What's On! Abbotsford September/October 2017

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September / October 2017

FREE Abbotsford Community Events, Entertainment & Business Magazine www.WhatsOnAbbotsford.ca


BEST OF THE HALF MONTY + 1 COMES TO ABBOTSFORD FOR TWO WEEKENDS OCT. 5 - 7 AND OCT. 12 - 14. See pages 16 & 17 for more.

Cover Proudly Sponsored by:


PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS and CONIFERS. Shrubs and trees are an excellent way of adding character to your home, whether it’s a hedging Boxwood or an eye catching Japanese Maple Tree. But for successful planting, you need to select your plants carefully and be sure they are suited to your soil conditions and environment as well as the type of soil and the function of the plant or tree you are wanting to add to your landscape. When choosing your plants, remember: When is the right season to be planting the tree or shrub of your choice. Size and form of the plant when mature and the available sunlight. Climate conditions where you’ll be planting (wind, harsh winter conditions); Type of soil (texture, structure, drainage, pH);

WHEN TO PLANT Burlapped and Potted Plants Can be planted throughout the season unless the root ball breaks; in that case, follow the directions for planting bare-root plants. For spring planting, make sure the soil has completely thawed and is dry enough to work with. Try to avoid planting less hardy woody plants in the fall. If you plant smaller plants in late fall, you may find the following spring that the root ball has risen, a consequence of freezing soil during the winter.

BARE-ROOT PLANTS: Should be planted before buds open or during the dormant season in the fall. Recovery is riskier than for container and root-balled plants. Shrubs sold to create a hedge are sometimes available bare-rooted. However, the choice of bare-rooted shrubs is fairly limited.

A GUIDE FOR PLANTING YOUR SHRUBS Soil preparation is very important, since woody plants live a long time. 1. Dig a hole 2 to 3 times wider than the diameter of the container, so that the sides are not parallel but angled. Dig a trench for groupings or hedges. 2. Check the depth; it should correspond to the height of the container. 3. Remove the plant from the container, making sure not to damage the root ball. If roots are coiled around the container, make three or four incisions with a knife (up and down), taking care not to undo the root ball. This procedure can be done if the plant is not in its growth cycle or planting is not done in very hot weather. 4. Place the root collar at the same level as in its original container 5. Mix the soil from the hole with peat moss and compost to lighten it. Its recommend to use 2 parts excavated soil for 1 part compost as well as bone meal for additional nutrients 6. If the soil is dry fill the hole with water to pre-soak the surrounding soil. 7. Fill the hole with the amended soil. 8. Pack the earth and water generously to eliminate air pockets. 9. Thoroughly water the amended soil to ensure root stimulation


Don’t let grass or weeds grow in around your new plants because the grass could end up choking the new plant. Eliminate suckers growing around tree trunks as they can cause you plant to slow its growth and if you have chosen a flowering shrub, to decrease the number of blossoms. You won’t need to fertilize most woody plants a second time during the growing season, and never after mid-July, so that plants have enough time to harden off before winter. If plants are growing well and you need to prune, you won’t need to fertilize every year. Now you can sit back and enjoy the benefits of seeing your shrub or tree grow and bloom year after year.

After planting, water generously once a week. Water to a depth of about 30 cm. Avoid watering to excess in normal weather conditions. Superficial watering encourages plants to develop surface roots, which weakens them.

Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 7am – 6pm Saturday - 8am - 5pm To advertise call 604-832-3130 or emailSunday WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com - 9am - 4pm

28728 Fraser Highway, Abbotsford Contact us: (604) 856-5144 • 1 (800) 496-7901 www.wilwaylumber.com



CONTENTS: Business Directory Event Listings Fraser Valley Stage Gallery 7 Theatre

26 7 - 12 16 - 17 20 -21

The Reach Gallery What’s On in the Community

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca

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What’s On! Abbotsford is published by Cory Cassel and Bronwen Sutherland under license from Blueberry Publications. Publisher / Non-profits: Cory Cassel WhatsOnMission@live.ca 604.832.3130 Editor: Bronwen Sutherland WhatsOnAbbotsford@gmail.com Distribution: Yosuke Nitta Sales: WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com 604.832.3130



The summer was hot, gloriously sunny and very busy. Abbotsford has so many wonderful events throughout the summer it is so hard to get out to every single one. But the What’s On! Abbotsford team managed to get to take part in many activities and meet many members of the community. And now the Harvest season is upon us. The Fraser Valley is the perfect place to be during the fall months as we are able to enjoy the fresh bounty of the land. The Farm and Country Market on Montrose Street in the Historic Downtown Abbotsford operates every Saturday morning right through until the end of October and always has fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as so much more! As we have mentioned several times, due to Cory’s decision to move to Japan we have put What’s On! Abbotsford on the block and put it up for sale. In the last few months we have met with a number of people who are interested in continuing the amazing work of the magazine and see it as the true treasure it is! We want to make sure that the magazine is left in the best hands and with someone who will have as much fun as we do putting it all together. If you think you may be this person, give us a call or drop us an email. But, until we find the right fit, we will continue to bring you as much information about events in this wonderful community as we hear about. Have a wonderful and bountiful Fall!!

Cory & Bronwen

DIRECT from the UK From the World Famous Elvis Show


Cory enjoys hot summer nights at Jam in Jubilee

Bronwen has a hoot judging the Fraser Valley Pride Window Display Contest with fellow judges Darryl Plecas, Aird Flavelle, Bruce Banman with Ashleigh Bull from Legal Grounds, contest winner 2 years running!

Canada’s Multi –Award Winning Grand Champion

To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com



n Sunday September 10th, the Mennonite Heritage Museum is hosting a special event celebrating the art of Hilda Janzen Goertzen. A concert and reception will be held at 3pm and 7pm featuring the music of Calvin Dyck and Betty Suderman from their CD “The Dancing Violin”. In addition, Michael Goertzen will be reviewing his mother’s lifetime of work in the arts, and examining some special pieces of significance. Hilda Goertzen, who passed away in 2016, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and spent her first eleven years enjoying life in the big city. In 1961, she and part of her family immigrated to western Canada. Her art reflects influences that include her Mennonite parents’ flight from Ukraine in the 1920s, the vivid expression of Latin American culture, and her love of music and children. When Richard Thiessen, Executive Director of the Mennonite Heritage Museum heard about the proposed concert, he suggested that the museum host an Art Exhibit of 30 of Hilda’s works in the gallery from September 5th to 21st. The art exhibit will include works that have been gathered from various homes in the Fraser Valley, as well as some previously unseen works that are available for purchase. Proceeds from the concert and the sale of the art will benefit the Mennonite Historical Society of B.C. Tickets for this event are available on Eventbrite or at the Mennonite Heritage Museum. For more information please contact the Museum at (604) 758-5667.

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca


What’s On at Legion Branch Winner of 2016 Business Excellence Award Agriculture and Agri-Business Excellence

Fish & Chips at the Legion 1st Friday of every month from 5 - 7pm - $12.00 Steak Dinner 3rd Friday of every month - 5 - 7pm - $12.00

Come help us celebrate FARM COMMUNITY DAY Sept 16, 2017

Drop in Crib 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month - 2 - 5pm Karaoke every Friday - 7:30 - 11pm

Saturdays 9am-1pm at Montrose Ave.

