Bike to Work Week May 29 - June 4
Alex Witcombe see story page 17
Campbell River Art Expo May 26 - 28
Comox Valley Studio Tour May 5,6,7
A “Black & White”evening of Artistic Creations. Artisan Food stations ~ Art, Auctions, Painted Musical Instrument Auctions, and more... 6:30pm to 9:30pm, Friday 26th of May, 2017 at the Maritime Heritage Centre
Tickets available at:
3 Day Event
An explosive look at art from Canadian and International artists.
Friday May 26 to
Enter to win $500
towards the purchase of original art from the artist of your choice at the Expo.
Take yourself on a self-guided journey visiting artists to discuss their process, demonstrate their work… and of course, happily sell you their wares!
MAY 16 THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER “The PERFECT Girls’ Night Outback!” Australia’s HOTTEST Export – a Vegas stage every night of the week with cheeky humor and boy-next-door charm that you won’t be able to resist!
MAY 20,21 ROBO-DRAGON & MONSTER TRUCK EVENT Robo-Dragon, the Car Eating Machine and Monster Trucks! Exciting fun for all ages - rain or shine event.
MAY 26,27,28 CAMPBELL RIVER ART EXPO Local and international art event and gala. A mixture of expert and amateur, and their works, all originals, displayed in various mediums.
Come join in the fun with RainCoast students as they present ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. This hilarious classic tale is filled with fun music, crazy characters and amazing costumes.
10th Anniversary June 2017
Forbidden Zone is buzzing with excitement. Announcing an
Exciting Big Secret...
Open at 6am
for Breakfast • Specialty Coffees • Smoothies & Slushies • Pastas
12” Medium 14” Large
ft 11/2 Hours: 6am-9pm Fri-Sat
6am-8pm Sun-Thu 2207 Glenmore Rd. Oyster River Plaza
(778) 420-1990
4 May 2017
S 6
WhatsOnDigest TM
Have an event? Submit your event online at Submission deadline for the June Home Issue is May 15.
Want to advertise, locally or across the island in other issues of What’s On? Contact us for more information.
John Twigg
Running for MLA to give strong representation for the people and businesses of the North Island regardless of which party wins on May 9.
PO Box 81 Campbell River V9W4Z9 #201, 160-10th Ave. Campbell River. Editor/Publisher: Cathy Kaardal 250-287-2510 Advertising Sales: Lori Gelson 250-287-2510 Event Coordinator & Admin: Elizabeth Bryant 250-287-2510 Event Compiler: Anika Hilgemann Creative Video from - Benny McGrath - 250-204-6844 Graphic Design: Judy Hilgemann What’s On Digest provides event information as a complementary service. Events listed or mentioned have been compiled from sources considered to be reliable. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure event information is accurate, it is recommended that you contact the business or organization for confirmation. No responsibility is taken for omissions or errors in event listings or articles.
Alex Witcombe Bike To Work Week
12 18 22 28 29 31
Cinema Videos & Games Things to do in 2,4,6 Hours Every Week What’s On Health Page Seniors’ Activities Local Dining
Brian Scott
Fi n e A r t
A sk A bou t Ou r
House Port r a i t s
Studio open 11am-3pm daily. (250) 337-1941
Island Highway, Black Creek
at the
Whats On Digest Calendar Events
More events online at Re-occuring in May
“Because You Care” CR Hospital Foundation Lottery: Funds go to vital, state-of-the-art medical equipment and continuing education for our healthcare professionals. Tix $40/ea & 3 for $100. Grand prize $10,000 CASH and $10,000 Travel Voucher. 250-850-2418 Draw date Wed, May 31 Craving Change: Change your thinking, change your eating. 9:30am, Sunshine Wellness Centre, CR Hospital, 375 2nd Ave. Free; 250-850-2195 to register Painters Quadra Dropin: 10:30am, QICC, Every Friday. Calling all painters! Bring a light lunch, your supplies, and prepare to paint with a diverse group of artists. This group is suitable for beginners and advanced artists. 250285-3243. 970 West Road. Quadra Island.. Baby Time: Free drop-in for newborns to toddlers. With Public Health Nurse, Family Place Coordinator
and occasional guests. Mondays 10-11:30am at the Robron Centre, 740 Robron Rd. 250-286-1161 Sybil Andrews Exhibit: Art works depicting familiar CR scenes that document a time point in the community. Till May 28 at CR Museum, 470 Isl Hwy, 250-287-3103, Drop-In League Bowling: Drop-ins welcome! Tues 11am & Wed’s 7pm, CR Bowling Centre, 1661 16 Ave. 250-286-1177 Beginner Ladies Learn to Ride: Get some exercise, learn to groom, tack up & ride, in a safe, welcoming environment. Tuedays 6-8pm, Balance Equestrian Centre, 2105 Shetland Rd, 250-203-6042, Storey Creek Men’s Night: EVERY Wed, 6pm, Storey Creek Golf Club, 300 McGimpsey Rd, 250-9233673, Quadra Island Farmers Market: Every Sat. Starts 1st Saturday in May. Beside the Quadra Community
Pick up your copy of the 2017
Central Island
Arts Guide 59 Studios featuring more than 90 artists from Parksville to Black Creek
You don’t need to be a member
Sat. June 5 AC/DC Tribute Band
Pre-purchase Tickets $35
Friday 5pm - Dinner Specials, 50/50, Meat Draw & 7pm, Name That Tune Saturdays 4pm - Jam Session Sundays 4pm - Free Meat Draw 1999 - 14th Ave. 250-287-4990
Everyone Welcome
o ur e t a withap insid m
Check local Galleries, Cafes & Tourist Centres
Take a^self guided studio tour!
Presented & Produced by
All studios open MAY
5, 6 & 7
for for details, details, downloads downloads & & pickup pickup locations locations
painting by
Ladies Learn to Ride
Tuesdays 6-8pm No previous horse experience needed. Qualified instructors & calm horses.
Credit Union Bank, 10am2pm. 3min walk from the ferry landing. 657 Harper Rd, Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island. 250.285.2979. 2 Pianos 4 Hands: A Comedy about Music: Ted and Richard dream about becoming classical pianists. But they have to deal with pushy parents, bizarre teachers, lifeconsuming practice, stage fright and agonizing Conservatory examinations. Revel in the incredible results of this hilarious and moving journey by talented duelling pianists. Last show May 14th. Chemainus Theatre Festival, 9737 Chemainus Theatre Road. 1-800-565-7738 Storey Creek Ladies Golf Night: EVERY Thurs 6pm, Storey Creek Golf Club, 300 McGimpsey Rd. 250-9233673, Spring Kickball League: Fun rec league kickball - a combo of baseball, soccer & dodge ball. Thursdays 6:30pm-9pm. Pinecrest Park, 300 S. Birch St. Reg required 250-923-7911 Quadra Drop-in Fitness & Wellness: Every Friday aerobic, strength and flexibility workout. 8:30am, Com. Centre, 970 West Rd.
250-285-3243. Quadra Isl. Go-Karts & Monster Truck Rides: EVERY WEEKEND. 124pm, Saratoga Speedway, 2380 Macaulay Rd, Black Creek. 250.337.5024 Intro to Lacrosse (6-12 yrs): Passing, scooping & teamwork. Evey Monday. Plastic sticks available or bring one. must wear a helmet w/ face shield. Every Mons & Weds 3:15-4:15pm, Strathcona Gardens, 225 S Dogwood St, 250- 287-9234 Quadra Painters Dropin: Bring a light lunch and your supplies to paint with a diverse group of artists. For beginners & advanced artists. Community Centre, 10:30am, 970 West Rd. Quadra Isl. 250-285-3243 Pier Street Farmers Market: Every Sunday. at the Maritime Heritage Centre, Farm produce, wonderful entertainment, artisans & artists. Have breakfast, do your shopping and stay for lunch and music. 10 - 2:30 250-895-0166. 621 Island Highway. United Mennonite Church Service and Childrens Sunday School: 10:30am, 2277 Enns Rd, Black Creek. Free, . 250-337-5341. 2277 Enns Road. Petting Farm, Farm Tours
Mother’s Day
Layaway Available
Preston’s Jewellers 250.286.6421
Your Canadian Diamond Store At the Discovery Inn
& Tractor Rides: Holly Hill Farm, Petting Farm, Farm Tours & Tractor Rides: Every Sunday. Tours times: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm. **Please park in the designated parking area. Wear boots!** $8p.p, babies free. www.250.895.9983. 2311 Ida Rd.
May 1, Mon~
All Candidates Meeting Reception: 1:30pm, CR Seniors Centre, 1414 Ironwood Rd, 250.914.4401,
May 2, Tue~
Exhibition: “with bread”: until May 17, features the solo exhibition by Turkishborn Vancouver-based artist Derya Akay. Tue-Sat, 12-5pm. CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row, 250287-2261 Introduction to Fly Fishing: Learn the basics of freshwater fly fishing for trout, steelhead and salmon incls. gear, casting knots & water safety. 6:30pm, Sportsplex, 1800 S Alder St, 250-923-7911
May 3, Wed~
All About Succulents: Guest speaker Jamey Lauinger from Valley Succulents answers your questions about succulents. 7pm, CR Seniors Centre, 1426 Ironwood Rd. 250-465-1338 Midnight Shuttles - A Guild of Spinners and Weavers: Regular monthly meeting with program. All welcome. 7pm, Sybil Andrews
7 Cottage, 2131 S Isl Hwy. 250-923-3889
May 4, Thu~
Complementary & Alternative Medicines in CDM: Learn how to choose & prevent common interactions & side effects of some alternative/ complementary medicines. Free, reg required. 250850-2195. 1pm, Sunshine Wellness Ctr, CR Hospital, 375 2nd Ave . Jenny’s House of Joy: Set in Nebraska in 1871, five dynamic, colourful characters in the world’s oldest profession explore their relationships with each other and the outside world. 7:30pm, Rivercity Players, 1080 Hemlock St., 250-914-0419. Quadra Drop-in Adult Floor Hockey: Use of plastic sticks only is mandatory. Small drop-in fee. 7:309pm, Quadra Elementary School, Heriot Bay Rd. 250285-3243 Union Duke: Soulful Indie rock with bluegrass, Union Duke is 2/5 city, 2/5 country, and 1/5 whiskey. 9pm, Heriot Bay Inn, 340 Hotel Rd. Quadra Isl 250-2853322
May 5, Fri~
Movie Releases: “Three Generations,” “First Round Down,” “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2,” “I, Daniel Blake,” and “Tommy’s Honour” Spring Home and Wellness Expo: New products &
As unique as your Mom.
