June 2015 Comox Valley What's On Digest

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Comox Valley

sOn Digest

June 2015 / 9:06 WhatsOnDigest.com


e t a v e l e AL V ARTS FESTI

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’s Day r e h t a F y H app June 21


May 2015 / Comox Valley Whats On Digest

Elevate Arts Fest


BC Shellfish & Seafood Fest


Market Destinations


Cumberland Home and Garden Tour


Gaglardi Academy




Staycation 2-4-6 hours


Summer Camps


Live Entertainment



Cinema, Videos & Games


Canada Day Events

Elevate the Arts 7 Story Circus, Shellfish Festival





More at www.whatsondigest.com and our Facebook page.


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June 2015


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Box 81, Campbell River B.C. V9W 4Z9 Franchises Available Published by Progress Publishing Corp.


Jun 15


1. Air Lingus is from what Country? 2. What’s a group of owls called? 3. Ray Bolger was ? in the Wizard of Oz. 4. What is the largest state in the USA? 5. Who sailed in the Golden Hind?

Ireland, Parliament, Scare Crow, Alaska, Sir Francis Drake

WhatsOnDigest Calendar

Advertising Submissions

Deadline for the next issue - 15th of this month.


Call Cathy 250-334-3489

What’s On Digest provides event information as a complimentary service. Events listed or mentioned have been compiled from sources considered to be reliable. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure event information is accurate, it is recommended that you contact the business or organization for confirmation. No responsibility is taken for omissions or errors in event listings or articles.

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y 1

MUST SEE EVENTS Elevate The Arts

June 3-6

Festival of art, culture, ideas, and street level urban reclamation, Downtown Courtenay.

Japanese Cultural Fair

June 6

Tea Ceremony, Origami, Bonsai, The Taikoo Drummers, Kimono Fashion Show, Judo, Martial Arts, and more.

ShellďŹ sh Festival


June 12-21

10 days of culinary events, shellfish & seafood producer tours, chef demonstrations, winery dinners networking events and trade-show.

Mid Summer Festival

June 20

Live Music, Beverage Gardens, Kids gams, Vendors, Food 5-10pm

Wine, Wind, and Sea ENJOYal



National Aboriginal Day


Oz. A?


June 21

Cumberland Home & Garden Tour



ources ed d that cles.

See Facebook for details Search komox national aboriginal day

June 27 15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 3

9-5, an eclectic showcase of gardens of home and spaces reflecting the culture of Cumberland.

2400 Anderton Road www.40knotswinery.com 40KnotsWinery @40KnotsWinery Supported by the BC Ministry of Agriculture’s Buy Local Program.

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Whats On Digest Calendar Events More events online at WhatsOnDigest.com Jun 1, Mon~ Artists and Artisans Register for the 2015 River City Arts Festival: Impressions Custom Framing, 990B Shoppers Row. Campbell River 100’s of art exhibitors gather on this day to what is fast becoming the Islands largest Art Festival. 250.286.1612. Coastal Black Winery Tasting & Tours: are back for the Summer. 2186 Endall Rd, 7days/wk. 11am-5pm. $10/p. 250.337.8325. www.coastalblack.ca Bingo-Br160 LA: 7pm, Comox Legion Br160, 1825 Comox Ave, Bingo every Monday evening in the upper hall 7pm. 250-339-2022 Evergreen Club Whist: Every Monday 7:30pm, Rotary Hall, Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave. $2 p.p . members only, 250-338-1000 Jun 2, Tue~ Ladies Golf Morning: Every Tuesday. 9:30am, Glacier Greens Golf Course, 250.339.6515 Charlotte Deptford “West Coast Rendition Show & Sale”: 10:00am, Pearl Ellis Gallery, 1729 Comox Ave, from June 2 to June 21. Free! pearlellisgallery.com 2015 ECUAD NIC BFA Exhibition As You Are: Comox Valley Art Gallery, 580 Duncan Ave, June 2 to June 6, 10am to 5pm. donation $2. 250.338.6211, Fathers Day Kite Fly: 12pm, Goose Spit Park, Sunday, June 2, noon to 3pm. Awards at 2:30p. 250.338.5371 Jun 3, Wed~ Wine Wednesday-Sparkling Night: 5pm, 40 Knots Winery, 2400 Anderton Rd. Two sparkling comedians-Kitty Pit, Erica Sigurdson. Advance tix only. www.40knotswinery.com 250 941-8810 Vancouver Whitecaps vs. Montréal Impact: 5pm, TSN 4th Annual Elevate Arts Festival: 5pm, Downtown Courtenay. Free 5th St. festival. Circus arts, music, theatre, dance, lots more! All ages. www.elevatethearts. com Dance Mix 2015: 7pm, Sid Williams Theatre, 422 Cliffe Ave, Dance Mix 2015 at the Sid Williams Theatre. Various styles of dance. Tix Adult $22, 866.898.8499 Pecha Kucha: 7pm, Comox Valley Art Gallery. An evening of ideas and passions. Part of Elevate Arts Festival–by donation elevatethearts.com uniVERSE: 7pm, Downtown Courtenay, open stage poetry event. Union St. Grotto–Part of Elevate Arts Festival. Free www.elevatethearts.com Jun 4, Thu~ Summer Volunteer info: 4pm, Lewis Centre, Thursday, June 4, 4-5pm: Youth 14 years and over. Bring a friend and volunteer 250.338.5371 4th Annual Elevate Arts Festival: See June 3. www.elevateheats.com Dance Mix 2015: See June 3 Paula and Karls Road Trip: 8pm, Lower Native Sons Hall. An original play from Josie Aileen Patterson. Mature themes. Part of Elevate Arts Festival. Suggested

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 4

June 3-6th

Downtown Courtenay

4th Annual Elevate Arts Festival. Evening events Wed-Fri and a day long free street festival June 6th Circus arts, music, theatre, dance, crafts, puppets, projections, collage, pop up parks, photography and more! All ages.

June 3rd 7 pm uniVERSE open stage poetry event Union Street Grotto - Part of Elevate Arts Festival - free www.elevatethearts.com

June 3rd 7 pm Pecha Kucha an engaging evening of ideas and passions. 20 slides 20 seconds a slide Comox Valley Art Gallery - Part of Elevate Arts Festival - by donation

June 4th 8 pm Paula and Karl’s Road Trip An original play from Josie Aileen Patterson. WARNING: Mature themes. Part of Elevate Arts Festival Suggested donation $5 Lower Native Sons Hall www.elevatethearts.com

June 5th 7 pm Delinquency An exciting and explosive showcase of emerging artists and musicians as part of the Elevate Arts Festival. Lower Native Sons Hall, Downtown Courtenay

June 5th 7 pm Streets Alley’s and Alcoves Art Opening with special guests 2 Dope Boys in a Cadillac and Doug Koyama Union Street Grotto

June 5th 7 pm Elevate Arts Festival kicks off! Live music at Gladstone Brewing Co, Union Street Grotto, Billy D’s, Avalanche and more www.elevatethearts

June 27th 9-5 Cumberland Home and Garden Tour An eclectic adventure through the homes, gardens and built spaces of the Legendary Village of Cumberland.