Meat Draw with Live Entertainment Saturdays from 2 - 5pm

north of George Ferguson Way.

Sunday Breakfast - 8.30 - 11.30am - $7.00

www.afcm.ca Find us on Facebook Abbotsford Farm & Country Market

Please see our website for updated information on upcoming events Royal Canadian Legion Branch #15 - ASM Abbotsford 2513 West Railway St. Abbotsford, BC V2S 2E5 Phone 604-853-1711 • www.abbylegion.ca email: abbylegion15@shaw.ca




Photo: Revival Arts Photography 2016


F VA D . C A





33219 1ST AVE MISSION BC 604-826-0097


To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

Recurring Events SUNDAYS Flea Market, 6am – 4 pm at the Abbotsford Exhibition Grounds 32470 Haida Dr. www.abbotsfordfleamarket.com The Abbotsford Legion hosts Weekly Breakfasts, 8:30 am -11:30 am at Abbotsford Legion, 2513 West Railway Ave. www. abbylegion.ca Suburban Swing Dancing, 8:30 pm – 11 pm at the ASAA Hall, 33889 Essendene Ave. www. suburbanswing.com Suburban Swing Dancing, 7:45 pm – 8:30 pm at the ASAA Hall, 33889 Essendene Ave. Beginner East Coast Swing Lesson. www. suburbanswing.com 1st & 3rd Sundays The Abbotsford Legion Hosts Drop In Crib, 2 pm – 5 pm at the Abbotsford Legion, 2513 West Railway Ave. www. Abbylegion.ca WEEKDAYS AL-ANON Family Groups Strength & Hope for Friends and Families of Problem Drinkers - Meetings – Evenings & Weekdays. Please check website for times and Locations. www. al-anon.org. Local Contacts – 604.855.1942 or 604.859.6566 ALATEEN MEETS - Alateen, a part of Al-Anon Family Groups, is for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking, whether it’s a parent, sibling or friend. 7:15pm at H.O.M.E. Society, 31581 South Fraser Way. Contacts: 604-855-1942 or 604-8265100

MONDAYS Coffee, Cards and Connections at 10am - 11am (or schedule of nursery for holidays) at Cannor Nursery 34261 Marshall Road. A group for individual, business owner (and/or both) who is interested in learning more about connecting with others through traditional means not only for personal development, this group was started to assist current SendOutCards customers/distributers to more effectively us the SendOutCards system. This brief weekly meeting will also provide a forum for everyone to share experiences and learn more about products/services/ business opportunities with SendOutCards. We are looking forward to ‘connecting’ with you. All Skill levels are welcome. www.meetup.com/Coffee-CardsConnecting-Cannor/ Abbotsford Grand Squares host Square Dancing, Mondays 7pm – 10pm & Thursdays – 7:30pm – 9:30pm at the ASAA, 33889 Essendene Ave. www. abbotsfordseniorsassociation@ gmail.com TUESDAYS Senior’s Exercise, 9:30am – 10:30am at the ASAA, 33889 Essendene Ave. Email abbysocialactivityassoc@ gmail.com for more information. Ballroom Dancing, 7pm – 10pm at the ASAA Hall, 33889 Essendene Ave. More info at abbysocuialactivityassoc@gmail. com

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca

3RD TUESDAYS Abbotsford Valley Women’s Network Monthly Luncheon, 3rd Tuesday of every month (September - June) at the The Phoenix Ballroom, 33780 King Road, 11:30am -1:30pm (come early for networking) $23 for luncheon. Reservations required: Contact June Krause Friday before luncheon. vwnabbycoordinator@gmail.com LAST TUESDAYS Professional Writers Association of Canada - Fraser Valley Chapter Monthly Meeting, 6 - 9 pm. For more information: pwacfv@gmail.com. www. abbotsfordcentre.com Guests Welcome TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS Senior’s Exercise, 9:30 am – 10:30 am at the ASAA, 33889 Essendene Ave. Email abbysocialactivityassoc@gmail. com Abbotsford Grand Squares host Square Dancing, 7pm – 10pm & Thursdays – 7:30pm – 9:30pm at the ASAA, 33889 Essendene Ave. www. abbotsfordseniorsassociation@ gmail.com Abbotsford Learning Plus Classes, Open House September 14 - All other classes - every Tuesday & Thursday, 10 a.m. till 12 noon at the Abbotsford Recreation Centre, 2499 McMillan Rd. Contact info: 778-808-7377, www. learningplus.ca, abbylearnplus@ gmail.com TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS Partner Bridge, 1 pm – 4 pm at the ASAA, 2361 Cyril St. Email abbysocialactivityassoc@gmail. com

THURSDAYS Abbotsford Grand Squares host Square Dancing, Mondays 7pm – 10pm & Thursdays – 7:30pm – 9:30pm at the ASAA, 33889 Essendene Ave. www. abbotsfordseniorsassociation@ gmail.com FRIDAYS Rise and Shine Toastmasters Club 9453 Weekly Meeting, 7:00am – 8:20am at the University of Fraser Valley Building A. Visitors are welcome. www.9453.toastmastersclubs. org Karaoke, 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm at the Abbotsford Legion. More Info – 604.853.1711 or visit www.abbylegion.ca 1ST FRIDAYS Fish and Chips, 5 pm – 7 pm at the Abbotsford Legion. More Info at 604-853.1711. www. abbylegion15@shaw.ca 3RD FRIDAYS The Abbotsford Legion Hosts Steak Dinner, 5 pm -7 pm at the Legion, 2513 West Railway Ave www.Abbylegion.ca SATURDAYS Abbotsford’s Farmers Market, 9am - 1pm at Montrose Ave. north of George Ferguson Way. Largest selection of fruit & veggies is in the Market right now! Find us on Facebook. Abbotsford Farm & Country Market. www.afcm.ca The Abbotsford Legion Hosts A Meat Draw, 2pm – 5pm at the Abbotsford Legion, 2513 West Railway Ave. www.abbylegion.ca Call 604.853.1711









Hand Battered

Cheese +



What’s On! at the Abbotsford Youth Commission (AYC) SEPTEMBER 15TH Free Dinner Night @ the AYC Youth Center @ ARC, 5pm. Info at www.abbyyouth.com or call 604-854-8785. SEPTEMBER 29 Free Dinner Night @ MRC at 5:30pm. AYC Youth Center @ MRC. Info at www.abbyyouth. com or call 604-854-8785 OCTOBER 27TH Free Dinner Night @ ARC at 5pm. AYC Youth Center @ ARC. Info at www.abbyyouth.com or call 604-854-8785 OCTOBER 31ST Halloween Makeup Challenge, 2:30 - 5:00pm at the AYC Youth Center @ ARC and MRC. Info at www.abbyyouth.com or call 604854-8785

What’s On! at the Abbotsford Libraries For a complete schedule of events happening at all 25 Fraser Valley Regional Libraries, visit them at www.fvrl.bc.ca and click on events! Meet Sphero SPRK+. Now available for loan at FVRL! This app-enabled robotic ball fosters creativity through discovery and play. Sphero SPRK+ supports STEAM learning (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). Use it to code your own programs and design your own activities. The only limit is your imagination! Join us for these weekly gatherings: Adult Colouring Club & Craft groups. Find out more on our online Events listings.


