April 2015 Campbell River Whats On Digest

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April 24,25,26

WhatsOn ’

Campbell River & Area

APR 2015 / 9:04 WhatsOnDigest.com


May 8th

Derek Edwards Tidemark Theatre April 22

“Everyone knows Derek is the funniest man in Canada” - Rick Mercer 15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 1

2015-03-24 11:59 PM



Downtown Campbell RiveR Saturday, April 4th • 11am - 3pm

11:00 am Ostler Park FREE Easter baskets for the first 300 kids! Plus, bubbles & wands. Thank you to Shoppers Drug Mart, Thrifty Foods and Save-On-Foods for helping with the chocolate.

9:30 - 11:15am

Come and enjoy a coffee and muffin served under the Re/Max Check Realty tent at Ostler Park

11:15am - 1:15pm 11:15am - 12 Noon Captain Thunderpants 12:00pm- 12:15pm Shoo Shoo the Clown & Jim Chisholm

• • • • •

DoCo Adventures Train Fun Swing Face Painting Detailed Face Painting and Magical Faces Party Mama - Glitter Tattoos and Hair Extensions Bounce - A - Rama

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 2

Pictures with the Easter Bunny - Photographer Grant Jones By donation to Natalia Corrigal

11:15am - 3:00pm

Animal Activity Farm - Thanks to Carol Chapman Bunny Bean Bag Toss - Thanks to Gateway Four Square Church

11:30am - 1:30pm Crafts at the Art Gallery

Make your own Bird’s Nest!

• Cotton Candy • Tasty Kitchen Outlet • Glenn’s Kettle Korn • Bees Knees Donuts • Salmon BBQ with CRKW

2015-03-24 11:59 PM


MUST SEE EVENTS Grandmothers to Grandmothers Walk


Support grandmothers in Africa who are raising their AIDS-orphaned grandchildren

Easter Hunt


Lots of Easter activities with; Captain Thunderpants, face painters, clowns, egg dying, pictures with the Easter Bunny, face painting, food vendors, and more.

Marine Show

APR 11

See the latest marine products, tour vessels, enjoy live music, demo’s & workshops, food corner and Kids Corner.

Spring Common Mall Market

APR 18

Family fun event, vendors, Bounce-A-Rama, face painting & temporary tattoos, and more.

Earth Day

APR 22

Earth Day Network works with over 22,000 partners in 192 countries to broaden, diversify and mobilize the environmental movement.

2015 Home Expo

APR 26 15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 3

Get inspired by the newest ideas in spring home improvement and decorating. Over 100 exhibits, fabulous kitchens, energy saving ideas, outdoor living ideas and more.

2015-03-24 11:59 PM



April 2015 / Campbell River Whats On Digest

Earth Week

FEATURES 2 8 9 13 28

Easter Celebrations Visual Art Trail Fibre Fest Earth Week Film Festival Rotary Honours Concert

5 13 20 28 26 19 25

Must see events Tidemark Events Things to do in 2 and 4 hours Whats On Local Dining Whats On Health Cinema, Videos & Games Every Week


April 20 - 24

27 4 31



River APR 201 5 / 9:04

& Area

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More at www.whatsondigest.com and our Facebook page.



May 8 th

Derek Ed wa

Tidemar k April 22 Theatre


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WhatsOnDigest Calendar APRIL 2015

April 24,25, 26

WhatsOn ’

Joke Trivia Whats The DiF









































WhatsOnDigest TM

Box 81, Campbell River B.C. V9W 4Z9 Franchises Available Published by Progress Publishing Corp.


Derek is

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iest man

in Canada ” - Rick Mer cer

Apr 15


1. Name the blue Telly Tubby. 2. Which is the largest living bird? 3. What is Rambo’s first name? 4. Name the 2 main ingredients in pasta 5. Which year did Elvis die?

Advertising Submissions

Deadline for the next issue - 15th of this month.


Call Cathy 250-923-1600

What’s On Digest provides event information as a complimentary service. Events listed or mentioned have been compiled from sources considered to be reliable. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure event information is accurate, it is recommended that you contact the business or organization for confirmation. No responsibility is taken for omissions or errors in event listings or articles.

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 4

2015-03-24 11:59 PM



ek Chocolate Bunnies & Gift Baskets! Mon-Thurs 9:30 - 6pm, Fri 9:30 - 9pm, Sat 9:30 - 6pm, Sun 11 - 5pm

Discovery Mall • 1420 Island Hwy Campbell River • 250-850-1199

- 24



Whats On Digest Calendar Events SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS online FREE at WhatsOnDigest.com







ources ed that cles.

Apr 1, Wed~ Taco Del Mar Opens Today!: In the Timberline Village next to Metro Liquor. 250.923.7035. Spring Break Intermediate Camp: Balance Equestrian Ctr, 2105 Shetland Rd, 9am. Mar 30- Apr 2. Wednesday, riders will be responsible for the care of their assigned horse, have a dressage lesson, a pole/jump lesson and stable-management lesson under guidance of 2 coaches. Thursday, students learn show preparation & participate in a mini dressage & hunter show where all your friends & family can watch! $300. 250.203.6042. School Break Toonie Swims: Strathcona Gardens, 1pm. 250.287.9234. Rally 4 Memories: Drive for Dementia. Poker-run car rally from Victoria to Campbell River to raise funds in support of Alzheimer Foundation’. Driver’s kick-off at Van Isl Brewery in Victoria, 1:15pm. Lunch at Prime Steak & Chop House Restaurant. Wine tasting at 40 Knots Vineyard. 2 Night’s accommodation in an ocean view room at Painter’s Lodge. Arrival reception drinks & appies. Dinner prepared exclusively for this event. $600/car based on 2 people, 250.370.6503. Sing For Pure Joy: The Lions Den, 1441 Ironwood Rd, 3pm. (across from Thrifty’s) 3-4:30pm, every Wednesday. All voices welcome. 250.285.3764. CR Paddlers Sea Kayaking Club: Evening paddles

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 5

along the Campbell River shoreline, 6-8pm. See www.crpaddlers.com. 250.203.9953. Apr 2, Thu~ CCanucks vs. Blackhawks Away: SNP, 5:30pm. 33rd Member’s Exhibition: CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row, Apr 2 - May 8. Opening Reception, 7-9pm. Showcasing our community’s artists. Boasting an array of artists working with a variety of mediums. Plus the new, ‘A view from the easel’, asking artists to document their studio work space from their point-of-view. 287.2261. Spring Break Lego Days: CR Museum, 470 Island hwy, at 5th Ave, 1-2:30pm. $5/child. Adults are free. 250.287.3103. School Break Toonie Swims: Strathcona Gardens, 1pm. 250.287.9234. CR Auctions: Auction every Thurs, 6pm. Viewing hours every Wed & Thu, 9am-5pm. 1358 Marwalk Crt. 250.287.3939. www.crauctions.ca Pottery for Everyone: Community Ctr. Thursday’s, 6-9pm til Apr 23 and Friday’s, 10am-1pm til May 8. Joan Grimm & Jacquie Clark. Learn a wide variety of techniques, including; pinch pots, slab work, sculpting & wheel work. 14yrs+. 250.286.1161. Julie.Douglas@campbellriver.ca Grandmothers to Grandmothers: Support grandmothers in Africa who are faced with the challenging task of raising their AIDS-orphaned grandchildren. Fellowship Hall, United Church, Pinecrest & Birch Street. 7:15pm. Meets 1st Thurs. of the month. 287.8198. Young Mom’s Coffee Group: CR Baptist Church, 8:45am. Every 1st & 3rd Thursday. Bring your kids and join us for coffee, goodies and a chance to connect with other young moms. Room 208, upstairs in the CE wing. 250.287.8831. Apr 3, Fri~ Good Friday Movie Release - Furious 7:

2015-03-24 11:59 PM



Easter Brunch - Apr. 5

Mother’s Day Brunch - May 10

Sundays - Blues & Jazz 1 - 4 pm. No cover charge Saturday Nights Live Music Feature Band: “How Could I”



250-286-0231 royalcoachmaninn.ca River Wise Safety Program Ages 17-18yrs: 8:30am3pm. Provides teens with basic skills & knowledge to recognize and avoid danger, $84. 287.4800. destinyriver.com Pottery for Everyone: See April 2nd. Good Friday Service: Hosted by CR Baptist Church, 10:30am. 260, S. Dogwood St. 250.287.8831. Go-Karting & Monster Truck Rides: Re-Open: Open til mid September on weekends & holidays, 12-4pm, weather permitting. Saratoga Speedway, 2380 Macaulay Rd, Black Creek. 250.337.5024. “Jagsters”: Classic blues & rock. Heriot Bay Inn, 673 Hotel Road, Heriot Bay, Quadra Island. 250.285.3322

Apr 4, Sat~ CCanucks vs. Jets (away): SNP, , 12pm. Underwater Easter Egg Hunt: Strathcona Gardens Pool, 1pm. join in this wild hunt. Tons of wet seasonal fun! $2. 250.287.9234. Live Band - How Could I: Royal Coachman Pub, 84 Dogwood St, 8pm. FREE 286.0231. Open Mic with Mo Davenport: Heriot Bay Inn 673 Hotel