Passports on sale now $25. Fundraiser for the Cumberland Community Forest Society www.cumberlandforest.com

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Brian Scott Orders : 250-337-1941

donation $5 www.elevatethearts.com LIVE–Music Triva-Name that Tune: 8:30pm, Billy Ds Pub & Bistro, 268 Fifth St. Jun 5, Fri~ CCCTS CYCLING: Every Friday 10am, Filberg Centres Lower Parking Lot, 411 Anderton Ave, Active Adult Road Cycling: 20kph for 35-80km 250-337-8933 Soup and Sandwich: 11am, Cumberland Legion, Come on down to the Cumberland Legion and enjoy Soup and Sandwich on June 5 and June 19 from 11am to 1pm, 250.336.2361 Comox LEGO Club: 3pm, Comox Valley Regional Library, 1720 Beaufort Ave, every Friday from 3 to 4:30pm. 4+ virl.bc.ca, 250.339.2971 NEW Seafood Fridays: 5:30pm, Longlands Golf Course, 1239 Anderton Road, out on the patio longlandsgolf.com 250-339-6363 Elevate Arts Festival Kicks Off!: 7pm. Live music at Gladstone Brewing Co, Union St. Grotto, Billy D’s, Avalanche and more. www.elevatethearts St.s Alleys and Alcoves: 7pm, Union St. Grotto. Art Opening with special guests 2 Dope Boys in a Cadillac and Doug Koyama Delinquency: 7pm, Lower Native Sons Hall. Emerging artists and musicians. elevatethearts.com Evergreen Club Friday Night Dance: 7:30pm, Rotary Hall, Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave., Live music by DOUBLE PLAY. 250-338-1000, $7-9 at the door www.evergreenclub.me 250 338-1000

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brianscottfinearts@shaw.ca Kuba Oms & The Velvet Revolution: 8:30pm, Avalance Bar, 275 8th St. $15 Cover. avalanchebar.ca, 250.331.0334 Boondock at the Whistle Stop Pub: 9pm, Whistle Stop Pub, 2355 Mansfield Drive whistlestoppub.com 250.334.4500 The River and the Road: 9:30pm, Waverley Hotel, 2692 Dunsmir Ave, $12 in advance cumberlandvillageworks. com 250.336.8322 Jun 6, Sat~ 15th Annual Telus Motorcycle Ride for Dad: 7am, Slegg Lumber, 3217 Small Rd., lunch, poker run, prizes, much more. Raise money to fight prostate cancer. Registration Fee plus any funds you wish to donate. ridefordad.ca, susan@lewissears.com 4th Annual Elevate Arts Festival: 8:00am, Downtown Courtenay, See June 3 or www.elevatethearts. com Outdoor Recreation Show: 9am-4pm (Courtenay & District Fish & Game Protective Association 23rd Annual) 9am, June 6 & 7Admission is non-perishable goods for Food Bank. www.courtenayfishandgame.org 250-3382544 Comox Valley Farmers Market: 9am, Every Saturday, Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds, 4839 Headquarters Rd, comoxvalleyfarmersmarket.com, Free! 250.218.0321 Denman Island Farmers Markets: 9:30am-12:30pm, Denman Island Farmers Market, 5901 Denman Rd, behind the recycling depot. Free! 250.703.3192

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Strawberry Tea, Craft and Bake Sale: 10am to 2pm Grantham Hall, 6040 Island Hwy, Tsolum Rebekah Lodge #78. $5 250.871.1101 Hornby Island Farmers & Artisans Market: 11am, Hornby Island Community Hall, Sollans Road, Hornby Island Farmer’s & Artisan’s Market: 250.335.0061 Early Summer Opening at Mount Washington: 11am-5pm, Mount Washington, Eagle Chairlift will be spinning both Saturday and Sunday mountwashington. ca, 250.338.1386 A Century of Fashion Fashion Show: 1pm, Conference Hall, Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave., hors d’oeuvres, refreshments, come dressed in favorite fashion from any decade! Tix $15, www. evergreenclub.me, 250-338-1000 9 & Dine: 5:30pm, Longlands Golf Course, 1239 Anderton Road. Starting at $20. 250.339.6363. longlandsgolf.com VIMSS Fundraising Spring Gala: 6pm, Mount Washington, Raven Lodge. A Great dinner, fun games and auction items. Adults $50, Children $25, vimountaincentre.com Oh Canada, Team Trivia Night: 6:30pm, Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave. Lobster Boil Fundraiser for Syrian Refugees: 6:30pm, Christ the King Catholic Church, 1599 Tunner Drive. $50. 250 339-0280 A Century of Fashion: See June 6. Dancing Under the Stars: 7pm, Coastal Black Winery, 2186 Endall Rd, Live music and dance performances. Feast on Latin inspired Tapas. $65/p or $500/table of 8. Tix at Gladstone Brewing Company or Coastal Black Winery., www.HabitatNorthIsland.com 250.334.3777 Regfor the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life: 8–12 people. $20 Registration, www.relayforlife.ca 250-668-6794 Vancouver Whitecaps vs. LA Galaxy: 7:30pm, TSN. DJ All Good & Friends: 8:30pm, Avalance Bar, 275 8th St., avalanchebar.ca, 250.331.0334 Boondock at the Whistle Stop Pub: 9pm, Whistle Stop Pub, 2355 Mansfield Dr. whistlestoppub.com, 250.334.4500 Jun 7, Sun~ 23rd Annual Outdoor Rec Show: See June 5th. Early Summer Opening at Mount Washington: 11:00am, Mount Washington, Open 3 early weekends in June: the Eagle Chairlift will be spinning both Sat & Sun, June 6&7, 13&14, 20&21, 2015 from 11am to 5pm, mountwashington.ca, 250.338.1386 Van Isle 360 2015: 11:00am, Comox Marina Park, 121 Port Augusta, CBSC will be hosting the “Straight Marine In Port Race.” 50 Yachts will race around buoys between Comox Bay and Denman Island. Awards at 4pm comoxbaysailingclub.ca Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes: 6:30pm, Lighthouse Comm. Centre, 240 Lions Way 778.424.9994 www.cortajacadance.ca A Centennial Salute: 7:30pm, Sid Williams Theatre, 422 Cliffe Ave, presented by Celebration Singers and Comox Valley Youth Music Centre. $15 celebrationsingers. ca, 250.338.2430 LIVE–Milos Karaoke: 9pm, Flying Canoe West Coast

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 7


Inflatable Fun!

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05-22-2015 6:09 PM


Ripple Rock Gem & Mineral Show 2015 Saturday June 13, 10 am - 5 pm Sunday June 14, 10 am - 4 pm Vendors, Demo’s, Displays, Gold Panning, Soapstone Carving, Silent Auction, Kid’s Corner, Jalapeno Grill Timberline Gymnasium 1681 S. Dogwood, Campbell River

$3 Admission - FREE for children under 12


Pub, 1590 Cliffe Ave, Milo’s Karaoke. Great singers. Come Sing www.flyingcanoe.ca, Jun 8, Mon~ World Oceans Day: 9:00am. www.worldoceansday.org CV Newcomers: Where Women Meet & Friendships are Made: 6:30pm, Crown Isle Golf Resort, 399 Club House Drive, guest speakers Register 6:30pm. cvnewcomers.net 250.334.0062 Evergreen club Whist: 7:30pm, Rotary Hall, Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave. www.evergreenclub. me, 250-338-1000 Jun 9, Tue~ Mens Night Golf: Every Tuesday 5:30pm, Glacier Greens Golf Course, Lazo Road, 250.339.6515. www.glaciergreens. com Ukrainian Cultural Society Monthly Meeting: 7pm, Florence Filberg Centre , 411 Anderton Ave. 250-334-2653 Jun 10, Wed~ Wine Wednesday–Flight Night: 5pm, 40 Knot Winery, 2400 Anderton Rd. An airplane themed evening. The Jilli Martini Band. $26-29. Advance tix only. www.40knotswinery.com 250 941-8810 Bowsers Magnolia Court Summer Markets: 5:30pm, Bowser Magnolia Court , 6996 Island Hwy W, 250947-5231, themessengersemporium@shaw.ca Fat Oyster Author Reading Night: 7pm, Fanny Bay Hall, 7793 Island Highway, two prize winning Vancouver authors plus two local mystery authors. Donation $5 recommended Jun 11, Thu~ Qristina & Quinn Bachand–Award Winning Celtic Roots Concert: 7:30pm, Merville Hall, 1245 Fenwick Road $18-$22. 250.337.5337, qbachand.com Jun 12, Fri~ Fresh Fest at Comox Marina.: 4pm, Comox Marina Park, 130 Port Augusta St. Live music. $25 door fee. 1.888.400.2882 www.discovercomoxvalley.com BC Shellfish & Seafood Festival: 4pm, Filberg Park, 61 Filberg Rd. 10 days filled with culinary gala dinners & competitions Main event, June 20, 12-5pm, Filberg Park, Comox. www.discovercomoxvalley.com 1.855.400.2882, $25 online, $35 at gate, 1.855.400.2882 BC Lions vs. Calgary Stampeders: 6:30pm, Dulcet: 7:30pm, Sid Williams Theatre, 422 Cliffe Ave. Presented by Brian Kruse School of Dance. $22, sidwilliamstheatre.com, 866.898.8499 Live Music–Annie Handley Band: 8:30pm, Live Music–Annie Handley Band June 12, 8:30pm at the Griffin