TUESDAYS, September 5 and October 3. Friends of the Abbotsford Libraries, at the Clearbrook Library. 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The Friends welcome new members. If you love your public library this may be the volunteer opportunity for you! Drop in to a meeting and discover what we are all about.

FRIDAYS Conversation Circles at the Clearbrook Library, September 15 – December 8, 10:15 am – 11:30 am. If you would like to practice English in a fun and informal setting, join us! Registration not required. Hosted by Abbotsford Community Services.

1ST WEDNESDAYS TAG (Teen Advisory Group) @ Clearbrook Library. Hey teens! Boost your resume, gain volunteer hours, help at your library and have fun. Call the library at 604-859-7814 to find out more.

SEPTEMBER 13 Career Success at the Clearbrook Library. 10 am - 12 pm. Learn strategies for finding a job, keeping your job, and moving up the ladder. Presented by AbbotsfordWORKS. Please register by calling the library at 604-859-7814.

SATURDAYS, September 16 and October 28 Learn to Play the Ukulele at the Clearbrook Library, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm. New to the ukulele? Learn about the parts of the ukulele, how to read chords and some simple songs. Bring your ukulele and join local experts at this fun workshop. Did you know that ukuleles are available to borrow through the FVRL catalogue? WEDNESDAYS Storytime at the Abbotsford Community Library, starting Sept 6, 10:30 am – 11 am. THURSDAYS At the Clearbrook Library, starting Sept 7, 10:30 am – 11 am. Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and more at this weekly event. Pyjama Storytime at the Clearbrook Library, starting Sept 7, 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Babytime at the Abbotsford Community Library, September 14 - October 12, 11:30 am – 12 pm. Make language fun – start early with Babytime! For children ages 0-18 months.

SEPTEMBER 16 Shred-A-Thon at the Clearbrook Library, 10 am – 1 pm. Have your confidential documents shredded by BEST Shredding and raise funds for your library. Staple/paper clip removal not required. $5 min donation per box or bag. The shredding truck will be in the east library parking lot off Trethewey St. Hosted by the Friends of the Abbotsford Libraries. SEPTEMBER 19 Nutrition and Your Metabolism at the Abbotsford Community Library, 7 pm – 8pm. London Drugs Pharmacist, Javad Ahmad, explains how to do a body composition analysis and design a nutritious eating plan and activity regime that works with your own unique metabolism. Please register. SEPTEMBER 20 Protecting Your Intellectual Property at the Clearbrook Library, 6pm – 7:30 pm. Understand the basics of copyright, trademarks, and patents. Learn what protections you have by default what you must apply for. This is valuable information for artists, writers, inventors, and business owners.

Celebrate Science Literacy Week! Science Storytime at the Abbotsford Community Library, 10:30 am – 11 am. Join us for a special science themed storytime to celebrate Science Literacy Week. SEPTEMBER 23 Desktop Siege Engines at the Abbotsford Community Library, 2 pm – 3 pm. Build mini catapults and storm the castle! Learn about simple machines and the basics of mechanical engineering. For kids ages 8-12. Presented by Fraser Valley Makerspace. SEPTEMBER 26 Celebrate Culture Days! Photography by Fiona Howarth at the Clearbrook Library, 10 am – 12:30 pm, 2 pm – 6 pm. Celebrate Culture Days early! Fiona’s images, on silver and copper metal leaf, are both thought-provoking and visually arresting. SEPTEMBER 29 Cultural Conversation Circle at Clearbrook Library, 10:15 am – 11:30 am. It’s show-andtell at this week’s Conversation Circles gathering! In celebration of Culture Days, bring along something special from your culture - food, photos, music, clothing, or anything that you’d like to share with the group. Have fun speaking English and learning about each other’s cultural background. Drop in. Celebrating Mount Lehman Artists at the Mount Lehman Library, 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm. Celebrate Culture Days by paying a visit to the library to enjoy a sampling of artistic talent in the beautiful community of Mount Lehman. From 3:30 – 4:30 pm, express your own creativity by making a craft!

To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

Young Artists Concert n exciting concert will take place on Saturday, October 21st at MCA Auditorium (Abbotsford City Hall). Thirteen young local musicians from Mission and Abbotsford will be featured as soloists accompanied by the Abbotsford Youth Orchestra and the Canada West Chamber Orchestra directed by Calvin Dyck.


The line-up includes Elliot Wakelin, who is just 7 years old and will perform “Song of the Dark Woods”. Other winners include Anna Krahn and Brooklyn Gerber performing a duet version of the “Hungarian Dance No. 5” by Brahms, and more advanced students who will perform pieces by Bach, Brahms and Tchaikovsky.

The soloists were chosen from among 26 contestants at auditions in June, and will be presented by the Abbotsford Music Teachers Association and Central Valley Academy of Music.

There are several composers who have been commissioned to write orchestrations for the works including Stan Gubiotti, Paula Quick, and Clyde Mitchell, conductor of the North Shore Sinfonia.

Young Artists Concert Featuring young local talent accompanied by the Abbotsford Youth Orchestra and the Canada West Chamber Orchestra.

Director: Calvin Dyck Saturday, October 28th 7pm Matsqui Centennial Auditorium (City Hall) 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford Tickets $25 (King’s Music or on EventBrite)

Our Sponsors C A B I N E T S

Clyde Mitchell was the inspiration for this project because of similar projects he directed with young soloists in Surrey and North Vancouver which were very well received in those regions. Most students don’t get a chance to perform with an orchestra until they are semi-professional or studying at a university. But this project will give them a chance to learn the intricacies of working with an orchestra, following a conductor and adapting to working with other musicians. In addition, the orchestra will be featured in “Sinfonia No. 1” by Felix Mendelssohn and the highly entertaining piece by Leroy Anderson called “The Typewriter” for orchestra and a mechanical “Remington” typewriter from the 1900s.

Tickets for this event are available on line at Event Brite or at King’s Music. Please see www.calvindyck.com for more information.

BCRMTA Abbotsford

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca



To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

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FOLLOW OUR EVENTS ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER F - WHATSONABBOTSFORD T - @WHATSONABBY Submit events for FREE to whatsonabbotsford@gmail.com All events submitted that are in Abbotsford and open to the public will be included in the events calendar, at www.whatsonabbotsford.ca, on facebook and twitter.

SEPTEMBER 29 – OCTOBER 1 Abby Senior Art Exhibit at the Abbotsford Community Library, Friday – Sunday, during library open hours. Come to the library during Culture Days to enjoy the creative talents of Abbotsford Senior Secondary Art students and meet some of the artists. A wide variety of art projects will be on display. We invite you to discover, celebrate, and be inspired! OCTOBER 4 Job Search Basics: Plan for Success! At the Clearbrook Library, 10 am – 12 pm. There’s not just one way to look for a job! This workshop explores a number of job search methods and strategies to stay motivated throughout your search. Please register. Presented by AbbotsfordWORKS. OCTOBER 21 Advance Care Planning at the Clearbrook Library, 2 pm – 4 pm. Serious illness, injury and disability can happen at any age. Learn how to plan ahead to protect your rights and wishes. Facilitor Connie Jorsvick, an RN for 25 years, has a certificate in Advance Care Planning and is a professional healthcare navigator.

