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Historical Society
Wheat Ridge Historical Society
Historical Park Tours
4610 Robb St.
Historical Park Tours $5 per adult/$2 per student
Open Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment, call 303-421-9111
Second Saturday Socials
10:00am - 2:00pm
Held at the Baugh House, 11361 W. 44th Ave. @ Robb St. Our fall socials will be in-person.
Historical Fashion Show & Tea | Jan 14th
• Wear your best pioneer or Victorian clothing and hats for prizes. Enjoy a cup of tea while learning about fashions of the past. Valentine’s Day Celebration | Feb 11th
• Help us make a handmade Valentine’s Card for local seniors or make some for your friends & family. Learn about Cupid and Eros. Spring Equinox | Mar 11th
• Hear our Storytellers and enter our Tall Tale Contest with
Prizes. We’ll be sharing Gardening information for the upcoming season. Earth Day | Apr 8th
• Plant exchange bring your extra seedlings to exchange with other gardeners. Learn ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Learn about locations where you can recycle close to home.
Be a part of WR History
Contact us by email or leave a message for the next project day volunteer opportunity.
Tell us your memories of Wheat Ridge living with our oral or written history project. Help with our digital archiving project. Join us as we work on the task of focusing each building’s collections to find the most appropriate items to tell the Century-Long Story.
Become a member of the Wheat Ridge Historical Society
Annual membership levels:
• $25 Individual | $30 Family $50 Patron | $100 Business
Make check to: WRHS and send to P.O. Box 1833, WR 80034
Historical Society Meetings:
2nd Tuesday of each month online via Zoom. 6:30 p.m. Board meeting, then 7:45 p.m. History Talk & Socializing.
Email wrhistorical@gmail.com for a link to our meetings or to volunteer. 303-421-9111 for more information www.wheatridgehistoricalsociety.org @WRHistoricalSociety