won’t be serving it immediately, layer the lentils, then vegetables, then arugula in the bowl, and take the dressing in a separate container. Toss them together when it’s time to eat. I like French green lentils; they have a nuttier taste, and a better texture for salads. The vegetables can be grilled ahead (like when you’re grilling dinner the night before). Just make sure that the vegetables are allowed to cool, and store in one layer, as they tend to turn to mush in a large pile. 3 cups French du Puy (green) lentils 2 teaspoons salt ½ cup red wine vinegar 4 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 cup salad oil 1 cup walnut oil Salt and pepper to taste 2 0
2 Japanese eggplants, sliced lengthwise into ½-inch slices 1 medium yellow squash, sliced lengthwise into ½-inch slices 1 medium zucchini, sliced lengthwise into ½-inch slices 1 small red onion, ends discarded and sliced into ½-inch slices 8 ounces feta cheese 4 ounces arugula Light the grill and oil the grate. Let the grill preheat. Place the lentils in a large stock pot, cover with 3 quarts of water and add 2 teaspoons of salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, maintaining a simmer, and cook until tender but firm, about 30-35 minutes. While the lentils are cooking, prepare the vinaigrette. Whisk vinegar, lemon juice and Dijon in a bowl. Add oils and whisk vigorously. Add salt and pepper to taste. Drain the lentils well, and put them in a large bowl. Pour ¾ cup of vinaigrette over, and stir. Set aside to cool. Place vegetable slices on grill over medium heat and cook, turning halfway, until well marked and starting to soften, about five minutes per side. Remove, and when cool enough to handle, cut into bitesized pieces. When the vegetables and the lentils have come to room temperature, toss them together. Just before serving, add feta, arugula and ½ cup walnut vinaigrette, and toss to combine. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
Roasted Fingerling Potato and Sugar Snap Salad (serves 8) Roasting the potatoes gives them a nice texture, and the addition of bright green sugar snap peas adds color and crunch. Be sure to toss the peas in just before serving, as the acid in the vinaigrette will dull their bright color. 2 ½ pounds fingerling potatoes, or any other new potato 3 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon chopped shallots 2/3 cup olive oil Zest and juice of 1 lemon Chives to taste, chopped 1 ½ cups shredded Parmesan cheese 1 pound sugar snap peas, blanched in boiling water for 30 seconds,
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then refreshed in ice water and drained. Preheat oven to 400. Cut potatoes lengthwise, then in half if too large for bite-sized pieces. Toss with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and spread in an even layer on a cookie sheet. Roast in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes, until light brown and slightly crisp. Toss with shallots and set aside to come to room temperature. In a large bowl, whisk together remaining olive oil, lemon zest and lemon juice until well blended. Add potatoes, chives, and Parmesan cheese, and toss to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning. Just before serving, add sugar snap peas, and toss again.
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Collect Water, Conserve Energy, Reduce Waste
By K i p R udg e
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said it best: “Into each life some rain must fall.” To wit and ergo, it must follow that onto every house some rain must fall. If you’re a homeowner, you can’t do much about the rain in your life, but the rain on your house has a definite upside. Rain irrigates the lawn, the shrubs and even the vegetable garden. But weather, being a fickle mistress, can often leave you high and dry. Enter the rain barrel.
T h e B rot h e r s t hat jus t d o Gu t t e r s 22
A low-tech answer to conserving resources and saving money, the rain barrel gives you a simple method of gathering and storing clean, clear water when Mother Nature turns the spigot on. In many instances, rainwater has advantages over its brother, groundwater. Economically, rainwater is everything groundwater is not. That is to say that rainwater is on the house— both metaphorically and literally. Since rainwater falls on your roof, runs into your gutters and through your downspouts, local governments or water authorities can’t charge you for it, whereas getting groundwater from the reservoir to your Waterpik is both an economic and energy investment. The monthly water/sewage bill will testify. Yes, it does take a little money to set up a collection system, but the cost has offsets, including free water and better crop yields, and even greener lawns and shrubbier shrubs. It also makes a relatively tiny footprint in regard to any energy output needed to collect and store it. Another big advantage of rainwater is the lack of treatment when compared to the water coming out of your hose or shower. In order to make water potable, the treatment process adds chemicals and substances that may be fine for you and me, but aren’t optimal for the delicate root systems your rhubarb, dogwood and azaleas possess. In other words, the very organisms that water treatment is designed to protect us from are actually good for plants and soil. The lack of treatment also means that rainwater is softer than groundwater. Softer water means compounds, such as soap, dissolve much more easily and completely. Hence less soap is needed to wash things like your car and patio furniture. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
Evaporation and condensation are excellent purifiers. However, on its voyage through the clouds and across your roof, rainwater can and will pick up goodies that shouldn’t be in your workout water bottle. Keep in mind what birds do on your roof (pun intended) and also remember that air pollutants can be absorbed by rainfall. This region is no stranger to droughts and water rationing. Rain barrels—and rainwater—can be an excellent fallback to ease the stress on municipal water systems when the rains dry up for extended periods. Rainwater can even be used to flush toilets if need be. Rain barrels have been around for centuries. Anyone who grew up in rural America since the turn of the last century could find rain barrels aplenty at every farm house. The technology is simple in the extreme. Find a big container, feed the downspout into it and wait for it to rain. Harvesting or collecting rainwater is discussed by scads of internet sites. In addition, you can purchase rain barrels online or at virtually any home repair store. Of course the prices vary depending on the bells and whistles. In addition, checking with localities can provide additional resources when
planning a rain barrel installation. Some local governments have classes and programs to provide both information and actual rain barrels. There are still some basic barrel imperatives to be observed, however. Wooden barrels are frowned upon since the advent of containers made of materials that do not degrade or rust over time. Also the newer barrels are engineered with rain harvesting/collection in mind, and have fittings built in. Wooden barrels tend to leak and succumb to evaporation more readily than plastic or resin containers. Be sure any container you purchase has a lid to keep children and small animals out of the container. Nothing breaks the ecological moment quite like fishing a saturated chipmunk out of your clean, clear rainwater. Also plan your location[s] carefully. Most containers hold more than 50 gallons of water. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon, so even a moderate-sized rain barrel will tip the scale at a homeownersquishing 400 pounds. With those weights in mind, the barrel must be level and on a stable surface. Also the barrel will need to be elevated in order to use the barrel’s water pressure to push water through a hose—so the higher the better.