What’s On! at the Abbotsford Arts Council SEPTEMBER 16 - OCTOBER 17 Through My Eyes: exhibition at the Kariton Art Gallery. www. AbbotsfordArtsCouncil.com OCTOBER 21 - NOVEMBER 21 Semblance: A New and Mixed Media Exhibition at the Kariton Art Gallery. www. AbbotsfordArtsCouncil.com

September THROUGH SEPTEMBER 12 Fraser Valley Artists Summer Fever Exhibition at the Kariton Gallery, 2387 Ware Street www.fraservalleyartists.com SEPTEMBER 2 Fraser Valley Concert Series presents MADFLOWER, 7 pm – 9 pm at the House of James, 2743 Emerson Drive. For more info – www. abbotsfordartscouncil.com SEPTEMBER 4 Labour Day Picnic hosted by Fraser Valley Labour Council, 3 pm at Mill Lake Park (Bevan Ave Entrance) SEPTEMBER 7 The Field Sessions In September presents Lydia Hol, 7pm at Field House Brewing, 2281 West Railway Street. Talented Music on Outdoor Stage on Magical Beer Lawn! www.fieldhousebrewing.com SEPTEMBER 8 Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce 30th Annual Golf Tournament, 11 am – 9 pm at Ledgerview Golf and Country Club, 35997 McKee Road. For registration and information call 604.859.9651 www.abbostfordchamber.com SEPTEMBER 9 Fraser Valley Concert Series presents Thistle Dew, 7pm at Clik Coffee Bistro. www. AbbotsfordArtsCouncil.com SEPTEMBER 8 Fraser Valley Blues Society Friday Night Blues Jam, 7:30 pm at the Eagles Hall, 33868 Essedene Road. No Cover, Cash only Venue. Information at www. fraservalleybluessociety.com

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca

SEPTEMBER 9 Kiwanis Family Fun Day , 11 am – 2:30 pm at Mill Lake Park. Fun Family Activities Touch a Truck, 11 am – 3 pm at the Abbotsford Centre, Parking Lot, 33800 King Rd. Help Fill the Truck for Basic For Babies. Info – www. abbotsfordfoodbank.com SEPTEMBER 10 Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope, 9 am – 12 pm at Elwood Park, 31419 MacLure Road. For info – www.ovariancanada.org SEPTEMBER 12 Connect Now Abbotsford Lunch & Learn, 11:15 am – 1:30 pm. See Website for all the details. www. connectnowbusinessnetwork.com SEPTEMBER 14 Abbotsford Learning Plus Open House at the Abbotsford Recreation Centre, 2499 McMillan Rd. Contact info: 778808-7377, www.learningplus.ca, abbylearnplus@gmail.com Rise Against with guests Pierce The Veil & White Lung at Abbotsford Centre, 33800 King Road, 6:30 pm – 12 am. Tickets @ Ticketmaster.ca or Abbotsford Centre Box Office. Call 604.743.5027 The Field Sessions In September presents The Gentleman’s Club, 7pm at Field House Brewing, 2281 West Railway Street. Talented Music on Outdoor Stage on Magical Beer Lawn! www. fieldhousebrewing.com SEPTEMBER 15 & 16 MCC – 48th Annual Festival For World Relief, Sept. 15 – 5 pm – 9 pm / Sept. 16 – 8 am – 2 pm at Tradex, 1190 Cornell St. Contact Hannah Toews – 604.850.6639 or email hannahtoews@mccbc.ca

Canadian Professionals Counsellors Association Conference: Inside a Therapist’s Heart, 5 pm – 9 pm at the Sandman, 32720 Simon Avenue. Register at www.cpca-rpc.ca SEPTEMBER 16 & OCTOBER 21 Abbotsford Legion General Meeting, 10 am – 12pm at the Abbotsford Legion, 2513 West Railway Ave. www.Abbylegion.ca SEPTEMBER 16 Mt. Lehman Fall Fair, 8 am – 8 pm at Mt. Lehman Community Hall & Mt. Lehman Elementary. BBQ, Stage Entertainment. Silent Auction, and More! www. mtlehmanfallfair.com Terry Fox Run - Registration 9am at Tradex, 1190 Cornell Street. Information & Registration @ http://www. terryfox.org/run/ Abbotsford Farm and Country Market - Farm Community Day, 9 am – 1 pm on Montrose, north of George Ferguson Way. For more info visit www.afcm.ca High tea with Jennifer Henczel, 12 pm – 2 pm at the Ivana Tea House, 2626 Montrose Ave. Register at www. jenniferhenczel.com Fraser Valley Concert Series presents Gibson & Gretsch, 7 pm – 9 pm at the House of James, 2743 Emerson. Info at www.abbotsfordartscouncil.com SEPTEMBER 17 Fraser Valley Blues Society International Blues Challenge, 1pm – 6pm at the Phoenix Lounge, 33780 King Rd. Tickets $10 / $15 @ the door. Info at www.FraserValleyBlues.com


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FOLLOW OUR EVENTS ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER F - WHATSONABBOTSFORD T - @WHATSONABBY Submit events for FREE to whatsonabbotsford@gmail.com All events submitted that are in Abbotsford and open to the public will be included in the events calendar, at www.whatsonabbotsford.ca, on facebook and twitter.

SEPTEMBER 19 Apple Festival, All Day at Taves Family Farm, 333 Gladwin Rd. Apples, Family Activities, Crafts and Games. Call 604.853.3108 or visit www.tavesfamilyfarms.com SEPTEMBER 21 – 24 Snowbird RV Show at Tradex, 1190 Cornell Street. 10 am – 9 pm Sept 21 - 23; Sept. 24 – 10 am – 5 pm. www.rvshowsbc.com SEPTEMBER 21 The Field Sessions In September presents The Aerophonics, 7pm at Field House Brewing, 2281 West Railway Street. Talented Music on Outdoor Stage on Magical Beer Lawn! www. fieldhousebrewing.com SEPTEMBER 23 Be You: event for Girls 9 - 16 years of age, 11 am – 4 pm at the Sevenoaks Shopping Centre. Speakers, Entertainment, Inspirational Space. www. shopsevenoaks.com TEDex Abbotsford: Trailblazing, 2 pm – 8 pm at the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium, 32315 South Fraser Way. Tickets and Info @ www. tedxabbotsford.com Fraser Valley Concert Series presents Jackson Hollow, 7 pm at Sippchai Café – 11 – 31205 McLure Road. www. abbotsfordartscouncil.com SEPTEMBER 27 & 28 Canwest Horticultural Show at Tradex, 1190 Cornell. 10 am – 5 pm. www.canwesthortshow.ca SEPTEMBER 28 Wine and Art Walk Fall 2017 hosted by Downtown Abbotsford and Abbotsford Arts Council, 4pm - 8pm in Downtown Abbotsford, 2615A Montrose Ave. Ticket information at www.


eventbrite.com. Everyone’s favorite event is back! The Wine + Art Walk returns this September 28th with more wine (including a selection of craft beer and spirits), new art, a bigger prize pool, and a champagne reception after the walk from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Townhall Public House where ticket holders will win one of twenty+ raffle prizes donated by the businesses along the tour. Along with an artist meet and greet, we’ll also be revealing the winners of the 2017 fall Wine and Art Walk, live! Tickets are now on sale. If you’d like to participate as an artist, please visit downtownabbotsford.ca/ winewalk2017 for application instructions. The deadline for submissions is on August 25th, 2017.