#40-1270 Dogwood St. Home Hardware Plaza
Jewellery & Repair services for home & lifestyle over 3 BIG days. Local experts on hand to help you. Displays for stonework, furniture, windows, roofing, & more. In-booth demos and prizes. Fri: 1-6pm, Sat: 9:30am-5:30pm, Sun: 10am-4pm. Strathcona Gardens, 225 S Dogwood St. 1-800-471-1112, Vancouver Island Fibre Fest: 3 full days of fibre fun! Workshops & free demos on knitting, weaving, spinning, quilting, wool dyeing and so much more! Market hours are Fri: 4-8pm, Sat: 9-5:30pm and Sun: 9am-3pm. CR Community
Centre, 401-11th Ave. 250286-5307 Central Island Arts Studio Tour: Self-guided journey visiting artists from Parksville to Black Creek to discuss, see and buy their works of art. Fri: 4-9pm, Sat & Sun: 10am-5pm Whitecaps vs Colorado Rapids: 7pm on TSN Heart and Pat Benatar Tributes: A double shot of ladies who rock! “Barracuda” and “All Fired Up” perform tributes to Heart and Pat Benatar. 7pm, The Eagles, 1999 14th Ave. 250-287-4990
Brunch With A View
Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14 $19.95 Two seatings Reservations 250-286-1131
261 Island Highway •
Larry Hanson: Live music and dancing starts at 9:30pm, Quinsam Hotel, 1500 Island Hwy. 250-2874515
May 6, Sat~
Spiritual Wellness Fair
May 13 & 14
10am - 4pm Willow Point Lions Hall 2165 Island Hwy. Free Admission • Door Prizes 250-504-0302
Whats On Trivia
1. French region where Claret Wines come from? 2. Consumption - former name for?
3. What are Sirocco, Mistral & Chinook?
4. Who created “Willy Wonka”?
5. Issu Danielovitch original name of ?
Spring Home and Wellness Expo: See May 5. Cedar Pull and Weaving Workshop: Rare opportunity to travel to a forest site and participate in a traditional Cedar Pull. Learning basic Cedar Weaving with artist Wayne Bell. Bring a lunch and wear clothing and footwear suitable for wet forest conditions. A hatchet is also recommended. 9am, CR Museum, 470 Isl Hwy. 250287-3103 Plant & Compost Sale: While you load up your wheelbarrow, the compost diva & master gardeners will answer gardening questions. 9am-2pm. St. Peter’s Anglican Church, 228 S Dogwood St. 250286-1613 Vancouver Island Fibre Fest: see May 5 Home Alone: Help your child prepare for home and personal safety 1011:30am, Sportsplex Room 1, 1800 S Alder St., 250-9237911 Central Island Arts Studio
1. Bordeaux 2. Tuberculosis 3. Winds 4. Roald Dahl 5. Kirk Douglas
Dear Mom, I love you. Thank you.
Tour: see May 5 Jenny’s House of Joy: see May 4 Saratoga Speedway Opening Night & Fireworks: Crash to Pass cars, Hornet cars, Road Runners, and Mad Max Extreme Racers. Gates open 5:30pm. Racing starts 7pm. All tickets at the gate. 2380 Macaulay Rd. 250.337.5024 Larry Hanson: see May 5
May 7, Sun~
MAY 5-7 - VI Fibre Fest : See May 5 Pier Street Farmers Market Opening Day: Sue Medley opens the Market this year. 250895-0166. Spring Home and Wellness Expo: See May 5th CUPS FOR CANCER BARREL RACE BEER AND BURGER AND POOL TOURNAMENT: 12:00pm, At the Avalanche Bar and Grill, Courtenay. Help send kids with cancer to Camp Goodtimes! Rose Kantor 250.218. 8819. Urban Dance Connection Solo Showcase: The Solo Show starts at 1pm and the gala is at 6:30pm. Two performances of outstanding entertainment. tickets. t i d e m a r k t h e a t r e . co m
Celebrating and appreciating Moms everywhere.
Watch for our Mothers Day Specials! Expert Skin Care Services, Hydrafacial MD, Spa Services, Massage, Medical grade skin care products, Glo Minerals Makeup, Permanent Makeup & Microblading, Gel Nails, Local Gifts & Jewellery, Custom Packages. 2780 S. Island Highway 250-926-6633
250.287.7465 . Tidemark Theatre.1220 Shoppers Row . Battle of the Atlantic Memorial Service: The longest battle of the Second World War. Sponsored by the Comox Valley Royal Canadian Naval Ass. Ceremony 1:00 pm. Location is at the Comox Marina Park around the Battle of the Atlantic memorial. Free. T. 250-339-5498. Comox Marina Park. Sunday Music Series: 1.4pm Dave Blinzinger. Royal Coachman Pub. 250.286.0231. 84 Dogwood St.
May 8, Mon~
Craving Change: See May 1st. CR Caregiver Support Group: Calling all family and friend caregivers. The 2nd Monday of each month 2-4pm. Get help navigating the healthcare system. Facilitated by retired nurses; Ironwood Place. 1.877.520.3267. 1351 Ironwood St
May 9, Tue~
Movie Release: “Sled Dogs” General Voting Day Provincial Election: 8am 8pm 1.800.661.8683. Bingo and Burger Night: 5pm, The Eagles, 2nd Tues of the month. Free- prizes! No need to be a member, 250.287.4990. 14th Ave.
May 10, Wed~
“The Emperors New Clothes”: Presented by Rain Coast Theatre. May 10-13 - 6pm, River City Stage. Fun music, crazy characters and amazing costumes. A: $15 C: $13 Unde 12 & Senior: $13 Tix ti d e m ar k th m . 250- 287-7465 . 1080 Hemlock St.
CR Community Band Concert “Canadian Soundscape”: 7:pm, Maritime Heritage Ctre, 250-287-6328.621 Isl. Hwy. Campbell River Bonsai Club: 7pm, At the Sybil Andrews cottage in Willow Point. Prospective members welcome FREE. Old Island Hwy..
Sunday May 14th Advance tickets only Three Seating Times
May 11, Thu~
Stress Response Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation: 1:00pm, Sunshine Wellness Centre at CR Hospital. Stress response in the body and how it affects our health. FREE reg. required. 250.850.2195 2nd Ave. “The Emperors New Clothes”: See May 10
May 12, Fri~
Movie Releases: “Bon Cop Bad Cop 2,” “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword,” “Lowriders,” “Risk,” and “Snatched” . Saratoga Speedway Race Night: 5:30pm, Featuring; Heads-Up Drag Racing, Time Attack, Smoke-Show Competiton, Truck Tug-A-War. Gates 5:30pm. Racing starts 7pm. 250.337.5024. 2380 Macaulay Rd . Black Crk. Whitecaps vs Houston Dynamo: 6:00pm. on TSN “The Emperors New Clothes”: See May 10th. BC Eagles Provincial Darts Tournament: 7:30pm, BC - singles, doubles and team games. May 12-14. Reg. cut-off 10:30am Sat/ Sun. For pre-reg., email or 250.203.2723. The Eagles. 1999 14 Ave. Larry Hanson: Quinsam Hotel,9:30pm. 250.287.4515. 1500 Isl. Hwy.
990C Shopper’s Row CRYSA Mini World Cup: 4:45pm, turf field, A fun tournament for U8 - U11 children. Four games in two days. Each child and head coach will be given a free team tee-shirt! May 12-14th at the Turf field. 250-204-7022. 450 Merecroft Rd .