Since water is the great destroyer of foundations, decide how to handle overflow. The barrel will fill quickly and the overflow should be directed into another barrel or back into the drainage system away from the house. Anyone old enough to remember Grandma’s rain barrel will also recall the squiggly little mosquito larvae that kept the water rippling constantly. Make sure all openings are covered by insect screen, which will also keep out debris. If a skeeter makes your barrel its hot tub, there are dunks that will take care of the insects while leaving the water clear. Be wary if you have an older home with asbestos shingles or old lead-painted gutters. Get a sample of rainwater and have it tested to determine if any leaching is taking place. A properly maintained rain barrel can harvest literally thousands of gallons of free water—water that homeowners can use in any number of situations to offset groundwater use. With the increasing awareness that freshwater resources are being utilized nearly to their limits, the rain barrel is a cheap, efficient method of helping your wallet and the environment.
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2 4
C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
By PAT R I CI A C HEL D P h ot o g r a p hy by V irg ini a H a m r i c k
Its impressive location commands a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside and the Blue Ridge Mountains. And thanks to a homeowner’s vision, great design and a wealth of artisans, Andrea and James Fulcher’s home in Earlysville has not only magnificent views from every window, but an appealing interior with unique decorative touches. Andrea now shares the farm with her husband, but she began the venture to construct her dream home when she was single. “I met James when I bought the farm,” says Andrea. Andrea’s dream of building a new home was within reach, but the final contract for the sale was contingent on one point: a “perk test.” Whenever a new building site is proposed, a town or county requires the homeowner to conduct a soil percolation test to determine how quickly water drains on the property, a key consideration if a septic system needs to be built. “Passing a perk” means that the site is suitable for building a home. “I could not find anybody to come and perk the property,” she recalls. James had a soil science business and a neighbor suggested that she phone him to help her. Andrea was surprised when he agreed to come work that very weekend. And although she did not intend to help him, Andrea became his assistant for the day. The rest is history. c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
“We were dating but he knew that this was a project I wanted to do myself. It was on my list of big-girl things to do,” says Andrea. She had some experience with building a home, having built homes with her former husband. But this was her pet project. Andrea saw the potential of this farm to become her dream home even though the only structures on the 80-acre property were a tractor shed and a barn in disrepair. Gently rolling hillsides, pasture land and a wooded area on a rise offered spectacular views. Today, roads wind through the property to the main house, past horses grazing in manicured pastures and a renovated cedar log and post barn, tidy outbuildings and a charming log cabin by a lake. Andrea recalls climbing an enormous pine tree near the proposed home site so she could experience the scene from various elevations. The vista from high up in the tree was perfect. Here was the ideal site for her new home. Andrea hired Glenn Robertson of Smith & Robertson, Inc., a local design/build firm and an Independent Representative for Timberpeg® post and beam homes. The company was well suited to build Andrea’s home. Robertson explains that the home’s design grew from Andrea’s desire to blend a contemporary aesthetic with rustic architecture. She wanted a post and beam structure, allowing the natural beauty of real wood to pervade her home, with an open floor plan and expansive windows to bring in an abundance of natural light. According to Robertson, Andrea wanted to incorporate a crow’s nest rising from the second floor. Reminiscent of a widow’s walk often found in coastal homes, the 2 6
small square room lined with windows would provide incredible views. Robertson explains that the “architecture trickles down from this very strong design element.” The result is a long, narrow home with the central portion towering high above the landscape. The center of the home is Timberpeg® post and beam construction and is flanked on each side by wings of conventional 2x6 construction, often characterized by hearty walls, wider doorjambs and deep windowsills. The result is a towering central room with a cathedral ceiling and enormous windows, with cozy living areas on either side. The living room highlights the home’s heavy timber construction. Enormous beams with authentic mortise and tenon joinery are fastened with solid oak pegs. This home is built to last. With its open floor plan, large stone fireplace, comfortable seating and magnificent view, this really is a room for living. Andrea has a special appreciation for the work of local artisans. For example, in the living room are unusual tables featuring handmade tiles, designed and built by the husband and wife team of Suzanne Crane and Matthew Fox of Mud Dauber Pottery. Gracing the outer front entryway are two handmade freeform mahogany benches. While the benches appear to be a pair, Andrea explains that she purchased the benches at different times and in different places. Framing a sturdy wooden front door are side windows fashioned by Andrea’s sister, glass artist Sharon Wolf of Alesia Art Glass. Etched on the inside of two pieces of glass are fanciful designs creating the effect of branches stretching out from a C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
tree trunk. Andrea says of her talented sister, “Design is her expertise.” Examples of Wolf’s unique glasswork are evident throughout the home. The library wing was designed and built by Earlysville woodworker Murray Hulse of Time & Again Furnishings. Rich cherry wood paneling and shelving line the walls and a fireplace is flanked by more of Sharon Wolf’s leaded glass windows. The simple kitchen has all of the necessary tools to prepare a gourmet meal. Sam Driver of Better Living in Charlottesville was responsible for the kitchen design and installation. Beautifully crafted hickory cabinets and granite countertops create an elegant and clean line. The laundry and mudroom are conveniently located adjacent to the kitchen. A lamp made by local potter Janice Arone in tones of pale blue and moss green sits on the countertop. Displayed nearby is a small piece of slate with a fox motif painted by Sherry Morgan, an Earlysville artist who is inspired by her love of nature and wildlife and who often paints on stone. A dining area adjoins the kitchen and offers another spectacular perspective of the farm. Andrea explains that a formal dining room would be wasted space in her home, so prefers this simpler alternative. Massive windows with another commanding view, plus an adjoining screened porch, create the perfect setting for entertaining. The ground floor offers more space for living and entertaining and opens onto an outdoor stone terrace. A large open room serves as a den and play room for visiting grandchildren. And a small wing with a bedroom and bath affords the perfect blend of privacy and charm for her teenage stepdaughter.