SEPTEMBER 30 Westcoast Paper and Planner Fair, 10 am – 4 pm at High Street Shopping Centre, 3122 Mt. Lehman. Contact www. paperandplannerfair.com

The Field Sessions In September presents Adam & Levi Klassen, 7pm at Field House Brewing, 2281 West Railway Street. Talented Music on Outdoor Stage on Magical Beer Lawn! www. fieldhousebrewing.com


SEPTEMBER 29 House Post Raising Ceremony with Artist-In-Residence Raphael Silver, 11 am – 12 pm at the Kariton Art Gallery, 2387 Ware St. www. abbotsfordartscouncil.com Opening Ceremony at Trethewey House, 2313 Ware Street, 5 pm – 7 pm. Opening of Exhibit Gallery. A Canada 150 Celebration event. www. tretheweyhouse.ca Valley Concert Society presents Manitoba Chamber Orchestra & Ariel Barnes, 7:30 pm at the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium, 3215 S. Fraser Way. Call 604.289.3377 for Tickets or www.valleyconcertsociety. caom

B.C. Hop Fest, 1 pm – 6 pm at 1905 Cole Road. 35 of Province’s best craft breweries, food trucks, and live entertainment. Tickets at www.bcop.ca Fraser Valley Blues Society presents JW Jones Concert & Dance, 7pm – 11pm at the Eagles Hall, 33868 Essendene. Tickets $20 Advance / $25 @ Door. www.FraserValleyBlues.com The 13th Annual Arty Awards, 7:30 pm at The Reach Gallery and Museum. Information at www.AbbotsfordArtsCouncil.com

OCTOBER 4 & 5 Canada Woodworking West, 9 am – 4 pm at Tradex, 1190 Cornell Street. www. canadawoodworkingwest.ca OCTOBER 5 - 7, 12 - 14 Fraser Valley Stage presents The Best of The Half Monty Plus 1, 8pm in the Community Arts Addition, 2329 Crescent Way. Tickets and Info – 604.302.1235. www. fraservalleystage.com OCTOBER 13 Fraser Valley Blues Society Friday Night Blues Jam, 7:30 pm at the Eagles Hall, 33868 Essedene Road. No Cover, Cash only Venue. www. fraservalleybluessociety.com

OCTOBER 20 - 22 Westcoast Women’s Show at Tradex, 1190 Cornell Street. Oct. 20 - 1pm – 9:30 pm; Oct. 21 – 10 am – 9 pm; Oct. 22 – 11 am – 5 pm. 400 Plus Booths – Four Stages. www.westcoastwomen.net OCTOBER 21 Abbotsford Youth Orchestra & Canada West Chamber Orchestra directed by Calvin Dyck featuring 13 Local Young musician soloists, 7 pm at Matsqui Centennial Hall. Tickets – Event Brite; King’s Music and House of James. www. calvindyck.com Crystal Gala at the Quality Hotel & Conference Centre, 36035 N. Parallel Rd. Tickets and Info at Info@crystalgala. com or call 1.844.750.42.52. OCTOBER 22 Foreigner at Abbotsford Centre, 33800 King Road, 7:30 pm. Tickets @ Ticketmaster.ca or Abbotsford Centre Box Office - call 604.743.5027. OCTOBER 28 Fraser Valley Blues Society presents Gary Comeau and the Voodoo Allstars, 7pm – 11pm at the Eagles Hall, 33868 Essendene. Tickets $20 Advance/ $25 @ Door. Ticket locations & info at http:// FraserValleyBlues.com OCTOBER 31 EcoDairy presents Moo or Boo, 1:30 pm - 5:30pm at 1356 Sumas Way. Info at info@ ecodairy.ca or https://www. facebook.com/EcoDairy/

OCTOBER 17 Abbotsford Hospice Society Divalicious Ladies Night Out, 5:30 pm at the Phoenix Ballroom, 33780 King Rd. Fashion Show & Silent Auction. Tickets and Info – www. abbotsfordhospice.org

To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

Platinum Sponsors:

Presented by the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce and The Abbotsford News.

22nd Annual Abbotsford Business Excellence Awards presents... A Night to BELIEVE in Excellence! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2017 TRADEX (1190 Cornell Street, Abbotsford)

• The Business Excellence Awards recognizes outstanding organizations and individuals in Abbotsford that strive for excellence in our community. This year, we will give thirteen awards to exceptional Abbotsford-based businesses and entrepreneurs. Business Excellence Award recipients are Leaders in their industry with a commitment to Customer Service, a concern for the Community, and a passion for Innovation. Nominate an Excellent Business or Individual! Deadline for submission is Friday, September 22, 2017.


THIS YEAR'S ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY MATT JOHNSON - MAGICIAN & ILLUSIONIST! Visit www.abbotsfordchamber.com for more information and to purchase tickets. Wh Whats On! • ww www.whatsonabbotsford.ca ww.wh what ats tsonabb bbottsford f d.ca ca


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TW Excavating Ltd Over 29 years pushing dirt in the Fraser Valley and still pushing strong! Property Development - Land Clearing Driveways - Basements Riding Arenas - Paddocks


Specializing in Equine Properties since 1990

Advertise with What's On!

Call Tom Cassel for a free estimate: P 604.826.1651 C 604.850.4516

Call Cory at 604.832.3130

GRAND SQUARES! Oct.2/17, 7-8:30 pm (Monday) 10 week WEST COAST Square Dance Program, Starting Sept.11, 7- 8:30 pm First 3 sessions FREE. Everyone welcome- ages- 14 to 90 Singles, couples, Beginners or Experienced

FUN, FITNESS & FRIENDSHIP AWAIT ! Abbotsford Grand Squares ASAA Hall 33889 Essendene Ave Contact David at 604-864-7435 www.AGS.SquareDance.BC.CA




Event: Abbotsford Learning Plus Open House - September 14 Abbotsford Learning Plus Classes - every Tuesday & Thursday, 10 a.m. till 12 noon Abbotsford Recreation Centre, 2499 McMillan Rd Contact info: 778-808-7377, www.learningplus.ca, abbylearnplus@gmail.com

WHAT IS LEARNING PLUS? Once they reach retirement age, some people think they already know everything they need to know. Others recognize the fact that learning is a lifetime process, and in the right atmosphere is made easier by the accumulated wisdom of years. The Abbotsford Learning Plus Society is dedicated to the proposition that at any age, learning should be fun. If you're interested in learning, not crazy about going out after dark, have a limited budget and would like to make some friends who share common interests, Learning Plus is for you. All participants of any age are welcome! Since 1991 we've enjoyed classes and have explored many topics and we've painted and listened, discussed and evaluated while we shared a mid-morning coffee. Most of all, we've had fun. Won't you join us?