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 6

Rd, Heriot Bay, Quadra Is., 9pm. 250.285.3322. Apr 5, Sun~ Easter Sunday ~ Easter Brunch: Royal Coachman, 250.286.0231. SonRise Service: CR Baptist Church, 9am. Join us for Easter breakfast in the foyer immediately following the service. Please bring muffins and other Easter morning goodies to share. 250.287.8831. Easter Sunday Service - From Darkness To Light: CR Baptist Church, 10:30am. 250.287.8831. Come Alive with the Risen Christ of the Cross: Celebrate Easter, Discovery Community Church, 10am. 250-10th Ave. 250.287.8786. GotChurch.ca Resurrection of the Lord: Easter Mass with Music at St. Patrick’s Parish, 34 S. Alder Street. 287.3498. Easter Sunday Mass - Resurrection of the Lord: St. Bernadette’s Parish, Despien Rd, Sayward. Everyone welcome. 250.287.3498. Centre for Spiritual Living: Meditation, 10am. Celebration, 10:30am. Guest speaker & music; Rev. Dr. Carol Carnes & Amy Bishop. www.cslcampbellriver.org Apr 6, Mon~ ~ Easter Monday ~ National Tartan Day: Tartans of all varieties are worn to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Scots and their descendants in Canada. PADI Openwater Diver Course: Have the freedom to explore the other 70% of the planet! DiveSafe International, Coast Discovery Marina, #342 1003A Island Hwy. Mon-Fri, 9am., www. DiveSafe.com Easter Monday Brunch: Misty Fins Eatery & Lounge, 11am-2pm. 250.287.4320. Easter Treasure Hunt: 2pm sharp till 4pm. $5 Pony rides, games, and a petting farm. Wear your boots & bring a basket. Food will be available. Egg hunt is $5. Balance Equestrian Ctr, 472 Walworth Rd. 250.203.6042. CCanucks vs. Kings (home): SNP, 7pm. Apr 7, Tue~ Red Cross Learn to Swim: Strathcona Gardens Pool, Apr 7-10. 250.287.9234. Beginner Riding Spring Break Camp: Balance Equestrian Ctr, 2105 Shetland Rd. Apr 7-10. ages 5-12yrs. Tue-Thu riders will have a 1hr riding lesson under the guidance of a certified coach. 1hr stablemanagement lesson plus 1hr of games, crafts & farm work. Friday, students learn how to prepare their horse for a show & participate in a mini-show $250, 250.203.6042. Ship’s Ahoy: Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, Apr 7-10, 10am-3pm, ages 6-11yrs. Nautical Themed Aquatics Camp. Learn boating basics $72/4 Classes .250.287.9234. Coolest Game on Earth: Intro to Hockey Camp, ages 6-12yrs. Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, Apr 7-10, 10am-3pm. $72 / 4 classes. 250.287.9234.

2015-03-24 11:59 PM

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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 7

2015-03-24 11:59 PM


Visual Arts Trail H HH H H Campbell River H H HH H Downtown H HH




Quadra Island




Willow Point H


Arts Trail

H Art in Bloom Festival Event, Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens, Merville - May 16 - 18 H Brian Scott Gallery, Black Creek - DAILY H Transformations on the Shore, Wood Carvings, Event Ken Ford Park Willow Pt JUNE-AUGUST H Serious Coffee Cafe, Local Artists, Willow Pt. - DAILY H Sundance Java Cafe, Local Artists, Willow Pt - DAILY H Sybil Andrews Cottage, Willow Pt. CR Arts Council - DAILY H Campbell River Museum, Visual Displays & First Nations DAILY H Halbe Hall Fundraiser - Salmon Point Pub - May 4, 4-7 pm. Black H Pier Street Gallery, Events & DAILY Exhibits H Creek H Impressions Gallery & Art Studio, Ken Blackburn’s Unveiled works H Corners Picture Framing - Local Exhibits - DAILY H Campbell River Art Gallery, Shoppers Row - Local Exhibits - DAILY H Tidemark Theatre - Special Art Events - SEASONAL H River City Arts Festival Event, Spirit Square Downtown - JULY H First Nation Arts - Wei Wai Kum House of Treasures, Discovery Mall - DAILY H Riversportsman - Hwy 19, Campbelton, In the Wild Exhibition of Vancouver Island wildlife - DAILY H Haig-Brown House - Hwy 28, on the River Writer in Residence - DAILY H Painters at Painters Event, Painters Lodge Public Event - MAY

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S Salish Sea

H Merville

19a Comox


Features Campbell River Art Gallery THE 33rd MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION 2 April – 8 May 2015 Opening Reception: Thursday April 2, 7 – 9 PM

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 8


2015-03-24 11:59 PM


Fibre Fest! May 1 - 3

Campbell River Community Centre

FRIDAY Workshops: 1 - 5pm Fibre Market: 4 - 8pm

SATURDAY Fibre Market: 9am - 5pm People’s Choice Gallery: 9am - 5pm Fashion Show: 12:15 - 1:15pm Workshops and Demos Fibre Cafe Reception: 7 - 9pm Feature Presenter Lucy Neatby “Seagoing Knitting Adventures”

SUNDAY Fibre Market: 9 am - 2pm People’s Choice Gallery Workshops and Demos Quilt Trunk Show: 12:15 - 1:15pm Spin In: 1:30 - 3:30pm Fibre Café: 10am – 2pm

9 If you love textiles and want more weaving, knitting, quilting or spinning. Vancouver Island Fibre Fest is for you. Registration for workshops has begun, with opportunities in knitting, weaving, quilting, fabric dye, appliqué, felting and Viking knitting. This will be a fun and jam packed weekend you won’t want to miss. The workshops lined up are amazing, and we’re expecting another fabulous marketplace that promises great shopping. The Fibre Marketplace will feature vendors from all over Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast and Gulf Islands. The popular Kids’ Corner is back as well to teach children skills for a lifetime. Admission to the Fibre Fest is by donation, with all proceeds supporting the City of Campbell River Recreation & Culture Department’s Specialized Recreation Programs. For workshop registration, instructor information and more, call the Community Centre at 250-286-1161 or check out the Vancouver Island Fibre Fest website at www. shelmack.wix.com/vancouverislandfibre. Contact: Judy Ridgway, Recreation Programmer

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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 9

2015-03-25 12:00 AM


Now Open Mondays starting April 1 3 th


Meet Camp and years great floris depa

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Beauty in Store at


581A - 11th Avenue, Campbell River www.georgies.ca 250-287-9577 Dash & Splash Camp: Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, Apr 7-10, 10am-3pm. $72/4 classes includes; swim lesson and skating lesson each day plus freetime of swims/skates, sports, crafts & outdoor fun. 250.287.9234. Hal Douglas & Friends: Heriot Bay Inn Pub, 673 Hotel Road, Heriot Bay, Quadra Island. 7pm. $7 In the Herons. 250.285.3322. Apr 8, Wed~ School Break Toonie Swims: Strathcona Gardens, 1pm. 250.287.9234. Apr 9, Thu~ CCancucks vs. Coyotes (home): SNP, 7pm. Beginner Riding Spring Break Camp: See Apr 7. Bubble Kids: CR Baptist Church, room 201, 2nd & 4th Thurs of the month. 9am. 250.204.6732. Vimy Ridge Day: Annual observance to remember Canadians who victoriously fought in the battle of Vimy Ridge in northern France during World War I. Young@Heart: Every 2nd & 4th Thu. of the month. Room 101, CR Baptist Church, 10am. Next meeting highlights, Faith Lim, a pharmacist at London Drugs and a CRBC attendee, presenting a short video and talk on the shingles vaccine. Free. 250.287.8831. Apr 10, Fri~ Movie Release “The Moon and the Sun”: Movie Release “Lost River”: Movie Release “The Longest Ride”: Beginner Riding Spring Break Camp: See Apr 7. Centre for Spiritual Living Grand Opening & Building Blessing: 516 S. Dogwood St, 7-9pm. Special guest speakers & musicians. By donation. 250.850.3064.

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 10

Wicked Grin: Heriot Bay Inn, 673 Hotel Rd, Heriot Bay, Quadra Is. 9pm. $10 at the door. 250.285.3322 Apr 11, Sat~ CCancucks vs. Oilers (home): HNIC, 7pm. Ocean Pacific Marine Show: 8am-4pm. 30+ Suppliers with latest products and answers to all your boating questions. Tour the Coast Guard Vessel, ‘Cape Palmerston’ and the Stubbs Island Whale Watching & Discovery Marine Safaris Vessels. PLUS see our local competitors in the Van Isle 360, The Northern Lights Sailboat & CR Yachting Club. 1.800.663.2294. Annual Plant & Jumble Sale: CR Community Ctr, 10am-1pm. Jammed with everything garden plus, a silent auction of new and nearly-new items all with the smell of homemade baking, fresh soup & popcorn. Fundraising for 50+ Active Living Program. Accepting 2nd hand treasure donations Apr 6-10. 286.1161. Spring Break Lego Days: CR Museum, 470 Island hwy, at 5th Ave, 1-2:30pm. SO. MUCH. LEGO! Super Saturday: CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row, 1-3pm. Drop-in art-making for all ages, every other Saturday. All materials included. 250.287.2261. crartgallery.ca CR Celiac Support Group: Meets in the Sunshine Wellness Centre, CR Hospital, 7pm. Open to anyone looking for info on celiac or eating gluten free. Carol, 250.923.4319 “How Could I” Live: Royal Coachman Pub, 84 Dogwood St, 8pm. No cover charge. 286.0231. Open Mic with Mo Davenport: Heriot Bay Inn, 673 Hotel Rd, Heriot Bay, Quadra Is. 9pm. 285.3322 Apr 12, Sun~ Free Nia Class: Ctr for Spiritual Living, 516 S. Dogwood

2015-03-25 12:00 AM

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Award winning Florists Meet Deborah Burt designer and manager of Campbell River Thrifty Foods Floral department and Glenda Beggs designer. Deborah has 28 years as a professional florist working for such greats as Diana Krall also, as an independent florists before coming to Thrifty Foods floral department.

