5 minute read
Adult/Teen Programs
Ah, college life awaits, with the long-awaited freedom, endless nights at the library and college events, the campus food and the “freshman 15” may not be as desired. This class will show you how to safely cook nutritious meals from your dorm microwave..
Recreation Staff Anderson Building
M ..........Apr 10 - May 1 ....... 5:00 - 7:00 PM ............. 104106-01 Age: 16-19 ...................................... $50 R | $55 NR
There’s always something fun happening at Teen Night!
7:00pm-10:00pm | FREE
Ages: 14-17 (or 18 still attending high school)
Come hang out with your friends and enjoy music, dinner, snacks, a game room and themed activities each night! Parents can feel confident knowing their teens are enjoying themselves in a very well supervised, dynamic setting. Zero tolerance for illegal activities.
Anderson Building, 4355 Field St
Activity ................................Date
Ultimate Gym Games .....................Jan 20 Bob Ross Inspired Night of Creativity .......Feb 3 Egg Hunt in the Dark ......................Apr 7 Nerf Dart Battle & Fun .....................Mar 10 Carnival Games ...........................May 12
Discover the fun and magic of creating brilliant blue cyanotype prints. Considered an early form of photography, paper is treated with a photosensitive solution. Thin objects like (leaves, feathers, lace) are placed on paper, sandwiched under glass and set out in the sun. Feel free to bring your own thin objects. After the paper is rinsed, a wonderful blue color emerges. Create 3-4 prints during class. Inclement weather reschedule date is April 29. Register by 4-13.
Georgia Keller Active Adult Center, 6363 W 35th Ave
SA ........ Apr 22 ...........9:00 AM-12:00 PM. . . . . . . . . . . . 150035-03 Age: 18+ ........................................ $60 R | $65 NR
Photo Journaling is collecting and organizing your observations, questions, connections, and explanations, using words, pictures, and numbers. Experience an interactive session to foster your creativity for identifying and applying words of emotional, educational, and thoughtful value to your pictures. Normal poetic formats, and an introduction to Tetractys will be presented. Tetractys is a challenging form of syllable restricted writing to express an idea/story.
Tom Tiffany Active Adult Center, 6363 W 35th Ave
TU ........ Mar 28 ...........1:00 PM-3:00 PM ............. 150036-01 Age: 18+ ...........................................$3 R | $8 NR
With watercolor batik, wax is used as a resist that blocks the areas that are not intended to receive paint. Batiking is not an exact science, be prepared for unintentional drips of wax and oozing color. Believe it or not, these actually add to the look of the piece! $10 material fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Cheryl Annett Active Adult Center, 6363 W 35th Ave
SA ........ Feb 4 - Feb 25 ........ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ....... 150012-01 SA ........ Mar 4 - Mar 25 ........ 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ....... 150012-02 Age: 18+ ........................................ $50 R | $55 NR
Pottery studio time to work on self-directed pottery projects. No formal class curriculum.
Darth Townsend Active Adult Center, 6363 W 35th Ave
TU ........ Jan 10 - Jan 31 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-01 F ......... Jan 13 – Jan 27 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-02 TU&F ...... Jan 10 – Jan 31 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-03 TU ........ Feb 7 – Feb 28 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-04 F ......... Feb 3 – Feb 24 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-05 TU&F ...... Feb 3 - Feb 28 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-06 TU ........ Mar 7 - Mar 28 ........ 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-07 F ......... Mar 3 - Mar 31 ......... 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-08 TU&F ...... Mar 3 – Mar 31 ......... 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-09 TU ........ Apr 4 - Apr 18 ......... 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-10 F ......... Apr 7 - Apr 21 ......... 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-11 TU&F ...... Apr 4 – Apr 21 ......... 12:30 - 3:30 PM .........150603-12
*No class Apr 25 & 28
Age: 18+ ........................................... $14 per day
new new new new new new new new new
Enrichment new new new new
new new new new new new new new
Uncover your musical talent and develop a lifelong hobby learning the fundamentals of music through guitar! We’ll start off slow learning basic strumming, picking, chord groups, and easy songs then work towards learning chord progressions, songwriting, and improvising. *Instruments not provided, please bring your own guitar. Accelerate your skills with private guitar and/or voice lessons! Our instructor will meet with you 1 on 1 and create a personalized program to help you achieve your goals. Lessons can be scheduled to fit your busy life! $30/ ½ hour lesson. Please email Stephen Clyde at sclyde@ci.wheatridge.co.us to get things started.
Andrew Rimer Wheat Ridge Rec Center M ....... Jan 9 – Jan 30 .......... 6:00 - 7:00 PM ....... 106117-01 *M ...... Feb 20 – March 13 ....... 6:00 – 7:00 PM ....... 106117-02 M ....... April 3 – April 24 ......... 6:00 - 7:00 PM ....... 106117-03 Age: 12+ ........................................ $80 R | $85 NR
Happiness Gardens
Happiness Gardens is a community garden for locals to grow nutritious fruits and vegetables or beautiful flowers to enjoy and share.
• Raised beds are available to people with physical disabilities at no charge. • Water, watering hoses, and some gardening tools are available for use.
• Monthly Regenerative Workshops, plant giveaways, Master Gardner classes, community pot lucks, and other events will be offered throughout the summer.

FULL PLOT: 10’x20’ | $50R / $60NR HALF PLOT: 10’x10’ | $25R / $30NR RAISED BED: 3’x3’ | $10
For more info visit: Call 303-235-7045 or visit www.rootedinfun.com/HappinessGardens

Get Your Plot!
Step 1: Registration opens Wednesday,
March 1st, 2023. Register and pay online at bit.ly/WRHappinessGardens or call 303-231-1300 Step 2: Look for an email with a link to complete the Gardener Registration & Rules Form Step 3: Submit your completed form and wait to receive your assigned plot number Step 4: Get your garden growing!