WHY BECOME A MEMBER? Receive advanced notice of upcoming classes through email Voting privileges at the AGM Opportunity to purchase a Semester Pass Most of our classes are held in the Abbotsford Recreation Centre

abbylearnplus@gmail.com Senior Activity Centre, 2499 McMillan Road, Abbotsford Tuesday and Thursday - 10:00 am - noon

Ph#: 778-808-7377 • www.learningplus.ca


To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

fraservalley biennale2017 September 21—December 31, 2017 The 2017 Fraser Valley Biennale includes the works o= |‰;m|‹Ŋom; -uাv|v =uol 00o|v=ou7ġ _bŃ´Ń´b‰-1hġ ou| -m]Ń´;‹ġ -m]Ń´;‹ġ -rŃ´; !b7];ġ -m7 bvvbomÄş $_; b;mm-Ń´; 0ubm]v |o];|_;u - u-m]; o= -uাvা1 ru-1া1;v Ĺ‹ =uol |_; |u-7bাom-Ń´ |o |_; ;Šr;ubl;m|-Ń´ Ĺ‹ |o v_o‰1-v; ;Š1;rাom-Ń´ ‰ouhv o= -u| 1u;-|;7 oˆ;u |_; Ń´-v| |‰o ‹;-uvÄş $_uo†]_o†| Ć‘Ć?Ć?Ć• ˆ;uvbomv o= |_; ;Š_b0bাom _-ˆ; 0;;m ru;v;m|;7 0‹ |_; 00o|v=ou7 u|v o†m1bѴġ |_; _bŃ´Ń´b‰-1h (bv†-Ń´ uাv|v vvo1b-াomġ -m7 |_; bvvbom u|v o†m1bŃ´Äş (bvb| $_; !;-1_ -Ń´Ń´;u‹ †v;†l 0;|‰;;m ";r|;l0;u Ć‘Ć? -m7 ;1;l0;u Ć’Ć?ġ Ć‘Ć?Ć?Ć• =ou |_; =o†u|_ -m7 Cm-Ń´ ru;v;m|-াom o= |_; ;Š_b0bাom =;-|†ubm] |_; 1olrŃ´;|; v;Ń´;1াom ‰ouhv 1_ov;m 0‹ †;v| †u-|ou ;|_ -uu†|_;uvÄş

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oubv †Šb;u • "blom _oumb1h • ;m -‰;v • l‹ Äş ‹1h _ubv u;bv;m • Paula Funk • ub1- ubll • Fiona Howarth Sharon Huget • Brenna Kanski • Krista Kilvert • Linda Ń´brr;mv|;bm • -m ; ;0ˆu; • -u]†;ub|; -1 m|ov_ • Patricia Peters • "Â‹Ń´Âˆb; !o†v;Ń´ĹŠ -mvv;mv • Tracie Stewart • b;uu; $u;l0Ń´-‹ -| )-_-ll- • Sandra Wiens • ;mm )bŃ´Ń´b-lvom l-]; 1u;7b|Äš l‹ Äş ‹1hġ Embracing the Maelstrom Ĺ?7;|-bŃ´Ĺ‘ġ Ć‘Ć?Ć?Ć”ġ obŃ´ om r-m;Ѵġ Ć’ѾĿ 7b-l;|;u

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca


F R A S E R V A L L E Y S TA G E presents

lift a pint toe


October r 5-7 5-7, -777, 12 12-14 122-14 -14 14 20 201 2017 017 1 Nightly:

Doors open 7pm - Show time 8pm C O M M U N I T Y A R T S AD D I T I O N 2 3 2 9 C r e s c e n t Wa y , A b b o t s f o r d

T I C K E T S - Thursdays

$ 2 0 | Fr i d a y & S a t u r d a y s $ 2 5

W W W . F R A S E R V A L L E Y S TA G E . C O M OR CALL: 604-302-1235


Toe nadvertise This show is not recomm d e d f o r call a u d604-832-3130 i e n c e s u n d e r or 1 9 email y e a r sWhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com old

f you’re a fan of SNL, Monty Python and British pub style humour, then you won’t want to miss Fraser Valley Stage’s upcoming variety show. Then throw in some lively, popular music and you’ve got the makings for the “must-see� show of the Fall season in The Best of the Half Monty + 1.


festival organizers had ever seen such a presentation. 2QFH WKH\ SLFNHG WKHLU MDZV RII WKH Ă RRU WKH\ ORYHG it. Hence, the Half Monty legacy was born.

Fraser Valley Stage, in its fourth decade of bringing quality live theatre to Abbotsford, has performed the Half Monty on multiple occasions - 2000 in England, With an intimate cast of 13 multi-talented and 2002, 2009 and 2014 in Abbotsford. VHDVRQHG )96 SHUIRUPHUV WKH FRPHG\ VKRZ LV Ă€OOHG 7KLV \HDU¡V VKRZ ´7KH %HVW RIÂľ LV Ă€OOHG ZLWK WKH PRVW with adult humour, hilarious skits and lively music. popular sketches and songs of the past shows and “If you are into laughing for two hours you must go,â€? the +1 allows the director to add a little something said one patron after the 2014 Half Monty show. new. “The cast is amazing and so very talented and the The multi-talented cast includes Fiona Brett, band is outstanding.â€? Sarah Dussin, Paulina Harskamp, Mark Kroeker, Folks may recognize some sketches from previous Pat McDermott, Marty Peters, Tony Roper, Sharla Half Monty shows such as Killer Fruit (Monty Python), Sauder, Kelly Shackleford, Danny Steele, Willis Vitameatavegamin (I Love Lucy), Interesting People, Taylor, Annastasia Brown and Charles Wiebe. Special guests include Carol Wiebe, Ken Curry, Bucking Frilliant, the Unicorn and more. Glenn Deros, Mike Henry and Al Pattison. The Half Monty is the brainchild of director and show founder Charles Wiebe, who put it together ‘The (2014) show was so much fun,â€? added another on the spur of the moment back in 2000 when FVS patron. “I was toe tapping, hand clapping and was competing in a Gilbert & Sullivan festival in grinning from ear to ear.â€? Buxton, England. He discovered that each group participating was expected to provide a cabaret This show is not intended for young audiences, as content in some sketches is suggestive and adult in show after the night of their performance. nature. Suggested audience 19+. Not the usual collection of show tunes sung by the SULQFLSOHV WKH )96 LPSURPSWX FRPHG\ VKRZ Ă€OOHG By Jean Kond ZLWK KXPRXU DQG PXVLF ZDV WKH Ă€UVW WLPH WKH a-W Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca



Fraser Valley Pride Celebration 2017


The Fraser Valley Youth Society would like to extend a very big THANK-YOU to everyone that helped make the 2017 Fraser Valley Pride Celebration a fabulous success! Sponsors: Health One Physiotherapy & Hand Clinic Health Initiative for Men (HiM) K & M Tune-Up Centre Sher Vancouver Cory Cassel Productions The Stage What’s On! Magazines Lisa Miller Doerksen Simply Perfect Flowers Poona Photography Global BC Coast Eagle Consulting Confetti Party Rentals Eterna Counselling and Wellness Lacey Construction Two Guys with Bowties The Chutskoff Family City of Abbotsford Investor’s Group Murray Honda Royal Lepage Vybe Realty Austyn and Kaitlyn Doerksen Inspire Me Fitness Supreme Paving Pioneer Chrysler Jeep Starbucks St. John’s Ambulance UFV Peer Resource Centre Royal Bank

Silent Auction Donors: Abbey Road Diner BC Lions Best Western Connect Now Business Network The Stage David Dick Dawn & Carmen McKay Dwayne Kurpiela Earthtacular Feline Formal Fitness Lab FVYS Hairvana Hillis on Maine Olde News Vintage & Vinyl Innovative Fitness Inspire Me Fitness Magnolia’s on Main Mason Woodworks Momento Mori Mossy Creek & Co Mr. Pet’s Perrin Interior Renovations Perfect Tan Riverside College Shannon Thiesen Sumas Mountain Chiro & Wellness Clinic Two Guys with Bowties The Body Shop The Point Ink Tom Osterberg U&I Thai Wenting’s Cycle & Mountain Shop West Coast Diva Quantum Properties Inc

Congratulations to our window display contest winners: Downtown Abbotsford Legal Grounds Coffeehouse Fraser Valley - Hillis on Maine Thank-you to our wonderful judges who took the time to view each of the incredible windows of businesses that were decorated for Pride in Historic Downtown Abbotsford. Darryl Plecas, MLA Abbotsford South Bruce Banman, Banman Chiropractic Aird Flavelle, BC Green Party Bronwen Sutherland, What's On! Abbotsford 2017 Fraser Valley Pride Celebration Committee Pierre Richez Nadine Langford Samantha Williams Shaylene MacDonld-Dyer Simon Thorogood Tina Stewart Anoop Dhaliwal Lisa Doerksen Michael Chutskoff Cory Cassel Patrick Oystryk Douglas Hughes

See you all at Fraser Valley Pride 2018!!