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Pub, griffinpub@shaw.ca Machine Gun Kelly: 9pm, Whistle Stop Pub, 2355 Mansfield Drive whistlestoppub.com, 250.334.4500 12 Hours of Cumberland: 7am No. 6 Mine Park. Get your teams together, join us at #6 mine park and have family fun. Reg islandcupseries.com. Jun 13, Sat~ Garage and Bake Sale: 9am-2pm, Cumberland Legion, 2770 Dunsmuir Ave, 250.336.2361 Sports Medicine Symposium: 9:30am-6pm, Mt Washington. A resource of professionals and experienced working with youth and children in sports. goplayoutside.ca, 250.338.1386 Denman Island Home and Garden Tour: 9:30am, Denman Island, 1196 Northwest Road. “One of Canada’s top six horticultural events.” Every two years this idyllic island throws open its garden gates, inviting the public for a rare up-close look at the creativity, skill and passion Denman residents pour into their properties. $20 250335-2148 Flying Lobster Opening Reception: 6pm, Old House Hotel and Spa, Riverside Lane.Gourmet dinner in a stunning riverside garden. Celebrate the aquaculture industry. $80, 1.888.400.2882 UFC 188 Velasquez vs Werdum: 6pm, Avalance Bar, 275 8th St., UFC 188 Velasquez vs Werdum. Prelim’s 6pm. Main Card 7pm. No cover. avalanchebar.ca, 250.331.0334 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: 6:30pm, Best Western, Westerly Hotel, Cliffe Ave. Cocktail Reception followed by a gourmet dinner and live music by guest Luke Blu Guthrie., $65+Tax, 1.888.400.2882 Comox Valley Barn Dance: 8pm, 4839 Headquarters Road, Live music. $25 at South Country Feed and Supply and Shar-Kare. ID required. Cash bar. www.cvtrs.com 250-338-1968 Live Band–Boondock: 8pm, Cumberland Hotel, Dunsmuir Ave, 250.336.8844 Machine Gun Kelly: 9pm, Whistle Stop Pub, 2355 Mansfield Drive. whistlestoppub.com, 250.334.4500 42nd Annual Ladies Open Golf Tournament: 11:15pm, Glacier Greens Golf Course, 1081 Knight Rd. One day event. Open to all lady golfers. No age restrictions. $75 Reg Fee 250-339-6515 Jun 14, Sun~ BC Shellfish & Seafood Festival Expo Workshop Series: 8:45am. Some of BCs best chefs on how to source and cook seafood, top aquaculture scientists and

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Markaeyt Annual 45th


July 18

9 am - 7 pm Street Performers Jewellery & Fashion Lots of Kid’s Stuff Fabulous Street Sales Furniture & Appliances Delicious Eats Farmer for a Day Bounce-A-Rama




A free street concert & dance celebrating Courtenay’s Centenary

5 pm - Midnight with... 5th Street Craig Northey & Murray Atkinson of the Odds Time Well Wasted Boondock Helen Austin Liberata www.downtowncourtenay.com

progressive producers. Tastes and education collide at the Expo. $15 per session 1.888.400.2882 Comox Community Market: 10:00am, Little Red Church, 2182 Comox Ave. 250.792.3652, Comox Valley Cycle Club Race: 10:30am, Dunsmuir Ave, Cycle Club Race, June 14, 10:30am to 1pm comoxvalleycycleclub.ca 250.338.6068 Early Summer Opening at Mount Washington: 11:00am, open for 3 early weekends in June. mountwashington.ca, 250.338.1386 Union Bay Family Day: 11:45am-6pm, Union Bay Community Hall, 5500 s. Island Highway, 250.335.2317, ubcc.ca/ Concert on the Green: 2pm, Comox Marina Park, The Comox Valley Concert Band plays Summer Sounds in the park. Weather permitting. Donations appreciated. 250-339-7280 Jun 15, Mon~ 2015 Boomers Legacy Bike Ride: 9:00am, Comox to Victoria (240kms), June 13–15, 240 km Jun 16, Tue~ Courtenay Breast Thermography Clinic 9:00am, Macdonald Ctre for Natural Medicine, 448 10th St. Thermography is an imaging procedure where infrared images of the breasts are analyzed. Non-invasive and radiation-free. Appt. 250-947-5424 Space is limited. Jun 17, Wed~ St. Josephs Hospital Foundation Golf Classic: Crown Isle, 399 Clubhouse Drive, 1pm shotgun start. Reg 11:30am. Chance to WIN 2 Tix to anywhere Westjet flies, Million dollar shoot out contest, sponsored by Keil Wealth Management. Entry $175 includes golf, dinner and prizes Reg form available at crownisle.com.ca, 888.338.8439 Bowsers Magnolia Court Summer Markets: 5:30pm, 6996 Island Hwy West, Wed’s, 5:308pm, Jun 10–Aug 26, Corrine Roby, 250-947-5231, themessengersemporium@shaw.ca, Free to attend Jun 18, Thu~ Miners Memorial weekend: June 18-20. Annual commemoration of fallen workers, highlighting labour history Tix to Miners Memorial or PNLHC events vwww. cumberlandmuseum.ca, 250.336.2445 Friendly Homemade Soup & Sandwich Lunch: 11:30am, Comox Legion, Upper hall. 1825 Comox Ave, 250.339.2022. The Ginger Goodwin Story: 7pm, Cumberland United Church, ($5-10 donation) A new play by Michael Stephen presented by Nanaimos TheatreOne. cumberlandmuseum.ca, 250.336.2445

Haircuts for the Whole Family Courtenay - 3119 Cliffe Ave. (across from Best Buy) 250-338-9800

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 10

Campbell River -1400 Dogwood St (next to Save On Foods) 778-346-4012



off any haircut 1 coupon per customer Not valid with any other offer. Expires July 31, 2015

05-22-2015 6:09 PM

Jun 19, Fri~ Chinatown Historic Walking Tour: 4pm, Jumbos Cabin, on Comox Lake Road. By Donation, cumberlandmuseum.ca, 250.336.2445 Songs of the Workers: 7pm, Cumberland OAP Hall, by donation. Classic pub night with musicians from around BC performing topical songs, new and old 250.336.2445 BC Lions vs. Edmonton Eskimos: 7pm, www.bclions. com Entertainer Sean Hogan: 7:30pm, Comox Legion, Comox Ave, Award winning Canadian Country Artist. Free for all members and signed in guests. 250-339-202 Live Music–Big Daddy: 8:30pm, at the Griffin Pub, griffinpub@shaw.ca, Boondock at the Whistle Stop Pub: 9pm, 2355 Mansfield Drive, June 5 & 6, June 19 & 20 Little Big Shot at the Mex: 9:30pm, Mex Pub. Live rock at the Mex Pub Friday June 19 at 9:30pm. 250.703.9573 Annie Becker: 9:30pm, Waverley Hotel, 2692 Dunsmir Ave, Cumberland. Our island girl, the bohemian songstress returns from the big city Tix$12 cumberlandvillageworks. com, Jun 20, Sat~ Comox Valley Farmers Market: 9:00am, See June 6. Pancake Breakfast: 9:00am, Cumberland Rec Ctr. (by donation) 250.336.2445 BC Family Fishing Weekend: 9:00-4pm June 20 & 21- At Courtenay and District Fish & Game Protective Association Bring your gear to fish for trout in the pond. Free–sponsored by Thrifty Foods Seaview Game Farm Tours: 10:30am, Seaview Game Farm, 1392 Seaview Road Drop-ins welcome June 20 to September 7th. 7 days a week; 1 hr tours departing at 10:30am, 12pm, 1:30pm, and 3pm. Tours are fun, relaxing and hands on. Visit our fallow deer as well as traditional farm animals, and tour our greenhouses. Tour sell out, to avoid disappointment call ahead for


Father’s Day Kite Fly June 21, 2015

Goose Spit Park Registration: 12 NOON Kite Fly: 12:30 - 2:30 pm Awards: 2:30 pm • Hot Dog Roast • Park & Ride from Brooklyn Elementary 11:30 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by

Courtenay Recreation, Comox Valley Regional District, and Whales Tale Toys.