What’s your dream....
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Sutherland- A 92-acre estate located in Bedford, VA. This property enjoys a private setting amidst Virginia's beautiful countryside in an area that is consistently recognized as being amongst the best places in the country to live. Built in 1973, using a fascinating collection of old materials, including hand made brick, reclaimed slate and heart pine flooring and beams, this home has the warm character one would expect from a fine southern estate. The main residence, with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, and guest cottage, with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, overlook a 2 1/2-acre lake. The land is a mixture of beautifully maintained lawn and gardens, mature hardwoods and open pasture.
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2 8
The idea for the crow’s nest originated from a beach house Andrea once owned in Duck, North Carolina. Accessible by climbing a ship’s ladder, custom-built by one of Smith & Robertson’s artisans, the room is designed for the best view possible. The second floor master bedroom suite is all about the view. The suite includes an elegantly appointed travertine marble bath. Here hangs another unique Sherry Morgan stonework art—this time, a slab of the travertine marble was her canvas. Here, the grains of the marble become part of the background. In the simply appointed bedroom hangs a large painting by Meg West, a Crozet artist, featuring the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Additional bedrooms located on the opposite side of the house offer privacy for visitors and ample space for family and grandchildren. According to Andrea, “When my family comes, I need every bit of the space here.” The idea for the crow’s nest originated from a beach house Andrea once owned in Duck, North Carolina. Accessible by climbing a ship’s ladder, custom-built by one of Smith & Robertson’s artisans, the room is designed for the best view possible. The small square room is framed with window seats and expansive windows. With a reading lamp and a fridge and sink, it is ideal for curling up with a good book and for entertaining. According to Andrea, when she brings guests up for cocktails, it is often difficult to move her company back downstairs for dinner. It’s not uncommon for the Fulchers to start dinner at 10 o’clock! C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
The home’s shake shingles and cedar board and batten call for a naturalized landscape. Jodie Webber of Koch & Webber Architects designed the gardens. To preserve the view, she suggested installing low-growing shrubbery. Her selections create an interesting palette of contrasts throughout the year. Dogwoods, redbuds, Knock-Out roses and beautyberry add color while vinca and pachysandra afford a natural carpet for the wild azaleas and rhododendron in the gardens. A large cryptomeria graces the entrance, and Carolina jasmine climbs through a trellised breezeway, which leads to a nearby garage. Another important facet to the landscape is water. “I grew up on water,” Andrea says. “So I had a vision of water.” She recognized that the property would not be complete without a lake. “By hook or by crook, I was going to get one,” says Andrea. After an arduous two-year task of filing government applications, a lake just short of three acres was built on the property. “We should call it Lake James because we would not have it if it were not for James doing all the exhaustive permitting work. Five agencies had to approve the project before the contractors
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could dig, and the pile of paperwork created for the project grew to be enormous. Today, the lake is a significant part of their lifestyle. James swims laps throughout the summer, and with two sandy beaches, a picnic area, grill and gazebo, it offers opportunities for relaxing and entertaining. The lake is stocked with fish and is home to an ever-increasing array of wildlife. After purchasing the estate and making plans to build her dream home there, Andrea had a log cabin relocated to her new property and renovated it. After its renovation, Andrea lived here until the main house was complete. “I found a log cabin in Lexington and had it dismantled and hauled here. We stored it until I could get a log cabin builder to resurrect it on the property,” said Andrea. She had an idea of how the cabin would look restored, and once she found log cabin builder Kerry Shackelford of Museum Resources of Williamsburg, she knew that her vision would be achieved. The turn-of-the-century structure is comprised of red oak logs. While the lake is new to the property, the cabin on its shoreline appears to have been in place for a century. Thanks to Shackelford, many modern and creative touches were added to the original structure to make it more useful as both full-time residence and guesthouse. He added an outdoor fireplace, providing another gathering place. An inviting porch with wooden rockers beckons guests to sit a spell. A millstone, unearthed on the property, became part of the fireplace mantel. Shackelford also incorporated natural cedar branches as spokes on the porch railings and the circular staircase to the loft. Cabinets are constructed of wormy chestnut, a very rare antique hardwood lumber that is highly sought for its warm, rustic appearance. Soapstone counters create the sense that nothing has been touched in this kitchen for decades. 800.636.2424 • info@timberpeg.com • www.timberpeg.com
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Found deer antlers were incorporated into lamps. Antique tobacco tins that Andrea discovered on the property are arranged on the mantel. Andrea described her delight when she found these little tins. They were crammed full of love letters from 1933 written by a young girl with beautiful penmanship and signed “Your little Yankee.” Andrea was able to track down the author and recipient of what she describes as a “sweet little romance.” Typical of old cabins, the ceilings were very low. Shackleford raised the roofline to accommodate higher ceilings on both the first floor and an upstairs loft. The newly renovated cabin also has a master bedroom and adjoining bath on the lower level. The partition between the bath and bedroom is frosted glass etched by Andrea’s sister. Its whimsical designs incorporate a crescent moon, the typical symbol for a privy. The result is a century-old cabin retaining all of its charm with all of the necessary elements for modern convenience. Living in the cabin while the main house was under construction, Andrea often thought, “Why build a great big house when this cabin is perfect?” Today, Andrea uses it as an office and retreat. Andrea confides, “Sometimes James and I come over here and we just tell people we are going away.” While Andrea claims she doesn’t have an artistic background, it is evident at both the cabin and the main house that she has a great talent for design. Both homes and their surrounding land beckon visitors to come and enjoy the beauty of her farm, making Andrea’s dream of a rustic home surrounded by nature a reality. 3 2