Legal Grounds C O F F E E H O U S E

Serving Homemade Baked Goods, Soups, Sandwiches, Salads, and More in Historic Downtown Abbotsford since 2000. Catering Available. Proud to serve Fair Trade and ĞƌƟĮĞĚ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŽīĞĞ ĨƌŽŵ ůĞĂƌďƌŽŽŬ ŽīĞĞ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ



DŽŶ ϳĂŵ Ͳ ϵƉŵ ͬ dƵĞƐ ϳĂŵ Ͳ ϲƉŵ ͬ tĞĚ ϳĂŵ Ͳ ϲƉŵ ͬ dŚƵƌƐ Θ &ƌŝ ϳĂŵ Ͳ ϲƉŵ ͬ ^Ăƚ ϵĂŵ Ͳ ϯƉŵ ͬ ^ƵŶ ϵĂŵ Ͳ ϯƉŵͬ ůŽƐĞĚ ŽŶ ,ŽůŝĚĂLJƐ LEGAL GROUNDS COFFEEHOUSE INC.

2-33775 Essendene Avenue, Abbotsford WŚŽŶĞ ;ϲϬϰͿ ϴϱϵͲϳϯϯϯ ǁǁǁ͘>ĞŐĂů'ƌŽƵŶĚƐ ŽīĞĞ͘ĐŽŵ

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca



Theatre & performing arts


raser Valley audiences are in for an exciting year of mystery, intrigue and adventure as Gallery 7 Theatre presents its 27th annual season of theatre starting this October. Featuring an eclectic mix of compelling and highly entertaining plays, a new one-act showcase, a seasonal offering of Christmas music and storytelling in partnership with Vancouver’s Pacific Theatre, and a riotous night of clean comedy-improv, there’s something in the coming season to satisfy every taste.


“That’s not all,” continues Hildebrandt. “We’ve put together an exciting second-stage series that will showcase more of the outstanding theatrical talent we have in our region”.

In October, the theatre will present a new One Act Play Showcase, featuring an eclectic mix of short plays featuring the work of artists from throughout the Lower Mainland. “I’m really excited about this new feature in our season,” says Hildebrandt. “We’re expanding opportunities for artists while showcasing a lesser performed “This season, we’re exploring the mysteries of theatrical form in the one act play. The showcase life in all their glorious wonder and their riveting gives us the opportunity to stretch boundaries complexities,” says Gallery 7 Theatre’s Artistic while sticking true to our mandate”. Director, Ken Hildebrandt. “From a riotous adventure about finding magical treasure In December, Gallery 7 will partner with to exploring the mysteries of faith, and from Vancouver’s Pacific Theatre in presenting seeking a seemingly unattainable miracle to the Christmas Presence, an annual favourite featuring suspense of a classic ‘whodunit’, we’ve got an a potpourri of seasonal music and stories sure to exciting line-up of entertaining and thought- lift spirits just in time for the holidays. Then, in provoking plays in store that will leave people March, the always funny, always amazing Panic breathless.” Squad and Friends take to the stage with their unique brand of hilarious clean comedy improv. The mainstage season kicks off in November with a production of Peter and the Starcatcher, “Don’t miss this outstanding year of quality the hilarious musical comedy about how a live theatre,” concludes Hildebrandt. “You’re young orphan becomes the legendary Peter in for a great season of heart, soul and mindPan. The season continues with a production of nourishing theatre.” Season pass packages are Doubt, the Pulitzer Prize-winning drama by John now available, offering significant savings over Patrick Shanley followed by William Gibson’s individual ticket prices. For more information The Miracle Worker, the astonishing tale of how on Gallery 7 Theatre’s 2017/2018 “Mysteries deaf, blind and mute Helen Keller is rescued from of Life” Theatre season, including complete play her dark reality by her loving but precocious descriptions and schedules, or to order season te teacher, Anne Sullivan. The mainstage series passes, please visit www.gallery7theatre.com. cu culminates with the classic Agatha Christie ‘whodun dunnit’, The Mousetrap, in May, 2018.


To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

u-v;u (-ัดัด;ย !;]bom-ัด $;1_ ouย l SRCTec, in partnership with regional stake_oัด7;uvฤท bv _ovเฆ m] |_; m-ย ]ย u-ัด u-v;u (-ัดัด;ย !;]bom-ัด $;1_ ouย l |o 0ubm] |o];|_;u bm7ย v|uย ฤท ]oย ;uml;m|ฤท -1-7;lb-ฤท h;ย bmYย ;m1;uv -m7 1ollย mb|ย v|-h;_oัด7;uv ย b|_bm |_; 1ย uu;m| u-v;u (-ัดัด;ย |;1_moัดo]ย v;1|ou ;1ovย v|;l |o 7bv1ย vv ย -ย v |o vย rrou| ]uoย |_ bm |_bv =-v| 7;ย ;ัดorbm] v;1|ou ย b|_bm oย u !;]bomฤบ $_; bm|;m| o= |_bv ;ย ;m| bv |o bmvrbu;ฤท vย rrou|ฤท -m7 _;ัดr ัด;-7 |_; ัดo1-ัด |;1_moัดo]ย 1ollย mb|ย -m7 ;m|uru;m;ย uv |o 1u;-|; - 0;ย ;u =ย |ย u; =ou -ัดัดฤบ

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Events & Entertainment Venue

Where Everyone Comes to Play

Live Music Every Friday 09.01.17 - Casinos / Our Chemistry / Atodaso (Alt Rock) 09.08.17 - Ezra Kwizera (Reggae, Soca, East African Bongo, Pop) 09.16.17 - Jen Hodge Trio (Jazz) 09.23.17 - Radioactive (Jazz/Pop) 09.30.17 - Brandon Isaak (Blues) 10.12.17 - James Speck (Country) 10.20.17 - Las Divas Band (Mixed Covers)

Special Event Saturdays 09.09.17 - The DRAG Show starring Mz. Adrien 09.16.17 - DJ Dance Party 09.23.17 - LOL with Fraser Valley Comedy 09.30.17 - GAY Music Bingo 10.07.17 - DRAG Circus starring Anida Tythole 10.14.17 - DJ Dance Party 10.21.17 - PRIVATE PARTY 10.28.17 - GAY Music Bingo

Event tickets and info available at www.TheStageInMission.ca a

Weekends are Always Different at The Stage 32998 1st Ave, Mission • www.TheStageInMission.ca To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com 24The Stage is an Inclusive 19+ Venue & a Safe Space for Everyone

Presents 13th ANNuaL

September 30th, 2017 7:30pm @ The Reach Gallery Museum

Honouring local artists for their achievements in art excellence and their contributions to all forms of art in the community.