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Ask Deb what she loves the most about working as a Thrifty Foods florists and she will say "no restrictions". She has all the freedom to speak directly with suppliers and growers to choose the best flowers available with the buying power of Thrifty Foods. When customers have special requests Deb can make it happen and at a price that that is very competitive. For weddings the process of choosing the right flowers for the budget and that is uniquely yours is very simple. You will have an opportunity to sit with these girls one on one privately, while all your options are clearly layed out. The no stress

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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 11

2015-03-25 12:00 AM



Derek Edwards Presented by Shantero Productions

Earth Week Film Festival Presented by City of Campbell River

Buffy Sainte-Marie Presented by Tidemark Theatre and Vancouver Island MusicFest

Gala Presented by Urban Dance Connection

Honeymoon Suite Presented by Rock.It Boy Entertainment

Rotary Honours Concert Presented by Rotary Club of Campbell River

Come Dance With Me in Ireland Presented by Tara Dancers Performance Association

APOCALYPSTICK! Pride Party Presented by Tidemark Theatre

TICKETS ONLINE AT: 15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 12

tidemarktheatre.com 1220 SHOPPERS ROW | CAMPBELL RIVER, BC | V9W 2C8

2015-03-25 12:00 AM


Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of food waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping and survive only on discarded food. What they ďŹ nd is truly shocking.

Earth Week Film Festival

April 23rd 7:00pm

Tidemark Theatre



Doors open 6:30 Admission by donation


All proceeds go towards bursaries for local students.


15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 13

2015-03-25 12:00 AM


Cinema Apr 1: Pretend We’re Kissing Apr 3: Furious 7, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,


Video Releases Apr 7: A Most Violent Year

Apr 4: Vermeer and Music: Art of Love and Leisure (EOS)

Apr 14: The Babadook , Big Eyes, The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death

Apr 10: The Longest Ride

Apr 21: Taken 3

Apr 24: The Age of Adaline

Apr 28: The Boy Next Door, The Gambler, Inherent Vice, Paddington, The Wedding

Apr 25: Cavalleria Rusticana (MET ), Pagaliacci (MET )

Apr 2: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Apr 3: Hyperdimension Neptunia Hypercollection Apr 14: Grand Theft Auto V, Mortal Kombat X Apr 24: Tropico 5

Ringer Titles shown may not be available at

your local venue.

Whats On Screen St. 1pm. Nia, is the original holistic fusion fitness form, embodying dance, martial arts, and healing arts (yoga). 250.923.6314. Blues & Jazz: Royal Coachman Pub, 84 Dogwood St, 1-4pm. No cover charge. 250.286.0231. Apr 13, Mon~ Back to School: International ESL Seniors Group: Community Ctr, Upstairs Lounge, Every 2nd Mon, 10am-12:30pm. 250.830.0171. Book Study: “Falling Upward - A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life”. By Richard Rohr, Ctr for Spiritual Living, 516 S. Dogwood St. 6-8pm. By donation. 850.3064 Apr 14, Tue~ CR Schizophrenia Society - Strengthening Families Together: 850E-12th Ave. 11am-1pm. 10 sessions starting today. 250.914.3059. International Womens Group: Robron Ctr, 740 Robron Rd. 11:30am. Free! khammyquan@gmail.com CR Friendship Quilter’s Guild: Meets in the lounge of the CR Community Centre every 2nd Tuesday, 7pm. 250.286.1161.

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 14

Apr 15, Wed~ Yom HaShoah: Also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day. It commemorates the lives and heroism of Jewish people who died in the Holocaust between 1933-1945. Apr 16, Thu~ Young Mom’s Coffee Group: See April 2nd. Metal Jewellery Design Certificate Open House: Discover the unique talent of NIC’s creative Metal Jewellery Design students. Some pieces available to purchase. 250.923.9724. Apr 17, Fri~ Movie Release “Paul Blart Mall Cop 2”: Movie Release “Monkey Kingdom”: Celebrating Earth Day Global Youth Service Day: Apr 17-19. Established in 1988, celebrates & mobilizes the millions of young people who improve their communities through service. It’s the largest service event in the world and the only one dedicated to the contributions of youth. “Deck”: “Or How I Instigated Then Overcame An Existential Crisis Through Home Improvement”. Quadra Island Community Ctr, 7:30pm. Written & performed by Lucas Myers. Deck examines the fine line between

2015-03-25 12:00 AM




BOTTLE DRIVE TODAY! islandreturnit.com


perfectionism & obsession. 250.285.3243. Merging with the Medicine Wheel: Ctr for Spiritual Living, 6-8:30pm. A sacred sound healing, guided by CJ Ananda. www.puravidya.com. 250.850.3064. MESP Hockey Tournament: Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, Apr 17-19. Fun tournament with Old Timers’ rules. 250.287.9234. “Blue Kats”: Smooth vintage rock. Heriot Bay Inn 673 Hotel Rd, Heriot Bay, Quadra Is. 8pm. 285.3322 Apr 18, Sat~ Spring Common Mall Market: Family fun event, enter to WIN a giant gift basket, shop many local vendors, bounce-a-rama, face painting, fun and food Campbell River Common Mall, 1400 Ironwood St, 10am-4pm. 250.287.2557. “The Hay Days of North Campbell River”: CR Museum, 470 Island Hwy, 2:30pm. Memories of the people who grew up in the community when it was in a state of great flux. Surrounded by booming industry, the memories of these individuals casts a light on how Campbell River responded. 287.3103. Taylor Swift Themed Pool Party: Strathcona Gardens Pool, 6pm. ages 7-11. There’ll be fun dance-offs, karaoke, trivia & lip sync competitions. 2hrs of fun. 250.287.9234. Island Voices-Piety & Variety: Maritime Heritage Ctr, 7pm. Presented by Island Voices Chamber Choir & musical director, Jenn Forsland. 250.285.3560. www. islandvoiceschamberchoir.bc.ca Apr 19, Sun~ Mike and Wendy Schmidt Memorial: Storey Creek Golf Course, 300 McGimpsey Rd. 9am Shotgun. 250.923.3673. Blues & Jazz: Royal Coachman Pub, 84 Dogwood St, 1-4pm. No cover charge. 250.286.0231 Apr 20, Mon~

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 15

Free Maintenance Day: At the NEW Berwick Retirement House, 1353 16th Ave. 10am-3pm. General repairs of chairs, walkers & scooters.778.346.1073 Apr 21, Tue~ Hal Douglas & Friends: Heriot Bay Inn, 673 Hotel Rd, Heriot Bay, Quadra Is. 7pm. $7 In the Herons. 250.285.3322. Apr 22, Wed~ Moving Forward in Acrylic Techniques: CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row, Apr 22 - May 13, 6:30pm. $120. $110 for gallery members. Instructor, Jill Paris Rody. 250.287.2261. Earth Day: Earth Day Network works with over 22,000 partners in 192 countries to broaden, diversify & mobilize the environmental movement. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. EarthDay.org Expanding Watercolour Techniques: CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row, Apr 22 - May 13, 1-4pm. $120. $110 for gallery members. Instructor, Caren Heine. 250.287.2261. Pints & Politics: Royal Coachman Pub, 5:30pm. Join your Federal Liberal Party of Canada candidate for North Island – Powell River, Peter Schwarzhoff, for the monthly gathering of local Liberals. Find out how Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada team is committed to helping advance a positive vision for our country’s future. Jill Harrington, 250.287.3267. sharrington@telus.net Kickoff Party for the 2015 Relay for Life: Misty Fin’s Eatery & Lounge, 969 Alder St, 6-7pm. Meet the other relay teams, pick-up your team packages, get some great fundraising tips, Lisa Harrison, 250.218.7158. www. RelayForLife.ca Dereck Edwards “Baloney and Wine”: 5 Star comedy

2015-03-25 12:00 AM


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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 16

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Anthony lucked into a job at the LDB when he was in the middle of paying his way through college. Always having been interested in the liquor industry it was a great fit. Eager to expand his product knowledge and have the ability to advance in a company, he moved on from the LDB and settled in at Metro Liquor Tuscany Village as Assistant Manager. After many levels of Wine and Spirit Education together with his keen interest in beer, wine, and spirits Anthony, was ready to fly the next and accepted the managers position in Campbell River Metro Liquor.

2015-03-25 12:00 AM

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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 17

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2015-03-25 12:00 AM


show by the funniest man in Canada. Uproarious romp through the increasingly strange quirks of our daily routines. Tidemark Theatre, 7:30pm. $40. 250.287.7465. www.tickets@tidemarktheatre.com, 250.287.7465 CR First Open Heart Society: CR Community Ctr, 7pm. All interested in heart health are invited to attend. Ken, 250.923.3466. Apr 23, Thu~ “Just Eat It”: Where is your food going? ..a food waste story showing in conjunction with Earth Week Film Festival at Tidemark Theatre, 7pm. 250.287.7465 Bubble Kids: See April 9th. Apr 24, Fri~ Movie Release “The Water Diviner”: Movie Release “The Age of Adaline”: www.cinemaclock.com 2015 Home Expo: Apr 24-26. Free entry! Get inspired by the newest ideas in spring home improvement & decorating! It’s all here! Campbell River’s building, renovation and decor show! Over 100 exhibits, fabulous kitchens, energy saving ideas, outdoor living ideas and more! Fri, 5-9pm. Sat, 9:30am-5:30pm. Sun, 10am4pm. Strathcona Gardens Arena, 225 S. Dogwood St. 1800.471.1112. www.homeshowtime.com “Sons O’ Guns”: Rhythm, Blues & Rock. Heriot Bay Inn, 673 Hotel Rd, Heriot Bay on Quadra Island. 8pm. 250.285.3322.