C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
the Wonderful Window Box Design Basics for this Garden Treasure
by K erry G i l es Â
More than just a box beneath a window for planting flowers, window boxes actually encompass all garden containers that are horizontal. Incorporating this shape in an area where round pots reign can really make a statement. Deciding where and how you plan to use these containers will help you determine which type to select. Window boxes are available in a variety of materials including wood, aluminum, iron, copper, fiberglass, cement, terra cotta, stone and plastic. Styles also vary, with many designed for specific use.
c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
Consider the popular deck railing and look to a wooden box designed to straddle one or both sides. French-inspired metal styles work well on balconies. Wall mounts, or those beneath windows, might be wood, plastic, aluminum or copper. Hayracks have been repurposed to function as window boxes. These new designs are metal, similar to the fancy iron types, but less decorative. Open metal styles like these require a lining, either coconut fiber or a thick layer of moss. Keeping in mind that soil and water add tremendous weight to a window box, installation techniques, brackets and hardware are critical factors and usually require professional assistance. The heavier materials like stone, terra cotta and fiberglass are best on flat surfaces like porches, retaining walls, pathways and steps. Planting in a window box follows the same basics as other kinds of container gardening. Soil should contain enough organic material to absorb and hold moisture. Add small bark to the soil to improve drainage, and be certain your window box has drainage holes. Lightweight containers have markings on the bottom for punching out or drilling holes. If a window box liner is used (a plastic or metal container that is inserted in the box), both the liner and box will need drainage holes. Fill the planter half-full with soil. Add the plants, working from front and center to the back alternating from side to side. With each plant placed, fill in around the root ball with soil, making sure that the tops 34
of the roots are just below the soil surface. Water the planting until the soil settles, adding more soil to fill the container several inches below the top. Sprinkle a light top dressing of slow-release fertilizer (like Osmocote), and mulch or moss the finished planting. Keeping your plantings lush and healthy involves a bit of care, and watering techniques are vital. How often and how much water the planting will need throughout a growing season depends on light, location, weather and the plant type. As plants grow, the soil becomes more inhabited with roots, and water retention is compromised. More frequent watering is required and watersoluble fertilizer is recommended with each watering. This recommendation is often met with surprise, but most water at this point drains right through the planting, carrying many nutrients with it. Remove spent flowers and yellowing leaves to keep your planting looking its best. Trim leggy trailers severely to encourage lush new growth. Design Basics, Color Rules
Once you’ve sorted through the complexities of drainage, soil and growing conditions of your site, window boxes become a design tool for planting options. A stylish approach combines upright, broad and trailing plants, with texture and color as key elements. Upright plants become the focal point, adding height and a vertical element to the design. Broader-growing plants fill the horizontal aspect of the window box,
and trailing plants spill over with interest. Distinctive differences in leaf and blossom shapes and sizes create harmony and touch-me visual texture. There are a few absolutes about color, and learning to make the most of color with helpful hints from a color wheel keeps it simple, nontechnical and friendly. Single color schemes feature a single plant variety used repetitively, or a single color that combines flowers that are matched perfectly in hue yet different in size, shape and style. These monochromatic ideas also include planting a range of shades of a single color—yellow, blue, orange, pink, purple or red. Varying shades of a single color become harmonious when planted together. Classic combinations of complementary colors are opposites on the color wheel, as different as color can get. Red and green, violet and yellow, and blue and orange are pairs of opposite colors that create the most dynamic contrasts. Adjacent colors on the color wheel are called analogous. Reds, yellows and orange are considered warm colors; greens, blues and violets are cool. Intensity is also important: brights together, softer hues together. It takes a bit of practice to understand color families and work with what you’re seeing, but the results are worth the effort. With a little guidance and a few gardening rules, you’re on your way to discovering the endless variety of plant options and plant combinations for stylish window boxes that enhance your home and garden. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
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Year-Round BY B eck y C a lv ert