May 13, Sat~
Movie Release: “The Metropolitan Opera Der Rosenkavalier” . Saywards Annual Multi Locations Garage Sale: Different locations in Sayward (grab a map and go), 9am - 4pm, maps available at local businesses and vendors. 250-282-0192. . Synchro Swim : 9am, Combine swimming, dance and gymnastics. Learn basic moves and routines. Must be
Permanent Cosmetics
with Cathy Corbett • Cosmetic Tattooing: Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Full Lip Tint, Lip Liner • Microblading for Eyebrows • 3D Brows (Microblading & Cosmetic Tattooing Combination) for a complimentary consultation
250-914-0355 comfortable in deep water $30. 250-287-9234. 225 S Dogwood St. Hug-a-Tree and Survive: A great progarm that teaches kids about being safe in the outdoors. 1011am, and June 10th. At the Sportsplex Rm 1. FREE 250-923-7911. 1800 Sth Alder. Health, Light & Love Spiritual Wellness Fair: 10:00am. Psychics, Healers, Card Readers, Crystals, Mediums, Iridology, Spiritual Gifts, Intuitives, Aura Readings, Jewelry, Holistic Therapies, Reiki, Salt Lamps. Free 250.504.0302. Willow Pt Lions Hall 2165 Isl Hwy. Broom Bash with Myrt Greenways: Thompson Trail. 10am12pm, Removing this
harmful invasive species. All equipment will be provided. Be prepared with sturdy shoes and and sensible clothing. 250.287.3785. Maple St (off the end of Maple, by the Quinsam Hotel). Spring Bling Fling: United Church Hall (upper), Refresh your Spring wardrobe with an enticing array of gently used jewellery and fashion accessories. Specialty items in a Silent Auction. Proceeds go to Grandmothers supporting Grandmothers. 250 286 3374. 415 Pinecrest Rd. Spring Tea Party: 2pm, CR Seniors Ctr, Tix $5 250.914.4401 Ironwood Rd. Darrel Wardrope Memorial Race: Featuring; IMCA Modifieds, Bomber Cars, and Dwarf Cars. Gates 5:30pm. Racing starts 7pm. Saratoga Speedway,2380 Macaulay Rd, Black Creek. A$15, $12, Child/U 12 $5. Macaulay Rd . Black Creek “The Emperors New Clothes”: See May 10th. A Night at the Aquarium: The windows are blackened out to create a unique aquarium experience. See Octopus
glowing crabs, plankton bioluminesce all come out of hiding. Every other Sat, 6:30-8pm. 250-9145500. Isl. Hwy. At the Pier. P Nut Gallery: 8pm, From Elvis to Adele, Johnny Cash to Elle King. Dancing & Delicious eats. 250-2039536. 111 St. Anns Rd. Chances Casino
May 14, Mothers Day
Mothers Day Brunch at Heriot Bay: Most talked about Brunch on the islands. Brunch on our waterfront deck this mothers day. Huge seleciton of west coast favorites. Res. advised. Buffet $28.95, . 250.285.3322. Heriot Bay Inn 673 Hotel Rd. Mothers Day : Live music and west coast dining at Harbour Grill. Res. Recomd. 250.287.4143. Pier Street Farmers Market: Mothers Day first 100 moms receive free goodies. This weeks music by Cat & Cal. May 21st Doug Folkins & May 28 Sue Pyper. 2508950166. 621 Island Highway. Mothers Day Brunch Buffet: Two seatings 10:30am and 12:30pm. In our beautiful award-winning
garden. Reservations r e c o m m e n d e d 250.286.0231. 84 Dogwood St. Mothers Day Brunch over the water: At the Anchor Inn. 2 seatings. $19.00 full buffet in the ball room. Reservations recommended. 250.286.1131. 261 Isl. Hwy. Traditional High Tea Party: 12pm, 3 seatings. Traditional “High Tea” at French Creek Collective. Experience traditional high tea. Table sittings for 2, 4 & 6 people. Tickets purchased in advance only, available for pick up in store or by phone. 250.914.0355. 990C Shoppers Row. Celebrate Mom and Canadas 150th: The “Jolly Tars” 1:00pm, A dynamic group of jazz musicians all accomplished soloists and improvisers. CR Navy League, 250-203-2868. 911 13th Ave. Forbidden Jazz: 1-4pm, Royal CoachmanPub 250.286.0231. 84 Dogwood St. Ello - Tidemark Theatre: 7pm, presenting “Ello”, Eclat End-ofSeason performance. 250.287.7465 1220
Shoppers Row .
May 15, Mon~
Movie Release: “Boston” Outdoor Science Odyssey: Wondered what goes on between blades of grass? or what you can find in a stream? . For Grd 2. 3-4:30. At the Sportsplex Room 2. $4 (250) 923-7911 . 1800 Sth Alder st.
May 16, Tue~
Thunder from Down Under: 7pm, Australia’s hottest export hits an intimate stage showing off chiseled bodies, seductive dance routines, cheeky humor. The blokes dance on tabletops, make their way through the crowd and even select a few lucky ladies to join in the fun on stage. Tidemark Theatre. Tix online. 250.287.7465 1220 Shoppers Row
May 17, Wed~
Mudslingers Claymates: Explore clay by handbuilding, sculpting, and glazing. Also Potter’s wheel. Be prepared to get dirty! 3:30-5pm. At the Com. Ctr. Craft Rm. 250286-1161. 401 11 Ave.
May 18, Thu~
CR Retired Teachers Ass. Lunch Meeting: 11:30am, Banners Rest, 250-923-
Open Sunday May 14th for Mother’s Day ...with Live Music
Mom’s Night Off Experience the Art of West Coast Dining! Campbell River’s Best
Reservations Steaks and Fresh Local Seafood Highly Recommended Overlooking The Marina Discovery Harbour Centre Mon to Sat from 5:30 pm
Win a Gift Basket for Mom! Enter online at Draw date: May 31st
Personalized chocolate bar with your company logo. Perfect for corporate gifts or fundraisers. ROCKY
4299. 1319 Shoppers Row. Heart Healthy Eating: 1pm, Sunshine Wellness Ctr at CR Hospital, Improve your cholesterol or blood pressure with diet. 90 min class. FREE reg required. 250.850.2195. 375 2nd Ave. Artist Trading Cards: 7 pm. Create and trade miniature works of art. 2.5” x 3.5” Cards to be painted, collaged, mixed
Mon-Thurs 9:30 - 6pm, Fri 9:30 - 8pm Sat 9:30 - 6pm, Sun 11 - 5pm Discovery Mall • 1420 Island Hwy • 250-850-1199
media, photographs no rules, but original work. Free. 250-287-2261. Shoppers Row.
May 19, Fri~
Movie Releases: “Alien: Covenant,” “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul,” “Everything Everything,” and “The Lovers.” National Lifejacket Day: 5:30pm. Meet Buckles, one of the official Red
Cross mascots. Participate in fun PFD games, contests and relays. Free if you bring a lifejacket from Strathcona Grdns 250.287.9234. 225 S Dogwood St. Harpdog Brown: 7:00pm, Heriot Bay Inn, Canada’s reigning harmonica player. $15 at the door, 250.285.3322. Hotel Rd. Quadra Isl.
Big Daddy: 9:30pm, Quinsam Hotel, Classic Rock, and Country and Blues. 250.287.4515. 1500 Isl Hwy.
May 20, Sat~
Village Market Day: 10am. Cumberland’s annual street festival. 80+ vendors, merchant specials, live music, community groups, box car races, plant sale, art
Local spans beyond what you find in our stores. We support over 160 local partners across BC. Source local Eat happy
Connect with us
May 5: Three Generations, First Round iel Down, Guardians of the Galaxy, I Dan our. Hon my’s Blake, Tom May 9: Sled Dogs. ur: May 12: Bon Cop Bad Cop 2, King Arth , Legend of the Sword, Lowriders, Risk Snatched. May 13: The Metropolitan Opera: Der Rosenkavalier. May 15: Boston. May 19: Alien: Covenant, Diary of a g Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, Everythin rs. Everything, The Love May 25: Baywatch. es May 26: Big Time, Paris Can Wait, Pirat s Tale No Tell Men d :Dea bean of the Carib
DVD Releases
ose, May 2: The Comedian, A Dog’s Purp Space The s, Ring ro, Gold, I Am Not Your Neg Between Us. . May 9: Fifty Shades of Darker, Paterson ctic gala Inter : Girls May 23: DC Super Hero 2: Games, Get Out, The Great Wall, Max XX. hini, Zucc a as Life White House Hero, My . May 26: War Machine May 30: Fist Fight.
What’s On Screen
Titles shown may not be available at your local venue.
Hundreds of Area Rugs
In-store or special order available
1364 16th Ave, C.R.
projects, delicious dining and drinking. 1(250) 218 0520. Dunsmuir Ave, . Sayward Weekly Summer Markets: 10:00am, Sayward BC, Baked good, farm fresh eggs, vegetables and more. free . 1257 Sayward Rd . 16th Annual Art & Bloom Festival: Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens, Focused on presenting a limited variety of art forms. Emphasis will be placed on original works by painters, potters, sculptors, glass blowers, original stained glass designers, garden art and other unique art forms. A $10, C $3, S $8, 2593386901. 1683 Whittaker Road. Meville 2017 Storey Creek Mixed Open: 1:30pm, Includes 2 rounds of golf, 3 meals and many prizes! RCGA handicap required. Saturday and Sunday tee times are shotgun start. $230 per couple; optional $10 flighted skins, 250.923.3673. 300 McGimpsey Rd. Whitecaps vs Sporting Kansas City: 4:00pm, on TSN , Robo Dragon & Monster Trucks: 5:30pm, ROBO the car eating DRAGON & Monster Trucks. Also
featuring Crash to Pass Cars, Hornet Cars, Road Runners, Mad Max Extreme Racing. Gates open 5:30pm. Racing starts 7pm. Rain or Shine event Adult & Students $25. Children under 12 $15., 250.337.5024. 2380 Macaulay Rd . Potters Clay Quartet: 7pm, Discovery Com. Church presents Potter’s Clay, a Southern Gospel group that began in the late sixties. Love offering 250 - 10th Ave. Big Daddy: 9:30pm, Quinsam Hotel, Classic Rock, and Country and Blues tunes. 250.287.4515. 1500 Isl. Hwy.
May 21, Sun~
16th Annual Art & Bloom Festival: See May 20 May Ralph Barrat: Frank Sinatra Tribute. 1pm4pm Royal Coachman Neighbourhood Pub. 250.286.0231. 84 Dogwood St. Robo Dragon & Monster Trucks: See May 20th.