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 18

Apr 25, Sat~ Super Saturday: CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row, 1-3pm. Drop-in art-making for all ages, All materials included. 250.287.2261. Slopstacle: Messy Wet Aquatic Fun. Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, 2-4pm. Be prepared to be covered in pudding, jello, and goo. Prizes for best wipe out! 250.287.9234. Cameryn’s Cause For Kids Society 8th Annual Spring Gala: Gourmet Buffet, Live Auction, Silent Auction, Cash Bar, Live Music & Dance. Theme: ‘Old Hollywood’. Event at the Sportsplex, 1800 Alder Street. Doors, 5:30pm. Cocktails, 6pm. Dinner, 7pm. Get your tickets now, table of 8/$600. Limited tickets available. Get yours at our office, #207-991 Alder St. 250.203.0115. www. CamerynsCause.com Open Mic with Mo Davenport: Heriot Bay Inn Pub, 673 Hotel Rd, Heriot Bay on Quadra Island, 9pm. 250.285.3322. Apr 26, Sun~ Rainbow’s End Golf Course Open Tournament: 1608 Rainbow Rd, Sayward. $14/9 holes, $25.50/18 holes. 250.282.3222. GolfSayward.ca Snow to Surf Adventure Relay Race: Mt Washington, 9:15am. Reg. online for the greatest test of endurance on Vancouver Island. Alpine Cross-Country Skiing, Running, Mountain Biking, Kayaking, Road Cycling, Canoeing and exciting post-race ACTION. A challenging day for teams of 9 people. 250.898.0231. www. SnowToSurf.com 2015 Home Expo: See April 24th. Intro to Chalk Paint: Black Creek Community Ctr, 2001 Black Creek Rd, 12-3pm. Instructor, Jan Scheuerman. $77, members. $90, non-members. 250.337.5190. Blues & Jazz: Royal Coachman Pub, 84 Dogwood St, 1-4pm. No cover charge. 250.286.0231. Apr 27, Mon~ International ESL Seniors Group: See Apr 13. Sing For Pure Joy: Quadra Community Ctr, Room 3, Mon’s 3-4:30pm. Building community through song. Raise your voice with heart-felt melodies, soulful gospel songs & spirituals, mesmerizing chants & rousing rounds. No written music used. 250.285.3764. Intro to Lacrosse: Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex. 225 S. Dogwood St, Ages 6-12yrs. Apr 27 - May 13, Mon’s & Wed’s. $40/7sessions. 287.9234. Little Rascals Floor Hockey: Apr 27 - May 13. Ages 3-5yrs. Strathcona Garden Rec. Complex, 225 S. Dogwood St. Learn basic hockey skills and play a real floor hockey game every class. $35/7. 250.287.9234. Hot Shot Ball Hockey: Ages 6-9yrs. Apr 27 - May 13, Mon’s & Wed’s. Strathcona Garden Rec. Complex, 225 S. Dogwood St. Develop stick handling skills, passing techniques and the 4 shots used in hockey. $40/7. 287.9234 Apr 28, Tue~ International Womens Group: See April 14th.

2015-03-25 12:00 AM

Spring Ball Hockey League: (Ages 8-12). Apr 28 - Jun 9, Tue’s & Thu’s. Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, 225 S. Dogwood St. $40 for 13 games. 287.9234

Business & Professional Women’s Network: Royal Coachman, 84 Dogwood St, 5:30-9pm. Spotlight speakers; Maria of CR Mirror, Janis of Artistic Photography, Becky of The Natural Wolf and Frances, registered clinical counsellor. Members, $30. Guests, $40. 250.504.2888. Roller Girls Fresh Meat Program: Strathcona Gardens Rec. Complex, Apr 28 - Jun 9, 6:30-8:30pm. $80/7 Classes. Learn how to roller skate in the fun Roller Derby program. 250.287.9234. CR Friendship Quilter’s Guild: Meets in the lounge of the CR Community Centre every 2nd Tuesday, 7pm. 286.1161 Apr 29, Wed~ Kitty’s Comedy Night: and Her Comedic Guests Wiley Roberts & Pat Boyle. Show 7:30p. Advance ticktets, $15. Table of 4, $50 at Coasters Bar + Bistro. Chances Playtime Gaming, 111 St Anns Rd. Buffy Sainte-Marie: Academy Award winner, Virtually invented the role of Native American international activist pop star. 7:30pm. $47. 250.287.7465. TidemarkTheatre.com Apr 30, Thu~ Youth Group: CR Baptist Church, Dogwood St. Every Thurs, 7-9pm. Junior Youth (Gr.6-8) meet in gym. Senior Youth (Gr.9-12) meet in Youth Room. 287.8831. May 1, Fri~ Spring Fling Salmon Fishing Derby: May 1 - Jun 14. Every Chinook (spring) salmon caught at Painter’s Lodge and


April Point Resort & Spa during the derby is automatically entered to win a prize. The angler with the biggest Chinook each day will win a prize (per resort). At the end of the derby we’ll tally up all the catches 1.800.663.7090,. BC Youth Week: Provincial celebration of youth held annually. www.bcyouthweek.com Movie Release “Avengers - Age of Ultron”

Fibre Fest: 1:00pm, Campbell River Community Centre, 401-11th Avenue, Fibre 3rd Annual Vancouver Island Fibre Fest: Campbell River Community Ctr. May 1st to 3rd. Fri, 1-9pm. Sat, 9:30am-4pm. Sun, 9:30am-4pm. Workshops, Vendor’s Mall, People’s Choice Gallery, demo’s, 250.286.1161. May 2, Sat~ 10th Annual Photographers at Painters: May 2 & 3. Painters Lodge, 1625 McDonald Rd. Amateur photographers & photography enthusiasts join some of the best photographers BC has to offer for a series of classes & workshops like no other. Sat, $79. Sun, $65. Weekend package including accommodation, $329-$359. Reserve, 1.800.663.7090. Huge Fireworks Saratoga Speedway Season Opener: Saratoga Speedway, 2380 Macaulay Rd, Black Creek. The famous Saratoga Speedway is ripping & roaring once again 250.923.2982. SaratogaRacing.ca May 3, Sun~ 10th Annual Photographers at Painters: See May 2nd. BC Youth Week: See May 1st. 3rd Annual Vancouver Island Fibre Fest: See May 1st.

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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 19

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Things To Do





In 2 & 4 Hours | | | | | |

IN SPRING Things To Do In

Kayaking Tour: Take an educational kayaking tour through the estuary with Kayaking Unlimited call Derek 250-204-1115 Interpretive Walks: Themed guided walks through Campbell River’s nature , GreenWaysTrust.ca Cook & Eat Your Own Crab: Sit on the deck at Crabby Bobs on the Govt. wharf and enjoy a fresh cooked crab with friends! 250 204-6111 Strathcona Gardens Rec. Centre: Swim and skate. Check Programs for schedules. www.strathconard.ca. 250-2879234, 463 Dogwood Rd. C/River Swimming: Best Western Hotel, Isl. Hwy. C/River Pool and hot-tub open to public. 250-923-4231 Splash Park: Open May-Sept. 8 am - Dusk located at Willow Point Park, next to the playground. Campbell River Community Centre: 401 11th Ave, 250286-1161. Programs available 6 days a week for adults, youth, toddlers and seniors. Drop in anytime or visit www.campbellriver.ca Campbell River Senior’s Centre: Line dancing, bingo, games, arts & crafts. CR Common, Ironwood Rd. 250-9144401. www.crseniors.com Library: Free @ CR Library (downtown Shoppers Row) Bowling: CR Bowling Alley, 16th Ave, Campbell River. Leagues, RocknBowl Friday nights, seniors bowl. 5pin & 10pin. Auto Scoring. 250 286-1177. Go-Karting: begins April, $12 Saratoga Speedway 250337-8106 saratogasdeepway.bc.ca Monster Truck Rides: begins April, Saratoga Speedway 250-337-8106 saratogasdeepway.bc.ca Skateboarding: Free @ CR Skatepark, Sportsplex Landmark Theatre: Showcase 5 Movie Theatre 250 2873233, 489 S. Dogwood St. Campbell River Billiards & Gaming: $10 @ Pier St. Billiards & Gaming 250 287-3966, 938 Island Highway

Rainbow’s End Golf Course

Pro Shop & Restaurant OPEN 9 Holes/$14.00 18 Holes/$25.50
















15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 20









Rock Climbing: On the Rocks Climbing Gym 250-287-7625, 1980 N. Isle Hwy. rockgym.ca Writer-In-Residence: Free at Haig-Brown Heritage House, bring in your manuscript and meet the Writer. 250-286 6646 Art Tour: Free at CR Art Gallery 250 287-2261, 1235 Shoppers Row Campbell River Art Gallery: Super Saturday - Art Classes every Sat, see website, crartgallery.com Free Events & Concerts: Spirit Square 250 203-1399 www.spiritsquare.ca. Salmon Hatchery Tour: Quinsam Hatchery self-guided tour. 287-9764. 4217 Argonaut Road First Nations Gift Shop: Wei Wai Kum House of Treasures 250 286-6949, 1400 Wei Wai Kum Rd. Scenic Walk, Bike & Skate: Free @ CR Sea Walk, 8km of picturesque mountain and ocean views, suitable for walking, bicycling and skating. Mini Golf: Mini Golf 337-5336. 8667 Island Hwy. www. miraclebeachminigolf.ca Outdoor Laser Tag: North Island BattleField, 250-2023484 www.northislandbattlefield.net Sportsplex: Alder Rd. Willow Point Park - All racquet sports, Youth & Adult Programs, Fitness Facility, Drop-in’s welcome. 250-923-7911 www.campbellriver.ca Tennis: Free at Willow Point Park 250 923-8134, 1944 Penfield Rd. and Centennial Park on Alder and 4th Ave. Disc Golf: Free Disc Golf Course Willow Point, Sportsplex Museum: Museum of Campbell River 250-287-3103 470 Island Hwy. www.crmuseum.ca Markets: Free Pier St. Farmers Outdoor Market Pier St, Sundays 10am-2pm, starts beginning of May. Hands on Aquarium: Discovery Passage Aquarium: See, Touch, Explore. May to October. Discovery Pier, at the Govt. Wharf Island Hwy. Hiking: RippleRock Trail/Elk Falls/Snowden Forest, Beaver Lodge Forestlands,(see guides) 1km to 10km walks. See new alternate routes during construction of the new BC Hydro Pipelines. All trails are open. Casino: Chances Casino - Bingo, slot machines, Keno or lottery game 250 286-1442 Open Daily 10am -midnight,