Taking cues from nature, fabrics printed with large-scale botanical themes can energize a room with a big, bold spark of color. Or, depending on the theme, they can add a sense of spa-like serenity. Or…they can simply take over! Often adding a sense of fun to a room, the trick to using these prints is in the application. Your goal is to give your room a touch of whimsy without looking like you have jungle fever. Use these strong patterns in limited amounts and consider them the anchor for the rest of the room. “When we use a bold pattern like this on pleated drapes, the large-scale print doesn’t seem quite as large as it would on a stationary panel,” says Allison Petty of Fabrics Unlimited. “Painting the walls the same color as your fabric’s background can help the drapes to blend in,” advises Petty, who says the scheme can be “wonderfully fun.” The effect allows the drapes to become the backdrop for the rest of the room. Another way to use these prints at a window is on a valance, elevating the eye and adding height to a room that may have lower ceilings. When used as a focal point, a contemporary oversized design can mix in very well with furnishings that are more traditional. A print on a wing chair becomes a statement piece, adding drama without overwhelming the rest of the room. And, framing a portion of the pattern on something small like a throw pillow or a dining room chair can add an element of surprise to a room, drawing out that detail that attracted you to the fabric in the first place. Remember that these patterns can live in almost any room in your house. They’re not just for sunrooms and patio furniture! When used in a bedroom, these large prints make fabulous duvet covers or even headboards. “Botanicals can add serenity to the bedroom suite,” says Deborah Smith of Calico. “Communing with nature brings peace to the spirit, like relaxing in a garden. It soothes our psyche and restores our souls,” she adds. Used in a more unexpected space, such as in the study or the kitchen, the small punch of color found in botanicals becomes a welcome surprise. Such patterns can bring a woman’s touch to an otherwise masculine leather-and-wood library or study—without being out of context or “girly.” And, when used in the kitchen, these patterns can offer a refreshing, clean vibe, evoking feelings of purity and fresh air.
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Mix It Up!
Don’t be shy in combining other patterns with large botanical prints, which come in a wide range of colors and shades. Anything goes when it comes to pattern mixing—stripes, plaids, lattices, ikats, paisleys, even other florals can work together wonderfully. Pull colors and shapes out of the base print when coordinating fabrics to tie the look together. Another approach Smith suggests is to pull the color from the background of one fabric and choose a coordinating fabric featuring that color in its foreground. Alice Marshall and Jon Floyd of The Second Yard say that the key to working with these special fabrics and mixing them with others is to keep the patterns in scale. “Anything goes as long as the scale and color are in the same context. Don’t use two different patterns that are of the same size,” Marshall cautions. Floyd adds that while you are mixing and matching your designs, don’t be afraid to also combine textures, which adds further depth to your décor. For instance, you could add a lumbar pillow in a tactile fabric like velvet or chenille featuring
May 3 - May 18
Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Friday — 10am to 4pm Wednesday | Thursday — 10am to 7pm Closed to the public on Tuesdays -
Farmington charloTTeSville, virGiNia (Parking at Westover Farm on Old Garth Road)
Design House features over 20 local designers, artists and suppliers. Lectures, Special Events, Design House Café, and
New to 2014 — DesigN House Boutique Also available for private and corporate events.
$20 for one-time admission Parking is not available at the Design House. Signs indicating parking locations and shuttle transportation will be posted as you approach Farmington.
For detailed information and tickets visit
www.cvilleDesignhouse.com Tickets available at the door starting May 3.
Because peace on earth begins at home!
Proceeds support the services and programs of the shelter for Help in emergency.
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your family’s monogram in colors pulled from the botanical print. Or a silky fringed throw draped over an ottoman that’s been covered in a tropical pattern adds a different element to the look.
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Try It On For Size
Bring home large samples to try out in your space before committing to them. In fact, ask if you can bring home the entire bolt so that you can really get a sense of what it will be like to see large swaths of the fabric in your room. A small swatch in a print like this just isn’t going to give you an honest answer. Seeing the colors and prints in your room allows you to see what your room (and you) can handle, before you commit to yards of fabric. While it may seem that the rules are wide open when it comes to decorating with these warm-weather fabrics, there is one piece of advice that seems universal among the experts. When considering using an oversized botanical print on a large piece of furniture like a sofa (something that is meant to last for many years), you’ll probably be happiest over the long term if you upholster it with something neutral. Bring the fun print into your room by way of throw pillows or perhaps a smaller piece of furniture like a chair or ottoman. Don’t be afraid to try large-scale botanical prints. They’re not as difficult to work with as it may seem. “Break the rules if you love the look,” says Petty. “It’s all about what you can live with.” Floyd adds that offering small doses of large-scale botanical prints can make any room feel more at ease and give it a slight sense of flair and playful eccentricity. In the end, you and your family are the ones who live in the space. Creating a look and atmosphere that you love is part of what makes your home, well…your home. Expressing yourself through these beautiful fabrics lends a casual, resort-like feeling to your home all year-round. c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
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Outdoor lighting highlights your home’s best features BY M i tz i B i b l e
Many people spend countless hours grooming their front yards in summertime, cutting the grass to just the right height, weeding precious flowerbeds, and making sure the pathway to the front door is neatly swept. The problem is that when the sun goes down, no one even sees all the effort. That’s why more homeowners are incorporating outdoor lighting designs, showing off their homes but also giving a warm welcome to passersby.