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15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 11

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What’s for Dinner? We create a wide variety of toppings and sauces for Pasta, Rices, Quinoa, CousCous, and/or Potatoes. We bring our in-house culinary skill to everyone by offering prepackaged meals for 2-4 people. From Spinach/ Mushroom Combos to Madras Curry, Beef Bourguinone to Creamy Vegetable Herb Dishes. Our Executive Chef builds a delicious, nutritious, non-preservative meal. Simply prepare a bed of rice/pasta/ potato and add the “Good To Go!” toppings. 16 varieties answer the question.... “What's For Dinner?”

Come sit a while


Coffee & Muffin




12 oz regular

Expire Aug.31, 2015.

Present coupon Fresh Baked Daily before purchase. Gluten Free Items 445 10th Street, Courtenay 250-338-0955 www.grainsbakery.ca

availability. 250.337.5182., See website for pricing, www. seaviewgamefarm.com/index.php, 250.337.5182 Comox by the Sea Celebration: 12pm, Filberg Heritage Park, Filberg Rd. Comox By the Sea Celebration showcases seafood producers from across BC $15p.p Children 10-0 FREE, www.discovercomoxvalley.com 1.888.400.2882 Graveside Vigil at the Cumberland Cemetery: 1pm–Speakers and performers, laying of flowers at Ginger Goodwin’s grave and miner’s row 2:30pm– Commemoration of Cumberland participants in the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion 3:15pm–laying of flowers at the Chinese Cemetery cumberlandmuseum.ca. 250.336.2445 Fashion Show of 1915-2105: Treasures Centennial Event 2pm, St John the Divine Anglican Church, 579 5th St. Plus, Specialty TREASURES on Site for Sale & Viewing. Limited # of Tix @ $15 per person. 250-941-4132 Vancouver Whitecaps vs. New York Red Bulls: 4pm TSN. The Butterfly Ball: 4:30pm, Crown Isle Resort, 399 Clubhouse Drive, The Butterfly Ball Comox Valley Children’s Health Foundation of Van Isl. proudly presents the first ever Butterfly Ball. An enchanting

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evening for dads and daughters (grandfathers and granddaughters too). anita.brassard@viha.ca, 250.702.6131 Midsummer Festival: 5pm, Black Creek Community Centre, 2001 Black Creek Rd, Celebrate the solstice with live rocking bands, licensed local beverage gardens, outdoor kids games, food and craft vendors, head wreath-making. 5 to 10 p.m. 250-337-5190 or visit us at www.blackcreek-cc.com. Seafood Feast & Casino Royal: 5pm, Old House Hotel and Spa, Riverside Lane. As part of the BC Shellfish & Seafood Festival. Featuring chef stations paired with wine, entertainment and casino royal tables. $99 p.p www.discovercomoxvalley.com Spanish Civil War Workshop:, Cumberland Cultural Centre, 10:30am Spanish Civil War workshop (free) presented by UVic adjunct professor Larry Hannant, Cumberland Cultural Centre Free, cumberlandmuseum. ca 250.336.2445 Community Supper: 6pm, Cumberland Cultural Centre. Community members gather for a big supper with music, readings, speakers and more. $20 p/ticket. $17 for students. cumberlandmuseum.ca, 250.336.2445 Courtenay Legion Br#17: 7pm, Courtenay Legion

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New Location New Event

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It has now been just over a year since the

students and teachers of Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy have moved into their new home, and the future is very bright. Now with 180 students from K - 12 and enrolments for 2016 year is up by 30%, the school is proving to be exactly the style of education that both parents and teachers have been looking for.


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2440A Cliffe Ave. Courtenay

05-22-2015 6:09 PM


The balance of stability, quality, consistency and leadership is putting the P&J Gaglardi Academy way ahead of what we have been experiencing for the past forty years in the education system. This independent Christian school is committed to offering an excellent academic education from a biblical non-denominational world view. School principal Bernadette Pitcher says, "Parents and teachers show a genuine concern and respect for the students and each other that is driven by the synergy of Christian faith and spirit. “ The Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy is a place where: • Teachers are passionate about teaching. • Smaller class sizes permit teachers to spend more time with each child. • Students are taught to value themselves and others. • Students discover that learning is exciting and opens doors to possibilities. • Learning is balanced with field trips, mission opportunities, fine arts programs, music, sports and many other extra-curricular activities. • Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education. Admissions & Enrolments: www.pjgaglardiacademy.ca 250-339-1200 written by Cathy Kaardal

Cell. 250.702.3540 Office. 250.334.9900 RE/MAX Ocean Pacific Realty 2230 Cliffe Ave.,Courtenay.

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 15

“Thinking of buying or selling? Call me direct 250-702-3540 I’m ready when you are!"

05-22-2015 6:09 PM




June 5/6 Boondock June 12/13 Machine Gun Kelly June 19/20 Boondock June 26/27 Littlehead

Daily Specials MONDAY & THURSDAY 25¢ Wings & 40¢ prawns TUESDAY Dry Ribs 1/2 lb. $3.50 - 1 lb. $6.00 Beef Tacos w/salsa for $2.50 Mexican Combo $7.95 Chicken Burrito $3.00 Taco Salad $7.95 WEDNESDAY Build a burger. Whistle Stop Burger with fries starting at $6.00 FRIDAY Prime Rib w/ best Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes & stir fry veg $15.95

MY LOVE - SINGLE Kuba Oms Kuba Oms has been active on the West Coast electrorock scene as frontman of the band Velvet. He's now making moves as a solo artist with new single "My Love". A strong vocal performance is backed by catchy hooks and basic but effective beats.

WHISTLE STOP PUB 2355 Mansfield Dr., Courtenay 250-334-4500 www.WhistleStopPub.com

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 16

“AD emb we a


Weekly Entertainment WEDNESDAYS - Doug Cox & Sam Hurrie 7:30-10:30pm FRIDAYS - Karaoke Kim 9-1am SUNDAYS Meat Draw Bingo 1-3pm

June Live Bands SATURDAYS June 6 Annie Handley June 13 Boondock June 20 Machine Gun Kelly June 27 T.B.A.


WE Wa $3




SATURDAY A 6oz. Sirloin served with fries, garlic toast & half a dozen prawns $11.95 SUNDAY BRUNCH 9:30am to 1:00pm Full Rack Baby Back Ribs at 5pm - $11.95

It's ra confi it cut was r

Dunsmuir Ave, Cumberland 250-336-8844 Since 1894 w w w. c u m b e r l a n d h o t e l . c a

05-22-2015 6:09 PM



It's radio-friendly vibe is confirmed by the fact that it cut the chart as soon as it was released.

“ADHD reflects a personal embrace of what makes us who we are.”

Friday June 5th at Avalanche Bar & Grill. Doors @ 8:30 Presale Tickets; $15 Kuba Oms and the Velvet Revolution

JUNE at the

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Pool Tourney &


Poker night WEDNESDAYS Wacky Wednesdays $3 tapas + piano bar with Rob Petrie THURSDAYS Poker Night FRIDAYS Live Bands - Prize Pot SATURDAYS Name That Tune w/ VaLori & Friends SUNDAYS Ceilidh Celtic Jam with Billy Mac & Matt


June 5 Blue Collar June 12 Annie Handley Band June 19 Big Daddy June 26 Rupert & The Raindrops

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ey Rd 250-339-4466

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 17


UFC 188 Velasquez vs. Werdum prelim’s 6 pm . Main Card 7 pm.