April 26th

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2015-03-25 12:00 AM


























chances.ca Visit a Pet Store: CR Pet Centre - Ironwood Rd, Birds and lots of fish. Horseriding: Balance Equestrian, Watch, Lessons, and Shows. Indoor and Outdoor arenas. Off Willis Road, on Walworth C/River 250-203-6042 check for event program. www.balanceequestrian.ca Waterfalls: Elk Falls, Located just 2km on Hwy 28 from downtown Campbell Rv, one of the most spectacular falls on Vancouver Isle. Caution, adhere to all safety signs. Maritime Heritage Centre: A Marine Museum with 2 floors of artifacts including a famous boat. Open MonFri 9-5 pm, Discovery Pier, Island Hwy. 250-286-3161 Fishing Pier: Free - CR Discovery Pier - award winning wheelchair accessible salt water fishing 600ft pier, Island Hwy, maritimeheritagecentre.ca 250-286-3161 Wine Tasting and Tour: Coastal Black Wine 2186 B Endall Road, Black Creek, Noon to 5pm everyday! coastalblack. ca. 250-337-8325 Wine Tasting and Tour: 40 Knotts Winery - Visit 18 acres of vineyard. 7 varieties of estate wines, plus exclusive 40 Knot Wine Okanagan wines. Tastings Thurs to Sun 11.30 to 5.00pm. 2400 Anderton Rd. Comox. 250-941-8810. www.40knotswinery.com Whiskey Distillery Tour & Tasting: re-opens May 1. shelterpointdistillery.com 778 420-2200, 4650 Regent Road, Oyster River. Wildlife Photography & Bird Watching: Baikie Isle,

















Campbell River Estuary at the The Spit Weiner Roast: A slice of Canadian Culture, a favourite all year round. Echo Lake, Miller Ck, Loveland Bay , Storries Beach are great locations for a fire, and a wiener roast. Don’t forget the marshmallows. Watch the Planes: CR Airport or out at the Spit at Dick Murphy Park.

Things To Do In Scuba Diving Lessons & Tours: Discover why our deep diving waters are famous. Beaver Aquatics. beaveraquatics.ca, 250-287-7652 760 Hiking/ Biking: Snowden Forest (16 KM) Canyon View Trail, 8km, easy to intermediate, (from 2hrs) Check for new routes Garden Tour: Kitty Coleman, Woodland Gardens, Tour the gardens all year around. Bring a picnic lunch. Watch for special events. Off Coleman Rd, 6183 Whitaker Rd. Courtenay 250-338-6901 Float Plane Tours: Corilair - See all 105 lakes from the sky. From Tyee Spit to remote islands including Refuge Cove - Surge Narrows - Big Bay - Blind Channel - Historic Mail Tour. corilair.com 888 287-8366 Biking Rentals: $40/Day Per Bike@ Spokes (250 2860500) 871 13th Avenue

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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 21










2015-03-25 12:00 AM


Every Week MONDAY

Girls Inc. Sportsplex, 3-4:30pm. Gr.2-5. Build confidence in physically active games. Ends May11. 923.7911. Seniors Inclusive Lunch: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 11am-1pm. Prices vary. 914.4401. Free Coffee Roasting Tours & Tastings: Royston Roasting Coffee House. Drop-in 7am-2pm, Mon-Sat. 250.871.8666. Meditation Monday: 7 am. 516 S. Dogwood St. cslcampbellriver.org Square Dance Lessons: CR Eagles. 7:30pm. Ed, 778.420.1213. Geo 287.9006. Fred 287.3345. Dart Board League: Riptide Pub. 830.0044. Horse Riding Lessons: Balance Equestrian. 7 days, incl. evenings. 250.203.6042. Archery Range Open: Fish & Wildlife, 6:30-8pm. 923.1838. www.crfw.net Brazilian Jiu Jitsu No Gi: 6:30pm. 286.6998 Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS): Lions Den. Weigh: 8:30-9:35am. Meeting: 9:50-11am. Crib: CR Legion. Reg. 6:30pm Game 7pm 286.6831 Dart League: Eagles Lounge. 7pm. 287.4990. Dodgeball: Miracle Beach Schl 6:30pm 337.5190 Family Gym: CR Com Ctr, 10:30-11:30am, free 286.1161 Co-Ed Touch Rugby: Ages 13-99. Southgate Middle School. 6pm. Jim 202.9195 Boxing: Eagles Hall. 6pm-8pm. Mike 287.9632. Seniors Lunch: Sportsplex. 12pm-2:30pm. 914.4401 Healing Rooms: 684 Isl. Hwy. 11am-1pm. 923.2312 Lost Families Found: Maritime Museum. 7pm-9pm. CR Genealogy Society Libary hours. 203.0585 Archery: Fish and Wildlife. 6:30pm-8pm. 923.1838 Therapeutic Relaxation: Free for those dealing with illness, grief or for caregivers. Call for appt. 286.1121 QUADRA ISLAND: Sing For Pure Joy: Comm Ctr, 3-4:30pm. 250.285.3764. Parent & Tots: Comm Ctr, 9:30am-12pm. Weight Watchers Meet: Comm Ctr 6pm-7pm AA Meeting: Comm Ctr, 7pm-9pm. 285.3656 Re-Enchant the World Singing: Comm Ctr. 3-4:30pm. Yoga: Spirit Books, Upper Realm, Quathiaski Cove, 5-6:30pm. Trinity 203.4529 African Drumming: 1515 Hyacinthe Bay Rd, 7:30pm9pm. Call to ensure time. Claudia 285.3606

Beginner Tai Chi: Sportsplex. 10am-12pm. 286.9768 International Cooking Classes: Immigration Welcome Ctr (inside Robron Ctr). 6pm-8pm. 830.0171. Drop-in Meditation with Lucas Stiefvater: Ocean Resort. 7pm-8pm. Free. 923.4281. info@oceanresort.ca Dragon Boat Practice: Corilair floatplane dock. 5:45pm. Linda 778.420.0805 Weight Watchers Meeting: Maritime Heritage Ctr. 11am & 6pm. 286.3161. Seniors Lunch: Sportsplex Rm 1. 12pm-3pm. Lunch, bingo, crafts, crib, Mexican trail, 50/50 draw. 914.4401 Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS): Lutheran Church. Weigh in: 7:45am-8:50am Meeting: 9:05am-10am Aikido/Martial Arts: Self defence using locks, pins, throws, immobilizations. Troy 203.3237 CR Gun Club: Jnr 11-17yrs. 7pm. Mark 286.1550 Run Club: Shore Runners. 9:30am. 286.1364. CR Runners: Sportsplex. 6pm (Technical workout) Boxerfit: Black Creek Com Hall. 6pm. 337.5190 Discovery Toastmasters: Com Ctr. Rm 1. 12pm-1pm. Develop public speaking skills. 286.4273 Air Cadets: CR Airport. 6:30pm 12-19yrs 923.1001 Family Place Drop-in: 8:30am-11am. Free. Discovery Passage, 2050 Pengelly Rd. Lost Families Found: Maritime Museum. CR Genealogy Society Libary hours. 203.0585 Options for Sexual Health (OPT): Drop-in clinic, 7pm9pm. Health Unit in Tyee Plaza. 830.7603. CR Newcomers Meeting: 1st Tues/month. 7pm. 1351 Ironwood St. QUADRA ISLAND: Introduction to Meditation: Spirit Books, Upper Realm, Quathiaski Cove, 7:30pm. Dave Ashton 285.3871 Yoga: 9am-10:30am. West Rd Yoga. 250.285.3065 Yoga with Trinity: 5pm-6:30pm. Quadra Com Ctr. Sing 4 Pure Joy: Lions Den on Quadra. 6:30pm-8pm. singforpurejoy@gmail.com Mary 778.348.0477 Al Anon: 7pm-8pm. 972 West Rd, Quadra Children Ctr Re-Enchant the World...: Lions Den, 7:30pm-9pm. Zumba with Pam: Quadra Com Ctr 6:20pm-7:20pm AA : Quadra Children’s Ctr. 7pm. 285.3656 Folkdancing: Quadra Com Ctr. 7:30pm-9:30pm

Seniors Bingo: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 1pm3pm. 250.914.4401. Seniors Drawing:CRCommon 10am-12pm 250.914.4401. International Family Recreation Evenings: Robron Ctr, 6:30pm. 250.830.0171. FREE International Co-Ed Adult Soccer: Robron Ctr, 7:30pm. All adults welcome! 250.830.0171. Toonie Tuesday at the CR Bowling: All Games $2 between 11am-5pm shoe rental xtra 286-1177 Horse Riding Lessons: Balance Equestrian. 7 days, incl. evenings. Regular or Therapeutic 250.203.6042. Drop-in Lazer Tag: Strathcona Gdns, 5:30-7pm. 287.9234

Gathering Place: 300 Robron Rd. 3-5pm. Guys & girls Gr.1-7. Free! Hang-out, delicious snacks, active games & cool crafts. 250.286.5305. Seniors Yoga: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 9:3010:30am. E Wing. 250.914.4401. Teen Drop-in Gym: Sportsplex, 2:30-4:30pm. Grab a buddy & shoot some hoops after school. 250.286.5305. Seniors Hearts Club: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 1pm. 250.914.4401. Seniors Mexican Train: CR Common, 9:30am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. 250.914.4401. CR Paddlers Sea Kayak Club: Guided Estuary Tours


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2015-03-25 12:00 AM

23 Beginner Ladies Learn-to-Ride: (March only) Balance Equestrian Ctr, 6-8pm. 250.203.6042. Whacky Wednesday at CR Bowling: First Game $4 Second Game $3 Third Game $2. 286-1177 Classic Rock Bingo: Jonny’s Bar 7:30pm. 926.0606. Beginner Tai Chi: Sportsplex. 7:30pm-9pm. 286.9768 Diabetic Drop-in: CR Hospital, Sunshine Wellness Ctr. 3pm-4pm. 850.2607 Auction Viewing Day: 1358 Marwalk Cres. 9am-5pm. Sing For Pure Joy!: The Lions Den, across from Thrifty’s. 6:30pm-8pm $10 singforpurejoy@gmail.com Island Voices Choir: Need tenor & basses. 337.5730. Evening Shoreline Paddles: Apr-Sept. 6-8pm. CR Paddlers Sea Kayak Club, crpaddlers.com ‘Rock On’ Climbing Sessions: On the Rocks Climbing Gym. 6pm-8pm. 287.7625 VIHA Flu Clinic: St. Pat’s Church 3pm-6pm. 850.2110 CR Toastmasters: Com Ctr. 7pm-8:30pm.286.0143. 8-Ball Pool League: Eagles Lounge. 7pm. 287.4990. Boxing: Eagles Hall 6pm-8pm. Mike 287.9632. CR Gun Club: Indoor. 7pm. Quinsam Rd. Al 923.6388 Tai Chi: Black Creek Com Hall 7:30pm-8:30pm. 337.5190 All Weather Family Place: Dick Murphy Park, Tyee Spit. 9:30am-10:45am.