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t’s all about curb appeal, says Sharon Workman, contractor sales manager of Timberlake Lighting in Charlottesville. “A well-maintained and landscaped lawn is only enhanced by the addition of well-planned landscape lighting to continue that curb appeal into the evening hours,” she says. Workman says that over the years, she has noticed a steady increase of homeowners who are installing outdoor lighting products. “People are looking beyond the walls of their homes and making the outside as appealing as the interiors of their homes,” she says. Nancy Brewer, founder and owner of Builders Lighting, LLC in Charlottesville says people are using their outdoor spaces much later into the season thanks in part to today’s outdoor lighting options. “People want to spend more time outside, even in the winter, to enjoy their yards for relaxation and entertaining,” she says. Landscape lighting in particular has become popular, especially as homeowners realize they can create special effects and highlight the best exterior features of their homes. Experienced landscape lighting designers use their expertise to enhance the character of your home by combining a variety of lighting displays. A good lighting display “should add dimension and texture, and highlight areas of interest on the property,” Workman says. With some unique designs and recent advancements in technology, professionals can use lights that cast intriguing silhouettes of fountains, sculptures and trees on walls. Or they can install lights high up in trees to spotlight even more of your yard. There are even lights that can be buried in the ground, shining upward to create a theater effect. The texture of the wall itself, whether brick or stone, can be highlighted by using a lighting design called “grazing.” Designers really get creative when it comes to waterscapes, using everything from colored spotlights to lights resembling lily pads floating on the surface of a pool or pond, shining light all the way down to a rocky bottom. There are even lights that can be submerged underwater or positioned to capture the glittering cascade of a waterfall in a water garden. Using lighting to enhance your home at night, especially at the front entrance, can leave a lasting impression on guests. There is no doubt that outdoor lighting has an aesthetic benefit. It can set the mood for any gathering. And, it’s not just for the most glamorous homes in the neighborhood anymore. “We have worked on projects from multi-million-dollar estates to small front yards,” Workman says. “There are quality products available at all price points.” Beauty in the Details
The first step for outdoor lighting professionals is to consider the customer’s home, its texture and unique architectural features, and its landscaping (favorite trees, fountains, gardens and even pools and ponds). Then they can help decide what lighting effects will be used and where. A consultant will first meet with the homeowner and discuss all the options available. Some will present a printed diagram of their design, and all should offer to do a nighttime demonstration before the lights are installed. Some will even let you take home lights to sample in your yard. 42
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They will recommend an electrician to come do the work and determine whether line voltage or low voltage is needed. Line voltage, at 120 volts, is your typical household current. But Workman explains, “The great percentage of landscape lighting uses low voltage, which uses a transformer to step the current down from 120 volts to 12-24 volts.” This means that landscape lighting doesn’t have to be a burden on your home’s energy bill. After agreeing on a design, customers must choose the actual light fixtures, which come in a variety of styles, colors, shapes and sizes. Brewer says the number of options can become overwhelming, but a lighting design consultant can help guide customers and allow them to compare products and decide on the best ones to complement their homes. She calls outdoor lighting the “jewelry of the home,” and just as clothing fashions change, lighting fashions can change, too, she says. “It’s important to stay current.” The best way to update your home’s look for night is to layer the lighting and create visual interest by having light sources come from multiple directions and in varying degrees of brightness. Safety First: More Than Good Looks
There are other practical benefits to installing outdoor lighting: ensuring safety and security for your humble abode. “Listening to a client and interpreting their needs is critical,” Brewer says. “I take age into consideration and any health issues that may require extra or different lighting.” According to the American Lighting Association (ALA), “good lighting on steps, walks and driveways helps avoid accidents”
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and “floodlighting and other landscape lighting will deter prowlers and vandals.” For safety, ALA recommends using ample lighting at the front entrance and over garage doors, and to use a series of low lights on any frequently traveled paths. This is where a lighting consultant comes in particularly handy; they can help you determine the right number of pathway lights you need (a common mistake homeowners make is buying low-cost products, but having to use twice as much because they do not illuminate as well). For security, ALA recommends lighting side and rear entrances to the home as well as any areas where windows could be easily accessible. Timers are suggested (and can save you energy if you turn them off in the wee morning hours). Photocells and motion sensors can help keep prowlers at bay. New Technology Offers Even More Choices
The development of LED lights has revolutionized the lighting industry, including landscape lighting. Touted as a “green” product, these lights provide considerable energy savings, up to 75 percent. “LED is here in a big way and getting bigger,” Workman says. “In the past year we have seen a marked increase in sales of LED 4 4
products across the board.” LED bulbs shine impressive amounts of light, plus they are dimmable and available in many styles to help you achieve a certain design aesthetic to complement your outdoor light fixtures. If you don’t choose LED, another less-expensive alternative is low-voltage halogen lighting; the amount of light is still much greater than incandescent bulbs. One of the latest gadgets in outdoor lighting includes a wireless control that operates on radio frequencies and looks like a garage door opener. Customers can hit a button from inside their cars as they come and go. Additionally, most professional lighting design installations now include the ability to monitor and operate your lights through your smartphone. You can schedule them to turn on and off automatically or manually control them so they are on when you arrive home after dark. Lighting design is both an art and a science. Outdoor lighting has the power to set a mood and define a style. Without it, your home’s nighttime first impression falls flat. Outdoor lighting will make one of the most dramatic transformations to your home’s exterior and put the finishing touches on your landscaping, allowing your home to shine in its best light. C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e M a y /J u n e 2 0 1 4
Accent or spot lighting: These lights cast
direct light on certain garden and landscape features. Down lighting or area lighting: Lights