For tickets and more information visit

www.abbotsfordartscouncil.com/arty-awards Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca





Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce


Abbotsford Community Foundation


Abbotsford Community Services



Legal Grounds Coffee House


Abbotsford Farm and Country Market Abbotsford Grand Squares

www.afcm.ca www.ags.squaredance.bc.ca

Abbotsford Learning Plus Society


Abbotsford Youth Orchestra


Fraser Valley Blues Society

RETAIL Sevenoaks Shopping Centre



Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation


Fraser Valley Stage


Fraser Valley Youth Society


Gallery 7 Theatre & Performing Arts


Habitat for Humanity


Legion Branch 15 Mennonite Heritage Museum


www.abbylegion.ca www.mennonitemuseum.org

Sumas Regional Consortium for High Tech (SRCTec) The Reach Gallery Museum

www.srctec.org www.thereach.ca




The Stage


HEALTH AND WELLNESS Clayburn Dental Fraser Valley Academy of Dance

www.clayburndental.com www.fvad.ca

HOME IMPROVEMENT TW Excavating Ltd Wilway Lumber Sales Inc


twcassel@shaw.ca www.wilwaylumber.com

To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

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Abbotsford Community Events, Entertainment & Business Magazine www.WhatsOnAbbotsford.ca

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What’s On! Abbotsford Publisher Cory Cassel recently made a huge decision to move to Japan, a country that holds a treasured place in his heart. Events have transpired in the last few months to make his dream a reality in 2019, creating a tremendous opportunity for someone to step in and take RYHU WKLV SUR¿WDEOH DQG HVWDEOLVKHG FRPPXQLW\ PDJD]LQH EXVLQHVV 3XEOLVKLQJ :KDW¶V 2Q $EERWVIRUG LV VXFK DQ DPD]LQJ H[SHULHQFH DQG ZH NQRZ D QHZ SHUVRQ ZLOO love it as much as we do! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca

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I love what I do. I have a great income ome , KDYH ÀH[LELOLW\ WR VSHQG freedom! It’s complete freedom fr om! WLPH ZLWK P\ IDPLO\ , KDYH ¿QDQFLDO IUHHGRP

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The T e What's On!'s proven D :KDWÂśV 2Q PDJD]LQH ssystem sys stem is EXVLQHVV &RU\" simple and easy to manage m ma nage and after having Âł7KH :KDWÂśV 2Q ÂśV SURYHQ V\VWHP LV completed rst issue of c com mpleted my ďŹ ďŹ rst VLPSOH DQG HDV\ WR PDQDJH , ZDV t WDXJKW HYHU\WKLQJ , QHHGHG WR NQRZ WR the e magazine, I am conďŹ conďŹ dent ďŹ dent aUXQ D KLJKO\ VXFFHVVIXO PDJD]LQH 0\ and d excited about my future with w wit h What’s On! I would EXVLQHVV KDV JRQH VR ZHOO ,ÂśYH QRZ dDGGHG DQRWKHU DUHD DQG SODQ WR H[SDQG deďŹ ďŹ nitely recommend a What’s W Wha at’s On! licence to anyone IXUWKHU LQ WKH IXWXUH , ZRXOG GHÂżQLWHO\ about who is passionate te ea ab their community UHFRPPHQG D :KDWÂśV 2Q OLFHQFH WR DQ\RQH ZKR LV SDVVLRQDWH and and wants a fun a nd proďŹ n proďŹ table ďŹ table business DERXW WKHLU FRPPXQLW\ DQG ZDQWV D IXQ DQG SURÂżWDEOH opportunity. EXVLQHVV RSSRUWXQLW\ ´ 2ZQHU 3XEOLVKHU - What’s On! Mission Magazine & Online :KDWÂśV 2Q 0LVVLRQ ZZZ ZKDWVRQPLVVLRQ FD :KDWÂśV 2Q $EERWVIRUG ZZZ ZKDWVRQDEERWVIRUG FD

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To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca


What’s On! in the Community Take a photo holding What’s On! Magazine and send it to us at WhatsOnAbbotsford@gmail.com

What’s On! Abbotsford Magazine was proud to sponsor the Rick Mercer Rant & Raise Event at Tradex in support of the Fraser Valley Child Development Centre and Matthew’s House.

Darcy Mullen and Truman Proudfoot had a great day on the Vedder River in our canoes and we stopped at A&W for our traditional post-paddle burg and some good news from What’s On!

Special Thanks to Rick Mercer for posing with What’s On!

Bronwen & Cory love supporting Community! Take a photo of yourself/team/crew each holding a copy of What’s On! Magazine and send it to us at issue of What’s On! Magazine! appear in a future it may ail.com and WhatsOnAbbotsford@gm To advertise call 604-832-3130 or email WhatsOnAdSales@gmail.com

Everyone Deserves the opportunity to build a better life. Too many families spend their days struggling to keep an affordable roof over their heads. That struggle often involves agonizing choices. Choices like do they heat their home this month or do they pay the rent? Second jobs, extra shifts. Moves to neighborhoods that are less safe, where schools might not be as good. Deeper debt. Less spent on health care and healthy food. Too many children for too few rooms. Unsafe, rodent or bug infested, inadequate housing. When housing isn’t affordable and secure, families suffer. You can help Habitat provide a hand up—not a hand out, by volunteering, donating, and shopping and donating to ReStore!

What are Habitat ReStores, and how does it help my community? ReStores are home and building supply stores that accept and resell quality new and used building materials. You save money and you are helping build homes for local families. Shopping at a Habitat ReStore is an environmentally conscious decision, as much of what is sold is diverted from your local landfill. How much do ReStores reduce wastage? Last year Habitat saved 36,000 tons of materials from our Canadian landfills Habitats’ ReStores in Abbotsford and Chilliwack cover all administration, management and fundraising costs for our affiliate. Plus, they contribute money to buy land and build homes. This ensures that 100% of every cash donation goes directly to build homes. What type of items can be donated to my ReStore? Stores accept a wide range of new and gently used items. Commonly donated items include windows, doors, paint, hardware, lumber, tools, lighting fixtures, furniture and appliances and more. To donate goods, please send pictures to restoredonate@habitatufv.ca. Donations may be dropped off or we can pick up.

building strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter Abbotsford ReStore 31877 South Fraser Way 604-557-1020


Whats On! • www.whatsonabbotsford.ca

Chilliwack ReStore 44384 Yale Rd 604-402-1020


Clayburn Dental’s 4th Annual Free Day of Dentistry Friday, September 15th, 2017 at 8AM – 5PM A day when we give back to the community that has been so wonderful to us! The first 75 patients are guaranteed to be seen. Patients are seen on a first come first serve basis. A choice of a filling, extraction or cleaning will be performed for those 18 years or older. Patients are encouraged to arrive early, dress appropriately for the weather and bring chairs, blankets, water and snacks as they may be waiting outside to be seen. Be sure to arrive early! 604-755-2788 | clayburndental.com

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