Family Place: Com Ctr. 1pm-3pm. 286.1161. Multi-cultural Family Place: Robron Ctr. 6:30pm-8pm. 923.4918 Therapeutic Relaxation: Free for caregivers. 286.1121 Family Storytime: 10:30-11am CR Library. 287.3655 Midnight Shuttles: 1st Wed monthly. 7:30pm-9:30pm. Sybil Andrews College. Parkinsons Self Help Support: 2nd Wed monthly. 1:30pm. CR Baptist Church 286.1354 Toastmasters: 7-8:30pm. Rm 1, Comm Centre. 830.3839 Lost Families Found: Maritime Museum. 1:30pm-4pm. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. 203.0585 Family Gym: 10:30-11:30am. Comm Centre Gym. $3 drop in. Walking to 7 years. Family Place Drop-in: 9am-11:30am. 1048A Hemlock St. 1pm-3pm Com Centre. Both free. 286.1161 Friendship Quilters Guild Meeting: 2nd Wed monthly. 7pm. Com Centre Lounge. Diabetic Drop-in: 3pm-4pm. CR Hospital, Sunshine Wellness Centre. Al Anon: 12pm-1pm. St Patrick’s Church. 923.5537 Road Cycling: 6 pm. Meet at Sportsplex parking lot, Info; Jacob 250-923-6392

Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex 225 South Dogwood Street • Campbell River, BC • 250-287-9234 • www.strathconaRD.ca


Starting April 27: · Little Rascals Floor Hockey (3-5) · Hot Shot Ball Hockey (6-9) · Spring Ball Hockey League (8-12) · Intro to Lacrosse (6-12) · Roller Girls “Fresh Meat” Program (15+)

Aquatic Events Water Ratz Aquatics Camp (6-11) Stroke improvement, dives and water survival skills PLUS underwater hockey & water polo, synchronized swimming, boogie boarding and surfing off the rope swing. 3 hours of pool time everyday!

Mar. 30-Apr. 2 Ship’s Ahoy (6-11) Nautical Themed Aquatics Camp

Learn boating basics, basic navigation, regulations, responding to emergencies, safety equipment, self rescue, and capsizing/righting a canoe. Apr. 7-10 Underwater Easter Egg Hunt (All Ages)Water bunnies join in this wild hunt! Tons of fun! Sat, Apr. 4 Red Cross Learn to Swim Lessons (All Ages) 8 x 30 minute classes over Spring Break. All levels plus Stroke Correction. Mar. 30 – Apr. 2 & Apr. 7 – 10 Taylor Swift Pool Party – Apr. 18 Slopstacle Aquatic Fun : All ages. Apr. 25

Ice Events

Little Rascals Hockey Camp (3-5) Spring Break Mar. 30-Apr. 2 (4 classes) Fun on Ice Skating Camp (3-5) Spring Break Mar. 30-Apr. 2 Coolest Game on Earth (6-12) I Spring Break Apr. 7-10 (4 classes)

Combo Events

Dash & Splash Camp : (6-10) Swimming & skating lessons, sports & fun, Apr. 7-10

Strathcona Gardens 250-287-9234 for more information

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 23

2015-03-25 12:00 AM


QUADRA ISLAND: Food Bank: 1pm-2pm. 1st & 3rd Wed/month. Comm Ctr Karaoke: Heriot Bay Inn. 7:30pm. 285.3539 Yoga with Trinity: Quadra Com Ctr. 10am-11:30am. Parents & Babies: Quadra Com Ctr. 11am. Hand Drum Jam: Spirit Books, Upper Realm, Quathiaski Cove, 7:45pm-9:30pm. Steve Moore 285.3323 Sing For Pure Joy: The Lions Den, 3-4:30pm. (across from Thrifty’s). All welcome! 250.202.1003 / 250.285.3764. singforpurejoy@gmail.com.


Family Recreation: Robron Ctr, 6:30-8pm. Fun activities, family. 250.830.0171. Art Group Meet: Halbe Hall, 8369 N Island Hwy, Black Creek, 250.337.5388. halbehallsgottalent@gmail.com Seniors Drawing: CR Common, 10am-12pm 250.914.4401. Yahoo: Sportsplex, 3-4:30pm. $4 drop-in active program for Gr.3-5. Jan8-May28. 250.286.5305. Youth Jam Night: Serious Coffee. 6:30pm-9pm 923.1312 Grandmothers to Grandmothers: 1st Thu of themonth. United Church, 7:15pm. Support grandmothers in Africa raising AIDS-orphaned grandchildren. 287.8198. Young@Heart : 2nd & 4th Thu. CR Baptist Church, 10am. Fellowship with senior’s. 250.287.8831. Thursday Meditation: 5:30pm, 516 S. Dogwood St. Reduce stress, office@cslcampbellriver.org Karaoke: Quinsam Hotel. 9pm-2am. 286.9811. Rock N Bowl: 6-9pm crbowling.com 286-1177 CR Auctions: 1358 Marwalk Cres. 6pm. View Wed /Thu: 9am-5pm. 287.3939. www.CRAuctions.ca Kayak Polo (16+): Strathcona Gardens. 9pm-10pm. Bring kayak, pre-reg. 287.9234 (1st & 3rd Thu.) Drop-in Lazer Tag: Strathcona Gardens. 5:30pm-7pm. 287.9234 Horse Riding Lessons: Balance Equestrian. 7 days, incl. evenings. Regular or Therapeutic 250.203.6042. Ultimate Disc Golf: 6:30pm riverultimate@gmail.com Dragon Boat Practice: Corilair floatplane dock. 5:45pm. Linda 778.420.0805 Weight Watchers Meeting: Maritime Heritage Ctr. 11am. 286.3161. Island Phoenix Acapella Chorus: 210 Beech St. 7pm9:30pm. Women’s 4-part harmony. 923.0101. 60 Minute Toastmasters: Conference Room @ CRA. 121pm. 60.mins.tm@gmail.com CR Gun Club: Pistol. Outdoor Range. 6:30pm. Ralph 285.3684 Stroke Recovery Meeting: Sportsplex. 11am-2pm 830.3144 Healing Room: 11am-1pm. Joy 923.2312 Badminton: Sportsplex. 7:30pm. 287.9827 Aikido/Martial Arts: Phoenix School. 203.3237 CR Auction: 1358 Marwalk Cres. 6pm. 287.3939 Youth Group: Baptist Church. 7pm. 287.8831 Family Floor Hockey: Miracle Beach School 6-7pm. BCCA. 337.5190. Parent & Child Cultural Drop-in: Laichwiltach. 11am12:30pm. 286.0948 Baby Time: Com Ctr. 10am-11:30am. 286.1161. Young Mom’s Coffee Group: 1st & 3rd Thu. CR Baptist Church, 8:45am. 250.287.8831. Cedar Grove Family Place: Cedar Grove. 1pm-3pm. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group: 1st Thu/month. 7-8:30pm. Mittlenatch Rm, CR Hospital. 1.800.462.2833

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 24

In The Know Parenting Sessions: 3rd Thu monthly. 7pm-9pm. Robron Centre. 1.855.887.8004 CR Healing Room: 11am-1pm and 7-9pm. 684 Isl. Hwy. Confidential prayer. 923.2312 Al Anon: 1pm & 7:30pm. 7th Day Adventist Church. 923.5537 or 923.1653 Lost Families Found: Maritime Museum. 1:30pm-4pm. CR Genealogy Society Library hours. 203.0585 QUADRA ISLAND: Yoga: 9am-10:30am. West Rd Yoga. 250.285.3065 Yoga with Trinity: 5pm-6:30pm. Quadra Com Ctr Parents & Tots: Quadra Com Ctr. 10am-12pm. Prayer Meeting: Quadra Bible Church. 7pm. Quadra Singers Comm. Choir: Comm. Ctr. 6:45pm. African Drumming: 4pm-5:30pm. Call to ensure time. Claudia 285.3606