are mounted in trees or near the top of the house and shine down across a wide area. This is used for entertaining in backyards after dark and for safety and security (like floodlights). Up lighting: Lights are positioned near the ground (or even buried in the ground) and shine upward. This is used to highlight particular features—a statue or tree, for example. Moon lighting: Like down lighting, this effect uses softer light. Lights positioned in trees simulate moonlight and cast shadows on the ground below. Spread or diffused lighting: These are
used as safety lights on steps, driveways and pathways. They are low to the ground and cover a wide, circular area. Cross Lighting: Shining lights from two different
directions, in down lighting and up lighting effects, can be more striking. It’s a more interesting alternative in outdoor living spaces than a floodlight. Shadowing: This involves lighting a subject from
the front and below to project a larger- than-life shadow on a vertical surface. Gr azing: This is where light is positioned close to a
surface that has a lot of texture, such as a stone wall or an intricately carved front door. Silhouetting: Hiding lights behind and below a
tree or bush, for example, will give it the same effect “as a seeing it on a ridge silhouetted against the sky at dusk,” according to ALA. (Source: American Lighting Association) c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
Turning a Home into “Design House” Behind the Scenes at Design House 2014 BY Laur el F ei n m an P h ot o g r a p hy by Ro b e r t Ra d i fe r a f ro m p rev i o u s D e si g n H o u se s
We all love a home tour—especially during springtime in Virginia! When we visit a charity home tour, we get to see the latest trends in home décor, spark ideas for new projects in our own houses and maybe even meet a few designers and landscapers who’ll help us turn those new domestic dreams into reality. But Design House 2014 is even more special, because it is the primary fundraiser for a really important home—the Shelter for Help in Emergency. For over 35 years, the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) has provided services and safe shelter to victims of domestic violence in the city of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson. 4 6
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About Design House
A volunteer brought the idea for Design House to life as SHE’s new emergency residential shelter was opening in 2008. The shelter was built to be a bright, airy and welcoming home, a positive environment in which to heal. It seemed only logical that Design House should become the primary fundraiser to support SHE’s residential services program. Sarah Ellis, Shelter Fundraising and Development Coordinator, says, “At SHE, we believe that peace on earth begins at home. A home should offer a respite from all the pressures and conflicts of the outside world. At home, we all seek to be comforted and nurtured.” For the past five years, Charlottesville-area homeowners have generously extended the use of their residences for the tour. Almost all of the designers who work on the tour are local. They, and their vendors, are assigned to individual rooms and spaces to showcase their talents and the latest trends in interior design. The result: a truly unique experience, where visitors are presented with endless and inspiring ideas for their homes. Design House is a massive undertaking and is manned completely by shelter staff and volunteers so that all the proceeds can go directly to SHE. Ellis recalls, “A small but mighty band of dedicated people executed our first Design House under the mentorship of a group from the Richmond Symphony Orchestra League’s design house project.” In addition to inspiring homeowners with fresh ideas for their homes and raising much-needed funds, the Design House also takes an important message out into the community, says Ellis. “Doing something in a home that brings creativity, beauty, light and joy is something we want to promote. Everybody deserves that,” she says. “Most people don’t come to our tour having thought about the issue of domestic violence, but all of them will leave with some awareness about it. And that awareness just might help save a life.” The Search Begins
Each year in September, the steering committee of Design House sends notices out to brokers, realtors and friends to ask for their help in finding a Design House. The four previous Design Houses have all been homes that were uninhabited and on the market for sale. The physical transformation to ready a home for the tour takes a full three months. Also, the committee looks for houses of a certain size because each tour features the work of at least 20 different designers. Accessibility and parking are also important considerations. “All of these criteria together whittle down our choices and help us arrive at our ultimate destination for Design House,” says Ellis. c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
But this year’s Design House is different all around. The owners of Design House 2014 toured last year’s Design House and later approached SHE to offer the use of their home in Farmington for the tour. The homeowners, at this point, are only living here part-time, sharing their residence between Pennsylvania and Charlottesville. Half the fun for the designers is to have free reign in their featured space, as long as no structural changes are made to the home. However, this year, the homeowner, an architect, lent her expertise and collaborated with a trio of interior designers to completely renovate the kitchen in time for the tour. Ellis explains, “This year, we have a slightly different arrangement because we’ve always had empty houses to work with in the past, but our basic set of conditions are that the designers will put things back the way they were or paint over whatever it is that they did in a neutral shade of paint if the homeowner requests it.” After Design House 2014 concludes, the homeowners will move into their freshened-up home permanently. About the Designers
Design House is not done up in a cohesive room-by-room fashion like you would decorate your own home. Instead, Design House is a mosaic and an overview of each designer’s best ideas and inspiration. Designers bear a significant investment when they participate in Design House. In many cases, the furniture is the designer’s own. Some of them have retail stores and pull stock from their store, while others are independent designers who use their own materials. And some of them go out to their usual vendors and negotiate a loan for furnishings. Most of them report that they sell items from Design House and gain new clients from their participation. Designers provide a price list of items for sale in each room. A visitor can walk through the house, admire a sofa and purchase it. Everything from vases to artwork to furniture might be for sale. Participating designers are primarily local. “We have a few that come from Richmond and Lynchburg, but for the most part, they’re local Charlottesville designers. We have a database of 50 to 60 designers and we touch base with them in December to ask for their participation,” she explains. At the end of January, the steering committee holds a twoday open house so that designers can tour the house and choose their top three favorite spaces they’d like to design. “Our steering committee puts the puzzle together and tries to give everybody their first choice,” says Ellis. “Each year, we try to get a mix of returning designers and bring in new designers, who add a fresh perspective and new looks for us. The recipe always works out in the end.” Countdown!