Sat. June 13th NO COVER

Monthly Events

Fri. June 5 - Kuba Oms & The Velvet Revolution, 8:30, $15 Cover Sat. June 6 - DJ All Good & Friends Fri. June 19 - Funky Fridays - DJ Fareal Sat. June 20- Comedy Night 8:30, $10

Monday - Karaoke Tuesday - $5 Burger Night Wednesday - Pool and Poker Thursday - Jazz Night Friday - Music Bingo Saturday - Live Music/DJ

www.avalanchebar.ca 275 - 8th St. Courtenay 250-331-0334

05-22-2015 6:09 PM


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Monday - Friday

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www.rivercitymobility.ca Br#17, Cliff Ave, Tribute to Country Music Greats In the Upper Legion Hall. Tix available at Courtenay Legion Lounge, Laughing Oyster Book Store,$30 250-335-0656, Flying Debris Fundraiser Beer & Burger Night: 7:30pm, Mex Pub, Flying Debris Fundraiser Beer & Burger Night 50/50, Silent Auction for Alzheimers. Hosted by Debbie Craig and friends. 7:30pm, Music at 9pm, 250.703.9573 Live Band–Machine Gun Kelly: 8pm, Cumberland Hotel, Dunsmuir Ave. Cumberland. Comedy Night at the Avalanche Bar & Grill: 8:30pm, Avalance Bar, 275 8th St. A night of Comedy. Cover $10, avalanchebar.ca. 250.331.0334 Boondock at the Whistle Stop Pub: 9pm, whistlestoppub.com, 250.334.4500 Jun 21, Sun~ BC Family Fishing Weekend: see June 20. Free Scenic Chairlift Ride for Dad: Mt Washington, 11am to 5:30pm. This Father’s Day. All fathers can ride the Mile High Scenic Chairlift for FREE. Ted’s Bar & Grill for a great menu for Dad. mountwashington.ca, 250.338.1386 Jun 22, Mon~ Jun 23, Tue~

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 18

Pearl Ellis Gallery Members Peoples Choice Award Show & Sale: 10:00am, Pearl Ellis Gallery, 1729 Comox Ave, Pearl Ellis Galley Members’ People’s Choice Award Show & Sale from June 23rd to July 19th. www. pearlellisgallery.com Jun 24, Wed~ Bowsers Magnolia Court Summer Markets:: 5:30pm, Bowser Magnolia Court , 6996 Island Hwy West. 250-947-5231 Jun 25, Thu~ Annual Painters Lodge Womens Salmon Fishing Derby: 9:00am. 22nd Annual Painter’s Lodge Women’s Salmon Fishing Derby: June 25–29. Every June, women from all over North America leave behind their busy lives to participate in a 4-day weekend of fishing and fun. Great Prizes, Camaraderie, Friendship. Celebrating women who not only want to fish, but to also prove they CAN fish, and have fun doing it! Painter’s Lodge, 1625 McDonald Rd,Campbell River. Package prices available. Reserve,1.800.663.7090. www.painterslodge.com. Legion Week: 2pm, Cumberland Legion, 2770 Dunsmuir Ave, 23rd to 29th . The Cumberland Legion invites you to visit them from Thursday to Sunday. Legion opens at 2pm.

05-22-2015 6:09 PM


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05-22-2015 6:09 PM



June 3: Berkshire County June 12: Jurassic World June 13: Julius Caesar June 19: Inside Out


Video Releases

June 2: Focus, Jupiter bob Ascending, The Sponge ter Wa The Of Movie: Out an: June 9: The DUFF, Kingsm ject Pro , vice Ser The Secret Almanac, Serena June 16: Chappie, The ht, Lazarus Effect, Run All Nig s ines Bus ed Unfinish June 30: Get Hard, The Gunman

ss June 5: Operation Aby lls Scro r June 9: The Elde June 12: F1 2015, Payday


June 16: E3 ce June 19: Le Tour De Fran ham Ark n: June 23: Batma Knight, Heavensward June 26: T-Stars V5, Yos Wooly World

Titles shown may not be



available at your local ven

Whats On Screen 250.336.2361 Everyone welcome, including non members. Jun 26, Fri~ Live Music–Rupert & The Raindrops: 8:30pm, Griffin Pub Little Head: 9pm, Whistle Stop Pub, 2355 Mansfield Drive, June 26 & 27 whistlestoppub.com, 250.334.4500 Jun 27, Sat~ Comox Valley Farmers Market: See June 6 Cumberland Home & Garden Tour: from 9am to 5pm. An eclectic showcase of Cumberland homes, gardens & build spaces reflecting the culture and character of the Village. see page 12.

Comox Valley Humanist Discussion Group: Politicians Religious/World Views. Meeting at the Boadroom, upper Quality Foods, Discovery Mall 2751 Cliff Ave, Courtenay 9:45am to 12 noon, cvhumanists@gmail.com

8th Annual Pet Lovers Lane: Simms Millennium Park, 50 Old Island Hwy. Pet trade show exclusively for pets and pet lovers. Pet Exhibitors and free workshops, demonstrations and Furry Fun Zone. FREE from 10am to 3pm 250-898-3173 Vancouver Whitecaps vs. New England Revolution: 4:30pm, TSN. Multicultural Festival in Comox Valley: Simms

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 20

Millennium Park, Comox Road, The Multicultural Society will hold the first Comox Valley Multicultural Festival from 4pm to 9pm at Simms Millennium Park, Comox Road. By donation. call Jin 250.338.9386. Vancouver Island Cello Ensemble: 7:30pm, Sid Williams Theatre, 422 Cliffe Ave, Vancouver Island Cello Ensemble presented by Helena Jung and Comox Valley Youth Music Centre. Adults & Seniors $30, Students $15. Comox Valley Youth Music Centre and the Valley’s own much respected cellist, Helena Jung, will present a stunning cello concert that will feature four more remarable cellists from Vancouver. Adults & Seniors $30, Student $15, sidwilliamstheatre.com, 866.898.8499 Little Head: 9pm, Whistle Stop Pub, 2355 Mansfield Drive, 250.334.4500 Jun 28, Sun~ LIVE–Milos Karaoke: 9pm, Flying Canoe West Coast Pub, 1590 Cliffe Ave, Milo’s Karaoke. Great singers. www. flyingcanoe.ca Jun 29, Mon~ Jun 30, Tue~ Jul 1, Wed~CANADA DAY See Page 30-31 for A FULL SCHEDULE OF CANADA DAY EVENTS.

05-22-2015 6:09 PM


Find Your Market Destination

21 It’s spring and the market is moving back out to the Headquarters Road location!

Comox Valley Farmer's Market

Comox Valley Farmers’ Market Voted Market of the Year for 2014 by the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets.

All year vendors provide everything from Bison, beef, lamb and poultry, fish and seafood to cheese, yogurt, gelato, honey and spices and salt, dressings, preserves and take home and ready to eat meals and more than 100 varieties of vegetables and fruits. All of it is grown or produced in the Comox or Strathcona Regional Districts. Visitors to the market rave about the abundance of product, the friendly atmosphere, and the great local musicians that bring folks together each week to collect the bounty of the Valley. The Comox Valley Farmers Market is open from 9-12 every Saturday year round, Wednesday mornings July - Sept and the 3rd Thursday of the month June, July, Aug and Sept, during the summer. Find them at www.cvfm.ca or on facebook for more information.




Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds www.comoxvalleyfarmersmarket.com

Entertainment Every Week: June 6 – Luke Guthrie June 13 – Anela Kahiamoe June 20 – Andrea Smith June 27 – PK Tessman

Hornby Island Farmers & Artisan Market: Courtenay Saturdays 11 - 2, Sollan’s Road. A bustling market located behind Hornby Hall. Eclectic variety of produce, herbs, and crafts. Denman Island Open Air Market: Saturdays 9:30 - 12:30, at the recycling centre on Denman Road. Fresh produce, local artisans, and farmers. Sayward Farmer’s Market: Saturdays 10 - 1, at the Heritage Hall, 3k off Hwy. Fresh produce, crafts and local jewellery.



Corner of Fifth & Harmston, Courtenay, Ginny, ginnym@shaw.ca, 250-941-5543.

Bowser’s Magnolia Court Summer Markets: Wed’s, 5:30-8pm, Jun 10 - Aug 26, @

6996 Island Highway West, Bowser (inbetween Courtenay and Parksville), Corrine Roby, 250-9475231, themessengersemporium@shaw.ca Pier St. Farmer’s Market: Sundays, 10 am 2:30 pm, Maritime Heritage Centre, Campbell River.