A man and a woman who have never met before find themselves in the same sleeping carriage of a train. After the initial embarrassment, they both manage to get to sleep; the woman on the top bunk, the man on the lower. In the middle of the night the woman leans over and says, “I’m sorry to bother you but I’m awfully cold and I was wondering if you could possibly pass me another blanket.” The man leans out and, with a glint in his eye, says, “I’ve got a better idea... let’s pretend we’re married.” “Why not?”giggles the woman. “Good,” he replies. “Get your own blanket
May 22, Mon~
See Above for Re-occurring events.
May 23, Tue~
Whitecaps vs Montreal Impact: 2:00am TSN
May 24, Wed~ May 25, Thu~ Movie Release:
Enter to win
an official NHL jersey
Drawn after the Stanley Cup.
Sunday Music Series - Starts May 7 1 - 4pm
(not restricted to Jazz)
May 7 - Dave Blinzinger May 14 - Forbidden Jazz May 21 - Ralph Barrat May 28 - Jeff Drummond
May 14 Mother’s Day Brunch in the PUB Two Seatings, 10:30am & 12:30pm
Minors welcome with a guardian 84 Dogwood St • Open 7 days • 250-286-0231
EVEntS at a GLanCE Sunday, May 7
Solo Showcase
Sunday, May 7
Friday, May 12
Saturday, May 13
Hornby island Blues Odyssey
Sunday, May 14
tuESday, May 16
thunder From down under
Saturday, May 27
the Land of Xander
WEdnESday, May 31
Ecole Phoenix Band Concert
Presented by Urban Dance Connection
Presented by Urban Dance Connection
Presented by Vancouver Island Youth Dance Theatre Association
Presented by Hornby Island Blues Society
Presented by Eclat Dance Youth Company
Presented by Rock.It Boy Entertainment
Presented by Solstice Studio
Presented by School District 72
tiCKEtS OnLinE at: 1220 SHOPPErS rOW | CaMPBELL riVEr, BC | V9W 2C8
15 “Baywatch”.
Intertidal Walks at Willow Point Reef: Pull on your gum boots to explore the fascinating world of the inter-tidal zone at Willow Point reef. Look closely at dozens of animals and algae, from crabs and chitons, to gastropods & nudibranchs. 250.287.3103. Hypertension Workshop: Learn what hypertension (high blood pressure) is and how medications and lifestyle can help you manage. reg required. FREE Sunshine Wellness Centre at the CR Hospital. 250.850.2195. River City Photo Club: Monthly meeting on the 4th Thurs, 7pm, Sept to June, at Sybil Andrews Cottage in Willow Point.
May 26, Fri~
Movie Releases: “Big Time,” “Paris Can Wait,” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.” CR ART EXPO: May 26, 27, 28 The all new Art Expo is an explosive look at Original Art from Canadian and International artists in the CR Com. Ctre. One-on-one with the artist. A mixture of local and international
artists and their original works displayed in various mediums over the course of 3 days, 10am-5pm daily. Enter to win $500 to spend on any of the exhibits. Print shop available. FREE, . 250 287 2510. 401 11th Avenue. ART EXPO Gala Event: To Launch the all new Art Expo a glamorous Black & White evening of artistic creations will be held in the Maritime Heritage Centre, from 6.30pm. Artisan food stations, Art auctions, painted musical instrument auction. Engage with other art enthusiasts and artists. Your chance to win a mystery piece of art. Truly a night of Artistic Visuals & Flavours. Please participate in the black & white dress theme. Funds raised will be donated to youth in Art through the Rotary Club of Campbell River. Tix $55 online at 250 202 2550. 621 Island Hwy.
Little Big Shot: 9:30pm, Quinsam Hotel, A little bit of country and a lot of rock n roll!. 250.287.4515. 1500 Isl Hwy.
May 27, Sat~
CR Art Expo: 10:30am, See May 26th The Land of Xander: 2pm.
Solstice Studio performers take you on a journey of war, despair, laughter, excitement, and peace. tickets.tidemarktheatre. com 250.287.7465. 1220 Shoppers Row . Slopstacle Messy Wet Aquatic Fun: Slippery, sloppy obstascle course Come prepared to get covered in pudding, jello. 2-4pm.. 250.287.9234. Strathcona Gardens Rec., 225 S Dogwood St. Whitecaps vs DC United: 4:00pm, TSN Glow in the Dark Dance Party for Kids (7-12): An evening of black lights with glow bubbles. 6-9pm 250.287.9234. 225 S Dogwood St. Little Big Shot: 9:30pm, Quinsam Hotel, A little bit of country and a lot of rock n roll!. 250.287.4515. 1500 Island Hwy.
donation 525 Hilchey Road. Sunday Music Series Jeff Drummond: 1pm, Royal Coachman Pub, 250.286.0231. 84 Dogwood St. Roller Girls “Fresh Meat”: 6:30pm, Learn how to skate, stop properly and fall safely, and take a hit. Coaches will guide you through all the skills you need to pass the rules test. Bring a helmet, mouth guard, skates and wrist/ knee/elbow pads. 6:308:30pm. 15+ 250-2879234 . 225 S Dogwood St.
Pier Street Farmers Market: See in reoccurring above. Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History: 3KM Walk starting from Penfield Elementary School to raise funds and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. free BBQ donated by Dairy Queen and C.R. Kinsmen. Reg online or starting at 10:15am By
Whitecaps vs Montreal Impact: 2:00am on TSN
May 28, Sun~
May 29, Mon~
Bike to Work Week May 29th - June 4th: Commute by bicycle to work, school and drop by the Celebration Stations to win See scheduled stations inside this issue. pg 26
May 30, Tue~
May 31, Wed~
Ecology of the Tyee Spit - Interpretive Walk: Waterfowl, whales, seals and critters putting on a free show. Tyee Spit is also home to the endangered plant species, Deltoid Balsamroot. 7-8pm, Tyee Spit playground parking.
2 PIANOS 4 HANDS Written by Ted Dykstra & Richard Greenblatt
APR 6 - MAY 14
Conceived and Directed by Alex Mustakas Orchestrations & Vocal Arrangements by Robert Foster
JUN 2 - AUG 26 Coming Next 2 0 1 7
S E A S O N |1.800.565.7738
Alex Witcombe In just eight months Alex Witcombe has stormed onto the art stage in Campbell River with his dramatic driftwood creations that have turned thousands of heads in admiration for this very cool three-dimensional natural art. Alex is well known for his larger than life mural art, around Campbell River, however his passion to create something from the earth that returns to the earth sent him combing the beaches. His first Driftwood creation, the “Raptor”, was perfectly timed with dramatic storms and sunsets that had cameras clicking until it was no more. Alex explained the vision he originally had was for larger works, but quickly he realized he needed to scale back and work with the wood that was available. “It takes about four hours a day of gathering the right size and shapes of wood. The more I do, the better I’m becoming at finding the right pieces of wood, so I’m getting much faster. It’s easier to build them straight on the beach.” After so many photos being posted to social media, it didn’t take long for Alex to have a following, which then grew to a viable business. Alex is currently working on pieces for the Kingfisher Resort and another resort in Ladysmith. In the summer he intends on making his way to Tofino, but for now he is getting lots of requests for residential and commercial work. A direction Alex would like to go in the future, is the use of crowd funding to produce works in natural pockets around Vancouver Island. Alex hopes to entice tourists and residents to travel the island in search of his work. Another passion is to educate children on keeping beaches clean… “after spending so much time on the beach, it’s hard to look past the amounts of plastic and garbage that are harming marine life”. Today the racoon and the alien can still be seen at Stories Beach. You can contact Alex on his facebook page. written by Cathy Kaardal
Ben Pendergrast photography
Things To Do
In 2, 4 & 6 Hours
Things To Do In
2 hours
Elk Falls Suspension Bridge: Hangs 64mtrs above the Campbell River canyon floor offering a top to bottom view of Elk Falls. Located 4kms up Gold River Hwy 28. Turn onto Brewster Road, Park in John Hart Interpretive Centre parking lot. Walk to the falls is 1.4kms. Hiking & Trails: 1-10km walks. Ripple Rock Trail (8kms, 3hrs), Canyon View Trail (4kms), The Millennium Trail (2.4kms), Beaver Pond / Kingfisher Trail (1km), Quinsam River Trail (1km). Snowden Forest (many to choose from), Elk Falls Suspenion Bridge (1.4kms), Beaver Lodge Forestlands (many to choose from), and Lower Myra Falls Trails (3min walk to several cascading beautiful waterfalls), and Black Creek Trail (behind the Discovery Foods grocery store at the corner of Regent & Glenmore Rd.) See new alternate walks during BC Hydro construction. All trails open year round. Splash Park & Playground: Free! Opens May 27 until Sept, 8am-Dusk. Located at Willow Point Park, next to the Sportsplex. 1800 S Alder St. Live Music: Great places to catch some live music while you eat or drink; Royal Coachman Pub: 250.286.0231. The