Seniors Yoga: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 9:3010:30am. E Wing. 250.914.4401. Teen Drop-in Gym: Community Ctr, 3:15-6:15pm. Grab a buddy & shoot some hoops after school. 250.286.5305. Seniors Line Dancing: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 10:30am-12:30pm. 250.914.4401. Seniors Inclusive Lunch: CR Common, 1426 Ironwood Rd, 11am-1pm. Prices vary. 914.4401. Pottery Drop-In: CR Com Centre 1-4pm. Families welcome. 286-1161 Horse Riding Lessons: Balance Equestrian. 7 days, incl. evenings. Regular or Therapeutic 250.203.6042. Funday Friday at CR Bowling: any two games for $5 between 11am - 5pm 286-1177 Rock N Bowl: CR Bowling Centre 9pm-midnight crbowling.com 286-1177 Live Band: Quinsam Hotel. 9:30pm-2am. 286.9811 Archery Range Open: Fish & Wildlife. 6:30pm-8pm. 923.1838. www.crfw.net ‘Rock On’ Climbing Sessions: On the Rocks Climbing Gym. 6pm-8pm. 287.7625 Family & Teen Ctr Drop-In Program: Com Ctr. ‘Youth Zone’. 11-18yr.olds 7pm-10:30pm. 286.1161. Live Music Jam Nite: Jonny’s Bar. 8pm-12am. Local talents. 850.1233 Family Gym: Sportsplx 10:30am-11:30am Free 923.7911 CR Legion Fun: 5:30pm. Free Bingo, karaoke, meat & paddle draw. 7:30pm. 286.6831 Open Mic: Serious Coffee. 7pm-10pm. 923.1312 Social Dance Lessons: Lorraine 923.5148 Youth Groups: 12-19yrs 7:30pm Christian Life. 287.3476 Seniors Lunch: 12pm-3pm. Sportsplex. 914.4401 Gamblers Anonymous: St. Patricks Church. 7pm. Ballroom Dancing: Sportsplx 7pm-8:30pm 923.7043 Toddler Time: Com Ctr. 9:30pm-11:30am. 286.1161. Family Place: Com Ctr. 1pm-3pm. 286.1161. Song Circle: 7-9pm. Brian Jones maddog13@shaw.ca Family Gym: 10:30am-11:30am Sportsplex Drop-in Free Gamblers Anon: 7pm-9pm. St Patricks Church. 34 S Alder QUADRA ISLAND: AA: 8pm. Quadra United Church White Light Meditation: 1-2:30pm. Upper Realm Rockin’ Live Band: 9pm. Heriot Bay Inn 285.3539 Acoustic Jam: Spirit Books, 8-10pm. Pat 285.2807 African Drumming: 1515 Hyacinthe Bay Rd, 3-4:30pm. Claudia 285.3606

2015-03-25 12:00 AM



Live Music: Royal Coachman Pub. 8pm. 250.286.0231. Live Band: Quinsam Hotel. 9:30pm-2am. 286.9811 Horse Riding Lessons: Balance Equestrian. 7 days, incl. evenings. Regular or Therapeutic 250.203.6042. Rock N Bowl: CR Bowling 9pm-midnight 286-1177 Jam with the Band: Quinsam Hotel 3pm-6pm 286.9811 Rock‘n’Bowl: CR Bowling Centre 9pm-12am 286.1177 Weight Watchers Meet: Maritime Ctr 9:30am 286.3161 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals: Pure Martial Arts, 10am. 286.6998 Family Drop-in Art Program: CR Art Gallery. 1pm-3pm (Alternate Sat’s). 287.2261 Boot Camp: Black Creek Hall. 9am-10:30am. 337.5190 CR Art Gallery: 12:00pm-5pm. www.CRartgallery.ca CR Library: 10am-5pm. 287.3655 QUADRA ISLAND: Open Mike: 9pm. Heriot Bay Inn, 285.3539


Celebration & Meditation: Ctr for Spiritual Living. Med 10am. Celeb 10:30am. www.cslCampbellRiver.org Road Cycling: 10 am. Meet at Sportsplex parking lot, Info; Jacob 250-923-6392

Horse Riding Lessons: Balance Equestrian. 7 days, incl. evenings. Regular or Therapeutic 250.203.6042. Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes: Lighthouse Com Centre, 6:30pm. 778.424.9994. Live Jazz/Blues: Royal Coachman 1pm-4pm 286.0231 Meditation: Ctr for Spiritual Living. 10am. 914.4498. Karaoke: Quinsam Hotel. 9pm-2am. 286.9811. Chances: 6-Up Drop-In with $50 games. 12pm-2pm. Evening 1/2 price booklets. ‘Rock On’ Climbing Sessions: On the Rocks Climbing Gym. 1pm-3pm. 287.7625 Sunday Celebration: Meditation: 10am. Celebration: 10:30am. 850.3064. Church Service: CR Vineyard Church. 10am. 923.1338 Snake Mania: Strath Pool. 7:30pm-8:30pm. 287.9234 Run Club: 7:30am Dogw & Hilchey. murrayga@telus.net Sayward Christian Fellowship Service: 740 Gentry Rd. 11am. 282.3499 AA Meetings: Heritage Hall Sayward. 7:30pm. Al Anon: 7:30pm. 7th Day Adventist Church. 923.5537 QUADRA ISLAND: Quadra Sunday Painters: 11am-2pm. 285.3390 Buddhist Meditation: Spirit Books, Quathiaski Cove, 10am



Muscle Soreness after Yoga and Exercise Muscle soreness after exercising is commonly known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). In short, DOMS is caused when we contract our muscles and the total stress on the muscles is greater than its capacity: We make a movement and our muscles are not yet strong enough to support that movement. Muscle strength is defined by the quality of interaction of our muscular and neurological system, the usage of our 'motor units' (the functional unit of a muscle) , and the actual physical condition of our muscle fibers. If our muscles are unconditioned we may not be using the sufficient amount of 'motor units'. So by slowly and gently increasing the workload of your muscles, you will increase their stamina. This in turn may reduce the risk of DOMS.

The duration of DOMS can last from anywhere between 2 - 6 days and depends on your age, overall health, sufficient water intake, how long it has been since you have been exercising - and it also depends on your diet (sugary foods, for example, are not conducive to your well-being). In my private yoga classes I always talk about not pushing the boundaries. If you listen to your body and work with it you can prevent at least a certain amount of DOMS. The challenge lies in finding a balance between keeping your boundaries and building your strength. We are all different so there is no one-fits-all approach. The best scenario is to stay aware of your body and it's limitations. However, if you are in doubt whether yoga or any other exercise modality is right for you, or if you are concerned about your health, consult with your physician or licensed health care provider. Gabriela Eikeland DN, CSMC, RT-CRA www.womynspathofhealing.com

Private Yoga Classes • Stress Management Coaching • Life Coaching • Meditation • Chair Yoga Classes • Yogic Stress Management Therapy • Yoga Mudra Therapy • Workshops


Womyn’s Path of Healing Life Coaching - Meditation - Holistic Wellness


15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 25

Gabriela Eikeland CSMC, RT-CRA, DN

2015-03-25 12:00 AM


Campbell River

Seniors Centre Campbell River Common, 1426 Ironwood Road

Phone: 250-914-4401

Weekly Events:

Check website for changes: www.crseniors.com

Monday - Wednesday - Friday Yoga 9:30 - 10:30, E Wing (sign on glass). Monday - Friday Line Dancing 10:30 - 12:00, E wing

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 26

Monday - Friday inclusive Lunch 11:00 - 1:00. Prices vary. Tuesday - Thursday Bingo 1:00 - 3:00 Wednesday Mexican Train (main hall) 9:30 - 12 and 1:00 - 3:00 Hearts Club meets at 1:00 Tuesday and Thursday Drawing 10:00 to 12:00 Monday - Wednesday Craft’s 12:00 - 3:00 - Jessie’s Room (main hall) Monday Cribbage 12:30 - Jessie’s Room

2015-03-25 12:00 AM





Kids & seniors menus available

1319 Island Hwy • 286-6711



24 Flavours of Hard Ice Cream


V of the month

191 1) Rug 2) Extra “da” 3) Picture Frame 4) Girl’s Hair 5) Lamp Shade 6) Plant 7) Table Legs 8) Music Note 9) Broom 10) Door Frame

Trivia Answers 1. Tinky Winky 2. Ostrich 3. John 4. Water and Flour 5. 1977



Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “And what starting salary are you looking for?” The engineer replies, “In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package.” The interviewer inquires, “Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?” The engineer sits up straight and says, “Wow! Are you kidding?” The interviewer replies, “Yeah, but you started it.”



Maintenance Days:

April 20 2 p.m - 4 p.m. Berwick House Exercise Room

Home Show Campbell River ~ Apr 24,25,26

Come see us at the 2015 Home Show. Home mobility products. New equipment demonstrations.

Chair, walker, & scooter routine maintenance.

Mobility devices, electric scooters, power chairs, lifts, ramps and accessories. Campbell River Common Mall 778-346-1073 Monday - Friday 9:30-5pm 1454 Ironwood St

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 27

2015-03-25 12:00 AM



The TheTidemark TidemarkTheatre Theatreand andthe theRotary RotaryClub Clubof ofCampbell CampbellRiver River will willbe bepresenting presentingthe theannual annualRotary RotaryHonours HonoursConcert. Concert.The The acts actsperforming performingare areall allaward awardwinners winnersin intheir theirown ownfifields eldsand and will willbe bedirected directedby byHeather HeatherGordon GordonMurphy. Murphy. In Inconjunction conjunction with withRotary’s Rotary’scommitment commitmentto tothe theyouth youthof ofour ourcommunity, community,all all profi profitstsderived derivedfrom fromthis thisevent eventwill willbe beawarded awardedto tothe theselected selected acts. acts.Celebrate Celebratethe thehard hardwork workand anddedication dedicationof ofthese thesefifine neyoung young artists, artists,their theirparents parentsand andtheir theirteachers. teachers.

Place: Place:Tidemark Tidemark Theatre Theatre •• Time: Time:7:30 7:30 pm, pm,

Friday Friday May May 8th 8th •• Tix: Tix:$20 $200000

Matthew Matthew Krell: Krell: Matthew Matthew isis an an award-winning award-winning pianist pianist who who has has studied studied inin Campbell Campbell River River with with Shelley Shelley Roberts Roberts for for over over thirteen thirteen years. years. Matthew Matthew has has completed completed the the A.R.C.T A.R.C.T diploma diplomaininPiano PianoPerformance Performancefrom fromthe theRoyal RoyalConservatory Conservatoryof ofMusic. Music. Matthew Matthewperforms performs atat numerous numerous concert concert galas galas and and events events each each year. year. Matthew Matthew also also studies studies Speech Speech Arts Arts and and Drama. Drama. He He isis developing developing skills skills inin electronic electronic music music production production and and composition composition and and isis preparing preparingfor foraacareer careerininentertainment. entertainment. Tara Tara School School Of Of Irish Irish Dancing Dancing:: Award-winning Award-winning instructor instructor Margaret Margaret Mullen, Mullen, TCRG, TCRG,

ADCRG. ADCRG. teaches teaches traditional traditional and and contemporary contemporary Irish Irish Dancing Dancing toto all all ages. ages. Located Located inin Campbell CampbellRiver, River,the thetroupe troupehas hasaacommunity communityperformance performancefocus focusand andparticipates participatesininevents events throughout throughout Campbell Campbell River River and and the the Comox Comox Valley. Valley. The The dancers dancers will will be be celebrating celebrating ten ten years years inin Campbell Campbell River River during during the the 2015/2016 2015/2016 dance dance season. season. Former Former dancers dancers and and new new dancers dancerswill willbe bewelcomed welcomedtotojoin jointhe thecelebration. celebration.Margaret Margaretand andthe thedancers dancersare arepleased pleasedtoto be beinvited invitedtotoperform performatatthe the2015 2015Rotary RotaryHonours HonoursConcert. Concert.