Workshop Quadra Island

Conference SundayPost May 24, 2015 10 am - 3 pm

Crafts, jewelry, beauty products, textiles, snacks, face painting and more!

Little Red Church 2182 Comox Ave Comox

15-06 15-06 June June 2015 2015 CValley CRiverWO.indd WO copy.indd 21 22

Food Produce Music Island Spirit

Every Saturday, all summer long, at....


05-22-2015 05-21-2015 6:09 8:46 PM



Cation 05



Things To Do In Wake the Lake @ Comox Lake: 250.650.9253 WakeTheLake.ca Wake surfing, boarding, skating, skiing, tubing & banana boating. Hands-on Petting Zoo: Filberg Park Grounds, Comox. Open 10am-4pm, $2. 250.339.2255. First Nations I-Hos Gallery: Browse stunning collections of tradional and contemporary Northwest Coast artwork and crafts, produced by featured First Nation artists. Masks and Carvings, Jewellery, Prints. 3310 Comox Road, Courtenay. (on the Dike).. 250-339-7702 BMX Racing: @ Coal Hills BMX Racing www. coalhillsbmx.com for schedule Paddle Boarding: Paddle board & kayak rentals @ Comox Lake, 250.334.7674. www.ComoxValleyPaddleBoarding.com Splash Park: Lewis Recreation Ctr. 5th St, Court.




Shelter Point Distillery Tours: Min. Group of 6 $15 pp, 1-778-420-2200. 4650 Regent Rd. Oyster River (near Saratoga) Please call ahead. Wine Tasting and Tour: Coastal Black Wine 2186 B Endall Road, Black Creek, 11am to 5pm everyday! www.coastalblack.ca 250 337-8325 Wine Tasting and Tour: 40 Knotts Winery - Visit the 2nd largest winery on the island, 18 acres of vineyard and 7 varieties of estate wines, plus exclusive 40 Knot Wine Okanagan wines. Tastings Thurs to Sun 11.30 to 5.00pm. Near the Powell River ferry. 2400 Anderton Rd. Comox. 250-941-8810. Next to www.40knotswinery.com Swimming: $5 @ Comox Valley Outdoor Pool 250 338-5371 489 old island Highway Swimming $5.40 - Adult @ Comox Valley Aquatic Centre 25mtr lap pool, Whirlpool, Wave pool. Steam Room and Sauna. (250) 334-2527 600 377 Lewrick, Ocean Swimming: Free @ Saratoga Beach/ Miracle Beach Off Highway 19 Walk the Air Park: free great views. Courtenay, Off Cliff Ave. turn onto Mansfield Rd. Don’t forget to duck when float planes are overhead.


WHalE WatcHing, grizzly BEars, CAMPBELL RIVER Wildlife tours, Ocean rapids and more… 250 287 2667 W H A L E WATC H I NG Adventure Tours


campbellriverwhalewatching.com • Discovery Harbour Marina Floathouse - Dock E

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 22

05-22-2015 6:09 PM




Farm Tours -40 Yurt Accommodation - Site Rental 45 50 - Retail Store Venison - Grass Fed Beef - Produce 55 Tours Start June 20th Share the Experience




250-337-5182 OPEN wed - sun 10am - 4pm www.seaviewgamefarm.com 1392 Seaview Rd, Black Creek Farmers Market: Saturdays 9am-12pm at the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds. 4839 Headquarters Road, Courtenay May to October. 250-334-9662. Accepts Debit & Credit Cards Art Gallery: Free @ Comox Valley Regional Art Gallery 580 Duncan Avenue Skateboarding: Free @ Courtenay/ Comox Skatepark 1551 Lerwick Road Recreation Court Facilities @ Courtenay Rec Centre 250 338-5371 Water Taxi: Pacific Pro Dive 250 338-6829 2270 Cliffe Avenue Courtenay www.scubashark.com Tubing: Free @ The Pluntledge River Bird Watching: Free @ Courtenay Riverway & Estuary, (250) 702-5404 Museum: Free @ Comox Airforce Museum 250 -339-8162, 19 Wing Comox Cinema- Rialto 250.338.5550 2655 Cliffe Ave. Driftwood Plaza Mall. Theatre: Sid Williams Theatre 250 338-2430, 442 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay Kayaking: Bates Beach Oceanfront Resort 250-334-4154, 5726 Coral Rd. Comox Kayaking: Comox Valley Kayaks and Canoes 250

334-2628, 2020 Cliff Ave www.comoxvalleykayaks. com Museum Tour: Tours - Courtenay and District Museum and Paleontology Centre Tours -7 Fourth Street www.courtenaymuseum.ca Comox Air Force Museum: See the History of the Snowbirds and other RCAF artifacts. Ryan Road. 250-339-8162 Mountain Biking Tours: Cumberland Forest @ Dodge City Cycles 2705 Dunsmuir Ave. Cumberland, 250-336-2200 Mile High Chair Lift: Mt Washington, Soar above the mountain with a chairlift ride. 15 minute scenic ride on the Eagle chairlift to the summit of Mount Washington (1588m elevation). Panaromic views of the ocean to the mountains. 250338-1386. Alpine Way, Mt Washington River Tubing: Free - Puntledge River, Courtenay Bowling: $6 @ Codes Country Lanes- 250 3344051 Strathcona Lodge 250 286-3122 Lawn Bowls: Located in Bill Moore Park, Kilpatrick 26th St. Courtenay. 1250-338-5011 Casino - Chances: Bingo, slot machines, Keno or lottery game 250 334-4531 Open Daily 10am -midnight, www.chances.ca/ locations/courtenay Go Karting: $10 @ Saratoga Speedway 250 337-8106, 2380

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15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 23

Be Bold, Dive Cold! Hours - 6 Days/week

(on the 7th day we dive) 2440F Cliffe Ave, Courtenay Email: ubdiving@shaw.ca

05-22-2015 6:09 PM






Summer Special!




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Located on Knight Road just past the Comox Airport

Macaulay Black Creek saratogaspeedway.bc.ca Golf: Longlands Golf Course, 1239 Anderton, 250339-6363 Par 3, 18 holes (9 holes in under 2 hrs) Ride the Monster Truck : Climb aboard Pegasus the monster truck. Rip through the forest and around the race track - $10 Mini Golf: Mini Golf 337-5336 8667 old island Highway. Miracle Beach. www.miraclebeachminigolf.ca. Picnic area. 24 flavour ice-cream and cafe. Garden Tour: Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens -from 9am to dusk 6183 Whittaker Road woodlandgardens.ca 250 338-6901 Seaview Game Farm Tours: Guided tours, of this amazing oceanside game farm daily from June 20 till the end of August, Loads of farm animals to meet. 250.337.5182 seaviewgamefarm.com Elk Falls Suspension Bridge: Hangs 64mtrs above the Campbell River canyon floor offering a top to bottom view of Elk Falls. Holds up to 120,000lbs, and is 65mtrs long. The bridge is bridled by two viewing platforms and a very impressive cantilevered



Expires June. 30, 2015


Tee Times: 250-339-6515 www.glaciergreens.com

platform with a thrilling extension over the falls. Located 4 km’s up Gold River Hwy 28, Campbell River turn onto Brewster Lk Rd. Parking available in the John Hart Interpretive centre parking Lot. Walk to the falls is 1.4kms.