Eagles: 250.287.4990. April Point Resort: 250.285.2222 Painters Lodge: 1.866.347.4037. Riptide Pub: 250.830.0044. Super Mario’s: 250.926.0606. Serious Coffee: 250.923.1312. SoCal Restaurant: 250.923.7611. Open Mics, Jams & Karaoke: See Calendar and “Every Week” feature section in this issue for scheduled Open Mics, Jams & Karaoke! Helicopter Tours: See the.. Discovery Passage; (20mins) Magnificent flight along the Straight of Georgia. Desolation Sound (45mins) witness wildlife & natural beauty across 105 lakes. Famous Comox Glacier (45mins) stunning mountain flight over the beautiful Vancouver Island mountain range. See more 49 North Helicopter tours,, 250.202.4899. Mobile Outdoor Combat Games: North Island Battle Field. Outdoor Laser Tag, Water Tag, Soft Archery and more! Groups of 10-36 players. Birthdays, Pre-Season Team Building, Post-Season Wrap-Up, Fundraising, Corporate Fun Days, School Events, Youth Groups & Kids of all ages! We come to you! 250.202.3484. 10 & 5 Pin Bowling: Leagues, Rock ‘n’ Bowl (Fri & Sat nights), All You Can Bowl, Licensed Restaurant. CR Bowling Centre, 16th Ave. 250.286.1177. Go-Karts & Monster Truck Rides: Open every weekend, 12-4pm, (weather permitting). Saratoga Speedway,
MOORAGE - Daily, Monthly, Semi-Annual & Annual AMENITIES - Wireless Internet, Washrooms, Showers, Laundry, Power & Water, 24/7 Video Security and Discovery Harbour Shopping Centre 250-287-2614 Office: Dock K, behind Riptide Pub We monitor VHF Channel 66A Our call in sign is DISCOVERY HARBOUR MARINA
DISCOVERY HARBOUR MARINA Campbell River, British Columbia
2380 Macaulay Rd. Black Creek. 250.337.5024. www. Hands on Aquarium: Discovery Passage Aquarium (Re-opens Sat May 13); See, Touch, Explore. May-Sept, Discovery Pier, at the Govt. Wharf Island Hwy. Open 10am5pm every day! 250.914.5500. Fishing Pier: Award winning wheelchair accessible, salt water fishing, 600ft pier, fishing rods available. Plus the Pier Café with the best ice-cream, 655 Island Hwy., 250.286.3161. May-Oct Petting Farm, Farm Tours & Tractor Rides: Every Sunday. Book your tour time: 10am, 11am, 12pm, or 1pm. Tours are first come, first served. Holly Hill Farm, 2311 Ida Rd. 250.895.9983 Giant Game of Chess or Checkers: Giant Board is outside inbetween CR Library and the Tidemark Theatre 1240 Shoppers Row. Downtown Campbell River. Pieces available Mon-Sat, weather permitting. Also at Heriot Bay Inn and April Pt. Resort on Quadra Island. Pier Street Farmers’ Markets - Free outdoor market with live music. Sundays, 10am-2.30pm, Hand-made gifts, goodies, and fresh farmers fresh produce. Maritime Heritage Centre parking lot, 621 Island Hwy. 250.895.0166. Swim: Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex. Open daily except Sunday. Phone for available public leisure times. Includes; Swimming pools, water slide, diving board, large hot tub, steam & sauna room. Infant, toddler, children, youth and adult programs. 225 S Dogwood St. 250.287.9234. McIvre Lake - 11min drive from downtown Campbell River on the Gold River Hwy 28, then take a right on to Lower McIvor Lake Rd. Saratoga Beach - 28min drive from downtown Campbell River traveling south on the Old Island Hwy 19A. Miracle Beach - 30min drive from downtown Campbell River traveling south on the Old Island 19A Hwy. Centennial Outdoor Pool - Doesn’t open till early June. 4 Ave, Campbell River. 250.923.7911. Indoor Rock Climbing: Something for every age and skill level. On the Rocks Climbing Gym, 1980 N. Island Hwy. 250.287.7625 Pool or Hot Tub: Best Western Hotel - 462 S Island Hwy, 250.923.4231. Anchor Inn & Suites - 261 Island Hwy, 250.286.1131. Travel Lodge - 340 S Island Hwy, 250.286.6622.
Strathcona Gardens - 225 S Dogwood St, 250.287.9234. Community Centre: Programs available 6 days a week for adults, youth, toddlers and seniors. Drop-in anytime. 401 11th Ave. 250.286.1161 Seniors’ Centre: Lunches, dancing, bingo, games, arts & crafts, friendships. CR Common, Ironwood Rd. Open MonFri. 250.914.4401 Library: Free @ CR Library (downtown Shoppers Row). Skateboarding: Free @ Willow Point Skatepark by the Sportsplex, and CR Skatepark by Nunns Creek Park. Live Theatre: Tidemark Theatre, 1220 Shoppers Row. Big celebrities & small town locals grace the stage with live music, theatrical performances, dances, childrens’ shows, comedy and more. See what’s showing, www., 250.287.7465. Landmark Theatre: Showcase 5 Movie Theatre, 489 S. Dogwood St. 250.287.3233. Bike Rentals: $40/Day Per Bike @ Spokes, 871 13th Ave. 250.286.0500. Salmon Hatchery Tour: Quinsam Hatchery self-guided tour. 4217 Argonaut Rd. Art Galley & Art Exhibits: Browse local art exhibits and art gallery on display. By donation. CR Art Gallery, 1235 Shoppers Row. 250.287.2261. Art-Making: Super Saturdays at CR Art Gallery - Different artmaking activity for all ages. Free, just drop-in! Every other Saturday, 1-3pm. Materials included. Aboriginal Art Gallery & Gift Store: Awatin Aboriginal Art - 100% aboriginal-owned business, featuring authentic aboriginal art, antiques & stones in their gallery. Open 10am-5pm Mon-Fri, and 10am-4pm Saturdays. #104-909 Island Hwy (in the Georgia Quay) 250.914.4452 First Nations Gift Shop: Wei Wai Kum House of Treasures, 1400 Wei Wai Kum Rd. 250.286.6949 Scenic Walk, Jog, Bike or Skate: Free @ CR Sea Walk. 8km of picturesque mountain and ocean views, with historical & environmental information posts tracing the well maintained paved path. Suitable for all types of abilities complete with resting areas, FoggDukkers Café at midway point, plus bathroom & water stops for you and your pets! Sports, Exercise & Physical Fun: Sportsplex & Willow Point Park - Squash, Badminton, Racquet Ball Courts, Soccer & Baseball fields, Volley Ball Sand Pit, Splash Park (opens May 27) for kids, Disc Golfing in the forest lands, Exercise classes, and Gym facility. Plus child, youth, adult & senior programs.
• Discovery Passage Tours: Flight along the Strait of Georgia. 20 mins $145 /person • Desolation Sound Tours: Wildlife, Natural Beauty & 105 lakes. 45 mins $295 /person • Comox Glacier Tours: Views over Vancouver Island to the famous Comox Glacier. 45 mins $295 /person
Things To Do
In 2, 4 & 6 Hours
Drop-in’s welcome. 1800 S Alder St., 250.923.7911. Tennis: Free at Willow Point Park 1800 S Alder St. and Centennial Park on Alder St. & 4th Ave. 250.923.8134. Disc Golf: Free Disc Golf Course at Willow Point Sportsplex.
Drop-In Leagues • Spring to Fall • 11am Tuesdays • 7pm Wednesdays
Mon – Fri: Daytime specials Tues: $2/game, $2/shoes - 5pm Wed: $4/ game - 5pm Thurs: All you can Bowl $10 - 5pm Sat: $4/game until 7pm Sun: $4/game until 7pm
Rock n’ Bowl
Fri & Sat 7pm - 12am $10/hour or $15/2hours
(limited to lane availability)
Breakfast Special • Breakfast Sandwich & Coffee • Every day in May
Discs can be purchased at the Sportsplex. Mini Golf: Miracle Beach Mini Golf - May - Oct. 18Holes through a fun miniature-land golf course. Coffee & Waffle Ice-cream! WIN a FREE Mini-Golf Pass when you get a hole in one! Fun 8667 Island Hwy, Black Creek. 250.337.5336. Museums: CR Museum - Special events & exhibits on-site regularly. Open Tue-Sun, 12-5pm. Open hours change May 18 to 10am-5pm daily. 470 Island Hwy Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre - Catch a ferry from Campbell River to Quadra Island. Drive (or Bike ride 12mins/3.4km) to 34 Weway Rd, Quathiaski Cove. Open Thu-Sat, 10am-2pm. 250.285.3733 Maritime Heritage Centre - See the Famous BCP45 Fishing Boat That Appears on the $5 Bill. 2 floors of artifacts including the famous BCP45 fishing boat. Open Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm, Discovery Pier, Island Hwy. 250.286.3161. Horseriding: Balance Equestrian Centre - Lessons, Shows, and special fun community events. Indoor & outdoor arenas. Shetland Rd. Off Willis Rd, on Walworth St, Campbell River. 250.203.6042. Wine Tasting & Tours: Coastal Black Winery Tasting room and picnic patio open daily, 11am-5pm. Full wine tours Weds & Sats (advance booking required, minimum 8pp). 2186 B Endall Rd, Black, 250.337.8325. Wine Tasting & Tour: 40 Knots Vineyard & Estate Winery. Exclusive 40 Knot Okanagan wines. Free Tastings; TueSun, 1-5pm. 2400 Anderton Rd, Comox. 1.250.941.8810 FREE Tours & Tastings at the Second Single Malt Distillery in Canada: Shelter Point Distillery - Opens May 1st. Private tours available. Free! 4650 Regent Rd. Oyster River. 778.420.2200. Real Life Wildlife Displays: Riversportsman retail store Bears, Cougars, Moose, Elks, Goats and more 2115 Island Hwy, Campbell River (Campbellton area) just before the bridge. FREE! Photography, Wildlife & Bird Watching: Baikie Island and Campbell River Estuary at Dick Murphy Park (AKA “The Spit”). Sometimes you’ll also see some seals, the white swan, and if you’re really lucky a pod of whales can bee seen just off of the spit. Weiner Roast: A slice of Canadian Culture, a favourite all year round. Echo Lake, Miller Creek, Loveland Bay, Stories Beach, Rotary Beach Park, are all great locations for a fire & wiener roast. Don’t forget the marshmallows! Waterfall Chasing: Start at Elk Falls & drive to Gold River, 75
The Dif
16th Ave, Campbell River
1. Mouth 2. Teeth 3. Rope 4. Beaver 5. Pole top 6. BBQ top 7. BBQ stand 8. Shorts leg 9. Deck Board 10. Shirt. 11. Skier foot
spectacular waterfalls to behold. Don’t miss Upper & Lower Myra Falls - a beautiful hidden piece of nature. Beachcombing: The island ocean brings unique pieces of driftwood, shells, rocks and sea-life.