It takes an army of volunteers to host Design House, to serve as room hosts, manage ticket sales and help with the designers’ planning and implementation. Work happens very quickly once the room assignments are made. Sometime around March 1, the home is cleaned and prepared so that the designers can start with a clean slate. Every detail is considered; even door handles, hinges and light fixtures go under inspection by the designers. They submit design boards showing their chosen color palettes and fabric swatches to the 4 8
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THE 2014 DESIGN TEAM INTERIOR DESIGNERS Michelle Willis Adams LLC Den /Study
Artful Lodger, Gotcha Covered & MSS Designs D ining Ro om
Brooks, Johnston & Sole Design K itchen / B utler ’s Pa ntr y
Amy Smith, Organized Design Peggy Woodall, Closet Factory T he L aundr y a nd M a s ter B e dro om Closet
Cathy Cassety, AIA Gue s t B athro om
Cheryl Jarvis, Designs by Cheryl steering committee and the homeowners. By the second week of April, the designers’ installation phase begins, and by April 28, Design House is ready. Design House 2014 runs from Saturday, May 3 through Sunday, May 18. Then What Happens?
What goes in must come out. Ellis says their work isn’t done until the home has been restored to its original (and sometimes improved) condition. At the conclusion of the tour, designers have one week to clear out the house and put things back as they were—the goal is to leave the home as if the whole thing was just a dream. Of special consideration is the long-lasting work done outside by the landscape designers. Like those of the interior designers, their installations can be fragile and require careful handling, too. In fact, many of the landscapers choose to leave their sod and plantings installed permanently at the home because attempting to move them could cause fatal damage to the plants. For visitors, the tour offers a wealth of ideas, education and resources. A tent on the lawn will feature daily home-centered seminars during which experts and designers will discuss concepts like color, reviving old furniture, framing artwork and other topics of interest to homeowners. A schedule of lectures and events is listed on the Design House 2014 website so you can time your visit according to your interests. Ellis concludes, “Design House is an event worth doing.” Through Design House, the Shelter for Help in Emergency offers a tangible reminder of the homes we would wish for every person in our community: a haven of love and laughter, free from fear and violence. No matter how different the structures of our individual dwellings may be, surely they can all share that quality at heart. This year, there are single tickets ($20) or a multi-visit pass ($45), so visitors can come as many times as they like. Also new to Design House 2014 is a gift boutique in the lower terrace level of Design House. For ticket and tour information, visit www.cvilledesignhouse.com. c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e h o m e m a g a z i n e . c o m
Gue s t B e dro om
Leigh Glassmire, Kane Furniture & Interiors M a s ter S it ting Ro om
Moyanne Harding I.D.S., Interiors by Moyanne Entra nce Foyer a nd St a ir s
Jennifer Kovaleski, Orange Chair Design Ga zeb o
Ellen Beard, Patina M a s ter B e dro om & Lower Level Study
Kari Velandria & Jared Ward, Revibe Lower Level Foyer
Scarlett and Rebekah Snead, Interiors by Scarlett B re a k fa s t Ro om
Sheilah Michaels, interior stylist & design consultant Child ’s B e dro om
Stedman House Li v ing Ro om
Will Chambers, U-Fab Upholstery and Fabric Stores Gue s t B e dro om & Ensuite B athro om
Diane Wilson A r t Ga ller y
EXTERIOR DESIGNERS Heather Williams Front L a ndsc a p e
Snow’s Garden Center Re a r L a ndsc a p e
Leslie Gregg, The Market at Grelen Re a r Patio
Anna Boeschenstein, Grounded LLC Evergreen Construction K itchen Ga rden 49
Aha Cuisine / Jerry Sole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Airflow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Allied Concrete Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Artisan Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Atlantic Organic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Better Living. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Roanoke, Lynchburg, Charlottesville & surrounding areas
Blue Ridge Building Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Brown Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Bruce Carrington, Realtor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Carpet Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Century Link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Charlottesville Women’s Four Miler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Circa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Clearview Window Tinting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
arle Square
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$20 Registration Fee - $15 CTC Members Mother/daughter teams (training together, girls age 14 & younger) $30 per team (1 woman/1 girl/1 training manual), additional girls (under 14, all training together), $10 each.
Registration: * Online at www.W4MTP.com * In person at ACAC Albemarle Square: June 12 & 13, 11am-1pm and 5pm-7pm * On-site beginning at 6:15am before each Saturday program
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When: Saturdays beginning June 14th, 7:00 am (On-site Registration begins at 6:15 am) Where: UVA Track (Lannigan Field, across from U-Hall) Parking is plentiful & free.
Denise Ramey, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Design House 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Fabrics Unlimited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Ferguson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Frank Hardy Inc., Realtors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Grand Home Furnishings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Mona Lisa Pasta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Our Lady of Peace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Persian Rugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Savvy Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Scott Weiss Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Snow’s Garden Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Southern Grace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Spectrum Stone Designs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Brothers that just do Gutters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Timberpeg ®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 VAS-Subway Commonwealth Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Waynesboro Nurseries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
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