Things To Do In Golf: Longlands Golf Course, 1239 Anderton, 250-339-6363 Par 3, 18 holes Golf: Saratoga Beach Golf Course 250-337-2208 Cycling Tours: Island Joy Rides - 3 - 5 hours bike tours www.islandjoyrides.com/bike-tours 855 8308522 Salmon Farm Tours: BC Salmon Farm 250-286-1636 informative guided tours. www. salmonfarmers.org Appetizer Tour: Tour CV farmer’s market, enjoy breakfast, visit two sites (either winery, distillery or brewery). Island Gourmet Trails, 250.650.1956. Wine & Chocolate Bike Tour: Explore Comox Valley every Friday afternoon, (3.5hrs) Island Joy

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Rides, 1.855.830.8522. Bike Tour of Cumberland’s Secrets: Uncover hidden secrets of quaint village on bike. (3hrs). Island Joy Rides, 1.855.830.8522. Boating: $25 Hour @ Bates Beach Oceanfront Resort 250 334-4154 / 2 Hour Minimum 5726 Coral Rd. 18.4 www.islandgourmettrails.ca Culinary Tour: $125 per person for group 4-6 people @ Island Gourmet Trails 250 650-1956 Cave Exploring: $54 @ Horne Lake Cave Exploring 250 248-7829 3900 Horne Lake Caves Rd. (43 KM) http://hornelake.com/portfoliosets/cave-tours Marine Wildlife Tidal Rapids Tour: $105 - Adult @ Discovery Marine Safaris 250-287-7008 2942 Pacific View Terrace 41 mins (52 KM) www.adventurewhalewatching.com Outdoor Recreation at the Provincial Park Kitty Coleman Courtenay/Merville- Canoeing, Fishing, Hiking, Swimming, north of Courtenay off Hwy 19A onto Coleman Road. www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks Hands on Aquarium: Discovery Passage Aquarium: See, Touch, Explore. Open 7 Days, May to September. Discovery Pier, at the Govt. Wharf Island Hwy. Campbell River Rock Climbing: On the Rocks Climbing Gym

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 25


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1630 Island Highway 250-287-4800 • destinyriver.com

05-22-2015 6:10 PM








250 287-7625, 1980 N. Island Hwy rockgym.ca Kayaking: Grey Wolf tours 2hr & 4hr guided and unguided tours from Saratoga Beach 1-877-3375717 Guided Fishing: Painters Lodge, 21625 MacDonald Rd, Campbell River or April Point 900 April Point Rd, Quadra Island. Complimentary water shuttle available via Painters Lodge 1.800.663.7090. Snorkeling with the Salmon: As seen on the Rick Mercer Show Come face to face with 100’s of salmon on their journey up stream. @ Destiny River Adventures 250-287-4800 destinyriver. com Scuba Diving Lessons and tours: UB DIVE, Recreational and Commercial, Ship Wreck Diving and Off Shore Diving. For your first breath underwater to a life long diving career. PADI and Commercial courses. 2440 Cliffe Ave, Courtenay PH. 250-338-0161 Wine & Cheese Cruise: Painters Lodge, 1625 MacDonald Rd, Campbell River, or April Point, 900 April Point Rd. Quadra Island. Complimentary water shuttle available via Painters Lodge 1.800.663.7090.

Things To Do In Aboriginal Journeys: Voted #1 by trip advisor. Aboriginal cultural and wildlife tours: Bears & Whales, Campbell River 250-850-1101 aboriginaljourneys. com Wildlife Adventure Tours: Painters Lodge(1625 MacDonald Rd, Campbell River) or April Point (900 April Point Rd., Quadra Island) Complimentary water shuttle available via Painters Lodge1-800-663-7090



Quadra Island Kayaking 250.285-3400 615 Heriot Bay Rd. Quadra Isl. 4hr & 6hr tours. quadraislandkayaks.com CR Whale Watch: Tide Adventures, Eco Tours, Whale & Bear Watching: Zodiac Boats: 250-287-2667 www. crwhalewatching.com Wildlife, Whale & Bear Tours: Discovery Marine Safari, Covered boats. 1-866-501-6722 Campbell River. www.adventurewhalewatching.com Golf: Glacier Greens Golf Course glaciergreens.com 250 339-6515, 19 Wing. Airport Comox. nestled in nature golf course. Golf: Crown Isle Golf Resort. Professional 18 hole greens. Restaurant & Bar 250 703-5050, 399 Clubhouse Drive, Courtenay, B.C 6 mins Golf: Longlands Golf Course: tranquil setting perfect for learning and family golf. BBQ Seafood on the patio. www.longlandsgolf.com. 1239 Anderton Rd, Comox. Entrée Tour: Includes; Transport, Tour of 5 producers, tastings, gourmet picnic lunch. Island Gourmet Trails, 250.650.1956. Denman & Hornby Island Bike Tour: (6.25hrs) Island Joy Rides, 1.855.830.8522. Kayak Tour: @ Kayaking Vancouver Island Saratoga Beach 250-337-5717 6 hour and 2 day guided tours. Horseback Riding: One on One Trail Rides 250-336-8545, 3425 Mounce Rd 9 Km (11 mins) Diving: Dive from off Shore @ U.B. Diving 250-338-0161 2440 Cliffe Ave. Auto Racing: $20/Adult - Saratoga Speedway Fridays & Saturday night. 5:30pm 250 941-1777 White Water Rafting: @ Destiny River Adventures 250 287- 4800 Adult 1630 North Island, Campbell River (May to July) destinyriver.com


AT PAINTER’S-TYEE PUB Rock & Roll Bingo Rock & Roll Bingo Monday at 6:30PM EveryEvery Monday at 6:30PM May to October May 1st to 1st October 12th 12th Live Night8-11PM 8-11PM LiveMusic MusicEvery Every Friday Friday Night

Every Tuesday at the Point 6:30-9:30pm Performances by Talented Local Musicians


15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 26

05-22-2015 6:10 PM





Things To Do In



Quadra Isl Summer Markets: Quadra Island Community Ctr. parking lot, 10am-2pm. Arts & Crafts, gardening, baked goods, candles & more. Indoor market, rain or shine. Stella, 250.285.3184. Walk, jog or bike the trails: Do not miss the Shellaligan Pass, hill top views from Chinese Mountains, tidal rapids at Maud Island and the giant old-growth trees around Stramberg Lake. Grab a Quadra Island Hiking Trails map ($2) from local stores or tour operators and explore! Wetlands: Visit the wetlands of Main Lake Park and admire the wildlife, sinkholes and waterfalls. Rent a bike: Rent a pedal bike, electric bike or tandem bicycle and explore the island’s hidden highlights. Island Cycle. Taku Road, Heriot Bay 250 285 3627 Petroglphs: Find ancient petroglyphs at low tide at

15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 27

Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre, and at Tsa Kwa Luten Lodge, near 50 the lighthouse. Bocce, Horseshoe and Archery: open to the 55 general public during the day , Tsa Kwa Luten Lodge. 60 1 Lighthouse Rd, Quadra Isl. 250.285.2042 Scenery Walk to the Lighthouse: Walk from Tsa Kwa Luten Lodge along the shore to the lighthouse. Lighthouse Rd. Weiner Roast: Take the family to the beach for a fire pit and weiner roast at Rebecca Spit camp ground and beach. First Nations Cultural experience: Visit the Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre. Tour over 200 original pieces on display. Learn the rich heritage of the Kwak’wala, Laich-Kwil-Tach, K’omoks peoples. tours 10 -12- 4 daily . 34 Weeway Rd, Quadra Isl. 250285.3733. Heriot Bay Inn: A landmark to Heriot Bay with its heritage building beautifully nestled in Heriot bay. Sit on the deck and experience their red seal restaurant.

05-22-2015 6:10 PM




Cation 05




THUNDERBIRD RV Park & Campground


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Things To Do In Kayaking & Paddle boarding with Quadra Island Kayaks. Half Day, full days and tours. Experienced guides, no exp. necessary, all equipment supplied. 250-285-3400 www. quadraislandkayaks.com. Gowlland Harbour Resort: Secluded Fine Dining with magnificant ocean views. Kayak paddles available. 250.285.3572.. www.gowllandharbour.com Mountain biking or Recreational : – check out the technical singe-tracks at Morton Lake or ask for a trail map from Island cycle. 615 Taku Rd, Quathiaski Cove.. Island Cycle 250.285.3627– Guided Fishing: April Point Resort (900 April Point Rd.) Complimentary Water Shuttle via Painter’s Lodge 1-800-663-7090 Wine & Cheese Cruise: April Point Resort (900 April Point Rd.) Complimentary Water Shuttle via Painter’s Lodge 1-800-663-7090 Scooter Rentals: April Point Resort offer scooter rentals for those wanting to explore the whole island in a day. 250-285-2222.