LA LAISLA: ISLA:La LaIsla Islaperforms performsclassical classicalcompositions compositionsfrom fromaround aroundthe theworld worldincluding includingseveral several Canadian Canadianpieces. pieces.The Theensemble ensembleisisdirected directedby byHelga HelgaHagen. Hagen. La LaIsla Islaparticipated participatedininthe the2014 2014 Iserlohn IserlohnInternational InternationalGuitar GuitarSymposium Symposium(Germany), (Germany),and and2013 2013Aberdeen AberdeenInternational InternationalYouth Youth Festival Festival(Scotland). (Scotland).La LaIsla Islawas waschosen chosentotoperform performatatthe theFinale FinaleConcerts Concertsatatboth bothcompetitions. competitions. The The ensemble ensemble has has been been invited invited back back toto both both Iserlohn Iserlohn and and Aberdeen. Aberdeen. They They have have also also been been asked asked toto attend attend symposiums symposiums inin New New York York and and Rome Rome this this summer. summer. Current Current members members are are Andrew AndrewDaniels, Daniels,Lukas LukasLund Lundand andSteven StevenCoulter. Coulter. RainCoast RainCoast Creative Creative Performing Performing Arts: Arts: AA Musical Musical Theatre Theatre school school committed committed toto excellence. excellence.Professional Professionalinstructors instructorsteach teachchoreography, choreography,acting actingand andmusical musicaltheatre theatrehistory history totostudents studentsages ages55––Adult. Adult.Two Twoshows showsare areproduced producedeach eachyear. year.The Thespring springproduction productionof of “Rapunzel” “Rapunzel”isiscoming, coming,May May28-31, 28-31,totothe theRivercity RivercityPlayers PlayersStage. Stage.The The“Summer “SummerMusical Musical Theatre Theatreininthe theSquare” Square”program programwill willfeature feature“Hansel “Hanseland andGretel” Gretel”under underthe thetent tentatatspirit spirit square squareininAugust. August.

Campbell CampbellRiver RiverYouth YouthOrchestra: Orchestra:The TheCampbell CampbellRiver RiverYouth YouthOrchestra Orchestraisisconducted conducted by byBlaine BlaineWaldbauer, Waldbauer,Concertmaster Concertmasterof ofthe theStrathcona StrathconaSymphony SymphonyOrchestra OrchestraininCourtenay. Courtenay. Students Students range range from from 99 toto 16 16 years years of of age, age, and and include include some some adults adults and and parents parents of of the the musicians. musicians. Besides Besides having having fun fun playing playing music music from from centuries centuries past past and and Canadian Canadian culture, culture, the the Youth Youth Orchestra Orchestra provides provides knowledge knowledge of of ensemble ensemble playing playing and and future future Symphonic Symphonic participation. participation.

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 28

2015-03-25 12:01 AM

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Maddy Erickson: Maddy has been playing violin for 9 years. She is an award winning

violinist, and a provincial fiddle champion. Currently, Maddy is the Assistant Concertmaster of the Strathcona Symphony Orchestra. Maddy also studies Piano, Music History, and Harmony. She is a part-time student at Carihi, and a part-time home-school student. Maddy enjoys teaching her young students, performing at old age care homes, and teaching the fiddle club at a local elementary school.

Heather Spetifore: Heather is a 16 year-old home-schooled /Carihi student with a passion

for the Performing Arts. She has studied voice for 5 years and dance for 10 years. Heather is active in local Musical Theatre as a performer and a student-teacher. She participates in local festivals and competitions. Heather is also an accomplished pianist, currently studying grade 10 Royal Conservatory classical piano. Speech Arts is a relatively new love for Heather, though she feels very at home on the stage!

The Ecole Phoenix Middle School Sport Band: This ensemble was created by Kolya Kowalchuk at Phoenix to add a bit more "pop and fun" to playing a musical instrument in school. It's not to say regular concert band music isn't fun, but who doesn't like some dessert after their main course? The Sport Band meets three times a week during certain seasons of the year and rehearses pop arrangements of famous and popular tunes. All the members of the Sport Band are very excited to perform at the 2015 Rotary Honours Concert! Connor Hogg: Connor is a grade 9 student at Timberline who lives and breathes music and musical theatre. He plays in the Timberline Concert Band, and the Junior and Senior Jazz Bands. Connor began studying Musical Theatre and private voice at RainCoast Creative Performing Arts in 2012. He has been in many musicals in Campbell River and Courtenay. Most recently he had the leading role of Charlie Brown in Timberline’s 2015 show of ‘You’re a good man Charlie Brown’. Connor takes musical theatre exams each year through Trinity College of London. Carihi Senior Band: The Carihi Senior Concert Band appears under the direction of Phil

Cassidy. The band is largely comprised of students in grades 10-12 with some additions from Grade 9 Band. Students playing in this band have to be dedicated because practices begin at 7:30 in the morning, twice a week! The band usually travels and participates in various festivals. This May they will be traveling to Fort Langley to participate in one of the many Kiwanis sponsored adjudicated festivals that happen around the country. Choosing music from the B-400 level of the Music-fest Canada syllabus, players are exposed to challenging arrangements that cover a wide variety of genres from pop to classical.

Off To Sea: Off To Sea has been together for almost three years. Ayden Gonsky and Jacob

Hutchins are Timberline Secondary students, and John Hutchins and Jesse Dean are former students. Off To Sea members write most of their own music, and perform regularly in Campbell River.

Kathy Mascia School of Dance: Kathy Mascia has been trained in R.A.D ballet and A.I.D.T. Jazz and Tap. She has been teaching for over 30 years in South Africa and Canada. Moving to Campbell River she opened Kathy Mascia School of Dance 14 years ago, holding classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Pointe, and Stretch & Strength. Pupils have the opportunity to do A.I.D.T. Jazz and Tap exams. Kathy also trains students wanting to become teachers for their dance teacher exams. Pupils range in age from 5 year-olds to adults.

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 29

2015-03-25 12:01 AM


Whats On local


3 Check off your favorite q FAMILY DINING 4 Dairy Queen & Orange Julius

1362-16th Ave


4 Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken

135 Brant Rd, Campbell R 250-287-4424 4 Banners

1319 Island Hwy


q Comfort Zone 250-923-3973 q McDonalds 3 locations all on 16th Avenue q A&W 2 locations - Merecroft & Discovery Mall q Ideal Cafe 250-287-9055 q Tim Hortons 250-286-3400 q Wendy’s Restaurant 250-286-4777 q Quinsam Hotel Cafe 250-287-7127 q Popsey’s 250-286-4828 q Dukes Grill & Pizza 250-286-6650

PUB STYLE 4 Royal Coachman


84 Dogwood St


4 Quinsam Hotel Bar

1500 N. Island Hwy


4 MVP Pub & Restaurant Merecroft Village Dogwood St 250-286-4944

4 Rip Tide Marine Pub Discovery Mall, Island Hwy


INTERNATIONAL 4 Baba Gannouj - 250-286-3899 q Taco Del Mar q Canton Chinese q Best Wok Chinese q Wasabiya Japanese q Sushi Mong q Miki’s Sesame Sushi q Rose Bowl Chinese

15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 30

250-286-0242 250-287-2831 250-287-7711 250-287-7066 250-914-4997 250-287-9534

q Spice Hut Indian q Bejing House

778-346-2222 250-830-3268

CASUAL & FINE DINING 4 Quay West KItchen & Catering

912 Island Hwy


4 Acropolis Kuizina - Steakhouse

Merecroft Village


4 Misty Fins Eatery & Lounge

969 Alder St (next to Scotia) 250-287-4320 4 MVP Pub & Restaurant Merecroft Village Dogwood St 250-286-4944 q Ricky’s Grill q Moxies q White Spot

250-286-3448 250-830-1500 250-287-9350

CAFÉ & SPECIALTY 4 Snow Peas 911 Island Hwy, Downtown

4 Mudslingers q Serious Coffee q Shot in the Dark q Dave’s Bakery q Sundance Java Bar q Gourmet Java q Nesbitts Island Coffee q Java Shack q Booster Juice

250-286-4974 250-286-1112 250-923-1312 250-287-7414 250-923-4000 250-923-8827 250-286-4625 250-287-4887 250-287-9881 250-914-3663

PIZZA 4 Acropolis Kuizina 4 Ryan’s Pizza & Grill 4 Papa Murphy’s q Forbidden Zone q Boston Pizza q Dominos q Pizza Hut q White Tower Steak & Pizza q Dukes Grill & Pizza

250-914-0909 250-286-8888 250-923-0402 778-420-1990 250-286-6120 250-923-9228 250-310-1010 250-287-2282 250-286-6650

FINE DINING q White Tower Steak & Pizza q Angler’s at Dolphin’s Resort q Heriot Bay Inn q Harbour Grill q Discovery Inn

250-287-2282 250-287-3066 250-285-3322 250-287-4143 250-287-7155

2015-03-25 12:01 AM



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15-04 Apr 2015 CRiver WO.indd 31

2015-03-25 12:01 AM

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