Things To Do In Scuba Lessons & Tours: Discover why our deep diving waters are famous. Beaver Aquatics., 250.287.7652 Mountain Biking: Snowden Forest - (many trails). Mt. Washington - newly updated fun trails from easy to difficult. Hiking: Upper Myra Falls (6kms 4hrs). Easy to intermediate. Storey Creek Golf Course: 18 holes and Driving Range: McGimpsey Rd, 250.923.3673 Saratoga Beach Golf Club 9 Hole: Plus a driving range. 2084 Saratoga Rd, Black Creek. 250.337.2208. Quadra Island Golf Club: Heriot Bay Rd.250.285.2811. Guided Fishing: Painters Lodge (1625 MacDonald Rd, Campbell River) or April Point (900 April Point Rd., Quadra Isle.) Free water shuttle at Painters Lodge 1.800.663.7090. Opens late April to October. Garden Tour: Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens, Tour the gardens all year around. Bring a picnic lunch. Watch
for special events. Off Coleman Rd, 6183 Whitaker Rd. Courtenay. 250.338.6901. Saratoga Speedway Saturday Night Races: Gates open 5:30pm. Races start 7pm. Featuring; Monster Trucks, Robo Dragon Car Eating Machine, Logging Truck Rodeo, Crash to Pass, Mad Max Extreme Racing, IMCA Modifieds, Bomber Cars, Road Runners, Hornet Cars, Wilroc Sprint Cars, HeadsUp Drag Racing, Old Timers, Big Rigs, School Bus Derby, The Crusher Car Jumper, Fireworks, and great Eating & bathroom facilities! 2380 Macaulay Rd. Black Creek. 250.337.5024. Float Plane Tours: Corilair - See all 105 lakes from the sky. From Tyee Spit to remote islands including; Refuge Cove, Surge Narrows, Big Bay, Blind Channel, Historic Mail Tour., 1.888.287.8366 . Desolation Sound Tours: 50* North Adventures. Discovery Marine Harbour Dock. Tours from 2 hour tours to all day. Fully equipped boat. Travel remote islands including Refuge Cove, Surge Narrows, Teakren Arm, Lund, Big Bay, Blind Channel, 250.702.4515 or Quadra Island Self-Guided Art Studio Tour: 11 studios, open year-round. Brochures on ferry and Tourist Info Centre. Please phone ahead to ensure artists are available. 250.285.2547 or 3101.
Spring Special Getaway
4 Deluxe New Cottages
Near ocean and walking paths. Featuring all the luxuries of home. Fully equipped kitchen, ďŹ replace, and jacuzzi hot tubs.
2660 Spit Road Campbell River
Thunderbird R.V. Park & Resort
Open All Year Round
MONDAY Karaoke or Jam “Anything Goes Type Night”: Quinsam Hotel, 9pm. 1500 Island Hwy. 250.287.4515. Sip & Dip Painting Party: Every 2nd Monday. Super Mario’s. Registration 6pm. Paint 6:30-9:30pm. 250.830.8904. Drop-in Painting: Impressions Gallery. noon-4pm. 990 Shoppers Row. 250.286.1612. Square Dance Lessons: The Eagles, 7-9pm. 1999 14th Ave. Joan, 250.287.3959, Dart League: The Eagles, 7pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990. Mood Disorders Support Group: Schizophrenia Society, 5pm. 850-E 12th Ave. Family Place Drop-in: All ages, 8:30-11am. Willow Point Children’s Ctr, 200 Larwood Rd. 250.923.0484 Tiny Ribbon Dancers: Solstice Studio, 3:30-4:30pm. 151 Dogwood St, Ribbon Dancers Performance Team: Solstice Studio, 4:30-5:30pm. 151 Dogwood St. Laura, Int’ Ribbon Dancers: Solstice Studio, 5:30-6:30pm. 151 Dogwood St, Soup Kitchen Lunch: Salvation Army Lighthouse Centre,
Mon-Fri, 11:30-1:30pm. 1381 Cedar St. 250.287.3720. Taking Off Pounds Sensibly: Lions Den. Weigh-in 8:30 Crib: CR Legion. 250.286.6831. Co-Ed Touch Rugby: Southgate School, 6pm. 202.9195. Healing Rooms: 11am-1pm, 684 Isl. Hwy. 250.923.2312. Archery: CR Fish & Wildlife. Instructions@6pm. Shoot@pm.923.3326. QUADRA ISLAND: Walk with the ‘Doc’: 1hr walk at Rebecca Spit, meet at boat launch parking lot, 10am. Sing For Joy: Community Ctr, 1-2:30pm. 250.202.1003. Garden Club: 2nd Mon/month. Comm Centre, 7pm.285.2213 Parent & Tots: Comm Ctr, 9:30am-12pm. 250.285.3243. AA Meeting: Community Ctr, 7-9pm. 250.285.3243. Re-Enchant w Melodies: Comm Ctr, 3pm. 250.285.3243. Yoga for Everybody: Community Ctr, 10-11:30am. CORTES ISLAND: Drum Circle: 542 Sirene Rd. Cortes. 7pm. TUESDAY Ladies Learn to Ride: Balance Equestrian Centre, 6-8pm. 2105 Shetland Rd. (Corner of Walworth Rd & Willis Rd). 250.203.6042. Drop-in to Spring League Bowling: CR Bowling Centre, 11am. 1661 16 Ave., 250.286.1177. Toonie Tuesday: CR Bowling Centre, 5pm-close. $2/ Game. $2/Shoes. 1661 16 Ave., 250.286.1177. Bingo & Burger Night: 2nd Tue of each month. The Eagles, 5pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990
Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex 225 South Dogwood Street • Campbell River, BC • 250-287-9234 •
M a y Special Events
National Lifejacket Day (All Ages)
Meet Red Cross Mascot, “Buckles”, and participate in a number of fun PFD games, contests and relays. Get your lifejacket or PFD inspected by one of our aquatics staff for free. 5:30-9pm. Friday, May 19 Free Admission to
Anyone Bringing a Lifejacket from Home.
Supersized Lazer Tag Night (8+)
The leisure floor will be set up with lazers, black lights, disco ball, glow in the dark pillars and fog machine. Arena #2 will have more “adventurous” obstacles and barricades. Up to 10 players at a time for each 15 minute game. If you don’t come with your own team - we will divide you into groups based on age/ ability. 6-8:30pm. Friday, May 26
Glow in the Dark Dance Party (7-12): Black lights, glow bubbles, glow in the dark paint, neon face paint and more. Listen to your favourite tunes, dance, snack on pizza and play glow games (rollerskates/blades with helmets welcome). Includes pizza, drinks and ice cream cones. Come dressed in white – it really makes you stand out under the black lights. 6-9pm. Saturday, May 27 Slopstacle Fun (All Ages) Check out the slippery, sloppy obstacle course we have planned for you! Prizes for best wipe out! Come prepared to get covered in pudding, jello and goo! 2-4pm. May 27
Strathcona Gardens 250-287-9234 for more information