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15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 28

RAINBOWS END GOLF COURSE & CLUB HOUSE Executive 9 holes • Located beside the pristine Salmon River Rentals, Cart & Punch cards available • www.golfsayward.ca

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Summer Camps 30

Register Now! Lewis 35 40 Centre, 250-338-5371. www.courtenay.ca/rec



The LINC Youth Centre Camps Several summer camps for ages 7 – 16 years: Get creative with Photoshop Tutorials, Art Journalling, and Mixed Media or have some summer fun in Summer Chill Zone, SK8, Scoot and Swim, Leaders in Training, Fire Fighting. There is a lot to experience at The LINC this summer! COURTENAY RECREATION SUMMER CAMPS Parktime (6-8 years) Monday - Friday. June 29 - August 21. 10:00am - 4:00pm. Create. Explore. Repeat. Join our most energizing camp as we play games, make crafts, go to the beach and indulge in plenty of water activities to cool off.

Discovery Camp (8-12 years)Monday - Friday. June 29 - August 21. 10:00am 4:00pm. Your summer of fun awaits. Weekly field trips, daily swimming, games that make you move, and beach trips are all you need for sweet summer vibes. Parktime Round-up (6-12 years),

August 24 – 28, August 31 - September 3, 10:00am – 4:00pm. Wrap up summer with loads of laughs, games, swimming, a beach trip, wacky activities, and a special field trip.

Adventure Daycamps (7-12 years).

June 29- July 10, July 21-31, August 11-21. Two week sessions throughout summer, 9:00am – 4:00pm. We go where the wind blows so hold onto your hats. Spend a night under the stars, learn basic survival skills, swim, explore and try new things. Overnight camp-out during second week are at exceptional campsites.

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Sun Fun Adventures (8-12 years). July


13-17. 9:00am-4:00pm. Set off on a trail blazing mission to hike, swim, and climb to your best summer yet. Overnight at Strathcona Park Lodge.

Mockingjay Daycamp (9-13 years) July 28-31. 9:30am – 4:30pm. Brush up on your target skills in this fast paced camp based on the Hunger Games trilogy. Archery, Martial Arts, swimming and an overnight at Vancouver Island Mountain Centre, will challenge you to stay sharp.

Ultimate Adventure Daycamp

(10-14 years)August 4-7. 9:00am-4:00pm. Exploration abound! Hike, canoe, cave, climb and sleep beneath the stars. Test the limits with group and individual activities on our overnight at Tribune Bay Outdoor Education Centre.

Divergent (9-13 years). August 11-14.

9:30am -4:30pm. Based on the popular Divergent trilogy, this climactic camp puts you through faction tests to ultimately let you choose where you belong. We swim, hike, and overnight at Vancouver Island Mountain Centre, to find our bravest selves.

Summer Sunset (7-12 years). Monday-

Friday. August 24-28. 9:00am – 4:00pm. Fuel your need for adventure in our last hoorah. Swim, explore, take a special field trip and go for gold in our wacky Olympics..

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Canada Day in the Comox Valley Friday Jun 26 6pm “Living Culture”, CV Art Gallery-First Nation Exhibit Friday Jun 26 7-10:30pm “Youngblood Show” with Keija Cox and Joey Clarkson’s Band & Des Larson’s Band, Simm’s Park Saturday Jun 27 11am-10pm Sports Festival &“Tailgate party” at Comox Valley Sports Centre. Beer Garden opens 3pm. Winnepeg Bluebombers vs Saskatchewan Roughriders on the big screen, 5pm. Feature band - XLR8. Evening BBQ. Saturday Jun 27 “Multicultural Festival” in Simm’s Park, 5-9pm with Cuban band “Brisas de Palmar” organized by Jin Lin Sunday Jun 28 11th annual “BATTLE OF THE BANDS” 6-9:00pm, Simm’s Park. Under 19yr. contestants, organized by Fuzz Morissette Monday Jun 29 “Jazz under the Stars” 7-10:30 with Ralph Barrat and the Sharp Seven, and Anila and the Experimenters Tuesday Jun 30 Nite Before Concert; “the Originals” 7-11pm, Simm’s Park and: Gord Carter, Comox and Friends, staring Sue Medley and the Back Roads Band

THEME FOR CANADA DAY: SALUTE TO THE PIONEERS July 1st 7-11am Kinsmen’s Pancake Breakfast, Simm’s Park 9:15am Lake Trail School, Kids Bike Decorating Contest 9:15am Woods Ave registration for 5th Street Run 9:30am Ceremony at City Hall CFB Comox -Freedom of City given to 19 wing, HMS Quadra, and the Canadian Scottish Band 9:30am Lewis Park – Horseshoe Pitch Competition 10am 5th Street Run for all ages 10:30am GRANDE PARADE with Red Robinson as Parade Marshall 11am Bounce Mania opens, Lewis Park 11am Craft and Food booths, Lewis Park 11am Courtenay District Band, Lewis Park 11am Go Karts for Kids in Kids Zone by Kal Tire 11:30am Westview Ford Sumo Wrestling Challenge 11:30am Kids games in Lewis Park with CRA 12:00pm Open House at Courtenay’s Museum, 4th St. 12:30pm Beer Garden opens, Lewis Park’s tennis court 1:00pm Antique and Historical Farm Machinery Show 1:00pm The DUCKY 500 race Courtenay River 1:15pm (after parade) OPENING CEREMONIES, Lewis

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Park 1:15pm CFB color party presentation of flags 1:30pm Erik Erickson & Dave Sprag, Simm’s Park 1:30pm free swim in Courtenay’s Pool 1:30pm serving Canada’s Costco Birthday Cake 2:30pm CFB Parachute jump into Lewis Park 2:00pm “Comox and Friends”, Lewis Park’s stage 2:00pm the Brodie Dawson Band, Simm’s stage 2-4pm TEA DANCE, Native Sons Hall with “GEORGIA STRAIGHT BIG BAND” tea served by Evergreen Club ladies 2:30pm Metis Jigging Contest on Simm’s Stage 3:00pm Annual Bike Draw in Lewis Park-free bikes to be won 3:00pm Luke Guthrie, Simm’s Park 3:30pm “Darryl and Saska”, Lewis Park 4:00pm Battle of Band Winners, Simm’s Park 4:00pm Bruce and Judy Wing, Lewis Park by Beer Garden 7-9pm Celebrate Canada Concert, Sid Williams Theatre

: Thursday July 2nd 7-10:30 “Champagne Jam”, Simm’s Park Friday July 3rd 5-11pm DOWN TOWN STREET DANCE with; Liberatia, Boondock, Time Well Waisted, Craig Northey, & the Odds - hoping to attend. Saturday July 4th 3-11pm SYMPHONY OF FIREWORKS music and fireworks at the Air Park! With; Kumugwai Dancers, 7 Storey Circus, Jill Martini Band, The Loney Guys, Reunion, The Mutts, Strathcona Symphony, Sound System Extraordinaire, bring your chair and a blanket to enjoy this special night. Sunday July 5th Neighbourhood Block Parties, 12noon to 2pm in Hobson, Martin, Courtenay Elementary, Puntledge, Sandwick, and Idiens Parks. Hot dogs, Centennial Cake and drinks. Bring any snack you wish. Music, entertainment, games, talks and heritage displays. Sunday July 5th Outdoor Concert, Simm’s Park 7pm Contact Karen; karen.courtenay@gmail.com

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ENGINEERED FOR PERFORMANCE DESIGNED FOR DISTINCTION The KitchenAid© Pro Line© Series is amongst the highest performing countertop appliances in the world. Engineers and culinary designers collaborated to create precise movements, incredible power, quiet operation, and easyto-navigate controls to ensure professional-style results every time. Die-cast materials with premium finishes add durability and a distinctive look to any countertop.

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For truly exceptional kitchens COURTENAY APPLIANCES 416 Puntledge Rd www.courtenayappliances.ca 250 334 3666 Mon - Fri 8:30-5:00 • Saturday 10:00-2:00 15-06 June 2015 CValley WO.indd 32

05-22-2015 6:10 PM

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