Karaoke: Quinsam Hotel, 9pm-close. 1500 Island Hwy. 250.287.4515. CR White Cane Chapter: Every 3rd Tue, 1:30-3pm. Berwick by the Sea, 1353 16th Ave. 250.923.8546 Family Drop-in: 8:30-11am. Gathering Place, 300 Robron Rd. Busy Bee’s: Ends May 23.Sportsplex,250.923.7911. Bethany Lutheran Kids Club: Bethany Lutheran Church, 3-5pm. Gr 1-5. 201 Birch St. 250.287.7771. Weight Watchers: Maritime Heritage Ctr, 11:30am.286.3161. International Women’s Group: 2nd Tuesdays, 11:30am. Immigration Welcome Ctr, 740 Robron Rd.830.0171. Soup Kitchen Lunch: Salvation Army Lighthouse Ctr, Mon-Fri, 11:30-1:30pm. 1381 Cedar St. 250.287.3720. International Co-Ed Adult Soccer: Immigration Welcome Ctr, 7:30-9pm. 740 Robron Rd. 250.830.0171. Dragon Boat: Corilair float plane dock. 5:45pm.286.9685. TOPS: Lutheran Church. Weigh in, 7:45am. Meeting: 9:05am. Aikido/Martial Arts: Self defence. Troy 250.203.3237. CR Gun Club: Jr 11-17yrs. 7pm. Mark, 250.286.1550. Coached Runs: CR Runners Club, meet @Sportsplex, 6pm. Toastmasters: Comm Ctr. 12-1pm. 250.286.4273. Air Cadets: CR Airport, 6:30pm, 12-19yrs. 250.923.1001. CR Newcomers: 1st Tue/month, 7pm. 1351 Ironwood St. Options for Sexual Health (OPT): Drop-in, 7-9pm. Health Unit, Tyee Plaza. 830.7603. SMART Recovery: Addiction recovery group. CR Mental Health & Substance Use, 6-7:30pm, #207-1040 Shoppers Row. 250.850.2620. QUADRA ISLAND: Bootcamp 2017: Community Centre. 250.285.3243. Women’s Club: 1st Tues/month. 7pm. 250.285.2213 Karaoke: HBI, 9pm. 673 Hotel Rd. 250.285.3322 Yoga: Community Centre, 5pm. Trinity, 250.203.4529 Yoga at West Rd: 9-10:30am. 250.285.3065 Yoga with Trinity: 5-6:30pm Community Centre Al-Anon Meeting: Children Centre, 7:30pm. 972 West Rd. 250.830.1088 Re-Enchant with Melodies: Lions Den. 7:30-9pm Zumba with Pam: Community Ctr, 6:20-7:20pm AA: Last Wed/month. United Church, 7pm. 250.285.3656 Folk Dancing: Community Centre, 7:30-9:30pm WEDNESDAY
19 Years
Celebration Reduced to clear
Busy Bee’s: Ends May 24. Sportsplex. 250.923.7911. Sip & Dip Painting Party: Royal Coachman Pub (Paddock Room). Registration 6pm. Painting Party 6:309:30pm. 250.830.8904. 8-Ball Pool League: The Eagles, 7pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990 Wine Tasting & Tours: Coastal Black Winery Tours (opens May 13). Advance booking required, minimum 8pp). 2186 B Endall Road, Black, 250.337.8325. (TOPS) Take Off Pounds Sensibly: John Perkins Building, 6pm. Weigh-in - 6pm. Meeting - 7pm Sing For Joy: Lions Den, 3-4:30pm. 250.202.1003 Ribbon Dancers Performance Team: Solstice Studio, 3:30-4:40pm. 151 Dogwood St. Laura, Bible Study: Christian Life Fellowship, 7pm. 445 Merecroft Rd, 250.287.3476 Power House 4 Kidz: (K-Gr6) CR Baptist Church, 6-8pm, 260 S. Dogwood St. Leora, 250.287.8831 Bonsai Club: Every 2nd Wed. Salvation Army Family Services: Food hampers, clothing vouchers & kitchen set-ups. Lighthouse Centre, 9am-11:30am. 1381 Cedar St, 250.287.2699 Soup Kitchen Lunch: Salvation Army Lighthouse Centre, Mon-Fri, 11:30-1:30pm. 1381 Cedar St. 250.287.3720 Olive Branch: Parent Support Group. Health unit/Tyee Plaza, 10-11:30am. 250.286.5306 Gathering Place: 300 Robron Rd, 3-5pm. 250.286.5305 Diabetic Drop-in: CR Hospital,2:30-3:30pm.850.2607 Island Voices Choir: Need tenor & basses. 250.337.5730 ‘Rock On’ Climbing: On the Rocks Gym, 6-8pm. 287.7625 Toastmasters: Comm Centre, 7-8:30pm. 250.286.0143 CR Gun Club: Indoor. 7pm. Quinsam Rd. Al, 923.6388 Archery League: CR Fish & Wildlife, 6:30-8pm.923.3326 Multi-cultural Family Place: Robron Ctr, 6:30pm. 923.4918 Storytime: CR Library, 10:30-11am. 250.287.3655 Midnight Shuttles: Spinners & Weavers, 1st Wed/month, 7pm. Sybil Andrews Cottage. 250.923.3889 Quilters Guild: 2nd Wed/month. Community Ctr, 7pm. Al-Anon: St Patrick’s Church, 12-1pm. 250.830.1088 QUADRA ISLAND: Total Body Fit: Comm Ctr, 8:45-9:45am. 250.285.3243
Patio Time
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Food Bank: 1-2pm. 1st & 3rd Wed/month. Community Ctr. 250.286.1161 Karaoke: Heriot Bay Inn. 7:30pm. 250.285.3539 Yoga with Trinity: Community Ctr, 10am-11:30am Parents & Babies: Community Ctr, 11am U of Q: Heriot Bay Inn, 7pm. 673 Hotel Rd. 250.285.3322 Cortes Island: Women’s Club: 1st Wed of month. Dinner & games, 7pm. 961 Gregg Rd. 250.285.2213 or Weight Dodgers: Klahoose Multi-Purpose Building, 11am THURSDAY Drop-in to Spring League Bowling: CR Bowling Centre, 7pm. 1661 16 Ave., 250.286.1177. BC Alzheimer Society Caregivers Group: Every 1st Thursday of the month. CR Hospital, 7-8:30pm. 250.830.1070 All You Can Bowl: CR Bowling Ctr, 5-10pm. 1661 16th Ave. 250.286.1177 Weight Watchers: Maritime Heritage Ctr, 11:30am. 286.3161 Vibe Thursday: Every 2nd Thursday, Vibe DJs & Dancing. Voodoo Lounge, doors @ 9pm. 1140 Ironwood Rd. 250.286.1841 Busy Bee’s: Ends May 25. Sportsplex, 4-5:30pm. 250.923.7911 Yahoo Drop-in: Ends May 25. Sportsplex, 3pm.250.923.7911 Karaoke: Quinsam Hotel, 9pm. 1500 Island Hwy. 250.287.4515 Texas Holdem: The Eagles, 7pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990. Youth Group: CR Baptist Church, 7pm. 260 S. Dogwood St.287.8831 Mom’s Coffee Group: CR Baptist Church, 8:45am. 287.8831 Dragon Boat: Corilair float plane dock. 5:45pm. 286.9685 Salvation Army Family Services: Food hampers, clothing vouchers & kitchen set-ups. Lighthouse Centre, 9-11:30am. 1381 Cedar St. Carol, 250.287.2699 Soup Kitchen Lunch: Salvation Army Lighthouse Centre, Mon-Fri, 11:30am-1:30pm. 1381 Cedar St. 250.287.3720 Grandmothers to Grandmothers: United Church, 7:15pm. 250.286.0431 Young@Heart Senior’s: CR Baptist Church, 10am.287.8831 Ultimate Disc Golf: 6:30pm. Acapella Chorus: 210 Beech St. 7-9:30pm. 250.923.0101 CR Gun Club: Outdoor Range, 5pm. Ralph 250.285.3684 Stroke Recovery Meeting: Sportsplex, 11am-2pm.830.3144 Aikido/Martial Arts: Phoenix School. 250.203.3237 Parent & Child Cultural Drop-in: Laichwiltach, 11am12:30pm. 250.286.0948 Cedar Grove Family Place: Cedar Grove, 1-3pm Parenting Sessions: Robron Ctr, 7-9pm. 1.855.887.8004 CR Healing Rm: 11am & 7pm. 684 B, Island Hwy.923.2312 Al-Anon: 7th Day Church, 1pm & 7:30pm. 830.1088 QUADRA ISLAND: Yoga at West Rd: 9am-10:30am. 250.285.3065 Yoga: 5pm-6:30pm. Comm Ctr. 250.285.3243 Parents & Tots: Comm Ctr. 10am-12pm. 250.285.3243 Prayer Meeting: Quadra Bible Church, 7pm. 285.2020 Quadra Singers: Community Ctr. 6:45pm. 250.285.3243 Drum Class: Hyacinthe Bay Rd, 2:45-4:30pm.935.0343. CORTES ISLAND: Drum Circle: 542 Sirene Rd. 7-9pm.
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FRIDAY Name That Tune: The Eagles, 7pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990 50/50 & Meat Draws: The Eagles, 6pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990 Rock N Bowl: CR Bowling Ctr, 7pm-12am. 1661 16 Ave., 250.286.1177. Live Bands: Quinsam Hotel, 9:30pm. 1500 Island Hwy. 250.287.4515 DJ & Dancing: Voodoo Lounge, doors open 10pm. 1140 Ironwood Rd. 250.286.1841 Beginners Quilting: 14yrs+, 10am, Comm Ctr,286.1161 Storytime: CR Library, 10:30am. 250.287.3655 Teen Improv Drop-In: Solstice Studio, 6-7:30pm. 151 Dogwood St. Salvation Army Family Services: Lighthouse Centre, 9am-11:30am. 1381 Cedar St. Carol, 250.287.2699 Soup Kitchen Lunch: Salvation Army Lighthouse Centre, Mon-Fri, 11:30-1:30pm. 1381 Cedar St. 250.287.3720 Archery: CR Fish & Wildlife, 6:30-8pm. 250.923.3326 Social Dance Lessons: Lorraine, 250.923.5148 Youth Group: Christian Life Fellowship, 12-19yrs, 7:30pm. 287.3476 Youth Group: St. Patrick’s Church, 6:30-8:30pm, 287.3498 Gamblers Anonymous: St. Patricks Church, 7pm.287.3498 Song Circle: 7-9pm. SMART Recovery: CR Mental Health & Substance Use, 12-1pm, #207-1040 Shoppers Row. 250.850.2620 QUADRA ISLAND: AA: Quadra United Church, 8pm. 250.285.3163 White Light/Meditation: 1-2:30pm. Upper Realm Rockin’ Live Band: HBI 9pm. 673 Hotel Rd., 250.285.3322 Acoustic Jam: Spirit Books, 8pm. 250.285.2807 Drumming: 1515 Hyacinthe Bay Rd, 2-3:30pm.285.3606 SATURDAY Afternoon Jam: The Eagles, 4-8pm. 1999 - 14 Ave. 250.287.4990 Live Bands: Quinsam Hotel, 9:30pm. 1500 Island Hwy. 250.287.4515 Jam Out: Quinsam Hotel, 3-6pm. 1500 Island Hwy. 250.287.4515 Rock N Bowl: CR Bowling Ctr, 7pm-12am. 1661 16 Ave., 250.286.1177. DJ & Dancing: Voodoo Lounge, doors open 10pm. 1140 Ironwood Rd. 250.286.1841. Saratoga Speedway Saturday Night Race: Gates open 5:30pm, races start 7pm. 2380 Macaulay Rd. Black Ck. 250.337.5024. Go-Karts & Monster Truck Rides: Open every weekend, 12-4pm, (weather permitting). Saratoga Speedway, 2380
Macaulay Rd. Black Ck. Kids Aquarium: Every other Sat. (starts May 13). Discovery Aquarium. Govt. wharf. 250.914.5500. Drop-in Art: alt Sat’s. CR Art Gallery, 1-3pm. 250.287.2261 Half Marathon Training: CR Runners Club. 250.923.6404 Weight Watchers: Maritime Her’ Ctr, 9:30am.286.3161 Catholic Mass: St. Patrick’s Parish, 34 S. Alder St. 5pm.287.3498 QUADRA ISLAND: Open Mic: Heriot Bay Inn, 9pm. 673 Hotel Rd. 250.285.3322 First Nations Cultural Experience: Nuyumbalees Cultural Ctr. Open daily, 10am-2pm. 250.285.3733 SUNDAY Jazz: Royal Coachman 1-4pm. 84 Dogwood St. 250.286.0231. FREE Meat Draw: Eagle’s Hall, 4pm. 1999 14th Ave. 250.287.4990 Karaoke: Quinsam Hotel, 9pm. 1500 Island Hwy.287.4515. Go-Karts & Monster Truck Rides: Open every weekend, 12-4pm, (weather permitting). Saratoga Speedway, 2380 Macaulay Rd. Black Creek. 250.337.5024. www. Auto Cross: Every 3rd Sunday. Bring your own vehicle. Test & improve your driving skills. Registration 3:30pm. Rain or shine. Saratoga Speedway, 2380 Macaulay Rd, Black Ck. 250.337.5024. Petting Farm, Tours & Tractor Rides: Every Sunday. 11am, 12pm, 1pm. Tours are first come, first served. Holly Hill Farm, 2311 Ida Rd. 250.895.9983, Church Service: CR Vineyard Church, 10am. 250.923.1338 Salvation Army Service: 10:30am, 291 McLean St.287.3720 Salvation Army Soup Kitchen: Light House Centre, 7pm. 1381 Cedar St. 250.287.3720 Run Club: 7:30am. Dogwood & Hilchey, AA: Heritage Hall, Sayward, 7:30pm. 250.282.0192 Al-Anon: 7th Day Adventist Church, 7:30pm. 250.830.1088 Catholic Mass: St. Patrick’s Parish, 34 S. Alder St. 9am & 11am, 250.287.3498 QUADRA ISLAND: Quadra Sunday Painters: 11am-2pm. 250.285.3390 Buddhist Meditation: Spirit Books, Q Cove, 10am Cortes Island: Women’s Club: 1st Wed of month. Dinner & games, 7pm. 961 Gregg Rd. 250.285.2213 or
Weekly Specials on our facebook page
Lunch & Dinner
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new menu item
988 Shoppers Row
Big booths to accommodate groups
Bike to Work Week 2017 This year marks 10 years that Campbell River has participated in Bike to Work Week and we aim to make this year extra special. Come check out all the events we have going on and enjoy food, prizes and games. You can sign yourself up or a team at Happy Riding! Monday May 29 Breakfast Station from 6:30-8:30am @ Rehabilitation in Motion, Willow Point Tuesday May 30 Breakfast Station from 6:30-8:30am @ Healthyway Natural Foods
Happy Hour from 4-6pm @ Beach Fire Brewery Wednesday May 31 BBQ from 4pm-6pm @ Spirit Square (hosted by the CR Head Injury Society) Thursday June 1 Breakfast Station from 6:30am-8:30am @ Campbell River Christian School Family Bike Skills Workshop from 6pm-8pm @ Sportsplex Friday June 2 Breakfast Station from 6:30am-8:30am @ On The Rocks Climbing Gym Movie Night from 7-8:30pm @ CR Centre for Spiritual Living
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Courtenay: 1255B Cliffe Ave.
“I want to become a yoga teacher.”
Ok. I hear you. You’ve got the certificate in your hand. It’s nicely decorated, straight from the latest teacher training retreat, or few months long weekend course. Your heart is full of great intentions. We all start here, we all feel the same way. This week I received three job applications, and I posted no position at all. I’ve been thinking about how to handle the situation. My genuine belief is that everything can be solved by communication. I decided to write the most realistic guidebook on how to become a Yoga teacher in 2017 in North America, based on my experience of the last 12 years, in 8 steps: 1. Get your certificate: Where? Wherever you can. Currently the minimum number of study hours is 200 (recommended 500). There are many great schools with many dedicated teacher trainers. 2. Choose a studio you like: No, sorry. Choose a teacher you admire. Go there and become their best Practitioner. Practice every day. By practicing most days you will develop good relations with all the other teachers and students. By being the most dedicated Practitioner you
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Campbell River: 277 Evergreen Rd.
will develop a sense of respect, create an example and perhaps attract a future following for your future classes. 3. Educate yourself: Learn social media and other marketing tools. Collect e-mail addresses, names and numbers of all your potential future students. Become confident using the computer. 4. Educate yourself further: Yoga philosophy, deeper understanding of anatomy, mantras, meditation, etc. 5. Continue your education: Take workshops and perhaps a few more teacher training sessions. Log an additional 200 - 500 hours. 6. Find a mentor: (Your favourite teacher might be busy) Volunteer to assist in their classes, ask questions, take notes. Show up early, stay late. Learn from every step along the way. 7. Volunteer: Teach any groups of people you can. 8. Network: Cooperate with other teachers, attend conferences, visit as many studios you can and continue to practice every day. There is a good chance that you might find a circle of people some day in the future who choose you to be their teacher. I dream of a future where every school, sport team, office building, and retirement home, hires their own professional Yoga teachers. On this journey I am with you and therefore I am grateful. Orsi Foldesi
Improve Health, Wellness & Life Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa for everyone Gentle Yoga for Beginners 58 Adams Rd.
Events: Exercises
Campbell River
Seniors Centre 250-914-4401 Bridge 10:30-3 Wed. Yoga - 9:30-10:30 Mon. Wed. & Fri. Canasta - 12-3 Thur. NEW Beginner Line Dancing Bingo - 12:30 - 3 Tue & Thurs 9:30 - 10:30 Every Tuesday. Mexican Train - 12-3 Mon. Wed & Fri Line Dancing - 10:30 - 12 Mon. & Fri. Mah-jong - 12:15-3 Mon & Fri Line Dancing (Adv) - 10:30 - 12 Wed. Drawing & Painting - 10:30 - 12 Thur Fit for Health - 10:30 - 11:30 Mon & Thur
Cards & Activities
Crib 12:30 - 3:00 Mon. Euchre 12-3 Wed & Fri Hearts 1 - 2:30 Wed
Special Events:
Monday, May 1: All Candidates Meeting / Reception, 1:30pm Saturday, May 13 - Spring Tea Party Tickets $5, at Front Desk
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The DQ® Restaurant 1362-16th Ave., Campbell River
The DQ® Restaurant 1362-16th Ave., Campbell River
Honey Lemon Grill
Cafés & Lunch Spots
1090 Shopper's Row
Sushi Mong
84 Dogwood St.
250-286-0231 Dave's Bakery 250-923-4000 Fuel Up Cafe CR Airport 250-926-0463 Gourmet Java 250-286-4625 Java Shack 250-287-9881 WATERFRONT Leaf & Ladle 778-348-1460 Nesbitt’s Island Coffee 250-287-4887 Serious Coffee 250-923-1312 Shot in the Dark 250-287-7414 Steiner's Bakery 250-287-7323 Sundance Java Bar 250-923-8827
Casual & Family Dining
Acropolis Steakhouse
988 Shopper's Row
Baba Gannouj 250-286-3899 Bejing House 250-830-3268 Best Wok Chinese 250-287-2831 Canton Chinese 250-286-0242 Ginger Beef House 250-850-0729 Imagine Thai Cuisine 778-346-3663 Miki’s Sushi 250-914-4997 WATERFRONT Royal Zayka 250-850-0785 Rose Bowl Chinese 250-287-9534 Spice Hut Indian 778-346-2222 Wasabiya Japanese 250-287-7711 White Tower Steak & Pizza 250-287-2282
465 Merecroft Rd.
Fine Dining
Discovery Inn
Restaurant & Lounge
1319 Shoppers Row
Dairy Queen & Orange Julius
1362 - 16th Ave.
Royal Coachman
Neighborhood Pub 250-286-0231
84 Dogwood St.
Comfort Zone 250-923-3973 Dukes Grill & Pizza 250-286-6650 Ideal Cafe 250-287-9055 Lee’s Famous Chicken 250-287-4424 Moxies 250-830-1500 MVP Restaurant 250-286-4944 Popsey’s 250-286-4828 Quay West 250-286-9988 WATERFRONT Ricky’s Grill 250-286-3448 SoCal 250-923-7611 Taco Del Mar 250- 286 8350 Whistlin' Waffle 250-204-1617 White Spot 250-287-9350
975 Shoppers Row.
Angler’s at Dolphin’s 250-287-3066 Harbour Grill 250-287-4143
Acropolis Steakhouse 250-914-0909 Boston Pizza 250-286-6120 Dominos 250-923-9228 Ryan’s Pizza & Grill 250-286-8888 Papa Murphy’s 250-923-0402 Pizza Hut 250-310-1010
Beachfire Brewing 594 - 11th Avenue
Royal Coachman Pub 250-286-0231 Freddies Pub 250-923-4202 MVP Pub 250-286-4944 Rip Tide Marine Pub 250-830-0044 Salmon Point Restaurant & Pub 250-923-7272 Super Mario's 250-850-1233
Kids & seniors menus available
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